the heppn ."eh Livery and Feed Stable, Hunsaker & Long, I? roD i'i e t o rs , Opposite Natters' Brewery, Heppner, Or. Stock Boarded lay tl-o I Week( or Month Saddle Horses, Buggies and hacks to hire at Reasonable Rates. Hay u. grain fsr sal o 'BUS to & FltOM all TRAINS. Goods delivered to any piirt of the city. All Stook Lrtt in Tbeir Care Will S perry's New Roller Mills! HEPPNER, - - OREGON. Capacity 70 Barrels J, B. SPERRY, Proprietor. -: o :- Flour from best Grades of Wheat, flour and Mill Feed. Is now for sale in quantities to suit purchasers. Lp ttfwid h"t fz Vita t If KFAv" Y4rl"fc r -IT C W BRAND Hamilton Ruqgv Rsmpany, Manufacturers of Hamilton Grades of Vehicles. o j . EDITORIAL SPECIAL BUGGY OF ANY STYLE VEHICLE. SI'KCIAL FKATUKKS t Proport ion, Iurulili( j-, Ion of- Ilnlsli. Thll " Mirror " work i9 the beat medium-priced work in the United States. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. 1IAMII.TOX ItCTJJ"V CO. THE Clark 840 N. Charles St., - m Branoh Storo, OF PURE COD LIVER OIL and HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable aa Milk. o dleguteed that it on be taken, die;. .I'll, and aeetmllattd by Hie moat MtaltW etomach, wlun tha plain oil camatot ba tolerat.dt and by the com klnatlnn of tha oil with the hypophoa pikltee la mach mart eUleaeluua. BemtrVibrf, as flesh producer. Persons gain rapidly while taking It. SOOTI'S EMULSION is aoknowledgod by Physicians to be tbe Finest and Host prepsv. ration in the world for the relief and cure of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, CENERAL DEBILITY, WA8TINQ DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC- COUCHS. Th great rrmrdy for Omavmptian, and Wanting in Children. Sold by all Druggist, MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only OmiiiIb System f Memory Training. VmmJt Beoke Learned In ne reading. Mind wnnderins cured. St er child and adult g-rently benefitted. Ureak iwluoauwu. to Uurreupouueno Olnsews, r ProsMotiia, with opinions of r. Wm. A. Ilnm poud, tha world-fain ! Specialist In Mm J Diikbhiul PHuitil (!rrtnltnf Thnmptinn, t!isvrt I'avulil fit, J. M. UucklfT, U.I)..e.iitorifTliti I'hrittta Aiivacat. N. ) , Hlrbard I'rot-Kir, tii Koitntiri, Ilonst. W. W. A) tor, J udir tiihmont Judall 1. Bfnjamln. Aim oiium, mqi t,si f(.. r rtvi. A.XuibLTTK, iltl J Htb Ave, N. Y. . SHft anlsriOoltl With. ilUU.ui.t,.Uily. t3 wAieb in Uis wurid it Uink-iirr. Wr- nuini. b iii i i. .if p.ntl tjciiii' ntei,HiiUtHki (una . 01 equal niua. One l'tjrsua m wk ! imlii ran Mtuta ona fraew tAfftliM with our term tnilval. uauia una oi llouaeiiuia tpie Jhrtm MID flu, t ell tli Wltrb, Mild S1 . anrl after ..,. hata knit IttjHi la fMr saoma for A tnouiba tid ihuwn ibrm u ibuts Aiiu may kwa talld,thv txcam our own fopan?. Thttan trno write at onva can la anr ot raci,ing tka Wntrh nd Mum pi n. Wi.r nil cspm. fdnt,Mft Ad J mm jkOiuvu fc VOf, Av 1 A'wUaad! MuAaw. mm s at mm Leave orders at our ollice, in stable. Receive the Best of Attontion. Cycle C2; - BALTIMORE, MD. m NEW RAPID BICYCLES. NEW RAPID SAFETIES. QUADRANT TRICYCLES. QUADRANT TANDEMS. Two hundred second hand machines, all kinds, aixei and prices. Hlcy clea, Safeties and Tricy cles for iloya and Girls. J Send for Catalogue and 1 AGENTS WANTED, 808 Pennsylvania Avo., Washington, D. C. -77 A'- Railway & navigaloq Co. "COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE." rriOICKTS To all rriniiipul l'oints in the United Stales, I'unmlu and Kuropo. K!KNT ri'l.LMAN" I'ALU K CAUS EMIGRANT SLEEPING CARS Kun Through on all Express Trniua to OMAHA, - Ootmoll ISIiikf. ANIl Free of Charge and Without Charge, Clout Comu'dior. ut rortlnmi for Sun FrauciHco and l'uyot Sound Points. A I j I j 1 RON STEAMKIfS Loavo Portland for Sim Francisco pvory four (4) duvf. iimkinn; tin' trip in tk Cabin, $W. Steerage, $3,00 Hound Trip Unlimited, $Jih)0. For further iiartintlarn inquire of anv ukoiW of the foinpanv, or A, h. Max- well, (i. P. AT. A.', Portland, Or. A. L. MAXWELL, W. II. UOLCOMR, O. T it- T, A, General Manajer. WHEN YOU WANT J V DON'T FORGET That the best place to m-t i is at the O-AZBTTI HIIOP, Ilepimer, ; ; Oreuon. MacoisOil X J THB VETERAN'S FRIEND. Cures Wounds, Bruises, Strains, Aches and Pains Rheumatic, Neuralgic Sciatic, PROMPTLY And PERMANENTLY. AT DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. IHE CHARLES A. VOGELER GO.. Baltimore. MA PATENTS. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for Mod erate Fees. Our office is opposite the TJ. S. Patent OUioe and we can secure patents in less time Uiau those remote rrom Washington. Bend model, dniwinir or photo with description. We adviBe if patentable or not, free of charge. C)ur fee not due till patent is secured. A pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with name of actual clients in your tate, county or town, sent free. Address C. A. SNOW & CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. ARTHUR SMITH, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ! Next to First National Bank, HEPPNEH, : : OKEQON. Watches, Clocks, A Optical .1 -N D Goods WittclR'H ('loiinoil, - - $1 .r0. MuinKpriiigH Lfittuti - . $l.r0. All work quaruiitr.ed for one year. STOCK mtAXIM. Wliiln ytm knon ytinr fnhsf'rintion naid uu yoi can ki'Op ytiur brand in frfociT ctxirH.- (. It AdkitiH, MnrHOH. ,T, on ritrlir nhotiltlor: cut- tln, V, K on'riKlit hip JtitriKe in (Jront and Mor row oomiticH. AdkniH. J J llttrH'B, JA conmtctod on lfft Hack; r-itlflo, Bnmii on left liip. If 1 Miilt tmiTi. Oi'., Mfiniriian llnrwcH, r IIh on U'fl uliotildfr; call li, .iim on cilit Klionldt-r. Iii'iini'lt, Cy l!rn"n, II on left Hlmiililcr. Jfifiwri. J (.! llorM'H. cindL' C witli ilnl. in onn toron h'Tl liij; ntitllu. t-artic. Ifovfr. W IJ, Ijcjia llidrii-H. hox hrand or r.'n hip raltlf, Rit ru'', with wplit, in car-h car. 1W. I'.O.-HnnH, I'iion lift.4li(jiil(lir; ciit . Himtn on lefl hip, liiii'ii.T. I'1.. lionti lliirk.--- ff c-h4k o with bur under and over on rirlil. nliotildiT. Marlon. Wi- Hoi'mch, .1 11 on ritrliHliiirh. oattlH. Hiunu on ritdit hip;HpHt in oacli tar. W in. Hudio. MniiiiiiH-nt . -Jirands iothi'm R on rilit wlioitldi-r, ItaiiKO. ( runt and .Morrow coun tii'H. A Ninon, (). IV Cat Mo brand. O J) on loft hip ami horwii huimu hrand on riKlit nliouldtir. lianiio, ( onk. A. J,, I ,pi i a JtorMcH. .Hi on rm htuhon :twr: Cat tlt., Hainoon riRlit liip: our mark Hijuure cro otf left, and Nplil in riht. (iiirrin, It x HorwH, w on Inftatifio. Cuniiiiflian n, W H, Nowton KaiRiliIlorupp. T with tiynra 'J undt'r it on loft Hhonldnr: nan I nainc on left liiprind 'ImkIi, U'ft oar wqnare out Cox it Kntdi.Hh, llaiiliiiau Cattle, (J with ) iu cpnli'r: horHt'H. t'K on loft 'up. It. i'.. ( oflnan, Miiniiinciit, 'irant Co, Or. Irlorncn hraiaicd eirolu with hnr henoatli. on loft. Hhoiilder: oaltlo mnio brand on both hi on, mark under hlojie oolti en in and lifwlap, Urnuilat-r, W M--CatMi It Don rijflit Hidf, bwiiI. low -fork in each ear; liorMm, li l on vf hip. I'leek, ilai'krton. -ItorHOH.- 71' (!omierled on rinht Hhoulder; cattle Hamo on riht hip. Kar murk, hole in rtlit atid crop off left. Itieualleii. John W.-Horrtm branded half-cir cle J I, connecied on left, hhouhlor. Cattle, Haine on lefl hip. ItiuiKf. near Lexington. V loreiup, li A -t attle. I.l- on ri'lil hip; horsoM, F wild bar under on riiit Hhoultler. FlorencP, H F-Hoi'mch, K on rittht alioulder cuttle. K on HkIiI hip or tliitrh. Armstronn. .1. ( .. Acton - 1 with hnr under if on loft Hhotildnr of horneH; cattlo Hamo on loft .... liny. iictirv-u.M on letl nlnnilder. (Inble, Kntnk HorHeH. 7 I-' on left ulide: cuttle HtuiK- en rmtii i (i imam-. A I HlleMik.T. K Ue, H on lefl h 1 1 Ll lltp'M . 1 1 or-!., :tt tin Huh I hl.oultlnr. Ibtrsi h, lion lofi shuuhler; cat Uniduiao - lloixt-N, II on left UanK. IL-iyes, .1 M HoiHer., w inttutih on left Mhouldor call le. HHini' on rih' In p. .liinkin.N. M.- ibiiHen, hoir.e..hop J on left ill Caitle, I lit Han:.'. Uane on J:iht Mir ,lui-. huh, I'Vlix - UnrrteH, circleTon left wtifi cattle, Kinir on ii;!i hip, undm Imlf mip in ri and j.lil in left I'er. Kirk,.l I' llurses li'.l on left nhotihier: ontl mien left hip. Kirk, .1 C Ilui.Hch, J7 ou oil her Hank; cuttlu on null! nitle. liiu-Ki'ti, l:ir'iiiun Hornet, H t on l,.ft hip, I ewL, .1 It. Ijeua Uorne, V wiLli - o-.or it on left rthuuhlcr. Minor, n.cur.