Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, April 04, 1889, Image 6

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    -i IT
1 1 i;, :ii b :i ,
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FOR 1889.
Madam! See what 15 cents will do! It will bring yon a sample copy of Go
dby's Lady's Book, which will tell you how to pet the seal-skm sacque, the silk
dress, the gold watch and cottage organ and other valuables, without a dollar.
Two dollars worth of magazine than by subscribing fur 'Oodey," the best family
magazine in America. .
For 1889 it will contain : Fashions in colors, Fashions in Mack and white ; latest
from Europe. Original novelties in needle work and embroidery. Latest and
most popular music. Plans for the house you are going to build. Directions for
decorating your home. C'ookerv and household help,' by Mrs. Charles Hope,
teacher in several fashionable tfew York academies, and selected by the Board of
Education for the New York Public (Schools. Literary enrichments by Nelly
J31y vho got herself lucked vp in an insane asylum to find out how they
treated the insane, Ella hodman Church, Emily Lennox, Olivia Lovell Wilson,
Mr. Hiestand, Edgar Favcett, David Lorry, etc.
Who subscribes to Godey's Lady's Book. The coupon which you will find in
ach number will entitle you to your selection of any cut paper pattern illustrated
in Godey's Lady's Book. Your lo-cent sample copy will contain one of these cou
pons. The pattern shows yon how to cut the garment you want. Send 15 cents
for sample, which will be allowed on your subscription when received. This is all
we can say in this space. For the rest Bee your sample copv, for which send 15c.
at once. Address "GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK," Philadelphia, I'a.
In club with this paper, GODEY'S and the IIE1TNER GAZETTE, per year $3.50
which should be sent to the office of this paper.
The cash must accompany order. Only new subscribers, or old subscribers who
renew, will be allowed to take advantage of this offer. Godey's will not be sent
to any address for less than $2.00, cash, except as above stated.
Heppner City Brewery,
Having purchased the latest Brewing Appaiatus anil
utensils, I am enubled with my cold soft-water spring,
my deep, cool stone cellar and the fresh, pure
atmosphere of the Heppner Hills, to offer
my customers a
At reasonable wholesale and retail rates.
Lunohes of all Kinds
and the ;
Parties in the country must return empty Itegs, or !?fi apiece
will be charged.
J. B. NATTER, Proprietor.
If J jM&$&2W4JrW. A,kyour(,rocCrI.,r
J i P UJkiJija $W33j COW BRAND
Hamilton Buggy
Manufacturers of Hamilton Grades of Voliiolca
&j "
Proportion, IiiriililUy, IN-i-lW-non ot" I'IiiikIi.
Thit " Mirror " finish work ii the liest nu'ilium-priccd work in llic United St:iios.
IAMFA(Tllli:nw OP
Business and Pleasure Vehicles.
Proprietors and Sole Users of Sechler's Improved Perfection Fifth-Wheel.
AU Work Hvaranterd o lieprrsented,
THE Clark Cycle Co.
34fl H. Charles St., - - BALTIMORE, MD.
Branch Storo, - . . 008 Tonnsylvania Avo., Waahington, D, C.
Omlr O Byataas f Memory Trmlnlaig.
Fesur Jleeka Learned la toe reaeHnf.
Ml Del we-nderlaa; cured.
tSrerr ehllel and adell reatly benefitted
ejereat lodaMtemaoU to OurraatHUidenoe Olaaaaa.
I Proepeotoa, with Oplelons of Dr. M m. A. Ilnm
dt t worldfaniMt Hpaoialiet In Wmd l)iiHaMa.
Daniel Ureenleaf ThoniDOon. thagntat Pevoiiuf-
awiat, J. M. UucLley. 1. U.. editor of the Christian
AdvoeaU. A. 1 , Hirkinrd l'ro Inr, tlio H. inttai,
Hear VV. W Aaior, Jmlce filliaen, Judnh 1.
enjajaln. and othra, attnt pMt frw by
rfftTA. lOIHi rtli, 37 Vtllh Are., N. Y.
. (RAlldCloM Witch.
, buiaiu'aiiuu. uuitiiaiair
nut IV a in iie wna
I f UiN.t.r. Yit
reuita. hmi
iaud tii uf equal value.
One J'eraon la each lo
ud Kvutt aurt, with wuike
loretbrr with uur larat and a1
11 caa avcara on fne.
tiable line of Iluuskul4
I SituaptPa. ThrM uiwpiM, ee
v.ll a tu wti.h, e eand
I'm. .,rl .ftei mu hare ktit
laanl In your home for mnntha aud ahown lhm te tbuaa
Woo aaar bare aatlad, tbev become your ewa prwpartv. Tbo
vho me at once can be eere mt reeelTlnr tea Wnlfh
nv penieipieB. wa pa ail eipreaa, rrcirai,ei
is fi,iMM4.au4M.
Dcst lirands 01 ciirars
&5 V
fi Is
Two hundred second
hind machines, all kinds,
tiiei and prices. Bicy
cles, Safeties and Tricy- i
cles for Boys and Girls, I
Send for Catalogue and 1
11.J.-. t l.t. '
Almost as Palatable as Milk.
So dl.Knlii.il tlml It e. b. t.k.n.
dlgw.ird, and .M.IiuUHt.d lT th. mw.i
.t.ltiv. iltinmch, ivhon Hi. plnla oil
r.BBot b ttilcrol.dt ud by th com
bln.tloa of Hi. oil wttlt lh hyKiphM
pliltoa la Buaoli mor offlccloii..
