Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, May 16, 1889, Image 2

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Is tb county-seat of Morrow, located
near the center of the oonnty, on Willow
oreek, and at tbe terminus of the Willow
creek branch of tbe O. B. k N. It has a
population of about 800, and is reoeiring
Dw residents daily. As a business
plaos, it bids fair to take the lead of any
town in Eastern Oregon, having tribu
tary to it an immense agricultural and
stock country.
The sum of 810,000 was appropriated
at tbe last session of the legislature for
the purpose of improving the Heppner
and Monument wagon road. That
amount will be expended on this route
during tbe ooming summer, rendering
it the best mountain road in the state,
and one which will aocommodute hun
dreds of well-to-do stockmen, who are
bestowing their patronage on merchants
in Heppner, owing to its advantages us
a trading point. Fully 3,000,000 pounds
of wool will find sale, or shipment at
Heppner this season.
' Beat estate is advancing rapidly, and
is selling at a figure 20 to 25 per cent,
higher than prices prevailing three
mouths ago.
One of the best flouring mills in East
ern Oregon is looated at this point.
For further information concerning
Heppner, address
Orin Li. Fattebson,
Real Estate Agout,
Heppner, Or.
Ou tbe north of Morrow county,
next to the Columbia, is a 6trip of
uand about 15 miles iu width. It
is practically a desert, inasmuch as
it raises nothing in the line of
agricultural products. However,
it is a fair grazing country.
Irrigation would reclaim to Mor
row all that strip of land. It
would produce equal .to the best of
our section. Anything in the line
of cereals, adapted to this climate,
would grow. As a fruit country,
it would rank equal to the most
favored parts of the northwest.
It could be irrigated from the
Columbia without any great incon
venience, and at a nominal ex
pense, as compared with tlio vulue
of this section when reclaimed.
Mr. Newton Williamc, a resident
of Heppner, has given this mutter
some attention, yet the scheme has
not been consuniated.
The irrigation of this laud would
not only convert it from the un
fruitful to the moat productive,
but would have a tendency to cool
these north winds which prevail
during the heated term. No mat
ter how dry the season, immense
crops would be raised if it were
not for those "hot winds." It is
our opinion that those north winds
become heated or receive a goodly
part of their heat while passing
over this miniature Sahara. Irri
gation will not only make it a fruit
ful section, but benefit every part
of Morrow county also.
The government has a board of
engineers who give special atten
tion to the matter of irrigation.
They are now in California, and
their' attontiou should be called to
this desert strip in Morrow county.
1 MP HO VINO 11 UTTli HM1 1. K
canyon t
The following letter was handed
us by Mayor Henry Blackmail,
with permission to publish. Hepp
ner people, you will have to do
more "digging up" if you hopo to
catch the I.ono Kock trade. The
Gazette has referred often to the
necessity of improving Buttermilk
canyon. Now you have the opinion
of a representative man of thut
section, Capt. T. 'J. lirown:
Lone Rock, Or., May fi, '89.
11. Bhwkman:
Dear Sin. I would liko to know
if you Heppner men are going to
do auything to improve lUitlermilk
canyon. If so, it ought to be done
right away, for all are waiting to
shear as soon as it cUurs oil'. 1
am writing to you by request of
quite a number of sheepmen, who
would take their wool to Heppner
if the the road through Buttermilk
canyon was passable. Now, you
Heppner men must know that it is
to your interest to opon up this
road. You and others will there
by receive quite a lurgo'tradu. H.
B., nerve up, and do something for
us, and we will try to do something
too. We will then have a road,
and you and others will bo sur
prised to see the amount of trade
which will come from here, (live
ug a good road and a fair deal and
the town of Heppner will catch
this trade. Lot ma know by re
turn mail if Heppner is going to
work or not.
Yours Respectfully,
T. J. IS now N.
At no time in the history of the
ection known now as Morrow
county, has there been such favor
able crop prospects as aro seen
this spring. Every tree and plant
looks flourishing and full of life.
Grain has that dark green color,
which speaks for itself. Farmers
are taking pains to rid their
ranches of squirrel peBts, and
when harvest is upon us, niillious
of bushels of a line quality of
grain will be turned out for the
market This flattering condition
of crops is due principally to co
pious rains and proper tilling of
the soil. It has been asserted by
thinking men, who have investi
gated the matter, that railroads
and telegraph lines have reclaimed
deserts. If this has anything to
do with the present prosperous
condition of things in Morrow, we
are doubly blessed in Laving both
crops and means of getting it to
market Morrow has always been
known as a prosperous county, but
this season it excels herself. In
tending settlers will do well to
visit Morrow county and see for
themselves. It will bear investi
-A matter to he considered by Long
Creek sheep men when shipping their
wool and freight is the difference in the
tariffs between Arlington and Heppner.
