1 III il n 111 111 II II FOR 1889. JUdain! See what 15 cents will do! It will bring yon a sample copy of G DM'i Lady's Book, wliioh will tell von how to pet the Bcal-skin sticiiie, the Bilk dress, the gold watch and cottage organ and other valuables, without a dollar. YOU CANNOT GET A BETTER Two dollars worth of magazine than by subscribing for "(ioiley," the best family maeaiine in America. . . For 1889 it will contain : Fashions in colors, Fashions in black and white ; latest from Europe. Original novelties in needle work and embroidery. Latest and most popular music. Flans for the house you are going to build. Directions for decorating your home. Cookery and household help, by Mrs. C harles Hope, teacher in several fashionable New York academies, and selected by the Board of Education for the New York Public Schools. Literary enrichments by Nelly BlV vho got herself locked up in an insane asylum to find out how they treated the insane, Ella Rodman Church, Emily Lennox, Olivia Lovell W ilson, Ur$. Hiettand, Edgar Fau-cett, David Lowry, etc. EVERY LADY HER OWN DRESSMAKER , Who subscribes to Godey's Lady's Book. The coupon which you will find in och number will entitle you to your selection of any cut paper pattern illustrated in Godey's Lady's Book. Your lo-cent sample copy will contain one of these cou pons. The pattern shows you how to cut the garment you want. Send Id cents For sample, which will be allowed on your subscription when received. This is all we can say in this space. For the rest see vour sample copy, for which send 15c. it once. Address "GODEY'S LADY'S 110OK," Philadelphia, Fa. In club with this paper, GODEY'S and the IIEITNKR GAZETTE, per year (3.50 which should be Bent to the office of this paper. The cash must accompany order. Only new subscribers, or old subscribers who renew, will be allowed to take advantage of this offer. Godey's will not be sent to any address for less than 2.0t), cash, except as above stated. Heppner City Brewery, Having purchased the latest Brewing Appmatus and utensils, I am enabled with my cold soft-Water spring, my deep, cool stone collar find the fresh, pure atraospliere of the Heppner Hills, to offer my customers a SUPERIOR QUALITY OF BEER At reasonable wholesale and retail rates. Lunohes of all Kinds AND THE Best Brands of Cigars. Parties in the country must return empty kegs, or $G apiece will be charged. J. IS. NATTER, Proprietor. nsmmVAiwwBxnwjr to make ? Dalicious Biscuit f 3c4 1 tylfMjf ASlc your Grocer hr at Hamilton H-A-nVLIXiTOj:-, OHIO, Manufacturers of Hamilton Grades of Vehicles. EDITOBIAL SPECIAL BUGGY OF ANT STYLE VEHICLE. Sl'KCIAI. l'F.ATU R i: : IroportIoii, Itii-nlilU v, This "Mirror" finlih work 1b the best WR1TB FOR CATAI.OOUK. i i'l La tAI -VI' CAPITAL STOCK, (, cisrciiTisrvTi, ohio. MSIFA(TIRER8 OP Business and Pleasure Vehicles. Proprietors and Sols Users of Sechler's Improved Perfection Filth-Wheel. All Work Guaranteed at JtepreMmteU 8ICND FOR CATALOGUE. The Clark 840 N. Charles St., - Branch Storo, MARVELOUS EliORY DISCOVERY. Oaly inlB Srsten f Memory Trulnlef Vf IS ask Learned la tne readian Miud wanderiBc cured Wrry rhfld and mAH ureniir benfltied. UtmS iaduoenttfuta to Oonipuudnue 01mm. FVwpeotia, with opinion of Dr. Wm. A. llnm- Uauiol (rreiilenf Thompvun t!iynt U(. J. M. liarkler I.j.litoro(ll Cinxhtin Advotatt, S. y. ltlrtiard I'roclor, tli Ntiniir, Han. Y. W. Ant or, Judjrr (;itn, Juduh 1. ftijajnln.kD'l utbrs, Mnt inwt fr" Itr rrAsVA-liUlaUTfUt J7 I'iltU A., N. Y. nrE "olid C3oM Watch wairli tn tut wurld bd f tutl ttiu. One 1'wrton lu ch ! 1 unbla hna t tlauvrhwltl Wffl ft ll.a wtlrli, Mad Verm, and ftr Tu bara kA thtM 1 yir ttmna for V mouttii and buwn Ibrta l tbuM t iiuy bava tc.lad, tbrv bacoiut rvut wmd irori7. TbuM fcu .itu tl wut.-a ran b lura of raraufu ttia Wiltrh J kiai'tt. W if ill aiprcw, frrttbl,t, Addraat , 4WUMMa itus fclitfa'wriituicl, M0 .mm&m II LADY'S BOOK! COW BRAND WM .... ... - ... 323 ouUAli SALtnAIUi. iMitcly Pun. i.i.i:-,v,,. . Iuqgy Qompahy, mm Jfeffl- W I VrlV'i ln ol" 3iiil inclii;m - pritt:d work In the I'nitnl States. lIAMIIHrN IHUti V ' 39 CO Cycle Qo. - BALTIMORE, MO. NEW RAPID BICYCLES. NEW RAPID SAFETIES. QUADRANT TRICYCLES. QUADRANT TANDEMS. Two hundred second hand machines, all kinds. sixes and prices. Bicy cles. Safeties and Tricy cles for lloyg and Girls. Send for Catalogue and Price Lists. Mailed free. AGENTS WANTED. ofMwy 003 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, D, C. OF PURE COD LIVER OIL and HYFOPHOSPHITES Almost asPalatablo as Milk. Bo 1lgillil that it rmm b. t.k.n, dlff.