3. 1. -J ' 1 AN . ., ,., Apostle of the Tules. - it was you," buiui iueTuu"Uiiieon, Jack nodded, Btruck a few chords by way et finish, and then Wheeled round on the music-stool toward Gideon. His face wai Jightly flushed. "Yes. I used to be the organist and tenor in our church In the States. 1 nsed to snatch the sinners bald neaded with that. Do you know, 1 reckon l'U sing that to-morrow, if you like, and joay be afterward we'll but-" he stopped we'U talk of that after the funeral. It's business." Seeing Gideon still glancing witn a trouDiea air rrora me organ to nun aelf, he said: ''Would you like to try that bymn with me? Come on I" He again struck the chord As the whole loom seemed to throb with -music. Gideon felt himself again carried away. Glancing 0er Jack's shoulders, he could read the words, but not the notes ; yet, having a quick ar for rhythm, he presently joined in with a deep but uncultivated baritone. Together they forgot everything else, and at the end of an hour were only recalled by the pres ence of a slightly admiring concourse of totive-offering friends who had gathered round them. The funeral took place the next day at the gravi dug in the public cemetery a green area fenced in by the palisading tules. I he words of Gideon were brief but humble! the strongest partisan of the dead man could And no fault in a confession of hu man frail ty In which the speaker humbly confessed his share, and when the hymn was started by Hamlin and taken up by Gideon, the vast multitude, drawn by interest and curiosity, Joined in a solemn ainen. , Later, when these two strangely assorted friends had returned to Mr. Hamlin's rooms imvious to Gideon's departure, the former. in a manner more serious than his usual cynical good humor, began: "1 said I had to talk business with yon. The boys about here want to build a church for you, and are ready to plank the money down if you'll say It's a go. You understand thev aren't ask ing you to run In opposition to that Gospel sharp excuse me that's nere now, nor do they want you to run a side show In connec tion Willi it They want you to be Independ ent They don't pin you down to any kind of religion, you know; whatever you care to give them Methodist, . Koman Catholic, Presbyterian Is uiiijMy good enough for them, if you'll expound it. You might give a little of each, or one on one day and one anothor they'll never know the difference If you only mix the drinks yourself. They'll give you a house arid guarantee you $1,500 the first year." He Btnpped and walked toward the win- dow. The sunlight that fell upon his hand some face seemed to call back the careless smile to his lips and the reckless fire to his brown eyes. "I don't snjipose there's a man among them that wouldn't toll you all this In a great deal better way than I do. But the darned fools excuse me would have me break It to you. Why, I don't know. I needn't tell you that 1 like you not only for what you did for Georse; but 1 like you for your style for yourself. And I want you to accept You could keep those rooms till they got a house ready for you. Together you and me we'd make that orsan howl. But because I like it because it's every thing to us, and nothing to you, it don't seem square for me to ask it. Docs it!1" Gideon replied by taking Hamlin's hand. His face was perfectly pale, but his look col lected. Ho had not expected this offer, and yet when It was made he felt as if ho had known it before as if he had been warned of it as if it was the great temptation of his life. Watching him with an earnestness on Iv slightly overlaid by his usual manner, Hamlin went on: "I