THE GAZETTE. HEPPNER. THUKSDA?. June 6, '8 Local and General. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Trmini on the Willow Creek Branch arriTfi at and leave the different stations daily, except tiundays, as follows: EASTWARD. WBSTWARD. Ko7l7TMixwi) So. 18 (Mixed) : T. . Ar. Hepvner. Lt. 7:45 a. m. 5:45 ' " " Lexington. " 8:3)" 510 lone. " 8:50" " 4:40 Bouglnss. " 9:20 " " 4:3)" " " Cecil's, " 9:40" " 8:30"' " " Willows Junction " 10:80 " " 2:50" "Lt. Arlington. Ar, 2:20" " :40"PMAr Portland Lt 7:45 " " Northern Pacific train east leaTe Arlington daily 2:20 P. M.; goirK west. 10:15 A. M. Union Pacific trains east, 4:11) A. M.; going wast, 12:30 P. M. G. L. THOMPSON, Agent. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Stage leaves for Canyon City Mon day!, Wednesdays and Fridays. Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Tbre is a saving of 16 hours in time and 810 in casU by taking this route to Canyoa SIGNAL SERVICE KECOltD. For Week Eliding Wednesday, Jnne 5, 1889. Heppneb, Or., Jane 6, 1889. 2 p. M date. Char Cay. May 30 Fair Cl'r 31 June " 3 " " S A. SMITH, Observer. 0. W. Lomlar & Co., 429, Fifth St., Portland, Or., are authorized to make advertising contracts for the Gazette. They will also make collections for this paper. We must oelebrate! Our job department ib crowded with work, Geo. Gates was over from Haystack Monday. John Dennis struok out yesterday for Montana. J. B. Sperry returned from Portland last Thursday. A. G. Bitter is ranking a very effloient Marshal, a terror to evil-doers. T. W. Aysrs, Jr., leaves for Arlington to morrow to reoeive wool for Ayers & Fell. Henry Blaokman, Heppy and Mrs. Goldstone leave to-morrow for Boise to "visit relatives. Boise is preparing for a big celebra tion this year. Uncle CI rk Adkins wag down from Hardman this week. Albert Avers and wife were over from Butter ereek last week. Mr. Davis is hauling in Jonas Bros.' fleeces from Long Creek. Some good wood on subscription is wanted at the Gazettb office. The Gazette wants a good corre spondent in every neighborhood. Mrs Pry Wilson and Mrs. Joe Wool ery visited friends in Heppner last week. Lane Matlock and wife, of MoDnnald canyon, were over to visit relatives this week. Some work was done last week on Redington hill, just beyond Brewery bluff. Messrs. J. B. Sperry and Will McAtee will drive their sheep to the mountains -ibis week. The First National Bink of Heppner 'begun business in their new building .last Tuesday. 0. C. Stanley, a wel'-known and hon ored citizen of Hardman, was in Hepp ner last Saturday. The new sign of the Gem "ample room is attracting attention, the work of Rider Js Kerns, painters. Mrs. Frank Bush is very low with tynho-malarial fever m Portland, and is iot expeoted to live. A daily mail service between Heppner ni Canyon City is becoming more of a necessity day by day. The amended portion of the road laws appears in this issue, and will interest every oitizen. Geo. Swaggart and wife, J. C. Kirk and wife and Jas. Hayes and wife are visiting in the Willamette valley. Buttermilk canyon must be improv ed soon or no wool from Lone Rock will come here this year. Prof. J. H. Stanley has laid aside the duties of a pedagogue to take a position in the Heppner warehouse. Ira Stone is shearing in the neigh bor ef Hailey, where he reports an abundance of good range. M. 0. Waterbnry and O. D. Duston pulled out for Long Creek with tons of merchandise last Sunday morning. E. H, Clarke, the pioneer wool man, is in the Heppner country again, look ; ing after consignments for Christy & ''. Wise. Mr. Davis, S. Koshland & Co's wool bnyer, will commence in dead earnest next week to purchase Morrow county fleeces. Mrs. Geo. W. McHargue accompanied 1 her mother, M:s. Walters, to Brownsville i this week and will remain there a few rmonths. On last Friday evening, there were in She Heppner warehouse for sale and shipment, J640 sacks of wool, weighing 23,2u0 fljs. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Dodann and children returned yesterday from Missouri, where tbey have been visiting relatives for the past three months. LvdU Schaffer who has lived with the family of Thos. Matlock for some time is very sick at the borne of ber TU, Max. Min. Wind IBain ilwr' flier Ther Direc. Fore linen 87 68 49 W 3 .00 11 74 51 NV 1.S .00 76.60 78 6il NW 41 .00 8) 81 49 NW 3 01) 84 9) 5(i W 1.2 .00 67.50 7'J 4! W 6 .00 71 72 - 43 NW 3 .00 I parents in toe country. The slore room just vaoated by the First National Bank will be occupied by the grocery firm of Messrs. Johnston & Sloan in the near future. Al. Robwts and Gov. Rea came back to Heppner on last Tuesday morning, after an absence of a week at the bealth jfiving McDuffy springs. The weather is beooming intolerably hot, and all signs of rain have disap peared. The crops still oontinue to grow, are in the best condition. The council committee on fire and water are at work on the water qne tion. They propose to have artesian ' water if it exists m this location. The go-as-you-please-funny-folks, of ' Six Dollar canyon, will meet at their sohool house Friday evening to have a social dance. A good time is assured. Mrs. K L. Matlcok and daughter, Miss Martha, went below last Tnesdayto visit relatives in the fruitful Willamette val- jey. rney win remain auoui two uiuuiun. Mrs. F. A. Snow returned from Seattle Wednesday of last week, where she had been to attend the marriage of her sister, Miss Iua Weatherford to Mr. C. S. Wen tier. Business for our job department is solicited from neigl.h?rinr tons We do work as cheap as any bouse in East ern Oregon and guarantee satisfaction. Write tor price list. The type in the last week's issue made ns state that there was for sale in the Heppner warehouse, 100 sacks of wool. It was intended for 1003, and yet that estimate was 500 sacks short. Mrs. Tbos. Qnaid went to The Dalles Yesterday to accompany ber daughter. Miss Katie, to her home near Heppner. Miss Kattie ban baen attending school at The Dalles the past winter. fell's circus is eternally doing the valley. The circus is all fight, but is largely supported by the man who don't pay a cent, but bo rustles everlastingly for coin to bay s family ticket. The parents of Heppner should keep a close watch over their children, as some of them are becoming a little too familiar with the cars, as reported by the railroad officials. Heppner has not had a railroad accident so far, but "A Horrible Accident" will be chronicled soon unless children are kept away from moving cars. J. F. Miller, a stockman residing 12 miles below Monument on the John Day, was in Heppner last week. Al though his sheep were shorn before the storm, be sustained no Iobs. Mr. Miller is now making this his trading point instead of Arlington, and is well pleased with the change. Mr. C. E. Fell, the nurseryman, has seen considerable of Morrow oouuty this spring and ventures to say that timber cultures were never iu better condition anywhere. The growth is exceptionally fine so far this season and is encouraging to those who are iu doubt regarding the suocess of tree planting in Morrow. The survey of the Heppner and Mon ument road is almosc completed, the surveyors reaching Wall creek on last Saturday. Road commissioner Lishe Sperry passed through town last Sun day on his way over there. Work on the grades will begin in a few weeks. If you want to keep your friends in formed as to the growth of the Heppuer region, send them the Gazette. Many of them are desirous of locating some where in the Northwest. A oopv of the home sheet, sent regularly, will cause them to decide in favor of Morrow as a future home. B L. Leland, well and favorably known in Heppuer, has received a po sition with a luce ami funoy dry goods house of Seattle, and left for that place on last Monday. Ben has hail much ex perience in that line, and will, no doubt, give satisfaction in the oapacity o sales man. Newt. Jones came back from Idaho's plains last week to his home in Heppuer. Sam Hull and Lafe Fenland came back with him, having taken a baud of horses to range over there. Newt, is out in the Blues this week looking after the gener al needs of a baud of sheep. The month of May has been an un usually busy one for the Morrow County Land and Trust Co. Thus far tbey have re ceived over one-half million pounds of wool, and the prospects are that wool will continue to come in during the greater part of Juue. Chas. Cape, G. S. Gurdnne and Frank MoCorkle were over from the Butter creek section on last Monday. Good grass, fine crops, and fat cattle, horees and sheep are encouraging to the boys as well as their neighbors. Messrs. Gilliam & Coffey and J. B. Sperry's Heppner Roller Mills, while not included iu the general list of business houses, received indireot mention in last week's write-up. However, it was not the intention to omit anyone from the list. E. Y. Judd, a wool buyer for (he Con necticut mills, is iu Heppner. Mr. Judd bought 10J bales of scoured wool in San Francisco last week at