r I 1 i IIEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 23, 1889. NO. 322. SEVENTH YEAR. MS THE GAZETTE ISSUED ITER THCBSDAY AFTERNOON. Bt OTIS PATTERSON, At tJ.OOper year, $1.Z for six months, J0.15 or throe months; in advance. If wild for at the nd of six months, 1&S a year will be charged. ADVERTISING RATES. 1 inch, tingle column, per month,. . . 2 1 $ 1.S0 2.5(1 6 On 8.5U 15.0U DOUBLE COLUMN. 2 inches S ?at 4 fc 5.(10 J4 column 15.00 Local advertising 10c per line, Each subse quent insertion at half rates. Special rates will be otiarged for personal digs and political slush. OEEOOIT OX'E'ICIJi.r.S. Governor -8. Po"0!er- Hec.ot State 0. W-,f,''"ndJ- 'treasurer H- w- Webb. 6upt. Instruction E. B. McElroy. Judge Seventh District .J. J. Bird. District Attorney . B. LUIS. MORBOW COUNTY. JointBenator J. P. Wager. . .mntv Judge..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' Wm. Mitchell. ' Commissioners J. u. Lly. J. A Thompson. . . , Clerk 9,; L,i liTm,- " Sheriff T."-HwwJ. . Treasurer .lieo. Ni bl e. Assessor ...J- J-'bJljee. " Surveyor Julius Keith ey. School Sup't J'.J,VBiS1,iJ'" Curouer A.J.fchobe. HBPPNBB TOWN OFFICERS. ,, Henry lUaokmar.. ".aw-llVus,"".. ,-;N;)"oi. J-"". J-.W- Morrow. E. L. Matlock, (ieorge Noble, J. li. Nam i mm W. J. McAtee. . ?rv:.::;.':.v.':::.::::::::::4S Marshal George Bilteis Is HEPPNER Real Estate rapidly increasing in price, yet below I offer some big bargains. 1IEFP1IES SOOISITIES:. Done Lodge No. 20 K. of F inert ev eryTuesdayeveiiiiinal ..:" clock in 1. O.ll l1 Hall. Sojon. niug br..lhers .-or-diallv invited to aUe,:d.o (, Q E. K. SwisuujtNK. K. of B. & S. The W. C T. U. of Hoppner, meets every two weeks on Saturday alteration at :t o'clock, in tlie Baptist church. Mks. W. Ki. ''W ' ilRs. Otis Patterson I resident. Secretary. PEOFBEGIOnAIi. PHANK I4I3I-.I-.Ot30. Agent for Jarvis CoukliHg Mortgage Trrst Co. Office in First National Pank, Heppner, Oregon. Greater Values can be Had in HBPPNBR For less money than can be purchased in the more advanced towns outside of the county. I rtTTwtiBw?" . sJ AN OPEN QUESTION. Absolutely Pure. This powder never vnrieB. A marvel of parity Btreiiectn and whoU-someiiesfi. More HooiiomicRl than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low tent, nhort weialit, alum or phosphate powders. Hold ovix in cans. ItuXAL UAKINO POWDKK CO.. mJM'i 1U0 Wall Slreet. N. Y. II 0' BE(MSE SHE HAS NEVER HAD A BOOM NH GK W. KKA, Atlorney-at-Law, 0' Notary Public and Justice of the Peace. HEPPNEll, OGN. OFFICE OPEN AT ALL HOURS a W WHIQHT, J. N. KUOWN, Albany, Or. Notary Public, Heopner, WRIGHT & BllOWN, Attorneys At Law. Will practice in all courts of the btate. Loans made on patented land. Insurance and collec tions promptly attended to. Opposite Gazette Office, Heppner. W. B. ELLIS, At to ii e"V -at - Law HENCEi HER VALUES JRIZ EEAL, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dulles. Or.. April. 22.S.9 Notion is horeby aixen that the follow.. i named seitlpr has lileil notii-w of hm intuition it inako final proof in mipport of his claim, ami thatBiiitl proof will bo inude bofor the county clwrk of Morrow county, at Ht-ppner, Or., 01. June 13. 1889, viz. James I). Davis, Hd. No. 2983, for tho Nli: Hoc 8, Tp. 4 S of II 28 E. H iimnMR ftm fnllnwiim wittlOBHH to UIOVB 111" continuous residence upon, ami cultivation of, a.,-,A ua John T. Kirk, J. W. Baird, GeorKe Buiith and C. Kirk, all . f Heppner, U . Any person who desires to protest against the a11..wIinoa nf Bin-fi nrdof nr whuknowBttf any Hilb- itantial reaaon, under t he law anatuereyuiaiioun of the Interior Denartment, why Buch proof should not be ailowod. will be ffiven an opportu nity t the above mentioned time and place to crosB-examine the witnenHOH of said claimant and to offer evidence in rebuttal of Uat submit. NOTICE OF INTENTION. ! l.nr,! nffito nt Thfl rtHlleH. Or.. Anril 18. 