Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, June 13, 1889, Image 2

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The Local Committee Are Seeking In
formation From Every Section of.
the Pacific Coast.
Last week the editor of this sheet
wrote the clmirmaii of the local
committee on . irrigation, M. M.
Estee, of San Francisco, regarding
the full purpose of this cotnrait
1 56 and to what extent they desired
information on the subjoct. The
following is his answer:
San Francisco, June 7, 18S9.
Otis Patterson, Editor Heppner
Gazette, Heppner, Or. :
My Dear Sib Your letter of
J une 3rd is at hand and contents
noted. The state board of trade
appointed a committee, of which I
was made chairman, to aggregate
all the facts possible relating to
the arid and irrigable lands on the
Pacific coast, and the oharacter of
the irrigation now practiced in the
various state and territories of
this coast.
We have had meetings and we
"meet again on the 17th of the
month. VVe are gathering all the
iaots togetner possible for the pur
pose of presenting them to the
senate oommittee on irrigation,
when it comes west.
We desire to know among other
First The number of irrigable
acres or iana in each ot the coun
ties of California, Oregon, Nevada,
Washington Territory, Arizona, or
any other of the Pacific territories.
Second The streams of water
of each county, with about the
amount of water in each of those
streams; also the amount of land
that is already irrigated in each of
such localities or counties, and the
amount of water now being used
for that purposu.
Third The effect that irrigation
has upon the value of the land so
irrigated, and also, the effect upon
the amount and character of the
products produced by reason of
such irrigation ; and lastly, any
other facts which would be of corn
won interest to the cause.
These are not nil the point that
we are seeking, nor all the points
we make, but we are endeavoring
to get together suth maps und re
ports and: surveys and other au
thoritive information upon the
question of irrigation as may be of
interest to the senate committee
when it visits the Pncifio states
and territories.
The committee will be here some
time in August of this year. 1
am very much obliged for your
letter, and for the information
which your letter conveys, and
should be pleased to hear from'
you and to get any other in forma
tion which you have or may ob
tain. The subject reaches tlm entire
Pacific slope, and is not confined
to California, or Nevada or to any
otner one state.
I remain yours sincerely
M. M. Estee..
Artesian wells have proved of
immense advantage in the dry dis
tricts of California, and have been
worth millions there to fruit-growers
and others. The natural for
mation of the earth will indicate
where such wells can be made to
work, and our Eastern country
should, in course of time, develop
capacity to produce thou). At
Heppner th people have been try
ing to work up such a project and
it is finally left for the town coun
cil. A company of citizens will be
far more likely to succeed, and it
' is important that the project shall
be pushed, if only to deoide if ar
tesian wells can be secured in the
Columbia basin. Senator IStauford
is confident that the vast arid dis
trict, extending from Mexico to
British Columbia, with an average
width of 1,200 miles, can be re
deemed and made wonderfully pro
lific. His plan is irrigation by
some means, either artesiau wells
or by reservoirs and canals, or by
both. The interior region, lying
between mountain ranges, should
lie favorable for artesiau wells, and
if they can be made available the
result will be that the arid region,
now known as desert, will be homes
for millions and wonderfully pro
d ucti ve, Ore tjoniu n.
The above article presents an
opinion which is fully shared by
this paper; that the artesian well
project which is being agitatrd
here would likely be more success
ful in the hands of a company of
citizens than with the town coun
cil. The latter here are progress
ive men, and are acting on the
matter in a way which will event
ually result iu an attempt to secure
artesian water. Yet, servants of
the people do not always feel like
taking upon themselves the re
sponsibility of using public funds
in what might be deemed an ex
periment. Referring to the transformation
of arid regions to thoso of fertility
by means of artesian water, is
somewhat misleading. Heppner
is not situated in a semi-desert sec
tion. Willow creek Hows through
the town and affords water to run
a large roller flouring mill about
eight months of the year aud fur
nishes water for irrigating pur
poses where it can be reached by
ditches, but the place is absolutely
without means of protection against
It would be uselss to put iu n
system of mains, pipes, plug, etc.,
with a supply of water which can
bs depended on only eight months
in tha year. Two plans have
therefure been coubidered. Firtit,
-- - ln-n ; .
a reservoir; second, by an artesian
well. The latter project has re
ceived more consideration at the
hands of our people than the other
plan, tin's section being considered
quite favorable for an artesian
It is a fact that the success of
the enterprise here would prove
that in much of the interior coun
try artesian water could be had to
the benefit of many sections less
favored in the matter of water
than the Heppner country.
From morning until night Hepp
ner's busy streets are resonant
with the chuckle of loaded wool
wagons and tho jingle of belled
teams. Heppner is beginning to
receive the reward of many years
hard work.. Through energy and
enterprise it has been transformed
from an isolated place to a railroad
town of no mean importance. It
is situated at a favorable point
Beyond the Blues, the man!
wagon roads from points far seim-
rate, converge and come together!
on routes lending to Heppner.
