THE GAZETTE. HEPPKER, THURSDAY, FEB. 28, '89. THE AMERICAN Blill.MNG AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. A local branoh of the Anier. Build. 4 Lobu Aesoc'n has reoently been organ ized in Heppuer, and many of our best business men have takeu out stock aud agreed to act as directors on the looal board. The Association is one of the largest in the United States, and since September have issued about 25,000 shares in Ore gon and Waahingtoa Territory. Stock holders are enabled to obtain loans at 6 per cent, interest on seven years time, with the privilege of repaying at any time on givitig 30 days notice to the Com pany. The cash value of real estate is advanced for the purpose of building homes or business blocks, and a borrower is given six months in which to pay up back payments. This enables working men and people who depend upon salaries to build homes for themselves and pay for them in small monthly pay meats at a oheap rate of interest. It also affords a speculator the ad vantage of improving property wbioh he does not wish to sell, thereby making the improvements pay for themselves, bisides bringing him in an income on rents, etc., enhancing the value by so doing. This has the advantage over a home ompuny, for the reason that it brings outside money into town and saves the .commissions usually oharged by loan compnnys. With the advantage of having a branch of the ArctM3tiKdii)g and Loan As sociation in Heppner, many more sub stantial buildings should be erected during the oomiug season than would be if it did not exist. THE III 11,111 N'(i AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. On last Monday, the following officers and direotors were appointed for the Heppner branoh of The American Build ing and Loan Association: President, H. Blackman; Vioe Pres., E. K. Swin burne; Treasurer, Ed. B. Bishop; Sea retary, A. A. Roberts; Directors, H. Blackman, E. It. Swinburne, Ed. B. Bishop, Otis Patterson, 0. M. Mallory, Nelson Jones, O. W. Lord and J. H. Stauley. It ploasos the Gazettk to' see the man ner in which our business men are taking hold of this matter, which is to ns sufficient guarantee f an immense growth in lloppner. Such moves at tract the attoution of enterprising men of the oulside world, without whom we oan scarcely expect imy great develop ment. Every live cilizcn desires to have people ot means aud enterprise como to our town, consequently, the organization of Ihe Loan aud Building Association was comparatively an easy matter. KU ilHKKN TOWNSHIPS NO WILLIAM SON till KEP LAW. Representative Fell's bill, asking for fifteen townships from Uraut county to be added to Morrow, failed to reach oou sideintiun of the Senate before niljonru' meut. Th s is to be regretted, not only by the reaidenls of the desired territ. ry but by every resident of Morrow county. As the Williamson sheep bill failed to beooine a luw, it does not leave us in the piokle that it would had it been other wise. I here was a disposition shown by members from agricultural couuties, aud sections where adequate rantre is found within the boundaries of the several counties, to pass the letter. At some future session, perhaps, two years hence, this bill, or something similar, will be made a law. SENATE BILL NO. 20. During the legislature, an act wns passed to create and aid Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Societies, and to define thoir duties and appropriate money therelor. It is as follows: Be it enacted by the Leyislafire An sembly nf the State of Oreytm. Section 1. That J. W. Wisdom, of Baker oouuly; John Lacker, of Malheur oounty; James Cozart, of Grant county; John McDonald, of Union county, and (leorjje Woidham, of Wallows oounty, Stato of Oregon, bo and they are hereby appointed and constituted a board of commissioners to bo designated and known as the First Eastern Oregon Dis trict Agricultural Society, aud that the above and foregoing counties ahull con stitute the first district. Seo. 2. That Lehman iilum, of Uma tilla oounty; Thos. W. Ayers, of Morrow oounty; W. 8. Thompson, of Gilliam oounty; O. M. Cartwright, of Crook oounty, aud Jainos A. Varuey, of Wusco oounty, be and they are hereby appoint ed and constituted a board of commis sioners to be designated and kuown as the Sooond Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society, aud that the last above named counties shall constitute the seoond district. Said commissioners hall hold their ollice