'S9. Notice ib hereby given that, the following named nottler has tiled notice of his intention to make nnal proof in auiport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the cterK or morrow county, ur,, ut jiihpijuwi, Or., on June 7, 188H, viz: William Biuret. DSNo. 4629. for the HK4 NWH and YM BWM and SW4 BKH Sec 2, Tii 4 8 of Uange art L. . HenameBthetouowingwunesHesto prove ms continuous rosidonce upon, and cultivation of, aaid land, viz: John Hendnx, James iaiutrt, a. a. uammuge and Walter McAtoe. all of Heppner, Oregon. Any person who desires to protect again si. rne nliJ1Jrt..af Hiifli m-iiiif. nr wlio knows of any subs tan iai reason under tho la and .ho regula tions of the Interior liupartmont, way sucn proof shoutd not be allowed, will be given nn ope portunity at the above inmit oned time and plact to cross-examine the witnesses of stud claiman and to ofter evidence in rebuttal of that submit ted by claimant. , BECAUSE SHE HASACENTRALPOSITION NOTICE OF INTENTION. "Notary - - - Public; HEPPNER, OREGON. Prosecuting Attorney for Seventh Ju dicial District. Will give prompt attention to any and all business entrusted to him. OFFICE on Main Street, over Liberty Mar ket . N. A. COBNISH. A, A. JAV.NK. Cornish & Jayne, ARLINGTON, ORKUON, Crlinlinil Defenoes A Specialty. And is tha-iiaturaL jnarket Jax-3rS of country. Look At This! r.onnfimoontTI.enalloB Or.. Anril 13. '89. MotW. iu linrehv siven tliat the foliowinK-nniued settier liaB tiled notice of his intention to make nnal pvoot in Bupport ot lus oiaim. ami inui sum aroof will do maoe Deiore uie l-ouuv wipia Slorrow comity, Oregon, at Hepuner, Urenon, on June 1, 1889. Til: , -- Benjamin t. ueviana, Ds No. M58, for the HWH 8oc 2S. Tp 3 8, 1! 26 E. He names the followinit witneHses to prove Iub continuous residence upon, and cultivation of ""j't't'klrkf James Talbot, George Smith a d Chaa. 8. Kirk, all of Heppner, Or. Any pLTMon wnoaesires vo nw,ni.,n.v.. allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, undnr the lew and the regu lations of the Interior Department, why sucii proof ehonltl not oe nuoweu, win u., opportunity ai IIlO aouve llieJi.iimr.. ..- place to cross-examine the witnesses of sani claiinnnt, riki to otter oviuenco iu iuuumu. that submitted by cluimiint. . Il Harritoa aDesrcnilant of Pocfthontaaf It is popularly believed that President Harrison is descended from Pocahontas ind from the Parliamentary soldier and ovicide, General Thomas Harrison, who was executed in lut9. Pocahontas, daughter of Powhatan, manifested a friendliness for the early white settlers of Virginia when she was but a girl. The story of how she saved the life of Captain John Smith, who had been captured and condemned to death by her father how she, on several oc casions, made known to the settlers their ianger when about to be attacked is well known to all acquainted with the sarly history of America. Her subse quent marriage with John Kolfe, an Englishman Her removal to England where a son was born, from whom nu merous wealthy families of Virginia claim descent is the basis of the opinion that President Harrison is one of her descen dants. W hut hnrt this be true or not it is. how- i ver, well-know that President Harrison Is a descenaant 01 a noieu mmiiy uisuu guished alike in peace and war. The name of Harrison is already indelibly written upon the pages of American his tory, fot General Wm. Henry Harrison the ninth Presidentof the United .Hates was the graud.ather oi Gen. ten. liar- riso the election of another member ol tho Harrison family is hut another pto f of .lie prevailing ti"po-ition of the public to return to healthy alminitra ion of pub lic ailairs s i h.tra.-te.istic of tue earlier years of government. A simi ar de-ire lias been inattiicsted for a revival of eirly ma ners an t cub otns iu many various ways, of which men io;i in par.n u'ai can be ma te 01 tno p vvailing demand lor thosj o d-time pi. p trations w ivh were sueci ssiiiljy employe i iu t e tneven tion and cure f the ills and nilm ints nhich frequeittd the early loy-cabin homes. After much i quiry and research a noted manufacturer nai procured the original methods used in their piepaia lion and again under the name of War ner's Log Cabin Kennedies, the public is Dossessad of those well-known prepara tions for the cute of coughs, coldB, con sumption in its early stages, blood dis orders, catarrh, dyspepsia, debility, and other common disorders. Notwithstanding the large amount of time, attention and expense which the manufacturer of Wavner's Safe Cure de mands its well known reputation as the only remedy for the prevention and cure of kidney diseases being world wide the manufacturer is resolved to push the merit of Warner's Log Cabin Sarsapa rilla to the front because of its splendid blood purifying properties and great value as a household remedy and spring time system renovator. Pooahontos, during her life-long friend ship for the white