Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, February 28, 1889, Image 3

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Local and General.
Trains on the Willow Creek Branch arrive at
and leate the difturent :ulioh8 daily, exci'Ut
Uundays, na follows:
No. 18 (Mixed)
-No. V (Mixed)
8:15 p. it. Ar.
5 (" " "
4:35 " "
4:15" " "
S:1S" " "
Lv. 5:45 A. H.
' B:0" "
" 11:50 " "
" 7:211" "
Willows Junction
7:40" "
8:30 " "
8:15 "
2:50 "
Arlington. Ar, 9:10 '
Couneclat Arlington with No. 1, West, at 9:25
A.M. Arrive iu Portland, 4:20 P. M. No. 2. East.
K-avea Portland at 8:00 A. m Arrives at Arling
ton at 2:40 P. M. (i. 8. THOM PSON, Agent.
Notice is hereby given that the firm f
Heppuer & Bluokmnn ie this day disolv
ed by mutal couseufc, Henry Heppuer
retiring from the firm, all liabilities will
be assumed and all indebtedness will be
collected by the new firm of H. Blaok
man & Co.
' Hemey Hkppnf.b.
Henry Blackman.
Refering to the above the new firm
asks liberal oontiuuenoe of patronage in
the future as iu tbe past. Respectfully,
H. Blackman & Co. "
Dated Juu. 26, '89.
Put iSmith, of 108 First street, is our
duly authorized auent in Portland, and
will receive at regular rates, advertising,
subscriptions, eta. Parties from the
isppner region will always fmd the
Gazette at his place.
MonB PnoGitESs. Ou last Tuesday
workmen began to remove the dirt, roof
from off the old, stone warehouse, situa
ted on Main street, between Henry
Heppner's frame store building and the
Maddaclc struoture, now owned by C.
A. Rhea. All the old settlers know
where to find the old stone warehouse
which was built about ten years ago, and
until the ereotion ef Henry Heppner's
briok, enjoyed the celebrity of being
the only tire-proof struoture in Heppner.
It has strong walla, and the present own
er, Mr. Henry Heppner, will soon con
vert it into a neat store to be ooeupied
by the hi.rdware firm of Gilliam & Cof
fey. The UBOnmely stone front will be
torn out and roplnoed by briok, and the
dirt roof, which has served as both a
covering and back yard where a dense
growth of weeds ran up every season
unmolested, will be replaoed by the
most modern style of tin roof. When
this building is remodeled, C. A. Rhea's
bank building, next door, reaohes com
pletion, the prospective brick hotel goes
up on the Morrow corner, and the same
sort of a brick store building is erected
on the Mallory oorner, why, Heppner
town won't know herself.
A Year's Wokk. With this issue of
the Gazette, we complete a year's work
as manager, etc., of this paper. In most
respects, it has been quite tatisfnetory
to us; in others quite the opposite. We
have no particular fault to find with the
patronage whioh we have received during
the past year, for in fact.it has been
quite liberal, and in return, there has
been an effort to give dollar for
dollar. . The Gazette is not the paper
that we would like to have it, yet it has
been improved as fast as circumstances
would permit. With a i view of giviug
our readers more iieusj the Gazkttb
will hereafter consist of six pages, two
of whioh will contain the latest tele
graph io and stato.news. Our patrons
can rest assured that the Gazetth will
not stand still in the matter of improve
ment, but will ooutinue to grow in pro
proportion to the patronage received,
and the enterprise of its neighbors in
Heppner oolouy.
"Mac" Leaves us. M. C. McDougall,
who for three years was a member of the
firm of Minor, Doilsou & Co., now W. O.
Minor, leaves this week for Seattle,
where he will remain a short time,' after
which he will visit his home in Canada,
Although "Mac," as he is familiarly oalled
by his friends, still ha? interests in Hepp
ner, it is hardly possible that he will en
gage in business here again. He is
known as one of our best business men,
and to say that we are sorry to lose him
1n that and other cap,.c:,ii - , is putting
it mild; still, the Gazkttit tuum assured
that with his ability and energy, he will
prosper wherever he chooses to oast his
The New Bank Building. There is
nothing doubtful about the erection
of the brick bank building on Lnm
Rhea's corner. The contract has been
let to William Stokes, of Portland, who
will commence work ou or about March
10, and will have the same completed
not later than May 15. When finished,
it will be fitted up with the latest and
neatest bank furniture. The building
itself will present an attractive appear
ance, and add much to the row in which
there will then be two brick structures
and one brick and stone building. The
frame structure, now occupied by Gil
liam & Coffey, will be moved out into May
treetj where it will remain until they
can move into their new quarters.
