7 TTITi: HJSPIW KIR Livery and Feed Stable, Hunsaker- & Long, Proorietoi's, Opposite Natters' Brewery, Heppner, Or. Itook Botrle1 l"y tlie Saddle Horses, Buggies and hacks to hire at Reasonable Rates. Hay and grain (or sale BUS to &FKOM all TltAINS. Goods delivered to my part of the city. All Stock Lr't in Their Care Will S perry's New H ICPPjSTJSIt, - Capacity 70 Barrels B. SPERRY, Proprietor. J. Flour md Mill from best Feed. Is r- now o suit purchasers. J? i J Hamil T ft ili t; e a y W; u ' H-lNdHIi'TOT, OHIO, Manufacture'! of Hamiltou Grades of EDITORIAL SPECIAL BUGGY OF AMY BTTLE VEHICLE. SPKCIAL l'KATURKS ! Proportion, l)urnlilit y, I'oi-lW'i Ion oi IIiiIkIi. Thll "Mirror" finish work is the best im-ilium-priccd work irj the Uniti'il Stolen. WRITK FOR CATAI.OCUE. HAIlHr,TO JIlHJtJY fO. TtLE, Clark 340 N. Charles St., - - Branch Storo, . - 008 Pennsylvania Ava, Washington, D. O. a mma tL-; tJ 41 L J ur runt -;tu iiL 12 hypopk v: XiZVi Imostas Pala d!.1! as i;k. o dlignliad (lint pealed, and aailr.il nitUT stomaoli, l nBot b toleruti.it nut Ion off tho uK il tltoi la ninub lucre Remarkable us it l! Pertoni gain liiil'-. SOOTT'SEJa'I.Htr vaioianB to be tl.o 1 uon in the world oi CONtUMP.-IO ENERAL DESI DISEASES, f . t ! yi'i fin- it 1.1 A COLDS and CMl-ruKIO COUCHS. Tht great rtmnly j'v (hrwumption, and 'attintj in CliilJi fn. $ Ui ly all Druggist MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. av Gennlae HTstPin of Memory Tralalnc. Fear Iteoke Learned In one readlac Mtnd wnnlrti-lit rui'eil. ry retld anrt ndj't arently benefitted ilreat loduoeuisuts la '.' uiv ;y-.nJooc Clan. f'rasMotas, with'opfnt pi "' fr. W'm. A. Ilnm- our!, tti wirlil laiii.-.l it i lin Mmd DitMM. 'vnlel (-reenliMif 'J'h' uthra,t Pajcliui- at, J. M. Uiichlfr. - ,t litruf Hi Christian ioeaU, N. v., ItlcbuM I'r J 'lf Hctantiat, on a. V, V. Anior, Ju.lnn (i han, Judah i. ujKintn. anr ntliara, aunt not.t fn" by lrof. LOlSii'iit, Sill Ave., N. Y. ail flalld Gold Welch 1 Biiiaior mtmpmrn. until 11. I wait k ta Ue wotid I reiiaM lUMka.par. Wai- . r.ui.d. Hhi AnuuiiBf: uaaaa. Uvtti taduV n4 f cuta' ai.aa, wiib wuikt . and of equ.i .lua. I One fenou ta aaob l aaiur can eacuta one frta. lofUir wtili or larr andal- ble Itne at Ifuueffiold naaplea) Tb.ac aauiplM, aa 'it aa ma waua, etna rmm. end after ,u have krnt r home for 9 mum ha and ahuwn tlum to thuae . n i, i.i j have culd, l hey berotua your md proieriy. Tbaa t vTit! at once ckn be aure af rccei'tnic ibe Vntrh ' 6u.n.plen. Wcjmj all eipraaa, frrlirbt.aia Addraa ftn.oi :o., StfjK 91)s, Aertlau(i, Maia. Itiy, , Weelc, ok Montli at ratal prices. Leave orders at our office, in gtnble. Receive the Best of Attention. (0 OTMSGON. uraues ot vvneat, nour i r i ri n tor sale in quantities 3 s 4. O MAKE A Delicious Biscuit A sit your Grocer for CCW BRAND SODA "iSALERATUS, . IbsAWy fm. a; ! 3 VejMcL: Cycle 02 BALTIMORE, MD. NEW RAPID BICYCLES. NEW RAPID SAFETIES. QUADRANT TRICYCLES. QUADRANT TANDEMS. Two hundred second hand machines, all kinds, sixes and priced. Hity- clcs, Safeties and Tricy- i cles for Hoys and Girls. I Send for Catalogue and ' Price Lists. Mailed fret. AGENTS WANTED. -77K- Railway & naviaton Go. COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE." TIOKi To nil 1'riniMpfil l'oints in tliP Ihiited Stiitt-H, Cumuli! tintl Kuropc. ni;i;.i.T 11'i.i.mw r.ii ui: ruis - MIGRANT SLEEPING CARS Itini Throuuli mi all Kxpress TrnitiH to OMAHA, Council ISlttffs. FrveoCharyeuntl Without Charge. CliMe dm ntrt ion at Portland for Sim Pmiieisco and Pujtet Sound l'ointn. A I j 1 1 i O N ST 1-: A M 10 1 IS Leave Portland (or San Francisco