i i 1-1 3 THE HEPPNEE Livery and Feed Stable, Hunsaker & Long, Proorietors, . Opposite Natters' Brewery, Heppner, Or. Stoolc Iloiirrlotl ty the Day, Week, or Montli Saddle Horses, Buggies and hacks to hiie at Reasonable Rates. Hay d pin for sals at mimk prices. 'BUS to & FROM all TRAINS. Goods delivered to any part of the city. Leave orders at our olliee, in stable. All Stock Is'l in Their Care Will Receive the Host of Attention. S perry's New Holler Mills! IJEPPXKH,' - - OJM'GOX. Capacity 70 Barrels J, B. S PERRY, Proprietor. -: o :- Flour from best Grades of Wheat, flour and Mill Feed. Is now for sale in quantities to suit purchasers. r t. ti ,vir I ' , t A i Hamilton floor pwiY, i-t a TvrriaToisr., o:ra:o. Manufacturers of Hamilton Gradoa of Vehicle;.!. EDITOHIAL SPECIAL BUG OY Off ANY STYLE VEHICLE. SPECIAL FRATURK3 : Proportion, Diu-siltilUy, l'oiToPiton ot" ITiuisili. This " Mirror" finish work Is the best mrilium-priccd work in the Unitrd States. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. UAJIILTOX IHTOOY CO. THE Clark 840 N. Charles St., - Branch Storo, OF PURE COD LIVER OIL tyn HYPOFHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. Ro ili.sulH.d tiint it can be taken, IgeXed, II1 an.tmtiKlrd by tiia luoit a.ualflva tomnrli, wlitm lite llftln oil canm.t be toleraltMl nnfl by the r.m klnellon of tlie oil will! the hypophoa. Bntte. Is mrh uiure etliiat-loua. Bcmarkalilc bs a flesh producer. Persons gala rnpltlly while taking 1U SCOTT'S EMULSION in neknovlmlgodliy Physicians to tie the l'uiest and Heat yiropa ntlun in tho world fur the relief aud ouro of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, CENERAL DEBILITY, WA3TIN0 DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS nncl CMItONIO COUCHS. Ths grent rnttniy for timsumptian, and Waslihj in ChUJnn. .S.-W br) alt Druggists, MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Onlr Cvnnlao Hritem of Jrmorr Trnlnlng. 1-our 11 LoHt tird la ana red.aa. ItlliiJ wuiidri-ln! cured Bttt child mn ndu'i vreni'r benfflttrtl PMtfloll.irold Vf,t.h It. . J TT-V ' J j I"ro . fib t. uibt if llitiiit'liaia ttitn yut hiH. fw months .nJ howi H U i! i.t i Itav. nl led, Ihi'i berome uut own (nvin tv M Wllf) vrm f eiin f Win tl it f tl nd H;.-iI'.'- W-j-r il lViirtit.fi .With At CO., AS $iliHrUMsaUi4M- Prrt'i, wtti ivini w of Ir. Wm. A. Hum BOii'l, lnwr .(.(b' 1 H'f.-i.'vunl in M .ml Him'nw ; -ri'nl"it TIhmmimou, t'ii-tut IVy. ! 1 J. ill. 11 iflilrT, t.r.niJi i'hntt,t t Iirkutt. X. V . H rlmr I l'rrr, tlm K.-n-ntu , Hon. V. V. Air, Jiidn-'i;i!tmt, Juduhl1. Jl'''t llUltl, All oth'TS. - H 1-1 t fr. In trot. A. XoIstilU.-i l .iiU Ave.,N. V. 'A IIIVl, V TO MAKE -A- Delicious Biscuit Ai your Grocer for COW BRAND J CflflA na" CAI CBATIIQ ' uuun anLLiiniuvi rja IksotaWyPiiri. CO w O O Cycle Qq. - BALTIMORE, MD. NEW RAPID BICYCLES. NEW RAPID SAFETIES. QUADRANT TRICYCLES. QUADRANT TANDEMS. Two hundred second hand machines, alt kinds, sites and prices. Bicy cles, Safeties and Tricy- i cles for Hoys and Girts. Send for Catalogue and Price Lists. Mailed free. AGENTS WANTED. 008 Pennsylvania Avo. Washington, D. C. -rut:- OREGON a tan COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE." TICIvUTS Tti till I'linoipitl 1'oiuU in the Uuittd Stilton, Cmimlii ami Kurupv. lll.Kii AN 1 1TI.I.MN i'll.lCE CAllS i EMIGRANT SLEEPING CARS IJiin Thiim'h on nil Kxprcss Tniiui) to OMAHA, - Com. oil llttffis h'rer of Clin rye iiiui Without Charge. Close Coniiivtion at Portland ftSr San Friuu isro and Pui't Sound Points". A T i l i IIIOX STKAM Llirf Lome Portland (or San Francisco every four (4) On j s, making the trip iu 60 " hours. Cudi'n, Id. Strcruge $3.00 Hound Trip Unlimited, $30,00. For further particulars ituniire of any a trout of the company, or A. L. Mux well, Ci. P. & 1. A.', Portland, Or. A. I.. MAXWELL, w. . iwLcoun, q. r. a t. a. General Manager. WHEN YOU WANT DON'T FORGET I'l t the beat nlaoo to net it is ut the OAfliETTB 8UOP. )l emptier, : : Oregon. HORSE AILMENTS. Kcponwt, Til., Uay Iff), 1889. My mare caught cold; result: swelled limbs; lump between fore-logs and inflam mation. Cured her with Pt. Jacobi Oil. L. 0. GAKDNEtt. Wiusboro, Tex., June 20, 1888. My horse was hurt on hind leg : suffered 10 months; was