Another Suicide in Portland. Phillip
Gagen committed suicide at Blanche
Hamilton's place, 189, 3rd street, Port
land, on the night of the 24th inst, by
Bhooting himself in the head with a re
volver. Gagen was the lover of Lottie
Clark, who committed suicide at tbe
same place on Tuesday of last week, and
her death preyed on his mind to such an
extent that he, too, sought the suicidal
route. Young Gagen was the son of J.
Gagen, proprietor of the Golden Rule
hotel in Pendleton. His remains were
gent there for interment.
A Lbctube. At the M. E. Church,
South, oo next Friday eve, Rev. E. Has
kell, of Portland, will deliver a lecture i
on the Sun, Moon and Stars, by the use
of the Stereoptican. The Gazette takes
pleasure is saying that Rev. Haskell is a
gentleman of acknowledged ability, and
those attending his lecture will be highly
entertained. Tickets 25 els. All under
12 years of age, 15 cla.
Something Fob The Cibcoit CoCbt.
At tbe preliminary examination of Ed.
Hale, Chae. Kimsie and W. E. Bowker
oi Monday of last week at Lexington.
Hale was acquitted, but Kimsie and
Bowker were held in the sum of S1500
to await the action of the Grand Jury'
. . .. , ,. . ' -!
rill inwatimtte tba Chance Sffainst
who w
tbem of stealing cattle. Mr. Kimsey
ac it red bonds,
bat Bowker waa n liable
to do an, aud is in the county jail.
Frederick H. Blake has been commie-
ioned poatmaater at Chetco, Or.
Chas. G. Robison. a wool man of The
Dalles, is in town.
Nelse Jones is over in the Malhuer
country this week.
Miss Ava Smith returned frotn' Port
land on last Friday.
Mrs. Jobuny Ayers is quite ill at her
home on Butter creek.
Mrs. Johnny Ayers is quite iil at her
home on Butter creek.
J. A. Steach, of Long Creek, was in
town ou last Monday.
Judge Mallory is a candidate for the
Heppuer post-office.
Will Morrow made a trip down to the
metropolis last week.
Mayor W. F. Matlock ' returned to
Pendleton on last Monday.
The Gazette calls attention to the new
ad. of A. I) Johnson & Co.
Band ball at Matlock's hall on next
Monday night. Tickets, $1.00.
Miss Lillie Haskins leaves this morn
ing for her home iu California.
Born Near Heppner, on thelfith inst,.,
to the wife of Wm. Hughes, a sou.
Gid Boyer returned from Portland on
last Friday, with improving health.
Died At Lexington, this uioruiug at
2:30 o'clock, Minnie, wife of Joe Gibson.
It cost $15,587.36' more to run the Ore
gon penitentiary duriug the years 1887-8
than 1885-0.
On last Tuesday, Jerry Brosinan, of
Butter creek, made the ranch a business
aud social visit.
L. Briggs has returned from Vancouver
W. T., wuere he was sailed recently by
the illuess of his father.
A. H. Tvaon has been considerably un
der the weather for the past week, but is
able to be around again.
Layman's high license bill, recently
passed by the legislature, raises the sa-,
loon tax to $o00 per year. , 1
Charley Long was arrested on lust
Tuesday for striking Jack Clark, , and
fined $5 dollars and costs:
Geo. A. Hall, of the Union Mutual Ac
cident Ins. Co., of Chicago, visited
Heppner the past week.
J. C. Fullerton, of .Staver & Walker, is
looking after matters of interest to his
firm-in Morrow this week.
Wm. Ulrich, agent of the Farmers and
Merchants Insurance Co., of Albany,
Or., was in town last week.
Henry Welsh returned on last Monday
from the John Day, where he has been
looking after his stock interests.
John Jenkins came over from Eight
Mile last week to do some flue-building,
in which capacity he is an expert.
The well-known firm of Staver &
Walker have a neat ad. on the first page,
to which we call particular attention.
J. D. Kennedy, representing Fleishner,
Mayer & Co., of Portland, is selling
goods to Heppner merchants this week.