know It would be lonely here, and a man like you 'ought to have a wifo for" he lightly lifted his evehrows "for example's snko. I heard there was a young lady in the case over there In Tasajarii but the old peo ple didn't see it on ac. omit of your position. They'd jump at It now. KIT No? Well," continued Jack, with a decent attempt to conceal his cvnlcal relief, "perhaps those boys have been so eaiiet to nun oui an v,r could do for you that they've been so1- ,y Imps we're making equal fools ..a. Per now in asking you tosto" ,i ourselves no Just yelr-tako a dav - Hut don't say it'r , or a week to think ot Gideon, stU' around ti , pale but calm, cast his eyes itan, t1- elegant room, at the magic or b" ...en upon the slight, handsome liguio ior him. "1 will think ot It," he said in a low voice, as he presstMl jack's hand. "And If I accept, yon will find mo here to niiirrow afUirnoon at this time; if I do not, you will know that 1 keep with me whom ever 1 go the kindness, I' """'v love awi-n.- .arrant ot u,i ma. iur oiler, even thamgh tie withholds troiii mo His oles-ied liuht, which alone can make me Vin.w His wish. He ntaipKd and hesitated. "It you love mo, J:ick, don't ask me to stay, but pray for that light which alone can guide niy feet back to you, or take me hence lair ev'er." He once more tightly pressed the hand of the embarrassed mail botaiiu him ami was gone. Passers-by on Martinez roaal that night re membered a mine and ghostly rider who, heedless of hall or greeting, roilo by -tlii'in as In a trance or vision. But the Willow lliler, the next morning, coining I mm the spring, found no abstraction or preoccupation in the solt e)cs of Gideon Dean as ho suddenly ap peared beiorc hor and gently relieved her of the bucket she was carrying. A iiiila'k Hush tif color over her brow and clieelUsuie, us il a hot iron had passed there, and u certain as tringent coyness would have embarrassed any other mail but linn. "Slio, it's you, 1 thought I'd seen the last of youl" "You don't mean that, Ulster Uilcr?" said Gideon, with a gentle smile. "Well, what with the report of your goin's on at Martinez ami iinprovin' the occasion ot that sinner s di'ath, and leiiiliii' a revival, i 1 reckoned you'd hev forgotti'o low folks at Tasajara. And If you're goin' to he settled there in a new cliuroli, with new hearers, I reckon you'll want new surroundings too. Things change and young folks change with 'em." They had reached the house. Her breath was quick and short, as if she and not Gideon had borne the buralen. He placual the bucket in its accustomed place anil then gently took hor hand in his. The act pre cipitated the last drop of feeble coquetry alio bad retained, and the old tears took its place. Let us hope for the last time. Fair as Gialeon stoopeat and lilted her ailing hatio lu his strong arms, he said softly: "Wliat- vr (laul nun wi-naiarlit triilii mil since WO parted, 1 know now He has called me to but one work." "And that work?" she asked tremulously, "lo watch over the widow and fatherless. And with God's blessing, sister, and His holy ordinance, 1 am here to sluv.' A MISTAKEN MAKUIAUfc, One fine morning in the spring of ten years ttajo, thero cimio up to my room with my French rolls nnal chocolate a dainty little pink note. 1 was curium- ly astonisned in a mild way tit its enrly advent, but 1 knew the writer, nnal was by no means seriously curious. "Ellon in ilreiulfiil distress nlmut .some dressmaker, or exeroisuil nlxiut her prins shopping," I saiil, "ami it can wait" Fair I am particular nbout a few things, and a calm deliberate Inviikf.ist is one of them. So i laid tlio note iiMalai nnal took up the mo, ninir paper. Having finished both breakfast mill naivvspaper, 1 took up Ellen's nolo with tlutt feeling of iv luctunce with which we camie burk from great emotions to the, small Hellish con cerns of our own evory-alny life. The note, for once, was full of real earnest feeling, and rouseil both my sympathy and curiosity, though it con tained only these few lines: "Dkar SAicAit, Come to mo at once. I am in great trouble about Al et V"iirs, etc., "Ei.i.kn TnwuKN." "About Alice!" 