settlers of Virginia, besides her many acts of kindness, is said to have contributed much valuable information to the lost cabin home con cerning the successful methods employed by the Indians in me treatment oi dis ease and it matters little whether the al leged relationship between herself ant! the President be true or not for the name of Pocahontas is already linmor'al. TELEGRAPHIC! Fresh Facts as Told by Wild Wires. the Solomon Hiiwh, a Prominent Citiren of Port land, Hereivea tbe Appointment as Minister to Turkey. Bixmark'g Policy Washington Notes Hap penings of the Northwest, Etc., Etc. Washington, May 16 Solomon Hirsch, of Portland, Oregon, was to-day appoint ed rniniBter to Turkey. Clark Carr, of Illinois, who was to-da appointed to be tniuister to Denmark, is a lending republican, about 55 years o! age, living at Galesbutg, where he bus been postmaster. He whs promiuent in the last campaign, and at the commence ment ot the present administration wns a strong candidate for the ollico of firt.( assistant postmaster-general. Henry W. Severutioe, of Cnliform who wur to-day made consul-general to Honolulu, has for years been dentified with Ihe Sandwich islands. His father m minister to Hawaii, and his son litis been consul at S:tn Francisco for thf Tai' tiiian tfovermuent. John .Turret t, who poos lis consul h I Itiriuinghaiii, is well-known from hit l tittr connection with the steel and iron industries. Ho is secretary of one ol the largest nsooeiiitions of metal workers n the United States. Ho has been ipioii inently before the public as an earnest worker for protection. TliotDtis II. Sherman, who wns selected is consul at Liverpool, came originally from Maine. Ho was private secretun to r.Ir. Blaine when the hitter was speaker in 1809, and retained the same connection during Blaine's term in the senate and his former administration in the state department. It will pav all those wanting anything in the line of MACIIIXEPiY 8 VEHICLES To call upon or correspond with STAVER& WALKER New Market Block, Portland, Oregon. We carry the largest stock on the Pacific Coast. We guarantee our goods the best. OUR PRICES THE LOWEST, Quality Considered. AM M. . - . lu addition to nurtdrtad) nell-knnwn liin-s of Plows, Harrows, Drills and Farm Implements of ail descriptions, we call Sptoial Atientiou to our cidebrated Empire ' Mowers, Reapers and Binders, Daisy Hay Rales, "GAifcLLh ' SLF-BUMP HAY nKtS, I. I. Case "Agitator" SSeparntois and Wtimllmry Horse Powers. Among our :-ipecinllies we may mention our Uutlon Slower linil'e Gnndor, Americiiu" Wash ing Machine. Sherwood Mleel llnrneas, Farm, Church ami School Bells. "Hawk eye" U'Ub mid Stump Machine. Fruit Kvaporntors, Cider M .1 Is. We have every Kind of machinery needed by the Farmer, the Stockuiiiu. tue Orcbardist and the Sa Mill Man, frend For Our Hanusomkly Illustrated Catalogue, Don't Fail to Call Upoti otir Agent, J. M. 1 1 A G hill, NOTICE OF INTENTION. CHAS, Heppner City Hotel. M. JONES' Barber Shop ! In the West Main St., Heppner. 111 mi AND COLD baths AT ALL HOURS. IRA. G. NELSON. The Tpnsonal Artist, Js located next door to Matloclis SALOON, HeDDiier. Oregon. ico .i,,i i,t innlnriinir ru?ht on a timber culture ; 90 acres in grow iKIKJ avid WOVV --mm ing crop ; all fenced. Purchaser will be allowed crop. Terms easy. A Lot 70x100, within one block of Heppner's best corner. Prioe S215. A choice relinquishment of 320 acre?; fair house and barn; 200 feres feqoed with 40 acres plowed ready for crop; six miles from tteppner in terms easy. Good unimproved ranch; all tillable soil except two or three sores; located in the best agricultural section ol Morrow county, inoe, nw. Ann vmrw fence, runnine water; t acres oan be irrigated ; good house and t,. ntvl or.nHran.re: one hundred aores cultivatea. ureat uarKa.u, on application. r.nn,l tma ai r,n flrando. Or.. Auril '26. 