Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, March 28, 1889, Image 6

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FOR 1H81).
Madam! See what 15 cents ill ilu ! It w ill lirinc yon a sjunjile copy of (io
dey'b Lady's Book, which will tell you l.ow to f;ct the seal-skin s!ioiiic, the silk
dress, the gold watch and cottage organ and other vahiahles, without a dollar.
Two dollars worth of magazine than by mihscrihiiij; for "Gotlcy," the best family
magazine in America.
For J8H9 it will contain: Fashions in colors, Fashions in black and white; latest
from Europe. Original novelties in needle work and embroidery. Latest and
most popular music, l'lnns for the house yon are going to build. Directions for
decorating your home. Cookery and household help, by Mrs. Charles Hope,
teacher in several fashionable New York academics, and selected by the Board of
Education for the Jiew York Public Schools. Literary enrichments, by lN't-lly
Bly. who flat herself lurked up in an insane asyhnn to find ont lime they
treated the insane, Kiln Rodman Clinreh, Emily Lennox, illiria Luvell Wilson,
Mrs. Hiestand, Edynr Eaieettt, I'arid Linn y, ete.
Who subscribes to (iodey's Lady's Book. The coupon which you will find in
each number will entitle you to your selection of any cut paper pattern illustrated
in Godey'B Lady's Book. " Your l.Vcent sample copy will contain one of these cou-
JKins. The pattern shows you how to cut the garment you want. Send Jo cents
or sample, which will be allowed on your subscription when received. Tins is idl
we can say in this space. For the rest see voiir sample com-, for which send loc.
at once. Address "lillllliY'S LADY'S I'.OOK," Philadelphia, l'a.
In club with this paper, (iODKY'S and the IIE1TXKK (iAZl'.TTK, per year fii.ijO
which should be sent to the ollice of this paper.
The cash must accompany order. Only neie stdrcrihers, or old subscribers irho
renew, will be allowed lo lake atlrantaije of litis offer, (iodey's will lint be sent
to any address for less than ifL'.O.I, cash, except as above stilted.
73 3. -0
C CO S 5 ? I" t
3 2. -J 15 s,
3 I p
A Thonsand Paul's of Lan-a Arbor Day for
the Public skhoots Selling Tobacco
to Minora.
A reporter of the Statesman asked Geo.
W. McBride, secretary of state recently
how he was getting along with the work
Sold ty Dnigyitti and Dralen Bi-erywhere.
I t
Heppner , City Brewery,
. ' 4- o l
Havino; pin'cli"ood t ho latest Browing Appiii.itiis mid
ntousils, J fi:i; ewil.li i with my cold sol'l-witter spiiii;,',
niy d'!:jp, coo' stt .;im cellar and tlio fresli, imre
iM iii'isidii'ie. .;' : ic. il(p)ii'r Jlills, to oll'cr
i y rusionicrs a
At reasonable wholesale and retail rates.
Lurches of all Kinds
- -A XI) the - -
Lest Brands
rumen in the- country must return empty Kegs, or sjt, apiece
will lie charged.
J. B. NATTER, Proprietor.
of Ciars.
n I
H i
y Delicious Biscuit
. Ask ydiirdroi er lur
- 4 cpm .... cm rnTi!c
Iff II. ol.Crly l:re.
Hamilton goei-
it J.- 'i ' i . h d m r;
Manufacturers of Hamilton Oradua of Vehioiofi.
3?ropor Ion, lui-jilili( , I'l i Cecliim l" Ifiiii
This "Mirror" finish wuik Is the best metliuju-.rke,l woik in I lie Unite,! Snucs.
VArlTAL H'HCK, $iOl,OI0.
IMAM !'A( Tl IlLltH OP
Business and Pleasure Vehicles.
Proprietors and Sole Users of Sechler's Improved Perfection Fifth-Wheel.
Aft Worh Guaranteed a Ji presented.
THE Clark Cycle
340 H. Charles St., - - BALTIMORE, MD.
Branch Btoro,
Two hundred second
hand machines, all kinds,
sixes and prices, llicy-
cles, Salelii-8 and Tricy-
clcs for lliiys and tlirls.
Send ft if Catalogue and
Price l-ibt. Mailed free.
008 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, D. C.
I ,
trovzn 6,000,000 px Tie Mi. j ttmt
of the Urgebt tuid Uitt rulutii) liuuto, oti
Ferry's Seeds
FKKUY A 00 nrw
kUDH luittf'Hl tl I HI 1 111
Largest Seedsmen
in the world.
D M Fkuuy A i;o'
ftrrn uum hi
Vnri 'wiiibumiiiiMt rut
W . il JLj' t all iiiMhciiiiin. mul
without unlentiK it. in "
(l"tn. hlfld or FW.t
1 UUUBtl. I ,M ,, fr lt A,,ln,
O. M. FERRY & CO.. Dotrolt. Mich.
1 171
hul.H. . ! I.U. u..l'l li
Ileal (l) Man ll ill ,ia
l'DliU( UllKk.-lNVl.
"liuuuav i:(
i. is
it i m -i mi
li t.l-tU.T Will
V''i'lfci S.iidl.lft. Th-MiMi.-.l-i,
Nj n'r u-Jr il h tLi) m-iis.li, tritl
ntn In ycir lnn fur C j ,J n Hi. n lu itiot
Wliu lur bve Milrd, Uii- bur.iiui v.iiir u. ,,to.i it v. 'Hi
wbo v. rlre it once m, lj ura or rtcrum Wiilrh
nd Rnttite. Wcjiny tit ii.rt, fn iwi.t, Ma ju.;im
UaKu v to., bos S14larUuiwllMtUu
Almost as Palatable as Milk.
Bo ilcg"lsc'l ttmt lt rm be taken,
dltft'.irri, unit aHstuillelrd by Die uioat
eimltlve etollllirli. wlten tlie i!ttln oil
raiinuC be toli.inlct Hint by the row.
binutlon of tlie ll Tttll the h'ioplloa
phltee te mut'h mure ttltlvartoue.
BciEarlible t tub producer.
Persons gala rap'dljr while kkiag It.
