mil FOR 188). Madam' See what 15 rents will U! It will hrinj; yon a sample ropy of (lo DEY's Lady's Hook, which will tell you how to pet the neal-nkin sn'tiie, the Bilk dress, the gold w atch and cottage organ and other valuables without a dollar. YOU CANNOT GET A BETTER Two dollars worth of magazine than by subscribing for ''Oodey," the best family magazine in America. , . , , , For 1889 it will contain: Fashions in colors, I'ashams in black and while; lutes! from Euroie. Original novelties in needle work and embroidery. Latest and most popular music, l'hms for the house you are tfiiinir to build. Directions for decorating your home. Cookery and household help, by Mrs. Charles Hope, teacher in several fashionable New York academics, and selected by the Hoard ol Education for the New York Public Schools. Literary enrichments by Nelly HIV who Jt herself larked V in an insane asylum lo find onl how they freate'd the insane, Ella Rodman Church, Emily Lennox, Olivia Lovcll Wilson, Mrs. Hiesfmid, Ediar Fuwcetl, Ikiviii Lmrry, etc. EVERY LADY 11 Eli OWN DRESSMAKER Who subscribes to Ciodev's Lady's Book. The coupon which yon will find in each number will entitle you to your selection of any cut paper pattern illustrated iu Godey's Lady's Book. Your lo-cent sample copy will coulaiu one of these cou pons. The pattern shows you how to cut the garment you want. Send l.i cents for sample, which will be allowed on your subscription when received. This is all we can sav in this space. For the rest see vour F.miple coj.y, fur which scud Lie. atonc.e. " Address "GODKY'S LADY'S BOOK," Philadelphia, 'u. In club with this paper, UODEY'S and the 1 1 Kl'PN F.K ( i AZl'.TTK, per year 3..j0 which should be sent to the office of this paper. The cash must accompany order. Only aubsernmrs, or old svbscrdicrs who renew, will be allowed to take advantage of this offer: (iodey's w ill not he (.cut to any address for less than lf2.()J, cash, except as above stated. iLJi iMm.MWiMH iMilwi whim in mi i in mil i i ii win ii Man aaate itanusmjoajviMi auaav4-. XJQottii Heppner City Brewery, Having purclmeed tho latest Brewing AppaKitus inid utensils, I am enabled with my cold Koft-Wnter spring, my deep, cool stone cellur mul the fresli, pure atmosphere of tlio Heppnor Hills, to offer my customers a SUPERIOR QUALITY OF BEER ! At reasonable wholesale and retail rates. Lunohcs of all Kinds AND TJIFi : Best Brands of Cigars. Parties in tho country must return empty kegs, or 0 apieeo will be cliargcd. J. B. NATTER, Proprietor. wtiiit iiiiiii'wwuw inaffi n i no VW.Z'T swa,r V K&tAEd$ZJrJ AskyiurOroccrfr tisa vist? t .VI' CAPITAL Jfj r 1 "CI MAXDI'ACTinKItS OP Justness and Pleasure Vehicles. Proprietors and Sols Users of Sechler's Improved Perfection Fifth-Wheel. AH Work Guaranteed as Jieprcentetlt r.Tcr;D i'on cataloqub. Hamilton Buggy Company, HAMILTON, OHIO, Manufacturers of Hamilton Grades of Vehicles.- EDITOEIAL BPECIAL BUQQY OP AMY STYLE VEHICLE. SI'KCIAL VEATDRKS: r-oiort Ion, Iurtillliy, lVrfc'i ton of Finish. This " Mirror " fmlsh work is the beat medium-priced work in the United States. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. 1 1 yVTM I rTOTV UTTOCJY CO- TO SAN 1:RAXC1SC0, CAL, - llV WAY OK THK Southern l'udfic Company's l-iui1. THE PIT. SHOT ROUTE. Quicker in Time tlimi Any Oilier Rmite lint ween Po r 1 1 a n d : r-San Francisco. Z.f(iec Portland at 4 I'. M., Daily. THROUGH TIME, s9 HOURS. IT L LM A NJi Ul-Tl flS 1 . 1 i 1 : 1 ' H K S. TOU KIsTsuJil'lNT. CARS, For Acoouiiiiodatinii of Seoinul ClasB I'liBsenyei'B Attiieliecl to lxpresH Tniiim. Fare from urtliiml t.Stionim,'iitoiiiit Sun Frun eiBeo: Fnllinllril, I'-'S Lhnll.,1 Klrt-t'lii W. " " Nei-viul-t'liiHN, !5. TlirouKb Tickets to nil l'uintH Hmitli mul Eiut, VIA CALU'OHMA, TICKET OmrE8: City OHioo, Nu. HI. Comer Firl A A liter Sln-ot JeHjt OrHo, Corner F ami Front Htroot, POHTLAND, OHHIiON. It. KtlKHLKH, K. 1'. lttKIKIIH. MiumKer. Ahh. U. F. nntl 1'mmn. AiiI- tVOTU B.000,000 Iol beltow hjH of Um InM Aud uiuit nlkbln houw. wid lb y dm Ferry's Seeds D. M. FKKKY Ul. m largest Seedsmen In tha world. D M PTBBTftOO'a Illustrated. Desert p- SEED ANNUAL For 1880 Will I muled rtt to til iMilioBnU. and to lut vfMir'ii cuuunn 7wltUoutnmwTin It. Vhwi'm. . i vfutan. r.Ttvy iiHnHtn aMTi ! ",l,w'' Oardm. lVld . FWr U "Hum I looolil d (, It. Addtma Q. M. FERRY . CO., Dstroll, Mich. LADY'S BOOK wwr - ..s"finjw. v -- j . -rx . . y COW BRAND 1 SOOA orI SALERATUS. llt'iiItilalvPiira. tmmMr!$;jpKrX&--- ' 1 MV.'C'.V, $g00,OO0. OHIO. J" V3 a. Dobbins Electric Soap THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD. It is Strictly Pure. Uniform in Quality. Til K oiiniiul ftiniml.t for wliirh wi- p;mt fsooo t'.i-tHty ytrs lias wvvr Wen iinutiln il ir in the .li;tttc-,t. 'llllN miih in ilcttt1-it1 111 Illtlllll.V Io-ttiy Mill! Ihttl iiimlo (viily joiitft iitfo. II' tinit.tms tiotltiltu; 111 lil ntll III Jiir- ihv lliK'Nt Siibrlr. U ti tit-en- fo'iin ;tml tiluat In s whitft. II' Wilips tliintifU .Hid blanket as nu other o.ip in ill. wurKi tlut-i willitmt hliniik.nii Ifiiving ihfiu soft .tnJ wlili' an ! liko new. READ THIS TWICE TIIKKK is ttri'Ht Mftviiijrof time, of I.tUor, .f Mup, il fm-l, and ol tin- l.iMc, wlun- Doh h;i' I lv- ti.c So ,p i i.sti at'crlhtt( lu til rtv (liMiH. OSK (rliil will ti.