1 Ill PI lis- III II LADY'S BOOKj FOR 1880. Madam! Pee what 15 eonts will Jo! It will Irrinc ynn a sample copy of (' dkv's Lady's Book, which will tell you lion- to iret the sr-al-skin satvjuf, the silk dress, the gold watch and cottage urtfitn and other valuables, without a dollar. YOU CAXXOT GET A LETTER Two dollars wo-th of magazine than by subscribing for ''Oodey," the best family magazine in America. For 18S9 it ill contain : Fashions in colors, Fashions in black anil white; latest from Europe. Original novelties in needle work and embroidery. Latest and most popular music, l'lans for tlie House you are going to build. Directions for decorating your home. Cookery and household, help, by Mrs. Charles Hope, teacher in several fashionable -New York academies, anil selected by the Hoard 01 Education for the New York Public Schools. Literary enr chments by jN'elly Iiy. who got lierself Inel.ed vp in an intone umjlum to find out liow thi:i treute'a ' the. insane, Ella Hodman t'kureh. l-.mihi Lennox, Olieia Lovcll Wilson, Mrs. Hiesland, Edgar Fan celt, JJavid .out;, etc. EVERY LAhY JIKIi OWX hliESSMAKER Who subscribes to Godey's T.ikIv's Book. The coupon which you will find in each number will entitle you to your selection of any cut paper pattern illustrated ill liodev's Lady's Book. Your l.i-c-nt sample copy will contain one of these coti llons. The pattern shows you how to cut the garment you want. Fend l-i cents for sample, which will be allowed on your subscription when n eriveil. This is all we can say in this space. For the re-t tt-c vour sample copv, for which send l:c. at once. Address 'UOIiEY'S LADY'S BOOK," Philadelphia, Pa. In club with this paper, GOUKY'S and the HKl'PNKR GA.FTTK, per year 13.51) which should be sent to the olliee of this paper. The cash must accompany order. Only new snbscribers, or old xiihxcriticrs who renew, will lie alloyed to take ailraiilagi; of this offer. Godey's will not be sent to any address for less than 2.(U, cash, except as above stated. BALL , All MUleiss ire it Jo OntBt Conrlets WltlOBt 1L Sprains, Strains, Bruises, Wounds. Fn'rl Im Tyninnlvi and DrrUert. The Chas. A. Vogeler Co.. Balto., Md, rnr I ure d s Heppner City Brewery, 0- ' Having pnvclmsed tlie lutost lirewinp; Appai.-ittiH ami tltfinfiils, I am enabled with my ;olil soft-Witler (spring, my deep, cool stone cellar and the fresh, pure atmosphere of tlto IJpppunr Hills, to ofl'er my cuBtonttTB a SUPERIOR QUALITY OF BEER At reasonable wliolenalo and retuij raten. Lunahes of all Kinds AND THE Best Brands of Cigars. Parties in tlie country must return empty kegs, or $G apiece, will be charged. J. B. NATTER, Proprietor. 6" 7urP.? PDMPTLYahdTeRMENT WITrlQUTKETURN DrxVIN. tvrBridncisTS ANL3rAit!sEf.ywHEB Tke EnAS-AVrjEE'iR Ca-Aiia-Ma' Now Roller Mills! 11 A T) 11 IT H Capacity 70 Barrels J, B. SPERRY, Proprietor OREGON, PATENTS. Ciivenls. ami Trade-Marks obtained, and all Parent business conducted for Mod erate Fees. Our olliee is opposite the U. H. Patent Olliee and wo can secure, patents in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drinviiif,' or photo with description. We advise if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with inline of actual clients in your tide, county or town, sent free, Address C. A. SNOW & CO. Opposite Patent Olliee, "WashinL'ton, no. TO KILL BTJlUiOWINQ ANIMALS, of Catlow's foremen; a man named Ward, the only other armed man in the crowd, was in the hou e with him, Finn's overcoat was Flour from beat Grades of Wheat, flour and Mill Feed. Is now for sale in quantities to suit purchasers. l,'x'Jfo IU. ! II, W, f-A 'I ., "-Vf-,- it w: . . f Jf 'ill E 1 BRA t t a r5 & tl 1! 1 J s TO MAKE -A- Delicious Biscuit A sit your (imcpr for COW BRAND NJ .... . , SODA 0" SALlRATUS. rV.7 , Hiiulutf!) Pint. Marvels ofminNew West. Six IS.io ii in one Vnliinip; ll.'irvc l or Nature; Marvin if Pace; ,a;irvet of Kritei'tu'isp: Miirvels of .Miriinir; .Itjii'vclw tit Stock JJais iutt mill Harvrl-. of All ien !l ill-.-. UiFM'S WlTI'"l) Innllimrtsi.r tl,o country ii.t.Mi.p ,,. ,,liH Krlllill N(nv U:ink tli" IrircHl sain in tlie hIhii-i ,-st time of unv bonk illliilhlH'l; lie i !y WHI oilmen and infr I'lcnant oiinravinjix. i' lin- i nil h i,r 21 Itiiilroad KiliKK, My iiiK and ( ic I If Kii tin. 'l lie hiirc'ss of world iiy ai'iitK ia Honi"t nin' ra llllirkabie, many nf liaau an- inakiiif,' lonn $5.00 to S20.00 a day. A ni'w A .-.-i it f..,M 70 pniii in s'xilnvi. Aji.'k prolit. ;,n. hliuw thi itonk- anil it a"l h ilaif. Nia.c l.n Kouit. cmniM wnilaiH wantfii. as Inr-rili.i-y i vi'i'v valiialilf.. In, not .v. Im wrlii. Ht iinri) for olii.-ti ati it cijvuiars and sji.'.