for the term of two years each, or until their successors are appointed and qualified; provided, that whenever a vacaney occurs in either of said boards by resignation or other wise, such vacancy shall be filled by the direotors of the county agricultural so ciety or association, where the vaoanoy occurs, but in Uie abseuce ot any county agricultural organization, vaoanoics hall be filed by the county court. Sea. 3. Within thirty days nfior the passage of this Act and its approval by the Governor, the said boards of com missioners hereby oreattd shull qualify as required by the constitution of the State. The commissioners of the first district shall meet at Baker City, Oreg., and organize by the election of one of their number ns president of the board, who shall hold office ot president for the term of one year, or until his successor is elected and qualified. The board shall also eleot a seoretury and treasurer, out ot their number, who shall each hold offloe for one year. The time for the annual meeting of said board shall be fixed by the board. Seo, i. The board of comiiiiusiouera of each district shall be charged with xolusive management and control of ihe grounds and any property of any county or distriot agricultural society while us ing the same for the purpose of holding their annual Eastern Oregon District fair; shall have possession aud care of its property, and be intrusted with its entire business an financial effuirs. They ahall define the duties ot the secretary and treasurer, fix their bonds uud com pensation, and shall have the power to xoak all necessary ohanges in the con stitution and rales of the society to adapt the same to the provisions of this Act, and to the management of the so ciety, its meetings and exhibitions. They shall also provide for an anunal fair or exhibition by the society of all the in dustries and industrial products of the State, at such place aa they may desig nate, aud determine the amount of pre miiims; provided, that in no event shall the state be liable for any premium awarded or debt created by said board or any sooiety under its ooutrol, beyond the sum annually appropriated by this Act; provided further, that the first an nual meeting of the society in the first distriot shall be at Baker City, Oregon, and the first annual meeting of the soci ety in the seoond district shall be at Dalles oity, Cregon. Sec. 5. The Board shall have power to appoint all necessary marshals and and police to keep order and preserve peace at the annual fair of said Eastern Oregon district agricultural societies, and the officers so appoiuted shall be vested with the same authority for the preservation of order and peace on the grounds and in the buildings of the bo oiety that executive peace officers are vested with by law. Seo. 6. Said board shall use all suit able means to collect and dissemble ull kinds of information calculated to bene fit the industrial classes, develop the re sources and advance the material inter ests of the state, collect and distribute all reliable information to encourage im migration, and shall on or before De- Oember of eaoh year reprirt to the Govern or a full and detailed account of their transactions, statistics aud information gained, and also a full financial slate meut of all funds reoaived and disburs ed. They shall also make such sugges tions and representations as experience aud good policy may dictate for the improvement and advancement of the agricultural and kindred industries of the state. Seo. 7. The State Printer shall per form such printing as muy be ordered by the said board not to exceed in umount the sum uf two hundred and fifty dollars for each district annually to oarry out the provision of this Act, and bills for said printing shall be aud ited and paid in the suino uiuuuer as other printing for the statu. Sec. 8. When eithtr of said Eastern Oregon district boards of agriculture hall have been organized as herein pro vided, the secretary of said board shall report auoh organization to the Govern or. He shall also report any vaoanoy that may oo.tur iu said board at uny time. Seo. 9. To carry out this act there is hereby appropriated, annually out otany moneys iu the Statu treasury not other wise appropriated, the sum of fifteen bundled dollurs, payable to the presi dent of eaoh Eastern Orogou district board ot agrioulture, who shall, before receiving the same, give a bond in doll ble the amount to the Secretary of