cured by St. Jacobs Oil ; cur has remained permanent W. J. CLIE. JOS. CAIRM SIMPSOX, Esq., Sec. Pacifio Coast Blood-Horse Association, says: "Being familiar with the remarkable efficacy of St. Jacobs Oil, I cheerfully and heartily indorse this valuable specific for painful ailments." Hon. ODEN BOWIE, Ex-Governor of Mary land, Jockey Club, Prest. City Pass. Railway Co., &ayb: "In my family and my stables I have used &t Jacobs Oil with satisfactory results, und believe It the best remedy for the painful ailments of man and beast' At DnuaoisTs akp Dealers. THE CHARLES A. V0CELER CO., Baltimore, Ml ARTHUR SMITH, PRACTICAL, WATCHMAKER ! Next to First National Bank, BEPPNEK, : : OI5EGON. Watches, A, Optical Clocks, ) .Goods. Watebi'8 Cleaued, - - $1.50. Miiiprii)B Fitted - - . 1.50. All work guaranteed for one year. '11113 IIONlSlSl Jewelry EstaisM -zi-or-i; Still Continues to Sell WATCHES, I "7" clocks, S H -7J- X! Xi , ETC., At the Loweat Possible Prices. . A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always A Full Line of 3VETTJ3IOA.XJ IKTSTHTJ- Ins been milled to his large atid well selroteil stock. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Worlx. Guni Kiitoocl. STOHE oppoBito Minor, Doileon & CV Muy 81. Ileiipueri - - - rt-m ,i California, Oregon and IDAHO : STAGE COMPANY. J. li. Keeuey, Supt. Monnmont 8tno U-nros Heiiiuer Momlayn, WudnnHiiiiyH unit KriiluyH lit fl:30 (V. M. Mumumint 8tKii arrivwH TueBdcys, TlmrsduyB unit BHtiirdays at 5:00 l M. 8uuday HUiu'e to mid from Arlinirton. Fare, 5.UI each way- Fundlnton Hlae Ihhvob Heppner 6:30 A. M. " " iinivoa " 4:30 P. M.. Fure to Monument, - - 85 00. Fnre to I'l-ndleton, - ?4.00. E. J. SLOCUM & CO., Agents. Freight 2 cents per pound. Heppner, Ogn Arlington Meat Market, Kmsrs ounstantijY on hand W U Port, Fis JS I I 4 O 15 . ARNEY&FUTNUM rlington, Oregon. . I'. Pl.01lli..NrK. E FLOlllCNOK FliOHKNCE UUOTUE1W, STOCK RAISERS ! UKITNKK - - OKKtiON. Cat tit hinmit'dand enr-inarkod as nhown above, llnrbt'it V on nglit ulioulittu-, Our cat lit rantxe m Morrow, Oilliaiii. rinatilla and WancoiMiuttit'i. Wo will pay $10O.UO r warvi for Hip arrt'st and couvioliuu of any ptrsou stwiliim our utook. fcsion lifi'diaiils, liberal Advitnces JMado COXS1G NM EXTS. S.4.Y FEA CISCO: Warehouse and Offlee.Corner Fifth and ToiciisciKf Streets. VORTLASP: 29 Il'iisuiiofoii Street. IIKPI'XER AG EXT: Coffin & MeFarland. WATCHES AT COST! RUMibnl H'hohMl Yftk Rinw MUM clov oat njuvkn Laicv Stock of KUm mml V ittimn uottr. in ttrtiualui tiiiaHLk4 at tviu Maoutkoturvn' PyIom, Th oi.lir ,ipfuiuiilt i'l pr ittrfwl tou W r0 ft U. I'ROl'tTH, ftiid b'ftrruitnl tl rr,iinujt WilT IbWihUly KfUftU TIM krpt'r. l 1" l'wt Cfttr? llh iKka th- if !Uanur'iurrti ftill liuriiti. Cut (! it out no ul wtKl u . K. I iMlTO CO., U Wrw4, GklM0i UMiiMi J ICHRISTY S IHIL i Q IT An NEWS NOTES. Siokane,the Washington territorj'horse, has aain beaten IVoctor Knott, the fa mous Kentucky nicer. The Kentuckians concede that Spokane is the better horse, and the far west gains a hiirh reputation foi producing racers. A Salem man, Mr. S. J. Northcutt, has invented a car coupling which is said tp meet all the requirements of a coupling. As it can be operated either nt the top or side of the car, it will certainly prove a boon to railroad brakemen. The body of the man w ho was run over by a train on the narrow-guage road at a late hour Monday night, says the Oregonian, has been positively identi fied as that of William Leurs, an em ploye of E. S. Darley, foreman of the Oswego iron works. The man was seen Monday aftercoon by a nujiber of per sons in Oswego, walking about in a drunken condition. One lady stated that Leurs came to her house shortly after 12 o'clock noon, and demaudod dinner, but as be was very much iutoxicated it was refused him. While in her house he ex hibited $100 in currency, and its no money at all was found on his person when the body was picked up' by the coroner, she gives it au her opinion that he was foully dealt with. If the man was not robbed while at Oswego, he might have been murdered aud robbed at the place where the body was found, the murderer plaoing the body on the track to be run over in order to divert suspicion. An inquest w ill be held