THE GAZETTE. HEFFNER, THURSDAY, APR 11, '80. HEPPNER Is tbn oonnty-seat of Morrow, located near the center of the oouDty, on Willow oreek, and at the terminus of the Willow oreek branch of the 0. 1!. A N. It has a popalatioo of about 800, and is receiving new residents daily. As a busineae place, it bids fair to take the lead of any town in Eastern Oregon, having tribu tary to it an immense agricultural and stock country. The sum of $10,000 was appropriated t the last session of the legislature for . the purpose of improving the Hcppner and Monument wagon road. That amount will be expended on this route during the coming summer, reudering it the best mountain road iu the state, and one which will accommodate hun dreds of well-to-do stockmen, who are bestowing their patronage on merchants in Heppner, owing to its advantages as a trading point. Fully 3,000,000 pounds of wool will find sale, or shipment at Heppner this season. Real estate is advanoing rapidly, and is selling at a figure 20 to 25 per cent, higher than prioes prevailing three months ago. One of the best flouring mills in East ern Oregon is looated at this point. For further information concerning Happner, address Own L. Patterson, Real Estate Agent, Heppner, Ur, SOME FACTS. Several years ago, the editor of this paper, while enroute from Portland to Walla Walla, a "tender foot," made the acquaintance of a horseman from the vicinity of Heppner. Learning that we were bound for the "Garden City," he prevailed upon us to try this region. Arriving at Arlington, which was then a collection of shanties, all desire to see the Heppner section was dispelled by the general aspect of the am rounding country. It was explained to us that Arlington (then known as Alkali,) was a trading point for a very large scope of good country. It was impossible at that time to grnsp the idea of there being anything behind those rugged hinds, and so we journeyed on to Walla Walla, only to find ourselves, a few years after ward, in what we had before deemed to be a uortbleas country. In this respect it has proved itself quite the opposite. To the immigrant who passes along the line of the O. It. & N. to-day, it must seem but little different from what it did several years ago, and we lose many val uable citizens thereby. It is necessary for Heppner to system atically distribute circulars and copies of the home paper ulong the line between Huntington and Pendleton, that the im migrant may have an opportunity to read and reileot before arriving at Arlington. This would be the means of bringing into the couutry, fanners, mechanics and capitalists, all of which we, lis a community, must have, in order to enjoy that prosperity which the couu try merits. We hnve a good country, but there must be some means of impart ing that information to those westward bound. Heppner is ho situated as to enjoy a much larger trade than formorly. It is the oouuty seat and metropolis of Mor row county, and should be known as it is; a thriving place with the brightest prrospects for the future. A thorough knowledge of this valuable section is what we must impart to the outside world. The organization of n board of trade is Deeded in Heppner. No town of its lize in Eastern Oregon is without suuh an organization. The Qasskttk urges Heppner to begin work at once. HBI'IW'EK MKKII8 LIVE I'KOI'I.K. The Rogue River Courier iu the issue of April 4, has a general description of the tour of Grant's Pass and the county of Josephine. The inhabitants of that ection want settlers to assist iu develop ing their part of the couutry, and are telling immigrants what it is, where it is and how it camo to be tlicro all through their home papor. Hoppner and Heppner people have spent enough clean cash in advertising their tow n iu foreign papers to have it pretty well known, but it is a phiiu matter of fact that one short description in a periodi cal simply ainonuts to nothing. All the judicious advertising that Heppner has ever received came, gratuitously, from the Gazbtth paper. Advertising in out side rackets is money taken out of the community aud cash thrown away. Heed the example of the enterprising inhabi tants of Grant's Pass. Advertise your towu aud county iu the home paper that will give you value received aud throw in five times that amount for the general good of the