State to be approved by the Governor aud said Seoretary, conditioned that said money shall only be used iu the pay meut ot premiums awarded by the Eas tern Oregon district boards of agricul ture and for no other purpose; provided, that should either of said boards fail iu any year to offer and award premiums for agriculture and other industrial pur suits equal to the amount horeby appro priated, then the benefit of this section shall not be available that year to the society failing; and it is further provid ed, that no part of the money herein ap propriated shull be olbred or paid as a premium for trials of speed. Sec. 10. Whoreas, it is desirable that this act should become a law at an early date, this aot shall take effect and bo iu force from and after its approval by the Governor. A COMMUNICATION. Hmtnbu, Ok., Feb. 25, 'Hi). Editor Gazette: It beoomes my duty to answer Mr. Fell's last lotter, iu vindication uf myself. If you will grant me the privilege of space iu your paper, I shall be under many obligations to you; and, before go- iug any further, 1 will give you a memo randum of the dutit s and powers dele gated to the c.Muinitleo of three by the subsidy people, and that was tame by five or six men staudiug ou Main street. con. Uki'I'nmr, On., April 2, '81). 1, Nelson Jones, aud I, J. L, Morrow, and I, Wm. Penlaiid, hereby agree and promise to each person who sigus a note for the purpo3.) ot raising money to pur- chaao tho right-of-way aud depot grounds for tho O. R. & N. R. R. to aud through the town ot Heppner, that we w 11 refund pro rata to each persou from the amount paid by them all sur plus money collected over and above the necessary expeuuus iu procuring the said right-ol-wuy and depot grounds. J. L. Moimow, Nklhon Jonks, Wm. Pinlanu. The above is a strict uud correct copy of our duties as trustees. You will no tice that our duties are limited. We were uot authorized to do a general real estate business tor the subsidy people, taking aud giving deeds, signing vouub ers, bouds, notes, etc. In the meantime, right-of-way matters were freely discuss ed, aud work commenced in due time. The building ot the road ntjjM it necessary to buy some property JSf pp ner for right-of-way and depot grounds. Some time prior to this purchase, Mr. Fell originated a little document winch lie afterwards chained was an agreement. It is certainly a legal document in evsry souse ot the word. No ordinary legal mind could formulate a document of that kind, ror the want of a belter legal name, we will call it Fell' Daisy. Well, Daisy was conceived under the most favorable conditions, heuca, the beauty of the child. I will give you the form thereot with no date. COPT. We, the undersigned, approve ot the depot grounds iu Heppner, the south suit to tie upon ths street next to Dr. Shipley' fence, at a oost net exceeding $0,4(10 for depot gronuds and right-of-way from Fergusou's to Shipley 's. J. L. Mouitow, E. It. Biruop, W. A. KlTOHKY, Ebl.18 MlKOK, P. C. LooNxr, J, G. Madpoox, Julius Kkithlkt, P. C. Thompson, J. 1!. N att mi, H. A. King, W. P. Duttok, E. R. Swinbuuni, G. W. Kiob, W. J. Lkhzkb, J. W. Cowans, J. It. Simons, M. C. McDouuAbb, J. M. Haokk, P. O. Bono, Nklhon Jonks. See what an army of poisonous old Lames, trying to give respectability to a document like thu, representing eT,4HJ with a grave duly to perform, leully an insult to "Daisy's" (iitur usefulness. Well, in due time tho "wet nurse" car ried ''Daisy" oil, put her to sleep, and that was the last heard of her for weeks. Every thing prepared and ready, Mr. Fell steps iu as right-of-way man aud buys thu property, uud has it deeded to himself. Some time after this trans action, Mr. Fell eauie to Heppner aud wanted the subsidy people to oome to s him at his otUoe for the purpose of talking over this . land deal, and, if pos sible, make a settlement. Mr. J. M. Huger asked Mr. Fell to deed to the sub scribers the laud that tue 8.),4O0 pur chased. Fell said the fe.5,40!) tor the right-of-way was charged directly to him and not to the subscribers, and the ranker would i;c bo made unless his report was accepted by Morrow, Jouos aud I't-nland. tell claimed thai he was uot acliug for the compauy or the sub- iciibers, but acting or imnscir, auu ao kiiowh dired that he intended to get in a job on account of the action of somo ot the subscribers. During this conversation I' elf spoke up aud said that no Had an agreement signed by the principal sub