There is a difference in Arlington's favor
of IT) cents on the hundred on wool and
a difference of 30 cents a hundred on
merchandise freight, making a total
saving of 6.5 cents to thoso who come
here. Teamsters all know the distances
from Himlmau to either point, and that
the advantage of better roads is also in
Arlington's favor, though there is a dis
tance of about 3J miles against us. But
this is otl'-set by the canyons between
Hardinnn and " Heppner." Arlington
The wool "tnriftV' are the same from
both places on baled wool, and 20 cents
per hundred in favor of Arlington on
wool in sacks. On merchandise, there
is a difference of 25 cents instead of 30
in favor of Arlington. Goods can be
bought just as cheap in Heppner as in
Arlington, and all tlio wool-grower has
to induce him to haul to Arlington is the
20 cents per hundred on wool in sacks,
and aB a (ill-mile trip cannot be made for
this amount, there is no comparison in
the shipping points for Long Creek
people. It is only a game of "bluff."
Long Creek wool haulers are coming to
Heppner, just the same.
Some weeks ago, citizens of
Heppner agitated the organization
of a joint slock company for the
purpose of boring an artesian well.
This plan did not meet with favor
at the hands of many, preferring
to let our town corporation accom
plish the work. The matter being
referred to our town council, has
received their consideration, and,
although thsy are favorable to the
project, it seems to be a slow pro
cess to accomplish anything.
Something should bo done soon.
A gentleman representing the San
born Map it Publishing Co., was
in Heppner this week, and it is
certainly to be regretted that the
next map of Heppner must come
out with "Population 900; no steam
and no hand engines; no indepen
dent hose carts; water facilities,
The California boom is past, as
the principal emigration streams
to the Northwest. The traflio on
the Central and Southern overland
routes is at presont slack, ns farm
ers and laborers have been emi
grating tho last six months to
Washington and Oregon, and there
is no sign of abatement of such
migration, says tlte Shitilx Zcihuxj,
and overy paper of the groat live
Northwest will surely agreo with
them. The boom that Oregon and
Washington is now enjoying is not
of the mushroom sort. It is a
healthy and rapid growth, and it
is not beyond what this great suc
tion will sustain. This boom in
Oregon and Washington must not
be compared with the California
excitonient of two or tlireo years
Tim issue of $10,000,0(10 of
"preferred" Oregon and Transcon
tinental stock, to bo put in the
hands of a tnisloa and voted as
Villunl may direct, is for two pur
poses, says a telegram to the Orr
(joniiiii. One of them is to get an
issue of stock to be voted in tho
coming election in Oregon sullic
ient to nssuro control in all con
tingencies! to the Yillard party, tho
other to pass the earnings of the
O. K. it N. into the control of the
preferred stockholders of Ilia Yil
lard faction. I!ut tho opposition
have met this action by applying
for an injunction against the is
sue of tho proposed stock, and a
temporary order to that effect bus
been granted. At any rate it means
war between the regular O. 1!. A
X. stockholders and the Villard
Do not wait until to-morrow, when
you feel sick, hut take immediately a
dose ot Plunder's Oregon Uliaul l'uriller
and prevent a serious uttack of sickness.
It is tho best liver regulator and blood
cleanser in exmlence. Try it.
''Heppner has no hoard of trade" is
the only truthful answer that can be
made to the inquiry of the outside
world. We would suggest that the May
or appoint a time and 'place ul meet
ing or tho purpose of eternally settling
this matter, so that it can be said
,,Hoppuer has a linn i d of trade."
Population '.HHI: no steam and no
hand engines; no independent hose
oarts; water facilities none; says the
Snnboru map of Heppner. What kind
of a recommendation is this fur a lire
town? This certainly ought to ho one
incentive towards sjiesdy aoliou in the
matter of water.
10. L. Matlock is in town this week,
resting up from a three week's ride over
Morrot? county's range. He has found
nearly all his horses, 270 in number, in
good contlitiou. Mr. Matlock has seeu
much ot our county this spring and be
lieves that range and crops could not bo
in better condition, considering that we
have hud so inueli dry weather for the
past three seassus. Rye down at his
F.lla r a noli is iu bloom and ready to cut
for hay.
Hurry up the artesinn well project.
Live men should not allow that matter
to sleep, sleep until it becomes dead ns
the historic "door nail." I'.very
time the town allows a worthy project to
become a lifeless corse ou their hands,
the more dillimilt it becomes to accom
plish anything. Wake up to your own
I have opened a woU-HpHMnted tailor
ing eHtubliHhnient in my new ImiUl
iu on Mity 8trtMt, uiul am now rfulnrly
reoi'ivintf new good Riul will mitko uiik
toni made pHntfl from $7 to tfl5- bt8t
gooda iu tbe market.