Bemirkiible u t ltbh proditer.
Frsoiu gala npldl; while UUag tk
SCOTT'S EMUt-SION is acknowledged by
Physicians to lie the Fluent and Host prep.
ration in the world for the raliuf and eore ot
7'A grtat rrrrmiy or Qmntmfian, (mi
Waiting in Children Sid by ail Vruggitti,
For Soreness, Stiffness.
prompt, Sure, Saf, Recent.
gora Urnbi. Bwrgart. HI., Way 11, list,
Oftf bt cold la 11a bi fcnd buk; rcffarod 8 months;
tt. Jtcota Oil caraa au. JACOB SQKULT1.
Stiff Neck. FriMlihly, Wli., 14, MM.
If j wif had TloUat pain la her Back; vary aara
an atUE; enraa aatiraljr by St. Jacobi Oil.
Stiff Ankle. CaaarrllU, Ohio, Stm SB, lttt. '
trained bit auk It; Beit moral of wold not pat
foot to floor; f ot a bottle of Bt. Jacob! OU; oJod Ifc
Stiff Knea, Mew Atheas, 111., Joat, MBI.
Strained my kaae; became -tiff; could aot walk
for a month, seed crmtchei; afur aelng two batUM
f St. Jacobi Oil, threw crutches awaj; cared.
Amea Mfg. Co., Ckicopee, Hut.,
Terrible Pain. Jam 11. 1881
From over exertion caught violent cold; every
bone wae etlff and eore; In terrible pain. Ourta
promptly by St. Jacoba OIL J. 0. BUCKLEY.
At Druggists and Dealers. .
Transcontinental Route
Northern Pacific
Cascade Branch, now Completed, mak
ing it the Shortest, Best andQuickesl.
The JJining Car Line. The Direct Route
No Delays. FuHteat Train. Low
cxt Kntes to Chicii(?o nnd all points
East. Tioets sold to all Promi
nent Points throughout the
East and Southeast. '
Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars.
ltoserrntiong cun be secured in advance.
To East Hound Pasen.'xerR
lie careful anil do not make a mistake,
but be sure to take the
And see that your ticket reads via this
line, St Paul or Minneapolis to avoid
changes and serious delays ocoasioned
by other routes.
Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run
on regular expreHS trains full length of
line. Berths free. Lowest rates. Quick'
est time.
General Office of the Company, No.. 2,
Washington nr., l'ortlana, Oregon
Assistant General Passenger Agent.
- 1 I r-it -0 1 a m ?- . . .
. .
That the best place to get it. is at the
Heppner, ; ; ; Oregon.
Wliilo yon kcin your Hiitininntinn naid ud vo.
can kwup your lirHiul in frpfiof clmrKe.
wifie on lof (. Hhonldwr; cHttli. wimo on lefl hio
Ailim.J ll. rtilitniHvt In llomfH. ilonh p II hiop
AnklllR. (. It llorfliH. .T. on naht Hlloulllnr: rat
tli'. A V on riitfit Hiiln.
AilltiiiR. J .1 llorhns. JA nonnofitfid on
flunk: I'littlf., Hiiinnon inft tiio.
iinkinnn. (Joo.. Ifiirdniiin ITomoH. iflnnnn
left Hhoulitor; ratlin, Mtiiim on riKtit Hiiouldur.
Honni'tt, t y-tlorHi'H, lion li'ft niionldnr.
linilKll. MrH (! A 11 on inft HlililliilHr: nr-niRrt
of rat tin. I'rou otf nnd ttulit in loft and iiormrhnlf.
crop oft right.
toron Inft hip; ciitlln, Hiimn.
Hrown. J t.j rlormm. circle I; with rinfin nun
hip CHttlo. Biinio. Willi split in eiich ear.
lllirir. 1'. O. ttnrHCB. P H on Inft. Hiinnlrlnn ML
Moyi'r. W 11. 1.61111 llormm. hOT hrnnrl n,' nirh
tie. Hiune on Inft hip.
nndnr nnd over on rinht ahonldor.
ilrinn. J . v.. lione KocK. Ilorofin n with T,nr
Honin on riulit hip;Fiplii. in nnch car.
Imrton, Wr HorHiiH. J Hon r.irhtthiffh: cutiln.
Murk, split in riKht. nnr.
i: ark. W. ll.-HLonk irunilpd Wlfn KonnAnlul
and liornna nmne brand on riKiitniuiulder. ltunifC
Kit-ht Mile.
A liion. V. 1). Ufillln brnnn. II ll nn Inff h;n
l ook. A. J.. Ijonn liorflOH. Wlon ris-tit nhonldnr.
Cattln, Hitiiienn riKht hip: unr murk Hquare oroi
otl luff nuri anlit in riht.
I nrrin. 11 f- llurmw, on Icrtstilto.
C'litiifiLclifin e. W H. Nowton Hnncli Horann. r
with tiizuro 'J nndnr it on Inft Hliiinlrl,r- riml
winin on inn .up niai 'iiil'ii, Inrt. nnr Honaro cut
( ox A Knirtia I. Jlan man Halt In. n with ir in
uiininr; iiotmi'm. i rj on inn nn.
low-fork in oni'h nnr; iinrmw, K Don inft hio.
lonii ana. W M ( alt o. H Don r irlit.htn uu.
