Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, June 13, 1889, Image 4

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    Tills HEPXJOIl .
Livery and Eeed Stable,
Hunsaker & Long,
Opposite Natters' Brewery, HeppneiyOr.
toob Horirde.l toy te Duy, Weo, or JVIottH
Saddle Horses, Buggies and hacks to
hire at Reasonable Rates.
lay and raia fsr saleat reasaaatle prices.
Goods delivered to an part of the city.
All Stook U't in Tbeir Care Will
bv buvitie your Shoes
V fur Shoes t;.at
Con&e's We Use inly "elected .took and the best .workman.?, ivory pair
Warranted. Try our Shoes onoe and you will buy no others,
IWMentlnn Si "! Wl.lth wanted. Brtid petal nolo er N. Y. draft. Write your address
plainly, Town, County and Ktiu,
Hamilton m 'Company,
i-3:-&.i5:zXi,z,o.isr, oiiio,
manufacturers of Ilamiltoa Gra&33 of Vehicles.
I'ro)ortlon, JDmnlIl M.v, IVrlVciloii of IjMjiIk!..
Thin " Mirror" fmisii work ift the belt njodiiiin-pricpd work in the Cniuti St3te:.
WK1TB FOR raTMtfiVK. 1 1 A M IlTOTM HVflV '.
Tii Glark
840 N. Charles St., -
Bnvnch Storo, ... 008 Pennsylvania Avo., Washington, D. O.
Almost as Palatable as Milk.
Mo dl.galHil that it ran b. taken.
Algaafcd, and a.tmllatrl by th. naoai
mb. HIT. stomach, when the plain oil
Mbnut b tol.rat.df and by th. eons
blnatloat of th. oil with th. hypophoa.
ptitt.. I. mach nior. offlcacloa.
Eeaarkible u (ok prodnwr.
. Pemu pdi npldljr Hull taking K.
BCOTTTB EMULSION la aeknowladged by
Phjr.tciana to be the Finest and Best prspa
raUon in the world for the relief and our of
Th4 ami rfiawi far Oonsumptian. and
traxag la lAiidren. .via ay au vrugqisu.
T- ' r;,; Hc-wlinj-Mnclttnr
rrr in ous
lln nuda In
tic otl'l.mtili nil tli tiU'iiKirnii.
He ill tlv ftu.lt rt'. coiRi
Una n( our tutil? and alual.i arl
ilitlr, n rHurt) we tik ihll ton
lt.w avfial ni- iH.rl In tlin.a li.
n i t f.tt houir. .ml .fir- '4)
"iirnr. 1)1 rini1 mi.ili t
nnr aftaf 111 rVlMDl'l- (ultliil,
Mch havrun V t- rt t--n
run Mit li ..l.l.iLi:l. with lk
i t, bmrnt", lrd in'" Mill lf
I'fc.'.O. Hri, atrorirt, mull u
I iBfi'tam In world VI I
x. No r.ptial rvouirril I'lita,
' ah writ 10 us .1 01. rt in ,-
r hbuivn K.a.'ttm in Amcln
0, Aiiffuota, Miaa.
1 it L jI. A 4 U., iiK '
(ftAtltf3llf1 Wslctl.
60 N Ivi 1 4M, uuil ulj
bit ti w.irh ta Ut mm Id
Lllakaaixr. MTu.
iiunimar lmm. Kuia d,rC
laU ftidl !!, With Waii.
ud risat ( )qiMtl nlui,
On Person i tors to.
rainy caa aura una ra.
' .iilir. natila Una tf IloHarb
' TTratlsaanT T,,JBF Ntasnple. Tb.a. lawplaa,
, - NjTnZF '"" aifh. a a
Iln or lHrslS
; Mild
VrM. lad aftar Vots star, k tut
twni ta rmtr kotna tnr t) monilia and ahotra Ibtra la thuaa
w .j uuy itave caiiac
writ at onca
uuy kava called, ihry bacam yua own proiicmr. Tlnta
nd ttnraplt'a, W
onca can M aura i racairin iba vv mm
PS- Wapay ail aiptwa, rrrlirni, ala. Addrsaa
C alias 1 , arU4l. Mnin,
Leave orders at our office, in stable.
Keceive the Beet of Attention,
of ihe Manufacturer.
G r.is.vri-:i:i t
ehn en A.
usually Mn
Dellcloos Biscuit
your t.rocer lor
I fur.
Cycle Co.
Two hundred second
hand machines, alt kinds, '
sites and prices. lilcy-
cle. Safeties and Tricy-
clcft f"T Boys and Girls.
Send tor Catalogue and 1
Prke Lists. Mailed free.
Railway & Navigaion Co.
To all I'rincipnl l'nints in the Ihiiled
Statt'H, Canndu uiul Kurnpe.
-mm rtiLMAN nm c.nsr-
Him Tliront;h on all Expres'n Trains to
Conncll Itluffsi
Fret of Charge and Without Charge,
Clime Connection at Portland for fan
rraotiato and Puget Sound Points.
Leave Portlantl for Sun Franrinco every
four (4) davn, making the trip in tW
Cabin,.. fid. Steerage, SS.00
Hound Trip Vnlimifcd, $.10,00.
For further particulars inquire of any
OK'it of the company,
C. J. SMITH, O.P.itT.A-
General Manager.