community. Don't expect to bring in people and money by a tin horn looal of two iuohen inserted once. Advertise largely, and keep it up for a year, two years, anil longer if neoeaaary. When people do come to the plaoo, treat hem courteously; introduce them to the representative oitizeus; see (hut they fully understand the merits of the towu tnd surrounding oountiy. For good uess sake, don't oroue around, dead to personal interests, and give the whole aountry and people a "blank eye" bo eanse there is no prospect of it being a direot dollar in your pocket, lie enter prising and far-sighted. Every cent in vested in the country is an indirect benefit to every individual inhabitant. Assist to weed out fogy urn and be a live itizen in the live town of Heppner. PRATH OF D. C. ROSS. Died at his residence near Le Roy, Iowa, at 8 P. M., March 18, 18X9, D. C. Ross, aged 5G years, 2 months and 1 day He was born January 17, 1830 in the State of Ohio, and came to Tazewell oouuty, Illinois, with his parents when about tour years of age. About a year later his parents both died after whioh he went to live with Alexander Small. At the age of eighteen be went to Washington, Illinois, where be lived with his brother, Win. A, Roes, until the breaking out of the civil war. During this time he followed the occupa tion of a blacksmith. At the breaking out of the war, he was the first man to enlist from his towu. Soon after enlisting, he was elected Orderly Sergeant and afterwards was promoted to the rauk of C'aptnin of Co. B, 47 Illiuois Infantry. After serving three years and three months, he was discharged, soon after which he was appointed assistant Internal Revenue assessor. Afterwards was appointed Post Master at Washington. Ha was converted and joined the Metho dist Episcopal churchin 1855. Sinoethut time be has been a consistent and faithful membsr of the church and au earnest worker in the Sunday School end died in the glorious hope of an immortality. Iu May 1800, he was uuiteu in mar riage to Miss Eliza A. Kingman to whom were born two ohildreu. Frank H. and Lizzie M. who are at present living at home, Lizzie having married Mr. Mao. MoClary last Deoember, In November 1870 he and his family moved to Decatur Co., Ii., where he im proved and lived on a farm until Nov. 1883, when he and his family went to Heppner, Oregon, in hopo of benefiting bis wife's health, which hope was. real ized, though his own health steadily de clined and iu October, 1887, they return ed to the old homestead where ho spent bis last days. The funeral services wore held at the house on Wednesday, at 2 o'clock, I'. M., conducted by Rev. 1). H. K. i)ix, assist ed by Row It. Beer, where a host of his friends were gut herd to pay the last and rite to their beloved friend and neighbor. After thn services the remains were brought to the oemetcryat this place and interred with Masonis honors. Thus ends the life of another of our best aud most honored citizens; and as was said of him, be was always found on the right side of every iiuestion.--nK,( Pa per . IIKAI.INCS IN .SOIh. Homer H. Hullock and wife to J. H. Uird, housj and lot iu Heppner, (!(ix'22. Consideration JflOOl). U. S. to Lewis O. Allen, 100 acres. Consideration 8400. Lewis O. J. Allen to Jus. V. Hbea, KM acres. Consideration 9M. J. G. Mnddock and wife to W. L. Mul lory, house uud lot iu Heppner, !H)x200 feet. Consideration S!)25. Trustees of Heppner Lodge, No. 6'.), to Lucy J. Maddock, lot in Masonic ceme tery. Consideration $10. Geo. W. Wright and wife to Otis Pat terson, houso und lot in Heppner, 74x1112. Consideration 82,000. Geo. W. Wright and wife to C. L. Andrews, lot iu StnuHbury's add. to the town of Heppnor. Consideration 9150. FACTS FBOM II. B-. Infants', ohilds', boys', mens', and nioest assortment of election hats at H. k B's. Most complete line of wall papers, bor ders, carpets, rugs, snd curtains at reduc ed prices now on exhibition at Heppnor & Blackman'a. Ladies are invited to oall and inspect our new arrivals of all wool tricots, raa zuma plaids, latest patterns in stripes, jerReys etc., etc. Herders would profit by examining our woolens and full stock boots. Call and take a chew of our H. ,t li's. private stock chewing to!:aono. For sale by H. & H., sole agents, the celebrated Condell's Big Can Baking Powder for 50o. Each can contains l'.i