THE GAZETTE. HEPPNER. THURSDAY, Miy 9, '89. HEPPNER la the oounty-seat of Morrow., located near the center of the oouoty oa Willow oreek, and at the terminus fef the Willow oreek.branoh of the O.B.4N. It has a population of about 80, and is receiving Dew resident! daily As a business plaoe, it bida fair 0 take the lead of soy town in Easter j Oregon, having tribu tary to it ap immense agricultural and took oonrj'try. The Cam of $10,000 was appropriated at the last session of the legislature for the purpose of improving the Heppner and Monument wagon road. That amount will be expended on this route during the ooming summer, rendering it the best mountain road in the stnte, and one which will accommodate buu dreds of well-to-do stockmen, who are bestowing their patronage on merohants in Heppner, owing to its advantages as trading point. Fully 3,000,000 pounds of wool will find sale, or shipment at Heppner this season. Real estate is advanoing rapidly, and is selling at a figure 20 to 25 per cent, higher than prioes prevailing three months ago. One of the best flouring mills in East ern Oregon is located at this point. For further information oonoerning Heppner, address Obin L. Patterson, Real Estate Agent, Heppner, Or. GRAND ASSEMBLAGE OF THE CITY DADS. Council met in regular session at their council chambers on last Monday even ing, Mayor Blackman presiding. On roll being called all answered present except Councilnien Matlock and Morrow. MinuteB of previous meeting read and ved. Petition to build bridge across Hinton creek referred to committee on streets and public property. Petition for amendment of ordinance No. 27 referred to committee on health and police. Bills of Morgan, Rea, Bitter and War moth, referred to committee on finances. The committee on finnnce, councilmen Natter and Noble, ask for further time to consider claims against the town, and suggest that a meeting be held on Tues day eve. May 7. The committee on health and police ask that the petition of taxpayers request ing amendment to ordinance No. 27, the oow ordinance, ha grunted and same referred to committee on ordinances. On motion the office of marshal was declared vacant. Ordinance licensing commercial drum mers, etc., read first time by section. Letter from Karr & Itichey, artesian well contractors, of Yankton, Dakota, read by Otis Patterson, of the (rAZKTrr. Proposition of Parkins Bros, regarding boring artesian well, referred to oomtnit tee on fire and water. Election of Marshal being in order, George Bitter was elected on third ballot for that position. Mr. Bitter gave bond and legally assumed the duties of his office. Council adjourned to meet on Tuesday evening. I'AI.I.KI) HKMKION. Council met on last Tuesday evening in called session, Mayor Blackman pre siding. AH present except ooiuioilman Matlook. Several reports were heard and adopt ed as follows; That the vacant lot east of W. O. Minor's whioh is used as puhlio feed yard, be declared a puhlio Durance. Ordered cleaned and fenced An ordinance regulating tliu taxes of the town of ileppnur was read and laid till next meeting. fW. hill nf O. W. Hon and Tlinn M nun not allowed. .1. 11. Warinouth's bill allowed. Council adjourned. THE TII1HD ItlialMliNT TAKK PART JN THE CKNTKNNIAI. I'KHTIVITIUB. The Oreguniun, in speaking of the 3rd Eeg't in the parade at Portland on Tues day of last week, Bays: The Third Regiment, Col. O. E. Mor gan in oommand, followed the Second Regiment. Col. Morgan was accom panied by his regimental staff, consisting of Lieut.