(ril, ailtl iuliulltt(d by lh tuu. uiltlv. .tuuiooh, wben h. nlln !! ntniiol ! tolaimad) Bnii by ill. im. bin.llon of in. oil with ill. hypaphM pblte. U limcU mar. eOlcaclou.. BtnurkHlilt u ioh pradT. Ptrsoiu gain rapidly U!e tsWlng lb BCOTTS EMUT.SH iN in aoknowloilgedby PliTsioinnB to be tL Fiuot utl Hunt prp ratio u in the world (or Uts relief ud cure of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, CENCRAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUCHS. The grmt rtmrtlj ftif Consumption, and Wasting in mitlrtu, bv nU Untggista 0ll TRADE REMiiiAlN For Strains and Sprains. Evidence, Fresh, New, Strong. Mt, fliuut, Tx. offered S Yeiira. Job to, lsit. StuTtrsd a yrt with ftrtti f back; cnU set walk straight; 4 two bettttt Bt. Jacobs Oil; u tu4. W pal la II Months. U. J. WAJXACB. On Crntchfli. Cnbridf. Ohl. 14, . Two weak em erutchai from itralntd Mult; u4 Bt. Jacobs Oil; eard; M rttui mt p.a la on . DAT. Used Cane. Moottoa, Texas, Jnt IS, lilt. IprUDM ay tack; bad u u cm; was iun z dwiih unarm a. MBS. 9- BH0MFXLD. In Bert. Hgafhtoil, Hick., Hr . lill. Aboat Hftrcb S. I strlnt mf kaki. ui wm 1. MM WMk; ud eui two we.ks. TbrM appll ..Uoai . from tar.. bottlM of It. Jubl OU, .arid b. Ha raturn or pita. J0BEPH DAJ4IEL BASTESDAT. Tanrlbl. Psln. H.il.w. til., M7 M, it". I ipralaad air thumb Lit Bprtaf, bad a tcrrlbla fwalllag aad pata .niual. loir appllcatl.aa o( 8t, Jacob, Oil oarod mo aad tkor. b.i bo.o no r.tim at pata. 0U-. SHOW.. AT DRt'OOLSTS AND DEALERS. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. BaHimora. Hi. PATENTS. Cnvpata. ami Tracle-M:irlts obtained, and all Patent buHiuess conducted for Mod erate Fees. Our office is opposite the TJ. S. Patent Office and we can eeotire patents in less time than those remote from Washington. 4 Send model, drawing or photo will) description. We advise if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A pamphlet, "Efow to Obtain Patents witn name or. actual clients in your tute. county or town, sent free. Address C. A. SNOW 8c CO. Opposite Puterit OfHoe, Washington, D. 0. MarvelsoFTHNew West. Six RnokR in one Volume: Marvels of Natiirp Mi.i'vhIh of (ia-p; AhirvclH of Knlei'iiriKe: sijii-vriH oi .Tiiinofir; .tiitrveiK or mock jcuis iniuid MarvelM of Apricullure. Afif-AT WIMTH IiiallpftrUof tho country lULiMo " ai I A) fur thiB priUld Nnw H((Mk Tim lareoBt Hftlc in tlie hor(Ht, timo of anv ha,k IiubtifliHl; ne'-rly piiffCM and ovfr 3-"i0 plpnnt iKniviiKf. fin' portnutflof 21 Kailroud Kiiirh, MiniiiK and ( 'a-1 lo Ki un. The miicchhh of working nKitntn is aonipfcliing re- iniiinHitic. iiiHiiy 01 ineJH are mnniiig tnun $5.00 to $20,00 a day. A nw AkpiiI sold 70 copipH in nijcdiiyfl. AuHtit'a Rrout, si.iii.m follow th hook and it h,u'h iImpIE. one hu food. t'Bi lHWt workorn wuii(-.rrl. iih tnr- ritory vry vilnablo. Do not dlay. but write at onrn fur iiluhtruted cirrularu and special terinu frt'o. you will n'K'd ro cxperipnon or capita) in tliis bu-inenn. art our "iu'w pliitm" ailow AcniH tn or- dnr on -iU dajH tuuo b'jfora payniK our bills. Adrlrmm TllK IlIWTOliY t,o..7,.'3 Alar ot Ht. I7-I(.t rian FranciHoo (!al. STOCK nKANPS. Wit i lo you ltncp your cubsdiiption paid up yoi can ki'Rp your brand in freuof ciliargo, Adkiim, (1 U Hoikhh. i,n rilit elumldor; cat tl A V on riylit. h'uU Ailkiiir?, J J llorhCH, JA connr(!(f)d on left flank; rattle, mime on infl .tip. fili'iikiimn, ( ico.t Hardinaii llorxea, n flft on lofl shoulder; cattle, 'imio on rilit whoulder. lidiinott, t'y llorm-H, Hon left hlionldor. Itrowti, .1 I 'Unit en. cit i-lo (! wit Ji dot in nan teroti left hip; entile, haino. , Hoyer, V 0, licna MorHen, box brand or- rh hip catflo, with split in each cur. lioiK. I'. ( ). I Ioi'hiib, V 11 on left whoiilder; cat tle. Hiune on lefl bio, Itiien.T. K., Ijouo Hock. IforHOB o with bar under and river on rint Hlioulder. Ilarloii, VVp1 HurwtH, J Hon r.Khtthi;;,., cuttle. Hume on ripfht liipjuplit in eaeli ear. AlliHoii, (. l).-('attl brand, O 1) on left hip and Inn-Ken mime brand on riKlitnhuulder. Kan ice. Kiteht Mile. t 'ook, A. J Lena HorneH, VUlon rifjljt slimline; t'atlle, Biuneon ficlit liip: ear mark eq.iare cro ott Left ami Hplit in riglit. Ciirriti, It V- HorHet. co on leftHtifln. t'linitiKlmn e, W H, Nowton Jiimeh -HorHed, I with liure 'J under it on left uliould.r; cattl same on lefl 'lip.in.i hiuli, left earHqutire rut Cox iV Ennlinb. Jiiiidiiian ('iiitlo, (.' with r in center: )iornen. CK 011 left liii. It. K. t'oeliranMoiiunieiit, (.rant Co, Or. llornen titandcd circle with bur beneath, on left nhoulder: (initio mime brand 011 both hips, mark iiiiucr Kio 1 iiiiiii cjirn mm oewiup, UtniKhtsH, W M -Cattle, H Don viaht Hide, hwiii-low-fork in each ear; lmren, It Don left bin. I'h'ek. Jackrioii.- HorneH, 7K ctmneeted on rinhl, nhoulder; caitle Binne on riubt hip. Kar murk, hole in nhl and erop of' lefl. liieimlleu, .lohu .--Hoihch brands J half-circle J I. connected on left nhoahler. CaMle, nuiiio on left hip. itaritfi-, near l.exinloii, Florence, li A- t attle. l.Koii riitlit hip; horuOH.' Fwith bar under on riht fhouliler, Horence, H I'-llorwew, V on riht whoulder cult lo. K on riht hip or thih. Ai niHlrontr, J . t '., Acton -T with bar nnder it on lell rihoulili'i' of hoi-Htw; cattle aauie on loft hip. tiny, Henry Ua . 011 len t-honlder. (Ii.ble, Knink - Morse. 7 l''on lefl stiflo: ftnlllH Hitine on r in! it hip. (iaiinnjn, A. I.. -llorHi'H, 1 on rmht shouliier. lluiisaker. H A -lloibea. tt 1111 lnfLMhoiiidoi- fut tie, tlon left liip Humphrey st, J H Hnnlnian-HnrflOH. IE on !f( flunk. Miivch. J M-MorrtPH. winoirlaaa on left. hhntildr callle, same on ri'ld hip. ilunkin. H. Ill . 