it 6 FOR 1889. Mad-am! See what 15 cents will do I It will bring yon a sample copy of Oo ?a Wa Book, which will tell you how- to get the seal-skm sacque he silk dress, the gold watch and cottage organ and other valuables, without a dollar. YOU CANNOT GET A BETTER Two dollars worth of magazine than by subscribing for '-Godey," the best family BFoH889 it wuf contain : Fashions in colors, Fashions in black and white ; latest from Europe. Original novelties in needle work and embroidery Latest and xnost popular music. Plans for the house you are going to bmld. Directions for decorating your home. Cookery and household help, by Mrs. Charles Hope, teacher in several fashionablo New York academies, and selected by the Board of wij i: t. tu Vnrif Public Sphnols. Literarv enrichments by JN ellV Blv who got herself locked up in an insane asylum to find out how they treated the insane, Ella Rodman Church, Emily Lennox, Olivia Lovell Wilson, Xrs. Hiestand, Edgar Faweett, David Lowry, etc. EVERY LADY HER OWN DRESSMAKER wi ...i...n, t rcmWa T.nrlv'n TSonk. ach number will entitle you to your selection of any cut paper pattern illustrated in Godey's Lady's Book. Your 15-cent sample copy will contain one of these cou pons. The pattern shows you how to cut the garment yon want. Send 15 cents for sample, which will be allowed on your subscription when received. Tins is all wp pan sav in this SDace. For the rest see your sample copy, for which send 15c. Tt once Address "GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK," Philadelphia, Pa. In club with this paper, GQPEY'S and the IIEl'I'NEK GAZETTE, per year $3.50 whioh should be sent to the office of this paper. ,.,, The cash must accompany order. Only new subscribers, or old subscribers who renew, will be allowed to take advantage of this offer. Godey's will not be sent to any address for less than 2.00, cash, except as above stated. Heppner. City Brewery, Having purchased the latest Brewing Appaiatus and utensilB, I am enabled with my cold soft-water spring, my deep, cool stone cellar and the fresh, pure atmosphere of the Heppner Hills, to offer my customers a SUPERIOR QUALITY OF BEER ! At reasonable wholesale and retail rates. LurDhes of all Kinds AND THE Best Brands of Cigars. Parties in the country must return empty kegs, or $G apiece will be charged. J. B. NATTER, Proprietor. fir 'rLr '""""T i'cow brand If l , iJM SODA li SALERATUS. Hamilton Buggy Company Manufacturers of Hamilton Grades of Veliiclos. EDITORIAL SPECIAL BUGGY OF ANY STYLE VEHICLE. SPECIAL FEATURES : Proportion, Durability, rVji-XVolion of I?inisli. Thil "Mirror" finish work is the best medium-priced wrk in the United States. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. HAMILTON I1CGOY CO. SEC HLE R & CO. -VP CAPITAL MARIllFAt'Tt'BEIlBl UP Business and Pleasure Vehicles. Proprietors and Sole Users of Sechler's Improved Perfection Fifth-Wheat. AH Work iiuarantwd am Ktprwnttd, 8DND FOR CATALOGUE. The Clark 840 N, Charles St., - Branoh Store, MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only GhbId System f Memory Tralnloc Vnr Bokt Learned In no readlnc Mind wanderlna cured. Brery rhlld and adult vrenily benefitted i fttut iudoosnutfoU to OdrMpundeaoe UisVSBM, Pwpeotu, with opinions of Ip. Vm, A. llnm Bona th wortd-fftmftd Hpcihtin Mmd Diudiiboi, lintel O rem leaf Thorn nman, ttin st iMit Ptyoiiol- dvocaU.Jt. V., Ktrhard Prortor the Noiwntint, Ions. W. W. A -I nr. J ,wlon 41 Ih.n... JuduJ. P. trajamlui vnd(itliMr, wut turn fn. Ir irr. . XOJLsblf li, ir67 Fttth Ave.. N. Y. t 9HH Rolld OoM WMalt I HI"T10U. uutHUlilj il trli Mali h In tlaa wurld CmImI bmk.Der. W.r. Viuounf tun Butt Udi ua in fui,wiUi works land cMt of aqual vain. I Ue JtrOB in Mel) lt (ftkLlv can tccur oat ftoav. toffithtr with ou lrfaadal satji una ar llwuirnoia ) MttM ple Tbri tacnplM, wii a tu wateb. wa aand Vha t.A .nU k.M k.t tkan hi yar bona far nontbi and ahowa ikm Vo Uioas way- bar call ad, tkc bacoma your own provatir. TkM wh wrtia at one can ba acini at taealvtiif iba XViktrbi i Stain pi ?. We pay til aipraM. rtrlil,ata Addnas Uoioa fe Co.. Ass Asrttaad( Mie mm LADY'S BOOK The counon which you will find in HTOCK, $900,000. OHIO. era so oo Cycle Qo. - BALTIMORE. MD. NEW RAPID BICYCLES. NEW RAPID SAFETIES. QUADRANT TRICYCLES. QUADRANT TANDEMS. Two hundred second hand machines, all kinds, sites and prices. Dicy cles, Safeties and Tricy cles for Uoys and Girls. I Send for Catalogue and I'rtcc Libu. Mailed free. AQENT8 WANTED. 