THE GAZETTE. HEPPNER, THURSDAY, APR 18, '89. Jxlit of TOW Finances in HEPPNER Is th oounty-seat of Morrow, loonted near the center of the county, on Willow oreek, and at the terminus of tbe Willow creek branob of tbe O. P.. A N. It hus a population of about 800, and is reoeiving new residents daily. As a business place, it bids fair to take the lead of any town in Eastern Oregon, having tribu tary to it an immense agricultural and stock oountry. The sum of $10,000 was appropriated at tbe last session of tbe legislature for the purpose of improving the Heppner and Monument wagon road. , That amount will be expended on this route during the coming summer, rendering it the best mountain road in the state, aud one wbicb will accommodate hun dreds of well-to-do stockmen, who are bestowing their patronage on merchants in Heppner, owing to its advantages as a trading point, fully 3,000,000 pounds of wool will find sale, or shipment at Heppner this season. Real estate is advancing rapidly, and is selling at a figure W to 25 per cent, higher than prices prevailing three months ago. One of tbe best flouring mills in East ern Oregon is located at this point. For further information oonoerning Heppner, address Own L. Patterson, Real Estate Agent, Heppner, Or. THK COUNCIL 'CONSIDER THK ARTE SIAN WELL PROJECT. The artesian well project has received favorable consideration of our town Ooauoil. At their last meeting, active measures were taken to have the well drilled as soon as possible. Otis Patter son, the Gazette man, was asked by the OQUjicil as a body to correspond with parties who have bad experience in put ting down artesian wells, relative to cost of same, etc. It is quite likely tbntthey will havo some one of experience to ex amine this part of the couutry, before beginning work, yet an artesian flow is sometimes found in sections whero least expeoted. In attempting to secure ar tesian water, it may develop some other means of seouring a supply for fire pur poses, should the former prove to be a failure. The mere kttempt to sooure an artesian flow will help tbe town, proving that we have enterprise, and propose to protect tbe town oguinst fire in some manner. Our oonncil is male up of progressive business men. The community is to be congratulated on having such in the oapacity of oity fathers, and many need ed improvements will be made during the remainder of tbe year, of which this matter of water ie tbe most important. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at LaGrande. Or., March?, 'S8. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final prttof in support of his claim, and tlmt sitid imMif will be made before the county judire of Morrow county. Or., or in his alwence before the clerk of said county, at HoppnerOr, William Bremer, Hd. No. tm. for the N W H Sec 8. Tp 2 N. R 27 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence uuon. and cultivation of, tniri Inml viz. i l 1 . Jr.i.'n nml o.i..nntnf u nrriinturiiitcluiiJiiinqnH nniu.i.l JW&int ! from the 1st Jay of O -tober, is,' to the 31st day of March, 18,, both inclusive For the Six Months Emling March 41st, 1881). Semi'Amiunl Report Of the County Clerk of MoiT-iw County, Slate of OrPKrn, showing the amount nnl niiiiilwr of chimin allowed hv the Coon y ( ourt of said I flinty, for whut al- Anv iwrann who rirotirtw tn orotrit aimiimt the I - Allowance of such proof or who knows of nay ub- i 1 s00n ,).! Il.o In ur un.l tt, rill1 luf 1(111 H I of the Interior Dfttartminit, why hucIi proof j (-V.n.-rnl Fttu'ii urt't should not be allow.., will be riven an mmortn- itn,.rm VJM. HCCl' OX WHAT At't'O! XT AI.I.OWKI). Amonnt of f'lnimn Amount of Warrants Allowd. Drawn. nity at the above mentioned time and pi teii by claimant. 