I'lnnk. Jai'kaon. Morai'H. IF romnnntnd 0,1
rmlit ahonldnr: cuttle Hume on riht hip.
Ear mark. Imtn in riulit and crop nIT Inft,
laniinllen. John W. llnrana tiriiiuhl lmtfotr-
clo J I. roniinctnd on left almnhlnr. Cnttlu, anmo
on Inft hip. ItnnKr. nnnr lrfxiiiKtnn,
I' lornnnn, I. A ( attln. I.h on riKht hip; tiorsen,
with bar nndnr on riuht. Hhouldnr.
Klornnce. H P Hoiann. K on riidit. Mlwrnlilnr
cattle. K on rifdit tiip or thiKti.
on left MhonldBr nf liormm; cattln Hume on left
ArniH roinr. J. I .. An on--1 wit 1 h,ir nm a,. i
tiny, Henry GAY on loft shouldnr.
(lohle. Krank --IIoi'hiih, 7 Kon InftHtifle; cuttle
nun on rilllit hip.
Iianiaun. A. I,. Ilurwa, HI on riKht nhnnliler.
HllllHllknr. It -HorWH. II On left Hln,llhlnr rat
tie, lion left hip
1 1 11 III phrnyn, J IU. Unrdinaii-lIorHna, II on left
Ilnyna, J M Hoinoh. wiiieirlftHHon Inft. nhmilnW
cattln. Hiunn on riirlit hip.
IllikttoS. ItolHna. loruKMlxu, ,T n lnO
ihnulder. Cuttle. Die mini. Itni,.ra k',..i,t
Mile. " "
Johnaon. helix llnrflna. circle T nn left ut;s
cattle, antiie on riuht hip. under half nroi, in ri.ri
and anlit in Inft ear.
Kirk. J I lloraea (HI 011 left, Hhinilil.tr. nutt
till on lefl hip.
Kirk, ! I - ItoracH. 17 on either flntilr, ..bIiu
on null! aide.
l,aracn, KiiHnma Morsnii. It Loti left hip.
Lewis. ,1 It. Lmia --llorana. P with 1, ..n
left ahonldnr.
Men lefl ahouhler. 0..
Minor. (Incur. Cuttle. M Don pil.i l.;... i,..na
Ml er. ( . I1,. lloraea (: with m inu:.ln
left ahonldnr.
Moriian, H N Ilnraea. M 1 nn lefl .l..,l,u
catt le, aume on left hip.
i..r....,i... 1..- a 1. J ,i
. '"1 "" . "'""on noraea, m with
bur over on riht ahonlder.
MorKim, I lioa llo rn, circle T on left ahonl.
'i-und left thiiih; cattle, Zon riuht thigh.
Mitchell, (iHcar, Pnttyaville lloraea. 77 on riirht
att n. 7 011 nit it aide
-taaon, Joa. I'etlyavilte-Cnttle. JM connoetiwl
mipercrop in eitcli ear, dulnp on throat; horses.
JM on left shoulder.
Mi'Claren. I) (t- llorses, h'iiinrc 5 oil ench shonl.
der; cattle, rtl'J on hip,
MnDouwild, II lliinvw, HD connected on lefl
Nenl, Andrew, I,nne Kock llortwa A N con
necte.1 on left shoulder: cattle aume on both hips
Newinun, W. JC-llonui N with hulf cirol
over It ou loft shoulder
Nnrilyko, K lloraea, circle 7 on left tliixh; cat
tie, sume on left liip.
Oiler, Perry, Lone Hock-PO 01 left shoulder
Ponrson, Olnre. Morses, circle shield on left
(houUler nnd 2t oil left hip. Cuttle, circle shield
oil leu nip. nanuwon r.llit Mile
renrson. Jus., I'uiu (. ity. Ho
orses h2 ou left hip
Parker A (ilenaon, Hnrdiniui Horses IP on
left shoulder.
Piper, . I. II., Acton Horses, ,1K connected on
lett shoulder; call le, sume on left hip. under bit
in each our.
Uood. Andrew. Hnrdtuiuv- Horses, square cross
wtlh nuarler-circle over it on left stitle.
Itcliinycr, Chris - Horses. C li on lefl shoulder
Hector. J W - llorsits, JO on left shoulder. Cut
tle, o on right hip.
Pule, It. S.- Cultie branded It S on left hip.
Horses sume brand on left alumlde.
Kprav. .1. K. Horses branded SI-' cotltiiH'tiHl oil
rinht slioulder; cattle same 011 both hips.
riprny. J. ('.- Horse hrandil S on right shout,
der, cuttle branded S on (he right hip and a
.11100II1 crop oil of the left ear.
Strnight VV. K. Horses shadeil ,T H on lefl
title; cultie ,1 Moll left hip, swallow fork in right
ear, underlet in lefl,
Suer. liobt Horses, S on right shonlder; catth
low down.
.Hiiareon rigui nip uiui fi 011 rigid stuuilder.
nwHggnrt, i., Alpine- llcrsea, fcl s
011 righ
Nupp. Thos,- Horses, S A P on left hip; cnltU
same on Lefl hip.
Sluilie, Dr A J - Horses. DH oil on left hip; cat
tie, same on let ! side, wnttleon lefl side of neck
eai-s cut sharp nt isunt.
Htevensoii. Mn A J Cuttle, H on rijlht hip
swsllnw-fork in lefl inr.
Hhelton A Hon Horses, 8 on its side over an
on left shoulder: catl le. sume on left hip.