1 speculated now with a vory grave interest Alioo Trn veen was very dear to mo, and I dressoal myself in baste, and went al once to re lieve the curiosity which had now be come anxiety. I found Eilen nursing hor trouble in the most elegant of moMiinij-drosses, and with the most dismal of faces." Yet somehow the tone and atmosphere of. the house had rjuite dispelled the fears that bad hurried both my hands anil my feet for the last hour. For 1 heard Alius taking her singing-lesson, and Maud had kissed me in the hall with ftll'bor usual joyous abandon. 'Some love affair," 1 now decided. And I was not wrong. Ellen was feeling herself to be the most injured and miserable of mothers. Alice had had two offers, and had madly refused the chance of . beeoming Mrs, Van ,3011100. and accuotud the modest ueMiiiy wax a joungcaptaiu ui a liiiuij could give her. And. my dear Sarah, he is nniler orders to join the army now, and be and Alice want to be married at once, and the girl has not a dress tit to be seen, and there is no time to arrange any thing decently; and, upon the whole, it is the most dreadful affair." 'What does William say about it?" She looked at me malignantly. "Now. Sarah, what do you expect that William would say? You know how full of dreams and" crotchets he always is. Ho says, of course, 'Let the young ones have their way; that young El dridge is a fine noble-hearted leJiow, and That any dress Alice basis nice enough to be married in." "Well. Ellon. I think mysell that young Eldrirlge is in eery way Alice's equal; the family 13 a very estimable one." . "Oh dear me. Surah! that is not the question. Jack Kklrialgo is poor. I don't care for family, and that kind ot aonsense. V an Ssolgen is ricn, unit iias an establishment, and everything re ipcctable. Fancy Alice Traveen follow in" the drum in a baggngc-wagon! And wTlliam never will see tiiese things in a proper light I don't sen what can be done lo save Alice if you go against her too." "My dear Ellon, I am not against tlio child; vou know how dearly I love her. But this Van Solgcu had a very bad name about his first wifo." His lirst wife! Why, Sarah, she had not a particle of stylo! How could a man respect a woman who neither know how a alinnor or a laaly ought to bo drosscal? If under such circumstances ho lost his temper, 1 think he ought lo be excused for it. Now Alice knows how to manage bo:h cooks anal dress makers; and between you and mo, my dear, they manage the worlal." "I have lii-unl, taw, that with all bis wealth this Van Solgen is really very slinzw" Stingy! Anal lie lins got the dearest litllo ou;Ugo al Newport, and the finest establishment in tlio city. 1 think il is j a Rliitine for people to say such things. I Two su.'lvlioiises .as Van Kolgoti owns ought to cover a multitude aif sins." "Hut two houses can't make thechilal happy if she alaws not love the num." "Then she is very unreasonable,, and ?ho anight to be iiiinln to behave her cir.'' A:ol so she was. Poor Jack Elalrid.ro went oil" tlio iia-xt week to his corps, looking (lurk ami hopeless enough! and Alice a'aiiie aiflener than