I ... ... IS , FACTS FROM H. B'. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Kiar t 1 . i i i J (if fJ.JC'li.n KlH at U. A B. N;mlh.wt.jr,riW!r. tlbrt ,efollnn,..-nn, were seutenceu to one year in the neni-1 1Wosl complete line of wh!I paiietn, bor. T , wifonf bin in-mum t'mnk ! 1 L.. I.! i html pr.Kif in Mippurt of ins claim. nnd that ,1 ! miary. uyi,.-j, i.'..-i, n,i iMiriiiiiis m reuue- : ,,r,,f w be ,,, L,,ri,r . Ul t.(; ch:;k , j Cbns. CntininRhnma fined S50 and ' t'i?T ""7 "" """u Hf ppnw j Mom.w ''. . lienor, Ore.n. cmj ABTHUR COFFIN, : Arriuijton, Or. FRANK McFARLAND, Heppner.Or. SHOI'IjD HE 8CAEED. tentiary. Corn, cjrixtla, rtiifs, ami cti rutins nt red no- An alarm of fire in Hennrmr .,lv -JT. r' ."""""'.T.. " " . ; & liilCkm,in-.i. . i frightens the good people out of their ' permit. " I '.''oes i.-e iivite.l to oh'I art l inspect I tiancuiS.rnti.jo, wits. Why? Because they have noth ing with whioli to fight the flames ab volutely nothing. There is no good reason why cuoh n state of things should exist. Our bnsi- .liess men buy their goods in the cheap est markets in order, of oourse, to make as large a profit as possible and still sell to consumers at low figures. They . wonld not think of buying in a hnrem soarum fashion, everywhere, anywhere and at any price, or would tliey pay a elerk 8100 per month when as good a man could be had at 875. Still they go on year after year paying a high rate of insurance, the excess in the aggregate amounting to enough in one year to put in cisterns, purchase engine, hose, etc. not only giving Heppner people a sav ing in iusurance, but affording protection to the town. Neglect iq this matter is hazardous, llesides, people are not so likely to lo- , locate in a town wholly unprotected as j one m which they oan always feel as sured that means are available at any moment to protect their property and homes. The absenoe of fire protection in Heppner is a serious obstacle to its progress, and no mistake. A small tax for tl lis purpose certainly would net be considorod a burden, if tile ordinary income of Heppner town is riot sufficient to meet all requirements. It; is simply a mutter of business, and will i pay for the investment in lnanv ways A big fire in Heppner, while disastrous to unfortunates, would possibly prove a blessing after all, urging the people and council to speedy notion in this direction. The Oazktte might be one of those un fortunates, but for the community al large it would, no doubt, bo for the best However, thero is roally no -necessity for such incentives to urgo sensible peo ple to action. The Gazittb respectfully calls the atten tion of our oouuoil to this matter, and hopes to see them take action regarding it this spring. lourne-v arrivals ot all won! tricots, tna-, H H ''i. fortli H ', HK ' """I'" 'jonon, oiscnargeu. i Zllma plaids, latest pa! torn in s'rines. ,i """ P ! rwe. 12. Tp ft B, 1 State VS Al Kimsev nml Pprrv (l-ihrn ' ie-ev, ete r. ',.. .. . .'. true bill. Um, hmlw I li i i... , ,:"" "Z.V"'r:"a t.. prrnw his State vs Wm. Bowkor, truo bill. won-im t-i 1 UxW t k hmU. Call 'rh r v r i n r v ..j , . - - - .ju iii ru. in'iieumif, Hi oi llan niHti. r. Coffin & rvicFariand, I A 1?T TXTn'iAT TT17inT-.-.-n-,T-. W-.l ami SWiNK I '-' 1 V L VJ , XI t r lr LN JU 1 1,. fc. w. I Have just arrived in Heppner and are ready for business at the old stand nf Ja. M. Hager. eclel.rateil State vs Chas. Kinisi v. Inu lull Larceny of a steer. Friday, March 2a I T.' : i , . . .... ; jvimaej mm usoorn pieaa not guilty, i p0nn,lM. PIrwin Warren plead guilty to stealing I market. a mare aim con. I Any ,ci-Hcin win) fi.-KirMS to prnt..t niziiinst thf the 1 "wal":", u(1 ''r".' or w-"' "1 any Con.ieli-H, Itie Can liakinglu u. S' C l"; i n1; II .."'UJ ':: i. i. . .... i. i, :..;v . . " ""i j "ili l .in .Mm. I ..ll l l 'I l r II I, h.i IS 1 'i e'""1 n' iu in.i i,d HI 11 wo, will For sale !.y II. ft li., sole clouts (fivi-n an Kiiuill In the vi rv best in the "t'l"",""'"y t the nl.re lu-ntioniti time mid ..'