11 01 HeM. horn(H ion J tu u.ft Hlmulder. Cattle, the Ham.), Itani'o on Kiitht Mile. Johnnon. ri'hr - MoiHen. cue e T on left ntifl catlte, name on riicbt hip, under liulf crop in rig and wi -lit in left ear. Kirk. J 1 lloiNi's 111! on loft shoulder- ontt til) on left hip. Mrk, J l lloreH, 1 on oitlier Hank: eattlo on cinlit Hide. J,arsen, ItaHmiiH HorneH, It I, on left hip, Lewis, ,1 It, Lena llurscu. 1' with nv.ir tl on left shoulder. nh nor. Oscar. ( utile. M Don riwlit hhc I... runt. M on lefl shoulder. Miiii'iin. H N - llorseH. M) on b.fi .,.. .l.laap. cattle, Hinue on left hip. Mel umber, Jan A. At wood -llorstin. M tm'tli bar over on riht shouliier. Moriran, I Iioh -uorct'H, circle T on ..ft nh..,.l. der ami left tliiuh; ealile, L on riht thirh. niiieneu, imeiir. l eitysvuie iioihch, i7 on riKht hii; cuttle, 77 on rinht side. McClavcu. 1) t, MorhfH. lucim !. mi nn.-l. der; callh, M on tup. Ncel. Andrew, Lone Itock -HorneH AN Cim necteil 011 left shoulder; cat tie same un both hips Newman V . It. liorcch N w it U half cirol over it 011 left shoulder. Ninlke, K -HorncM, nrcle 7 on left thin!-; cat tie. niuue 011 left hip. Ol ler, Perry, Lone Koek - P O or left ulu.u.'ler 1'eaiHon, Olave.- Horsew, circle sthielil on left ohtmlder and l!4 on left hip. Cut tin, circle shield on let) hip. Italic on KiKht Mih Pearson, Jan., Pine City. HorHea hi! on left hip low down. Parker A (ileaann, Ilai-dniau-IIorBes IP on left Hhouhter. I'iptH", J. H., Acton Morses, , IK connected on lpft shoulder; cattle, same on left liip. under bit in each ear. Hood. Andrew, Hnrdmnn Montes, nquarc aroM with quarter-circle over it on left Htitlc. ItenniK-er, Chris- llnrscH. C H on luft shoulder Hector..! W -lloiHCH. JO on left Hlioulder. l 'lit tle, t) on riKht hip. Hpi-nv, J. V. - Morion branded HI-' connected on ruibt shou tiler: cadie fume on both hips. Hpray. ' Mors. brandinl 8 1.11 riht shoul der, cattle branded 8 on the tiyht hip and a smooth crop oil of tho Uft niir. Straight V. K.- IL.iwm sliaiht! ,T 8 on loft stiile; cuttle J 8 on left hip, swallow fork in finni ear, umii'ibit in left. Saynr. Hot.t Horses, S on ri(ht ulumlder; cattb stpnmi on rinht hip unit S 011 i iht rihoiitder. Kwaiii.ari, L, Alpine lb rsts, !S 8 011 t'r dmiilaer. fupp. Tho, Horses, S A P on left hip; cattl Mime on left hi P. Miobe, Dr A ,1 Morses, 1 S on 011 hft liip; cat tie, same on left side, wattle 011 left side of neck ears cut sharp at p int. Hirenson, Mrn A J Cattle, H wit riilit hip swallow-fork in left ear. Shelton A' Ntui Hornet. 8 on its side over an on left shoulder; cuttle, same on left hip. H pi t ry, K ti - Cat He, W C on left hip. crop oft vifv'lit am) in dm bit in left ear, dulup; horntw, W C on left slioulditr. Kwa,;rt.(i V Morsi-s, 14 011 left hould;r Htewiiit, titHi., Harduiiiu Horsit circle con left shoulder, cattle, 44 on left hip, Thompson, J A Morses, g on left nhouldcr cattle, i! on left vhotild-T. Tipp t. K T - Hoix,.. C- on left shoulder. W nile. Henry. lbur.' . biKiiih.d ace of spade on le t shoulder and left hio. Cm lie branded same on U f t Hide a. d left hip. Wnlbmlue W Horses liratnled U L on left nhoulder, cuttle L' L 011 iitfhl Lip. lia.1 tt on Its in, r'oik. Wells, A H -llorstw, on left nhoulder; ctttt! same. Vta?id. J I), Hardmtn -('ircle C on lefibnl Voodwtml, John Hortnvt, vl' con 11 tvt.nl or left shoulder. Wallace, (harles t'attle, W on ri)it Uiiuli. hole in left ear; horsoM V yu riifht nhoulder, miuu same on lefi shouhter. N i en, A A -Cattle, runuicK AA with hrftcios on nicbt hip. SALESMEN WANTED, It. rwtfular bltuli.M KIH-clal dfiwlnlvnt wliicti will riKluIrr wrvliw ol cajvaule mun In various localltL's. Thl. tlrtu make, no ruLtoattmii oromimw of a.orbHatit aalarlv.. but pu.blnn and roliabl. aplloauta who can furul.k aatl.fak'tur, rr.rniv, a. to tru.twortlinu'U will tm llberajl. uald In Dronuillon to tilo abtlltv tltrv dowoii.tralo. Our r.qulrniriiu will not of a-wuitf Ai.rfora wlla tiu.lnv in whioh applicant, way now , i aUUUOTVt k. 1W .tall bt., CUIUUO, Ui. s square inch. The city has a com plete system of water works for fire, lawn nud house usa It takes four strongmen to bohl the hose. The Huron well is 803 feet Jeep, having a sis inch tube from too to "bottom. Water whs found in sand rock. The pressure is upward of 200 pounds per square inch Water j is a little hard, and most of the j time clear. Temperature is 00. i Huron has two miles of water j mains and two miles of side piping. I Besides furnishing water for fire j usu, it runs motors for two laudries i and four priutin offices, using about 20 horse power. The H uron and Redfield wells are perhaps the best in the valley. Yankton has two six inch wells, one C10 feet deep and one 600 feet deep. These wells furnish fire protection through 19,400 feet of pipes, and run the electric light, two printing presses, a tow mill, feed mill, and furniture factory. The water in these wells has a pressure of 50 pounds per