-ial tanilH frai'. . V.111 will ni i'il l oaxiiiii-ii'iu-n nr caiiita in llii Inl lini'M.. aw uiir "iii'W iilaim'' allow Atcnla In nr- ili'r on 311 ilaj- 1 1 Iif,,rc pnjim our l.ills AiMiwk '1'i.K lllhTDliV t.'i... 7v:i llnr it Mi. 17-lt' .San I-'ramiiM'1!! Cal. STOCK KCAXII.' Whiln yon k ran k-'i'i yonj- I It Ailkllis.--ll,iii.u.M. 1 rl.-l,, t,.mi,i,,. ..... He, I! -o riKbthi, li.-u j;.. in (I noil, and Mor row I'Olllll II'M. Aiikini-. .) .1 -tlorw'n. ,IA nmiini'lrd ,. l0fi lie 1 k: caltlo. sain, -on i e -n l.ii. Illi'aknian. (ii'o.. I iniliiian-- llorsns, a (lar on loll 1-l1.mt1l.-r-: eaitlo, -a on i-i,.,t h!ioiiIi1,t lli-nn-tl, ( y -lloi-Hi-s, lion loft slion 1,1-,-. Itrown, .1 ( - lloi-MH. circii-C witluloi l-i-ron 1 1 1 in k cal I la. - II..). T. W II. l-'iia -ll.ii-.-s, li.ix lirnm o llil. onllle, koiii.', Willi sj.lit in .-a.-li oar Hoik. l-.d.-lloriu-H, p Jloii I tip. name en l.-t'l I; in. Ilii.-n.T. I-1., l.-n-i. Pork. !lo,-.,.s i, hnr under and ..v.-r on rial, I wli..old.'i . Ilarlon, Wi- -1 1 -I 11 .... riirl.l I l,r .;, P,,,.. Naiin-oi- rolit li..;.-.-lit n. rai'li oar Win. Ilndio, Miniiiiiii.nl . Ilmnils horn". It on rilll.l Hlmiildi r. Kiiia-n (iranl and .Morn.u- llei. v.-nr "iihsa-iiition paid up yon i ll in lr.-.-ol' .-liar:-.-. 1 111 cion Alii..:i. and la.ia.-p t: . 1,1 At 1 1, r-.ok, A (1. I), ( allloliraiid. O I) ,1,, 1 n.i.ii'.ilnaiidnn ri-ilil alion I, I,-,-, liani Pill 1- M11 I., I,:-na ll..i-.-ii-i,l!lloii i- I alii.-, aann-on radii Inp: .-a;, mark .ill Ml n. si-lii in in-i.t. enroll. I; v . .-n l- n -,t; t'liniij-.'li-oi o, 11, Ncl.in liii i Willi l'n;iii 1' V: itnd. r it (.11 Ii ri 1.I1. - Mann- on I'll 11 ji .md ' iiii,--. I. 11 . soil-,,. .. Cox .V Kiwlwlr. Iloi.l'ioio- 1 'o ',.-!,!. ',' . i-imlor: h..nv, ( K on l..f 'iii. ' " It. K. Co.-lnan. Mi, 1. ,1,11, -iil. (Irani (, ().-.-II, irs.'K In on, l.-.l cin-lo with liar Loni-nlli on li-n Kliooldt-r- oalil.-,-ann. linn ,1 0,1 ,, ,i,,H nwu.k ilndi-r i-l.i)o l-..lli i-ai-h aad do whip. IIoiijiIiim-., W II - Callla, I! lion rinl.l nido HWiu-Inw-r.-rk in h oar: I-.ivi-h, It I) on loft lii'p . I;l:','k', IJ'xw. II'' oonnool.d' .111 rialit alionld.-r: oalllp Haino on riiriit. Iiip l-iar iniirk. Iiiilo in radii and Plop otl led l.i.-nallon. .I..I111 VV. Iloiso- l,.-.-i,l..,l 'l-.-r plo .! I, con in 01. -i I on lol't ihoiildoi-. 1 -.-.-il,, ,,.'i 1 l.-l'l Iiip. Ilai-i-,-, ni,ir l,,-xin,itoii. I ! loronoo. I, A . all o. .1 on ii,-.i 1,:... 1 lr w till liar lin.lor 011 l ielil i-ln, al, lor ' )', I i 00,,'M I-' -iKllt alionldor f rill I to, I- on i i'lit Inp or llnoli. I Anii-.lroiu- .l. C. Acton Twill, liar mi.lor il on loll aliolll. lor ol ImrHW! oalllo annio 01, lr. Inp. on -Oionld.-r. .7 I-' on loll Htilli I Pllltlp Hamilton jrrJ3wE:txJa:o:i:'i , ; Manufacturers of ILimiltou G... . hi '1-,-iit .- a. (i on lol l Hiio 3 01 ild.-r; oat 1l on loll on loft shoulder J on left a o o w in in o ! llav, Ilonrv- (I W on (iolilo. Frank - llooo Kilnio on riiilil Iiip. (iiiioaao. A I., lion, lliniaakor. 11 lion (lo, II 01, 1,-fl Inn Hiiinpliro.vH, ., d Hai dinan-1 lorat-tliiuk. Ilaioa. .1 M ll.iro.-M. -.vimvla: Plilllo. sn 111 rioiii l,ip. .I111, km, S. ,M, llniM-ii, lioi-foil,, ;li...lldor. t'lillio, tin- w,i ,. J;,,, Mil.-. .Inhnanii, I-,, lix -Hoi-..,.,,. Pir,-!,, T Clilllo, Mini,- on 1 i-.dil liii, in,, I,,, ,,if ,. in, d rn-lit in 1,-fl oar. Kirk. ,1 I -il till on loft liin. lurk .1 (' Hon., 17 j,,w (Jarik on rndit -id.-. ,a,-.o, liaMOio:--1 ,-.. , , ,,.f Ipfi-ininidia- " ' ' si',::;;',',');.,'. - rii., i..,r Jloit-a-i, S ,S ll,,r,,- Jl 1 ,, I,.,. .,, , , ... . ED1T0HIAL BPKCIAL BUCIGY OTP AKY GTYLI3 VEHICLE. hi Ki'iAt. 11- vt'i'Ki :s ; Proportion, Dura li 1 i y, I'liCociioii ol' l'laii- ThiH " Mirror" linisli work is the best iio.liuai-pri, cl w.-ik in the t'nip ,1 Slatpi. WRITE FOR CATAt.OCil'E. u.v7iiiyrx ltt tiiiv . A correspondent to the Oregoi; ian, gives some ideas in a recent issue of that paper, relative to rid ding ranches of burrowing ani mals. Morrow county has some of these pests, and the suggestions may prove of much value to our readers: "In localities where squirrels, gophers or any burrowing ani mals, become troublesome, the method explained in the following extract may be found useful and .vorth trying: 'Some three years ago, when making a trip across the continen tal divide, I stopped for dinner at a roadside tavern, situated in n creek valley. Close at hand was a prairie-dog town, numbering over 500 inhabitants. Not Ioiil' ince I had occasion to stop at th .same house and saw that the same el prairie once occupied by prairie dogs, had been enclosed, plowed, and was then covered with i luxuriant crop of grass. Seein" no signs of the little beasts, upon asking what had become of them, I was told that they had been ex terminated in the following wty: Balls