every four (-1) day h, making the trip in tlu liotira. ('dfx'ii, fid. Stveraije, $M Humid Trip Unlimited, For fnr(li(ir parlictilars iniiiim of any at;tMit of the eoiniianv, or A. I,. Max well, ( I. P. & T. A.", Portland, Or. .4. L. MAXWELL, W. 11. IIOLCOMH, G. P. it T. A. O'encrid Atanaijer. WHEN YOU WANT lmun . . ill 1)1 DON'T FORGET Tbnt the bi'Ht ijlnce to net it ia at the GAKHTTI3 bllOl', Heppner, ; ; : (ij-cyon 3 TRADE RjMAUK For Strains' and Sprains. Evidence, Fresh, New, Strong. Ms. rUasant, Ttiu, Suffered S Tear. jant so, ii loffsn yaara with rirala f back: coau aot sralk atrl(ht; mM4 two bsttlas St. Jacobs Oil; tunni Me pais. U II ikoatks. M. J. WALLA CI. On Crotches. Canto-Ufa, Obis, In 4, 'II. Tw mUi cnitchaa frost traJna aakl: smC t. Jacob Oil; cusd; m Ktara of pais In aa VMkr. WK. SAT. Used Cane. Hoaitoa. Texas, 3n , lltl. prfttnod my back: hxi to m ; wm rt y St. Jtcobs Oil ftfur 1 nontbi' nffaring. MRS. 1. IHOM&TIELD. XD ea. BoOf atOB, Mien., Mar 9 About MftTch 8, I itrftlnvd r uiili n tu la bod on week; d cko. two woaki. Tbri tppU ctiODt ft Amy, from tbro bottlot of St. Jftcob Oil cu-ad no. No raturn of pain. JOSEPH DANIEL EAS7EBDAT. Terrible Pain. Piainriaw, III., Mt is, nil. I iprftlnod -my thamb Uit Spring, nd Urrlbls iWilllng and pais emnod. Four ppltcllonof Bt, Jacob Oil ouiod mo and Uteri bis bean no mora ot pala. OIL. 8. fc.OWM. AT DRCGOI3TS AND DEALERS. THE CHARLES A. V3GELER CO., Baltimore. Hi. ARTHUR SMITH, P.UAGTICAI, WATCHMAKER ! Neit to First National Hunk, HEPPNER, Watches, Clocks, OP.EGON. Optical Goods . - J1.50. . i.r,o. A Watchna CloanHtl, . Mtiiiiripriiiga Fitted All work guaranteed for one year. THIS IIOIVJ15M Jewelry EsWM Still Continues to Sull - - olo cks , At the Lowest PoHible Prions. A large stock of Gold Pfcns, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always ii -:.---"on Hand----- -s'.l A Full Line of IIiih bceu lidded to Lis nutl well Boleott-'tl Btoflk. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Work O-iiAi-ailteocl. STOHI'I oi)pc)Bite Minor, Dudnon A ('o'h May Ht. Heppnor. - - - Oregon California, Oregon and IDAHO STAGE COMPANY, J. U. KeeuH)-, Sttpt. Monuninnt HttiKe lonvnn Htlpnor MotiiinyB, Wwliu.'Htliiys null FridtiyH at fl:30 A. M. Monutnont HtiiRO nrrivoH TuowilayB, TIuubiIrj-a unci HHttirdnyn at f,H0 I. M. Htinday Btntro to fiud from Arlington. Fare, $.Xt each way umllulon BtiiKG leavoH Hopi-nor fl:.10 A. M. nrrivca " 4:30 P. M. Fiire to Monument, - - $5 00. Fnre to Pendleton, - t.00. K. J. 8LOCUM ft CO., AnuNis. Froicht 2 cents per pound. Heppner, Ogu Arlington Meat Market, KKlil'H O.lNHTANTIiT ON HAND if O 1T . VARNEY&PUTNUM Arlington, Oregon. . I'. lri.nnKNCK. K KI.OllKNUK FLOKF.NOK 11KOTHEHS, Jw!5Sa STOCK RAISERS ! HH'IM'NIiU - - tHI-'.(K)N. t'nttla liraiutl atut ar.aHti kiHl us nIiowii atiove. HnrHoa K on r ik lit Hlunliltr. (tar cattlo rant in Mnrrow. (lilliani, Umatilla and Vaioo count it'a. Wo will pay 1100.00 re ward for I iio arroHt and conviction of any purnoa Htcalintf our mock. Wool Tjibei'til Atlvamvs Made rrosvi-i-CH )NS1GNM KNTS- S.-t.Y FHASCISCO: M'nrWioitue mii Offlee, Corner h'ifthiind Toirnsend Streets. PORTLAND: l Wanhiiujton Street, IIIU'IWKK AGKXT: Coffin & MeFarland MATCHES AT COST! KataMWhml Wboleaala Welch 11 .him mi gut uuioaiv a l,r at Kbria a l I W kit liU. H ak-bt'v Im Drat qutvtit Utkl-fuld (W, at eUxii M an ubuitu rare' Prifae. The onlr oirlunUv Pipradyrfd Tww to ball Ton VI IX fetllHrtt, and tw warraainl la rvw-ti'tu miIt Abiulalely RaiiaUa Tw k ami tu I'a-iu thai carry tih thm Xh. ir Mifv(iuvr. full Otiareuiiw. Cut thla oo.u autiM-iMiou. k. I'iHHtMmtna