pounds. Equal to the very bent in the market. Come early to avoid the rush. Parties wishing to purchase fall sup plies would do well by calling on Hep pner & Blackman. We insure gentleman ly treatment, low prices, aud good qual ity in all lines, flour in quantities to suit nt mill prioes. line of NOTICE OF INTENTION. Fjond O.Ticent La(ira:ifl.. Or.. March 7 -8 Notice is horebv B,v,.n lint the foilowiml nnmiil spttlcr tins ruwl noticn of Ium intention tc make linal proof in niipport of I,,, olaim, and that sanl r,.of will Yy- mn.le lufori the counly juritp of Morrow cotmiy. Or., or in lua Abtei.ce hefore the rlcrk of wu,l couutv, at Reppiier Or. on April 27. lsy. viz. ' William limner, Hd No. 2".m. for flip N VV V. htv, 8. T 2 N K T. E. lie nam tli following witnwwe u, prove liin continuous residence upon, and cultivation o' said lurid, viz: P tur .Schwah . Tohn Smithon. William tiwtor and L. i.venn, ail of Echo. Umatilla county Or. Any per, n who deatrm to protest nmiinst the allowance of such proof or who knows of any hiid stantial reason. u-idr the law aud t i-e regulation of the Interior Llenarlmetit. vli, I j slioul J not he nitowixl.will le eiven an opnortu- j ,,,, uince to crosH-examiiie the witnesses of said c.a'mant and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submit ted hy clAiinmit. 312-17 Hkxry Hikkhabt, Ueoistkb NOTICE OF INTENTION? I.andOfhVe at The Dalles Or.. .March 1. 'sit. Notice is heieby lo ven that the following-named settler has tiled notice of hii intention to make unai pr,joi iiiKupponoi niH claim, and that shid ARTHUR COFFIN, Arliugtop, Or. FRANK MrFARLAND, Heppner.Or. Coffin & fVtcFariand, A I.M.I N; TON. I I Kl'I'N Kit. Have just arrived in Heppner and are ready fur busiuess at the old stand of Jas. M. linger. Are purchased from the largest, finest aud best markets in the United States. mens', boys', and ladies', buck and kid "J driving gtoves. wooieii-niieu iiivi-h . : April iu, iiyw, vne keep your hands warm when snow Call and inspeot our goods, at H. & No trouble to show goods. Piles of brick and beds of mortar in Main street look as cheering to the old resident as to the newcomer w ho desires Heppner property. It means growth. Heppner people have faith in their town and surrounding country, although they sometimes seem slow to show it. Let us have more obstructions like above mentioned. ' We cordially invite ,an early inspection Latest styles Dress Goods, Trimmings and Fancy Goods soon to arrive. i Handsomest line of Gents' and Youths' Fine Clothing ever shown iu Morrow Co. DON'T ORDER YOUR SPRING SUIT Until yon examine our elegant assortment. GILLIAM & COFFEY, MAIN STREE" 1IEFPNF.K. . DEALFRR IN. Hardware, Tinware, Copperware, Granite ware, Pumps, Gaspipe, Nails, and Black- smiths' Supplies. ALSO AGENTS FOR Newton Wagons, js;tiaclf ircl Mowers Reapers To Consumptives. The undersigned I having been restored to health by sim ple means, after nufl'uriiig for several years with a severe lung aflVctions and that dread disease, consumption, is anx ious to make known In his fellow suffer ers the means of care. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will rind a sore cure for con sumption, asthma, catarrh, - bronchitis, and all throat ami lung maladies, lie hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invaluable Those desiring the prescription, which will oost them noth ing, and may prove ablessing, will please address, Knv. Euwaiio A. Wii,hon, Wil liamsburg,' Kings county, New l'ork. tbes. Francis S. Pedinn. : II K BP., for the S HR See. I mA Km i v ! and N E .N V W hec. 12. 1 il 8, K2S K, W. He name the followinK witnesses to provo his continuous reHidence upon, aud cull ivation of i said land, viz: Uenj. ljenellirnr. L. W. t'ole.nan, fieo W. Cha- I pin and Wm. LeuelliriK. all of Harduian, Or. Any person who dertires to protest nainnt the t allowance of such proof, or who knows of any ( Biiwiarnifti reiueni, uener law untl tno regu lations of the Interior Department, why such rir.u.f t.i ull..n....l .:il 1... . . , ... ... ........ ..... .... ......,.u, mi, ,,e kivi'II ail the opportunity at the almve mentioned time and piace to cross-examine me witiierteea of aaul claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted hy claimant. 311-W F. A. McDox 11.1). Keiri.ter. STYLISH HATS. Or It 8TOCK OF C1KNT8' LADIES' AM) CHILDREN'S FINK SHOES OF ALL HICSCIUPTIONS HAVE AEKIVKD & AKEOPEN FOR INSPECTION. 