312-17 lace to ' KoHd and Kridirp unrt croHS-exHtnine the witnefUfs of paid rlaitnant, j Klwtion Bt'Ct. and to olfer evidence in rebuttal of that submit- ut.M.i. sU. t IIknry Kinkhart. HKniBTxa ; Incidi-utal fleet . . .TiiKticp foiirt acot. . NOTICE OFINTENTIOM. j Soho.,1 Kxaniinntion Expense n-tt Und Office at The Dalles, Or., March . Com,tV Commissioners acct Notice is hereby given that the following School Superintendent licet Darned settler has nied notice cr las intention to i district Attorney r I'O ncct . .'. make bnal oroof in support ot lus claim, anu that said proof wilt be made before the judge of Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April &!, 1HHH. viz: Pascal E. Hamilton, Hd. KISS, for the W NK H and W V, BE 4 Sec. 14, Tp2H, U 25 K, W. M. tie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Thomas Kutlodge, W. M. Kates, of Lexington, Or.: John Mclntire. ('has. Lind, of Heppner, Or. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such pro.,f, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regula tions of the Interior Depart inent. why such proof should not be allowed will tie given an oppor tunity at the above mentioned time and place to crostwexamina the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submit ted hyclaimant. 812-817 F. A. McDonald, Hegister. Jail acot Painter acct County AsBosHor uoct County Jtitltfe Salary (tort Clerk i'cs acct Coroners acct Sheriff Fee account Treasurer's Salary acct Circuit Court acct Insanity acct Iinildiuu acct Total amount claims allowed ami drawn ONE OF OH! HOOSlKltS. Tbe Arlington Town Talk devote" some space in its last i'huus to the legal lights who visited that place liiHt week. It has the following to say in regard to otir proseouting attorney: V. B. Ellis, state prosecuting attorney in the 7th judicial district, was born at Cra w fords ville, Indiana, in the year 185(1, from whioh plnoe he oame to Walla Walla, W. T., some years ago, and resided there until his removal to Ueppner, Morrow oouuly, a year or two afterwards. He was appointed school superintendent on the creation of the county of Morrowi nu was subsequently appointed protie outiug attorney by Gov. Moody ou the oreatiou of the 7th judicial dint riot, an appointment which was approved of at the euxuing election by Mr. Ellis' return to the same ollico by a large majority. That Mr, Ellis hus given great satiafac tion iu thin position was amply proved lout election, when his majority was again a large one, and the conspicuous NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Oftioe at, The Dalles. Or., March 0, '!. Notice is hereby given that I he following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention lo make final proof in support of hieclaim, and that said proof will be made before the county cle -k of Morrow county, Oregon at, Or., ou May 18 ll'J, viz: Noel I). Campbell, Ds. No. 2725, for the W', NK U 8K it NK i NK H HE Hec IB, Tp 4 H. IS 25 K . Hh names the following witnessos to prove his continuous residonceupon, and oult'vatlon ol HII and viz: Hubert A. Knighten. Henry Furlong. Kight Mile Or., S.A.Wright, ('has. Miller, HeppiiHr. Anv nereon whit desires ti l,rt,U:st against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any subHtanliul reason under the law and the regula tions of the Interior Departinonf, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportu nityflt the above mentioned time and place to orosFMixamilia tne Wlinessesor saio ciainiani, aim o oner evidence in rebuttal ot that submitted by claimant 81.')