square inch, and, unlike most of the other wells, is hard. It is, perhaps, the best drinking water of any of the wells in tha vafley. The second well did not diminish the flow of the first. Water was found in sand rock, temperature 62. The Jamestown well is 1,570 feet deep, and has a pressure of 100 pounds. Water is clear and soft, with temperature of 75. At 300 feet quite a flow of gas was met. The city has a system of water works with the well. The above wells are mentioned out of quite a number of equal value over a distance of '300 miles. These lie in about the center of the val ley, have a pressure of 100 pounds, while one at Ipswich, at the west side of the valley, has a pressure ot 90 pounds. At Miller, 40 miles west of Huron, the pressure is 125 pounds. The greatest average pressures is in the center of tiie valley. The above figures will be at variance with theguages as they are now found on the wells. Tho giiages are placed above the valve, where the pressure is greatly re lieved by the overflow. The above figures, in most cases, give fall pressure. Noted wells in other parts of tho world fall far below these. The well at Belle Plain, Iowa, which got beyond control and created such a scare, had only a fruction of the power of these wells. The Belle Plain well had n pressure of only about 25 pounds per square inch, and thiB lessened iu a few days. Water was struck at only 80 feet, and the soil above it disin tegrated so easily that a hole as large as a wagon wheel was made, out of which a large quantity of water flowed, ami threatened for a time disaster to the city. The great well iu the Place Ile bert, Paris, France, is 2,359 feet deep and has a diameter of 3J feet, yet it does not thrown much over 1,000 gallons per minute, while many wells in the Jamts Valley throw 3,000 gallons per minute. The possibilities of the wells in this valley are beyond estinmtion. With millions of gallons flowing daily, there has been no diminution of the supply. Nature stores the supply, and it only awaits tappbig and application. If one of the wells at Yankton, with a pressure of only 50 pounds, has taken the place of a 30 horse power eigine, what can be done with a well with 200 pounds pre sure? Then if larger bores were made, any amount of pressure desired could be obtained. Large bores should be made, because to get a certain amount of How the valves hav to be opened so wide that the water rushes out witli such speed as to cause pieces of the Bund rock to fly out of the well. This difficulty was met with to such an extent at Aberdeen that they were compelled to place a stone-arrestiug drum at the well. That such an ideal power has not been utilized to a greater ex tent can only be accounted for' by the fact that the country is so new. Gas was found m many of the wells. At Asliton, the cooking in a hotel is done by natural gas. If tho proper system were employed, a good supply of gas might be had. the query nnses, whence the source of all this water? Some be lieve it comes from the Missouri river. This cannot be true, because at Highmore, 40 miles west of Hu ron, there is a well with 25 pounds of pressure, and the elevation is several hundred feet above the river. At Uettyslnug, only lb miles east of the river, they have drilled 1.300 feet without getting u flow. Drillings east of the valley, in Dakota, have been unsuccessful, striking almost invariably at a few hundred feet, without getting water, tho Archinau rock, which is usually tho bed of nrtesian water. The large lakes north have a less elevation. The theory is advanced that the flow is caused py the pres sure of the earth or gas upou a subterranean basin. This theory is decidedly gaseous. This would imply a hermetically inclosed i space, which would soon exhaust.! ! No sucli basin has been found in ! i any ot the borings. Water is j J aouiid in soft sand rock, being con-1 ' fined above by impervious shale, j Small channels, .uuietimes, how-! ever, connecting witli open water,! may exi.t, as indicated by numbers i of small fish with eyes tnat have: ; come out of two of the Aberdeen! wells. Accepting, as we must, ! ! that water finds its level, and that; ; it rises no higher unless acted up-! ;on by some external force, we must. look to some place where the ele-! : vation and quantity are suflicieut to supply these wells. Thesi wells tire! ! undoubtedly fed from the Hooky Muun- j tains j Great o;ire is required in putting; ! down these wells where the pressure is j so ttreat. If any ttoi'idt'tit happens to ' ! the tubing after the How is met, it is al-; ' most impossible to overcome it. N tture has furnished no valves which m:..v l 1 closed while the well m:iy be repaired. ; : The wells at Frnukfort and Groleu are serious failures. Poth ot these wells ,"have throwu muddy water most of the : j time siuee they wtre put down. The Gro ; ten well has covered acres of land with I mnd, and at one time, broke out iu tlif-! fereat pnrta of town. Some break or disconnection hfts occurred above the impervious strata, and the diro