the very low price of b'io. The market in Heppuer jus tifies on a scoured basis 58 to 60c. Do not wait until to-morrow, when you feel sick, but take immediately a dose of Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier and prevent a serious attnok of sickness. It is the best liver regulator and blood olenuaer in existence. Try it. Messrs Coffin & MoFarlanri.of Arling ton and Heppner, inform us that Christy & Wise recently sold Win. Penlund's and Mr. McBee's wool in Sun Francisco for 18c, netting them 10c, in Arliugton or Heppuer. The applicants, seven in number, who passed the examination in Heppner l ist week were all successful. Two suc ceeded iu securing three year, and the remaining five, two year certificates to teach. The means raised by subscription for the Haystack road have been exhausted, and a good road as far as the county line is the result. It is presumed that Haystackers will oomplete the remain der. Mr. L. M. Lapointe, proprietor of La poiute'B addition of Elletisburgb, was iu Heppner this week advertising his property. Mr. Lapointe has an ad. in this issue wliioh every one should read. Excursion Tickets will be on sale June 5, 6 and 7, Heppner to Portland and return fare. Round trip, $7.90. Tickets good to return not later than June 9th on account race meeting. Schaaif Bros., of Monument, sold their clip iu Heppner this week for 14:bC. The market justifies from 11 to Via., according to quality. SOME OF HEPPNEE'S BUSINESS HOUSES NOT MENTIONED LAST WEEK. Through an iuadvertenoy, no mention was made last week of the Heppner nur sery, C. E. Fell, proprietor, or of the drug business of A. D. Johuson & Co. Mr. Fell is a nurseryman who has had years of experience, and his business deserves the encouragement of every resident. Of late years be has giveu special attention to the growing of tim ber cultures, and it is nothing more than just to say that bis success has induned many to file timber oulture en tries in this viointy. . Mr. A. D. Johuson is senior partner and maaager of the drug firm of A. D. Johnson & Co. This firm are successors to C. M. Mallory who was iu the drug business at that popular stand for many years. Mr. Johuson is a thorough busi ness man a gentleman in every respect, and deserving of the success which be is meeting in business. Press Thompson finished shearing his 7,000 sheep last week. B.iro At Hillsboro', on May 28, to the wife of Dr. J. E. Adkiue, a son. The sale of the D. A. Heren property was ef fected by A. A. ttoberts, the real estate man. The W. (.'. T. U. will meet next Saturday after noon ar three o'clock ia the Baptist church, A strawberry and ice cream festival was enjoy ed last Monday eve by Heppner people, opposite the (iAZBTTE otiice. Morrow county can haTe bat one grand 4th of July celebration. Let all join in and agree on Heppner as the place. A party was given last evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wm' Hash. Those who attend ed had an enjoyable time. The First National Bank is now located in their elegant quarters in t'. A. Bhf-a'e new build ing at the corner of May and Main streets. A Heppner should form a Fine Stock Association. It would result in an occasional exhibition of blooded s ock of all kinds. Talk it up, stock men. The Pacific Coast. In pursuing its course of describiarf and illustrating the Pacihc North west, the ,JVV'est Shore Magazine" for May reaches over into British Columbia and devotes a cou siderable portion of the issue to that, in many respects, remarkable city of Vancouver, the west, ern terminus of the ionvest line of railway in the world, the i 'anadian Pacific. There are Mm pages of iithoKraphic illustrations. Corrailis and Men ton county, Oregon, which are closely identified with a new transcontinental route, are also il lustrated and described iu this number. An in teresting article on Nomenclature of the Pacific t'oast," the concluding part of "A Story of the Klamath," and much other fiction, poetry, and a variety of timely matter pertaining to the whole Northwest cumplete an issne of more than usual interest. Single copies, $i.30a year. Pub lished by L. Samuel, Portland Oregon. MINOH NE'A'd llEMrt, The Baling. Morgan and Uussell butter at W. V. Minors' (Cowboys, small boys. Hrirs boys and men. do yoa want a hat? See W. O- Miuor' new line. Don't boy yoir spring suits elsewhere until yoa bare seen W. O. Minor's new line and new prices. Then you won't. Gravity Sam, a rip-roaring representatire of Lard valley, is roundi ig up H jppner this week and sampling the s:mpb wares of Heppner's ample room. Bf tre leaving uwt he will pur chase a full une of supplies front vV. O. Minor. Having purchased a line of smplfc., W. O. Minor can 11 you goods from this count at San Krancisw wnolale prices. It d n' a .pea r reasonable, but o.Tie Had se for yourself, and the truth of this rtalsa'JOI will bs apparent to you. Takes Up. One brown mare, no brana visible. Weighs about 1,100 pounds, fonr year old. Owner of said property ean bave the same by proving ownership aud Davine ehartes. 