-a2o V. A. MoDonAI.D, Hegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at LaOrnndo. Or., March 8, 'RB. Notice ishereby given thatthe followiiignnmed settler has bled nolice of bis intention lo make iinal proof in auppnrt of Ins claim, and that said proof will be made before the clerk of Morrow county, Or,, at Heppner, Or., on April 2(1, IHMll, viz: Oliver P. M. Slmcnke, No. 7W. for the E ", N 1! M K 'i H H i Hoc 21,TpHH. nam. lie nameathefollowing witnesses to prove his continuous residuncmipun, u::.l cultivalien of, said laud, viz: J. W. Daly. A. J. Clem, John Kennoy and Press I YoshwcII. all of lleiiuner. Oregon. Any person wlio desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substan tai reason under Ihe larf and he regula tions of the Interior Jjeimrtinent. why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an oi poriuuuy ul Ule uoove ineoi. tin eo in tun imi,cl to eross-exnmine the witnesses of said cleiman- and ti oiler evidence in rebuttal of that submit ted by claimant. J'i".-1 7 Hff.NBY ItlNTlIlAUT, Itegisler. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Orande. Or., March a. 'SU. Notice is hereby given that tho following- named settler has tiled nolice of his iiilention Ut inaka rinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county, ut Jleppnor, Or., on April 03, lBXH. vizi George T, Clem, Da. No. WWI, for the W 4 B W 'j t) F, S W V, Hen 'At. ami MU N W K Hec 113. To S H. K 2s K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation 01. said Juinl, viz: V. tl. Thompson, John Drown, ,7ohn Daly and Merlin Himcokc. all of Ileopnur. Oregon. Any person who desires to protest against Iho allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under tbe law ami the regula tions of the Interior Department, why such proof should not beallowed. will be given an epporlu- nllyattho above-mentioned tune and plaeo to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant and to olfer evidence in rebuttal of that HuluiiiUed by claimant. H12-I7. HknUY HlNKUART, Hegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Olllcnat La( jrandc.'Or.. March H, 'HO. Notice is hereby tfiven that the following named settler has hied notice of his intention io make final proof in support of his claim, and that saiil titjtof will he made before the county clerk or Alorrow ooiiuij', (tr , at Heppner, ur viz: Alvilitir ho has l,nu In thn iliunlmriM of "" ""' - l,iu.lti. ,! n,e l,c k,.ir bo I,.,. I Manuel Jfuniiuler, . ..."', , I No.Tll.M, for the N (4 SICK N ',4 8 W ' Sec 01 oouciiiaiiug an witu wuoin nu eoiuea u, i p 1 IN, n 2S K. llenamestlLrolliwllig wltucHSffl to prove lus in contact, which prevents even the most hardened offender from taking umbrage at Mr. Ellis' denunciation of the crime charged agninst the dolinqueut, justify the hope that our proseouting attorney may long Continue to occupy the position whioh he "holds only to adorn." An a oareful and painstaking attorney, Mr. Ellis has few equals, while us a pleader lie is an example of clearness and per spiouity iueh as is rarely met with, oven in judicial circles ; a genial and courte ous geutlemau in private life, there are (to use a vulgar, hut expressive met aphor) "no bugs" ou our prosecuting attorney. ANOTHKH riKK AT I'K.Mll.KTON. Following ou the heels of the confla gration week before last, Pendleton was again visited by the Her element last Thursday evening. At about 11:30 o'clock fire broke out is the Eatit Oregonian building ou Wabb itreet. The fire department, be oause of inability to locate the precise potwhera the tire was burning, turned water io at a guess, where tbe smoke was thickest, and the type and material were badly damaged. Tha fire originated in a room iu the basement to the rear of the composing room, which is occupied as a sleeping room. W, H. Mills, un employe of the otlice, who also hus a room iu the base ment to the rear of the press room, was first to discovor it. Before he could get out, beiug a cripple, he was almost sulTo oated. The fire must Love been burning for aome time before it was discovered, as the room iu which it originated is oom plately gutted. The publication of tbe paper will ba coutiuued without inter ruption. Thera waa insurance on the type and material. The presses ere not insurod. Tha store room occupied by Mima Bros. A Co. as a musioul instrument and aawing