Over these thoroughfares the stock
man hauls his products to roi.vket
or for shipment to oihor pnvnts.
If the sheepman desires to sell his
clip, he can dispose of it hero to a
ijood advantage. Tho difference
in the freight tariff o Arlington
and Heppner to marktn emt and
west are not sufficient to encour
age hauling overland to the main
liue, and merchandise of nil kinds
is sold here in competition with
the neighboring towns of Ailing
ton and Pendleton.
As the Oregonian a,iya, edi
torially: "Heppner will, dtvive
vory great advantage from the
building of the brunch load to that
place. For one thing, an immense
quantity of wool, thut hml to be
hauled to the river heretofore, will
now be loaded oti the trains at
Heppner and go from there direct
to market. This aloixa will change
their business relations with the
world. Heppner also, w becoming
an important point for general
business and is acquiring consider
able trnde. Tli is "improvement
and enterprise favor development,
and the world moves on to greater
things, leaving the past only a
memory. Now that railroad de
velopment has really commenced,
Oregon is assiMiing new features
every year and in every quarter."
lli(lmtei- Thiril Ittginirnt of Infantry.
Tim Dalles, On., Juno 7, 18,5'J.
(Uonenil Orders No. 11.)
1. Ti iiwiiKnation of Lieut. T. F.
Mulligan, f G company, and Opt. J.
- Young ami Limit. A. E. Dart, ol B
onmpany, havo benn annrpkd by the
2. The Rlution lioompany ifOieiftby
olimiired from Pmlton to Arlington.
3. lr: O. 0. llolljHtor Iihh boen up
pointcil und coininimiioiipd cnptiiin ami
Miriteon ot the Third infantry, O. N. !.,
h'uiu iiw wm ii rtmptijT.iMi uuu nueye'
' I 4 TI.'m fv.M. I ...... ,.,,
wliiiouod stuff, bartd, and A, B, C, 1 a
, 11 cotnianieH tit thiw recnuetit. will gt
of instructjijii at Tbe Dalles
unci he will lie roHpcetnil and nbcyr-d ue-
nim K
!H. Or.
July U, 18WI, and? will break oamn ou the
6. Conipati'ms 11, 1 nnd E will take
train of the Oi H. 4 N. Co., to arrive iu
The Dallas sAout, i!:3J P. M., July !i, 1HS
tl. Company ooniiuauderu are pot al
lowed to (oubouny man frnm attendnnoe
ut Ibis camp. Applications for pernim
sioD to remain at home niuril be made
out jo writing, sworn to, and Bent to IIicho
headquarters not later tliaii JuueUS, lHH'J.
7. Company commanders will report
to me at onoo the ti umber of men they
will brin i;, in order that the necessary
tenia uud tamp equippayo may be pro
vided. 8. Tho Fourth will be oolebihied in a
nlurioiiB manner, and the rudiment will
be taught a soldier's duties in autive ser
vioe in a practical way, and a fall at
tendance will be iuaiated on-for the good
of the service.
Ity order of ("has. K. MonoAN,
lIIieil: Colonel.
Jos. P. Fmoini.u-i, lull it. and A.ljl.
I'ltOH AVKATllK.lt Itl l.l.l-I IN NO. 11.
lor tin. Wcok KudliiK Jin.f H, IXH.
t'o-o)uiratlliK witli I'. H. Hi. Ki-iv.
Tlie tpmpt1 rat lira ban ln'oii abova tha nvinint,
in all am-tiona, from 3 to 12 diKroei.
Tlin miufall haa been balow lUu avtrUKf. ui't
Mn oiHMirrinil in the Htate during tlin puat wwk
Tha aniiahiiiH ban bawn above tlie aviirttue, few
ulouda being at all vitoblu.
Tlia atfm. of tlie condition on the wln'at crop
haa not boon favnrabl.', but to fruita and bitrriaa
i haa been vury favorublii. 'Dm wa k waa rhar
acturizad by uontiiiuad warm, oluudlaaa wiiathur'
Smidtiy, Juno 2nd, beiutf uuuauaUy warm, the
ttiuriuouie ar rauitinu from ill lo llli di'iiretm,
lu Southern Oregon no raiu boa t'lUeii ainca
May 'Jljt, oiccpt a fuw ahowara ou May 2SUi. In
llai.lNru Oivaun, in aectioua, rain full oupiuualy
Ilia luat week of May. Thia ahowt a lack of
moialui at tlie jiropor time tluutla ahowura dur
ing tbu firat two wm.kd of lime are naoaaaary for
the pniar (irowlh a d maturity of tha grain
crop. KoLHirta from alt aactiona indicata a doaire
for inoro raiu to iimuro tha wheal rop, Tha yield
of wbaat, notwitliataiiding the preacut dry aiiall,
will bu much alaive thaavarngo, while rain would '
iusura a much mure buuutifitl yield. J
The wheat ha headed out wuil. and harvaating
will lie in full away in conrau of the ueit twu
waeka. 'The hay hai-vnat is uuw iu full proareaa,
aud larae cropa aro being yieldial. At Uundon,
Cooa tiuuiity, a held ot rye wae cut for hay which
averuged eight touH to the acre.