tth, 1M Vtalt eHra Gin i ir NEWS NOTES. Ralph Cotiton, the reporter of the Walla Walla Journal, has" re ceived the appointment as postal ' oleik on the ran between Portland and Spokana i An exchange says truly that .some men "live and learn;" others devote thir time exclusively to forgetting all they ever knew. Counterfeit silver half-dollars are in circulation at Seattle. Look out for the "queer" shovers. The seven-year-old son of J. C. n t ur ii fir ii i ii. .giey, oi ana v ana, naa ms right foot taken off at the ankle while stealing a ride on a switch ing engine at that place on the 3rd mst. G. W. limit is purchasing the right-of-way to Pendleton and that town will soon have additional rail road facilities. The I'uyallup Commerce says that its next door lipighboJ, Tnco- ma, is to have an electic street railway, and it is proposed to have the road constructed and ready to run by the first of August uext. At Tacoma 2708 voUrs Jinye registered for the municipal elec tion an increase of 632 over the registration of one year ago. The registration indicates a total popu lation of 13,000 to 15,000, and a gain of upwards of 3000 in one year. This is an excellent exhibit. Tacoma is rapidly becoming a fine city. Farmers and stockmen of Ben ton county, are agitatiug a stock ! 11 1 V - m. anu agncuuurai mir. i ney pro pose to hold it at Corvallis, aud establish the same as an annual exhibition, Tlioii'. 0. has presented a bill to the city for $230 damage caused by the wetting to their stock a short time since. The Pendleton Tribune says that the Indian police are enforc ing the order which requires that all stock of white men on the res-' ervation be removed. ' Th members of the Long Creek rood commission were all here Monday and organized by electing J. B. Keeney president, and It. Sargent secretary. The commis sion will make a personal inspect ion of the entire road and let the contracts for construction forth with. Pendleton Tribune. C. J. Smith has been appointed general manager of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company, with headquarters at Portland. Xhe Ellensburg Capital favqrs location of the state capital, state of Washington, by vote of th peo ple at the tim i the constitution is adapted. It says: "The new states of the west, whila forming their constitutions, designated the place for permanent seat of gov ernment, submitting the queston of location to the people at the same time the constitution was sub mitted, thus saving the expence of au extra election." General It. A. Alger, ex-governor of Michigan, hus long been greatly impressed wth the magni tude of the lumber industry in Washington, and now he proposes to start a large sawmill near Taco ma. A fire at Arlington on the 5 inst., badly damaged a house belonging to John Jordan, and destroyed considerable furniture and bedding of the occupants, Mr. and Mrs. Ed wards. However as Arlington has a fire department, the flames were gotten uudor control before any damage was done to adjacent property. There's a real estate man over in Tacoma named Masou, who paid $3,000 for postage stamps alone, last year. Three years ago a well-known citizen "took up" a quarter section of timber land just like a thousand other quarter sections round about here. Last week he offered $1000 for it. lie thinks it is worth $0,000. In five years it will be worth $8,000. That's why so many are reaching out after a slice before it is all gone. Astor inn. An old Hint lock musket is to seen at Hern A Paine's gunstore that would answer for a Rip Van Winkle impersonator. A short time since while Win. Hill, of Big Prairie, was out hunting he ob served the muzzle of a gun stick ing from the side of a tree. He found the tree hollow and took the gun out. Tlie stock had near ly rotted away and tho iron work was badly rusted. It is said that : in 1853, three Irenchmau werej Chu-aoo, Mayl2.