THE GAZETTE. HEPPNER, THtTttSDAY, May 23, '89. HEPPNER li lb county-sent of Morrow, located near the center of the county, on Willow nreek, and at the termiune of the Willow week branoh of the 0. P.. AN. It has a population of about 800, and is reoeiring sew residents daily. As a busineas place, it bids fair to take the lead of any town in Eastern Oregon, having tribu tary to it an immense agricultural and stock conntry. The sum ;io,000 was appropriated tue last session of the legislature for j the purpose of improving the Heppner and Monument wagon road. Thp.t amount will be expended on this route during the coming summer, rendering it the best mountain road in the state, aud one which will accommodate btiu dreds of well-to-do stockmen, who are bestowing their patronage on merchants In Heppner, owing to its advantages as a trading point. Fully 3,000,000 pounds of wool will find sale, or shipment at Heppner this season. Beat estate is advancing rapidly, and is selling at a figure 20 to 25 per cent, higher than prices prevailing three months ago. One of the best flouring mills in East ern Oregon is located at this point. For further information concerning Heppner, address Oara L. Pattekson, Real Estate Agent, Heppner, Or. ,4Ar ENTHUSIASTIC COMMUNICA TION OF THE MASONIC FRA TERNITY IN HEPPNER. On last Saturday evening there was a large attendance at the regular communi cation of Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. & A. M., in Heppner, this being the oc casion of the visit of Bro. S. F. Chad wiok, representing Grand Master Jacob Mayer, who was unable to attend per sonally, owing to an injury received last winter while on the way to visit the bed side of Past Grand Master Jenniuga. Other business of unusual interest and importance coming before the lodge on this evening, all tended to make it one of interest and long to be remembered by Heppner Lodge. The following resolutions were adopted at this meeting: Wherean, That Heppner Lodgo No. 69, A. F. & A. M. feel grateful for the re sponse to their invitation fur the presence of the Grand Master or his repreaenta tive at their regulnr communication, May 17th, A. D. 1889, A. L., 5889; aud be it Resolved, That Heppner Lodge No, 09, extend to Grand Master Jacob Mayer their thanks for the acceptance of the in vitation of this lodge, and express a feel ing of appreciation that he was so ably represented on the above occasion by Bro. Ohadwiok. Resolved, That Heppner Lodge No. 69 tender to Bro. C'hadwivk their sincere thanks for his visit to this lodge, aud ap preciate the Masonic instruction and ad vice given on this occasion. Resolved, That the sympathy of Hepp ner Lodge No. 69 be tendered to Grand Master Jacob Mayer in his affliction which prevented a personal visit to our lodge, and extend to him the sincere hope that ho may soon be fully recovered -toW? feVOTmf h "may b'e wfrfi us at some future communication, Resolved, That a oopy of these reso lutions shall he transmitted to our Grand Master under seal of the lodge. SUNDAY EVBNINO LECTUKK. On Sunday evening, at the M. E. church, South, Iiro. Chndwick lectured on the Bubjoct of Masonry to a large au dience. He incidentally stated that he bad visited many tonns in Eastern Ore gon, and considering the comparative iso lation of Heppner until the advent of railroad facilities, which only came lii.n December, he must award to our place the palm of being the most prosperous of them all. After these complimentary remarks be proceeded with the lecture proper, which was highly instructive and entertaining throughout. He spoke elo quently of tlio precepts of Masonry ami what it had dono for Jew and Gentile in both America and foreign lands, lie dwelt at some length on the plau of common brotherhood, whereby it forms the great oivilizer of the world, and While bringing conflicting creeds to gether for wants, took away from none of its patrons any of their peculiar religious or political ideas, but tended to inn lie them boiler ami nobler j men. me mzitrri.