-Col. A. A. Kobley, Maj. F. 8. Ivauhoe, Capt. and Hurgoou Hugh Lo gan, dipt, and Chaplain W. O. Simpson, First Lieut, and Commissary O. U. Ben nett, First Lient. and Rogimental Quar termaster, E. B. lloFarland, First Lieut. and Adjutant J. P. Fitzgerald. The following companies from this regiment participated in the parade: Compauy A (The Dulles), Capt. G. T. Thompson; First Lieut. D. Bunnell; Second Lie.ut. 8. E. Fancy; 37 men. Company C (The Dalles), Capt. T. A Houghton Second Lieut. E. M. Wil liams; 22 men. Company D (Lexington), Capt. II, MoFarland: First Lieut. T. A. Carr; 25 men. Company E (Ileppuer), Capt. W. War ren; First Lieut. Frank Rogers; Second Lieut. P. O. Borg; 26 men. Company F. (Baker City), Capt. E. H. Mix; 17 men. Company 0 (Oenterville), Capt. I). W. Jarvis; First Lieut. T. F. Mulligan; Sec ond Lieut. J. A. Levy; 11) men. Company H (LaQrando), ("apt. (J. M. Riohey; First Lieut. Ned Eckley; Sec ond Lieut Jim Henry; 87 meu. Company I (Joseph), Capt. E. J. For syth; First Lient. A. W. Gowan; Seo ond Lient. J. A. Rumble; 14 meu, Company K (North Powder), Capt. J, A. White; First Lieut. J. A. Stephens; Seoond Lieut. F. Shaw; 20 men. Bl'SlNKSS Of THK WIU.OW fUKHK BRANCH AT HEITNEIt. The following will give some idea of the amount of business done over the ' Willow Creek branoh since Feb. 1, IKS!). It must be remembored that this line was oompleted to Heppner only last Deoember 8th, and is just getting in food working order. In Feb. '83, 810,(119 lbs of freight waB reo'd, and 131,040 lbs forwarded; Mcli., 1,05493 lbs, was reo'd, and 170,000 forwarded; Apr., 813,350 lbs was reo'd, and 100,750 forwarded. This does nut inolude two oar loads each of burb wire and grain, whioh were received here reoently. A oar is allowed 18,000 lbs of merohandtse. Heppner being the present termiuus, and admirably situated for a large trade, whioh it is enjoying, will perhaps receive and ship mora freight than any other town or station on this Hue of 45 miles. However, the faot must not be over looked that every stopping place on the branoh is doing its propor tion of busi ness, which is yet in its infaooy. The Heppner and Monumont road will soon reoeive the benefit of a 810,000 appropriation, encouraging business from that quarter this full, and every ranoher will have wheat to ship, aggre gating millions of bushels, making busi ness for our railroad, merchants, and in fact every rid,nj of this section, EDUCATIONAL COLUMN. t. c. atbrhv kpitor. REPRESSION CO OPERATION. In school and in olass work we hear a great deal about developing the power of exprssion that pupils must be taught to tell readily all they know. If it is meant that pupils should be able to express tnouglits in appropriate anu concise language, no one will object. Perhaps nature requires less aid in giv ing the ability to talk than in most other accomplishments; certainly there is a Inrge class of pupils who need in this direction, repression instead of stimulation. We can consider the head as being divided into two chambers, a machine shop and a store room. In our early education the perceptive faculties are engaged in gathering facts and ideas which are placed away in the store-room. There comes a time, however, when the mind is not engaged altogether in col lecting facts, but begins to work over those already stored away. It the facts have not been stored away in a methodi cal manner, or have been covered with rubbish, momory will fail to find them, and the maehinery in the shop will run empty and with much noise. If the store-house happens to be empty, the noiBe of the machinery will resound all the louder. Have you never heard the rattle when snoh people talk? Unfortunately there is a class of pupils who never lay away any facts, and the storo-house of their memory beoomes an empty chumber, but still tho shop keeps running and you have the rattle in the garrulous stream which flows from their months. Surely what such pupils require is repression. You have heard of the "still water that runs doep," and of tho "babbling brook." Repress that babbling brook and in time you may have a reservoir of doep water which, when the drouth ooinos, can be confidently drawn upon. Give us the quiet, unnssuming person, quiet in voice and action, who reserves his force and stores away his knowledge to moot occasions. Self-repression gives self-control. Self-ooutrol is like a oom