THE GAZETTE. HEPPNER. THURSDAY.MAR. 28, '8. Local and General. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. TrtiinH or. the Willow t'r.'t'k HniiH'h arrive at oml leave the ditlVrent Biiitioiie daily, exut'lit btmduyM, tu follows: WKS'i'WAltU. No. lsjMiifdi tiifK P. M. Ar. a-.iu 5(1 4:35 ' 4:15 8:25 8:15 " " ' 2:50 " " L LexiuiHon. Iouh. DfUlKlflSB. t'eoil'H, WillowH Junction Lv. 5:15 A. M. .. ,;.... .. " ti.511" " .. 7;3,.. U 7:40" " 8 :m" " 8:111 Arlington. Ar, 11:10' Connect at AvliiiK'on with No. 1. West, at 9:25 A.M. Arrive in Portland, 4:20 p. M. No. 2, Kant, leaves I'orl land at sm A. M Arrives at Arling ton at 2:40 p. M. 0. 8. THOMPSON, At'ent. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Staen leaves for Cauvnn City Mon days, Wednesdays nud Fridays. Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays nud Saturdays. There is a saving of 10 hours in time and $10 iu cash by takiug this routo to Uauyon. Put Smith, of 1118 First street, is our duly authorized agcut in Portland, and will receive at regular rates, advertising, subscriptions, etc. Parties from the Heppuer region will always find the Gazette at his place. office A. O. Pettys, of Pettysville, looked on the offine last Friday. F. P. Mays is up from The Dalles at tending circuit court. Misses Ellor RHea and Cora Spenoer visited lone last week. Work was resumed on the brick bank building last Monday. K. G. Roberts, of the Walla Walla Marble Works, is in town. Stockmen are busy looking after their bands of horses and cattle. Os. Mitchell was up from his Rhea -creek ranch last Saturday. Rasmus Lnrseti, formerly of Heppuer, is now in Wuterville, W. T. Frank Kollomj made a business trip to ithe sound section last week. Dore Parkins was up from his ranch aiear Lexington on last Saturday. Mrs. W. A. Johnson returned from a visit to The Dalles on last Thursday. G. W, Wright returned from a busi ness trip to the valley on last Friday. F. O. Bni'kniim made a business trip to the Eight Mil'? country on last Mon day. Dee nud Lee Matlock were over from the Matlock ranches last Saturday aud Sunday. The town is orowded with people this week, aud hotels are doin; a "slashing" business. Lee Morehouse, of Pendleton, has re ceived the appointment as agent of the Umatillas. J. II. Tnwnnend, superintendent of agencies for the Pnciiio Insurance Co., is in town. N. A. Cornisl), of the Arlington law firm of Cornish & Jayne, is attending circuit oourt. Miles C. Moore, of Walla Walla, has received the appointment as governor .f Washington Ty. George Lund came in from Rhea creek last week to enjoy a few days reoreation in Heppuer's social realm. "Wesley Baird, one of our patrons from Six Dollar canyon, made the a brief visit ou last Friday. W. W. White, of the P .ciec Express newspaper, is m town this weeK, looumg after thi) welfare of h'.s sheet. The Gazette frequently fails to reaoh our Ella renders till Tuesday following .publication. Why is it thus? Miss I.-entnlla Blaiehley arrived from Portland on last thursday and will make her borne in Heppner this summer. Heppuer was well represented in Port land last week, but with few exceptions they are all baok, hard at work again. Win. Gilliam, of Spring Hollow, has ;beeu quite ill for the past two weeks. ut at latest accounts, was improving. It i reported up this way that Billie 'Theodore, of Arliugton. recently made a winning of S1000 in the Louisiana Lot tery. Billie Theodore has purchased the "U'allula hotel and will leave his Ar lington stand shortly for his new loca tion. Perny G. Clnnie, representing Staver & Walker, was in Heppner last week. Mr. Clnnie is a nephew of Senator Clu jiie of California. Justioo Stanley Mathews died at Washington ou tue 22ud inst. The re mains were interred at Spring Grove cemetery, Cincinnati. Let Heppner organize r board of trade os soon as possible. Fall :io the ranks of live, growing town,: 1 :i 1 1 your as sistance to help it along. a fartnnntp editor is O. C. White, of the Dayton (W. T.) Chronicle, inst received the appointment tary of Washington ler. Elder J. B. Daisley, of the Christian Church, will commence a series of meet ings at the Sand Hollow school housenu the evening of April 2nd.. S W. Floreon who