Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, May 23, 1889, Image 3

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Local and General.
Train on the Willow Cr?pk Rranch arrive at
and Iphto the different stations daily, except
Hundaya, as follows:
"Xo. 17 (Mixed)
Lt. 7:45 A.
' 8:JO"
" B.5D"
" 9-.UI"
t wils.
Willows Junction " 10:30 "
Arlington. Ar, 2:20 "
Portliind Lt 7:45
Northern Paeitie trains east leave Arlington
daily 2:20 P. M.; Roine west. 10:15 A. M. Union
. Pacitic trains east, 4:1(1 A. M.; going W3st, 12 JO
P. M.
G. L. THOMPSON, Asent.
Stage leaves for Canvon City Mon
day", Wednesdays and Fridays.
Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and
There is a saving of 16 hours in time
and $10 in cash by taking this route to
C. W. Lnmlar & Co., 429, Fifth St.,
Portland, Or., are authorized to make
advertising contracts for the Gazette.
They will bIbo make oolleotious for this
The photograph gallery has changed
W. B. Bnd Boyd Cunninghame are iu
Mrs. F. K. Snow is visiting relatives
in Seattle.
, Will Houston left yesterday for his
home at Junction City.
Wool has sold iu Heppner this season
for H cents per pound.
Mike Rosendnrf returned to Long
Creek on Monday's stage.
Mr. Fnor will still continue to take
pictures until the 10th of June.
M. J. Davis, representing Heifer, May
&0o., was iu Heppuer this week.
F. M. Pickard is slowly improving
after a severe illness of several weeks.
E. H. and A. M. Slocum were down
from the Bock Creek saw mill this w eek.
Mrs. Barnes, mother of Mrs. Ben
Emrilk, is visiting her daughter iu Hepp
ner. All those who want Mr. Foor to do
any work for them had better get
J. H. Kennedy, representing Fleish
ner, Meyer & Co., was in Heppner this
Died At Brownsville, May 17, Mrs.
Hugh Fields, aged 51 years and 6
H. Blackinan & Co., have fitted up
their business office with elegant furni
ture. Ben P. Soott is selling the Ht. Louis
wrought iron range in the Heppner
Mrs. N. B. Gregg, of Walla Walla
mother of Mrs. Otis Patterson, is visiting
in Heppner.
Miss Emma Platts oarae up from her
school in the lower oonntry last Friday
to visit relatives in Heppuer.
Ralph Dittenhoefer, representing the
firm of Dittenhoefer, Haas & Co., Port
land, Or , was in Heppner this week.
N. Donnelly, an old herder of the
Heppner country, oaine in to have a
little time with the boys on last Sunday.
Miss Buzzell, who leotured in Hepp
ner last fall on the manners and cus
toms of China, is attending the associa
tion. Fred Sherman, the stockman of Lena,
was in town last Saturday, He reports
no loss of sheep during last, week's
Ed. Chaplin, advanoe ajjent of Zam
loch, was in Heppner this week and
billed the town for his popular enter
tainment. Os. Mitchell was up from his Rhea
oreekhomeon last Saturday. He loBt
500 head of shorn sheep in the storm of
last week.
L. W. Clarke, a photographer, com
mitted suicide at Portland on last Sun
day morning by shooting himself iu the
right temple.
Alexander Glen, who has resided for
some years in Cabin Canyon, has sold
bis posessions up there and moved to
the Sound aountry.
Henry RaBmus went over to Bickle
tou, W. T., last week and took charge of
the quarterly meeting servioes held at
that place on last Sunday.
The last installment of Oregon's war
claims, 838,132.93, was received at Sa
lem on the 17 inst. from Wachington by
Seoretary of State McBride.
Pendleton and other towns have fires
right along but, fortunately, we have es
caped so far. It will, not be always
thus. Improve the time aud seoure city
Thos. H. Hnntsburry, of Eight Mile, will
leave shortv for W indtield, Iowa, going
by the way of 'Frisco and Los Angeles.