-Zfi ratCl 1 tsa":
That the bent uliioe to net it is at the
Jieppner, i ' ; ; Oregon.
laieitj ui a it
Oittt Comjltu
s mm 11
Spraiss, Stralst,
Bruiiea, WoBodfc
a- k., IViinnisfi ttnA DtaUf
Tk. Chaa. a. VcgtlM Ca Batta. tM.
for CurAF
frUlVJcCISTS ANrn)rAlErsFff3VWllElt
Next to First National Bank, .
Watches, A. Of)tical
Clocks, 3
Wntchea Cleaned.
MninHprings fitted
- $1.50.
. 1.S0.
AH work qnara nteed for one year.
Jewelry Ei
Still Contiuues to Hell
araaxrV ejjUY, etc,
At the Lowest Possible Prices.
A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame
thyst and Cameo Gold Rings,
Go'iH and Silver Watches Always
A Full Line of
Has been added to his large and well
selected stook.
TA'orli. G-iiarmtoocl.
HTOJlli opiHi.it. Miuor, UuiIhoii A CVs Slay Ht.
IUiuer, - - - Oregon
California, Oreqon and
.7. II. Keensy, Supt.
Monument buiHH lttaven Heppner MondHyB,
Wi'ilnoncliiys and Fridnyn at ;30 . M.
Monument HlaKe arrivea TaeHttnya. XhuntdayR
nnd Saturdays nt Mi f. M.
Mundny Blaise to mid from Arlington, Kur,
W.tIO eat-ll way
Pendleton Htano lenveH Moppnor fliM A. M.
" ' arrives " t;l 1. M.
Fare to Monument,
Faro to Pendleton,
5 00.
E. .1. S'.OCUM A CO., Aoknts.
Freight 2 cents per pound.
Heppner, Ogn
Arlington Meat Market.
- AND-
js u o J5 .
Arlington, Oregon.
l"atti bmiuiwiHtid onr uiarkt'd h shown ahtiv.
l)ur cattle rautt in Mturtw. Oillinm, ('triritillii
mt WAHt'ortHincifH, will pfty IHNUM) rtu
ward for tfit Hrn'ai mut cntiTirtioti o( any nmin
al enli nil uur HUH'lt.
liberal Advances Made
Warehouse ami Ofllve, Corn r Fifth ami
ToiriiH'Hd Stitet,
PORTLAXD: Vl Washington Street
Coffin & McFarland.
A Sarrastte Article WUi. k Thoronichly Ad
vertlN.4 Tkat Tooted DemnanKne.
bt bbick pomekot.
And this is rav home'. And all this
ease and luxury is mine; all stolen from
honest people. All throe spoons, all
these paintings, all this silver-ware ; a
dictionary of initials; all this furniture,
all these clocks, statuettes, engruviugs,
ohiua-ware, jewelry for .my family,
watches for myself nnd friends are mine.
Was ever human soul sold for so grant a
price ?
My name is Benjamin F. Butler. That
is not roy name, but it is the epithet
given my tenement of corruption, by the
fioiids who begat me. I am full of
worms worms whioh in the future will
swarm in my rotten carcass, sicken aud
dis from the poison in tne. And each I "ient lo ,nelr P"1""- a lcml"' " hail on the same uate. The clou.l imrst
worm is but the crawling livingness 0f diploma is only au evidence of a good hn Umttll;i Co.. oansed streams to over
the evils which fill my soul, that is, if j beginuiog-a certified st ilemcnt th.it j flOWi , j m instance washed aay a
I brutes like I have souls. I have a great !
brain, a great memory.
I remember back to New Orleans, to ;
Fort Fisher, to Big Bethel, to the Balti-j
more and Charleston convention, to m
early life of corruption and infamy, to j 8"rv Tlpw "l "ur history ami see now
ray partnership with thieves and swind-! many of those who have become dintin-;
lers to my boyhood, whioh was spent I guished in v.irious walks of life were ed-'
in stealing, lying, oowardly nbnsc ot"catetl- Henry Clay went as far as ;
little children, and study of mine own j practice in the old log school house.!
nature that I might draw inspiration of i Oeueral Taylor graduated iu the back- j
wickedness from my own soul to the w,KU'a ' Kentucky. Oliver Perry, ;
hour of my birth, back through the ! though he had good school privileges, j
wondrous avenues to conception, nnd
here my individuality begins as Brute
Beast Blundering Bag-eyed Ben Butler.
Aud, from thence at intervals I trace
my genealogy as follows :
Before God with His high hand moved
the world into form there were spirits of
evil, souls naturally damned. Each
cycle of years mado a hell. There wore
nt the time of my conception seventeen''
thousand hells, or vaults of damnation, !
iu which had been swept the damned
ones of the damned. Aud eaoh of these ,
vanlls was a hermetically noaled caub .dre Jackson was taught the art or
drou, hotter than hell itself, in which 1 reading by his better half, but not until
rolling, steaming, frying, roasting in the! they had entered into a life parlnership. j
putrid boat of Hastiness and corruption, i Abraham Lincoln attended school less .
there stewed the villains of perdition, thau one year in all Bent n's school
i.,.. o; i,,.,i kn rot H.ot
of mortftl.orimmmtal never had fared
nilUBD OHIO ttlWt Ufcl n-. Hiu'.v tlll.v pt.l
nt tern Tit description of their wioked-'
. . :
neHH, iofl tt.o nana inut wroie De ,
poisoned with corruption. And as tini .
