. x xTi. H UlfciDAY. FE1 Local and I F RAILIP' Trains and ) SIXTH YEAR. IIERPNEIl, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1889. NO. 310. .lA-i nv- ;i is, mi LYri'mri nrir i h lki ix y rv -i ti i m-vi w i iriv '0 O o 0 r THE GAZETTE I TO KVKRV THURSDAY AFTfcRNW.X. DI . OTIS PATTERSON, l i'Z.W per year, $l.3-" for six nionllis, $0.7. ir ."ree months; iw advance. If paid for at the nd of aU inuutiis, 9i.no a year will be charged. ADVKBTIHINO BATES. "h, aintflo column, pei- month, $ 1.50 ... 2.50 .: " " " ; fill.) i " " - " .5U " " ' ; " 15.UI DOUBIJE COLUMN. $ ; fi.it t lohuiii N.5 - ;. ..tr.() L rvd x t:Ttin' l()c pr liny. Kadi pmhsc- yj;rf:: il ior p-rs ai:d :oii;.in S. iruvor. ti. 'A. Wislih. ..H. JliiJf'Iniy. ). II. liird. W. I:, t'ilif. . j. :i!r,li'lm'i :. :-..'Vt:itii iJwuicl lol Alhiiii-'y unltunw (JtJUNTY. .;iuiI.",:J,!iatir l.i--.l'.'!.-'llt -.1 tvu -.'--.-M JuJw. ' liH:lliSl'!ierH I ii;:!ipeou. ....J. P. Vi'wr. T. K. iVll. ..Wm. Mitclioll. .J. IJ. I'.iJ. J. A. f- I.. Androws. ..T. It. iinwaitl. J,.,i. riiiblv. ,..J. J. ;K'.()6e. Jttliim Ki thi.iy. ...J. I!. iSiiuii'-y. . .. .A. .1. hinilic. riliL-nlT ' V y l'!v:i:iwrjr Mip l. . lilTNlill TOWN Ol'FIOKIta ... ., Henry ltliu'kinan. "'' .l..;r.Vi-' M Nnlsuit J J!'-'-. J. Ji.'.i r.iv.-. I',. L. Mailnek, (imirjo H..I.U-, i. I'. (I. W Hwi. V. . .1 i . Tlios. 'I'll': :m. SOCIETIES D, :i m Lo.iiri. No. it K. nf F. uiiwl? o v. . i'n. -iiaynvi!!. infill J. Mi imu'K ui I. (.".). iiali. Hdi'iii.iiiuK tiinlii'TH cor i.i.i. i. i .vilesl l.i iit.u i.il. J. (, )!nio, ( C. E. U. . VliliUHNH, IC. if H. Afci. :: l.i.diro. N. Ill) 1. O. 0 Jf. i-v;.i.v WcilueHiUiy .vuiiiii at .k. ViHiluii: ui-"lli"foori-li-t-1 noil. Uko. Noai.K. M. U. iil , !i l), . Nu. XI I. O. 0. u'i.i il'. Mciiilifvi. . i li i' Iioki-bo eurdtally wul jinn.d. HixsAiiieru Kiim, n. b. l.l'O. CSulilii. Ci'ic. - ITc-i.i-"- I, oi! :. HO A i & A. M. in. i-lH "V. i . iiivi .mil iJum bi.turduyB ot I'll NK CilLLIAM Muator. i ... . f....i.i i Kiit iirimvH or euuu Wlf.l. A. Ivlitii. i'.i ri'laiy. U,ni. llii!:n l..:.ls No. 8i 1.0. (1. P. niw.13 ov-i-.yNiIiiiiiiivi.viniii.iriii i oVl'ii'k at Hie i''Jl iilacu ol niuDl ili(j. YmitiuB brutliera wulooiueu. J.J. Mctiee, N. (j. S. W. Mill, li. 8"0. "vHmli..iio lluliiikiih Ui'Ki'mi l.lKe No. 2Ti. ineots first ai.il liiml Vuluday "f uiich month. Mary K. Shanor, N. G. J. P. Shuniiitfi, Si'C. I-r-I-iv.-V KElLiO3G. s LAW. oxxx o Oilier in Fircst Mational Hank. HeiiinT, Oregon. c. w. in: a. Attoraey-a l-L a w,t: .Notary P ji b 1 i aud Justice of tlie Peace. HEPPNKK, OGN. Oi'i 1( K OI'l'.N AT ALL HOUHS G ISO. WM. WEIGHT, ATi'OliNEV AT LAW AND NOTARY l'L'BLIC. Opposite Gazette Ojjice, Heppner. LAN FILINGS. Contented Entries, Reliable J li.Minuice. Loans mado and collections promptly utteiided t.). W. K. ELLIS, Attorn ev-at- Law AND Notary - - - Public, HEPPNEll, OUEGON. l'rnsecutiny Attorney for Seventh Ju dicial District. Will give prompt attention to anj and all business entnifiu! to him. o1 kFPK'K on Main Stic. ', ;n liberty Mar- kt H. B. LE FEVRE, Professional Herder of Bucks and Billieqouis' Loue (look, : : : Oregon. TraiieK, falos and purchases negotiated ot low eom:iu.?ion. and a Bimernl lii.eo' rain tirokoniKe (rnnaiieleii. (iatliers from the ransw ill nnei run .ni.