THE GAZETTE. HEPPNEH. THURSDAY. May 2, '89. Local and General. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Trains on the Willow Cr.-pk Brunch arrive at and Iraive thn iitTi-reut s.atioLa daily, except tiundaya, as folluws: EASTWAnO. WESTWAHD. No7l7 (Mixed) KoTTh (Mixed) rt:ir p. h. Ar. 5:411 5-OB" " " 4:35 4:1S i'A 3:15 2:50 " " IjT. Hfpimer. lrfxiimtun Lv. 5:45 a. M. 6:U) " 6.5(1 " 7 ail " 7:40" lone. ('wit'n. Willows Junction W iIIowh, 8:411 Arlrnuton. Ar. 9:10 " Connect at ArliiiRinn with No. 1, WeHt, at 9:25 A.M. Arrive in Portland. 4:2l p. M. No. 2. East, leaves Portland atb:(m A. M Arrives at Arling ton at 2:40 P. H. U. 8. THOMPSON, Agent. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. StagB loaves for Ciinvon City- Mon days, Wednesdays and FVidays. Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. There is a saving of 16 hours in time and $10 in Ciisli by taking this route to Canyon. Geo. W. Foor returned from Arlington on Tuesday evening. Win. Gilliam and family were over to Heppner last Saturday. A board of trade is still needed at Heppner. Orffnnize at odco. Charley Wylnnd left yesterday morn ing for Spokane Falls, W. T. Wm. Brewer came over from Echo last Friday to look after his final proof. Norman Kelley delivered the first lot of wool iu the Hoppner warehouse. Business from over the hill is substan tially on the increase. Let it oome. San Francisco reports one hundred and seventeen deaths the past week. There is no mistake about Heppner boring for artesian water this summer. Quite a number of Heppneriren took in the celebration at Portland last Tues day. Heppner merohants advertise low prioes and big assortments. They have it all. John Hendrix is soliciting for a new book, entitled "The Marvels of the New Went." Mrs. Donahue, of Portland, daugh'er of Mrs. Keithley is visiting relatives in Heppner. The Justice mill has been grinding prpttv well this week. Gov's exchequer is all right. Rev. Henry Rasmus will preach at the M. E. church next Sunday morning and evening as usual. Theron E. Fell and wife returned last Saturday from a trip to the Long Creek and Canyon sections. There will be preaching at the M. E. South church at the usual hour on Sun day by Rev. Dennis. Joe Nelson has a good mountain ranch uponPenland prairie for which he will perfect title along in June. " Bunchgrass is undoubtedly enjoying an era of prosperity. We can stand a good big one of that kind. J.H.Stanley, superintendent of the schools of Morrow countv, made a trip to Portland on the 26th inst. Rev. Prnnk will hold the fort at the Baptist church next Sunday morning. Everybody invited to nttend. A daily mail -service between Heppner and Canyon is needed. Heppuer will assist in scouring snob faoilities. A reoeut sandstorm along the Colum bia has caused some trouble to the trains on the O. K. & N. railroad. H. W. Adams, traveling freight agent for the Union Pacific, residing at Poca tello, Idaho, was in Heppner last week, Heppner is a live town in a live seo tion and adjacent to a live country, all tributary to it, yet it has no board of trade. Most of the Militia boys remained in Portland till to-day. Col. Morgan's orders could not krep them from seeing the city. Died Near Hnrdman on the 24th ult. Wm. Lodwick, aged 66 years. The re mains were laid to rest iu the Hardman cemetery on last Friday. Monday and Wednesday witnessed quite a lively scene in Heppner. Any body wanting their nose mashed, oould get it done free of oost. Jake Johnson, a reliable rancher of Goosebury, sympathized with the office in a finanoial way last Thursday. Tue ranch needs moore of it. Beck Bros, are shearing near Hamilton, preparatory to their drive of mutton sheep to Montaua. They expeot to ship from Boeeman to Chicago. Wool will undoubtedly bring a good price this season. With big crops in sight, what is to hinder the advent of general prosperity iu Morrow. Patsy Cordiff, of Minneapolis, was knooked out at San Fraucisco on the 26th ult., by Peter Jackson, (oolored), heavy weight champion of Australia. Jackson, the colored Australian fighter, has found one, Billy Wilson of the same race, who will meet him in combat for a purse of $2,500. Cham pions will fiud their equal. There are yet some stove-pipes in Heppner that are serving as ohimneys as well as a stauding menace to neigh boring property. The ordinauoe on .that matter should be enforced. Heppner