-A special from Dead crossing the mountains when one I wood, Dakota, savs: Great eieitement of them beiue wounded accidou- i preveiUowinn to the discovery of new them being wounded accidou- ttillv lllutfil.,,1 rtn l,1u rt,nn.iu,.n. , . , , ..... leaving him and continuing their journey, as they were short of pro- visions. The two crossed the mountains, coming out about the i McKeuzie road, while the wound- j rt 1 1 , ed man recovered suflieiently to get back to the settlement, hiding i uie gun ueiore no tell vamp. gene Guard, -Eu LAND DECISION. The Times-Mountaineer, of The Dalles, publishes in a recent1 issue of their daily a decision of; ' the General Land Office. It is as follows: Washington, D. C, April 23, '89. D. N, Thornton, Esq., The Dalles, Oregon. Sib: In reply to your letter of 10th inst, as to persons who have paid 82.50 per acre for lands with in the limits of the grant to the Northern Pacific It. R. Co., and now reduced to $1.25 per acre, under act of March 2, 1889, 1 have to inform you that the 4th section of the Act of Congress, approved March 2, 1889, reduces the price of all sections and parts of sec tions of the public lands within the limits of the portions of the seveial grants of lands to aid in the construction of railroads which have been heretofore, and which may hereafter be forfeited which were by the act making such grants or have since been increased to the double minimum price, and also of all lands within the limits of any such railroad grant but not embraced in such grant, lying adjacent to and co terminous with the portions of the line of any stich railroad which shall not be completed at the date of this act, is hereby fixed at one dollar and twenty five cents per acre. This laud in question was reduc ed by the aforesaid net, but prior to receipt of circular from this office of March 8, 1889, you charg ed the party $2.50 per acre. The second section of the act of June lfi, 1880, provided that, "in all cases whore parties have paid double minimum price for land which 1ms afterwards been found not to be within the limits of a rail road grant, the excess of $1.25 per acre sIihII be repaid to the pur chaser thereof or to his heirs, or assignee". This land in question is still witliiii tlie limits of the grant to tne Northern Pacific It. H. Co. This portion of the land lias not yet been forfeited, but the act of March 2, 1889 merely reduces the price of the laud and makes no provisions for repayment to per sons who have paid $2.50 per acre for this laud. If this portion of the road should be forfeited, then those parties who have paid $2.50 per acre, would undoubtedly be en titled to excess. This is a case where you have erroneously paid too much money, am1. f;he law authorizing repayment (ToeS'not provide for the return of moneys, where the land was im properly sold. See case of Joseph Brown 6 L. E. p. 316. Therefore it is not in the power of this office to afford the relief asked for. Very respectfully, S. M. Slonalengek, Commissioner. SOME FACTS ABOUT IMPORTS. Durinj.' 1888 there was imported into the United States 670,520 boxes of oranges, against 1,075,207 the year previous, while the nuin bor of cases was 123,878, or double that of '87, and of lemons 1,428,828 boxes were imported last year. A San Francisco paper estimates that these quantities are equal to 70, 000 car-loads, and as it takes about two acros of fruit to fill one car, 140,000, acres will have to be brought into orange cultivation to render the country self-supportiug at the present time. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN'S WATCH. Levi W. Groff, of Lancaster, Pa., has in his possession a very old fashioned lookiug silver watch, shaped like a biscuit, and which was the property of Benjamin Franklin. The watch is of the open face pattern, and there is engraved on its back, "Ben Frank lin, 177(5, Philadelphia;" and Mr. Groff says it was the personal property of ttie great philosopher and was carried by him. It still keeps good time. The watch was made by W. Tomliuson, of London, and it is numbered 511. In the inside of the case is Thomas Park er's advertisement of his jewelry business, Xo. 13 South Third St, Philadelphia, on which is written, "Mainspring and cleauing, Jan uary 21, 1817." The owner of this relic has been offered $1,000 a year for the use of it in a jewelry win dow. Washington Cor. Yu York Star. MORE GOLD IN DAKOTA. KU'b TUrer DIujIimpi DiMovrd Forty Uilra from Dru4wt. miles from here. Prospevtiug in these lliKKiDga ,Mt year ou a smatl ,0Hle .bowed goM in qnautities. and in reuew- i" vhe work this spring, the secret got "J'uArL,TD.' ..n,!'.:'" 'h! tout, horseback and with team, taking tent. iroTtsuma aud comp ete tuimtiir ';. AU Bre iu , rn,h. Wtie, from "le digging returning to get provisions, etc., show plenty of eold dust and slate ' tli diggiugs am extensive and wortp ; I oU to 70 ceuts to the pan. I PRACTICAL ARITHMETIC. Keduce seven jacks to gills. How many degrees in a college? How many sins make one scruple? j How many perfumes make a 1 scent? How many pounds make a prize hght? How many seconds are there in a duel? How many agent tired? feet make a book Reduce three gallone of whisky to drunks. How many minutes in a previous meeting? How many barrels in a political campaign? Add one oyster to each plate of soup in a church festival, aud de termine the rise in price per plate, If a man speuds three-quarters of an hour trying to unlock the front door with a button hook. how much did he spend at the club during tho evening? THEY ARE TO BE PITIED. The following sorrowful com plaint clipped from an exchange, is not wholly unknown to other papers. "Last week a man stepped up to us and said he would pay us every cent he owed us if he lived until Saturday p. u. We presume the man died. ' Another said he would pay us in a day or two as sure as wa were born. Query Did the man lie or were we never born? Another said he would settle as sure as shooting. We are led to the conclusion that shooting is uncertain. Another said h hoped to go to the devil if he did not pay us in three days. Havn't seen him since; suppose he has gone, but we trust he has not hoped in vain. Quite a number sitid they would see us to-morrow. These have been stricken blind, or else to-morrow has not come. One man told us as soon as he got some money, he would pay. The man would not lie, so of course he has not a cent. A WONDERFUL INVENTION. A voting machine has been in vented by J. W Barnes, St. Paul, which seems to combine all the virtues of the Australian ballot system, besides other good points. The ordinary paging machine of the printer suggested the main idea to the invented. The prin ciple involved is that of counting machine, as in theadometer. The machine assures absolute secrecy and absolute accuracy of count. It saves the expense of printing ballots, and better that, it does away with the tedious and inaccu rate counting of paper ballots, and as