1AZETTE. HKPPNEK. TliUUSDAi, Al'll. IS, 'm. Local and General. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Tr.'iinf on the Willow t'rvr-k lirtirH-li iirrive at hiitl Irwvti the ditlereiit sluluwH dtiily, except SuodujM, na follow: EAHTWAfil). tl:lfi P. M. Ar. h-An " " " 5-ltf" " " Jar.-' " " 4:15" " " :'Ai LPXlHtOU. oue. DoukI:isb. 'ecilV, 'illows Junction WiltuWK. 3:1 j " 2:31" I.v. Arlington. Ar, Mil " t'rmnwt Ht Arlinton with No. 1. Went, at 11:25 A.M. Arrive in Pnrtlitmi, 4:2n P. M. No. 2. Kat. leHVeH Portland at Hint a. m Arrivew at Arling ton t 2:41) P. M. G. 8. THOMPSON, AKeut. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Stacrn leaves for Cimyon City Mon days, Wednesdays nud Fridays. Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. There is a saving of 16 hours iu time and $10 in cash by titkiug this route to C'anvnu. Musical Institute opens to-night Unsiuess from over the Blues is in creasing daily. Hewpner is having " a bit" of webfoot weather this week. The wnlls of the new brick are rapid ly Hearing completion. In our next issue will appear the new stock law as emended by our last legis lature. Paul Boulon will give nn entertain ment in Lexington, Saturday evening, April 211. Rend Roberts & Simons' ad. this week. It contains sometliingof interest to every teamster. J. H. Warmoth lias just finished grading Center and Bultimore streets for the city. Jack Gray took out another load of nntilics for the Long Creek section on last Tuesday. A. C. Palmer has been appointed post master at Prineville, Or., in place of J. I'. Moore, resigned. The rate between Heppner and Port land on the O. R. & N. is iu favor of the wool grower and shipper. George Vasey, of Washington Territo ry, has been appointed speoial agent of the department of agriculture. William J. Martin has been appointed post master at Blalock, Gilliam oouuty, Or., vice W. II. Mariner, resigned. Milton Redding has been appointed postmaster at Lafayette, Yamhill coun ty, Or., vice G. E. Johnson, resigned. Heppner has no ice for the coming sultry period. See Homer McFarland's local elsewhere regarding this ueoessity. No. 10, the east-bound freight traiu, was beset with a sand storm Dear Celilo, on last Thursday, and ten cars derailed by the drifting sand. Why not observe the centenary of Washington's inaugural at Heppner on the 3(Jt h inst. ? We can be patriotic at borne as well us at Portland. Co. E., of Heppuer, has an invitation to take part iu the parade at Portland on the 30th inst., the centennial celebra tion of Washington's first inaugural The ceiling of A. D. Johnson & Co.'s drug establishment has jnst received seine attention in the line of papering, at the hands of L. Rider, of the firm of Rid er & Kerns. It is a very neat job of work. Although the present outlook in wool matters is somewhat discouraging, com pared with that of two weeks ago, yet we have hopes of better prices prevailing before lime for disposing of the spring clip. Geo. Petrie, of Arlington, has decided to locate in Heppner in the restaurant business, and has rented A. Abranam sick's new store room for that purpose. He will bo ready for business about the 25th inst. . D. D. Davidson and Tom King left last Saturday for the Long Creek section with big loads of merchandise. Oue load was for Jonas Bros., stockmen, and the other for McHailey, store-keeper at Hamilton. C. M. Mallory, our furniture dealer, is making some wonderful changes in his store room tit the corner of May and Chase streets. He is also adding a twenty-foot addition to give moie- room for his increasing business. Pat McGiuuis, who murdered a deputy sheriff of Grant county, is to be hanged again, says the Oauyrn City Neica, Judge Fee having issued a new death warrant, fixing the day of execution for Friday, April 26, at 1 o'clock p. m. Easter servioes at the M. E. church next Sunday tit 11 a. m. Those who have flowers and bouse plants, and w ill permit them to be used in decorating the church, will please communicate the same to Henry Rasmus, pastor. An article which appeared recently tn the Scientific American, is puhisued in this issue of the Gazette ou first and fonth pages. Heppner will be satisfied with a well having considerable less than 200 pounds pressure to the square inch. Business is coming iuto Heppuer from Canyon City. A prominent merchant here has just received an order for a lot of galvanized barb-wire from that place. Other business is coming in from