A, Abrahamhick.
It is an undisputed fact that the hand
1 somirit vestibule trains that are now
, run ' n the American continent are those
' on Hie "BdiiTjIngtox Hoctk," leaving
! the Union Depot iu Denver, also St.
I Paul, immediately on arrival of all
i through truing fiom the west. The firnt
I and second claws eitaehe are magnifi
cent, the Reclining chair cars superb,
the Pullman sleepers extremely luxuri
ant, and as for the meals that are served
in those Palace Burlington dining cars
ynm-yum. The next time you go east
to Kansas City, Chicago or St. Louis, if
you mention to the ticket agent that
you want ymr ticket to read from Den
ver or St. Paul over the Darlington
Route, you will get it, and you will al
ways be glad of it.
If you go via the Northern or Canadi
an Pacific, the elegant vestibule trains
of "The Unrlington Route," between St.
Paul, Chicago and St. Louis will carry
you idon the eastern shore of the Miss
issippi river for a distance of 3.50 miles,
amidst scenery that cannot he surpass
ed; or, if you go via the Oregon Short
Line or Southern Pacific, and your ticket
reads via "The Burlington Route," from
Cheyenne or Denver, you will pss
through all the thriving cities and towns
located in what is popularly known as
the "Heart of the Continent." For fur
ther information apply to A. C. Sheldon,
General Agent, Sj First Street, Portland,
For the return of one light gray saddle
horse; weight 8.50 pounds, branded with
a J on left hip; has scar on fore part of
loft hind leg, near foot. Had on small
bell when last seen. One brown mare,
weight near 1,100 pounds; branded eleven
with a bar over it on right shoulder; has
small brand on left hip; has brown year
ling horse colt, branded 11 ou left shoul
der, white star iu face. The mare should
have a sucking colt with her. I will
give 10 reward to have the above des
cribed horses delivered at Lam Rhea's
home oji Rhea creek, or will give $5 for
information leading to their recovery.
Address Harrison Cummings, care of
C. A. Rhea, Heppner, Or.
From Alpine, Morrow Co., on or about
August 1HS8, one black mare, 5 years
old, branded J C with a half circle over
it with U immediately over that on
same shoulder. Sho is a gentlo work
niare, with a litile white iu fane. One
bay inaie. G years old, branded H ou
left shoulder. She had a buy, yearling
mare eolt following, branded same as
mother. Ono bay mare, 7 years old,
branded on left shoulder with large (i
and ii , also 73 on left stitle; is a low,
heavy-Het mare. A reward of $.5.00
apiece will be paid for the return of the
above described animals. A reasonable
recompense will be given for information
leading to the recovery of said animals.
William OalIiAiieb.
Alpine, Oregon.
Ii'is! Icnl-ll. M;Farlaud. of Lexing
ton, will deliver ice dally in Heppner
during tlio summer months. Contract
fur tbe amount you desire, by writing
to him at an early date. 'The price 'will
be 2 cjufs per lb. delivered.
While you keep jour HiilHeription paid up yoa
can keep your brand iu froeof charge.
V It AdkinK,--Horf:en. j, on ritdit MliouMer: cat.
tie, (' It on'riglil hip Itango in (i rant und Mor
row count ics.
AdkiiiH, J J Ilorf.es, ,IA conni.'cU'd on left
flank: enltle, name on left hip.
hlenkiiian, (ii llardnian--llnrMea, a (lag on
left shoulder, callle, suine on right Kliiinlder.
ilennetl,, ('y -lioraes, Hon left hhoiilder.
lirown, J t-' llor: ch. circle C willulot in nan
terou left hip; catlle, Mono.
lioyer, W U. Lena -II01 hch, box brand or. r' ri
hip cattle, Maine, Willi split in each ear.
llorg, P.O. Horses, I' II ou left shoulder; cat.
Hi, same on li-J't hit).
Hiien.T. I'1,, lione lloclc- Horses o with bar
under ami over on rigid shoulder.
Hiiilon. Wi" -Horses, J Hun right I hi.,'. 1; cattle,
same on rijdit. hil'; spl it in each ear.
Win, Itudio, Monument Urinals horses It on
right Hhoiilder. Itangn (iinntand .Uurrow coun
ties. Allison, O. I).- Cattle brand, O I) on loft hip
and huises satiio brand-011 right shoulder, ilango,
Kight Mile.
(.:00k, A. J., IjeiiH Horses, lllon Hglil sla.nl ier;
Cal I le, Hnuie.'ni r'glit hip: ear mark Hipttirti ui-o
oil left slid split in rigid.
( 'urrln, It - II
('uiiinytmn e, W H, Newton liancli -Ilornt'8, i
witli iifjnt'o 'J iintitM' it on left Nliouidor; o,t'i
Hinnoon left !ii.uil 'hiijli, It't't our wiuui'O mil
Cux A Entflinti, 1 1 iit'i 1 1 mm (J'uUij, t' witii I in
Ct'iilcr: ImrHt'H, t'K on luff 'iip.