a consequence of this there would be no contested elections. Tha Minnesota legislature has been considering a bill providing for the adoption of this machine in all general and special flections in the state. How to Get tiik Uazette fob sooth ing. Mr. C. E. Fell, th Heppner nur seryman, will sell you 100 apple troes at the regular rate, $15.00 per hundred, and give you one oopy of tha Heppnek Gazette for one year. Fifty apple trees will cost you 87.50, and with this be will give you one copy of the Gazette for six mouths. His stock is strictly Bret elasi, and is warranted. COOPER'S Eipnif Pewffsr, Is the Cheapest, Safest and Rest ! Cure for Scab. This celebrated Dip has been in constant and increasing use for over half a century, during whioh time It has been applied to more sheep than exist on the earth at the urosent moment. Our Sales in 1888 were sufficient to Dip over 60,000,000 Sheep. It is cheaper than lime and sul phur, and is not one tithe of the trouble. Lime and ' sulphur injure the wool, but the Cooper Dip improves its qual ity and increases its growth. General Agents : SNELL, HEITSI1U & WOODARD, Wholesale druggists, Portland, Oregon. THE WASCO WAREHOUSE CO., The Dalles, Oregon. City HAS SUPERIOR QUALITY OF BliER! It is manufactured with the latest brewing apparatus and onu't be beat. Lunches of all Kinds, And tbe best brands of Cigars. Empty kegs innst be returned or $6 apiece will lie charged. J. XI. 3NTttor-, Prop New Stock! New Fixtures I ! New Everything! ! Pure Wines and Liprs And U Host- HAVANA CIGARS Are always kpt iu t.)ck at th GEM SALOON, Opiate H. IV.acJrrisan A Co.s Stof onrtawut LrvttttuvHit to all. Come a i, d. Mm couriuevti. JEW The tery Latest S.yU just receiqed from Portland and San Francisco at Mrs. Warren's Fanhionable Millinery and Ladies Furnishing Store. Thankful for the generous liberality and good will of the people of Heppner and vicinity in the past, we cordially solicit their patronage in the future. MRS. MARY WARREN. THE GREAT Transcontinental Route RAILEOADI VIA THE Cascade Branch, now Completed, mak ing it the Shortest, Best and Quickest. The Dining Car Line. The Direct Route No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low est Rates to Chicago and all points East. Ticeta sold to all Promi nent Points throughout the East and Southeast. TlirMinJi rulkan Drawnj Room Sleeping Gars. Reservations can be secured in advnuce, To East Hound Paseiv'ers Be careful and do not make a mistake, but be sure to take the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD And see that your ticket reads via this line, bt Jfaul or Minneapolis to avoid ohanges and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run on regular express trains lull length ol Hue. Berths free. Lowest rates. Quick est time. General Office of the Company, No. 131 firm tit., uor. Washington St., Portland, Oregon A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agont The Steruno Manufacturers of 4 im in f;- . ..""CS r THE STERLING PIANOS, WHICH FOR Quality of Tone, Beauty of Design, FINISH and adaptability for stand ing in Tune nave no equal. Every Piano Warranted for Five Years And satisfaction guaranteed to every purchaser. Alto Manufacture the World-Renowned STERLING ORGAN Factories, Derby, Conn. TO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, BY WAY OF THE Southern Pacific Company's Line TIE PIT. SHHST0 ROUTE. Quicker in Time than Any Other Route Between Portland -San Francisco. Leore Portland at 4 P. M., Daily. THROUGH TIME, 39 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For Accommodation of Seooud-Class Passengers