-.w Sni-k-a tl.nf huve heeri exHOWtl tn scab, dips, feeds oalt and Halphnr, pays fur bucks not aeeoui.teil for, ai.il makes tcenerul deliveries Htocnveiiiuat places between the middle and last of tlct.'lier. All tor a OolliW aad Ten Cents a Head. ETC r. JtViMsosT " wnM?UAUiuoft. JOKJISON!HAKHlSON, CtuiLi-aetox-s and Jiuildei-s ( all ot, l!i"m at tiie Morrow Building, Corner rii..iu and May stie?ts. and gut their ligurw on huildiiiK before contracting elsewhere. MONEY SAVED! By (JeUing ) our raintii.R and Papering Done by R, A. FORD. .PAINTING A Spjcialtr fnop. Pirst Do .r aoilth of Brewery CHAS. M. JONES' J Ieppier Uarber Shop ! In the CHy Hotel. West Main St., Heppner. U lion turning oat Shaves, Bliamuooe and Hair- oct in the highest style of the art. I W V . C5. NEI.SON. The Tonsorial Artist Is located next door to X3C atlocK's SALOON, lleooner. Oregon. LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, McATirE BROS., Proprietor. Tinpn uy.v.v. McrroN and pokk con HtMtly on hand t rHiMoii(tbi iincett; a.o PW lieu rroai, jibju tt--. ir-vv"-' YOU CAS SUBSCRIBE Full ANY NEWSPAPER OcMaKtutine Yon XX' 1 1 t AT THE iosti v-runr... . .1 Si alt First National Bank : OF HErPNER, " I'.A.IIIIEA. FRANK KKLLOGM, President. ' - Vice-President. George W. ('minor. Cashier. 1'ratiMicts u General Duukmy Business I'XCHANGE On all pnrti of the world Bong h t and Sold, Collections made at all point on Rsa- ) Hlill CoutiimiHto's.'ll WAT At the Lowriit Possihlo Prioon. A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame thyst and Ctneo Gold Rin.'rs, Gold and Silver Watciies Always A Full Line of fins beeu ad'loii to his lariro auil well- R'.'li-clod n( nek. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AMD ALL TOU K oj.ipiisil.'i Minor, Doiltou & 1'o'n May Nr. 1 loj! jni.,i', " - - Oregon --CALL OX Jons Davidson, AT TUB BE L V E D E R E S A. LOO 1ST Opposite Li very ritablf. Hejtpner, Oregon. At this favorite resort will nhwiyj be found the best brands of WINES, LIQUORS NI) CIGARS. A FIIiaT-( IiAHS TJlLIjJARl) TABLE for tlie aimmiMiient of gaontti. California, Oregon and IDAHO STAGE CO M PAN Y. J. B. Koeney, Snpt. ArlinRton Stage loaves Heppnor, (i:80 A. M ' " arrives " N 4J P. M. Pendleton " leaves " 6:30 A. M arrives " 4:S0 P. II. Fure tu Arlington, - - $1 00. Fare to 'Pendleton,- - 85.00. Freight 2 cents per pound. E. J. SLOCUM & CO., Agents. Heppner, Oru Arlihgtoh Meat Market..;.- Beef, . Pcrkj Fish, Sausap'e, . Etc. Varnev & Putnuni Arlington v. B. P.:FI.OBESCE. ' I FLOHKNOV FL011ENCE BKOTUEUS, STOCKRAISERS ! HKPl'.NtK - - OUEGON Cuttle brands and ear-marked afi shown above. lt.,ru.u IP n riuUt ahnti liter. (lnr eattle ranire in Morrow. Gilliam. Umatilla ard Wasco counties. We will pay fKKJ.OO re ward for ttie arrest and conviction ol any person stealing our stock. Th SCrEBB'QTTIMMi issued March and Sept., 1 each year. It is an ency- gclopeuift or useitu inior. " mation for til who pur chase the luxuriea or the neceasit-es of life. We ean olothe you and lnrnish you with all the Boccusry and unnecasary appliances to ride, walk, daneo. Bleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in v axiom sixes, styles and quantities. Just ftgura out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you estimate of the value of tha BUYEBS OOIDE, which wil) be sent upon receipt of 10 eenttT to pay postage. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ip.na Mianian Arenas Chicago, 111. Ay x '4twr thai tte tespc Rather thai tte Ctspc5( Pnrtlsas, Orevelt. : - . . i iii piiit-i.., .. ,:ii HtMnicoon. ..ian : -.i-.