r BEFPNEB. THTJB8DAY, At R 26, IIEPPNER I tbe oounty-seat of Morrow, looated sear the oenter of the county, on Willow ereek, and at theterminna of tha Willow rk hranoh of the O: R. N. It ha a population of about 800, and is reoeiving sew residents daily. As a. business plaoe, it bida fair to take the lead of any town in Eastern Oregon, having tribu tary to it an immense agricultural and itook oountry. . , . The aum of $10,000 was appropriated at the last session of the legislature for the purpose of improving the Heppner and Monument wagon road. That amount will be expended on this route during the eommg summer, rendering it the best mountain road in the state, and one which will aooommodate hun dreds of well-to-do stockmen, who are bestowing their patronage on merchants in Heppner, owing to its advantages as trading point. Fully 8,000,000 pounds of wool will find sale, or shipment at Heppner this season. Real estate is advancing rapidly, and is selling at a figure 20 to 25 per cent, higher than prioes prevailing three months ago. For further information oonoerning Heppner, address Obin L. Patterson, Keal Estate Agent, Heppner, Or. CENTENNIAL PROCLAMATION Of Ht Exullency, Sylvester Pennoyer, Gov ernor of Oregon. Inaemnuk as the oentennial anniversa ry of tha inauguration of George Wash ington as the first President of the Uni ted States will occur on the 30th day of April A. IX 1889, whiou day has been sot part by an Act of Congress as a general holiday for the people of the whole oountry; Now, therefore, I, Sylvester Pennoyer, (Vivernor of Oregon, by virtue of the authority conferred upon me by the laws of the State, do hereby declare the afore aid Tuesday, April 30, 1889, to be a lo gal holiday, and I do request that it hall be so observed by the good people of this commonwealth. And, inusmueh as the impressive act of inauguration, whioh oocured at noon, was preoeded ut 9 o'clock in the morning by pmyer in all the churches of the oity for Clod's blessing upon the government to be in stituted, I would furthur request, in obedienoe to such a worthy example, that prayer should be held at 9 o'clock in the morning of such holiday in all our ohurhes to the end that the blesuing of Ood may be vouchsafed to our government for all time. In witness whoreof, I have hereunto set my hand and paused the Seal of the State to be affixed, this 10th duy of April, A. D. 1889. Sylvester Pennoyer. By the Governor: Geo. W. McjBripb, Secretury of State. TIIK KISH TO OKLAHOMA. Atl2o'cloek M. on last Monday, Okla homa was opeued tor settlement and thousands of people poured over its bor ders, liy night, 15,000 poople were located in the city of Guthrie whioh before noon was only nn inBijnificuiit railroad station. Tins city has a dully paper, the Oklahoma Herald, a batik with $50,000 capital, all established with in six hours. An election notice 1ms boon published and a ninyor and eoune.il will be elected in a few days. The place hod not been in existanue two hours till it had its Guthrie Avenue, Oklahoma Avenue, Main Btreof and other important thoroughfares. It was feared that great bloodshed wonld attend the opening of this terri tory, yet everything is peaceable so far, although great excitement prevails. No more troops will be needed it is thought. Many old boomers were well acquaint ed with the territory, and knew where to find the ohofcest pieces of land, and the sight of men on horseback racing,, fur these chosen claims was not uncommon in Oklahoma last Monday. From the rush to this quarter, Oklahoma oertaiuly will be considered as the real garden spot of tho world, although much of it is like Nuulhern Kansas and Northern Texas rich valleys whose streams arc skirted with timber, and much upland of but little value. Oklahoma is liudly over