. I.. . . ' :i .i.. ...!. !V"iw iu criiw.x.lliHlle the WitlleKHeft of kiui Itlitill.Ali tiKK'I'IMi OF CI I V I'APS. Council met in regular session on lust Monday evening, Mayor Jiliickmiin pre siding. On roll being culled, all eoiine.il nien answered present. Minutes of last meeting read and ap proved. . . Petition of Collin fr AI-iKarland referred to committee on streets and public prop erly. Report of comjniltee on streets and public property, regarding Chinese wash houses, read and adopted. Ou motion, (he marshal was instructed to notify the owners of Chinese wash houses that they must be removed, out of the business portion of town, and given till May lo, 'Kit for such removal. mum Ai.howKii. J. li. Natter $ 1 1 1 (10 J. O Wnrmntli Ill Thomas Morgan (17 lio .John Palmer ,' 18 00 Chester Palmer , !) 00 Hot). Lund '. 12 f)0 Totnl $270 0r, Committee ou streets and pnblio prop erly report that the petition of Coffin & McFiirland be allowed. Sanctioned by council, Ordinance No. i2 read the second time, and motion made to amend the ordinauco to allow recorder 8U00 per year instead of S"00, as nominated in the ordinance. The mot ion was named. Heppner & Blackman vs Henke, order of sale continued. E. Bowker plead not guilty. C Kimsey plead not guilty. Saturday, March 30. State vs Whitson & Snow. True bill tor libel. Horner vs Yeats. Verdict favoring Horner. State vs J. T. Turley, a true bill. Grand Jury discharged. Monday, April 1. Whitson & Snow plead not guilty. Uoruer vs Yeats. Judgment bv the court. Tuesday. Anril 'A Statf v Snow & Whitson, continued and trial set for seeond day of nest term. State vs Osborne, verdict of' guilty of peiiL laroeay. Slate vs McFerrin, on trial Wednes day niorning. (,'OtT.T NOTES. Frank Mason and Samuel Frick, the parlies who robbed Mr. Jackson's resi dence near Kcho, on Mcb. 2, eaoli plead guilty to tho oharge on last 'J'uesday ami were sentenced Thursday to one year each m the penitentiary. They look uinir sentence stolidly, seeming to care but little whether their future resilience was hi the "Pen" or after the lioheiniau style. In fact they are typical tramps. F.nviu Warren, a lad about JH years of age, was sentenced on last Friday to one year in the state boarding institution for slealiu.; a mare and colt. Jjis sen tence does not weigh heavily on bis youthful shoulders, appealing to con sider it rathor a picnic exenruiou. The proprietors and editors of the limlijct. Messrs. Snow & Whitson, are in considerable trouble. It is unfor tunate indeed that these young men should have published in their valuable iitl.e paper, tll'it whieli liiey deemed by report to lie ",i s!ea!". !it which will bo diilioitit fortliein to prove, It, is an t isv matter to asserl, dn't u inure dilliouft matter to pr..vo allegai ion.i in most ca-ies, mill this is oiu of that variety. Flank Snow and Ihniy Whilson are w'ell known in Morrow couid y as honest, luirdwork icg i.eiilii'man and wiili coiiHider.ible abiliiy, but liiey should not charge peo-j pie wild dowii-rigiit thieving without being prepared to prove it when called tipo.i. As will li.- .an o!;v'.v!ier., their case is c.inMiuieil for lerm mnl set for the second day of next lerm. OIIANI) J1UIV HKIM1IT. We, the grand jury of said court, diuy eniiiane ed mid sworn on Mar. 25, SH!I, would respectfully re- puri, mat we nave ueeu in session for six days, have loiind nnd returned into court seven true lulls oT iinnotnieiit and two not true bills of indiclment. We have examined the bonks of the clerk, shci iirand treasurer ami find I hem well ami correctly kept. We have examined the jail and find it in fair eondilion, but would recommend that the county court cause a plate of zinc sheet-iron be placed on the wall back of the stove to afford a furthiir se curity against lire. Having no furthnr business to .trans net, we would respectfully ask that, we be discharged from furthnr duty as grand jurois at this tonn of the court. J. 11. .Iunhh, Foi email. Dated, March ISO, IRS!). ( 'nine early to avoid tb. nisi J'ar'ien w islnnK lo purchase fall sup plies wool 1 do well by ealbng'ori H ip pner & iihiekuiaa. We insure gentleman ly treatment, low prices, and eoed qual ity in all lines, jloiir in !iantilies to suit al mill prices. 