He will spend a few weeks at the latter
In lieu of oity water, which is badly
needed. Mayor Blackman is putting in a
windmill at his residence on Center
street to take the place of this great
.Tudffe Bird came up yesterday to hold
a snecial term of court. The matter of
settlement of the Plunkett estate will
oocuov the oourt's attention to-day and
Hennner real estate is steadily in
creasing id value. The owner of a piece
of property which cost him $2.75i lees
than twelve mouths ago, refused an.
oiler of 84,400 last week.
Hon, H. C. Gay, Messrs. Allen Crab
tree. Frank Thomas and Billy Gillhtm
were among the visitors from the country
lnat Mondav. Their crops still remain
in excellent condition.
Pm&gjt weit engaged in grading down
the hilHip by the brick yard last Satur
day, which evidently means that Black
Horse people propose to have a nearer
'route to and from Heppner.
Hon. H. C. Gay, Messrs. Alleu Crab
tree, Frank Thomas aud Billy Gilliam
were among the visitors from the coun
try last Monday. Their orops stii) re
main in exoelleut condition.
W. L. Russel and son left this morn
ing for Walla Walla. They were unable
to buy the best of horses in the Heppner
ooutry owing to the fact that the govern
ment inspector sent here failed to know
a good horse.
Mike Rosendorf is an owner of Hepp
ner real estate agBin, baviug purchased
the Heppner
Livery Stable property,
136il72 ft., opposite the Belvedere from
Jas. Jones ou last Saturday. The price
paid was 87,000.
The Vindicator, of East Portland,
has ohanged its heading, calling itself,
The Ortgon Vindicator. Its new make
up is decidedly neat, now being Bn 8
col., folio, all home print, instead of s 7
nnarfrn nafant itlBulA-
Ho. 18 (MUatf)
6:2" P. M. Ar.
5:40 - " "
S10 ' " "
4:30" " "
" "- "
2:50" ' Lv.
0:40 "PMAr
The steamer Alki arrived at Seattle on , mortuary reports, read the medical news
the 17th instant from Kokiak Island, papers, and learn how wide-spread ti
Alaska, bringing intelligence of the loss
of the bark Lizzie Williams off the shore
of Tueidak Island, near Kodiak, on
April 22. The erew and passengers read . Fhnt s Treatise on Heart iis
were all saved. ease, and learn what it is, what causes
Wm. Gates came up from The Dallfs : it, what diseases it gives rise to, what its
vesterday where he has been to attend symptoms are, and how it may be at
the bedxide of his father, Col. Gate, ! tacked. If you find that yoo have heart
whose demise occurred last Friday. He t disease, ask your druggist for a bottle of
left for bis home in Haystack this morn-1 Dr. Flints Kkvedy. 1 he freof ie may
inz accompanied by his niece, Mrs. I be had on application to Mack Drug Co.,
Wm. Harrison
J. W. Matlock left last Monday for the
Yakima country. Mr. Matlock has been
a bumnei-s mau and resident of Goshen.
Or., for many yea's, but having !.. ;nt
down U ere, is seeking a new location
He is well pleased with Heppuer, and
may looat hereon bis return.
All who visited Zanihieh'a entertain
ment last evening were more than
pleased. Many nioe presents were
given away to holders of tickets. He
shows again this eveuing, aud the fnn
loring folks should nut fail to be there.
This is not a paid local.
Geu. W. S. Harney died at Orlando,
Florida, on the 9th of May, lacking only (
about three mout lis of being bit years of
age. He was placed on the retired list
n lnbd. After his retiremeut he lived
in St. Louis, but was on a visit to Flori
da at the time of his death.
W. R. Ellis returned from attendance
on the circuit court of Crook county on
last Minday. Mr. L,lhs informs ns that
Ed. Harbin got 5 years iu the "pen" on
two charges of horse stealing this term.
Ed. has had the reputation of bting b
good judge of oayuses for some years.