over there, aud will shortly develop into quite a trade. Archbishop Gross has issued a circu lar letter to the Catholic people, asking that they observe the centenary of Washington's inauguration, April 30, 1889. Iu accordance with this request, that denomination will hold services iu their Heppuer church ou the above date. A plan is proposed to extend Chase street up the hill to the cemetery. Mr. T. W. Ayers, owner of that part of Hepp ner, will' undoubtedly favor such a move and contribute some towards the grading, as the opening of that street will benefit him greatly, as well as making a conven ient road 'to the cemetery. On May 1st, the young gentleman of Heppner will give it May Day ball, at Garrigues A Rogers' opera bouse. The managers are taking great pains to make this ball a success, aud we will venture to say that the fitu-loving portion of our community, if able to attend, will have an enjoyable tinio on that evening. The Danish vice consul, residing at Portland, Oregon, desires to know the postofliee address of a Daue by the name of K. Newton, who left Heppuer, Oregon, two or three years ago ana is supposed to be residing near Boise City. Is'ewton will do well to communicate with the vioe consul as he has iuiportaut infor mation for hiui. T. P. Ingalls has a living curiosity at his place in Spring Valley. It is a four legged duck, and iu walking it uses all its eg. Waitslmrg Time. Twtj-leg-ged hogs are no rarity iu Eastern Ore gon, bnt we must pdmit not being able, so far.to bring out anything extraordinary in the poultry liue. These hogs get around on two legs. It". 11. Union: Some oue just from abroad is busy filling Walla Wallans with taffy and striking them for adver tising in'a "tiy sheet'' containing "a de scription of the city and valley, for circu lation io the east. Our people should remember how they were bilked by the St. Paul Pioneer-Press, and patronize the home pupers to the exclusion of all "fakes." Tuirn Talk: "A somewhat dangerous practice, that of riding aud breaking wild horses in the street, needs to be dis couraged. V, e know of at least two cases of narrow escapes from serious in jury duriug tbe last few weeks, and when one thinks of the disastrous results which might ensue from a wild horse breaking loose in a thoroughfare crowd ed as Main street always is, and with ladies and children moving about, it is eurelv necessary for ns only to mention the danger for it to be discontinued. This little item fits Heppner nioeiy. THI 'SnVK'mixwIJ l.v. r : t- a. ai. B: ll" " " f. .5l " 7:'JI" " " 7:11 " :)" " " H:W" " PElt-SOXAL PARAGRAPHS. Kit Hays was over from Lena, on last Saturday. W. E. Hiatt was over from Vinson on last Monday. Mayor Bluckman visited Arlington on last Monday. Hon. Henry Gay was over from Rhea creek ou last Saturday. Wm. Beckett, of Eight Mile, was in Heppuer on last Saturday. Henry Welsh returned from tbe John Day oountry on last Thursday. ('apt. Homer McFarland was up from Lexington on last Saturday. Ed. Matlock is looking arter his horses on Morrow county's ranges this week. Mrs. Delia Hallsck returned from Portland ou Wednesday of last week Billy Crabtree was over from Ritterj last week. He reports some snow in his i vicinity. I Fred Blight, Paul Bunion's man, billed Heppner this week for that estimable I company. I A. M. Slocum. proprietor of the Rock I creek saw-mill, was in Heppner last Saturday. Rev. E. G Prunk will preach at the Baptist church on next Sunday morning and evening. Mrs. F. M. Willmorth, mother of Mrs. Wm Runrk, left yesterday for her home in Galena, Idaho. Chas. Wyland, a typo whose native range is in Morrow, is over from Tacoma visiting his folks. ' R. C. Barclay came up from Portland on last Tuesday's train. Mr. Barclay will leave for England shortly. A. A. Crawford sold his two lots on Main street to Frank McFarland last Saturday, Consideration 81,200. Lum Hiuton has so far reoovered from his experience with a runaway team to be around with the aid of crutches. Phil Cohu, the genial book-keeper of II. Bluckman & Co., left for Portland this morning where he will remain a few days. John Q. Wilson came up from his Salem home on last Saturday, bringing with him a fine general purpose stallion. Chas. E. Lee, of Long Creek, stockinau and owner of stage route between Can yon aud Monumeut, was in town this week. Geo. Swaggart has been having a ya oation from sedentary duties in Hepp ner, looking after his sheep iu the Alpine