322-2 W. O. BoiEB K. of P. Election. At a regular con vention of Dorio Lodge No. 20, K. of P. on Tuesday eve of last week, the fol lowing were elected to serve the term of six months July 2 to December 31: C. C, Henry Rasmus; V. C, J. H. Stanley; P., John Rasmus; M. at A., J. W. Cowens. Celebbatk. The oouncil empowered the mayor and recorder at last meeting to issue a oall for a mass meeting of our citizens to arrange for a grand celebra tion of the Fourth of July. Heppner will, no doubt, prepare a program for that occasion, which will interest all. A Propitious Sign. Six hundred extra copies of the Gazette were sent away by oitizens of Heppner last week. The office had not anticipated the disposal of half that number. Heppner people are fully alive to their interests, and1 support their borne paper in a manner which is greatly appreciated by the pro prietor A community that does not stand in its own light is sure of the highest degree of prosperity. A Good Substitute. In Walla Walla straw is spread over the streets to keep down the dust, and is found to be almost equal to sprinkling. Our street sprinkler will soon be started, but will do little more than to lay the dust on Main street. If residents w ill take the pains to scatter the refuse straw from their stables on streets adjacent to their property, tbey will be troubled but little wilh dust. Special Session of the Council. On last Thursday evening the council of Heppner met in called session iu the council chambers, next door to the Ga zette office, for the purpose of passing an ordinance prohibiting Sabbath-breaking in Heppner. It was passed under suspension of rules, and bereaftfr the denizens of our beautiful littlo city will be necessarily compelled to go dry on the Sabbath or drink common well water. Consumption Surely Cured. To the editor: Please inform your renders that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely ose thou sands of hopeless oases have been per manently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send their express and post office address, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C. 181 Pearl St., New York. N. Y Job printing at Pendleton prices at the Gazette offioe. His Horse Fell Down a Bluff. On last Saturday Billy Harrison started for the Haystack valley with a team and buggy to visit his wife, who is visiting relatives over there. Losing his way he was compelled to attempt the plan of getting his horses down a bluff into Kahler basiu, leaving the buggy on the ridge; one of them lost his footing, roll ing down the bluff, killing him instantly. Mr. Harrisou bad a narrow escape from being dragged down with the unfor tunate animah Bring: in the News. A paper cannot get along without news. Friends, it costs you l.othing to step into the office and give us a little information, which frequently forms the foundation for some excellent matter. The Gazette has a desire to give the happenings of the en tire oounty, and never feels compelled to drop down to the level of filling up the sheet wilh everything and anything Yet there are many matters of interest to the community of which the editor or his assistant know nothing of. Remem ber, the Gazette has no use for personal slings of any sort It fathers only that which it considers of value to Hepp ner, Morrow county and Eastern Ore gon. t Drowned in a Water-spout. On Wednesday of last week Mrs. Leslie Spicer was drowned in a water spout near Pilot Rock. A shearing crew were at work iu a corral near the bouse when the rain storm came tip, wbioh wag con fined principally to the gulch in which the house was situated, Mr. Spicer was with the orew and started to the house to look after his wife, but before reach ing it the building was washed away, re sulting as stated above. Her body was found a half mile below on Thursday mornitig. The building was torn to atoms by the force of the ourrent. Mr. and Mrs. Spicer were married last fall, and thii is surely a sad