Geo. T. Davis, the veteran wool buyer
for S. Kosbland & Co., of San Francisco,
is now in the market. Mr. Davis will
probably be an extensive buyer. He
has arranged to have bis wools graded
and baled here and will ship direotly to
New York instead of San Francisco as
A paioter, a recent arrival to Heppner,
was arrested last Saturday evening for
disorderly conduct, brought on by liberal
potions of vally tan. He was said to have
made some incendiary threats while un
der the inlluenoe of drink, and was given
the choice of either leaving the town or
a fine. He aooepted the former.
Engineer Kinnard, assisted by F.
Mitohem and others, began the work of
surveying the Heppner and Monument
road on last Monday. The survey be
gins in the middle of the street, between
Matluok and Mallory corners, and the
boys are getting towards Monument as
rapidly as wind and weather will permit.
D A Hendricks, ho went east of the
mountains a month or sn ngo, has pur
chased an interest iu the Home Press at
Centerville, the town which "ill be
known hereafter as Athena, iu Umatilla
county, and proposes to become a full
fledged newspaperman. Mrs Hendrioks
started a few d.ivs ago to join him at
Centerville. Salem Statesman.
Fred J. Hallack came up from Port
lund last week to visit his wife aud rela
tions here. Kred aooepted a position
with Staver & Walker's branch h nis
at Pomeroy, ns mentioned iu last week's
Gazette, but owing to newspaper ditties
which he wns assuming at that time, he
was unable to loave Portland at once,
so the firm were compelled to seoure the
Bervicus of some one else.
An Incident of the Stoem. A young
man driving team for C. A. Rhea at
tempted to cross Willow oroek on the
bridge below town on last Thursday, and
had to swim for the bank. The rains of
last week had converted the peaoeful
stream to a torrent, and when he drove
on the bridge it went down to the bot torn
and he was unable to get it out. The
team broke loose from the wagon and
struck out for the ranch on Rhea oreek,
The driver followed and the wagon be
ing discovered a few hours afterward
without either horses or driver, led to
the impression that the latter had been
drowned; but he turned up on Friday
morning, and with some aid, sucoeeded
in landing wagon and contents on the
In Disguise. An apparent stranger
ventured to give our reporter some in
formation on the Heppner and Monu
ment wagon road last Monday. He
smiled and extended his hand, but the
g. r. could not remember uaving met tne
gentleman. Finally the former ventured
to ask if it was not Pry Wilson, (one of
tlio road commissioners.) Ho answered
in the affirmative, and then the bystand
ers nil laughed. Pry is as beardless as a
boy, and has a pugilistic out on bis hair.
His friends are anxious regarding his
welfare, nnd advise him to remain in
Heppner a few weeks before venturing
over to his John Day home.
A Nahhow Escape. Geo. Harrington
had a narrow escape from drowning be
low town lust week. He was returning
from the Phea oreek section, where he
had been on duties connected with the
sheriff's office, aud arriving at Willow
creek, he found the Rtreatn bank full.
Deeming it beBt to ascertain the depth
of the water before attempting to ford,
he procured a pole and was in the act of
sounding the turbulent stream, when the
batik caved in, leaving George to swim
for it. He finally landed in fair con
dition and is none the worse for his ex
perience, although it is certaiuly a form
of bathing not to be reoommended.
To CoNsmfpTiVEs. The undersigned
having been restored to health by sim
ple meuns, after suffering for several
years with a severe lung affections and
that dread disease, consumption, is anx
ious to make known tu his fellow suffer
ers the means of care. To those who
desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of
charge) a copy of the prescription used,
which they will find a sure oure for con
sumption, asthma, catarrh, bronohitis,
and all throat and lung maladies. He
hopes all sufferers will try his remedy,
as it is invaluable. Those desiring the
prescription, which will oost them noth
ing, aud may prove ablessing, will please
address, Rev. Edwabd A. Wilson, Wil
liamsburg, Kings county, New York.
An Incipient Blaze. On hut Satur
day, Guy, the little four year-old son of
W. G. B iyer, who was visiting at the
hnmenf his grund pnrents, Mr. and Mrs.