-l reput-!li.i:i, - i iHjViilamy. Buaincst, ii'Awrf, Com--' ecl--,f iite Penman'!? Oetrrt 3 Smile:. - . . ii-e ::t any time, t ats- anil sne. , i-f jnm-li)h1p nt fre. .. A. niCSCO.twr'J. A. P. AK1M Prla. . MOBRCW CO., OREGON.:' Y W ASH I 'tgg ' j ,1 ? i l 2 vfe iJIIIIEtiSili i III' V8Bt--::::::::: :: :::::; A : md-v S&jwWrS!:"' isssf r'Tkjistiir . I v jj Er ' " " a IT so leibi it y 7tnt8taadard Parallel Bouth T ri J j T TI 1 PfflPBrrfiil a.i.ofcG II AT if T i Greater "Values ean k Had in vr si- m t1 or less money than can be purchased in tlie more advanced towns outside of tlie county. !fl V- LU m Am HENCE-, t-i:eh valtjps Anii; real, BECAUSE SHE HASACENT11AL POSITION And is the natural oi country. T T T? T T 7 TI 100 acres patented, inolii'ling the riglit quishment to timber culture. Ali under fence, several crosa fences, 110 acres in cultivation, 2 good wells furnishing abundant supply of water, 2 acres orchn:d bee.ring, 4 room hmie insured, barn, smoke house, granary and woodshed. Close to railroad. A great bargain. 400 acres, under fence, running water; burn; controls good rang"; one hundred ou application. Corner Lot, 0x109; good neighborhood. 4350. InsideLot, Ayers' addition. $.300. Lot, 02x100. Can be irrigated, water handy. Oood new house. One of the best bargains on my list. $050. Good 5-room house, centrally located on lar;,'e lot, 132x132, on easy terms. Lot 06x132: fair barn ; good residence lot. Lot 00x132; one story bouse; well; good fence. Good 5-room bouse ; well in yard ; two lots. Kanch of 12:t0 acres with running several baron and outbuildings. Just Houses to Rent. SEVERAL CHOICE RELINQUISH MEXTS. Free- ConrcvaDce lor Intc-mling- Purchaser. Heppner, ESTA' mil 1L1 vni; HUT IJ market for a large scope 1 HAS NEVER HAD A BOOM OME BARGAINS IN IT on 240 acres of railroad land and relin E acres can be irrigated ; good lionse and acres cultivated. Oreiit bargain; price set with trees ; fronting on Main street; water. Good out riiiigo. 2 good houses, the thing for stockman. Oregon, aUta55 y f ROYAL KRWS mf. PPffiJIJi " jbsoluts'y Pure. . Tlt;.i po-.(U'r ::ovc-r varies. A nnrvW nf pufitj Htrwifith niMi v.lit'Sf'iit'Crtv u, F.Ioro T"M'-.:n!iiir;t: thun tlie iu'dnmry kit U. tnid i-Jiiinof b- .'..J i: Cinnpntitior. willi i;..- .:;ijl iinlcuC tt .-!, .;1!';' wfipiit, iiliim or vi:i-::t.f:'" !:hy.!.'-:i-. S'.ii.ii lnj. intakh. iiui h i;a;inc fw;! :. ! :.. 281 ' l"fi Wiill lsi;i';'t, S, V f(V 111.1, Jtj The heppner Gazet! tins count j, Wh derive ttr.f 1 ci-dravtir to m.'ik'5 i! a wclfoinn vii.itor phHi w.'' k. It in in f;i: t ;i p.t pcr tLiid KHt to hi.' Fuuit'. j ttu ! i ; m p of every rpr-iil. jjt (jf t).i ceuiity. At t!i ruho liitic, iri ll-ie inorcH.ivc hup. ttvery fsirm -:r -lumld lmpi at hip fircriiiic at least one tfm'd, (Oi'iin, pure, :kip se.Mio-.al njjrlcultninl jourjihl, ii; tfidHion to ln; home piipcr; one di.'vot( t! tu all t ho puii-nitb in wliinh he in onput;Pti. Hu i:pih:s it for himneif. He iiD'.dri it for his uiiiiK und diuiiihtetrs wlio are growing into maidiood and woinitnhood, and ti. who:n a pappr of tide (iliiniictui in of iiKHtli'ula blpbeuofit. To alNubpfirihprs who aro in arniarn on suli "cripiinn wlio will pay all duo us and onn year in !ivamif aid twt'idy-iivn oontsiit addition, and to til iipw tMibBreiburH who v;ill i-ay one year in ad Kim? and twcjif y-fivo cents in additiuji, wo will nutko a prpent of one yar'g BulHrription lo mrh .'in fipricultnral paper. It in noi.o otlier Ihi'.n A larjxr.1 fi't-pJifjp monthly magazino, btindome ty iililMtraUdl, noatly jirinted, folded, patod and trimmed. It ispublinhpd at Fort Waynn, Ind., and haf for its object tho hittenncnt of tlio ron dition of tlie Farmer, the. Oardonnr, the Horee brpeder. the Dairyman, the tihephei'd, the i'oul ttTmanj nnd tlit'ir householda, no matti'r where thej lijyp, wlyflhfT in tho eaut. west, north or soutli. It is n paper of ilfinnnai Wrntitiu, ing into evei y state and territory a well an in all the Provinces of the Dominion of Canada. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. Tho regular Hupse.ription prim of Tito Aiiievi can Knrmer in $1.00 per year, but both papers will be sent for a little more than tho prieo of one. fall at this office and hoo sample copies of this popular agricultural paper and yon will be sure, to take advantage of this magnitieent olTor. HEPPNKH HAZKITK Sa.(l pnr year in nd- varice. For 2,'25 you can got both papers. NOTICE OF IN1ENTION Land OHiceat The Dalles. Or.. .Tan. 10, W. Notice is hereby iivon 1 hot tho followim named settler has filed notice of , intention to make hnal proof in nippurl of his chum, and that said proof wiil be niii'l'i b -fore the county clerk of Morrow county, Or , at lleppner, ()r., on March 12, Iwl, viz: William Mv Fen-in., D. S. Um, for tlie Nti U Sec. 3r, Tp i S, 11 L W. M. HpuameHthe following wiln-'iise;! to prove Inn continuous residence ujntn, aini oultivalion of, said land, viz: W P. Kidgeway, John V. Brown, H. P. I,ong anil iieuh. (.aunt, all ot Heppii'-r, Ur. Any person who denires to prote st au'ain:4 the allowance of sucli proof, or who know of any sutistantial reanoii. under the law uim the rerjnht. tions of I he Interior Depart men t , why such proof stiouJci noi oe anoweo, will dj given an opjioriii. nity at the ubove-nienL'ojji'd lime end Plaen t( crosd-examine the witneses of -aid claimant and to offer evidence in rebuttal oi that iil;.iiitted by CMimmit, 80.1-1U J , A i(!iJON T.l). ICi'itlSter NOTICE OF INTENTION. Iiii'd OftVeat 1,11 (ini.'.iIi-.Or...Tiin.?, 'K Notice is ht'reby -ivnii tliat tin f'iili:win r-nitm--'l ittlfr tins nli'ii initic of In iiiti'tilinn tn milk final pl'iiul in Bllpjinrt nf liisclliinl, mill tlml :uil iroor win no niiiiin in-iuni irn- cunniy i-n tk d! 'Inrniw nullity. On-Knn. lit lli-iieni-r. tu-;:ur. in- March HI, WMI, viz: Giles H. Dauyhertij, 1)8 Nu. 7HIK. for the NW !i NK N N'.V i Hee. S mid SW !4 SV H Sue, li. T -I H, It ill K. W. M. He names the nil nwmi' witness to ih-iivh hin cimtiiiiliins rsiilencu npnn, and cuilivatiiin of, said land, viz: Ridiert A. I'ailKelt, all "f l-ea. Or. ,1. .. I'.Hfiorn. H. I. Mann J I). 1'iMlir-tt mid Anytif.rs'm wtiu dusircs tn nnitei-t ni'iiiri.Ht t id aliowani-ii of such riiiiiif. or who knows uf any sntistaiitial i-i'aim. iiiiiIhi- tlm law ti'id the ri-iinlii tiutis of t Jim inti-rmr i!i'iurfmer,t. why kiicIi iir-oiif should nut hn iiIIiiwhI. will Imiivi'ii an iieii'irln- i! v at I h" Hliuve ini'iit itiniil tune anil n iu:i tu croiH-exiim ine the wilin-nwH uf "ai-l l-llitniartt, and to otti-rcviilifiice in remittal of that suliinit twl h- claimant. Wl-W JJKNIIY IIINLIIAHT, it. KIHler. NOTICKOF INTENTION IjRnri OfUreatliatJrnrith-, Or.. Y4. t, M. Notice ih lierttify ifiven that the fotlowihif-riantK tettlertiaH tiled notice of hia intention to niak Dual prorf in Hitpport of hiHcIairn, am tlrit. i.anJI unKif will bM made tefore tiift oonnlj iuin of rlorrow county or in hit atmenrf' befu. lit.' fh-rk I of Haid county at Keppur, Or., on AjhivIi 2.'