It. K. iWImm, Mumiment, (irant Co, Or.
Uiiiwch linuulrd ciifli' with hnr hcnt'iilli, on left
rtlnui!tlr: eultln Kimm hi-und on Ituth liipH, mark
iniilor Hlnpn liolli nrn niul ii-v!:ip.
DohkIkhm, W 'lit tit-, I) tii riitlit widd, hw.-u-low-fin
k in piu'Ii cni'; liorist, It Don left hip.
Mt'ck. Jiicknoii.- UorHt'H, IV eoiniiM'led on
riKlit Klioiihlfr: HUtU hhiiih on riylit hip.
Kr murk, holt in riht mnt crop off left .
I.h-iinUi'n, John W . HornoH limiitled hulf-cir-plo
J I, (MniiH't'iotl on left Hlioiiliier. CuMlti, wmie
on iVfl hip. HiuiAr-. nrfir Lexington.
Floivnrn, L A -Ctillle, ,K on rich! hip; hoi'hon
F with lar nmlt'i' om ritfht. whoiihh'r.
loiem-o, H P Hoi-new, V on rihl Hhoiilder
catt le, K oji rijjhl hip r t hih.
Annstroiitr. .1. 1'., Aclon- T with Imr tinder it
on left wlioulder of horses; entile Htiuie on left
tinv, lleiiry-(iAY on left shoulder.
(iolih. Friink - llorst H, 7 V on i. ft Hi itle: enltlo
Btiine on riht hip.
(mnuitri'. ;. i. - iiortti'H, Hi tm ntrht Mioiilder.
HiiiiMidier, li -H'liws.i'tm left rtlioiihl.T: flit
tl", li on left hip
llninphrevrt, J ill linnliniin-Morten, II on left
Miiyen, J M -IhirscH, witieirlaHH on left hhmiMor
cattle, wameoii rik'ht hip.
.luiikin, H. M. lloiht'H, horneMioo J on left
rilnuililer, rattle, the nun i. Hhnko on Kiuht
.lohiiHon, Felix -Mornen. eirele Ton left utifl
cattle, riiime on riht hip, und.T half crop in ritf'
and Bnl it in left ear.
Kirk.. I 1' -Hoi-Hen (ill on left Hhoiilder: catt
fill mi left hip.
Kirk, .) Morm'B, 17 on cither f lnuk; cattle
on rihl nide.
liarsen, liiiNmiiK-Morses, li Ii on loft hip.
Lewi, J U. Lena- Horsea, 1 with -- over it on
left shoulder.
Minor, Or-enr.- Catlle, M Don riht hip; horses
M on left hlionlder.
Morgan, H N - Horses. M ) on left shouldm
Catlle, Willie on left hip.
iMeCunilier, .lie A, Atwood - llnrnen, M with
bar over on nnhl slitnildor.
Morunn, Thou - Mois( circle T on left shoul
der ami left 1hii(h; eattln, Z on riyht thisjrh.
Mitchell, linear, I'etl.vsvtllo - Jlorses, j; on rijfht
hip; entile, W on ritfhi Nide.
McClaren, 1 li Horse.-, Ft pure Ron each shoul
der; caltle, M'i! on hip.
Neel, Andrew. I.ono Kock -HorsoH AN con
nectcd on left shoulder; cuttle name on hoth hip-
Newman, V. It. Horse N willi half ctrel
over it on left shoulder.
Noid ke, I. -Horse-!, circle 7 tin left thigh; cat
(le, stiilie oil left hi)),
(Mler, Ferry, Ijone Hock - 1' O oi left wlion.dttr
Fearson, t Have- Horses, circle nhiold on left
shoulder and !M on left hip. Cat I le, circle shield
on left hip. liatUTooii Kiht Mile
Fearson, Jas., Finn 1 " i t y . Horses Wi on left hip
low down.
Farker A (ileason, llartlman - Horses IF on
left shoulder.
Fiper, .1. H., Aettm Hoi-ses, .1 F connected ou
Wft shoulder; callle, tmmo on left hip. uiuier bit
in eiu'li ear.
IrfindOllicoat 'j'he Dalles. Or., May 18, 'hU
Nol ice is hereby tx veil that the following-named
ettler bus tiled not ice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof will he made before the county ole k of
Morrow county, Oregon ut Hcppter, Or,, tin
July S, tKI, vi:
John Jtihuson,
D. 8. No. :.Y?tV for the Nl, NK4 and Na NVV4
Wcc. 8, Tp. a S, li -J4 K.