At Weeion, Uamtiiia county, one "eoot" of
wheat wna found tu have Itkl atalka iu it, measur
ing IS iucuaa iu length.
Through Morrow county the orchard, ttardt.aii
aud grain tielda arc thriving and promlaiiig; im
uaual yield of croa of all kind will , lie hur
vonlcd iu thia a well aa other IMgionaOf the Mlata.
The atrawlarry and cherry crop continue to
yield enurmoualy; wild blackberriea are rita) iu
Polk county. In Jackaou county the graiaai are
in bloom, with iudiuationn for a large yield.
Hopa are very promising lu thu VV ilinmette val
ley A few a-ood ahowera would prove to be yf great
beuebt to uropi uf all kiuda.
II. 8 Paoni,
Ob. U.S. Sig. 8-irv.
Lfoi At 'I iu. -Kery rwtilnt tf thoiinmn
territory urromuluitf Hninnmr bIhhiIiJ hnvtt
HPpiitr(ArrTi. ll it a ,r thai ut ftr-
fi'lM U liKik atlur tliti Umi inU iHttl of tlin mIh.
I ihtertwttAi in tim kurutwii of cvttry tuliHUKaJit,
lt him l wi)iuilit ur Jltirr, HtiK-k-uwnr ur
nlit4ei-t)frilr. ll oi only uutict the iriiitral
tiHii(uiiitfMu( tl.e cutiiutuiiit) nil KHMoru Ui
Koi i, but JnotiN uuicii tmc to Ui t'lt-Hiii of ti
grvptuu tif wh VS lulu you must Iihvuiih (Aif rrn,
i it liiHM nut Ur couUi ii n till tin ila ot ilia
tiriMii uiuinioittuu 'iw.-kly OnsfomHn." Thii
IMtfl oiuplttm ti'lKrapUic mhhHh wlitorml
uitti HKriculiunti m-wit, utuikot rriMrt, tto. iUv
"Wowkly Orogomiiu." with iu fund of Bonml
uuw, nnd the Upwiitl' liAiciTK, live, 1mh1
lAMr, 'or nlert rntirxiing il.tt wwlfure of our
wciion, will It-wp jrou !! tufttruunl. lu Ih w11
poitHj w a (ilfKNurw, miJ m o'ltm ini!Hjr iu your
IKK-k. t. 'or ttiemtn 17 day, or till July Ut, Uim
,"vVtHkJy UregoiiiBu1 BtiU tua Hi-iipiuir UAZkriK
will only ?ot you jS V (or ytvtr m ulwwi ioln.ii.
i'ltitt ih hi r ctly (Mali oiler, i ttbiMW, tuai-wiKkl
luid ruUiUiu puiilMM.t. will nut Ik tu a'pan) un
IfM by ,Mt'il tirraugttiun.it. O.J Huovcribfra
uiut ixirtt tu unit to take hdai Uicf "f (lu
oppunuuiy of iMKiuriujf iibuatiiil v.f rmg uuiu i
Cexhi'b Offii'K, I
Washington. V. C . May 1, 1SH9. j
To the Medical Profession:
I be vnrioua medical ttssooiatmnii and
tlio medical profession will he ulad to
Iw.rn llr .!, n H Uillili.rs ailPirwin I
TJ. S. army, has cunseutod to tnke charRe
of tbe report on mortalily and the vital
Htatintion of tbe United Stab hr re
turned by tbe eleventh ceusin.
As the Vuiled States baa no lyMem of
registration of vital etatiatiiB, such as is
relied upon by olber civilized nations fur
tb purpose of ascertainiui; tbe actual
movement of population, our rvjnsiis af
fords the ouly opportunity of obtaining
near an approximate estimate of the
birth and death rati a of much tbe larger
nurr of lha minntrv. wliieli is pntirelv
unprovided with any satisfactory a.VHteru
of slate and municipal registration.
In view of this, the census office, dur
ing the month or May tin year, will
iasue to the medical profession through
out the country "Physician's lU'ifistern"
for the purpose of obtaining more ac
curate returns of deaths than it is pos
sible for the enumerators to tmke. It
is earnestly hoped that physicians in
every part of the oouutry will co operate
with the census office in this importaut
work. The feoord shonld lie kept from
June 1, im, to May 31, 1H!H. Nearly
26.000 of these registration books were
tilled up and returned to the office in
18H0, and nearly all of them H3ed for
statistical purposes. It is hoped that
douhlo this number will be obtained for
the eleventh census.