William E. Wheeler has been appointed
postmaster at Airlie, Polk county, Or.,
in place of William E. Williams, resigned.
Senator J. II. Hamilton passed
through Heppner, this week, on his way
from Salem to his home in Grant county.
Aaron Vinson, of the Walla Walla
marble firm of Niles & Vinson, is doing
business m iioppner ami vicinity this
The windows of the South Methodist
church are beitig stained this week, ren
dering the edifice much more attractive,
in appearanoe.
Dick Strauss, representing the well
known boot and shoe house of Bucking
ham & Hecht, visited Heppner the early
part of the week.
No. 1. Vol. 1. of a nowsy little sheet,
the -Town Talk, has arrived at the Ga
zette ranch trom Arlington. ' Henry T.
Hanson is editor. . .
B. B. Mann, of the Butter creek region,
makes mention in this issue of his fine
stallions, Finnich Chief and Haiktield.
See ad. elsewhere.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keyte, Editor
Snow and Alva. Leach, of Lexington,
were up to see SUittz' Sew York Theatre
Company, last week.
On Feb. 22, freight engine No. 13 was
ditched near Blalock, delaying the Walla
Walla local and the. Heppner train sev
eral hours. No one hurt.
Hon. T. E. Fell and wife returned from
Salem to their home in Heppner, on last
Tuesday's' train. Mr. Fell has done good
work for Morrow county this session.
. Revival meetings are in progress at the
Baptist church, having commenced on
last Monday evening, under the direction
of Rev. Prunk, their resident minister.
On last Monday, M. C. McDougall re
ceived a telegram from his old home iu
Canada, announcing the sad intelligence
of the death of his father. He has the
sympathy of a large circle of friends.
At the recent session of legislature,
the time for holding circuit court in the
7th judicial district was changed so that
the spring term will convene the fourth
Monday in March, instead of the second
B. A. Hunsaker, of the livery firm of
Hunsaker & Long, went below last week
on a business trip, returning on Tues
day's train. While in Portland, he pur
chased a 'bus to accommodate their in
creasing business.
The Heppner Transfer Co. have a neat,
double-oohunn ud. iu this issue. It is
evident that they know bow to do busi
ness from the manner in which they call
the attention of the public through 'die
medium ot advertising.
Through an inadvertency, no mention
i' as made last week of the gathering of
rela ives and friends at the residence of
Geo. Noble on the 18th inst, this being
the ocoasion of the 62d birthday of Mrs.
M. B. Gray, mother of Mrs. Noble.
Thoe. Murphy, late of Heppner, but
more recently of New Mexico, Arizona,
California, etc., is back again. In his
estimation, Eastern Oregon should be
given the credit of beiug decidedly a
better country than any ot the above. '
W. G. demons, gen. agf. of the Ameri
can Building & Loan Association, was in
town the past week, and succeeded in
convincing some of Heppuer' g enterpris
ing citizens that it was quite necessary
for the establishment of a local branch
at this place. .
Preparations are now being made for
considerable building m Hepunei during
the coming summer season. Heppner
town is sure to build tip, the progress in j
that direction duriug the uext year, only
being a small part of the growing epoch
of our little city. -
The new cabinet officer is the secretary"
of agriculture, formerly known as coin
misHioner of agriculture: There were
originally only four members of the cabi
net, but it has been increased from time
to time till now it requires eight to man
age the cabinet.
It appears that Centervillo is altogether
too plain for the aesthetic folks of that
place. During the recent session of our
legislature, they had the euphonious
name of "Athena" taoked on in its stead,
to designate it from their plain, every
day neighbors, Adams aud Weston.
Joe Keeney is over from Pendleton,
this w eek, getting ready to put on a line
of stages between Heppner and Monu
ment. They will commence making
regular trips to-morrow. Passengers and
mail will then get through from Heppner
to Canyon City in two days.
Died In Heppner, on Thursday. Feb.
121, Emma, little daughter of Mrs.
Amanda himsey, aged 3 years anil 6
months. The remains were interred in
the Masonic cemetery at this- place on
last Friday. The Iwreaved mother and
relatives have the sympathy of the entire
rrank Mcranand and family arrived
from Arli-'gtim on la,t Monday, and will j
' he r, .3;.!ew of rhf, t.,wn hereuiier 1'oltin
I & McFarland will own up their Heppner
j store to morrow, having purchased the;
I . . ... , t rr ..." 1 j
siock. etc.. oi j. naL'er. e uo uui
; ov; whether Mr. Hager will remain
with ns or not, bnt believe that he has a
i preference for the bound section, where
be has some property. However, the
Gazette hopea that Jaa. will remain in
I Heppner, as we can ill afford to lose him.