-tnonstruir its great tneiil. It Will MV VOU to til .t tll.ll. T IKK all ht lliliitfH it i!y imt Utcd anil ctuiiuertciu J. PewarefJImitations. INSIST upon lkobhlnn Vlrctrir. IVit't tuto Maunrlie, KlfvtroManic, I'tiilatlt Ipliia KU-vii or :tny oilmr fraud, simply l-vtausc it is t li' -tp. 1 1 ,VH will mill clotltet, and arc dear at any price. Ak tut l0!tHI'N M.F. "IIHC f- -fttij taV no other. Nearly every proct-r ftom Maine to Mr ico keeps it tn stock. If vt'iit liaMi'l il, he will order from his ncarcHl (iivfi i, T3 KAl carefully ttie inside wrappei iuound each J bar, nnd lie careful to t'll (I irM'l Ion on each i)iitn!e wrapper. u riiiiinl iilliti'tl to wait longer lief.. re trying for youtMjIt lint uKi, lelublc, find truly wonderful Dobbins' Electric Soap. I. L. CUi.VlilN' & CtV, l'liiliulelpbin, I'll. ! ' MIM f'ol.l We mi. . t i . i. -ul l.i. ); m . in u l.i.k4 t linear .rr. W ' l'Hd. Iler Otiaa l...lti .. y - i'i O; v ", uh . .ike J V .."-I t'i iu. ' 3 Ji OtlB lVrMI III rttb lt- fc :,7 s . t .,tti.r wiiii our Ui.-f-e. ' ' ..I "f II.i.iei'Nolil ' ' "" 4 -;.!- 1 h- tut'Ki, 4 . , "'.-v' . .1 . i w h, eJ ... . .-e- i (:!. I,, I tl. ( In. h.t f f 1 IT .1. n 1 1 I .ii.nvn tl rill ll IhuM . ',1, ..u...r fv,n-ur.n 1V.. i. f.i ui i.i lie two ut tvirn.nir U, M'lttclft ikj.U a. W i' ' all er. tle'eltl, nu A.l lrTW iaJ) liifa Ml lit A'rWiliMiaalaw JACOBS 0 TRADE ' ForlDruises and Burns. Fresh, Strong, Convincing Facts. Beat ItenultR. Eait Provldtncc, K I., Jnna'SI. While tn tb employ of the Baritow Btove 0. pplled your St. Ja.cobi Oil to many bad born of tbe moalden, and lwe.ra with best reinlti. GEO. W. H0RTOB. Ldlfr Fell. Glton, TexM, June IS, 18S. Fell from Udder; brnUad and apramed my toot and wriit; aufiered flva daye; wi cured by 8a. Jacoba Oil! JOSHUA WYTETH. Kneo-Cap Tturt. Hall. Ind , Atig. 10, Knee-cap waa hurt and I anflerad 3 monttoa; S feottlei ot Ht, Jacob Oil permanently reitored mt. C. C. McM.OBJtia. Dlilocatlon. Jollet, HI., May a, . DUlocated ihouldep 3 yean ago; connned weeki to houte; the pain wai cored bySt J Oil and have had no return of It. J. I). BKUwa. HoriP-kh k. Ozark, 0., Jane 18, MM. Suffered 4 weeki from the kick of ahorae; hadU uae cartw?botU.. 8t. Jacob. 0" curedme. At Druguisth and Dlalers. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. Baltimore. Md. X E (ill EAT Transcontinental Route Northern Pari fic BAILHOAD! VIA THE Cascade Hraneli, now Completed, mak inij it the Shortest, Best and Quickest. The Dining Car Line. The Direct ltoute No Delays. FaKtcst Trains. Low est KatoH to Chicago mid all points Kast. Tinntfl sod to all Promi naut Points tbrongbout tbe East and Southeast. Through rulliimii Dra. ii liuiiin Jibpiiig Cars KcBi'i'vatiima can be secured iu advance. To Kast 1 5ound I'asoii'jors Jie careful and do not makea mistake, but be sure to lake the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD And see that your ticket reads via this line, St Paul or Minneapolis to avoid obangea and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run on regular express trains full length ol line. IJertilts free. Lowest rates. Quick est time. leueral Ojjlee of the (,'onitany, No.. V, Washhoyton St., J'ortland, Ureyon A. D. CHARLTON, Assist'inl (ienrral 1'assenger At'eni. DON'T FORGET That tbe befit idaco lo get it is at the llepimer, : : ;. Oregon. sToch i;i:anis. VVliillt yen kT Mtilwfii. linn paid up yrn: etui k,M'p yuur brand in freeof clmrne. A M-....I li. A m i.i.n- 1,1,. II ni.p wi- mi I . ft -I ler; rail If, w ' I. n AilkihKl'K Ilorm-M J, ..iiri, nlil-r; m III', A V on lili! nitlc. Ailkhs. J .1 llu.-r. .t eo.uiecLocI un lot. l!u: k: citil If. Mniif .ii If Tl tup. lllt :iki!i;in. (ice.. I liil,il)ii;iii--(iu,i'M. II f!aj- or l'TI 1.1. r; ciilllf, k,,,,,,. i i'h I Kliimlder., I'v lloiHfn, II oh IfH hi Iil.-r. llfiiff, MimC A - Hon left pln.ul.lfi-; ear-imirl of faille, ci-oiMtll lual h il in Inruinil miner half ci II rirli'. ltrown, J (! Ilornps. circlu C witliUut in cen Loron Ifli tup; cullie, sa-n... Iloyer, W 11, l.Hiin HorwfSj l,ox lirand or.i:' hip fnltlf, siunn, Willi split in fucli ear. Jloru. P. (I. Iloi-Hi'r, 1' II on left ttlionMer; cat tle. Kline nn left hip. lliii'ii.T. F., l.ono Hon k. ItorsnH o with bar iln.lf r ami ovf r on ri.:lil slioulilfr, llarlon. Wi"-llorH ,J lie riulil thi.v'i, cuttle. HUinn un riitlil lii.;Ki'' t in elifli far, ( link. VV. II. -Slo.ik brand, il WIIC eomieolnd. Mark, split in riyl.t ear. l ook, A. .1., I .f en -lliuwo, Wnn riulil lu,il tor: Calllf, salnooii rirlil hip: earmark sqimro cro ell Ifl't and split in rii:l.t. I unin. It V llorsfs. 3". on left slille. ( 'miiimliaii a, W II. Nnwlon liam.h Ilorses Willi tauire 'J nttilnr il en Iff!; ear same on left 'iip.111,1 4hi di, Ifft f-irs,entrn cnt t'ox A Knulish, Han inni Oa.tb, C with ' ill oi'iiler; horses. ( on Ifft liip. il.mulass, W M -('.ill If. It Don riehl sido. fiwal-low-fork in eiii-li i'iir: l.or-es. It lion lefl liip. I'lfek. .lai-kHon. llorsfs. 7K on rlhl si Idfr: faille s,inie on riulit hip. Kar mark. Iioln in n,:lil and f.rop oil lefl. liiinnllfii. .Inlp, '.V. I!,,rsi - hran.'fd Imlf-fir-o e ,1 1 . e miff ill in. Iftl - , ....: t .. ,. ('a 'If, same o . Jfl, l.ip. i;,,. :, . ,,. ,o- I - x nji Klon nff. 1 1 A - a: I If I on rpjil liip; horses F w i li liar under on riuln slioultler, Hoifm-e, s P Hois,-, .' on rialil shoiildfr eii.tlf. P on liyht l-.p or llii,ri. ArmstroiiL'. .1. C1., Afloo - I' with h.i- pvile- it ell lefl sliolildf r of liorsfs: rnllie saino on le'l liip-, liify. llenn-tiAY on lefl slionlder. tloblf, Kia. k Mors, s, 7 Kon left sKe; cattl, u nie on radii hip. (iama-.'f. A P. llorsfs, :ll on ivdil shoelder. Il.n. snkfi. II ' llors.