THE GAZETTE. BEPPNEB. THURSDAY. FEB. 14, ' Local and General. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Trains on the Willow Owk Branch arrive at and lenve the ditfurunt BtutiuliH daily, except tiundaye, as fullomi: EASTWARD. WK9TWABD. No. 18 (Mixed) No. 17 (Mixed) . Ar. 6:15 P. 6:W 5(1 4:33 4:15 j..j5 .. .. 8:1.1 " " " 2:00 " " Lv Heiipner. LexiiiKUjn, luue. Douglass. Willows Junction" 8:30" WM1..U-U " li-in" Arlington. Ar, 0:10' Lv. 5:45 A. M. " 6: 20 " " " 6:50 " " ... 7:J).. 7:40 Connect at Arlington with No. 1, West, at 9:25 A.M. Arrive iu Portland, 4:20 P. M. No. 2. East lpnvys Portland at 8:00 A. M. Arrives at Arling ton at 2:40 P. M. 11. 8. THOMPSON, Aent. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notioe is hereby given that the firm ef lleppner & Bliiokmnn is tbis day disolv d by mutal cuuseut, Henry Heppner retiring from tbe firm, all liabilities will be assumed aud nil indebtedness will be collected by tbe new firm of hi. Bluok mun & Co. Henry Hkppner. Henkt Blackmak. llefering lo tbe above the new firm asks liberal ooutiuurnce of patronage in the future as in the past, Respectfully, H. Blackmak & Co. Dated Jim. '26, '89. Put iSmitl), of 108 First street, is onr duly authorized agent in Portland, and will receive at reeular rates, advertising, subscriptions, eto. Parties from the Heppner region will always find the Gazette at his jrtaoe. enroll- Iiepp- No ice yet I The weather is very springlike. Tlie.Penitentiary hns no an inient of 284. Andrew Rood was seen on the streets lost .Saturday. Ed Gilmore of Arlington paid mer a viaii. lust .LUursday. L. L. Ormnby has purchased s imo 15, '000 weothf ru in this section for the Kns .tern matl.elH. Mr. and Mis. Jas. Jones and Mrs. Oa ZMiluliull leWrued from Portland Ibis week. Our citizens havu comineuced garden ing being BatiheJ tliut spring has come ito remuin. A young m in o:iu't take his girl out okiitiug on tlm ice Ibis' winter but he .can let her slide. Victor Hugo's muster piece : Lucrjtia Borgia at the Opera house in Heppner, Monday Feb. 1H. Daring the past week tbe days have been dear and tsprioglike with the excep tion of one or two days of light fog. Dr. Kenneth A. McKenzie, oue of the most skillful physicians in tbe state, was called to attend Mrs. J. B. Sperry. Kemeniber the dance to be given by Boyd & Wills at Iouc on Fob. 22d. It will be a good time aud everybody is invited to come. Seats for the Stuttz New York Theatre Company are now on sale at Slocutn At Co's. Drug Store. Admission $100 reserv ed seats no extra price. The roui lius of II m. Philip Bitz the prominent pioneer who died at Walla Walla wai interred at tint plaod ou Siiu .day last with fitting honors. Father Eads of Canyon City preached !tc large nuilieuces iu the Methodist . chnroh last Sunday morning and cven :inj?. He left Monday morning for .Portland. The celebrated Stuttz New York The ratre Company will play: "Lucretir Bor gia" at the Opera house on Monday Feb. 18th. Admission $lu0, reserved seats no extra puce. The Salem Capital Journal is ejigag ced in the laudable work of presenting .short sketches of the lives of members of "The legislature to the reading public by installments. Pastor Henry Easmus together with liis Qj-wo.i'kej's are conducting a series mf revival itftftiugi and we are having the ereatest spiritual stirriu.' up ever knowu in Heppner. A youug man with his i.uvs swelled .out with mumps wiving him the appear unce of a gopher loaded with wheat call ed on Br. "Vaughn the dentist this week to have them extracted. S. J. LaFranee, the genial ropreseuta- ' tive of Kohler & Chase, was iu Heppner .on Thursday last. He called at the print-shoo and loft his measure for an . d., which appears in another column. Mrs. F. D. French who has been variously ill with Typhoid Pneumonia for snrne days tbe past week, is now j. getting better, and her complete rest r .alion is expeoted within a very few days. Died On Butter Creek, on the 6th iirst., baby sou of Mr. and Mrs. Press Cresswell, aged 1 year and 14 days. Tbe remains were intered in the Masonio cemetery at this place on last Thursday. Chee Gone had his seooud trial for the murder of Lee Yik in Portland on the 2d inst, and resulted in a verdict of murder in the first degree. There's now no hope of tbe heathen escaping the gallows. Jaok MoKenzie was brought before Recorder Bea last week on a charge of fighting and fined $10 and costs. A sim ilar charge was made against Cbas. Long . but, no evideuoe appearing against him, he was discharged. Delaware still continues the use of 'the whipping post, and if you want to :know how is succeeds she will send figu u res to prove that she has 20 per cent iless of minor offenses than any equal population in the world. An excited