section. Wm. and Ben Luelling oame down from their mountain ranches on last Monday. Thoy report considerable stow up there. Heman Caldwell, of Eight Mile, was iu town on last Monday. His orop is in splendid condition, and he looks for a large yield. Henry Rasmus returned this week from Walla Walla, accompanied by Mrs. Lena Bradbury nud Mrs. H. C. Rasmus, his sister aud mother. Asbury Anderson, accompanied by daughter, passed through Heppner this week on their way from Portlaud to their home iu the Long Creek section. Mr. Louis Hadsell, wife and son ar rived from California on last Monday. They left for the Long Creek republic yesterday, where they will lopate. Hon. W. R. Ellis is back to bis Hepp ner home again, after being in attend ance on oircuit oourt at Arlington in his ollicial capacity during last week. Mrs. E. G. Sloan returned from Port land last Thursday to her home in Hepp ner. Her many friends in this section will be pleased to learn that she has en tirely recovered her health. J. A. Pierce, who has visited this sec tion in quest of sheep for the past two years, is in Heppner again this spring, buying up wethers for J. D. Wood, ol Challis, Custer oouuty, Idaho. J. G. Maddock and wife, aooompanied by Mr. Fred Patterson, left last Monday for Portlaud, wbere they will remain a few days, after which they will settle down in their new looatiou at Golden dale. The Gazette wishes them pros perity in their new field. Prof. W. F. Wurschkul, of Chicago, will hold a Musical Institute in Hepp ner, beginning at 7 o'clnok this eve. Mr. Wursohkul has just closed a series of institunes in Portlaud aud has awak ened muoh enthusiasm among the musi cal folks of that oity. All are invited to attend this evening's session at the South Methodist oburoh. Read the new land laws whioh appear in this issue. Surveyors are nt work re-plotting the Looney addition. There is no difficulty for sheep owners to secure good range this season. The W. C T. U. will meet next Satur day afternoon at 3 o'olock in the Baptist church. A rumor roaches the office that the Baptist church property has been sold for $1500. The Dennis crew sheared out one of Press Thompson's bands numbering 1,500, last week. Don't fail to be present at the M. E. church, South, to-night. The first meet ing is as important as any. S. R. Reeves, proprietor of the Blue Mountain House, La Graude, has au ad. iu this issue. When you go to La Grande, stop at the Blue Mountain House. Sheep buyers have been very success ful this spring iu securing bands of desir able sex, age and quality. Morrow county has about one-tenth of the sheep raised in Oregon. Thos. Morgan bought a lot from the M. C. L. & T. Co., Loouey's addition, this week. Consideration $200. He is erecting sheds and will make a feed yard clown there. A break in the roof of H. Blaokman & Co.'s store let iu considerable water ou las. Saturday night, it being a very rainy evening. It was discovered be fore any damage was done. Recent rains are proving decidedly in the way of shearing orews, but for iVIor row at large, tbey are very acceptable. The county never has presented a more attractive aspect than at present. J. F. Spray is continually improving his feed yard on lower Main strert. This week be is building a fence around the premises which will keep breaoby Btock within the enclosure should tbey get loose. The jury in the oase of "Christ" Lar sen vs O. R. & N. Co., a suit . for dam ages etc against the railroad for tres passing on his ranch, four miles this side of the Willows, awarded 81241. The case was .tried at Arlington. I The Morrow County Land & Trust Co. have secured the services of Mr. Grant Johnson, who will grade their wool at ! the Heppner warehouse this season. ! He was employed by Ayers & Fell in j like capacity at Arlington last year. Mr. G. W. Fry, recently of Wullula, is I putting the finishing touches on A. Abra ! hatiisU k's building. He informs us that he is now ready to contract for carpenter , work. Mr. Fry is a good workman and I will no doubt be aole to secure plenty of I work in his line in Heppner. ! Heppner cow owners bad better look I after their boviues it appears. On last . Monday, Jus. Hager had to pay about 89 . because his cow had been guilty of browsing in the street. Other cows ! were running at large yesterday to our personal knowledge. There is certainly ' no cause for complaint if all receive the ' same treatmeut iu the administration of this