'Utimaet. mid to i,!i..r pviiln.".. in ...I. ....! ..t tlmt submitted by claimant, "'-'S A. McDoNAi.n. Biistr. NOTICE OF INTEN''.10N. band Office nt The Dalles. Or., March 4, '81), ;..,.t i ...i v... i r "W -. " ! loiuiwuiK muni, u.oiieit-m ituu t-Aicnsive line 01 uiuii. u hhiuit iiiis nice noficeef tnR mteiitam to mens', bovs', and ladies', buck and kid 1 1','"!1" "I it"'t of ln lnini, ane driving doves woolen-lined eloves to 1 l" be t,,wl" .f""" bio ju.lue of o.nvoo, (,")H, nooiLllllIKU genes I U , Morrow c.umily, Oregon, at Jler.ii.'ier Olvacn on keep your hatids warm when . pnow thes, April 23, ib, vi2: Call and inspect our goods, at H. k ii's. Wo trouble to show goods. Pascal E. Hamilton, liW'J'l', 'W 5"E 14 W V,,hKM Bee. lie mimes f lie folliniviTif? witncrigs to prove .'M.l,....M.n u-nim-ijtH IIPUI1. UUQ Rll IVR. Jllanks for assessing school districts can tie hud at (xAZHTTH olhee. 1 Hon of, said land, viz - I ,1',',IU,",1"" Ifaijedui,, W. M. Estes, of Lexington I Or.: John Mclntire. ('has. Lind.of ll,.i,rr.tP i Any person wlio desires to protest Kiunt the nllowaiiee of sin'li pro .f, or who knows of any i.nnd Olhee nt l.ii (inlin e. Or.. March i!2. 'SO. 1 V." " ,, . ' " "i reuula- NOTICE OF INTENTION. Nol s hereby ,.iveMtli,tl,eMlowin7- M-f Bftl I'T LiiA filed rmlii-M of din intfMilrdit ft (i,,,,! ., , .1 '..f I.:, ,.l. .. ...! i 1 1 i . :'i I'llllly til" til!' nboVH IIP!!tlOIifi lillllt Hlllt nl:u.. prf' will Ik, ma!l h-fon, t ju,u""f Mormw I ll'iu!! Z? il1 "U uoanty, or III Ills absac(i before the elelk of huid coualy, at Heripner. Or., on May ft. Iss'J viz: David A. ITvrrrn, Md. No. Sifflr,. for I lie HK, U See 21 and HW i HW '4 Hec -tl and W ' NW U Hec 27, Tp :l S He iiam"S The fnllowiiut wil nessen to provo his coiitiiiiions riM:ileui:eiiiou, and cultivation of, Hliid land, viz: diaries Wallace, Diniiel. 11. Walls. William K. Wnllirelne and Klisl.n ( '. Watkirm, al 1 of Hepp ner, Oregon. Any person who ileHires to proUt Sk'aiiiHt (he allowance of mieh proof, or who knows of any salistaiitial rea-oa, under Oie law ned Hie regula tions oT the Interior llepurl aienl , y. liy aeli proof should nol be allowed, will be idveii an opporln nily at Ihe nbnve aii'til ioainl lone anil plnee lo cros exam inn the wihies-usof said el,iiaia,it. nail to oiler evidenee in lebnllal of Unit subinilled hy elniaiaiit. S14-III llfcNUV KfNK.UHT. Itl'lfialiir, NOTICE OF INTKNTION. J.lilld (UlieeatTlie DnlleH. Or., M irr:h IS, 'S9. Notice in h'-rehy yiveii flint 1 he Coi lovviln,'- eil sell er I, ns liled notice of his iiileiiliim to make iiinii prooi in support or Ills claini, and 1 lint Maid liroor will bo iiiinle before tlm connly clerk of morrow connly, Or. at llcppnrr. dr., on Mav II, Issll, viz: Oscar Schafci; p. H. No. (KW, for OieHW i HW '4 He 5; NW M NW Hen ; fv li Nli l4 Hen 7, Tp 4 H. H al K. ' Meiiiiines Ihe folliiwiu witnesses to prove his enn! unions residence upon, and ciillivaliini of, Hind liunl. viz: f rank (iiilnnii. Ilenrv K,a,er7i,w..,r It u. ... oiiiiiuiiH and n. ii. iMinani. iiariliiinii. Any person who ilesires lo pi olent niniiiisf Ihe allowance of sncli proof, or who knows of any siihslinit ial ren .011. under il,., I,,w ,lml 11,., -,.,, 1,,'. lions of the Interior I leonrl inenl . url.uMiicl. ,.r..,.t slioald mil be allowed, will be ui veil iin oonorln- II1IJ 111 Hie above nieiilioiied lillio lilid place to el oss-exain ne 1 an Wtlnesses i,t him,I eh, ,,,,1,0 and lo olter evidence in rehllllal of Ihnt. snhiiiil! ted by claimant, SUI-aia. I'. A. AlclhlNAI.B, UeKinter. (niiityat the above mentioned vf tlint ttutanit- V. A. McDonald, lieis(er, led byclaiiaiiat. SI.KKI'I-HSSXKSS. is to hi 1 inanv serious tier liarlicularly to insanity. uiptive liealiso with each bottle: or address Alack Drug ! ,., N y. . Jill. Fid NTH UICMKDY is Uio best remedy Known for iiiMimnin, or elcep- The ordiuanoo was read by title the "'1;l''"". w och amicts so many persons, , , , 1 aim which lean sei-uiiii iiuti mini tune anu vnic i on as vous diseascf follows: )( Yeas- Nailer, Junes, Noble, iMallock Nays -Noble, Mc.Wce. Ordinance! ' passed. ! HKAb ' STATK TiiAV: ine cow orilinauce was dismissed as 1 1 1 John Hind the advisability of allowing these liovi lock, V.'i.j NWJ, Sec hi, Tp o si, Ji nuisances the privilege of grazing in the " Coiisnleraliiui tflOO. I- S. lo Stephen S. Downing, home stead, commuted, Kill acres, tf.ljtl per acre. I'. S. In Win. AhsI'Vm'n, pre-emption, 1(10 aeies, ,2. per acre. U. S. In Joseph li. (Ireenwii id. nre- N, town limits during the day time Conclusion reached. Million made by councilman Morrow defining tho dutiet and salary of marshali which is as follows: His salary shall be i!0 per iiionlh; it shall he his duly to look after the city lamps and act as si reel eonimissioner, all without extra pay; elno