., I viz: ! Andrew Craw, Hd No. 8TiH, fortha NK ' Hoc. 8, Tp 1 H, It -'7 K, W. M. Ho nameB the follownuf v.itnfr.eH o nrove hineontinuotm renidoi:ce unou ami ciltivation of, Haid land, viz: lienry I'owell. Start Met nmoer. Je.tneK itrtw- ard and li. li. Henderhoit, all of Alinne, .Morrow county, Oregon, Any purwon who w'Hi rtx to !ro1e-t aaiiirit ti.e allowance of nuoh projif. or who known of at-y HtibMtantial r.a-on undfr t h law and i hi- renla tioBH of the Interior Jji-parhnenl. why htich proof Bhotlio not oe aiiowei, will Tie triv,ui an opportu nityatthe atxjve uient.ionel tan" and pi to croHM-examine the witnefHf-Mof hmkI claiinant, ami ti offer evidence in n-biiltal of th;:t huhni'itu-d by claimant J-13 tlKSHV IllNKHAUT. II 't.'l-t'-r NOTICE OF IN'TKNTION, Ijmd Offiw at The Dalh. Or.. F.-h. Tp, Notiee in hervby Kiven Uiat tli- frtliowinc-nattifil (pettier luiH flleti l)otire t f h ititi iilioii Ui tniik final pnxf iu nuppful of l:M-J.iim, and that tai.l nnwif will Ik- nn-de (vfon- thf eoioiiy j.id."-of Morrow county. Or. at IJ-pp:i' r. Or., oti .Mi:r-h 'Si. lrH', viz: Jienjfiiniu A'. Ftt IIJ W4, for tli- fc'.V U S;c. 25-1. T; M. n eh. 1 H. I: 'X K, W. HenamMti t)if foKowo u wifr en-en It coT;ti;-noim re-idenc upn .. ;.r:d cn.'.i tviid land, viz: o (jrovf: hin vat ton of. J. W. Marlatt, Th-i. Mariat, John (i.-mry w..d K. H. WiU, ail o iiopptir. Or",.,. A ny peryri wlmiliifin Iu ji otet ayHitit th Mow ar.'.w of ach proof, or who known of an 8noita:itial rt-HWii, undt-r the law and th reu);t- tioiiH of the Iri1.jri'r liMpartin-ijt. why mirU proof khonld not (e aiiowed, wili Ipt-Kivmi an opjKjrtu nily at lhf u)fve rnentiorjud Uuie and ulmw to eroMtvexAimne t!te witnen or hhu claimart, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of tlut MubmiU td by rlhiaitutt. WATHl.XGTOX LETTER. Wiisliiiigton, Feb. 11th. '89. The I louse of Retn esentatiTes wns croHtled with a buzing, bus tling, curious throui; on Wednes day, to sue Ooii(resa count the elector-it! votes. It was one o'clock when the Sennto entered the House, past tlie ladies w ho had been for once, iidmittetl to the floor. ami Senator Infills touk his seat beside Spcakof Cfti'lis!;?. Mr, lu- k'ttils dived into the box contain ing tb c.:.r'.i;ic:;U, and after in jumble ol v.inls, sohstmilv broke Is 1iiv return-; from Alu-iiii-;; ivoiiileri'ul ensued over ten ininuttss lo jiort, wiiieli Senntor delivered. So ou it if I irti ris rmdiiiL' the bi;ni;i. Xr but it t-.-li rend tli l Jlandeirini went, Stiiit report trom Arktitmus next. Oc- casionnlly aiuusement Wus had, as niieii li.-iH.lor 1 larris by n tilip of tiie tongtto :iiiuiuuced the voto of liidinuii if C:iev(innd, but taken as a whole tlie proceeding was about us itueventful r;s couiil be. Still tin; curious listened with lit tle sign of beinj; bored and, in deed, almost in a spirit of wine u .i , , j i ,( ;V n ; ,n ,-( i.t y 1 1 r; 1 i.llU ': ll: t V. it'l Itific, ja tifll-1 itMKt Ol 1VH. r iti,':i!!s Irc-fded t!.,? i, hiri usu.'il (iisregiiid I. Ho ooeupcl the cer lor :p.i''i;i- with the nuvi of knife thy :t: .( t i trill! a l.i b;a'Unv when I vi..:- ,i bey and he left it siici.ing -u . he ton of the desk when he i:R't occ.-iftitui once or twice to co:i eiili tlie Ittw with Speaker Orlisie, ivhic'i, it beiu;; the (iivt ' count sinter Hie new law, was occasion ally liei'i-ssary. On the grave of the proposed iariff legislation of the present -ession, the government primer ens gently laid his tribiitu of re- ; cL. The documeut is the copy f Secretary Fairchild's letter to -.vi.ys anil rueuus coui.i.itle, iiis-iuduig til tables of figures. It looks like a lux list and tlie letter prei-i; has the same thrilling, tib--.01 bi;i inlerest that attaches it- sen- to a uatent oilice reoort. A cleil-. with an indestructible voice might Lifi nolo to read it in tin) 'funse in leu days. In other wonlri the entire ruco-.