of cotton rags were saturat ed with bi-sulphate of carbon an impure preparation will do, and is cheap-- pushed far down the holes and holes firmly packed in. P.i-sulphate of carbon being an extemely volatile fluid, quickly evaporates and forms a heavy gas, which occupies every chamber and gallery of the animal's dwelling. This gas is as promptly fatal to the animal's life as the fumes of burn ing sulphur or carbonic acid gas.' The above is copied into tlie Herald, Wichita Falls, Tex., with tlta following comments: The above was sent by a friend in Illinois, who is very much inter ested in litis country. This prai rie dog poison has proven very effectual wherever it has bueu tried. Several parties have exper ienced with it here, with tke most flattering success. The prairie dog problem has been a very compli cated one in this country, and in fact in all tins western country, and in the Herald' 8 judgment, there is no more practical solution of it than is contained in the above correspondence. That it will ac complish what is claimed for it there is but'little doubt. Its effi cacy has been tried by several gen tlemen in this city and satisfacto rily proven. The remedy suggested is cheap, too. A barrel of bi-sul-phato of carbon can be laid down at the depot for !?50 or SCO at the outside, and a barrel will exter minate all the dogs in the country. It is a powerful substance, and a very small amount is all that is necessary to destroy a whole fam ily. A lump of lint cotton as 1 . mi nij an onunary sized apple saturated with it and placed in the doorway of the little animal's un derground dwelling, and the en trance stopped up so the fumes will not escape, will annihilate every dog in the hole. If the farmers will get together now and order a barrel of this dog destroy er, ami then appoint a day for the purpose of making a raid on the K ' J i,;l" idog towns, they will undoubtedly realize the best of results." lying on a bed, and while lie was arranging the body, Jones slipped a pistol out of the pocket and walked out doors. Finn followed, when Jones drew the weapon on him and said ''I ani going away!" He told Finn to tell Ward to come out of the house. Ward appeared in the door, covering him with a pistol, and ordering him to drop hiB pistol. Jones answered, " I'll shoot my self." Ward replied, "Get in, if you've got sand enough," when Jones lowered his pistol, got down on his knees, placed the weapon to his temple, ranging upward, and blow off the top of his head. Both bodies wereburied on Sat urday; the officials were notified of the suicide and interment on the road Sunday noon, and to save the county further expense, they returned to Harney. E. I). Cooper was about 40 years old,had no family, and has worked for the Peter French ranch three or four years. Jones was a half-breed and came in only a short time ago from Cal ifornia, and was working in the same crowd with Cooper for Win. Sisson. Burns Herald. -holild.-r; oat- M'EI'.I) PliOGHAMJIK Of the Walla Walla Valley Cnnsoliiliiti-il Aj; rii'iiltnrnl Sopipty Siitpinli(-i- lilt. Oo- tobnr 1. a. ,1. 4 anil S. MONDAY. 1. Running, two furlongs. 1'tirno Sflol). 2. Trottiiifr, (or tlirce-yetir-oliI.H. Purse 130. Jl. Walla WhIIii Derliy, running, 1'0' mileo, for three-year-olds. Entrance fee $511, 8200 added. TCESDAY. 4. Pioneer stakes, 5,,-niile iIhhIi for hvo-yeur-okls. Entrance SCO. ,?150 added. 5. HiiimitiK, 600 yards; purse ; S2II0, Trotting, 2:40 class; purse $250. WKD.N'ESDAV. 7. Trotting, 2:29 class; purso 8300. 8. Novelty race, running, one mile; purse 250; $50 to norse tailing first quarter; $50 to horse taking second quarter; ?5!) to horse taking third quar ter; 100 to horse taking mile. GOT MM IN A BOX. "Did yon give that man money?" was asked of a citizen nho had just parted with a man who walked with a limp. "Yes a quarter." "He's a dironio beat." - "Widl, perhaps." "But you should discourage Buch characters." "Yes, I know; hut when a man comes up to you, and calls you colonel, and says lie was right behind yon when you charged that buttery ut Antietam, how oau you go back on him?" "But you were not ut Antietam." o." "You were not a colonel." "No." "You didn't even enlist in the late war." "No, and do you suppose I'm going to own it up for the s ike of saving a quar ter? Nolniueh! I've got a half dollar for the first man who calls me general." NEW MILLINERY! ! WHAT tilt SIIKI) THEM. Bromley (jointing to some crushed cigars in bis vest poeket)--"Algerton, I spent last evening with Miss Jinks. Just look at those expensive Havanasl" Algerton "Vtheii I call on Miss Jenks I always leavo my cigars in my overcoat- in the hull " The present season " ill be a very pros perous one for Eastern Oregon. Tlie wool