He uauies the lollowiun witnesses to prou his
COUliliuniH residence tlpoll, and Cult;vulion of,
ftsid hind, vir.:
Auj-uit Ctiarlston. J. S. Young and Andrew
M. Feiwion, Gooseberry, Orwou; t turn. Ander
son, Liilit Mile.
Auj 'person who desires to protest HKainst the
allowance of Mich prtHtf, or who knows of nny
ubstmitiiil reason under the Law and the reul
lious of the Interior Depart mut, why i-uoh prHf
uliouhi not be allmved, will be Kiven an opportu
nity Ht the ahoe nieutioiUHl time ami place to
etiws-exiuimie the witnt.scsof siudclainuuit, nnd;
o oiler e idouco in rebut UU of that subuittletl by
a.l-s-tl K. K. McDonald, KeUtor.
Nut ic i lii'rohy xivoii ttwtt tlii folli)winn
UhiihhI Hetticr liat tiliit mtii' of Itin mUMitiun to
cumiutite Htul mitkt Unuf prxtof in ttupport of hm
oUim, ntitt tltrti wiui proof will Ixi mailt Ivfort
tiif oouuty clerk. tf Mn)W count), Ot, ttt
Uiippuor, Or., on Juuo 'iZ, lV, via;
Jomph B. SeUon,
Hd. N,. 4-iR, or tht N W V ffl, Ti, 6 8, U '.i!
K. W, M.
llf uiimtwthu fuHuwitiir wilut,twi to prove Iu
coutiutu'U! riulf uct uikui, aiul ciillivutiou of,
huI land, rii:
V. inltiii H. frwt'y, Sylvc.ittT W. Flowon. Fr1!
Ilui-klmrt ami iu. W,irn, till of ll.'ipmr. Or.
Ai'y iHTPuii who vit't!!1! to ttrotONt iiuaiiiKt Ih
ftlSorttitu'O of !urli prvof, or who know of any
Mil-4tii,tiiil ri'iif-nn, under tlio tr tid th
Uihhik nt tint luWTior iN'pttruiitint, why nurh
lr'f tthmiUt not llowil, will ! juvou an
oi'oituni(j at th alKi-nu'utiuiHtt tuiu aud
phi. tt to eiMpw-eMUum thrt w itiMMstw tf mud
fUumnnl ami tuottor cTjdtMu-e in n'lmttul f that
buIhihiuiI by cUniimit.
l-u; 0:fi"-fAt J.:;llnia(l". Or., April 11. 'stt.
Nwtii-f lrthfl-t.y ;n win lint Ihi'followuiK-jianU'd
-:tii.r a:- '1 nolireof his intention to inukp
loiti! prn.f in KO'lMHt nf djn pja,Ui amj thnttuiitl
protf will !y (tii.de bt'fort- the coiinly iuHko, or
in bin !il,Ht!!,.8 before the county cli-rk of Morrow
county, Otfn, at Iteijimer, Or., ou June 8, lssy,
Frank Mc.Corhie,
Hil. No. 8121 for tt. NWH BW! K'i SWV 8W
U SK'i Bpc IS, I ,, 8 S. K K.
Honamea tha following witnesses to prove
liis rontinimiif roaidunce upon, ana cultivuttun
of. Htiiil m, viz:
J. H. (iurdiino nnd D. C. (iurdiuip, Ttidire, Uma
tilla Co., Ort'tron; f. a. fulcand F. H. HUermttn,
Lens, Morrow county, OrcKon.
Any piTMon who dosin.s to proti'f.t nainst the
allowrtm'H of Bitch proof, or who knows of any
-ubstaniiiil reason, n-idtsr t.ha law and thureKiila
tions of tho Interior Dcpannieitt, why gin-h proof
I nioum iiot on miowi'u, win on invert an opportu
nity at Ihii aliove mentioned time and place to
croes-exaaiine the witnesses of naid claimant, and
! to olfer evidence in reliuttul of that subnuttod
; by claiiiiuiit.
au-zl Jtiixuy niNEUAnT. Keirister.
Land Office, at La Grande. Or.. April'll, 's1.
Notice in hereby irivori that the followinir-nained
settle has tileo notice of liiw intention to make
final proof in Kupport of his claim, and that aid
proof will be made befnrn the county judife,
or iu hisatnenee before the comity clerk of .Mor
row county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on
May 31, l!l, viz:
Lafayette Pcnland,
Hd. No. 2173. fortho HKtf NKI KV. HE 80c 28.
and H'i NWH Sec Tt, Tp 4 H. Ii 27 K.
He tinmen tho following witneHnes to prove
hi conl iuiiouH reaidcnco upon, and cultivation
of, wdd land, viz:
John Znllincer, Jerry PhillipH, Andrew Steven
ion and John iSkoirlin. all of Heppner, Or.