machine depot sustained con siderable injury, and Iho instruments and are damaged by water. It was exceedingly fortnuute that tbe building waa of buck, aud the II rumen were able to keep the fite iuaide the walls. The wind was blowing a gale at tha time. It is only a question of time wbeu Heppner will be visited in like manner, and when it does will bkely aweop the town, as we have absolutely othiug with which to check it. THK LAD1K3 DKMUUTKI). The pleaaant effect and the perfect afety with which the ladiea may use the liquid fruit laxative, Hyrup of Figs, under all eondititions make it their favorite remedy. It ia pleasing to tha eye and to toe tasU, gentle, yel effeotual iu aoting w" miuucys, nver ana uonels. Io! Iol H. MoFarland, of Lexiug too, will deliver ioe daily iu Heppuor aurmg tha summer months. Contraot for th amount you desire, by writing to him at an early date. The price w:ll t wuis per in. nnverej, continuous residence upon, and cultivation uf, saul land, viz: Iveli A. Poteet, Paxtar Laughcad, James B. Poloel aud Joseph Swarlz, all of Kcho, Oregon. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any subslanl ial reason, under the law aud the regula tions of the Interior Department, why sucli proof should nol be allowed, will be given an opportu nity al the above-mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of taid claimant ami to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. :ll2-17 llKNItY HlKKH VRT, Hegister $ M4 70' 1775 8l) 045)' 400 0U j 2 01)! 477 40 i 25 50'! 171 80 253 1)11 54 00 57 80, 182 00! 088 00 .'MO 00 ku 24 17 50 020 as 150 00 i:(K0 25: 02 05 1340;!7 $ 514 70 1775 .SO 045 40 400 00 200 477 40 52 50 17180 253 00 54 00 57 80 l:t2 00 088 00 800 1 K) W3.'l 24 17 50 020 38 150 00 138!) 25 02 05 1340 37 ARTHUR COFFIN, Arlington, Or. FRANK MrFARLAND, Heppner.Or. Coffin & McFarland, AUXllNrGTOiN", I I KIM'N Kl,'. Havo just arrived in Heppner nud are ready for business at the old stand of Jas. . M. Hasjer. . H)K11 00 J $10311 ti!) Outstanding unpaid (,'ounty WurrantB on the 31st day of March, JH8S) ifl oa EHtitnated Interest ueented thereon 700 65 Total amount of unpaid County Warrents p805ti 28 OUK, GOODS Are purchased from tbe largest, finest aud bent markets in the United States. We cordially invite an early inspection. Latest atyles Dress Goods, Trimmings and Fancy Goods soou to arrive. Handsomest line of Gents' aud Youtha' Fine Clothing ever shown in Morrow Co. DON'T ORDER YOUR. SPRING SUIT Until von examine our elegant assortment. rcirci STYLISH HATS. OUR STOCK OF GENTS' LAMES' AND CHILDREN'S FINE SHOES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS HAVE ARRIVED & A RE OVEN FOR INSPECTION. Ocxr-IESor Ha,ts, Also, Leather Collars and Cuffs, with Fronts to match. Something new. If you need a genuine N. ."V JOSS13, CAUPOWN'IA, SA1 II1C, Silver-mounted Hits and Spurs or a set of team harness, come to our store STATE OF OREGON, County ol Morrow, ( I ('. L. Andrews, County Clerk of the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoingr. is a true and oorrect statement of the untutteMfgd amount of claims allowed by (lie County Court of said Count yor the six inoiiitis ending on the 31st day of March, 188(1, on what account the same were allowed, and the amount of warrants drawn,.and the iimmmt of warrants outstanding and unpaid as the saino appear upon the records of my office in my oflicial custody. Witness my hand and the Seal of the County Court of said County this 1 (it li day of hkai,. April, A. D. 18811. C. L. Andiiewk", County Clerk. Of the amount of Money and Warrants received for Taxes, and Money paid to the County Treasurer by the Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon, for the six months ending on' the 31st day of March, A. I). 1880. TO AMOI NT KKCKIVKI). ' HV AMOfNTH PAID. Oct. 1888, in coin and currency. $ 314 05 Nov. 1888, to county treasurer. 