--Cattlt M D on riht hip; horsoa M on lefl Hiinuhter. Mui'tran, S N-llorKHH, M ) on left Bhouhlur CKltle, rWititrSjl! left hip. Met umber, ,lan A, At wood MdI'sch, M with bar oer on riKlit Hliouhlor. MorKtui, TIioh lloien, circlo T on left nlutul-dm-nnd left thiuh; calllo, on riht iIokIi. Mitchell, (i'ar, l'iii,Hvilto - llornon, )7 on riBhl hip; cat Mo, 7J on ritht Hide. Mct'biroii.lXi- Ibiihen, KiKinc Soiioacli shoul der; cattle, nl- on hip. Nool, Andrew, Ijoiio Hock - Hoiwm AN con iiocted on lefl Hhouhlor; cattle Hiinie on both hip Newman, W. It. - Hornet N with half circl over it on left Hhoulder. Noitlyke, K -llorn'w, circle 7 ou lyfl thigh; out tlo, tuunc on lefl hip. Oiler, IVrry, l.oiie Itock V O oi left uliou.dor lYarwon, tthtvo.- Hovhon, circlrt shield on loft ttho'ildcr and 'Jt ou lefl hip. Cuttle, circle shield on left hip, IhuiKoon ! ikM Mile Peaixon, Jiw Tino Oity. Ilorbi hj on loft hip low down. I'arker (lleaHon, Unnlmnn Ilorson IP on lefl Hhoulder. l'ipi'i-,.1. IK, Acton HtirwH, .1 K connoctod on Ufl nhouldor; caltlo, Hamo ou left hip, under bit hi each oar. Hood. Autlnw, Hanlumn- HorweH, Btjnaro cms woe t)uinicr-t.-uiit, inn n on ieu m me. UemiirjT, t'hrtH Mornen, (' It on left nhnuldor. Hector. J V Horhoit, JO ou loft htulilor. Cat tlo, O on HkIiI hii. Spray, J. K,- Horsen braiultxt HK connectotl on right Hliouldcr; rattle Hjtme on both In in. Spray, J. C. lliu-ws bi authi S on rinht nhoul dr, cattlo bramletl S on the ritfht hip ami a smooth crop off of tho left oar. Straight V. K. lb txen Mhaded J 8 on loft Htitle; caltlo .1 S on leH hip, hwiJIow fork iu riyht oar, utnlerhit in left, Saer, liobt HorHt'H, S on right hhoulder; cattle iMpiareoii ngiii nip ae.i ou right HhouUfe ,swngni:, 1 1, Alpine 11 shotiMei , HS mi righ S,u p. I'!.,.;. Hoihoh, S A Ton left hip; cattU ttamc .'it let( Inn. or-"'", 1S on on left hip; cat Me, -;unooit h-l'l mtlo, wiitlloou loft hide of nock oar cm wharp at piiut. Stf oofoti. Mrs A J Cattlo, S on riht hip HwalU'W-fork in left oar. Shelton tV Son -HoiHew, H on it sidt ovyr an on loft Hhoulder; call lo, Hamo on left hip. Hperry, l ti- ( lUtlo, W C on loff hip, crop ofl right ami undyrlui tn left oaf , dulap; homy. (J on left nhouhier, Swaggiirt.t V HorHot, 4t on loft shoulder: Sit wurt, (ieo., Hiintnian llorsot circle o on left shoulder, cattle, 44 on left hip. Thomson. J A Itorstw, f, on loft shoulder Cattle, 'J on loft chouhler. Tippet. S T-llortte. C on loft shoulder. Wade, Henry.- Homon branded act of spadtw ou loit shoulder and left hm. Cattle branded ainetui left Hide antl loft tup. W nlbrtdgu V h H.moa brandotl U li on loft Hhouhler, caltlo U L ou ritjlit hip, Kan go on Halm Fork. WoIIb, A 8-Horwoa, 0t, on loft uliouldor; oattJ aiuo. Vlttnd.J H, Hanlumn Ctrolo Con !e thigk WmnlwaiHi, Jotiu Honto, til1 conuecUni un left nhuuldfr. Wallaco, Charloa-Cattlo, V on right thinh, holo in Ufl ear; litirno. W ou rijilit shouUlor, piiiur Mine on left nhouldor. Wron, A A-Cattlo, runnin AA with bar aorsi on right hip. SALESMEN WANTED, A w r.i. i u w tivnAiv H ji w. Iiilm rv.'t iaij at-a lo Its n.trul.r humlneu a i,mi.i driaruiwiit wbioh vtll f'liuliv serYio. o( rl.w mon lb TarU.u. localltl... tit. Iltnu nuikm tit, mi. trading pmmlM'a of elorbltaits al.rloa, but uu.tilua and rrlkatilr ap,llcaata who ran .atl.raotorv rvrvrvnoia. lo tru.tnorthlnra. Witt b llbarall, paid In ro,urtlon hi tna ability tltvy duion.lralt. Our nHjulrvuivuu will not of n.ully li,taiti.rv with tiu.uia. Iu which applicant may now J be wiMaK.I. A'tUit-aa, with rrlrrrn.r.. 1 ! H.kaiSuTua., la ai.ta at.,caauwa, iu. at via rW SOMETHING ABOUT THE CODLIX MOTH AND OTHER INSECT PESTS. The necessity for immediate action in battling with the obnox ious pests that have already secured so strong a held in many of the orchards of Oregon, prompts the "State Board of Horticulture," created by the last Legislature, and which met and organized but yes terday, to issue this bulletin, its first act towards carrying out the