Hporry, K (I - tattle, SV C on leff hip, crop oft
right and itnderbit ill left ear, dlllup; huraca. W C
on lefl shoulder.
Hwuggurt, (I V - Horses, 41 on leff shoulder
Htewart, (ito Hnntuiun lloraea cinde cop
left shoulder,
eallle, 44 on left hip.
Tlmmpeon, J A Horttea, Z on left .houhtc
cat lie. op left shoulder.
Tibliela. H T Hone. C on left shoulder.
W ade. Henry, Horse, branded ace of spades
on lett .boulder and left hip. Cattle branded
.ante on lefl aide aud left hip.
Walbridga W K-lloraea bratuled V L on left
shoulder, cattle 1) L ou right tup. Kange on
Ualui Fork.
Wella, A 8 lloraea, , on left shoulder; cattl
Vyland. J H, Hardman-Cin'le C on lef thigl
WlMMlwnnl. Jllllll HoriHM. I P imliMel.tal nn
Uft .houlilM1.
WallatM). (harlea Cattle. W nn pivht thivh KIa
in left war; horsa. W uu rigtit alioulder. sim.
aameon lefl ahouhler.
m ten, A A Ualtte. running AA witii bar aeroaa
oil ruilit hip.
(From oar regular correaoondent.)
Washington, March 15, '89.
Secretary Tracy is evidently en
deavoring to put as much time as
possible on naval affairs, having
adopted certain stringent rules
by which the flow of visitors into
his sanctum ia to be regulated-
He is not at present as easy to
reach as Mr. Whitney was and has
taken steps to keep the reprenta
tives of the press away from him
as far and as much ai poHsible.
One of first acts was to create a
newa bureau at the desk of the
chief clerk whom he has made his
medium of communication . with
the outer world.
There was a striking incident at
the door of the secretary's office
yesterday. Ilia time was well oc
cupied in receiving and consulting
with the heads of various bureaus.
By a custom long since adapted
these personages are known to that
part of the naval world locabd in
the department as "the commo
dores." They were given free
entry, while othere, regardless of
conditions, were excluded. A news
paper man tried to run the gaunt
let, but was stopped by tbe Cerbe
rus at tha door, whojnformed him
that none but commodores could
pass the portal a. As he did not
fill the bill he desisted.
Shortly after two gentlemen ap
proached. One was tall, broad
shouldered, heavily built, with a
smooth fuce, and he' tried to per
suade the watchman to let him
pass. The latter finally responded
that he could not let- him, unless
he was a commodore. The smooth
faced man responded, . laughingly,
that he was not a commodore, but
that he thought Mr. Tracy would
see him. The watchman finally
took his card inside, after consid
erable hesitation, and a moment la
ter the doors flew open and the
smooth-faced man, followed by his
companion, entered in triumph.
Tt wa:: Stephen B. Elkiiis.
The Senate is bavins a cood
deal of fun with the visiting public
at the publics expense. Naturally,
some senators feel annoyed because
during open sessions anxious of
fice seekers send in numerous cards
and requests for personal inter
views and not unnaturally some
of the office-Beekers lose their
equanimity and think profane
thoughts when the senate shuts it
self up for no other reason than to
be rid of the importunities of the
hungry multitude. The public, or
that portion of it which crowds
the corridors of the ssnate wing
would instantly abolish executive
sessions if it could, and its pro
tests against being shut out were
especially loud yesterday. With or
without reason, office-seekers imag
ine he has a greater or,, lass claim
upon the senators who represent
the state he happens to hail from,
when he comes here and finds that
the sought-for influence is, for
several hours each day, as careful
ly shut up as if it was in a burg
lar proof bank vault, he becomes
annoyed, is peevish, fretful, and
if relief is withheld he swears and
does other desperate things,
Ex-Attorney General Wayne Mao
Veagh, of Philadelphia, is in the
city, lie took a tour around the
hotels yesterday to visit a faw
friends. After shaking hands with
several hundred people who had
known him when he was in Presi
dent Garfield's cabinet, he remark
ed to a gentleman who accompan
ied hiiu:
"Jt looks to me like a revival of
the past. There are the same old
faces that I saw here in 1881 when
President Garfield was inaugurated
They look just the same, and a
good many of them carry in. thoir
pockets petitionsand endorsementa
that they have had in stock for
the last eight years. Many of these
men are applicants for three and
four thousand dollar positions,
when thoy could not earn, and
have not earned a thousand dol
lars a year in any private enter
Mrs. Harrison has been compell
ed by the rush or callers during
the present week, to abandon her
determination to devote herself ex
clusively to her domestio affairs,
aud lias aach afternoon received
many friends informally in the
Red lioom of the White House.
She usually goes out for s drive
accompanied by members of her
family, while the President indul
ges himself in a regular constitu
tional upon some of the public av
enues, geuerally in close conserva
tion with some t'rieiuL His figure
is becoming to be almost as famil
iar on the streets as the stately
form of President Buchanan of
former years, who regularly etieh
morning, rain or shine, during his
term of office, walked briskly out
Fourteenth street as far as P
street, which in those days was
quite beyond the line of buildings
and back ngaiu before a late break
fast. K.
to citizens of the I'aeitio States dur
ing the past week and reported for
this paper by 0. A. Snow A Co. Pat
ent lawyers, Opp. IT. S. Patent Of-
uoe. oshtneton, I. I.