clip will be very large, the crop irospect is good, and there is every indication that eastern capital will develop our induslries. There is every reason for the ordinary granger to clothe his bron.ed countenance with smiles, and to feel goodnatured, even toward the middle-man. Mr. C. Ferry and wife, formerly of Tacoma, have been enjoying their wealth it the gay city of Paris, the past year or so. .Mrs, ierry, a iauy of many personal charms, was entire v too familiar with a young Frenchman named Monsier Hip- polyto. The husband and some detect ives finding her and the Monsieur in very compromising quarters, the gay lady flew at- her husband like a tigress and bit olT a portion of his nose. She was then taken to jail, and tlie husband, in great sorrow, went to see a doctor to get n patch on his nose, and also a law yer, to commence, proceedings for a divorce. Mrs. Ferry sayssho wus trying to learn French. A XKAT I'UHLK'ATiO.N. Tlie Royal Gallery of Poetry and Art deserves its name. It is an ill mitral ed book of favorite- prose and poetic gems, selected from the wide rango of English literature, by skillful an d sympathetic hands. To make one's self mid one's the oontent of this Tl-e Tory Latest Styles juKt repci.iod. from Portland and San Francisco at Mrs. Warren's Fashionable Millinery and Ladies Furnishing Store. Thankful for the generous liberality and good will of the people of Heppner and vicinity in the past, we cordially solicit their patronage In the future. MRS. MARY WARREN. 9. Trottintr stakes, for -vonr.i.la best 2 in three; enl rn,- Soil K1 r,n ,i.i.i' i f'""'1? f'lmiliar wi thuhsday ' ' ' r;irB VH'"nlp 's ' h'ke many steps in the 10. Running, four furlongs, handicap; di,,CL'ti(J." "f ,llc' and b'HUelit c"'- nnrHA eoMi - 1 i"iu, limit) ui (lie m1 Hit iiuu iiie iULeutiCt, 11. Trotting, 2:25 class; purse $-100. FRIDAY. 12. Rnnninir. V! miles. l,iip. ! As to mechaiiienl execution, the paper free-for-all; purse $500. ' I is exooll,nl tlie typography suberb, the Hi. Trottine- make-'nn race ,, ,! I i H nt 1 at k.ns ampin and artistic, many of horses: nurse 8200: I tll0,a e-Tlisik- It is amazing that THE GREAT Transcontinental Route Northern Pari BAILROAD! VIA THE I Cascade firwirh, now Completed, male- ' intj it the Shortest, Rest (indQiiich-cst. i i The Dining Gar Line. TheDireot Route No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low est Rates to Chicago and all points East. Ticets sold to all Promi nent Points throughout the East and .Southeast. T!ii'ini!ili Fii!!in,!a Drav-ju? Room Sleeping far?. Reservations can be secured in advance. To East .Hound i'tiseners Be careful and do not make a nimtnlrn bnt be sure to take the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD And see that your ticket reads via this line, St Paul or Minneapolis to avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run on regular express trains full length of line. Rerths free. Lowest rates. Quick est time. General Office of the Company, No. Ill First HI., Cur. U'ashiiirton. SI., l'ortltiiid,()reyon A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Passenger Agent. k tl 'tig-Si 7 y Ml b a tut- Ey-YU r-;?. ri Bal m Cle.inr.o3 thor'esa1. . snagea. Al lays Inflammation. jieals the Sores, fiestoros tho Souses of Taste, Smell and lleai'ing. A pnrlii.-lc 19 prntiicil iufGrnch nostril find Is airr-rc:. bli. i-irr-fi:fr. nt IrriiKniBts or by B13.il. XV lUiOTJlKll'v'r. Wan-en St.,New Yorii, V,"nn I en? C'mrj I clo not mean, merely to Blop tli.-ni li-r n nii:e, n-.i.l tlien liavo tlicm rt turn ajtaln. I x;:,:t A ItADlCAb ClilUi. I have made !.;:-; disi.-acO of OS Alifo-liarr stii'I- I v. Cc-:!-) tii.3 V.'.IH, C--IC-, f,iil.-.i,ii;or,M-iO-!i Ml run-... 1" .r a iw --. Ct mv J N1W r.T.T iii.ll 1 : a-i.l i',. t 0.:ic.i. 1 . 1 , ti.. 1, 1.11a ii vvia cdi-a J3.a.KOOT,M.C-, -jt--K-;ii5 -i'r'y'jr' "V r.iv rcnioilv t-5 : r .- :i-:.-rM hava . : uiir arurd. I. ! :: ioTVt.tl . ..- Ii";. rOi.S . ' i . -. i-'-r a r..v.r: -,f:;ViY05S ml J - A WEEK Ri 0S ! We Have SCg3 lSpS5J5 tssastm eZsCxa aaaiKi siijaa B-iMa Upon a Plan B B TO PdOM-FIT OUR SUBSCRIBERS. j It is an introduction to the best conipa : nv the world has ever known. such a sumptuous volume, royal quarto 542 pages, with 400 charming illustra. tions, attractively and admirably bound, edited with the most loving and pains taking skill, can be furnished at the cations fur I to (Item. gpney should be addressed ' lit' oil ll'fl .'ft Mill "I. 111 un .limil.li-r: nut - i-ulllo ,-r it im- iilll.-, ft Ii , AM 'mi r. -h, A, .Uvv,-- liar t.v.-i- un i ti:lii f.lii-u,i,,- M,.r.:a, II,,., ..r,w,,.jn. iter 111 l l.-l'l lliii-h; ,-ilil, ,, ,- Mil. -ii. -11, I i-.i-nr. I'.'ihsvil llil : .