007--Sor SSlfSs Also, Leather Collars aud Cuffs, with Fronts to match. Something new. If you need a genuine SAX JOSK, CALIlfOKXIA, SAIUIUE, Silver-mounted Hits and Spurs or a sot of team harness, come to our store GROCER 1 EsTl I : ARDW AR E, Norwe The 0 gian PI ows, BTC. elebrated uMm km M Wire How to im' tmk Gazkttk fob Nothing.- yir. 0. K. Fell, the Heppner nur seryman, will sell you 100 apple trees at the regular rate, f I5.IIU per hundred, and give you one copy of thu Hkitner Gazkttk for one year. Fifty applo trees will cost you $7.fjU, ami with this he will give you one copy of the Oazkttk for six months, liis stock in strictly first class, and is warranted. Blanks for assessing school can be had at Oazkttk odire. districts NOTTC15 OF INTENTION. T.niiil Ofliee at I.a tinimle. Or.. March '22, 'Ml. Notice is hereby i veil t hilt the folhuviiin-linnuxl settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his chum, and that said proof will be in ud, i before the jtnh.'e of Morrow county, or in his HliHcnco before llei clerk of said county, at llepiuior. Or., on Maytt, Is.i'J viz: litiviil A. Hcrri'n, ! i HM t Hec 21 and NW i NW J.i Hue 27, Tp3 8, ltd. Nn.2. for the H' h HW h Hue. 22 and W ' It 27 K. lie names the follow-ina witnesses to prove his ! cotit iunoUH reHidence upon, ami cultivation, of. saul land, vra Charles Wallace, lliiniel H. Hlalts, William K. WaibriilRe and Klilnt ('. Watkins, nil of Hepp ner, Oregon. Any person who deiires to protest, HitaiiiHt the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantia reason, under the. law and the regula tions of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be Kivnn an opportu nity at theahove mentioned time and place to cross eiamine the witnenHOHof said claimant, and to olfer evidence iu rebuttal of that submitted, by claimant. 814-19 IIknry IUnkuart. Iteifistor, 1,1 N't, Kli I Nil MISM1VKS. The following is a list of letters await' ing their respective owners in the Hopp uer pont-oHioe, April 1, 188!) : Drown. Mr. John II. ('ooIciIko, Cnrley, (Vainer. Mr. ( 'has, Dykutra, b. W. Dubois, Joseph. Khonemelii Ahelleee. calling 'advertised. " Hrown, JauiiiH. Campbell, rV. I). Caniion, Mlc.'iiiel, I leneck, '1'. Devin. W. tjulloway.'MrH. I.ucindu, llinton. Mrs. liattlu. Hale, Mis Mary. Huiths, Mr. 'I'huuias. Jones, fleorue. Wilson, M-s. (I. W. Lord Win. Dixon, 2. McAllister, J. I'. Millar. T. Newman, W. It. Oininer, Mr. I'riust, llattit). Proliack, M Quicli, llermati Huberts, 14 (1 Hwift. J L 'rbompson, Henry rrhorp Hay 2 Hale, Mr. J. H. Holcomb, (1. I''.. 2. Hays, Mrs. VV. II. Johnson. Pe-d. J mine. Mrs. J. P. Kenady, Mr. P. L. ben, i;. II. Miller, Perry. Miller, N. Holt, Normsn t,. I'etrio. Mrs. Dora M Picket, ('has A Putlon. K J Itoodasnml, flias L rtuiith, Mrs Helen Hchooloruft, K I, lmuuimun, P 1 la calling for the above, plcuso say E. Q. Sloan, I1. M. MOItROW CtHlNTV, SflKIOl.S. . The following are acts from ciupt. Stanley'! Annual Itoport to the Hupt. of Fublio Instruction: Male Kem'l Total children belweea 1 nd 'J' j 'n ;iw 7(18 1M7 I'hildrep enrolled in publio Khool during the year 571 4u7 H7S S. under years IS 17 32 vrae daily attendHnee 4ot 842 74S J iMchert auiploytMl 14 lj 2V EKCK1PTS. iaoantin bandi of olerks lit Mon. in Marsh WW Ma K .'UiiMd by diatript tax. ounty fund 'late fund r'rom ottitr louroea 2 trno ll II 7 S3 III a an iii IJS Ml ToUl tll.802.llO. DISBl'KSIKISTS. i'ald to tuaohart ; i 10 Ul 'iunt of school rooms . . : uel ai.d lnridsntal ' wb iu bwida ut dU olarkt. . 17 Ml M7 IS'l.KSSNKMS. UU. FLINT'S KKMEDY is the best remedy known for insomnia, or sleep lessness, which alllicts so many poisons, and which lends to so lnany serious ner vous diseases, particularly to insanity. Descriptive treatise with each bottle: or address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. TIIK l'Sl'AI, HKSI'I.T. It is not to ho denied that a good sew ing machine, is one of the most impor tant appurtenances of the modern house hold. We thought we had a good machine until one day the agent of the Nkw Uomk presented himself at our door and pro ceeded to deliver an oration upon its eharicteriHtic merits. "Hut," we answered, "our machine suits us well and we do not euro for an other." The agent, however, begged the priv