808 Pennsylvanio Ave., WasMngton, D. C OF PURE COD LIVER OIL HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. So disguised that It van ba taken. dlCesteil, DO HIIIUIIRIVU T "W islllv tnmncli, when the plislii oil nanut be tolernied; anil by the com bination of the oil with the hypophotw phttos la much mure eutcavlone. Bfmarkablt5 ta flesh prodawr. Person gula npldly vWle Uklng li. SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world for the relief and cure of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY. WASTING DISEASES. EMACIATION. COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. Th$ artat rntf for tXmstmvtian, and Watting (n CKUdrm. Sold by all Druggists, FOR CHICKEN CHOLERA. 419 Huron St., Sheboygan, Wii., Not. 12, 1868. I have med 6t.JacobOtlfbr Gh!cken cholera with great suc cess. Every fowl . affected with the disease was cured by it and I recommend it as a sure cure. It has sayad Die many dollars. H. A. KUENNE, Breeder of Fine Fowls. Bakersfleld, Cal Oct 18, 1888. I hay used St. Jacobs Oil for sorehead of chickens with prompt, permanent cure. One bottle will cure 10 to 15 chickens ; 2 to 8 dropa cures Wheezes. JAS. BETHAL. mr azsERA i directions. ux apm4 bread or dough safuroled with St. Jacobi Oil. H the fowl cannot wallow force it down the Ittroat. Mix tome com meal dough with the Oil. Give nothing die. They will finally eat and be cured. At Dkuggists and Dealers. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltimore, Kd. PATENTS. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for Mod erate Fees. Our nfTli e ih orjnosite the XJ. S. Patent Office and we oan secure patents in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo with description. We advise if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with name of actual clients in your tate, county or town, sent free. Address C. A. SNOW &. CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. 0. Marvels ofthe New West. Six IlnokB in one Volume; MarvoFs of Nature; MarvctlH of Haw; Mnrvels of Enterprise: Mnrvdn of Minings: JlnrvelH of Stock Kliis infrund Marvels of Agriculture. AGENTS WANTED rAX. The largoat Hale in the shortest time of any book publifhori; nearly WJI) ihioh ami ovpr 850 fttogant enjfravhiKS. J'iri(i nort.raita of 21 Kailroad Kings, Mining and Oaille Kir The miccoHfiof working agnntn in somothing re markable, many of them are making from $5.00 to $20.00 a day. A now Atff'nt Hold 70 copies in six dayn. Agent's profit, ,10. Hhow the book and it eel's itself. None bu Kf)d, (-arnoHt workers wanted, as ter ritory is vury valuable, Do not delay, but write at once for illuutrated circulars and Hpuoial terms free. Von will need noexnerienco or capital in this business, as our "now plans" ailow Agents to or der on 80 dayH time hotoro paying our Dills. Address THE H1BTOKY Co., 7! Mar et Ht. 17-111 dan Francisco Cai. STOCK BRANDS. While you knep your mihscription puitl up yoa can keep your bnmd in free of charge. (! li. Ailknin, HorwoH. J, on right Hlniuldor; cat tie, (! K on'right hip Range in Grant and Mor row countiefl. AdkiriH, J J Horf-OH, JA connected on left flank: cattle, name on left hip. Hlfwikiium, Geo., Jliinlman HorRCH, a fljig on loft ohouldor; nil t ie, whiig on right shoulder. JJeniiett, (!y Hornen, il on left nhoulder. Hrown, J (3 llornen, circle J with dot in oen teron left, liip; entile, Hamo. IJoyor, W (i, Ijona Hornet, box brand or. righ' liip cattle, name, with split in each ear. JJorg, 1 O. Hornet), lJ li on left shoulder; cat tle. Hiinie on loft hip. Hrien.T. .t lione Hnck. Iforfloa o with bar ondor and over on right shoulder. Harton, Wr-Ilorses,, J Bon rightthjgh, cattle, same on right 1iip;split in each oar. Allison, () J). ('attlo brand, O 13 on loft liip and horses same brand on riglit Hhoulder. Kango, Eight Mile. Ouok, A Lena Horses, Wlon riglitHlmnkior; (Inlue, siij v.n riglit hip: oar murk square cvo, off left and spi'i; iu light. ("ui riii, K Y- Hom e, 4n loft stifle. CuiiingliL.n et W li, Newtfon liancli Horses,! with figure 'J under it m llt'ft shoutdor; ct'l 'Maine on left 'up 'hitrli, h'tft oar S'pinrfi cut ,Uz tV Knglimh,- JHi Juxni 'i'atile, t; with rin center: horses. CK t,, w,f t y. H. K. t'oehran. A;, mum''1?. Grant Co, Or. Horses branded eireM bar benealb, on left shoulder; catu.t same bnmd on both hips, mark under slope both earn and dewlap, Jiougla (H, W M Cat tie, 11 1) on right side, swal low-fork in each ear; lmrneNt 11 Den let! hip. b'leek, Jac.ksou.