on the remains at 9 o'clock this morning, at the ooroncr's office. The circus poster is decorating the boards in various towns iu the Willam ette valley, aud these collossal combina tions of novolties will soon be on hand. The matter of the buildiug of the Hunt road has changed form consider ably. A meeting was held in Walla Walla on Monday evening in which the matter was fully discussed by a number of representative citizens from different parts of the county. Mr. Hunt proposod to extend his road to Waitsburg via Dixie, also to connect Prescott withoome point and then build from Walla Walla to the Grand Rondo valley on condition that the county would give him a sub sidy of J3JO,000. He also agreed to re fund what money has beeu raised on sub scription, procure his own right of way and depot grounds. Tho proposition was endorsed by the people, mid a committee appointed to mature plans and execute the same. The 83J0,00i to run 30 years at 6 per cent interest. The proposition is fair and equitable in faot tbo only just way to raise the subsidy, but wo fear Mr. Hunt has asked too much more than the people cau stand. Waits burg Times. The entire of Oregon and Washington has been visited by an unusual atnuunt of rain this spring, and particularly within the last three weeks. Morrow received 3 inches of moisture last week in one rain. Tendleton real estate is steadily ad vancing in price, which is not to be wondered at, considering the future for the town. if. O. Hoppnor talks thesamo way. Our neighbor is ODjoying pros perity under the same conditions that are bringing solid growth to the whole of Eastorn Oregon. Some towns are, per haps, harboring the "boomlet" more than others, yet Heppner must not bo con sidered as the least of these. The Oregon penitentiary now has 2fil inmates, of whom 2J0 work iu the stove foundry. Five are iu tho hospital and three low with consumption. The gen eral health seems good. It. is probable that a number are at work at the brick yard. Howard, who cut one hand off, runs a woodsaw, and works and no mis take. Ho did not gain muob by the chop of one hand. The labor of the prisoners brings in nearly enough money to run the prison and leaves nly n Hinall tax for the people to pay. New York state is becoming tired of solitary con finement without labor, aud is about tu develop some scheme by which the con victs can be made useful and find healthy occupation. It is doubtful if stoves could be successfully made here with ordinary means, and prisou labor is thus utilized as an important industry. Polk County Observer. W. D. Jackson, from South Cold Springs, brings the news this mro'iiing of a water spout which visited his section yesterday about 2 o'clock. The water first beL'an to pour into I'cspain Guleli bi.t traveled across tho ridge to Cold Spring. Although considerably spent when it reached this place, Mr. Jackson says euough water fell to Bend a raging torrent down the guloh. Nothing has been heard from Pespaiu Gulch, but it ia probable that considerable damage was douo. Mr. Jackson's orchard was damaged slightly by the w ind which ac companied the storm. E. O., May 13. In the United States district court on tha Hth inst., the owuer of the steamer City of Salem was lined $3,23j for vio lating toe passenger act. The steaji" carried 1)00 passengers from Portland to the White House last Fourth of July without a special permit. A. F. Reed began the libel suit against the boat with the above result. The court granted a stay of exocution for ten days. Stultz, the murderer of Colin Camp bell ut Stnrgdll bar, Idaho, lat summer has been sentenced to six years imprison ment in the penitentiary. A fellow named Vial, engaged in sill ing lottery tickets, aud a sure thing gambler by trade, is plying his vocation in tins vicinity putting in several days at Union atatiou last week, When last heard of ho was at La Grande nod it is uroadly hinted that he adds the business of "spotter" to his accomplishments. A year ago a bucket of tar und a sack of feathers were prepared for his benefit at La Grande, but he eacatwd the same through the intercession of a friend. A correspondent in last week's Boise Vemoerat gives uu accouut of a shoot ing scrape between, Everett