Physicians not receiving registers can
obtain them; by sending their names and
addresses to the census office.and, with
Ibe register, an official envelope which
requires no stamp will be provided for
their return to Washington.
If all medical and surgical prnntition
ers throughout the country will lend
their aid, the mortality and vital statis
tics of the eleventh census will be more
comprehensive and complete than they
have ever been. Every pbysician should
take a personal pride in having tbis re
port as full and accurate us it is possible
to make it.
It is hereby promised that all informa
tion through this source shall be held
Btrictly confidential.
ItOBKKT fj. I'oriTEB,
Stipt. of Census.
The Biochemio BinnodieH thut have
iiijidn oiwili o'i inrl(rf n I ciirpa nr nnw frtr
sale ut our dru Btorofi. Any ono le -
mniiis of IcarriiiiL'; about lhHo mediomee
can do 80 by calling onourdniytfiatrt uud
trnttinp painphlet on "New Treatment of
DiHt'HHo." Jiiochemic tiHMlicinH acts in
harmony with nature's lawn Hml liealH the
wick or rebuilds wanted tinMio in clironiu
oasfH, on the Haiue principle th;rt true
ih nonriHhod uud hUHtanirfl in mhr to
produce a nuv twi or hranch that may
iiuve Wen hroken. liineHHe moitim u
luck of h certain principle at (hi plaoe
atiectfiil. 15,.;chmi.i.h-v MupplifH that
hivk. ' :i-';V2K
Mi l l( K
Is liarelir given tluit Hfliilnil liidn
will he received nt the county
trlerk's ollicn on Wednpstliiy, the
lirddiiy of .Inly, 188!), for building
a county bridge on the .lumen &
Walker ranch, Little Butter creek,
now owned by K1 Day. Each
bidder has the privilege to make
his own plans and ftpecilicatioiin for
.suit! bridge and price for building
in a workmanlike manner, and all
bills to be filed with the comity
clerk by 4 o'clock on the above
named ilny.
June 12, 1889.
(Signed) Wm. Mitcheu,,
County Judge.
TnfatitH, cliililH, hovH. mena', .'mil tiiceat
aHHiirtment of oli-ctiiiu Imts nt 11. & B's.
IVlnat eomploto lino (if wall pitperfl, lior
oro, rllRB, unci ciuJihiih at reduc
ed tiriees now on exliibition at Heppuor
t lilRokmnn'n.
Ladiea are invited to oall nnd inspect
our new arrivals of nil woo) tricotN, ma
zuma plaids, latest patterim in stripes,
jerseys etc., ete.
HerdeiB would profit by e.viiniiniuif
our woolona and full stiick hoots. Call
and tu k e n oliew of our H. A li's. private
Htook eliewini; toi aoeo.
Kor sale by 11. it I!., Hole nentH, tbe
l coieiiriueu nuiaeii s Hik t un Isukintt
rowiier lor ,'itio. luich can conlainH l'a
pounds. Eiiinl to the very best in the
market. Come early to avoid the rush
I'arties wishing to pureliaHe fall aup.
plies would do well by calling on Hep
pner & Itlatkman. We insure gentleman
ly treatment, low prioes, nnd good qual
ity iu nil lines, tlour in quantities to unit
nt mill prioes.
Most ooinpleto and extensive, line of
mens', boys', nnd ladies', buck nnd kid
driving gloves, wooleu-lined cloves to
keep your bands warm' when snow Hies,
('all aud inupeet our tida. nt tl. & It's.
5io trotiblu to show ku'kU.
To CoNRUJlPTiVKS. The undersigned
having lieen restored to health by sim
ple means, after sulTeriuif for several
years with a severe luni; nlTections nnd
that dread disease, consumption, is anx
ious to mnko knowti tu bis fellow sulTor
ers the menus of erne. To those who
desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of
charge) a oopy of the piesnription used,
whieb they will tlud a sure cure for con
sumption, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis,
and nil throat nnd Iiiiik' maladies. He
holies all sufferers will try his remedy,
as it is invaluable. Those desiring the
prescription, which will cost them noth
ing, and may prove n blessing, will please
address, ltiiv KmvAitn A. Wilson, Wil
liamsburg, King's en ii tit v. New York.
HAitiv vnom'cm
liutler, (,'ilf-e.lKed, 20 to 25 eonts.
EfTBS are very scarce. Wanted nt 2iV.
New potatoes, 2 to 3 cents per Hi. Old
Potatoes, ecu! H.r lb nnd senroa.
Cliickeus, ft) to $1 per doon, aooorditiK
to size.
Several good tales have been made
during the pnat week J. li Avon sold
nt l ie; (Jnuiil Hros., 15o; llu ller ,v Ilul-
lock, H'jU. Wools of all grades lire
looking up.
F1.01 it.
There litis been quite a decline in the
Hour market within tbe puat live weeks.
Sperry's best irrude of Heppner tlour,
fl bbl, i'M: per bid; retail, 81 (K).