lives up on Pen land prairie, was down to Heppner last week. Those ranches up in the Blues are nroviug to be good as gold. Ti.oro urn mod nrosnects that the -KT.ti,n Panific railroad land between Wallula and Portland will be forfeited at the next session of Congress. Messrs. G. W. Wright and J.N. Brown liavo formed a law co-pannersnip arm -rill hereafter carrv on business under the Erm name of Wright & Brown S N Morgan was over from SandHol low'on' last Monday for the purpose of receiving medical attention, having been nuder the weather for several days. Orin L Patterson, brother of the Ga zette man, arrived at Heppner ou yes terday's train, direct from Indiana. He will perhaps locate in Eastern Oregon. Contractor W. R. Stokes had the mis fortune to sprain his ankle on last Sat nrdav, necessitating the aid of crutches to render locomotion anything like easy. F. M. Piokard, Messrs. Gilliam & -Coffey's manipulator of tin and sheet iron, was unable to attend to duties in the shop the first of the week, owing to a slight illness. Harrison has recently issued a proc lamation regarding seal fisheries. Almost the'entire population of Lex ington came up to Heppner yesterday. Frank Benge writes ns that h3 is at present looated at Covello, Columbus Co.,W. T. Ben Parker, of the saw mill firm; of Parker & Gleasou, is in Heppuer this week. Warren Robinson, the travelling freight agent of the G. R. k N. Co., was in Hepp uer this week. The postollioe at Vinson, Umatilla county, Oregon, will be discontinued from April lu. Geo. Bishop is back to Heppuer again after an absence of some months visitiug relatives iu Pendleton. Lum Hinton is still suffering consider ably from injuries reooived iu the run away a few weeks since. The Long Creek correspondence to the Gazette this week gives an account of a stabbing affray near that town. Hon. P.uf'.is Mallorv. a member of the Portland law firm of Simon, Mallorv, Dolph & Bellinger, is now in town. The reoent session of the Oregon lee- isture appropriated $976,11)9.68, of whioh 8113,000 was for wagon roads alone. Born at the resideuoe of Mrs. Saling on the head of Eight Mile, Maroh, 18, to the wire of W. H, Adkins, a 9 lu.boy. E. Lyons, formerly traiu master of the 0. R. & N. Co., resigned, and E. B. Co- man, late of the Denver & Rio Grande, has been appointed to fill the vacancy. On the recommendation of Senator Mitchell, the mail servioe has been in creased ou the route from Astoria, Or., to Gray's harbor, Washington Ty., to twice a week from April . Arizona's new governor. Wolfley, re cently nominated, is meetiug with con siderable opposition at Tuosou, and will no doubt have to travel a stouy road to ever reach the gubernatorial position. Mrs. Warren, Heppner's popular mil liner and dress-maker, is in Portlaud this week purchasing a fine line, as well as the latest styles of millinery goods. Look out for something elegant ou her return. V. Amp Smith, representing R. L Polk & Co., publishers of the Oregon, Washington and Idaho Gazetteer, was iu Heppuer this week collcotin; material for their new publication whioh will he issued this fall. It is said by those who should kaow that Heppner is greatly in need of a good dressmaker. A live place like this should not he wanting for some one to satisfactorily ply that honorable and useful vocation. Frank Roberts and Dry McClaren made the fur fly on a "fisher" up iu the Blues last week that is Frank made the noise with a shotgun while Dry did the fine shooting. This animal measured four feet from nose to tip of tail. Consult our new price list for job work and then look over your prioea for mer chandise, IE they are not as low in pro portion, thou the shop Bhould send off for its supplios. But thou we won't do it, because that wouldn't be enterprise. Ou the third Saturday iu June, Eov. Henry Rasmus will preach the funeral sermon of Henry F. Reininger, son of W. C. Reniuger, at Hardmau. After services, Lone Balm Lodge No. 82, 1. O. O. F. will visit the cemetery near that town Heppuer depot grounds present quite a changed appearance as oompared with a year ago. The U. it. x JN. people nave put iu quite a neat depot building and other substantial structures, turn-table, etc. Thoir large