-:1111c. .', on n-.,i ,((, i' I' -ru:hl 1 1 . . . - . M will .'ft ahi.lil nil. i nil ri-lil ml I'ai-li sliiiul. I!".'li IIoivch A N onn hi lioili In., THE Clark Cycle Qd. 340 N. Charles St., - - BALTIMORE, MD. ili-r; nil 1 1.-, M . N--.-I. A. .Ir.-w, I 1 1.-.I "II Ii I'l -In ni, !.-,-; Ni-wiiiiiri. . It ti iiv.-r il on l.-l'l nli, mill,.,, U.oioolV,,1!..!!1;,''- -". l-ft.liiditnit tlll.-r, l',,-r, l. ;,.k I -, -or-, n . 1 :,u.. . ( N Willi lm' ,-in-l Branch Storo, - NEW RAPID BICYCLES. NEW RAPID SAFETIES. QUADRANT TRICYCLES. QUADRANT TANDEMS. Two Inindreit second hand machines, nil kituls, sites and prices. Bicy cles, Suictit-i and Tricy cles fi-r Hoys and Girls. I Send for C'atalotnie nnd 1 rrkc Lists, Mailed free. AGENTS WANTED. 003 ronnsylvania Avo.f Washington, D. C. .v'.. - II l'll.-ll- llil-l,l ll- 1111 -t ii, IP on '- cniio.-ti'il .... saini. ,.n l.-tt hi,,, uml..r tiil I'." I" I. ft hliim.ili'r 1,,, ,l,l. I ... .. I..I-. , . '. ..II l.-II , : r,- ' " "-I'. ' mil. ..I. l-ll Inn. Ii:u tr I-U!ht M, P.'111-...n. Jim., I'iiii-l ily. H,,,--.,. lew il.'wii. I 'ii'l.'r - tilni, tliii-,1,1,,,,, l.-fl -.li.'iilil.-r. l'i ..-I". .1. tl A.-I..II llni-MW. .1 l.-ll sin .iil.l.-i-; oiillli', ill .-lu ll i-:ir. til-, (I OH 1'1,-llt ll, I. a" '.''"?'' '': )' . "'"T" 1"'-""1"1 i-niiiuvt.Hl 011 ....... ,,n-Kiuiii, ,,n 1 1. -I ti ins i.l.-.l S ,.n i i.1,1 slionl. 1111. .mil i-r... ,,tt ,.f it,,- 1,,'( r Htr.unl.t U. I-:. II (.till.-; ,-allli- .1 S un l.-fi iiir, liii.ti-i-liit in 1,-fl, K..I.I - II Ki.riiv. .1. f. il.-r, nil lie l.i II-- I.I.-.I N MARVELOUS mil. iiiaDiij if DISCOVERY. Oulf nftnnlnn Hrstem of .Hemorr Trnlnin. l our lloli ltii uetl tu on i ttitriiuiu jlfiuil U'uiKlfiinv eureil. livery child and lu'l uronlly Iieni1ltt'd. Oro4t iuduoetuiuCi ta C'jrrwbnj!acicut'UjM't, Pr-wwwfn, 'iti 0-inln of Or. W'm. A. Itntii- rnrtiti, fn w r d-tVu "l h-if.'i:ui;.t in f. -'it I) n -.f, iiii.-H; Jerilv f T.tftii!t-,ir., 1 n f. ot, J. M. II it'lvlry, i,!.rt,i l .i Cft, an A iv.Mt A lii.-luir! IT.t-i.iv, S.-.,-n? . , llntii. . W. A tor, J.tdji ; J uduU 1. ' llllln, ft-ll "lll'T', H.-Ml .H t f.-,. . u, lrui. A. LOlT Ti;, iiJi l-'.Ua Avi , N. Y. rs, c1. ts Knitd rn!,i lvonh rin Tin V.i't' ,'0t- trtprtUi r Willi uur Ur-iml !. M1 UiblB linn uf 1 1. .11 3 ri : otii... :,. i, rt f-i .n.i,!.., I''1'P !, N I'- ii.r.,., ' -W ll,!:n, II, I., i sunn an It-it st-1.- h il i, o i i ,rul,-, W I irK,.H ; "ht'llUltT. cm tli' t 1, On 1 Ixum I i.iK, l-hulil V'll 11,0 Hllill, Kt tCl.fJ ttim In your h-.ni fnr 9 ntimttn ai4 ttniwntlnm in Ui m io u.f )jt called, Uicv btrciiita vuur own protxriv. Ibvt nli a it ouca ti ba aura f rntairinf ih Wit Irk '. .,i :mf'Ht. Yivjij all eijira, tr, U-l.t, rtu, AO.irtM V1 KJ GF PUR COD UVS0iL AZI? IIYPGFIIOSPIHTES Almost as Palatabloas Milk, j wvi:,-. ashw So fflEtutsil that K van ho tnlicn. dlpooeil, iKiitl nnnihiti( by th itiuat ftniiltive sitiiniteh, when the filuln oil ratiiittt ttc t;ilvristlt and by tliti rm bnittlton of tlta oil wtMl I ha hypupbo ' ia) muvn mure eutca loua. RemariiHbld as ft tsh proiluccr. Persons pain rapUUy naiie Ullng It Phymcim s to bn tl;o 1 in and Best prepft. raUou iu thd wurkl for thq rolii f and cure of CONSUMPTION, (SCROFULA, C!fti n runmiio pah uo fuimh sdifi T wvii'iy ifi i nuarrti. iia OU Oil JJtWJQiSlt, ut'''1 i! !m t v m. HAHI JICKHEU IN 1IAKNKY COUNTY. Join's, a Il.-ilf-tii- I, Killn H. I). Cooper, mill I tun Tiik.-K II iH Own I.I lo. At tho Colony, a pltice about foutiHn miles from John Catlow's itnd sixteen from Urn Htnte Jiue, two of tlio boys on the liorse-rotleo, now in progress in thnt section I!. I. Cooper, iv white, one of the French ranch's men nml IienJonos, ti lmlf-breeil, one of the Sisson rtmcli's nion nre stikl to have had a liyltt in wliich Coojier came out best man, he having thrown Jones back over the bed and choked him till he cried enough. Shortly afterward Cooper went to tho creek to wash and Jones went into the house for same pur pose. As ( oopor catuo towards tho house Jones rushed out u;-ou him with a knife: Cooper started to run around the linnso l,.-i,l,-,l .! s un l.-fl I i -i ., , , i..f.iii..tt r.-ru in riniu ! while the lioys expected to see mi rii.l.i si, .,,,1.1., Conner nnneiiv nvniiin flia n ,iii,.voi, nul-t l,i, iu-,1 s n l,ui,,:r ' , , un. t a-i-iik- ti.ts.-s, ss ,,i, i-ii, i inev neurit a strn.n' uilim, Cl.o t on" -....n, i.i ,t house, and ran around in time to see Cooper down and Joues on him, but too lute to render assist ance. Jones was seized ut ( I but Cooper spoke only a few words . -niiil iiviiii-.i.l A T f ....... ...i tin li-ft nit, -,-!, I, ,-. " ' j ' -v ..... . 