Hill and Will Davidson. Hill and a man by the name of b lohiu iu were attending to a herd of horses, li ichiaan left camp and went to see about some auiiuals when he heard the report of fire-arms at camp. He started back and met young man named Will Divnlsun, who began admit- i ing at him. He returned the fire aud ; killed Davidson This took place three days ago. Hill lived iu Little valley. Ho leaves a wife aud three chidreu. Boohuiau went to Silver to tell the story and give himself up. Hill and David son hud qnarieUd lit the camp over busiuefs mutter. Different stone i have beeu told about it. The Salem Statesman, of the 15 inst., apeaking of big strawberries, says: the strawberries laid down here from Thoe. Farquar'a garden, of Roseberg, were thought to be immense, but they were badly discounted yesterday by a box from the penteutiary garden in this city. Six teen of these berries filled a quart box heaping full and the largest measured 7 'a inches around. Superintendent Downing did not know to what particu lar variety they belonged, eo be christen ed them the Pennoyer variety. He says a few days of good weuther will leave them fully a ton of the finest berries in the county. The Wallace Free Press, of Wallace, Idaho, has quite an artiole in its isse of May 11th, on the townsite trouble at that place. It appears that the WallaceTown site company claimed ownership and sold land to which they never had a title. On February 19, 1889, the town was re located, each person being allowed a lot 100x100 feet. This is occasioning much newspaper controversy and some work for the courts. Waterville, of the Big Bend section, has a fire company. All the towns get there in this matter, but Heppner, and it is a live town too. Strawberries are scarce in the market, retailing at 25 cents a box in the valley. Tre cloudy and rainy weather is quite unfavorable for the ripeaing of this fruit. Joseph will soon boast of a well organ ized fire oompany. A meeting for the pur pose of preliminary organization was held recently. This speaks well for Joseph. As soon as the present rise in the river subsides Major Jones will send the snag boat Willamette to Rock Island, just above Oregon City, to blast the rocks out of the channel at that place. The re moval of these rocks will makeastraight channel at the island. CKOP-WEaTHEU bulletin no. It. Portland, On., May 18, 1889. The past week has beeu one of rain, little sun shine and about an average temperature. The notable feature of week was the storm on the 13th, which foundered the steamer Alaskun off the Oregon ooast, and gave to the State heavy rains, thun der and hail storms. The first report of the thunder storm is from Lane oounty, where rain fell in torrents and hail fell to a depth of from 6 to Vi inches. The thunder storm moved north, principally on the west side of the Willamette river, reaching Portlaud at 3:35 p. ru. A por tion of the storm moved north to Taooma, doing damage and fatally injuring several person. Another portion mnved east ward giving copious rains through Was co, Morrow and Umatilla oouutiei, cans ing the rivers and streams to rapidly rise, aud doing slight damage. While west of the Cascades reports indioite that the wet weather bus beeu of injury to win ter wheat, in eastern Oregon, reports show that the late rains have been of great benefit. Never before has there been such uniform and flattering roports iu regard to the proapeots of crops as now come in from Oregon as a whole and Eastern Oregon iu particular. Iu Western Oregon while the rains have not been beneficial to the winter wheat, to the Spring wheat it has given it strength and it shows promise of more than an average yield. Warm sunshine is needed now to mature more rapidly the strwherries aud cherries, which have been greatly retarded by the cloudy, vet weather. In tlieUmpqua valley, the slrawborry pickers have been wearing gum clothes while picking the fruit. In the Willamette valley there is danger of the whiter wheat going into too much straw and to fall ; clover in sections have a tendency to lodge. The rainfall for the week has been above the average, the sunshine below the average Biid the temperature about normal. B. S. Paone, Observer, Signal