THE GAZETTE. HEPPNER. THUHSDAX, MAR 28, 'ft). How The Gazcttr Skks It. The E. O. Hil l Charlie BesHerer, of the FACTS FKOM H. B'n. RELIEF WILL COME IN TIME. ,T, ... ., , , l'.,l' lniailtH . Clll OK , OOVH , IIIHOH , Him 111,'Tn. Walla Walla .Journal, are bavin a little , & j, tilt m regard to the commeu.-euieut of . , .. . nH1Brll ,,. i sistH that This paper could never understand how a land office could receive a filing on railroad laud, so called, kuowiug that it amounted to nothing. has been don in this oennty. About j two years ago, the proprietor of this paper got the laud fever and filed a pre amption right on a quarter section of this land, near Heppner. The fees were taken in regular manner and the filing receipt came back all right, just like any lentnry. xue : , .,,,' .,,, aml allrtHig at reduc " : j ' , l.uVi ied ,.i i-i now on exhibition at Heppner T " ZA 1 "'Ji. : V,..: V ut & Bliiokmim'n. THIS 1 1 10 I "l-.-V rnoTOGUArii gilew Ih Permanently Ijoeated At Heppner, Opposite Gazette Shop, -And is Doing Fin And ARTHUR OOFFIX, Arlington, Or. FRANK McFARLAND, Heppner.Or. tne A. U. people main am tiiik " - ,.;,, Hre illTited ,o call and inspect srr'.nvnv Ac first ;,;;; ; r .u attttp wor k A. D.. becna with the vcar 1 and ended :" PMI'W. imk Puri ... However, it I with the l.wt dav of the year WO, and JerR V.'i 1 , (u . vm;,,;.,i It Can't Be lt Anywhere Lfra l,o lOH, nlnrv ho, ran ,n . ATI. : 1 " i;.-"'. 1, Coffin & IVIcFarland, ARLINGTON, IIlSPPOTllE. Have jUBt arrived in Heppner and are ready for business at the old stand of Jag. M. Hager. ererore rue lyrn cenn.ry nen ..,-. . wIons aI1:1 f,lU B,-,(.k b(,tfl. Call j C Tier ('Tin V Vl1 A V A VI'l-TH X'-Ian1 retlZeZ ! take a chew of our U. 4 Ji's. private , SA1 1SFAC 1 ION Gl ARAN 1 LLD. r,... ' . ' stock chewing to! acco. i . '' . sure of the 2Utu century Kor Hiile l,v II. A B.. so e aircnts. the ! celebrated Ccindell's 1 Can Iiaking At Kingston, Maroli 21), quile u large ; J, wrlor for 500. Each can contains l'i audience had assembled to witness the j pounds. F.qual to the very best in the "National Representatives." The Anieri-', market. Come early to avoid the rush. can Hag played quite a prominent part, j Parties wishing to purchase fall jmp- other nling, but shortly afterward tbis Bmi j oimrHe of the exercises was re-1 pn,g W(ml,l do well by calling on Hep-would-be rancher was infornied that i fered to r being beneath the make-be-, ,,,or A lilackman. We insurp centleman- .lihnnoh lis had filed and n.iid b:a cidd ! lieve Queen, showing tho relations ex-! iv treatineiit. low prices, and good (inal- nn mi m-ittor 1 1 ' x 1 riiu'iam. ami iub t;uiiriTv in ai. lines, nour ill qilHiun ies 10 ftuiv at null prices. Most oomplete anil extensive line or ...i. t. i..t.i n. luting I 0BSI1, ue uoiiui not prove u , uit uiaiier . . i ' ..... i States. J his action was severely cnti how well he fulfilled tne law. He was ! oised bv (loyalists as well as Americans given to understand that should the land really revert to the government, be could then proceed in regular manner to per feot his title. Here's the sticking point. Hundreds of settlers in Morrow county have filed on railroad land under some who wer present. PiiESiliEVT Harwsok seems inclined in many Hi;u)ces to let present ollice hold ers retail! tlieir positions till terms of ollice exilie, provided they have proven tlieniselvtH ellicient. This is the right sort of a delusion as to "its going back , principle. vrAwAw- -present, incumbents are uemocrats or ropuDiicans. to the government right away," "or had been forfeited," etc., etc. In most in stances, they have gone ahead and ful filled the law to a letter, to find out that the ouly part of the business recognized as regular was the acceptance of the fee and the issuing of filing papers. Tins is radically wrong. It gives the settler no more preference than a "squat ter's right;" m fact, the latter would be preferable, an the railroad land could be J Oomi'AUK Pkioks. To people who nn held by fencing and other improvements ! sgino tho Uazistte to bo a high-handed till the title was settled, and in t,e , tortionist in the matter of advertising ., ,., ,, charges, we refer them to the following, meantime, the settler could use ti,0 published rates of the E. (J. Don't his rights on laud not in dispute confound one inch, single column, with Nothing has retarded the growlh f one itioli, double oolnuiii. "One inch, or Morrow county more than havin.r within """' " :"';'f '"onin, w ow mens', boys', and ladies', buck and kid driving gloves, woolen-lined gloves to keep your hands warm w hen snow Hies. Cull and inspect our goods, at U. k U's. No trouble to show goods. Judge Bennett, of The Dalles, is iu at tendence on circuit court. riHmnmber the place, opposite Gazette shop. New Stock I New Fixtures ! ! New Everything I Pure Wines and Liquors And the li.'st HAVANA CIGARS Are nlwayH kept in trt ick at tlio GEM SALOON, NOTICE OF INTENTION. band Olticn ul ba firamle. Or.. March 22, '. N'ltire is Ii4-n-h.v wivt'ii t lial tin followinK-iiamtHl ficltlcr has lilfd Ti(tli( of Iiih inli'iilion !o make some time to have these laws repealed but so far, it is only successful in getting matters arranged for tlieir repeal, pos sibly tho next session.' its borders this so-called railroad land. Large bodios of tillable and productive oil is kept from the ranchor's plow share, and pre-emption nndcommutation proofs oost twice as much as they should, the government evidently intending that the hard-working settler shall have no benelit of doubts. Fully $1110,001) in cash has been needlessly taken away from settlers in Morrow county alone. It is thought that within (he n.-xt year this land will revert buck to the govern meiit. This means Hint Morrow counly can then furnish lain) for twice tho num ber of homes that exist al present. THE IIKXKKITH DKKIVEI) nillJI A (If TliAIIK. From tiniB io time the Gaxiiti'u has called the attention of Heppner people to the great benefils to he derived from a live boaid of trade; bill, as jet, there ap pears to be no particular effort to per fect such an organization. For example what aboard of trade can aoeoniplish for a town, (his sheet will refer Heppner to the town of Waitsburg, W. T. That place is fairly booming, and has as bright pnupcols us any in land town in the territory. People are coming in by the hundreds to eilher settle in that Utile city or U, invest in farm property for How was it accomplished? Well, Waitsburg poople organized a board of trade, had a neat, descriptive pamphlet aud other matter relative to the country, printed at the homo newspaper ollice, all of which was widely circulated. That is why vViiilsburg is prospering, and in fact it will apply to every livn place in ' either Oregon or WeshfiiHlon. Wo have a good coniitry, with line prospects, but there must lie some, combined effort on our part to have the outside world made aoquaiuled with tho fnct. ) It is a matter of neglect that Heppner has not had a board of trade long ere thin. Any further procrastination will bring delay iu acl've, rapid growth. Other sections, moro energelic and en terprising, will nl tract people bom wo should have as oitin.-ns. Show your-en-terprise in giving Heppner and Morrow County a fair representation abroad. Nothing in it. It ha been reported that congress has reddled the pre emption and timber-culture laws, but tlu-re ih nritimit; in rntnrir Thprn ' Html nrnof in Miuinorl f if his elaon. ami that, xaid has been an effort made in congress for 1 P"( will 'h'' j";'B,';;,.M';r"'w. , , . h , , enmity, or in Ion aliHcnci; hefore the I'lerk or wuiu county, at Itetipner. Or., en Ylnyl, lsv.l viz: Ikivid A. Hnrrcn, TTil. No. 'j:iH-.. for the HK i HK h Hee 21 antl SW H. HW U Hue Zl uml W SW h Hee 27, Tp 3 ti, li 27 14. He jiarneH the feMowiitfrwittieHHes to prove his coat imams residi.-uee upon, and :iiltivatiun of, Haid lioid, vi: Charles Wallace, Daniel II. Htalts, William R. WftlhrioVe and KUhIuv ('. Watkiim, all of Hepp ner, I )rei;oii. Any person who desires to protest atrainHt the filhiwnnce of such jirimf, or who knows of any Hiihstiml ial reason, u rater tin1 law and I he rnwuliL (ionra of I he Interior I Jepal'l men t , why such proof should not he allowed, will heyiven an opportu nity at. the above mentioned time and place to cross examine t he witnesses of said claimant, ami to oiler evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. 3U-11I IIk.nky Uinkiust, Katfistor, One inch, or less, in Daily per month. S2.50; two indies, or less, in daily and weekly per month, $1.50; over three inches, (Semi-Weekly, per inch per month $1.25; over three inches, Daily, per inch per nionlh 814.00; over three 'inches in Daily and weekly per inch her month, $'2.50; one inch or less, in Weekly per month, $2,011; over throe inches in Weekly, per inch per mouth $L 00; over three inches in Tuesdays issue of S mi Weekly, per inch per month, 0.75. Solid nonpareil advertisements in Semi Weekly and daily, first insertion, per inch, lU.Otl; eaoli subsequent insertion, 50c. Local mil ices, ten cents per line each insertion." I'oivi'Kiis I'noM 1Iavtai! - A pri vate letter from Mr. O. Fleming, of Wagner, in Hnvs'nek valley, informs Hi thai that faction is enjoying a goodly share of the universal pro ipei'ily wbinh in now litiina neuVd out through the great Northwest. Grain looks well, grass is excellent and stool; of all kinds are in xnu cotoiitii'ti. ?.!r. h'le.ning is afr.ud Unit his fniic v. ill get nipped in a trust, Ins nprioot.s being iu full, bloom, and plum anil poael. trees almost, out,. 'I lie buds of nil kinds of fruit lines are bursting ami a lew more days of warm weather will biiug them out, in full bios sail Mr. Fleming will try raising sweet, potatoes this summer, and if ho siiciieeils the ( rAZHT'i'K foroe will regalo theianelves on Ihia fruit, which everyone knows is superior even to a -class ar ticle of biinoligrass "spud." !Ur. Plem- iii',' regrets Haystack was not able to got into Morrow county al tho last session in tlio legislature. hllMI CUHKk I I'ivMS. Ijono CitKt'K, On., March 25, ,HD. Ktlitor (liizclle: Thinking that, a few noti'H from this far-away land might be of interest to the readers of your valiiaole paper, I will en deavor to uiva yon nomn of the freshest. ( Irnss is growing nicely mid slock of nil kinds doing well. FarnnjiM here have nnariy finished their seeding and all appear jubilant over me rocm soowers ot rain. Miners tiro very busy preparing lo via it tlieir respective mining districts, ami Ihcy seem to think that the llig Creeli will esperi nico ij uito :i boom this year. The people, bore are well pleased over the success ol tlie II q.pu ir no. I i;:niyoii t it v people in seeiiroi:.' the in ol sorvivc between those two points 1 1 i . I enables us lo get our m ,i! t r :: i'orrl i:,,l in two days; also we :oe very piimoiis for a move lo be made at once lo linc tho serweo increased to a daily. .Mr. Harris, travelling in the interest of f'leekenstein A: Meyer, niinlo our town a pleasant call and deparici for Canvon City yeslerday aecotupauied by Mr .loseph Keelley, The plaice and quiet of our little to'.vu was disturbed by the startling news that a man had been sl ibbcl on last Friday nigh!, while altoinlimr a party al Hie town of Hamilton. Dr. Fell was summoned, mid, equal to Ihc occasion, was soon on the road lo tho scone of (he nflVav lo ad itinisler to tin. wauls of the injured man. The (Victor ciini" home yesterday a n d told u that the unfortunate man, whoso p v.H'.i is Milton Hamilton, a highly respected cit izen o" this loo di'y, was in a von crit ical con lif ii n, h iviii:,' received one wioiiul in the biea.a which ho consider ed very Ind. yodn:: ;.! by the name of Hintoti did tho culling. No cause has et been assigned for lh trouble Ih Iwi en Hie men. X, of o,ir bili ioess 1 1 1 1 n have left the lowo for different pans nl too coon 1 1 v , for healtii, biKiness i elc. Al Porter and K. Allen lefi for Pendleton Satur day; C. II. Lee starts for I'aiifoitiia to- lav, to bo away some two or (htvo mouths, visiting friends and relatives. NOTICE OF INTENTION. band Otlico at The Dalles, dr.. March IH, '(. Notice is hereby ui veil that I tie Fol lowimr-llioiied settler has tiled notice i f his intention to make nun! proof in supporter Ins claim, ntnl Hint said proof will be maile before tin) county clerk of Morrow county, tlr. lit lleppnor, ur.. on may tsstl. via: Oscar Sch af or, II. H. No. nam, for thnHW 4 HW M Hw r,; NW U NW i. Sec S: N 14 NK Sec 7. To 4 S. K 2li K. Ileiinmealhe followiair wit iicssch lo prove his conl ooious resideacioipon, and culuvation ot, nnid land, vi'.: rank (h liam, .1. u. Williams utut Henry Bchemtitfer, lleptnier; W. H. tiilliani, llardinan. Any person wliodeHires lo inolest, iiitaiui't. the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any hii list an Iiu I reason, under I ae law ano inn regula tions nf t he I nteriwr lleparl meiit , why such proof should not be allowed, will beiovon an opportu nity at. I he above mentioned tone and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler evidence in rebuttal of that, submit ted by claimant. l:t Ids. 1''. A. MoDon vi.ii, llefo'ster Opposite II. Ttlackmim A 'o.'s Htere, treatment to all. Come ami sain bo convinced. on rt eons and NATIONAL BANK of IIHITNHR I). I". THOMPSON. KI). K BISHOP, President. Tushier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKINGJU'siM. COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLI). Opposite Minor's Hotel, HEPPNER, OREGON. Blanks for sale at the Oaukttb office lit Pendleton prices. We are replenisli u g our stock and will soon be able to til you out with anything. Are purchased from the largest, finest and best markets in the United States. We cordially invite an early inspection. Latest styles Diess Goods, Trimmings aud Fancy Goods soon to arrive. Handsomest line of Gents' and Youths' Fine Clothing ever shown in Morrow Co. DON'T ORDER YOUR SPRING SUIT Until you examine our elegant assortment. HATS. OUR STOCK OF GENTS' LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FINE SHOES OF ALL DESCRIITIONS HAVE ARRIVED & ARE OPEN FOR INSPECTION. G5o"vi7" 2E5c7r 2Eats Also, Leather Collars aud Cuffs, with Fronts to match. Something new. If you need a genuine SAN JOSH, CAWfOHNIA, ,-i 1 I ! 1 0 Silver-mounted Bits aud Spnrs or a set of team harness, oometo our store. GILLIAM & COFFEY, MAINSTEItr. HEPrXER. DEAI-FRS IN Hardware. Tinware, Copperware, ware, Pumps, Gaspipe, Nails, and Black smiths' Supplies. ALSO AGENTS FOE n Wagons, JStfiiiclfii'tl Mowers 4fe Reapers Norwegian Plows, rrk iiLL,a,l nn.Al" ftL l),,..K Ln imiTi mm urn Hire grocp:ries, hardware, NOTKIE TIMBER CrLTURK. U. S. Lnnd OIHen, Tho )alli. Or., Ft-h. 28 'Pi). ( 'ompliiint ImviiiR Ix.'on (miIitikI Ht thinollici' hy OenrifffH. Cnmn HKuiimt Frank Conk fur failure to c(Miii)lv wtili law an .to timber-culture entry No. iiM, diitcd Mnrv.U I, Ihmii. upon tho NortliwHt (jisarlnr of Ht'ction , towiiBliip 1 north, rane 24 cunt, in Morrow county, Oregon, with a view U thy canivllution of Bard n1ry; contttHtiuit al IfKiiiK I li'it wiid Frank Cook had (i rop of wheal KnwiiiK thn third year on the iirnt n've aerea bro ken, IhtiH choking out what hi'ihIh milit have bnt'ii planted, if any; that lie nevor planted the requiHite nuuiber if trees, the row beiiiK 82 faet apart; that lie Iihh never iven the ground prop or uttetilion imd earo; tliat for two yearn hu ImR not cultivated tho ground and the treoH are most ly dead; and failureH wtill exist, tlie wiid parting aru hereljy HHininoned to appear id thifl tiitieo on Hie ii7tli day of April, 1HS!I, at 1 o'rlook P. M, to reKp'jnd ami inriiiHh teHiimony ceneerniiiK bhiu alleged failure. The eonnty clerk of Morrow county ih authorized to take testimony in this cnHH at Heppner, Oroj,'on, on Ajiril. xH(.t, at ltl o'cloek A. M. F. A. McbON AU, JteuiHtur. 9 The Celebrated Mitchell Wagons, Plows, and Vxrioriltiirril Implements,' A Car-Lond of the Celebrated CHAMPION MOWERS AND REAPERS On tlie way. m WISE. S1SLE3, DOORS BP WIPWS Crockery and Glasssware, rriyxrrB, & w a g oN-eo v j:ns Guns, Pistols and Ammunition, rrR UNKS VALTSES. In fact our iiim will bo to carry in stock NOTICE OF INTENTION. IjidiI Oilicn at La (JnimK Or., Feb. Ill, 'Hi. Notice ih hereby (,'iven that 1 following named Hetller linn filed notice of Ihh intention to make filial proof in uniiport ofhineluim an (i that Hiiid proof will be imiioc before the county clerk of Morrow counly. Or., at Heppner, Oregon, on March Ht, 1MXU, vi.: Will J. Furnish, D. H. Titi'Jf, for the N W H, Hic VI, Tp 1 N, It 2H E W W. lie iwt moH the following witnenncH to prove bin cont iiiiioiiH rewidence upon, and cultivation of, Hiiiil land, viz: Frank ' 'uck, I''lio; ,f. Matluiway, Vim-urn; C. J. Fri.ker niul ( '. i). Marnli, I'endlelon, tregou. Any permin wlio denires to proleHt. agaiiiHt. the ill lowu nee of Mich proof, or who knoww of any HuhHtantml reaHon, uiiilertho law and the regula tions of the Interior Department proof Hhouhl not be allowed, will be given an oppor tunity iri Hie above mentioned time and place to croHH-exiiinino the wttuesHCM of naid claimant., mid to niter evidence in rebuttal of th it Hubmitted by claiiniiiit. mni-;(H 1!k.niy Hi nkh.uu Register NOTICE OF IN LTON UF.I'PNKR hU PIIOSl'KIt. Tbe former renident who linn been soekintf forlnno in othor climcM, mid lifter nn uWiit'e of fivi or nix ycjirn r turim to Jb'ppner town, now iitnlH i,'iv;it chaiiKeH wmtiht. No riittlinc lai;t brings liim iuto tlio inelropoliH of lfor row, oovcred with ibint nnd noliing in every limb. Coming up (o llfpinior on tlie most lnr.dttm railway yoiu-b, ih inite a different tiling. From a Htnall collection of boufs on Muiu hlreet, the it;me lias Hprtvol out over tbo flat, ouly a few ton Itnurks beinj visible bore nnd tliere. Wilhin tbo next two yea re tliero will ba jirontcr rhatioH in Heppner tbim daring tbo wlmlc of Uh exiritenco. JiiMni; niln:itt'd n( the prcsout tenuinns of tlio Willow Creek brime.Li, noar tbo center of .Morrow conn ty, a tmtnrnl bnyiueKH locution, tbo in-rrfRHing- trado from mmouudini,' country and from ttver Hip tnonntaiiiM demnnds ureiit-er faeilitiert on (he juitt of 1 Hootmcr nu'rcliiiiHliHiti-' et:iMiInn.MtM i 1 to metit tbe demimdH. Tim frame Ktoros ! Thern if a k'ood nlninoo for a unod are beoominr too Hinnll to contain the j bntehor to make Nome money in Tjoii hmre Diles uf lmolIr which Ilonimi.r i ('reck, if lie wdl but n:iy th it be wants merchanta are eompclled to carry, and Jnrt0 bpek ImdIiuiih tire rapidly taking tbo pluce of frame structures, property ib advancintr in price, nnd Huh f, r. now figures where be could havo nmde in veBtmenU a few cjuh nj!( in lleppnr properly which would now net bitu con sidenible hard cah; und yet it in not too late to find Rood investments in Heppner real eatiito. A few hundred dollars now will linn into thouHiimU iu tbe uettr future, und no uowtjiko. Hepp ner is situated for a great trade, and will prosper. i:-iy; Moro Anon, n;r if. (aAs. THE LONG riU.KK ROAD ACiAIX. Ill calling tbeuttentiou of thonad cum miBHioners to cortnin p:irU cf tbe pro poned route, wo do ao f(r the amoral Kxxi oi vne coumiuutry aim county, ano , n uutden Liitl soling, s'iv.h ; ihritf' llennioi Spiiuiuryer, a Cm ; .i N .dley, Nev , rammer, H"iit to Dcrmituy for tho HetuU of the enp irf tto, a f.mvuu f um,,m kmr in tit at coontry, which i:rnus 'oiist on dry noil, lie pbtnied :o.ue in Ua moist Harden. Tlio reHult natistlcd bis most sanguine evpeolatiotis. The hih!s plant ed timid the rocks of tho hillside never revived :i drop of vater, UM 1 nuv a foot und a half hitfh in the Himvivir, ;md LandOHiceat LiitlrandVor., TIiii'ch K, '. - Notice h heiebv eiveu Sliat Hie t'ollowinil named wett ler has tiled not of his intent ion to make, linn oroof in Hiimiom of uh claim, and that Hitii I tuoof wili be lu.-uhi liefore the county clerk ot .Morrow county, 'Or , at ileppner, Ur., on .May lU, viz: ' Maitufl ifitmtntti I)h. No. 7U5I, for the N 9H K U N 'i S W U Bc 11,'l'p 1 N, It ::m k. Iboiamew t he rulliiwimj wit neHHi'H to prove bin coutiniioiiH reKidcnre upon, and cultivation of, Hiiiil bind, vi: Ivon A. I'oteet, Haxler liiunrhead, James H. I'oleet and .limeph Hwait, all oT Kcho, Oregon. Any perm mi w ho dewiien to protest ayainst ttie allowance of Hiich proof, or who known of any Hiibntantinl reason, under the law and Hie regula tions cd the Interior Depart incut , why hiicIi proof rthouhl not be allowed, will be tfiven an opportu nity at (he fibove-ineitt ioned time and place to croH-oxainine (he wii iickhi'm of -ni(l claimant and to oiler evidence in rebuttal of that Hulanitled by chiimaiit. lil'-17 II KNKY Rl NK1I A IIT, IIeKinter I, and OIHc'rt at The Dalh-M, Notice in lierehy Lven winiMil Mnttler Iuik toed notice ,.,,,lr.. nrihif ill Miini'm l 1 l . c il . li nliai rtaut prooii wot ne nimu' ihmioh :v. juaKe Morrow county, uroon, ai, iii.-ppav, t,M'on, April ZU IHsll, viz: rascal E. Hamilton, lid. II Wf. for the W NK U and W fi KK Seo. 11. 'I'triH. R :.'i !' V. M. lie unmet the fotlowiiiK witnerinen to invo biH conlinuouri residence upon, and cultivu tion of, rtaid land, viz: 'I'liouiiiH liiilh'(k'(s W. M. K-ttcH, of Lexington, t)r. : John Mel n tire. Chan, hind, of Heppner. Or. Any perHon who donireH to protect atjuinst the allowance ut mu'ti in-o-.r, or wiio kiiowh ot any niibnlanl ial rciiHon. under the law and Him reuula. lioi ih of Hie Inlerior Department, why mich proof should not be allowed will be (riven an oppor tunity at Hie above mentioned time and place to cross-exiiniine uie w 1 1 1 , esreH oi no iti ciaiumnl, and (o otter eviihuicein rebuttal of thai Hulnnit ted byclaiiiuinl. ;tl'-:H7 V. A. 5Ic1)onai.d, Resistor N( )T1(-Fi OF 1NTKNTION. Land Ollice at ka (irande. Or., March H, 'W. Notice is hereby tfiveu that the foliowihtf named netl tor lim tiled notice of In intention to make tinal proof in nupport of hirt claim, ami Hial rdd proof will be made before Hie county chrk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on April 130, tvn. viz: (ii'unje T. Clem, Ih. Nil. UOl, for the V '4 H V .! H K S W U Hee -JN, und N K li N W H Sec iVA, Tp H H. H 2W K. Me minion the following wititenneH to prove It i h conliiuioiiH itHidence upon and cultivation of, HHid land, vi: P. C, Tboitipon, John Drown, John Daly nnd Martin Honcoke, all of Heppner. Oregon , Any pet-Non who dcsiren (o proteMl titfaiiiHt the allowance of hiicIi proof, or who knows of any miliNlnnl oil reason, under 1 he law and 1 he rciila tiotiH of the Interior Department, why micti proof should no tie allowed, will be given mi opporlu nilj at the above-iiieutioued time and pluce to croriM-exiHiiiiie tlie wil nesneM of want cliuinanl and to oiler evidence in rebuttal of that submitted hy claimant. :UlM7. llMNHY It 1 NKU AH'l', Re'irtter, NOTK'KOF INTENTION. Land Ollieoul katirande. Or.. larch S, V,. Not ice ih bcrebv Kiven that the foilowuiK miiueil settlor has tiled noiice of hit intention to make linal proof in mipport of his claim, nnd that said proof will lit made before the clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, Or., on April lid, l.vW, viz,; Oliver P. M, Sintcoh't !n. No, 7eK for the K 'j N K K i 8 U V Sec il.TpitS, R'K, He names t hofollowiiiK witnesses to prove his ooetinuoun rosidenceupon, u:;d cultivHlioii of, said h'.nd, vi.: .1. . Oaly, A. J. Clem, John Kennoy nnd Pros Cresswt'll. all of Heppner, Oregon, Any person wnodenres to protest aaiut the allowrinoe of such proof, or who knows of any HuliNiair ial reason under the In' antl lie remila t ions of t bo Interior Depart meiit, why such proof Hhouhl not ho allowed, will bo iven an ope porlnnOy at the above tnetd oned time and plact to crons-enaiuinc the witueHeK of said clainuiu and to oiler evidence in rebuttal of that tm limit- ted by cboinatit. Hi;M7 IU:miv IliNKUAivr, RcKinter. MVrU'K OF INTENTION. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Otlico ut Tbe Dalles Or.. Mnrch 4, Not ice is hereby eiveu that t hu rollowin-named Hettler has tiled notice of his intention to make timtl proof in support of his chum, and that Haul proof will ho made before the county clerk of Morrow comity, Oregon, ut Heppner, Oregon, on April hi, 18WU, viz: Francis S. Perfiyo, I) 8 H7f'2, for Hm H 'i HK :i Hee. I and NW M NK -4 nnd NK NW h beu. VI, 'J p H H, Jt 5 E, W. M. He nami'H the following witnesseH to prove h'w continuoiirt residence upon, anil cultivation of said land, viz: Henj. LeuellinK. k. W. Coleman, (Jeo W. C'ha pjn and Wm. Ijimi'liinix, all of Hardmioi, Or. Any person who desires to prolent HK'iinwt tbe allowance of such proof, or who knowH of any substantial reason, under the law and the regu lations of tho Interior Department, why mich proof should not be allowed, will be tfivon an opportunity at the above mentioned time nnd place to" cross-examine the witiii'ssen of huh! claimant, and to ollur evidence in rebuttal of that .submitted by claimant. 311-111 tf. A. McDonam). Renter. All to be sold very low. NOTICE OF INTENTION L'ENTION. B, OjJlan-h 4. 't-f 1 i, ( 'Lift hilmilHSu Vi' Freight rates have been reduced one-third and )Tou can depend upon being sup plied in competition with any other town iii Eastern Oregon. Money advanced on wool for Christy & Wise Highest cash price paid for sheep pelts. Our iirm has the reputation of keeping firs class goods of every description. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. ' Remember the firm '& Coffin & 'IVlcFarSan licpjie-i aim i BY THE CAR-LOAD. A large assortment of Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Fancy Goods, Etc. Are constantly receiving hpiv invoices, which cash can take away nt the lowest prices. Job-work executed in a skillful manner. MADDOCK CORNEE, HEPPNER. 9 USE am1 Successor to Minor, Dodsou & Co.- mm ir You Want DRY GOODS,. CLOTHING, Gents' Furnisliins Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoos, WOOD axd WllvtOW WAIl, AGIUCUL.TUUAIj impl kments, Grocmrii::-, Crockery, Glassware, Guns, Ammu.nmion Cutlery, Stationery, Or unjthiuj; uamillv kupt in u Um'-kIhsh storn, cull on W o: MINOR. SL,OCXJT &CO., j 1 -i . t ; . Next do.-r in Jj-hv KOTICK OF 1MTKNTLON. LmnKHIieeiit The Dalhw. Or., Mnrcli 4, Nnlien h Iterehy ivmh tlmt tlie following. niuneil HelllerlutH tiled notiee of hln inhMitinu to innke tinal i'otf in Hiipixirt uf Ihh elaini, ftnd that Htiid inimf will ho made hefnro Uiejmlf,'o uf Murrnw I'nnnty, lr., ut Ileppner, Ur., mi April 2H, via: James P. Hamilton lid. mf fnr (ho NW U Sec. U, Tp 2 H 'J5 K, W. M. .v Ho niinuB tin follnwinn witni'HeH lo provo Ihh eonlimioilH rennloneo upon, and cullivulion of. miiil land, viz: Tlionittr) Hutledno, W. M. KntoH. of LoxiriKton, Ur,; Jonn lUi'hit iro, ( htm. latiu, ot lloppner, Ur Any perKiin who ueiren to protwut tm the allownneo (if hui'Ii prnnf, nr wlio Km iimv Hiih.'tliml i;d reason, under tint law ai retfiiliilionw of tin Interior hepurlniont, why sn.-h pvooT Hlionlil not ho allowed, wdl he iveii nn opporlnnily at the above nieittioneil time and I'laee lo onMM-eaniii!0 the wihieKsen of said. elaiinunt, and to olter ovideneo in lebutlal of that snhnutted by elaiinant. iUl-ltl F. A. AUtI)UN'Ai.i,HoitUttr. rhni-ton. :1A HOUSE: will i ra vel avoII wiion shod by R OB PTi rnn 0 H ONS G e l i e La LB hi cks i i li 1 1 1 h & Fa e vt Dirros ,fe 'r'j.mi;i9on's brltv:ire st(ir, Heppner, Oregon. A Fresli Htoi'k of A N I) M KDICTN K& Conalnntlv on luiiul. A Clioina Line -f DOMESTIC ANr IMPORTED CIGAUS, Anil niMjy otber articles too numerous to mention. W. A. KIltK. 0. M. MALLOIIY. KIRK & MALLORY. May Street, Keurly Opposite Minor, Dodaon fc Co.'s Store, IWrPNXli. OK KG ON Mnuiifticturera of nad De:il;ra in Furniture, Be TKPAIUING . MOWERS A SPECIALTY. . o fWA. Fll:ST-CL..SS WAGON SHOP AT SAME STAND JJ E-t Intloclt Corner, Etroot, X3;oj3as.oi-, Or. NllLSON JOKEiS, x'roa't. E. K. BISHOP, Treiw. K liKiiinet i fill knowH of I f ai f hihI tlie , NOTICE OF INTENTION I Jind ( Jtliee at Tlio Wulles. Or.. Feb IS, Nf). Notieo in hereby iven I ha! ihefollowinti-ntmied Hettier hn tiled notieo of hit) inlention to make tinal proof in Kiipport of hir- claim, and that nuid proof will bo made beforo tho connty judo of Nlorrow county, (.Kn,ttt lieppner, Or., on April 12, IrvM, via: G. I. io?)fJ,s'Oi(, lid rJ'J- f(r the SW Si Wee. 14. Tp 8 8, H 28 K, W . M. Ho nainoa tho followinn witnonwes hi provo his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. Haid land, viz: ,1. V, M. Kan-eiiM V. (1. Karrenst M. S. Maxwoll of (lottseberry. Or,, nnd 1), H. llendrickM, of Ibmhnan, Or. Any perwon who dowiros to protest naiimt tin atlowaaco of Hitch proof, or who knows of any tmhittiutitd veiiMoii, under tho law and the rouht tioiis of tho Interior loartmotit, why nuoh proof Hliould nt bit allowinl, will bo ivon an oppottu nit at the above niont ituiod tiaa and plnco to i-rosH-oxamnio tho witnONson of naid clainmnt, and to olt'or ovidonco in rebuttal ot (hat Bubaut tot( by claimant, ato-lis K. A. MoDonau), Hetfislor. ES cm AS T9i Ha fill I I i 1 1 fit m mi j& I 'l l TV "OTwSSiiW HEl'l'XRK, I I I Mirrors, CDDING, 1!LCKKTS, P.ICTUR -Also For Si.'.p- 180 MODKTi WJNOHESTI- Che:ip For Cus''.. Frames, Etc. R "lilFLKS?. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. COMPANY. O nooriHH'ii led.: May Sweet, Heppner. j .I'V'IV' l(Tl"niPTT Motion s i DKALiiu in I obac- I ' 4 m rf: v - r . t! 1 Tr 011F.GON This o jrapany wil! nUc cash ivIvbiiom upon t'.ic wool clip for 1889. ConniiiiioM vtny liavc their .vool Kr.Kl nn.ler oruVr t Hepj'ix'r, or hy their direction have it shi-ppe'd to .Portland, Sim i'iancHco, lloston, Mass., or Harlfor.l, Conn., vhorn tbo coir,uiy linve nrranacil for storane nml sale. Address Ooiiiiininieution. -. rf-v. -y '--! . NOTICE OF INTENTION. j HEPPNER, OREGON IjohI (lltioiMit I.iillmiMlo. Or., Mnirh7, 'Ml. Notieo is hi'ivhv ivcll that tho following i . .1 1 u..,tl..,. I...u ...,ti..u ..f .ilmitum I.. :lt llli iH'iK,'ll( writillt! tin' plant i l I mnko Iviuil mml m support of Inn oluii.i, mil ...10 . 'l'l. i , . i i t hut (M.i,l priHir will 1' mailt' h.r,n',' tint I'ouutv nnd lloiinxliiny. 1 ho m in, f m.- cwny, Or., or in hm nlwn.-.. harolv nia lo H liv, or it. ' i'om k oi sjiuu'ouutv, at to-ppm-r, i.r, on April , IVH. vis. William Ifn nier, not luaapini oi u.otiiuon. in mot, . ; s,ur.v..r o.imo to tlio lan.l oltl.M an.l peraonRlly know but little of 1Iia ronlo ; (lk Sl.vpi,ll m,tiIH t ,iIIVi r,K,k), eiccptthe part uour Iloppnor, but our j .i. Tlio clerks wimv somewhat niton inforiustion comen from r, H iHil.l,- men. , U1(.l5 ,,,, llHu,nl ,im ,f km.,v tmt t,e well aojuiimU'a Willi uie entire roml. II Buerun lit premnit there mo two roiulu from V11 creek to the John Day river; one goitiK up Wall ereek hill ant over tbe ridge down Monument mountain. aud the other by the way of tlio Cupper I 1 ry .1 . i ' . , - raueu auu nH-nra,, pniee .o ,e r.vor . ;!,,,,, ini..H bili. 1 am oonvimvd and them up to Monument. . ,,y notllH, ,,xu.1.jmiMlt ,.lt wia Lnm lln Our informant stutea that for 19 years , lt, r,K,iit.t und harrenest hillside, of luw there boon an effort to mako n ood , stil(l(. T,0 moal.r too haul the road by the former roule, und nt ill it is m()rf) it ,illllrUlM. You can cut two in nao ponuuion, ami n helievcH that no reaaoname anion.,, or money will ftMll Iullkort ,.,,., ivH mrs milk .r oonyeriinuioa boo.! ,,,,. Mir,y iu , ,lm Ktllvs ;r, of ,1 .I." uvu" . . .,, : l.,, r i.. ... . i i llr,.,or.Or,..,i.lhol.. -loner roan, uile, periiapn, soino two;"" "I,fc i"1"" "" i j,viion i mi.l h..l nmmut mui,.iit no ie iiirtuir, id cousniureil u iroou route , nmi Biiwuiaoii can iji t ri.'ii I and, it our information m norreel, will da if ttiev novor hiivo a H,l No. ".Mil. for tlie N W S Sm- S, I'p a N. H 37 K. Ho tiiouoH thn following witiuptso tl provu Uit coiitionoiis r,itt,'ii,'o upon, tuni eiiltivatioa of. : hhmI laml. VI: I.,., 1 I,., i j , .1.;,, , .u,, ai,;,, , i.,,, rotor Holiwun, loiei Mmtiwon, wiiiisin uortor land he h t.ikuu up was n tliinj hut Uml ,v, n.:,.m, t:miiu ,.., r. Hand an 1 rooks. Il Hiiulinirlvrt'pliod that ! A' iti wii...Uuv t.. irnwi awiiiwi the , . , . , i nllowiiiu-e of Hiu-h proof or who knowrtof any inli ne lial lived near the hull for some ! staniiul n, m,.l.-i iholawHiol inoroaulniiouB .....n; .,,,.1 l,,,rt.,, ..II ,,1.,.,,. .'I II, 1, ! of tho Interior IVi.aruuont. wliy wi prmif j ears, ami Knew nil nlioiit it. Ho do-, B,, , h iu,, iu i. iu..i an opportu. scribed tho cspni'setto, "It is a plant r 'oty at tho altovo nienlionoU nmo hiiI plaoe to , . , ' , I oro.-i-exaniiue tlio witne-s, of kiikI rlaimant. looks like clover, and tfrows about ami to oiler Hvulenro in robutml of that mibiuit- tetl hy elatlliaot. SfJ 17 , IlKNHV tllNKUAKr, ltKxUSTKR NO I'li K OF FINAL rrri.KMKST. FiilMSiilXf. GoodS SUITS. Groo ei-ies, CROCKURY, Wen and Wm Ware. ni !i:nv:i limn "s U3NJd3H '133MS Mfl Notions A m m u -nition AND j Stationery I.iiml lUlu'p at Iji (Irinulo. Or.. YA. 18. Vtt. Ntttit'tt it IhtoUj- Kivfti ttwit tin foll(tviu hiiuhhI Htttlor httt hUnl mt nf In intent urn to nutki'tiiirtl priHif in nupitort li ('Ihiiu, mut (hut tho miitl itvtiofwili Im miulo hcfin the county clerk of Mirnw ciiiily, Ht Ut'i'pncr ttn'U- i Mutch , tviil, viz: John Skoiflnud, P. S. Ntt. S'.W, for the 8 li N W riuI W H S W 4 MtH' i, 1 ) 4 M li 2t V. Vi M, j He imnu't tho fi'llowiurt witnosstm to vrovc hie i coutiummtt n!titlcuce liioli. Hint cultivtitutn uf wmi IhihI, viz: Jerry l'tiillipi. IHfayett PtMilantl, Johu John- " oti him! J. Hinic, nil of Hcpp"'ir. Ort'tion. ' Any (Mrwtn wliniwirtf to protect HtciiiiiHt tlic- . alKwimt, of Hiich proof, or who known of ai.y i-iilwliiniml reiinon. umler tin Inw nml the itnltt 1 tionn of the Interior Department, why Hiich pruof t-hotiUl not ht Hllowtni, will he tivn hu opprtn- tmy Mi in jioiive HiettinuiiMi nine hihi pi (tee to oroeM-examiiie. the witmwe if tutul elninmnt, aiut to oiler io,uh'tiee iu rbuttiU of tlmt tnilmmtel by cliunmnt. SvnMU. Hknry Ui nku art, lie:Utcr. rlM I U MIPPNEU T t r T-M-. -V 7 H7vTTy H PTT i . I y i- y a I I ) r 9 ! Opposite Hattc Stable, OP ( ; i - W T K ' i ( KS Kn'twnr H P- -i. -i. V. ppner, Or. NOTICE. V. 8. l.AN r Office, La (i HASPS. OHKtlON. MtircU tf, Conitilaint ImvinR boon ntml at this ortie ; hy TlioinHrtttweut HKHtinst KrHitu KtortMict for HtvtmtoiimK Ihh llouieeleit! entry No. iVW, ilatetl ; Noliee is hereby .riyei'that the I ir,S?..ll ." ,h V S. '' t having Hied their final neeounl a, ...huini.lralo I I" " el the Stoek lc..t tl t.-.' Welc, or Month Saddle Horses Buggies and Hacks To Hire at, Reasonable Rates. FAM Y GROCERY HAS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. HEPPNER. Opposite W. O. Minor's, on Mav Street, OREGON. rw ctHinty. Orttfon. with h view to tho mnoel- liitiitn ot (tnul entry; tne jnitii'tt nn horvby i MUtuiuoue! to HpptHir nt thin ullitV on tho VHh ((if of May, lssut ! Alton (Hi o'clork A. M., to tHtfpoml aiul furnish at the hour of nine o'cl ck A. M. of Mut testimony concet mnii hu1 Hlletftnl Iaiuionnietit. ! for her i. HpiM.mte! us l!ie lime H ut the court houtto ; Ami wutt iiitie are further uotititnl that tt. W Ut iltH-etiMHl, and Kriilwy tin ilay tf April, i ouniy court ot Morrow county, Ure- troii IS Aux oh- W rurht, a Notary for liromm, ha h"ii apMMtit"! tetneut to tttkf ttie tiwtnuony in tlte cao. m Inn otueo nt tin n-o. antl to t.lmw ctiu-e. if auv therv U. why Heppner, Morrow inmnty, Dttttoti, on May I, , , .,,, . . . ' . i' v ""I' ', hiuitiHl iroin iiiiint'r out) iu uie uiavter oi ute , iwuiTiiiiinni'inr win w umur- uj uittin. ruii uui mt ie Xene w nil ill mnni t, :m ir.iw in in iwt I in.l- too mn-l i B'tuimiMiHUou of aui ente. nui the wtme for fmr tHneeutie week in tho Condition. It a!o HCC.mim.MlHtes 111 U 1 ' . . ' mUeU K. P. tiAUHHil r. I Heppner liuritK weekly niwWr phlih- irrftfitflr nnivilwr of ap(tl.,r tlom M rtlwr ! mnlaiute KlUH ll. lUe Uottor uikI ilryer i 'l'pnr. . 41 o o n d.a I h " SPJ-n AauniUtttrtUoni. ( p-tin notice mm . I fl I ! Ill Sper r s New Roller Mills! HEPPNEH, - - OHJiGO. Capacity 70 Barrels J. B. SPERRV, Proprietor. : o : Flour from bcit Grades of Wheat, flour HITS t( t!C FIU)S1 till TRAINS.Iand Mill Feed. Is now for sale in quantities ITK, weekly newspaper ptihlish-1 . : " 1 .17T s'KV' bl J'ven.M to iy k.rt ot tho sty. Lve or U-ra at our ottu, in staoU. . pUrCnaSerS. Ml J,r o!;J"'liWl i AU Stock jnljbeir Cure Yi!lWiTUBetoIAttuUPU. i i