well will soon he com pleted. Prof. T. C. Aubrey will commenco teaching at the Eight Mile school house on next Monday. Prof. Aubrey is a very successful teacher, and will devote some attention to educational matters through the oolumus of the Gazette du ring the oomiug summer. Portland Cor. E. O. A very alarming story oomea from Heppner. It is said that since several case-hardened sinners who wore recently oonverted nnd bap tised iu the laughing waters of Willow creek, all the fish iu that stream have either died or gone orazy. Arlington Town Tulle: Hon. T. E. Fell was iu town Saturday on his way to Heppner. Mr. Fell was filled with bus iness projects for tho coming season, and the "Smuoan" trouble, to which we re ferred last woek, seems to weigh but lightly upon him, as we expected. While Heppner merchants are ship ping in piles of merchandise for the in creased trade, Dame Natupe is supplying us with the choicest of her large assort ment of weather. In this part of East ern Oregon, even the most confirmed kicker has no food for gloomy thoughts. During the past four years, there has been at uo time as good range found in Morrow oouuty as this spring. The el ements that make tho grass grow aro do ing wonders for the crops. Let the rancher and stockman smile; these har dy pioneers deserve prosperity aud hab piuess. The Morrow County Land & Trust Co.'s ware-house in tho lower part of towu, is receiving tho fiuishiug touches, and is the largest and best arranged buildiug of the kind this sido of Port land. A general description of the same will ho published in tho Gazette in the near tutu re. Our job printer, Mr. Vawter Crawford, is confined to his room this week through illness, so we are not able to fill orders with that dispatch which should oharao terize a well regulated job department. We ask our friends to be lenient with the shop, assuring them that their work will receive attention as soon as possi ble. Lexington, realizing the great beuefits derived therefrom, are energetically working to raise a fund to build a good, substantial school-house. That is what is needed iu every part of Morrow coun ty. Good scheol-hoimes iu every sec tion and good teachers in them speak loud to the immigrant who is thinking of oasting his fortune with ns. While Heppner is growing and pros pering, every part of Morrow county is showing thrift and enterprise. Let us have a board of trade to look after the matter mt re thoroughly. Morrow ooun ty can accommodate home.seekers by the hundreds, but how will they know it unless we tell them. Organize a Board of Trade and then get to work. By not bavingafire engine nnd cistern, Heppuer pays yearly $1200 more for in surance than would be otherwise necessa ary. This needless expense would soon pay for these means ol fire protection and perhaps save muob property at some future time. Ponder over this matter, business man, and consider the folly of leaving the town at the mercy of the firey element. Tga herers of material for bigb-toned gravel is nauaualiy goou over tne ram ar no w footing with a man who! Heppner and Canyon City stage line, wraps are the fares of last week from Heppner to means btiiiness. Monument being $11'.). The traveling Jndge J. H. Bird arrived at Heppner ; pubiio are not 8lo,v to see tuat this ja tue last Satnrdav, and on Monday morning mllcU better route to the interior. From set the mill of justice in operation. tfae m(ljn ,iue (0 Cauvon City, there is a There is an unusually large grist this Bavjn(, ot i(; D01)r8 jimo and 810 bard term of court. cash by coming up the Willow oreek Tom Matlock was caught as a wit- j branch to Heppner and taking the stage German Singing) Bibds. In Germany and other countries of Europe there are many singing birds, beautiful in plumage aud musical in suug, tbat are not native to America. Among these are the night ingale, song thrush, bulltinoh, skylark aud others. A year ago a movement was made by citizens of Portlaud to im port a thousand of these birds iuto Ore gon, with the expectation that they would rapidly increase in numbers and soon become as plentiful as the native birds. They will arrive iu May, and will be turned loose iu and near the city. The mocking bird, bob-o-liuk