objects for which it has been created. The information contus ed in this bulletin is of necessity brief, and somewhat crude, for time will be required to enable the board to secure that information from practical experiments that shall be of most value to the or chardists in particular, and to the horticulturist in general. THB COIl LIN MOTH. The Codlin moth is without question the insect that needs to be looked after first, as it is with out doubt the worst pest ever in troduced into the State. It is needless to write nt length about the ravages of this enemy of the pear, apple and quince; those who have suffered from his acquaintance know him well; those who have been so fortunate as to escape his acquaintance will do well to use the one ounce preventive and keep him out, and so have no need ,for the pound of cure. It is only by "eternal vigilence" that Oregon's reputation for producing the "big red apple" sound and free from worms, "can be maintained." We therefore appeal not only to the first law of nature, "self preserva tion," but to that nobler one that stirs the heart and prompts to nobler deeds that tho entire State may be benefitted thereby. liEMEDIES AGAINST THE CODLIN MOTH. There are two modes of fighting them generally made use of one is to prevent the hatching of the egg, or the killing of the young worm while working into the fruit; the other is the catching of the worms in traps as it is escnping from the fruit, or by having the fruit eaten by hogs as soon as it drops from the tree and before th worm escapes. The first mide is without doubt the most successful, and is also the loast expensive. This is accomplished by Bpraying the trees with London purple or Paris green, using one pound of either to ono hundred and fifty gal lons of water. Taris green is com pound of arsenic and copper. It is far more powerful poison than arsenic alone, and is not soluble in water, hence it will remain much longer on the trees. London pur ple is another arsenical compound. It is the residue from the manufac ture of aniline dye, and contains lime, arsenious acid and carbona ceous matter. It is soluble, more adhesive and loss poisonous than Paris green, and therefore is to be preferred. It is better to wet the powder thoroughly and make a panto before putting it into the vessel of water that it may not form lumps. The spray is caused by forcing the liquid by means of a force pump through a fine per forated nozzle, made specially for tl 10 purpose. The finer it is the loss liquid will be required. The important thing is to scatter the spray on all the fruit. WHEN TO Hl'ltAY. Tlul Codlin moth soon after the fruit sets, lays her eggs upon the calyx end of the young fruit. The grub as soon as hatched eats its way into the center of the young fruit, and there growing with its growth works its mischief. In its early stage the young fruit is erect, its calyx upwards, ami the least particle of poisoned water falling upon it is sufficient to destroy the young worm when it attempts to eat its way into the fruit; there fore, th. best and most appropriate time for spraying tho trees isoou after the fruit is set, and wheu it is about tho size of a small pea. Experience teaches, however, that it is not safe to depend upon the ono early spraying to accomplish the results Bought for, whether coming from a second and perhaps third crop, which many affirm and others deny, or from those that from some cause have not matured as rapidly as others, still the facts remain that iu mauy places the Codlin moth does not stiug the fruit and lay the eggs until later in the season; therefore, to obtain the best results the spray iug should be continued with an interval of two weeks until the first of" July, and even later thau this on some late varieties. Care should be ob served that vegetables are not sprayed with these mixtures, pud no animals- be allowed to eat the grass that has been saturated with the spray. THE GREEN AHUS. The use of the above mentioned eprays will be of grest value to the : orchard iu not only ridding it of j the Codlin moth, but they will alao , be found benefieial'iu freeing it i from uiany other obnoxious insect: 1 aud fungi that are a source of great annoyance" and often oi great dan-1 ger to the trees and fruit. There ' are a number of mixtures that will operate successfully in exterminat-1 ing the green aphis or fippi. tiee! louse, and can be used as most con venient to be procured: First Take i pound borax soap, J pint kerosene oil; mix in 2J gal lons hot water. Second. 