altcud to all the duties an prescribed in ordinance No. 1, without extra pay. Motion was laid over till next meetin Council adjourned. F. I. It. Mat F WIKII, MAIiKKT. lioston, March U'.l. The wool market is more aotive this week. One lot of Califoruia spring sold at l!lc; one of Ore gon at 21c; one or fall Texas at VMa ll)'',, and various other lots of California and territory on a scoured basis of fill to title. ' " l,,''cel of hmd l.t It) I f oinption, jtiii acres, ,i.'jo per acre. Joseph h. (Ireeiiwiiod ami wife to Press C. Thompson, i (JO acres. (! insider alion iJ.'iOO. U. S. to t'lns. II. (tale, h oiieslead patent. U. S. Lo A. 0. Wiiulmi, iiilcbt. 'J'. W. Ayeis and wife to A. il. Tyson, lot (i, block '2, T. W. Avers' sen , ml ad dilion lo Ihe town of i leppue". and !IHx l.'li! It. lying s iulli of e :id Int. (msider ation g'jim. W. K. Caaey an,! wife In . (). Minor, 100 acres, $100, S. W. Miles and wile to Hendricks & Wnolerv. lot h. block 1. !, t, o 1,1. L- .1 !V lot NOTTCH OF INTKNTION. band Olliee at Ln (irainle. Or., Feb. H, 'Sll. Nolieii IS liHiebv L'iven llml II, e f,.l lo.uO,,,. Illlllieil selller lifts filed nolii f Ins intention lo mnke I11111I proi.r in sapporl of his rlaini and tlml said proof will he aiiide before the uoiinly clerk of iMorrow coiinly, (lr nt Heppner, OreKoli, no March an, Issll, viz: 117 J. Flint ink, (; :ml- "l" N W H Heo 12, Tp 1 N, It 2S E He iiaiaes the following witnesses to prove his eonl iiiiions residence upon, niai cultivation of, said land, viz: Frank 'lack, Kclio; J. lliilhaway, Vinson; V. ,J I o.ker anil C. 0. busli, I'eadleion, Oreitnn. Any person wliu desires to jirolosl acaiiiHl Hie allowaiiee of sacli proof, or who 'knows or liny hlihslnlil ml rensiai, nailer I lie law anil Hie mull la lioas of Ihe liilnrior I Icpail aieaf, wliysnch prisif slioald nol be allowed, will he iven an oppor tllllily at I he above inenl ioned liaieand pluce In criiss-exaiiiine 1 1 in wil nesHe.H of said eliiiinnnt, nnd In oiler evidence ill riibnl tnl of thai, niitilllittiid by Clllllllllllf, ail-iU4 UltNIIT lilNKHAUT, Iteitister NOTIOFi OF INTKNTION baiiil ( Illicit ill I ,a( I rainle. Or., March s, 'sll. Nnlice is hereby uivea that (he i'ollowini! llllllied selller lias hied notice of liiH itilenl inn In iiinke mini 1. 1 fin sapperi of his claim, anil tlllll Sllil Ill-oof will be loinbt beFoi-e ll,e ilu clerk of ,loirow eoiialy, Or , at Heppner, Or., on May 2, Issll, viz: . Mttnitti tlarttiitlci; ' '(CI. for Hie M H F V: N K W tv I. w.. 11. 1 N II -i F ' ' Heiililileslliefollowiinr wiliiesses lo prove his "".nlin s residence apoa, and ciillivnlioii of, said land, vi'z: hen A. I'oleef, Ilnxlor liiitlyliead, .lames II. 1 I'olecl and Joseph Hwarlz, all of Kclio, (Ireaon. Any person wliodesnes lo prolesl injninsl (lie allowance of such proof, or who knows of nay elihslnnlinl reason, under (he law and Hut reiila. Innis of i, c Inlerior llepnrliaeiil, wl.v such proor should nol be allowed, will he yi veil '1111 opporla nily ill Iho-ahove-aiciitioiied time nnd place lo eross-exniiiiiie I he wiliiesses of -nid claimanl mid In oiler evidence in rehatlal of Ihat Habniilled by eliiimaiil, IU2-17 IhiVllY UlNKIIAItr, Kegislnr NOTXCI2 OF INTENTION. Licit Ollic.. at Tiie Dalles, Or., Marjh I, UMI. Isotiee is hereby iiv.ei tliat tint f .illowinK nained selller lias filed notice of his ialeirtioa to make himl proof in support of his i'le.jm, and Hiatsaitil pioof will he inadA b,.fm0 the jmi,.,, of Morrow e niiily. tlr., at Heppner, Or., on April 2;i, isv.l, viz: Jaiitrs P. lftti-i illttn, ltd. I'.l:l7, for Hie NVV'i See. 1 1, Tp 2 S, IJ V." H W. M. ' ' If" namefl Ihe followine witnesses 10 (irove his cieitiniioas re.:iilei,c.e iipoa.ai-d cai ; i val am of. said kind, viz: Tb lis lllllledue, W. M. F.sb s. of r.exini'l.ll- Or.;John 'ilclntire, Chas. Lind.of Heiipner. Or' Any peisoa win (iiares to pi-oiest ii:-'iiinsl, tint allowance of such proof, or wiio knows ol any snbtlnaii.il re;i-,;a. under Ilia law a ,d 'let reKii lali dds o) tin1 ! Ml i"ri r I 'npitrt niojjt, wit v miicIi proof h!ioiHi no!. If nllow.ftJ, will Ito ivr;i mm opportunity nt tlin nhov.f infuiiioiieil thru itr.cl plfutn Iii i'orin-cxiimiito !lif witiiesfli-H of Hilill eldimunt,, fiiirl U oltcr m idMiico in nttmltnl ui tli!ii Hiifiniittrnl Ijy cluinifint. Ul-i'S i A. McDoKAi,i).IetfiMtnr. NOTICE OF INTENTION Lnwl OHiccalTliG Ju1Iph. f)r.. (VIilrj, NoticH in li(!iHl.yi veil thai, the fotlowiiitf-nmnul Hcti lor Iiiik fiied imticHof tntHition to nmkf fitntl proof in Hiipi.ort of hit, clMim, niul tlml mu.1 proof will ho madn Ivforo tlin until) ty jud"e nf "'w enmity, Un, ut Ht-ppiior, Or,, on April (?. 