is just humping herself this summer in the matter of improvement. More substantial buildings will go up this season than during the whole his tory of the Heppner colony. Capt. Wm. Warren. Lieuts. Frank Rogers and P. O. Borg and 24 non com missioned officers and privates of Co. E. of this place, took in the centennial cel ebration at Portland this week. Mr. Cupper who lives near the John Day, has two of the finest stallions in the oounty which he brought home from England on his recent trip. It is worth trip around that way to see these horses. The Gakette man is trying to raise a garden and yet continue in the poultry business. If the ohickens were in Hades and the garden up the creek a mile or two, there might be a show for success. Henry Heppner came up from Arling ton on last Friday. Mr. Heppner has large financial interests up hero in the eolony, and we hope that it win not De long are he will make his permanent home with ua. The plastering of the new brick has commenoed and it will not be long before it can be ocoupied. The furni ture whioh C. A. Rhea is going to place in the building, will make it Heppner's finest building. The Gazette ij, unfortunately a member of the O. N. G. Col. Morgan ordered the outfit to Portland this week, hence readers of the sheet must be a little lenient with him, as the paper was principally edited last week. Do not wait until to-morrow, when you feel sick, but take immediately a .1n of Pfnnder's Oregon Purifier and prevent a serious attaok of sickness. It is the best liver regulator and blood cleanser in cxistauce. Try it. The Waitibnrg Times comes out with six pages, and the amount of advertising which appears, the Timet excheqner must be in a good condition. W aits burg's business men talk to their patrons like business men through the press. Grant Co., Ketes: Oregon and Cali fornia papers are requested to copy the following: James Hauson aged 46 years, native of Scandinavia, died at Granite, Grant oounty, Oregon, on Marck 22, 1HS9, of pneumonia. His illness was of short duration, bot he was kindly cared for by the miners. If his relatives should read this tbey can learn fnrthnr particulars by addressing L. N. Ford, of Granite. Postmaster Goff is in receipt of a letter from Hon. Binger Hermann, in which it is stated Hint the post oftioe at If uig Creek has been made a Money Order ollioe, and business in that line will Ktart up about July 1st. Now let us have the daily mail. Eagle. Mr. J. E. Whitson, of Petalnmn, Cel.. father of Mr. Whitson of the Lexington Budget, is here with its this week. He represents the Mutual Relief Association of Petluma, and is tiying to work up a company of members in otir town, The Gazette wishes him success. Mr. Howard Dodson of Blootnington, visiiing relation here Mr. Dod sou is a brother of Mrs. T. E. Fell. He was until receutly, iu the U. S. mail ser vice beUveeu Omaha and Green River, the ohauge in aclmimatrHriou let him out with several other chief olerks. Canyon City Neu-s; In co; versing with some of the business men of this place aud John Day we find they are universally iu favor of taking stock in the proposed telegrauh line from Hepp ner to Canyon, and we have no doubt that 32000 oould be easily secured this side of Heppner. Anstiu A. Bell, a prominent and wealthy citizen of Seattle, committed Bniside Apr. 24th by shooting himself iu the heaii, at his real estate office in North Seattle. Bell left his home at an early hour, apparently in his usual spir its, and during the morning transacted business iu the customary manner. The accident which occurred on the Grand Trunk railroad at Hamilton Onta rio, Canada, ou the 28 inst. wns one of the most hotrible on record. The engine and live cars were a complete wreck. The wreck took tire aud ail was reduc ed to ashes. There were many persons who were injured and could not be res cued, burned beyond recognition. Mrs. Josepheue Kirkham, sister of Gcnral Drake, cf Des Moines. Iowa, fouu der of Drake University, aud wife of Rev. Kirkham, editor of the Christian Oracle aud pastor of the First Christian ohurch, was arramed in the police court at Chi- ohago ou the 25 ult. for shoplifting. The proprietor of the store declared that he caught her in the set. The hearing was posponeu. Boslon wool reports indioate an ad vance of four oeuts per pound on scour ed wool. The condition of the wool aud woolen trade are such