1 pound of whale oil soap dissolved in three gallons hot water. And still a third which is easily procured: 1 pound of common laundry soap dissolved in sixteen gallons of hot water. Apply any of these mixtures by means of a spray pnmp where the aphis begin to show themselves. The time has arrived when every person having an orchard should be the owner of a force pump with a spray nozzle specially adapted to the work of spraying trees. Where one person has not sufficient usf for a pump to justify him in buy ing one for himself alone, let him join with a few neighbors and get one that will serve them all. The cost of the material and the time required in applying it is small. London purple or Paris green costs, but 25 cents per pound in small quantities and pumps all complete and ready for use can be had from $14 to $34 each, accord ing to size and capacity for work. It is the desire of the board to do all they can in accomplishing the results sought in the enactment of the law creating them, and to this end they bespeak the co-operation of every person interested in horticulture in Oregon. The sec retary desires to secure the name of every fruit grower in Oregon, and to this end requests that every one to whom this knowledge shall come, will send him his name and postoffice address. He also desires that all will write him freely rela tive to their experience in combat ting those common enemies of the orchard ist, for it is only by an interchange of experiences that the best results can be obtained. The board will issue other bulletins relative to the treatment of the wooly aphis and other important matters of interest to all at an early day. By order of the board. Ethan W. Allen, Secretary. THE CASCADE LOCKS. Tho work at the Locks has pro gressed in a more -satisfactory manner the past season than during any previous one. A deep execution has been made in the lower lock, and the stone walls are now in course of construction. If' an appropriation had1 been received this year there would be strong hopes of an early comple tion of this work. As it is, the engineer in charge will be forced to save enough to protect the plant until congress feels sufficiently liberal to make another appropria tion. There have been so many "leaks" in those government dona tions that one almost loses hope that the locks will ever be com pleted. In 1880 tht, bulkhead cost nearly one appropriation, blasting out the river another, the buildings and machinery two or three, steamboats, $10,000; water, about $3,000; etc., etc. All these may have been necessary; but when the people see the funds for the improvement of river almost entirely swallowed up by these menus, and they forced from year to year to sutler the extortions of corporations, they become dissat isfied aud discouraged. Tinws-' Mountaineer. A mauuscript in Latin, dated Oct. 29, 1542, is alleged to have been found in a cave near Gaius ville, Tox. It purports to give an account of Spaniards in search of Hernando De Soto, the discoverer of the Mississippi river. How to Get the Gazette for Noth iNti Mr. C. E. Fell, th Heppner nur seryman, will sell you 100 apple trees at the reaiilnr rate. $15.00 per hundred, and give you one oopy of tha Hei'pxkk Oazettb tor one year. Fifty apple trees will cost yon $7. 