Whereas, It baa pleased the Supreme
ruler aud Soveieign Grand ot the Uni
verse in His benificent dealings with
the children of men to remove from our
midst our late sister, Susan V. Sperry:
Whereas, It is but a just and fitting
mark ot our esteem that we recognize
her many virtues. Therefore be it
ficsolved, That Rebeckah Lodge, No
33, of I. O. O. F.. that while we submit
humbly to tbe will of the Lord of Hosts,
we do not the less mourn the loss of our
beloved sister now gone to home above
Resolved, That in the death of Susan
V. Sparry, this Lodge laments the loss of
a sister who was ever ready to extend
the means of aid and sympathy to all in
distress au honored member of this
Lodge, a friend and companion who
was dear to us all; one whose sweet
life and noble actions, it would be well
fir all to emulate.
Resolved, That the deepest sympathy
of this Lod'e be extended to the bereav
ed family.
Resolved, Tint these resolutions b
spread uu tho records of the Lodge,
and a copy be transmitted to tho family
of our deceased, sister, aud to the
1Iepinisk Gazette. .
Lizzie Morgan. )
Alice Horner,'
SI. M. Noblo.
- Com.
New Firm. Jj-sst week, Mr. L. A. E.
St. John purchased the interest of Jeff
3one8 in the.. Sim of Walsh Jones, the
owners of tho main street variety store.
The business, will be continued at the
old stand by Messrs David Walsh and
L. A. E. St. John, under the firm name
of D. Walsh &. Co. The new house asks
for a continuence of trade.
. i
TON. The O. R. & N. Co. have decided to reduce
their rates from Arlington to Heppuer to
the .benefit of both merchants nnd custo
mers. According to the old schedule,
many lines of goods came much cheaper
by the old way-rail to Arlington, and
and from there by freight teams. Rates
now range from 8 to 30 obi. per hundred
pounds, when fo; merly they were from
8 to 45 cts. Between Portland and
Heppner, former rates were from .29 to
51.10 per hundred. Presfut rates from
.25 to .95, taking effect at once. The
former condition of things was not at all
Uattering to our new railroad, aud now
that lower rates have been given, it
would appear that the 0. R. & N. people
appreciate the fact, and are doing the
fair thing by via. Now, ye Long Creek
era, come on with your heavy freights.
Heppuer can and will do better for you
than any ot his competitors. The in
vitatiou, however, is not extended to
Long Creek alone, but all the broad do
main over the Blues, whose inhabitants
oan find their way to Heppner town.
Mr. J. Johnson and bride returned
from Portland Friday last, the 22d iust.,
and were visited by a boisterous gang of
boys armed with tin cans and cow bells
Mr. Johnson listened to the musio for
a while and called the boys in, inviting
them to partake of some refreshments.
Mr. J., however, pointed the muzzle of
his brown jug at them; the boys smiled,
drank freely, and the results were that
the outfit became intoxicated, requiring
some assistance to reach homo.
The weather is fine.
Cluis. Ingrahnm and W. B. Bowman
have given up all hopes of ever seeing
S. A. on account of Gill Jones' resigna
tion. Joe Hayes nnd wife, Wes Brannon
and wife and Jeff Hayes went to Lone
Book's Masque Ball, and had a pleasant
Hayes, Saling nnd Brannon have made
a new harrow iu partnership. It is quite
a curiosity.
Paoking up! How much may be con
veyed in those two words aud how
much sorrow may be bidden
beneath thorn. The paoking up
going on in Arlington now, whioh be
trays itself in huge oases of household
goods outside the respective domiciles
of our esteemed citizens, Nate Baird
and Prank McFarland, brings feelings of
regret iuj;o our editorial breast, and
while wishing these gentlomen every
happiness and success in thoir new
homes, we hope they will, iu tho words
of the poets of old, be able to siug. "Ar
lingtou, with all thy faults, I love thee
still." Mr. Baird is soon to depart for
the Sound country, and Mr. McFarland
(genial Frank) goes to open a uew brnuoh
of Coffin & McFarland in Heppuer.