ever to suo mo, nnal wepl anal eonijilitini'il passionately ill hor mil Jack's ilisappoinlniotit. I r.s-iiurlaiil mill sympathized wilh her Twi'in v years before 1 li.ial had my own litllo alro'ain of ' love (which had col (.'nine Iru.:), iiml so I was quite able lo speak wilh authority on its unccrlaiislj and instability. Then, ns thai summer ripaMoal, 1 went to my pleasant country liouso, and t lie Tr.iv'eeiis wont lo S.'arli'irough. Willi what siibilo tact Eilen luiil her plans, nnal wilh what patient indomilii ble inilii-lry she worked thorn, I know not; 'ml tlii'i niilaiun brought her her !! tfiral. Fur tlioli"h listless and indill'or ei.a iihimi many grave, tilings, she. wai a ci nsiimniiiti! tactician where fashion or worhlly udvauoeiucnt was in ques tion; so Twus by hai means surprised when 1 read in the papers Hie aniioiiiieo incnl, of tlio cainlenipliileil nuirriago be tween Arthur Van Solge.n and Alice li"iil Trnveon. Not surprised, but slill very sorry, - ' the inure so when 1 saw Aiiju'f ' . " looks and variable temper nstloss Mr. Trnvoen was r'' '. . , "I. do not li I" ..a satished. hcs'iidf " 11,13 nuirriagn. Sarah, ,.,,-' , mo one night, us w sat alone , I In: drawing-room lire, wailing for Mrs'l'r:iveiMi and hor daughters. van is not I he kind of man I should have thim'-lil, Alice would have chosen, una I would Inivo much nil her Imvo had Jack KhliMl re fur a son-in-law -that is, w, Alice imi'l marry at nil." Oh. I suppose she must marry; Ellon thinks she has no lime to laisa-,. ' "And the child is not twenty imti' next. March. That 'lHwhtil troubles nn. Hct w ecu tho nursery and th.i ixihool-rooil! nnal I Iks visiting iiiin'e. I r. ally have not i. ... l j -, .. ,,, ir,.'i ni'iiiuii nia'il with my own iliuighlair -and I do Hunk 1 should like her hcaiity ami airouiptislinietiis lo nalnrn in v own home a lilt e while no ire Mho is given lo some teiiow linn is almost a strangi'i In me. Hill Ellen is quite salislieit, sue snyti, Willi Mr. Van Solgmi s character and position.' "1 hill is what iima.es me. If I mvi dotiia'. who cava! the dear child, hail askiul for her again, and ibviv was ly boaliiiri.il instead of a wi'ilding, you would sou EHeu iilnioil. frantic, lint here eaiini's a man about whom she knows noihiiiL', uxi-i'pl Ihal lie is rich, and was not hnppv with Ins lirst wife; and slio strives with things inipossibl In oralair to give her child lo him. I must nay I alaiprcealo tho whole trans action." "Why alo you not speak to Alioo, then?"" "1 do, wheuoviH' 1 have an opportuni ty; but she says as she could not have Jack Ehlriilgi'', it is perfeelly indifferent to her whom she marries; and that, as she cannot please herself, she may as well pli'aso hor liudher." Christmas holiilays passed, and soon after thorn, in all tlio pomp of lace, ami satin, mid iliainuuils, Alice became Mrs. Van Solgcu. Whatever might be tho result of this mnrriuiro, I hail nosyinpiithy with Alice. Much as her mot her was to blame, I thought her cipiully weak anal false fur hud she been ala'terinined to bo true to Jack, her father tun! sister anil tho bet ter purl of her friends would havo en couraged ami supported her. Alice know 1 disapproved tho oanirso she had taken, so our intercourse grad ually assumed a very ceromoniou char acter. About faiur months after her marriage, I went early one morning In Mrs. Tra Toen's to ask Maud to go shopping with me. Maud w as at her sister's ami as 1 wished to see Alioo befairo I left the city for the summer, 1 drove thorn for hor. 1 interrupted a sisterly quarrel, and Maual, Willi flushing eye's and burning cheeks, said: "She was glail