Wnitsliiug l'eerlees Hour, S4.25 ill any
Good beef outtle, 2 to 2'9 tents per
pound; mutton, $2 per head.
Iaiiii steak, retnil, 10 cents per pound;
round steak, 12' cents; rousts, 10 cents;
boiling, 5 to t cents. Mutton, 12'
cents, lHt qualily.
UiulOllW nt Ti hntlt Or.. Jntie V H.
Ntu it lierty iven Ihut tli ftitlowing
nitiiml '(llfr liiw ti'ttl uutiot uf hid iiitintiou to
ink hnl proof m vnpiKtrt uf tun I'lftiid, mid
tlmt tut ul iirKf will tra intuit U fort) tli couuty
jii'JK of Morrow cmitv. hi Htnpi:or, Or., on
Jul) W. IttKV. vis.
John A MpmitiMi,
lid. iC09. tcv the KK Hw. Tp. S H.. K. V4 E.
W. M.
Il uitiutH) t)i ftiliowiiift wituftuHw to prove nil
oonlniiMMit rwtUWucb uom, mid ctiltnHtiou of.
Mid ImikI.vu:
W. W. HrHumm, J. 1 1 ). KirUnnl Kobiu
nott, IcrM" h:itnlttfii, nil of Mil. Or.
Any .HnM'ii who tttwr.f n to prott iun)URt th
allowHiutof omiii prtf or wtio known of any tnb
tail!f I raieou, uml'T llo Uvt anil t .rwu'ntiun
uf tli ltnfiior Dmmrtmont. wliy nuoh pnnif
itouU not bniloi. will l)e nivwi an optKrtu
tnty ul tht rtbovw utt:iliiiK.i tmni mid tli to
oixwia-itittiiiie tii witii-- uf wul climntll,
Mid to otttrvuieiiou iu rvbuttal of tlnt ubiuit-
ud by cUirawit.
Land Office t The lull. Or.. Janv . 'Hd.
H-itice is hert.br KiTen that i h, rlpiiwing-nam1
settler has tiled nitir nf I... ... .t.
final Proof in support of l,i ,jla,ra, awl that miti i
I nrai) will be ma.li tnfr ti, couuo juilw of
' county, at llei;pnr, Untoa. on J ul) 20,
Charles E. Kirk. i
m. 1101, for the Hi NK'i Heo. . and W'i NW1,. I
Ill, Tp. 4 8 , K. K. W. M. !
He namw the following witneeeea to prove hi !
eontinnoue rpbidenoe. upon, and cultivation of
said land, viz:
L. J. Bliauor, Frank Oilliam Theodore Tel. !
David wwnwn, all of Heppner, Or,
Any person vfhodmiree to pnitmt niniinut the j
allowance of such prieif. or who knows of any
Huhnrantial reaeon, under tha law and the retfii-
uuiona oi n.e inieriur oepartnient. why such
proof should not lie allowed, will be Riven an '
ouportnnity at the above mentioned time and 1
place to. croee-examina the witiiosaes of said j
i-latniant, antl to. oll.ir evidence in rebuiulof
I tint inbinitteil t,y claimant. .
! 3ffi'3" f.A.McDouj).lteistf.
tjoid Offieeat lialirande. Or.. .Tunefi. 'HA- 1
Notiee ia hereby iriven tlmt the foUowiiift-iiamed :
settler hu hied notice f.ti intention to com-!
unite and make linal priKif in aufaort of l.ia '
claim, and that Raid proof will be made bef r
the eonuty clerk of Morrow couutv, at llepp-:
uer, Or., on July Ihsy. viz:
Frank E. MeCorkle, i
11,1. No. MSI. forth NW! 8WH F.V, BW! an.l :
SW4 HKU See. 13. Tp. 8 S., It. fc. 1
He names the following witnesaea to prove !
his cotifcinuoiia rettidence upon, and cultivation i
of. said laDd, viz: i
I'. K. t ale, r . It. Slierma'l. of Lena, dr.; J. S. I
Gurdare, I). ('. (Turdane, of Uidiie, Or. '
Any person who .liwirw., te pr.iteet axainnt the I
allowance of fuch proof, or who knowg of nnv i
ulwointia! rearfoii. ii'i.hrtiie law and thorucula
tions of the Interior Deparl meet, wliy such proof :
should not he allowed, will he iven an opportn- i
ity atthe ahove mentioii'l time and p.aco to.
crosM-examifie the witiieesert of eaid claimant, and t
t olfer evidence iu rebuttal of that niibimUed ;
by claimant.
H&JO llKNtlV HtSKIl KV.T. Kwiater, j
Ijind Ofticn nt TlienaHos. Or.. .1 urc 1(1. 'SC.