-ds uf tlin customs Kcrvice nave been eiuriUe-.l on tin defenceless House. Tlie nemtte after vigorous oppo iiiiin is debating the resolution it er, the committee on privileges a lid elections providing fur the iiiriiier protection of the elective i'lvncliise in- Congressional elec i; eis. .Senntor Harris and others et'i'ci-: d io voto on the bill on Tuca-d-y wit hout tlebnte, but this offer was rejected. Tim tlnnocraiie Senator opposed the delintrt on the g-ounjl that it would nieiely aTrrtlmt-- ei-el-iund ..Littai'jiciss iDf collide the vexed instanco that the republicans expect to lnaka the nu., Jo!i ': capital oi is the murder of T.l (, 'ley ton iu Arktinsus. II, is a political murder no one. ilmiiicw, and while no parly is io : hold iOspousibla for Uie action of a few misguided and ib sci.i e members, it bus dsedly nf rci'.'d the good iiiiue of Ilia Bl'ite ill:.! leiiliod tile ropuU.'.ioll of Ittrp- r si liti.tive J'n'cckiui-iuge, the lut-i W'r. t'liiyton's oppoiieijf for t.cn- The House will to-morrow re ceive Mr. Springer's leport of the hill he introduced last month, to enable the Territories of Arizona, Idaho a id Wyoming to quidii'y for statehood. Mr. Sp.inger says that if the bill fails of passage duiTig this session, the awiul cit.lt lies upon tlia souls of the republican majority in the Senate. It is not proposed by the bill tq admit the three new states so promptly as the five slates propos ed in the Omnibus bill wh'ch pass ed the House, butic provides that thev can be in the Union in time to voto in tho presidential election of 1S02. The passage of all of Mr. Springer's proposed measures would add eight stars to the flag, and maka sixteen nuve senators ana leu more rep.'eseniaiives. 11 would lokvu only three territories, unless the Oklahoma bill passes, - -I'tah, Indian Territoiy and asl;a. It is exiiected that Mr. Springer will next turn his eagle eye ou Alaska. The delegates f. om the territories interested are par tlcub.rly enthusiastic. The popu lation of Wyoming is estimated by Delegate Carey at 120,000;- that of Arizona by Delegate Smith at H'i, 000; that of Idaho by Delegate Dubois at i:J0,000. The ideu of , , I TI gi t ing 83,000 people two senators would seem a trifle ausurb, but Springer snys that their inter ests demand it and Mr. Springer is a politician and ought to know. The new method ot counting the votes of presidential electors cost only a liltlo over hloW for print ing, making certified copies of the certificates of the I'.lectoral Col legos, and sending a messenger to hunt up the missing vote of Flori da, Mr. Wanamaker has purchased the house which lias been occupi ed bv Secretary Whitmy during tho present administration. PATENTS OKANTEI) to citizens of the I'auilio States during the past week, and report ed for this paper by C. A. Snow A Co. l'atent lawvcrH, Opp. U. S. l'a- tent Oflieo, Washington, I). C, V. lU'iinott. Kureka, Cel., Cross cut saw handle. H. G. lilasdel Snn Francisco, Ore washer. J. (i l!ri""s, San Jose, Ca!,. Fruit pick et- ;. W. Cook, Mt. view, Cal, Truck clearer. K. I.. Oiroux, Al lin. Oreo.. Ore senarator. W. G 1 1 ti n tor. Traver. Cal. Hay unloader, .L Morhord. San Francisco, Krick auachint. f. S, Kegan, Han Fran It will pay all those wanting anything in the line of MACHINERY VEHICLES To oall upon or correspond with ST AVERd WALKER New Market Block, PORTLAND, Wo carry the largist and most complete stock on the