rated. WHERE IT PINCHES. hen our friend "Christ" Larson started in with bis kick against the rail way oompany there were mauy hard things said about hirx; that he was wrong was the most charitable of opin ions expressed, and many said he was "wrongly advised," "light-headed," eto; but anyhow he has come out topside up. Monopolies of any kind have always becu objects of detestation to us, mid the spectaole of this one man defying single handed an overbearing oompany and winuing, is a subject which does ua more good than all the medicine we have swal lowed this week. "ChriHt" (not the member of the trinity, but Larson,) threatens to sue the oompany tor wrong ful imprisonment next term of court. Go it Hasl Arlington Tou-n Talk. Arlington people, as a rule, do not like the idea of lleppier having a branch railroad. This explains the universal cry of "Go it Hal!" It ii said that a perfect town is one iu which you oau see the farmer patrouiza tha home merchants, the merchants patronize the home mechanics, the labor ers spending the money they earn with their own tradesmen, and all animated by a spirit that will not purchase articles abroad if they cau he bought at home. The spirit of reciprocity betwoen man and man, the mechanic, tradesman and laborer, farmer and manufaaturur, results very time in making the town a perfect on to do business iu. It tends to mako a live, wide-awake thriving oommunity and oountry. CLOSING EXKKPIHES OK HEPPNKK PUBLIC SCHOOL. Several visitors were present lust Friday afternoon to witness the closing exercises of Heppner's public school. Consider ing that no special preparation hail been made for that event, the pupils acquitted themselves in a very creditable manner. The following programme was ren dered : Grand March by School, Recitation Yerbie Hayes " Ixittie Shipley " Martha Neville Song by seven little girls. Recitation l.einie Warninth " May llunsaker it Ethel ltoyer Song by the school. Recitation Silvy Ucpuy ' Zoe l'atterson " Ethel Sperrv " Maude Webb Rong "The Whip-poor-will" by pupils. Recitation Emma Webb " Mamie Farnsworth Song by soliool. Recitation rieppy Rlackinan Kong by Bertha Jones aud One Orillith. Reoitation Uertrudo Bishop " May McAtoe " Alice Warnuith " Annie Smith " Uelle Nordyke Bong by school. Recitation. JetlV llunsaker ! Ralph Fox Song by two little girls. Recitation ; llelle IFornor " NinaOouley Reading Mabel Iezer Recitation llortense McAfee A Duet by Percy Oarrigues, Mamie Stott and Elsie Ayers. Reoitation Ada Minor Dialogue, Walter Van Duyn and Myrtle SwaggarL . Reoitation Carrie Rush Remarks by directors, Thos. Morgan and 0i Patterson. April 19, 1889. Born To th9 wife of Wilber Harrah, a 5 pound boy. Van Coffee will soon fence in about seotions of land. S. S. Downing has started the plows in bis 300 acre field. Mr. Oil Calvin is building a house on his place near airview. Prospects for a good crop about Fair- view were never better than at present. Several sheen shearers around Fairview will soon start out for the shearing sea son. Mrs. Louise Allen has left for Iowa, her future home, and will soon be joined by her husband. Mr. A. C. Chrisman planted his timber culture the past week with mulberry, locust and box elder. M. Olden has returned from the John Pay country and reports plenty of grass. Mr. Mathews will also return soon. Mr. Sam Warfield has purchased a thoroughbred llolstein calf. W. M. Haguewood has also bought some fine stock. There came near being a oall for the coroner in the region of the Becketschool house lately. Some amateur marksman holding a grudge against John Aldstatt, almost severed his stovepipe with ride balls', and some would certaiuly have hit their mark had it not been that Uncle John is a bachelor and some bread lay ing on the table stopped the