elege of leaving one of his machines with us, "for the ladies to try." The reipiest was nut unreasonable, so we granted it - but more to oblige the ugent than anything else; for wo really did not want the machine, and had not the remotest idea of buying it. The machine olico in the bouse, it was natural that the Indies should look it over; they did so, and as a consequence fell in love with it. They say that with out the slightest wish to decry or dis parage any other machine, this, nil things considered, is, ill their opinion, the most desirable one to be had. This unrivaled machine is manufac tured by the NEW HOME HEWING MACHINE CO.. Orange. Mass., and 2N Union (Square, New York. Patknts (Iiianteii. The following patents were granted to citizens of the 1'fli'illo States during the past week, aud reported for this paper hy C. A. Suow A Co., Patent lawyers, Opp. U. 8. Patent Ollioe, Washington, 1). C. O. E. Ames, San Francisco, Csl, Hock Crusher. H. F. Ascheck, Him Francisco, Tube Protector for cable roads. J. M. Fiuch, Crockett, Separator. F. Onus kow, Han Francisco, Piston Water Me ter. F. Halves, Sacramento, Fencing. J. A. Johnson, Sail Francisco, Concen trator. H. W. Kennedy, (iilroy, t'al., Harrow and Cultivator. N. L. Ituber, Corvallis, Amalgamator. I,. Sirelv, Kan Francisco, t'ul., Compass. O. A. Tank, Hau Fraucisco, Lamp Shade Protector. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land (IHIcn at Thn Dalles, dr., March tH, 'K(l. Notice is hereby Kiven that the followinn-nnnied setllcr has hied notice i f liis intention to make filial proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county, Or. ut Heppner, Or., on May 11, lssu. vis: Oxcar Sehafei; D. H. No. (lasts, for theSW '4 HW U Hue ,1; NW i N W U Sec S; N ' i N K fen 7l'p I H, It 211 K. . He nainoH tiie following witnesses to prove his eonlinuoiis reideiicii upon, anil cultivation of, said laud, viz: I'Vank (jilliain, Henry Hcherziniter, Heppner; J. O. Williams and VV. 11. ttilliatn. Hariluiaii. Any person who desires to protest ayainst the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regula tions of the interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will beitiven an opportu nity at the above mentioned timu and place to croHs-examine 1 lie witneHKcs of sunt claimant, ami to oiler evidence iu rebuttal of that submit ted by clailmuit, aia-IUH. l' A. McDonald, Iteitistor NOTICE OF INTENTION. Laud The Dull: a, Or.. March 4. 'B9. Notice is hereby e;iveu that the foiloiiiif named rtettler has liled notice cf his iiitenti'no make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo maiie before tiie judito of Morrow county, Oregon, at Hoppner, Oregon, on April 2:1, IHsli, viz: I'axcut K. Hamilton, Hd. llifs, for the W ', SK U and W U SK H Biv. ll,Tp2H, li.r, W.M. lie names the following vitlleses to prove his continuous residence upon, uud cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Thot.tus Hulled'e, W. M. K.-tes. of t,ei:inf;lon, Or.: John Mclatire, ('lias. J.ind. of Heppner, Or. Any person who desires to proieet aitainst the allowance of such pro., f, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regula tions oftbe Interior Depart ticiit. why such proof should ict be allowed will lie itiven ur oppor tunity at the above niea: ioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler evidence in rebmtal ol that submit ted bvelainiant. 312-M7 V. A. McDonald, ltoistor. NOTICE' OF INTENTION. mild Office at The Dalles. Or.-, March 4, IHSil. Notice is hereby t-'ivea that the followinit named settler has filed notice of his intention to make linal proof in support of his claim, mid that said proof will he made b"foro thejuiie of Morrow county. Or., at Heppner, Or., on April 211, 1M0. viz: Jumex P. Iltimilloii, Hd. I!M7, for the NW U Bee. 14, L'p i H, It a K, W. M. liiM coMtifimmi rwitU'iico upon.aiifi cultivHtiim of, nfiiil land, vi,: TlidfnnH KmlnJtre, W. M. Kft''H. if !jsincton, ! Or.; John McJiUiro, ('uta. Uini. of HfpputT. Or ! Any ' pert-on who (i'6ir. n to proteHt iicninst i ttio lillowfinuo of such prmif, or wlio known of ! any hubntmiliiil nnwon, iiiul'M' Ilio law 'mid the J regulations f tin Interior lVpurt rnt'iit, why I mien p'-oor Hiioum noi iiw iiiiowmi, will he ivon mi oiort unity ut thn itbovo ninnlionod time and phi(;R to croHH-oEiunim! the witncHHt-H of