- Horses, 7K conuueted on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop off left. Ijiennlleil, John VV. Horses branded half-circle Jli connected on left shoulder. CatMo, same on left hip. liimge, ni'ur Lexington, Floreneo, li A ('at tie, LI' on right hip; horses, F with bar under on right shoulder. Florence, S V Horses, K on right shouldor cattle, K on right hip or (high, Armstrong, .J. I'., Acton T with bar under it on left shoulder of horses; cuttle same on left hin. Gay, Henry OA Y 011 left shoulder. Goble, Frank Horses, 7 Fou luft stifle; cattle same on right, hip. Gamage, A. Ij. Horses, HI on right shoulder, Hiuisaker, it a. - Horses, v on lottsliouider; cat tie, S) on left liip Jluunmroys, j m. UHrumnn liorses. ti on left flank. Hayes. J M Horses, wineglass on left shoulder cattle, same on right hip. ifuiikiii.H. M. Horses, horseshoe J on loft. shouldor. Cuttle, the, sum a. Uuuge on Eight MHO. Johnson, felix -Horses, circle 1 on eft st.ifl cattle, same on riuht hilt, under half crcm hi ra and split iu left Mir. Kirk. . I 1 Horses til) on left shouldor: natfc 1 Oil on luft hip. Kirk. J ('Horses. 17 on oithor flank: cattle on rigid, side. ijarsen, Ivasmus Horses, K L on loft hin. Lewis, .1 It, Lena Horses, P with over It on eft shoulder. Minor. Oscar. Cattle. Ml) on riuht bin! hitrann fll oil iei l Biioumcr. Morgan, H N -Horses, M) on left shoulder cattle, same on left hip, Met umber, .las A, Atwood Horses, M with bar over on right shoulder. Morgan. 1 hos HorMis, circle T on loft Himni. dor and loft thiuh; cattle, Hon rightthiixh. Mitchell, Oscar, I'ettyHville Horses, 77 on right Qlli CIU lie, 11 1111 IIKIH Miuti. Met 'laren, 1 Gr- 1 lorsow. Figure R on oaeh shoul. tier; cattle, M"2 on hip. IN eel, Anitrew, Iiono ltock- -Horses AN con nected on left shoulder; cattle same on both hips Newman, W. li.-- Horses IS with half cilcl over it oil left shoulder, Nordyko, K Horses, circle 7 on left thigh; cat tie. same on loft hin. Oiler. Perry. Lone Hock P O or left shou.'der Pearson, Olnvo. --Horses, circle shield on left shoulder and on loll hip, t attlo, circle sluold on left hilt, llangeon Eight Mile Pearson, Jus,, l'iue City, Horses h2 on left hip IOW Ut'WN. Parker V Gleasou, llardman Horses 11 left Hhoulder. Piner. .t. H., Aclon -Horses, ,1E connected on U'ft Hhoulder; cattle, sai:le on loft hip. under bit in each oar. Hood, Andrew, llardman Horses, 8(,nare cross wit h iniarler-circle over it on left st itle, Kemnger, Chri --Horses. C H on loft shoulder. Hector. J W- Horstw. JO on left shoulder. Cat tle, O on right liip. 1 Hprnv, J. F. Horses brniulfd HE connected ou right slioillder; cattle same 011 both hips, Spray, J, C Horses branded IS 4m right shoul. der, cattle branded H on the right hip and a smooth crop otl of the left ear. Straight V. E.--llirnes shaded J S on loft stifle; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow fork in right oar, underbit in left, Bayer, H'bt -Horses, S on right shoulder; cattle siuareoii right hip and B on right shoulder. Swaggari, L, Alpine lb. rsoa, 8S ou righ elunililei'. Sapi. 'I'tios. Horses, 8 A P wn left hip; cnttls same on left hio. Hhobe, lr A .1 -Horses, 1S on on loft hip; cat tie, same on left side, wuttlo on left side of neck ears cut sharp at point, Stevenson, Mrs A J Cattle, tt on riht hip, swallow-fork in loft ear. Shelion A Son Horses, 0 on its sale over an on left shoulder; can lo, same ou left hip. Sperry, E G Cattle, V V on leff hip. crop ofl right and undorbit iu left ear.dulap; horstw, V C on left shoulder, Swaggait, O W- H(rses, 44 on left shoulder Stewart, Goo., Haulman Horses circle cop left shoulder, cattle, 44 on left hip. Thompson, J A- Horses, 5 on left shouldor cattle, 1 on left shoulder. Ti ppcts. B T-- 1 1 orsos. C on left shoulder. Wade, Henry, Horses branded ace of spades on lelt shoulder and left hip. Cuttle branded same on left side and left hip. Walbridgo V K - Horses branded f h on left Hhoulder, cattle U L ou right hip. Kaiige on Halm Fork. Wells, A 8Horsea, a on left shoulder; cattl same. Wylaml, J n, Haitlman Circle C on lef thigi WiHslwanl, Johu llursoe, UP conuectotl or left shoulder. Wallace, Chart Cattle, W on right thigh, hole in loft earr lutrsos, W ou right shoulder, sonic same on left shoulder. Wien, A A Cattle, ruunin AA with bar across on riglit hip. SALESMEN WANTED, It. r'nulir tiuatiit... a .ihvi.i deparunoiit whu-h wiU ftsjuin Borru'e. of ctmLI men lo various localitU'., Till, tlmi m.kt4 00 iui.U.ding )i.iuiit. ot .lorbitant Ml.rl.., but uu.hing aiut rt'li.tilc .uulio.nt. who can furutah aati.faotory r.'fvrrm'mi a. to tru.twortottira, ltt bu liberally afd In proiwttlon lo thu ability tbtty doinontrat(. Our tvoulrttuitmta will not of iifooaskty itomrfw fa butnwa t wuicb tpUoi f c. 