-s, I ..f, sln.f Idf ,-, eat IV, lion I.-I'I h, ,, tl U.-odinnii llorsfs, 11 on It. tin k. Ihl.Vfs, .1 M llorsfs, willfwlasson lefl shollldfr fall If, -if i un' on i n:!il hip. .1 link i II. S. M. ilot.-fs, lioi-.esl.o,. ,1 on lefl sln.iildf,-. I'Mllf, III,- saiu.i. Kii'1-.e on l-;i-ht lilf. .lolnison, t'flix llorsfs. ciifli. T on left still fall If, sauif on rii;lit Inp, u,,d.'i half una, in rir and spill in 1. II ,-m. lin k. .11 --Horses lill on left slnuildfr: ealt lll on Ifl'l hip. Kirk. J ( '--Horses, 17 on either tlank; eattle on risht stile . Parsfii, llifmus - Hotsf s, It Poll Ifft hio. I f - is, ,1 , I,,. nu -ttorsfs, P with oierito. left slionldfr. Minor, Osi-ar. - l"al l le , M Hon riidit hip: horses Til on I . -f T shonldfr. Miller. I'. 1-:. Horses I' with M on inside o I. -It sliouider. Moi-k..". S N ll..r,.fs, M ) ii ' .ft should." I'tilllf. sani.-on lel'l I .Ufl'undi.r. .las A, ,W- I :,-s, M liar ovi'r on ei v. lit sliolildf r. Moinan. Tho- l.oi-fs, firflf T on Ifflsl-oiil tier unit llnah: ealllf. .on richl lhi..,. Milfhf II, I Isfar. Pell.isi illi, llorsfs, 77 on rile hip; fatllf. 77 on ni,'ht sidf. Nlason, Jos, Peitisvillf Catllt,, ,1 M eoniieided eri'ii in nafli ear, dulai, on t hroat; hovsoe. J ( on Iftl shouldfr. Mel'liireii, 111, Horses, FiKiiro Son eaeti shoul. dfr; I'llltle, V ; on hit. MfHonsald. It-lloraes, HI) ciimieoleil oil lef. shouldfr, Nifl, Andrew, Koe k Horsi s AN con Heeled on Ifl'l shouldfr; entile slum, on lioth hips NfWinan, V. It. Horses N willi half cirel uvfr il on left shoulder Noilly ke, K Horses, eirelti 7 on left this-h; cat tie. same on lefl hip. tiller. Perry, Keek - P O on lefl slnui der Pfnrson.Ohive. llorsfs, eire le , hi Id on left slionldf r mid -I on left hip. t'aitle, circle shield on left hip. liafk-e on t'iidil Mile Pftn-son, Jas., Pine Cily.- Horses Iri on left lip low down. Piirki-r A lllfason. Harduuiii- Ho.-sen IP on lefl shouldfr. Piper. .1. II., Acton Horses .1 tf e.mnecled en If fl shoiihlf r: cm lie, slime on If ft l.ip. under iii in fin h car. Itood. Andivw. lltiriluinn Horsfs, suuiirc cr.iss Willi nuallf r-e ire le om'i- it on lett slille. Ufinuafr. I'hr.s llor.fs. (' ti on lefl sliouhtfi lifft.u . J W Horses, .III en lefl shoulder, t'at tle. o on . Wit hip. I ltu.e. It. S. I'altie hra idfd It S on left hip. liorses same brand on left shotildf. Hprnv, ,1. K. Horsfs Inaudrd SK coniKH'tt on riiihl shoulder: cattle sanu, on holh lii,s. Hpray. ,1. t'. - Horses N on rivht .lionl. iter, faille branded S on Iho risht hip mid B siu.hii n crop on oi wio le i, far. tSl ruikilil W. K.-Horsfs sha.hsl .1 S n -fi .title; nilllf .1 S on left hip, swallow fork ill rihl car. underliil in left. Isaifr. Uoiti Horses. M on rurlit slum der: cattl, .viuareou right hip and S on rivlit shoulder. tswauiitlll. ij. Aim le - Ili.rses. SS on nh sluiutdf r. Sapti. '1 ties. - Hoi-hcs, S A P on left hit): caltlrt wilue on left hip. bhobe. lr A .1 -Htu-ses, lis on on lefl hut: cat tie. same on left sitte, waltht oil left .ittc uf ueck cars cut sliart at point. htctenson, Ills A J lattle, o on rirflit Inn Btvallow-foi k in left ear. hie ton A Sou lloisiw.Holl Its side over hii tin lefl slioultler: calllc. same on lefl hip. Hperi). K li futile. V t' tin leff hip, crtip oil rihl and underbit in loft wir, ttuliip; tiorsect, V l on left shoiihlf r. HwuuKnrl. (1 V -Horses. -11 on left shoulder Klfwait, (ieo., llartliuaii-llorsesi circle Don Iff! shouldfr. entile, II on left hip. Thompson, .1 A - liorses, 5 on loft shoultlor pall le, '.! on lefl shoulder. TihU't.. HT -Horseo. C- on left shoulder. Wade, Henry. - llorsfs houidfil nee of Himdc. on hot slioultler ami left hii). t'utllo bruutitsl ItHtne on left side and Ifft hip. WalbrltUo NV K-Tlorsott tirHttdtsl V I, on left shouldfr, citttlo V 1. on ritiht hip. ltun on ll.tlin Fork. Well., A 8 - Horses. on left .houlttor; cattl wttne, Wylsetl.J H, llanliuan -I'irt-lo t1 on tcf1' thntl W.Kslwiirtl, John-itorsMi, UP couuecUtl o') loft slioultler. Wttltaeo, t'lnirlt Catlle, W on riirhtthitfh, htile ; ill lefl enr; hoots., W oa riuht .houldttr, iitaur iMtniitoii leit stioHltler. NVien. A A i'ttttlo, runuing AA with br orotM when" you want (Hi riuiii aril. CHESLEY HEAL, TH CtXTKN ARI4N. Fro.n the 8 ;i(-atilic Ame.-icB. From time to time ir liavo published aocounts ef wonderful cane, of longevity, and the subject ot this sketch deserves a high place in our g..l'ei of centenari ans. Cheasley Hea! tr.-.a born at West port, Me., ou November lo, 1778, and died at Searsm in?-. Mi., oa O Violr 6, 1SS8, nearly coniplcl'n,' tho ul-nost uu preoedei'ted term of 110 ye.irj. Of hifi father's fauliiy not line h 14 known. His mother came fror.j Ea-;!anil lit the a'eof J4 jeiiif-.and ho had luioe bt-othurs aud ode sister. He ns nvirrictl Iwije, and bad foil,' sous and one J. i. '.liter by hi) first wife; none by h'"i second. His sou Isaac died dtiri lg the rebLlliou, another died at home aud another waa lost on a K-bpliiig voyage, and tho icmainiog sou it still living. Xhcfu tire fjitriecj g.'aud children and ."nii.ceeu (.'reat-grntidcliil-dre.i, all liviug. Tiie early part or Heal's career was a very active anL1. lie was a soldier iu i lie war of 1.SI2, and bervotl in tbe division alatin'jd aloti- the coast ot JIaiuo ut IJucoliivi'lj, Xt: tbpert and Belfast He was ut Leifat when the British forces, under Major General Gas eelin, crossed the Pe!iobs..ot bay from Cast me an. I captured tbe toivu. The nice Oojsis.ed of VOU picked men. ot almost equal he'b', who hail