Hui(l cliiiinant, and to oit'er ovidono in ruliutlal of that Hiibimttoit hy (ddiinant. :tll-t V. A. MciDoNAi-D.Hfffitihir. The Celebrated Mitchell Wagons, Plows, and VjSi-icttltiirril Implements. A Car-Load of the Celebrated CHAMPION MOWKUS AND KUAI'UKS m On l.lie wey. :. . , 1 ii'i.. ( wm. m f 0 wpows, 1 ' i 1 :eiy and ulasssware, TlNi, cK: WAG ON-COVJORS, Guns, Pistols and Ammunition, T R IN KW AN J) VAXTSTCS. In fi'.ei our niiii will be to enrry in stock All to be sold very low. NOTICE OF INTENTION Land OfTicoHt The, Dalle. Or., Fi-b 1H. V.l. Notice in htrt'hy kivoii Unit thn followiinf-nunitid snltlcr lifiH tilod notice of hit intunlion to niukf final proof in Hiipport of lite nluini, ami that huuI proof will be mmle huForo the county judxe of Morrow county, Heppner, (Jr., on April 12, 1HS1I, viz: O. 1, Hobi'iiMM, Hd 1225. Tor the BW U H:c 11. 'l'p 8 B, K2:il, V. Ho names tho following witnoMrtoH to prove hin continuouH nmidouce upon, and (Hiltivarion of. Hiiid Inud, viz: J. b M. KiirreiiB W. (I. KarroiiM, M.H.Mrtxwell of Gooho berry. Or., and 1. M. llfndrickrt, of Harduuui, Or. AnypiTunn who deirea tti proUt aairiHt the allowance of nuoh nof, or who known of any Hiihrttantial reason, under the law and the reiila tionn of the Interior Department, why hucIi proof aliould not bo allowed, will be. iveu an oppoitu nity at the above mentionwl tune and jilkee to croHH-examiin) the wttncHH-ifl of hhuI cliiT, nwit, ami 10 oner evnionce in retmual ol that rjv M -,l 're IP ted by claimant. iii).i lit rates have been and you can depend plied m competition with town in Eastern Money advanced on wool for Christy & Wi Highest cash price paid for sheep pelts reduced one-third. upon being sup- any other Oreon. F. A. McDonald, Hoc NOTICE OF INTENTION. LandOlHco a( I.a Grande, Or., Kb. IS, '(). Notieo ih hereby kivmii that the rdlowitiK named net tier Iliin tiled notice of Imh intenlion to make linal proof in Himport of tiin rlaitn and I liat Haid proof will le iiiihIo before the emmly clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppnor, (Jrenou, on March M0, Wsy, viz: 11' J. Furnish, It. H. 5021, for the N W i Hec 12, Tp t N, It 28 E W M. He nameH th'- followimr witnesneM to prove Ihh iNintimuMiH residence upon, and cultivation of. wild land, viz: Frank nek, I'Vho;,!. Hutlmway, Vinson; 0. J. Fr,.ker and ('. D. Marsh, Pendleton, Oregon. Any pernoli who deniroM to protest aainul- the allowance of nucIi proof, or who kmnvH of nny HiibHtantial reason, under t lie law and the renhi tioiiH of the Interior Department, whyHcch proof nhould not be allowed, will be iveu an oppor tunily at (lie above inenlioned lime and place to crortrt-exainitie the wiliiesm-wof waid clai inant , and to otter evidence in rebuttal of th tt sulihiilti'd by claituant. 'l'-'lll Hit'.NitY Hinkiiuit, HcK inter NOTtOM OF INTENTION 1-andOllieoal I.alirantle.Or,. MurcliH, Notice is hereby niven that the following named net1 Icr has tiled notice of I. in intent ion to make tinal proof in toipport of hi claim, anil Itiat Maid proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow count, Or , ul Heppner, Or., on May 2, InMI, via: Manttt'l fttrtmlt'i Ds No. 7H51, Tor tho N Va 8KNH W Hec 11. 'IV I N. HliH K. HenauieHthMfollowiiiH wilnewseH to prove hi 0mlinnouH residence upon, and cultivation of, tmid laud, viz: I veil A. Potet't, Baxter Tiinnheiid, .fnnnH H. Poteet and Joseph Hwailz, all of Fclio, Oremm. Any peiHoii who denires to protent iiKainst the allowance of such proof, or who know of any Mtihvtanlial reason, under the law and the reulri. tioimofthe Interior Department, why such proof tthould not ttc allowed, will he uiven an op,ll'lu nity at the above-mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of saidclaiuutiit and to otler eviiieni'e in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant, at-'-!? lltCNHY ltlNKURT, ltcKistor NOTICE OF INTENTION, Urnl Otllcp at la Grande. Or,, March H, 'H. Notice is hereby niven thai the following nametl settler has tiled notice of his intention to make rinul proof in support of In clcim. aud that suid proof will be mnde before the count) clerk of Morrow itainty, at Heppner, Or., on April 11), IMi, Is; (leorye T. (Vcm, D. No. WWI. for the W i H W V H K K M W 8ec and N K N V V4 8.c HA, Tp 3 S. U 2H K. He names the following witnesses to prove bin continuous