clergyman wrote a Wash ington editor asking if it was true that itjiei o would be dancing at Harrison's inauguration, "ifes," replied the editor, "aud you had better engage your part neianow. There'll be a rush." It is ibe observation of railroad men that the oiwrul tendency this season mong immigrants and prospective set- mm ana wasumgion vrritorv. where fnrming lands can now be purchaseu at resaonauie prices. Owing to the fact that the real editor and pencil shower of this aheet, went to Salem last week, all mistakes and errors occurring iu this issue of the Gazette will be charged up to Frank MeDougall, be occupying the same position. Articles of incorporation for the 'Peu .dleton Savings Bank" were filed last week. The incorporators are J. H. Baley, D. P. Thompson, and L. L. Mo Arthur, and the capital stock has been fixed at $11X1,000 divided into 200 shares ar 8500 each. Salt Lake City is talking of building a Salt Palace, to rival in splendor the ice vmlftces of St Pnnl and Montreal. By the way, wasn't it Sodom and Gomorrah that were famous for their wickedness, and that fact of history was perpetuated by a monument of salt. Tbia isSI. Valentine's day and the l.ashfui young man has an opportunity of paying an anonymous compliment to his best girl, while cowardly persons nnder cover of the same mask, will en deavor to sting those against whom they have an ill will. The leading business men of Heppner agree that the town mast, and win cave a system of water works daring the nminff season. No halfway measures will be sanctioned, and judging from tbe complexion of the city dads elected last veek. this will be one of the many im provements to be made in onr town dar ing the coming summer. The famons damage case of J. H. Koontz vs the 0.R.4N. Co., which has been occupying the attention of tbe oourt it P. n UetoD for nearly two weeks, 1n which so much interest was manifested, was brought to a close last Saturday by the jnry returning a Terdict or in faror of Mr. Koontz. Born In Heppner, Feb. 12th, to the wife of G. W. Lord a son. Some correspondence appeared too late this week for pnblioatiou. Born In Hay Canyon, Feb. 6th to the wife of Anson Wright, a daughter. J. E. McQuray, a prominent citizen of Centerville was in Heppner this week. Died In Spring Hollow on Sunday Feb. 10th, infant child of Chas. E. Kirk. Remember the Stuttz New York The atre Company at Heppner Monday Feb. 18. A snowstorm exists in Canada. Trains are stopped, and a general blockade ex ists. District Attorney Ellis, left for The Dalles Monday morning to attend Cir cuit Court. Don't fail to see the Stuttz New York Theatre company in Heppner on Mon day Feb. 18. M. F. Morgan of Sand Hollow, return ed Tuesday from a business trip to Walla Walla. Ed Lang representing tbe wholesale grocery bouse of Lang & Co., Portland, visited Heppner last Friday. The Stuttz New York Theatre Company have 23 people and carry their own band and orchestra The Portland Water Bill failed to pass over the Governor's veto in the House on Tuesday. The vote stood 37 to 22. The La Grande paper says there is not enough available money iu Union Co. tc pay the subsidy promisbd Mr. Hunt. Etta Minor and Mrs. Delia Hallook who were visiting friends in Arlington last week, returned home Saturday even ing Died In Heppner on Tuesday Febru ary, 12th at 1.30, A. M. Susan V. beloved wife of James B. Sperry, aged 30 years 11 mo. and 5 days. DiedIn Heppner, this morning, in fant child of Conductor Ben. Emriek, aged 8 months. The remains will be taken to Portland fur burial. Hon. Henry Blaokman who has bien absent for nearly a week attending to business at Portland and Salem, return ed home by last evening's train. Willie Spencer, who has been attend ing school in Portland for the past six months, was called home last Saturday ou account of his mother's illnesB. Or. J. E. Adkius, of Hillsboro, Or., and Frank Adkius, of Graude Koude, Or., were called to Heppner last Monday in order that they might see their sister, who was lyin' at the point of death. Fell's House Bill No. 93 providing for an appropriation of 810,000 to complete the wnaon road from Heuuner to Monti ment passed the Senate ou Monday and uow awaits the governor s signature. How can vou expect an editor to be always pleasant? Don't you know there is a devil in every print snop, ana at least once a week "there is the devil to pay" if you have anything to pay him with. Felix Johnson and wife, of Butter creek, were iu town Inst Saturday. Fe lix hns been conbued to nis bed for about six weeks, and his many frieuds were glad to see him again ou our streets. Dan Horner roturuod last Saturday, From a visit to his old home at Deoatur 111. Dan says he would not live back there if the governor of Illinois