served uoder Welliiut.u. Tiie sin ill Amciiean rtginient was u.iable to oope with this force, and no opposition was offered to toe landing of the troops. Otviug to this tuct, t'ntU: il.sli t'omiuaud- er gave an order that tun people should not be molested, and tuit all provision should be paid for, which was aeoord'.i,; ly done. Iu 1H23 Hottl purchase.! a farm of a iiiiutlied acies a! t:,uars.uont, noar Belfast. Ho determined upoa and developiug this laud, and tiinjed ail bis energies to thai end. Ho took great interest in raising culth, aud his farm was usually iu a good statu of cultiva tion. He was very frugal, very iu-tus-trious, almost parsimooioiis iu bis style of living, and as h was oonsidered a siicoessi'ul farmer, it was anticipated that during so lung a life bis acau.nii lutious would be cousideiable, but at bis decease very lit'le was discovered and what has become of his wealth no body knows. Some suspect that he buried his npiney, aa-.l a.i he never con fided it to any tine, bis secret died with him. He tool; quite an iictive interest in poll ics, and was a si macU, bavin.;' voie.l at every election riotu lH'JO to IStJU. j lis tote was for Thorn. is Je'l'eison. i-o.vsibiy bis abso lutely quiet life li-'id g-iiuftuing to do with his longevity. He rarely left his own iieglibuiliootl, aud never, it is said, traveled on a steamer or tin a mdmao train. Ho never sa .v any tiling ot the turmoil and b:t3ll:.i of the vcoild, and i,;s UlTVus uere lievt-r tllstu.ljeil. Ho tt-i. quile utile' to; e-J, le::ig unable t read o Wlile. lie iiepi l.l-.s ...C;:oU::ts 'oS peC'tiii.l niarks tm ids barn door, tvliie.ii lie ahaia"d. His inemuy was highly, ou IU;. lo the const. .nt calls liuiiu upon il ou account; of his beine utuiiiie lo read aiitl write, and tilts aided him in ketqiiu.; bis account. i. l'lij sically, In. waa Well itiportiouetl aud st.ougly built. H was five t'eet eight inches in height, and weighed normally about 15 paiuulu. lie had a full, well developed chest. He was a great talker, and had II hud voice His health was so perfect that during his whole life be was oaly uuoe visited by a pbysiuian until his I :.::t- illness, lltn eye sight and bearing continued unimpaired until the end. His hair ui.i not turn gray until he hud experienced tbe frosts of a hundred winters. I tn was a re maikiibly g od e'ice'.r, n firiuj usually at siiii.iel-tuitl rising at dinm. lie was u g.aitl eater, living ou fres'i inoHt duriug the aiiiuinn and early winter when the I'ei'ineis were slauglHt-riug, but during the summer bis diet was principally salt p.nlt cut into slices and fiiod. The bread on his table w.u made Trota wheat, I'm', coin, bni ley, and buckwheat from his own farm Ho used tobacco nearly his whole life. He preftned to chew rutbtT than suioLo the wend. When young be was addicted lo the use of npMitiins honors. He nevfr had ituy menial labor of any kind, nor any care or worry. A curious i'eaiiire of his life is that at the age nt Kiu he coucltided to i-t'iii-iiii in ilnoi's- and although bc;ug quite strong and uetite in his inove nietils iie ditl not leave the house during the last live years of I i -. life lie did not use a eano, ami at times was as active as a b iy. lie said he could move o'o-.iiil liie t ait iy i'.s w:-li as ever, and '...iiil;. :i . I'e.t-ou for i;:s voluntary Sivlu.-'o i, tie ielailitul Ins i.u'ti.ties lo I tie end, ami died quietly, an.1, was buried in a liclJ on bis own fa, ;n. It is iuteiesting fur a moment to luoii at remarkelilB changes that have taken place during the lifetime of a single human being. Heal was born iu the midst of the revolutionary war, and was ilea Iy three years old when the sit.-ren-iei' ot Coruwallis . marked the clcsu of the struggle. He was iu li s nineteenth year when Washington retired from the presidency, aud din ing bis life- I II vhe presidents were tiomiu.iled to their huh olliees. He wits neatly lilte.ui wheu Louis XVI. was beheatlxl r.nd the reign of terror begun. He had enleivd on Ins twentieth year when Napoleon was made First Consul, and was 2ti years o'd when he was elected Emperor. It was in hia thirty -seventh your chat the givat cam niander was defeated at Waterloo. He lived duriug the - period of the three l'reiicli revolutions. During his life France had been three times a kingdom, three times an empire, and three times a republic. Ho wis a boy in bis teeus when Robert limns was onuiposiug hii ly.ies, when Burke was thundering in the House of Cotnm uis, and wuou Sir Joshua Utiyuolds was giving the world bis great works of art Ho was iS when Fultou launched the first regular steam boat, aud. 66 Mien Morse brought the telegraph into pruotic.l use by send ing messages Imtweeu Washiiijjt.m and Baltimore. It is almost impossible to conceive that a smgle life can spau such epochs in history. A much fuller ac count, by Rev. George E. Tufts, of which this is au abstract, w ill bo published iu au.early issue of tbe Seieutiuo Amorieau supplement. ! Gilt of tifiy people at a Cincinnati ban . qitft thirteen would not eat veuison, ten would uot touch turkey, eighteen would have nothing to do with salads, fifteen ; refused coffee, twenty-eight let cheese alone, aud not over twenty would eat eake. UMATILLA AWAKENING. A 9ch. Oa Foot to L ft her From Her K'p Vu Winkle Sleep. Some effort is being made to develop the dormant resources of Umatilla Land ing, which have been at the lowest eob ftv many years past. Several "ars have been made n the lasi fetv daysfn -p-op ertv in and near tbe towu, end two or more p'eocs have changed ba da at fairly good prices. B. N. Btarifield has sold kit flour mill and water power near the town, which has been idle for a year or more, to some person whose name is un known, aud the work of improv'. g aud enlarging bas already commenced ou tbe prope.ty preparatory to putting it in aclive operation. Abstracters 'i IV die too are at work on abstract io much of .he prope. ty of tbe town, through orde.s Portland, and it is thought a scheme ia on foot to boom the '"old town" and make it blossom out as it d d in the early days, when it was tbe best bi'.siuess point iu tbe upper ooun.ry. Umatilla La diug, as it is known, has many re sources not possessed by many of the iii'nnd cities. It is sur.