K, - SIXTH YEAR. IIEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY U, 1881). NO. 308 THE GAZETTE l!HLTt EVERY THPHHDAY AFTKRNOON BY OTIS PATTERSON, H 2.00per year, $1.2fi for six monthB, $0.75 or I'iree months; in advance. If paid for at the nil of six months, $2.ri0 a year will be charged. ADVEBT1S1N0 BATES. . 1 inch, single column, pur monlh, $ l.O 3 " " " 2.50 u " - " " .. 5.00 (J ' 8.50 1 15.(10 DOUBLK OOLDMN. 2 inches t 4 " 5.(0 rnlnmn". ' ' K..1 W " W-'fl Local advertising 10c per line. Each subse quent insertion at half rales. Special rates will he Airj-ed for personal dins and polit.onl slush. Bank First 'National "".' -OF itEPPNElt,- ; 1-. A. MIEA, . FKANK KtiLLOOG, - President. , v Vice-President 1 George W. Consor, Cashier. Transacts n General Bauking Business ... On uh jmrlH of the world . t- ' i "1 r 1 1 bo up h t ana so uu Colled ions made at till points on Reasonable-Terms. : . OEsaon OPPICIAL3. governor eo. of State Ireastirer i-'upt. Instruction .Unit;'.' bevonth District.... IJislrict Attorney H. Fei mover. G. W. Mcbrido. (r. W. Webb. E. II. McKlroy. I. H. Hird. W. It. tills. 'run iMorvKKi Jewel oi Esiiistitij MOItltOW COUNTI. Joint Senator ". .. liepresentative ouniy Judge ' Commissioners... .Thompson. ' Clerk " Sheriif " Treasurer AssebHor tiivrvoyor. .school t ....J. P. WKer. T. K. fell. ..Win. Mitchell. ..J. H. Kly. J. A. , . C. Ij. Andrews. ..T. 11. Howard. ieo. Nohle. v.. J. J. Metree. Julius Keitliley. , ...J. Ii. Stanley. A. .1. Shobe. I Bup't...'.. ( oroner II RPPNEB TOWN 0FFI01iHS. 51nU Henry Tiliickinan. I (lun.-liii'oii IS. K. Swinburne, Kills Minor H P. Garriinics, GeorRe Noble, J. li. Natter unci W, J. McAtee. . , Hccirdoi p J Hall .c!:. Treasure! Mellon!.. Marshal J- B- Locknane. HEI'S'l.TEK SOCIETIES. Doric Lodite No. W K. ol l meets ev ery Tni-diiy uveiiingat7.W) o 'clock ui 1. O. O. K. Hull. Sojourning brotliers cor diall.v invited to attend. ' P. (). Bono, C. C. E. It. .SwiNIJCKNK, K. of H. & S. eVZJ, Willow uxlitr. No. 1 1-l. P uiecls every Wednesday nvelims at i8w?s- So clock. VieitiiiK brothers co.-di- '.0.,w-- I(jy wei(.iiied. (iEO. NoliLE. N. tj. C. W. YoUNOOHI'.N. lice Sec'y. Sans Bouci lieUoki.h Dull. No. 8e, I. O. O. F. meels second and fourth Sntui'duys of each month. 4 elllbel'S.cf the Ucliiee coruiuli: comed. .Has. H. E. HlNTON illy w , N. 0 wel Heppm VY meets i v each m H..Mpnerhod.vNo. lid A.F. & A. M. i evelj ill"! aim iiuiu rjin.uiuiv.o u. I mollUi . intANK till.LlAM luaster. Wir.L A. KlHK, Secretary i ui. I ..,,h.o N., mm 1. I). (1. V. meets ev ery Saturiliiy eveiiiiu! ai 7 o'clock at the usual place of mueluitf. Visiting brothers welcomed. J . 0. lUCUCO, . u. S. W. Miles, U. Sec. . Mistletoe ltobekah Duitree Lodi?o No. 25. meet fust and -third Widnebilny of each month. t'ari'ie Slnnley, N. . 1). N. llardinan. Sec. Still CimtimieH to Sll At tlie jowest Possible Prices. A larger stock of Gold" Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold RiiiJSt Gold and Silver Watches AKvays A Full Lino f Has boon itJik'tl to his hirue ami wel floUioted Btook. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AMD ALL Wox-Ji C4 aarviitood. STOKHoiiposite Minor, Dodsou & Co'b May Si. Hepiiner, - Oregon FSOPESSIOnJi.1.. PRANK I-tJil. ATTORNEY LAW. Office in Hcppner, oxxx o First Bank. JSEational Oregon. (Jr. W. J Altor u e y-a t-La w,: LEA, .Notary Public and Justice oi tlie I'eaoo. HEPPMKIt, OuN. : OFFICE OPEN AT ALL rlOUKS GEO. AVM. W1UQHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Opposite Gazette Ufiee, Ileppner. IAN I'l LINUS. Contested Entries, Reliable j li.snraiice. Luaiis nuide and collections promptly al tended to. ' .'i ' C1ALL ON . . . Jons Davidson, , AT Til 13 . : .': BELV E D.l'-R S A. Ij OON Opposite Livery Stable. Ileppner, , Oregon, At this favorite resort will always be found the best brands of WINES, LIQUORS .ip.i mm REAL ESTATE, I r ,. c royal was? 1 MORROW CO., OREGON. ... - in w a o Jet i a Jrff3WKr"'! HMtSMH Y&Z&TSW - H 1 I 1 U-h. P . r I 1 1. I h I L- . '"il M Hr Kl l?iFV (Ml r e t --t ri i r t i i i i i I i i ni r i jr i - ' in i I MM I I Ml MM I k ti A-V 1,al ilft.?? Ift I ( A i i 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I ., i l"l I iff V I , tr-fluo' A r 1 liJK 1 J Z 5 i-l K- I I :::::zSKa:rt:i"Bi' ' y Absolutely Pure, I , - ZIZ ZL A 1 1 -- 'lllun kwU j- nctcr v.irli'.''', Anmrvtlof purity T!l ' f T j jk It I r 1 TIN1 cnutpiMi-V-'" tvil li S vuititnUw.f i(.v -ln.