Any pernon who desired to protest against the
allowance of Huch proof, or who known of any
substantia! reason, under the law and the regula
tiorm of the interior department, why finch proof
should not be allowed, will he t;iven an opportu
nity at the abuve mentioned time and place to
croH-examine the v.'itne."nes of mid claimant,
and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submit
ted Ivy claimant.
317-'i2 HENIiY ItlNUI.MtT, Register.
Land Ollico at Latirande, Or., April 10,
Notice is hereby (fiventhat the followitip-nanifd
seltlnrhuH tiletl not ice of his iiueutioii to make
tinal proof in suppitrl of his claim, aiid tiiat said
proof will nmilo befttre )hu county jud" tif
flHrrow county or in his abspnceiiefort tlif clerk
of suit! county ut Heppner, Or., on May "21,
lHbfl, viz:
O. M. Campbell,
lid. No. 2m, for tho NK1., He2 1H, Tp 1 N, K 2 K.
He names tlm following witnesses to prove
hiscontiauoiifl residence upon, anil eullivjilion
of. said land, viz:
John C. lie-Tiro, John Hurker, K'ibert Harns
and William Kiru,'- nil of Galloway. Oregon. '
Any p"i'Hon who desires to protest Hiainst the
allowance of such proof, or who knows of any
substantial reason, under the law ami tUy regula
tions of the Interior Department, .whyaueli proof
should not be allowed, will be yi ven an opportu
nity at th-above mentioned time nntl jilaro to
cross-examiiiH the wilnessits of saitl claimant,
and to offer evidence in rebullal of that submit
ted by claimant.
Ml-'ll Hknky IUnehaht, Fiepistor.
Land OliicenlTho Dtdles. Or.. April 10. 'h9.
Notice is hereby tfiyon that the following iifuued
settler has tiled notice of his irilrmtion to make
filial proof in support of Ids claim, nnd that said
proof will bo made before tho clerk of .Morrow
county, Or., at Heppner, Or., on June 12, 'by,
John WillinrjJutm.
Ds. No. .HC, for the N'KH R'i Ren 2:1 nnd W",
NW U find NW HW'a Hcfi2l(Tpa 8. It X K.
He names the following witnesi-i.'H to prove
hia continuous residence upon, and cultivation
ttf, said land, viz:
Win, liuclieH, Arthur Daly, John llendrix and
George Gray, idl of ileppii'ir, Morrow county,
Any parson win desires to protest against tho
allowance of such proof, or who knows of any
substantial reason, under the law and the reci
tations of the interior Department, why such
proof should not ! allowed, will In ivi'i) an
opportunity at the above mentioned time and
place to cross-examine the witnesses of said
claimant, and to oiler evidence in rebu:tal of that
Hiibmitt' d by claimant.
;U7-2Ji F . A. McDonald, Ketsier.
fiand Ollice al The Oall' H, Or., April 17. '81).
Notice is hereby triven tlmt the follonfiiK
named settler Iihh tiled noticocf his intention to
make tinal proof in support of Ii i h claim, and
that said proof will be lninle before thejudtfu of
Morrow county, Oregon, at. Heppner, Oregon, on
June 1, IMI, vizj
.William Lttrtling,
Hd. No. 'IHIS, for Hie HE4 HWtf Hee 12, and VM
N V4 and HW'-i NK'4 Hnc Hi, Tjj 0 H of It iifi K.
Ibt.nauiow the following witnesses lt prove
his continuous residence upon, anil cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
(). K. Farnsworlh, Waller Hrnnson.W. 11. It dun
sou and ii, W. Chapin, all of llnrdumn, Oregon.
Any perHon whodesin'H to protest against tho
nllowame of such prtii.f, or who kntiwH t)f any
Htibutniitial reason, under the lew and (he refiula
tions tif the Interior Department, why such proof
should not be allowed will be fiven an oppor
tunity at the above mentioned lutui and place
'to erosH-exnunine the witnY'ssef of said clftiinauff,
and to offer .evidence in relnillal of Unit miwnil;
ted l)V'taimaut.
aiM-:i'i:t F, A. MoDoxald, IWifttr.
V. H. Land Oilice, LaGrande, Or., .April 25, '.
Notice is hereby ven that the folhiw'ii-named
settler has tiled notice of hi- intention to com
mute and make linn! poof in support of his
claim, and thi't sa'd proof will be made bef ire
tbe county clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at
Heppner, Oictfon, on June 11, isV.l, vi.:
William Hitting
Hd No. 3711 for the H", HK'i. NL-l HEi, H
NF.'i Hfo..Tp2H. It -IU K V. II.
lb) umues the following wituessits to provo
hiscontinuous resiiU.-nce upon, ami cultivation
of. naii I land, vi.:
T. .1. Mullock, John H'mton, of Heppner, Or..
Lee Mutlock, Lane Mattock, tif Lena, Or,
Any person who desires to prntesl against tbe
allowance of such proof, or who knows of any
stiosiantuu reason, uiioeriiie law anil tlie remna
! tionsof the Interior Depurl inent, why such proof
should not lie aimveu. will oe iriven an opporl n
11 it y at (he above-mentioned time and place to
cros-exiiinine the wiltiessesof said claimant and
to olTer evidence iu rebuttal of tlmt submitted by
HH-'Jt IIliNHY lil NKIIAHT, Uo;xirter.