I had eoi , and that she would bo ready to ga with me in half an hour." Alice oilcroil no explanation, bill sat with a moody face, folding and unfoldiu.; a newspaper slio held in hiT hand. Hor manner was so piviiliar that 1 a ial. a little haughtily: i ! hope 1 shall not be in tlio way for half an hour, Alice." "No," she nnswcival pettishly. "You on n stay, and scold, too, if you like; that seems to be everyone's mission to me." 1 saw thai she was in one of those sih out :inv pivieuei! ot ra-pamiaiii'' 10 loaaoi. Finally iitulaT covt 'if my Nr-a-ni-e. he assumed a bravvry ho w.w v, r, fair ,roui fi'cl ng, anal sai i: You are nut we!!, ilaritvr. this morn ing; take goajal care of loairscll, for I must liMive you for a few hanirs; so Lisa me gao.-byo." .She lookeal at hiin with contauiipluous indifference anal simply answered: . "I am quiie well, anil you know it." Then she offered him a kiss with an air that would have daiiiilca! any man but one who knew that he had a right to take it. My visit was a very unpleasant one, althi'U'ii Alien relented and apologized SOinewhal before I left. A great pity liihnl my heart fur this wife so loved and pellcii; anal, inexplic able as it may scun, f could not think nor speak of ln-t but as "Poor Alice!" 1 found out Hum Maud . the can) of the special ill-tempci 1 hail just witness ed. Jack Elilri Ig.i h id made himself famous by sumo nasi of during a:oiirago ami gallantry, and tlio pat"--s were full of his praises. Alice, apiile, u.iuao.l to sell .Miitrol, hat! spoken words regarding him which Uaud considereal Mrs. Van So!g",n ought ult hi have spoken, and, while they .,, llw, utihicc' 'if cnniicr-tl duties. Mi.idlmal also remains! rated wilh her sister on her un necessary scorn of a husband so kind to her. 1 did nut call o'i Al.ce for some time again, and then circumstances took me out of Eni'iand. At first Icorrespomlnd regularly wi'.'i Mrs. Traveen; but, in the vovage aif life, friendships drift apart, and as my absoiic-i lengthened, mv cair resnoniloni;e died aail. judg '. ihercloro. of my surprise, m niy r turn five years after Alice's mar riai'e, to find "her a widow wilh om chihl. She was now exquisitely beautiful, and her irreat pensive eyes scenia'd wonder fully in koi'ping wM'ii the I railing sombre garments of her early w iiiowhooal. The ilisagiveabli! cvamts of our last in terviuw waire all forgotten, anil 1 was quite rostorcil to my old place in her favor. There w:is at III is lime a great calm and gravity in nil her ways, but I soam found out that one n line and ono pros eni'ii had a wonderful power over her, for (ieneral Ehlridge was now living in Lomlon, and they very aiften met in sa cii'ly. The first of these metitings which I witnessed I narrowly watched, but in it I saw no hope for Alioo. A Htiialical politeness was all fdie ro coivaial. Ya-t she continued to tlo what ever a woman may do lo iitouo for a great wrong, and win back an alienated hive; but the old warin-lieartud Jack Elilriilio haal disappeared as completely as the old merry impulsive Alice Tra veen, and that two new characters did not. comprehend each other. Yet she had this hope left. The gen eral, lliooi'h now both rich and influen tial, sought no other woman's fuyov as far as couid bo discovered, n,,iit Alice hoped that her memory w,, still pow erful enough to prevent, bor having s rival. 'Tins ilroam nr. snililonly ami, aHohty broken. It was reporteil tha,t (ienerai Ehlridge had gaino North to attend to some largo lain led lulinvsW lie had pur chased there,, nnd w'lion ho returned at the unit of iJ.