rcsidemH upon and cultivation of. mild laud, viz: V. ('. Thoin-on, John Hrown, John Daly and Martin Himcoke, ull of Heppner, Oregon, Any perwm who ilesinw to protest against tho allowance of such proof, or who known of any nl)stantial reason, under the law and the retalia tion of thf Interior Department, why tuich printf houtd not tieulloweil. will he given an Hpportu uity at (he ahtive-mcutioned time and place to cro's-examini the wtinesnesof sitd claimant and to otter evidence ill rebuttal of dial submitted by claimant. Ht-l7. HknuyHinkihut. Ueniuter. ' NOTICE. ' ' LL 3. !iA?m Oyt-rcK. La (jHandk. Ouroon. Mitnh U, ro'innlaint havinir been entered at Him iHuf by 'J'Iioiiihw Owens aKiiiiiHt, Krastus Florenco for at'andoniriK nib mo implead entry No. 1'iitHt, dated October 1, upon the W ! 8W h Hoc. 7. and N NW Hec. 1H, township :i 8, I! F, in Mor row county, Oregon, with a view to the cancel lation of said entry; the said (iaitiesaro hereby summoned io appear at .this olheo on thn J.'ith day of Muff, At ten (10) o'clock A. M., to resiiond and furnish testimony conceniinp said alleged abandonment. And said parties are further notiliwl that G. W. Wriuhl, a Notary for Oregon, hau been appointed to lake the testimony in tho case, in liis oihee at Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, on May 1, IHsii. at. ten 1 10) o'clock A M. Her vice of t his notice will bo uiado by publish ing the same for four consecutive weeks in tho Heppner G azbttk, 11 weekly newspaper publish ed at Heppner. Morrow comity, Oregon, and by post ing notices uh in U. 8. laud canes. it ' -1 : ' -J v 111 ' ' v H K JbMN-Myer NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Otlicw at The Dalles. Or., March 30, '89. Notice in hereby given that the followinir-namcd settler has tiled notice of Inn intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and (hut said 1 root will he made helore the comity cle ' of loriow eountv. Oregon at lleottaer. Or.. 0,1 May ib m, viz: Noel 7. Campbell, A Ds. No. 27'J. fo- tho V!i NK HK h SK 4 NK Sr. A Sec 21, Tp I S. ii 23 K. He name: the following witnesses to prove his continuous ro-udeiiee upon, and culi'Vatioit of, 811 id land, viz: Itohert A. Kti tighten. Hi nrv rorlont?. 1m a! it Mile Or., S.A.Wright, t'tias. Miller, lleppuer. Any iierwon who desiien to protest iiL'antHt the allowance of sui'li proof, or who kiutwtt of nnv substantial reason under the law and the regula tions of (he Interior Department, why such proof should not he allowed, will be given an opp'H'tu- nityat the above mentioned tnno and place to ross-exaimne t lie witnesnesnr sttuf claimant, ami t orter evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by daimant SK.-S3U F. A. McDonald, Hegister. Our firm has the reputation of keeping first class goods of every description.. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. Remember the firm . . cFariand, Arlinsfton. TJ. 1 ) 1 i r i 11 11 it 1 win 1 11 ) i... ; ,A HORSE ! a-i 1 1 i 1 -a vel Avel 1 avI leu ROBERTS liocl by SIMONS, G oiieml Ulacksni i 1 1 is & Ji rier REPAIRIN(i MOWERS A SPECIALTY. T3 V TI I K CAR-LOAD. A large assortment of Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Fancy Goods, Etc. Are constantly receiving new invoiceH, which chkIi cim tnkc uwiiy nt the lowest prices. Job-work executed in a skillful uiiinner. MADDOCK COIIXEII, HEPPNER. 9 -Successor to Minor, Do.lsoti .t Co.- iriTii ( nn py 1 If You Want DRY GOODS,, CLOTHING, Gents I?xiiiiisiiliirijL' Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, ----- Shoos, WOOD WIIvLOW WAR15, agi-rioutttjuat,, implements, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Guns, Ammunition Cutlery, Stationery, Or nuythirjg usually kept in n first-class store, call on W. O. MINOR. Jil. J. SLOCLTM & CO. DRUGGISTS. Next door to Leezer Sc Thompson's hardware store, Iloppuer,. Oregon. A Fresh Stock of DRUGS A.ND MEDICINES Constantly on hand. . j m m or A Choice Line of DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED CIGARS, And many other articlos too numerous to mention. W. A. KIEK. C. M. MAIjLORY. KIRK & MALLORY. . May Street, HEPPNEH, Nearly Opionite, Minor, Doiteon if- Vo.'s Store, OREGON I-A I'IKST-CLAS.S WAOON SHOP AT SAME STAND IVCa.tlools. Corner, lVLiil Biroot. IIoTmnr,.