BCOTO'S F.MlU.HinX in Rcknowlwlpjeaby
Dij'sn'iuiiB to be tlie 1' nuwt Riul lk'Ht prepa
rauon in the worlil for tbe relief and cure of
Th great remrtty for (Xmsuniptian, and
Wasting in Chudrtn, Sold by ail Druggist
Transcontinental Route
T J 1 IV, 'I
It C
II A I I.HOA.1)!
Cascade Branch, rune ('onitlt'tcd, inalc
inij it the Shortest, Best aialijuickest.
Tim J)miny Cur Tjiiio. The Direct Koute
No JMiiyn. FastcHt Truiim. Low
est Kates to Cliieu(;o iinil all points
Kant. 'J'jeetH polil to all lM'imii
uout l'ointM throtiliotit the
lOast and KoittlieaRt.
Tliroiijili I'ulliiiiin )wmi litwiii islcepin? Cars,
liiiHerviitions can lie secured in advance.
To Ivist liouiiil I 'aseii'ter.s
JJe earctul and do not make a uiiHtake,
lint lie mire to take the
And nee that your ticket reads via this
line, St Paul or Minneapolis to nvoid
changes and Herious delays occasioned
by other routcH.
Throiidli Emigrant Sleeping Cars run
on regular expieKH trains full lontrth of
line. Jiertlis free. Lowest rates. Quick
est time.
(Icnernl Office of the Company, Ko..2,
W'asliinijlon St., I'ortand, Oreijon
Assistant (ienenil Passenger Ayrent.
Tlmt tliB best i.Impo to K't it i at the
Hrtjuwr, : j : On'ijon.
Wliiln yon keep yniir mtlmcr ipHon pnhl up yoii
(Vill kit'p J imr lifiind in free of rKnrxo.
Alloii.J II, AiirtuiHville H "i-n.h, ti,-.ull(i l hnIa
wihi mi left hh( miller; citf 1 1, hiiiikmhi loft jp
Adkiim, (' li ll'irsH. J, i,n rilit hIkiiiIUit: cat
tic A V on riirlil i.lc
AdliiiiH, ,) .1 lloisi'n, ,F emtni'i'teri on l(.f,
llfti k; I'liillc. Hiiiiicuii ii'Tt lii.
lcnliiiiiiii. (ico,, llanliinirt llnrcs, thijr ,m
1 -T I mIiomIiIi'I'; i-!ii Hi-, hiiihmhi riulit hiionliii'i'
H'l It, 4 v llorm'H, Hun left r.liouV(.r.
Ifcnirc, Sirs (' A !t on lil'l, Hhouldir; om-nmr!
of Dill If. crop oil ami split in It-ft ami uiiimrluiir-
Hrowri, J (! Moi'hi'h, rinrlc (' willuiot innnn
li'i'on Ittft liip; cattle, r-aiiic.
Itoyt'r. W ( i, lii'iiii llfirwcH, liox liriind o" r':
Inn calll'1, Hitino, with wplil in i'iicIi cur.
llonr, I'.d.-HorHcs, 1' Hon l.-il shoulder: eat.
tic. Hiniic on Iff I liin.
Iliii'tir. I''., lioiii' Itoi-k.- HornoH o with lnr
niiilcr atut ovim' on riK'il Himiihi'T,
lliirton, Wi" Hoihi'h,,! Hon riht thii. nalllc,
Hiunn on rii,'ht liip;Hplil in cacli car.
( l;,rl(, W. II. Stock liiiuulctl WliC connected.
Murk, unlit in riirld car.
A llimm. . I). Hatttcl.niml, ( I) on lcf hirT
lino rioicn mtiiiH oiitiio on riKiu siioiiiticr, I Oil life.
MiKl.t A! ilc.
t Cook, A. .1., I ri'i m HorncH, SKlon riyht mio:i1 tcr;
Ciltlc, simiooti ri(,lil hip: cur nmrk Hiiiifti'ti cro
oil Ict'l and split in i iul-i.
Cnn in, IC V Hors. s, vjt st;f(
Ciiiiim-liaii c, W I!, Ncwloii Iwincii - llorsi'f. T
with liiirc 'J ninli'i' il on Icfl hIi-miI'I r; cue1
hhiiic on left 'iip .11 id ' ImhIi, I'-Tl car pi tire- cut
Cox A IuikMIi. llanh.mii -Cn:tlot with i in
renter: liorHcn, C V. on left Sip.
DoiO;lli-s, M t attic, II Don riirllf Hide. HWIU
low foi k in each ear; horew, H I) on t r I hit).
I' leek. Jackhon. linden, 71' cotinnctcil on
rit;M. ulioiilder; call Ic wanm on riht hip.
Kar mark, iiole in ne.lit and crop nil lcfi,
liiniallcit, Jolni W. Horses hranded half-circle
.1 1 , coiincciei I on left shoulder. Cuttle, winie
on left hiii. llaiiLic, near licxinlon,
I' lorence, I, A -Cattle, ,' on i-tif tit hip; horHOH
K with har nnder on rit'ht Hhonlder.
I' lorence.' H 1' lloics, !' on rilit. Hlnmlder
cattle, !- on rii:ht hip or tlii.-'li.
Arm,-.troni.', .1, C. Acton Twithh.ir under il
mi led shoulder of horses; catlle Haim on left
(lay, Henry -CAY on left shoulder.
Coble, I'Yank Horses, 7 Koii left slide; cattle
winie on rinl hip.
Caumue. A H lnres, HI oti riKh( shonlder.
Huasaker, II f HorKew, it(,u left houlder; cat
tie. Kou left hip
Humphreys, .( iI IJardiiiaii- Hojhch, on left
Hayes, J M Hordes, wihiIuhh on left, shoulder
eat t le, same on rild hi i.
.lunkill.H. M. Horses, liorHcslioe J on l,.f(
shoulder, ''attic, the sain.'. Hiuiko on Kiht
SI i'e,
,lolui(in, Felix Hors.'H.rireleTon left stifl
can ic, same on nmn niji, Uiater half
and Mu in lell ear.
Kirk. .1 T- II. ir
Icll lup.
hirk il Hor
on ri'.ilil Hide.