Service. CROP-WEATHER ItULI.ETIN NO. 10. Pohtland, Or., May 11, 18S9. The weather conditions have been more favorable to orops in Eastorn and Southern Oregou than in other sections. The fore part of the week was cloudy and cool with rain iu all parts of the state. While the bitter part uas clear and warm. The temperature has been below the normal, from 1 to 3 degree. The rain fall has been from one half to one inch above the normal. The sunshine has been below the average; the eifect on the crops, of these conditions, have beeu fairly good. More sunshine and less rain in the Willamette valley would prove to be of benefit; a continuance of oloudy, cool aud rainy weather will be injurious. In Southern Oregon and along the coast everything is progress ing nioely; iu the former the oool rains have Bomewhat retarded the berries aud fruit; in the latter, the weather is only suitable for the grasses. In Eastern Oregon the rains have been plentiful and the earth is more wet now than it has been for a year. The occasional frost and strong winds have, in seotions done damage. Through the mountainous regions, frosts have been frequent and they have done slight dam age to grain and fruits. At Lone Kock in Gilliam Co., on the Cth at 2 p. m.. a heavy shower of rain followed by snow, lasting 20 minutes, occurred; the bills were white. Two inches of rain have fallen since the 1st inst. nt that place. The heavy rainfall and showery weath er may, in sections of the valley, cause fall wheat to go to straw. Curl leaf is affecting peach trees in i Lane county. Strawberries are plentiful atRoeebnrg. j At Grant's Fass they are just coming into market. A few cherries are ripe in favored locations. A few days of warmth and annsliine will benefit crops all over the state. Reports show Sat urday to be very warm and dry. B S. Pagxe, Observer, Sigual Service. LATEST FROM HAVTI. 1 Hippalyte'a Foires Heported to Have Gained j Two Virtorie. j Nkw York, May 19. The steamer J Delta, from Port de Haix, Hay ti. May 10, j has arrived. Hippolyte's forces are re j ported to have gained two victories, oue i near St. Mariland aud the other in the interior, so Captaiu Shaw stated, previous to May 10. Wella. AS-Horw.'.onlefUhoulder: cattl am. . V yland. J H. Haniman Circle C on lef thiSt Wwdward. Jotin Horsw, ill' c.mnecU'd o left .boulder. Walla.-, Chartee-Tattle. Won rihtthih. hole in l..ri war: liitrM-s. W on nitt Al.tiuidtfr. m ameon left hatl,ler. Wimi. A A 'u.. running AA with br aerobe M nahl kip. A WIRE WATER-WITCH. How the Klght Pine to Pit Well I Found on Eureka Flat The Milton Eagle tells the follow ing about the way water is found by Messrs. Watson rnd Dean, who have been ex perimenting on Eureka Flat: "Watson seated himself in a buggy with a steel wire rod grasped in his hands. On each end of this were two oopp?rwire handleS, one for each hand aud the rod itself was composed of va rious kinds of wire twisted around the main piece. The shape of the rod wai something like a letter "U." the two ends forming the bandies and the bow turned upward. Speeding along in the buggy, Mr. Watson held firmly to the bandies of his rod umil the first four miles were passd over, when suddenly tbe rod began to turn, not in a straight di rection but diagonally with the road in a twisted manner. The team was direct ed in obedience to Mr. Watson's direc tions and very soon the red bent straight down and he signified his willingness to guarantee water at no great depth beneath the spot on which they stood. Many farms were visited, on some of which the rod refused to turn and oth ers it would quickly beud over. Mr. Watson claims that it will not turn over stagnant or seepage water, but only where live underground currents exist. He states that a number of bis wells along the Northern Paoifio were discov ered while riding on a passuger train at 30 to 40 miles per hour. Mr. Watson obtained 916,000 worth of contraots from prominent farmers on the flat, among them being Messrs. Upton, Laman, Woodworth, Moorehead, Henry, Thompson, Welch, Bradbury, Painter aud others. To many of them be has guaranteed 500 to 1000 gallons per day or no pay for his work or expenes. - He sent for bis machinery plant and work commence in a few weeks, and