rolled on, there gathered in the oentre of
. . . , , i
a heated dome., a single dropof distilled
damnalion. too vile to bum, I
uainiiuiiuo, too nt no muu,
And one day there was a convention i
of fiends where the credentials were to
be the foulest things even fiends could
imagine. And by Btrnngs chance each
bMUgbt a single drop of dam-
nation gathered with a spoon from the
dome of perdition's vault;, they, were
emntieH intri il w nste vessel and t.hilR i
my soul was consolidated. -And then to j lustre, These facts teach ns that the
give it life eaoh fiend aud villain damned ' world as a school, with common seuso
gave an offering. Each gave n part of j for its president, is ouo of no mean coleb
hiinself, to make me a pet of hell. Oue rity; that it differs from other temples or
contributed hate; iin-jther envy; another ! learning mainly iu its course of study;
falsehood; another oowardioe; another that those who after taking its course,
treachery; nnothor theft; another in-1 emerge from its portals, are oapahle ot rA,n k.ep your brand in frouof clmrue.
famy; another tyranny; another licen-1 competing wilh the graduates of B..y I HSIt't'llintt .nGraiTrMS
liousness; another malice; another this, ! other school for any prize within the ' "Xlk"' j"j-Hon.o. JA connected on lef.
and another that, till disgusted wilh I reach of man to attain. i fla-..k: cattle. Mime on left hip.
their offerings which filled a pot with
Hlime, they left me in a hiding place till !
infnmv consolidated and I took the form !
of human child, was christened Ben
jamin Fiend Butler, and hero I am, get
ting ready to return to my numerous
home, as no one hell could endure the
disgrace, infamy and beastly corruption
I should take there. Aud to make my
name more infamous, my birtli-plaue was
And here I sin ut a man's astate, a
living evidence of rascality, oorruptieu,
double-dealing, triokery, fraud, swind
ling, oowardice, hunk robbing, spoon
stealing, woman-insulting, house-plundering,
enemy-aiding, country-betraying,
government-sucking, treasury filching,
soldier-killing, prison-filling, (lod for
getting, hell-deserving, truth-ignoring,
virtue-wronging, negro-loving, vioe
oaressing, man-leoeiving, law-destroying,
church-pilfering, bullion-b igging,
cotton-ateuliug, diamond-finding, vessel
clearing, orookery marking, appech-mak-ing,
town-sacking, enemy helping, pow.
dcr-wnsting, ollice-nihrderiiig,, spite lov
ing, nation-disgracing, fieud-forgotluu,
and all detested thief, robber, braggart
plunderer, bag-eyed bullion bagger, and
the most detested, corrupt, selfish, false
hearted pet of perdition in all annals of
crime and infamy, p;ist, present or to
I am rich iu money all stolen. I am
in spoons nil stoleu. I am rich in banks
all slolen but exempt from taxation,
as I wish I was exempt from the pou-
pic.ures o. -ur.cn louieroy, o. mo j
La (Vosse Demoeat. I
And I glory in all my meannes.,, as I ,
..I..-,, : ti... ..,. ..ii ii.
Kio,j , ,nu iiuiv mo O'O"
are Chnstia.is who think 1 am honest - i
as I glory ill representing Massachusetts I
in a rump congress.; ns I glory in the I
fact that I, and such as I, hold millions
of dollars of United States bonds, on
which no tuxes are to be paid, and on
the interest of which, wrung by labor
from poor men and women, all such
thieves as 1 can live iu ease hs others
support us, and in no fear of justice so
long as us thieves can make Inns. L ok
on me, worlds heie and elsewhere, for
there never was, there never will be,
there never oau be another Ueast llutler!
I am a good thing in my place, and
hell is the place for me.
No wonder thepersou oalled my lather
went to sea af'.er begetting me, where Lis
death Ht the yard-arm for piracy were
preferable to owning me as a sou. Hut
he did not know to what 1 would oome !
to what greatness! First a democrat j
then an instigator of rehellicu; then au I
advocate for war to punish those who 1
once believed me honest ; then a coward
iu uniform- thie! at all times; a woman
insulter among my betters; a tradncer
of virtue, morality and honesty from
i my birth! I blew up Fort Fisher, and
I munaiTml tl,a in, uii.,l m I :rt .. ft-.!..
equal to the Dutch Gap canal !
Not much on a pedigree -less as an
officer; nothing as a statesman; super
excellent as a thief, but too cowardly
for a highwaymsu; I am jus' about lit i
to be a leader ot the Ood-nnd-mornlity
. " " " 1 I
suits. Mv iniquities fill mv skin: inv
,1 1 . . ah 1 u
putty and manager ot their political law
virtuee would uot fill a ikxiu which
i'.-iii, riift, fi'ei.
IVise Christians aud salute your uiau
ger. Bkast Bitlkr.
Ea Oazriti. This article appeared
I iu the IXiily I.acwsse ( Wis.) VimH-mf ou
May 19, 18ti8. "Brick" I'omerviy, the
editor, was immediately sued by llutler
" mv Mturi wits uiiHUiu in
ulwtuutmte tu MleKatious, aud the '
uinLior w i uruppru.j
t. 0. ArBiiEY. fditob.