- would publish in full this address had it the Ru.ioe. Throughout the lecture the most respect- ful attention was given hy tins appro- ciative audience. Iiro. Chndwick left for his Hnleni ou lust Monday's train. lion i SUSPENSION OF THE 1'IOXKEU WOOLEN MILLS AT SAX FRANCISCO, The Oregonian of May 17th announces the suspension of the Pioneer Woolen Mills of San Frnncisoo. The mill was established in 1858 with a cupital paid up of 81,000,000, which was afterwards in creased. It w as for years a very pros perous institution, the stock selling from 940 to 89ft0 per share until two years ago. About that time raw wools com manded a high prioo in 'Frisco. Com petition caused the material used by this mill to cost above that of the East ern markets, and it commenced to lose medey. lionds to the amount of Sllll, 000 were issued to tide over the tlnauciiil troubles, and the slock run down to $2.50 per share. The manager said last week that they had not been making the mill pay for fivo yearn, nd announoen tliut Hie com-1 pany will now nay its debt and Ko out pany will now pay Kb clout and k "t of business, that most of t li fir Mt.nkn wag worked up and no more wool would be bought. This ia a severe blow on the woolen business of San Kniueiseo. This mill uaed wool for50,(W0pnirnf blankets, 600,000 yards of flannel, Ij0,fl03 yards of rloth, 20.00J flannel shirts per year, and was a strong factor in keeping up prioea ot wool at tint puint. The in activity of the Sun Franvisru market is now partially explained. Considerable Eastern Oregon wool is now lying over at that place unsold. One Grant county grower has two clip ou hand. A few mail choioe lots of wool have been sold at 'Frisco for fancy prices, which may attract Bhipmeuts, but the average quota, lion of wools does Dot seem to be much above sales which have been made at Heppner. The probabilities are that growers will get more net per pound for their wool by Bale here tlmn by ship ment. The wools hero are above the average of Eastern Oregon wools nnd nn accumulation of them should i.'.Imi) ft home market tb boat, ! MARKET REPORT. Tne general market fr farmers pro ducts is well stocked. The best quality of butter, unless disposed of at private sale to families, is much lower than osual at this lime of the year. It wouiuoe eu ror farmers to paoK tneir butter, as tb at article will no doubt be a better prie in the course of two or three me nths. , DAIRY PRODUCTS. Bv.tter, gilt-edged, 20 to 25 cents. EQOS. Eggs are very eoaroe. Very little in the market at 16 cents. VEGETABLES. Potatoes, scarce at 1 cent per lb. Ranchers, bring your spuds to town. There H a good demand for fresh veget ables of all kinds at good prioes. POULTKV. Chickens, S3 to $4 per dozen, acoording to size. WOOL. The present state of the wool market all over the United States is not at all flattering. However, a good clean qual ity is commanding a better price this season than last year. An extra choice lot of wool will bring 16 to 17 cents. The ordinary Morrow oonntv clin will oring prioes ranging irom 10 iu cents, according to siirmnage several , mg establishment in my new build wool buvers are mnking Heppner their I ing on May streot, and am now regularly hesdonartera this season. The freight ' receiving 'new goods and will make ous- rates on wool from Heppner to other points is only 20 oents per hundred high er than Arlington, when shipped to Portland and 'Frisco in sacks. If baled, the same rate applies for ship ment either east or west. OIIAIK AND FEED. Prices are encouraging nil over the United States. Our home mills pay a price equal if not better than elsewhere. A large acreage with the best of pros pects for a big yield, and good prices, are encouraging to the Morrow county rancher. Oats are worth 1?4' cents per IIi; whole barley, l'j cents per It); chopped barley, 1'; discount ou large lots. There has been quite a decline in the flour market within the past two weeks. Sperry's bpst grade of Heppner flour, 5 bbl, $3.75 per bbl retail, $4.00. Waitsburg Peerless Hour, ?l.Uf in any quantity. LIVE HTOUK. Good beef cattle, 2 to 2'j' cants per pound; mutton, S?Z per bead. FUKHIl MliATfl, Loin steak, retail, 15 oents per pound; round steak. 121 cents; roasts, 10 cents; boiling, 5 to H cents. Mutton, 12 cents, best quality. LAST WKKk'a STOKM. Some Less Among Hlippp and Lainlts. Last week, Morrow county was visited by a heavy rain, which did much good (or Clops but was quite disastrous to sheep owneie. The loss is quite general, although the Qasuctth wus not able to get exact losses ill many parts o( the county. A tew hands sustained no loss, yet quite a large majority is less from 15 to 500 head, as they were recently shorn and could not withstand the storm. Many lambs also perished. Sam Palmer, a Nebraskn sheepman who was preparing to drive east, lost 500 head; ('has. Kirk, loll; Robert Johnson, 400, mostly lambs; Billy Gilliam, 175; L. L. Ormsby ,of Nebraskn, who was also Elirer,i2-00;'"U.