C lirown, San Francisco, slate;
J. Fulton, Biggs, Orcg., brake; E.
W. Hamlin, Sim Francisco, com
pound engine;. J. A. Hayes, Sail
Franoisco, dynamo armature; D.
K. Howe, Portland, Oreg., cover
for shipping receipts; G V .John
son, Dallas, Oreg., fauce machiue;
F. E. Liu, Walla Walls, "Wash.
Ter., self cleansing weed cutter;
11. E. Poehlmana, Sau Francisco,
camera, adjuster; Win, R. Ray, Los
Angles, Cal. , wall for houses; A.
F. Stephen, Little Falls, Wash.
Ter., foot board for wood choppers;
Win. Tiffany, Creswell, Oreg., hasp
Washington, March 22, '89.
No reader of Eugene Sohuyler's
American Diplomacy, was surpris
ed when the president this week
withdrew his name for first assist
ant secretary of state, though the
excuse was given that the action
was made by Mr. Schuyler him
self, who had just found time to
cable his regrets and declination.
Mr. Schuyler has thus experienced
a striking demonstration of the
truth of the adage that he who
laughs last laughs best A number
of years ogo, when he occupied a
diplomatic position, Eugene wrote
ugly things about the Minister to
France, Mr. Washburne, as well as
several other American politicians.
The work was thoroughly snobbish
and self-sufficient, and though it
was soon forgotten, was widely
cursed. It is even stated that Mr.
Blaine last year placed Schuyler's
name on the list of "the forgiven"
though reluctantly. But there
were dozens of other lists on which
Mr. Schuyler's name was black
marked, and among these the pri
vate lists pertaining to Senators
Sherman, Farwell and Edmunds.
All they wanted was a chance to
reject the New Yorker with the
unruly tongue, and practically
they had their revenge, late but
New York is certainly receiving
her share of the appointments, as
well as the shares properly belong
ing to every one else. It is 'not
yet known whether or not White-
law Kern will accept the i reucii
mission, but whether he does or
not, the position has thus been
first offered to New York. It is
stated, that in the event of his re
fusal, Senator Everts will resign
and take the English mission, leav
ing the way cleer for Tom Piatt to
enter the senate. Another rumor
is to. the effect that in the failue of
such a deal, Chauncey Depew
will go to England. No one ap
pears to know exactly how wealthy
Mr. Depew is. He may be worth
$-10,000,000 for what anybody knows
to the contrary. Hib railroad du
ties make him the hardest worked
man in New York. ' He is in the
autumn of life. What would be
more pleasant than the highest di
plomatic position in the gift of the
The thrifty spirit of Fred Grant,
(of New York, of course,) was ex
hibited on Wednesday by his suc
cess in inducing the pesident to
appoint him minister to Austria.
Fred is lucky in securing more
than he originally asked. In Jan
uary he announced himself us a
candidate for the Chinese mission,
and as no one could give any
grounds for the asking, it was ta
ken as a playful evidence of his
pungent humor. The majority of
people were simply astounded by
his appointment to the Austrian
When General Grant died, the
reputation of his magnificent mil
itary achievements, the fame of
his private worth and personal hon
or, all passed into the sacred keep
ing of good men everywhere.
Honors were thick upon him. The
Hon did not sire fine cubs,
however, and there is no more rea
son for asking the American peo
ple to admire Fred Grant than
there would be for asking them to
idolize Fred Jones, Fred Smith, or
any other addle-pated son of a good
father. This country is supposed
to have no royal family. Fred
Grant, reared in the atmosphere of
adulation, used to seeing his fath
er worshiped, and Dever, when a
child, broken of the foul habit of
taking every thins he could get and
crying for more, grew up to be the
most astounding prig, the most im
pudent beggar and the most sel
fish bigot, that it has ever been,
my bnd fortune to see. And now
he has been appointed to the Aus
trian mission, while other men,
having the claim of faithful par
ty service and high ability, must
step aside. Bayard sent to the
Biiine court Kiley, in the beginning
of his administration of the state
department; Blaine leads off with
Grunt. It is stated that President
Harrison could not well resist the
pressure without ehowiug personal
feeling, Fred Grant having been a
supporter of Gresham.
John C. New's acceptance of
Consul General at Loudon was
natural, but his disappointment at
not securing the Austrian appoint
ment was keen. Mr. New has
plenty of money, and his wife es
pecially desired the social prestige
which the Austrian appointment
would confer, and which the con
sulship at London could not afford.
His republican service made his
request a reasonable one. But
Grant must be first setved. In
asmuch as the London office is
twice as profitable in point of in
come, it would seem that Mr. New
could have induced Fred to trade.
There is no telling, however, what
a thrifty fellow like Fred may be
able to make in Austria.
Some of the disappointed office
seekers have gone home disgusted,
but new arrivals atone for their
loss, und Washington hotel keep
eis are happy, for the average of
fice seeker is able to pay his way.
to citiznes of the Pacific States du
ring the past week, and reported
for this paper by V. A. Snow a- Co.,
Patent lawyers, Opp. U. S. Patent
Office, Washington, D. C.