Wheu teachers are lxin selected fur a j Central C ffice, I'ortland, Ob. )
p itiouinsclinnlwerrequctlyheanhese; The ,emperi4tllre Wll, de,.ideaiy above
questions asked: "ilas lie g.wd '""-1 tbe average. The rainfall has been be
lueudations?" "Is he well educaied'r" , lo,v t!le average, except in Union, I'ma
"(Jf what Hchool is he a Kraduate?"-nH ; tila flm, n,jiMin( oounties, owing to
though any purtiou of time passed with-, gtl)rln(1 on tl,e 2'Jth, 'twas almve the av-
in the wall of a college is an absolute;
liinaa l" ''" ,
the quantity r lore cupaoie if ip Ja western Oregon, except a Tew drops,
stored awuv within the walls of the ; uo rIlin ft! The efTcot of these eondi
human braiu. Iu whatever light preju-1 tjonfl on orops t lm, heeu ex-
dae may see tit to view the ni itter the ! CPnPn(
world looks upon it from a different; Damage was done in ali parts of Uma
standp iiut. Host graduates might go tila couiitv on the 2:)th by the "cloud
hack and go tlnongh tbo course agiiiii ! )Ursf j tie neighborhood of L iGrande.
tvitlioitt injury to theiujelvea or dotri Union Co., liy the thunder storm and
J,Ue '" t,,'" "'"'H- " ie
mny li '. has in i le a g od st iri tow ird-
acqmrng an educ.iliou, and is prep .ired
foreutrance into that greater, higher ,
school, the world. Let us take a cur-;
may be said to have received Ins diplo-
ma on Ihe ocean. Washingtiiu Irving of the state. Barley is being; harvested
was prevented by i.lness from complet-J and the hay harvest has cowrueuoeil, in
iug the course at Columbia College, and many parts. Pruning of fruit trees oon
yet, not oue of the many thousands of j tinue. The trees are so heavily laden
his readers ever pauses to inquire of j that if thev were not considerhly pruned
wh.lt school he was a graduate. Sheri- j oT, injury to them would result,
dan says cf himself that he graduated j In western Oregon the condition and
from West Point barely "by the skin of j crop prospects are all that could be de
his teeth." Ho required at the time of
receiving his diploma only five more to j
his number of black marks to exclude
him from the hmiorsof graduation. An-
iluvs were cut short ny tne ueatn oi nis ;
- I
father, Juckw labored uuilor the same
mwfurtuiiB. At teu yeaw tit awe rranK
... ......i .t. i- ..t t. i
mi exuu.niKwu mu . "i c
room for the inouldinif of oaudleK. j
i.: i..,..p .linnpi' eniiium i
n ... nr.. If. C.t.n.liir ti.ii. ;
Greene, Minion, Waj ue, hehuvler, liog-,
er Sherman, flenj. Liucoln, John Jacob ;
, , , - 1 i i
Aster, Cliraid, Robert Morns, John i
Marshall, were educated at the home;
fireside, in the workshop -each una ;
every oue received, at the hands of the ;
people, his diploma, wlule college gran .
nates wont to the rear. JNo luslituliou ot ;
! learning, however extended itscumcu. j
llim, Oouia nave a luea one inne lo ii h .
I The ol.ieet of nnmrnon schools s lint;.
. .. j -
to linish tiie student
branch or branches of
in any particular j
learning, but to
equip the mind with fundamental facta
aud priucipids imd elementary trumii.tf
that will uulouk the uted that upon iulo
mioh knowledge an will make him m re
useful to himself nnd society, and
more happy in the enjoyment of both.
We whould teach to loam, nnd the he
that it will he nnnecesjary ever to hoin
, ' , , , ,
aKl"- Our common sohoola shoiild
ffive the ( lementH of cflmmim knowledge, ;
and those eleiuentq should he so tirmly
fixed as not to be easily lost aud so well
arranged as to be readil y lined.
A Tourist (Jives Hi Impression of Oubmiue
In 1830, or theretihuiitg, a Frenchman
named Jitlinu Da Utuiue dieovered the
to wii that be ira his name, Had. after
giving dir
u ai.tnu t but- biu i '.inn uli n ! 1
.... ... .. M 1
he uuliinged and milled together to make
it look like tm Engh'Hh wod, he died ami
wuh buried somevvheto elso,
Dubuque lies on the hanks of the Min-MJr-'sipi'i,
ami the inhabitants lie on the
banks nnd omU r bow they can fix the
eensus man t keep up with Des Moines.
It in called the K-'y City, and a ntauding
reward to diseowr tho reaiiou still re
mains unclaimed.
It is a handsome city, aud nuieh re
sembles Dublin and Berlin in its city
government. the mayor is either a
Mllr,., ... nin,!s,el ,,,,,1 the eilv
vmwi is equally divided Wtwoen Ire-1
lm, 0,rllmnv. Ainmil.BIlS lire ,.
to ll.iv tuvea m.,1 vole thv ,.r..
hU)i,iun Uol(t,ti wLUe l(je tMng (.,111H,nU
)()1i1b o,i(,e 11u, nuis t)(, Blllo(,n9i
,:.. . .....hihiti,,,, -,,i l)l,l,.
. . ... 1
ouly Ate taloons, u hieh are open everv I
Sunday. They have beeu going to be j
closed up "next year" since ISsO.
The principal industries lire lead mill-
ing, loaling on the levee, joining secret I
societies nnd running for ntliee. Lead !
was discovered years ago, and, although
the mines have petered out, mining still j
; goes on. A large number of men "pros-1
pent" six mouths every yenr and talk
about it the remaining six months. This ,
tires their w ivep a cood excuse to t;tke
in wurtintttf.