7. jinbiHson, Ud V for lla-HV.;4 Bi-e. 14. 'J'p SS, IE W M. ' ilo narn'M tlin following witiiMSH.m to provo hit nnittiiinons ridi'itce upon, anit cultivHtiiui nf. Haul lun-J, viz: K. M. Vnrivtm W. Ci. Ftrn-nr), ).H. Maxwell of (ioowlKM-ry. Or., and J, II. llondrick., of lliirdiiiiin, ( r. Any i r;uii who diHirf'S to protect iiifaiiirtt the jitlnwanci) of mich proof, or who ktiowt of any mihKtiirit ial n'Hsnn, undr thnlaw and llio ivmila tioiiw nf tho intcrinr I)tpnri niHiit, why Htieh proof ulioiild not h allowed, will he ivHii ari oppoKu nify at tlm nhove nifiit ionod liino aiid pluro to crnNH-oxaiiiinu tlm wiliiPsRf.'H of Huid flaiinatit mid tcnll.Tt'vidiMicoiii rcbtiltnl n that mihmiu ted hy clitinnint. 3l-i5 R A. MoDonald. Jti-aiHtHr. i Are purchased from the largest, finest nd best markets in the United States. We cordially invite an early inspection. Lfttrst styles Dreaa Goods, Trimminga and Fancy Goods soon to arrive. Handsomest line of Gents and Youths' Fine Clothing ever shown in Morrow Co DON'T ORDER YOUR SPRING SUIT . Until yon examine our elegant assortment. iiiv soYrJiiiix hats. OUK STOCK OF (iENTS'LAlUKS' AND CHILDREN'S FINE SHOES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, HAVE AKKIVED & AKEOI'IN FOR INSPECTION. GILLIAM & COFFEY, MAIN STRIfF' . . .DEALrr.S IN. Grnnkc-! Black- 1. Hardwai-o lr.warc, Copperware, ware, Pumps, Gaspipe, Nails, and smiths' Supplies. : ALSO AGENTS FOE t Newton Wagons, Standard Mowers fe loti j)Oir? 'wegsan Something new. Also, Leather Collars aud Ciill'ti, with Fronts to match. ' ' - If yon need a genuine RiIviT-mouiitcd Hits and Spurs or a set of team harness, come to our store GROCERIES, HARDWARE. 9 WW. ) iN OTIC 13 U. H. Land Ol'kick L Ok.N1K. )HK((fN ( (Miipliunt hnvmii lii'i'ii ciUem! at this offir hy i himuiHOwonH aiimt KnisltiH Ftorcucn fur abiUHldiiim,' Iuh lioinitHteiul niiirv Nt. 'i'wiii diitwl lluh.-r I, upon th W HW h 8io. 7, itml N !ii N V h Hoc. IH. tcAVMsliip a IS, Jt 'h I-:, m Mor rmv connly. On'Hun, willi ii view In t.lii cancel llUinii of said I'litrv: tlm Kaiil onrt i. urn Inu-nhv iuiim:ikmii'(1 Id appear al. tinw oilico on tho I'Uh (Jiu of May, lsHO, Al t;-n (()) o'clock A. JT., to renin mil and furninh IcMiinony ftomtcrninK wiiil filleted abandon men t. And wmJ parLii'N art' furtlmr. Jiotilicd Hint (j, VV. Wl'ltflit. a Notary for ()ninn. I.i.m ln.f.n .ii.nr.ini ...1 to lake 1 hit testimony in the chhh. in bin of linn at, Heppner, Morrow county, Oruyon, on May 1. IHSit, at tMi (1(1) o'tiock A Al. Her v ico of lli ih notice will bo made by iinblinh- llllf t lie Win II' for hi!!' CihikithI i v.t ivunU In I l.n Heppner (iAZCTTB, a weekly iiewHpapir pnblish- cu .it uepp.iei-, .hoitow county, Uncoil, mid niHin(r not ices in U. M. land ckch. l-'-l- fc I". iM, rimi'sr.. If' iiieeiehratcrl Mitchell Wagons, Plow's, and jjr'iottltttrfil Inihlementis. A Car-Luiid'of the Cel15rated CHAMPION MO.WERS AND REAPERS On the way. e,i mi mm- m w ipws, . Crockery and Glasssware, i INrrS, & WAG ON-COVER8, Guns, Pistols and Ammunition, T il C X KS AND AALTSES. In fact our aim will be lo carry in stock fL IB? I u tier lows, ETC. mi .411 I 1 . . rv . . . ' 10 Amn iM " Wan 7 Mm inv vuuiiuiiu luiuti mm Mil) . . 4 ' Wire A h v t 1 1 k c;vr-loa:d. , ir.crc assortment of Crockery, Glassware,' Lamps, Fancy Goods, Etc Are eoiiHtaitUy recoiying new invoices, wbich c.isli can take n-.vuv at tl e lowest prices. Job-work exocuknl in a skillful manner MAUDOCK COKNEIt, TTF PTYKR mmw i All to be. sold very low mi; "VVr. O. MINOR,? Snocessor to Minor, Umlsou & Co - '? CASH ml 111 PRICKS. I If You Want r DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Freight rates have been reduced one-third, and you can depend upon being sup plied in competition with any other town in Eastern Oregon. Money advanced on wool for Christy & Wise. Highest cash price paid for sheep pelts. Our firm lias the reputation of keeping first class goods of every description.' GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER ' Remember the firm Si. Vlilli cents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, . Shoes, OKUCKRIKS. A.ROCKFK'V ( r A5avACr. ( Ammunition Cutlkry, Station kry, Or anvtl.inB usually Upk i a firsU-lass slom. call o VV; O. MINOR. V-.'U.h. mi Wok I lrirwillr. l'.iii.