I,ai.-ei!, lii'i-uiniM Hoiki", II I.ii-i It.f( Ijjp
li.".yi.. .1 If, Lena llors,, 1' wilh - over it cp
lell -lioiilder.
Minor. n-.-:tr. Cntlle, M n
l oil lell -liolll I- T.
over tbe CoaHt Range MoaDtains, and
following np tbe river to Hale's post
office station. Her route is 20 miles
long, and is situated rigbt in tbe heart
of tbe mountains, wbere all tbe dangers
and adventures incident to sucb nn oc
cupation abound. Sue carries the mail
left by tbe recent sesaion of the legisla-1 nif hk da and ferfl B- Sbe
iiuiTB a uuineuHun, huu curnea a irtisty
revolver. Miss Westmuu is a plump
little brunette, and is just 20 years old.
Her father and uncle operate a stafje
line, and bave a contract for carrying
the mail. Miss Westman has never met
with a serious mishap in tbe performance
of her duty. On one of her trips last
year she found three (food-sized bears in
the road, right in front of her. The
horse on espying them became frightened
and threw his rider to the ground, and,
lurnim around, ran baok the read he
came. Miss Westman, with great pres
ence of mind, started after the runaway,
and overtaking him, remounted and rode
right through the savage cordon; and,
strange to say, she was not attacked.
Meeting some friends, she told them of
what she hnd seen, and they went to the
place and killed the bears.
The New York Emjineerinn News
says: ' A'ork on the Nicaragua Canal is
likely to be started this month by send
ing a dredging and piledriving plant to
Greytown to open the harbor for con
struction purposes for vessels of fifteen
to eighteen feet draft. To this end noth
ing more is required than to construct
a short brush and pile pier to divert the
shore current caused by the trade wind
which continually tends to move sand
westwardly along the boachand close up
the harbor-and then to dredge a chan
nel through the bur. The work of per
manent improvement to thirty feet draft
of water will not be undertaken until a
railway has been built some seventeen
miles inland to the great divide rock cut,
aud work ou it is so far advanced as to
furnish adequate rock spoil for the con
struction of the iierinaneiit pier or break
water, Offers have been received al
ready from bankers for the entire pro
posed issue of bonds ou terms which
cannot be callo l high, if not so good as
desired, and the prospect could hardly
be belter for the early beginning of ao
tivo work on tlie canal proper; the first
point of attack being necessarily the
great divide rock cut; thiw'e miles long,
containing about 8,(M),()l)ll cubic yards of
solid basalt rock, overlaid by two to
twenty feet of earth."
'l" in nn
"' H'.l "ll left nlioulclor: unit
"s 17 .in .'iliu'r Hunk; ralll,.
l-fi -l...i
i'jinii'. w
11 I HI
.1 .
mi ;
li.nild i'.
.tin II
51'J.in In
lil. Ill
upiirr n-.'i
.1 M ll'l Irll
In, : I !
N.vl. Ai.iKm. !... i;,
ll.VI.Hl "II I' ll S I,,.r.
Vwmiin. W. II. li.irs,.,
,,V, T if nil l.'fl v,,.:! , r
N.ir.hk.'. I'.- II..I',,,.. ,',ivl
ll,.. whim' . l.'fl I,,,..
(illi-r, IVit). I,,., ,' Ii,'k
t'.'.ir t .... 1 1 . .1-,.-.,
,.l.l.l"i' nii'l VI ..il l.-fi hip.
.... ii'i' nif. tw"
r.'.ii'-i.n.Jaj... I
Hill,"!' A 111. 'a:
l,.ri .,..',,!.i r.
I'll'"!', .1 II., s,
L'M .'.'".il.l.'i';
i'-lil liip; li.tn
wilti M on ii.i.to
, M .Ml lull '.Ih.iil,!,
".v 1 I!. 'i',-"", M wi
.'.I,'!,. I' ,, 1,-1, ,1, .
" ( null'. Ill .'.. inn. ol.i,l
.'ar. diila. i. ii Ihi-i.ni ; lii.rsi.s
I''ii;iii',' "i .in ..a.'li nli.iiil
l :(,.. It
ture in his office, and how much there
was of it.
He replied, in substance: "Tbe ses
sion laws of the last session will make a
volume of nearly one thousand pages,
which will be about twice us large as
the volume of laws published in 1S77.
"The senate journal will be about the
sanio size as in 1337, but the house
journal will be considerably larger.
"I have in my office a force of extra
copyists, and am having copies of the
laws prepared as rapidly as is possible,
consistent with the care and nocuracy
required for these important publications.
Notwithstanding my extra force, I am
unable to fill the orders coming in for
certified copies of laws for the use of
county courts and the different towns and
cities. Whenever a copy is made a
duplicate copy is taken at the same time
for the printer.
"It will require several weeks
to complete copying the l(i8 laws passed
at the recent session, .mune single bills
containing seventy-five pages of closely
written matter."
Following are the provisions of the act
passed at the recent session prohibiting
tbe sale of tobacco to minors :
It shall bo Unlawful to sell, barier,
trade, give, or in any manner furnish to
any minor under the age of eighteen
years any tobacco, cigar or cigarette in
any form, or any compound in which to
bacco forms a component part, without
the written consent or order of such
minor's parent or guardian, and when
such minor has no parent or guardian,
then in that case consent may be given
by the county court, silting for tbe trans
action of county business, upon proper
application in the county in which said
minor may have his residence.
Any person violating the provisions of
this act shall, upon conviction, be fined
in any sum not less thi.u twenty dollars
nor more than fiftv dollars.
Justices of tbe peace shall have con
current jurisdiction for all offenses aris
ing under this act.
Inasmuch as there is no law on this
subject, this act shall be in force from
and after its approval by the governor.
The bill was signed by the governor,
and is now a law; but it is not enfoiced.
A gentleman from Albany told the re
porter that, while dealers do not sell to
bacco to minors, they sell it to men who
furnish it to them. It appears to the
writer that the law covers such cases.