-j j,,,,,,!,!,, ),e brought with h,"!H'ttV.)vUIUtofbrlilen. ...lobhoek to Alice was torriblo. No worse, pernaps, iiiiui i m""s" been to Jack; hut ho bud a great con ,i.ni outlet, for his trrief in military duties anil hard work. Alien had no Biiaa ir.ealicine for her heart, and her lils of di'siondency were scarcely more dismissing than the reekhissnoss wilh which she now entered into every Btii'oios of dissipation. Tho summer festivities at snvoral dif ferent watering-places told fearfully on a constitution enervated by indulgence and excitement, and without tlio tone wh'u-h healthy exercisos imparts. The winter season saw her still more rocs, less, mm her piiysieiim prophesied an oarly ami rapid ilecay, if some rest were mil's; vim both to her heart and . body. l,ate ill the season (alio took a violent cobl, which 'lerniiijTi in I'oemnonia, ami loft her cxeecair, near doath. Then, when it wiCToh into to recall tho glorious years of llor youth, with all the 'might blessings uhieh had crow n eal t'lem. slio eslimateal her gifts at their ra'iil value. Then she rcuienibrud Uie claims of her chihl, the love of her pa rents, the good she lnighl have dime, Within ilui a-old shadow of dentil she made noble resolutions, which I have no doubt she wuitld have kept if she hail Uveal lunar ouou.'h, Uut she never fullv recuvaired. Warm climates and medicinal waters were all in vain She died after two years of restless waiarv life. And now, "life's litful fever over, she si idis well." Ya'S. she sleeps well; for thero is no piecing n bioUeti love, A mistake in marriage is to n woman irrovoeabloj and Urn shipwrei'l.ed heart never limU again a peaceful haven till it rtmohes the shores of the Elurual, s JACOBS on For Soreness, Stiffness. prompt, Sur, Safe, Recent. 8or I.lmbg. M-wyfT, TO., Hay It, 1ISI. Oangkt aaold la llmbi ud bswk; inflered t months; ft, JaMwb OU cua m: JACOB lOmLTB. BtlflT NeekJ Prtndihip, Wit., Jut 14, Ull. Mr wlfa M Tloltnt plni is kr naek; nry Ud itifl; eartd uUrtlj by It. jMObi OH ft !! HI III llll I.ATW'S lUSIri kjLjJ j ' BOOK Uf 1889. Go-silk AT AILS YOU? OLD awKK CAXEJJ BEXAKTS, lUFLAMHATlfA Stiff Ankl OrtmiU, Ohio. Jnnt , Utt. ttralnod mj suil.lt; next morning ecnli Bt pn foot to floor got ft bottU of St. Jacobs Oil; sad it. U two tu ontlroly woU; 'yg ff Stiff Knc. "". "I., 3nn: ! Strainod my knoo; bocamo rtifl; coold aot wT for a month; uid cnrtchoi; after ming two actual st, j.ob. ou, o.w "Jy5Kit. Asm Mf. 0... ohlatopM, Um., Tsrrlhle Pln. From or axflrtloa eangM TloUnt .ld; it ton iu itll B 1 wrrlbl. I'll, pmmjUy ij St. Jc.b. OU. J. 0. BOCILSY. muii!. AT BSUOOISTS AMD Deuiu. THE CHARLES . VOGELER CO.. Baltlmors, Md. THE GLEAT Transcontinental Route Northern Pacific FOE Maalam! See what 15 cents ill aioi It will liriii' yon a sample ropy of DF.y's I.adv's Book, wliieh will tell yon how tu (let the seal-skin sacqne, the dress, the gold watch anal cottage airgan anil aitlier valuables, witlumt a ilnllar. YOU CAXXOT GET A BETTER Two aliillnrs wo-th of magazine than by sulmiTibin fur '(Joiley," the best family maprnzme in Anienea. . . Fur 1889 it will contain : Fashions in a'ohirs, Faslinms in black inul whin'; Puawt from Kuraiiie. Original novelties in neeiili' work nnal ombreiih'ry. l.ali'iat mill most ropnlur music. PIhuh for the lionse von arc lining tu hnilal. Dircctn-n lr-r decoratinir your lnmiP. Onaikerv anal hamspholil l;i lj, by Mrs. Charles lli'i.a, teacher in several fasliionHble'Ncw York acailcinics, anal 1 1 ica'tcal by the llii'iral ot FMua-atiain for the New York Public Schools, i.iia rary enrii'limi nts by Tsully Klv wi got her. If lr-rl.l t. iu an ivmne mi i.ih U, pud nvi lowtiiey -treated the