60, and with this he will Kive you one copy of tho Gazette for six mouths. His stock is strictly first class, and is warranted. A NEAT ATION. The Royal Gallery of Poetry nud Art deserves its name. It is an illustrated hook of favorite prose and poetic Reins, selected from the wide rnntfe of EdkUsIi literature, by skillful ami sympathetic hands. To make one's self aud one's i family familiar with the oontent of this rare volume is to take mauy steps in the direction of the purest anil highest cul ture, alike of the heart nud the intellect. ! It is an introduction to the best compa ny the world has ever known. I A a ... t,,n.l,t,mnl nTAmition. tliA nnner ! is eAclleut, the typography suberb, the I illustrations ample anil artistic, many of I them exquisite. It is amazing that ! such a sumptuous volume, royal quarto j 642 pages, with 400 oharming illustra tions, attractively and admirably bound, j edited with the most loving and pains- taking skill, oan be furnished at the , low oust at which this royal publication is oITitihI to the uncrowneil kiugs and queens of American homes. The J. Dewiog Company, 813 Market St.,San Franoisoo, Cal., are conducting the sale of this noble work and all appli cations for agency should be addressed to them. What to Call Their Wives. - Sexton's wife Belle. To get a wife Marie. Porter's wife Carrie. Jeweler's wife Pearl. Lawyer's wife Sue. Farmer's wife Tillie. A printer's wife Em. Pugilist's wife Mollie. Minister's wife Grace. Gambler'sjwife Betty. Gardener's wife Rose. Musician's wife Viola. A fat man's wife- -Lena.' Undertaker's wife Nell. Fisherman's wife Nettie. Shoemaker's wife Peggy. Auctioneer's wife Biddy. Astronomer's wife Stella. Statesman's wife Virginia Til io l-rorvioiji- JeweligEtts Still Continues to Sell watches, ; : CLiOOKS , J"It3"VCrI3IjIT."V, ETC., At the Lowest Possible Prices. A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always A Full Line of XUE"CT(sXG-A.Xj iktstrti Has been added to his large and well selected stock. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Work G-iiarrviitoocl. 8TOUE opposite Minor, Dodson & Go's May St: Heppner, . . . Oreson California, Oregon and IDAHO STAGE COMPANY. J. B. Keeuey, Supt. Monument Stripe leaves Heppner Mondays, Wednesdays nnd Fridays at 6:30 . M. Monument Stage arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 5:00 1. M. Sunday SUse to and troin Arliuxton. Fore, $5.00 earh way Pendleton Stage leaves Heppner 6:80 A. M. arrives " 4:80 P. M. Fare to Monument, - - 85 00. Fare to Pendleton, - $4.00. E. J. SLOCTJM & CO., Agents. Freight 2 cents per pound. Heppner, Ogn Arlington Meat Market, KEEPS, constantly; on hand Foil, Fix I'I'I I I II H 1 1 Ullt) AND SAUSAGE . VARNEY& PUTNUM Arlington, Oregon. S. P. Fl.OllKNCE. E FLOKKNOF FLORENCE BROTHERS, STOCKRAISERS ! Uia'l'NliK - . - OHKUON. Cattle bnindi'dtuid ear-marked an shown above. HormtH V on ritfht. Hhoulder. Our tiattlo ranfio iu Morrow. Gilliam, Umatilla and WancocountioH. Wo will pay SMUU.irU re ward for th am'Ht and conviction of any person Btfulnia. our stock. !I S IE, "Wool Liberal Advances Made CONS1QNMENTS. SAX FRAXCISCO: Warehouse and Office, Corner Fifth and Tmcnsend Streets. PORTLAXD: 20 Washinjton Street, II El'PXE R AGF.XT: Coffin & MeFarland. 1) niiiiini1 SUPERIOR QUALITY OF BEER! It is manufactured with the latest brewing apparatus and cau't be beat. Lunches of all Kinds, And the best brands of Cigars. Empty kegs must be returned or $6 apiece will bo charged. J". D. 3Tttox-, Prop. New Stock! New Fixtures I ! New Everything! ! Pure Wines ami Liquors And the Be HAVANA CIGARS Are alw&yti kpt iu sUk mt th GUM SALOON, Opposite H. lilacknma A Co.s Htor ourtaoaa trtN&uiKHit lo all. Com niisMin aud aStP If 2& 1 Commissi Merchants mv The Tery Latest Styles just receiqed from Portland and San Francisco AT Mrs. Warren's Fashionable Millinery and Ladies Furnishing Store. Thankful for the generous liberality and good will of the people of Heppner and vicinity in the past, we oordially solicit their patronage in the future. MRS. MARY WARREN. THE GKEAT Transcontinental Route Northern Pacific BAILEOAD! Cascade Branch, now Completed, mak, ing it the Shortest, Best and Quickest. The Dining Car Line. TheDirect Route No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low est Rates to Chicago aud all points East. Ticels sold to all Promi nent Points throughout the East and Southeast. Through TuIIim DravJiy Room Sleeping Cars. Reservations can be secured in