11. II. Allen, Elsiuor, Cal.,
lock; 11. Bryan. Modesto,
grain dernier; J. ,V. Cassidy
alunia, Cal., rotary fun for
di vers, W. Cosbie. San Francisco,
Cnl., horse collar; G. . Haines,
Aiden, Cal., wiudtuill; T. O. Ma
honey, Felton, Oil., lunch heater;
G. Provost, San Franoisco Cal.,
cable railway crossing; V. Rattan,
Sun Francisco, Oil., fruit grader;
H. C. Robb; San Francisco, Cal.,
gang edger; F. Sletclier, San Fran
isco, Cal., concentrator; W. 1',
Smith, Kenton, Wash. Tv., horse
checker; M. Strixrud, Seattle, W. T. I
planer; A. S. Wall, Oakland Cal.,
nail; G. W. White, S. F., Oil.,
griudiug mortar; R. Wylie, Napa,
Cal., reel and sprinkler; D. K.
Zumwalt, Yisalia, Cal., mounting
photographic proofs.
Hallway & avigatlon Cq.
To all Principal Points in the United
States, Canada and Europe.
Run Through on all Express Trains to
OouLticil J 51 tiffs
Free of Charge and Witliout Charge.
Close Connection at Portland for San
Francisco and I'uget Sound Points.
Leave Portland for San Francisco every
tour (4) days, making the trip in WJ
Cabin, $10. Steerage. $8.00
Round Trip Unlimited, $30,00.
For further particulars intfuire of any
n,.nnt nt Ikn nn..,nnn., n A T IVf., V
well, G. P. & T. A., Portland, Or.
W. II. HOLCOMB, O. P. & T. A,
General Manager.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and
all Patent business conducted for Mod
erate Fees.
Our office is opposite the TJ. S. Patent
Office and we ean secure patents in leBS
time than those remote from Washington.
Send model, drawing or photo with
description. AVe advise if patentable or
not, free of charge. Our fee not due till
pateDt is secured.
A pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents,"
with name of actual clients in your
tiito, county or town, sent free. Address
C. A. SNOW 8c CO
Opposite Patent Offioe, Washington,
u. u.
Dobbins' Electric Soap
It is Strictly Pure. Uniform in Quality.
THE original formula for which we paid $50,000
twenty years ago has never been modified or
changed in the slightest. Thitt MORp Is
identical In quality to-lay with
tlmt made twenty years atto.
IT contains iiotliiatfr that can in
Jnre the finest fabric. It bright
em colors and bleaches whites.
IT washes flannels and blankets as no other noap
in the world does without shrinking leaving
them soft and white and like new.
THERE is a great saving of time, of tabor,
of soap, of fuel, and of the fabric, where Dob
bins',Klcciric Soap it used accrliitff to direc
tion. QE trial will demonstrate its great merit. It
V will pay you to make that trial.
T IKE .ill beit thin if!, it is extensively ir.ii-t-
tatctl and counterfeited.
Peware, of Imitations.
INSTST upon Bobbins' Electric. - Don't tnke
Magnetic, Electro-Magic, Philadelphia Eicc.r
or any other fraud, simply because it is cIk ho, Tt 5
will ruin clothes, and are dear at any price. ' Ask for
and take no other. Nearly every grocer from Mnine
to Mexico keeps It in stock. If yours hasn't 11, .he
will onler from his nearest wholesale grocer.
T5 EAD carefully the inside wrapner aioninl each
bar, and be careful to follow (Hrci'Uoiis
on each outside wrapper.. You rmaiiot at lord to
wait longer before trying for yourself this old, reliable,
and truly wonderful
Dobbins' Electric Soap.
I. L. CRAGIX & CO., Philadelphia Pa,
its n-ffular business a special department which will
require services of capable men in various lcealitlen.
Tins firm maker) no misleading proralHes of exorbitant
salaries, but pushing and reliable applicants who can
furnish satisfactory rofereneeB as to trustworthiness
will bp liberally paid In proportion to the ability they
demonstrate. Our requirementH will not of neeessity
interfere with busmosn in which applicant may now
A WiiHiem Wholuttulu House lias rtteutiv added to
fi, K. iUKHlNUTOH J,c6,, 1 HI ATE HT.y ClUCAUO, ILL.
Lyman's Patent Combination Gnn-Sigat.
ft 40 Per Cent.
SESP FOR W-anae Catalogs,
of !lm. Klttca. eta.
' Wm. LYMAN,
HI Iddled.lil, Ot.
rote Al.L
RIFLES. Pistols
and Shot Guns. o
Haw Harem. CDa. r
61064 0
The beat and simplest If
Yk MADE. Xfv
Strongest Shooting. jvj
Ve AH Iwi from iMilllirfi iXafJ.
he wv 40 calibre.
htu won more I& J
prizes at Tanret W Stand without a
SUooting than Ss r,vnl ''T , ?,"?'""
all othur makes Kv nurand killing
of Titles put to- now oron lurnc
I Hircthcr. f t""""!
0 , ... W ur III
1 -s m moo
; uuruooas mr
SAnyioing rroaucea vjw 0gUei
Aok your dewier to show out.
our ritlwi. t'''
Illustrated ('Htalofnie sent 6
FKKU on ayylietttioiu I
1 'MC'i(
3 -
We Have - - - -
Upon a Plan -
The Hkitner Gazette is pleased to
announce the completion of special ar
rangements whereby it is enabled to of
fer its readers two of the best family
journals fur but little more than the
price of one.
e will send, for one year, to any a
The Heppner Gazette
And the Famous Family Weekly,
Detroit Free Press.