'S9. K' ;. hum v civan that tlw lol owioK- named settler baa riled notiee of his intention to make final proof in nanport of his claim, anil that said proof will be made before tlie county i. rk of ftlorrow couuiy, at. xiut'i'uc., onJun 8, 188, viz: George W. McIIargne TJ.8. No. 77I9 for tha S4 RK!i NVH BK'4 and SW!4 NEk section 14, Tp S H, K W JS VV M. He namea the followins witnOBSBB to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. nhn'tivuiud. Janner Hriffith. J. S. Elliott, Sam COod location ; M. Teed, of Heppner Ore. . ' A ...,rDnT, w LnHr.nireH tn nrotOBt aKaitlFt the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reaaon, under tlie taw aim uio nn"' tions of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will bo iven an opportu nity at the above-mentioned time and plane to crosa-examine the witnesses of said claimant and to otf er'evidenoe in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. .... LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, Me AT EE BROS., Proprietors. ,. MTTirr.lN in pork CON- F .3ly on hand at reaVmable price., also bologna and pork sausase, nean on" New Bed Front, Main Btreet, Heppner. 118 YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE FOR ANY NEWSPAPER OrMaeailneYouWant AT THE GAZETTE SHOP. Lot, 60x160. Can be irrigated, water handy. best bargains on my list $600 iioiinnni.l.mpnt of a timber culture ranch; all under fence; good .... . .,, 1 . ..l.:nln4 A Vr.ain spring water, and so far law lumnea. ah oaa ue cuiu.nu. A ranch of 480 acres; good house and barn with spring near; der fenoe, and plenty of rnnning water. .terms on ui.Fr.oanou. MONEY SAVED! By Getting yonr Painting and PapaHr.g Done by R. A. tUKU SIGN PAINnNO A Specialty Shop. Firet Do . r South ot Brewery NATIONAL BANK of HEWNER ED. R BISHOP. Cashier. D.P.THOMPSON. President. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. CLL ECTI N S Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD, 0ppo't8 Minor's Hotel, EEPPKEB, OREGON VirQt National Bank A. 4 -v - ' OF HEPPNER, C. A. RHEA. FRANK KKLLOGG PM.ij.nt. ic-Preident George W. Conser, Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Business EXCHANGE On an palU of tlw world and Sold Bought n,nJr nt all ooints on Rea COiet.w - . iionable Term. 4150 000 to loan oil linprovft- Corner Lot, 50x109; good neighborhood. Inside Lot, Ayers' addition. $300. f350. Good new house. One of the NOTICE OF INTENTION. r ..rf ntfinn nt Tim llallna. Or.. Anril S. 1SK9. n.o.a in horabT civon that (ba following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in aupport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the judge of Morrow county. Or., at Hoppner, Or., on May 25, 1S, yn: Levi J. onaner, Hd. No. 2027, for lota 2 and S and ah NVVS4 and SW hi M E''4 Sec s l p 4 . it a) ,r. He names tno rouowing wniitwww pi;.vt- iub oontinuoos residence uiani, and cultivation of. said land, yiz: ... , .... J. h. Heymer and D. W. Bowman, tight Mile, Oregon; W. ). iteiainger and ( lias. h. Kirk. Heppner, Or. . ,.ara,.n hn d.0irns to nrotent atzninHt the allowance of such proof, or who knowa of any sohBtantial reftnon, under the law and the regulations oi me inwm.ir ivpi-ain ... ...-V. nuu.f al,uil.l n. I,a ul lrtwe.1 Wl 1 1 OH tfl VOM all nn I .n n..r...r.i,n,.v n. the hImivh men. ioned tim'. a .1 place to crosf-oifimitie the witnesses oi hhi claimant, and to oiler avideticu iu rebuttal or tiiat snbmltted by claimant. , t. A. fllCUOKAI-O. n.r,SiMM,r. Free Conveyance forlntending Purchasers. 0RIN L. PATTERSON, L NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at Tlie Dalits, Or.. Vayld, KM. N.le is het-..hv aiven that tho following- named settler has filed notion of his iritontooi to make final proof in support of his claim, ai d that said proof will be made before the county cleik o Morrow county, at Heppner, dr., on July 11, IBtu, nz: James I. Webster Ds. E042 for the RF.H Hec. SS, To. 3 K., It, 2B E., and S! NK'i and Lot 1, Sec. 2, 1 p. i a., He names tho following witnesnes t prove 1iis continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land viz: tr . . James Tolnrt, A. H. Ijsmnge. Jonu iirwu.., m U M--V. .O ll....r.nu. tir Any person wan neeires lo prmem wi"-; allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, undo, the law and Ihe regula tions of the Interior Department, why su :h prool sliould not be allowed, will be given an oppor tunity at the above mentioned nm. mii.i ...n.. eios-xamine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submit ted by claimant. 822-27 r. A. muxoiA.w, REAL Mil 01 mi Wilhoat Health " not be enjoyed. XAEALTH Y Y THEREFORE USE tR(f5OM01PODPlirofi(ll N urA ITU BFSTORER. 1 LIFE Office, Gazette Building, Heppner Oregon. HEALTH RESTORER Sws9s USEIT! iniTl.Tbl htiper to Health anl he M" ' cure on Earth. Use it in time lor all th Stomach, Liver, Kyl'f.b' cures Rheumatism, Malaria. Coated lonrie and Headache, relieves Conntipation, Bih . . and Dyspepsia, drives.!! "'" ,lt the Blood and dries up old SKrel. The Business men buy it, the Workiogmcr use : it, the Ladi take it, Uie Children cry (or it snd the Farmers say it is Ojeir besl health preserver. 