-r I ' TT "fl : U" ffc ftj ' " ' a Cf,K - ! I . - " ' A '! wnif.'lii. alum or !.;:.,.(;'. -.m(! Scipomi ! r- 1 it' wriiir.riiiiwn..i. l a4. . II t III .AU-lSUfafetfettt , T.3I1 1.. : ffiiaMM 1 . ipsamwMwiM 1 o . . 1 kuir 1, 1 1 r iv"! "rt.irf-;, 1 "it LI I , . -w r 1 T "H" 1 I lt?C1l Oil! Greater Values can be Hat in AAiSJA- jsl. j- jt rpiip lUUDmni 1,11 A BACKW00D3 SCHOOL. A Toai'ti'U V.'ln) I.-nt Not Know Much About Goo.'.Tnvh.v, bat WI10 Kiic.v uv to iiiliiirnct' the Srlu:ul I'.uKti'fS. Wbilo travtflliii(f ou borsol)ack throult Western Arkansus toward tha Indian Territory, I cniue upon n log scliool bouse in a clearing in t!.e wooda. It WB9 recess, and scatterc-d uv. r I lie play ground nroiind (lie primitive toniplo of learning were ahutit tw-.nty children, boys and girla, Hhook be-ided, dirty - faeed and c -ipnn garb. Ibeir ApnrtH. on u;e 11; v,:i hi t bnnie y eeawrd fid l!i t'.e l;Ml Am f diew ne.-ir t! iuid erei j' eye w.:s fastened d ruii at. Iisi:io;i:iti:i I s.'(.:;r'd in v ii.r-ij to a sapling ;iau enu red hio st:it'.)i)t-liMite. A tall, gutuit !-ioL:n i;irl G.at.d at a j.agli Uible at t!ie fai i!i.-r end o.' lli. ro)in arost with a siii-in ist. d luk oil iur fa 00 and Acii-inii'd nu vvii.n a iv'iu!ry i'MiiiHy - , a ipiiek dark d:vti7.ard of the. body, a jpnrtof r. n:)a!rn-:dic su.uaf. f-d!;v.Hl b 1 npwnrd idioot into !ior n:itur.d stand- i ing p::st'U'- l,V '.-(! Vv!(V'iil ;4r;Uigi:',' J-bo said OX- rendhifff! rmnd. 'll'fi fri.Mi.ls ' Iambi' ! ar' f;!Ie:-rf Ave''inic to t! if; '. "e:i!p!i wli it" 1 Jainiu' rc-stds. A- s-ion an titat s!t:iddei ..idow of 'ge- oi tlio oiiai'i' dr. The hoppner Gazette': ! o.neoi Ibo btnl wet My juiu rt publislnd in llns pciiy. W'mIch ft1 ;i'.kI ('i'..il"iiV'ir in uiiik.1 it a v.i Jmine v.hil'ii' ciii'li wt'ek. li is m iiii't a p-i- jut Wax oiifrlit (o foiiiiil ill ('it1 tiiniU' nf i'vtry rer'di-nt t;f fI.i.- county. At- flit1 s;mw tinio, ii tliin pi'dio'csr-ivc aw every fanner should have at his fireside lit least one It'V'd, el"an, pnn, mmr se;tionftl H.-rricnlturnJ jnnriKi, in addition to hi:- liomp paper: -one devoted tniJi the pursuit ii; wliicli he ih encH'd, Heneeds it for himself, lie eenlri i! for lii norm and danlitera -who arc ftrowitin into manliood mid woinanliood, and to Kvliom n paper of (InH elianu'tei is of incaluubi- ble benefit. 1 roiiOiitloii To nil fiibrif rjbern vtho are in arrears on snh rieriptten who will pay all due nu and oiw year in advance and Uvonty-five centn in addition, and to nil new nubiusrihurH wlio will pay one year in iul vaneo and twenty-five cenlB in addition, wo will make a present of one year's Bulwcriptioii to sucli an aj:rii!uitiind paiier. Ji in none other tlmu t'f-' M t doi yotu ; ji'hi ei nil. Imi'licl, rllO.t; I 'huh :.i.: r.'i. 1 i; :ih to know bo , 11' turn; u." tctfi toan.r riti i.' 'Iii' ;i'h h 'cm i'.r.UP- ii,..ks 1 on; 'I iii.fr h. If lullilll SO U;!'Iiy C,.'U:'. tn III 8.1 bl','1.1 !-'',:(!li,' 11. bave in a tater patch." Assuring her that William's dog should receive proper laudation, I mounted nnd resumed my journey. 1'ecios Jim. San Francisco Call. WASHINGTON LKTTKR. A COMMUNICATION. nmi'h a bushel fur these jarln 'itic wtmilt. .v (if the l,n ,(ln.li cmv-lioll Ihe m ihi'.i'o i.ii'iM'j t.Hcn!ion CIGARS. A.' FIIWT-CLAHS BILLIARD TABLE! for the auiuapment or Kests. , hnr pw monev than can Hi nurchased in the California, Oregon and more advanced towns outside of the county. ida:ho m IU STAGE.. COMPANY. J. B. Keauey, Snpt. W. E. ELLIS, A t torn ev -a t- Law Notary - - - Public, IIEPPNER, OHEGON. Prosecuting Attorney far Seventh Ju dicial District. Will give prompt attention to anj and all business entrusted to him. OFPlf'E on Main Slrert, ovor Liberty Mwv ket 7 7 . '-7 II. ' J. I.E FEVKE, Professional Herder of Bucks and BiUieqoats' ' Loue Book, : '': ': . Onpn. 