oonse-! quenoes are hard to estimate. An inoh tube by way of experiment was put down in the Frnukfort well about CjO feet. It came out minus 130 foet, with j the point seraped and bent, which indi-' cntes that it got outside of the well ' down about 520 feet. It also indicates , a spaoe niiuus earth, as that 130 feet passed down outside of the well without meeting any resistenoe. The tube was put down by hand. That basin was not there when the well was put' down. It will be noticed that in some of the above tubings the iron is only 3-10 of an inch in thickness. This is too little to resist the enormous pressure at the bot tom of a well of 1,000 feet tlepth, Imviug a pressure of 200 pounds per square inch at the surface. Water exerts a pres sine of about 43 pounds per square inch for each hundred feet in height. This would give such a well at the bottom a pressure, when the valve is closed at the top, of 630 pounds per square inch a pressure nearly four times greater than a locomotive carries with a boiler twice as thick. A wisp of straw aooidentally carried down 2,000 feet in the Place He bert well was returned so compressed that it dropped iu water like lead. Or dinarily the walls of the earth resist the pressure upon' the pipes, but should a piece chip off, the pipe might burst at this point. Then if there were no im pervious stratum above the break, the result might be like the two above-mentioned wells. Sometimes it is impossible to force a pipe down more than a few hundred feet. In this event a smaller tube is put down inside the first. Sometimes as many as three sizes are - put down. When the inside pipe is down far enough there is no further use for the outside pipes. These cannot be easily drawn out, owing to the friction against the walls of the earth, so an ingenious meth od is employed of using a left hand thread at the proper depth, enabling them to take out the top parts of the in side pipes instead. This leaves a well of telescope appearance, with small end down. The inside pipes do not necessa rily, when put dowu, fit the outside pipes watcr-titrlit, but when separated a swedging process is used, which makes thein water-tight. If this is not thor oughly done, the water will escape, ma king the flow muddy, and if, us before mentioned, there is no impervious stra tum ab'jve, the water will break out about the well. COULDN'T It KM KM B Kit TK1FI.KS. When the conductor of the Lansing train was making his rounds tho other morning after leaving Detroit, he came to a man who was not ready with his tiokot. He felt iu all his pockets, search ed the lining of his hat, and finally re marked: "I thought I bought a ticket, but I can't find it." "I must have your ticket or your fare," said the conductor. "Of course. Nobody can't ride free on railroads. Guess I've lost my tioket, and I haven't got a cent to pay fare with." "Then I'll have to put you off." ''1 suppose so." He was allowed to make another search, but not finding a ticket, be was told to get off at the next station. He was ready to step off when the train stopped, but he had scarcely left the oar before a passenger found his ticket on tho floor and called him back. "So you had a ticket after ail?" said the ooniluctor. "Yes, it seems so." "Very odd that you should have for gotten that yin bought it." "Yes, it is, but I was kinder miied, you soe. I was drunk f ir two days, got pulled in and turned out by the police, bad two tights, met my divorced wife, gotjjrun over by a hack, and some one stole my watch in the depot. I couldn't romember whether I bought a ticket for Brighton or signed a ooutraet to split 10,000 rails. Please keep an eye on me and see that 1 got off at the right stati in, for this oar seems to be running bottom side up." Detroit Free Press. IM1KS NOT Ati It KB WITH WKKSTKR. A recent importation from Arkaus.iw has been following the occupation of sheep-herder near the C iliiuliit fir the past two months, and offers a few practi cal definitions for words e iimectej with his business. He informs us that he bas no desire to iuterf-re with Vebster's notions of matters, realizing that he is excusable on the ground ot u it "having herded sheep. Sheep a kind of quadruped. Sheepmau a sort of a tvranioal ouss that thinks he owus the world nud feels bigger than his possessions. Rauge A patch of sago brush Bnd snud, inhabited by coyotes and ranchers. Dog A receptacle for fresh mutton. Receives a deal of oussiu', whioh he richly deserves. FEMININE Kl.NKSsE. A little girl hearing her mother read a minister's experiouoe, us to how fresh roasted peanuts bad cured him of lusom uia, asked: 'Ma, what is insomnia?" Her mother explained to her that it was wheu a person could not sleep sound. During the day, having some peanuts, she was approached by her little brother who aslte I her for some. To keep from sharing with him and still show a gener ous disposition, she said "lirother, I am 'Buffering awfully from insomnia, and very much afraid it you take auy there will not be enough left to cure me." American Farmer, (Ft. Wayne, I