the effi ciency of his divining rod will soon be known, although it has proved an un failing servant at many points along tbe Northern route.'t Mr. Watson should be encouraged to oome to Hoppner. While the Gazette has but little confidence in the "water witch" business, yet if Mr. Watson has, it will be a good plan to have him ex amine the Heppner scotion. HER BOTTOM HONEYCOMBED. Statement of a Man Who Helped llepair the Alaska. San Francisco, May 17. The follow ing is printed by the Call this morning w ith reference to thesinldng of the steam ship Alaska, given as the statement of a man who worked in the Alaskan: "The Alaskan went on the Hunter's Point dry dock shortly after she arrived here in 1884. I worked on her. Her bottom was of steel. It had not been properly painted before she was launched, and was honeycombed with boles. Some of the holes were ns large as a man's ear, nnd from one-eighth to three-quartor of ftn inch iu depth. We could just pick out the rusty metal with our knives. The expense on the dock was too great to allow us to fill the holes with pre pared cement, nnd it would have taken a force of 200 men to do the work properly, ao we filled the boles with paint. That would soon get washed off by the action of tho sand in orossing the bar." THE STATEMENT SHOULD BR DISPROVED. San Francisco. May 17. 'Has Bulletin this evening says: "The owners of the Alaskan owe it to themselves and the public to disprove, if possible, the state ment of the Hunter's Point dry-dock employe that tbe honeycombed bottom of that steamer had been filled with paint, instead of being properly repaired' to save expense." Tbe missing boats of the Alaskan have not been recovered. How to Get the Gazette for Noth ing. Mr. C. E. Frll, the Heppner nur seryman, will sell you 100 apple trees at the regular rate, $15.00 per buudred. and give you one oopy of tha Heppner Gazette for one year. Fifty apple treec will cost yon $7.50, and with this he will give yon one copy of the Gazette for six months. His stock is strictly first class, aud is warranted. COOPER'S snoep eii Pawnor. Is the Cheapest, Safest and Best ! Cure for Scab. This celebrated Dip has been in constant aud increasing use for over half a century, during which time It has been applied to more sheep than exist on tbe earth at tbe prcseut moment. Our Sales in 1888 were sufficient to Dip over 60,000,000 Sheep. It is cheaper than lime and sul phur, ami is uot one tithe of the trouble. Lime and sulphur injure the wool, but the Cooper Pip improves its qual ity and increases its growth. General Agents : SN ELL, HEIT-1HU A WOODAED, Wholesale druggist, Portlaud, Oregon. THE WASCO WAREHOUSE CO., The Dalles, Oregon. Heppner City Brewery! HAS A- SUFERI0R QUALITY OF BEER! It is manufactured with tbe latest brewing apparatus and can't be beat. Lunches of all Kinds, And tbe best brands of Cigars. Empty kees mnst be returned or $6 apiece w ill be charged. J". H. Uttor , Prop. New Stock! New Fixtures! New Everything! ! Pure Wines -and Liquors And the Best- I HAVANA CIGARS Are alwars kept in t.K-k at the f' T C A T Of) V I UIiM jaLVVil) Opposite I!. Rlat-kmaii A Co.' Store oorteoae I ireutmoot to all. loan a-id. nam and be .arince4f. J 17 1) The very Latest 8-jrles juet receded from Portland and San Francisco at Mrs. Warren's Fashionable Millinery and Ladies Furnishing Store. Thankful for tbe generous liberality ind good will of the people of Heppner ind vicinity in the past, we oordially solicit their patronage in the future. MRS. MARY WARREN. THE GEEAT Transcontinental Route Northern Pacific RAILROAD! Cascade Branch, now Completed, mak ing it the Shortest, Best and Quickest. The Dining Car Line. The Direct Route No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low est Rates to Chicago and all points East. Ticels sold to all Promi nent Points throughout the East and Southeast. Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars. Reservations can be secured in advance. To EastI3ond Pasen'jei'f Be careful and do not make a mistake, but be sure to take tbe NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD And see that your ticket reads via this line, St Paul or Minneapolis to avoid changes nnd serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run on regular express trains full length ol line. Berths free. Lowest rates. Quick est time. General Office of the Company, No. Ill first tt., Vor. H asliingtoH St., Portland, Oregon A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent ;1JHS C!L Manufacturers of THE STERLING PMOS, Qualit7 of Tons, Beauty of Design, FINISH and adaptability for stand ing In Tuns havo no equal. Every Piano Warrants:! for Five Years And satisfaction guaranteed to every purchaser. Also Manufacture the World-Renowned STERLING ORGAN Factories, Derby, Conn. TO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, BY WAY OF THE Southern Pacific Company's Line the pit. mm ML Quicker in Time than Any Other Itoute Between Portland - -A. 1ST ID -San Francisco. Leare Portland at 4 P. M., Daily. THROUGH TIME, 39 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For Accommodation of Second-Class Passengers Attached to Express Trains. Fare from Portland to Sacramento and San Fran cisco: rnlimitfri, Limited First-Class 20 " " SeCMad-ClaMs, !o Through Tickets to nil Points South and Eajt, VIA CAr,IPOHNIA. TICKET OFFICES: Citj Office, No. 131. Corner Fimt 4 Aldr-r Streets Depot OrKcp, Corner F and Front Streets, PORTLAND. OltKQON. It. KOEHLKH, E. R ROtiEHS. Mananer. Aet. (i. F. and Pan. Airt- Dobbins Electric Soap THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD. II is Strictly Pure. Dnifonn in Qnality. THE original formula for which we paid f 50,000 twtnty years ago has never been modihcd or changed in the slightest. Thlti iohd i Identical in quality to-day nitb that made twenty yearn ago. IT contains nothing that run ln jnre the 11 neat fabric. It bright ens errors and bleaches whites. IT washes flannels and blankets no other soap in the world does without shrinking leaving them soft and white and like new. READ THIS TWICE THERE is a great Ting of time, of labor, of soap, of fuel, and of the fabric, where 1 lob bins' Electric Soap is used accord tug to direc tion. 0'E trial will demonstrate its great merit. It will pay you to make (hat tnal. TIKE all beat things, it is extensively imi j4 uted and counterfeited. Peware cf Imitations. INSIST upon Tftobhfnv Electric. Dor't t.-'kt Ma?nenc, Electro-Magic, Pailadclphia tie. tt Or any other fraud, simply because it ciir-ao. 1 Will ruta clothes, and are dear at any prcc. AW fur 4 DOBBINS' ELECTRIC o and take no other. Nearly every grocer from M :ne to Mexico keeps it in stock. If yviir ha-u't it, he will order from his nearest wholesale grrcer TJEAD carefully the inside wrapper nro:- orh bar, and be carefil to fol lnw l i rt ft mm oa eacn outside wrapper, lourannnt nntini to j wait longer before trying far yourself this ota, ret bte, j and truly wonderful J Dobbins' Electric Soap. ; I. L. CHAUIN k CO Philadelphia Pa. 1 CATAftlRH iru I ii V &S A TrytheCurep$ Ely's Crto? mBalm Cleanses tho ITasa.1 : -wagea. Al lays Inflammation, .aeais the Sores. Kestores the Senses of Taste, Smell and Hearing. A particle In applied into encfa nostril nnd Is Harecflfclr1. Price 50c. nt Druggista or by niLi;i.YimOTHEIls,5G Warren St-TNew York. Whan T Hftv firm! I do not mean merely ta top them for a lime, and then have them ro turn again. I mi:an A UAMCAJb CUU13. i iittvo mauo uie auuuuo u FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A life-long study. I wahkant my remedy to Curb the worat cases. Bt caaso others have) failed is no reason lor not now receiving a cure. 6eud at onco for a troatino and a Free Ijottlb ot my Infallible kemedy. Give Express and tost Oilico. It costs you nothing for a. trial, and it will euro you. AddrC63 H. G. ROOT, M .C, I S3 Pearl St., New YORK OUE, A WEEK Club System while as convenient to the buyer as anv instalment system, is V system to us. The co-operation pi ine club members stlls us Ul 38 watches in each PHI LA. $S3S Watch Cluh, and we pet cash from the Club for each watch before it goes out, though ench member only pays $i a week. This is why we give you more for your money than any one els and why we are doing the largest watch business in the world. We sell only first quality goods, but oui prices are about what others p-t f-r sec ond quality. Our SlO bl.vrAVnteIi is a substantial Silver not imitation pj any kind) Stem-Wind American Lever Watch either burning case or open. Open 1'ace, first quality, stiffened Gold" AmericanLgvcrWatch,p-MrtrrtffrfiV il 'iimk -n m-(. it it 111 v entia toanv f 3 watch sold for ?8 by others. We find firct-rlnco titl'fnfr1 f.nlrl Ca much w more satisfactory and serviceable than Jj any Solid Gold Case that can bcsoldat less than double the money, as cheap 53 solid cases are invariably thin, weak, Jn nt lnw nuntitv. nnd worthless after short use. Our Watch contains numerous important patented im-ll.