'IVnilds. miIl-b and Biircluisea neuutiuted at low coiuoiissioti. and ainena line of ram brokprace SrmsacteJ. Oatlipra from the ruiiBi'B at. shM.rins me UikoB no bucks that huve been eipoMid ti ib ' diiw. feeds salt and sulphur, pays for bucks Kit accounted tor, and niuk. Koncriil deliveries I oonveuient places betweuu the middle and last of Octi'tier. All tor (I Ooliar and Ten CeuU a Head. "nrmrcXsPElTTEES, ETC. TlJOHISON W 41. HAU1UBUN. JOHXSONHAHHlSON, Contractors and Builders. BECAUSE SHE HAS NEVEl f r "... . ArliiiKlon HtuKD leaves Hcppner, " " arrives Pendleton " leaves " ' ' . arrives " 9:30 A. M 4X1 P. M'. 11:30 A. M 4:30 P. M. -HENCE A lare J0-pao inontldy nuiKazine, lmndsomo iy itluHtinted, neatly printed, folded, pasted and trimmed. It is pnblitdied at Fort Wayne, Ind,, and haw for its objeet. tlie bettei nient. of the oon dition of the Farmer, the Gardener, tlm Horse- breeder, (lie Dairyman, the Hlieplisrd, thf l'oul- trynjin, mid their lioiHelmldn, 110 matter wliere tlie.- live whether in tlie eunt, wst, north or sitiiih. W paper of iiiiHr,nal t)ireilnVioi, k- ine into every state and territory as well as in all the Provinei's of the Dominion of Canada. Tliit is the opportunity of a lifetime. The reRnlar snpneription price of TIip Anion oiui Farmer is $U10 per year, but both papers will bfi sent or a little more tlian the price of one. Call at Hon oilhreand see sinnpln copies of this popular ajirleultura! paper mid you will he sure to take advantage of Uds imurnilieeiit. olttT HKPPNKIt (iAKTI'I'I .$2.tKl per year in ad. vane.n. For fi'l.'l'y you can n(,t- hoih jmpei's. Fare to Arlington, .- , ' $4 00. Far tn I'Anrilatun. ' ' - ' S5.00. , - Freights cebts per pbuud. P E. J. SLOCUM k CO., Agents. . 4 Heppner, On VAX VALUES A. I IK IlIAI,. (',,11 on them at the Morrow lluildhig, Corner Main and liny streets, and got their fiiturM on huildinff before contnicting elsewhere. ARLINGTON MEAT Market. Beeir ' Perk,. 7 Fish, ,, v Sausage, Etc. Varney & Putnum Arlington Or. a t wf.nnv.NriK. 1 .FLOBENO FLOEENCE BROTHERS, BKCAUSE SHE H AS A CENTHAL POSITION And is the natural market for a large scope of country T' NOTICE OP INDENTION Uii'dOrrioeiit Tliclliiili's. Or... Tim. 111. 'Ml. . Notice is hercl-v ui ven tli.it (he fnllMwiii'' tThiih'iI sclticr hiiH lilcil it'll ice nf hie. 1 nti'ii' ii mi t maltc tin.'U prool in hiiimkii- of hii cl-iim, and thill Hliid lir.tuf will h" nciil'i Ir'fnn- the ennuis clerk uf .MiirriiW ciiiiity. (Jr , at Ileppner, Or. oh Mulch 12, IW.l, vi.: William. McT'erriu, n.R.!i.fortlieNHl4;i.lir.1Tp4 H. II ''11 1?, tv M Hi-n!iliieHthcfiilhwiliR wftri' RseH to prove hi ccitliinioun rcHiili ncc ucoii, unit ciiliivntion i. W lMliilzcwiiy, .TiiIiii W. llrown, II. P. J.onft .nr., in , ininl.n of dinner, or. '. Anv ocri-oti who di-HiriiH In oroti-Ht HKfiinut the allowance of mich proof, or who knows of any HiiliHtuntntl reiiHoli. ntiilcr the hiw (mil the re;;nhi tionn of l he Interior Ilcpnrl mcnt, why hucIi proof should not be nllowcd. will he eiven an ojiportii nily at the above-inenliolii'd lime mid plnce lo eropx-exiiniiiio the witiif'ine of unitl elitimnitt and to oll'er evinenee ill rehultal of that Hllblliil ted hv elllliniint. 3(16-10 V. A MilDofJAI.D. liexlBter up1. en:;.t ni '.o t'uj (nIk? , nnd piiikin up an old io.iliii ''iim nitHi'it it vii;- r.m Oy. In ivi))H!j Hie yoiiiiiwlen1., .iiiliu;; renin I'll1 vii'leii: oi.cr.-i.io ol' liiv, t;:.c!i ji;o aliiiin;: bat iir bopiiol in in1 iiromiflonniiM pi i o in i; c'wnior ito llioy ei.tcrt'u. rI'.;la:i',r ilieir kohIh (in the rcnuU pr.iutlienn bench'."! Uuy nc lin ii:uKr iiif a l,'ir;fi. I'm flu if vr ):1.:! M iii yt'R. Ti n vieoroiiK tn'i'itcliinir kp:t up hi nil fides s'ii(;..,'eali'(l lli: ilionolit Unit iiiiii' youtlil'iil lunidH vein nut tcoaiini; witli IC'iniiiiir uluin1. I'lippiny- on bor labia with n rod bir- njj ranrHH or Iro jitcnt uo, iho tcuclier H-.it.- Yunir 'miH, thwr'u ft Hlrniii'ci 'yur, nu' I want yuu nil hi Heo bow j,'l'"J '"u l'i be. It I hph any enttiu' up I'll evud iiiinio o' von 1101110 with flore bucks, (yiuy Miii'm.nliibi', Htop Ibal biitiliin' ir.r mit lilnw yor nnai', Now I don't a, ml to I'.cur 1:3 iiiiioh 1n1i.se ns ri nwufi'i'd 111 :iko nibblin1 tit :i v'otir o' oorti." I heard I he inl'iiut chiss worry through ilfi ii, li cV. liniiiiii il .to Hoi'i:.' uild.at- toiii'il.