scribers of Heppner allowing him the (fTi,4'JU for right-of-way, etc., with every thing pei laming to ttiu purchase, mis was a stunner; "Daisy" squawked, 1 supposed sue was uoau. iui first we had nearu oi ner uir neons, on pretty child had grown to be ugly aud squabby, full of conceit and impudence, aud demanded ever) thing. Well, this oouferenoe broke up, and wa failed to make a settlement. We all went noma soured and indignunt on account of the actions of Fell. Some time after this, Fell name bkmu and brought an unom- oial statement, which I refused to sign on account of the manner in wtncu it was made out. The item or items with the numbers of the drafts and Fell's name at the head, aggregating 85,400, didn't suit me. Fell must uot think tor a mo ment while he was trying to worn me, or, in other words, "cap" me into Biguing tins dooument, tuui i uiuu i uuunuu what be was after. I failed to sign no settlement this time bell went away, and in about four weeks came baok; but, mark you, not unlit tne rauroau whs built to Lexington, aud work being done for at least two miles this side. In tho meuntime I was invited into Mr. Fell s oflice again. He remarked that now was a good time to make settlement, as the road was now at Lexington, and would soon be in. The deed being in his name, I asked him why be didu't deed the right-of-way and depot grounds to the oompany through these lands. Fell said, not a railroad should run across his land until they paid for right-of-way. One more stunner. Well, I left, with the measles; for he said unless this niat inr .van nettled, he would stop the rail road at the Ferguson line and make all the money out of it heoould. The reader will understand that the road was vir tually here, no judge to be had to con- demu the property. We might he liable for damages, and J) ell uuuersioou mis, ,i,i,l took advantage of it for the purpose of forcing his peculiar kind of settle ment. 1 left mm again, uiiuaing a would stay away, but, some time iu the afteruoon of next day, Mr. Fell met me again, with a smile on his faoe reaohiug from one ear to the other, his faoe look ing like a full moon. I think the smile shoved biB ears at least two inches out of pluoe. I oouldu't resiHt that smile; I promised to go, but before I visited bis office again I went to see Mr. Hager and Harrington and took tuem along as wit nesses to what I said. I went again to bis ollioe, and said this: "Mr. t ell, tne deeds are all iu vour nume. Now, wliut 1 want you to do is this; make a aeeu to the oompany for the right-of-way uud depot grounds through this lund, and said I didn't know that he would be bothered about the fruotions. He at mino onid. "1 will do it." I said to him, "mnUe out the deed immediately." It wim dime, anil I went to see Mr. Rea and Mr. Ellis and asked them to see that the HeerlH were all right. They met in ltdliH office. Iu the meantime, 1 met Fell on the street again, and be said it would be neoossary for me to Bigu a vouoher. I .liiln't, think it was really necessary, but I told him 1 would sign it. About this time I think I would have signed a mountain, anvthing to get rid of him, Mr. Rea held one doed, Mr. Ellis the other. The vouoher aud deod was com pared and pronounced correct, and signed, the vouoher as being a oopy of tjje body of the deed, aud I signed it us plain J. L. Morrow, not J. L. Morrow, trustee. If the trustee has been written there Biuoe, I emphatically protest. I wiih the oulv trustee presout. The reader will notioe that I never offered him 5,400 nor any other amount, but the voucher was the most beautiful writing you ever saw. It looked so in nocent, virtuous, honest and lamb-like, (VjMj 0,iOO sduok aown Ul tue euu ol ii. I think it was disoouueotcd with the lust sentenoo; that 80,400 looked as big as mule. About four weeks after the rotid was in, Watt came uloug with the same old rotten statement that Fell had here, nt least two mouths before. This time I signed the paper, the amounts being cor rect, but utterly and emphatically re pudiated Fell's name in connection with those amounts drafts No. 2,012, 2,014, 2,031, 2,033 and 2,027. Fully a month alter Watt was here, the oompany sent us mi otliaial Btatemeut, approved by Mr. Holoomb and Willoy. For tho edi fication of the readers of this article, and also for the purpose of explaining, I will givo you the maimer of making out the several statements of Mr. Fell's land deal iu Heppner: Veil's. Aug. Hth, drafts No. 2,612, 2 014, 2,031, 2,033 and 2,027; total, 85,400. 