ending of their happiness. To CoNSUMPTrvEs. The undersigned having been restored to health by sim ple means, after suffering for several years with a severe lung affections and that dread disease, consumption, is anx ious to make known t his fellow suffer ers the means of para, To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure oure for con sumption, asthma, catarrh, bronobitis, and all throat and lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, wbioh will oost them noth ing, aud may prove a blessing, will please address, Rev. Edwabd A. Wilson, Wil liamsburg, King's county. New York. CARD OF THANKS. As many nf our residents are aware, I am inst recovering from a severe ill ness. During that sickness, through the kindness of neighbors and friends, 1 wanted for nothing, for which I shall ever be grateful. F. M. Pickard. TO DISPEL COLDS, Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when costive or billious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to permanently oure habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs. Taken Up. One red cow, 3 years old, branded 96 on left hip; ear mark, smooth crop of left ear, under half crop of right ear. Has been running on my ranch since November, 1SSS. The owner can have the same by calling and paying charges. Two miles north Gooseberry postorfice. W. J. Flkmmino. Important to Ladies, Miss Maggie White, an experienced dressmaker, re cently from Brownsville, and Mrs. C. 8. VanDuyn are prepared to do fashionable dressmaking. Tbey guarantee satisfac tion. Shop at the residence of Mrs. VanDuyn, corner Main and August Hts. Strayed. One sorrsl four-year-old gelding, branded circle L on left shoul der, barbed-wire cut on inside of left back, tail tied in small kDot at bottom. Was raised by Stephen Lynn, on Butter creek. Ten dollars reward tor return of said horse to me. L. 0. Ralston, Rockville, Gilliam Co., Or TAILORING, I bave onened a well-appointed tailor- j ing ettliihment in my new build- ing on Mav street, and am now r(?nlarly receiving new goodi and will make oua ' torn made pants from 7 to 115 beat ! goods in tlie market. i A. ABRAHAKSirK. DEl.INQrENT TAXPAYERS , Will take notice that there will be a deputy sheriff out to collect delinquent tares after the first of June, together with costs added. X. K. Howard, 23-2t riheriff. Seals op All Kinds can be procured at 85 each by ordering through the Heopner Gazette. This ia a saving of 23, to (3 on prioes usually vbarged. tf. RANDOM REMARKS. Get cash prices of feed at Spray's Heppner feed yard. The most popular place in Heppner "The Gem" sample room. Rooms to rent. Pleasant looation. Inquire at Gazette shop. tf All kinds of job work done in the Ga zette office at Pendleton prices. Coffin & MoFarland will deliver goods to any part of Heppner, free of charge. The only place in town for a cock-tail and all fancy mixed drinks is "The Gem." Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or extract the same in a scientific manner. Ah, there 1 you Long Creek friend, for Gambrinns beer and lunoh of all kinds go to "The Gem." Gunn & Kuark. horse ahoers; horses shod with new shoes all round after date for $1.50 per head. A nue line of outlery just received al W. A. Johnston's store. He offers big bargains in everything. The Usbnrn Uiower is considered to oe the best mower in use for light draft and durability. C. S. VanDuyn, agent. Ibe tiem isn i hog. ltdoesnotwant the earth, but wants instead to see its friends enjoy themselves driuking Gam brinns beer at 25c. a quart. Gilliam & Coffee have on band a com plete stock of harvesting maohinery, consisting of mowers, rakes, combined and single reapers, hay rakes, etc. Spray will feed horses, cows and don keys for the following prioes: Hay per dav, 3 bits; single feed, hay or grain, 12 j oents per head. Roberts & Simons are prepared to re pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe yuur horse, and in fact there is nothiug in the blacksmithiug line that they are not able to do. Go to A. D. Johnson & Co 's City Drug Store for your machine oils. They have all kinds at the very lowest prioes. Speoial prices to saw-mills and threshers for large quantities. Hunsuker aud Long having enlarged their livery stable, opposite Natter's Brewery, are now better prepared to ac commodate the publio thau ever. All stock left in their oare will receive the best of attention. Agricultural machinery should be the best. A break-down in a busy time is often the result experienced by those who