'iS' liia . . :ant may now chiuwmu. dress and precinct of any and all I of his deputies. Any indebtedness ! incurred under the provisions of this Act, except for which tha in spector should pay, may be recov ered by such inspector in his official capacity by an action in any court having jurisdiction of the amount Sec. 2. That section 3351 of Title 1 of Chapter 38 of the Miscellaneous- Laws of Oregon, as compiled and annotated by Wil liam Lair Hill, be amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 3351. Any person, com pany, corporation or association intending to bring or cause to be brought from any other State or territory into any of the counties of the State of Oregon any sheep, must first obtain from an inspector of stock, duly appointed under this Act, a certificate that said sheep are sound and free from all infec tious and contagious diaease befora crossing the boundary line of said county; and it shall be the duty of every inspector, at the request of any person, company, association or corporation owning or controll ing any; sheep in bis county, or within 20 miles of the line of such county, upon being tendered the amount of his compensation for other special examinations as here in provided, to, with all convenient speed, examine ay sheep he shall be requested so to examine, and if such Bheep be sound and free from all infectious and contagious dis eases and are perfectly sound, to give his written certificate to said applicant, over his official signa ture, setting forth the soundness and freedom from disease of such sheep, and permit and authorize such applicant to move such sheep to all counties of this State. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con viction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty- five nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars. Sec. 3. That section 3353, of Title, of Chapter 38, of the Mis cellaneous Laws of Oregon, as com. piled and annotated by William Lair Hill, be amended so as " to read as follows: See. M'06. Whenever, on ex amination of any bands or herds of sheep, kept or herded in any county of the State of Oregon, the stock inspector shall find such sheep, or any portion of them, affected with scab or scabbies infec tious or contagious disease, he shall forthwith notify the owner or per son in charge of $uch sheep, for said disease within' a period of fifteen days from such notice, and also during such period to keep said sheep from contact with other sheep by such means as he may specify; and if, upon examination at the end of fifteen days from such notice, the inspector shall find that said sheep have not been dipped for said disease, or have not been kept from contact with other Bheep that are sound, the owner or owners, or person or per sons controlling said sheep shall be deemed guilty of a misdemnan or, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars; and in case said sheep have not been dipped for said disease, the inspector shall immediately take possession of said sheep and dip them for said disease, and all ex penses incurred in so doing, in eluding a compensation of three dollars per day for every day or part of a day iu which the inspect or may be engaged 111 dipping said sheep, shall become a lien upon said sheep, and the inspector shall hold the sheep until the same is paid; or if it bo not paid within ten days after such dipping is eompleted, he shall collect the same, together with the costs aud expenses of collection, by adver tising aud selling said sheep, or so many thereof as may be necessary in the manner provided by law for the sale of personal property upon execution. If, however, upon ex amination at tha ami of thirty days from such notice, as before men tioned, the inspector find that said sheep have been dipped for such disease, but are still infected with the same, then he shall instruct the owner or controller of said sheep to dip said sheep ouce or more as soon as possible, but with an interval between the dippings oi not less than nine nor more than seventeen days; and if upon ex amination at the end of thirty days further the inspector finds that said sheep have been dipped for said disease, but are still infected, then he shall at ouce take posses sion of said sheep and dip them for said disease as above specified. If, however, upou examination he finds said sheep have not been dipped for said disease, he shall seiza said sheep and dip them for said disease as above specified, aud the owner or owners shall be guilty of a misdemeauor, aud upon con viction thereof shall be punished by a flue of not less than one huu- dred nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars; provided, no person, company or corporation shall be required to dip a band of ewes, or any part of them, in which there are ewes with lambs, at any time from the first of March to the first of May of any year; provided further, that in Lake county no person, company or corporation shall be required to dip or treat any ews at any time from the first day of April to the first day of July. Sec. 4 That section 