deeded bini the best quarter section of land in the state. Wm. Bowkor, Ed. Hale and Cbas. Kirnsey were arrested yesterday in Lex ington on a charge of cattle stealing, preferred by Walter MoAtee. Their trial will take place to-day at 2 p. m., before Jnstioe Blair. G. L. Thompson and Geo. Comer paid Arlington a visit last Sunday. Why do these young men go to Arlington every two weeks is a common qnerry? Just to see the Columbia river, and well, no matter, we are not supposed to kuow. Two of Heppuer's backmen were brought before Recorder Boa this morn ing ou a charge of fast driving. Each pleaded guilty, and was lined $5.00 aud oosts. Racing in our streets is danger ous, aud we hope we shall see no more of it. County Superiutendant Stanley last week mailed to tbe clerks of the various school districts in the county, record book for clerks, teachers register and all necessary blanks. Should any clerk fail to receive these reports he will please give notice. An individual, curious in Bueh mat ters, has cited the fact that the figure 9, which came into use with the present year, will appear in every date written for 111 years, and that the figure eight will at the close of the present century appear but one year in ten for 900 years. There are a number of boys running about town, that Bhonld be in school. Parents are not only doing the children a wrong by not having them attend school but also the oommunity in which they reside. Every boy and girl of sohonl age should be compelled to at tend school, instead of being allowed to run about town. That Stanley is safe is now the uni versal belief in Europe. His mission has virtually been accomplished, and if he is not on his return trip, he has taken a new contract of exploration or conquest under Emin Pasha. When Stanley re turns, if he ever does, what a story he can tell of his adventures in the heart of the dark continent. The Arlington Times objeots ' to giv ing the John Day and Long Creek peo ple a good road across the mountains as provided in Fell's Bill. It strikes n, that is a foolish thing for an Arlington paper to do to tight a measure whioh will Denetit tne people wno iraae witn them. No donbt hese people will re member Arlington for her kind consider ation of their welfare. The attendance at the pnblifi sohool is gradually increasing, and wfl regret that owing to recent illness Mrs. Dr. Swinburne has been obliged to olose her department. Our teachers are deserv ing of speoial praise for the pains and interest taken in their work. A goon school adds one very valuable attraction to the merits of a town, and . upon this one possession depends, to an extent the advanoe of a oity. ... The citizens of Heppner and vicinity will have an opportunity on Monday next witnessing one of the finest the atrical organization in America. The Stuttz New York Theatre Company have consented to come nn to Heppner and give a series of legitimate dramas, they open Monday night in Victor Hugo's master piece, "Lucretia Borgia," seats now on sale at Slocum 4 Co's. The Umatilla county division question was killed in the Oregon legislature on Wednesday last. The Milton Eagle has the following quaint way of notifying its readers: "Died At Salem, on Wednes day. January 30. 1889, of starvation, D. I. Vision, aged ten years. On account of the poverty of the deceased no funeral services will be held, hut the remains will be embalmed and await resurrec tion two years hence. 'Not Dead, bat Sleeping.' " The youthful editor of the CenJernlle Home Prest gives vent to his feelings in this manner. He says: "Frank Cok, one of our good C?) subscribers at Ella, Morrow county, has skipped the country without paying his does to tbis paper which amounts to $i. May be be toss ed on the devil's red-hot pitchfork ths rest of bs naturM life is the prayer of t sinful editor." Now brother we would not be so hard on one of nnr delinquent subscribers. We bad one forget ns for twice that amonnt, and we let bits off with ten years of such punishment, and with the understanding that if he paid up in the meantime we would forgive him all. HARDMAN NOTES. Habdmah, Feb. 12, '89. JO. Editor: No appearanoe of any change in the weather, whioh is beautiful as ever; and still we are not happy. At least some of the farmers are not. They seem to think that the lack of snow means no crops; still mere are some wno nave more faith, and look forward to a beauti ful harvest this year. I hope their faith will be amply rewarded. Grass out here is beginning to look green and stock are eagerly looking after it. All are busy plowing, and, from what I eau hear, most of it will be put to barley it seems to pay better than any of the other oereals out here. Protracted meetings are finished, and religion has