Pacific coast of the very best and latest improved FBI. 1S1M, ILL Si IK IK WAGONS, BUGGIES, And Wire Goods And Machineand Vehicle Specialties and OUR PRICES THE LOWEST, Quality Considered. SEND FOR CATALOGUE, MAILED FUEE. J. M. HAGER Agent, HEPPNER, OR. cisco, Gas engine governor. WEATHER CHOP BULLETIN. Signal Office, War Dep't, ) Washington, Feb. 1, '89. TEMPERATURE. The month of January, 1889, haw been decidedly warmer than usual throughout the northern stutes, aud from the Missouri Val ley southward over Indiau Terri tory; it has been slightly warmer than usual in the northern por tions of the Gulf atntes and in North Carolina aud Virginis, while in the southern portions of the Gulf and South Atlantic states the mean temperature for the month has been about 1 degree below the normal. Iu New England the mean tem perature for the month ranged from 5 tolO degrees above the nor mal, while in the central valleys and the lake region the excess ranged from 4 to 7 degrees, except in the northern portions of Min nesota aud northeastern Dakota, where the mean temperature for the month was from 10 to 15 de grees higlnr than usual. It was slightly colder than usual at Rocky Mountain stations ana on the t'acilio ooast. i PRECIPITATION. The rainfall for the month was greater than usual along the At lantic and Gulf ' states, except in southeastern New England, where slight deficiencies were re ported. Excess of precipitation was also reported in the lower lake region, the northe -u portion of the upper lake region, and from Da kota and western Minnesota south ward to Rip Grande valley. The rainfall in Texas and southern portion of the south Atlantic states ranges frcrn two to four inches above the normal for the month. In the northern portion of the eastern Gulf states, notheru Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Indiana less than the usual rainfall was reported, the deficien cy ranging from one to two inahos. Large deficiencies were reported from tbe Pacific coast. Only slight showers have occurred iu the interior of California, while tho deficiencies at San Francisco and in Oregon and Washington Territory gnerally ranged from two to four inches. From three to twelve inches of snow was report ed on the ground at the end of the mouth in the lower lake re gion, Michigan, northern Wiscon sin nnd portions of Minnesota and Dakota. Northhelol, t., reports 24 inches; Marquette, Mich., '22 in. and Sault do Saints Marie, Mich., 10 inches of snow at the end of the month. In the upper Ohio valley, including portion of Ohio, Indiana and the western portion ot I'ennsyivania, aoouione men oc . . . , . , i 1 t c sn -V. was reported. . XuKKKUXL Bf MARKS. During the montli of January the weather has been decidedly warmer than usual in the winter wheat states of the central valleys, aud the goueral weather conditions have been favorable, probably re sulling in a slight improvement of crop conditions as comparoil with January 1888. The ground rernaius bare, however, in the freater portions of the wheat re gion, except in sonthern of Mich. aod the northern portions of Indi ana and Ohio, where from one to three inches of snow is reported Although a dehcioncy ot run- fall reported from the Pacific coast states for the month ot January, the previous heavy rains make the seasonal weather conditions, as a whole, favorable for crops in that section. A. W. Gueeley, Chief Signal Officer. Wm. BELL, Herat Signal Corps, Koseburg, Or, TALK AllOUT THE SHASOHI. BY JOSH BILLINOB. The shanghi ruseter