aud red bird are also to be taken to Oregon from the southern states. The mild climate of Oregon will no doubt be appreciated by what The. West Shore Magazine calls "Our Feathered Immigrants," w hich is the title of a large art supplement ac companying the magazine for March. This is an elegant piece of artistic print ing in colors, and shows these birds, six teen distinct kinds, iu their natural col ors. Every lover of birds will be charm ed with this beautiful engraving. The number also ooutaius a description of them, as well as engravings and desc no tions of Norih Yakima, Washington and Rainier and St. Helens, Oregon, and much other interesting aud valuable in formation about the Paoifio northwest. Price, $2.50 a year, 25 cents a oopy. Ad dress L. Saninal, publisher, Portland, Oregon. Some Fl'n.-BiuI Willingham made iome fun on last Monday iu the vicinity of the Gazette rIhid while riding a wild- eyed cayuse. As a rule, a horse will at tempt to get away from the thrusts f the rowel, hat this was an exceptional oase, the animal evidently niakiug en tirely different calculations from his rider, and Bud was landed indiscrimi nately into the middle of the street. The w-e. c. had hardly strode soil till he too was piled up, nud Bud was in the saddle before he could right himself for more amid business. It was exciting, and drew a larger orowd than a street preacher. Bud still maintains the ability to break in the best of them, which be is no doubt able to do, as the most ac complished "Vaqueio" gets thrown off casionaliy. Fkosi Ovkr tub Blues. From over the mountains come encouraging re perts. W. M. Radio dripped iuto the Gazette oliioe on last Friday nud gave the shop considerable information con cerning that large country. Mr. Radio has several bands of sheep, and will bring his clip to Heppner for saleor ship ment, and expresses himself as satisfied that the present rale will oatch the wool for Heppner, niueh of which has hither to gone to The Dalles to be sold or sent to other markets Ho corroborates the reports of general prosperity over his way, and gave us to understand that a greater trade is being naturally diverted to Heppner than even the business men unci residents imagine. Mr. Rudio re turned to his Grant couuty possessions ou Saturday. He has as secre- Ionokant Isolation. A daily mail service between Heppner and Canyon City is proving itself a necessity. Only a short tune ago, it was a doubtful case with the post-office department whether or not a tri-weekly was needed, but now that the int erior, a large and prosperous seotiou, are having direct aud speedy commuuioat ion with the out side world, it develops the fact that these people have been iguorautly isolated to a much greater extent than, perhaps, they ever realized before. As the Ga zette has often asserted would be the result, good mail facilities between Heppuer and Canyon are making busi ness for Uuole Samuel as well as assist ing to develop a great oountry. RANDOM REMARKS. Floor exchanged for wheat at Sparry Mills. Sacks furnished for wheat at Sperry Mills. Bargains in over-coats for the next two weeks at W. O. Minor's. Barley chop per ton dirt cheap at Spray's feed yard. Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or extract the same in a scientific manner. W. A. Johnston bus the finest line of dishes in the oity. Examine bis stock. C. S VauDuyn has just reoeived a very fine line of youths' and boys' cloth ing. Call and examine before purchas ing elsewhere. , 1 Tree seeds at Heppner JLimDer ( Nursery. Warranted orop Culture. J of 1888' o, E. Fbll. The fame of Aladdin's lamp has spread far and wide, but it is equalled by the reputation of W. O. Minor's nioe, neat line. Sperry will give you 75 oents for yonr wheat, sacked, or 70 cents and furnish the sacks. Gilliam & Coffey have the Baker wire, 'perfect barb", in car load lots, whioh they are selling oheap. Also the latest novelty iu wire stretchers. Consult them before'buying. A. D. Johnson & Co. have just re ceived a magnificent line of wbII paper, direct from Chicago. Those desiring the latest designs, neat and oheap, will do well to examine their stock. Those having false teeth which do not (it can have tbat