Good luok attained them. Aflinyton
Town Talk-
It is a calamity of the direst kind io
feel that one's-physical energies are fail
ing iu the prime of life to feel more
nerveless, more dispirited, weaker every
day. Yet this is the unhappy lot of
hundreds who surround us. A source
01 renaweoretrengtu wmou science ap-
ped by Weakness, infirmity and long uu
benefiitted by other means, surely ooin
n ends itself to all who need a tonic.
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters ia snoh a
medcine pure, botanic, soothing to the
nerves, promotive of digestion and a
fertilizer of the blood. Uespepaia ner
vousness tho first a cause, the second a
consequence of lack of stamina depart
when a conr-e of the Bitters is tried.
All forms of malarial disease, rheuma
tism, kidney und bladder trouble, con
stipation and billiounness are annihilat
ed by this standard family medoine.
J. H. Turner, Esq , says that he will be
Work on tbe Portland hotel is pro
gressing beyond the expectation of most
any oue. Already the fifth story is en
tirely completed, and the sixth story un
der good headway. It will doubtless Im
completed throughout a long time before
the aontract runs out.
The Ladies' Aid Sooiety of the Bap
tint chnrcn, will meet n't the home of
Mrs. Geo. Noble next Saturday after
noon at two o clock
Services at the Baptist church next
Sunday morning and evening, Rev. G. E.
! Prunk presiding.
I Spiirigtime has come, geulle Annie,
and the couse will soou be iu bloom
i rocky hill.
Geortre Younir. time-keener down the
: lln J . H.,.,..
s ' . .. . - "
PimoBBM. It is Very important in
. . M
! remedv be pleating to the taste and to
mis liie or vnL maiemil tiroiren timt
! the eye, easily taken, acceptable to the
i stomach and healthy iu its natnre
I sffects. PosseasinB these finalities. Kvr-
i np of Figs ia the one perfect . laxative
1 and moat gntle diuretic knows.
proves, in-behalf of which multitudes of Vurt ior iu ye. i, .nu -;
the debilitated have aud are every ' day : UIKl " suitable pergan to be appointed
testifying, and which, iu countless io- tb" net J' eptmls ojjurt on
i,... ,,, .,... Moudav the 4th day of March, 1HI. i
lunula, una ittim nil uuunilLtl Mil M It BilU-
Palmer & Rev, the Portland type
founders, have removed to more capa'
cious and elegant quarters, occupying
three floors of the building at the north
west corner of Front and Alder streets.
Thev will now be able to carry a much
larger line of type, presses and printer s
material than ever before.
OfHce of Comptroller of the Currency.
Washington, Deo. 31st, 1888.
Whereas, by satisfactory evidence pre
sented to the unuersigned, it has been
made to appear that The National Bank
of Heppuer, in the town of Heppner, in
the oouuty of Morrow and state of Ore
gon, has complied with all the previs
ions of the Statutes of the United States.
required to be oomnlied with before an
association shall be authorized to oom
mence the business of Bankiug;
Now therefore I, Jesse B. Abrahams,
Deputy and Aotiug Comptroller of the
Currency, do hereby certify tbat The
National Bank of Heppner, in tbe town
of Heppnpr, in the couuty of Morrow
and state of Ore on, is authorized to
commence the business of Banking as
provided in section Fifty-one hundred
and sixty. nine of the Iievised Statutes of
the United States.
Iu testimony whereof witness my haud
S ) and seal of office this 31st
Seal I day of December, 1888.
, ) J. D. Abrahams,
Deputy aud Aotiug Comptroller of the
No. 3953.
Flour exchanged for wheat at Sperry
Sacks furnished for wheat at Sperry
Sperry is paying 55 oents for wheat
and furnishes sacks. "'
Bargains in over-ooata for the next two
weeks at.W. O. Minor's.,
Riismus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or
extract the same iu a scientific . manner.
W. A. Johnston has just received an
ihvoiee of fresh California butter. Try
it. The fame of Aladdin's lamp has spread
far and wide, but it is equalled by the
reputation of W. O. Minor'B nice, neat
line. '
If you want nny kind of feed leave or
ders with Wro. Gordon's express, office
nt Minor's hotel, or at the Heppuer Feed
Yard, lower Main street.
Gilliam & Coffey have the Baker wire,
'perfect barb", in car load lots, which
they are sel'ing cheap. Also the latest
novelty in wire s'retcLers. Consult them
before buying.