- Drovemcnts. of vital importance to act: II ate timing Patent DustJroc, Patent Stem iyinit,cc.t which, we control exclusively. 11 isfully equal for accuracy, appearance, dura bility and service, to any S75 Watch, either - t li : iu.&.ii rtnTfnii. rond Watch is especially constructed for jitH the mostexacting use, and is the nesj, nan road Watch made, Open Face or Hunting. All tl:ese prices are either all cash or in clubs, $1.00 a -VC:K. An Ajnx TPifrfc Intula'or given fret with en-h Watch. fTJcO' The Keystone Watch Club CaC$ Wain Office In Coi Own Buiitimn .y 0C4 WALNUT ST. PHILADA. PA, Agents Wanted. Ajax Watch Insulator, $1,00 A p'Tfectprnteotlon agairiHt mftgDethm. Fit nnv Watch. Hem bv mall on receipt ot tcii. CO ,ra t0 "'! Cammrreial Agency. very atieroiWi.iveytUr'rSfStl fLtK'3 GUIDE,. 124 pp. price only 25c. (postage stamp .-LS;.?--.-r5-iioi(.i.n iii cucli lucHHljVhi! vi-ty " rTP lu st !" hip-mtu'hliip mode in tj"''" - 'i lv B M1' world, it li the aitfldimetiti, 1' fVii. Jftl3 X Wo "il: U mid free a comiih-te I " ' 'H? T JMitv f our cost I v aud viilbBbl art I if I L'C'V,."'i-t'ti. I" return wc aU (hat you i r fjfcir "S'.-luiw wlmt wo newt, to liin-e who rjf tj&niav rnll nt voiti licnie. niid nftrr !! J niiinihsiiUM.n!! become vmir own Wi.tenv. '!hl ru""! Ii.mnine 1a Stfi'V S'lindo niter ,lle '''tt1" patent, .iKis ' hirh Have run out t li-fure rttenu run out It anlil toi fcif.t, with tho diini hnicntn. mid now m-H for '.'$.'p. Hen, itrtMiprM, in utt u9 1 mn-him- in Uie world. AH i'. No rfliiilal reouirud. Plain, brief intt motion (riven. IIium; wtiuwriie 10 usut ouiiriinii1 cure !Vec (he beat srw in (t-n irtchine in the unrld. and ths fine; li'it"f .vorUs of hi ti an ever filio" n tcE"il.r in A)i; riea. T&l I" I .(.' (.. klox -.4'.. AuRUaiLa. f.iume. so? - t r W. T-. C f et - j ffa " Oft lit? tm THE LADIES' FAVORITE. TiEVER OUT OP OHT3ER. If vnu desire to purchase n f on-in rnnnhlne, nsicournircnt ot ynm- for term- mi'l i,r io' s. If you cannot flii'l our f!'.'Ttr, writn rl ii-e- -t to nearest ii'hlres l o y on t"j,pw ii:imeil. ;;'tW HC':'ESEW;G MACHINE g.grce.mass. I cxcASO - 23 UNION SCUAREiNY-. DALLAS. .rp.tK-lSci.CHL. LEEZEE & THOMrSON, Ag'tb. Heppner, ' Oregon Pacific df-partiripnt. tenerftl ngorcy, 725Markft -sfrpft. hifiory huiidii a. ban Fmncihco, Cal IJmi'rhf-H. 4 Mnrrimi. Kt., Portland. Or., 18 outh Sncond St. Hrn June, (ai., 55 North -Spr vti St.. L's Ang'-h'S. ChJ Is tm fifi.r and rp-.t rpnlnr uripntlfle nnS aiefhnnir'ft! pnner r-nh'ishefl and has the lerr?ft Circulation t,f nnr p-ipi r of Its rlaw in f hp wt.rld. Knlly il!utrniwl. n-r elasa of Wnod FntrMT. intra. PwMi-i'P.i KpeklT. fev6 for npcimeo Cnr. pricp f3 n Tar. Knar months' trial, IL UL NN 4 Om PL Ui ifHtHs, am Broadway, N.T. ARCHITECTS A, EU1LDERQ Edition of Scientific American. O A rrit nc. Kaeh ixsae t?nnttn enlored Ilthtajrraphic plates i.f country and en t rtidcn ee ur public builftrnk;. Nnmpr"H t-nirraTirpa atid full plans and i-ec'flcations Ir the use i,f such us cnifOipiatP btiiltline. Fric-12 Hi m year, fccts.acopy. MINN A CO-, PlBLlsHCHA. lATEiiTS may be recnr ed by upplT- llig tO ill'-NK A Co., who n years' pjpenence and hare made uTer laiJU) applicaiti.ns for American and K.r- pundeac s'rtcily tvinfldentnl, TRADE MARKS.- In ps your mart ts nnt registered In the Pat en tiffi-'p, apniy to Jdt v.v Co and proeiuw tmniedutte prtcetion, end for liacdtKKrft. OopYRIl.TIT for Nwtt, charta, sups, c qmci j prtt ured. AddrM 3ltS Ac CO.. Patent Solicitor. GtM-UL Orrtca: mi BmiiDwir. If, T. TSKi ITA 3 fyr u.sjul Scrip! LMaljsjft, T o'vvnciles, 00, j0$$L ft A Prj,fc!Tl;a Lajjd Pflien'.'?, FilingArpumenU, and ;T?&j&ing CorVHnModerfitiTernM. vJAibWt.NOTja. 50. ci o 0 A' i