1t4n.11 Buys TV' wn" '"s t'". '!' was borne two and a-lmlf ,ne8 ll'l.iiiN;.!.' li.frAiej iMiA'K1 (i o 1 !'ur,h'i';!:.!;;'i',r, hiP fr,,, ioiiso f Mr. p.nno, with. , 111 six utiles of Nevada State line, i whoro he disposed of his personal elVeots before dying, j Examination showed Cooper to ; havo been stabbed six or seven times; several gashes iu the head, otto long five to six-inch slash down through the muscles of the left arm, mid the fattd blow under the same. I. ATF.lt-THE MVKPERF.B sncil.ES. Cooper had been moved to Denio's and died Thursday night. Friday momiug the prisoner was put on a horse and takeu to where the body of Cooper was being pre- HATVRDAY. 14. Running, six furlongs, handicap ptirao $300. 15. Trotting, frea-foi- nll; purse 81000. CONllTTTllVsl. 1 111 riinninr. rnp(.a fr n,. .- .... ; ,(,w "st !,t whioh this royal publication qnlrcd to milor ,l tl,r,.o ... 0t,-t ! is ollF,'re'1 to tl,e ""crowned kings and Five eiitrien will hn rni,0,l i f,-t- ' qie..iis ..f American homes tins races and four to start. Th" J' I)c'vi"S Company, 813 Jfurliet Entries for rutininc races n,at, ,,. hl.,.San Fnmoisoo, Oal, are cotulticting made with the secretary, in sei.lod I 1110 S:1K' nl mis wo,lc and m "PP"" velope, enclosing ten per cent, of the total ninnnnt of tho pnrso, before 6 o'clock T. M. of the day preceding that upon which the race is to take place, mi- XAT10XAL BANK )f IIl'I'PXER less fiticli day falls upon Stindav, then tho entries for Monday's races'shiiil close ' a TIiolllsox- Kl- 'OP, od tho Saturday evening proceed i 111; fit I I'n'siilr-nt. Cusliir-r. GE,Ls forall trotting races on the j TI!A A ML HANKING lil'SLNESS. progrmiime close August 7th. Pay- ! z-:,t.z- mont must accompany entry. i CO fjlj KCTIO'N'S entries tor colt stakes close May 1st. jr;ule iiiticu notnimition must be accompanied with 810 and a full description of the animal; a second payment of 15 must! be made ou or before Juno 1st. The re t on Favorable Terms. 1LXCIIA.XGH BOUGHT & SOLD. Opposite Minor's Hotel, ' HtcrrxEit, OKEGON. ARTHUR SMITH, PRACTICAL I WATCHMAKER ! Next to First National Bank, OKEGON. Optical Goods . - t.50. . $1.50. HEri'NEK, : Watches, Clocks, V;it chest Cleaned, Mainsprings Fitted A. All work a 11 aran teed for one year. -TIIE- Niu.ri:iti' Bl-.-i.l.l.-r. , S A V 1- I'l III,-; , ''-, OS 1,1- ,. ,.f ,,. , Mil(U' un 1,-fl f h.vIj t-ni-i-. 'I I1.11. - 11, hllllU' ,,11 J,-ll Inn, Mini.,-. Ill A .1 III1. HIU1H' Oil li ft i. Wll'H I'lll IliH J, III j ''""'. Mr J -I'.illl,., H tj.r! , 1.:.. iill,.w.r..i k in ,.( ,.r. " "" sli--li,.ii A s,,n ll,ii. s i, ii i,l vr im on ii-ll -In-ill. l.-i -, iMii!,,, sii -1,.. ,,1, ,- M(, i u t -iii-i tm ii, 1, f i i-;ii-. iiu iiip; iiM,s,;vi i and expired. -1 1, ,1 .HI l.-fl .'l.iulw- 11 l.-fi -li.,u'',,.-r, I-'I t-i-a.li-s I lulUt t-l lilllt, il -nii,l,',l V I,,m f, -it liu.. K;i h-,i 01, , HA-l - .i'l li ft pI.ouI.Ii-i ; i-.-iti! Wln.'.l..l II ll-H-.l-min-Ci,,-',.,-,,., l-r-llrd ...l. j-.iM,.. it,,,,..., cs.,i, ,vt.-,l ... left sli.iiil.l.-r, w.-iiim-.i, rini!,-- rmu,. w i-;,,., 1 n,.,., i,i,. in Mi ,r: l-,-,. H r,.. -l,.,u l..r, . . , Miii.t,-i.ti I, fi sh'--KI.-r. ."."T: iV A -('al""- rumiiim A A -ii, lw,rBH 011 ntMi t.iii. SEISIN WANTED. I 1U..I II ii-ir-il I I.I1MII.'! 11,11-.. IU H . lul Ut i-Arlni.-ni wliu-tt wnl m1,1.- int-n in . t Mm t.valili,-. .-Imtlinir miiin-K' ,ir .-mi tiunl Will I-.- litH-rallv . in i-ivi.-i't-.m . ,,,-'-,,,1,,- ,k.. .--ii r.-.uit- iii. ni. inni i,.,-NST in- ri ai-pIk-wiI uir uuw TIub itrin iintki n nn n Ml-irii-. linl ini.liiiitf m,, inning S'l'i must, be paid August 7th. Nominations in trotting stakes, unh-ss otherwise specified, are limited to colts foaled or raised iu Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Washington and Oregon. Each entry shall plainly state mime, age, sex and color of horse, name of sire and dam when kuowu, and name of own er. Tho colors of rider or driver must also bo giveu with eutry. Entry blanks can be obtained from the secretaries. Under. no ciroumstances will any con ditional entries be received. No added money will be given for a walk-over. Iu trotting, the first horse that passes tho witiniug post shall receive 50 per ceut; the second horso 'Jo per cent., the third horse 13 per cent , and the fourth horse llper cent, of the parse or stake. Iu runniug, the first horse that passes the wiuuiiif post shall receive 70 per cent., the second horse 20 per cent., and the third horse 10 per cent, of the purse or stake. Any horse distancing the iield shall be entitled to first and third money onlv. Running horses are required to curry j in class stakes aud purses-2-year olds, i 105 potiuds; 3 year-olds, 110 pounds. Iu ! an aged stakes aud purses, 2-year-olds, ! 