is a gentile, nnd sneaks in a forrin tune. He ia bilt on piles, like a Sandy Hill crane. OREGON. r id mm a ffilTa AS B ST III CAKIilAGKfeTCARTS, of all Kinds. Supplies. Weguaranteeourgoodsthe best. If he had bin bilt with 4 legs, he wad reHomblo the Peruvian la ma. He is not a game animal, but quite ofte.n cuius olf sekund best in a rulTaud tumble fight. Like the lnjuus tha knnt stand siviliza tion, ami are fast disappearing. Tha roost on the grond, similar tew the mud turkle. Tha oftin go to sleep standing, and sum three times pitch over, aud when tha dew, tha enter the ground like a pickaxe. Thare food consis ov korn in the ear. The crow like a jackass, troub led with the brouskeesucks. Tha will eat as mutch tu onst as a district Bkulemaster, nnd gineral ly sit down rite oph tew keep from tripping over. Tim are dredful unhandy tew cook; yu huv tu bile one send ov them tu a time; yu kati't git them awl into a potash kiitle tu onst. The man who fust brought the breed into this kuntry ought lew own them nil aud bo obliged tew feetl them on grasshoppers, caught bi hand. I never owned but one, and ha got choked tu deth bi a kink iu u clothes line, but not until he had swallered IS feet ov il. Speaking ov hens, loads me taw remark, in the fust place, that hens, thus fur, are a suokcess. Tha are doaiestick, uaiiI occasion ally are tuff. This iz owing tew their not be ing Idled of ton enuff in their y ang er daze; but the hen aint tow blame for this. IJilod hen h universally re specktod. Thare m a grate ileal ov origin ality tew the hen exactly how much I kit ii t toll, historians fite so mulch about it. Sum say Xoah had hens with him in the ark aud sum say ho didn't. Go it goes, which ami tiilher. I kunt tell yu which raz born fust, the hen or tha egg; sunitimes thing the egg wan and suin- ti m tri 1 think the hen waz and sunitimes i think i don't kno, and i kunt tell now, which way h right, . for the life ov me. Laying oggs in tho linn's best grip. A hen that kant lay eggs in laid out. One egg iz konsidered a fail- day's work for a hen. i hav herd ov their doing heller, but i don't want a hen ov mine tew do it it iz apt tew hurt their constitution and by laws, and thus impair their filter worth. The poet sez, bntil'ully: "Siniiboildy hit' s'mle our blew ben! I wish they'd let her be ; She used lew lay 2 eys a day, And Sundays she'd lay II." This Bounds trew enuff for pea- try, but i will bet 7i) thousand dollars that this never took place. Tho best time tew sett a hen, is when the lixm is rtelily. I kunt tell you what tho bast iroed is, but the shanghi is the meanest. It kosts as much tew board one, ns it dua a stage boss, and yew mite as well undertake tew fat a fanning mill, by running oats thru it. Thare aint no proflit in keeping a hen for its eggs, if it laze less than ono a day. Hens are very long-lived, if they lout contract the thrut disense, thare is a grate ineiiny gous tew pot, evry year, bi this tnelar kolly disease. I kant tell exactly how tew pick out a good hen, but, as a general thing, tho long-eoretl ones nre kounted the best. The one-legged ones, i kno, are the lest apt tew skratch up a garden. Fgg packed in equal parts ov salt and lime water, with the other end down, will keep from 110 to 40 years, if they are not disturbed. Fresh beefsteak is good for hens; l serpose) 4 or 5 pounds a day would be awl a hen would need at fust. I shall be happeo tsw advise with you, at enny time, on the lieu question, nnd take my reward in eggs. New York Weekly. -4 r-