bullets. IT. S. Martin and Jessie Martin are buying cows and are going to take them to the mountains and keep them there dining the summer. Chinook. THE LADIES DELIMITED. Tim nlewiant effect and the perfeot safety with which the ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, Hyropof Figs, under all conditions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effeotual in acting on the. kidneys, liver and bowels. SCHOOL REPORT. Eight Milk, On., April 14, 80. . Tha first four months of the spring form nF Hf bnol at, Liberty School, No. H, dosed April 12, and the following is the report of the moutn: PUPILS. Nellie Vaughn 'ollie Vaughn 7 97 Cora Allison p m i Ml Hi 97 Pearl Allison . . Norman llecknt... Mary Hacker Maggie Adkins. Bnrtha Adkins i 98 2 7; 97 Coru Courier Erne ( onrtor Clara Young Elsie Farmer Lulu Munkers Mabel Munkers.. Myrtle MunkerH. , Johnny Youug, . . . ()ra Vaughn Nelie Vaughn Johnny Vaughn. . llenry Hecket.... ltalph Hecket..... Hort (lay ". Lester (lay.. ...... Arthur May Walter Gay. , Walter Allison,.. Ora Adkitia Joe Young Lou young o: me I 99 0 8 2! 99 98 99 1(10 I 95 2 98 n ua ! ion (I: Ml 911 I 97 0 98 2 9a I 911 1 mi 6 98 9.1 I 100 Whole number enrolled, 29; averago attendant), 2K. There lrns been but one tardy mark during the month. Can any teaouor iu the county show a bettor re port? The pupils have planted over fifty trees around the school house and iu the school grounds. On Friday artuinonn some of tho parents visited the school. The pupils varied the exercises by giving a number of recitations, readings det'lu mations and songs. Mhh. OaIiiiib M. Shirltis. SLEEPLESSNESS, DR. FIJNT'H REMEDY is the best remedy known (or insomnia, or sleep lessness, which alllicts so many porsoiiH, and which leads to so ninny serious ner vous diseases, particularly to iiiKanity. Descriptive treatise with each bottle: or address Muolf. Drug Co., N. Y. ALL THIS FOR THE Pl'HLIC (iOOD. It is an undisputed fact that the hand somest vestibule trains that are now run en the American continent are those on tho "HtntidNOTON Koutk," leaving the Union Depot ill Denver, also St. Paul, immediately ou arrival of all through trains from the west. Tho first aud second class coaches are magnifi cent, the Reclining chair cars superb. the Pullman sleepers extremely luxuri ant, and as fur the meals that are served hi those Puluco Burlington dining cars yiim-yum. The nest time you go cast to Kansas City.Chicugo or tit. Louis, i( yon mention to the tiokct agent that you want your ticket to read from lAm vor or Kt. Paul oyer the Burlington Route, you will get it, and you will al ways he glad of it. It you go via the Northern or Canadi an Paoilio, the elegant vestibule trains of "The Burlington Route," between Ht. Paul, Chicago aud St. Louis will carry you alun;) the eastern shore of the Miss issippi river for a distance of ll,rid miles, amidst scenery that cannot be surpass ed; or, if you go via the Oregon Hlioit Line or Southern Pacific, and your ticket reads via "The lturlingtou linute," from Cheyenne or Denver, you will pass through all the thriving cities and towns loaated in what is popularly known as the "Heart of the Continent." p'nr fur ther information Bpply to A. C. Sheldon, (leueral Agent, 85 First Street, Portland, Oregon. till KKWAKI) For the rel urn of one light gray saddle horse; weight Kid ponuds, branded with a J on left hip; has suar on tore part of left hind leg, near foot. Hail on small bell when last seen. One brown mure, weight near 1,100 pounds; branded eleven with a bar over it on right shoulder; has small brand ou left hip; has brown year ling horse colt, branded 11 ou left shoul- ler, white star in face. The mare should have a sucking colt with her. I will give $10 reward to have the above des cribed horses delivered