-;,ier, oTto'iie Rook" seo'- tion, 250; dipt. T. J. Brown, 50 to 75; Blake & Spaulding, lout heavily, but our informant was not able to give the exact number; Anson Wright, 2(1; John Adams, 80; Win. Wurren, 75; Os Mitch ell, 500. The flocks of Morrow county were in au unusually tine condition be fore this rainstorm, tlio increase of lambs being much more on the uvearge than former seasons. On last Thursday the streams were full to tho top, and shaky bridges were move! oil' their foundations. The May street bridgu was stayed by Marshal Bit ter to prevent it being washed away. Although several had narrow escapes from drowning, no loss of lite is reported. Tho settlers in the neighborhood or Ritter are talking of the advisability of building a wagon road direct to Hepp ner from their settlement. They express a belief (but n much belter road could be over their proposed roiil'.i than can ho made of cltVr of t1" two routes upon whi 'li Mi - ,".p;'r v1' " 'i i-is ore to be erpcudi'l lAi Hot unit, in,; ! to-morrow, wheu t il.c immediately a you leel nek, hut lose ot rfun.h'i'i (b or, ,u lito, d l'uriller and prevent a s. ri m:i at' n'l: of sickness. It is the best liver regulator and blood cleamer in existence. 'I'rj li. I.AM) 'il l'U'l.; m i 1.1,1 , Our War-hiusloii em-re, t sends us the following infui niation on land .,, ,( .'-( dt eided. The name of the stieeesfol j ,,:;,- :tr.i pritittsl ill Cfipilnl letters. I '. os VNPr., Andrew O. vs J. Y. l'Alilil.II. T.J. MATtSIIALL vs Wm. II. Longlej. TIIK ptl.I.EH. JOIIAN LAKKE vs J. II. Veil. Will. l. Keys vs UUO. VV. 1) KHTI1.. I.AKKVIIfW. MINKHVA W KM'!' PALL vs llaniel L.Omiblin. Minerva Westfall vs UNITED STATES. . (J. A. I'ilto., vs MARTIN I I1K1MMAN. MINERAL r-ATKNTS. Edgar II. Mix et al., Oranile placer, I'ASII l'ATKNTS. No. -UlV HOME COSIKOItT RAMIES, lielow we niililisb n few of the manv ! testimonials of people who are using the I "Home Comfort Kange." They speak lor ineniseives. Home Comfort Itangcs are constructed of the very best cold rolled wrought steel, with malleublo iron lops, doors and door frames, and so riveted together that it is impossible for them to warp or spring. All the tines are lined with asbestos, whioh retiders them practically inde structible. Pufiir. Or., Slav 15, 1SH!). ine nome l onuori liango !.' we pnrcliaBed sniiie time sign, in nil that whs 1'li'imrJ f(r I m mitinlleil.uftw iihuir ""!' U takT leH mml !')' hM ,l"'u auj kiuw wii unit1 pvnr unen Respectfully, A. J. Oufur. The Dulles, Or., Way lsstl. Our r.'inse is indeed a "Home Com fort." Now that we have it, 1 can't see how we ever gut along with a cook stove. It bakes er(e-tly nnd takes less wood by half than a cook stove the same size. KespecUullv, A. Allen. ; Boyd, Or., May 1:', ltlst). The Home Comfort is perfect. II. Rice. The Dalles, Or., May 10, lSSO. Wrought Iron Kauge Company: The Home Comfort Hamre. oni-clinicd oi you, gives entire satis taction you, bivos entire BiitUfurtion and cooka with 0110 half the wtxxj rtniuireil on the laHt Bttive we Hot anttlo. ; 1 , . . Willnun Hnnnan, Uoyd, Vh8co Co., Or., Muy H, HHK ! My nuttfe in till I Oouhl Wlh, mid I! take nleHHiirt? in reCoimiu'Uilini; it to my friends nnd acquaintances. I would not nurt witt. . w. i ii -.1 " .m. itK.i (tniuiwiiin imrii. ( Hespwtfullv, J. J. Wooler). Si un Wantkd, C. M. Mull.try will prices lur wrip. coruer Mav aud Chase . Htiuwtg. ALL THIS FOP. THE PriSMC COOD. It is an undisputed fact that the hand somest vestibule trains that are now run on the American continent are those on the "BcbtjInotox Koctb," leaving the Union Depnt in Denver, also tit. Paul, immediately ou arrival of all through trains from the west. The first j sn( second class coaches are magnifi cars sniieib. cent, the Reclining chair the rullmau sleepers extremely luxuri ant, and as for the meals that are served in those Palace Burlington dining cars yum-yum. The next time yon go east to Kansas City,Chicago or St. Louis, if you mention to the ticket agent that you want ypnr ticket to read from Deu ver or St. Paul over the Burlington Route, you will get it, and you will al ways be glad of it. If you go via the Northern or Canadi an Pacific, the elegant vestibule trains of "The Burlington Route." between St. Paul, Chicago and St. Louis will carry you alon , the eastern shore of the Miss issippi river for a distance of 350 miles, amidst