-i nl t'ln-si ilalile rndlin,:, 11 id thou the ti noluT sr. id: 1 11 iiHk some o (lie oldest yuan' iins fi'iine oyraiiliy ipieHtioiis lor ym'. i iH'Ycr .sludy 'iii'MpIij" from the bonk iiiywir, Kti 1 ilnn'i i!k 'em qiii'Mticiia only i:iih .in I've ienrned u leadin' bo.dii' and pMpeis. J.ihu Vnll, ; ho fust dis!iveved 111yriohf" ''.'.inHi'ious Vi'finnHieiiH-;." "i'iht. oil fust inh ".!; b't"" Albeit ibilfc.!:" I'lW 1 I'l :t JI'K, lilllj;'atel t .'.' 1 ' r HERE-ARE SOME BARGAINS IN TOWN AND COUNTRY MONEY SAVED! By Ue'.kinw your Poli'tiPK i-3 Vaimint Don R. A. FORD. SIGN .33 FAINTING A Specialty Sf.op. Pirsl Da .r South of Brewery CHAS. M. JONES' HepiMier Barber Shop! . In the CMy Hotel. West Main . Jlepjnter. I, MW runiingoBtSliHvoi, IShanip. and Hair rts in tl.eliieliest etylejonhe art. . The Tonsorial Artist, - la located next door to SALOON, IleTJwnei'. Oregon. L I B E 11 T Y MEAT MARKET, M-iTI BIOS., Prori'toT. i t 1 wr-rmN AND TOUK CON- V '.'"' v! liiiaJ i re.wjnable prinw; a;"' Rid poik n!H. ,!el '." iM- jM Front, Mam r.ep-.e,. STOCK RAISKHS : uai'i'KEn ; '- okkgon.. f.itl ie l:raiill"d a:: d ear. .narked a" shown above. I (irses I' on riKiu nii'Mii,,'-. . ... i,.r,.nttleraiii!iiin Morrow. Gilliam. Uinntilla .. .1 n-u...,.'.,i.-. We will nuy S100.0O re- wiir.i for tiie urrcl and conviction of any person Bieni.ui: our etncL. "- The SG'YEBS'GTnDEU (aiiued March and Sept., fA each year. It is an ency- saiolonedia of UBeful infor- BsS motion fcr ail who pur. , rfeoRnities of life. W O can clothe you and inrniah you with ll ths necoaaary ana mi""i. applhincea to rido.walk, dance, aleep, i.:,. hmt. work, ao to church. !, -V hnmn. and in various aizes. atvlei and quantitiea. Jut figure out 1. ,,.,t tn An all these things COMFORTIBLT. and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUTESB niTinE. which will be sent upon raeeist of 10 cenll to pay 'postage. unMTr.nMPRV WARD & CO. 111.114. Michigan. A venae Chicago, ILL IOOWh putouted, iiil'liidini,' the ri-bt on 2-11) acres of milrond lain! .mifl reliii' qulsbinVnt to timber culture. All under fence, several cross tencra, n.Micn sT cnltivutinn, 2 wood wells furnishing Hbundant supply of water, 2 acres orelia:d bearing, 4 room bouse insured, barn, smolce house, granary and woousiieu. to railroad. A great bargain. , . ' 4,X) acresunder fence, runniiiK water; I. iWMnn be irrigated ; oo.l bouse nnd barri-, controls good rane ; one nnnnren acres i-iumuu.-u. "-"v , on application. . . . . .. . . Corner Lot, 50x109; good neighborhood. .";0. t . : " InsideLot, Ayers' addition. 30i. . Lot, 2xlC0. (Jan be irrigated, .water handy. Good new . house. One of. tin btst bargains on my Jist., f iflO. . . .' " - , , , ' t ', v .t ' - (jood 5-rooiu house, centrally located on large lot, 132x1:52, on easy ler.ns. Ut (xl32: fair barn; good residence lot. . ... ' Lot liti.!.32;'one.ntory house; well; good fence. ' -, i . Good 5-room house; well in yard; set with trees; fronting on Main street; two lots. ' ... Ranch of 1200 acres with running water. Good out range. 2 good lioiises, several haras and outbuildings. Just tlie thing for stockman. .- NOT f OK OF INTKN'l'KJN. banrl Otlicenl ha (Iriunle. Or.. Jan. 2H, 'S.'. Notice is hereby hi ven that the followi liK-nnined seit-ler hue lileo nnlice of his intention lo make final proof in support of hisclnim, nnd that said proof will be miifle h-'foie t lie eonely clerk of Morrow county, Oivjrnn, III lleppper. Oregon, on Mar.'h Hi, 1HHII, vi?.: Giles It. DniHjhertiJ, IIS No. 7SIS, fortheNW UNI'! H. N NW H Her. n mid SW i SW i Hec, It. Tp :i H, II ill U. W. H. . ' lleiinriieM the folloivini: witnesses to prove his com iiinons residence niion, mid cultivulion of, sairl l.'ind.'vizv .1. M. SIc'M. loni, I!. It. Miiiin .1. ). I'aditell anil ltobert A. I'nduelt, nil of benii. Or. Any person who desires to protest auiiiiist the lillowlince of such proof, or who knows of liny Hiiltant inl reason, imilir I he Utv anil lite reipila tioim in (lie inlenor ireplirl inent, why such proof should not be lillowrd, will be niven un oppoitii lilly 111 the libove Inrnl lulled I i loo Hint pmeA lo Cros-exioniee 1 lot witl.iesses of said (.'111 j innnt.. and lo'otler evidence ill rebuttal ol that snhini: trwl hv eleiiiiant. ;i,f7-li I1i:niiy ItlNulAHT. Ile'.'isli r. ":".NOTIK (f INTIiNTlOX. 