-ouudod by fine frail and vintage lands, with plenty of water for irrigating purposes, which in sii res the richest kind of soil. For the culture of grapes and small fruiis, the lauds iu tbut vicinity under irrigation would be spooiaPy adapted. Wnen the Columbia river ia open to navigation, ns it must be within the next few yeers, Urns-ilia's future will be as bright, if uot brighter, than any town, east of the mountains. There is certainly some thing going on in regard to tbe lebuild itlg up of tbe town, aud if it is inauaged is, doubtless, it will be, Pendlo on will wake up some fine morning to find her dead aud Bleeping sister iu mo.e thau swaddling clothes. The building up of Umatilla would iu no way inj. re Pendle ton, instead it would be un advantage, hence the East 0., spaakiug for all Peudletouians, wish success to the scheme ou foot, and the enterprising folks who are to take charge or have al ready assumed charge of it. E. 0. AN EXTKNaiVE E.NTtUPKISE. The loss uf the Henrietta Flouring .M il lu was a enisling blow to Echo, a tact t hich has since become painfully appaieut to us citizens. However, au enterprise is now on foot which when carried o a sucocasMil termination, will more thau repair tie damage done. Yes terday, i'red Pae-Tus.iu, Esq., paid a v sit to Echo for the purnose of drawing up ai Ucles of iiicorpiii'atiou for tbe .Mercantile & M.liing company. These articles were tiled to-day, aud show that a company has been organized with a cpital stock of t."iU,UUv), to be divided iu to lUOi) shares at $M cchj that tbe in corporators are F. W. ileudley, John Baikec, J. U. KoouiZ and James Taylor; luuL the objeot ot the corpo.'utlou is to b.iild and operate a tlouriug mill, to buy uad seil all kmds ot graiu and merchau disc, i.o operate an ulectic iitit plant, tin iiiab a system of irrigation and do u general iorttardiiig iiudcomiuibsiou busi ness. They will take water out uf the t'm.tiiiiu about two miles southeast, of town, winch will insure a plentiful sup ply of water power, The intention is to oe'iu operations as soou as half the capital stock is subscribed, and as it is being eagerly snapped up by Echo's business men, tins will uot be long. The benefits to be derived by Eobn i'ioiu tbu foima'tiou of this o.iuioany are I'tealc liable, and need no description. E. O. THE OAJIK OF "ailUE-l'ltti." It was a game of "shoe-peg" which the tourist encountered while traversing the a uto of Uhio in search of work a id ad venlii.e. He found it in one of those cuuiil.'y towns where the hotel, post-ofti-e aud store are frequently under one roof, and the Solomon of tho village is depended upon to inaugurate something new. As the tourist brushed the dust of the highway from his traveling costume thn game of "shoe-peg" was in full blast a.'d betting ran high. To play the game player waa famished with a hand ful of "cgh, Ktirrep.itiousiy obtained from the tJlage cobbler, and the one who picked up thogrea'cr number iu a given time was tleela.ed the win.ier. It was. in fiet an improvised type-set'.ing mulch, in which the village philosopher had become quite expe.i. The uow ar rival gazed at the game nnd then at the slakes, and naked permission to "take b hand." He was furnished a supply of pegs and a tin box, aud, when all had put up the required "ante," time was oallod. The tourist easily won at a thoiisnnd-au-hour speed and look the 'pot." Again and again he beat the champion "shoe ing" players The phi losopher became suspicious and quietly left tha room to i-itostigate. At the "office" he learned that tho stranger had inquired it there was a printing office iu the village. This waa enough. The game waa still ia progress, with stakes piled high on a pork barrel, wbon the philosopher quickly returned and shouted: "Don't play any lougor with that fellow; lie's a d d printer!" Slow ly and sadly each patriarch arose from a maoarel keg and adjourned to the "bar;"' quickly and gladly the itiuerant compositor arose from a nail keg and rode to the next towu. PtiltSONAI. I'lllNTS ABOUT IIAKKhiUN, He wears a No. 7'j bat. He wears a 6 shoe aud oan wear aC. He has one bunion ou the right foot aud no corns. Uis ueck meusnre ia 16. Ho wears opeu-frout shirts, and pay 3-7 a dozen for them. He seldom carries a silkhandker oh et-usually carries a common linen. He keeps one horse. He is a regular smoker, and smokes small cigars a dear Havana. He dues uot smoke to ex cess, however. Hi whUkers getting gray. Ho uses bay rum on his ba.r and does uot use oil. He is fund of baseball. Ilia chest measure is 37 and his waist 42. lie has a gout) deal of "a'.oiuaeh." He weighs about ISO pounds, and ap pears to be 5 feet 71 i icltes in height. He does not fancy jewelry. II? u-ttnlly wears a high-buttoned, double-breasted frock coat, aud seldom has a suit all of tbe same piece He reads for recreation. He is fond of Sou It, Eliot, and Thack eray, lie goes to bed at 10 aud gels up between ti and 7. The f. unity entiling is dnue by an old negro '.muty." He i. a rrebyte.