Following are the provisions of the
law making the second afternoon of the
second Friday in April, Arbor Day. It
should be Arbor Half Day:
The seconil Friday in the Afternoon in
April of each year shall hereafter be
known throughout this state as Arbor
In order that the children iu our pub
lic schools shall assist in the work of
adorning the school grounds with trees,
and to stimulate the minds of children
towards tbe benefits of the preservation
and perpetuutioi; of our forests and the
growing tiuilnfr, it shall be the duty of
the authorities of every public school
district in this state to assemble, the
pupils in their charge on the above day
in the school building, or elsewhere us
they may deem proper, and to provide
for anil conduct undt'r the general super
vision of city superintendents, county
superiiiteiiilents, teachers and directors
and other school authorities having the
general chnrge mid oversight of the pub
lic schools in each city or district, to have
and hold such exercises as shall tend to
encourage the planting, protection and
preservation of trees and shrubs and an
acquaintance, with the, best methods to
be adopted to at'coiupli.-.h such results.
Tlie superintendent of public instruc
tion shall from year to year under and
by the direction of the state board of
education have power to prescribe from
time to lime a course of exercises and in
struction in the subjects hereinbefore
mentioned which shall be adopted and
observed by the said public school
authorities ou Arbor Day.
As this is a matter of great importance
to the public schools of this state, this
act shall be in force from and alter its
approval by the governor.
This act was signed by the governor,
and is now a law; so tic public schools
of Ibis state must, on Friday afleino ui.
April l'Jih, turn out and plant trees. In
some of the ilishiiis tiiis law will bo
ln iiHi. i.:l. but ill" writ- r kno.v.s nf m:,ny
s. hi'.'l ii..n-es in W'oicr.i Or.'... m annul
which it would be hard to lind room
cnouah to plant out a tree ; nature hav
ing so thoroughly dime this work al-
lviulv. Salem Statesman.
I'lll'.Y riiOI'liASMNATK.
The llcppner ptiopltt have already,
through the exercise of a little energy
had established a mail route from Hepp-
We Have m m m m
Upon a Plan -
. 2 6
s.A 1 Lw
Do you fQ'A dull, languid, low-spirited, life
Ices, and indencrihahly miserable, foot u fdiysi
callv und mentally; expfrtence a eonsc of
fullness or Mooting after eating, or of "gone
ness," or emptiness of stomach in the morn
ing, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste in
mouth, irregular appetite, dizziness, freoiifnt
heudaehes, blurred eyesight, " Hosting specks "
before the eyef- nervous prostration or ex
haustion, imtittMiny of temper, hot flushes,
alternating with chilly sensations, Bhurn,
biting, transient pains here and there, cold
feet, drowsiness alter meals, wakefulnesp, or
disturired and unrefreshing sleep, constant.
Indescribable feeliutf of dread, or of iiupuud
ing calamity?
If you have all, or any considerable number
of these symptoms, you are suffering from
Efostang Liniment
Vrin-iii Mi-CT.Mi LniMEjiTcureii Pn-Ei,
I OU. SuBKS, CAJUil ilREAfitS, lMTUaitATlUM.
Till! Hkitshb (i.AZKTTE is pleased to
announce the completion of special ar
rangements whereby it is enabled to of
fer its readers two 'of the best family
journals for but little more than the
price of one.
We w ill send, for one year, to any ad
dress, Tlie Heppner Gazelle
And tbe Famous Family Weekly,
Tils Mali! Free Prsss.
The Free Press is without question the
Greatest Literary and Humorous paper
now before the American people. It is
not a new aspirant for public favor; es
tablished over fifty years ago, it has , tjnn of the tuners. Bkin Diseases. Heart Disease.
stood the test of time, and is to-day Kheuniatism, Kidney Disease, or other Rxuve
stron.'er tlmn ever l"o OiH aiiliqi'rilier's ' mnlnilies are Quito liable to set In aud, sooner
s ronger man ever i(),lKI,l sulisirll rs , or ater, induce a fatal termination. .
atlirni its surpassing excellence. The Dr. Flerce's (joldcu Medical Bis.
funny sketches and savings of the Fee : covery acts powerfully upon the Liver, and
Press 'ireevervu l.ero ,m,,l..,l ,m, 1 liiii.rhi.d throuirh thut reat blood-purltying ormin,
1 1 ibs areeven here quoted ami laughed clennses the system of alt Wood-taints and iia
at, wlnlc in respect-to literary excellence j ouritli-s. from whatever cause nriaiuir. It is
it w ill compare favorably with the ex- equally elhencioua in actinir upon tho kid
m.iwivi. iiii.ni.ina "VI fluid " "1 oL-e ' m''8' anci otut'r excretory owns, clennsiuif,
pensive ii .igaines. M. Ouad, Uikc .trenKth,,nln an(i hcalimr their diseases. As
dinir tin
lliiw jiril H f doiq nesn ana su'cnwrn. in nmuirmi uismcrs,
Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated
with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The more
complicated your disease hits become, the
f;reater the number and diversity of synii
nms. No matter what stniro it tins reni'hed,
llr. Pierce's Ooldeii iHcdicnt Discovery
will subdue it, if taken ftceordinff to direc
tions for a reasonable length of time. If nut
cured, complications multiply and Consump-
1 1 .'..llllf'CI.'.l ,. l,,f
I. ll.iri.'H A N can
I" w on l,i .il. In,-
N uh half eir.'l
i' 7 en left t!iiKl:; eat
I'd... h'l'i k,.,l,.,.
.in' ,. ain.'i.i ,i trt ncr c'lear through to Canvon Citv, and
I .ill!... eiri'i,. win,, d '
1.' stages are running regularly three times
ll. 1MI ll'll III ' .,,,,.,, .1-1, . ... It ...
in., .., a, ii inn me iii-
llllllll II.MM'S 11
. -'I'' .'"i n.
i Ml hie. u
d.-r bit
"'"'. -'.HUH',' 'l-(l
''',' 1-1 ill.',
.... l.'l': ila.nl, I, t
t'li (-:... i.:, i.T. i nt.
I!. S.
Mil.' I
''n.'d.'.l I! S mi 1. ft hir
. '..ft -.li.'al.l,..
. l-tatiilil Si-' r.mtttvt,.,! (l
a we. It. The people of !1
ready taking steps to build their wagon
i road, preparatory to r,'C. living Ilia $l(V
VM appropriated for that purpose by the
'ale legislature. While tins i-- going on
at Heppner, nothing is being done at
IVn.llctun to st cure the trade of tbe
gieat Long Creek country, although im
mediate, action is absolutely necessary.