Lund Oilice at The Dulles. Or.. May ft, 'W.
Notice is hereby tfiven that the followint'-imined
setller has tiled notice of his intention Jo make
final proof in support ttf his claim, and that sajd
oroof will be made before the county clerk of
Morrow county, Or. at Heppner, Or., on June
31, KMI, via:
Williavi Loone;,
Ds. No. Ml. for the F 8K ami SF1, NKVt
Se :W and NW1 RW' Sec U-J. Tp tl S, K 2: K.
Henaiuesthe fol lowing witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said laud, vi.:
William llendrix, Klijn Hendrix, tt. II. Land
ers and James Hennett, all of Lone Kock, r.
Any person whodesires to p otest nKumtd the
allowance of such proof, or who kimws of any
substantial reason, under Hie law ami tin regula
tions tif the lnterb.r Department, why such proof
should not be allowed, will heuiveu an opportu
nity at the above mentioned time and idace to
cross-examine t he wit nesses tif said claimant,
and to otler evidence in rebuttal of that tuibmil-
1 tod by claimant.
j yftivV). F. A. MoDonalu, ltc(til3r
j Ijind OHiee at The IVilles. Or., May 1,
Notice is hereby given that the followiiiK-umnetl
netller has tiled notice of his intention to make
I tinal prooT in support of his claim, and that Haiti
proof will be made before the judge of Morrow
county, or iu ins aosence oeiore 1110 flora 01 iMlltl
county, at lleppuor, tr on June 11 . IHfV ?ia:
John K. Sccentittktt,
Hd. No. for the N' NW.BK NWi nnd
Nl- HW'i Sec Tp 4 S, li IN K.
He niunes the follownur w itnesses to j.ro 4iip
continuous residence upon, and cultivatuui of,
said land, viz:
James H. Allen. Jacob It. WMIiinits, Ftlward
Ituod and Andrew Kood, n l of Fight Mile, Or.
Any person who diwires to protest HKaiiitt tho
allowance of such proof, or who know.- of any
substantial reason, under the law and the regula
tion of the Interior Department, why such proof
nhotild not be allowed, will be givn nu opportu
nilj at the above mentioned tune aiuI plue to
cross examine the witnesses of said claimant, nil
t oiler evidence in rebuttal of thut KubmittPil
by claimant.
;i'.Ht-'i.'i K. A. Mi'Don vi.i. Kniter,
IrfindOtllop at La 0 ramie, dr., April 10,'Wt.
Not io i tit hertdiy yivori that the following
named ntlt Ur hnt tiltil notice of hit intention (o
make ti'ial pioof in taipport of ti it rlnim ami that
tutid proof will tw madebeforti tit oonnty JiuIk.
! or in lu iiortenit tieron iw coniily clerk of
j Morrow eonuiy, Or., at Heppner, Orfgou, un
! May "Ji, l.vtt, vii;
j Richard MoClaran,
Hd. No. fr ttiPWSF1 SV SKSk- M
! NVS NK1 Nee S. Tp 3 S. It 27 K.
He namen tho followinn witiifttaea to prttre
I his v'ontuiuout n'didwiico upon, atut cultivation
of. natd land, vi?.:
j Will WalbridK. K. V. Vatkitn, K. F. Campbell
I and W, M. Huxli, all of Heppner, Morrow comity,
; Oregon.
I An person who desire to protect turninst thfl
j allowance of nui'li proof, or who know of any
i nultantial ntrton. under the law and th riila-
tioin of the Ulterior Uepiirtinent, w hy aneh inof
Khould not Ih itllowtnl, will ta Kiven an opptir
. tnnltj at the riltore meutiomyl titut and pltu-t to
, ctn-oxauiine the witnetiMof saniolainiaiit, ami
, ttt otler im ideueo in rvbtUtal of th it MubmitUHl by
j claimant.
' 2Vt-X i Hknkt Hinkhaht. IWintfr
We would hereby lomlor to those kind
friendn nho helped ua so much with
' sYmpathetii) lieurts nnd willing hniuls
during tbe lata Bicknrss of our children,
result ui iu the death ot our dear liessie,
1 our Biiuwre thanks aim heartfelt grati
tude. Siu'h uuselt'mh devotion to ft
i neighbor a wauts uieriu jrentor reward
i than this.