pressed spring, always ready foreil'eclive action. A talkative person is like u pumping wind-mill. Both run by wind, and the more wind the faster thoy go. Both go 'round and 'round and never roach a conclusion. When ideas give out, or the water is exhausted still faster they go, though nothing can ho hoard but clatter. This noisy, talkative, demon strative class needs repression. In tho profession of touching one of the first things to ha done i.i to socure tin co-operation of the parents. When parents are opposed to the teacher, it is hard to arrivo at any good results with the children. Most .of his labor is then spent in trying to counteract the teach ing of the parents, and there is not much time left for progress in tho studies. When both parent and teacher unite in educating a child, it is evident that suo cess will crown their efforts. A LhTTKIt i;o.w Kxri'.i:ii.N(Kii wki.l A short time ago our towu council re quested the Uazettk editor to corre spond with experienced artesian well men. lie wrote to tho chief of fire dop't., Yankton, Dakota, who placed him communication with Messrs. Karr and Kiohoy, artesian well contractors, of ttuib (ii.ioe, a luvorea section in the matter of (lowing wells. Below is their Ictler to this olllue; Yankton, April 2;), 1K.S0. Otis I'utterson: Duaii Sm. - Your favor of the Kith to ohief of fire dop't, iu reference to arte sian wells, was handed to us and in roply, wo hnvo been in the artesian well business for several years, and if we can bo of any service to you, we'll he pleased to receivo your patronage, Aitosian v. oils mo no! ooo.i'u: 1 to any pailiciilar locality, hut toe o!..:m'cs are most favorable in tho drift formations. Iu Floridn they h:ive :nrori very nice wells, only a few feet above soa level. The James river valley, in Dakota, is on artesian basin 1 j-t) to 14(H) feet abovo sea level. Tim fuol. loll of Colorado, especially near Deliver, tiitiod flowing wells, 5,0i)(l foot a'ooe so,, IjvuI. It yonr formation ii a drift, s limontary or stratified, your chances for a flowing well arc good. Oil the of her hand, if you have a granite formation, you will probably got more exprienco than water. That the right way is the cheapest, will apply to boring deep welhi. If you have parties in your sectiou ougaged in this work, it will ho safest to he guided by their judgmeut. If you have no such parlies in your section, wo would advise consultation with experienced well men, as the experience of others is genorally the cheapest. We will be pleased to hear furthur from von. Yours truly, IvAiiu St RroiiKY, A CAltD OF THANKS. Editor Utnette: Through the columns of your valuable paper, ! wish to. express my sincere gratitude to the good people of Heppner for their kindness bestowed on me and family. On the 4th inat., they came pouring in about dark at my home until the houso was quite full, bringing with theiu the uccosaariea of this life in the shape of clothing for the Uidy and food for the stomach, to the amount of fifty dollars or more. This to a poor preacher looks very big, but coming when, it did - at the end of my year's work, shows an appreciation of what I have been trying to do. Surely the good Iord will bless such kind hearted people. They have a warm plaoe in my heart and a full share iu my prayers. H. F. Dknnis. 8TRAVKI) OK STOLEN. From Alpine, Morrow Co., on or about August 1M.SM, one black mare, 5 years old, branded J O with a half circle over it with II immediately over that on same shoulder. She is a gentle work- innre, with a little white iu faoe. One bay mare, 6 years old, branded II on left shoulder. She had a bay, yearling ware colt following, branded same as mother. One hay mare, 7 years old, branded on left shoulder with largo ti and 11 . also 73 on left stifle; is a low, heavy-set mare. A reward of 83.110 apiece will be paid for the return of the above described animals. A reasonable recompense will bs given for information lending to the recovery of said auiiuala. WILLIAM UALLAIIKU. Alpiue, Oregon. Ick! Ick!