In about sixty days SlU.lXU will ba ob
tainable from the state treasurer for the
purpose of completing a wagon road
111 l.ll.HlM.Tl , Illr . .lilt,. ... I, all, ,,
Spiny. ,l.( . II..1-"-I.i'1'ii.l.'d N ,.n i idil li,,rt.
d. f, null.. Iir'.inl.d S .a. Hi,, ii,;it hi,, ,Mj ,
sin, ...l Ii ci','1' ell f tin' I. ft ,'itr.
k ;..la U K ii,.ik.w Ml..t.ul l u .... t ...
siiii.'ti-atil.'.i is .1. I. (t l.ip, awniKiw fork m null! from here to Cutiyon City, aud why
Sayer. 1." Ill ll.'ia .'M, .in rU-M sli,nil,,,r; etiul..
tiinmri' ..ti rtijlil liin and S on riiila sltotttdor.
SwiK'k'iul, b, Ali'iiut- Mi ri-i's, MS im righ
Ntiin.. flaw. - ttoi's.'ii, IS A V uti left hiii; cattlt'
itiiiii.. on l.'fl hit'.
hla.l..', lit' A .1 llnr.es. 1N nn on 1,'ft hip; rat
lie. Hiiiiii.ini h'fl H.de. wattlatitt left Mitt' of nis'k
int-s rut share al l "ti't.
istr,.iisi.ii, Mrs ,1 -t'ttttlo, K mi riulit hip
swallow -fin k in lell I'lir,
Sli.'llon .V Son - I!,,!-.. . S on iN Hid., over an
on h.fl "lit.nltlor; I'liltle sunn' on loft liip.
Spi't'l), I- li I nlll.'. (' n l, ff hip, (.n,p f,
riiitil tiial und. .rim in left inr, dnliip; Ikii-hch, V t
on l.'fl .lionldi r.
Svfiri:tn 1 . 11 V tl..r,.s, tt on left utiouldnr
Ni.'wntt, li.Ht.. Hiii.tiiiiin --llurinn cirvie e or
left shoulder,
catlle. 41 mi left hip.
rii.nnpon. ,1 A Homi's, I on left tihouUlor
culll,., J on left l. out, lor.
I'llihi'ls. S T - lloi-,'. (' on l,.fi tthotilder.
Wtnh', tlriiry. Ilori..' liomdi'd ,', ,,f mmd,
mi loll should, r and 1,'ft hoi. t'nnle tiruudisi
Hllitie on 1,'ft nidi. Illal li ft lup.
Witltiridso W K llnonw hriuuliHl X1 I,i,n l,.ft
utioitlilor, eiittli' 11 I, mi riylit lup. Kiirgti nn
Ilnlui Kmk.
Well., A tft-ll.immt,
!und. .1 tl. Iluninmn( ii'.'l.' (' on h'f OukI
WoiHtwiuit. J nhll - Huron. IIP I'tllllleL't.l i.r
left Hhmildfr.
WhIIhis'. I'lmrhn 'attlt, V nn riirht thiith, huh.
in left inr; h..ri...H. W nn right MlinllldiT, miiuii
IMIIlll'OU Iff! fta'tlldcr.
Wien. A A-ratil.., running AA with barncrow
ui ruiht hip.
,oti left ilii)uhlt'r: CHttl
should everything be left undone uutil
the last day? Would it not be ll good
idea to do considerable preliminary work
in the meantime, and hasten the com
pletion of the road as soon after the
sixty days are up as possinle? The
trade of the Iiong Creek country is im
portant, and I'endlotoii' cannot afford to
procrastinate ill tbe matter of securing
it. The merchants of Pendleton should
awake to the imHitanee of this matter,
and the property owners should lend
their assistance and energy to the com
pletion of the work. A town cannot be
built by its citizens sitting down and
gazing at one another. Ctiuservutism is
nothing more or less than an offspriug
of laziness and poverty. E. O.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and
all Patent business conducted lor Mod
erate Foes.
Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent
Oiiiee and ive can secure patents in less
time than those remote from Washington.
Send model, drawing or photo with
description. Wo advise if patentable or
not, free of charge. Our feo not due till
patent is secured.
A pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents,"
with name of actual clients in your
tale, county or town, sent free. Address
C. A. SNOW 8c CO.
Opposita Patent Office, Washingto
D. (J.
Southern I'aci fic Company's Line.
Quicker in Time than'Any Other Route
Portia nd
Sharp," Eva Hest, Rose Hartwiek Thorp, i an appetizing, restorative tonic, it promt
Cbas. F. Adams, Hamilton Jay, Lizzie ' digestion and nutrition, thereby building
. . ..' .. I hath Hiwh anil of I'laiirtl, Tn, i,ri.,l Oialrl
torlce (..ase, tironson
Dodge and a host of other favorite wri
ters, contribute regularly to its columns.
Kecogniz'ng the growing demand for
first-class fiction, the Free Press has offered
$3,000.00 in Cash
Prizes for tlu three best Serial Stories
of (i0,0l)0 wortls each. A number of the
best writers have announced their inten
tion to compete.
In addition to the many other special
features it is the intention to publish sec
tions of
Three Serial Stories Each Week,
Written expressly for the Freel'ressby
the best American and Fuiglish authors.
It will be seen, therefore, that by sub
scribing for the Iliii'i'Nuit Gazettm and
the Free Press, the entire family can be
supplied with all the news and the best
of current literature for a year, at a cost
The FVee Press is a large eight-page
seyen ooluinu paper, and the regular
price is one dollar per year. Remem
ber that, for $3.(10 you can'havo the Free
Press and your favorite home paporalso.
Sample copies can be seen at this ollice.
Wo hope that our friends will show
their appreciation of our efforts in their
behalf, by making up their minds to take
advantage of this splendid clFer Sub
scribe at once.
Send nil subscriptions to the Gazette
-San FYanciseo.