VYm Mitchell, iu playing with matches,
set fire to o bed, and before it was dis
covered, was in a fair way to make
quite a blaze. Prompt measures, how
ever prevented such a catastrophe, yet
the bed, bedding, some clothing aud
furniture were destroyed.
Consumption Surely Cured. To the
editor: Please inform your readers that
I have a positive remedy for the above
named disease. By its timely use thou
sands of hupeless cases have been per
manently cured. I shall be glad to send
two bottles of my remedy hike to nuy
of your readers who have cousumptiou
if they will send their express and post
office address. T. A. SLOCUM, M. C.
181 Pearl St., New York. N. Y
A Painful Accident. Henry
Heppner met with a pain
(ill acoident, and one which will inca
pacitate him from his duties for some
time, at Arlington last week. In work
in? on his rdatform he stepped on a
SCiintling hich turned throwing him off
: on the ground some distance below,
badly spraining bis left ankle. He came '
up to Heppnsr on last Saturday, being
' able to get around with the aid of
' crutehos. I
; Htart Disea. ;
Bead the hospital reports, read the j
hoart disease, now aimeuii oi aeieeton
is to rnont people, how many and how
sudden are the deaths it causes. Then
N. Y.
Persons desiring h ans on improved
farms or town lets "ill do well to call
on or BiUlress Oriu L. Putiernon,
Gazltte office.
Job printing at Pendleton prices at
tbe Gazettr offine.
Walla Walla, May 7, 1&S9.
Editor Gazette:
The copious showers which have fallen
the past few days gives us a double as
surance of the largest wheat yield that
was ever known in this fair northwest,
and as a consequence the farmers hearts
are made glad and all nature smiles.
Col. C. B. Reynolds and wife have ar
rived and will make this city their future
home. The Colonel delivered his first
lecture Sunday afternoon, at 2 p. m., on
"Mormonism," at Small's opera house,
to a large, enthusiastic assembly. Mrs.
R. delivered the evening address, taking
for her theme "Woman's Past, Present
and Future." The hall was jammed
and standing room was at par. She
made many striking points, which drew
out the admiration and applause of every
one nresent. Clark Braden is also lec
turing in the oity and is using every et
fort to tear down the Btrongholds of liberal-
ism, while Col. Reynolds is equally earnest
in the maintenance of the same. Clark
Braden has challenged the Colonel to a
public discussion, but the Colonel politely
declined, not wishing to make a public
exhibition of himself.
There are a good many public improve
ments going on at present, among which
the Baumeister building figures princi
pally. A project is on foot to construct
a new hotel. This is something Walla
Walla needs worse at present than any.
thing else. Unless a person engages
their bed by sunset thoy will have the
pleasure of paradiug the streets all night,
which is no uncommon occurrenoa in
this city.
The tide of immigration which is con
stantly flowing in has given Walla Walla
a boom which she has never experienced
before. G. W. Hunt bus doue this place
a vast amount of good, and our pros
perity is largely due to the construction
of the O. & W. T. R. R., whioh gives us
direct communication with Sound points.
A Eureka Flat farmer informed your
correspondent that he subscribed $500 to
the Hunt subsidy and that be had been
repaid a hundred fold so far in freights
alone, notwithstanding bis property has
increased double in valuation. The
The Waitsburgites and Daytonites have
failed to raise the amount asked by Gen.
Hunt and it is now thought that the
proposed line to those places have been
abandoned for the present. An excur
sion, Sunday, over the Hunt road to
Pleasant View promises to be a very
pleasant event.
Dr. Clowe invited your correspondent
to accompany him into the oouDtry the
other day to witness a Csesarian surgical
operation, which required the skill of a
master hand to perform. "Upon whom
are vou going to operate?" innocently
queried the reporter. "One of the love
liest women in the, land," was the
prompt reply. "And you would let me
witness the operation?" "Certainly, all
reporters are allowed such privileges."
Very well, then, I will accompany you.