gone baok to its normal state. Ben. Poppen has returned home from the East and brought a bride with him. Morrow county girls will have to look after tbe baohelors a little closer and stop that kind of work. Mr. Ersley lost a fine mare a few days ago. Bert Deford, who has been oonfined to his bod with inflammatory rheumatism for the past mouth, is some better, but not able to get around yet. The grange olnb, which was started here a year ago. bus died an unuafuril death. Can nothing bo' done with the "miller at Olex" to make him alter his mill-dam aud allow the salmon to come up Rook creek? We have had no fish for the last three years, and think it time that something be done' to secure what we all orave nuruely, "fish." We are on a -par with the French; while they have a Boulanger, we Imvo a swain who aspires to the Directorship. Our young folks have a good chance of studying oratory. Their model, like the bird who saved "Rome," stands on oue leg, with the other tucked not uuder his wing, but renting on a bench. He utters a few disconnected sentences,, staooato motion; and lor variation, reprimands the folks iu tbe Devil's ooruer" for whispering. Sympathy bo gets By input by.' 'i Boz. APl'KOPKlAT'ION U1IX P.USKB. Last week we published the full tc xt of Fell's House Bill No. 93, providing for au appropriation of 810.000 to com plete the wagou road from Uepp;,er to Monument. This bill oarue up for final passage last M uday in the Senate aud was oarried by a good rnnjoritv, aud now awaits the Governor's signature. On receipt of the news iu Heppnor about fifty of the leuding oitizeus telegraphed Mr. Fell their congratulations, compli menting him upon his suooesBfnl mau- agement of the bill. At one time it was feared by the people of Morrow and Graut comities that this measure would not pass, owing to the base insinuations made by oue of our home papers, who olaimed thev snw a mit up job in the matter aud that Mr. Fell, in urging the passage of the bill, had privato ends in view. This ooming from a paper pub lished in Mr. Fell's owu county, gave members who were not favorable to this bill a graud opportunity to work against it. These honest, far-sighted people (?) these grand exposers of trickery aud fraud (?) would, if iu their power, com pel the citizens of Morrow mid. Grant oouuties to cat "hard tuck" uTl'thoir natural lite, rather than that then should he oompelled to acknowledge that Mr. Fell was instrumental iu securing legis lation which buttered their bread on both sides. STEAMEB QUARANTINED. The steamer Oregon was quarantined 32 hours at Astoria ou her way up to Portland last week, thi-re. having been n oase of 8uvillp x discovered in the steer age. However, the passengers were made comfortable by the ollioers of the boat aud enjoyed themselves immensely, smallpox or otherwise. Tue steamer ar rived at Portland at 3 o'clook ou last Saturday, having on board among the cabin passengers, Mrs. Nellie Favor, ol Oakland, Cal , and Mrs. 0. Siperley, of Chioago, relatives of D(. D. H Band, who is well known in the Heppner country. As particular oare h is heed takeu to prevent the spread of the disease, n one of the passeugoss are likely to suffer any inconvenience from the exposure. Iu fact, they all seemed to have been so well entertained while at Astoria, that uiallpox was scarcely tuought of. DEATH OF UltS. J. B. SPKKKY. It is with feelings of deepest regret that we have to record the death of our friend and neighbor, Mrs. J. B. Sperry. She was a good honest woman, a kiud wife and a levins' mother. She was a woman who had a kind word for every one, and her many friends will long mourn her suddeu death, but it w is God's will and we must bow to His de oree, for He doeth all things well. The funeral took place yesterday from the Baptist church, uu.l was attundod by a large conoourse of sorrowing friends aud relatives. The services were conduoted by the Bev. G. E. Pruak, and though short, were touching and impressive. Ail day the town presented a mournful as pect, and there wai almost an eutire cos ation of business. Progress. It is very important in this age of vast material progress that a remedy be pleasing to the taste ana to the eye, easily taken, acceptable to tbe stomach and healthy in its nature and sffeots. Possessing these qualities, ayr np of Figs is the one perfect laxative and most gentle diuretio known. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OBtcs of Comptroller of the Currency. Washington, Deo. 81st, 1888. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence pre sented to the uuuersigned, it has been made to appear that The National Bank of Heppner, in the town of Heppner, in the oouuty of Morrow and state of Ore gon, has oomplied with all the provis ions of the Statutes of the United States, required to be oomplied with before an association shall be authorized to com mence the business of Banking; Now therefore I, Jesse B. Abrahams, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currenoy, do hereby certify that Tha National Bauk of Heppner, in the town of Heppuer, in the county of Morrow and state of Ore on, is authorized to commence the business of Banking as provided in soctinn Fifty-one hundred and sixty-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States. Id testimony whereof witness my hand ! ) and seal of office this 31st Seal day of Deoember, 1888. r ) 3. D. Abrahams, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency. No. 3953. Dissolution Notiob. Notioe is here by given that the partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Minor, Dodson & Co. has tbis day been dissolv ed, L. T. Dodson and M. C. MeDougall retiring. The businers will hereafter be conducted by W. O. Minor, who assumes all indebtedness and oolleots all moneys due tbe firm. W. O. Minor. L. T. Dodson. M. O. McDocoall. Dated Jan. 8, 1889. A BIUDSEVE VIEW Of THE WORM There is a widespread demand by all readers and students for a work that Hindi furnish compaotly and attractively all the esseutial facts and statistics of the different regions of the world, and the races that, inhabit them.' All this information has been :.- industriously sought, carefully tested mid proved aud is brilliantly to'ld iu 'one handy and handsome volume by Onesime Beolus, tbe famous French geographer and ea viint. The author has really succeeded to a surprising degree in accomplishing his purpose. It in a wonderful book and there is no other like it. It is just what its title roprcsento it to be a book all around the world -but it is I he world seeu through eves of the. largest intelli gi nee mid dcnorihed with illimitable vig or, Ireahueas aud pioturosque grace, ooin tiint.l wiih studious and painstaking accuracy. The result is the story pf the world. The more the volume is looked into tho grmdur is the sense of its wide scope and its masterly preparation. 1 At tractive reading for the family gathered around the evening lump, it is also a handy book for immediate referenoe for tbn busy man who would illuminato his daily news with moro accurate informa tion. In brief, it great deal of hard work, paiuBtakm-j and skill have goue into the preparation of .this volume, which is no catch penny ooneern, piesenting a huddled mass of pitch-forked roots to the innocent reader under the preteune of encyclopedic information. It is what it professes to be, n short view of all the peoples aud countries under the sun, so arranged and digested that R great deal of useful and interesting knowledge is packed handily in a limited space. While a child would never tire of the fas cination or the faots illuminated by 371 illustrations of which 9'J are full-page, tbe most thoroughly road man will find something, tho importance of whicbJ-ho' never so fully realized ns when a geo graphical expert presents it with scien tific effect in attractive phraseology. The man who prepared tbis work is a genius iu such effort. There are no weak spots in it. The nuhlishers have done their best for the mechanical part of the work aud their euterpnse lenvt.8 nothing to be desired in that respect. The J. Dewing company. 813 Market street. San Francisco. Cal.. are the sole agents for tho work this side of the Kooky mountains, and all applications for ii!;encies should bo addressed to them. Taken up. At my ranch on Rhea creek, one dark-red heifer two years old. marked with round orop off right ear and swallow-fork in left, blotched brand on right 'ids and hump on back. Has been in the vicinity of my ranch for the past six months. The owner can have the same by proving property and pay ing ohargea. D. W. Bowman. r . Tailoring. ' I have opeuod a well-appointed tailor ing establishment in my new build ing on May streot, and am now regularly reoeiving new goods and will make cnH tom made pants from 1 to $15 best goods in the market. A. AmtAHAMHICK. Strayhd.-- From tho run go on Rhea creek, two cows, one white, mid the other red with a white faoe. Also two two-year old hoifors, and a two-yonr old steer. The three last were red iu color. The steer had white face and long horns ,!so two yearling steers, one red and the other roan in oolor. All branded 0 X on left hip, with quarter circle over it. Ear mark, orop off the right, and split in the left, A reward of 810 will he paid for information leading to their reoovery. - T. L. Dorman, ' Lexington, Or. Japanese Goods. Charley Wakee haa a very fine assortment of holiday goods down at his store, ou Main street, next door to the old Kellogg office, now the O. B. & N. engiueers' headquarters. Al though Christmas is past,- New years will soon be here, and if you want to se lect a nice, neat preseut, call on Charlie. tie has a magnificent assortment ol Jnpi anese goods. Dissolution Notice. D. W. Horner and Geo. Noble, having bought the in terest of U. W. Harrington in the harness, firm of Harrington & Co., give notice to the public in general that they assume all indebtedness and collect all accounts due said firm. G. W. Harrington, " George Noble, I). W. Horner. lolisiana lottery. First eleven prizes as drawn on Feb. 12. 