'hi ..,' A,.tl,,,r Mmitl, KllOII-d W Buyer, 8300; 1'. C. Loouey, 82,000; Wm M.tohell. 1.200: Dr. Ritohey, 81,000; J. N. Jones, 81100; lot 3, block 3, Loouey ad dition, 8300; total, 85,400. O. R. & N. Co. Buyer & Smith, 8500; depot grounds and right-of-way, 83,240; J. N. Junes, 8300; Dr. Ritohey, 81,000; S. Florence, lot 3, blook 3, Looney's ad dition, 8300; total, 85,400; nil amounting to the Binne. The company has it ns follows: Wm. Mitchell, 1,200; Loouey, 82,000; Buyer's, loss 840, makiug 83,240 for right-of-way aud depot grounds. My understanding in that lioyer gave a note to the Biibsidy people for 840, and in buying .his property, his note was given up. The balauoe, 8200, was paid; henoe, the draft of Smith & Buyer, 8500. See the oouipany's statement. Mr. Fell claims bis transactions were all honorable; no scheming, no trying to take advantage of his ueigliuors. J w ould like to ask some questions. First, I will now ask Mr. Fell how it was that the little dooument we call "Daisy" wus conceived and signed by twenty of our people nt an early day, without an ex iiliiuutiou? (None made tome.) I was overtlowing with ooufldouce at that time, and I presume nearly nil the balance were iu the same bout. The child looked so pretty, honest and iuuooent, no one oould help from signing it, I didu't ask him. but niv idea was that he wiuited it aa a oliih to hold over our heads to keep us from growling about the prices lie would have to pay. j Second. Why did you buy all this property and have it deeded to yourself? Third. Wheu you first came up ami invited the people into your office you refused to deed the laud over to the sub scribers, and asserting it was your own and bought for your own use aud ueue-s tit. At this iuuoture of the oonver-' ntion, "Daisy" peeped out ami squawked, oliuming everything, aud you also said you intended a job. ( I oan prove this.) r ourtu. v uy uui you come agniu with an unofiiciul statement, not item ized? Was it not done for tho purpose of slipping iu on the blind side of the committee to get them to sign the doou- nieut, and by so doing legalize your truusaotious? Well, it appears the statement job didn't win. Fifth. Why did you wait uutil the railroad was at Lexington, aud work be iug done at least two miles this skle? Was it not done for the purpose ot roro- ing us into measures? This time you changed your taotios. The voucher dodge was your game at tuis meeting. Well, 1 signed it line a nine man.; ow, vou are getting "Daisy" more solid. Sixth. Whv was it that Wattoame up after the road was oompleted into Hepp ner with the same old unofficial docu ment ? This time I aigued, but repudi ated. S4veuth. Now. Mr. Fall, is it not a fact thai von drew these drafts ou our oredit; or, iu other words, on the credit we bad nth the railroad oompany ami nau -Daisy" oiying out for her rights in the meantime, oappiug around me w gei them legalized so that you oould pat "Daisy" to Bleep, together with the little vouoher, aud 01 aim everytumg as sonar Now, Mr. Fell, please bring us the original little doemment we oall "Daisy." Some people seem to donbt the genu iness of the ohild. Now, the vouoher uud statement all being signed, Fell says we aie fnt-t: you as mnnh as say ao. I auy, uot. In the first place, I signed the voucher as being a oopy of the deed. In the seoond place, I signed it J- L. Monow, piaiu. In the third place, I had no morn nulil Iu sign that voucher than any one else uf the subsidy people. I am not contending on aooonnt of the vast sum ot money to be made out of it, still if the subsidy people had their righls. it would help them very mjich; but it is tl' low, eon temptible way in which they Ivnve tried to handle me for the pn-imse of carrying out their pretty littb Bcheim for a small amonnt of money, spiuuin around like a lot of little, laughing jinneys. trying to "cap" me into sign the documents men tioned above. A suit in equity will open this up from beginning to end, notwith standing vouolierj and deeds being signed. Now, Mr. Fell s last a.tie'e ai.tii-nrs to be wormy, and sickly looting. I don't like to attack it. I see nothing in it, exoept he as much as sajs tho thing is fast. Perhaps it is. Ilia little article is full of hints and insinuations. He hints at something I said nearly sii mouihs ago. Under certain conditions of miud I am liable to say uviuy things. He as much as says I am iufinenoed. It