8o pounds; 3-year-olds, 107 pounds; To r,.im.ip:1, p, ,i,,t3 in ,;,e Uui 4-year-olds, 117 pounds; 5 year-olds, 121 ! Stales, Camilla and Europe, potiuds. j The association reserves the right to alter or amend, or postpone any or all of these races should the board of directors : EMIGRANT SLEEPfJS CARS iu their judgment aud for cause deotu it ! Pum Throuc-li on all Express Trains to expedient to do so. j As iu the past, the nssoeiatiou desires O M A H A r;:!I to act liberally, aud iu the event of auy 1 ' of these races not til. ing, will substitute CoiltlO il I51llf4 other races, and any horse attending the - , " meetings for whioh there are no suitable AXr classes will have such racing opportuni- SRS" l$rJJWTTr ji lies provuieu lor iiietu as time and the - public, interest will warrant.- ' Fm "A";""'f ''' Without Charge. I'arties inteud.ug to be present at any or tuese meetings au.l desiring stalls for Close Connection at Portland for San their horses are requested to write the- r ram tsco and 1 uget Sound Toints seeieturv iu Atlviinn Nlntin,. wl,.,r - they hiive and what stalls they nre likelv AIjLi I1JOX S TEAMEI?S to require. , Leave Portland for San Francisco every For further infortuatiou address (our i-i! days, making the trip in tW " IIexkv Kkli.ixo. Secretary. hours. IM iiioni fin. ?:ecnigc, $.i'k) ; hound Inp ( nliMtte,!, S.;oVH The Hei'I'Nkii (iAzucTii ifi i,Ir-n(.,l tn announce the fom j k-tir.ii of special ar rangements whereby it is enabled to of fer its renders two of the best family journals for hut little more than the price of one. We will send, for one year, to dress, Rellwau & Ksviaalou io. "COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE." TICKETS :EI,EliM ITI.I.MAX PALACE f Ail - my ad- The Heppner Gazette And the Famous Ftimily 'Weekly, Te limit Free Press. The Free Press is without question the Greatest Literary and Humorous paper now before the American people. It is not a new aspirant for public favor; es tablished over fifty years ago, it has stood the test of time, and is to-dav stronger than ever 120,011,1 subscribers affirm its surpassing excellence. The funny sketches and sayings of the Free Press are everywhere (noted and laughed at, while in respect to literary excellence it w ill compare favorably- w'th the ex pensive magazines. "If. Omul." "r.nl-n Mtarp," Eva Jlest, Rose Hartwiek Thnrp, ('has. F. Adams, Hamilton Jay, Lizzie Yorke Case, Uronsott Howard, H. C. Dodge and a host of other favorite wri ters, contribute reiruiarlv to its ml IIII111Q Kecogiii.!ng the growing demand for in, -.i-eiass in-uoii, itie tree I'ress has offered $3,000.00 in Cash Prizes for tho three best Sen'nl Kim-lna of Oil.oOO words each. A number of the best write have announced their inten- tion to compete. In addition to the llinnv nHtnr eino,.il features it is the intention to publish sec tions of Three Serial Stories Each Week, Written expressly for the FreeP rew tiv the best American itnd English authors. It will be seen, therefore, that bv sub scribing for the lliii'i'Nuit Gazette and the Free Press, the entire familv can be supplied with all the news and' the best of current literature for a year, at a cost OF FIVE CENTS A WEEK. The Free Press is a lanre eiiht-naim seven-ooltunn paper, and the regular price is one dollar per year. Remem ber that for S2.00 you cau'have the Free Press and your favorite home paper also. Sample copies can be seen at this oflice. We hope that our friends will show their appreciation of our efforts in their behalf, by making up their minds to take advantage of this splendid effer Sub scribe at once. Seud all subscriptions to the Gazette office. .?i,.l.n, an ... .. ,- - i- while nr. convenient '' "-'I-. lo tlie- l-nyi-r r.i ai iin-t.,!,-iLi,t m, ' ;! si'..'r;tr to 1: . '1 I? .' 5- co-op-::. Ti- n if the , ' '-: j: C--- lu!,in.-,il:riisllsns UVtr -. "'-V-'" V-.S vau-Vs in ,-,h . f-1'. I LA-" t.'.'JV'Va S,tlwfriKili iio::: , ) ; the L'ln1! I' r f,iv!i w;-n h 1 . l',,-,.- il c"c.-'. !' : 'l'l'-UL, t'-.u- ,11 i i.l Inti-.bLr only l-.iy. ,. n v.c- I ii w.- v.--i-vc )o,- .-i. ' li nn ; '',-r .- or I'.-uiilv t'..; n ;o--.- cn-.-.l:- JL-.l - - .::t,:li l,.,..lncss in tlie v.--. i ! J. V. ..- till jf'il'.j .no. .iu-i-.,:y - o..s, i l on: .i:..:5;1-,::,!-iitv-!,.:l..!.ii:-,ll rsr,:.V,,, J -.i-lu-i.iii-i-.ix-rr-joi Uvoi t. ntiii ;.! 1 a .n'v--.1-iti.--l:.,ili-, r .'','.'.-.'.-(.' ncl rjjt; IS! .s'ln-Wind Anicni;m Lever Liintin;; c:i.it c r cnt; ny Si.'Ii'U'.Gl .1 C;i'-o thiilcanbcsoldal b tc-: liuin iltjii.ilo tho mency, as thta ' :i:c!:l c,is'j3 are invariably iliin,. wink, ,'l ol lu-,v cinl;:y, and wovtl-tcss aficr hortii.c. Our0";4 iraU'll ccntnins row ir.T.'Gi'tani; patented im r SI :.-.. O Wtttcli isaKu-m-wiml :'.'.:r .?,-) vr::rs. 1 1 H lull v cijua! to anv f 1 ..;it'-h ',jl'! I'-r 'i y ctlins. Wofindvr a fn-M-d im Siilioncl ;. 1.1 Ca'c nnn.1. pi.fi r.ioye tti iu'loi y J servicer.! Io tlian i-i rt-ru 11 iiHiiiv,; ii!