1889, are as follows: First priia, 25,215; 2d, 64,109; 3d, 17460; 4th. 98,908; 5th, 20,667; 6th, 19,736; 7th, 91.808; 8th, $17 ,500 iF,"; 9th, 31,694; 10th, 76,733; lltb, 1 22,527. SAM SMALL'S ADVICE. Sam Small's advice to men and boys, equally applicable to girls who race tbe streets at night, is thus given: "It is tbe natural disposition of sheep to stray off, and if you do not pen them tbe wolves will get them. If you mothers and fathers have your boys trolloping around at night it will ruin them, no matter how good they are. Tbe best thing a woman can do with her husband is to pen him when night comes. No woman wants her husband nioniLg around at night, and they will rnn off if you don't pen them. If yon do not pen your boys somebody else will. Some of them are now penned in the penitenti- "J. AN IMPUDENT RAMCAL. Ad Indianapolis dispatch of the 7tk inst. states that a friend of Sullivan, tbe absconding eonnty clerk, has received a letter from, that individual dated Mon treal, wherein he tells of his safe arrival in Canada, and remarks that be is enjoy ing himself. He also says that be in tends to start a hotel in Canada and be oome a subject of the queen. He states that he has seen Moore, tbe absconding insurance agent. Roads, Roads. Notioe is hereby given to the road supervisors of Morrow eonn ty, to file their annual reports for their respective road districts ns the road laws require for the year 1888, and recom mend a suitable person to be appointed at the next term of the county oourt on Monday the 4th dny of March, 1889. Wm. Mitchell, County Judge. Pernioiods Effects of Tobaoijo. Dr; Flint's Remedy -is the- only autidote against the inHiience of tobacco whioh tbe smoker or chewer of the weed bos, and it should be taken regularly to pre vent the heart from becoming diseased. Descriptive treatise with each bottle; or,; address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. The Almighty. Dollar. I am obliged to raise a large amount of money, and all parties owing notes or aooounts to Minor, Dodson & Co. are requested to settle within the next 30 davs. W. O. Minor. RANDOM REMARKS. Flour exchanged for wheat at Sperry Mills. Backs furnished for wheat at Sperry Mills. Sperry is paying 55 oents for wheat and furnishes sacks. For all kinds of seed grain, oall at the Heppner Feed Yard. ' A car-load of ohop barley for sale at the Heppner Feed Yard. Bargains in over-coats for the next two weeks at W. O. Minor's. , Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or extract the same in a scientific manner. Bye, timothy and alfalfa seed; also oats, barley and ohop for sale by Coffin & McFarland, Arlington. W. A. Johnston has just received an invoice of fresh California butter. Try it. , Now is the time to buy barb wire. Very low prioe iu ton lots. Send to Coffin & McFarland, Arlington. The fame of Aladdin's lamp has spread far and wide, hut it. is equalled by tbe reputation of W. 0. Minor's nioe, neat line. - -t Gilliam & Coffey have the Baker wire, "perfect barb", in car load lots, which they are selling oheap. Also the latest novelty in wire stretchers. Consult them before buying. Those having false teeth which do not fit can have that defect remedied by Dr. Vaughn, the dentist. Having procured a new recipe, he is now able to extract teeth absolutely without p::in. If you want a red pump is not only neat and attractive in appearand but also iiole to uo gomt sen :co m get ting the wntor of the He ner hills lip to the surface, ball tin Lecy.or & Thompson. Hunsnker and Long having eulf rgerl their livery stable, opposite Nutter's Brewery, are now better prepared to ac commodate the publio than ever. All stock left iu their care will receive the best of atteution. It is a fact loknowledgcd by all "art organists, both of Europe and America that the "Estey" is tbe sweetest voiced, most human toned, least reedy in tone, and quickest in response to touch of anv organ manufactured in the world. Gilliam & Coffey are prepared to fit a man out with any kind of an outfit to be , found in a first-olass hardware store. They will sell you nails to fix np your fenoe when your neighbor's cows break it down, or tit you out