-H. MoFnrhmd, of l.exing- tou, will deliver ice daily iu Heppner during the summer mouths. Contract for the amount von desire, by writing to him at an early date. The price will be 2 cants per lb. delivered. AM. THIS FOrt THE PlBMr GOOD. It is an undisputed fact that the hand somest vestibule trains that are now run on the American continent are those on the ' "BriiMSOTON Roctk," leaving the Union Depot in Denver, also St. Paul, immediately on arrival of all through trains from the west. The first and second class coaches are magnifi cent, the Reclining chair cars superb, the Pullman sleepers extremely luxuri ant, and as for the meals that are served in those Palace Burlington dining cars ynm-yum. The next time yon go east to Kansas City,Cliicago or St. Louis, if you mention to the ticket agent that you want yonr ticket to read from Den ver or St. Paul over the Burlington Route, you will get it, and you will al ways be glad of it. If you go via the Northern or Canadi an Pacifio, the elegant vestibule trains of "The Burlington Route." between St. Paul, Chicago and St. ljoms will carry you alon the eastern shore of the Miss issippi river for a distance of 3-j0 miles, amidst scenery that cannot be surpass ed; or, if yon go via the Oregon Short Line or Southern l'acihc, aert your tioket reads via "The Burlington Route," from Cheyenne or Denver, you will pass through all the thriving cities anu towns located in what is popularly known as the "Heart of the Continent." For fur ther information apply to A. C. Sheldon, General Agent, 85 'First Street, Portland, Oregon. $10 REWARD For the return of one light gray saddle horse; weight 850 pounds, branded with a J on loft hip; has soar on fore pnrt of left hind leg, near foot. Had on small bell when last seen. One brown mare, weight near 1,111) pounds; branded eleven with a bar over it on right shoulder; has small brand on left hip; has brown year ling hnrne colt, branded 11 on left shoul der, white star in faoe. The mare should have a sucking colt with her. 1 will give $10 reward to have the above des cribed horses delivered at Lum Rhea's home on Rhea orook, or will give 85 for information leading to their recovery. Address Harrison (Jammings, care ol C. A. Rhea, Heppner, Or. TAILORING!. I have opened a well-appointed tailor ing establishment m my new auild ingon May street, and am now regularly receiving new goods and will make ous tom made pants from .$7 to 15 best goods iu the market. A. AnUAUAUSK'K. NOTICE OF INTENTION Land OHieent Liidmmln, Or., Mnr. S, 'HO. Nolic.H in hurehy ivin tlmt tilt! following nmried ml r Iuih riled notice of his intention to muke linal proof in Hiippor of his cliiiin. and tliHt Hnid proof will betuudn Ijeforf! Ihfi county elerk of Morrow comity, Or., at lluppnor, Ol on Juno Ki, IHMf, viz: Mtiiioel Miranda, 1). No. 79SI, for the N', HK'.i NK HWSi Sue 14, Ti I N, It 2N li. ItnimiiipHtliofolIowinir wilncHfliw to nrovo liiH conlinnoiiH residence upon, unit cultivation of, suid limil, vi,: Iven A. lJoteet, Hiixtor UuiHlieud, James 11, Poleol mid Joseph nwio lz. (ill of 1-lelio, Oretron. Any person who desires to protest flKilinsl the hIIowhiioo of such proof, or who knows of any sulistuut.ini reason, nndi-r tho law and llm regu lations of tint Interior IVpart meet, why such proof should not be allowed, will no 1,'ivon an oopoi-tllnity at tin aliove-menl ioned timu and pliuio to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant and toottei- evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. I'W-'lt. UKNIlV lilNF.UABT, Hcuistor. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Olliee at Tho Dalles. Or., May 11, '89. Notice is hereby eiven that the followiesT-nanicd settler lias tiled notice el his intention io make until proof iu support of his claim, and that stutl nroof will be uuido before the cotintv clerk of Morrow county, Or. at Ileppnor, Or., on June JU, is.ii, viz: William I.ooue;, D. No. 0145. for tie. K' HUH ""'1 8K": NK'4 Hec : and NVVli RWV, Hec ill. I'll II H. U 'iri K. llenanies the followinK witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said lion . viz: William lleiitlrix, Klijn Hentliix, It. II. Land ors and James llennett, all of Lone Hock, Or. Any person whodesires to ptotest lu-'llinst the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the roKiilu lions of the Interior loparl!uoiit,whyauch proof should not be allowed, will lie Kivon nn opportu nity ul the abovo mentioned tiino tnil place to cro'ss-oxailline t lie witnesses of said claimant, and lo offer evidence in rebuttal of that suUnit tcd by claimant. S)yt)-y."i. ' F. A. MoDoNAl.O, ItoK'mtnir NOTIOE OF INTENTION. Lund Office t The Dalles, dr., May 1, 'R9. ' Notice is hereby Kiventhattliefollmvitiu-imined sett ler has tiled nottco of his intention lo make lie al it-oof in support tif his clai in, ant I I hat said proof will be mtid'i before the juilco of Morrow county, or ill his absence before the del k of snitl Bounty, at Heppner, Or,, on June 111), IH.sU rii: Joint E. Nrreuoaks, lltl. No. 21X11, f ir the N'4 NV', NH'.i JtWVi and Nl- MV'.i Set: 1.1, Tp 4 H, It li. He names the followinirwitimsses to prove Ida continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, Haiti land, viz: James H. Allen, Jacob II. Williams. Ktlwurtt Rood ami Andrew Hood, a I of Kinli! Mile. Or. Any person who desires to protest nuaiust he allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the reuiilR- tions of the Interior Depart meet, why such proof should not be allowed, will be (ivt an opportu nity at the above mentioned time and place to cross examine the witnesses of said clai mailt, and t,i otl'er evidence in rcbutlul of thut submitted bv clioniHiit. !rjll-tt) V. A. McDonald, Keifiieer, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office nl La UraniKOr., April 10, 'S9. Nolieo is herebv L'lveu that the following. named settler has lileti notice of his intenlion (o make tiiinl nroof ill support ofhiarlnim and that said proof will be made before the county judtto, or in his absence befors the county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Ileppnor, lirctfon, on May 25, IKHll. viz: Kichard McClaran, 11,1. No. M. for the W'4 SVM HWSi SF.V Hoc 29 NW Nl-:1 Hoe Si. Tp 8 H, 11 Ti K. Ho nanies ihe followinK witnesses lo prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation or. salt! land, viz: . . Will Walhridno. K. ('. Wstkins. Pi. K. Ompbell and W. M. Hush, all of fleppuer, Morrow county, OreKon. Anv person who desires to protest Aruinst the allowance of such proof, or who know s of auy substantial reason, umlei-tho law and the retalia tions of ttie Interior Depart ment, why seen proor should not Is. allowed, will bo ivcn an oppor tunity at the above mentioned time ami place to ross-extuiiine Hie wit nessos ol saul cianuani, anu u otter evidence iu rebuttal of submitted by claimant, 8l7.;d HKNKT lilNKIURT, Koiflstor JOSEPH COOK, W. B. CUMNOllAMIC, W. S. YOUNti. .-l4)WTlAXI) V N Boarding This Company have loused the ground on A and between Fourth nnd Fifth streets, Portland, Oregon, for the purpose of carrying on the business of boarding, hipping und sale of Driving, Riiling and Team Horses, Full blood ed Draught and A LSO SI 1 KKP Commodious barns are in tho course of first week in MV. The Strictest Attention will be paid to stock under their charge, and oonsignor may rely on highest A Weekly Public bale urday and from the central position of the sale yard ought to be .largely at tended by the public. 