Learn Portland at 4 P. .V., DaHi.
top k ist"sTi.TitiYg ca rs,
For Accommodation of Keooiid-ClaBd
Passengers Attached to Kxprcss
l-'are fraai I'.a-l!.cal to Saeraaie do aad San Fran
cisco: I'tillillbi'.l S'Ti,
l.tmlt.'il KiisM'Inss. so,
" " .-M'ralld-rl.i.is, !5.
Through Tickets to all t'.ilnfci S uith
and llast,
TH'KI'.f Oft'll'K',.'
.1 Dai.'.. ,K . o.Lrrri'.i.t ,,i I'li'fi'ls
this wonderful medicine has gained grcnt
ceiennty m curing uever and Ague, cuius aud
Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred disease.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery cubes all mmms,
from a common Blotch, or Knmtfon, to tho
worst Scrofula. Salt-rheum, " Fever-sores,"
Scaly or Rough Sltiu, in short, all dinou-cs
cuused by bad blood aro conquered by this
rowerful, purifying, and invigorating imdi
jine. Great Ealing Ulcers rapidly heal under
Its benign influence. -Especially iias it mani
fested its potency in curing Totter, Ee.enui,
Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes. Scrof
ulous Sores and Swellings, Hip-joint Disease,
White Swellings," Uoitre, or Thick Ieelt,
and Enlarged V lands. Semi ten cei i f s i li
stamps for a large Treatise, with colored
plates, on Skin Diseases, or the same amount
for a Treatise- ou Scrofulous Affections.
Thoroughly cleanso it by using lir. Pierce!
Golden ItBeciical Biseovery and gooc
digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital
Strength and bodily health will be established.
which is Scrofula of. lie IjIiii, isnnrPtM
and cured by this remedy, if taken in the
earlier stages of tho disease. From Uh mar
velous power over this terribly fatal disease,
when llrst offering this now world-famed rem
edy to the public, Dr. i'iorcn thought seriously
of calling it his "Consumption Cukr," but
abandoned that name as too restrietivo for
a medieino which, from its wonderful com
bination of tonio, or strengthening, alterative,
or blood-cleunsintri anti-bilious, pectoral, and
nutritive properties, is unequaled, not only
as a remedr for Consumption, but for all
Chronic iMaeases of the
i J A -
S3 i
I mil XW-I,
I .2 ij .
. : U fy
1 Mvfii
m m
H allway evlgaiion Go.
To all Principal Points in the United
States, Canada aud Europe.
Run Through on all Express Trains to
Couiioll X51nff
FrceofChnrae.and Without Chartje.
Close Connection at Portland for San
Francisco and Puget Sound Points.
A T jTj I HON .ST !: AM K,S
lcave Portland for San Francisco every
four (4) days, making the trip in (i.) '
Cabin ' $W. Stecrnie, ifs.ao
Jionnd Jrip Unlimited, $:i),t)0.
For farther particulars inquire of any
agent of the company, or A. L. Max- '
well, G. P. & T. A.', Portland, Or.
.1. .. MAXWELL,
W. II. IIOLCOMP, (I. P. if- T. A.
(len.'ral Manaacr.
p,,l D.H '.', I'a.'r V aa.l I',',.
I'lllil l,Nil, (Ho:il.lN.
lt. KDKIil.l'.ll, K. P. ..!; K'N.
,M iiai:;.'t'. Asst. (1. 1'. anil t'n.
Dobbins' EklriG Soap
lir Prw nnifiVi'tn in nnolih
For Weak Luncs. Snttting of Jllnod. Short
ness of Itreath, Chronic Nasnl CaUll'i'li, llron
chitis, Asthma, Severe Cougtis, and kindred
affections, it is an euieient remedy.
Sold tiv Druggists, at S1.00, or Sbc Bottles
for $fi.00.
ty'Send ton cents In stamps for Dr. Pierce's
book oa Consumption. Address,
World's Dispensary Medical association,
C(J3 Maiu St.. BIFFALO. N. Y,
T7T-ry'Z-:irT.'-fr;'lli::'- '
5 he advantarr?!ff lliTync writer and Ollice Desk
sv: r ;'!! otic r so-call-1'! CoM;l ;ientien Cabinet, arc; :
'i he cisi; and simpU'Jty with wlrch llie
drlt ischn.nicd fioin a Libia.- or Office Desk to a
Tyir-writcr Tahiti. This change is effected by push
in;; th? lid covering the machine I ack in the rcir of
cah.ii-.-t it being a roller top removing it entirely
from siht, hi:s ow.rconiing the objectionable board
r.nd roundLT in front of the opciator. The movable
top is frrf ''! lint, if. h ize covered, and forms a com
oHte wriiiiij' desk when the machine J3 not in ufo.
I'ric t'd'.lc en wbifh tiz machine rests is so evenly b;d
Av.nyA by o.:t p-.trc:,i: nd juf-tmcitts that it neeab hut a
sli. be ioi.uh to brin;; the rmtchir.e in position.
, orca.ut, Tiie ndv:int:it'.cs of the swiritpnrj: taWa
ate:' Tbe tab!;; is a 1 1) landed near itscentiron pat
ent in;l.-aLle. ium ur'ii, tb it wben tlie machine
brought in phicn ft,r ui.c, it dnf.s not dept-nd on ropa
or iiaiiK'-rsat rv?.v of pbttVnn for E-.tpptt, but is hrl.l
riiriiiiy in pi.tre by ow.i veit::'.t, r.i;ikii;; it impossi
ble for llie machine to t';n.b!ntl dijvn nn inclhic in
back of eVk by tbe brci!;bi (tf tt rear support. The
machine n ston .i;itf.:it i-lids-A hrcli beeps the niachinc;
in place and can ki dni'vn out beyond the desk, well
tinker tbe it senior's ,':.itid.
av'-i-;-:-! 'l'he cciPtnction of the lid clor.in
ma-Jiii':: t-pace ri'ikvr: ir .iir tight, find the tnb'.e hav
ing ftdt a: iinil v.h buuvdti: tbtroiiiihiy protects the
mil bint- f.vid d.isi. e
j i-:ilt 'I ho foot r;-:;r, ,-irH th ct;n?tn'ction of
t''j !p) : r ; !t? rr-.jit-j m .!:c-s the de!; a1? ridjrt'd A3
lb-. ; .i ; to,i "..- o.iff .'id b:"r,rd, wbicb. is a matter
ct . i r. .::-:?. vlice a rdid i viu-wnt in j table is
T'.- : .-.'d. i-o ci-crtM-oi" ci:n ci'j good v.'ork on a shaky
;-. -T r: ''.''!;:-it i-; a .'-.'j'.cnuid intce of cabinet
.k. V, -j r.'V.uif.xtnr: ihet'-i in Wuinut, Antique
- .;Li, j :i '. .'x'.i ,'.-n;, Isaluial Cherry, Ciiciry imiialion,
, . :i ;r. .'.v.r.' d K: s'.:! ;h "?e cr.bhicts, and where we
f, ':,-.-.'.:: c.:iK!i-:h'.'d v,t will Stll direct froiii
. . :jv.ii i vh-.Jiesab oritea.