at l.nm Rhea's home on Ithea ereek, or w ill give Sf5 for information leiuhmr to their recovery. Address Harrison Cuniniings, care of 0. A. Rhea, Heppner, Or. NOTICE OF INTliNTlON. IjmhI Oiliee at Tbe Dalles, Or., April 18, '8fl. Notice in berobv given tbat tbefollowiUK named Hettter bait tlbtl not lee of Inn intention to nmke turn I proof in mipioit of hit claim, and tbat ntud proof will tie miide before the eleik of Morrow eounly, Or., at Heppnor, Or., on June 7, IMW, vie: William Hair1t V H Ne. 4"', for tlie hK NW and K'i 8V and HW K Ht a, Tp 4 8 of Uat.KO lit K. lie uameMtbe following witiit'ne to prove bin oontimiuuH rtuutenoe upon, a:;. I eultivatiou of, aaid land, vis: John (tendril, J amen Talbort, A. A. (iainniatio ami VValtr MeAtet, all of tteppner, Oreuoiw Any person wbo doniren to pro(Ht HKiunnt the allowaot-eof Much proof, or wbe known ut any iubHlaiMiid reitfton under tlie law and ibo rtttuU tionn of tbe Interior liepartnient, wby nueh proof should ntit be allowed, will le yiven an ope port unity ut tbe above muni oihhI time and plnet to rrtWH-eiHiuiiie tbe witm-MNt of tuud oIhIuihu Mid t oltur evidenee iu rt'buttal ( Hint oubmit ted by eluiuiaul. F. A. McDonald, Hcnititer, NOTICK OF INTENTION. UmlOthYe at Tbe Dalle. Or.. April. 23. Notitw i hendijr yiveu tbat the following named 'ltler ba tileil notice of bm intentiou to make final proof in nupport of lua elaim, and tbat tmut nroof will in wade before tbe eouuty eleik of Morrow countv, at Heppner, Or., ou juue 13, leU, vis. J ami 8 IK Davit lid. No. 23, ftrtbeNK8er8, Tp. 4 8 of K 'Jfl E. He uamtit tbe following wituetuuw to prove but eontinuoiiri reideiu'e uptui, and eultivatiou of, aid land, vii: John 1. Kirk. J. W. Haird, (Unug 8mitli and C. 8. kirk, all of Heppner, Or. Any peron who dmro to protwt atfatUHt tbe allowauee of mucIi pnMtf or who known of tiny ub tMntial rtwHon, undur tlie law and the reKulatiouii of (lie Interior Department, why uob proif vliould not be ailowod, will U given an opiHirtu nuy at tbe altove tuentioited time and pltu-e to crons-eXHiuine tbe witiiwiuwi of mtid elnimaiil, and to otlur evuU'uee in rebuttal of taat aubunt ted by claimant. SI aa F. A. McDonald, Hkhimtkr Land Office atTheDallM. Or., March SO, '89. Notice in hereby niven that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hi claim, and that aaid proof will he made before the coonty cle -k o( Morrow county, Oregon at Heppaer, Or., ou May 18 189, yi: Noel D. Campbell, D. No. W-a, for the W'4 fiK BE M NE NK 4 MS k tiec 'ft Tp 4 H. K 25 K. He names, the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and oult;ation of, said land, viz: . Robert A. Kniehten. Henry FWlonir. Eight Mile Or., S. A. Wright, t'lma. Miller. Heppner. Any person who di-wires to prolest against the allowance of surh prttof.- or who knovs of any substantia rr-iiHoii undT the lsw and the regula tionsof the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will he given an opportu nitvatthe above mentioned time aud place to orotts-axnmme the witness of s;u(t claimant, and oiler evidence in rebuttal or that submitted Dy llaiiiiMnt 3I5-3JO F. A. McDo.nai.d, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or.. March 18. 'flf Notice is hereby given thai the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hls claitn. and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of 3lorrow county, ur. at xleppuer, ur ou May 11, im, vus: Oscar Schafer, D. H. No. flaw, for theSW HW H Hoc 5; NW H NW Sec 8: Pi 14 NE !a Hec 7. To 4 8. K 26 E. llenameslhe following witnesses u prove his continuous residence upuu, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Prank Gilliam, Henry Heherzinger, Heppner; J. O. Williams and W. B. (iilliarn. Hardman. Any person who desires u protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason,, under the law and the regula tions of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will he given an opportu nity atlhe above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to otfer evidence in robuUa! of that submit ted by claimant. SIS-SIN. F. A. McDonald, Register NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office nt La Grande. Or., March 22, '89. Notice is hereby giventhattliefollowing-named settlor has tiled notice of his intention to ntHke final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the judge of Morrow county, or in his absence before the clerk of said county, at Heppner. Or., on May 6. 1889 via: David A. Herren, Hd. No. 2385, for the 8'0 UK H Sec 21 and 8W H HW 'A Sec 22 and W V, NW !i Sec 27, Tp 3 8, IT 27 E. He names the fnllowingwitneHneH to prove his conrinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Charles Wallace Daniel B. Stalts, William K. Wnlhridge and Klisha C. Watkiiis, all of Hepp ner, Oregon. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law anil the regula tions of the Interior Depart merit, why such proof should not be allowed, will he given an opportu nity at the above mentioned time and place to cross examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. 314-19 Hbnuy Kinkhart, Hugiater, NOTICE OF INTENTION. LandOIHco nl La (Inilide, Or., April 10, '89. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler hie- filed notice of his intention to make tine) proof in support of liis rlairn and t hat Baid proof will be uunle before tlie county judge, or iu his absence beforu the county clerk of Morrow county, Or., ut Heppaer, Oregon, on May 23, 1889, vis: Richard McXlaran, Hd. No. 228.1. fortheW'iSKi HW!4SE)iSoc 29 NW'4 NK! See 32. Tp 8 S, It 27 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, via: Will Wnlhridge. H. C. Wiitkins. E. F. Campbell and W. M. Rush, all of Heppner, Morrow uounly, Oregon. Any perHon who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reiiHon, untlei-thc law anil the regula tions id the Interior Department, whysech proof should not be allowed, will be given an oppor tunity at, the above ineiil ioned time and place to croHH-exttinine I he witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler evidence, in remittal of 111 it subtnitUjd by claimant, r)l7-a22 Hknuy ItlNKlIAltT, Itegister NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or., Aprils, 1889. Nol.iee is hereby given thai, the following nsined sett ler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and llial said proof will be leade before the judge of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, Or., on May 2fi, 1889, viz: Leitj J. tih a n e r, Hd. No. 2'27, for lets 2 and II anil Sli'i NW!4 and SVVNH'aSoellTptS, K2.-1 K. lie names the following witneHses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz; t ,1. L. Hevmer and 1). W. llowintin. Eight Mile, Ckeiron; W. C. Ituininger and ('has. E. Kirk. Heppaer, Or. Any T"reon who desires to protest against the allowance of auch proof, or who knows of any substantial rAison, under the law and the reiuilnllo',' of lh Intetior Depart moat, why siii'li pi-ool should: not bn allowed, will be given an opportilaity at iiie above mentioned time and place to ci'osH-exnniiiie tlie witnesses of said claimant, and to otter evidence iu rebultal of that submitted lly claimant. 817-22 1''. A. McDonald, Register. Ioiaf Ic:e! - II. MoFurlmiil. of Lexing ton, will delivor ioo daily in lleppnor during" the Hunirnrr nionHm. (Jon tract for the nmonnfc ynu detriro, by writing to liim ut an Hiirly duto. Tho price will be 2 o.mtH per lb. delivered. NEW RESTAURANT! I luivo jiiNt ojieueil n first-i'lnns restaurant in A. Abralinmsick's new building, on May street, anil solicit a Hbnre of tlie pntionuge. 