with kitchen tools when you get married. ALL THIS FOR THE PCBLIC GOOD. It is an undisputed fact that the haud- somest vestibule trains that are now run on the American continent are those on the "Burlington Route," leaving the Union Depot in Denver, also St. Paul, immediately on arrival of all through trains from the west. The first and second class coaches are magnifi cent, tbeHoelining ohnir curs superb, the Pullman sleepers extremely luxuri ant,, and ns for the meals that nie served in those Palace Burlington dining cars - yum-ynin. The next time you go east to Kansas City.Chiongo or St. Louis, if you. mention to the ticket agent that you want yonr ticket to read from Den ver or St. Paul over the Burlington Boiite, you will get it, and you will al ways be glad of it. If you go via the Northern or Cumuli an Pacifio, the elegant vestibule trains of "The Burlington Jtoute," between St. Paul, Chicago aud St. Louis will carry yon alon; the eastern shore of the Miss issippi river for a distance of 350 miles, amidst scenery that cannot be surpass ed; or, if yon go via the Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacifio, ami your ticket reads via "The Burlington Route," from Cheyenne or Denver, yon will pass through all the thriving cities and towns located in what js popularly known us the "Heart of the Continent." For fur ther information apply to A. C. Sheldon, General Agent, 85 First Street, Portland, Oregon. FACTS Fl;OM H. It's. Infants', ohilds', boys', mens', and nicest assortment of election hats at H. & B'b. Most complete line of wall papers, bor ders, carpets, rugs, and curtains at reduc ed prices now on exhibition at Heppner & Blncknmn's. Ladies are invited to call and inspect our new arrivals of all wool tricots, rnn zuma plaids, latest patterns iu stripes, jerseys etc, etc. Herders would profit by examining our woolens and full stock boots. Call and tukfl a ohew of our U. & B s. private stook chowlng to! noc.o. . For sale by H. & B., sole agents, the celebrated Condell's Big Can Baking Powtler for 60o. Each can contains 1 pounds.. Equal to the very best in tho market.' Come early to avoid the rush. Parties wishing to purchase full sup plies would do well by oulling on Hep nner A Blaokman. We insure gentleman ly treatment, low prioes, and good qual ity in all lines, flour in quantities to suit at mill prioes. Most complete and extensive line ot mens', boys', and Indies', buck and kid driving gloves, woolen-lined gloves to keep your bands warm when snow flies. Call and inspect our goods, at H. & B's. No trouble to show goods. A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort Follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver 0 Bowels Effectually Cleansing the System whsa Costive or Bilious, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers and permanently curing HABITUAL CONSTIPATIOM without weakening or irritating the or gans on which it acts. For Sale in 50t and 1.00 Bottles by all Leading Xlrug-gists H ANUFACTURKD only bt ths OAiiroENiA na stbtjp oo Sam Fbancisco, Cal,, Louihvillh, Kv Nkw Torc N, T. HLxxtrretlx for tx& RAILROAD! H. BLACKMAN & CO., SUCCESSORS TO A -DEALERS IN- General Merchandise, The Pioneer Firm of Heooner. Morrow County, Oregon, OWING TO THE COMPLETION OF VTHE RAILWAY We are prepared to ofter large inducements, especially to Cash Customers. Tbe best and simplest RIFLES MADS. Strongest Shooting. EASIEST W0RKI1S. The BALLARD has won more iruesatTargot Ihootintr than all other makes of ritles put to- getner. All sizes from 23 calibre to 4A calibre. All prices from S15.00 np- Stand without a rival for accu racy sod aiiunf poworoniargre or small frame We guarantee Our Goods XQUAI. TO Anything Produced IN THAT LINK. Our Ask your dealer to show our riuus. Illustrated Catalog-uo sent runs on application. Addreas MARL1H FIRE ARBS CO. P. O. Bom SO Si HOT HAVEN, CONS. Lyman's Patent Combination Gun-Sight. kyiig Soli at lira Prte. Hals, (Japs, Dry Goods. Clotif. 1 1 1 ' U' And in fact everything contained in a class store. to visions STOCKMEN'S SUPPLIES IN LARGE QUANTITIES. Farmers' Wants in all Details. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange. We Purchase our goods in car-load quanti ties; hence our ability to undersell any other house. Owing to the steady increase in our business we have built a Large aud Com inodioua Fire-Proof Brick Building, which gives ua better facilities tlmti ever before enjoyed. Sole Agents for Heppner and Vicinity FOR THE- Cele b v ated L - . 