3354, of Title 1, of Chapter 38, of the Mis. cellaneous Laws of Oregon, as com piled and annotated by William Lair Hill, be amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 3354 The stock inspectors of the several counties of this State shall receive the following annual salaries for their services, to be paid quarterly by their respective counties! to-wit: The "stock inspector of Baker county, four hundred dollars. Benton county, twenty-live dollars. Clatsop county, twenty-five dollars?" Columbia county, twenty-five dollars. Coos county, twenty-five dol lars. Crook county, eight hundred dollars.' Curry county, three hundred dol lars. . Douglas county, one hundred dollars. Gilliam county, eight hundred dollars. Grant county, eight hundred dol lars. Jackson county, two hundred dollars. Josephine county, twenty-five dollars. Klamath county, one hundred dollars. Lake county, eight hundred dol lars. Lane county, twenty five dollars. Linn county, twenty-five dollars, Marion county, twenty-five dol lars . Morrow county, eight hundred dollars. Multnoaiah county, twenty-five dollars, Malheur county, five hundred dollars, Polk county, twenty-five dollars. . Tillamook county, twenty-five dollars. Umatilla county, four hundred dollars. Union oounty, eight hundred dol lars. - Wasco oonnty, eight hundred dol lars. Wallowa ooanty, three hundred dollars. Washington oounty, twenty - five dollars. Of Yfunhill oounty, twenty-five dollars. But the county oourts ofthe respective oounties mny, in their discretion, when sitting for the transaction of county bus iness, inorease the salaries of suih in spectors in their respective oonnties. The inspector shall also be allowed to collect a fee of three dollars per day for every day or part of a day in which he shall be engaged in inspecting sheep for the pur pose of granting trrveling pernnts or cer tificates of soundness, together with ten cents per mile for the distanoe neoes sarily traveled by him in making suoh inspection, except at semi-annual inspec tions; provided, that no person, oompa ny or corporation, owning or controlling any band or bands of sheep, and holding a oertifioate of soundness issued by the inspeotor of the proper oounty, within thirty days ot suoh time as such person, Co. or corporation shall desire to move said band or bands of sheep, shall be required to have a traveling permit for the purpose of moving said sheep from one locality to another within the ooun ty in which such sheep are located. Any inspeotor at any time granting a permit to allow any stook to travel without having first examined said stock, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon oonvicti m thereof shnll be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dol lars nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars; and for any violation, or for a failure on the part of any inspeot or of stook to comply with any ot the requirements of this Act, it is hereby made the duty of the respective distriot attorneys of the counties where suoh in spector may reside to forthwith institute, iu the name of the State ' of Oregon, action upou hia official bond against said inspeotor and his sureties, for the enforcement therein provided for. daotioa 5. That section 3;!62 of Title 1 ot Chapter 33 ot tha Miscellaneous Laws of Oregon, as compiled aud anno tated by Win. Lair Hill, be amended eo as to read as follows: Soo. 3362. It shall ba unlawful for auy person, company, corporation or as sociation owning, oontrolliug or manag ing any ferry boat, toll bridge, oar, steamboat or other thiug usual for trans portation, to allow any sheep to be car ried thereon, unless the party in charge of said sheep shall first produce 8 oertifi oate (which shall not have been issued more than thirty days prior to th date upon which said sheep be shipped or transported) from an inspector appoint ed uuder this Aot, or of an Aot amend atory to this, that said sheep are frea from scab, soabbies, infectious and conta gious diseases, and any violation ot this section shall be deemed a misdemeauor, aud any person or persons, company or corporation violating the provisions of this section be fiuoJ not less thau coe hundred dollars nor more than two hun dred aud fifty dollars. Seo. 6. That section 3359 and section 3300 ot Title 1, Chapter 38, of th Miscel laneous Laws of Oregon ss compiled and annotated by William Lair Hill, sod all acts or parts of acts in oonfliot here with be, aud the same are hereby repeal ed. " Section 7. Inasmuch as there is ur- Keut necessity foe tha immeikt protect- ion of stock growers, this Aot shall take effect and be in foroe from and after its approval by the Governor. Approved February 25, 1889. w EALTH Without Health can not be enjoyed. THEREFORE USE '2- HEALTH RESTORER! ICisThTbest helper to Health and the quickest cure' on Earth. Use it in time for all diseases of helStomach.'Liver, Kidneys and Skin. It cures Rheumatism, Malaria, Coated Tongue and Headache, relieves Constipation, Bilious ness and Dyspepsia, drives all impurities out of the Blood and dries up old Sores. The Business men buy it, the Workingmen ose it, the Ladles take it, the Children cry for it and the Farmers say it is their best health preserver. Sold everywhere, Jl.oo a bottle; six for $5.00. NATIONAL BANK of HEPPNER D. P. THOMPSON, ED. R. BISHOP. President. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. . COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD. Opposite Minor's Hotel, HEPPNER, OREGON. NEW MILLINERY ! ! The very Latest Styles just receiqed from Portland and San Francisco at Mrs. Warren's Fashionable Millinery and Ladies Furnishing Store. Thankful for the generous liberality and good will of the people of Heppner and vicinity in the past, we oordially solicit their patronage in tne lutnre. MRS. MARY WARREN. -THE- Railway 'COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE." TICKETS To all Principal Points in the United States, Canada and Europe. ELEGANT PULLMAN PALACE CARS EMIGRANT SLEEPING CARS Run Through on all Express Trains to OMAHA,- Oomioil Bluff s AND Free of Charge and Without Charge. Close Connection at Portland for San Francisco and Puget Sound Points. ALL IiOISr STEAMERS Leave Portland for San Francisco every four (4) days, making the trip in 00 hours. Cabin, f: ound Tjri' it Steerage, $8-00 Ro ip Unlimited, $30,00. For further particulars inquire of any agent of th". company, or A, L,. max well, G. P. & T. A., Portland, Or. A. L. MAXWELL, W. H. HOLCOMB, O. P. & T. A General Manager. THE GEEAT Transcontinental Route EAILEOADl -VIA THE Cascade Branch, now Completed, malt ing it the Shortest, Best and Quickest. The Dining Car Line. The Direct Route No Delays. Fastest Trams. Liow est Rates to Chicago and all points East. Tieets sold to all Promi nent Points throughout the East and Southeast. Through Pullman Drainj Eoom Sleeping Cars. Reservations can be secured in advance. To East I3ound Pasenq;era Be careful and do not make a mistake, but be sure to takn the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD And see that your ticket xe&ds via this Hoe, St Paul or Minneapolis to avoid changes and serions delays 'eecasioned bv other routes. Throueh Euiierniit SleepineCars run on regular express trains full length of line. Berths free. Liowest rates, yuiot est time. General Office of the Company, No.. 2, Washington Sf., Portland, Oregon A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Passenger A gent. Dobbins' Electric Soaf THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD. It is Strictly Pure. Uniform in Qnality. THE original formula for which we paid 50,000 tivtnty years ag has never been nKwiitoed or changed in the slifluest. Thlf Mflp ml In quMUy to-dny with tUnt made twenty years ajfo. IT con u ins nothing- that can In jure the tinet fabric. It brki ni colors ami bleaches whites. IT washes flannels and blankets as no other soap in the world does without shrinking leaving them soft and white and like new. READ THIS TWICE THERE is a great WATlng of time, of labor, of soap, of fuel, and of the fabric, where Dob bins' Electric Soap is used according to direc tion a. ONE trial will demonstrate its great merit. It will pay you to m.tke that trial. TIK.E all beat thiitr, it is extensively inu V" Uted aad counterfeited. Peware of Imitations. INSIST upon Itobbtna Electric. Don't take Magnetic, Electro-Magic, Philadelphia Eli tcti Cir any other fraud, simply because it is cheap. Tr-ej will ruin clothes, and an dear at any price. Ai Jt for o$ DOBBINS ELECTRIC mtu! M mU N-i.Iv mwr from Maine to Meaico keeps it in stock. If yours hasn't it, he ViH order from his nearest wholesale grocer. ' READ carefully the inside wrapper around" each Kr and he careful to follow dtreet.lon each ouuide wrapper. You can not ntlo rd to wait longer before trying (or yourself ihi old, re liable. ana truly woaocrtui Dobbins' t Electric So?.p. I. L. CiUGIN & CO,, Northern Pacific We Have - - - - MOT Upon a Plan - - - TO BENEFIT OUR SUBSCRIBERS. The Heppner Gazette is pleased to announce the completion of special ar rangements whereby it is enabled to of fer its readers two ot the Dest iamny journals for but little more than the price of one. IOI $2.00 We will send, for one year, to any ad dress, The Heppner Gazette And the Famous Family Weekly, Tne Detroit Free Press. The Free Press is without question the Greatest Literary and Humorous paper now betore the American people. 