-;,t J);(syc,'f, IUer.t Uvin. r ll'u ,',..r-o.,v.-In':h wecnirol'tscUisUcly. It'JS 1 i ; I Lilly cqu .1 l';r acuuracv, njipnrancr: dura- li'TA -y.xy Mid s rv-u, t anyf ;i W'atih, fiihcr IriJpS vt-u,l ti'ulU is especially coiiPtructcd fiirl'l liu: r-i-lcxa:L n.; usf, ami is the Rait-'s''i-; n. d V';.'e:hi:i;i.!',1 (l;ra 'r.rc cr 1 1 imi'mfr. jE ' Ml ! -.e . 'c-i ;.ic tulicr all taili or ia chilis, ! 'I. tlm Vstc'i IcsBia'cr, f.:,00 - (- --V1J ' A fffjirv.ii.. F-4 .in mm Report 6aiiiiv3s).ttiitoi'3, Trti$$$iani, ScrirjL.!i); fowcs, tyM)0, Pr:'1, !.(V Li.-icl i;:y.irF.i'nrj.rtcrii5,arid J -", VS-Jil 0:rj .a ji;ouoriiTerm. very ptlerioilJJSveXOPP'S SETTLER'S GUIDE, 124 p.n.j rrino only 25;, (psitagojitamps. r-rri t SOU iv.-inir-il3noltini-- I iU M t Mill Sillll t I'OOtu unB 3" i ill t-ni'li lui'fl lily, t lie very r Itfrt cwintf-rtiftdimc niniie in hf world, niili til Hie nitiK hmi'iiii. Wc wili also fend I'ri'en ruintilcie V lino ol uur i-iiktli- n,i,l .1,1.. nr it, -',t"l1'1'3, J,! ri 111,11 ,VI" nfk "nt vna K V 4: .-how whnt vr F.n.l, n Hum. lir iv tHll nt vuvr lifiiii'. nml uti-i C, onih.iil ultiill l.i-niiiii. v mvn & r t-t-Vlf'i4l it'll litivfinni out l.'.d-re 'nt.'i, ;Sj I'-eZr. riimmt lif.-iitti-iJCJiCI. w iiluhn & hmt iitft, Hfitl iidw tells for Wy brief ir'tvuciions (riven, llii ci:ro IVei! the best srwine;. cnf.ital rpquiretl. 1'luin, & .Wine, in xhf w.trlrt. nnri tha-ijj Dobbins ElectriG Soap THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD. It is Strictly Pure. Uniform in Qnality. '1-4 : i'fl i- t-i.-' . , t.v-Vv?" 71: jVi- It- foil, : 0-'"'?',;t, THE LAD52S' FAVC'KITS. KEVEPv CUT C'7 t ?Y.::. Tf yon rl. -irp tnriurrhn" n '.ruv i.lnr1, ;l-k 0'.irr.-,ai-;:t lit y-'ir li-'.r-- 1' r i'-n.-J i:i:,l .Ti-'f-H. 1 1 you ciii-T -r r, ii. 1 cm- r i-.-i-t. u---iio ::r.--.-"L to ni-iiro-t :uiuritiiy..i-, ; v i:. -t. - i. - -r-up orn; l-n I' r; .' T.;rr i M-r. -t'l .ll'it'Lutlti.to klUiiivw UL iril.bt,f;:i. LEF.ZKR & TIIOMr.SOX, Aa'T9. VVyHE original formula for which we paid $.a,ooo i J I trvrttlr Wlrj ago has never heen rao.l-ti -d or 1 ch.inprH in th .l..,h,K, Ihi. ..un la I iiliiiilrnl In qmilily iii tlny will! I Hnjipner, T 1' eontaim nothing that ran In- t, ' t,;,in,'lnlr"t: Rfucrnl arcv. 72". Market Jar lh Inul labrtc. It bnnhf :?!"'", "''";, "H"lni(t. hitn rmnciwi, Cal em co'ors and bleaches whites. ; t.r---,.-n . 4-, -rrisr.-i Sr., I'orlianil Dr.. IS Tl' washes Aannels and blankets" as no other soap I .'""' '""1 iNm .l.iw, Cul., 55 North in the world does without shnnking-ltavlng I ' r" A"g " ' ....i. iu aiiu w.it.c iiuu line new. READ THIS TWICE KATHKU MONOTONOl'S "Vlmt is i. Ihey'r l.,.llon all over F-r fun!., r parti.-uUrs im,ir, of any "Ciwh," repliovl the olerk. ith i gust. "Why tlou't tbov vnrv it by 8,tviu' puied forburiiil by Mike Fiun, oue wmetirue?'1' iliitMit m tti i'i'iu:inv. ,r A. 1- Mstv- well, G. 1 T.A.'.ronian.l.fJr." A. .. MAXWELL H". IlSIOLCOM! G, p. r. A. THERE is a srnt tnTlny of time, of IsIvt, of snan nf fnl f , k ...i hl ; bms' F.lectric Su.ip U used aceorilinic tu tlirec- ft inn.. Q K trial will demonstrate itn great merit. It i w 11 Pa' you to m.,ke ih-.t tnI. j TIKE ai! bnt Itiiitcit, ii is extensively inii- ! Uted and counteruiUAl. ! Pnrp 3 : Tt'nr. h onr rru.nt h' trial i i.lsRKKs, 3t;i Broadway, ,T. Cirrliiiitinil i :iljy ii:;itr:iT.. IPS. ML' NX 4 CO.. I'l l, ffeware cf Imit-tticss. ! TVSIST upoti IobhlnV FV-r;,-. lSt t-ke i Minetic. FlectroM;;ic, P:,iir..k-lii:i,i K,(, -t vr anv oincr itauh, stmp.y Ic.-ii-c it rs t;.'. 1 win rum u.unes, anu arc iie.ar at -r ce. ARCHITECTS & DUILDEBO JH Edition of Scientific American. O A ernv sniv. Eflrh mm rontmrs KolorpJ lini'trarliu- fialM.-r our.trT n-l cilr miitrn. r.'.Y.y"';"' -""" .Nm.r..i rntr.t.r-st "-.t tu, I i-ia-.. and .i-.-oiti, ati- rts ,-r ti-.-u-.- ..f uchr..niMui..4! fcir.,.w. In a jnr, Kct.cuf. lit.W CO- FtnuMlEKi.. --i noBnixs' ELtt ti; and take no olher. Nearly even- eroo- 10 -llcsico keeps it in slock. If vnr-- ha-ii't n, he wilt or ler from his nearest whrjtcs;i!e .-r T5F-AD car.-ful!y the in-. -4e r.t.--- rrr- r--l e-.rh tar. and be carefui to fn..w fit ri-l:o.isi n each outsi.te wrarrKr V.'u rill mil ni:..r.t to wail longer oef-re trlnt for Joi-r-e.l u, J , ,e..jb.e, and truly wondcrr'-.il , Dobbins' Electri K.-tT- hurt nrel- Tcfirt' pT!Mir,pnc and hate nmrifl .r nifi'a!i- n .rr,r AnK-nrr.n ej-.ti h, r- TRADE MARKS. In en yonr mark i rmt rpgu!prtd (n lltp Tat ME U:ti-, apilr to AU v.v . d... and pnurm tuiiLtfdiate pt.feti..a. tDd for Uaudoouk. rni'YRll.IITS for rvvk cfiana, tdm. Mr.. (;aif4.jf jir-.-i'uretl. Adirvs MLSS Ac CO.. Pntrnt Solicitor. GlrAI. OFFICE: .l BhoaI'wit. X. T, (I.L. t'KAOIX C, I hil.elfbifl Fa, k II t!