-. Or NATIONAL BANK of HlilTiNHR i). i'. TIIOMl'JSON, rresiilont. Kl). It ltlSHOP. CaHhier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. NELSON JONES, Pres't. E. B. BISHOP, Treaa. tut ur ivc am r s n -a n jtmtm. SOLD. OBKOOX. NOT10E OK INTKNTION. coLi;i-:oTioxs Made on Favorable Torms. EXCHAXGH BOUGHT & Opposite Minor's Hotel HEPPNEK, TIIK" III. Ik l'pnmmeutly lxmittvl At Ho,piur, Opposite (inzette Shop, -- - Aiul is It,iug Fin Anil ARTISTIC WORK It Oim't He llivtt Anywhoiv SATISl:ACrK)NGUARAN'n;.Ll """Ht'inptnlMT thf place, oppiwite 0 iuttu nhop. COMPxVNY. HEPPNER, (Incorporuted.) OREGON'. 'J'his company will make cash advanoes upon the wool clip for 1889. Consignors may have their wool sold under order at Heppner, or by their direction have it shipped to Portlnnd, San Francisco, Boston, Mass., or Hartford, Conn., where the oompany have arranged for storage and sale. Address Communications, .MANAGER. OREGON. HEPPNER, TI Hi! H TIP PTE R VERY AND Feed Stable, Hunsaker & Long, roni'ioloi' Opposite Natters' Brewery, Heppner, Or. Total ll.8t)2.llO. Under the head of remarks, he lays: ' I bare bad trouble in obtaining oorreot ! , , . , , . .... . , . , Ono hundred per eeut. ou inv'(ineut, luancial itatemenU from a few of our iu rea8llHil time, onKlil to salisty the ecuool Clerics, wno nave Kepi tneir afl- capitaliHt. Williiu IjiiuI Ollli-i-nl lUr.-tndi. dr., MnrehH, 'H. ! V.,,,. tlll'k I Notuv iw tuMh i,'n thai tlit fttUowin iit,iit,Hl .' Iv't l . I'tltuF hftH riUnl noli,-,, of lllH llllfllt n In mttkt, final pro"' ill uip( of hie ritual, mullliHt i,.Hf will U nmilo tfr oltfrk of Morrow oouulj, Or., ut ll''Hm'r. Or-, on April a. iii. vij: Olicvr 7'. .1. Simcoki', New Fixtures ! ! New Everything! ! Stooli Hocrlifl 1' tl !"', Weeu, or Muntli Saddle Horses, Buggies and hacks to hire at Reasonable Rates. Manufacturers of mid Dealers in- " Furniture, Mirrors, . Bedding,- Brackets, Picture Frames, 1.TC. Also Fur Sale 1880 MODL WINCHESTER Cheap For Cash. RIFLES. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. mm AND DOTS May Street, Heppner. V A N D U Y N, JJKALKB IN GoodS Also Take Orders POH SUITS. General Groo eries, CROCKERY, fjoien uud Willow -ni Hsnvaa mid on "n swmmtj 83Ndd3H '1331I1S AVIH Notion s A mmu nition AND PATRONIZE "W". A.. 7oIxnston's FAMILY GROCERY HAS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. HEPPNER. Opposite W. O. Minor's, on May Street, OREGON. . ouuU mentally. I tbiDk we aball bave nut yery little trouble in thia matter hereafter, as tba olerk'i reurd bonk, ' irniahed by the otate, ia very oomplnti1 ad will aid in aeeurnig correct results. The ipirit of progrena ia abroad iu furrow oouuty, and during tbe ooniiui; ear we ihall eudeavor to awaken more ntliuaiaiui in our aoboola tbau ever be-Zort." real ealiitu figure, will one year, lleppuer hart) advaneed that i TIIK l.ADIK.-i IIKI.KiltTKU. Pa. No. 1M. f..r ike U , N K V K 8 K l. &k H. TiS 8. It is K. lie nHnttv lliufollowinK wirtiriHPK to itroVH l,in ooiilumouH mtHienu, upon, h:..! ounatiuu of, I Haul Ktiut. VIEJ j. W. 1)hI.v, A. J. rlm, John Konnoy nutl i Frovs 4'r,M.will. kll of lt,iuutr. Oi',-tf,i. n , . ,r . , .i . . I A Hi H,ron v lio ili'lr,' lo pi-ot,, iiMHint tin lba pleaaaut eltwt and the perfect n,.wuoni4 uu pr.H.f. or ho knowa .,f ,t aafety with wbiob the laduu niay uhc tbe i ttutMtiin Ul rouon umtrr the UihiuI .), rouU-. liquid fruit laxative. Nvriipof figa. uudr ! 'i' '!'. u:""u ',")"","'V"t- u''h ! ,1 , ... . - .., ., pntof mIiouUI not ) HllowtHl, u ill U aivt'i, nn oi all ooiiilititiona make it their favorite p.,rtumt) mil,,. Ik,vo im-m oikhI tiro,-ami ploi . remedy, it ia pleaainit to the eve aud to . to .rMw-,Kuiui!i, tl,v wiintwe o( mhu! vliiiiuan. j tbe taete, geulle, yet ellVotual i'n acting u," "ZIh''" '" r" '""1"1 "' "","u"- ou tbe kidueya, liver and boU. ' "sii-n ""B" '. lUNiit Kinuukt. Ihviatw. I Jil'iire'lViiE mid Liquors Ana the Heat- HAVANA CIGARS Ar lw ki'pt in ut.k k ul tti GUM SALOON, 1 Sperry's New Capacity 70 Mills! iiu i it1 - OR.1CGON-. Barrels (tvtitmajut to nil. (mi and twiu lM CtIlVU'Ctl. Hay and grain far sale at maMepik 'BUS to l'"IuBi all T1AINS. ti,i.xl riVlivered to any part of the eity. Iave order at our ortic. in (table, j All Stock Left in Their Care Will Uooeive the Best pf Attention. J. B. SPERRY, Proprietor. Flour from best and Mill Feed. Is !to suit purchasers. Grades now for of Wheat, flour sale in ouantities