A. D Johnson & Co. have just re
ceived a matrniticctit line of wall paper,
direet from Chicago. Those desiring the
latest designs, neat aud cheap, will do
well to examine their stock.
Those having false teeth which do not
fit can have that defect remedied by Dr.
Vaughn, the dentist. Having procured
a new recipe, tie is now able to extract
teeth absolutely without pain.
If you want a red pump that is not
only neat and attractive in appearanoe
but also able to do good service in get
ting the water of the Heppner hills up
to the surface, call on Leezer & Thomp
son. Hunsaker and Long having enlarged
their livery stable, opposite Natter's
Brewery, are now better prepared to ac
commodate the publio than over. All
stock left in their oare will receive the
best of attention.
It is a fact acknowledged by all "art
organists," both of Europe and America
that the "Estey" is the sweetest voiced,
most human toned, loast reedy in tone,
and quickest in response to touch of any
organ manufactured in the world.
Gilliam & Coffey are prepared to fit a
man out with any kind of an outfit to be
found in a first-class hardware store.
They will sell you nails to fix up your
fence when your neighbor's cows break
it down, or fit you out with kitchen tools
when you get married.
No invention of the nineteenth cenUi-
has worked a greater revolution in
household economy or conferred more of
a heuefit on humanity than the sewing
The first productions were crude and
uncouth in the extreme, and it was re
served for American skill and ingenuity
to bring forth a machino of any practi
cal value.
Iu order to appreciate the great ad
vancement whioh ban taken place it is
only necessary to compare one of the
maohines built during the infancy of the
invention with one of the latest improve
ed "Light-Running New Home."
All the really good points contained
in other maohines have been utilized iu
its construction. Many new improve
ments and devices have also been added,
the result of which is a machine as near
y perfect as it is possible to make one.
For simplicity, durability, ease of
management and capaoity for work, the
''Light-Hunning Now Home" has no
rival, and the happy possessor of one
may rest assured that he or she has the
very best the world affords. Hee adver
tisement on auother page of this paper.
Plain Fointuks. It would be well
for the boys aud young men to conduct
themselves decently at the depot grounds.
Otherwise, they will be arrested and
fined. .Taos. Mohoan.
Fon Sale One imported Norman
stallion, Sultan, weight 1700, coal black.
8 years old, in good condition. We have
had him five years. Will soli on easy
terms, ortrade for mares or geldings.
Address, Cox & English,
Hardman, Or.
Pernicious Effects of Tobacco. Db.
Flint's PiEmedy is the only antidote
against the influence of tobacco w hich
the smoker or chewor of the weed has,
and it should be taken regularly to pre
vent the heart from becoming diseased.
Descriptive treatise with each bottle; or,
address Mack Drug Co., N Y.
Roads, Roads. Notice is hereby given
to the road supervisors of Morrow conn
tv. to file their uunuiil reports for their
respective road districts ai the roadinws
Wm. Mitchell, Couuty Judge.
Consumption Surkly Cuued. To the
editor: Please inform your readers that
I have a positive remedy for tho nbov
named disease. By its timely use thou
sands of hopeless cases have been per
manently cured. I shall be glad to send
two bottles of my remedy fuke to any
of your readers who have consumption
if they will send their express and post
office address, T. A. SLOCUM, M. 0.
1K1 Pearl St., New York, N.
Japanese Goods. Charley Wakeehas
a very fine assortment of holiday goods
down at his store, on Main street, next
doi.r to the old Kellogg office, now the
O. R. & N. engineers' headquarters. Al
thoiiL'h Christmas is past, New Years
will soon be here, and if you want to e
leot a nice. noBt present, call on Charlie
He has a magnificent assortment of Jap
anese goods.
Lund Office at La (irundn. Or.. Jan. KB, 'W.
Notice is hrt-by tfi vwi UiuttliwMi"1
..I... i.u t.i.1 ....una i.1 1. Ij. iiitMtifn lo mak
filial proof in upMirt ot Ion claim, ai.a nmu
: proof will txi mail lcfirH the jinll!". of Miirrow
i county, or in lii abwnce bfor I'm: clerk of ail
! county, at lleppnor. Or., on March 11). 1S in
Riiltfrt A. Padaelt.
on : Hd. No. S9M. for thn ", ft NV ii and N ' HW
Bee. S, I p. S H. K a K. H. 31.
i Ho imi Hi f..lJtwilo u ptt.m
! coi'tmuooB .reminded uyoo, ml ciuutwiw ",
i""Jlii!2I"iiT,ii,nirhrtf. i?Jfwtor TinuK, B. B.