5okt evvywwere, i.oo a b; ' for - Io! Ick! H. M.:Farlaud. of Leiin will dlivr ioe dally iu Heppner ,lr,T, tl.o summer mouths. Ctmtraot t..r it,, ammint von desire, by writing to Lira at an tarly dale. The price be 2 OJuts per lb. delivered. STOCK ni!ANI)S. While von keep nmr siibscritition paid up you can k,'uJulH'H.W'Wirf.''.W.nrrior: ein V It on 1 iglit nip luiuge in uriua anu niui- row counties. Adams, J J Hordes, connecieu on to: Oai k: cut tie. fame on left hip. Hleiiknian. (loo.. Iliirduian Horses, a flatt on left shoulder; cattle, same on riglit shoulder. lleiuiett, 'y Horaes, H on left shoulder. Hrown, J ('Horses, circle C Willi dot in oo:i tor.wi left hip; cattle, mine. Hoyer.Wd, Lena Horses, box brand or hip cattle, same, with split in eneh ear. Borg. 1'. O. Horses, V 11 on left shoulder; cat tle, same on left hip, Hiien,T. F., Lone Hock. Horses o with bar under and over on right olioul.lor. Harton.VVr-llorses.J Hon right tliijrll. cattle, same on right hip;plit in each ear. Wm. Itudio, Moniiuienl. HrftndH horses K oil right shoulder. Itange li rant and Morrow couo 'l-imer (ienlry. Kcho. Or -HorFes hrnnded H. S. wilh a quarter citole over it. on lelt stille. Hange in .Morrow and Umiilillacouiities. Allison,!). D. Cattle brand, O 1) on left hip and horses same brand on right shoulder. Haoge, Kight Mile. , .... Cook, A. J., Lena Horses, flflon right sUo-jl. tor; Cattle, ssnieon r;ght hito ear mark squaro do off left and Biilit in right. ( iirrin. 11 I- Horses, on leir stino. Cuninghau e, W 11, Newton lianch Horses, T oiil, fernm 'J under it on left shoulder: cattl siimeon left hip and 'high, left esr squara cut ('nit A Engusli. jianunnn r.ailie, j wun i in oenter: liorses. CK on left Mp. 11. K. ( octiran, monument, urant id, ur. 11, . r.eu 1, run, led circle with bar beneath, on Iwft shouhier: cattle same brand on both hips, murk nnder slope hotli ears anu new lap. Douglass, V M ('attle, H Don right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horseB, 11 D on left hip. Fleck. Jackson. Horses, 7F connected on right shoulder: cattle same on right hip. tar mark, hole in right and orop oft left. Lieuallen, John VV . Horses branded half-circle J L connected on left shoulder. Callle, sumo on left hip, linage, near Islington, Florence, L A I 'attle LFon right hip; liorsos, V will, Imr under on right shoulder. Florence, H P Horses, F on right shoulder cattle, F on rinlit hip or thigh. ' Ainislrong, . I. t... Acton i with bar under it on left shouhier of horses: cattle saino oil left "(lav, Henry OAV on left shoulder. (lolilo, Frank Horses, 7 Fon left stifle; cattle same on right hip. .... , , (iamnge. A. L. Horses, 31 on right shoulder. Hunsaker. H A. -Horses, Hon left shoulder; cat tie, Bon left hip , Humphreys, J M IJardman-Horses, II on loft "llayes. J M -H.irses, wineglasson left shoulder cattle, same on right hip. l,,,.Hn H. M. Horses. liorBeshoo J on left slmulder. (.'attle, tho satn3. llango on Light Johnson, Felix Horses, circle T on loft stifl callle, same on right hip, under half crop ill rig and Hplit in left ear, Kirk. J T Horses (111 on left shoulder: catt nd on left hip, Kirk, J I' Horses, 17 on either flank; caltle or l lgin S'.le. Lai'rtH. , Uasrniis Horses. R Lon left hii, l,e.u. .1 It. Lena Horses, P with over it o I left shoulder. u,..Mt (.near. ('utile, M Don right hip; horsiw ft ,. i, left shoulder. M,,reah. H N Horses. M) on lot( shoulder call Is. same on left hip. Atcl lliuoer. ,ia8 n, rti woou Jiurst-e, i-i win bat ever on right shoulder. alergae. '1'hos iloies, circle T on left shout der it- .1 l-'fi I high; cattle. 'L on rigid thigh. ililfhell. Oscar. 