law. SLF.KF1.E.SSNF.S3. DR. FLINT'S RRMEDY is the best remedy known for insomnia, or sleep lessness, which afflicts so many persons, and which leads to so uiauy serious ner vous diseases, particularly to insanity. Descriptive treatise with each bottle: or address Muck Drug Co., N. Y. All kinds of job work done in the Oa ' zkttk office at Pendleton prices. Merited Appreciation. Tbe Paul Boulon Comedy Company that exhibited at Musio Hall last Saturday evoning is said to have beeu a first-class entertain ment The hall was well filled, which is a guarantee that the people of Grant's Pass know the good from the bad. Too many of these concert companies are worthless. The Boulon family are first class mirth producers, while Mr. Boulon is a musician that has few, if any equals on the Pacific slope. The entire troupe is made up of accomplished ladies and gentlemen. Grant's Pass Courier, Muroh 28, '89. Ed. Mr. Boulon, it will be remembered, was through this section last year and gave a performance which was appreciated very muoh by Heppner people. As will be seen elsewhere, he will shortly appear again in Heppner with bis company aud give ns a rare treat in the line of comedy. He merits well filled houses, which he will no doubt secure in Heppner. The Eua op Invention. The follow ing patents bave been granted tooitizeus of the Pacific States duriug the past week, and reported for this paper by C. A. Snow & Co., Washington, D. C. J. Bean, Los Gatos, Cal , Spray nozzle; G. W. Brown, L s Angeles, Cal., Railway vehicle; J. Collins. San Francisco, Splic ing cables; J. P. Culver, Los Angeles, Cal., Sheet metal pipe; L. C. Guun, San Diego, Cal., Rooking chair; P. Ilin kle, San Francisco, Grinding pan; Ed mond B. Knapp. San Jacinto, Cal,, Har ness loop; N. Levering, Log Angeles, Cal., Medical compound; G. W. Napier, Los Augeles, Vessel fin; Niel S. Phelps and C. L. El lit?, Eureka, Cal , Parallel ruler. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health by sim ple means, after suffering for several years with a severe lung affections and that dread disease, consumption, is anx ious to make known ta his fellow suffer ers the means of care. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which thoy will find a sure oure for con sumption, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them noth ing, and may prove ablessing, will please address, Rev. Edward A. Wilson, Wil liamsburg, Kings county, New York. Quite a Storm. On last Saturday, Heppner anj near vicinity were visited by quite b hail storm, covering tbe ground to the depth of two or three inches. On the night following, it froze considerably and it . was generally con ceded that the fruit was killed, but as far as we are able to learn, it appears to have come out comparatively uninjured. The storm seems to have only visited a small seotion of country, of which Hepp ner is situated in ubout the oenter. Con siderable snow has fallen in the Blues of late, yet very little of it remains at pres ent, offing to the Chinook winds whioh have prevailed most of the time for the past week. Wrist Broken. On last Monday eve Beat Gay, son of Hon. H. C. Gay, resid ing on Rhea creek, four miles below the bridge, met with an accident which re sulted in a broken wrist. One of Mr Gay's horses was tied to tbe corner of of the barn, and the little fellow was talking to a neighbor boy with his left wrist and band tangled in the rope, when the horse became frightened, rearing back with the above result. He was brought to Heppner on the same even ing, and Dr. Fox reduced the fracture. A Warm Winter Everywhere. The temperature of the recent assemblage of Indiana solons reached 109 degrees in the shade of the capitol building, al though it was in the usual frigid month of January. New Hampshire people tapped maple trees in January. Hepp ner folks also tupped some lager beer during the same month. Hurt by a Hohsi. A gentleman from Lena informs us that J. E. Freeman, residing near that place, was severely hurt by a horse fallin r ou him near Jer ry Brosman's place last Sunday. His right wrist and left ankle were disloca ted, besides receiving other bruises. Easter Social at Garrigues & Roger's hall, Saturday, Apr. 20, by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Baptist ohuroh. Come all and get Easter eggs and ice cream. Consumption Surely Cured. To the editor: Please inform your readers that I bave a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thou sands of