Dubuque ha a handsome opora bouse
and i8 a lively hoV town. Mile. Cora
Belle's Euro) can Novelty company comes
four times a year, one minstrel troupe
every month is warmly welcomed, and
last year tin re were two performances of
"Uncle Tom's Cabin." Wheu there is
n.' thing else on the boards Ihe Hiuiiteurs
play "The Colleen Rau n."
Dubuque is notixl for pretty girls; that
is, they are noted wheu they 0 'iue there
from Galena. The young men are
promising, according to the tailors, and
m..ny have beeu kn ivu to make their
mark on the municipal nck-pilo.
n 1 , , , , , .
I best reels are kep. in pood rt'piur for
the ctmvonientw ttf farmers who wihIi to
lot their tennis ran hwhv. Thin U AuWv
1 . .... .
IHotat'ie on MHiii atrm, nu.1 ih believe
to uttrant tr,e.
Nothing his'orio.d has ever happened
... ....
lu Unbmiue, ex.vpt the arrival of Sen-!
ator Allison from Ohio.
The only remaining objects of interest
, . , , , . , ...
are the hotels, of w hich a full deserip -
lion will be found iu that entertaining
work, "ltuitis ot the Missi.xiippi Valley.'
Gilliam A Coffey have the Baker wire.
oerfei't Uiirh" in cur In iJ ht nhiflt
iw nrr wi iuk mieup. AlSti Idlest
"HTeiiy m wirt srreKvere. (Arnault tbem
For Wrrk Kndinx Jane 1, 1889.
' Oreoon State Weathkr Bcbbac 1
wrMra finn with TT M Kir Swrv
erage. The snimhine lias been
above i
the average ami very warm.
house and drowned one la ly; or the
same st irm, he ivy raiu and hail fell at
L;iGramle .the hail was as large as
small hen egs nnd in fivo hours 1.77
ichcs of rain foil. The railroad track
was blockaded by land slides. Ihe hail
did some damage to crop, but it is
thought that the banefit from the rain
will out-weigh the damage,
Prospects for everything continue to
be excellent. A small amount of smut
u noticed in the oat crop in' Benton
county. The strawberry aud cherry
crop are yielding enormously in all parts
sired. In e istern Oregon promising
reports are givri in all sections. In
' ' 1 , , ,
oroinar.v. j.nmis.iiiis ui iicie t'l u;go
bunch grass land has been sown to
wheat and yield good crops,
Th tcm,en,to e in th;, st .te ranged
',':;i;;hp faToraWe 0o,,i.
tji)n i(f t(l,lt js nH0(1(ll) fo m,lke t,js
ye;n-a iimst prosperous one for the tiilor
m me sou.
B. S. Pagnk.
Signal Service.
Observer XT. S
I.ind Oilier, at The I)HHes. dr.. May . 'S.
N.-itiee i. iierehv L.iven ti.nt tl.o fr.llwin,.ni,nnMl
pettier liris tijeu notiee rr ins inreiitlon to muke
filil ril(i in 8upi,Hr, ,lf hiBelaiin.nrl that nid
proof wdl he hmhI,, l.fore the county clerk of
Morrow county. Or. at tleppner. Or., on June
lrsu. via:
'TJ'f' , or.,. x.
jg n,j jjV), BW k'-c 8. R K. "
i lt:'i" tlio foii.,wi,m witiewn to pmve bi.
aaid an.l, y.z: .
orB ,,,, j,llni)a H ,eit, n f l,ne Itock, Or.
l)!);1,1, .KCK of in?
MuoMai liai reitsou. unoer nip law and tne reaula-
tines of tiie Inrerier Denartnionr. whv such proof ,
should nol he allowed, will heivfln an opportu- j
idly ui the above mentioned time and place to j
cross-ex iini oie ine witnesses oi kkmi ciaimai'l,
and to oiTer evidence in relmttal of that suhmit
ted hy claimant.
.S'ii-:i'i5. F. A. McDonald. IliaiHter
.", ..n,o,ne-i ,r., a nnK on
Hn,,tiiiier; eariif. anie on rinr. snouuier.
H-nnelt. Cv llorseM. it on left shoulder.
Ilrewn, J ('Horn'B. circle t' with dot in 03T
i-o;i left hip: cattle, nme.
h ""S;, 'i 'i,r7Xl
i', tJ.iniiat'a, r ii on lert tthouiaor; oat-
tlr. HUlIlfl itn left hit
liiien.T. V., liiu.e ItH,k.Iiorriitt o wilh bar
Hiid.-r mid "ivrtron riKht hhotildnr,
liurton. Wi Uorntw, J 11 mi r;ht Ihi.i, oittle,
gii'iiKon rinht hij;split in e;icli ear.
Win. Hinli'i, Monumont. linmds hnrspn It n
ritflit MrUHiitlor. lianKH (imiitimU lrrow coun-
KlirnT (Jpntry, Krho. Or Horsea brnnded H.
UuiufH in Momnv :md UmHtilSapnnntinH
i Allium, o. D.-C'ttle brand., t li n lft liip
I nnd luirNcrt Hiinm brand m ri'lit alHHilder. Haiikh,
j YAtsht Mile .
Ciutle. mtnit'uii r bt hip: ear murk squaro cro '
(T left and fplit in riltt,
t uriMi. it i- nurses, m on left Htine.