1 10 VAUI1'UJ t Thros Imported Clydesdale and Percheron Stallions for sale or trade for stock. NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Olfl'ent Lalimi'tle. Or.. April II. '69. Notice is heroby (fivon that the following-named settler has bled iioticeof his intention to make linnl nroof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county iudae, or in ids absence before the county clerk of Morrow county, Otai, ut lieppiier, Or., on June 3, 18S9, viz: Frank McCorkle, Htl. No. i2t. for the NW!i 8W!4 EK 8W)4, 8W Si HK4 Bee 13, Tp 8 S, R 29 E. He names the followinK witnesses to, prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz: J. 8. Ourdane and D. V. Onrdane, Ridge. Uma tilla Co., Oregon: ('. It. fate and F. K. tiherman, Lena, Morrow county. Oregon. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who known of any ubstantial reason, under the law and the regula tions of the Interior Department, why ancli proof should not he allowed, will be given an opportu nity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. 317-22 HENRT Rinehabt. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande. Or.. April 11, 'K Notice is hereby given that Ihe following-named settler has fileo notice of tiis intention Ut make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before the couety judge, or in his absence before the county clerk of Mor row county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 31, 18S9, viz: Lafayette Penland, Htl. No. 21"3, for the RKH NE4 NKHSE'i Sec 28. ami 8!4 NVV!4 8ec 27,Tp4S. K 27 K. He namea the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, anil cultivation of, said hind, viz: John Zollinger, .Terry Phillips, Andrew Steven son anil John 8koglin, all of Heppner, Or. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regula tituis of the interior department, why such proof should not be allowed, will bo given an opportu nity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evitience iu rebuttal of that submit ted by claimant. 817-22 Hknoy 111 nkhaht. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION Laml OiKcGHtLftGn.uiiV. Or., April 10, '8ft. Noting ih hereby irivon Dial the followinc-rmmrd H'3ttlrhiw li k'd not iu of his intention tiMt fulfil pruri in HUpporr or mHomuu, Hinjmu kuili proof will hn nmrle before the county jiuJiJ of Morrow county or in liiH Hbsonce before thenlerk of suid county lit Heppner, Or., on May 21, 1889, viz: O. M. Cambell, fid. No. SUM, for the NK4 8ec IK. Tp 1 N, R 28 R. Ho iifuneB the following witnesses to prnve his continuous rewuience upon, nnd cultivation of, said land, viz: John ( (je irtre. John Unrkor, Itonert Uarns and Willium Kiiitf. all of Galloway. Oregon. Anyp Tson who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any suhntimtiul reii-on. miffer thelnw nnd the regula tions of the Interior Depart mailt, why such proof should not he allowed, will be pven an opportu nity at Ihn abovo mentioned time and nlaco to croHS-oxainine the witness of said ('Iitimfuit, and to offer evidence in rebuttal o that submit ted by (daimanl. 3 17-22 Hr.NHY Hinehaht, RetjintPt'. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land OilicentThe Dalles. Or.. April 10, 'K9. Not ire is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hifi claim, and that ssid proof will be made before the clerk of Morrow county. Or., at Huppnor, Or., on Juno 12, '8. via: John Willi ngham. IX No. 4Hfi.ri, for the NK NKl4 Sec 23 and W4 NW h and NW'4 HWU Hec 24, Tp 3 8. li 2t 10. He names ihe following witnesses to prove his continuous, residence upon, anil cultivation of, said land, vi: Win. fi Holies. Arthur Daly. John Ilendrix mid Oeoigo Gray, all of ileppnor, Morrow county, Oregon. Anv nermin whodrtsires to nrotest ft'iainst the allowance of Much proof, or who knows of Hay I substantial reason, under the law and the rcgu- j lations of tho In'enor U partnipnt, wliy hu'u uioof should not ! nllowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned tune and. place ro cross-examine tho witnentea of said claimant, and to offer evidence iu rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. ai7-2H l1' . A. MuDonai.d, ltegiflter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land OIHco at The Dalles, Or., April 17. '89. Notino in lieruhy kivhii that the followinK