hopeless oases have been per manently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send their express and post office address. T. A. SLOCUM, M. G 181 Pearl St., New York, N. Y WOOIt MARKKT. Boston, Apr. 16. The movement iu wool continues fair, and sales are made merely in lots suitable for the immediate needs of manufacturers. Wool in good condition sells readily at ourrent prices. Territory and other unwashed wools are quiet, and sell on a scoured basis. Pull ed wools are strong. Foreign Wool con tinues firm. Tbe best family remedy is undoutedlv Phundor'tJ Oregon Blood Purifier, it may be safely given to the infants as well as the adult, snd it will give relief where other medicines failed to do so. Keep it in tbe house' DEALINGS IN NO 1 1.. U. S. to Stephen S, Downing, IliO acres. Consideration V. 8. to William McFerrin, 100 acres. Consideration $2i)0. ' , U. S. to Joseph I.. Greenwood, Its") acres. Consideration $200. Joseph L. Greenwood & wife to Press C. Thompson, 100 acres. Consideration tfOO. U. S. to Charles R. Cate, patent to l00 acres. U. S. to A. C. Windsor, patent to 160 acres. State of Oregon to Henry Patburg, 120 acres. Consideration $270. W. F. Butcher to G. A. Hartman and Hugh McArthur, lljO acres. Consider ation $3u0. I J. G. Maddock et al to school district I No. 1, lot 3, block 15, Htansbury's ad j dition to the town of Heppner. Con sideration $o00. J. G. Maddock and wife to Nelson Jones, lot 4, block i, lywiney's addition to Heppner. Consideration $4O0. U. 8. to John F. Koyse, patent to 100 acres. Cynthia E. Mann to Wm. Penland, lot in lexington. Consideration Ml- V. S. to Alex Glenn, 16 acres. Con sideration $j.00. Alexander Glenn toC. K. Tayleur, 100 aeres. Consideration ffiOU. PAl'L BOILON. Paul ISoulon's Musical Novelty Com edy Company at Garrigues A Rogers' opera bouse, April 22, 23 and 24, 1S8'J. Entire ohauge of programme each eveu imr Ailmianirin. Tit) cents: children 25 cents; reserved seats, 75 cents, for sale at E. J. Slocum Co.'s drug store. RANDOM REMARKS. Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or extract the same in a scientific manner. Tons of flour and mill feed at Sperry's mill. He baa the finest grade of Hour in tbe market. C. S VanDuyn has just received M very fine line of youths' and boys' cloth ing. Call and examine before purchas ing elsewhere. A fine line of outlery just received at W. A. Johnston's store. He offers big bargains in everything. Gilliam A Coffey have the Baker wire, "perfect barb", in car load lots, which they are selling cheap. Also the latest novelty in wire stretchers. Consult them before buying. Roberts & Simons ore prepared to re pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe your horse, and in fact there is nothing in the blaoksmithing line that they are not able to do. Gunn & Ruark, blacksmiths; shop near Htiusaker & Long's feed yard. Odd Fellows' Hall, hard by. Shoeing and jobbing doue withnoatuess and dispatch. Everybody come a running. Those having false teeth which do not fit can have that detect remedied by Dr. Vaughn, tbe dentist. Having procured a new recipe, he is now able to extract teeth absolutely without pain. Leezer & Thompson are adding to their well-seleoted stock a full liue of tin ware, etc. Camp-tenders will do well to sail on them for their camp kettles, coffee pots, et oaetera, et caetera. You know w hat yon need in that line, and you cnu find it all at Leezer & Thompson's. Hunsaker Bnd Long having enlarged their livery stable, opposite Natter's Brewery, are now better prepared to ac commodate the public than ever. All stock left iu their care will receive the best of attention. It is a fact acknowledged by all "art organists," both of Europe and America that the "Estey" is the sweetest voiced, most human toned, least reedy iu tone, and quickest m response to touch of any organ manufactured in the world. Gilliam & Coffey are prepared to fit a man out with any kind of an outfit to be found in a first-olass hardware store. They will sell you nails to fix up your fenoe when your neighbor's cows break it down, or fit yon out with kitohen tools when you get married. "Just Found It." The place to get tbe purest Liquors & Havana Cigars in town. Also the celebrated Gambrinus beer on draught in "Boot leg" lots, at "Gem Saloon." A Real Necessity. We presume there is hardly a lady to be found iu our broad laud who, if she does not already possess a sewing machine, expects some day to beoome