1,-illd Ollicenl I.riflrailde. Or.. I) e V.I.'M. Jolier-is hereby (liven that Iho f"l!owiie,'- nnrned re'ttler has tiled noliee of his iiiteetion to make tieal proof in support of biscleim. anil thill said Proof will he iniide before the coindy lunue of .ilonow coiin'y, Or., or in Ins niio'iie (cf -re theeb tk of said county, at lleppniT Or. on Keh. , is-.'.l. viz: Lafayette Fi nland, ltd No. e7tl. for tlir HI'! K NK K. NK U KK 1 Mec -in and H H SW U Kcc Tp 4 H, It -fl H, W. M He names the fol levins.' witces ;' n tn prove his cnnlinuoiis re-iip.riire upon r.nd culhvloion of said Iieid. viz: John .o I peer, .1 ny l'liilli.:. Aiutr w m v mson end John Heei'liti. ell of hej pp. i . Or, Anv person who debes lo protect ii'';iii;-l the allowsii.-e of such proof, or who knows of any snhstan nil rwison inner the la in. il he . .'nla- 1 lions of the Interior Ili'i.;nl no i.t . wh n.-oof siionlil n l ii" iill'.weo, will ie- uiven an port unity at the nhov ln"M ooed I i me lull phu to eros-xain: I" i lie wn ni' '-"S or . oi en. 1 1 u ii i -. and to offer evidence in r.-hni P.l of tint sal. mil ti-d by clntiii.oit. aiy-7 ni.Niiv ui.vKfi nrr, re ulster. "-i'Kot. Tiiu'oiiu- iin'.i y, niuit war Hie greafe-it liattle eve" lit?" ' "Till) baltio o' tiie Hu ohitii iiary War." ' "J'ighl. Who licked?" "George Vi'us'iinifloii an' his hrn-n-a-ve Yankofl sogci'.!." "liigbt. f 1'ii'onn Kane, who made the. iiii-th'r" "Gud." "How long war lie doiu' it?" "Hix days an' He rented on the seventh, an' vor'ly ver'ly I say unto yer, six days slialt thou labor an' do nil thy wink, but the seventh day is Sunday, nu' thou slialt not labor an' do all thy work." Itiedit. Very nood, .Milieus, Now, Carl Mataiui, ho war' the fust niatiV" "Adam." "Who war' the fust 'unman'" "Kvu." "Hight. Clark Goodinan, how war' Eve created'.''' "And Adam slept with his father an' the liord tuk from bis side a lib an' whillled it into hitmen form. An' lie blew upon it the breath of life an' the sea gave up its dead. An' tliar' war' a ureal l usliin' Hound as o' many thunders i1 lunnan war' created." "Ilight: Way Mai'inad'.iku, go out an' blow ver none again. John Kllery, ro- cile the Golden Kule." ''If in ihn woihl you'd make a strike, Keep this one rule in view; Do imp others as you'd like To have 'e.n do to you." Very good. They know lots mine, stranger, an Hairy iilake as is hum with chills kin run through tho Ton Gom- inands 'ilhoiitstoppin' to ketch a breath," Hieing to depart, 1 thanked the young lady or the pleasure who ha 1 iill'onled ine, and expressed the hope that the seeds of education sown by hor might bear golden fruit. Accompanying me lo the door, she stopped outside and said: 'Si.y, I didn't want the young 'uns to hear this. As you ride down into tye rot' CAS St'BfSCRIBE FOR ANY NEWSPAPER AT THE AZETTE SHOP. X Extra Charge or Commutwn- p ,1 npi pinei it -J repillai-o" , ; rrJnwrf, Co c 'r .m s, Studehis " and o" ..': i. A. 1ii.aiU.tiu ! Ratlwf Itir. the Cheapest PObTLASD BUilNtiS CULIEGE. Portunit, Orfraa. n instrucnon. r-tili- , oopnUrily. BuainesM. 9. and Penmantllip Dtpnrt ii al any tune, l ata of iniii.unhip ent free. A. P. iUftlitO.lti. Prfa. . Houses to Rent. . . ' " . 7'- v "- SEVERAL CHOICE RhLlNyuibH- Fr;e Convry-MiH-e for Intoiuling J'lircliaorH. Ileppner. Oreufon. NOTICE OF INTKNTI')."'. Feb. IIld (lllieent The lli;lh Ki'tif.B is iioreby Miveli 1 toil I K"fller han tiled nolii-e i f hii final proof in SPI porf of hisele Toof Will Isi niMl" Pelore toe . Or.. '.toll' inter; i, 'Ml. iiiuiiMl 'kill to llll'ke end the! snid eoity jiele of o Mormiv county, Or. at i.'epioier, Or,, on Mureh 'U, lss',', viz: Jlenjuinin A, f'riurh, lid ISIll, for lie'. KW U Kee. HI, Tp 1 H, K 3'. K. W llerianiri Ihe follMwirit witeee es fo prove Ins cent imioiis ris-nleiice upon, ami cull ival ion of, said land, viz: J. W. Marlnlt.Tleei. Marlatt. .lolm Oe,,tiy i.d A.M. Wells, all o Hpp:eT. Ore,..,,,. Any person whodnwir's, lo p otesr aiaiiot ihe allow.oice of such pnsif. or who knows of imy unlsitantial reason, under (lie lawand the reptile, tioiis of the Interior Doputluierit . wtiy such proof should not be allowed, will