314 !)5 Total received $ 314 05 Total paid Treasurer $ 314 I5 Dee. 1888, in coin and currency. $ 347 00 Jan. 1880, to county treasurer. . .$ 347 DO Total received If 347 00 Total paid Treasurer $ 347 00 Jan. 1880, in coin and currency. $1054 37 Feb. 188!), to county treasurer. ,.$1054 37 county warrants... 10) 4i ' in county warrants... l(o 4 Total received .' $121!) 84 Total paid Treasurer $1210 84 Feb. 1880, in coin and currency. $3385 85 March 1889, to county treasurer. $1385 85 " " county warrants. . . 82 rz in county warrants. 82 Total received $1408 57 Total paid Treasurer $1408 57 March 1880, incoinandcurrcncy,$08l() .48 April 18811, to county treasurer. .$1)810 44 " " in county warrants. 0000 47 " " in county warrants.. 0000 47 Total received. .$10411) 95 Total paid Treasurer. ..... .$10411) 1)5 STATE OF OREGON, ( County of Morrow,)" I, T. It. Howard, Sberiir of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement is correct and true. WitncBH my hand this Kith day of April, A. I). 1880. T. R. Howard, Sherilfof Morrow County- GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Th,c Celebrated Mitchell Wagons, Plows, and A Car-Load of the Celebrated CHAMPION MOWERS AND REAPERS On the way. Hil WISE SHIN&LES, HUS IP WIDOWS, Crockery and Glasssware, 'ITLNTS, & AV AGON-CO VERS, Guns, Pistols and Ammunition, TRUX KS AND V A IISKS. In fact our aim will be to CBrry in stock II I m 9 GILLIAM TCOFFEY, MAIN STREET, . DEAI.KHS IX Hardware, Tinware, Coppenvarc, ware, Pumps, Ga.-pipe, Naiis, ant smiths' Supplies. ALSO AGENTS FOR Newton Wa HEPPNER. Granite-Black- ons. iStf mclfii'tl Mo wei-s Xs Reapers Norwegian Plows, KTC. The Celebrated "Perfect" Baker M Wire ws 11 SI All to be sold very low. Ir assurer's Statenieiitt Of the County Trea.snrer of Morrow County, Oregon for the six months ending on loth day of April, A. !. 188K, of money received and paid out, from whom reeeived and from what source, and on what account paid out: AMOUNTS HIK'EIVUll. To amount on hand from last re port 428-12 To ivm'ts received from sheriff, taxes lo"70 21 To ain't received from shenll, 1888 noli tax. Krom liipior license Krom peddlers Teacheia permits Trial fees Total AMOl'NTS I'AII) Ol'T. By amount paid out on county ' warrants $9203 13 By balance Keneral fund on hand 513(1 (13 By state taxea of 1888 paid 445(137 Nfilool, l-'I'NI). To ain't on hand last report Toam'ts ree'd from sheriff, taxes 4H4() 65 Prom tines 15 25 INSTITUTIi KI ND. To nm't un haml last report if 11 0() To am t received Iroiu Superintendent Total..'.. ., 117 00! Total $1888(i 13 O'jl SC1IOOI. FCNI). - By ain't paid out on school sup- (.'.',,1 erintendents' warrants. (!1)3 (10 o llO'n.. ,...,.... , ,- , , i',,,,, c. iiy uninoiH-jrjierui niniiuii oftnu -t-t-tt u, INSTITl'TK FIND. By bid. on hand to date $ 23 00 Total .1(18880 111 ..flil82 37 12 00 $5101 27 ..ffilttl?, STATE OV ORKdON, County of Morrow ,) T, (leo. Noble, ilo hereby certify that the foregoing is n true and correct state ment of the amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand, in the County Treasury uf said County for the six months ending on the 15th day of April, A. I). innii. who. iNoiu.K, I'Ouiuv .treasurer. NOTICE Ol' JNTKNTKJN. I, nml OHIi-nnl Tin- Diilliw. Or., Mnrcli IH, 'Ml. Nol ion ii, liernliy Kivtm (lint the rollowiliK-niunnil Bi-tlU'r liH til'-d nnlii'o i f Iom inlentinn In make qiihI proof in Mipiinrt of liiHi-lnhn, itnil llml Httiil nroot will Ih nuuh' iM-forn tlu coulity i-lnrk tif Morrow manly, ill-, nl lliipniti', dr., nn Mny II, IHNii, vi: Oscar Nehufcr, 1). 