that full prices are not aulieipated before August or September. This seasons wool promises to be iu unusually good condition. Ex perts say that ou the same market as last ) ear, it would bring two or three oents per pound more tahn the last clip. Canyon City News: Theron E. i'ell and wile of Heppner arrived iu our town Sunday evening. Mr. Fell is manager of the Morrow county laud and trust company and is one of the enterprising business men of that thriving oity. He is over ou business of imporance for the Heppner joint stock telegraph company, lookiug to the ereotion of a telegraph line from Heppner to Canyon City if sufficient stock is taken here. Mr. George W. Wright, who has been a oitizen of Heppuer for the past five years, where he has cuilt up quite a law business, is now nicely settled in his new location Albany, Oregon. Mr. Wright has invested largely iu Albauy real estate whioh is now ou the rise, and iu addition to a large law business which he will no doubt build up down there, he will prosper. At any rate, this is the wish of Heppuer friends. The May Day Ball given by the olerks of Heppuer, was an enjoyable affair, notwithstanding the absence of many ball goers w ho were iu attendance at the celebration at Portland. The ladies in attendance were haudsoraely attired. Danoing was indulged in until early morn, when all retired with an expres sion of a merry time. Music by Messrs. Bacon, Ardery and Ross, wasunexoelled, and added much to scenery of the dance. Died At the Pioneer Hotel at 2 o'olook on last Saturday. George Hada way aged 41 years and i0 mouths. Do oeased reoently came here from Hamiltou, Grant couuty, and had been ailing for the past six weeks. His disease was intlamation of the kidneys, but he was not supposed to be in any immediate dan ger till last Saturday, a few hours, before his death. He has two brothers; one at Dayton, Ynmhili Co., uud the other in Montana. Tho remains were interred in the oemetery here ou last Sunday. Bessie and Maud Mallory, daughters of C. M. and M. V. Mallory, have been very sick with the croup for the past two weeks. Bessie, the one that was first taken sick, gradually grew worse, aud on the 29th inst. she passed from the land of the living. The funeral ser vices were conduoted at the home of the bereaved on Aqr. 30th by Rev. Hen ry Rasmus. At last reports, Maud was some better and it is hoped that she is not in danger. Mr. and Mrs. Mallory have the deepest sympathy of everyone. Oregonian The steamer Alliance, owned by the Portland & Coast Steam ship Compauy, is high and dry ou the beaoh on the south end of Anvio's island, just below the city, and there is a hole eight feet long, four feet wide and six deep in her starboard bow, the result of collision with the steamer Danube, eu route here from Victoria, wbich oc curred a quarter of a mile this side of the breakwater of the Willamette slouch, about 9 o'clock last night, Apr. 25. The Allia,.ce immediately began to fill nnd sink, and was beached just in time. The Danube was slightly damaged. Heart Disease. Read the hospital reports, read the mortuary reports, read the medioal news papers, and learn how wide-spread is heart disease, how difficult of deteebin it is to most people, how many and how sudden are the deaths it causes. Then read Dr. Flint's Treatise on Heart Dis ease, and learn what it is, what causes it, what diseases it gives rise to, what its symptoms are, and how it may be at tacked. If you find that you have heart disease, ask your druggist for a bottle of Dr. Flints Remedy. The treatise may be had on application to Mack Drug Co., N. Y. EIGHT MILE POINTS. Chas. Talbert is cultivating his timber culture. Charley is a rustler, and will "get there" if any body will. School is progressing nicely nnder tbe management of T. C. Aubrey. Tbe people are taking a great interest in school matters and propose to have their school as good as there is in the county. Suoh interest is laudable and to be com mended. Mr. Beymer has been riding the range for horses which he lost last winter, and has been unsuccessful up to the present time in finding them. Mr. J. C. Spray has become the effi cient manger of tbe Eight Mile Sunday school. Eight Mile needs stirring up on such matters, and Mr. Spray is the most appropriate person that oould bethought of for that purpose. , The mail has been coming to our 1 place but once iu two or three