11 is not a new aspirant for public favor; es tablished over fifty years ago, it has stood the test of time, and is to-day stronger than ever 120,000 subscribers affirm its surpassing excellence. The funny sketches and sayings of the Free Press are everywhere Quoted and laughed at, while in respect to literary excellence it will compare favorably witb.the ex nensive magazines. "M". Quad.7' "Luke Sharp," Eva Best Rose Hartwick Thorp, Yorke Case. Bronson Howard, H. C. Dodge and a host of other favorite wri-1 ters, eontnoute reguuiny mj n tuijp " Recogniz;ng the growing dei.:r&J first-class fiction, the ree Press has of fered $3,000.00 in Cash Trizes for tha three best Serial Stories of 60,000 words each. A number of the best writers have announced their inten tion to compete. In addition to the many other special features it is the intention to publish sec tions of Three Serial Stories Each Week, Written expressly for the Free Press by the best American and English authors. It will be seen, therefore, that by sub scribing for the Heppner Gazette and the Free Press, the entire family can be supplied with all the news and the best of ourrent literature for a year, at a cost OF FIVE CENTS A WEEK The Free Press is a lartre eight-page seven-oolumn paper,, and the regular nrioe is one dollar per year. Remem ber that tor If.BU you oan nave ine r ree Press and your favorite nome paper aiso. Samtile conies can be seen at this offioe. We boDe that our friends will show tlmir annreciatinn of our efforts in their behalf, by making up their minds to take advantage ot this spienma crier ouc scribe at once. Send all subscriptions to the Gazette ofhoe. WEITING MACHINE CABINET and 02TICE DESK The advantages of this Type-writer and Office Desk ever all ot her so-canea toraoniaiiwi V.w.f Th w atirl aimnlicitV With Which the desk is cTianged from a Library or Office Desk to a Type-writer Table. This change is eSected by push- . ... -.-..1 1.: U. in .lift rMI- nf ing tne 11a covering inc iii-""c . cabinet it being a roller top removing it entirely lrom sight, thus overcoming inc oujcww -and sounder in front of the operator. Ihe movable top is pertectly tlat, Oltze coverea, anu luima w... Dlete writing uesK wucu mc j.m....... - --y 1'he table on which the machine rests IS so evenly bal- .ni--d bv our oatent adjustments that it needs but a slieht touch to bring the machine in position. , Second. The advantages of the swinging table arei' The table is so balanced near its center on pat ent maleable iron arms, that when the machine brought in place for use, it does not depend on ropes or hangers at rear of platform for support, but is held rigidly in place by sts own weight, maiwns it ...4.... Ut tor the machine to be tumbled down en incline in tiack of desk by the breaking of a rear support. I he machine rests on patent slides which keeps the machine in place, and can be drawn out beyond the desk, well under the operator's hand. ,i a-htrd Tie construction of the lid closing machine s'twee makes it air tight, and the table hay ing felt around in boarders thoroughly protects the machine from djist. .,,! f 'ourth. The loot rest tbf taWe adjustments make. i! d though the top was one sonu m..., f- . . of ereat importance where a solid type-wfiting taoie u required. Mo operator can do good HOT table. . .. .. . j,. . ..u..t Xatw. The cabinet isaspienoiap.. work. We manufacture them in Walnut, Ant'oue Oak, Natural Uak, isaturai nerry, Mahogany and Ash. ... a mi,-r M Agents wanted to sell these cabinets, d "here we have no agencies established we will sell direct from c ur works at wholesale prices. Address an cominuiiiwituua Washington, N. J. ROLLER UtSK THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER Oyj" U If vou desire to.puralmte.tscwlnir mnelilne, isk ouramnt at your ple lor terms ami OTices. If you cannot our went, write Sot to nearest address to you heiow mimeil. .vr . " NEW iM SEW MACHINE G.08ft?GF.N ' cwcXSo - 28 UNION SQUARE,N Ctt LAS. IU.. ST LOUIS. I 17EEZER.& THOMPSON, Ao'ra Hflrmner. vn-gou Paeific drpwrtwnt, general cy, 725 Market ,trt, history Bur i Irencieco. tl ii.,.hIa li! Morr Bon Bt., Portland. Or.. 18 :JLi. St. San Jose, I'ol., 55 Hortn Sonne St., Lo Angeles, itu ! tha nldent juid most popn'ar pctentiflc r& aia on t f wd EnoraT- tn il illustrated, Best claaa of Wood Encmr- rors. Published eekiy. pena iur y-1"' p our moniiiB mat, . MtJHn a -., r l ARCHITECTS & BUILDERO Edition of Scientific American. M A ffmt nnnl Each ln eonulni eelorel ttho5r.pblc pl.tei of conntrr and cltr ".Men. cr, or public soiWlnm. Nomerout enrroij ind ftill plant nd pMletion. lor tl.e n.e ul 36cta.aeopx. MUNN A CO plblishebs. HATEflTSil U 0 yflan' expertenca and hi-re made ojer fl KB,000 applications for American and 1-or- otiin patents. Send for liandbwi. torrea ondaco ttrtctly confidential. TRADE MARKS. ' tn rut yoar mark Is not rgttered in the Pat t OnVfc apply to MlNN i Co.. procur Immodtat protection, tjecd for Handbook. COPYRIGHTS for book, ebartft, map tc quickly procured. Address Ml NN 6c CO. Patent Solicit or . 