defect remedied by Dr. Vaughn, the dentist. Having procured a new recipe, ho is now able to extract teeth absolutely without pain. Persons wishing to improve their mem ories or strengthen their power of atten tion should send to Prof. Loisette, 237 Fifth Ave,, N. Y., for his prospeotus, post free, as advertised in another col umn. Leezer & Thompson are adding to their well-selected stock a full line of tin ware, etc. Camo-tenders will do well to eall on them for their onniB kettles, ooffee pots, et oaetera, et caetera. You know what you need in that line, and you can find it nil at Leezer & ThouiDSou's. Hnnsaker and Long having enlarged their livery stable, opposite ratters Brewery, are now better prepared to ac commodate the pubiio than ever. All stock left iu their cure will receive the best of attention. It is a fact acknowledged by all "art organists," both of Europe and America that the "Estey is the sweetest voiced, most humau toned, least reedy iu tone, ami quiokest in response to touch of any organ manufactured in the world. Gilliam & Ooil'ey are prepared to fit a man out with any kind of an outfit to be found in a tirst-olnss hardware store. They will sell you nails to fix up your fence when your neighbor's cows break it down, or fit you out wilhkitohen tools when you get married. $10 Reward. For one blaok, stud colt, 3 years old. Branded T. J. B. con nected on left shoulder. The reward will be paid on delivery at Jones' livery stable. THOS. MORGAN. J. C. KIRK. THE HEPPNER TRANSFER COMPANY Is now ready to deliver freight or packages to any part of Heppner CHARGES REASONABLE. All orders left ut G. V. Ilea's office will be promptly attended to. MORGAN & KIRK, PROPRIETORS. The Thoroughbred Clydesdale Stallions, BHOWN HORSE, 3 Y'RS OLD PI?piEIiD, nles Will Locate at Silveb Lake. Rev. R. F. Reasouer, pastor of the Presby terian class here, preached his farewell sermon to a large audience on last Sun evening. Mr. Reasoner leaves this week for Arlington, where he will visit friends for a few days, after whioh he will at tend Presbytery at Snmmerville, Or., nnd Cbehalis, W. T. He will locate at Silver L die, W. T., in a few weeks, where he will remain for a time. Mr. Reasoner line been iu Heppnor for the past ye ar, aud has made many friends in the com munity. Consumption Surely Cubed. To the editor: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thou sands of hopeless oases have been per manently oured. I shull be glad to send two bottles of my remedy fhee to auy of your readers who have consumption if they will send their express and post oice address, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C. 181 Pearl st., New York, N. Y Ille- Di nneb! Dinneb!! Business men and all others of Heppner and vioiuity, give your wives a rest ou Saturday, this week. Get a sumptuous dinner and supper given by tlie Ladies Aid Society ot the .baptist chinch at Ithea builiiing, corner .,..,1 m .... f..... all. Object to paint the church. Geand Juby Dkawn. The following are the grand jurors drawn for the pres ent term of oircuit court: John Handy, J. L. Shauer, J. W. Marlalt, iVm. Rush, J as. Iseville, Win. Kuinmerlaud and J. H. Jones. Up to time of goiug to press, several indictments have been found. PROGRESS. It is very importnnt iu this age of vast malerml progress that a reme dy be pleasing to the taste and to the eye, easily taken, acceptable to the stomach and healthy in its nature and affects. Possessing these qualities, Syr up of Figs is the one perfect laxative and most gentle diuretic known. EASTKHN WOOI, MARKETS. March 22 Very quiet; Canada washed combing 3jfo; tub washed, da(a40o; medium unwashed, oombing and ue'- laiue, 3J432c; ooarse, do. 2Wy30o; East ern Oregon, UCal'lo; valley Oregon, 2'2( 20c: New Mexico and Colorado, 15(ft20o. March '20. The wool market is quiet. Territory is oleaning up on a basis of 60m 02 (or Hue medium. California and Texas winds are without sales oi impor tance. There is no stook of cousequeuoe here. Pulled wools are selling fairly at previous prices. Bown Horse, $$ Y Old, Will stand to a few outside mares this season at my ranch, live from Lena. These Horses were imported by me last year, and are entered in the stud books of Groat Britain and America. B. I can pasture a few mures for the season at $'2. 00 a month. B. MANN, LENA, OR. Hurrah fox tlae RAILROAD! H. BLACKMAN & CO., SUCCESSORS TO vTmi p. n D -DEALEES IN- General Merchandise, The Pioneer Firm of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon. OWING TO THE COMPLETION OF VTHE. RAILWAY We are prepared to ofter large inducements, especially to Cash Customers. Everything Sold i Bottom Prices. And in fact everything contained class store. in a first- ILL AllE INVITED ! TO ATTEND- "Jcst Found It." The plaoe to get the pnrest Liquors & Havana Cigars m towu. Also the oelebrated Garabrinus beer ou draught in "Boot leg" lots, at "Gem Saloon." Will do Sewing. The Ladies Sowing Circle of the Baptist Aid Sooiety, ure prepared to do sewing. Apply to Mrs. Dr. Ritohey, the President of the sooiety, ot to Mrs. Wm. Warren. Thb Almighty Dollab. I am obliged to raise a large amouut of money, and nil parties owing notes or aooouuta to Minor, Dodson & Co. are requested to settle withiu tho uext 30 days. W. O. MINOK. Nervous Disobdbks. Dr. Flint's Remedy must be taken when excessive or continuous muscular exertion, ex citing passions or over-indulgence, stimu lating food or driuK, or nervous aisor dors have loug continued. Descriptive treatise with eaoh bottle; or, address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. Died In Heppner, on the night of the 15th inst., Bessie Edna, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Kooutz, aged 3 months. The remains of the little one were interred in the Masonic cemetery on last Suuday, at which time funeral services were held at the residence and grave. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the entire community. Notwithstanding the fact that Morrow county suffered considerably last sea9on from drought, the spud market seems to be quite dull iu Heppner the amount offered for sale greatly exceeding the demand. In the productiof n this Irnit, Eastern Oregon ia far I most favored seotions. l ill of the Japanksb Goods. Chan -ee has a very fine assortment of 1, .jay goods down at his store, ou Main street, next dour to the old Kellogg ollice, now the O. R. 4 N. engineers' headquarters. Al though Christmas is past, New Tears will soon be here, and if you want to se lect a oioo. neat present, call on Charlie. He has a maguihoeut assortment of Jap anese goods. TAKE UP YOUR COWS. The Mayor lias signed the oow ordin anceand it has been re-posted, leaving no doubts as to its legality. Owners of oows are requested to keep them up after Maroh 23, as the ordinanoe will be rigid ly enforced. Thos. Morgan, Marshall. To be given in the Opera House of GarrigTies & Rogers, Friday, March 29, '89. Best oi Music will be furnished, and a Good Time Guaranteed. Tickets, : : : For stile at Slocum & Co.'s Drug Store. 81.00 4 STOCKMEN'S SUPPLIES IN LARGE QUANTITIES. Farmers' Wants in all Details. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange. We Purchase our goods in car-load quanti ties; hence our ability to undersell any other house. Owing to the steady increase in our business we Lave built a Large and Cora modious Fire-Proof Brick Building, which gives us better facilities than ever before enjoyed. LUMBER ! LUMBER! -AT- W. G. SCOTT'S Willow Creek Saw-Mill! Keeps constantly on hand all kinda of UNUUESoED LU.MUEUj iiIho PICKETS, LATHS AND SAWED SHAKES! CMill LooaU-d at Uie Head of Willow Creel:, lfl miles above Heppnnr...&J Estiiat Notice. I have taken up ut my place on Big Butter Creek, oue bay mare branded with scissors on left shoulder and one Appolusa mare with colt. Mare has dim brand on left shoulder; looks like SS and is shod in front, colt has no brand to be seen. Owners will find the above at the old T. W. AyerB plaoe. Frank Fitoh. Dated Jan. 2'Jth 1889, l 1 I.:.:... anil alinnfiniT ness m a comniueo uiu8 scrape in Portland a few days ago. and it is probable that he will have to re turn as a witness. W G 8"ott, the mill man, has a new ad. i'n tiiis week. The road up the oreek h-,. iinnroved and patrons can get out with large loads of lumber from "Willow creek saw-mill. the: here ! Tom Rhea, the stockman, was in town i last Saturday and informed the Gazette ! peoplo that he had recently purchased about all the cattle from yearlings up, in the llock Oreek oountry. Mr. lilies is bnyingforJ C. Kyle.of Montana. They i will be shipped about May IU. lorn has liso nurehased quite a number of sheep , The front of the old stone warehouse fl)r Palmer, the Nebraska sheepmau. Ins lieeo removed and Jonn jensius wm Mr. rainier win mart ror me earn witn reet in its stead a neat brick front. ; a,ont 10,1 WO heaJ. j When completed, it will make one of . A,i;gjoa Town Talk: The final work ' the liest store rooms in town. j ;n t ij8 i:Jn itrnatMn of the Willow Creek ! J O. Warmoth, of Ella, was in Hep- i ei,eni.,n of the O. R. & X. is rapidly ap- j rner last Saturday. Mr. Warmoth has pruachii.g completion. The genial su i bad considerable sickness in his family : periutf ndent, iAm Oritiin, is like the j this spring. He reports, like hundreds swallows, lookiug forward to a migra-) of others, good crop prospects. tioa to other parts, and the plaoe of hia i Bud Willinham was over in the Cam-; years residence will soon know him no j - . - . ..... i i pb nif.rp ' Metier (freer ' a4 IIia Ilafmpa i ns praine country, at lue ; ,, ,. ,,, .. m fr;.i. u,-a and judgement. creek, last week. Ihis was una . , ; i.' j MeFarlaud ft Co. vs Johnson, trt over.herae IUn.Wx Itao. railroad extensions bring in their train, and judgment . nch eonntry over there- D.! ve TOUut onr ac,.nailJtance witb him Horner vs YeaU, on tnl at 1 P. ranchet in the country in this praine. M not tue least. CIBXTIT COIIKT MATTKHS. Monday, Maroh 25. Sawyer vs Jones, settled and dismiss ed. Lealherman vs Hummison A Wren, dismissed. McGrrew vs Locknane, default and judgment. Ayer vs Mann, settled and dismissed. Bisbee vs Johnson, settled and dis missed. Hager vs Kramer, settled and dismiss ed. Peuland vs Taylor, dis niBjed. First Nat. Bauk vs Kimsie, settled and dismissed. Newman vs Green, default and judg ment. Dawson vs Kirk, dismissed. Shipley vs Wallace, continued for ser vice. Sperry vs Gosney, dismissed at plt'ffs OOHtS. . American Mortgage Co., vs Crow, oon ti uued for service. State vs Samuel Friok and Frank Mason indictment found. Tuesday, March 26. State v Frick and Mason, plead guil ty. McAlister vs Kyte 4 McAlister, de fault aud judgment. State vs Mci'errin, indiotment found. Juror Fauna excused. Hoskiiis vs Morrow Co., settled. Cox etal vs Morrow Co., settled. Wednesday, 27. Klato va MVF,rrin. olead not guilty. Firt Sat. Bank vs Johnson, default To Cons UMPrrvEs. The undersigned having been restored to health by sim ple means, after suffering tor several years with a severe lung affections and that dread disease, consumption, is anx ious to make known t his fellow suffer ers the means of care. To those who desire it. he will cheerfully send free of charge) a oopy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for con sumption, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis, ami all throat and lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the Dresoriution. which will cost them noth ing, and may prove ft blessing, will please address, Rev Edward A. Wilson, Wil liamsburg, Kings county, New York. AW, THIS FOlt TIIU I'Ulllill! (iO II). It is an undisputed fact that the hand somest vestibule traius that are now run on the American continent are those on tho "Buhmnoton Route," leaving the Union Depot in Denver, also St. Paul, immediately on arrival of all through trains from the west. The lirat aud second class coaches are magnifi cent, the Reclining chair cars superb. the Pullman sleepers extremely luxuri ant, and ns for the meals that arc served in those Palace Burlington dining cars yum-ynm. The uext tiino you go east to Kansas City.Chicago or St, Louis, if yon mention to the ticket agent that you want your tioket to read from Den ver or St" Paul over the Burlington Route, you will get it, and you will al ways be glad of it. If you go via the Northern or Canadi an Paoifio, the elegant ventibule trains of "The Burlington Route," between St. Paul, Chicago and St. Louis will carry you aloujj the eastern shore of the Miss issippi river for a distance of 3o0 miles, amidst scenery that cannot bo surpass ed; or, if you go via the Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacific, and your ticket reads via "The Burlington Route," from Cheyenne or Denver, you will pass through all the thriving cities and towns located in what is popularly known ns the "Heart of the Continent." For fur ther information apply to A. C. Sheldon, General Agent, 80 First Street, Portland, Oregon. A Real Nboessiti. We presume there is hardly a lady to be found in our broad land who, if she does not already possess a sewing machine, expects some day to beoome the owner of one. tut after the mind has been My made up to purchase one of these indis pensable articles, the question arises as to what kind of a machine to bny. It should be so simply constructed that the most inexperienoed can ncoess fullv operate it. The other points main ly to be considered, and which are the most desirable, are durability, rapidity, -capacity for work, ease of operation, regularity of motion, uniformity of ten sion, and silence while in operation. The "Light-Running New Home" fills the above requirements, and is said to combine the good points of all sewing machines, with the addition of many improvements and labor-saving devices. The price is uo higher than that of other machines, and every lady who is the happy possessor of one may rest as sured she has indeed a treasure. See ! advertisement. Wednesday. default M., Lakd Offic Bclletik. Onr Wash ington correspondent sends us the fol lowing information for The Dalle Dis. HOMESTEAD PATENTS ISSUED, ,No. 6KJ, Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of California, to Illative and nutritiom, wilh the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to (he human aytem, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LITER AND BOWELS AND TO Cleansetbt System Effectually, SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using it and all art delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYRUP OK FIGS. Manu factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, San Francisco, Cal. LoonriLLE, Kir. Nw YotK, N. V and Life Accident Live Stock Loans iromilh iietjoliaJcd for I It rce orjiiw years on Final Rcucijil or l'alcnl. F. O. BUCKNUM, UUPVNER, OliF.aoN. ARTHUR SMITH, IMlACTI.OArj WATCHMAKER ! Next to First National Iiniik, HEPI'NEH. : : OHEOON. Watches, A Optical Clocks, i) Goods. WateliiwCloiuwd, - - tlM. MiiiriHirinKH KitNtd - , .1,50. All work iiuaranli'iul for one year. HI!I 1 WISE, Sole Agents for Heppner and Vicinity fou the Celebrated 13 a i n "W a o ti ANU- Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Agricultural Implements HIDES AND PELTS BOUGHT FOR CASH OR TRADE. A. D. JOHNSON & CO. -PRoriUETOK.S OF TIIK CITY HEPPNER, l.lSTOllil OREGON. 111 Keep the Lurgeist ami Best Beloctctl Stock of Goods in Their Lino Morrow County. Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicines ami Toilet Goods of Evory Description. Also, Paiuts, Oils, Varnishes, (Hubs, Ae. lew Sim of Wall Paper Just Mmim w, m. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Domestic, Key West and Imported Cigars. Call and see us when you are Wanting anything in our line. Prescriptions accurately compounded, tluy and night, and special attention given to orders from tlie country. W. J. LEEZER. I C. THOMPSON LEEZER & THOMPSON DEALERS id IIAEDWA.UE AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SHELF HARDWARE, Bird-Cages, Rope, Nails, Cutlery, AVood aud Willow AVare, Granite Ware, Etc. MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON DEALER IN All kinds of job work done in the zetti office at Pendleton priot-a. Qa- Ijiberal Advances Made CONSIGN M I0NTS. SAX FRAXCISCO: Warehoime anil Offlne, Coi ner Fifth and Tint line ad Slrecln, POHTLASO: M U'uxhinatmi Street. llFl'l'XFIl AOFXT: Coffin & MeFarlancl. Joii l'mNTiso.- Hnvinu secured the wrviocH of Mr. Vawtcr Crawford, a tirxt oIuhk job hh m il an nevm rint r, the (Iazetti is prepared to do Ix'ttcr job work than ever before, and at rendition pri ces. Satisfaction guaranteed. BOOTS and SHO Custom Work anil Ikpiiiiiiif Neatly Done. Opposite Hotel, Heppner, Oregon. D. W. HORNED. noi:vii GEO. NOBLE. -DKALHUS IN- HARNESS, WHIPS, SPURS, ETC. THE CELEBRATED Heppner Saddles! Conntuutly on knud. EAST MAIN BTBKBT, HMTMiB 1