weeks, ! and we began to think we were abandon . dnned, but it has resumed coming again, : perhaps through the agency of a little judicious prompting at Washington. I X. TO "DISPEL COLDS, Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when ! costive or bilJions, or when the blood is impure or slupcish, to permanently cure ' unhitnitl constipation, to awaken the 1 kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, j without irritating or weakening them, nae Syrup of Figs. Seals of All Kinds can be procured at $5 each by ordering through the . Heppner Gazette. This is a saving of j S2 to (3 on prioes usually charged. tf. NEWS FROM OVER THE BLUES. RnsineM is Tuinlnft to Heppner, the Live Town of Morrow. Last Saturday T. E. Fell returned from a ten days trip over the mountains iu the interest of the Morrow County Land and Trust Co. in particular, and Heppner trade in general. He reports a disposition upon the part of residents of the John Day country in the vicinity of Canyon Bnd Mt. Vernon to come to Heppner instead of going to The Dalles and Baker City, as heretofore. A new grade has been made on the Canyon road down to Birch creek the merchants of John Day and Canyon hav ing been very liberal in subscriptions to it. This road leads into Fox valley toward Hamilton. Teamsters offer to haul to Heppner, ninety-five miles from Canyon, for the same as tbey get to Baker, which is one cent per pound dur ing the summer. From Canyon to The Dalles, one hundred and ninefy miles distant, freighters get two cents. Some sheepmen say that they can get wool hauled from Monument to Heppner for three-quarters of a cent. Mr. Fell says that these rates for freighting seem very low to one when driviug over the roads. After the grades at Wall creeks aud near Leslie's above Monument are improved, the Heppner road will be the best and most practicable route for all of that section. At John Day town, merchants appear to be doing a thriving business. A large number of Chinameu are still washing out gold near the river. Tue business men at Canyon and John Day want the telegraph line extended to those towns from Long Creek, and a number of stock men offer to subscribe liberally to get a wire into that section. At Long Creek, Mike Roseudorf still growls good naturedly in his own peculiar style, and is doing a large busi ness with the valley, in which he and Hirschberg ate very popular. Ed Allen has a oar load of agricultural implements euroute for his place via Heppuer, and is as energetio as ever. He is getting business squared up notwithstanding that want of water prevents extensive work in the mines owned by him. The Gods Help Those Who Help Themselves. The town oouncil of Heppner have concluded to bore an ar tesian well in the hope to gut a well of flowiug water. It has seemed strange that no effort has been made to drill for wells in Eastern Oregon when they are so readily found in Southern California and Dakota, as well as other parts of the great West. Artesian wells are the salvation of Southern California and furnish water unfailingly to irrigate land that else would be comparatively worthless. Heppner must be compara tively near the mountains aud able to command the flow of streams from that souroe, but as the Gazette says, the fact of trying to bore for water will be chron ioled and generally known and will give the place a notoriety for enterprise and effort to help themselves, and the Gods help those who help themselves. Ore gon ian. What He Will Have Left. Infor mation comes up this way that the O. R. & N. Co. have paid "Christ" Larson bis right away money, 8041.44, but do not think they have damaged his ranch $600 worth, and will appeal that part of tbe verdict. Larson's lawyers taxed bim $600 cash for their services, leaving him $41.44 for a year's hard work in trying to bleed tbe O. R. & N. As severnl in diotments have been found aguiust him by tbe U. S. grand jury, he will likely go to the "pen," where he will have sufficient time to jingle the remnant of bis little $41.44 To Cons dmptives. The undersigned hnving been restored to health by sim ple means, after suffering for several years with a severe lung affections and tbat dread disease, consumption, is anx ious to make known tu his fellow suffer ers the means of care. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for con sumption, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and lung muladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them noth ing, and mayprove ablessing, will please address, Rev Edward A. Wilson, Wil liamsburg, Kings couuty, New York. Postal Notes. Tbe following Pa cifio ooasts postmasters have been ap pointed; W. Bradley, at Caldwell, Ada county, Idaho vioe T. W. Boone, remov ed; Emily A. Vaughn at Bums, Grant oounty, Or., vice J. C. Parke resigned; John H. Dukes, Hood River, Naaco couuty, vice J. T. Pruther resigned; W. H. Mossman at Chebalis, Lewis county, W. T., vioe 3. E. Willis removed; Mrs. M. Sheriff, at Elma, Chebalis county, W. T., vice J. J. Carney removed. William H. Murray has been commissioned post master at Black Diamond, W. T. Consumption Sorely Cured. To the editor: Please inform your readers tbat I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thou sands of hopeless oases have been per manently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your raaders who hnve consumption if they will send their express and post office address. T. A. SLOCUM, M. C. 181 Pearl St., New York, N. Y Milk Cows for Sale. We have for sale 40 head of first-olass milk oows, all gentle. These cows ure from two to five years old. Will sell all or any portion of them. Also have some hal'-breed Hol stein heifers. For further information, inquire of G. W. Swaggart, Heppner, or Alfred Gleason, Tub Springs. Deputy Scab Inspectors. I have ap pointed as deputy scab inspectors : J. C. Kirk for Matteson precinct; address, Heppner. Frank Fitch, for Pine City; address, Galloway. W. G. Boyer. Scrip Wanted. C. M. Mallory will pay the highest cash prices for xcrip. I'lace of business, corner May and Chatie ; streets. Stbaied OB Stolev. $40 reward, for information leading to their recovery, or , 810 for either one delivered. Two dun mares, 8 or 9 years old, branded 24 on ; left flank, and quarter circle-shield cn ; left Bhoulder, and 7 connected with K on ! riKbt hip and shoulder. Two bay mares, 9 or 10 years old, branded the same; one i dark chestnut sorrel mare, branded the same; two dark bay 8 year-old horses, branded qnarter-oirole-ahield on left shoulder; one sorrel mare. 3-year-old, the sme brand; one dark chestnut sor rel, 3-year-old, branded the 89 me; one sorrel horse, 4-year-old, bnld face, 4 white feat, branded 24 on left flank; one bay horse, 7 years old, branded three small circles on left shorddor, and W II, oonnected on left hip, with O nnder- j Death. O. PiubsoH. I S16-4t. P. O. Eight Mile, Or. "A GOOD DELE OF MACKEREL." Mr. Matbias Mcriaater Associates With Bill Carson's Herder, Whieh Occatrions a Letter to the Gazette Will the Reader or a Borrowed Newpnper "Git Korns on His lie?" Wool Holler, April 19, 89. Editur Gazet: Dear Mr: Carson's herder is the burn dest, most curiosest feller I ever see. If be wasn't a funoy duck, I reckon I never wood bar see him, ooz he uzed to be a utile hi toned yung man. He sez he ewesed to be a clerk in a hotel, and got $14 a weke and bis bourd. Seems to me like its kinder funny a yung man wood ruther herd shepe than to work in a hotel; coz tbe hotel was in a town and be ooud see the oars every day and git to go to all tbe shoe what they was. But its the things what he sez to me as makes me think he's a strange feller. Burned if I noe what makes him tell me sich out landisb stuff, less'u be gesses I'll beleve be thinks I'm a burned idgut. Gess he thinks tbat wood make me mad and I woodent come out where he herds enny more; then ks'd ete tbe gras oiTn a bill w hat I'm savin to herd on when tbey ar sherein. But that woodent make enny differeno ooz I like to here him talk, even if he does i iv me a good dele of mackerel. He told me some things yes terday what I dou't beleve; aud I wish you wood rite to me and let me noe if be was liein. Carson's herder be told me that if a man red a nuzepaper what he uover siued fer he'd git korns on his ize. He siues fer the Gazet aud I don't, ooz I bot a horse and it dide; and now I'm a Bavin my wagis to pay the funeril ex penses. But I like to rede ynre paper, and as I don't ware any sox, I giv all my empty flower sax to bim and he givs me his Gazet uftor be has red it. Last weke he giv me wun what sed at tbe top April 4, '88; but mebbe wun of the ates otter of been a 9. Dj you gess he was givin me guff about the korns, or do you think he has got sox euuff, aud wants to go baok on his bargain? He