3ttX68J.s; o& oJLl Hours. Single Meals 50cts., 3 meals for $1.00, Board by week $5.00. I linvo Nomo furni srliecl rooms iix coiinoc t loll with Ilcstniiriint. May St., Heppner, Oregon, Blue Mountain House, S. R. REKVES, - - PROPRIETOR. The Blue Mountain House is under new man agement throughout and is first class in every respect. Free Sample loom Cash Advanced. Ailli-t 1 1 7 Ftnleval St root. LUMUKU! LILM15ER! W. G."SC0TT'S Willow Creek Saw-Mill! Keeps countuutly ou hitiul all kinds of UNDRESSED LUMBEriilso PICKETS, LATHS AND SAWED SHAKES! t fMill Locnt. il at tho Head of Willow Crek, 16 miles abote HeppiW-.iS Land Office at LeUrande. Or.. April 11. '60. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hie claim, and that said proof will be made before the county judge, or in his absence before the oonnty clerk of Morrow county, Ogn, at Heppner, Or., on June 3. 1HSU, viz; Frank McVorkte, Hd No. 3821 for the NWU 8WS4 EV, BWH, 8Vf !, Sh" Bee 13, Tp 3 H. R 29 E. He names the following witnessea to prove his conrinuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, vii: J, 8. (iurdane and D. f Ourdane, Ridge, Uma tilla Co., Oregon; ('..it. Cate and F. It. Uherman, Lena, Morrow county. Oregon. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any hubstautia) reason, under the law and the regula tions of the Interior Department, why Birch proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportu nity at the above mentioned time and place Ut enms-eramine the witnesses of said claimant, and to otter evidence in rebuttal of tliat submitted by claimant. 317-22 " IIknry Rinehabt. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Tinnd Office at La Grande. Or.. April 11, 'a'1. Nf.itrc is hprehv given that the foUowing-namad settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that aaid ,.p.,of will ha made before the countv iudire. or in hisabsence before the county clerk of Mor row county, uregon, at tieppner, uregon, on May 81, 1889, viz: Lafayette Penland, Hd. No. 2173, for the SEV4 NEH NE)48EH8ec2S, btuI Hii NW4 Hec fl. l p B. n il fi lls names me lonowing witnesses m prove his continuous resilience upon, and cultivation ..r l..,l ui?. John Zollinger, Jerry Phillips, Andrew Stevon son and Johu Skoglin, all of Heppner, Or. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance pi sucn proor, or woo auows or any MiiliHtjintial reason, under the law and the regula tions of the interior depart merit, why such proof Bhould not be allowed, will be given an opportu nity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler evidence in rebuttal of that submit ted by claimant. 317-22 Henhy Rinkdabt. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION Land nmi'PHM.fiflrnndfi. Or.. April 10. '8fl. Nutiue in hereby iven thHt the followiiiK-imrned HHttlerhiis fiiwl notice off Mb intention to mnKit final procf in wipport (t lti daim, Hiui that m9 proof wilt be made beffore the connty judjw of Morrow county or in his abnenoe before the clerk of Htiid county at Heppner, Or., on Way 24, 1889, viz: ' , 0. M. Campbell, Hd. No. 21.98. for the NEH Bee 18, Tp 1 N, It 2ft E. He imnies the following witjieneB tn prove hiHcontinuouB residence upon, and cultivation of, waid land, viz: . , John ('. (ie Te, John Harkar, Uobrt Barns and William King, all of Galloway. Oregon. - Any p -rson who deiren to protest againwt th allowance of mich proof, or who knows of an suhHtantiHl reason, tinder the law and the regula. tionn of (he Interior Department, why such proof Bhould not be allowed, will be given an Oppoitu nity at the above mentioned time and place to croHH-BXutnine the witnesses of Baid claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that eubmit ted by claimant. 817-2 Hknby Rinehabt, Kegiater. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I .and Office at Tke Dalles. Or.'. April 10. '89. Notice in hereby given that the following named settlor has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in tmpport of bin claim, and that eaid proof will be made before Che clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, Or., on June 12, '89. viz: John WilUnyham. ' Ds. No. m, for the NK1' NKU Sc 23 and W!V NW and NWH KW'i Hec 24, Tp 3 8. It 26 E. Ho names tlie following witiieHPs to prove his continuous renideiice npon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Wm. iiiighon, Arthur Daly, John Hendrix and George .Gray, all of Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon. Any perHon who deeirea to protest against tho allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regu lations of the Interior Department, why snch proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witni'ssea of said claimant, and toolTer evidence iu rebuitalof that submitted by claimant. -. 317-2 F . A. McDonald. Register. NOTICE OF INTEN'UOM. Land Office at Tho Dallas, Or., April 17. '89. Notice in hereby given that fhe following named settler has tiled notice cf his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the judge of Morrow comity, Oregon, at lleppuer, Oregon, on June 1, 1889, viz: William Luelliiig, Hd. No. 2H75, for tho HYM HWVi Sec 12, and Y. NV4 ami SWl4 NK'4 Hec 13, Tp li S of li 25 K. He nanu'H the following witnesses to prove his continuoiiH residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: O. M. 1'Wnnworth, Waller Branson, W. H. It -bin-son and tr. W. ('Unpin, all of Hardman, Oregon. Any peraon who ilcnirea to protest against the allowance of such pro..f, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regula tions of the Interior Depart incut, why such proof should not be allowed will be given an oppor tunity at the above mentioned tiuiiand place to cnxiMs-exumine t he witnesses of Haiti claimant, ujui to of ler uv ideneo in rebuttal of that submit ted byclai mailt. SiK-a2:i . P. A,. MuDoNAr.n, Kngistor. IloW TO (iKT THIS (rA.ETTI! FOR NoTH- ino Mr. 0. E. Fidl, the- Hoppuer mir Hi'ryman, will hoII you 100 applo trees fit Mih n'ijulur rnto, $10.00 per hundred, tmd give yim ona copy of tha IIrppner Qakhttr for one year. Fifty apple trees w ill cost you $7.50, nnd with thin he will jjivo you one copy of the Gazkttb for aix months. His stook is strictly first class, and in warranted. GEORGE PETRIE, Charges moderate. For C FEfflO BROS, k WW, Upon Consignments ! I Boston, Mass- Arlington, (Jr. Coffin & McFarland, ARLINGTON, HEPPNER. Have just arrived in Heppner and are ready for business at the old stand of Jas. M. Hager, Are purohaeed from the largest, finest and best markets in the United States. We cordially invite an early inspection. Latest styles Dress Goods, Trimmings and Fancy Goods soon to arrive. Handsomest line of Gents' and Youths' DON'T ORDER YOUR SPRING SUIT Until yon examine our elegant assortment. XIIVJ STYIvISII HATS. OUR STOCK OF GENTS' LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FINE SHOES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS HAVE ARRIVED & ARE OPEN FOR INSPECTION. Also, Leather Collars and Cuffs, with Fronts to match. Something new. If you need a genuine SAN JOSK, CALIFORNIA, SADDLHf !: Silver-mounted Bits and Spurs or a set of team harness, oome to our store GROCERIES, The Celebrated Mitchell Wagons, Plows," and A Car-Load of the Celebrated CHAMPION MOWERS AND REAPERS On the way. P WISE. SjiPLES, Crockery and Glasssware, TKNTS, & W AG 0:NT-CO VERS Guns, Pistols and Ammunition, ITIUNKS A-ISTD VALISES. In fact our aim will be to carry in stock ythiag is k U Merchandisin, All to be sold very low. Freight rates, have been reduced one-third, and you can depend upon being sup plied in competition with any other town in Eastern Oregon. Money advanced on wool for Christy & Wise, tlighest cash price paid for sheep pelts. ill: Our firm has the reputation of keeping first class goods of every description. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. Remember the firm Coffin & McFarland, Heppner and Arlington. !A HORSE m Avill tmvol well when shod by ROBERTS. SIMONS, G ei i.eial I31acksnii tlis & Farmers. REPAIRING MOWERS A SPECIALTY. o Horsesttoeii Si.DQ per Spaa alter may 1st, 1889. S31-A FIRST-CLASS WAGON SHOP AT SAME STANDS Matlooli. Corucr. 3VXaixi Stroot, Xleppuer, Or. NELSON JONES, Tres't. MORROW COUHTY LAND S TRUST CO (Incorporated.) General Warehouse and F Avarding The Company has recently constructed a two-story warehouse, 80x100 feet, with wool press and all con- venienccti jur riiirituini' ii uuc. The Warehouse Charges at Heppner will be the same as tliose at Arlington, Jess cartages. Vroitilit nonn imled wool from. Hpimtipr srtmp na from Arlington. ' .1 .. 7 tasn, auvuitcca iipurt, cunsiunmencs oj wool or wool in storage. THE RON E. FELL, MANAGER. TIT1C HlilPPlJilR. Livery and Feed Stable, Hunsaker & Long, J? ro u vi e t o rt-5, Opposite Natters' Brewery, Heppner, Or. Btoolc Hoarded .- tlie lnr, Week, or Month Saddle Horses, Buggies and hacks to hire at Reasonable Rates. Hay and grain for saleat reasonable prices. BUS to & FROM all TRAINS. Goods delivered to any part of the city. Leave orders at our oftiee, in stable. All Stock Left in Their Car Will TU-eiT the Bert of Attention. nlVAxi. Aid' AKIiAfiD, Heppner.Or. Fine Clothing ever shown in Morrow Co. HARDWARE, DOORS filD WIINWS. E. R. BISHOP, Treas. or- irents. i . - 1 - - J J i . GILLIAM MAIN STREET, .DEAtFRS Hardware, Tinware, Copperware, Granite ware, Pumps, Gaspipe, Nails, and Black smiths' Supplies. .ALSO AGENTS FOR. Newton Wagons, Standard Mowers Ss Readers Norwegian Plows, ETC. Tie Celebrated "Perfect" Baker Bar! BY THE CIi-LOA-D. A large aortment of Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Fancy Goods,- Are constantly receiviug new invoices, wlncli cash can tak tbe lowest prices. Job-work executed in a skillful manner. MADDOCK CORNER, W. O. MINOR, Suocessor to Miuor, Doilaon & Co. CASH anil B01T0M PIES. If You Want DRY GOODS.mhCXOTHING, Gents' Itii'nisstlilris Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, s Shoes, WOOD and WILLOW WVll, agricultural implements, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Guns, Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery, Or anything usually kept in a that-class store, call on W. O. MINOR. E. J. SLOCTJM & CO., Next door to Leezer & Thompson's hardware store, Heppner, Oregon. A Fresh Stock of DRUGS A-ISTD MEDICINES Constantly on hand. PrescriptioasFWDanrHtj A Choice Line of DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED CIGARS. And many other articles too numerous to medtion. C. M. MALL0RY, May Street, Nearly Opposite Minor, Dodaon fc Co.'n Store, HEPPNER, OREGON Manufacturer of and Dealer in Furniture, Mirrors, Bedding, Brackets, Picture Frames, Etc. Also For Sale 188G MODEL, WINCHESTER RIFL S. Cheap For Cash. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. May Street, Heppner. tl V A N D 11 Y N, DEALEB IN General S i .11 - 1 BOYS Groe eries, CROCKERY, Goods Also Take Orders SUITS. --Ni N A fl Q N H3Ndd3H PATRONIZE FAMILY GROCERY HAS THE BEST Opposite W. O. iii.t'i'jN Sperry's New HEPPNER, - - OREGON. Capacity 70 Barrels J. B. SPERRY, Proprietor. -: Flour from best Grades of Wheat, flour and Mill Feed. Is now for sale in quantities to suit purchasers. & COFFEY, HEPPNER IN. tc. HEPPNER. Notion s A mmu -nition AND illow Ware. ja aanvaa A "S '3 '133MS WIN AND CHEAPEST. wire Minor's, on May Street, OREGON Roller Mills! o :-