-'i.l,v;ttiuM 81.0IX). Nluto uf )rci(ini U IL'iuv J'iiilx-r, NiUliiiuiel W1b nut! wift (o (). K. FaniMwoitli, Iitt 1 mid 2, in T. A vers' NOTICK OF INTKNTION. OtUi'ti ul Lji flrmiiic, Or,, Miirch H, 'Sll, Nolii-L'irt li.nli.v n'wt'u (lui! tit' fttllowinw niuiH'd rtcillcr Iihh lili tl iioliccor liin inlcnlion to limkii linitl prool' in miiiport oT din t'liiim, anrl tlmt hdiil prnoT will hi' initilti lii'Tor the comity clerk of Morrow county, id, Heppner, Or,, on April 'Jll, InMI, ,; I)h. No. ins , for flu. W H W a H K U S W h H.-c 'JM, an.l N K U N VV Hoc :t:i. Tp X H. li. i!fs K He nninoM tlm follinvitiK wjlni'HucM lo prove Inn emu mimim riwidoiM'n upon uml en It i vat ion oT, wi ul liunl, viz: 1'. i'. TIimimimim, John Hntwji, John Only nml Martin Suncok.', all of llcppni'r, Oroon, AllV OI'I'HOIl who lIl'mil'CM I i)trl iiirilillKt tin. iillowntirc of hmcIi proof, or who knowH of any miliHiaiil nil tvnotl, iMiilcrthc law lititl llio vtmiilii' tionmil' lln Inlerior Department, vh mhi'Ii prouf Hhoulil u he allowcil. will hi'tiiven 'nn opporln liilj at (he ahi.ve-nieiitioneil lime nml place In cro-exinnine i)h wilneMt.eNof claimant and to oiler evidence in ri'hiiltid of-(hal Mithm it toil lv clainiaiit, '-i'l. IIHMtV HlNI'.IHliT, HeiHteP. NOTICE OF INTENTICjV, . ImX OnUrtfVw DhIJ.'r. Or., March Not iiV in hereby i veil Jiat the following. mk d sdtlop han lileil notii'ti of his mlontion in i)iak liiml proof in support of bin claim, imtl Duit Huid proof will h maik heforo the county cln-k ttf Amrpotv county, Oieui nt JIcppa.T, Or., uu .Mitj io i. w.p, viz: ,V(ic l). Cumitb'cll, IK N". 27, fur II... W'i NIC H HK h Nli '4 Mi U XV. ' i Hit 'il, 'I'm I S. 11 2;, K. II" imm.'H II... t'i.llowiii wltn.'MS.'n to provo Ihh nml urn. .is ri-.si.len...) uj.un, ai.J cull'alion of, Hi.i.l Iiiii.I, viz: lliiliorl A. Kniiiliton. il.-my l'li,na. Eiirlit .11.1,. Or.. S. A. Wriitlit, C!ia. Mill.T. ll.-ppii.T. Ai.J l.i'isi.ii win, d.ii.w tn proti'sf iimiinst the ulli.wii.ii-.. ,,f Hut.li proof, or who knowrt of any Hiilistiuil tnl reus. in miller the law :tml tho ivkiiIu tioiiH of tin- liiti'r.or Departim-iit, why minh fa-oof Nhoulil not liiMillmv.'il, Will hi' tfivHii mi opi.ortii iillynl tin. iih.iv.! n.i.i.lioi.oi! ti.no ;m.l pine., lo .'rtiHM-oxiiinii... I ho wiliicHwHof 4,tilcluinimit, anil " vi'l'i lien in ivlmltnl of that Hubniitli.il hy .nil intuit ai.VX.il K. A. Jh.Do.N u.d, Ktwlnti-r. I,' Htoi'lis are Btoa.lily lu.inj; iuurt'imnil. Oreifon WooIh aru n.nv .iiiiU).l at from 17 to 20 reuta in KrctiNu, for Kadlorn Or. Small sales of No. 2 vnlley liuvy lici.t. u.iulo at 2,") cmilK. CulifornitiH aro q'lolinl at from IS to cent. Tlu Nti.nin.tl linniu fur th.'j .. ... it. ii t :, t 1 , " r. ." " i T.H.t....ti...i -ir.. i., a. k. .lir. i N. v'i.c, '.mimiita win laii al i kiiiM, l,.t ! attil 1(1 1, ,,,1. ill. l,,,vi,.t,, Sl.T u r.o . . , ... . . ' " .."... 1'W. i V.'PIIMI.ltlllttltlll lititl, nuppner, April I.-'ol is lookitiK n,, iu thin vicinity. Only rpoontly, Hp, Brownsville Woo!,.,, Jlilla inirohawvl 1011,000 ponntla at 15 oeiila pur pomnl. dt'livcrcil in Ilvppuer. T:.. - . ... inK wasie ami "t..p," w hi, 1, , , o t!i..ti:-hl .v. li roally svunrotl woola, liaw l,..,.n iin.,:,,toil i iii.lii oi.r.lay t . - a,.; NOTU'K OK INTKNTION. I OIU.'.MU l.lll llllli. L. Or M h U VII Nol ir. . ik li,'r..i) -ii hut llio foll.,wimtlliiiiii'.l Ni'tili'r Iuim IiIihI no lie., of hp. intention lo iniiki. IuiiiI in-oof in support uf Ms tnl 11.1,1. lo lletmnor. ov I tl... , .' iii'".. '""I th.iit Mini proof will 1. nia.lo before . . ....... r , , i.'i - niii rie. i. ... Moiiow coimiy, Or., at lleppner vtiliuii or wtitHi' nuMit iin-1 p rivi i)r.,..n April ai, kmi, viz: ' Ciinsi, .nli..u irSDti. on,;;- '. .1. .s'm,.,,;,,. " W tjr (he V. l, N V. U K la h'. U Rtv out II TUN Sl h IvKst'lF. imtnoh 1 1. el'ol lowing witnenmm to prove Ion huh roHul. 'iicc upon, u:..l fiiUnntion of. A. J. I tem, John Kenney tunl I. all of Heppner, Ore-on. lui .!(! i f u protest atiint Ihe i,'et.i su.-ii pi-iu.l , or who kiiowH of mi v nil re.is.m utuler the l-uv and ,ho reirul'i f the I'lti'lior Deii'ii'liuenl. whv M.i.., f r-lH.nl.i nol he allowed, will he mviMi an uoe poiimnH at the al.e inenl oned lime anil plnrt XATIOXAL ll.WK of lll'l'l'MiK II. 1'. 