The Free Press is without question the
Greatest Literary and Humorous paper
now before the American people. It is
not a new aspirant fur public favor; es
tablished over lifty years ago, it has
stood the test of time, and is to-day
stronger than ever 120,0(10 subscribers
affirm its surpassing excellence. The
funny sketches and sayings of the Free
Press are everywhere quoted and laughed
at, while in respect to literary excellence
it will compare favorably with the ex
pensive magazines. "M. Quad," "Luke
Sharp," Eva Best, Rose Hartwick Thorp,
Clias. F. Adams, Hamilton Jay, Lizzie
Yorke Case, Bronson Howard, H. C.
Dodge and a host of other favorite wri
ters, contribute regularly to its columns.
Recogniz;ng the growing demand for
first-chiHS fiction, the Free J'ress has of
fered $3,000.00 in Cash
Prizes for tha three best Serial Stories
of 60,000 words each. A number of the
best writers have announced their inten
tion to compete.
In addition to the many other special
features it is the intention to publish seo
tions of
Three Serial Stories Each .Week,
Written expressly for the Free Press by
the best American and English authors.
It will be seen, therefore, that by sub
scribing for. the Hlil'FNKK G.IZUTTE Hlld
the Free Press, the entire family can be
supplied with all the news and. the best
of ourrent literature for a year, at a cost
The Free Press is a 'large eight-page
seven-ooluuin paper, aud the-rcgnlar
price is one dollar per year. Ttemem
ber that for 82 60 you can have the Free
Press and your favorite home paper also.
Sample copies can be seen at this oflice.
Wo hope that .our friends will show
their appreciation of our efforts in their
behalf, by making up I heir minds tot"ke
advantage of tliiH splenJid ifftr Sub
scribe at once.
Stud all subscriptions to the Ga:;kxijs
The advantage of this Type-writer and Office Desk
over all other so-called Combination Cabinets, are :
lTirtt, Tbe ease and simplicity with which the
desk ia changed from a Library or Office Desk to a
Type-writer Table. This change is effected by push
ing the lid covering the machine back in the rear oE
cabinet it being a roller top removing it entirely
from sight, thus overcoming the objectionable board
and sounder in front of the operator. The movable
top is perfectly fiat, is baize covered, and forms a com-
5Iete writing desk when the machine is not in use.
'he table on which the machine rests is so evenly bal
anced by our patent adjustments that it needs but a
alipht touch to bring the machine in position.
t becond The advantages of the swinging table
ore: -The table is so balanced near its center on pat
ent maleable iron arms, that when the machine
brought in place for use, it does not depend on rnpes
or hangers at rear of platform for support, but is held
rigidly in place oy sts own wcignt, making ic impossi
ble for the machine to be tumbled down an incline ia
back of desk by the breaking of a rear support. The
machine rests on patent slides which keeps the machine
in place, and can be drawn out beyond the desk, well
under tli e operator's hand.
Third. The construction of the lid closing
machine space makes it air tight, and the table hav
ing felt around its boarders thoroughly protects the
machine from dust.
fourth. The foot rest and the construction of
the table adjustments makes the desk as ridged as
though the top was one solid board, which is a matter
of great .mportar.ee where a solid type-writing table is
required, .No operator can do good work on a shaky
J.ast'ty. The cabinet is a splendid piece of cabinet
work. We manufacture thein in Walnut, Antique
Oak, Natural Oak. Natural Cherry, Cherry imitation,
ilahoyimy and Aan.
Agents wanted to sell these cabinets, and where we
bave no agencies established we will sell direct from
r. ur works at wholesale prices.
Address all communications to
Washington, N. J. ROLLER DESK CO.
I If yrmdesiretopurohfiseaBewinirrnaelilno,
ask ouratrcnt at vour plnce fur terms nnd
prices. If you cannot nnd our ap;etit, wnte
qy-ect to nearest address to you below mimed.
Chicago - a UNION SQUARE N.t:
ST LCUtS.MO. t , mjm n'"f '3.nrRAHC!"Ca.CAL.
ILL. ATI aMTfl rz A
Heppner, Oregon
Pacific th-iwrtinpnt. fieneral affncy. Tlh Market
strwt, history huihUrg, fcian Francisco, t'al
Brni'chf 4rt Morriwn St.. Portland. Or., 18
South Second 1st, yn Jose, Cnl., 55 North
Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal.
5s Oram Balm
Cleansoa the ITasal ?Kssa g ea. Al
IayB Inflammation, iieals the Sores.
Restores tho Sonsas ot' Taste, Bmell
and Hearing.
A partial, ta applied Int. Mrk nfMtrtl mw4
fa airreeabla. PrlcAOe. at Draaai.c. mr by
ail. KLY BROTHERS Wanes St .New York.
I Iiiih Slif
IN c"JiM
Mfxioa MrsTA-o I.istMF..vrrurf" Piles,
E3 If
a- U
j nr.?..-. - i x
I ai
l&r EaiJ
-J IS I;
Is w I
lis W d
ii Aux 'mJI'1P"0A stioffi.w.i oi Mpwijn
sjivjpuoj 'iNJHixri flVYAfcum aivoixaiit
tho (iMit jinrl nuiil nnnnlin- prirntlflc nrrt
inochaniriil paper prttmiMietl una lias ihe liirteM
clreulai t"n of miv pnper of tin cluss in I bo wi rid.
Fully Illustrated. Hest. clat.s o( Wntid Kurntv
Injrs. rublishod weekly. ?enri for specimen
copv. Price f'A a rear. Four nmntliri' trial, fl.