( iiniinrlmn t. W li, Newton lianeh Hors. '
with Jitfun iimlfr it tm left eh-mldpr; cattl
muiiHoii U'ft '.lip and 'librli, left ear Htiaiire cut
t'oi A KittfliMli. llindiimnt'a'.th, C with .' in
cent w: liorm'H. CK on )nft liip.
It. K. Coehnin, MoimmPiit, Grant Co, Or,
HurHCH biiii.drd circle- with bar beneath, on li-ft
nhnulder catt le same brand on buth jiips, mark
under slope both earn ai.d dewlap,
lJouliiss, W M--(.'nttle, It Don ri;ht sido.swai-l)w-fork
in each ear: hpsns, H Dun left hip.
Meek. Jackson. iloiwH, 7F cutmectel on
riulit. Nhoulderi cattle mime on riht hip.
tnr iwu'k. liole in nt(ht and ei'op ott left.
ijiftiai ten, John w .'-Horses hrandwl half-cir-
I " tioiuieir eU on leit sliouliler. t ttitle, name
i oil inti hip, ivamrr, neiu
.itiTr, near -exitidton.
Florence. L A ("alt in. ,V on riulit bin: honsns
I F with hir nnd"!' on ribt nhoukler.
j Morunce. 8 I' Horses, K on right shoulder
' cattle, Fun riulit hip or thitdi.
Aiin.-fnuii,'. .1, t'., Act"ii T with bar under it
1 on left slum. der of tnrr.i'H: cuttle smni on left
(iay. !l."iry-(IAV on left Hh-mhlnr.
; liuble, Krai;k - Horses, 7 Fon left btifie; cattle-
Hiinie on riuht hip.
t!:minj,'t'. A. Ii. Horses, on rilit shoulder.
' Uuiihiiki-r, H 1 llorsus, f on left shoulder; cat
tic, Hun left hi;.
I Humphreys, ti liardiuiin-Horses, H cm lef
; think.
; Ibijes. J M -Horses, wineglass on left hhoulder
i oiHh', siuiie on riulit hip.
j Junkin, 8. M. Hoisch, lioivcshoe J on c(l
slimiidci'. Cnllle, the eaiuj. lhpih'O on Kight.
; Mile.
Inhnsnn, Feli?; -HoraHH. circle T on left stifl
I entile, smao on riht hip, under half crop in rig
: nnd split in h-ft ear.
! Kirk. J t llorsoH till on left shoulder:
: cntt
' li!'.. 1 1 eft Inn.
Kirk, .) t ilorties, 17 cm either ttmik; uattw
mht mile.
' I -en. Ihismus-HerBcs. n I. on left hi,,.
,,'Xuid'r Uan-n""' P w"h "VBr lt u"
; Minor, tar -fatile, M lloi, right hip; horses
' i,.',n " 8UN-H..... M 1 on left hol.w
1 cuttle, same on left liin.
Met umber. .Ins A, Atwood-Hornefi, M with
It'iv over on rinlit Hnoulder,
MtrK", Thoti 1 Insert, circliT on left shoul
der ai d left tlnuli; cattle. L on riirlit thiii.
Mitchell, Oscar, I'ettyavilk Uorttt8, 11 on right
hi); "ntile. li on riht siiie.
Mct'liiren, 1 U llort-ep. Figure Son each shoul
der: cattle. Mi on hip.
NH't, Atidrew, Lone Rock Hornes AN con
lieeted on left shoulder; cattle mime on lvth hip.-
Newman, V. K. llurnei( N with half circl
over it on left sbuiilder
Nordyku, b.- Ilnrw, cuolo 7 mi left thigh; cat
tie, same on hft hi ,
Oiler, I'erry. Lone liock-I'Oo' left shou.der
P.'(irmi, Ohtve. Htrst, circle shield on left
nhouldtT and "J4 on left hip. t'attlo. circle Hhield
I on left hip, liai geon eight Mile
; , l'" ''-ty.-llorseg h2 on left hip
i low down,
j Parker A (itnason. ilunlmtui Horse IP on
I '''iiji.!?! u'., Acton Hursea.JK connected on
iHft shoulder; cattle, wane on left hip. under bit
liood. Andrew, Hanlinan Iforsea, s-inare cro
wuli tpinrter-circle over it on left (.title.
lieiiii'ger, t lins Mors., t' H on left shoulder
licet t.i J W Horbcs. JO on left shoulder, t'at
tle. O riht hip.
Hpray. J. F.--Moreen hrandwi SF connected on
ritdil Hhoulder: cut tie same in both hi ,
tSprny, J. t'. Mors', braudtsl fci on right lioiil
der, ca'tte branded H on the ritfltt hip Jid
sni'oth ertip otf of the h'ft rxtr.
Striiigbt V. E. li rvet shadtHl J 8 on lefi
title: i-attle J 8 on left hip, swallow fork iu right
ear, underhit in left.
Sayer. Hobt -Horws,H on riirht shoulder; cattl
tUnrttoii right hip and Son right shoulder.
8wag.ni., Ji, AipitieHi.rsea. 8 8 on rtgh
r-app, 1 hos. tloree6, 8 A F ou left hip; cattlv
, KMnw on If fl In n.
I Sholn. Dr A J Horsw, T9 tin on left hip; cat
, ih, twniti uu (ii suit, wutuouu ifti hub ui atxm
mn rut slmrp nt p-iut.