1 0, M. Maky V. JUli.okt.
Arlington, Or.
Do you need a Mowing Machine, Reaper, or
Combined Reaper and Mower ?
If bo, Go to
i&S UeFarlui's
Aud Bny a
The "CHAMPION"' has been snl!! duriu the pant 25 years on the Paoifio Coast,
mid holds the lend. THE NEW CHAMPION STEEL MOWEK iB the
Slroimest and Litihtest Running Mower iu the world. Being made
of Solid Steel, it will not hreak to pieces like ordinary oast
iron machines, aud is sold at a price within tlie
reach of all.
The Champion. Single Reaper, is just tlie machine for
Harvesting, where a hevier and larger one
is not wanted.
Stock of Horse Hay Rakes
Is coinplole with the latest improvements. Wo keep all sizes of the
Oolc?lrfit till litolxell Wagons,
Flacks and Backboards.
Full line of' Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Saddles
and Harness.
Portland English Cement, Lime, Sulphur, Salt, etc., iu lots to suit.
All our goods at prices to meet competition with
any town in Oregon.
Cp3J.X &22.dL
o a
Heppner and Arlington.
Ar ill. travel well when shod by
G enei'al Blacksin i tlirt & IaivitM's.
1851 UM w Span after mau t, 1883.
tlocli C01-M-01-. DVEttin Street, IIoi)Tiior, Or.
General Warehouse and For
warding Agents.
Hie t owHiiii us recently constnicird it tieo-story
warehouse SO x KM) feet, with, wool pross and all con
veniences for lia nil! inJ woo.
Tin' 11 V fi'hnii sif I '' 'tin i-ri'i! ul IToiuinim ,.,'! L47.
as lliose at . Irtinriton, less carta o'es.
Frei'Jht anon Ixiled wool front, T1tnnmir sin a
from .irlins'toi.
i,asli (ut can ceil upon, constginncii.ls of wool or wool in
Cash Advanced Upon Consignments!
Address 117 .Federal S l'eet, 1 Boston, Alast?-
IjIye g'i'oeis ExepiGE
--V X o -
Boarding Stables.
This Company have leiiaeil tlie Riomul on A nnd betnwti FourtU nnd Fiftb streets
rortlaiul, Oregon, for the puriiose of purryiDR on the Lnsiness uf boariling,
shipping nuj sale of
Driving, Riclingantl Team I Iorscs,vEull blood
ed Draught and Hackney Stallions,
Commodious bams are in the course of construction, and the Company is fully
expectinu to have everything iu readiuess for opening their premises tbe
first week in Mav. The Strictest Attention w ill he paid to stock
under their chara, aud ooosisnors may rely on highest
A Weekly Public Sale will be held every Sat
urday and from the central position of
the sale yard ought to be largely at
tended by the public.
The Company have on band at present
;Three Imported Clydesdale and Percheon
i Stallions for sale or trade for stock.
M ia Heppner ! !
SESocs X
a t i
E. R. BrSHOP, Treas.
11 1 mn I,
II 1 J
A (Mil
illUl V.. HUH
Hardware, Tinware, Copperware, Granite
ware, Pumps, Gaspipe, Nails, and Black
smiths' Supplies.
Newton Wagons,
Standard Mowers Ss Reapers
Norwegian Plows,
Ilic Celebrated W Baker Burl) Wire
A large assortment cf Crockery, Glasswrw
Lamps, Fancy Goods, Etc.
Are constantly receiving new invoices, which cash can take away al
the lowest prices. Job-work executed in a skillful manner.'
-Successor to Minor, Dmlaou & Co.-
If You "Want
Gents' iHir'ois'ili isiji" Goods,
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,
agricultuhal implements.
Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Guns,
Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery,
Or aovthing usuiilly kept in ft flrst-clnss store, cull on
Next door to Leezer &. Thompson's
A Fresli
rescriptious Filioa Doy etist.
A Choice Line of
And mnny other articles too numerous to mention.
Hay Street, Newly Opposite Minor, Dmhnn & Co.' it Store,
Miiunfncturer of and Dealer in
Furniture, Mirrors,
Bedding, Brackets,
Picture Frames, Ktc.
Cheap For Cash.
May Street, Heppner.
us. umn,
GoodS Also Take Orders
;5 Groo eries,
Wooden and Willow Ware.
A 1 (! X
Opposite W. 0. Minor's, on Mav Street,
Blue Mountain House,
iHaO. 3r2ror3.ciej, Or,
The Blue Mountain House is under new man
agement throughout and is first class in
every respect. Charges moderate.
Free Sample Room For Commercial Men.
biinlware store, Hoppuer, Oregon.
Stock of
on band.
For Hfilo-
A mmu
nition AND
V A 'S I
j Stationery