40 Per Cent. Redaction la Price. BRNI) TOH TO-mitt CsUlOfm of 6Ik1iU, Kloea, etc. AddreM, Wm. LY1HAN, Mlddlefleld, Ct. IDEAL RELOADINM TOOtS TOB ALL RIFLE8, Pistols ' au18hot Quns. Hiibt nr ths Wobt.u. Send M for I!lutrUHl Dcicriptm E Circular. t: IDEAL MF'O CO., Hew IIsvw, Conn, ns ox 10440 NOTK'Ifi OF FINAL BfcTTLKMKNT. ' NniicM irt liPi'fby Kiven flint tlio undrmKiiod tiiiH Dim day ilkd in the County court of Morrow county, Oicl'oii, hitt fluul account m adiumtbtit tor of 77ie VMate of D. 11'. Hall, flt'cciiwl, mid tlutt Monday, tlift 4th dny of March A. 1), IHH1I. lit 2 u'ulock 1'. M., him boitu lippoinuid by Rftid court for htmriiiK olijitoliotiH to mud final ncoount mid for HMtl loin. Mil. tliMrcof. WK JOHN II. (JKNTIIY. Adlilininlrator. Dnttd Jim. IhM). DlSSOLCTION NOTICB.- - W . A. JllhimtoD having bought the intercut of Geo. rlmitu iu the grocery 6rru of Juhimton A Smith, gives notice to the public that lie assumes all indebtedness and will col lect all accounts due snid firm. W. A. Johnston. Quo Surra.. Layman's High Lieoeosa Bill fixing Fob Salb. A team of horses, wagon and harness. Horses sound, each weigh ing from llXK) 1 100 pounds. Have haul ed 75 curds of wood from the mountains to Heppner this fall with them. Will offer them for sale at James Jones stable in Heppner Feb. 15. John Lookkanb. Fob Salb One imported Norman stallion. Hultan. weight 1700. coal black, 8 years old, in good condition . We have had him five years. Will soil on easy terms, or trade for mares or geldfngH. Address, Cox & Ekolihb, Hardman, Or. INTKItEBTING TO LADIES. tOifr lady renders can hardly fail to have their attention oulled this week to the latest combination of improvements in that most netful of all d imextio im plemeutx, the ''sewing machine." As we understand it, a machine for family use Bhobld meet first of all theae requirements: It should be simple in ita mechanism; it should run easily; it should do a wide range of work; it should bo as nearly uomeleasaspoHHible; it should be litfht, handsome, durable, aii(t as oheap as is consistent wit J excel lence throughout Then conditions tho "Light-Running tJew Home" certainly meets. It has bIso several very important and useful attach ments and "notions" of its own, which go far to muse good its claims to popu lar favor. The "New Home" specially reoom meiids itself to purchasers on acoount of its superior mecnnnical construction, pate of management and reasonable price. Over half million have been sok) in the last three years, all of which are giving universal satisfaction. The unrivalled machine is manufactured by the NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO., Orange, Mass., and 28 Union Square, New York. Plain Pointkhs. It would be well for the boys and young men to conduot themselves deoently at the depot grounds. Otherwise, tbey will be arrested and fined. Thos. Morgan. Marshal Pat up and Savb Costs. Yon who are owing f. L Houston mutt settle be fore March 1st. or costs w ill be made. liquor Lioense it 14U0 ptumd the Senat Your account or onto is in tbe hands of jesWrrlay and now iwsiU tbe Oovsrner's W. B. Ellis for collection. Attend to sigsstor. I this matter st once. W. h. Houston. : PATENTS. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted tor Mou erate Fees. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office aud we can secure patents in less time than those remote from Washington, Send model, drawing or photo with description. Ve advise if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents,' with name of actual clients id your stat, county or town, sent free. Address C. A. SNOW & CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, FIMB, Life, Accident and Live Stock Loans vromnihi nwiot idled for three or five years on Final Receipt or Patent. F. O. BUCKNUM, HEPPNER, OREGON. ARTHUR SMITH, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ! Next to First National Bank, HEPPNEK. : : OREGON. Watches, Clocks, WntoheB Cleaned, MuinApringB Fitted A. D Optical Goods . 1.50. $1.50. All work quaranteed for one year. mm i re Wool Commission Mcrcliaob, Liberal Advance Made CONS1QNM ENT8- SAN FRANCISCO: Warehome. and Office, Corner Fifth and Townwnd Streets. PORTLAND: HO Washing ton Strtet HEPPNER AGENT: OJJlte: Firtt National Bank. B a i -AND 11 W o n Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Agriculturar'Implements HIDES AND PELTS BOUGHT FOR CASH OU TRADE. This Space Reserved For A. D. JOHNSON & CO. -PROPRIETORS OF THE- CITY HEPPNER, ?'t OREGON. W. 3. P. 0. THOMPSON LEEZER & THOMPSON DEALERS iN- HAEDWABE AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SHELF HARDWARE, and Willoi MAIN STREET, Bird-Cages,! Rope, Nails, Cutlery, Wood Ware, Granite Ware, Etc. HEPPNER, OREGON DEALER IN BOOTS and SHOES Costa Work and Repairing Neatly Done. Opposite Hotel, Heppner, Oregon. D. W. HORNER. HORNBR Ss GEO. NOBLE. NOBLE, -DEALERS IN- HARNESS, WHIPS, SPURS, ETC. THE CELEBRATED - Heppner Saddles! Cunatantly on band. but luis naT. HEI'MIK