intavt, Llhi Hi.clivnn Church, Emily Leintvu; Olivia Lovell Wilson, Sirs. Hiestand, Edgar Fuueett, Dor id Lovry, etc. EVERY LADY HER OU'.Y 1)1; E.l SVAK ER Who subscribes, to Goalev's Luily's P.uaik. The coupon which you w ill f'nal in each number will entitle you ta ynnr selection of any cut paper -patta'rn illustrati'al in Goilcy's Lady's Baiok. Yonr lo-eent sample copy will coulai.11 one of these cou pons. The pattern shows you how to aait the irarment you want. Serial lo ccnti for Slimple, WIllCIl W HI Uf? Uliona'il Ull y oui rv.una iiiaiou t.iiuii -I. we can aav in this space. Fair the r.'-4 sp vmir wimple coin-, fnr wliicli send l ;c at once.' " Address "OODEY'S LADY'S BOOK," Philadelphia, Pa. In club with this paper. GODF.Y'S and the IIKPPN r.H (iAZI'.TTr., pT year f.'.yt which should be sunt to the office of this paper. The cash must accompany order. Only new nuhmtnliers, ir old Kiibsenbei-x win renew, will lie allowed to iidcewlvantifje, of thin ujTer. (ioal. y's will not be sen' is aiiove sjtdtcd. Sterna true: wfw5r?i Kn"i.-h'jvjiu ujuta Do vou feel dull, languid, low-spirited, life less, and tnilencribably mlseraoie, bold pnjsi cnlly and mentally; experience a sense of lullnees or hcantinir after eating, or of gone ness," or emptiness of stomach In the moin lnir, tiKiirui! coated, hitter or bad taste in mouth, iirerrnlnr aiipotite, dizziness, frequent headachee. blurred eycsiirht, " lioatinit specks betorn the ever- jcrvous prostratimi or ex haustion, irrilawuty of temper, bait fliisnea, altcmutinji; with chilly sensationa, sliurn, biting-, transient ruins here and there, cold feet, drowsini'sa after meats, wakefulness, or disturbed and unrofrcshintr sleep, constant. Indescribable feeling ot dreaal, or of inipeud- -! tr vnn tmvaflii. or anv considerable number of these symptoms, you are suffering from that, most common of American maladies EAILEOAD! VIA THE Cascade Branch, now Completed, mak ing it the Shortest, BestandQuicke.it. The During Car Line. The Direct Route No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low est Kates to Chicago and all points East. Tieets sold to all Promi nent Paiiuts throughout the East and Southeast. Through Pullman Ura'-iiy Room Sleeping Cars Reservations can be aeeured in advance. To ljast Bound Pitsenajerp Jle careful and do not make a mistake but be sure to take the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Anil see that your ticket reads Tin this Ime, St Paul or Minneapolis to avoid abauges and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run on regular express trains full length ot line. Berths free. Lowest rates. Quiolv est time. General Office of tho Company, No.. 2, Washington St Portland, Oregon A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (ienerai T'lissenger Aest to anv aaldress fur 'ess than ifl'.O.I, cash, a-xs-r-p! Heppner City Brewery Having purchased tho latest Browing Appai .this ami utensils, I am aiuibleil with niy cold soft-wntr-r spring, . . my deep, cool stone ceHar and the f rcish, pure atmosphere of the Heppner Hills, to oiler my customers a -SUPERIOR-! OU ALII Y OF BHER At reasonable wholesale and retail ratefi.V.