1'eitjsvilie Hordes, on rign hii ; cat I lo. 77 on right side. U-t lai-.ti. D (1 lloiscs, Figure on each shoul derVcattle. id I on lop. N-l, Ardrew, L"iie Hock Horses AN con nect,l on left shoulder: entile sione on boih liitr N,;;iinn, W. It. Horses N with half circl over il on left shoulder. Nerdyke, li I lorses, circle 7 on Jolt thigh; cat tie. sumo on left hip. Oiler, Perrj , ijone Uock-P (lot left shou.oer P,.firon,)!nve. lb-rses. circle shiehi on left shoulder and 24 on lfl hip. utile, circle shield on lelt hip. llui ge on Fight Mile Pearson, Jas Pipe City. -Horses h2 on left hi low rlown. Parker k (iloason. Hardman Horses JP on I left shouliier. Piljer, .1. ft., Acton tiori-es . i r. connecieu left shouhier; cattle, same on left hip. under bil In eiu-li esr. litxni. Annrew. riaroman norses, square cross Willi quarter-circle over it on left stifle. i .... , - , II. fltr, luf. HV,, ,lr Ke.:Uir. J W Horses. JO on left shoulder. Cat- Oe. O on right hip. Hpray, ,T. P. Horses brande.1 RF conneotod on ri.ht shoulder: cat t le same .in both hips. Spray. J. C. Morses branded B on rigoi snoui. dir. caltle branded H on the right hip and a snooth crop off of the left ear. htraight w. r Horses stiiioen j n on ien llle; caltle .1 8 on left hip, swallow f.irk IU rigln eir, uitoVrbit in left. nayer. tvtui norses. n on rigiu. snouioer; cniu suare on right hip and B on right shouhier. hwaggarl, L, Alpine Horses, rj rj on riga lonliler. hai.p. Thos. Iloiaes, B A P on left hi p; rattlt stiue on left hip. Kt.f.be I)r A .1 Horses. IjH on on left Inn: cat tl'. same on left side, wattle on left side of nook ea-s cut sharp at point. iteveuson, Mrs A J Cattle, U oa right hip. svallow-fork in left ear. ihelu.n 4 Hon Horses. 8 on its sole over an ot leftshonlder: cattle, same on left hip. 4lierry, K (i Caltle, W t; on leff hip. crop oft riiht and underfill in left ear.dulap; horsea, W C Olileft shoulder. Iwaggart. (t W-norsas, 44 on left shoulder: Itewart, (ieo., Hardman Horses circle c OP ler shoulder, carle, 44 on left hip. InompMi.i, J A Horses, z on left ahuuldar calle, 2 on left shoulder. Tppeta. H T Horses. C on left shoulder. Vaile. Henry. Horsii hiandt-d a.e of ss.d onle.t shoulder and left top. Cattle branded ass on left side ai.d left hip. VEUY HICH WATER, IVndlcton News Notes. Pendleton, Oi.. May 10. Mrs. T. Os lello, ?ieeVene Baker, n bride of but a few days, died this morning of diph theria,. High water on Tu-Dea Willow drowned several lambs lust nit;lit. The train to Wnlln Wnlln this morning could not oross Pine creek near Weston. The bridjre had been undermined by high water. The train oume back and went around by Umatilla. Sheepmen wliosa flocks havo been re moved to the mountains will sudor con siderable loss. Tho bridge on MclCay oroek, on the Pilot llook road, was washed out this niornitiK. The Umatilla is higher than it has boon since February ot last year. failed to find him until about tw o years ago, when he was discovered at Wiutie- mnooa, Nevada, where he was living with his family. Lee fled before lie was apprehended, and enme to Washington. About six months since he gut into n row at Ellens hurg, and was arrested, tried and son teuoed to jail for six months for assault. It was about this time that his where abouts were again nNcertaiuod, but the ollioers sent to arrest him hud to wait until bis term of sentence expired. That time has now oume, nnd dotective Ktis sell, to-night left Seattle for Ellensburg. Lee will be taken back to Los Angles, and there tried for the crime committed eightceu years uyo. Many of the witnesses of the murder tue yet living, and it is said that no dilli ctilty will bo experienced iu obtaining his oonviction. TUB POLICY OK MSM.MtK. . K.litor Ottrntlovfer 'Suggest.. Dud He May be Steuliii!! a .Va.ch oil Hie I'ominlssinii. New Yoiik, May 15. Editor Oswald Oltcndorfer.ot the Staats Zeitung, ar rived yesterday alter an nhsenco of five months in Europe. In nn intoiview lie Bniil; "I met our Siiruotiii oomtnisHions in Berlin, and they seemed to be confident of carrying their points because Bismarck was so gr.icinus. They asked fur tlie independence of the iHhinds. and that the people bo not in terfered with in their internal affairs. The news of tho release of Kinu; Mallet.m was received at Borlin while I was there, and it created n favorable impression. I told commissioner Phelps, however, that he hn.il better look sharp, lest the ohiinoellor should steal a march on him. It is altogether likely that King Mnl leloa, who was iu the hands of tho German marines for two years, is now the more tool of Bismarck. Young Etn- neror William is suffering from the trouble in the head w hich has made him partially deaf, and fears are eulerluined that it will become serious." THE pujlOl'ltoTH' JQIAIUJ! AJ8SU1E. COiisiiL'i'iiblc (IpiiiLlthni to llrii'C ..Among Prominent lleiiiocrats. New Youk, May Hi. Many of the leader democrats do nut think H wifio to promote Col. Brico to tlie chairman ship of the national democratic com