told me that the ralerodes ouned the uuzepapers, and tbat most of em sed thay was public paok-horscs. I don't beleve the ralerodes ouns 'em, do you? Coz if they did, it pears to me tbat thay'd hav there can full of lainp-blaok and oil, and the thiugs what thay smear it onto the paper with rite on the train, so's the brakemen oood edit papers be tween stayshuus. Most of places tbay wouldent have to change enything but the name of the town, wood thay? Be sides, I dou't see what a ralerode wants of paok-horses, do you? Carson's herder he told me that a paper what he got from way off sum- where, was run by Enjuns. I ast him where thay blowed off steme at, and he ohoed me a peoe about sum feller what bought a place in the cabinet, aud a man named Blane who he sed was seokretary of tbe State nnder Harrison. Carson's herder luffed at me when I ast him where the cabinet country was, and if the fel ler was goiu to run shepe on his place. After he luffed at me I dident like to ast him about that state called Harrison and the wun under it; so I wish you wood tell me wbare tbay ar and if wagis is enny better there thau thay ar here. I wish yude tell me what ales my dog. He's a gittin poor as a hoss fly thut has been suet up with a lot of Bbepe. He don't like to w rk, and his bretb seems to come from way back bout his oupliu, and its sort of wheezy. When he draws a long breth bis neok rattles till yude think sum feller was a shakiu a old fiddle what had sum beues in it. I ast Car son's herder what aled him, and he sed he'd been Bmokiu to menny sigaretes. I don't beleve that, coz I ooodeut find enny stubs round oatnp, aud I looked everywhere except long side of where the stove-pipe goes thrue the sealin. Purty soon I'll go to the niountius so's the, shepe oan git penvines aud iujun pinks to ete. That makes the big shepe giv lots of milk and the lams git fat on it to, even if thay do havto git it second- bunded. How wood you like to git me to rite you sum nice peoes about tbe mountius fer you to priut in your paper? I had to take my bute off aud use it fer a table to rite on. My foot kepes gittin kold, and when I set on it, it goes to slepe, and u hen it wakes up agin it feels like a lot of needles was a stickin it; and when I git to wuuderin where the needles oome from I forgit what I was goin to rite ubout, so I gess I'll huv to put on my bute and kwit. Anoer this rite away aud obleege, Mr. Mathias MoMastek, Shepe herder. LAND OFFICE BULLETIN. La Ghande. Our Washington corres. ponilent sends us the following infor mation. LAND CONTESTS DECIDED. The names of the successful parties are priuted in capital letters. C. H. PAYNE vs J. J. Campbell. D. K. SMITH vs Josiah Cust- and Robert Walker. J. F. WURL vs II. F. Parker. W. H. WHEATON vs Samuel Reeves. HOMESTEAD PATENTS. No. 1334. The S. II. D. IITRST vs Wm. J. McHaffie. J. W. Taylor vs JAS. EUTTERFIELD. cash patents. Nob. 55, 108, 144, 321, 358, 377, 472, 650, 889, 910, 930, 943, 951, 960, 968, 969, 989, 991, 999, 1014, 1017, Iu33, lu37, 1040, 1043, 104(1, 1047, 1051, 1053, 1054, 1057, 1058, 1059, 1062, 1064, 1005, 1006, 1069, 1070, 1072, 1075, 11178, 1079, 1081, 1083, 1084, 10f.5, 1087. 1088, 1089, 1093, 1095, 1097, 1101, 1102, 1104, 1110, to 1116 in clusive, 1122, 1123, 1124, 1120, 1127, 1130, 1133, 1138, 1140, 1141, 1451, 1544, 1577, 1595, 1599, l&'rl, 1607, 1026, 1627, 1037, 1057, 1661, 1670, 1681, 1730, 1701, 1784, 1785, 1818, 1821, 1844, 1867, 1871 and 1873. HOMESTEAD PATENTS. Nos. 250, 450, 541, 502, 504 , 573, 574, 575, 578, 583, 584, 585, 590, 591, 595, 619, 622, 634, 038, .042, 647, 648, 049, 651, to 650, inclusive, 658, 003, 006, 679, 687, 088, 695, 697, 707 , 71, 721, 723, Til, 72S, 73) to 740 inclusive, 741,7), TM, 752,753 1" 702 inclusive, 704 to 777 in clusive, 779 to 785 inclusive, 788 to 792 inclusive, 794 to 804 inclusive, mHi to Hill inclusive, 813, 814, 817, 818, 819, 821 to 837 inclusive, 839 and 840. Job Printing. Having secured the services of Mr. Vawter Crawford, a first class job as well as newB printer, the Gazette is prepared to do better job work than ever before, and at Pendleton pri ces. Satisfaction guaranteed. DEPUTY SIOtK I.NHPECTOB. A. Salisbury, of Lena, as deputy atock inspector for Lena precinct. W. G. Botib, Stock Inspector. lppff? Pill11 i0Sj Frcnt, First aMTiioSfcls, j tggy4;;- r-a Portland, OSZCOX i Harflware, Iron, Steel SOLE AGENTS FOR WASHINGTON AND NORTHERN IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. These Machines are too well known to need comment. Thousands of farmers have used them and speak of them with praise. They are the only Harvesting Machines that jwlll give ENTIRE SATISFACTION to the purchaser. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING Ttw most Effective rand Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning - Drain eve- constructed. BUCKEYE SJiELEiAjE TWINE-BINDERS. FThe Feature tnat distinguishes this Twine-Binder is the Lightness of Draft, conibiiieU with Hi Extraordinary Strenirtli and Durability. The Binder is of tho Applcbv pattern, the onlv really fuic;:i)-.ui one yet known. We have two tvle, the Elevator Binder and the I'latforui Binder both exoellctit-Wtu recommended by hundreds of patrons. SCHUTTLER FARM VA&OUS, S25tSra2SS KFbSS BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPRING YOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, CORBIV DISC HARROWS. HODGES-HAINES HEADERS, HAISH BARB WIRE. SEND FOR CIRCULARS." W. O. MINOR, Agent, Heppner, Oregon. To Paint fe A House Neatly Requires an Artist with the Brush. RIDER & KERNS Can . do that kind of a job. Thoy also make a specialty of Sign Painting, Paper Hanging and Decoratings Lenve orders rt A. D. Johnson's k Oo.'s drug store, cor. May and Miiiu sta. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay required. Shop Opposite Guzette OtlK;e. Heppner, OreRon i E. HKACH, WM. MuFALL, Vice r reside nt. Presiden t. THE' P Fire I ACIF1C 9 W-A.SIIXltTO'rOXT GTEEET, Portland, Copltol Stock, 300,000. L. Patterson, Agent, Heppner Oregon. o, RANDOM KEMAHKS. The Morean, Saling and Russell butter at W. O. Minor's. Blanks for nsscssint; Bchool distriutR can be had at Gazette office. Rooms to rent. Pleasant looaliou Inquire at Gazette shop. tf All kinds or job work done in the Ga zette office at Pendleton prioes. Go to George Petrie for a square meal Ahniliamaick's building, May stiee. . Coffin & McFarlund will deliver nods to any part of Heppuer, free of oluirge. Rasmus, the dentist, will till tenth, or extract the same in a sciontifio manner. Tons of flour and mill feed at Sperry's mill. Ho has the- finest grade o! Hour in the market. Guun & Rnark, horse bIioois; horses shod with new shoes alt round after date for 81.50 per head. C. fc) VanDnyii has just received a very fine line of youths' and boys' cloth ing. Call and examine before purohas iug elnewhere. A fine line of cutlery just received at W. A. Johnston's store. Ho oilers big bn wains in everything. Gilliam & Coffey have the Baker wire, 'perfect barb", in cur loud lots, which they are sel'ing cheap. Also the latest novelty in wire stretchers. Consult them before buying. Ruborts & Simons are prepared to re pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe your horse, aud in fact there is nothing in the hlacksmithing line that they are not able to do. Gnnn & Runrk, blacksmiths; shop near feed yards. Odd Fellows' Hull, hard by. Shoeing and jobbing done with neatness and dispatch. Everybody come a run ning. Those having false teeth which do not fit can have that defect remedied by Dr. Vaughn, the dentist. Having procured a new recipe, he is now able to extract teeth absolutely without pain. Huiisaker and Ixing having enlarged their livery stable, opposite Natter's Brewery, are now better prepared to ac commodate the puhlio than ever. All stock left in their care will receive the best of attention. Gilliam A Coffey are prepared to fit a mnn out with any kind of nn outfit to he touuil in a first-class hanhvare store. They will sell yon nails to fix up )"ur fenoe when your neighbor's cows break it down, or lit yon nut wiib ki'chon tools when you get married. The startling discovery has been made that Leezer & Thomp-on are now pre pared to furui'h you with needles for the Singer, White, New Domestic:, Wheeler & Wilson No. 8 and Now Home sewing machines anil have just received a new stock of New Home machines ished in Walnut and Antique Oak. tin FACTS KIIOM II. 4 Bi, Infants', childs', boys', mens', and nicest assortment of electiou hats at H. & li's. Most complete line of wall papers, bor ders, carpets, rugs, and curtains at reduc ed prices now ou exhibition at Heppner & Black man's. Ladies are invited to call and inspeot our new arrivals of all wool tricots, ma zurna plaids, latest patterns in stripes, jerseys