the owner of one. But after the mind has been fully made up to purchase one of these indis pensable articles, the question arises as to what kind of a machiue to buy. It should be so simply constructed that the most inexperieuoed can success fully operate it. The other points main ly to be considered, and whioh are the most desirable, are durability, rapidity, oapaoity for work, ease of operation, regularity of motion, uniformity of teu sion, aud silence while in operation. The "Light-Running New Home" fills the above requirements, nnd is said to oombine the good points of all sewing machines, with the addition of many improvements and labor-saving devioes. The price is no higher than that of other machines, and every lady who is the happy possessor of oue may rest as sured she has indeed a treasure. See advertisement. TAILORING. I have opened a well-appointed tailor ing establishment "in my new build ing on May street, and am now regularly reoeiving new goods and will make ous tom made pants from $7 to 815 best goods in the market. A. Abrahamsiok. NOTICK TO SIIEKPMRN. I am prepared to take bucks to be herded at the foot of the Tamarack Buttes. Commence to gather first of May; take no sheep exposed to soab or foot-rot; dip, feed sulphur and salt, all for 81.10 per head. Sales transacted free of charge. C. Hamh & C. Hastings. Hardman. Or., March 29, '89 NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Oflieo at Lndrando, Or., April 10. 'H9. Notice is hereby Kiven that the followinK-iiamed Hettler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of liiw claim, and that Maid proof will be made before ttie county jndu. of Morrow county or in hia absence tiefore the clock of aaid county at Heppner, Or., on May 21, 18MI. viz: O. M. Campbell, Hd. No. !, for the NK'i Boc IS, Tp 1 N, It 28 H. He names the followiiiK witnesses to prove hiHcontinuouR residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Joint t'. (ie"nre, John darker, Robert llarnp and William KinK. all of Galloway. Oregon. Any P'-raon who desirea to proteHt. ajjaitiHt the allowance of auch proof, or who knows of any Buhatantial reason, nnder the law and the regula tions of I he Interior Department, why such proof should not he allowed, will be (given an oppoitu nity at the above mentioned time and place to croas-examine the witnoKHea of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that Biibiiiit ted by claimant. Hkmhy Rinehast, Hewlett r. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at I.a (Irande. Or.. April II, '8 . Notice is hereby Kiven that the followiiiK-nnme-l settler has lilen notice of his intention to make final nroof in support of his claim, and that Haid proof will be made before the con"ty judge, or in fosatisence before the county clerk of Mor row county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 31, ls, viz: Lafayette 1'enJand, Hd. No. 2173, for the M'M NK4 NKUHK'iPiwW. anil H4 NWN Hec 27, T; 4 rl, K 27 K. He names the following! witnew.es to prove Ilia continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: John Zollinger, Jerry Phillips, Andrew Htftven son and John Hknglin, all of Heppner, Or. Any person who deairee to proteHt ftKainet the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the taw and the reifula tioim of the interior depart meat, why such pnsjf should not Im allowed, will be iven an opportu nity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of Raid claimant, and to offer evidence iu rebuttal of that Hubmit ted tiy claimant. 317-22 IlKNHY HlNKHAItT, ItcirlstpT. 1 NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Office a! Utirande. Or.. April II. '8(1. Notice is hereby si veil that thefollowinK-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be marie before the county iu'le, or in his absence before the county clerk of Morrow county, Oifii, at Heppuer, Or., on Junes, lKha. viz: Frank McC'nrkle, Hd. No. :21 for the NW'4 HW!4 K'i BWli, HW ! MM Heo 13, Tp 9 H. K 2H K. He names tfie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence , upon, and cultivation of. aaid land, viz: J. H Ourdane and D. V. flunlarie, liirloe, Uma tilla Co., Orf-Kon: ('. H. Cat and F. It. Hlienuan, Lena, Morrow county, Orea-on. , Auy person who desires to protect as-ainst the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any r-ubstantiul reason, under the law and the nKula tiona of the interior Department, why such prrstf shonld not be allowed, will lie (oven an opportu nity at the above mentioned time ami place t'i cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. . ,, . 