-iau Deacon. Ex. Foil Salb. A team of horses, wagon and harness. Horses suuud, each weigh ing frooa 1000 1 100 pound. Have haul ed 75 cords ot wood from the uionntaiua to Heppner this fall with them. Will offer them for sale at James Jonea' labia in Heppner Fab. IB. JoK LuCIKANa ON TO WASHINGTON. During t.I ie lalrt utipieaHHiititetss tbe motto "was on to Richmond!' Now the cry is, ''On to V,' ashing km" to witness the inauratioii of Gen. Hariitioo tin tiie 4t!i of March. Tha display on t'mt oc cpsiou will surpass in uiagiiiieeme any previous intiiiyaiutuiii. To the people of the Noothwi'st, "The btje.LLNOTO.N'" offe.i a 1' it.t ut one fare for tb e round Uip, fto.u ull Btntioos. The elegant equipment siipurb track, and fast time - of "The Bur.UNGTON"," with its abili ty to take cure of ieut tciiroiou parties, makes it tlis peiitpp.r line for this occntion, ud it has al ready been selected by the Minne apolis Flambeau Club and their friends fur the Washington jour ney. Tickets will be on stile at all stationa 'roiii ' Fcbvuury 27tix to March 2d, inclusive, good to it'it.e Washington on the return trip up to theeveeinp; of. Jlnvch S5!i. For tickets, luteu and any other intor m:tion, call oi voir.' local ticket aneiA, ut adilre3 V,'. J. ('. k-EN- l'ON, Cit'.UHl'il) I'd -;::.!. 14.VT .Uf lit, Hi. Paul. A NEW ONE 0: , -lories of Ally I icoiti alivi Dusk us coin everywhere, and it is not too late for n new one. It was told by hi soil 1' j'jert to a friend in Washington, biui Ihsre ia no doubt of itn geiiaineness. ''My falhet- w.'d'o,," ttnid 'Rob ert Liiicolti. "Iikti.1 t.j jjU'oli about Washington without tuiy escort or show of distinction., ami Ls fiotne timaa strayed into curious compa ny. One day, as a lati, I accompa nied him down a back street, whera wo encountered a regiment of soldiers marching put. My father was curious to leitni what particular body of troops this wai, and as soon a lie cams within hailing distance ha iinjiiired, without addressing anvtmn i.i par ticular; 'Well, v.'lKit'i: this?" Quick us the word, eatno a reply ffiiiji soiuewher in the detneh ment: 'Why, it' a a i.'j'tmetit of soldiers, yon o'il fool, you!' " L!tifl'ido Expr.-s. -77; Msij & Wail I. "COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE." TI.Clv.l7l.S To all Principal Point ia the United Stali n, t'anad;; ami Jurope. KLL'IUNT 1'1'LUIAN I'ALACH CAiiSz- EMIGRANT SLEEPING CARS Run Through on all Kxpre-'.-. Trains it. 0MAHA,- AND Free of Charge and Without Charge. Close t'oai'.eetion at Portland for San I'l'itneiseo nntl lamet Souml Points. Ar.r, i hon s rii.vM r:i?. Leave Portland for Sun Franc i.-' o every four (4) days, making the trip in OJ hours. Cabin, $lti. Steeratjc, ''., Hound Trip Unlimited, ZSOfiO. For further particulars inquire of any ltf.'ent of the eonipanv. or A. 1.. Max well, li. I'. & T. A.', Portland, Or. A. L. MAXWELL, IF. IT. IIOLCOMD, G. P. T. A. General Manager. "I re, r-; rw- h 1 tt :i t - y t --"ar'T'r-t I "'it n ?: tn 'j r:- v.: 3M " - THE LADIES9 FAVORITE NEVER OUT OT ORDER. If you desire to pnrcnose a sewing maenmu, ask. our agent at your place for terms and prices, li you cannot mm our iixcni-, wine dp-ect tg nearest address to you below named. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE C.ORWJCE,MfoS. Chicago irNinu cniiflor wv- uaiias. "L" ATI ANTft GA1 TEX. ST. LOUIS, MO. pgywjg SAHFftAHCieCO.tAL, LEEZER A IHOMPSOX, Ao'ts. Heppner, Oregon Pacific depart ni nt. tem ial ag'-rcy. 7-5 Markpt utrw-t, hid'.ory buiuiu g, tail l' neit'co, Cal BrKn-'hm, 4rt .Morrison St., l!o. t;a: d Or., ;outh Swond St. Sun Jttje, Cnl., ,r5 North Spring St., Lo Angeles, Cel. CATARRH i wlcS. HEAD. TrythaCurcl Ely's Cr Balm Cleanses thai" esa'. r !SsaKe8- Al lays Infiamiiiaticn. icfiJs the Soro? Bostores the Soita of Tasto, SiacU and Hearing. A Stlr1 la mpplted lntear1iatril nm Is aTemble. Price AOr. DrwUta r by Mil. ELY BKOTHKRS,S Wmta,S York. 3 The Orlginaf flit AAfiAlVt - EtUl OQ V3.t PILLS. PEfijICTLT EAUTLEESl tlucainaled an A LIVER MIX. Tnrn t Rrlptj. OSS FLLLLi A DOHK. SMALLEST, CHEAPEST, EASIEST TO TAKE, i Hnware of Imitations, containing Poisonous MiniTitls. Always ask for Dr. lMi-rca's Pellets, whicli are little 8u(far-coaU-d Pills, or AutJ-bili-my (Iranulcs. Kaiig Purely Vegetable, I)r. Pierce's Pi-ikti upcrutu without disturbance to the system, (iit-t, or occupation. Put up In (rlnss vluls, heriiii'i.caUy scaled. Atwavs fresh anc. rfliable. They are a K(,ntle laxative, or an active purgative, according to size of dose. SI HEME. Riliotia Headache, Dizziness, 'oustlpa elon, J-ifUgentioit, IKilioiia Attack,,, and all derniigeiitettta of the .lo in act. and bowels, are promptly relieveil foul neminneiitlv ptire.1 by tiie use nf Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. In explanation ot the power of these Pellets over so great a variety of diseases, it may truthfully lie said ttiat their action upon the system is univer sal, net a irliind or tissue escaping their Buna tive inlluenee. Sold tiy druirifists. for 25 cents a viul. Manufactured at the Chemical Lab oratory of W'OULtl'S DlSPENSAItV MEDICAL Association, No. Wio Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. nflfi'rerl by the manufactur- x r'lM l ar au(C'n ia4iia $ iiemotly, fir a ciie of 1 alarrt. in Iho Ifiead wbiuli they cannot cure. KV.tiPTOMS OP CATAHBH.