'I'llOlll'SDN, Kl). If BISHOP, I'l'l'slitl'ltt. Caslii,..'. TIMXSACTiJ A GKNKIIAL KAXK1XG BL'SINKS. (XM,,I';OTLONS ' iMailo on Favorable. Terms. HXCIIANGK BOUGHT t SOLD. Oppoiilo Minor's llotol, " IIiaTNF.ll,. OlikllON. T Till I ITMIIT iVicFarland, Heppner and Arlington. ' mm a iioitsES""" Avill- I i ;a vol -well wiien shod hy ROBERTS m SIMONS Go 1 1 o i'al 13 lacl wu 1 i tli s & Fa L-i e rs. o REPAIRING MOWERS A SPECIALTY. u t r t -t t- "V dfk 'TST iSM Frrk rz-'t Next door to W,r A Tliompsous hard-.v,;ro ator, Hootmer. 0,e.,. A Froah Stock of IGS and MRninri.Q Constantly ou hand. -Pes8ripli8iFHOioilii.- A Choice Lino of . DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED OIQATtS. ' AllJ mi,"y otljer articles too numerotis to mention. W. A. KIEK. C. 51. MALLORY. KIRK & MALL0RY. May Street, Nearly Opposite. Minor, Dadsan II EPF A' EH, Co.'h Store, OREGON E2TA FlKST-CLAHi-f WAGON SHOP At SAME STANDS t nr . - . a.lxt,UJ,s. oruer. Mnlii S treet, lEsppaie r, Or. NLLSON JONES, Proi't E. K. BISHOP, Troas. II mini liunl, v i. I ,1. W. 1,I, I I'lvot'.......; An.v i ,.s,i ! Il ! ii .!. !, !.!, .; '.1 I'l'.t a Stml k.'U- in' ni t.'iiin . is ,)iu of ll.-i pp.t impur-i miIw i taut ap;inil..ii:mp,'.i ..r tin- tn.i.li i-i lionso-1 1 i liolil. 1 n :.' i - 1 nitu.litno i,.,...,...,..,.xi,,ii.i.,. il.,. winii..,. r mikI ..liiiinnii-1 soli.'it thi'ir pittrotia .VI, 11.I..1I, : ..in, ..i nu, ,,,iii 'Hit. vt'ry Uit.'iit 8iyl.t jtlnl nH','i.i'.l frtmi l'ortland and 'San Francisco AT- Mrs. Warren's Kiisliinnttltlp Milltm.rv anil Ladtp's Fnrninliiii'' ttoro. lu.iu.iiiiL-niirei'N r.i and lienors iu Furniture, . Mirrors, Bedding, Brackets, Picture Frames, F2tc Also For Sate 1 H8G MODL WIN CM I ESTER j ;f 1T.ES. Cheap For (.'.,;:li. '. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. May Strut, Hepf-heh. Lmi o ys Ui COMPANY. HEl'f'NEB, ( Iuc-oi'porated.) OREGON. This oonipauy will make oiisb advanot's upon tho wool clip tor 18S9. Consignors may have their .rool sold tiuiU.r ord;'r at Ileppnor, or by their direction haye il shipped to Portland, Sun Frmioisco, Boston, Mass., or Hartford, Conn., -U!1M'is- ' 5 Tobac- General ti'.i I.. . SI 1 2-17 Nlt KlNllllAliT, li.'iMl,r, M)rU'i: OF INTENTION. prcrt.'iiUul liniiM,.!, in uttf ,Ui.ir and iiro ('.'. led lo deliver an m.i i, :i upon itn oliariclonsl ia tnerilM, "Hill," v.e nipnw.i-eJ, ";i'ir mtiohino HtlilH IIH Well nth! we d,i lint i. u'e r.ir no. (,j .u,j. " l'Hitil Oilico nt I ,ii tiniml.', (lr,, Aliuvli 7, 'sll. 't'.,- ,, i ,,. i j , i i'ii'.' ii. ti.'r.'ii.v w.v.'ii i.iiu ttiii ti.iimvintr .in. .inii.i, uiMi.ti-i, i.,...i ill,' Jll IV" I lutln...t ii'ttlii- lull, lileil null, r 111., iut.'iiti.iii lo ch'tfi. of ItMiviny one of hp, mat'lutierf with I ""'11' ii";.l pin..f in Mipp-.n ,,f i..h cIh.i.i, i,n,j for the ImlieN to t rv " i I1"" ,1"'""' nt.. i.i t..... tl... eoumy Tlinnlil'iil fur the uenerous lilieralitv and .'o...l will of the people of Tleppiie'r an.l vieinilv in the .imst. we cordiallv . in tho future. ' j 1J rr V'i Kl TT "H? MltS. MARY WARKKN. ! wnere tne conipuny have nrrniijed for storage and sale. Aiklivs Conimunii'at ion? M A.N AG KU, Piiimir.iMPii nwwnn l.H, ' The ropiest wtm not imtetp'Oiiabl, ill.l,;,.,.r M. Iii'fiir.. II.,' .-I" "'8 unutHl NtaleH for B.nno time nt the very low duly of Mo per pound. Hy a recent rnlm, it i pl,.,cu,d nll.() it ,;. longs -on tiie lit of neon rod vvlK, nd tho duty for such importations will here after be C'Jo. per potiud. As a renult territory woola, (o which class ours be-' long, are picking up it. price. Euiteri) OreKun wools bid fair to reach Bitch a price iih will fully 0 poinatc the nheeji- men. Ki'mirp.l a,.l., ...... . .. i ik ""v.n n,o ;niee.i a ceiun ...... u,..,. ...iv u m mr, n....!,,,, i, ,win hH,,t i,ullt v,,. per pound m tho ISufam i "aiut ai that, tlm ladies should look it j i',.i,.r s, i,,.i.. i..l,n Sinitii.i. v,iii, ii,.,r dtirinir lli t,,Mt I.. .. l ' over; they did bo, aud as a ponmsiuonco ' " I- Kveiw, ll of Keli 1'nmtilin oMiaiy. Or. , S Tl "s 1" f "I'll 1 V ( ' 1 ' A k1 VITl'lt our u,f 111 last fe.v days. ,,, ... . ' . ........ H!lv ,.':, . An, ,. , pi.,t..