317--J2 Hkxkt Kinkhaut. lleirister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. ' Land Office at The Dalles. Or., April H, ISStl. Notow is hereby iriven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before thejudk-e of Morrow county. Or., at Heppner, Or., on May UV. viz: Ijeri J. Slimier, Hd. No. 202!. for lets 2 and 3 and HF.' NWii and BWNK'rtocSTpirl. K 2T K. He nufcee the followinK witnesses to prove bis oootinuous residence uue-rt, and cultivation of. aid land, vizi , . , J. L. tii ymer and D. W. Ilnwman, Kik-lit Mile. Oreiron; W. C. Heir. inner aud I has. K. Kirk. rlaiilinM1. 1 If. Auy pflinon who dirwi to prolwt aainKt the allowance of wich proof, or who known of mnf nulmUtuluil rwtMon, unrtW tim law and the rfttftilatiofi of Urn Interior npuri iripr.t, why ooh proof should not he allowwl. will h Kivi-n iw u cnMrwxkjiniiM th witti"! "f ai(i U.matil ai.st off.. aviilauxii in rttf.ut tftl of that anhoiiltnri by claimant. K A. Mi DOS4I.D. tVi f iZJ WHOLlALt Harflware, Iron, Steel anil Farm Matey. SOLE AGENTS FOR WASHINGTON AND NORTHERN IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. These Machines are too well knows to need comment. Thousand! of farmers have used them and speak of them with praise. They are the only Harvesting Machines that .wlU give ENTIRE SATISFACTION to the purchaser. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING AULTMAN'S The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning Grain eve constructed. BUCKEYE STEEL.frame T tSJ li.. F .. .ditl"8l''ea 'hl Twlne-Binder il the Lightness of Draft, combined with Its n. vet t ? , ' """K'1' an.d Durahillty. The Binder Is of the Appleby pattern, the only really successful . ? ."l U h.av two t'lM' "10 KIvtor Binder and the Platform Binder-boll, excellent-both recomuieliual by hundreds of patrons. SGHTTTTT.T1R fhM WAfiniS : ; - - mav4u ii uu Ull tJ) BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN, WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS ' AND SEEDERS, C0RBIN DISC HARROWS, HODGES-HAINES HEADERS, HAISH BARB WIRE. SEND. FOR CIRCULARS.' W, O. MINOR, Agent, Heppner, Oregon. The Thoroughbred Clydesdale Stallions, Flippy GgiEE, BROWX I IOHSU, 8 Y'HS OLD I r"wii Horse, $ Yetirs Old, Will stmid to a fejv outside mares this season nt my ranch, five miles from Lena. These Horses were imported by me last year, aud nre entered in the stud books of Great Britain aud America. $25 "3?o 'ZxiuLxe TtSTitli. Foal, I can pasture a few mares for the season at $2.00 a mouth. B. B. MANN, To Paint 3fgft. A House Neatly Eoquirea nil Artist with the Brush. HI I) J III & KEIINS Ctui do that kind of a job. They also make n spociulty of Siidi PiiiiiE U U' Leave orders rt A. D. Johnson's & Co.'s drug store, cor. May and Main sts. .Satis faction guaranteed or no pay required. Shop Opposite Gazette (Mice, V. E. 1IUAC1I, I'reitiilent. WM. McFALL, Vice President. Pacific Fire S -XTi.SIIIl-T3-X31T Poi'l hi i id, Cfipitnl Stock, $oO(),()()(). Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human sy?tem, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AUD BOWELS AND TO Cleanse the System Effectually, SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENO.TH Naturally follow, Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. Ask your druggist for bYKUf Of FIGS. Manu factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, San Fkancisco, Cal. Lou-iviUB, Kr. Krw Yokk, N. V NOTICK OF INTENTION. LfimlOnicftiitThe Dallni Or.. April 13. "hfi. N'(ic !oiirf-ry KivMfi that i In foJIowiiiK-riHiiiM, wUltvr hnn fcJwJ milieu of h'm intention to miike fiiml proof in Btipjiort of lun elm in, unci that Haiti Sroof will li nwlx ifori) the county clrk of lorrow nowity, (rfKon, Ht, Heppner, (JroK"'. ou June 1, jHfc'j, viz: Hcnjumin F. Jft-vhtntl, Dh. No. 84M. for tho 8Wi Hw 2H. Tp H, K SW K. lie limn Uih following wiUihwm to prove hift continuous nni(leu.- upon, 'Unl cultivation of nui'i land, viz: J.('. Kirk, JamrtH TaliHit, Oeorjfft Hinitli B id Chun. H. Kirk. nil of H.