Attached to Express .Trains. Fare f nan Portland to Sacramento and San Fran- cisoo: Unlimited, ar Limited First-flas 20 " " Set-entl-ClasK, 15 Through Tickets to all Points South and Eajt, VIA. CAI.Il'OKXIA. TICKET OFFICES: City Office, N. 134, Corner First 4 Alder Streets Depot Office, Corner F and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. It. KOEHIlliB, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Asft. Q. F. and Pas. Agt. Dobbins' Electric Soap THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD. It is Strictly Pnre. Uniform in Quality. rHE original formula for which we paid $50,000 twenty ytart ago has never been modified or changed in the slightest. TtaU soup ! I tdeBtleiU In quality to-day with mat naae iweniy yrnn fo. IT contains nothiata that chb In jur the finest fabric. It bright na colon and bleaches whites. IT washes flannels and blankets as no other soap in the world does without shrinking leaving them soft and white and like new. READ THIS TWICE THERE b a areat savins; of time, of labor, of soap, of fuel, and of the fabric, where Dob bios' Electric Soap is used according to direc tions. OX E trial will demonstrate its great merit. It will pay you to make that trial. TIKE all best thlnsm, it is extensively inu JM tated aad counterfeited. Peware of Imitations. 1VSIST upon Dobbin Electric. Prn't tpk Marnetic, Electro-Mgic, Philadelphia EIe. 't Wany other fraud, simply because it is cheap. T: will ruin clothes, and are dear at any price. Ask for o$DOBBIXS ELECTRIC aad take no other. Nearlv ererr erocer front M. to Mesico keeps it io stock. If your han't it, he WUi cmer irona nis nearest wnesaie fmcer. TJ EAD carefully the inside wrapir .-Toim l e?ch J bar, and b careful to follow dirreCiOHM each outside wrapper. You rannot ntltinl to wait longer before trying for yourscif this ohi, rei-abac, od truly wonderful Dobbins' Electric Scap. I. L. CIUGIN A CtXt PUiladelphia Pn. t Northern Pacific in mm QATARRH HEAP.& y(i TrytheCurej Ely's Oram Balm fir a Intro TnflctnmafiAn tHfifllsrriA RorfiH. javo iiiiiliiiiiiu Kestores the Senses of Taste, Smell and Hearing. A particle Is applied Into each nostril and -Is BKrrpnble. Price SOc. at Druniisti or bf snail. ELY BUOTUERS,66 Warren St., New York. When I fifty Cttrb I do not mean merely ta top them fur a time, and then have them rQ turn again. I biean A RADICAL. CLiUJ. 1 have made the dieeaso ot FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, Alife-lotiff study. I WAnnANT my remedy to Cmiifi the worst cases, liteauso others has failed is no reason fur not now receiving acure. Send at once fur a treatise .vida Ii'JtEK KO'itlb of my Infallible Uesiedy. Givo Kxpreta and rost Otfiee. It costs you tiotI::ug far a trial, and it will cure you. Audintd H.G. ROOT, M.C.t I S3 Pearl St., HsWYoitt OUR ,A WEEK Club System while as convenient to the buyer as any instalment system, is. a wholesale spot cash svsem to us. The co-operation of the club members sells us LJVl ,0 in s-h Pun A 938 Watch Club, and we get cash from me VIUD lor eat.11 waim uciurc 11 guws out, though each member only pays $1 a week. This is why we give you more for vour money than anv one else and why we are doing the large3l watch business in the world. We sell only first quality goodB, hut ouij prices are about what others get for sec ond quality. Our $1U KilvcrWatch is a substantial Silver (not imitation 0 any kind) Stem-Wind American Lever Watch either hunting case or open. Our $35.00 Watrlt is a Stem-wind, Open Face, first quality, stiffened Goltl American LeverWatch,rararrf to wear so yf art. It is fully equal to any watch