scenery that cannot be surpass ed; or, if yon go via the Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacific, ard your ticket reads via "The Burlington Route," from Cheyenne or Denver, you will pass through all the thriving cities end towns located in what is popularly known as the "Heart ot the Continent." For fur ther information apply to A. C. Sheldon, General Ageut, 85 First Stieet, Portland, Oregon. TAILORING. I have opened a well-appointed tailor t lorn maue pains iroin vi 10 eio best ! goods in ttie market. A. AnruHAMsicK. roil SALE. The southwest of section 10, town ship 3 south of range 24 east, Willamette Maridian. This is school land and Mrs. N. A. Junkin holds certificate of purchase from the State. Inquire of Mrs. N. A. Junkin, Eight Mile, or of Wbioht & Bkown, Heppner, Or. STRAYED OR STOLEN. From Alpine, Morrow Co., on or about August HK8, one black mare, 5 years old, branded J 0 with a half circle over it with H immediately over that on same shoulder. Sha iH a gentle work mnre, with a little white in faoe. One bay mare. 6 yoars old, branded II on left shoulder. She had n bay, yearling mare colt following, branded same as mother. One buy mare, 7 years old, branded on left shoulder with large 6 and II , also 711 on left stillo; is a low, heavy-set mare. A reward of $5.00 apiece will be paid for tho return of the above described animals. A reasonable recompense will be given for information leading to tho recovery of said animals. William Gallahisb. Alpine, Oregon. School Patiions. The board of school directors of Uist. No. 1 will set as a board of equalization on the 24th day of May, 1HHU, at the cilice of Wright & Brown. Parties desiring the revisemout of their assessment are requested to be present. 'J'iioh. Moiioan, 1 J. M. Haoeh, ! Directors. Otis Pattkiwon ) SritAYHi). One sorrel four-year-old gelding, branded circle L on left shoul der, burbed-wire cut on inside of left back, tail tied in small knot at bottom. Was raised hy Stephen Lynn, on Butter creek.' Ten dollars reward for return of said horse to me. L. O. Ralston, Kockville, Gilliam Co., O r NOTICE OF INTENTION. , ..Lnnd Office at Ltidnindo Or., May IS, 18B9. named sntiler has tiled notice of his intention to' make linn! proof in support of his claim, and that said proef will tie made before the county judge, or m his aosence before the county clerk of Morrow county, at llnnpiier. Ore., ou July 8, IBM), viz: '. C. Cressirell Hd. No. i-m for the W'v, HW'U Hec. 2ll, and W'-i NW", Hoc. :f,, Tp. 3rl., K. 2S K. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous niHiilenco upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: S T. Tippet I, of Lena, Or., Oliver P. M. tsim coko, John Kiuiie,l (.', Tliouipsoii.all of Hepp ner, Or. Any pereon who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or wuo knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regula tions of the interior lleimrtnieiit, why such proof should not he allowed, will be given au oppor tunity at the ahovc mentioned time and place to em-s. examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler evidence in rebuttal of Ihut Mltulilt ted by clnimant. 32-27 IlKNItV IllNrllAnT, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lund Ollice ill Ladrnndo, Or,, Mav If,, 1KH!I. Noiice is hereby given (hat the fnllowuig unined settler has tiled police of his intention to make liuai prool in suotiort of Ins cl.-tim. and thai saiu prool will tie uiadu herore the oountv cloik of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on July 8, lSS'J, viz: John II. Johnson Ds. No. 775(1, for the HWU Hec. 3, Tp. 4 H. E. VV. M. , II. ,27 lie names tho fellowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol, said land, viz: II. J. Hill, of llei pner. Or,. Jerry Phillips, of Lexington. Or , J. W. Doptiy, Robert Dexter, of iloppnur, Or. Any person who desires to protest gninst tho allowance of such pits if, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the laws and the regu lations of the Interior Department, why such proof should not he silowcd, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said cliiiinnnt, mid to oiler in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. 3:12-27 Hksky Rinkuaut, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I and Offlco st badraude. Or., May 1.1. 1SS0. Notice is hcrchy given that the following named sell ler has filed notice of her inten tiou to" make Hoi. 1 proof in support of her c'niiti, and that said proef will be mints before the county olerk of Morrow county . at lieppuer, Or., un July 2, 1HSU, vis: Emma Kilciip !). No, hmh), for tho NW Sec. 14, Tp. i H., R is K. bhe names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz: t'alvin Eouutnin. of Heppner, Or., John Wad dull. Peter Hinit li, Kitt Hayes of Lena, Or. Any person wtio desires to Jprolesl iigiiiimt ttie Rllowaneeof suih proof, or who knows of nny uha'auttal reason, under Ihe law and the regula tions of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an op. portuuity at the above mentioned thus and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to otter evidence in rebuttal of that submit ted by claimant. 322-117 IlK.MlY KlNKllAUT, Register. NOTICE -OF INTENTION. Uiml Oltii-e M Tin-Inlli'. Or., May IS, 'HP. Noiice in lu-n'liy bivoii that the fotlowiiiK-uHiiMHl filler linn tiled initio,! of liirt intention to miike 61111I iiroof in Hiipeoit nf tnNi-lium.iiiuitlmt nnut eroof will In, mutt, tK'foi-e tliH eoiuily oli-k of atori-ow conntv. O-tiioii at lUiuBr. ilr.. jui 0, iw-v. vu: ,oin Johnson, V. B. No. M9I, for tli N ,--. S. I'o. 8 M. It 21 K. NKVi and N'i NV Ho immoN t he following witeiitt(i to prove his cotiliimoiiH ri'tiidi'iu-iuieon, Hud oiilt-vtttion of, UlU IHIIll, vie: f AuKit luirlslon. J. 8. loung nnti Andrew M. lVlorion, tioost'tmrry, Oregon; I hiun. Aiuler on, I'.iK'ln Mile, I 1 Any pcittoii wlio iliwinw to proteHt imniiiiit tlic ntlovtiiuce of muoIi proof . or who t;now of any j nutiHtHMliul rtioti uiulor tin law an.l lite n-unla- iioum or the luti-nor lii-piirliuciit, why buoIi enntf Rhould not lie llowed. will lie kiv'ii hii iipportu- uuyal ini uuove ineutuintHl time ant place to orottM-oiaimne the witueKNcH of Naidclaiinaiit, aiiH ' otler evidence in rcbutttd of that nutumUed by IniniHnl al-aW F. A. McDonald, l(eister. NOTICE OF INDENTION lAiidOllicont Uttiraude.Or., May 7, V9. Notice in hereby Riven that the folUiwiittf nanittl netlltr linn lih-d noiice of Ian intention to commute aud make total viroof in nuppori of bin claitu, and thai naid proof U1 v"ullt ''k f M;i Uoipner, Or., on June iil will le inaile In-fore Morrow eouuiy, Or.t at Wli, via: Joiiiph 11 AWi,OM' "V"' fort'10 NWV Tp' 5 8 11 1(8 He naimtl- following witnien to provo hin eontumonn residence upm, and tnthivaiion of, 'TSY c t , vi v , land It. aey B.vlve-tcr . Moreott. Kml Hitcklmrt ami Win. Warren, all of Heiipiier, Or. Ai.j ivimii wtitMliwirtit tn nrotttH against thn nUtiwuittv i if Bix'tt iirHf. r wtio kimwii of nny miliBiHiitiul n-iiKou, uiulor the lit ttmt tht t-vifu 1iIiiih tif tin Interior IMmrtincnt, why ttitoK ptHKif hIiouIU Hot ttj Hlluutnt, Mill U4 KiV'n (111 tl-PortmiiI) Ht thtt HlKiV-intii(K!i(Hi lira" hikI pUft to rrt-ininiiiH tli wiinmHW of njiul , tfui1'1 toiit.r fvuli- 'c tu rwmuinl of Umt j lUi-uilllIM VKUlUltlll, Uk'NBY tUNKUABT. HtfUtor, NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Office at Ijilimnde. Or.. April 11. . Notice i hereby i tu UiHt the following -named soltler )ta hied notice of hit intention tomnke tinai r-rM,f in mipiHjrt of his claim, and that said proof will be ir.'ule Iwforethe courtly juile, or m his absence Iwfore thecounty clerk of Morrow county, Offn, at Heppner, Dr., on June 3. 1M69, tiz: Frank MeCorkle, Hrt No. S!21 for tho NH't 8W1 K!4 BWH, HW WKkHBrcMlpSH. liK. He names the following witnewos to prove hitt coiitinuonK residence Uxn. and cultivation of. said land, viz: J. 8. (jurdane and D. C. Ourdune, Ridpre, Cma tilia Co., Oreijon: ('. K. Cate and F. II. hUerman, Lena, Morrow cou,,ty. Ort-Kon. Any peraon wh desires to protwt against the allowance of auch proof, or who knows of any ubHtantial reason, under the law and the regula tions of tho Interior Department, why such proof hhonld not be allowed, will he (tiveu nn opportu nity at the alove mentioned time and pluce to cross-examine the witneaee of said claimant, and to oiler evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by clnimant. 317-22 HenkY Rinehkrt. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande. Or.. April II, '8". Notice is hereby (fiven that the followinR-namod settler has filoa notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the rou-ity judu-e, or in his absence before the county clerk of Mor row conntv, Oregon, at Heppnor. Oregon, on May 31, ll, viz: Lafayette Penland, Hd.No. 2173. for the HE4 WM NKBE'iSecSj, and 8'i N VV H Hoc 27, Tp 4 S. II 27 E. He names ttie following witnesses to prove his continuous nsidence npon, anil cultivation of, said land, viz: John Zollinger, Jerry Phillips, Andrew Steven son and John Kkoglin, all of Heppner, Or. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such prs,f, or wiio knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regula tionB of the interior department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opiiortu mty at the above mentioned time and place to cros-examine the witliesseH of faid claimant, and to oiler evidence in rebuttal of that submits tisl by cluirnaut. 817-22 Hknby Kinkhakt. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Oftien at Ijitlrnnde. Or.. April 10. '8. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make limit proof in support of hisclaim, and that said proof will be made before the county judge of Morrow county or in his absence before the clerk of said county at lieppuer. Or., on May 24, IBS", viz: O. 31. Campbell, Hd. No. 22(M. for the NKM Sej 18. Tp 1 N. R 28 E. Ho names the following witnesses to prove hiscontinuous residence upon, and cultivation of. snid land, viz: John ('. (ie rge. John Barker, Robert Ilarns and William King, all of Galloway. Oregon. Anyp,rson who desires to protest against the nllownnce of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under tlielaw and the regula tions of Ihe Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will he given an oppoitn liity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler evidence in rebulbil of that submit ted by cliiiuiant. 317-22 IIenhy RrNEiunT, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Tiirid OflioontThG Dallm. Or.. April W, '89. Ndlirp in hfrcby rivou tlinl t.lm followitit; namod net tier Iiiih tiled notic of his intention to make final proof iu euptifrt of bin claim, and that mi id pronf will be niwte iM'foro ttie clrk of Morrow comity, Or,, ut Jioppnor, Or., on June 12, 'H',!, viz: Joh n Willingham. Dr. No. 4W, for tho NK4 NK4 Rfc 2 nnd W", N VV W and N"4 HWV4 Hc 24. Tp 3 8. K 2ii K. IJh JuunwH the foll()wiun witneKfs to prove his cojilinunuH roHidPtico upon, and cultivation of, Bfiifl lurid, viz: Wm. iiutfhoH, Arthur Daly, John Hnndrixand Oforne (iray, all of ili'ppuor, Morrow county, Orcjiun. Any pnrson who deniroH to protect acainst the allowance of Kiit'h proof, or who knows of any Hufmtantial rcHHtin, under the In w and the Tew lationtj of the Interior Department, why such proof rthould nut ha allowed, will Im piven an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place io crosH-exiiiniiie tint witneHnes of mid cluimnnt, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that Nulnintted by claimant. 817-22 . A. Mf'DoNALD, Ret?iflter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Ollice at The J)all . Or., April 17, '80. Notiue is hereby (riven that (he following named Hettlor has tiled notice rf his intent ion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that naid proof will be made before the judye of Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Orpon, on Juno 1, 1HH9, viz: William LueUtng, Hd. No. 2H75, for the KF.H BWH Hen 12. and E'.i NWH and HWl4 Ntt'i Her IU, Tt H of U 25 K, ' lie names the following witnenten to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, naid land, viz: An) person whf dcHtrea to irott'Ht Bgain&wHfo allowanue of such pro..f, or who knows Of any subHtantial reason, under Ihe litw utwl iIia n-oulii- tiotiM of the Interior iJepHrtmeTit. why mucii proof I sticunu uoi e imoweo win no given an oppor tunity at Ihe above mentioned time nnd pWe to cross-examine the witnesnnn of said claimant, and to olTer evidence in rebuttal of that submit ted byrlaituaut, rttH-;!23 F. A. McDonald, Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION U. S. Land OtKco, Lutjnmdc, Or.. April 2i"t, Not ire ih hereby Kivnn tlinl the followiliK-llhmed Helller Iihh tiled tiotiee nf his intention to com mute and make, liiml poof in Hiipp(,i't of hit claim, and (hut wed proof will lie inailo hof ire the counly clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at. llt-ppncr, Oreuon, tin .lime U, viz: William Hilling lid No. 8711 for the Si; SUM, NEHi BK. 8fi!' N K'i Kec. II. To t S, H 211 li VV. M. lie llaniHH Ihe followiier witiieH4H to tirnvn liiHcontinuous reeidem-e upon, and cultivation or. Himi itiiKl, vnc: 'J'. . I. Mullock, John Ifinton, of Heponer, Or., Ijec Matlock, J.ane Mullock, of Lena, Or. Any iierHon who ilcnireH to unites! mrainHt tl,a Hllownllee of euch pnof, or wiio kuowe of mil Hulmlantial nnwon, under the lawRiul Ihe reKuliu lioriHof the Interior llepnrlment. why mich proof Hhould not l allowed, will he itivcn an opportiu nityatthe aliovc-mentioned time ami place to eronH-exnmiiic the wilneHHiHorHiiid chiimnnt nnd to oltcr evidence in rebuttal of that Hiilnnitted hy claiiuatit. 