-Bull. vip;n-v lu'iulnclH.'. obstruction of the nasal i iiiissiiirrH, dise)i:irf,'C8 tiuling from the bead itn i tin throat, sometimes profuse, watery, i and ri--ril, at others, thick, tcnaeioire, mucous, i purulent, bloody untl putrid; tbe eyes are I wc;ik aurl watery; there Is ringing in the ears, d-'uluess. ImcKint? or couijimitr to cicar the throat, cvpeetoraf Ion of offensive matter, together with scabs from ulcei-s; tho voicu H ehtmsred and bus a "nasul twang1"; tha Ivatii is offensivs Rniell and taste are im puiren; there is a sensation of dizziness, with mental denresHin, a hacking- coujrh ami preu eral dt(bilii,y. Only a tew of tiie above-named symptoms are likely to be present iu any one e;ise. Thousands of cises annually, without manifestitiir half of tho above symptoms, re sult in consumption, and end in tho grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive and dimjrerourt, or less understood by physicians. By its mild, sootluntr, and healing properties, Ir.'Rifre's Catarrh Ibmiedy cures the wot-Ft Clip's of raiiirrh, "i'old in the Head" roryz, and C utarrljal Headactie. Sold by drugyistu everywhere; 00 ceutB. "Untold Agony from Catarrh," Prof. W. UAtTSNF.rt, the famous mcsmrriBt, of Idi'ira, A', r., writes: "Porno ten years ago I 5!i:t!''i'eit untold agony from chronic nasal e:i! ui'l!. Mv family physician gave me up as in.''!.-,ibl' ahfl said I must die. My case was B!:ch a bad one, that every day, towards eun-s-'t, icy vuiee would beeome so hoarse I could barer r pea It above awhisper. In the morning my eemrhinu and ciearing of my throat would uli.mst Kt ran vie me. liy the use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Itpmedv, in ihree months, I was a well mm, and the cure lias been permanent." "rUMmlnufly IJawIiIng mid SpiUlng," i TnoMAfl J, KriTiND, rs., $002 Vine Street, hmtix, ,"'i.. ivrU"!?: " I was a great suiTerer j rr' r. ( ltaiTli lor three years. At times I could i in;. ;!' iHvarh", and was coiiHtantiy hawking ii;;i! f'-itfiiiLi-, and lor the last eight months 1 r.:r,Mfd not "breathe through the nostrils. I , Lhtxip-iifc nothiiiir eou'd lie done for me. Luck- i W. 1 wa.T a-lcis"d 1 1 try Dr. Pago's Catarrh , Item '.iv, and I am n, w a well man. I believe i it, to t1 the only sure remedy for catarrh now manufactured, 'and one has only to give it a fair trial to experience astounding resulW and i a permanent cure." I A complete Treatise on Catarrh, giving- val uable hints as to clothimr, diet, and other I matters of importance, will bo mailed, post- ; paid to any address, on receipt of a two-cent ! . postage stamp. Address, I World' rMspennry Mllcnl AwnciatJoii, No. b6S Alain Baeet, UUPFALO. N.l ' WEITINU MACHINE CABINET and OFFICII DESK The advantafifes of this Type-writer and OlBce Pcsfc ever all ot her so-cailed Combination Cabinets, are ; first, The ease and simplicity with which the desk is changed from a Library or Office Desk to a "Type-writer Table. This change is effected by push ing the lid covering the machine back in the rear ot cabinet it being a roller top removing it entirely from sight, thus overcoming the objectionable board and sounder in front of the operator. The movable top is perfectly flat, is b iize covered, and forms a com- 51 etc writing desk when the machine is not in use. he table on which the machine rests is so evenly bal anced by our patent adjustments that it needs but a Blight touch to bring the machine in position. Second. The advantages of the swinging table are:' The table is so balanced near its center on pat ent maleable iron arms, that when the machine brought in place for use, it does not depend oa ropes or hangers at rear of platform for support, but is held rigidly in place by sts own weight, making it impossi ble for the machine to be tumbled down an incline ia back of desk by the breaking of a rear support. The machine rests on patent slides which keeps the machine in place, and can be drawn out beyond the desk, well under the operator's hand. Third. The construction of the lid closing machine space makes it air tight, and the table hav ing felt around its boarders thoroughly protects the machine from dust. fourth. Tha foot rest and the construction of the table adjustments makes the desk as ridged as though the top was one solid board, which is a matter f great importance where a solid type-writing table is required . ft o operator can do good work on a shaky table. , Laatiy. The cabinet is a splendid piece of cabinet work. We manufacture them in Walnut, Antique Oak, Natural Oak. Natural Cherry, Cherry mutation, ; ilahcgany and Ash. Agents wanted to sell these cabinets, and where we frave no agencies established we will sell direct from j t. ur woriss at wnoiesaie prices. Address all communications tn iVashlngton, M. J. ROLLER DESK CO. OF PURE COD LIVER OIL awn HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. 80 dlicnlud that it can be taken. dlge.t.d, and as.lmllated by tha mo.t Mn.ltlva stomach, when the plain oil cannot be tolerated; and by the com bination or tne on wnn in, "JF"!"". pnltes Is mnch more efilcacions. Remarkable as a nesn procneer. Persons gain rapidly while taking it. j SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged tT Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa- A .1 1 J . ,t. .nl;n t.A a,iu nf nuou in we worm ius iu. toittu. out v. CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, i GENERAL DEBILITY. WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUCHS. ! 