The dootor aud the reporter wero soon
seated in a buggy, and after a half hour's
drive were upon the scene of action-
The doctor threw off his coat as if he
was going to maul rails and warned the
reporter to keep very quiet, lest he should
disturb the poor sufferer, who was ap
parently restiug very easy. The doctor
then led the unsuspecting reporter np to
a hog corral aud introduced him to a
sick sow that be was going tooperate on,
which was quite necessary to save life.
The reporter turned on his heels and
hastily retreated for tow n and swore that
he would avenge himself on the doctor
for this little joke, if it took bim a life
time and cost him a fortune.
D. G. A. D. W. I. A.
Our city counoil met in regular session
on last Monday evening, Mayor Black
burn presiding. All oouncilmen present
except Nelson Jones.
Minutes of previous meeting read and
Petition of Tyson and others received
and read and referred to committee on
streets and public property.
Bills of Bea, Bitters, Patterson and
Warmoth referred to committee on fi
nance. Committee on streets and public prop
erty report favorable on petition of Ty
son, et al., for lamp on the corner of
Main and Cannon streets.
Committee on streots and public prop
erty report favorable on purchasing land
for cemetery; also report unfavorable on
petition of Doyle et al, in regard to
building bridge.
Committee on finance recommend that
the following bills be paid: Otis Patter
son, .90; J. H. Warmotb, $24; Geo.
Bitter, $8.25; G. W. Rea allowed $12.75
on bill for $46.55.
There was some discussion in regard
to the presence of worthless characters
who are a ineuaco to the welfare of the
place, and it was the universal opinion
of the council that it is bust to rid the
place of such people.
An ordinance defining the duties of
and fixing the Balary of marshal was
An ordinance regulating the town's
road taxes was passed.
An ordinance to license, tax and regu
late retail drummers aud solicitors was
The committee on ordinances requested
to amend the ordinance regarding the
atres, shows, etc.
Couucil adjourned.
The Caifoknia Vooi Mabkkt.
Heppner is becoming quite a wool mar
ket, and every live oitizen will certainly
give all the encouragement possible to
have it continue as suob. Wool is sell
ing in Heppner at a better prioe than
the same quality commands in Ban
Francisco. The suspension of the Pio
neer Woolen Mills at tbe latter plaoe
last week, has th effect of decreasing a
limited market. Consignors of this sea
sou's clip to the 'Frijco market will ul-
j timatcly be compelled to ship east to
fin1 Mala fop sruil uf nn innrAauon ay-
; , ,,
! Peu88 of cents per pound more than
; if direct shipment to
the latter market
was made from Heppner. Sheepmen
should bear this in mind and look well
to their interests.
Headaohes and Fevers, to oleanse tbe
system effectually, yet gently, when
costive or billious, or when tbe blood is
impure or sluggish, to permanently enre
habitual constipation, to awaken the
kidneys and liver to a
healthy activity,
without irritating or weakening thein,
nse Syrup of Figs.
Ileppnt r don't need any Moore shows.
Al. Boberts it on the sick list this week,
J oh a Koyse wm down from Hardnmii yester
day. W. R. Cosoy wtw down from .he Blues last
Charier Hatch was OTer from Lone Rock on
laflt Monday.
Mrs. Geo. IUhmus returned to her home at
HUlocks on last Monday.
Joe Lnckman is hauling his wool to the Hepp-net-warehouse
this week for shipment
Mrs. H C. Hasinas and daughter, Mrs. G. W.
Bradbury, returned to Walla Walla last week.
Ret, G. J. Buruhett, state missionary of the
Baptist church, is in Heppner attending the
Mrs, Henry Rasmus is still quite ill at the resi
dence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sniff, of
Walls Walla.
The occasion is dead ripe for some agitation
on the matter of celnbrnting the coming 4th of
July in Heppner.
The Gazette learns that Arthur Smith has re 1
ceived a rain guage and is otherwise quahhed as
a weather sharp.
Thos. Morgan returned on last Monday from
McMinnville. where he reports good crops and
prosperous times.
On last Sunday dinner was served at Petrie's
restaurant to 37 members of the Mosonio frater
nity and their wires.