8. No. ., for lhn8V t HW V, Hw !v, NV NW i, Hi-cHi N , NH U 8.t7, Tp 4 S, II 'Jd K. lli-nnnniH I he following wiin,'nnH to intivi1 din onnttiininiH ri-HUli-nct'ilpon. nntl cnllivnl inn of, HiiiU IhiuI, viz: trunk ( o limn. Htnirr 8i'linr7,in(tt't'. IIhiiihiim': J. (I. William nml V, H. (lillinm, lliinlmnn. Any pri'Hon wlioil.'Hirt'M In inott-nl tmiuni-f llin allnwiiiM-n of Hin-lt proof, or who knmvH of nny HiiliHtiintinl rt'Hmm, nnUnr tln law ftml Ilit- rt-frulii-tiotiN of (In1 Intt-rior l)npnrtili(.ut, why uwh poinf nhonli not Un lillowtnl, will In- kvhu hi) npporOt nily Ht (lip nliove tnnnlioncd time nml nlm-n 4 prohH-nxntninn thn wilmKus of unit! ,-liiiniiU't, nml to (tlfi-r eviil nco in rt-U,il Itil of tlmt uibi'ilt ((! hy rlriiijmnt. ai3-llltt, 1'. A. .Ml'!ONl.I. llnuiBttir NOTICE Ol'' INTENTION. Ijuii! ()! at l.n (Iriuutn, Or., Slnri-li '-'3, 'Rtl. Noln-n itt linn-byuivHtitliHt the follnwinK-iminiHl HPttlnr hint tili',1 not ii'u of Iiin intpiitton In mnkn hnitl proof in Niipport of ton clioin, nml I lint mini proof will lie ni:uln b.-forn the jinUn of Aiorrnw noiinl v. or in Lin iitiNn-ic bufoi-n tin-1 li-ik of Hllul oonnty. nt lli-pptmr, (r on Mny tl. 18MI vu: David .1. Iltvren, Hil. No. asm, for Umi 8SH SK Hnc 21 and HW W HW ' Mi.u -i uial W V, NW ' Ben Tp 8 8. U V K. Un niutn-rt the follnwiiiK vilnoH(h to prove till continn-ni n-niilenne npnn, nml I'liltlVHliuu of, Hniil lun, I, vu: i:iuoh'h WullAi-e. ;'iiiu.-l it. miuti. wiumin r.. Waltirulxe anil lili.lin C. Wntkum, all of lli-pp- ner, Omtton. Any person who uiwnniM in pnnnit hkioiiim oie kIIiiwhmi-i-of IMK-ll lonof. or who k:ioVA of Any BuliHtimthil roiwton. ntnlnrthe luw nml (lie rnKulti- tninpoftlie Interior IMwtrt innnt, why mli'h proof hIiouUI not lie uUovvimI. will lie uiw-n nn oiMiortn nily Ml tlientiove inentioniHl tune toiil pliu-e to eroee ejiuntine the wit nee-en r mini i-Liininnt ntul to ott.-r uvwImhou in reliutltd of tluit iiulmitteil by el.oniHnt. 8H-IH ilKsur Id i) a n r. n'rf;Hi.-r, NOTTCH OK 1NTKNTIOS. LiunlOllice nt Iji (Iriitnli-. Or., April HI, 'Hil. Notiee ie heroby ulven thnl the follitwniR. nHiiie-l wutller hfte hlcl notice of hie intention to uiiike timil proof in enppnrt of hie rlium nml that iwnl proof will lie itniite before tint eoniity jinlKe, or til . hie llliHetu'e beforu tbe ronmy clerk of Morrow tenuity. Or., itt llepinier. (treiain. ou May 'JS, lltsii. vu: Kieh utl MeClarail, 11.1. No. IKs-V for tbe ViSK HW I, Sf:1, 8t '.II NWV NK' Hec W. Tp S H, It 2t K. lie ntonee tbe followiliK witneeees to prove bin eiinlinitiKiH reHiilent'it mittii. mill eilltitution of, hhiiI boiil, vim ' Will WHllirblue K. ('. Wntkine, V.. V. ( 'ullipbell j unit V. M. Uueb, aJI of llt-ptmer, Vormw eonnly, Onrnn. Any perfton who ileniree to proteet nM'tlnel the nlloWHiit-e of eiu-b proof, or w ho know of eny f tnhHinnliHI rttteon, umlertlie imw Hint uie retaim- I tioneof tbe Interior Detmrtnient, whyttneb prteif j nboulil not be allowed, will be Kiveu 8U uppor tunitv Hi tbe iibove nientionett time anil plKi'e lo croeiMiiiuniiip the witneHMeeofennleleiniHiit, nnd to After evidouo i rtibutltil of tbet nubmitttHl by ClKilllHOt. 81,-822 11CNRT ltlNKltKT, lleglBter Seini-Aniiual Stiinniaiy Stalciuent uf the Financial Condition of the County of Morrow, in the Slate of Oregon, on the 31st day of March, A. 1. 18811. i.i v 1 ti i.iti us. Warrants outstanding last re port Ifl0-l(l0 22 Interest on same (estimated). . . (i'25 0(1 Warrants issued since last re port 10311 Gil Interest (estiinalcil) 012 50 HUSOl'lll'ES. Bv scrip redeemed since last re 'port $ 8822 28 By interest on same paid 470 85 By funds in treasurer's hands applinalile to redemption of warrants 5130 03 Delinquent tax 1884-5-0-7-8.... 17038 14 Total. 