etc., etfl. Herders would profit by examining. onr woolens aud full st ick boots. Call and take a ohew of our H. & B's. private stock chewing to1 aoco. For aale by II. & B., sole agents, the celebrated Oondell's Uig Can I'.aking I'owder for 50o. Each can contains l'-j pounds. Fjqual to tho very best in the market. Come early to avoid the rush. l'srties wishing to purchase fall sup plies would do well by calling on Hep pner k Blackman. We insure gentleman ly treatment, low prices, and good qual ity in all lints, Hour iu quantities to suit at mill prioes. Most oomplete and extensive line of mens', boys', and ladies', buck and kid driving love, woolen-lined bIovcb t I keep your hands warm when snow flies Call and inspeot our goods, at U. 4 B's. 1 do irouuie vo mow goous. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN j anil Farm lacliinGry. THRESHER, AULTMAN'S'STAR TRACTION ECINI, . K. BltOWN L'ON, Seerelttry. NSURANCE UU, Oi KOH SALK. The southwest '.j of section 10, town ship 3 south of range 24 cast, Willamette Maridian. This is school land and Mrs. N. A. Jiinkiu liohlscertiCHMle of piiivhas from tho State. Inquire of Mrs. S.A. Junkin, Ei'ht Mile, or of WiuniiT A Imiown, Heppuer, Or. NOTICE TO Sit I'.l'.PM KN. I am prepared to take bucks to be herded at tho foot of the T.imaniek Buttes. Commence to lirst of May; take no sheep exposed to so. ill or foot-rot,; dip, feed sulphur nnd H.tlt, all for $1.10 per head. Sales transacted free of charge. C. Hams & 0. Hastinos. Hardman, Or., March 29, '89. MONEY TO LOAN. Pornons Viii-hinc lonns on im proved funns or town loin, would do well to call on or mldreBS, Okin L. Patteuhos. Olllce in Gazette building. IIilpii(!r, Oregon. Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of California, to laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtue of plants known to be most beneficial to the human ny.tem, forming the ONLY PER FECT KKMF.DY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AUD BOWELS AND TO Cleanse the System Eff actually, THAT PURE ELOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using It and all are delffMed with it. Ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, San Francisco, Cal. LoftTjVii f e, Kr. Nev Vouic, N. V ANT) A! I liir'M !i im. i'laii;i) Tu Rflinble Conii'iuiicH. . Office, Gazi'tlP Building, toLtrraliL H. BLACK M -SUCCESSORS TO -DEALERS IN General ' Merchandise, The Pioneer Firm of Heppner, Morrow County,-Oregon. OWING TO THE COMPLETION OF THE RAILWAY; We are prepared to ofier large inducements, especially to Cash Customers. Disarms! fl r Hats, Caps, Hit Goods, (llotig, Provisions, And in fact everything- contained in a first class store. STOCKMEN'S SUPPLIES IN LARGE QUANTITIES. Farmers' Wants in all Details. Ail kinds of Produce taken in exchange. We Purchase our goods in car-load quanta ties; hence our ability to undersell any other house. Owing to the stonily increase in our busitipsg we lmve built a Large andCumtuodiouH Fire-Proof Brick Building, which gives ua better faoilities than ever before enjoyed. Sole Agents lor Heppner and Vicinity fob the 1 Oeleb i' n t e d 13 ;i i n W a g o n AND--- Knapp, Burrell & Co.'sAgrieultural Implements HIDES AND PELTS BOUGHT FOB CASH OR TRADE. A. D. JOHNSON & CO. I'ltOl'IUF.TOlW OF THE- CITY r; SITNHU, ' r,jrt . " 1 V Keep the Largest mid Beat Selected stuck of tioods iu Thoir Line in Morrow County. Pure Drngfl and Chemicals, Patent Medicines nnd Toilet Goods ol Every DeHcription. Also, Puintu, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, &c. lew Ml of Wail Papr M bgsIMM East. Pure Wines nnd Liquoi a for Medicinal Purposes. Domestic, Key West and Imported Cigars. Call and see us when you are wauling anything in our line. Prescriptions ncctirately compounded, day and night, nnd special attention given to orders from the country. W. J. LEEZHH. LEEZER & THOMPSON -DEALERS iiSr- I T A HD WAUE AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SHELF HARDWARE, Bitd-CapM, Hope, Nails, Cutlery, Wood ; and Willow Y;.re, (Jrnnito Ware, Etc. lvl.V STRICKT, DEALER IN CSI Custom Work anil Opposite Hotel, D. W. UOTtNEH. GEO. NOBLE. IIOK'IVJvIiJ A? UliAl.EM IN HARNESS, WHIPS, SPURS, ETC. THE CELEBRATED Heppner Saddles! CuDiitantly KAUI MAIN HTttttT, for 1;1xg AX & CO., IIG STORE, - OREGON. P. C. THOMPSON HF.PPXEK, OREGON 9 0 8 (Hi v i-3 llfpiriiij! Neatly Done. Heppner, Oregon. on UuikI.