-, .w.i,t ,1,, ' ' ' ' -VL 1 RI.N I AK.VA 1 l.l'.P. tUhteyrni---At "V3 m-ke, !. ml the slil,.eHt wi.l, t.l d.iry or ,l-! SirualiW luero iias ueeu a fair ii..iniy for coarse puiatfe anv other machine, this, all timing I f it." I..i.'n..r i,.,',etiii,i.t. why mi.i, pr..,.( ""., una ior teriit.ui.'il wools of : ooiisiilered. is. in their oninioti. the most '' hm-.w.,!. win i.o Vix-n mi ..fi...i tn ' are scii'ce. The desirable one to be had. 9 OREGON. v n.iiniv, Or,, nr in Iuh til. k of :ml I'uiiiiK nt II i, linn. .i- il.. nt'tMit thun nnythintf tNo; fiir wo really WiHinitt Hirincr, j did not want tlio muohint, ami li;ui not M.l N... -jvn. r,.r tin N W h,H. s, 'I'p -j N. mt, K. ' tllC riMUotl'Nt iiliU of tniViriif it. j Uf imm.'N lln MlnvNivitiinrtwn tn i.nvt" It tM i Tin imifliino tMH'.a in 'tlm limtstv it u-nu : '""inm.MiM nwulfiu-c upon, mui fuhivmu.u ( iff III! I UILI Is I'pnimiiontly Kni-uk! Xt !!tp(irn'r. Opposite Oattlv Shop, Aiul is UnitiK Fino Ami ARTISTIC WORK - It t'lm'i We Itnat Auywluuv EED Stable, nil kinds, but tbo latter t : tiny nt tin' t.l., fotiiu uui una.) is quiet, but jirioes 1 Ins unrivaled machine is mannfao ore on the increase. The slow demand i tilted bv the NKW HOME HEWIXU 11 fSHn.',""r'riK' 'as expected ! MAl'lllN'E CO., Ornnue. Mass., mid 'JH i : "" ' i' ,r,wt-,'!ui!tiin, in. itni'M..w nt s.'.nt claiiiiniit. W"l!.'in,-nitH.r tliu pliii'B, , posit,. Uiis.'tU' ln... O.XV.X'OOXl, Xx-o. Livery and b a a - r inunsaKer m Lonor. Opposite Natters' Brewery, Heppner, Or FLIlMSIIIXd GoodS k Uf Mm Grooej5Aa 'I crockery, A m;nu- WWUur mtion IT 1 ll AAinn on! ! A nJ I Kl HS'lVHa j 'MMMU1 Mm ,U3Ndd3H '133H1S AVn patrotstizt: r AIVIILY G Y that the depletion ilf tliP tnnti itf, i.i 1 m!W?Ula.b,,V.0 'Wv"n '"'' '"to tho tTme t'"'' 8"I,,lic'8 bafl,re "'' mnnh'i.;,7i'le,,t-th,lt wuul wil1 ri""'h much hiKher price this season tl,.,,, fr the past ihree ensons. TIIKI,AIHKSIi:i.liiiHK The p enant elTect and the perfect jafety with which the ladies ..uv use the liquid fruit laxative, tivrup of Kit's, under Union Hpiarc, New York. I'lTMitU'tit mill Mrs. llarrls.iii. tin.l t,t ,.tl,'r vul"iice in r,.l.iilt,il i,f tlml hiibunt- t, si l.y cliuiinuit, arj 17 IlKMtv liiNitiuitT, Kk.usti.k NtH U'i: OV KIN.M, WIUTI.KMHM'. The demand for the portratis of I'rea- ideiit and Mru. Ilai tluoti is unprcoede.it- ed. Two very line etched portraits, on one plate, lt'ixll'2. of (ieneial and Mrs. I Ibiri'is.iti. published nt tho homo of tho ll'iesident, by M. It llyman, publiriher of .lie iii.iianiipoiis lleral.l, are meetmi; t j,.., t,, m,,t ti..l mvuimi nml seitl,,.m VVltll espcialty larye ;,ales. At.)ntH ttrft ! tlu'riHif, .ni.l t.. hli"W .'.up..., if sny then. he. why ail onndiliti,in- ..!i. . :. . """"r I wauieti in every town ... u, l'ni,.n. i " i ', ,.,;, rV.r.hr .U.tr in he ma ter ot l remerlv iti. i !' lavoriu. ; hen.l .',' cents for sample portrait luid : li,,.tJtiii t mt.l ep.t... Ih,y.-' 1'1!,',leu81nft'0,l'!eyean,lU termB to ajtenls, to . h. p. tl VKl'Uit'KS. the taste, gentle, jet effeotnal i,. u,.n ' x, i, n W. 11. t i l ls. oo the kidneys, liver aud l,n.,l. "I , ? . .. . AJm.ui.tn.tum. , , w-"v,, , J.UUiMUULHlllL 1IIU. I nt.. I Murfli II ML Ndtieo in btrt'by t:iv'.i tlmt t)it nnlt'tinnl , litkviim til tnl thttir hunt lu-cumit h ittliuiniittrnnirt 1 of tlit Ksttib' of Jttmrs L, Fuller, ilt'couti, ritul Krulny trit' M tiny of April, i ltn mini Imintf imi nljtHtpmtl ttn nf n tvtpi!nr term tf (lu l nunl t'miri of Morrow foutitj. On-- ! jinn, lit llu' hour nf iiiiivM'.'t n'cl rk A. .M.ofnititt iiii li iippt.inlitl n lln- fiiiit hihI ili. court lutum i. iu Mi'ppni'r, Urtnu. m (lit- pliii't for luwri'tu Now Stock ! Now Fixtures ! .' New Everything! ! 'lire and liprc. -Ami tlnj ll.t -' HAVANA CIGARS GHll SALOON, ludmuapohg, Ind, ll.t.Mite II. HUckmiui Stor,i, trvstmetit u sll. Come and wtui i be convinced. onrteons stiot Hoi.nleil i- it l)n,v, Weelt, oe Month Saddle Horses, Buggies and hacks to hire at Reasonable Rates. find' mm fw m!a a! i,iasal!? iW M)U8 to FKOM all TRAINS. Gixids delivercl to any part of .tho city. Leave orders at our oilice, hi stable. All Stock Loft in Their Care Will Keoeive the Best of Attention. Ely HAS thf; best and cheapest. IIEl'PNKK. l,pwitc"'- - Minor's' "n May Street. OREGON. oiler Mills! Sperifs New HEPPNER, - Capacity j- B. SPERRV, proprictor - - Oregon; 70 Parrels Flour from best Grade: and Mill Feed. Is now fo; to suit purchasers. o ' Wheat, flour in quantities I? ... - .. e . j