mittee, made vacant by the death of Barnuin. The defeat of Cleveland is attributed iu a largo measure to the mistakes of Brico, through inexperience ft is urged that if UrifO has tlie host in terests of the party at heart ho will imI accept the place. Ho must be aware ol his unfitness for tho place, say ins op ponents, nnd ought to ijivo way to sumo older man. Said a democratic sonntor: "We should eoiite.il of tlie lower house of gross two years hence, and the four new Northwestern states tins fall will be of the greatest importance. Tho democrats, with proper manage ment, have a fair chance of carrying two of those states. In my judgment, Wur man is the man to put to the front. VILLAIll) AMI SMITH. Ileppiier, Oreg. Viilard met Elijah Smith and said: "I have you ; I have 201,000 shares locked up iu my boxes." As tho oapital stock of the company is 100,000 shares, this would give the Vii lard party 1,000 shares majority; but Smith would not admit that he was de feated, although he did not claim a vic tory. THE INJUNCTION SUIT. Villurd Afrrees Not to Issue New Stock Be fore the Flectlou. ., New York, May 17. Arguments on the injunction suit of Elijah Smith and Edward B. Bpll, brought to restrain lleniy Viilard and others from issuing 510,000,000 of new stock of the Oregon & Transcontinental Cotnpauy, aud from pledging $12,000,000 ot the Oregon Rail way & Navigation Company's stock as security lor dividends thereon, was heard before Judge Barrett in the su- 'TOffl Te-aoTTITlfiTaTr answer ml the main question. Villard's answer was vcrv voluminous, nnd weut into del. tils in the matter of the antece dents of tlie present litigation. After the lawyers in the oase had talked informally with each other and to the court, uu agreement was finally ar rived at, and the) order for Villard's ex amination was vacated, aud the in junction was disposed of in the same way, upon the stipulation that Viilard and his assnointes should not try to issue any new stock before the election. cou- the election AN ANXIOUS OFFICE-SEEKKIt. A Romantic lnei.lont In President Ilarri'l son's Amlit'iice Room. Washington, May 15. While presi dent Harrison was receiving visitors yes terday he observed a bright-eyed young man who kept moving nervously about in tho crowd nnd pushing himself to the front. lie looked with groat eagerness at the president, and was trying to catch his eye. Almost nn hour elapsed beforo the president first discovered the young man, and the Litter's nervousness am. eagerness to get an audience began to wear upon t he president's nerves. 1 1 nally the visitor boldly walked out from the cr .wd hen the president was reienoil. He presented tin c -rd and be gnu lo lul'rens himself tulhechn-l' toiiijis tr.it o. He said : "Some titno ago I made application for uu iipix.iiitnie.it. I w.mt it nwrnlly hud. I don'! care for it for myself, but the fact of it is, Mr President," and here the young man blushed to the tips .. his hair, "I am en aged to be married. Unless I Rt't this appointment the en gagement won't stand. There you have it, and now you kno why I am so anxi ous." Tho president was taken aback, and although amused for an instant, the statement went to his heart. lie at first was a little out of patience, but tho evi dent painfulneHs ot the siluatiou elicited his sympathy, mid the young man's card, with tho name of the oflico he desired, was laid in a promiuent position on Mr. Harrison's desk. AFTER EKIHTHKN YEARS. FROM ALBANY. will A Murderer to be Apprehended A f ler a Luuic lm.ui.uity from Justice-. Sbattlk, W. T-, May 1(1.- Detective Itussoll, of Los Angles, C'al., was in the oity to-day with a requisition for the person of Iliohard Lee, who killed Wil liam Duncan near Los Angles eighteen years ago. Lee is now in jau at r.ne.ia burg, W. T. Lee killed Dunofiu iu a row over a (fame of cards. The two, who were farm ers aud neighbors near Los Angeles, were playing iu a alooti one day, and when the quarrel arose Leo went to his homo, a mile and a half distant, pro eared a shotgun aud, returning to the nlace where he hud left his neighbor, killed him. Lee that night tied on horseback, aud tho most vigilant seuroh One of the Host Exciting lays In the History of Wall Htreet New York, May 10. An Oregonian dispatch says: The Inst hourof business on the New York Stock Exchange to-day was marked by tlie climax of one of the most exciting oliaptors of wall street, history, nnd