81U-21 Henny lttNKHART, Kegiater. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lnml Otfinp at Tlio Dulles. Or., May , 'R9. N)(ien IB llon'hv llivcll Mill! thn filliiwitiirnniiirtd Hcltlcr Iihh tiUnl notion rf Kin intention to nmkfi fiiml protif in BUpnort of hinclaim, nnd that wiid 0 roof will In) uintte iwuiro tlio coimty t'lwrk of Morrow county, lr. h( ilommor. Or., on .Itine U. ISSlt. via: William Loonei:, 18. No. fll-W, for thn K'i HK4 iiml HE!i NEW 8ti- nnd NW1 RWV Hon :tt, Tp tl S. K i5 K. HiMinnnH tlio foUowintt witm nHOH to prove his eontinuoiiB nviiionneupun, and cullivation of, wiiil hunt, viz: Willinm Ht'iidrix, Klijn H.mkMx, n. H. Land ern nnd Jmm'tt Hminoll, ull of Lone liock. Or, An (MTHoii wluxii'sin'n to prott'4t HKHiuft the Hlhiwfiin'0 of mich primf, or who known of nny mihstaittml rtitron, iiml-T w law nnd the regula tions of tho Interior Dopurtmeiit, why snoh proof nhould not bo allowed, will hoivon an portu nily at tin ahovM mentioned tiuio and nlaco to croBH-oxainino tho wilmr-Non nf said claiinart, and to otlt-r Hviiieuce in rebuttal of that mibmlt ttd by claimant. 3'W-:i'Jf). V. A. McDonald, HoKister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. liand Otlice nt The Dalles, Or., May 1, '89. Notice in hoieby Kiven that ihe following-named neltler lias tiltul imtico nf hi intention to mak tinal proof in ttupport of hit claim, and Thaf mi'i prMif will bo tnadu before thy jini;e of Morrow county, or ia hi bIwoih'h before the dork of md county, at Heppner, Dr., on June "J9. lbMH John E. Seven oaks, 21Srt. for tho N'i N W , KK1. Hd. No. M' A SW1 8h- l.V To 4 S. li '24 K He tinmen the followiiiK wilnentes to prova his ooutinnoiiB nidouce upon, aud nultivatiou of, aiit land, via: J anion H. Allen, Jnoob H, William-, Hdward Hood and Andrew Kuod, a'lof Kinht Mile, Or. Any pernoii who deire to protenl nwainst tho allowanoo of mich proof, or who knowi of any mibntaiitial rwtwon, umler the Ihw and tho regula. ttons if tho Interior Depart nient, why tiuch proof nhould not be allowed, will bo ivu nn opportu nity at tho above nieutienml timo atul place to crow! examine thewitnenMi-Nnf mni claimant, and to otTer evidence in rebuttal of that nubuiutcd bv iMaimaut. S')0-'Ji V. A. McDonald, Kesin'vr, NOTICE OF INTENTION. ldind OHtce at Grande. Or.. Anri! 10. 'ftft Notice m liereby uiven (hut tht followina. named nettlor ban tiled notice if bin intention to make tinal nroof in support of hia rlaim atul (fat naid pi-of will bo made liefore Ihe county judip, ' or in hi nhniiee iH'foiv tho comity clerk nf I Morrow oounty, i-r., at Heppner, Oregon, au May H, ISStf, via: Richard Jt'CtirtiH, ' Hd. No. K. for the V, SK RWVi SE Sc 59 MV NK H.H! S3. Tp S 8. K T, K. Hennmen the following wittiennon to prove hin continuous resuiencu uihui, and cultivatiwi of, naid land, via: Will W- slbrtdite. K. C. Watkin. K. F. CanipbtU atul W. M. Uunb. all of Heppner, Morrow eounO', C)rep.m. Any ieron who denin tn protodt njwinut tU allowann of auch proof, or who known of aiy ntibtitautial reanon. under tho law and the rnh tiotmof tho luterior Deartnieut, whyscch prvpf i nciouni not ooaiioweo, win ue given an opixr. i tunity at the ab.vo mentioned time and place to i crown-examine the witnentwtuif wnd claimant, ul to otter evideuce in rebuttal of tint immmttedhy clainumt, ( aiT-a-Ji Hcnut UiNi-HART, Kvier To Tkachkks. The lioard of directors for district No. 1 will elect ou July l, 1S89, oue principal and three aitartti to nerve as teachers in the lleppaer school for the ensuing school yelr.;TU. I rl III i r- I Teachers desiring either ot these I iiree imported Ulydesdale and Percneron1 sitions should have their applications!" , j the hoiuU of the directors by Juue J; ARTHUR COFFIN. Arlington, Or. NOTICE I Do you need a Mowing Machine, Reaper, Combined Reaper and Mower ? If so, I II nana s And nun i mil ,01 JAM PI OX MACHINE. The'CHAMI'ION" has been sold during the pant 25 vears on the Pacific Coast, and holds the lead. THE NEW CHAMPION STEEL MO WEH is the strongest and Lightest Running Mower iu the world. Being made of Solid