ml.): "Large grain fields iu Oregon are being divided mto small fruit farms, and the more intelligent class of citizens, as well as immigrants, lire takiug bold of this industry with an interest heretofore un known. Lands are cheap, rauging from $20 00 to git IX) per acre, but are steadily increasing in value, and iu a lew years will double or treble their present value.'' w EALTH' I Without Health can not be enjoyed. THEREFORE USE :flGON0lOODPdfflfl(ll HEALTH fiESTOREK It itTthrbest helper to Health and tlx quickest cure on fcarth, Vse it in time tor all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Skin. U cures Rheumatism, Malaria, Coated Tongue tut Headache, relieves Constipation, Bilious ness and Dvspopsia. drives all impurities out of the Blood and dries up old Sores. The Business men buy it. the Workiujjmen use it, the Ladies take it, the Children cry lor it and the Kaimtrs a,, it is their hesi health preserver. Sold everywhere, i.co a bottle; sit for fyoa. -THE- If H!j k iiiatisn S3. 'COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE." T I C.KE' To all Principal Points in the United States, Caua.la and Europe. - ELEGANT PULLMAN PALACE CARS EMIGRANT SLEEPING CARS Run Through on all Kxpress Trains to -OMAHA.- Cotincll Klvtffs ANO Free of Charge and Without Charge. Close Connection at Portland for San rrancisco anil 1 uget Sound l oints. A LiLj 1 1 ? ON ST E A. . 1 1 I t!S Leave Portland for San Francisco every four (4) days, making the trip in 00 hours. C(ifi' :.$Vi. Steerage, $.W Round Trip Unlimited, $3(J.M. For further particulars inquire of any agent of the company, or A. L. Max well, G. P. & T. A., Portland, Or. A. L. MAXWELL, W. II. HOLCOMB, G. P. & T. A. General Manauer. 1 . THE GREAT Transcontinental Route Northern Pacific 1 ! A I 1 . 1 A I ) ! VIA THE Cascade Branch, now Completed, mak ing it the Shortest, Best and Quickest. The Dining Cur Line. The Direct Route No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low est Bates to Chicago and all points East. Tioets sold to ull Promi nent Points throughout the East and Southeast. Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car?. Reservations can be secured in ndvance. To East Hound Pasen ?ers lie careful anil do not make a mistake, but be sure to take the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD And see that your tioket reads via this line, St Paul or Minneapolis to avoid changeH and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run on rognlar express trains full length of line. Berths free. Lowest rates. Quick est time. General Office of the Company, No.. 2, Washington St., Portland, Oregon A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. Dobbins Electric Soap THE BEST FAMILY SOAP -IN THE WORLD. It is Strictly Fare. Uniform in Qnalily. THE original formula for which we paid jSjo.ooe twenty years agn hat never hcen mutliA-il or cl,.ni;ed in the slightest. 'Hi in noup i'A iuvnlivn. in iiiilUy to-tlay ultli l iiii itt.Mitt tnt'iily yenrn no. IT con lain Untiling I. silt In jure f.itt Hi nest inbi-ic. li Might em I'o'ors tuiO bleach -s wiims. II' waslits muds ami hlanVels as no ntln-r i in ill- w ! '. i1.m: W't'-mit ahi ink i' -1 jv u.j; th:ni soft and wii.r- an J like new, READ THIS TWICE flMIKKM is a rrfat HHVllttr of iipm, nf laVr. J nf .:,. f,t fiul, ai:ii a lb.-' fabric, un-i. ll biii..' I'lranc l:: ; IS t..i '1 at'twi'iii..' lit i.. -fit t. '.-.. 0K rf:.l wi;l i!ctn"ns'rte it grrat metit. It W'il l-y y;.i- t. :l;tk tlfU iril'l. Y . il !. liiii,;t, it U y?.l-tir..vvi irm J" laied .111J cuiit::iilLd. J2sYarc cf Iraniicr"., ',VVV.'W'"-'A-ii TNSIST upon !.:;.-. iv.r-. i KC M.i.Tn.iiic, Klcc.ru-MaKx, l'l-in-JiV'.:. I.,- I or nny ii!ilt IV .11 I. vinply rut: uso tl i t -i a;-.. . Will ruin cl 1 !.,.;, and u.'c t ai :,i.y ; r' c. .-'.. ;;'i o.. wi&RniSN' -:?-rx"ir,'.3: i and take no oih-r. Keailv crcrv '-- ' 1: " ' ' to Mexico keep- it in s:uu!:, if nr ' ; i 1 , will or lerfroni his nearest wlmlt.-aiu ; r- T5 KAD caret'iiliy the ituii;t.- wrf" e . 11 t-.it !' J bar, iiii-1 he car. f.ii to Coil-'W !ir ct'iiii-' on ear!, outnicle wrapper. YmiCMtistof Jitli!! ti. wait longer before tryiny for ) utirs.;i, this -i I, rct.abit;, ami truly wonderful Dobbins' Electrics Soap. I. L.' CKAGIN A CO., Philadelphia Pa, The best and simplest RIFLES MADE. Strongest Shooting. EASIEST W0RK1HC. All sizes from 23 calibre The to 4f calibre. BALLARD All prices from up has won more prizes at Turret Stand wit bout a rival for accu all other makes of ritlcs pub to gether. racy and killuiK power on large or small trauic Wa guarantee Our Goods KO.DAI, TO Anything Proflucel I THAT LINE. Ask your dealer to show 1 our niics. E Illustrated Catalogue sent 1 ti k 12 on application. I Addrvaa MAELIU FIRE ARMS CO. V. O. Horn SO Si EAVSS, CONN. Lyman's Patent Combination Gnn-Signt. wmmm. 40 Per Cent. ISeuucilon tn 8lv"r TOR Wpars Catalogva ct u. ma. a, etc A tl ::.