WMtiiNn, Jtr A J itttue, B x rtgtit nip,
wiiUow-furk in lfft tvir.
tShtltoit A 9tn Horw n on its side over n
1 on fl shoulder: cuttle. sme on left hio.
Sperry. fc H-t nttle, W V mi Mt hij.. orop oft
1 riulit mid undnrbit iu left ear. duhD: hontcw. W C
! Swuwsrt. ti W-ltorw.. 4 on left .hoald.r
i Siewnrt. t,-o.. Huruauui ttoraes cirelo oge
left .li.uiKler.
on U'ft Httituutr.
i Mttlle. II on left hin.
I Tliotiiiwui. J A Honws. Z on left .houlriar
,1!l,,"!''.f,t l"ull.
1 tpeWa. 8 1 llors. 1 on hft .hoaUiw.
i WuV. Hnry.-llim htnnll of
.. !:.. W'fl V"lt bl""',,l
Welt., A S - Hore., a-9 uu U'ft ihouidor:
j yla.,,1. J H. ni,nlma- Circtt'on
' yul Jui"' M,,r- " 1
! - .... - . ..a- i L. '
; in let! oar; ti.tn, ou rigM iouiur, mt
! i I .
, rauuinf AA with Imlt mtom
j nll tup.
The Heppner Gazettb has arranged
for special cluhbing rates with the follow
ing papers and periodicals:
The American Farmer nnd GAZKmt
per year, 8l!.2o ; Cindy's Lady'a Maga
zine, $3.50; Detroit Free P res, i60.
Ice! Ice! H. McFarland. of I.exiug- j
ton, will deliver ioe daily iu Heppner I
during the summer months. Contract i
for the amount yon desire, by writing :
to him at an surly dale. The price will !
be 2 c-nits per Dj. delivered.
Ti'P very Latent H ylc jut rereiqfd from
I'ortland and San Francisco
Mrs. Warren's
Fashionable Millinery and Ladies
Furnishing Store.
Thankful for- the generous liberality
and good will of the people of Heppner
nnd vicinity in the past, we cordially
solicit their patronage in the future..
Onlr fsennine Satm f Memory Trninlng.
l our llAoks Learned iu on j .-ending.
Itliii. I wunderitiaT cured.
Every child and ndu't irrent'y benlltted.
(r.-dat iaducerutiDts to Correspondence Classes.
Fr-voeet'is, witi Oiiiiorn of Dr. Wm. A. Ilam
maTi 1, t.ia w n-iit-fa.u ! HrMciaiir-t in Almd Di Bonne i.
U.inicl fi -4-ilfnf Thiiii .on, t ie srro.it Phch .1
wiHt, J, M. ll iclilfy, I.E..ei.t(irof the Christian
A Ivoeat", X 1'., It rliur l l0'lrt', tlio Si;intis ,
llftnt. v. XV. A--rnr. Jtidjr ii:,(.n, Judub i.
U "J iinin. finl tith-r-t, t"iit p'"t f-n bf
Prof. A. XUlSiJTTi:, S J r.J:ii Ave, N. Y.
Transcontinental Route
Northern Fafific
I!A I LliOA D!
Caxeaile liraneh, now Completed, mak
ing it the Shortest, Best and Quickest.
The Dining Car Line. The Direct Route
No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low
est Rates to Chicago and all points
East. Ticels sold to all Promi
nent, Points throughout the
East and Southeast.
Tliroii'h Pullman Bra : in ; Room Sleeping Cars.
Reservations can be secured in advance.
To East Hound Pasen?er8
Be careful and do not make a mistake,
but be sure to take the
And see that your ticket reads via this
line. Ht Paul or Minneapolis to avoid
changes mid serious delays ocoasioued
by oilier routes.
Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run
on regular express tmius full length of
line. Berths free. Lowest rates. Quick
est time.
Oeueral Office of the Company, iVo. I'll
First St., Cor. Washington St.,
Portland, Oregon.
Assistant General Passenger Agent
I Powfler,
Is the
Cheapest, Safest and Best !
Cure for Scab.
This celebrated Dip has been in oonstant
and increasing use for over half
a century, during which time !
It has been applied to more sheep than
exist on the earth nt the present
Our Sales in 1888 were sufficient
to Hip over 60,000,000 Sheep.
It is chenpor than lime nnd eul
plnir, nml is not one tit'.ie of
the trouble. Lime nnd
sulphur injure the wool, but the
Cooper Dip improves its qual
ity mid increases its growth.
General Agents :
Wholesale druggists. Porllund. Oregon.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Heppner "City Brewery!
-HAS A--1
It is manufactured with the latest
brewing apparatus and oau't be beat.
Lunches of all
And tho best brands of Cigars.
Empty kegs must be returned or S
apieoe will be charged.
3 . X3. Natter, Fx-op.
Manufacturers of
Quality cf Too, Eeanty of Desicn,
FINISH and odoptobllltyfcrstand
Ing In Tune havo no e"VJQl.
tvery Piano Warrantsd fcr Fj3 Year?
And RatttfiKrtion ffuaranted to ever?- parctiascr.
Also Manufacture the World Rsnownkd
Factories, Derby, Conn.
ek-Hit OiiUkiv imxt jtox- i lino u4
Jui VuoiiM. In amqtutiliy Gokl-(U:e4
Cam. U H&LuCVttitr' Pnmtx, Th
mi erwminiit ,.'roprJ u blT
T O 9 14. rttttriTH, uul rr-n-M l
-vrwii-i.C ' AtkUurj lUUaU Tte.
ttywi u4 tn t,a ti.su cirry witJt Ur
U-u M ui u (. iimi rV.i (, urutM. Cat (Ms
out me ud Mrt k. ft. iKITO
1T11IJ 1J 1 1 IjII I ,
m S
it K
Money to Loan.