Notice in hfTeliy iii veil tintt the foilwTniritamed
settler Iihh riled noiiee of her intention to
nmk4 riual proof in uj.ort of her
claim, ami that wind proof will lie made before
the county jinltie of Morrow eounty, at Hepp
ner, Or., tin July SO, rSrf, vi:
Racket Ifiwkim, v:iUvo of ViuZi"Ho
kins,(lecpnseit. IM. 6H. forth E'iHK'i Be. ft. i SW
oil. tortile rj .HPI m.h in. SW SW'i Sec.
11. nnd N W'i SW, See ll.Tp. fj.. K. E. W. M.
8he nHineethefolloiviiar witnewHes.o nrove bin
ztiz?","m-cA"at,"u f
Allmrt Wrinlt, Jinnor Der-uy. of He-ppncr,
Or.; Ham iTorulown. II
Ih HiiWftrnrd, l JUrd
man, Ur.
Any porHon who (liwiffs fr protcut nfiiiitt the
allowrtru'o of Huch proof, or who knows of any
nulHtau iai rcusofi under Mm Ih ami h rcmjlH
tioriH of iho Iiitonoi- IipHrtnu-tU, why hucIi
p.'onf nlion.d nol. Ijo uilowml, will bi ivnit iin n
portiinity ut tlio uhovt) meiu oruid time itinl pJuct
10 rroBH-oxmriint! tho witiK'-'sitH nf mini itliiinmti.
find Ut oftor HviiUfucQ m rt'tiii.t&) if (hut. tmhmit.-
1 le! ilt'lHnnunf
Y. X. Mi.'Donalo. R'.'Hintar.
Uuid Office at Tho ILiIIm, Or.. May I, 'ail; I
Notii-o ia liPr"hyivi.!it)iiil tliafollowuiK-iiailiHl
HHttlor haa filinl notiiic of Ioh int.'iitiori to make 1
til. ul proof in niipjHirt of hit. chini, and that naid i
liroof wiil lie niadt. Imfon. tin- jml-re of-Morrow 1
couiity. or in hia alm!.iii.c ln.roiv tiio olcrk of ftaid -ooiint.v.
nt lloppnpr, (Jr.. or. ,ltino 211. 1V.H viz: !
John E. St'raiiHiks,
W anil i
lid. No. 2ISU. for the N' NW'.i, SUM
iii'. '4 rvv '.i ree i;i, i p i , ll l r..
He nainoa the followini; witm.Nr.H to pri.vo liin
coiitinnona residenni.. upon, and cultivation of,
H-iid land, viz:
.lumen 11. Allen, .liicoh H. V illiams. Kilward
Itoud and Anilmw KikhI, a 1 of Ki.rlil Mile, ( tr.
Any peraon who d'Hin. I.. protent ai,'ilillt tlin
nllowaiict' of hucIi j.n.i.f. or.who kriov of any
aulietitntiiil ri'iiHon, iiiiii'.r tin. law a "d tin. rciruln
tioni of thr. tnteriiir lli-tnirtini'iit. why iiuch miof
ahould not lie allowed, will lie rivn an opportu
nity at. the nliove iiieniioi.e.l time and place to
croMH examine tliewimei-rti.t.if euid oliiiinunt, and
to olfer ev idenijfi in rehiiruil of tluit eubmitted
by claimant.
SXl-n b. A. MeUoMALD, Kct'ifer,
Uiiid Ollicn ut The Dull. . Or.. May 31. 'c9.
Nonce ie lierehy ciyen that liio roilowlnif named
aoltler has hied notice of hn intention to make
limit proof in nii.)i't of hi claim, nnd that euid
proof will lie made before Ilia county jude of
itiorrow coui.iy, tu tieppnor, nr., ou July 111,
ltiSB, viz:
William Graham,
lid. 2IT.2. for the KliH NK'i fic. 5. and H'i NW,
NWVi SW! Sen. 4. Tp.4 H., It. 25 K I
He iiameM the followinu; witnosseH to prove J
hia couliinioua reaidence upon, and cultivation
of, anid land, viz:
ll. F. i.'iiho, of llepjiner. Or.; .frilin .lenkina,
Wiley Metice, .). I,. Ileymar. of KiKht Alile.
Any person wlei deMiren to protent a'aiut the i
allowance of audi proof, or who known of any I
aulmtantial reason, iimier the law and tho nam- i
hition of thn liuerior Ileinrtment. wliy Kticli '
proof kIioiiUI n,.t be allowed, will lie itiven a"
opportunity at the above n.entii.iiHd lime and
place lo 1-rnf.M-exannne the w.tto-ea of said
..oilman, uml toi.ner evHIeiiee in reUu.tlllof thut
ai.li. nil Hal liy cJuituntlt.
-an F . A. M. Do.nai.d. Iterator.
NOTICE OF" "i N TE N if ON '.
Land Office at The Dnllca. Or.. May 111, 181B.