Mrs. J. B. Natter left last Saturday on ayisit
to her sisters and brothers in Linn county- She
will, perhaps, remain below for a month.
The Middle Oregon Baptist Association will
hold sessions morning and evening, beginning
to-day at 10 A. H., and continuing till Sunday
even in it.
The Friend crew of shearers, consisting of
Johnny Friend. Ben. Sheffield, Th-rley William,
Harry Sweeney and Walt Richardson, left for '
Montana's corrals this morning.
The supreme court has declared the Scott lnw
constitutional. Hereafter Chinese returning to
China must stay there. This decision has been
long waited for and is considered final.
John Allison, a poker dealer, was convicted of
vagrancy in the Recorder's court last Tuesday. :
and was given his choice or $10 and costs, or
tire days in jail. He chose the latter.
The 3rd "egt., O. N. G., will meet in yearly
encampment at The Dalies about July 1st. Thi
1st Regt, will endeavor to have their yearly en- :
oampmont at the same time and place. I
A. Ayera, of Lower Butter creek, was in town
yesterday. Prosperity is visiting the good people
over there. Most of the sheep have been shorn
and have sought summer range in the mountains.
Salem's business men have subscribed the sum
of $2tK).00 per month to be spent in advertising
the city and county. They will advertise twelve
monttiB. Salem is becoming alive io her own
The Dalles Daily Times-Mountaineer com
plains that it is not receiving the' patronage ex
pected from The Dalles people. It is a good
paper, and The Dalles folks are standing in their
own light if they fail to give it a decent support.
Let a man be poor or rich, he is happy if he
owns Heppner real estate. It will add to the
coffers of the wealthy And make a poor man a
rich one. Come and see for yourself. Heppner
has the situation, the backing and the business
to make it the town of Eastern Oregon.
Milton has been troubled with several theatri
cal bilks of late, the latest being the "celebrated
Moore family," who arrived in the city on Satur
day afternoon last and put up cheap bills for
that evening. They failed to draw, and Sunday
forenoon hauled their baggage to the depot in a
wheelbarrow. We learn that they bilked Ceuter
villeon Tuesday evening. Milton Kagle.
Mr. R. G. Robinson, of Lone RocV. who is ex
tensively engaged in the stock business, passed
through Fossil on Thursday lust. He has a band
of sheep iu Crook county, and was going to
make arrangements for shearing them. About
six weeks ago Mr. Robinson sold his hotel in
Lone Rock to Mr. Brown of that place. Fossil
The Bmall boy is bad enough hj himself, with
out any outside aidn, but when he is armed with
a slingshot the coinbinaiion, like that of the in
gredients which compose powder, is dangerous
in the extrtme. Small buys with slingBhots are
getting toe numerous for safety and comfort
along the streets, and preventive measures should
be taken by the authorities. E. 0. Hoppner has
the boy and the "nigger shooters " and also needs
the "preventive measures" in the shape of an
Job Pbintino. Having secured the
services of Mr. Yawter Crawford, a first
class job as well as news printer, the
Qazettb is prepared to do better job work
than ever before, and at Pendleton pri
ces. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Notice is hereby given that the publio
examination for teaoher's certificates
will be held at the court house, in Hepp
ner, Oregon, beginning at noon on May
29, 1889. J. H. Stanley,
Uounty ttcnooi nupteriutenaent.
Plenty of flour and mill feed at Sper-
ry s mill.
Tbe Morgan, Baling and Russell butter
at W. U. Minor s.
Get cash prices of feed at Spray's
Heppner feed yard.
Blanks for assessing school districts
can be had at Gazette office.
Booms to rent. Pleasant location.
Inquire at Gazette shop. . tf
All kinds of job work done in the Oa
zbttk office at Pendleton prices.
Sperry is selling flour in 5 barrel lots nt
83.75 per barrel. Single barrel, 84.00.
Coffin & McFarlnnd will deliver goods
to any part of Heppner, free of oharge.
Basmus, tbe dentist, will fill teeth, or
extract the same in a scientific manner.