may be; if I Bin, I don't know it. As a rule, I mil not; but 1 will : lins, tout I i-tand on my own bottoai, and am responsible for what 1 any. I don t wish you per sonally any harm, fori am of the opinion that you are a tool iu ihe hands of other parties; others originaK', and you are put forward to execute. J. Ij. Mokhow. To COKSCMI'TIVKS. The un'hrsighed having hoou restored to health by sim ple means, after suffering fur several years with a severe lung affections and that dread disease, consumption, la anx ious to make known U IjU fedo-i suffer ers the means of care. To thos:, w ho desire it, he will cheerfully send if, Co of charge) a copy of the prescription used, winch they will hud a sure cine for con sumption, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis, nud all throat aud Iuiil' maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, us it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will Cost them noth- iug. ami may prove ablessing, will piecne sddresH, Rev. Eowaiid A. Wu.hon, Wil liamsburg, Kingf county, New link. 810 Reward. - For one black, stud colt, 3 years old. Branded T. J. B. con neoteil on left shoulder. Ihe reward will be paid on delivery at Jones' liveA' stable. Pay up and Havb Costs. You who ure owing L Houston must settle be fore March 1st, or costs "ill be made. Your account or note is in the hands of W. R. Ellis for collection. Attend to this matter at once. W. L. UortiToN. NUTICK TIMIlKIt ClILTt'llK. U.S. Liir.dOIFica. LuOninclf. Or.. Feb. US. 'IV Complaint having been eiitomliit lliis ijttico by Willmin It. Tillanl injiiint Jsse K,;ynol,la for failure locomply Willi Ihw a to timuor-caitui-.! entry No. IMS, dated July US, 1.. upon the K HK ft atul B ', HV ! seel ion 18. township 2 B, rnnun 1S7 N. in Morrow com tv. Or to;', widi n view to tlie einieellalion of said entry, eo,,tcstani aileiriim th:lt wild J Ke IteynoUU has failed to comply with the ti.nlier-ealttire law in this; that he laileu to nr ale or cause to u; tn-nen Ida arret on said tract, within two years after his timber culture entry of said triu'l ; tl.ut he has nef;leetetl and wholly fulled to break or e.itlse to be bn keu the live acrea reonired Uie nee. ad year and has who ly failed to cultivate, plant or erow five seres or any number of acres I tn s, tree-seeds, ctlttlUKs, or otherwise, oi-atall. 'J'iie said parlies are hereby summoned to appear at this olliee on the IHIi day Of April Ism, a! Ill o'clock A. SI. to resiion, I and furnish tostiineny conrerciiiK said all, atul failure. Anil said partiet, are furlher no- tdied that ('. lj. Andrews, coluily eh rlt ot .Morrow comity. Oregon lias been appointed to take teH- tinmnv in tho cr-,0 at his olhco la H Mtpner. Mor row county. Oregon, on Aprils, iilo'eloek A.M. Hemeo ot line nonce w-ii oa maoe ny nublmhuitf the Hftnie for to,ir caeseeativc wei-Ks la he Heppner Ouzette, a weekly newspai. published at Jleppnoi-, Mortow comity OreKoa, sad hyposlmt; notices as ni L. h. ia:al cast s. Dill-Ill J. T. OUTHOUSE, Heeeiver, NOTK'K TIMIIK1I CI'll'I CH. 1 ,n,l Office at La 0 ralitl". Of.. Fe't. 1. IK-iO. Complaint having been t ntr,,(l ,it this o!!iee by Philip K. Trenton ae-tinst Mttrens lohason. 1 i...:-.. ... t i ............. .0..1;,..,., Knihii-e comply with law as U timber c.ilttire a-.-'" No- lttdil thtteil November ''7. IH-ta. ,"t,t ll.efc. ,.t-;n its. township I N, ractr-'-J, h,, la Morrow eotinl.v. Ot-ewou. with a view lo the eaaeellal nfsuid entry: contestant allt'tsiita' that iV areas .lohtiHon has never terfoi iaed ai-y woi k of any kind, or laid any person In pei rerm any work ttieteiid sad since he h cd anon the same some fwe veers inro: that Marcus .Inlmxoii died about wo ve;u-H iiu i, soon after lili,!ir, leaving neither wife or children, and no o, e hiu , loa e nay work on the eaiil laud since, and save he lias tu knowledtte of claimant havinit any heirs ur rep eueepaivce. Iliesai.l i,:,i-li. are h-aebv sum moiual to appear at tics oillee ,,n Ihe !:h day of March, ISS'.l, at ten lltn o'elocl; a , M. ar saul tlay to respond and furnish teMimony concern inn said ulleu-cd failure. Aa said pnrtiea are further notilied that (leprae w. WriKht u nntnrv far ( Ireiroii. has hcoi ".Tvvii-ited to taki tho testimony in tin case in his otheo in Hepp ner, luorrcw county, tlreyon, on illarca lit law, st 1(1 o'clock A. M. Service tif this notice will be ntftde hy nublisbinir the same for four oon. seculive weeks in the tleppn'T (biz-ate, it news paper published in Heppner, Morrow county, tlreeon, and by poi-ttnir iiolii-es as in LI. H. land cases. J.T. OUTllOUHIi. 