M.UNN & CO., PL'iiLlsilKKS, Ail llroadwuy, N.T.
A trrcat success. Kuch Issue contains cotr --
lithograpbto plat en of country nnd clt y resie''
ces or public bullrtimts. Nuiiiermis finrmvi'.
and full planp aud ppccltleHtiuiiH for tlte tie
Puchusconleiuplitte huiltlinn. Priee $U.;'rll a yar,
25 cts. a copy. A1UNN & CO., Pt'ULHsuiui.
may be seonr-
id by imply
inir to MiTN.v
k Co.. w h o
have had over
40 years' experience and have nmile ov r
1(10,000 applicfttinns for Amcricim and Kor
' eln patents. Rend for llandb'juav Corrus-
pondouce strictly confidential.
In fififle your mark Ib not registered In the Pnt
6'.it otlifie, apply to Mt'NN & Co., nnd procure
Immediate protection. Send for liaudbook.
COl'YRKJIITS (or bonks, cnarts, maps,
Htc, quickly procured. Address
MUNN & CO., Pntont Sollcilora.
When I F.iy Cttrts I do not mean merely to
Btop them for a time, and then havo them rtj
turn again. I mean A RADICAL CLJiij.
X have uiado the disuase oi
A tiJXAA.Z.li Oa2. ii.1 JJtarW)
Altfo-lon etudy. I Y."A7TTV;t irjtrcmedv to
CCiia the wort'cJir?. Ji, eauc o'.jrs h:iv;
fi.iluilifl no rcutionfiu' not n
e not ni; t-i-.-.'ji'.rte,
Peua at once for a ire
nr.rj Po-t Ofllfo. it; co ta
ti IllI, and it will euro jcu. ,
Club System
while as convenient
to the buyer as anv
awholesitle sfiot aish avi
insiaimciu svsiem. is
system iu us. j v
t Ihc
rliilimcmhctw Sells US LA
38 waters in eacn rmu.
g38U'n tch Club , and wc get cash from
th Ciub for each watch before it goes
out, though each member only p;iys
1 a week. This is why we give you
more for your money than any one else
and whv we are doiim the lamest
lifr watch business in the world. V i fiell
only hrst quality goods) uut our
prices are about what oilieis pet fr sec
ond quality. Our $10 SilvtrV ntch
13 a substantial Silver (not itr nation oj
any kind) Stem-Wind American Lever
Watch cither hunting case or open.
Our S JS. (JO Wat cli is a Stem-wind,
OpenFace, first quality, btiiTenedOol J
American LeverWatch,i(7rVt'(i' to
wear soyears. It is fully etual to nny j
watch sold for tiS by others. VV e find
a first-class Stiffened Gold Case much
more satisfactory and Eerviccablc than
any Solid Gold Case that can be sold at
A less than double the money, as chenp
'I solid cases are invariably tlmii weak.
ol low Quality, and worthless after
numerous imnortant catentcd im
mortuse. vjur,i w atcit contains
provements, of vital importance to nccur-l
.ite timing J'aterit Pusiprcnf, 'atcnt Stet
li'ind, &c. .which we control exclusively. It
is fully equalfuraccuracy, appearance, dura
bility and service, to any 575 Watch, either
ODC-n Faceor IhmtiniT. OnrR-t:t.(Hl Hull-
rond Watch is especially constructed for.pt 'J-p-;
uie mnsiexactm.5 use, find is the uevt nil
road Watch made, (Iprp Fnce or Hunting.
All ti.ese prices are euliLr all caah or nitlnba.
31.00 a writ. An ajt vr,,th j t "
httubvor given free Kith rtt Wntch. t-."vr-yl ..
Tha Keystone Watch CfubGov V
WlaiiitUl riti.Ku-ta XA, X
Agents Vanted. V-V jj:, ,
Ajax Watch Insulator, $1.00 VI Jj t-1
Fttai.ytrfli. S.'nt l.yniiio:im-f.ii)t--i,wi ff..': J
fern,, m
Report irFntrieSntesis, Tratteliantf, s
Prosiftjifa Land. eJif3Fil'nnAr0unieiiU,n4
fCdUuiling Coifiti olirtlotlarvTerma.
Zvery fflerlhoHudvei-OPP'SfeETTLEa'S
GUIDE, 124 pp. pnor'y 23c yAi stamp
SOil Krwinc-MflrhinC
o ai orii. 'mm
trade in all pana,
llacinp our inab
rnem. w win iena i rer m t
prraoD in eauh lox-alUT.the r rf
best fHir.c-tniihiua malc m
worid.nitii ti'. the ttc!;ni'iita.
; wilt alto aenii f pae a envv,r
or ai oar colter trd al'.iAL ;- art
implea. In r:iiim w ik iha:
UOtf Whll FT't, K thuw '119
HUT rail Mrcur b- tl!. ami aftci 3
"iOnthtal; ihali b 'mt y.,Mr ,;a
rtiTrr. Ihi pti'l ir;s-f':ie ia
uarteaftrT (h Sillier p' "ts
huh ta
brUf inirrocfiona fi'ru-
1 WAV 1
M 1 X$&7Ti'
'iviny acurj.
I I J'l J
,,i t
mm "
ttre fr ih bM wice-iT:akhin(' in tUt r t-ii (h
ftnaar !inr if v.rt of h ri arttr at. th i tr. A - r,
TJ.I EAIU, Uu HO, AfluV44, Maine.