! Mann ami Jam.-n touuiftiertj nil of lm ''r-
1 ... .-.r..n h.,( i.iron lo r.n.ut wmltMt t!i
nl .'."' ..-.,... i, .,tn,
1 rabai'tud rawrii. ulw tl lu al ,l.cri-.'ii);!
: ''" "'" '"""or Unpartmwit, w.iy nni ij"""
- it.,.,, "--- - -
kuduio ti,Mwiti,ms..isHic'liimut,aiii!
J towtfer emi-nxc ui rebuttal ot ttiat .uDimiwa
by claimant.
Hoar KiHiiiiT, tUaiatar,
Is' now ready to deliver freight or
All orders left at (1. XV. Rea's office
The Thoroughbred
Brown Horse, 55 Years Old,
Will stand to a few outside mares this season nt my ranch, five milps
from Lena.
These Horses were imported by me hi y-Mi; ami me filtered in (he
stud books of Great 1 ritain and Amerien.
I .can pasture a few mares for
Next to First National Bank,
Goods ,
Watches Ch'imed,
Mainsprings Vitltui
AH wort guarantee-it for one year.
Liberal Adva nces A Lade
Warehouse and UJJice, Corner Fif III anil
Tovnsenil Streets.
PORTLAND: 20 Washington Street,
(Jjjiue: First National Rank.
FACTS KhO.M II. lit Ii's.
Infants', chikls', boys', mens', and nicest
assortment of election hats at li. &. Ii's.
Most complete line of wall papers, bor
ders, carpets, rugs, and curtains at reduc
ed prices now ou exhibition at Heppner
& Black man's.
Ladies areinvited Io call and inspect
our new arrivals of all wool tricots, ma
zniua plaids, latest . patterns m slripeB,
jerseys etc, etc.
Herders would profit by examining
our woolens and full ht ick hoots. Call
and talto a ohow of our U. & Ii's. private
stock chewing to' acco
For sale by II. & U., sole agents, the
celebrated Condoll's Big Can Hakim:
Powder for oilo. Each can contains 1
pounds. Ktjiml to the very l.icHt in the
market. Come early to avoid tho rush.
Partieswishingtopurelia.se fall sup
plies would do well by calling on Hep
pner & lilackinnn. We insure gentleman
ly treatment, low prions, anil good qual
ity in nil lines, Hour iu quantities to suit
at mill prioes.
Most complete and extensive lino of
mens', boy-)', and ladies', buck and kid
driving gloves, woolen-lined gloves to
keen vonr hands warm hen suow flies.
Call and inspeot our goods, ut II. & Ii's.
No. trouble to show goods.
Al.h THIS I'tllt TIIK I'l llMC fiO'JD.
It is an undisputed fact that the hand
somest vestibule trains that lire now
rnn on the American continent are those
on the "liujintNOTON Koutk, leaving
the Union Depot in Denver, also St.
Paul, immediately on arrival of all
through trains from the w'est. The first
and second class coaches ate magnifi
cent, the Reclining chair curs superb,
the Pullman sleeptrs extremely luxuri
ant, and as for the meals that are served
111 those Palace liurlington (lining cars
- yum-ynm. The next time you go east
to Kansas City, Chicago or st. Louis, if
you mention to the ticket agent that
yon want your ticket to read from Den
ver or St. Paul over tho liurlington
Koute, yon will get it, and you will al
ways be glad of it.
If yon go via the Northern or Canadi
an Pacific, the elegant vestibule trains
of "The liurlington Koute," between St.
Paul, Chicago and St. Louis will carry
yon alonji the eastern shoro of the .Mikh
issippi river for a distance of 850 miles,
amidst scenery that cannot bo surpass
ed; or, if you go via the Oregon Short
Line or Southern Pnoilio, and your ticket
reads via "The liurlington Koute," from
Cheyenne or Denver, you will pass
through all the thriving cities and towns
located in what is popularly known its
the "Heart of the Continent." For fur
ther information apply to A. C. Sheldon,
! General Agent, 85 First Street, Portland,
I have opened a well-appointed tailor
ing fsta'ilifhment in my new build
ing on May street, and am now regularly
receiving new goods and will make cus
tom made pants from 7 to 815 - best
goods in the market.