A.ui'.' ,.ii ct-rf.:imiiic"l'-iijr':i
... .. ;! i i rr r-:"' rr
HKorij-iii.il ftirnuil.i for whidi we
twfttrv Yi'ts tti't has never been
eliiiitd in the 'Utf-t. 'IhiH NOnp in
identieiil in iimtlily i-ltiy 1w.I1
I. ml matio twenty yours nt;o.
Jiii't llie liii4Mt Subfie. It I
or una bieai !t s w li tcs.
h.kIks l.iiui'-K and blanket as nn eti;
in tliL- w.'ill ibe without slinnkiriiz -
thm m(i and while an 1 hke new.
rr.Hl'.KF. a (Trent nhvIiiit of time, of ltd r,
J ef Miap. nf fuel, and et" li.e fabric, w h.-rc Hiii,
b tl-.' 1 kvll.O SO p S Ha d ntH'MIM.illtf to (lil'OC-
V. tritil w'. denun!trate its yreat metiL It
11 imv von t.' m..k..' tl
T IKK all (Mit llliiiui
y Utcd 4ud countcrkiit-d.
peware cf Imitation
ITCS1ST upon KibHtii F!e
M.i riH-t-o, I'.kvtro-Maj; c, P i
or .inv otn fi mJ, nniipiy Uc. U - t ic fl
Will mill cl thes, and are i ear at ,.ny pi ..!
B"1 take no other. Neatly eivr
lu Mexico keeps it in :oc'h.. ll
wll or 'et from hi- nearest uhob--
KAl car.-fnHv ih insrde w
on e.u 'a wut-iile t.ippi r m vn t-iMit
Tho best and simplest y v M III
lit b to ripi rn i sr i t ' '
madk. . Mi f
Strongest Shooting. 1 f roWd V, r
VlA All sizes from Mcnirhrci f, tT" l Z.
Th to 45 calilae. . f i ,4 ff
1 ban won moro ... 1 E titiliR' "''' tKzll fa-Hi,
piiA'satTarKet Stand without a S BJ H jVTJ P-jj p
i;ill"o'thl''ir nmkl'S nuVn!i kUlliwH li IPlNi H I .fe'f I tl'- TP
I .f riitcs pub to. sseih litLi rnnlga i8!U
i Wa guarantee W . never out or order.
Bj . , .-vi ltJCjOH lr you ticsire to purennsoit sewing niiV.-l..ne,
IA- PnnAes Vi 1000 1 iiskoiiraccntat your piiuo fi r itrnii aa.l
.! BiJlll linfjlJS VtZH prices. I( you cannot mid our ivrent, write
v.ai; JvUI VIUVUO la. H ;ii!'eettgnearestad.li'esstoy...,il..'1o.vi:.ir'. d.
Anv.Ding riOaUCca V lorupl cmoaho - wwo 6qu;.fif.N.i:- c-w.
IN THAT HSR it is just i----.lT-:" -I-iiX'.I'-ii.
Ack your dealer to sliow j out. fl LELZE i TilOM IVu 'V Va'lH
h'.'f. 1 1 Heppner, Orecon
ilJiitnitcti eatiUoirue sent fc.' A B n .
kbkb on uppiicatiou. ",-;- I !.V"T: ' .''!?!"! .' j;';' !'1 v "'-'1 -5tr!":t
"virai' jSiBUK FIRE ARMS CO. I SltHSSl'S J
P P. O. Box SO E; Y jk
k ISW HAVE,, C0O.? M A g?RH
-' l ' 'V m-mmmmmmm , !. I .
1 1 Inmn'n IlllnTil flnmtiin.lin. fnn Olh. ft5j"f 1 v!eT'TSi
... jijuioii a i aioui vuuiuiuauuu uuii-oifiiiu if
i jm ,c.) iv-i a'll r. i trrt . --1
tl'&A a SA Percent.
' i,.'R SFN-D FOTt Iiki CatUoju.
i of Su-lits. Hili.fc eic
ir, -'jr y-.,-r-(i w'fw' 3
Is t!m dlrti'nt iinrl m'ict jmprlur p-ientillr nrd
nirviiiniiciii pHfcr pnlilishrd and has lite lan-'tt
fiuviilrtt if in of any jviper of its cl.'iss in i ho miii,
Fully lllitritriitfil. Hfst cIhsh of Wood Kncrnv
l:i's. I'liMislied weekly. HmA for ispre.iriicn
tinpv. I'rit.eJSa ynar. Knur nionthH' trtiil, fil.
MUNM & CO., ruui.iKHKits, m Broadway, N,Y.
il Edition of Scientific American. J
A frrent success. Each Ipsho contains colored
lltliofirapliic pint oh of country and citv ri'niden
cim or public builrtlrws. Nnnierons t'nurHVtnun
and full plans and specincatiuim ftir tlie lint of
BiKibas conteujplnte biilldiny. Price $2.5(1 n year,
25 cts. a copy, ML'NN 4 CO., I'l'liLltfllLlts.
I maybe pccup
ed by npply
iiiK to Mi' N M
I ft, Co., w h .
nave una ever
4H yparB experience and have made over
llKi.iKK) appticalions for Amerk-un and Kor
eiun untents. Hend for Ilandbouk. Correa-
pimdoiice strictly cotiiidentlul.