closed tho fiercest fight that has ever been known on tho floor of the exchange. Tho prize for whioh this battle was fought was the control of the Oregon & Transcontinental Company, a corpor ation with a capital of lO,000,W0, nnd holding ooritrol of the Oregon K iil way At "Navigation, tho most important rail way in the Pacific NorthweHt. The control of the company is now he.'d by Hourv Villurd, an. I iiHsncialcd j with him are the tiiaiiii :tes ..t the Staixl , ard company, liaioii Kclohroder, Bis- j mark's financial aifeiil, l" Lvaid T. Ab bott, John Trevor. W. L. Colby and Home of tlie largest biililii'iM in Hie city j This aggregation of cai.it il tho n:r- rules of viiiarit women nuaio . . .m- j opposition inclu led all Hie lug i"-i h r ' in the Union Pacific road, Cntrles ! nin cU Adams-, Sidney Dillon, Fn-d AoieF, I Klij ib Sin th and olh.-rs us prominent. Elijah Smith had charge of 'he campaign to oust. Viilard, and proposed to take Ins place, as he did onco belote, when Vii lard went down in the crash following tha driving of tlie last spike on the Northern Pacific road. For a 1. ng timo both were active in quietly accumulating Btock, but it was not until to-day, the last day on which to register stock to vote at the election, that the supremo effort was made iu the exchange. All regular sales ma.lo are not deliverable until Monday, but sales made of oash stock had to bo delivered before 2:15 P. M. Out of 50,0i)0 shares of stock traded iu to-day, 20,000 shares were cash stock, and the prioe moved up from 17 per aharo t $(S1 00 per share, before the exchange closed. From 40 to 45 the stock moved up, 1 per cent, at a time. Then it jumped 5 per cent, on a single transaction, and after moving up 1 per oetit. more made a jump of 9 per cent, to CO. It soou Bold at Gt'e. ,lje highest point reached in six years. All the time tho trading was marked by intense excitement, and tbe day will never bo forgotten by those who took part. After the registry books were closed, Work to he Resumed at Ones on the East ward Extension of the 0. P. Aliianv, May 17. Wnllis Nash, of tha Oregon Pacific railroad, was iu the oity to-day, and stated that he had just re ceived a telegram from Wm. Hong, at New York, that he would leave immedi ately for Oregou and work would begin on the eastward extension of the road at once. Engineer Eclcson aud a party of surveyors have been iu the field east of the summit for several days. EARTHQUAKE IN CALIFORNIA. The Worsl Shock Felt in Years Reports From Various Places. Ran Fuancisco, May 10. Telegrams to-day from many points iu what is some times termed Middle California report eurtliquako shooks at about 3:15 this morning. At Utocklnn the shock lasted about ten seconds, the vibrations beiug from north to south. A number of people rushe 1 into the street. One man jumped fro a second-story window. A number of buildings were heard to crack. Modesto reports a second shock ten minutes itfler tue first one. At N.ipa tlie vibr.itiona lasted twelve seconds, I : C.bsto,'a even longer. The 1 1 ;si, r in few houses at Napa was link: it I'eiitlit'o i ivpurls two distinct shocks, tie: s. e -n I q ute heavy. Aili -cli 1-ii gri.phs that the tops of ; in .n cl i iine , s were shaken otT. Han Lcamlro s i s that the shook wag Hio heaviest feit fur years. I At. Collinsville, S dano county, tlie shock was ncompanied by a tumbling sound. Chimiievs were knocked ovr;i clocks stopped and olio building toppled over. The ihratioua were from east to west. AT SACRAMENTO. Sacramento, May 10. An earthquake shock was felt here ut 3:10 this morning. The wave oame from the southeast and was quite severe. AT THK LICK OBSMtVATOIir. Lick Observatory, Cal., May 10. The earthquake was felt hera at 9:10 this morning, the snook was not heavy, but the extraordinary feature of it was the great duration which is registered on the instruments two minute) and twelve seconds. The vibrations were in a north and south direction. SUNDAY IN THE ARMY. President Flnrrlsoa Will Soon Abolish Sun day 3Ioiiiuiis Inspection. Washington, May 19. It is probable that a general or ler abolishing Sunday morning inspections and otherwise mak ing Sunday a day of rest in the army, will be promulgated by tho president at uu early date. Fully three-fourths of th army is in favor cf this reform, and with a few exceptions the other fourth is in different iu the matter. farms at 8 per cent -: