Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, March 21, 1889, Image 2

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In tbe last issue of the Arlington Times
J. W. Smith, a live business man of that
town, discusses the coBt and income of
n eleotrio light plant. The estimates,
if oorreot, speak for tbemsolves and
we publish the article for tbe benefit
of Heppner town, where it will
apply, in a measure, fully as well
as in Arlington:
In answer to tbe above question,! give
gome estimates from
been able to get.
data that I have
Vr.r nlmit readv for use, consisting of
two dynamos or generators of one hun
dred horse-power, guaranteed to deliver
at Arlington, over one nunarea norse
power for power purposes; and second,
one light generator of 30 lamps of 2,000
candle power aro lights each aud two
circuits of No. i insulated copper wire,
30 lamps of 2,000 candle power each and
a 200 horse-power turbine in place. All
of which will ost 831,000.
The expenses per year will be as fol-
Interest on plant, at 10 per cent $3,100 00
Trvn alontricMUnR l.NK) ('
War and tear of machinery, 2 per cent.. . OW (X)
Incidentals 800 (l
Total I5.SI0UO
So muoh for expenses. Now we have
over 100 horse power at Arlington one
year for say $5,200 or $1.10 per horse
power per week, or 18 cents jior horse
power per day, leaving the lights free,
or at the San Francisoo prices we have
80 aro lamps of 2,000 candle power eiich
at a rental of $4.00 per week, or $6,000
- ner vear. leaving power free; or counting
tion we have our oo-lights", tiuu "cTtfiarB
power, at half the San Francisco prioe.
and we have 100 horse-power at a cost of
9 cents per horse-power per day. Cer-
- taiuly a very low prioe for both power mid
lights. This is figuring only tor the day
time, but at a very small additional ex-
. pense, one half of this power can be used
all night and also the lamps. If we oau
use three or four or five hundred horse
power the cost will be much lower iu
proportion. Our water-works cost tu
run for engineer and fuel say $130 per
mouth. Upon these estimntrs it might
be run by eleotrioity for $40 or $50 per
month, or perhaps much less.
These estimates all are kigh as there is
a great use of copper and ne a ooppcr
trust has by their manipulation doubled
the prioe of the metal. This trust will
we hope soon be broken. This trans
mitted power, from its great convenience
iafety, and cheapness, will be used
eveutuully in nearly every house for nil
manner of purposes, and it will be a
great encouragement to every one pro
posing to embark iu any buisuoKs. 11
supplies the one want that our town has
felt standing iu the way of its progress.
'Vn al 1 .....1..... . .... . .
u duuw iju,y tmuMitir town w .one
citizens have fully investigated, look
upon this electrical transmission of
power; Ashland this winter ordered
plant to transmit power and for lighhi,
auuougu iiioy nuve a mill stream run
ning through the town easily imed, still
they find 't more advautageoun to con
vert the power into electrioily and and
carry it around the town by wire on ao
cotint of its great convenionee.
There is no question but that wo will
have this power at Arlington. It is in
the way of progress and must come.
It is a big thing that is hard yet to
appreointe at its value, being so new,
but it is now known to he purfuotly prac
ticable. We are to have it, and by a little
xtra exertion we may have the bunelits
(ifitBoou; greatly to the advantage of
the town and country around us. At
several places on John Bay, 14 to 10
miles away, we oau got with a short
canal a fall of 20 feet, which gives at low
water over two thousand horse power.
Our citizens through the oouuty favor
the floheme and several have signified
their willingness to take stock aud help
t out- Jamim W. aiarm.
Humor has it that an effort w'" ' r
the lower part of town. While not pro
longing to represent anyone except the
shop, yet we believe we voice fully three
fourths of Heppner's population when
thiB paper declares itself opposed lo any
such move. The town, under the direo
tion of Marshal Morgau, has already ex
pended oouBiderablo money on the
the old route, aud that is the way the
road should come iu to give old mer
chants and others who have had their
business places looated for years, a fair
and impartial show.
It must be remembered that our busi
ness men have given money from time to
time for the geueral good of the commu
nity. While the lower portion deserves
all reasonable consideration, the present
DusineBs portion oert airily lias the best
olaim for preference. The old route, by
way of the Cniiuiiighnme hill is the
natural thoroughfare, and much nearer
-road to town, and will uoed no more
work to put it in first-rate condition than
the proposed new road from Cuuning
hame Flat to the Loouey addition.
Of course this matter is left entirely
to the three commissioners, Messrs.
Frank Gilliam, E. U. Wporry and Try
Wilion, who will, no doubt, do what
they deem boat for the people; but in our
judgment, they will not find it best to
run a road three-fourths of a mile out of
the way between Cuuuiughame Flat and
Heppner town.
Emmett Cochran, accompanied by his
sister, Miss Annette Cochran, and Miss
Allen, of the North Fork, near Monu
ment, were in Heppner last week. Mr.
Cochrau was over to lay iu a spring sup
ply of goods, and whilo hero was inter
viewed by a Gazbtth reporter, to whom
he gave muoh valuable information con
cerning the seotion over the nines, with
which Morrow county is quite desirous
of becoming acquainted.
His part of the country is iu au un
usually prosperous oouditiou this spring.
Rains are making the grass grow, anil
spring and fall sowing are running right
pp into tons of hay for stock next winter.
Cattle and horses wintered well, though
ooming out a little poor; yet, the light
winter was iu their favor and made up
for lack of good range, caused by the
unusually dry season last year. The
loss was comparatively light. Some
cattle will be taken out of the country
this spring, Messrs. Jas. Wilson, Abe
Tharp and Lime Snick now being up in
the Snake river country inspecting the
range, where they will remove their
cattle if good graBs oau be found.
Dakota horsemen are buying young
mares, weighing not less than 1,100
pounds, of which the supply is muoh
greater than the demand. W inter sheep
range is no longer adequate for the num
ber of sheep in that secliou.
The average of Long Creek people and
adjaoent seotions are gettmg along well
in the world. In fact, it is known far
and near as quite a prosperous stock
oountry, and in some Beolions, there is
considerable mining. On the Middle
lork, the mines are opening up this
spring with good prcepeotB.
Being asked in regard to Heppner as
fut"ra trhng point for all that ooun
try, Mr. Cochran gave us to understand
that low pnoes would oatoh the trade,
being so much nearer than Arlington.
Ihere is a general sentiment existing iu
favor of aohange to Heppner.
"It Fell's bill, taking in fifteen town
ships into Morrow from Grant had be
come a law, it would have pleased a
majority of settlers residing in that ter
ritory," remarked Mr. Cochran iueourse
of the conversation, "hut now that Har
Bey county has been formed out of part
of Grant, it will be much more dillioult
to seoure those townships for Morrow.''
Considerable siokness prevails over
there, caused largely by the dry season
last year.
A Visit to and Description of the Extensive
W holesale and Retail Heppner Store
of Cotllu & HrFarland.
Owing to the fact that Heppner has a
railroad, plafing it 35 or 40 miles nearer
to a large trade across the Blues, Collin
& McFarland have put in a store at this
place not second even to their old store
at Arlington. This advantage can readi
ly be understood, and their old custom
ers will not be slow in taking advantage
of this goldeu opportunity to save much
time, which is money to them, by trans
ferring their trade from Arlington to this
large Heppner store. To the inhabitants
of a large and prosperous section, many
of whom have hitherto given their trade
to Pendleton and Canyon City merchants,
this enterprising firm offers
Having a largo and well-selected stock,
and at prices unprecedented in the bis
torv of merchandising iu Heppner.
This firm for years have carried an im
mense stock at" their Arlington store, in
addition to an equally large establish
ment at The Dalles.
At the invitation of Mr. Frank McFar-
land, manager of the Heppner store, a
Gazette reporter was permitted on last
Tuesday to look through their dilferent
departments. In days past, this pencil
sharp had some experience in various
lines which are represented iu
this store, but still it is only possiole for
him to give the readers of the Gazktte
a faint idea of v, hat is contained in their
stock of goods.
Their store is located on Main street,
in the building formerly occupied by J.
M. 1 lauer. Iu the front room, two
counters fairly groaned beneath a
Of boys' and men's hats. Two long
r.iint-rft worn tiliu.1 with men's yoirths'
and boy's cloth!!? bnt from inspection,
it was plain tA,ieir st(J( this was only f
inir 'y wjjaHO both sides and the end
of the room, wTvll-nlled shelves revealed
line dress goods, muslins, calicoes, etc.,
etc., groceries, shell-hardware, notions
cutlery and all the different necessities
w hich were placed in departments. Case
after case of these lines and hundreds of
others were being opened to be imt away
somen Hero lor (jollin ot Mciarland s
store was already
And we were informed that only a part
of their stock was here. A fine line of
carpets, just in, were noticed. The shoe
department is a shoe-store of iiself. Ele
gant lines are a specially of this linn, as
well as the more substantial hoots and
siloes. To fully appreciate this assort
ment, it would require close inspection
of goods, but the reporior gave the de
partment fiullicient at tci'tinn to warrant
the assertion that customers CMinot t'-ul
to bo pleased w ith Collin & McFttrland's
Htock of shoes.
After leaving Ihe salesroom, of which
there has been given only u brief descrip
tion, the reporter was eoudiiuied into the
large ware-room. Such an array of
goods! He hardly know whereto com
mence. There was tobacco by the ton,
teas, codecs, groceries, lino dried fruit,
soap, in like quanlilies, etc, no end to
goods. Harness, a tine line of the cele
brated San Jose saddles, ladies side-saddles
with quilted culf-skin scuts and three
horns. There was "chaps," silver mounted
spurs mid bits, quirts, line raw-hi do reins,
and all the little odds and ends of a cow
boys paraphernalia. There were trunks
for (lie tourist, the slay-at -homo-soul, ev
erybody iu fact. Here we struck another
invoice of tobacoo, just in ; and Mr. Mo
Farland stated that he handled (he Lig
gett & Myers "Star" anil "Sledge," direct
from their St. Louis factory, and also
Pace's tobaccos, from Viiginia, direct.
In one Coiner was piled up 20,000 of
sugar. This was purchased at a very low
figure, and customers will
Of a good bargain. Tbe sporting frater
nity aro not neglected by this linn. There
was small and large ball bats, base balls,
etc. A line lino of wall paper and house
furnishings met the gaze of a bewildered
member of the roporlorial fraternity us
he proceeded to tho linn's sheds in the
rear of (ho building. Ho had already
inspected an
And was prepared for anything.
There were road-scrapers toiuX afljl
openoTl, piles of alfalfa anj timothy seed,
nails and heavy hardware, for which
they had no room in their largo ware
house and salesroom. The liurgau &
Hall sheep shears were there, and every
shearer knows w hat their brand of B. It.
A. & II A's aro. There was also the liur
gau & Ball "Keen Kutter,"u Hue, highly
polished shear, which is likelv to become
a favorite with our "hundred-strikers."
Paints, oils and glass for the enterprising
builders, 30,01)0 pounds of salt lor the
sheepmen, tinware for the housewife, and
kettles and the like for the herder w ere
Awaiting removal to the dill'erent do
partmonts. Blacksmiths' coal for the
knight of Ihe hammer, is something thai
Colliu & Mcr'ai'luud always keep in
stock, in addition lo tho large stock of
doors and windows, they have now on
hand 1'Jo, 0(10 of the best cedar shingles.
In another shed were found the Canton,
Clipper and Prairie Chief plows iu both
turf and stubble style.
They also deal in the celebrated Mitch
ell wagons everyone knows what sort
of a wagon the Mitchell is.
A lot of plow singletrees, nock-yokes,
shovels and spades, tons of beans the
Were noticed by the reporter, and then
ho was oonduclod to the cellar. There
was syrup in kegs, cans and eases,
pickles in kegs, honoy in cases, lard,
hams and bacon, and sonic very line Log
Cabin maple syrup. Of syrups alone,
there was half a car-load think of itl
in connection with their Arlington
store, they are able to take oar-loads of
goods between them, mid buying in tho
East at the first market, it enables them
to compete with Portland bouses in n
wholesale trade. Collin A McFarland
have always catered to lirst-class trade,
and Ihe general appearance of goods in
their Heppner store would indicate that
there would be it continuation of patron
age of that sort. Fine goods, just prices,
courteous treatment to customers, and
extensive vfso of printer's ink is what
catches tho
And this is Ihe plan pursued by Messrs.
Collin A McFarland. They are opening
up for a olass of trade that has never
come to Heppner before. Thispalronage
will come irom lex alley, Long Ureek,
Hamilton, Monument, Canyon City,
Camp Watson, llavstaek and much of
the Light Ahlo and llardinan country,
which has hitherto gone to Arlington.
Such a linn has a tendency to draw trade
Irom people who have been going to
Pendleton and linker City, and will
eventually benefit every business man
and inhabitant of the tow n.
Collin A Mcc'iirhmd will pav at all
times the highest possible prices for nro-
duco. During the wool aud wheal
season they will purchase large quantities
of those products of
Mr. Arthur Collin w ill manage the Ar
lington store and Mr. Frank McFarhind
will superintend, in person, the Heppner
establishment, thereby insuring fair
treatment and careful attention to customers.
l'ltOCJKESS. I To Consumptives. The undersignq
. 1 having been restored to health by sil,
It is very important in this age i pe means, after suffering for seven
of vast material progress that a reme-1 years with a severe lung affections anS
Arlington, Or,
fkank McFarland,
itv he nlensine to the taste aud to
tlie eve, easily taken, acceptable to tbe
stomach and healthy in its nature and
effects. Possessing these qualities. Syr
up of Figs is the one perfect laxative
and most gentle diuretic known.
Jon Piunttki!.- Having secured the
services of Mr. Vawter Crawford, a first
olass jot) as well as news printer, tbe
Gazi:tte is prepared to do better job work
than ever before, and at Pendleton pri
ces. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Land Ofilw lit Tim Dallas. Or., Vnrch IS, '89.
Notice if. hf-reb. nlvnx I tint I tic followinK-mimed
settler luis fili'd notice of hi intention to imike
final proof in Ktipportof hiw claim, and that said
proof will lw made .fore tlie county clerk of
Jlonow county, Or. at Jleppner. Or., on May
4, l!-b'.l, viz:
Oscar Si'.hafe.r,
I) S. No. B3, for tlieSW M KW i Sec n; NW H
NW U Kec H; N V, SB Heo 7, Tp 4 H B Si K.
HeiiRines Hie. foLlowiltK witnesKeH to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
Frank Gilliam, J. O. Williamson and Henry
fcJeherziuKer, Heppner; W. H. (ulliam. Hardinan.
Anv oerKoii whodeaires ti, orotest HKilinst the
allowance of tuch proof, or who known of any
substantial reason, under the law and the resolu
tions of the Interior Department, why such proof
Bhould not. he allowed, will he uiven an opportu
ne v at the above mentioned tune and place to
...Auitnniinn the witnesses of Haid claimant.
mid to otter evidence in rebuttal of that submit
ted by claimant.
SKi 318. F. A. McDonald, itei8tor
that dread disease, consumption, is an
ious to make known tu his fellow Buffet
ers the means of care. To those wt
desire it, he will cheerfully send (free
charge) a copy of the prescription usei
wnich they will Una a sure cure ior ooi , . , rr;vp,l ;n
sumption, asthma, catarrh, brouchit,11 lnst armetl
and all throat and lung maladies. Il l
hopes all sufferers will try his remedvf
as it is invaluable. Those desinnt tfiel
.K;ni. ,ll nt 41. am
C3UI IJ'liUU, OlllliU "111 lUDUl
ing. and may prove ablessing, will i
address. Kev. ISdwabd A. Wilson,
(iamsburg, Kings couuty, New Yor.
$10 Reward. For one black, bid
colt, 3 years old. Branded T. J. B.
neoted on left shoulder. The revfrd
will be paid on delivery at Jones' lifry
Coffin & McFarland
stand of Jas.
Heppner and are ready for business at the old
M. Hager.
, DEA1.FHH IN. .
President. Cask
LandOttico nt. Ln Grande, Or., Fb. 13, '89.
Notion is hffrnby Ktven that thf following,
nanipd Knttlwr hiifi filwi notice 'itie intention to
ntitko hiui) proof ih nunport o Inn wiim and that
niiid proof will ho nifulu lforetho coi.nty clerk
of Morrow county, Or., ( iit-pimer, OreKn, on
March an, vizi j
Will J. Tfurnhh,
I. H. 5021, for the N W fi BnC 12, Tp 1 N, It 28 E
HunfunMB tho following, witness ?" prove
hiH continuous reniimi(;e upu, ,uiu cultivation
of, eiiid hind, viz:
Frank Hack, Kcho; J. Tldtlmwny, Vinson; C. J.
Frukor find 0. J). MurHh, l'midleron, Orison.
Any pi'i-Non wlio df-aii-ni to prof,nnf, HKitinwt tlie
allowance of nucli proof, or who known of any
HiihHliintmi rt'itmin, undur the litw and the ntulji
liofiH of tlie Interior Di-jntrtmont, whysrch proof
nhould not h allowed, will ho tfiven an oppor
tunity al 1,1 1 w ahovn mentioned time and place to
croHH-oxamine tlie wilnnHHcnof wt id claimant, and
to offer evidence in reuuf till of th;it Huhrititted by
clai immf .
8('ff-:!14 Hknky IUnehaht, Iterator
Land ( MHce at Laf i rando, Or,, March H, 'flft.
Notice ih hereby uiven Unit, tiie following
nit Tried Hetiler him filed notice of bin intention to
make final proof m Kiippori of Ihh claim, and
that Haid proof will he ntade before the county
clerk of MorroW count v. Or . at Hummer. Dr.
on May 2, viz:
Ma n aid Ma ra n de t
Da No. 7trlt for tho & Bc
W, Tp 1 N, 1( an K.
lleniuneHthefollowintf wilnrnspp to nrove his
coiitiniKHjrj rcHidcntic upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
Iven A. I'oteet, Baxter Lanhead, ,Tamen B.
Poteolainl JoBeph Bwartz, all of Kcho, Oregon.
Anv nernon who diHi ri-H I n unit mm juruinut Mm
allowance of hucIi proof, or who knows of any
Htibntant ial reanon, under the law and the rMmilu-
tloiiH of Ihe Inferior Del mrf merit, wliv audi oroof
should not be allowed, will be iven an opportu
nity at the ubove-meiifioned tinm and place to
crown-examine the wil neHneH of mud claimant and
to oiler evidence in rebuttal of that ttubmittod
by claimant.
:tr-17 IIknuv Iti nkhaiit, Register
Land Oilico at Iiii Orande, Or., March S, '89.
Noliceis herebv iriven that the followim-
named Hot tier Iihh filed notice of hiH intention to
make final proof in Hiipport of Imh claim, and
that naid proof will be made before the county
clerk of Morrow conn I v. nt Ifcmmnr. ( li
on April a), 1HMH, viz:
tvorye T. Clem,
Dh. No. IMIKI. for tht W H, H W M K K V H W U
Hoc 28, and N '4 N W '4 Sec 8. Tp B, It '28 K.
lie tiunii'H the following witniiHHeH to orovehiH
continuoiiH residence upon and cultivation of,
Haul Jaml, viz:
l ThompHon, John Hrown, John Daly and
Martin Bitnenko, all of Heppner, Oregon,
Any peiHon who dewing to prolest agairiHt the
allowance of Mich proof, or who known of any
Hiiimtiinl ial roanon, under I lie law and the regula
UoiiHof Ihe Inferior Depail meiit, why Mich proof
Hliould not beallowed. will he given an opportu
nity af the above-mentioned time ami place to
eroHH-examine the wiimwionof naid claimant and
to oiler evidence in rebu Mul of (hut submit ted by
lil'2-17. HiiNiiY Hineiiakt, liegiHter.
We roirat to Rimounoe tbe (loath, on
Thursday of this weok, of MrR. Mary
Aim Musou. Mrs. Alanoii wuh born in I.u-
bIuih! nonrly Bixty-tive years no. She
ofime to the Uuited Htutos with her pur-
unti wlieu she was ninoteen years of ae
nnd was marripii to (knirge li. Mohou
in the town of Kola, I'olk county,' this
state, on the lOtu day of march, 1870.
She and her husband camo to Crook
conuty nearly two y wirn ao, licensed
was a member of the Methodist ohuroh,
and was a consistent Christait., The in
terment took place yesterday in the
Priueville Kraveyad.i'iui't'tV' AVtrs.
Mrs. Mason is the mother of Mrs. E. M.
Koontz, of this place.
Every painter and earpvnter in Hepp
ner is buwy.
Land Ollicenl haCiramle, Or., March H, 'HSl.
Not ice ih lierobv gi vnn fhal t he following named
setller lutH tiled noiiee of bin intention to
miiku iiuinl...- -tjJwvr.M.i-niii iru iinlue nerfife
the clerk of Morrow county, Or,, at Heppner,
Or., ou April '20, iKHit, viz:
Oliver P. M. Simcokc,
IIh. No. 7iH8, for tlie K i N li H K !i B Ji! !i Hoc
2l,TiH. 1128 K.
Ho nameHtheroIlowing wituesHimto prove hia
cinifimioiiH reniiience upon, a:;d cultivation of,
Haid bind, vi,:
.1. W. Daly. A, .1. lein, John Kennoy and
ProHH ('rcHHweli, all of llepinier, ( regini.
Any pei'Hon who denireH to proleHt againut tho
al lowttno ol Hiu h proof, or who known-of any
HiiliHiati ial reason under Ihe lav and lieregula.
titiiiH of ihe Interior I )epnrl nient, why mich
proof Nhould not be allowed, will be given an ope
port unity at I he ahove item l oiieil time iinti plact
to crown-examine (he witiiHHHen of naid claiiuau
and to idler evidence in rebuttal of that tu bin it
ted by claimant.
at'2-17 HliNUV HlNlMAHT, ItoglHtor.
Made on Favorable Terms.
Opposite Minor's Hotel,
V. B. Land Office, Lafirande. Or., Feb. IB,
fVtinnlaint bavinif been entered at thin one
W;ii;rt. It 'I'IMuhI nmiinut .fauna I to i-nr. I (In
failure tocomply with law as to timber-cul
entry no. ivs, aaton juiy io, upon me
HK Vi and S lA BW H section 1"2, township.
ranue'27K, in Morrow county, Oregon, witu
viw to the cancellation of.aid entry, content
nlfunu that Hitid Jihsh HevnoIdH has failed
comply with the timber-culture law in this; tl1
he failed to break or cauHo to be broken ten acr
on said tract within tfr yoarn attnr hw tiinhi
culture entry of Haid tract; that he has nelec!
and wholly failed to break or cause to be hi
ken the five acres required the Hecondyear and )
who'ly failed to cultivate, plant or grow fii
acres or anv number of aercn to trees. trfW-Heed
cuttings, or otherwise, or at all. The said partial
are nerety summoned to appear at tins othce (
the th day of April 1H8, nt 10 o'clock A. M. 1
respond and furnish testimony concerning aa:
allebred failure. And said nartipHure fur) tier ti
tilled that 0. L. Andrews, county clerk of Morro
cnuuy, uretfon nas oeen appointed to take ttj
timony in tho case at his office in H ionner. Mo
row county, Oregon, on April 2, IHH9, at 10 o'cloe
A. m. nervico or this notice will be made
publishing the same for four conscutive weeM
in hd jieppner uazetre, a weeKJy newsi-attO
published at Heppuer, Morrow county Oregon
anu uy ttoHting nonces as m u, n. mint cases.
8I0-I J. T. OUTHOUSE, Jteceivc
, t Are purchased from the largest, finest and best markets in tue unueu
We cordially invite an early inspection
Latent styles Dress Goods, Trimmings and Fancy Cxo8ds soon to arrive.
Handsomest line of Gents' and Youths' Fine Clothing ever .flown ,n Morrow . ,
Until .yon examine our elegant assortment.
Cow-Boy S3Lofcs,
Also, Lenther Collars and Cuffs, with Fronts to match. Something new.
If yon need a genuine
Silver-mounted Bits and Spurs or a set of team harness, come to our store.
Hanlwaie. Yirnvare, Copperware, Granite
ware, Pumps, Gaspipc, Nails, and Black
smiths' Supplies.
ewton Wagons,
JStjimlf li-tl Alowc3rs fe Reapers
The Celcljrated "Pcifcct
Baker Barb Wire
N O T I V, K---TJ M U E R C V LT 1 1 J E.
U. H, Iifind Offiee. Tim DiilIeH. Or. Poh 9 'ko.
Cortipliiint liavinK been enlt'red at tliinofliee h
Oeorire H, ('rime HKfiiriHt Fmnk (lonk fir fiiilurf
ui comply wtm itiw tin to fimher-eulture enlr
No. 2I4-, tJateil jVLtirch 4, HHt upon tlie Northwi
fjuiirier of weeljon 4, townntiip 1 north, mne a
eiiHi, in ftlorrow comity, Oregon, with a view ti'
the CHiirolliition of mid entry; cnnteHtmit itdl
If'KirtK tlntt wiiid Frank Cook hud a erop of wheal
Ki-owii.tf the third year on the iirnt live aerr'H brri
itnii, uhjh enoKin out. wnut noe(in mifjht havi
henn planted, if any: that htt rievnr i.lnritr.,1 n.,
reijuiHile iiuinher of trees, Mm rows hieing iS2 fee!
Hjmn; una ne nan nerer Kiven the Kfomid pnn.
er attention and eare; that for two years he ha
not i ii vii mi i. no a ro inn uriri i k. t.rmu am .T,,..,m
ly dead; and failnreH utill exiflt, the naid partierf
niuiii imj niinitiioiuu u uppnar hi luis oince
i.ne (lay or April, imhh, at 1 o elock P. M, tt
rKHpond and furniHh tentimony Cfliiuernina Haiti
allied fad li ro. Ihe eonnty eWk of MorroJ
counly in autliurized to lake testimony in thii3
cane at Heppner, Oregon, on April 2 1HH9, at lu
o uioin v. iu. r , a. rtfcttUIN Aid), i
811-1 Register.
The Celebrated Mitchefr Wagons, Plows, and
Vj.i'iotilt nrfil I in 11 tv nit? nt !s.
A Cur-Load of the Celebrated
On the way.
m mw, wm, doobs m wisdows,
Crockery and Glasssware,
Guns, Pistols and Ammunition,
In fact our aim will he to carry in stock
Everything in k feral Merchandising
All to be sold very low.
LmidOIHoeatTheDitlleH Or. . Mnmh l eo
NfrtilH) jMheruhv If i VOU (, hut I IiH folliiwinirTiQr.."..H
settlor haw iiied notieo of hin in ten tion to make
unai prooi in Hiipporr, ot iuh elami, and tliat said
proof wid bo made before tho county clerk of
Morrow comity. Oreuron. at Ifnormr Oi-oinn nr,
Francis S. Pedigo,
I 8 tiTH'J, for the H HE H flw, 1. and NW H NK
k und NK H WW h hoc. la, 1 i li H, U SJ5 Jfi, W.
llo namt'H the following witnesneH to tirovo hin
contiiinouH roHtdenue upon, antl cultivation of
naid land, viz:
Henj. ijeiiellniK. L. W. (die, nan, (loo W. Chft-
pin anu vm. i inuei imfr, all ol Jiardman, Or.
Any peiHon who (li'fjtrtiH to protest fiKiiinnt the
allowancH of Hueh proof, or wlio knoww of any
NiiliHtanl ial reamtn, under Ihe law and the retiu-
lui.ioiin ui mw iiuurnn- uttparLineni, wny HUen
pro(f nIioiiIiI not he allowed, will be triven an
opportunity at the above mentioned time and
l ilucn to oroHH-examirto thn witnoMwuu fif uuirl
claimant, and to olTer evidence in robuttalof
that submitted by claimant.
811-lfl F. A. McDonald. Ileihtr.
I,and Mien at La 0 ramh.'Or., March 7, 'W.
Notice iw hereby ivin tliat the followtHK
named Hettlcr linn Itltnl notice of inttntion to
make final proof iu Hiipport of lti claim, aud
that naid proof will lininade beftire the county
jiidtro of Morrow county, Or., or in Iuh abrieneo
licfore thn clerk of naid county, at Heppner, Or,
ou Aprils, 18SH, viz.
William Bremer,
IU No.2MM. for (he N W V bee 8, Tp 2 N, li'F,,
lfe namentlie followiiiK wit m'Huen to prove hin
coiitiniioiiH residence upon, aud cuUivafion of,
tmid land, viz:
1'etnr Hchwab, Tohn SniitliHoii, William Rector
anil 1j. I'lveiiH, all of lllcho, Umatilla county, Or.
Any perhoii who deirei to pro! nut imaiimt tho
Allowance of mieh proof or who known of any sub
nt ant ial ntiHon, utuler 1 lie law and t lie remilat imin
of t he Interior I eoart meuU why mich proof
(mould not he allowed, will be Ktven an opportu
nity at the above mentioned time and place to
croHH-exainino the wituonnen of naid claimant,
and to otter evidence in robultal of that submit
ted by claimant.
IjA (JUANltB. OUKUclfr
March U, tt,
Complaint havinn bien entered at thin office
by ThomiiM OwiMih auainnt Krastitt Klorence for
alaniloniiiK Iuh liomenlead eutrv No. 'jrillll, dated
October I lsS, upon the W HW V4 Hee. 7, and
N 4 NW Nee. 18, towutthip !t H, it 'JM K, in Mor
row county, Ort'Hun, with a view to the cancel
lation of naid entry; the naid parties aro hereby
tminmoiifd to appear at thin othce ou the
loth rlan. of May, tss;t,
Al ton (10) o'clock A. M., tt rcHpoud and furniMh
tent imoiiY cont't'i ninjj naid alleged abandonment.
And naid parties are further notified that U. W.
Wriht, a Notary for Oivpm, ban been apit)ittted
to take the Instimouy in the cane, in Ins otUce at
Heppner, Morrow county, Ocokou, on May 1,
l.Hsn,.Ht ten tltn o'clock A M.
Service tif thin notice will be made by pnblinh
iim tbe name I'm four consecutive week in tho
lleiinner tJ zkitk. a weekly newnimner mihlinh-
tui at lloppnor, Morrow county, Oregon, untl by
poMtniK notict tin in U. M. unai eases,
ai'i-l J. T. OirraousK, Receiver.
I'llOTOCIlAril (UUffl
Is 1'ermanently Located At Heppner,
Opposite ' azotto Shop,
4 Anil is Doing Kino And
- It t'an't Re Heat Anywhere
New Stock I New
New Everything!
Pore llliies
anil" liiprs!
Ijand Office nt Tho Dalles, Or., March 4, '89.
Notice in hereby given that the following
named nettler has tiled notice i f Ida intention to
make tinal proof in Hiipport of his claim, and
that naid proof will be made before the judge of
Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on
April &t. IHB'.t, viz:
Pascal E. Hamilton,
Hd. 10KM, for the W Vt NK M and W V UK Hee.
t l, Tp'H. U j5K, W. M.
Ho namoH the following witnesses to prove
liin continuous ronidonce ution, and cultiva
tion of, naid land, viz:
Tho.. ins liuib'dgo, W. M. listen, tf Lexington,
Or.: .John Melut iro, ('has. J and, of Heppner, Or.
Anv nernon who deHirefl to nrotent. ntriiinnt, the
allowance of mich pronf, or wlio knowa of nuy
niionfantial reanon, unrler Ihe law and the rcgula
tionn of the Interior Department, why such proof
Hhould not be allowed will be given an oppor
tunity at tho above mentioned tune and place
to cross-examine the witnensew of naid claimant,
and to otter evidence in rebuttal of that submit
ted hyclnimant.
rtrU7 jr. A. McDonald, Hoginter.
rates have been reduced one-third,
1 11 1
and you can .depend upon being sup
plied in competition with any other
town in Eastern Oregon.
Money advanced on wool for Christy &Wise.
Highest cash price paid for sheep pelts.
Our firm has the reputation of keeping first
class goods of every description.
A large assortment of Crockery, Glassware,
Lamps, Fancy Goods, Ltc.
Are constantly receiving now invoices, which cash can take away at"
the lowest 'prices. Job-work executed in a skillful manner.
-Snoopsaor to Minor, DoJaon & Co.-
i mm,
If Von Want
Oentsss iTiniitiiliiiag: Goods,
Caps, Boots, 2 Shoes,
jtion Cutlery,
Or auj -thiug uau.iliv kcyt. in iirat-clusi store, cull on
10.J. sLocTJivi&co.,
l'emomber the firm
Coffin RirF"rIanri,
Hepr)ner and A
1 X
Kt Jo .r to li.'cmr & 'I'iio.npson's hardware stare, Soppner, Oregon.
A Fresh Stock of
Coiifltautly 011 baiid.
us rudu mi ui mm.
A Choice Lmo nf
lM)Aii.rS 1 .s..lt XiVLfOKTliJU (JiGrAUS,
And many other articles too numerous to mention.
; ;: jA HORSE Z J;
will travel well wlien shod by
General Blacksmiths & IPariers.
LtiwlOliiuo t Tlio DuIIbh, Or., Miin-h 4. 18SU.
Notice in licrcihy KivtMi Hint fliu followinff
nanioit Hottlnr Ikih lilnd nutiis of his intetitiuu
to nuiko tiitnl prouf in ritippurt nf Iuh claim, and
that Haid pruof will In uiado bofure tlu jmlKe
if Morrow comity, Or., at Heppner, Or,, on
April 28, lhHll, viz:
James P. familton,
Hd. 11W7, for ilio NW H Boc. 14, Tp 2 8, K 25 E,
W. M.
Ho liiiini'H tho following witnttrtnoB (o prove
hia oontimiouH rt'sidenue npuu,and oultivHtiun
of, Haid laud, viz:
TlionuiN HuiIimIko, W. M. KhIch. of fiexiiiKton,
Or.; John Mclntiro, I'lias. Lind, of Heppner. Or
Any fUMnoii who demroH to prottwt againut
tho allowance of siwh tirnof. or who knows of
any tmtiBtmitiat ronton, niidtr the law and. tlie
1'Otfulutionn of tho Interior Dopartinont, why
BiU'h proof whonlii not be allowed, will be wivon
an opportunity at the ahovt mentioned time and
plare to oronH-oxamint'i tlie witneHsew of suid
i'laimant, and to otter ovideneo iu rebuttal of
that wnbmittod by claimant.
HLl-lt) V. A. MuDoNALD.Reuistor.
T,and OIHoo at Tlie Dalles. Or., Feb IS. '81).
Notice i hereby aiven that t he followinir-named
aettlor Iihh tiled notieoof hitu intention to make
tinal proof in support tif his chum, and that ttaul
proof will b nuido before the county jude of
Mitrrow county, Ogii.ttt Heppner, Or., ou April
12, UHt, viz:
O. 1, Robinson,
Md I22. fur theBW 8m. H. Tp S 8, H28K, W.
lie nameti the. followiuK witinNHe to prove
his continuous residence noon, uml cultivation
of. said land, viz:
J, V. M. b'anviis W. tl. Furrons. M.S. Maxwll
of tioorielierry. Or,, and t. H. Hendrickn. of
llardinan. Or,
Any iii'l-sou who desiifs to orntest. nirtiinst tl..
allowaiit'o of such proof, or who knows of Rny
sulmtantial reiiHon. under thelnw and tin regula
tions of tlie Interior OepHrtment, why such proof
should not be allowed, will be iven an oppoitn-
imj iium-mnmi uieiuuuu'u nine HUll place U
uroNM-exmnine the witnesses at said cbiinmnt
ami to otter evidence in rebuttal of tliat submit-
leu oy cmimani,,
3t(r-i5 F. A. Mo Donald. Resistor.
; 0
Matlock Corner, 3VCvi ;x Street, Iloiipiior, Or.
NELSON JONES, l'res't.
Mil .
E. K. BISHOP, Trcns.
fSmf 1-TIjnYS
HEPPNEIt, ( Incorporated.) OREGON.
This oompnny will make onl ailvunoes upon the wool clip for 1889.
Consignors nin.v linva their wool sold muier onlor nt Heppner, or by their direction
have it shipped to Portland, San Franoisoo, Boston, Mass., orHarlford, Conn.,
where the company have arranged for storage aud sale.
aireei, nearly Uppomte Minor, Dodson &
Manufacturers of and Dealers iu
Co.'h Store,
Also For Sale
Cheap For Cash.
May Street, Heppner. j
ii! N is M - s. n
a y n I O oiio r j i l v:.-.:....;-.-.-;.-.v:;.;
o od S
Also Take Order;
Irfind Otrietat La tlrande. Or.. Feb, 18, '89.
Noiiee in hereby iriven that tho fnH.iwii.u
nainiHt settler has tiUni notioe n( his intention to
niaRehimi prtair m sniinort or his claim, hiui
that tho Haiti proof will be nmile before the
county clerk of Morrow comity, Ht lltipmr
i)rtw'". n Maroh , 1HM, viz:
Jtmn SKoqtnnd,
X). ft. No. S2W, for the ft s N W W and V ft W
HeoTl'i. 4ft It 27 K VV M.
to nanu's the following witnesses to prov his
continuous nidenoe upon, aud cultivation of.
wud Inml, via:
Jerry I'hiUips, ljifayetto Penland, John John
son and J. Strile, nil of iltnni",i'. 'it'ou.
Any person who desirns lo nnUiwt unimat tha
allownnce of such proof , ir who knows of any
Mibstnutial rtvison, muter tho law and the regula
tions of the Interior tVimrtnimit. wliv mn-h nmnf
(.lumhl not he allowed, will be given an onporta-
im; miiifmnnn im-iiimutM U1U HIUI piHCC to
i-rss-exaiuine the witnessts of said clainmnt, ami
to otter evidence iu rebuttal of that submitted
by claimant,
HtW-3U. Hkmit Kinuiaht, UoKister.
'Oil i' sn
rlT I I;: I I I0PPN 'bZ'll
i 1 r
Hunsaker & Long,
Opposite Natter s Brewery, Heppner, Or.
Notion s
Groo eries,
A mmu -
wooden anil Willow lfe
-MNddlH '133H1S kVij
3.. olinston's
Opposite W. O. Minor's, on May Street,
And the llest
Arc always kept in ttock at Uio
OplwM&ite H. Plaokman A Oo.'s Store, onrtwus
trMituieiit to all. (.'omw and saui aud
In oouTUiceU,
Notief is hereby riTe;t that thi nndemiij'nn.1
having tiUni their nual account as administrators
of tho j
iLsliue of James L, Fuller
deoewatni. and Friday the 5th day of April.
l.vy, thesami Inuug an nljonrtuvl day of a regular i
term of the t'ounty tsmrt of Morrow county, Ore- i
Son, at the hour of nine tV) o'cl ck A. M. of ttnid 1
hv is appointed as ttt time and the court house
in lieppuor, Oregon, as the place for hearing ob- j
jections io snui u..i nmmni na setttement
thereof, and to show cause, if any there be, why
an order he not made discharging the under
signed from further duty in tho matter of the
administration of said estate.
ft. P.GAimiGUKS.
W.K. FLUft.
n , , ,M Administrator.
PttUjd, March 9, im.
Stoolt HotirikHl l tlie iJtiy, Week, oi JVIoiitl-i.
.Saddle Horses, Buggies and Hacks
To Hire at Reasonable Rates.
Hay and pamfbr slsai reauaaUe prices.
M$US to & FlToM all TKAlNS.
Oooda dolivert'J to any part of tho city. Leave orders at our otlW, in stable.
AU Stock Left in Their Care Will Receive the Best of Attention.
Sperry s New
Capacity 70
Roller Mills!
J. B. SPERRV, Proprietor.
Flour from I
and Mill Feed.
to suit purchasers.
e6t Grades of Wheat, flour
Is now for sale in quantities