advance. To East Bound I'aseners Be careful aud do not make a mistake, but be sure to take the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD And see that your ticket reads via this line, St Paul or Minneapolis to avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run on regular express trains full leugth of line. Berths free. Lowest rates. Quick est time. General Office of the Company, No. 131 First St., Cor. Washington St., Portland, Oregon A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. The Sterling Gh Manufacturers of THE STERLING PIANOS, WHICH FOB Quality of Tone, Beauty of Design, FINISH and adaptability for stand ing in Tune have no equal. Every Piana Warranted for Five Years And satisfaction guarantwd to every purchaser. Also Manufacture tbe World-Renowned STERfiVG ORGAN ' Factories, Derby, Conn. TO SAN FRAXISC0, CAL, -BY WAY OF THE- Southern Pacific Company's Line. THE PIT. SBBSTH ROUTE. Quicker in Time than Any Other Route Between Portland San Francisco. Leave Portland at 4 P. Daily. THROUGH TIME, sD HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For Accommodation of Second-Class . Passengers Attached to Express Trains. Fare from Portland to Sacramento aud San Fran cisco: !Tnliniiteil, f5 Limited Firat-Clasa, at) " " Serutiil-l'liiss, !5 Through Tickets to all Points South and, VIA CAWPOKXIA, TICKET OFFICES: City Office, Ne. 134. Corner First & Alder Street Depot Office, Corner F and Front Streets, POHTLAND, OHEOON. R. KOKHLEK. E. P. ROGEliS. Manager. Asst. ii. F. and Pass. agt. Dobbins Electric Soap THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD. It is IStrictly Pure. Uniform in Quality. THE original formula for which we paid ;o,ooo twenty rears a$o has never been modilu-d or changed io the slightest. This soap la Identical In quality to-day with that made twenty years ago. IT contains not bine that can In Jnrethe ti neat fabric. 1 1 bright M colors and bleaches whites. IT washes flannels and blankets as no other soap id the world does without shrinking leaving them o(t and white and like new. READ THIS TWICE THERE is a rreat aavlnr of time, of labor, of soap, of fuel, and of the fabric, where Dob bins' Electric Soap is usd accordiuff to dire tlons. OX E trial w:.H demonstrate its great merit. It will pay you to make that trial. T IKE all beat tbina, it is extensively imt a" tated and counterfeited. Peware cf Imitations. INSIST upon Itobbina Electric. Don't tak Magnetic, Elestro-M agic, Philadelphia Eiectis or any other fraud, simply because it is cheap. Tt.c) trill ruio clothes, and are dear at any price. Ask for t4 DOBBIXS' ELECTRIC x and take no other. Nearly every grocer from M-iine so Mexico keeps it in stock. If yours hasn't it, he will order from his nearest wholesale grocer. T5 EAD carefully the inside wrapper around each . J bar, and be careful to follow directions ea each outside wrapper. You rsnnvt Mtloril to Wait longer before trying tor yourseit (his old, reiiable, ad truly woaderfui Dobbins' Electric Soap. I. L. CIUG1X A CO., Philadelphia To, i art tl i, 1 H-a IS faj-5 J MP 1.1 m HEAD. Try the Cure Ely's Oi'sm Balm Cleanses the ITasal f .Bsagea. Al lays Inflammation, iteals the Soros. Restores the Souses of Taste, Smell and Hearing. A partirlo Is applied Intoenchnofltrll and Iff aa-rrr-nblf . Price 5()c. at lrugiala or by Bail. KJA UliOTIlEKfv'ioWarrenSL.New York. When I say CtrRJl I do not mean merely to Stop them lor a time, and then have them to turn again. I UKA.U A KADICAL CUiUl. 1 have made the ditteuse ot FITS, EPILEPSY op STALLING SICKNESS, A life-lonpr study. I WAktiant my remedy to Conic tho worst licoause others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a euro, fiend atonce for a treatise nnd a 1 hue Hottls of my Infallible Ukmrdy. Give Express and Poet Ofliro. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will euro you. - Address H.G. ROOT, Wl.C, I S3 Pearl St., New York OUE, ll .11 I -r whilB convenient VVUrSVJ to the buyer as any instalment system, is a wholesale spot cash system to us. 1 lie co-operation of the rlnh members sells US LWf8 watches in each PHILA- ihe Club for each watch before it goes out, though each member only pays iZLjl $i a ween, mis is wny we give you M'uf more for your money than any one else KI nnr4 wtiv we nre rloin? lite Ifirees! watch business in the world. We sell only first quality goods, but ouij prices are about what others get f r sec ond quality. Our MO Ml verWateh is a substantial Silver (not hniiatienoj any kind) Stem-Wind American Lever Watch either hunting case or open. Our m:iH. OO Wat ell is a Stem-wind . Open race, lirst quality, stilteued Uolu AniericanLevcrWiitch . truaranteed to wear 20 years. It is fully equal toanyiji ; watch sold for 118 bv iners. we nnuni ff a first-class Stiii'ened Gold Case much more satisfactory and serviceable than any Solid Gqld Case thatc&n besoldat less than double the money, as cheap solid cases are invariably thin, weak, of low quality, and worthless after short use. Our 38 Watch contains numerous important patented im-, provements, of vital importance to accur-l ate timing J'aient Dustfroof, Patent Stem Vindt&c, which we control exclusively. It is fully equal for accuracy, appearance, dnra- Dinty ana service, to any 75 watcn, eitner ODen Face or Himtine. Our 843.00 Rail road Watch is especially constructed fori .! . .. I f .V,D lw.a Cil 1 road Watch made. Open Face or Huntinc. All these prices are either all cash or in clubs, IMTh 81.00 a week. An Aim Watch Cfi''11;!! Intulalor given frea with each Watch. ipJv VLW 1 neeysTone waxen uiudug Main Office In Co'i Own Building 004 WALNUT ST. PHIL AD A. PA. Agenta Wanted. AJax Watch Insulator, $1,00 A piirfectiiroteotloii anlDSt mantlet Ism. FitnnuWatch. Haul bv mail on rcoelDt of price. (TJ We renr to any Commercial Agencfi-A BSS IS?? nepon pni;, iwt ciipjLcst't,fov:r.:i:c3, &c iliVtr.g Cor)fest;8jModeri9s1 rSMKoirvipcrcirir rey v6rvttlcriollA,ave,VOPPlSSETTLER,S GUIDE, 124 pp. Frico or.!y 25:, (postage stamp lilj",tlli vriy i.i' in nli' in rlltjlf'llllll llt. iV 111.., ..I ou b months nil t-hnl iTty. ulr rllt-r 111" liirii Iihvp run hut run out ll mill tin fc'fl.J PpbV VMrT- ST iimi. '.Inn ISTln tpitf" nwhlne in the tinients, . st UT AH if rjtitn, oru. rpqmrrij, brier lnstruol inn (riven, i nun' wno write to u hi once ccn se cure t'r' tho best Pwiiie-iintdiinii in lin- wurM, ami Ilia fiimt liti" of work s ufli it'll art iV'T tlnwn tunt'ilitr in Aiifiira. TitlJJK V4'0., JUox T AiieislH, Mi.iue, TLHS LAD3ES' FAVORITE, NEVER OUT OF OHSER. If you desire to purclinsp n potrin niacnln, ask bur n i?ont nt ytvjir ilui'0 lr terms inul prifoa. If you cannot filial tnir :tent, write tl irOUV W ""-"t n 'M wiwirfMti; across. Chicago - 8 t!N!0N SQUARE.NX- "DALLAS ATLANTA. Oft. sssr?'cl;c:cAL LEKZER & THOMPSON, Ag'ts. Heppner. Oregon Pacific department, general agency, 72S Market striM't, history buililiiig, ttn Fmncieco, Cal BratichtK. 4f Morriwin St., Portland. Or., 18 South Sfcond Sr. Sun Jose, Crfl., 55 North Spring St.. Lns Anaeh'H. ("aJ Is the oldest and mnt populnr wtertlflc sr4 mochamcal parr published and has the lament circtilatt'in of uny pap-r of its class m the world. Fully ill ti strut fd. P-t class of Wood Knernr Incs. Published weekly. ?end for upcnmen Ciny. Price 3 a Tenr. Four months trial, 11. ML'NN it CO., Pcuu:iiEKj(, 301 Broadway, N,f. ARCHITECTS BUILDERC Edition of Scientific American. 0 A fcrreat succeM. Rach Issue contains cnlnred llthiwraphic plates of country and cut rfsiden ees or public buildirtirs. .Niinien as emravinds and full plans and speciHoations for the ue of iuchascnieniplate huiidinji. Price yar, 2acts.acupy. ML' N.N' A CO Pi BLlHlitj. IATEHTS I maTbesecnr ed by apply inn to Mi'.vji A Co.. who havt oTcf M40 years' erpenence and hare made over l.iVH) apnhrati..ns for American and F- r ein patents. S-nd t-r Huidbook. Curm Puodence s'ri.-tly funtidenrtal. TRADE MARKS. In case your mark is not registered tn the Pat ent tttt"e,'applT to MfNN A Co and procure immediate protection. nd for HandiXMjk. COPYRItNIITs for feooss. cnarta, maps, c .juicsiy pr.cured. Address Ml'SX A- CO.. Patent Stjlicllers, ticNiviL Orrici: J01 Bboadwat. N. T, m 1 t--w s t 'I