In case your mark la not registered fn t he Pat
eit Olll're, apply to Mu.vn A Co., and procure
Immediate protection. Beud for liaudbook.
(NH'YRKJHTH for books, charts, maps,
stc., quickly procured. Addreua
IWUNN ifc CO., Fntcnt Solicitors.
"vVIipii I Bay Cttrb I da not moan merely to
Rfop ihem for a timo, and then have theia 0
turn aj?ain. I Mis ah A KADiCAii CL'lti..
I have made the disease of
A liro-ToTiff Btnt!j-. I waprasv Biy remedy t-
C;. 1U3 the worst cn?.cs. Btieiga o!h'j:s liavj
faded is no rctipon for not uo'.v ri'i'fit".'':r a f-niM.
6c-..i.l lit nnco for n trcrttic f.ud j, I er::.:, ;:ot rti)
oi my Infallible ltr.s-. ti i fe'-;T' j
ar.il i'o t oiiii-c. It co'a ytt i : ir 4
trial, aud it will euro you. A.... .. -;
l-J.Q. ROOT, Kl.C., U3Pr;i . ... "i.-'Wosj
a 291
bar, And le carcfui m tolltrW
w.dl bmcr Inf 'if ti j for y
and tnt'y wurnJ'. r.'d
I. I,. C'HAdIN A CO., ridl.iiKli b:a IX
Orejfoti bus a woniau nuiil carrier.
Her uaiue is 5
abe oiirries V
bead of UHvigutii
A 1VI,.U W I..',
Im n'toiiat' litir.tiki a i
.' ll. Li. 111. K.tl.l, n.,.it'.t lo
pitiaxl u.ami liaiait !i., h a,l
,.'li.' lati m tiiiaoiiit KK'nIal. -.
.I'll.' ITi'Um'S or C.-!. a I'll.',:. I
Mi.iM. DDI piisiiiui; . li a ', a.tt u ai i'lu'lutt. r,
iron AM.
iLz nirii i, risiiois sf.f .-a
t ami Shot Guns.
Jncle Sum'a nuiil from the SZZZr W MAI Mr-Q co rj?
Ijutumon tbe Shwlaw IUveriTA5iiurriVl2trii2 U , e.K649 jiew nv,a. c'.nn. p E3i
i "Si
uuo rr ------ i
while as convenient V.ZftSJa
to the buyer as any
club members sells us LJV
StJSWatcriClub.anQweectcasn frunj j;
tne chid lor eacn watcn uuiorc it goes
out, though each member only pays
Si a week. This is why we give you
mere for your money than any one else
and why we are doing the largest
watch business in the world. Wc sell
only first quality eoods. but ouifTa
priccb arc about what odiers rcI f.rsec-WW
una quality. uuriUBiivervv men
is a substantial Silver (not imitathn oj
any kind) Stem-Wind American Lever
Watch either hunting case or open.
Our S i5. 00 Watch iaa Stem-wind,
Open Face, first quality, siiflencdGoId
AmericanLcverVateh,p-Krt-rtrV?rf to
voir 20 years. It is lully equal to any
vatch sold for 38 by others. W e find
i first-class Stiffened Gold Case much
more satisfactory and serviceable than
any Solid Gold Case thatcan bcsoldat
less than double the money, as cheap
solid cases are invartablv thin. weak.
at low quality, and worthless after
short use. Our 38 Watch contains
numerous important oatented im
provements, of vital importance to accur-
(te timing 'ii.Vw Dtistfroof, Patent Stem
W.fS-r., which we controlexclusively. It
i". fully erjii d for accuracy, appearahce, dura-
iiv iina service, to anv i,t w.nri, piiiiit ir,-
.i.... t- ; : :r
,,.ur.,ciir 1 nulling. tui-94.uu 11.11
ronil Watch is especially constructed for
road I Watch made. Open Face or Hunting. J fci
Ml ti ?e iirics are eilhcr all cash or in clubs, &
iiLOl) a mill. An JH-z lTfrJ I'""
.'...!l:r.r,,'i!;,. i. uUk .'..' '..l.'.'.. p.Wy rp(S
i&cKeplo33WatohCiB&OojfQ m
C'. i vmnj ST. FHilACA, PA, ;g
W.itct. !nsu!,-.t.-r, $1.00
a B u
HEAD.& m
...t..'y v ui
I-tV'3 irJ.
seises.' AL
'.ica, u-'.atlsUie Soros,
P.ortcrci Scares or Taste, SmeU
aud Ii!.
A p.nirloLjnpplie 1 mto.il-linn.rrn and ;
19 ani'ntile. Prii'.V. at ilruK.i.t. or by 1
Ball. KI.Y BKOTltEKS.Se W anra m. Jiew York. I
iv.-l.ine. i ' "".' '- .-.'ii' tUi.w- iritrV
ii ua.l t '' " ' ,r' - ''' ' '" -'"I l:i'i.-.y-J
;rrk,.t a;, CM
'Tr..' "w Report JSiiTntfiesCMtea TractsalantI,
5 Sonh Serif j'la i$m&s$, 4cmoo.
Wa PrM'JtMb ld RMIMj. Filing ArfumeMi, and
' " fiMlBj CoAteMt ,3ti ModerVr.riaa.
"nil A.J.fcX.. t'V. A
1 Avenf tt!lSc.Waajvi!irhPPiSm,i ra.e
i I GUIDE, i:4 p. p..C5cr.!yIcc,(r:-.!:StanciL
PT- -TZT.V memc. lofihiy.Uig ii.
leB I 1 h a W JT ,tAM n (
fwici-ma chill ma.l is
world.ttli til tbe !Uehm r.:i.
tine of our cosily md TalusLI an
'-ample. Id rtlom we ak that i uu
-bow what we imH. lo iho hu
rill ( roar hcnit. anil after li
months ail hatl Lev cm Tnr ob
roprnr. ikii pmD'l mai tiiiie ia
utie after ibe Minsfr pa'futs,
Uit-h hare run wii lf-re i urnii
rcnout iix.1 ;, with
im im' b ta? wood. AH ia
cariital requirrj. r af,
fir r ib ocm pnc--nsa:htri
Tai C "J!, Autuau, Maiiig,
1. "