fail to use good judgment in pur chasing. The "Champion" mowers and reapers are made of the best ma terial, light-running and do the best ot work. These features should not be overlooked bv the rancher. For sale by Coffin & McFarland, Heppner and Ar lington. To all whom it mav oouoern : You are hereby notified that if you purchase bird cages, without first inspect ing the complete line of cages just re ceived by Leezer & Thompson, you are liable to get left. They have also a new lot of spring perches, bird cage springs. seed cups and bird baths. Duu't fail to call and see them when wanting any thing m that line. POINTS FROM EIGHT MILE. Very warm weather. A good shower of rain is needed. Grass aud grain are looking re markably well this season. James Allen and family have gone to Washington Territory, and Jake Williams is attending to their farm until they return home. Shearing is nearly over. The crew that sheared for Mr. Far rier did not receive their pay. He suddenly became overpowered with a desire to see California, and went ere the morning dawn ed regardless of the suspicions that would be aroused, or how the boys would feel when they found they were cut out of their wages. Times are very quiet at Eight Mile Center now. The Sabbath seems long with out preaching. Where are you going on the fourth f is the question now, and judging from the replies Eight Mile will be well represented at Hardman. This has been a favorable season for breaking and fallowing. Many farmers are taking advan tage of it, and acres of sod are be ing turned over, which means better times for the poor bunch grassers in the future. It was reported the measles were in our midst, but it was a false alarm. Health is very good now. Jce Hays talks Some of going to Montaua with sheep but has not tuliy decided yet. Fred Ashbaugh's family are staying at present on their ranch on McKinny creek. Charley Ashbaugh has taken Fred Ashbaugh's sheep to the mountains, where he will herd them this season. Austin Nicolson took a trip to Iowa recently. He returned Inst week, preferring Oregon to Iowa, The crew of shearers from Eight Mile have gone to the mountains to shear a large band of sheep. I would be glad to hear from a number of other neighborhoods, as 1 often send the paper East, and it is an advertisement of our country. Mr. Leathers and family hav gone to tho mountains to stay awhile. Ed Hooker and family sxpect to return to Eight Mile to live. Mr Aubrey has built a house on his ranch, and it is supposed from his attentions to one of Eight Milec' fairest daughters, that he will not "batch" it there very long, but will take to himself a compan ion, who will Smile when he sighs, Weep w hen he laughs, Thus share his joys and woes, I. O. FACTS FROM H. 4 B'l. Infants', chillis', boys', mens', and nicest assortment of election bats at H. k B's, Most complete line of wall papers, bor ders, carpets, rugs, and curtains at reduc ed prices now on eihibition at Heppner k Blaokman'a. Ladies are invited to call and inspect our new arrivals of all wool tricots, ma zuma plaids, latest patterns in stripes, jerseys etc., etc. Herders would profit by examining our woolens and full st ick hoots. Call and take a ohew of onr H. k B's. private stock chewing to- acco For sale by H. A B,, sole agents, the celebrated Condell's Big Can Baking 1'owder for 50o, Each can contains 114 pounds. Equal to the very best in the market. Come early to avoid tlie rush. Parties wishing to purchase fall sup plies would do well by calling on Hep- finer k Blm kmriri. We insure gentleman y treatment, low prices, and good qual ity in all lines, flour in quantities to suit at mill prices. Most oomplete and extensive line of mens', boys', and ladies', buck and kid driving gloves, woolen-lined gloves to keep yon r bands warm ben snow flies. Call aud inspect our goods, at H. k B's, So trouble to show goods, dJ WHOLESALE Harflware, Iron, Steel anil Fare Maciiiiry. SOU AGENTS FOR WASHINGTON ANG NORTHERN I0AH3 FCR T!I BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. These Machines are too well known to need comment. Thousands of firmars Uavo used them and speak of them with praise. They are the only nrvcstlnj Machines that will give ENTIRE SATISFACTION to the purchaser. VIILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER, AULTiWS STAR TRAQTIOM EOCIW, Tho moat Effective and Successful Combination far Tlircclii- and Clcnirj Grain eve constructed. BUCKEYE siEEiin ame .. ,T Faatnrc tnat distinguishes tlita Twiiui.niiidcr Is the UcWncss o( Draft. ronil;n- with Iti Extraordinary btrelwth and Durability. Tho Binder ia ot the Appleby pattern, the on!v rcallv Hicra lul one vet known He have two styles, the Elevator Binder and the Platform Biikicr-bo.'h cxce'ilci.t-bUh recommended by hundreds ot patrons. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS, BUCK-BOARDS. FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, CORBIV DISC HARROWS, HODGES-HAINES HEADERS, HAISH BARB WIRE. SEND FOR CIRCULARS, W. O. MINOR, Agent, Heppner, Oregon, To Paint Neatly Requires an Artist with the Brush. 1UDER & KERNS Can do that kind of a job. They also make a specialty of n i n ti i n m S: (fr nun m nmmMm m mmw Leave orders rt A. D. Johnson's & Co.'s drug store, cor. May and Main sts. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay required. Shop Opposite Gazette Office, Heppuer, Oregon F.E. BKACH, President. WM. MoFALL, Vice President. THEi Pacific Fire 9 wLSniirat-'roiT Portland, Oopltfil Stock, $500,000. O. L Patterson, Agent, Heppner Oregon. NEW RESTAURANT! I have just opened a first-class restaurant in A. Aliralmmsiek'e new building, on May street, and solicit a share of the patronage. BCeals o.t .11 Hours. Single Meals 50cts 3 meals for $1.00, Board by week $5.00. I lirtvo some furnisliecl rooms iix conneo tlou. Txr-itla. Restaurant. May St., Heppner, Oregon. Heppner Feed Yard! FEED FEED FEED WOOD WOOD WOOD The above is nil for sa'e at tlie rates. Lower Main Strept. LUMBER! -AT W, G. SCOTT'S Willow Creek Saw-Mill ! L Keeps constantly on band all kinds of UNDRESSED LUMBER; also PICKETS, LATHS AND SAWED SHAKES! ESP Mill LooaU,d at the Head of Willow Creek, If! miles above Heppner. j3 EIiLEIBTOrn The Future Capitol of the State of Washington. Lapointc's First Addition to the City of Ellensburgh. Parties wishing to purchase choice lots at reasonable prices, and property that will increase grcatlj in. a short time, will please call on F. A. SNOW, Agent, jWho will make contracts and give full infor mation concerning the same. Heppner, June 6, 1889. ) mnT First ann vrp. s vnts 1 ilvUll 1 wv UW I A U U 11 L,uiUl PORTLAND, DEALERS IN OREGON. TWINE - DINDER A House W. F. BROWNTON, Secretary. Insurance Co, sisest, Oregon. GEORGE VETlilE, LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER Heppner Feed Ynrrt nt rpnwmnhle J. F, SPRAY, Prop. LUMBER! tfsJ.rSb.Mmn- n JLr -t HtJLireala for tlxo RA1LRAOD! H. BLACKMAN & CO, SUCCESSORS TO DEALEKS IN General Merchandise, The Pi oneer Firm of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon. OWING TO THE COMPLETION OF VTHE RAILWAY We are prepared to offer large inducements, especially to Cash Customers. Everything Ui , Caps, Dry Cool, 1 V ' And in fact ever thing contained in a first class store. STOCKMEN'S SUPPLIES IN LARGE QUANTITIES. Farmers' Wants in all Details. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange. We Purchase our goods in car load quanti ties; hence our ability house, Otving totlie sternly iiifi'pnsfi in mir liHMmwt vte linve built a Larg mid Commodious Firt-Proof Brick Building, whicb gives u better facilities than ever before enjoyed. Sole Agents for Heppner and Vicinity FOR THE Celebrated Bain- W agon r AND Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s gricultural Implements HIDES AND PELTS BOUGHT FOE CASH OR TRADE. A. D. JOHNSON & CO. -rnoi'RiETOus of the CITY HEPPNER, Keep tho Largest and Best Selected Stock of Goods iu Their Line iu Morrow County. Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicines and Toilet Goods of Every Description. Also, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, it-c. Nsw Stock ol Wall Paper Just mim East. Pure Wines and Liquois for Medicinal Purposes. Domestic, Key West and Imported Cigars. Call and see us when yon are wanting anything in our line. Prescriptions accurately cuiupouuded, day and uight, and special atteulion giveu to orders from the country. W. J. LEEZER. LEEZER & THOMPSON DEALERS & HARDWARE AGRICULTURAL- IMPLEMENTS, SHELF HARDWARE, Bird-Cages, Rope, Nails, Cntlery, Wood and Willow Ware, Granite Ware, Etc. MAIN STREET, MAT, IvIGIlTlSlVrilAIv, DEALER IN BOOTS and SHOES Custom Work anil Heparan Neatly Done. Opposite Hotel, Heppner, Oregon. D. W. HORNER. GEO. NOBLE. IIORXBR t& XOBLV15, DEALERS IN HARNESS, WHIPS, SPURS, ETC THE CEIJEBRATED Heppner Saddles! Cuontantlv KAHT MAIN BTRJDKT. at Bottom Prices. Clotliioi, Provisions, to undersell any other P. C. THOMPSON HEPPNER, OREGON on linod. Bum gill DRUG STORE. TO&SISW OREGON.