-ppiiMr, Or. Any perion who dfiroH to proKwt DKuinftt tim aJlowfific of mirh nroof. or wlt ItnoWM of Any ssultHtantiftl PfiiMon. rindT Oim law and tin nKii I IfttionM of (tin liiti-rior DfpurtriK'Fjt, why Mucti i proof NLuiild not h hltowwl, will la tfiveo att j outorlutiity fit Ihu nhovn inwitinin! tun" and ; pin,' to croHH-xafTiiiiH tlitt witu' of wild ( claimant, and to olfnr evidence in rehtiltal of I that HtibiiiitU-d by clatiuant. Skais op Am-Kini curt lx pri-cured Lt 8T fnrh hv innrru through thfl j at 85 ffHch hy ordfrinK throiiKb tbe II... . - I 1 rtii . --U I Hpntincr 'I'l.iu iu a mtvintr (if i : .... , 1 9 to tf.l oo pnectj iiHiiuJIy (MiurgwJ. tr. GPS.H.D0DD&00. Front, First and Vine Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. OCALIRS IN THRESHER, STAR TRACTION ENGINE, W INE-BINDERS. piows, Carriages, Phcetons, Top Buggies, 5 LENA, OR. Heppner, Oregon W. F. UliOWNTON, Secretary, Insurance Co, eiEEET, Oregon. ARTHUR SMITH, JMtAOTIOAI, WATCHMAKER ! Nrxt to First NiiUoiibI Uittik, IIEPl'NEIt. : : OKEOON. Watches, A, Optical Clocks, 'y Goods . . aV S WtitehftB Cleaned, Mainsprings Pitted $1.50. tl.SO. All work guaranteed for one year. The very latent HtyUa Just received from Portland and San Francisco AT Mrs. Warren's Fashionable MiHinory And Ladies FuruiHhing Htore. Thankful for tho cnorous lihorality and tfood will of the penplo of Heppner arid vicinity in the pant, wo cordially solicit their patronage in tho future. MRS. MARY WAHRKN. NOTICE OF INTENTION. frfind OfnxontTho Dallw. Or.. April 10, 'ft9. Nnlice h hernby mytm that th follow inn nam! HMtlur haa tik-d nolire of hm intention to mnko final proof in hup port of hit ''luim, and that hhhJ proof will (x made n-torn tho clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, (Jr., on June 12, 'MJ. tiz: John WiUunfham. No. 4Mfl. for tho SKM NH'4 Heo 2 ami W'Ki NW Si and NW HW4 Hec lit, I'p ;i H. U 1 K. IJa rmiueA the following witneweN to prove hid eoiitniiioiiH ridt,iicy upon, and cultivation of, Raid land, viz: Win. liuvhe. Arthur Daly, John flcndrixand Oconee Oray, all of Hnppiier, Morrow county, Ore Any permm who dnm to protent iitfiuiiHt the allowance of mich proof, or who known of auy Mulwtmitial reason, under the law aud the reKU latioiiH of the Interior iJcpartinciit, why ttuch prrf Khould not I allowt'd, will lie j(ivori an opirtumt) at the attovn mentioned time and place to crottM-exttmiiin the witm-ene of wud claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that Kubnntu-d by claimant. V . A. McDonald, Register. DKI'l'TV STOCK ISHIK(TOH. I have appointed II. A. SfdiHhtiry. of Leua, ha deputy stuck iiiHeotor for Leo 1 - . t Itf SI I J 1 nr'iitnt. W. (1. Hoykk. Stock Iuspenlor. Paper Hanging and Decorating. Hurrali for tlxo RAILROAD! H. BLACKMAN & CO., SUCCESSORS TO M k -DEALERS IN General Merchandise, The Pioneer Firm of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon. OWING TO THE COMPLETION OF VTHE -RAILWAY-: We are prepared to ofter large inducements, especially to Cash Customers. Everything Ik And in fact everything contained in afirst class store. STOCKMEN'S SUPPLIES IN LARGE QUANTITIES. Farmers' Wants in all Details. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange. We Purchase our goods in car-load quanti ties; hence our ability to undersell any other house. Owing to the steady increase in onu buHinPss we have built a Large and Commodious Fire-Proof Brick Building, which gives us bettor facilities than ever before enjoyed. Sole Agents for Heppner and Vicinity - FOR THE Celebrated 13 a i n W agon ; AND Knapp, Burrell & Co .'fgrieultural Implements HIDES AND PELTS BOUGHT FOR CASH OR TRADE. A T IATTMOAM 0 nr -I'liOI'UIETOUS OK THE- CITY HEPPNWU, Keep the F.nrgpst nnd Best Selected Stock of Goods iu Their Line in Morrow Count'. Pure Drugs nnd Clieniiciiln, Patent Medicines and Toilet (foods of Evory Description. Mho, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Ac. Kaw SiDGK at wan Fan Jus) iHtf om me East. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Domestic, Key West anil Imported Cigars. Call and see us when you are Wanting anything in our line. Prescriptions accurately compounded, day and night, and special attention given to orders from the country. W. J. LKEZEK. LEEZER & THOMPSON -DEALERS iN- II A .P l)ArA lM- : AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, a SHELF HARDWARE, Bird-Cages, Rope, Nails, Cutlery, Wood and Willow Warn, Granite Ware, Etc. MA IX STREET, DEALElt IN BOOTS and SHOES Worn W mill llepniiiiif My Done Opposite Hotel, ). W. HOKNEK. GEO. NOBLE.; iioitii vV ivoisivK, - DHALUHS IN HARNESS, WHIPS, SPURS, ETC. : THE CKLEISBATED Heppner Saddles! Countuutly BIST MUN HTRKKT, BLA m Prices. : Hill !i STORK, OREGON. 1 O. THOMPSON HEPPNER, OREGON Heppner, Oregon. on linml.