te'viven an opportu nity at the idetve llleiilioried tune and p';e-e to crosa-xainiiie the witnesseM of said ctnoiuiel, and to otfi-r evidence in rebuttal of Ihnt suhiiiit. twl b claiuianU F, A. McDonald, lUg-nter bottom about a mile ahead you'll come to a l"g house on I be right side o' t'le road. Ol' Jl.II lillcry lives tlwr' an' he's the head .iciiool Trustee. I wish you'd stop an' sorter hint that I'm as go id 'a teacher ns you ever seed, an tliai 1 in tdueationing' theso young 'uns right, up to the i.aiplhi. You'll see a big yaller dog Ihar,' an' you j;st praise it up us the purtiest (log you ever seed, and say you'll bet he's a cornier from coon holler. That'll keleh id' Hill, an' he'll tj'licvo all yon say, fur he's prouder n' that cinrn dog than a woman is o' her fust young 'un. Vou see, Sal Suykt r is a tryin' to git the school next 'erm, an' if you jest k, dch ltd! on the coon d ig layout, an' h'lsl in a word fur me, Hal won't have uo moru chauOB than a muzzled liog'd From our regular correspondent. Wasiiinuton, Fell. 1, '811. Now the, winter's wind, ever searching for forgotten paths, soughs and moans through tho whiskers of Blaine's ene mies. Inside tlie Norinandie, the man from Jlaino softly taps tiie letter from General Harrison in his inside pocket, and nurses his triumphant wrath, lie walehes in tlie lire figure of a vigorous foreign policy, deeds that shall be in all men's .mouths, and, best of all', long de layed, supreme revenge. Such things may be. The secretaryship of Slate is his, and the entire Cabinet bids fair to be of his selecliou. Indeed if Senator Allison declines the Treasury portfolio, Mr. Blaine will be the only really great llepublieau in tlie next Cabinet. Latent calculations omit all prurient Iiepubliciuis such as Slier man, Edinuuds, Kvarts, Depew, or even the younger men, Quay and JIcKinley. lo save his Cabinet Irom the accusation of being composed of one great man and an assorted collection of small men General Harrison must look towardi Senator Allison witli considerable solici tude. In the meantime, Senator Allison has his own interests to consider. A Cabinet position is a dangerous thing for a presidential candidate to accept, and Senator Allison locks forward to 181)2 with fondest hopes. 11 was stated lust night that he was in consultation with Mr. lilaine. He answers the suggestion that unless hp accepts Iowa will be un represented in the Cabinet, by proposing tho name of Mr. Clarkson. But General Harrison deniandHa really thoroughly known man, in whom the people, not the politicians, of his party, have implicit eoniidenco. Without Sen ator Allison in tlie Treasury considerable delay may occur in securing a num. The oilier members of the Cabinet selected are Gen. Russell A. Alger, of Mic.bigau, for Secretary of War, and Thomas C. I'httt of New York, and John Wana maker of Philadelphia, who will divide the roslinaster-Generalsliip and Ihe Navy portfolio between them, Mr. I'httt prob ably getting tho former, whero tho spoils aie greater. This leaves the Warner Miller parly out in the cold, although that eminent oleomargarine statesman may accept the ollice of Commissioner of Agrimilliire, and thus by the organiz ation of that bureau as a department be come a Cabinet ollieer. A Pacific coast man Will probably bo Secretary ol the Interior, and General Harrison will fol low Mr. Cleviiland's example and select bis Attorney General from the South, let us hope with belter reftilts than at tended bis predecessor's seleelion. General Alger is only a name to most people and he represents merely the weallhy men of his Stale. Mr. Wana mirSor is likewjse unknown except- as a weallhy Philadelphia advertiser. Mr. Plait represenls the "boss" system as il nourishes in the great State of New York. These three men in an eminent degree, represent Ihe politicians. Some one must represent the people of the country fi'ifln Maine to Dakota, and il is no wonder that General Harrison looks wil.li longing eyes toward Allison and cries "Save me Cassias, or I perish." Oblivious to Ihe prayers of certain preachers the preparations for tlie in augural ball go on right merrily. The souvenir programme is tlie most beauti ful