named settler han tiled noti;e cE 1ih intention to inako final proof in Hiipport of his claim, und that said proof will ho made lx'fnrn the judge of Morrow county, Oivtfon, at ileppnor, Ort'tfon, on Juno 1, 1MHH, viz: William LueUimji fid. No. 275, for tho RVM HW'H Sen 12. and E4 N WV4 and HW'4 NK'i See IB, Tp (i S of K tfi K. Ho names the following witnowncs to prove Iuh continuous rntiidoncti upon, and cultiva tion of, ffnid land, viz: (. E. KariiHwortli, Walter Bninnon, W. H. It bin aon and ii. W. ('hapin, all of Hardman, Oregon. Any puiKon wlio iitin'H to proteHt ai;ainnt ihe nllowaiiei-of btich pnj'.f, or who known of any miliHtanl ial rcanon, under the law and the regula tioriH of tlio Interior iJepartinfMit. why muih proof Hhould not ho allowed will be Ki veil an oppor tunity nt the above mentioned time and plane to cross-examine the witnessee of said claimant, and to oiler evidence in rebuttal of that submit ted byeluiumut. ' 3IH-H2H F. A. McDonald, KegUler. NOTICE OF INTENTION U. H. LamrOmYe. Lnf Irr.nde, Or., April 2f, 'Ml. Not ice in hereby given that the following-named settler has filed not ire of Inn intention to com mute and make final poof in mi p port of his claim, and that na'd proof will be made bf ro the county clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on June 14, IhhO, viz: William Hiding lid No. a;it for thoK'i HK'i. NKi BK'i, Sti NK'i Sec. ti. Tp 2 H. li -a E W. M. lie names the following wituessoP to prove liiHcontinnoiifl residence upon, and. cultivation of. &iid hind, viz: T. . I. Matlock, John Hinton, of Heppner, Or., Lee Matlock, Lane Matlock, of Leuu, Or. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who known of any Hubwiant ial reason, under the law and the regula tions of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportu nity at tin above-mentioned time ami place to crons-examine the witnessimof said claimant and to oiler evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. :liy-'J4 HisnuyHinehart, Refiintor. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Tjinri Olliee nt The Unlles. Or.. March 80. '8! N.f ii-tn im herebv if i vim thut tho followinir-tUUllwl lettJer has filed notice of his intention to make final nroof 111 numinrt of his c aim. and that said proof will be mutlo before the county cle"k of Morrow county, Oregon at tlepper, ur.( May 18 1K8V, via: Hoel J Campbell, Ds. No. fn the W'4 Ntf & SK M NE H. NK NU Bee 2'2, Tp t S, U 25 K, lie names the following witnesses to prove hifl continuous residence upon, anu cultivation or, utiid Inud. viz: liobert A. Knighton. Henry fSirlong, Kight Mile Or.. S. A. right, t hus. Miller, Heppner, Any person who desires to protest against thtf allowance of sin'h proof, or who known of any substantial reason under the law ami the regula tions of tho interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will tie given an opportu. titty at the hIhivii mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and ' oiler evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by ilannant M.VH'JO F. A. McDonald, Iterator. I) - Stables. Hackney Stallions, AKDCATTLE. construction, nnd the Company is fully will be held every Sat ARTHUR COFFIN, Arlington, Or. Coffin & McFarland, ARLINGTON, BEPPNER Have just arrived in Heppner and are ready for business at the old stand of Jas. 51. Hager. OI7K. Are purohased from the largest, finest We cordially invite Latest styles Dress Goods. Trimmings and Fancy Goods soon to arrive. Haudsomost line of Gents' and Youths' Fine Clothing ever shown in Morrow Co. DON'T ORDER YOUR SPRING SUIT Until you examine our elegant assortment. IMNB STYJyISI I HATS. OUR .TOCK OF GENTS' LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FINE .HOES OF ALL DESCRIPTION'S HAVE ARRIVED & ARE OI'EN FOR INSPECTION. Also, Leather Collars and Cuffs, with Fronts to match. Something new. If you need a genuine AIV JOS4I3, CALIPOMNIA, 8ADD 113, Silver-mounted Bits and Spurs or a set of