sold for Jj8 by others. We find a first-class Stiffened Gold Case much more satisfactory and serviceable than any Solid Gold Case that can be sold at less tnan aouuie ine money, as encap solid cases are invariably thin, weak, ot low au.ilitv. and worthless after short use. Our $38 Watch contains numerous important patented im-, p'rovements, of vital importance to accur- nte tim ine Patent Dustproof, Pattnt Stent MiM(i,fyc.'kfsn control exclusively. It is fully equal fur accuracy, appearance, dura bility ana service, to any fjs Watch either Open Face or Hunting. Our $43.00 Kail road Watch is especially constructed for the mostexacting use, and is the best Rail road Watch made, Open Face or Hunting. All these prices are either all cash or in clubs, ii Vl.UU a WWK. Ai Ajnx Watch Jntula'or given free urf'A ancA Watch. TlieKeystoneWatch ClubGo Main Office In Co'i Own Bulldlno 004 WALNUT ST. PKIIADA. PA. Agents Wanted. Ajax Watch Insulator, $1.00 A ni'rfeetnrntectioi) anal nut luaanetltm of price, frj" W refer to any Cammerclnl Apency s FittinvWutch. Bent bv mall ou rneetot Report E;rirL?!, toydies, &M00, Pr$pth taadt r)gfaiFilt 4m fvcry atUorteoiHihaveZOPP'S SETTLER'S GUIDE, 124 pp.l pn'c? only 25c, (nostago stamps sfcEY-'aSp-riXi. in eudi Im-aiity.lhe r.ry mm lf ,Vj a w" v.'ilinlsumiii'fi't'en i.iii.'t.ktii Af'ffl Blhie ufour fooilv ami vnlimkic art -sM"-S ft 'vliirli hivt- run out : lure -aiiti rfc? r"" ol" U v:iil 1,19 k Sfi." antiiif'hmi'nt, itnil now tt-llt tor 'Bif a"' t- bCT Hc't,airinprt, moat use- iBrfl pK"rf,,lma hlmi in ,lu' w'nrl11- ia brief IrutructioriB giveu. lliose who wriie io un m once van if ecro frte the best srwiiiif-mBchine in Ike m.rld, and ika flnl line of ivorkaof likrh urt ever btiov. n top tin r ii Aitu rira, TXSCK z 0., itux t4'3t AiigUMtu. Alaiiie. Mm r:-- . V.1. k THE LADIES' FAVpHJYf. TiEVEa our u.' t)ii.iit.ti. If ypu desire to purclinsnp.roivlnir m!;-l:;.ie, nsk our nirent ot your i!;icc tor tonsi;? uvni prices. If you cannot 11 :ni one v jo: L. ii'nlo direct to nearest addra-gtoyo l: . v- ii'i.i-i, NEW HGME Chicago - 28 UNIGN SCUASLN.Y DALLAS, ILL- ATI SN7A.GA..,. LEEZER & THOMPSON", Ag'ts. Heppner, Oregon pHfiric rti i-nrlmerit. penernl ajjrTpy, 725 Market etrtft. history buitdii g, tfan Frnuciecu, Cal Branch, its Morrison St., Portland. Or., 18 cut.'r Second St. Kan Juse, Cal., 55 North Spring fcjt.. I Aiigolce. Cal Is the oMpst and mot ripulnr jripntlfle ard niiH-hanical paner puhilshed and has ih lareet nrrntarion nf anr paper of its cla m tho world. Fully lltnrted. Ht t clans of Wood Knirrav. Inps. Puii!ihed weeklr. Send for spiclme etijv. Price 3 year. Four months trial, fl. IlL NN A CO., Pl bi.I!her8, U Broadway, N,T. ARCHITECTS &, BUILDERQ Edition of Scientific American. O A irrpat success. Kach Iffoe contains colored IHhi'Kraphic plates of country and city restden. , bs or public butldinirs, Numernufl enttravim! and full t)an and apecifleatiuns for the ure of such as con template building. Price ti a year, 25 cts. a copy. ML NN CO Pl BLltHIus. mms may be secur ed by apply ing to JK NN A CO.. who Mt years' eirenenee and haTe male oTer ItiMW applications for American and For eign patent., Send for Handbook. Corres pondence strictly coDOdential. TRADE MARKS. In ctiso your mark ts not registered In the Pat ent tim . apply to Mt vs A Co., and procure Imoieduite protection. Send for liaxidbook. ('OI"VRH;ilTS for books, chart, map, ., quicKij ptveured. Address Ml NN Jt CO., Patent a1icUrs. LiiMHiL Ornci: l Bboadwat. N, T. have had over mi 1 mi Ol. ng.Aro-jments.snd lodorOvTTermt. 3fiMribia v -If' I y--i -i i-i, i -i-J rii,-J v.