Persons desiring loans on itn
proved farms or town lots, cm ?
secure such on reasonable terms ;
by calling on O tis L. Pattehson,
nt Gazette iffiee.
. . . - T . Mann mamItU
nen l my lum w .........
stop them lor n nine, and thon have them ra
tum aualn. I h;am A UADICAI, CUUL.
I have mado tlio dueuse o!
A life-Ion study. I T7Anf.ANT my remedy to
Cnaa tlio worst ensos. lit cause other, havo
failed is no reason for not now receiving a euro,
fcendut once for ntrcatiso aiulaHlEb: HorxLO
oi my Infallible Kemedy. Oivo Express
and f'o-t Oiiico. lt coca yon notiaua lor a
ti.al, and lt will euro you. Avltircsa
1 1. 0. ROOT. M.C.. I S3 Peabi St., Ilea Yon
rnooncwci tIta V"'nsa, snatres. Al
lays Infiammation. neals the Soros.
Eostores the Senses of Taste, BmoU
ojad Hearing.
A partlclo Is applied into each nostril and
Is QKrccnblo. Price 50c. nt lrufiHi or by
bis il. VAX BHOTHERS,C0 Warren St., New York.
sja ViEEK i
. Club System ViV&XP?- ".
while as convenient V A!'.t
to the buyer u any V SW
instalment yora, is r w lq
svstem to us. l'hc g J 'UkJJ i
co-operaticn cf the -- V-VV;
club member sells us Aiiiivs4'
18 watches in cadi rnlUi.
$33V:itch Club, and we pet cash from
the Club f ;r c.i;:i watch bulont it goc:
out, though c-ith mcnib.r only pays
jUr a weel:. 1 liia is why we give ytt:
more fur your money tlin any one else
and why we are doiiiK the largest
watch business in ihe world. V.'e sell
only first quality goods, tut on
prices arc about what others pet f r sec
ond aua!itv.OurSlOM!vej-Vatcli
is a substantial Silver not imitation 0
my kind) stcm-wina American i.cvcr
Watch either hunting case or open.
Our 8 0 Watt-It is a Stem-wind,
Open Face, first quality, stiffened Gold
wear pnvfars. It is fu.lv caual toanvi
F',i!3watch sold forlhS by others. We find1
'wTlf a first-class StilTcned Culd Case much
more satisfactory and serviceable than
any Solid Gold Case that can be sold at
less than double the money, ns cheaj)
solid cases are invariably thin, weak,
ot low quality, and worthless after
short use. Our 58 Watch contains
numerous important patented im
provements, of vital importance to accur-
ate timing Patent Vustfircc, Patent Stent
Wind, &c. .which we control exclusively. Il
is fully cqu dfor accuracy, appearance, dura
bility and service, to any fys Watcheither
Open FaceorlluntinR. Our ff.43.00IEull-i-onii
Walcll is especially constructed for
the most exacting use, and is thcfc" t Rail
road Watch made, Open Face cr Hunting.
All ti:w prices are either all cash or inclabs,
81.00 a WltU. AnAt'i IT'itrh J ,
of gibenfi-n tuliA eui HcifeA. mfS.C
Tha Kfitistinn Watr.h r nhfin'B
Wain Offics In To'i Pwn Pa'Mlnn
024 WALFiilT ST. PMLASA. FA. ,T;;-rv I3SK!
Agents Wanted.
Aiax W.itch Insulator. $1,00
A rvrftel prnteotlon ainnt !iiantiettm. )l ;, W S?tK?J
FitanyW'irrh, Sent by milt on nwlpt " AWS'J1
ot rrt'-". t t r - ro any "-r-.i Aamev.
osk our nffont at your plnce for tortus ad
prices. II you cannot unu tnir wtnt, writw
direct to nearest address to you mow yatmi-d
ILL. ATI a nth rsa TEX.
ST 1.0UI3.MQ. rrT-lgy-SV SUMFaWiSCO.CAL,
LEkZKR k liiUMP.SOX, Aq'ts.
Heppuer, Orecoa
Poi-iHc dppnrtinpnt. conprd nfrrcy, 725MaikPt
street, history huildii.tr. fcun 'rnVcinco, L'al
BnmnhtH. 4i Morrison St., Port nnd. Or., 18
outh Heoond Ht. Han .)!, Cnl ,"5 North
8priiit' SI., Lou Ancelos. Cul
Southern Pacific Company's Line
Quicker in Time than Any Other Route
Bet ween
:San Francisco.
Leave Portland at 4 P. .V., Daily
For Accommodation of Seoond-Clasa
Passengers Attachetl to Express
j Fare f nm toMland to Sieramento and San Fran-
rnttniited t-5
Limitetl rirt-Clie. . .... 5't
" " S(-atnd-l'l.i4, "
Through Tickets to all P,inrs S-mtl.
nnd Eik.
Citj Office. K.j. 1SI Tcriier Fir-t 4 M,l t Streets
IVpot Oflf. Comer Ksn.l Kront Streets,
AUns. Aet Q. ?. tad Fua. gt.
in illHEi
1 msrvs