7-10 tteceiver NOTION Of FINAL HHT'l'LHMKNT. Ni.tiee is hereby irivivi tln'.t the tnulersiffned having filed their lit nl account as administrators of the Estate of James I., fuller, deceased, and Haturdav thollthdav of Mart- IKSll. the Hinue beinic u reca'.ar day of a iwular term ot the uounty conn of .aoi-row county, vre. iron, at the hour of tcn!(lin o'e! clt A. M.of said day is appointed as the lime tnul the court, house liepplie!-, uretfon, as place in, aeeri-iK oo- jections to said Recount and settlement thereof, and to show came. If any there ho. why an order he not niitil diseimrmnfr the under horned from further duty la the matter ol the administration of suid estate. l'. ttanitttt ui'.n. W. It. Kl.LIH. H07-10 Adiuiuistratoilt Hated I'Vh. 7, lRRU. MtMuli ulnC)N LaralOtliceatThe Italics. Or.. l'Vb 18. '8(1. Notice is horeby tfiven that the "ollowine, -named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinid proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county jude of Morrow county, Ogn.nt lleppnci-, Or., on April 12, 1KX11, VIII (I. J. iioom.iou, lid Via. for the SW 8 c It. Tp 3 S, It 2S E, W . M. Ho eaiees the followiutr witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, sad cultivation of. said land, viz: J. K. M. Parreim w . 11. I'Urrer.n. u.N. Maxw -11 f flooeolierry. Or., anil 1). H. Uendrtoks, of Harduiua, Or. Any p 'nam who desires to pettiest aeimst tho allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law an, I the retntls tlons of Ihe Interior llopsrtiueat, why such pnstf should ant be allowed, will be anea aa oppoilu nitv at Ihe above mentioned time ai d place to orosa-examinH the witnesses of sai l claimant, unil to otter evidence in Fehuit-il of that submit ted by claimant. HUI.1& F. A. Mt'Do:,-n.p. Itctstcr. NO-TICK OF INTKN HON. LamtOlHce nt La Granite. Or., V'eb, la, sa. Notice is horeby given tlmt ttte foliewins nanusl settlor has tiled notice of his iicetitmn to make thin! proof in support efltisphtim at'dthat satd proof will be made heiore the county clerk of Morrow county, tlr.. Hi Heppner, Oreuou, ou March 1, vis: ll'if J. furnish, 1). S. 5trl, for tl NWIt Seo IJ, I'p 1 N, li '.'s K W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said laml. viz: Kraak 'lack, Kcho; J. Htithnvay, Vinson; C. J. Fruker and I. Marsh, Pendleton, Oregon. Aitj person who desires to protest Huaitist tho allowance of such proof, or who knows of nny subwtiintiid reason, under the law ami the regula tions of the Interior Itest tment, why st-ch proof should not lie allowed, will lie irivea nu oppor tunity at the above mentioned time and plsc to orose-exiuuine the witnesses of mud claimant, and to otter ovideuce in rebuttal of 111 t submitted by claimant. HuNnit Hinuurt, tteisur NOTICE OFINTENTION. Ijnirl Offico at tji tirnnile. Or.. Feb IS, '89. Notice is horeby given that the following named settlor has tiled notice of his intention to maketiiial prtf in mimtort of his claim, ami that the said prH,f wilt be made bf,r the county clerk of Morrow county, st Heppner Oregon ou March 30, ISSy. Vll: John Skiyliid D. 8. No. S-Jtt", for the N N W S aud W i 8 W 1. Sec7,Tp 4 8 K K W St. He names the following- wiUloaaeato prove hta continuous reeideuee upou, anil cultivation of. aid land, vi: Jerry I'ltillipa, lfy,ttc IVldand. John John, toll and J. Strite. all of Heppner, Onetron. Auy person who deairoe to protest aa-ainst the allowance of audi proof, or who knows ef any -ulMtauttal rwtsun, under tho law and threrala tiotis of the Interior Department, why such proof should not tat allowed, will be a-iven an opinwtu uity at the above mentioned tune anil place tu orosa-oxauiiue.the witneseoe of said claimant, and to otter evident in rebuttal ot that submitted bj claimant. sou-nil. Hinm HivimitT. Ketnater. ARTHUR COFFIN, Arlington, Or. Coffin & IVIcFarland, A-IiJLIJSrGTON, HEPPNER. Have just arrived in Heppner and are ready M. Are purchased from the largest, finest and best markets in the United Status. We cordially invite an early inspection. Latest styles Dress Goods, Trimmings and Fauey Goods soon to arrive. Kaudsomest line of Gents' and Youths' Fine Clothing ever shown in Morrow Co. DON'T ORDER YOUR SPRING SUIT Until yon examine our elegant assortment. IIVIO STYLISH HTS. GENTS' FINE SEWED SHOES. Womens', Misses' and Children's Shoes in "II