427040 41 Total 314(!7 00 S. Blue Mountain House, ia 0-3roL,M.cio, Or. R. RliliVIiS, - - PROPRIETOR. The Blue Mountain House is under new man agement throughout and is first class in every respect. Charges moderate. ' FtSnO BROS, a CEOS, i Cash Advanced Urox Consignmknts ! Address 1 1 7 Kodornl St root. Hoston. Mass. How TO (iT THK trAZHTTH IfOII NoTII- INU Mr. C. E. Fell, the Heppner nur seryman, will sell you 100 apple treed at tha retrtilar raU, $15.00 per hundred, and (ire you one oopy of tha Usi-fnkr Oakkttb for one year. Fifty apple treo will cost you 87.60, ami with thin he will give you one copy of the CiAKrra for nil mouths. Ilia stock it alrietly first olf, and i warrantml. W. G. LUMBER! SCOTT'S AT Freight rates have been reduced one-third, and you can depend upon being sup plied in competition with any other town in Plastern Oregon. Money advanced on wool for Christy & Wise. Highest cash price paid for sheep pelts. Our firm has the reputation of keeping first class goods of every description. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. Remember the firm .Coffin & McFarland, Heppner and Arlington. I3Y THE CAR-LOAD. A large assortment of Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Fancy Goods, Etc. Are constantly receiving new invoices, which cnsli can tnke away nl the lowest prices. Job-work executed in a skillful maimer. MADDOCK CORNER, HEPPNER. -Suocesaor to Minor, Dudrtou & Co.- mil rum If You Want DRY GOODS,, ) CLOTHING, 1 , Gents' JFHin llliin: Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, WOOD WIIvIvOW WARE, AGRICULTURAL TMPTjION ENTS, Groceries, Crockery, Gi.asswarf., Guns. Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery, Or anything usufdlv kept iu n iirnt-cluss Hton, cull on w o: MIX Oil. . I '.. .I.SI.IKTM ,V GO., Next door to Ijeezdr & Thompson's hnrdivaro store, Tlr-ripnor, Orcjon. A Fresh Stock of DIM'GS AND ALIODICUSTJS Constantly on himd. -Prescriptions Fiiisn DapiJiU- A Choico Lino of DOMESTIC AND IMPORTKDCIGAKS. And mnny other articles too numerous to mention. A HORSE; Avill travel well when shod by ROBERTS. SIMONS, General DlacksiiiitliH & .Kariers. REPAIRING MOWERS o A SPECIALTY. HoisesHosii $2.09 w Snasi alter play lsi, lit IV A F1HST-CLASS WAGON SHOP AT SAME STANDjgJ 3VXfvtloolx.Oox-ia.oi-, Main. Street, Heppner, Or. NliLSON JONES, Pres't. E. R. BISHOP, Trens. MORROW General III? IE I TRUST CO, (JEW (Incorporated.) Warehouse and For warding' Agents. The Company has recent constructed a. two-stonj warehouse- 80 x UK) feet, irith wool press and all con veniences foe hundino' woof. The Warehouse Charges at Heppner will be the same as those at .Jrinofon, Jess carianes. Freight upon 'baled wool front- Henimer. same as from Irlinoton. l asi. aavuiieea upon consignments of wool or wool in storage. ' THE RON E. FELL, MANAGER. T TJ-riO I I KL'P-XJSR Stable, Feed LjIVERY and Hkmsaker & Long, Pronriet ors. Opposite Natters' Brewery, Heppner, Or. W. A. KIRK. C. M. MALLORY. KIRK & MALLORY. -Sfore, OREGON 'May Street, Nearly Opposite Minor, Dortson & Co. HEPPNER, Manufnotnrera of mid Dealers iu Furniture, Mirrors, Bedding, Brackets, Picture Frames, Etc AIbo For Sale 1886 MOOEI-, WINCII EtSTKTi li I FLES. Chenp For (lush. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. B 0 YS GoodS Also Take Orders I'O w SUITS. May Street, Heppner. C.S. VANDUYN, UHALt'H IN General . l- Groo eries, CROCKERY, Wooden and ' How hit HI HHIVHCI j i n ( v v i v n 0 k) V A 11 11 i ) A U3Ndd3H '133U1S AVl'J Notions Ammu nition AND PAlTROJZE STST. J., 3" olixiston's FAMILY GROCERY HAS THK BEST AND CHEAPEST. HEPPNEK Opposite V. 0. Minor's, on Slav Street, OREGON. Stooli Honrcleri ' .tle imy, WeeH, or Montli Saddle Horses, Buggies and hacks to hire at Reasonable Rates. Willow Creek Saw-Mill !;Hay anil grain for sals at reasonable prices. Reap ootuUutly on hnd U kiud ot UNPUESSEU LUMBER; also j PICKETS, LATHS AND SAWED SHAKES! Jf Mill T.ociiU-.l Kt the lfpliil of Willow Creek, 1fi mile boTe Heppner. jJ 'BUS to &FUOM all TUAIiXS. Goods di'li"erJ to any part of the city. Leave orders at our otlice, in stahle. All Stook ! in Their Cure Will TUn-eivo the Best of Attention. Sperru New Holler Mills! I-rKPIHH, - - OJlKGOs. Capacity 70 Parrels J. B. SPERRY, Proprietor. Flour from best Grades of Wheat, flour and Mill Feed. Is now-for sale in quantities ito suit purchasers.