Notice ia hereby Kiveu that the followiiiK
named settler haa tiled notice of hirt intention
to make final liroof in Hiipporl of his claim, and
thai auid proof will he made before the county
judite of -Morrow county, at Heppner. Or., on
July 111, IKlll, viz:
James J. Mc.Oee,
lid. 112(1. for Ihe N' NK . See. 0, and WW
NW'j, Sec. 10, 'lp. 58.. B. K.
He name thy following witiiRHRea to prove hid
continnoiia reaidance upon, and cultivation of.
aaid laud, viz:
Kred 1'oppoii J. A. Adams, E. II. Dickons,
Jiimea llama, all of Ilurdiiiaii, Or,
Any tierson who demrea to oroleat n.,u...u(
tho nllowance tif aurli proof, or who known of
any mitiHtautia rwison, under the law und the
rek-il ll ona or t ie Inferior ,.nri.Ti..l u.-...
audi proof ahould not bo allowed, will be Riven
an opportunity at the above mentioned time and
place to croas-examiiie the wittieeaea of aaid
claimant, and to otter' evidence in rebuttal of
that aulimitled by claimant.
--" , A. MelKiNAl.!), Itciiiatar,
Land OHice a't Lndraildn Or., Mav 15, IHSD.
Notice ia hereby given thin, tbp t,.l ewinr.
named aoltler haa tiled notice of hia intention to
make tinal proof in aupport of hia cl.iin, and
oiai aaiii prooi win oe mtule berore the county
cleik of Morrow county, ut Ueppnor. Or., oil
July 6, lbS.I, viz:
John If. Johnson
, for tho HW1 8im). 8, Tp. 4 8.,
P. No. 77:!5
K. VV. M.
R. 27
Hn tminm thp fillowinff witnoi4 to prove hin
contiiiuouH ivt-idtnce upon und L-ultivution ol,
ottid ittiid, viz:
K. J.Hill. of He, piitT, Or.. Jorry Phillips, of
IjexiiiKton. Or , J. A. Dupuy, Hubert Dexlnr, of
llnppuiT, Or.
Any pernot: whodowirra to protost dinst the
Hllowaiirv of nucli proof, or who Know of uny
aubsUiiitirtl roauon, uiulBr tin 1hw- Hud the rcnn
IntioiiM of ttio lUiwior l).'ji;irnn it, why such
linwf Hhoulii not he hIIwtiI, will be privun n
tpporlunity Ht iho above uientmneil time and
plui'M to rroas-oxaituim tlni wituor-ufi of naid
I'laiiniint. ntul to oiler Hvidoi.co m rohutud of
Unit Htihautitd liy rlammnt.
Hkniiy Hinkhart, Uotfister.
Ijind Oifu-p nt Lidlranfl.' Or., My IS, 18NB.
Notion ih hereby uiven thU tlu fnlltiwinff.
liiimtMl net ler ban tile. I tiohoe of be intention 10
make titmt proof in otipport of hi elniin, und
uuu sfiui piiK'i will tt nitele hefon Um eounty
jiulte, tr m hm HOMeniK. iH-lore tho eoiutty elrk l
of Morrow roiinty.Ht Heppner, Ore , on Juli 4.
V. t Cretsirell
Hd. No. for the W4 8V 8eo. tY., and Wli
NWi 8ec. ii6,Tp.3S K.28 K.
Ho immeH tbe follow niu witneBUPii tn nnir
uieiy i timuui, leomi'mu upon, UUU CttlllVlltlon
of HHid litud, viz:
tt T. Tippet t, of Unii, Or., Oliver P. M. Sim
coke. John Kiiiiie,v,r.l'. Tlioinpdoii.nU of Hepp
ner. Or.
Any person whodenires to profit aniiit tli
allowance tif Htii'ti prtMtf, or wko know of any
ubatautiul reucon, uiulei Hie iuw4ik1 tlie ri'Kuia
tioiiH of the Inierior lVpurlment, Uby euehprwof
Bh'uld not be allowed, will Ihj ftiven an oppor
tunny at tbe alove mmuioinxi time and place to
onH-eiiiniuiH the wittiheo of tnid claimant,
and to utter evideiii'e iu rabuttHl tf that submit
ted b claimant.
Siii-iiT - Hkxuy HiNtuvuT. Heh'iter.
Smii Wasikd. C. M. Mullorv will
pny the highest cush prices for" scrip,
l'lace of luisincas, cnriu'r Miiv mul Chase
Ka have the Exclusive Control of
jlm, don't tan to oftr a prlrt to Mtf tut
6wil, or tu tin BLSI MAD. (atr) Can Mtt
ArliugtoD, Or.
Do you need a Mowing Machine, Reaper, or
Combined Reaper and Mower ? ;
If so, Go to , ' i
CoiHin i. McFarland's
' ji--.r'i
v. "
The "CHAMPION" has been s.il.l during the past 2") years on the Paoifio Coast,
and holds the lend. THK NEW CHAMPION STEEL 510W Eli is lh
Strongest and Lightest Running Jl iwer in the world. Iteing made
of Solid Sleel. it will not break to pieoes like ordinary nnst
iron machines, and is sold at price within the
' reach of all.