the latest styles, at prices to please. C3oTL-33to;v" 30C,tss, Also, Leather Collars aud Cuffs, with Fronts to match. Somethin g new. If you need a genuine BAN JOSE, CALIPOHXIA, OADDbB, Silver-mounted Bits and Spurs or a set of team hinness, ooiue to our store. GROCERIES, The Celebrated Mitchell Wfagons, Plows, and Ajs'rioultv-iral Implements. A Car-Load of the Celohrated CHAMPION MOWERS AND REAPERS On the wav. EH WIRE, U BOQHS SP W1HUWS, Crockeiy and Glasssware, TKNTe, & W AGON-COVERS, Guns, Pistols and Ammunition, TRUNKS Aa-iSTD VA I.ISKS. In fact our aim will he' to carry in stock All to be sold very low. Freight rates have been reduced one-third, and you' can depend upon being sup plied in competition with any other town in Eastern Oregon. Money advanced on wool for Christy & Wise. H igliest cash price paid for sheep pelts. Our firm has the reputation of keeping first class goods of every description. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. Keuiemli.'r the firm Coffin & McFarland, Heppner and Arlington. A. KOHLEU. KOI I I .FIR W 11(11-USAI.E AND RETAIL UEAI.KKS IN The Matchless Decker Bros., Behr Bros. I Co., PATENT CYLINDER TOP, J. & C, FISCHER, IVERS & POND AND OTHER PIANOS. . Mason k Hamlin's ami A. 11 Chase k Co.'s Celebrated Pianos ami Organs anj PiauoA DIRECT IMPORTERS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE OF ALL KINDS 10. 71 MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND, OREG V. 0. BOX 302. S.J. LaFRANCE, Traveling Agent. He EPF! Located on Lower Main Street, is Now of tlie Publio's ) UA m Hay and Brain For saler and Stock Boarfleir. A car load of clean seed oats for Bale or will trade for other grain J. 1". SPRAY Xs CO., Propr's. NELSON JONEH, Pres't. MORROW craiKiyiv T COMPANY. IIEPP.VEK. (Incorporated.) ORHOON This company will uinke ciish Rilvanues upon the wool clip for 1889. Cotniguors mnv have their wool sold under have it shipped to Porthmd, Situ Fraiu-iaco, Boston, Mass., or Hartford, Conn., where the oompany have arranged for storage aud sale. Address Communications, M A iSrVCrER. HEPPNER, OREGON. TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOUR TEAM When yon come to Town bv putting them in the TWISIY STAIilE?, Which is now run hy Hunsaker & Long, Opposite NatWs Brtwrrv, lloppner, " Oivorm Saddle Horsos or Haot s to Hire nt IUaiwabl r..itc ! tstoolc llonniwit tte lr, Weeu, or 2Uointli Goods delivered to any part of the city. Leave orders at our oilk-e, in atahle. Hacks run to all trains. All Stock Left in Their Cars Will Heo ire ths Best of Attention. FRANK McFARLAND, Hoppner.Or. for business tit the old stand ot Jas. Hager. HARDWARE, I I Q. A. CHASE, & CHASE, FEED YARD, Open mid Ready to Reoeive Sbnre Patronage. A XT STABLE. E. R. BISHOP, Trean. IvanD (Tder nt Ileppner, or by their direction mwiw GILLIAM MAIN STKEE? DEALFBS Hardware, Tinware, ware, Pumps, Gaspipe, Nails, and smiths' Supplies. ALSO AGENTS FOR Newton Standard Mowers Ss Xetiijors Norwegian Plows, fhe Celebrated "Perfect" Baker Barib Wire BY THE OV R-LOAD. A large assortment of Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Fancy Goods, Etc. Are constantly receiving new invoices, which ciish can take away a I the lowest prices. Job-work executed in a skillful manner.' MADDOCK CORNER, W. 0. MINOR'S AVill appeal' next week. K ') . S LOCUM & CO., Next tl.kir tu L'ozcr & Thompson's A Fresh DRUGS AND Constantly PKiipiiinsFiiDaijfiisiii. A Uhoioe Lme of DOMESTIC AND IMPOItTKD CIGARS, And ninny other articles too numerous to mention. KIRK & Y0UNGGREN, May Street, Nearly Opposite Minor, Dodnon fc Vo.'$ Store, HEPPNEH, OREGON Manufacturers of and Dealers in- . Furniture, Mirrors, Bedding, Brackets, Picture Frames, Etc. Also For Sale 1886 MdlJKL WINCHESTER RIFLES. Cheap For Cash. UNDERTAKING May Street, C. S. YANDUYN, -UilALlfilt IN General n S GENTS B 0 YS FURNISHING GoodS Also Take Orders POH SKITS. 0: CROCKERY, mil i '.: - - nf Hanvna- U3Ndd3y PATRONIZE A tJolxnstoiis FAMILY GROCERY HAS THE BEST Opposite W. 0. Minor's, on May Street, HEPPNER Sperry's New Roller Mills! SEPPNEK, - - OREGON, Capacity 70 Barrels J. B. SPERRY, Proprietor. -: o Flour from best Grades of Wheat, flour and Mill Feed. Is now for sale in quantities to suit purchasers. IN Coppe Wagons, HEPPNER. hardware store, Hiippner, Orogou. Stock of MEDICINES on hand. 8 :o:- A SPECIALTY. Heppner. Notions A mmu nition AND Stationery rwTTrv .... Groceries, Willow Fare, '133H1S AND CHEAPEST. OREGON. o Q