ever issued and tho most elaborate. The tickets aro also out, together with the complimentary invitations. Kighty- livo invitations were issued to tho last inaugural ball, but if is supposed Unit even fewer will be issued this year. The pressure for places in the inaugural pro cession is simply astonishing. Of course tho attendance of tho general public from near by cities like New York and Phila delphia will bo greatly regulated by Ihe weather. If it give prospect on" March :ird. of being line the next day, even the concentrated railroad faeililies will be uneipial to Iho task of carrying all the people from central points in the Mast. On Ihe lird. trains will leave New ork (or 'Washington every quarter hour, and.it is probable that thoHO trains if made into one solid slreain-would cover seventy-live miles of track. Thus a feeble idea of Ihe immensity of the prospective crowd may be gained. Mr. I'.ayaid is making a desperate ef fort to lay Hie entire blame of Ihe Sa iiioan allair upon the shoulders of Con suls Sewall and Phiekloek, but he is now so hopelessly involved in coiili'iidiclory sla'ciuenls (hat whatever be might say on the subject could carry very little weight. Poor Mr. Bayard. The loam clcrk-in thy ollice, annoyed by debt ami in (ear of ilisi'hi.rge, having to lace a host of ntigry creditors, is more happy ami iiiia-i beloved than tlmu. PAThvrs on v:ri:ii To eili.eiis of the Pucilic States during Ihe past week, and reported for this ia por by C. A. Snow & Co., Patent lawors, opposite V. S. Patent Oilice, Washington, I). 0. J. S. Anderson, Crescent Pay, W. T, lid-raiser; N. P.ea it regard, San Francisco, Oil., bibb-lilter; K. Derbec, San Francis co, ore separator; G. K. Foster, Pleasant Valley, Oah, drill support; II. F. Hicks, Ashland, Oregon, vehicle wheel; W. II. Lander, Pendleton, Or., bay fork; A. Logan, .Monterey, t'al., si ller or saws; W. O. Mills, San Francisco, hot air blast; A. P.. Murray, San lUittcl, t'al., car ven tilator fuel heater. J. Myers, F.nreka, Cab, net guard ; .Ino. Quinri, Uivorside, Cnl., household s'u'tur; A. Simmer, l.ierk- ley, Cal., paint oil. Heppner, Oh., Feb. 1st 1889. Edit ir Gazelle : , In Mr. Fell's answer to the Budget of last week, he has taken the privilege : of using my name in a way that seems, to i call for a statement from me. Long be fore the railroad was completed to Hepp ner, Mr. Fell brought up a statement fiom the railroad oflioe which I refused -, to sign fur reasons best known to my- ; self. However, I took a copy of it. Well, about two. weeks ago, at any rate it was some little time after the road was ooni- - pleted, Mr. Watt, an official of the com-, pany, came here for Hid purpose of mak- . ing a settlement and brought along the same statement, that was brought here by Mr. Fell, with moro items added to it, increasing the amount of the state ment, which amount was correct to the best of my knowledge. On looking over the statement, I came across an item or items, marked thus: Aug. 8th, T. E. Fell, drafts Nos. 2012, 2014, 2G31, 2(i33 and 2027, aggregating the sum of 85100. I called Mr. Watt's attention to the manner in which it was made out, and I said to Watt and Mr. Kellogg that I ntti rly and emphatically repudi ate Mr. Fell's name in that connection . and deny that wo, the subsidy people, bought land cf Mr. Fell to the arnouut of 831)0 and called them to wituess.what I said, and at the same time look a mem orandum out of my pooket containing the mimes of tho parties that received the drafls in payments for their lands, which are as follows; Arthur Smith, S300; W. G. Buyer, $300; I'- C. Looney, . 