Tlxe Champion H in trie Ueaper.isjust the machine for
Harvesting, where a lieavierand larger one
is not wanted.
; - , - . -
' C a 1 i Tl TT
i T" T T I- I t T( Ci I I f 1
i v) L( J L k 1 ) 1 1 1UJ ot n d y
j J
Is complotwilb the latent improvements. We keep all sizes of the
Cel et r 11 1 o d Mitolii?li Wagons,
Macks and Buckboanls.
Full line of Dry Good, Groceries, Hiiniwuro, Boots ami Shoes, Clottiinff,
Sudillen uml Htiinesis.
Portland Enolish Ceinout, Lime, .Sulpliur, Salt, ptc, in lots to mit,
All our goods fit prices to meet competition witli
(iny town in Oregon.
Ooll See "Oss,
jft lil R.- I "
. HeppniM' and Arlington.
will t L'ii vel well when
Goi ) e i -i 1 1 13 1 ; ic k. w m i t b ,s & 1 1 iers.
Jtestaeii Slip Spa?. aftei lij'st 1839.
Matloolx Oornor, Mat jjl Street, IIejilcr, Or.
j NELSON JONES, Pres't. f. E. H. BISHOP, Tiens.
General Warehouse and For
ward in Agents.
The Company lias receully constructed a tieo-story
warehouse SO ;v 100 feet, i villi lvool jtresx and all con
veniences; for handling ivool.
The Warehouse Charges at Heppner will he the same
as those at irfin.atonf less carta.os.
.Freight upon haled- wool from Heppner, same as
from. Jrlinaton.
. Cash advanced' upon consignments of wool or wool in
La Flor de
AJ W". Marsliall
The Future Capitol of the State
of W'ashinoton.
c - iH - o - fr.e -
Lapointo's First Addition to tlie
City of Elleiisbiirgli.
I'ttrties wishing to purchase choice lots at reasonable
prices, and property that will increase greatly in a
short time, will please call on
V. SXOW, Affeut,
Who will make contracts and give full
mat on concerning the same.
Heppner, June 0, 1889.
- : Eiore in Heppner !!
Bnv a
9. I -
e - 0'j - - tfli
nr ftkm
-:Gilliam & Coffey,:-
With ft huge nnd selecteil iine f
Hardware, Tinware.Agricultural Implements
And Harvostlns Mnolilnory,
Queensware, Wood nmi Willow Wftii Pijm mid Plumbw-s' Material,
Glasswara. nnd Stoves of the latest mid most approved pnttern.
l?ird Cages nnd Grnnite Iron Ware.
Tl 1 e 'Ne v ton AVnuons ni 1 cl. IT n eks.
We call Special attention to the
They are second to none and the wide cut is witbot a peer.
s t
r I
. '
f The Winner in all Contests.
A Tin Shop in coiiiiection. Repairing and plumbing neatly done.
Omnp outfits a s)ecialty. Our price.s an low (is the lowest for
the class of goods we curry.
Snoceiwor to Miuor, Uoilxnu A 0
If You 'Want
' Ooiitss lramisiililrtfi; Goods,
Hats, Caps, Boots, - Shoes,
a ci u tcu jTUr al i m p.li-;m KN Tft,
Groceries, Crockery,. Gi.ASswAur-., Gun.
Ammunition Cutlery, Stati'.;n;ery,
Or UQytliitii; llnallv kept in a IH-HU'iiifis nl,irv, fall on
w o: MINOR.
Tnko yniir-
Next ilour to Leezer & Thumpsnn's luinlwnro sture, Hoppn.ir, Oregon
Who keeps on liaml a Fresh Stok ot
Hi Line m"
Are the Heat.
"BfxrjSniM!! Six Ioiiits, Oils, 13te.
. 1V1. LUtAL
. Hay Street, Nearly Opposite Minor, Dodson & Co.'s Store,
Manufacturer of and De.ilor in
Furniture, Mirrors,'
Bedding, Brackets,
. Picture. Frames, Etc.
Also For Sale
Chenp Fur Cah.
May Street, Hepi'ner.
General .'nz'j'ziz:
x. .-v I
Also Take OrJers
5 Groceries,
I' lLu ii 1 1
i A i
ll d
i u r
7W j?3l. xS olinston's
Opposite W. 0. Minor's, on May Street.
.4W:;, X
Cash Advanced Upon Consignments !
Address 117 Federal Street.
1 iiiiiinnnrnt'
I I b 3 II. Ill lil 1 I
II I 'U kU
I I II 111 H .1.1. I 1 I I
Prt'si'rijtiuns to
Notion s
A mmu-
ii ni; K
in i i
'lllillS Mlli
l A T T Al
) Stationery
Boston. Mass,