-, if Iddlefleld, Ct. u A i.t. . g KtSt S.s Plnls ? nn 1 riiina. s. fits J 1 l.rvu:.r. . KK ulr Cata" jM 'ogue (jRii Is Just afcL- OUt. H : I.U w A 1 4 ! ,:h We Have BlfPwa. BlS-Wanjawa Ui B- .l at Upon a Plan m TO BENKF1T OCK SL'HSCKIKKRS. Thk Hkhi nkr Gazette is pleased to announce the completion of special ar rangements whereby it is enabled to of fer its readers two of the Pest family journals for but little more than the price of one. We will send, for one year, to any ad dress. rro,. 11 ft... ii And the Famous Family Weekly, Tits Mm Fies Press. The Free Press is without question the Greatest Literary and Humorous paper now netore tne American people, it is not a new aspirant for public favor; es tablished over fifty years ago, it has stood the test of time, and is to-day stronger than ever l-'O.OOrt subscribers affirm its surpassing excellence. The funny sketches and sayings of the Free Press are everywhere quoted and laughed at, while in respect to literary excellence it will compare favorably with the ex pensive magazines. "M". Quad," "Luke Sharp," Eva Best, Rose Hartwick Thorp, Chas. F. Adams, Hamilton Jay, Lizzie Yorke Case, Bronson Howard, H. C. Dodge and a host of other favorite wri ters, contribute regularly to its columns Reeogniz-ng the growing demand for first-class fiction, the Free Press hns of fered $3,000.00 in Cash Prizes for the three best Serial Stories of 60,00l) Words each. A number of the best writers have announced their inten tion to compete. In addition to the many other special features it is the intention to publish sec tions of Three Serial Stories Each Week, Written expressly for the Free Press by the best American and Knglish authors. It will be seen, therefore, that by sub scribing for the Hkpi'nkr Gazett'k and the Free Press, the entire family can be supplied with all the news anil" the best of current literature for a year, at a cost OF FIVE CENTS A WEEK. The Free Press is a large eight-page seven oolumn paper, and the regular price is one dollar per year. Remem ber that for $'2.60 you cau have the Free Press and your favorite home paper also. Sample copios can be seen at this office. We hope that our friends will show their appreciation of our efforts in their behalf, by making up their minds to take advantage ot this splendid cil'er Bub scribe at once. Send all subscriptions to the Gazette office. HACKINE CABINET and OFFICE D2SZ fhmrfi The advantages of this Tvpe writer and Ojfice Detifc overall other so-called Combination Cabinet, arc: ".ra!, The ease and simplicity with wh.ch the desk is changed from a Libiary or Office Disk to a Typ swriter Table . This change is effected by push ing the lid covering the machine tack in the rer of cabinetit being a roller top removing- it entircl from sight, thus overcoming the objection able board and sounder in front of the operator. The movable tuD is perfectly flat, is b ize covered, and forms a com- olete writing desk when the machine is not in use. The table on which the machine rests is so evenly bal anced by our p;itttnt adjustments that it need& but a Slip til lUUUU IU UllUg IUC Illalt-UIUCIll IMIIIUU. Second. The advantages of the swirgin? tah!e are:' Tne table is sb danced near its center or. pat ent maleable iron arms, that when the inachiue brought in place for use, it dies not depend on rnpes or hangers at renrot piatiorm tor support, oui is nui rirfiHlv in nlace bv sts own weiclit. inakincr it impossi ble for the machine to be tumbled down an incline in back of desk by the breaking of a rear support. The machine rests on patent slides which keeps the machine in place and can be drawn out beyond the debk, well tin Jer t he operator's hand. aVtird. The construction of the lid closing machine space makes it pirtiht, and the tuble hnv ing felt around its boaiders tharoughly protecU the niflrhind fn.m dust. fourth The foot rest and ths construction of the tcble adiusiments makis the desk 83 ndped as though the top was one solid bo.trd, which is u matter of great .mportaiice where a solid lypc-wntiug table is required. JNo operator can do goou work: on a suaicy tat ile. Xaati y. T.ie :abinct is a sp!r ndid piice of cabinet work. We manufacture the:n in Walnut, Antique Ook, Natural Oak, fsatural Cherry, (-iierry inu-at-on, Mulintranvnnrl Ash. Agents wanted to sell these cabinets, and where we have no agencies established we will sell direct from i ur works at wholesale prices. Address all communications to Va.hincton. N. I. HOLLER DESK Ctt a c..-r.'Li.-. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER, OUT OF ORDER, If you deairo to purchase a spwinjr nuii b're. ask ourntrcnt at your piiv-e ttr tt'-nn. ani prices. If you canmtt Ihul oi:r apnt., write direct to nearest addresa to you Ix-iow ninm d. Wt HOME SEWING MACHiNE G.ORA'iQE.MASS. chicaso - 28 UNION SQUASE.NX- DALLAS. I LL. ST LOOIS.MO. ATLANTA, CA LEEZER A THOMPSON, Au'm Heppner, Oregon Pacific department, gpnrnl aroncy, 7'i.l Market stnmt, hit-tory huilding. 8an Francisco, t'al Brauchts. 