A. AnaiiiAMHU K.
Tiik Alihomty Dollah. I am obliged
j tfi raise a large amount of money, and
i flii narties owinir itoum or aocounis io
Minor, Dodnon A Co. are requested
, Wt,U the ueit dU days.
W. O. Minor.
packages to nny part of Iloppner
will be promptly attended to
Clydesdale Stallions,
I', a Y'PvS OLD
the season at S2.00 a month.
Life, Accident an .l
Live Stock
Loans promptly ni-ijoliiilvd fur
lli fini qrjire tcorx on r'n:il
1,'i'Ci'ijil or Pd!( nl.
q-'J -!1l5 i-. if
TIio best
zw.l simplest
b i
Strongest Shooting.
AW hWx f i'O'.ti :Vi iMillbro
1 (i ''5 culilU'O. .
It luincH from
r 15.00 up-
has won n or;
i without nl
Shooting tlnri
all other w.iUo
of rill us jmt in
Wo ginn::;:
I lor iirt'it-1
1'OWoroil lUI'tfO
JOur Goods Yr
AnyiMng P:o3
IN THAT 1,1 '
9 Aak your denier toi Iioiv
' illuntniteil 'ittulo.im Kent
i' HKIli OU UiMjilUUlUill.
' AdUritw
1', O. Jlux ill) It,
Lyman's r '
l Er Cent.
Uel(U-tlof) 111
n 7ir -piurc Catalogue
ul- a. cic.
Win. 1VnAN,
rmLs, pistols
an'l Shot Guns.
lllIIT . 1 I, IT W.iJl II Uiwt
ffir MliiHiratud Jji itcrljlive H
t irrulitr. f.
Hew Haven, Co
I 1 1, a
A Pleasing Sense of Health
and Strength Renewed, ami
of Ease and Comfort
Follows tho use of Syrup of Figs, as it
acta gently on the
Kidneys, Liver 0 Bowels
Kffuclu-dly Cleansing the System when
Costive or bilious, Dispelling
Colds, Headaches and Fevers
and permanently curing
without weakening or irritating tho or
gans on which it acts.
For fialo In BOc anil l.oo Ilnltlea by
all I.cailll'lt UrUKKlsta
MAitfFAf-rwaau otit.r bt th
UvtuivtUJ, Kr.
htv Ymx. N. Y.
WW"'" '"!
I Jk'irT!
Tho YJ
Our B
) Cata-I
Is just I
v,' A'""' 1
v I
1 k i Gun Signt.
I ' ''
f HI
B 10641
Wrr--fJk:i.'L' - I
r, i i-
General Merchandise,
The Pioneer Firm of Heppner, Morrow
County, Oregon.
We are prepared to -oftf r large indtyjyjsjgjjts.
especially to Cash Customers.
veryihing M i
And in fact everything contained in a first
class store.
Farmers' Wants in all Details. All kinds of
Produce taken in exchange.
We Purchase our goods in car-load quanti
ties; hence our ability to undersell any other
Owing to the stetuly increase in our business we liuve built a Large
nnd Commodious Fire-Proof Prick Building, which gives us
bettor facilities Hum ever before enjoyed.
;Sole Agents lor Heppner and Vicinity
Colo b v a ted 13 a in W agon
Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s AgrieulturalrjlmplemenK
A. I).
Keep His Largest nnd Best Selected Stock of floods in Their Line in
Morrow County.
Pure Drugs mid Chemicals, Patent Medicines and Toilet (,'oods of
Kvory Description. Also, PainlH, Oils, Varnishes, (llass Ae
Hw Sink ol wail Paper Just mmm me East.
Pure Whips and Liquors for Medicinal Purooses l),,,,..;,. T.-
West and Imported Cigars.
Call ami seo us when you are Wanting anything in our line
Prescriptions accurately compounded, day and night, and soocit 1
attention given to orders from the country. '
W. J. LEliZER,
SHELF HARDWARE, Bird-CagesJ Rope, Nails, Cutlery, Wood
and Willow Ware, Granite Ware, Etc.
Aivr. wci
Custom Work and Repair Neatly Done.
Opposite Hotel, Heppner, Oregon.
Heppner Saddles!
Bottom Prices,
& CO.
"""-""ti ivey
on baud.
1 1 11 AI