team harness, oome to our store GROCERIES, The Celebrated Mitchell Wagons, Plows, and A Cur-Load of the Celebrated CHAMPION MOWERS AND REAPERS On the W HUE, Crockeiy and Glasssware, TENTS, & W AGON-CO VERS, Guns, Pistols 'and Ammunition, T.RTJJSTKB AND VAIJSES. In fact our aim will be to carry in stock I All to be sold very Freight rates have been reduced one-third, and you can depend upon being sup plied in competition with any other town in Eastern Oregon. Money advanced on wool for Christy 8c Wise, Highest cash price Our firm has the reputation of class goods of every description GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. Bemembor Coffin & Heppner and 1A HORSE will t ravel well ROBERTS G enei 'al Blacksmiths & Lariei': REPAIRING MOWERS A SPECIALTY. Q Horsssnoalng $4.01 per Span after May 'si, 13. 53T A 1 IKST-UIjASS WAUON SHOP AT SAME STANDJ 3VT,tloolx. Corner, 3VIfvlii Btreot, IIoiJ)iior, Or. NLLSQN JONES, l'res't MORROW COUNTY IB 1 TRUST C (T iicoiporatecl.) General AVarehouse and For Avarding Agents. Ihe Company has i-eccntly coiixtntcicd a two-story ica rehouse 60 x 100 feet, with icool press and all eou vemences fur handtio' woo. . The Warehouse Charges at Heppner will he the same as those at Jrltno'ton, Jess cartages. Freight - it von baled wool t'rnTn. lTiimtT trout ArliHQtoti. '...;, .i j . miiuiiica upon consignments or tcool or wootin storage. - TIIERON E. FELL. MANAGER. mm& tOIIlIillIOIl Cash Advanced Upon Consignments ! Address 117 Federal Street, Boston, Mass. LUMBER! - W. G. SCOTT'S Willow Creek Saw-Mill! Keeps constantly on hand all kinJt of CNDKESSED LC.MBER; also PICKETS,.LATIIS AND SAVE1) SHAKES! 1ST Mill Located at the Head of Willow Crek, 16 miles aboTe Heppner.j3 FRANK JItFARLAND, Heppner.Or. and best markets in the United States. an early inspection. HARDWARE, way. ii n low. paid for sheep pelts. kcepnnr first- 1 - ' the firm McFarland, Arlington. when shod by BISHOP, Trens. g, . FEKHO BEOS. & GHILDS; VO()lv LUMBER! AT - SIMONS, E. E. GILLIAM MAIN STREET, .DEALFltS IN. Hardware, Tinware, Copperware, Granite ware, Pumps, Gaspipe, Nails, and Black smiths' Supplies. '...ALSO AGENTS FOR Newton Wagons, Standard Mowers ts Reapers Norwegian Plows. ETC A . BY THE CYTM,OA.TJ. A large assortment of Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Fancy Goods, Etc. Are constantly receiving new invoices, which cash can take away at the lowest prices. Job-work executed in a skillful manner. MADDOCK CORNER, HEPPNER. -Snoeessor to Jliuor, Dodaon & Co.- nn an 1) If Yon DRY GOODS)MCLOTHING, Gents' XtirivislairijE; Goods, Hats, Caps, h Boots, Shoes, WOOD and W'ilvIO'W WARE, agricultural Groceries, Crockery, Ammunition Cutlery, Station ery, Or anything usually kept iu a Brnt-tilnss store, cull on . W O. MINOR. E. J. SLOCTTM fc CO. Next door to Loezer & Thompson's bard '.rare stora, Heppner, Oregon. A Fresh Stock of DRUG S A X D JMED ICIN ES Constantly on hand. rcsciigiisiis Fined Osiciiit. A Choice Lino u 130mE:stic and imported cigars, And many other articles too numerous to mention. C. M. MALL0RY, May Street, Nearly Opposite Minor, Dodxan & Co.' Store, lA'PPXER, OREGON Manufacturer of nud Denier iu Furniture, Mirrors, Bedding, Brackets, Picture Frames, Etc. Also For f-'alo -- 188G AIOl )EL WINCHESTEU RIFLES. Cheap For Carli. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. May StR 11 S. VANDUYN. GEMS' AND DOTS General 3 Groo eries, CROCKERY, FURNISHING GoodS Also Take Orders i" w SUITS. A 11 11 ft nuuiit'ii ttuu ni HAS THE BEST IILY GR Opposite W. 0. Minor's, on Mav Street. HEPPNER. OREGON Blue Mountain House, S. R. REEVES, - - PROPRIETOR. The Blue Mountain House is under new man agement throughout and is first class in every respect. Charges moderate. Free Sample Room For tarda! Men. & COFFEY, HEPPNER "Perfect" Bab' Bur!) Wire WW HUM Want LMPLiaLENTS, Glassware, Guns, I -fft- eet, Heppner. Notion s Tobac UKALEH 1N- co A mmu - nition w: AND uaivaa - OCERY AND CHEAPEST.