4-1 Morrison St., Portland. lr., IH 8onth 8oend St. San Jose, ('ui., .Vi North Spring 8t.. Los Angole. ('kJ igBMI ' . f wtmm CATARRH in mm HEAD. Wff Try the Cure Ely's Ofe 3 m Balm Cleanses the Fasa! ?assareo. Al lays Inflammation. Heals tne Soros. Restores the Senses of Taste, ftrnU and Hauing. A pwtir l U .rlt-d law wt nril ! fc rrrbr. Prir.dOc, at Drmcatou r bj mmil. ELY UROTHJaBS. Warm Sc.NwW York. ifetaiag links!.! . . r.3 MExirA Mustano LixmitriTrurfs Pn.EB, OlJ) SMUtU, CAJUCU BtlKAilTS, IFIa41UUT10f. 1 4 i J& I I S2 33 Mf I lJf ear:- I t t 1 teoll I ':; r m 'M "IIAMX TT'P;ipT'0AV fPUOfTAwd oiCRnp B.lmpUi-, 'iN'JKl.M'l OVYltiJK KVQIX3114 i Is the oldPHt and mft nomiljir srlpntlflc nrd mechanlCHt parer piiltlilie( ud has the Iiirtrci-t rrircuiaiion or any paper oi ua rnins in tne worm. Fully illuptrntod. Rent clans of Wood ICni:rnv litus. PuhlistiRd weeklr. 8end for t-pt'ciniPD cttpv. Pricfi $3 a vetir. r our months' trial, 1. MU'NN & CO., PUBLisiiKUs, Kill Broadway, N.V. ARCHITECTS A, BU1LDERQ Edition of Scientific American. Q A great success. Rach Issue contains colored llthoRraphlc plates of country and city reirien cex or public buildinus. Numeroux engravings ana run plans ana upecincauons tor tne use nr such us contemplate building. Price fi.M a year, 25 eta. a copy. MUNN ft CO., Puiiljhhkks. lATENTSi I maybe secur I ed by apply- f ing to AlL'NS 0. I.O., W II "I havuhad over in Tears' ernerinnca nnd have made over 1(10,000 applications for American and Fnr- eitrn outents. Send for Handbook. Corres pondence strictly confidential. TRADE MARKS. ' In cane your mark In not registered In the Pat ent Otline, apply to Mitnn A CO., and procure Immediate protection. Send for Handbook. COPYRIGHTS for books, charts, maps, M.c quickly procured. Address MUNN & CO., Patent Solicitors. Genbhal Office: aci Buoadwat, N. T- "When I pay Cttre I do pot mean merely to .; stop them for a lime, and then iuive them ro- turn again. I mean A UA1UCAL CUIUS. ,. X have mado the disease of ; FITS, EPILEPSY or j! A life-long rttidT. I WAT-wr ciyremcdy ( 4 CuitB the worst osat. jiicntwo otltew havo 1 fititcil is no reitson Un- imt liov.- veeel. ir.K it euro, f (teudatonee for a treatM ai,,;ti I :; Hoitlo g of my INFAI.I.IHLI5 I:T:,!nr;'. v.-; .e 1' :;. -aja $ unit Post oniee.- It e.i-9 3 i r A' i j Sat a I tri ll, and it will euro yon. A . : . N.G. ROOT, MX., 1 53 VaV". " :.. Vcax J ,A WEEK r Ji while asconvenient X) ! to the buyer u VSJ5flfe system iu us. x jf IWAA CO-opcraLioii 01 me club members sells us 838Vatch Club, and we pet cash from IJjj the Llub lor each watch beiore it goes out, though each member only pays $i a wcuk. This is why we give yoi: more for your money than any one else and why we are doing the hirgest watch business in the world. We sell only first quality goods, Lut out; prices arc :ihout w hat oihcrsgrt f r scc jnd quality. Our fil 10 bllvcrWotcli is a substantial Silver not imitation cj my kind) Stem-Wind American Lever Wat'.h cither hunting case or open. Our S 3.00 Watch is a Stem-wind, Open Face, first quality, stiffened Gold American LeverWatch.PTmrii.vfi'rf to wear so ye, s. It IS lull V 11 v caual to anv watch so d for bv o ! others, We find a first-class Sttftcncd Gold Case much more snthfactorv and serviceable than any Solid Guld Case lhatcan be sold at less than double the money, as cheap solid cases are invariably thin, weak, ol low quality, and worthless after short use. OurJS.'JS Watch contains numerous important vaicnicd im-, provsments, of vital importance to accur-l ..t liming i'utent Dnstproof, Patent Stem li'in.i,&'c.t which we controlexclusivcly. It is fully equ ilf ir accuracy, appearance, dira bility and service, to any f;s Watch, c;:hcr Open Face or Hunting. Oi:r S43.00 Rull rorul Watch is especially constructcfl fcr it! the mDStcxactm tis-j, anil is the D"t Kail- v t Kail- Tra-. Hunting. 1. fe r inclubs, j -ir. ruad Watch made. Upen face or J All ti.ese prices r.re eill.cr a!i cat-hor (41.00 ft IVtl'k. A, i Aint iTnfrh ,.- vriih e.trh Wauh. ,-V Agents Wanted, f u-, l, lnn.tl-.tnr 41 till it Tfer-t nritrpfttrtn R.iT&iri'l intiL'Dill(Tn. Ftt nitvW-t-tt. Sfiu 'j' u.eilon r-a-lnl GUlDt, 124 pp.j price or.'-j 23c. (pstae stamps tt ftewlticMnchlnr- , trad ib all parti, b- ilaclnr our macbtnr and foocJ mitm the pttopia can tc main, wi win acnti rrf lo on tfMtm luflct laKalitv.the vrrw tl MwiBK-machin made -.m. , the wld, villi al; the utidimnh We will alao tndl re ror.-.p:-m .Itn of Wit ii!v and t.I.i1 art irapie. in mnru w ak tha; ? r bow wfcat wi Nn. lu tLuar w .j OAf f at Ti-ar ."tlf.iDil attft A , Tvrri'ba ai, ihali b-tmr Tt-wr o t nart ihr lb hmirr .1. , fci-h ha na oct ; -toft- j ti t bat tl sold ff Sfcii:. MMI.a LWV pfttl ma hln. ra ki- artvri 1. A'i : I IwaMBwaA- carnal rmu.rti. l i' u brief laatrao-ia-U u. 1 iioaa wba wnu t s. at fK - f.t -rWe tb Dal wrwlnr-mty.imi m ih; - . -t- ; f nt tin of work f hirt rnt turt :r--t .n tn-.- a T8l att U. ti, AuiU. JUawiaO !?T- I';'. ttyiP, flie Keystone Watch CiabCaM feji Unto Mto h Co'i f-n f !'!, 6: A o; WAthtiT st. f.::u.z.. fa. mJ M 1 Report triesffets, TrMiJland, . ScrijLca, Tovvn:!tes, SdfylOQ, : . PrrM tai llk,Rli.9Am.iilt,ail tVflMjoMitig Conijits 5t Mctieri&vT.rnu. dA&nxtxoTCMrV. ib. cl