77i great remedy for Consumption, and ; Waning in tviiiaren. 001a oy au uruggisu ,tr' tt iU ENGINES VERTICAL j Jt-2TZ3 JIORIZOMAL. 752. Upwards. TWO-HORSE POWER ENGINE. WITH STEEL BOILEA, $150. CHEAP, RELIABLE, SAFE. Automatic Boiler Feed, Automatic Pop Fafety TsiTe, Btel Boiler. Cost of running gnaranteed Bot to exceed three cents per hour. Nothing equal t i ever before offered for the price. Larger size quaUy bv. Send for free dedcriptiTtt circnlar. CHAS. P. WILLARD & CO 233 Par.d&Ipli Street, Chicago, III tho lleppiiei" Gazette. Mi .' fS is "& kI. a i" Price, $,o. ail o lL2l jrif 3 i , B MFtieAW TIcbtami Li?iMEKTpnrB Pii.fb, v 1 m I I 'A Old iicattfi, C&mJlu Iolasts, imrLxuiUkTiua. r. 4 C i "J (t.ijvuwjj 'xxAmui'l o'jvj.aiim jjv.1 Is the olrtcst nnd mopt pnpular scientific nrd niehfinicul pmicr piili'inlicfl mid hiis tiie Inrm ;-t clmilat ion of any p.-tpt-r ef its class in Die wurlil. Fully Illuutratpti. Hrst, of Wood Kin-Titv-Inira. Puliliflted wnettly. Send fur HpcolMiea Ciipv. Pried H !i veil P. l-'onr mnr-tlia' triiil, ifl. MUNN & CO., rciii.ifiiKKH, 301 Bruudwuy, ARCHITECTS & BUILDER Edition of Scientific American. 3 A (rreat Haccrsfl. Kach Ippuo rentafnB cntnrcfl lithuKraphiif plaloaof count ry nml tity rofidci Dch or public baildinu's. Nunicrmis ont:niviit:s and full plane and sued ft rat loan for tho use ot mich ub contemplate tmildini, 1'rii'c U.riil n year, 85 cts. a copy. MUNN & CO., I'lulishehk. mny be spur by iipi'iv un to JU-nn .St "o., w li 0 linvc had over 40 vparB' experience and hnve nnulo over liKl,(nm appllcationa for Amerinin and lor elim patents. Send lor Handbook, Cuitch- pundeiiCO Blrietly contldential. TRADE MARKS. 1 In ease your mark is not registered in Che TVtt ent Orflce, npply to MCXS A Co., and procura Immediate protection. Send for Ibuiilbouk. OOl'VUHJHTrt for bonks, charts, maps, stc, qutcltly procured. Address MUNN ifc CO., Patent Solicitors. GENEHAL OFIfK'E: SJtil BUOAUWAY. N. When I my Cmrs I do not mean merely tu stop them fur a time, antt then have them ri turl ssraln. I mkan A KALllCAL CUilU. I liavo taauo the diseiibo ot TTAN7 ny remedy (' i.ii the wor.-'t rrf.rn. f.i'.lilis no ro:if?onfui' not . f v.ilat once for : IreMi. f I ct my JNrAT.r.MsLS JM?v I r.-'.'l i'ot Oi;jrn. J.L, co ' i tai l, nnd it v.'iil euro J ,A WEEK Club System while as convenient to the buver as anv instalment system, is jV1 system to us. The club members sells us Wyl co-ooeraiion oi tne . t i"ii,-JJf 38 watclies in each PHI LA. J38VatchCtub, and wegetcash from 1! watch before il goes :t''.-' the Chih tor each watch before it coes out, though each member only pays Si a week. This is why we give you more for your money than any one else mi and why we are doing me i.ugesi watch business in the world. V't sel only first quality goods, but our nriccs are about what others rt f rscc- ond quality. Our 10 Silver Vftiili is a substantial Silver (not imitation oj Any kind) Stem-Wind American Levei Watch cither hunting case or open. Our i5.t)0 Watcll is a Stem-wind, Openl- ace, first quality, stiffened Gold American Lever Watch, guaranteed to wear 20 vfars. It is fully etiual to anvi !T5i i i;" " X watch sold for $ S by others, Wefmd pY'Sfa first-class Stilfcned Gold Case much 3. J more satisfactory and serviceable than any Solid uold Case that can besom at less than double the money, as cheap solid cases are invariably thin, weak, ot tow quality, and worthless after short use. Our$38 Watch contains numerous important patented im provements, of vital importance to accur-l ate timing 1'atent Dvstprcpft Patent Stem irind,&c, which we control exclusively. It isfully for accuracy, appearance, dura bility and scrvi.-e, to anv 7e: Watch, either iVn r.t.iiiii;riT ("iM-fii'i r.n 1 si road Watch is especially construci'-d for J(f"5 the niostexaciing use, and is thelt"-:t Rail-!r--''f road Watcn made, Upen race or Hunting. j AH t"r:ese prices are either all cafh or in clubs, J 81.UU a Wft R, AnAjir TTitfcJl J , L i;iiiij.'tir given free mtn turn tuitc.i. -j- The Keystone Watch Club Coffcg! wafnumcein uo tuwn tsunamo V WAinUI 51, rtllLAyAi I'M, fcfv m Agents waniea. Aiax Watch Insulator, $1,00 rjiTlect prnieotioD aaaiui maKnetum. ; 1 ,' -v Pit iTiiurr(ifrJ. Sent fiv mail on n ectpi -w of 1 ri:"e. Cj" refer to aW Cnmm'rcia! "jSaaftr-Ai J i 3i'tT . . tit r--." 1 ti y y V IT Pfv,ii' tti Lzpi P..tcT.; Fi!:n3 j t v. r y n WAS."" ''',' . , 1 . - . - -. , - ct mi..Vi -t- (- J ... v A-Vfi prv r ,'r ' ' eutoi:,u (rati in alt rartt. In rl ll icinp our tnachin'-X i.i.i-J . (tttH3 trbtfrv 'bi r ' '' tbrm. we m -nti 1 rot Krm in -ai h icta.i-.r .: at arwmp-tiia. a!;ic r . world, with a., '.fcs alt ; We aJao rmi I re a r lin ef ottr ecuiy ra.l v .h ,n. In murr. w - e:, :- i,.l f all a tetht ait h.!: . h tT run 'wt t-' ' ' n out 11 luKlia.'..l'M - Hrocota. atui '' No nritai rwn.wl. I n. I 15 V; I I - I p2l i'i M!5vV - I 'J '';,0T vr-"J '' n ii .li . $ -S3 i t.I N - t i S2 6 i I v;i Zt pia PS i 1 4 g M li a" lATEiTI i y I3 1 1 iSBtl l;. '-:rt'-: o'h;;rn lmv.j ii'.'.v r.:(":vii-,!i: ai',1110. ; .lii'ttt .:':i,'i:iiiri,n ',)'. V. 1 '. -.s i:N!!-G:,3 . .1 .1:. A-1 i'-.l : " :.,''.i'!i::K I : i ! ! krlcrf iaatruttioaa pro. 1 hoi who wrtu to unnuti - -ere rr" tha br nnnrvhiM in tht wfJ, a:.l tk ii-er ine of works ofh'irh art tn or tbovn tor-thn in Arr."r . TK VE aft t O., Uox T4, AaUM, MaiHC b t m O O 0 1