Gunn He Ruark, horse ahoers;
horses shod with new shoes all round
after date for 81.60 per head.
C. S VanDuyn bus just received a
very fine liue of youths' and boys' cloth
ing. Call Bnd examine before purchas
ing elsewhere.
A fine line of cutlery just received at
W. A. Johnston's store. He ,o!Ters big
bargains in everything.
Spray will feed horses, cows and don
keys for the following prioes: Hay per
day, 3 bits; single feed, hay or grain,
Vi'i oents per head.
Gilliam Coffey have the Baker wire,
"perfect barb", in oar load lots, which
they are selMng obeap. Also the latest
novelty in wire stretchers. Consult them
before buying.
Roberts & Simons are prepared to re
pair broken agricultural machinery, sbe
yonr horse, aud in fact there is nothing
in tbe blacksmithing line that they are
not able to do.
Those having false teeth which do not
fit can have that defect remedied by Dr.
Vaughn, the dentist. Having procured
a new recipe, he is now able to extract
teeth absolutely without pain.
Hunsaker and Long having enlarged
their livery stable, opposite Natter's
Brewery, are now better prepared to ac
commodate the publio than ever. All
stock left io their care will receive the
best of attention.
Gilliam Coffey are prepared to fit a
man out with any kind of an outfit to be
found in a first-class hardware store.
Tbey will sell yon naili to fix up yonr
fenoe when your neighbor's cows break
it down, or fit you out wilh kitchen tools
when you get married.
Agricultural machinery should be the
best. A break-down in a tmsy time is
often the result experienced by those
who fail to use good judgment iu pur
chasing. The "Champion" mowers
and rcaoers are made of the best ma
terial, light-running and do the best of
work. These features should not be
overlooked by the rancher. For sale by
Coffin & McFarland, Heppner and Ar
lington. To all whom it mav concern :
You are hereby notified thai if yon
purchase bird oagea, without first inspect
ing the comolele line of oagei just re-
! eeived by Leezer A Thompson, you are
liable to get lert. ihey nave alio a new
. ... , ... t
call and see them
when wanting any-
thing in that lin.
Hardware, Iron, Steel and Fare lacliery.
These Machines are too veil known to need comment. Thousands of farmers have
used them and speak of them with praise. They aro the only Harvesting
Machines that JV111 give ENTIRE SATISFACTION to the purchaser.
The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning
Grain eve constructed.
tyrhe Featbre fenst distinguishes this Twtne-Binder Is the Lightness of Draft, combined with 1U
Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder is of the Appleby pattern, the onlv roaltv succe-wful
one yet known. We have two styles, the Elevator Binder and the Platform Binder boi'h cxoellent-both
recommended by hundreds of patrons.
W. O. MINOR, Agent, , Heppner, Oregon,
To Paint A House
Neatly Requires nn Artist with the Brnnh.
Cnn do tbat kind of a job. Tbey also make a specialty of
Sip Painting, P;i per Hanging ail Decorating.
Leave orders rt A. D. Johnson's & Co.'s
Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay required.
Shop Opposite Gazette Office,
Vice President.
Pacific Fire
s "w-ft-snxxra-TOir
- Cai)ital Stock, $300,000.
0. L. Patterson, Agent, Heppner Oregon,
I have just opened a first-class restaurant in A. Aliruhamsiok's new building, on
May street, and solioit a share of the patronage.
Meals o oJ.1. OCoTLfl.:K&
Single Meals 50cts., 3 meals for $1.00,
Board by week $5.00.
I li.-vro some fxTX-lxiwliocl rooms iix oonuoo"
Hon xritlx Itostavirmit.
May St., Heppner, Oregon.
Heppner Feed Yard!
The above is all for sale at the
rates. Lower Main Street.
W. G."SC0TT.'S
Willow Creek Saw-Mill!