32000; Win. Mitcholl, $1200; Dr. Ettchey, .. ijftOOO;. Tamos Jones, 8300; Lot 3, Block 3, Looncy'd Addition, 300. Now thefaot of tiie business is, that wo the subsidy peo ple, pay the amount ot these drafts, and . in tho event of a suit in eipiity if Mr. Fell can substantiate the fact that he bought theso lands with his ow.i money and his transactions were all correct and in an honorable way, he will then hold the extra lauds; if uot, he will have to disgorge. Mr. Fell seems to think that settlement with. the. oompauy is a settlement with him also, but he had no more to do Tith this transaction than the King ot the Fiji Islands. It was merely a settlement with the company. Tho bottom facts are these, Mr. Fell had tho deeds made out to himself, drafls were drawn on the company for tho sevoral payments, tho amount of theso drafls were placed to the debit of the subsidy people nnd tho right-of-way people havo it to pay. Now our books are posted up to date, oousequently . ready to make a settlement with Mr. Fell. I am'truly in hopes my name will be left out in all future articles for I nat urally detest and abhor communications ot this kind. Yours Truly, J. L. Mod how. The law reducing railroad fares in this statu to four cents per mile meets with the geiural approval or the traveling public. A discourtesy on the part of the legislature that passed the law has, how ever, been noted. liailroail manager.'! were not conuultol as to whether the re dnction would he "satisfactory." Such lack of courtesy is reprehensible in the law-makers of a great and progressive state. Tim pilots would not lmvo it all theii'owu way in that oase. TUIH WASTHIJ WITH BAD SPEIXINU. Dr. Gladslono has made elaborate in vestigations in the schools of lCnglTind and other countries to usoerluiu the time devoted to spoiling. He finds that 720 hours at least mo lost to oat h soholar that an Italian child of 0 years will read and spell as eonoclly as English ohildren at 13, though the Italian beg in his les sons two years Inter. It U about the same with tho Germans and Swedes. ' This extra time is given to civics and useful sciences. Tho illiteracy of English-speaking nations is startling. There wore 5,0oS,l ll persons of 10 years and over who reported themselves illiternto at onr census of 1S70; 5,2:jO,n.jS at the census of IHSt). Tho nearly illiterate are probably ns many more. England is worse oil' than wo are. But tho . other Protestant countries of Europe have al- . most none. Ono of the causes of this illiteracy among English-speaking peo ple is the badness ot English spelling. Tho reform of spelling is a patriotio and philiintlirophio reform. Prof. F. A. March, in tho December Forum. WKbb KIH'II'PKI). The Newberg Graphic has the best regulated print shop in the country. Listen: "Tho fighting editor has traded his old shotgun for a lino rifle. This is nn improvement t which we nre proud, as the rillo does not make nearly so much noiso and the man who wants, to whip the editor can now be disposed of without pooplu thinking an earthquake has struck the town. . With a slock ot undertaking goods in tho back room and this new rillo we feel that the GitAi'iito has the best equipped ollico in the cotintv. Wiuler debating societies are suppmed to have civilizing inlluenees, and tho country people who meet at the school house lo debate on tho welfare of the groat American people, usually have a good time besides eulighteniug tho minds ot debators and listeners. Tho contrary result may be supposed to have been netlize.i in Umatilla county, where there is a vicinity that bears the euphonious name of liebel Canyon, and the people thereabouts meet and argue under the name of "Tlie Rebel Canyou Debating Clul,." At a lecent debate Mr. Lougloy indulged in animad versions as to the qiialilioai ions of Mr. Thomas' sweetheart, and, loyal to his love, Mr. Thomas smote : Mr. Longley so that "his right ear hung down on his cheek like wilted beofsteak," as the soaring Milton Eagle very graphi eally puis it. Thomas pleaded guilty and paid tine and costs, and now he has a pre-emption on that sweetheart whioh no one dares to question. St. Paul lias a woman with two per fectly developed tongues. The poor men who hereafter contemplate matri mony should first ask their sweethearts lo exhibit their tongues; and boar in mind that on. tongue for a woman is quite enough. ' Consumption Suhki.? Cored. To the editor: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for tho above . mimed disease, liy its timely use thou sands ot hopeless cases have been per manently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy fkuis to any of your readers who have consumption it they will send their express and post office address, T. A. SLOCUM," M. 0. ' 181 Pearl at, New York, N. Y. P 4