Steel, it will not break to pieces like ordinary oast iron ranchmen, nnd is sold at a price within the reaoh of nil. The Champion Single Reaper, isjust the machine for Harvesting, where a heavier and larger one is not wanted. OUR Stock of Horse Hay Rakes Is complete with the latest improvemeuta. We keep nil sizes of the Celebrated IVIitolxell Wagons, Flacks and Buckboards. Full line of Pry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Saddles and Harness. Portland English Cement, Lime, Sulphur, Salt, etc., in lota to suit. All onr goods at prices to meet competition with any town iu Oregon. Coffin & McFarland, Heppner' and Arlington. HA HORSE ilil ravel well when shod by will ROBERTS G e lie 1 1 1 1 n cksmi (lis & Kn ri ovt REPAIRING MOWERS A SPECIALTY. Horseshoeing $108 per Spsn after la !si, 1889. ttrB. . Mmfl,,101Lml(lnN snnp AT SAME STANDS Matlooli. Corner, 3Vt,iia. Street, Heppner, Or. NELSON JONES, Pics't. MM com 1M l TRUST CO (Incorporated.) General Warehouse and For warding1 TIi e Cooi pa n h a s warehouse 80x100 feet, reviewers for handling wool. The Warehouse. Charges at ITeppn as those at Arlington, less rartatfes. r ret "lit it von miint, trout, Irom Arlinoton. Cash advanced it pan consign menis of wool 01 stunt "C-. THE RON E. 1 1 - 1 'I Cash Advanced Upon Consignments ! Address 117 Federal Street, JOSEPH COOK, W. R. CUXIXGIIAME, "PORTlvAXD- LIVE gT06I? Boarding This Corapauy have longed the ground ou A and between Fourth and Fifth streets. Portland, Oregon, for the purpose of carrying on the business of boarding, shipping and sale of Driving, Riding and Team Horses, Full blood ed Draught and Hackney Stallions, ALSO HEEPiVNDOATTLE. Commodious barns are in the course of construction, and the Comiwnv ia fully expecting to Imve everything in readinesi for opening their premises tbe first week iu May. The Strictest Attention w ill be paid to stock nuder their charge, and consignors may rely on highest A Weekly Public Sale will be held every Sat urday and from the central position ' of the sale yard ought to be largely at tended by the public. The Company have on hand at present btallions for sale or FRANK McFARLAND. Heppner,Or. or Go to tore in Heppner ! ! Buy a s. BISHOP, Treas. Agents. E. R. rccciithi constructed a two-story villi wool press an el all con- er trill be the same -7 j? . rr jrom neppner, same as i cool 171 FELL, MANAGER. FEiO M. & GILDS, WOOL Boston. Mass Y S. YOUNG. EXGprjGE Stables. trade for stock. j Commission 1 crcbts ! GILLIAM & COFFEY, ' MAIN STREET, HEPPNER DEALFE9 IN" Hardware, Tinware, Copperware, Granite ire, Pumps, Gaspipe, Nails, and Black smiths' Supplies. ALSO AGENTS FOE Newton Wagons, StoncUircl Mo wers Ss Reapers Norvyegian Plows, 1 Gekbnted "Peifet" Us liar! - I3Y THE CAR-LOAD. A large assortment of Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Fancy Goods, Etc. Are constantly receiving new invoices, which ensh enn take away at the lowest prices. Job-work executed in a skillful manner. MADD0CK CORNER, HEPPNER. -Successor to CASH AND BOTTOM PRICES If You DRY GOODS,. Gents' Iin'riissililriHi Goods, Hats,-3s Caps, Boots, s Shoes, WOOD and WIlvJvOW WARE, agricultukal implements, Groceries, Crockkry, Glassware, Guns. Ammunition Gutlerv, Stationi:ry, Or anything usually kept iu a Srst-clasa storo, call on W. O. MINOR. I . J. SLOCUM, Next dour to Leezer & Thompson's hardware store, Heppner, Oregon. A Fresh Stock ot DRUGS A.X I.) AIE DICTN IilS Constantly on hand. '. A Choice Line of DOMESTIC AN ID IMPORTED CIGARS, And mnnv other articles too numerous to mention. G. M. MALLORY, May Street, Nearly Opposite HEPPNER, Manufacturer of anJ Dealer in Furniture, Mirrors, Bedding, Brackets, Picture Frames, -Also I88G MODEL WINCHESTER RIFLES. Cheap For Cash. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. May Street, Heppner. d S. GENTS' UKALHH IS General :zzi B 0 YS CROCKERY, GoodS Also Tate Orders POH SUITS. U3Ndd3H wooden and Willow Ware. NI Hmvaq- 'X A 1 (l VA Hi Mm UATHOXIZE! HAS THE PEST 0P1i9ite W. 0. Minor's, on May Street, HEI'PXKH Blue Mountain S. R. REEVES, - . PROPRIETOR. The Blue Mountain House is under new man- . ,1 i . . agemcnt tnroughout e'ery respect. rrcc Sample Room For Coifloieral in. wire Minor, Dodaon A Co.- Want CLOTHING, Minor, Oodson rf- Co.' Store, OREGON E TC. For Salo- Notion s Tobac-. CO A mmu-nition VANDUY N, Groo erles, AND '133H1S MM GROCERY AND CHEAPEST. OREGON House, and is first cl: iss in Charges n;o:!crnft' v7