7iut Orric: i Broadwat, K T 'Wii nr it RIFLES MADE. E k Strongest Shooting, j V, EASIEST WOnKINC. I M All sizes from S3 cnlilirc I The v 10 45 t ll'u're- I BALLARD ZtlTJ Egcther3 IV""11 K"1""! Wo crnarantpfl . a lOur Goods W222 1 EQUAL TO I AEVtbiBg Produce! VH Wye I If THAT LINK L I is Just g B Ask your dealer to show V ' out. 1 g our riilcs - n SliiustraU'dCatttloisuosciit .', fj 'ltl)13 on application. I - v- to Address A i jjjyjj jjjg JRjjj L -P. O. Vox HO RjV jjjjW HAVE1T, CONN. - ljL, ,yiaan'8 Patent Combination Gutf&guir 40 Per Cent. Reduction In Price. FF.ND FOR W-pnirc Catalogue of Siniita. ftilks, etc. Atllrt:s3, Wm. I.TIIAN, IKiildlellcId, Ct. FOU ALT. RIFLES, Pistols una Shot Guns. IlKPT IN THR WOBI.D PMlll fnr Illustrated DiscnpiiTc Circular. IDEAL MF'G CO.. 3 New Haven. Conn, Ely's Cream Balm rnoonanafhATTasalPcssasrea. Al lays Inflammation. Heals tne Sores. Eestores the Senses of Taste, Smell and Hearing. A particle is applied Intoenchlloiltrll and h axrecrtblc. Price 50c. at Drugslsta or by nail. ELY BROTHEIiS,50 Warren St., New York. When T ony Cttre I do not mean merely to Btop them fur a time, and then have them re turn again. I mean A KADIUAXi OUitli. I have made the disease of FITS, EPIXEPSir or FALLING EIC2INESS, A lifo-lonet stndy. I warrant my remedy to CDKU the woret crises. Bi oause others navo failed is no reason (or not now receiving a euro, fiend at once for a treatise Knilo FREB P.ottld Of my INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Lxpr053 and Pot Office. It costa yon nothing tat a trial, and it will euro you. AdcUuE i H.O.ROOT.Kl.C, 18ar'EAHL5I.,HtWIuB OUB ,A WEEK Cf ub System while as convenient to the buyer as any instalment system, is , a wholesale sot cask system to us. i ne co-operation of the i-lnt mprahprs salU 119 38 watches in each PHI LA., 3SWatcn uiuo.anu tn.u the Club for each watch before it goes out, though each member only pays $1 a week. This is why we give you more lor your money mnu wny -i and why we are doing the largest mtr-h liiminns in the world. We sell fifut mistitv Foods, but ourffiliii prices are about what others gel fcrsec-ljjy 011a quality. uurjjju is a substantial Silver not imitation of any kind) Stem-Wind American Lever Watch either hunting case or open.1 Our 935.00 Watch is a Stem-wind, OpenFace, first quality, stiffened Gold AmericanLeVcrWatch,FifrtraHrf to wear 20 years. It is fully equal to any watch sold for $3 by others. We find a first-class Stiltened Gold Case much more satisfactory and serviceable than any Solid Gold Case thatcan besoidat less than double the money, as cheap solid cases are invariably this, weak, of low quality, and worthless after short use. Our 38 Watch contains numerous important patented im- nroveraf nts. of vital importance to accur ate timing Patent Dustproof, Patent Stem lVind,&c. .which we control exclusively. It is fully equal fur accuracy, appearance, dura- m Diuty ana service, 10 any j7b "ami, cimu Open Face or Hunting. Our $43.00 Rnll road Watch is especially constructed for the mostcxacting use, and is theltest Rail road Watch made, Open Face or Hunting. All ti:ese prices are either all cash or in clubs, a went. An Ajx mica rniulA'nr nirna free with each Wtltch. Thn IfevstnnsWatr.h niiihRnfe:ti I'iilsIllHra In To'i 0v PtMiliitii 0S4 Wllliaj ST. PCiUDA. PA. Agents Wanted. Ai Vi-h Innlnlnr. $!.flf) i p 'iftetprnteoilon V t&S; L J 'r.-mmrrritil Ager.t sHTLER'S GUlDEi 124 pp.; price only 25c. (pasbge itampit S9U Hewinff-MachlnpT tnie in all parti, by nlacina- our marhinet nil eoodj h the peoi-le i Y M 1 i ipii HEAD JWk Try the Curejj; i m 1 Report !riesf!3fei Trsf and, Scripp) f ownsites,. Si00 lohaSiMin8CoW1ModrSrmi. S .... nL1.i.-TL.VJ'..V"nnniri mem. we nun umi i irt wum Krtom in eacn itxaniy.ioe very I itwma--iT.actiu mdt im world. itb alt the attachment a. mm We mil alM Ktwl free a eowput of oar cottlv nii raiuacie an iamplea. In return we ask thai rm ibow what we leiwt. lo thoe who my call at r.ur ncrae. anu r i Jt ' ,ec v r ircpertr. Thi rraoa nucu... m uadeahpt the Wnjer paten'.a, whirh ha ren out ; before pat'nta run out it wM lor 'o hmentt, anu now jc mm fre Bett,Ttjtiaes.iByi na ne ta the war d- AH ia capital reaired. PUia, i r fal ma- hi .LpfrW- N . 1 tiJe who ' ww in f -mac hi who writ to u hi once n - p-machin i