"Keeps constantly on bnnd all kinds of UNDKESSEJJ LU.MBKU; also
X3T Mill Located at the Head of Willow Creek. 10 miles above Heppner.jJ
Combines the juice of the Blue Figt of
California, so laxative and nutritious,
with the. medicinal virtues of planu
known to be most beneficial to the
human lystem, forming the ON LY PER
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on the
Cleanse the System Effectually,
Naturally follow. Every one it uting it
and all are delighted with it. Ask your
druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu
factured only by the
San Fkamcisco, Cal.
LonsviLLB. Kv. Vonic, N. V
Give your work To the (itzErrs's
steam job department. .
Fr:nt, First anfi Viie Streets,
onoTi Ann nDcrntj
r"l"L'"u " u:ikuui.
Deero Plows, Deero Sulky Plows,
I Carriages, Phaetons, Top Buggio3,
drug store, cor. May aud Main sts.
Heppner, Oregon
Insurance Co,
Feed Yard nt reasonable
J. . SPRAY, Prop.
Infants', ohilds'. liens', mens', nnd nioest.
nHSiirtment of election hats at 11. & IJ's.
Most complete linn of wall papers, bnr.
ders, carpets, rugs, aud ourtains at reduc
ed prices now on exhibition nt Heppner
& Jilaokman s.
Ladies are invited to call and nispeot
our new arrivals of all wool tricots, ma-
zurna plaids, latest patterns in Btripes,
jerseys etc., etc.
Herders would prollt by examining
our woolens ami full stock boots. Call
and take a ohew of our II. & D's. private
stock cliewing to' ncco.
For sale by II. & II., sole agents, the
celebrated Condell's Ilig Can Making
Powder for 5(lo. i.ai h can contains 1'4
pounds. Eiiual to the very best in tbe
market. Come curly to avoid the rush.
Parties wishing to purchase fall sup
plies would do well by calling on Hep
pner 4 blackmail. We insure gentleman
ly treutment, low prices, and good qual
ity in all lines, (lour in quantities to suit
at mill prioes.
Most ootnplete and extensive line of
mens', boys', and ladies', buck aud kid
driving gloves, woolen-lined gloves to
keep your bands warm when snow flies.
Call and inspect our goods, at H. & li s.
No trouble to show goods.
Seaiji of All Kinds can bo prncured
at 85 each by ordering through the
Heppner Oazrttf. This is a saving of
8'2 to ?3 on prices usually charged. tf.
Important to Ladies. Miss Maggie
White, an eiperieuoed dressmaker, re
cent I v ftoiu IJmwiiHville, mid Mrs. 0. 8.
Vrtijl)'iyit are prepared tn do f iHliinimble
ilreus.'Miikiiig. They gunr-tuttm stisfio
tiou. Hiiop at the residence of Mrs.
VanDuyn, corner Main nnd August Ste.
General Merchandise,
Pioneer Firm of Heppner, Morrow
County, Oregon.
We are prepared to ofter large inducements,
especially to Cash Customers,
ling li at
And in fact everything contained in a first
class store.
Farmers' Wants in all Details. All kinds of
Produce taken in exchange.
We Purchase our goods in car-load quanti
ties; hence our ability to undersell any other
house. '
Owing to the steady increase in our business we have built a Large
and Commodious Fire-Proof Brick Building, which gires u
better facilities than ever before enjoyed.
Sole Agents lor Heppner and Vicinity .
for the
Celebrated 33 a in "Wagon
Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Agricultural Implements
jveep uie urgent ana iiem neiecieu
T- il T I I Tl 1 .
Morrow County.
Pare Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicines and Toilet Goods of
Every Description. Also, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Ac.
Pure Wines nnd Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Domestic, Ky
West and Imported Cigars.
Call and see us when you are wanting anything in our line.
Prescriptions accurately compounded, day and night, and special
attention given to orders from the country.
SHELF HARDWARE, liird-Ctiges, Rope, Nails, Cutlery, Wood
and Willow Ware, Granite Ware, Etc.
Worn Work and Repairi Neatly Done.
Opposite Hotel, Heppner, Oregon. .
Heppner Saddles!
Bottom Prices.
1 Cll .1 t. l m.
mocs or uoous in lliair
ou hand.
. -4 .