- .. .. .unches of all Kinds AND THE Best Parties in the country must return empty tegs, or 86 apiece will be charged. ,li(! of Ciii'ar: WHEN YOU WANT J. 13. NATTER, P T;prii tor. DON'T FORGET That the best place to Ret it, ds Bt the Heppner, : ; : Oregon, the at:; mm in -j AK.C- V,-.: .f.?!?4 jb. Mi-s. Ji)lil)U'Hv:zz!o was looking o?or lotuo inurnnco siiuiKtU'S, and nolicinjr tlio (liilVrt'iu'o bmwot'u tliosumnnir ami winter rtMHU'tn, slio said to her luis bMiiil: "Juhhlosw'zlo, I poo by those figures that thoio aro niic!i HTcattii losses by firo iu winter I him in suminer. Can yuu toll mo why?" I ivsunio, my lovo, it is because thoro aro moro fires in winter than in sunimor.11 "l)f course, smart y," she answered tn a vexeil lone, I am aware ot that, Int. why are there moro?" li.'causo, lovo, you know it is too warm in summer to have tires. Havo you kept house all this time and didn't know lhalP" Mrs. J. did not appear quite satisfies tli 1iio explanation, and sho silentU atotiod hot dome ol thought. Atr H JVdVtj'.'f. zinuurs specific. A tetideupy to crime manifests iet at a very early ao through vertain woll-know eharaeteristiea.1 for MM. Lomtraso nml Mmuo liavo studied 9tt0 infanta, and ospoeially ItiO from houses 1 of rel'uiro, and oasiiy rooognlztut the erimiual tvno in the proporiiou of 7-4 f-r .-.Mir. Collopi man -"Yon ay yon haven't eon tho ooliro p.ijh'r lately? Why, 1 am editing it now. ' Kiiuor"Ah, that aooounts ior my inaliility to tind one at the news-stand " Fresh eranhiTrii's at Johnston it Smith's, ( io there for this fruit, which everyone Ituows to be llie boss founda tion for a palatable pie. len reckless moods of scltUht.'ess that "" 7 " occur only where a supreme Kens of j Q roat E.HQ !isll Remedy. gome fancied or real wrong has obliter ated for the tune all eo'ivoutiona1 re gards. Hut before I could reply Mr. Van Solgcn came in. Jt amazed nie to see how timid and nervous this man had become. Alice ruled him absolutely. No slave ever trembled before a tyrant as did this proud man before tho cold scornful Loauty he called Ins wifo. runii-hinent is lamu, hut it comes. The measure he had metod out to his first wife was meted back to him by his second. As he had slighted her love, and received with cold indinorouoo her ctl'orU to win ami please him, now Alice slighted him, and took with polite apathy his most tctidor attentions and maguiliccnt presents. He wanted to know hej plans for tho day. Sho "did not havo any." Could he get her Anything she desired in town? "No; she had more than she wauled." What arrangements should he mako for their summer-trip? "All plaecs were alike to her." lie wandered from win dow to window, made liltlo jokos which be suflurud to fall to the ground with- STOCK BRANDS. "While ym konp your subscription paid tip yon 01m kcp'i ymr liriind in free of charge. AVion, J il Artiirnsvillo Hoi'buk, double H Hide win" on It'ft uliouUiort mttlo, Hfimtt on leMiip ArtlniiB, 11oorHeH. oa riKiu snouiuer; e (In, aV on right Hiilo. AuUins, J J Horww, JA canaected oj); rt flunk; nut tit. I'linuion left hip. Jtlcnkuiuu, (ico.. llarilinuit IIorHfW, n flagon lufl HlioiddiT; ciitUf min on right flhouldwr. , liuuiKuta, I norHW, it 011 ipn, miouiiiHr. Hmigo, Mist! A lion tuft shoulder: oar-mnrk of cuttlo. erop oil and Hpht in loft tmd upper hall- up oil ritfiit. Untwii. J (1 HorfcB. oiroloCwithdotinoao Hnycr, W H, JjeiiK norm, ni nrnnu or.ngm hip cattle, name, with split in Pftoli ear. Ultra. I'.O. llorseH. H B on If ft ahouldor; eat- .1. uann-MT! nfl MI). Hrieii, l . p., 1 nine nno,--inrHos o wiwi ur nnder nnd over on riht Hhoulilnr. Burton. Wt" Hoiwk, J Bon rightthigh; cattle, unmu 1.11 ritrht Inn: unlit, in oarti ear. (;ook, A. J., Lwnn UorBes, ttton rightuhonkter; Cuttlr, Hiinieon nglitliip: ear nutrk eijunre oroj. Oil lell nm mini in i ikiil. Cuninalmn e, W B, Nowion hunch Horaw, f urifl. tiirurn 'J undr it on loft. Hhnuldflr; cattl ua.nianti li.fl Sin.oi.1 'Iml'Ik luff mirnonarfl cut Cow ft. Knulin. llartiinan 1 aute, u wu r. iw center: horaeB. 1 il on lorr tip. DonglnnH, Y iu v an 113, iv 1 on riKi"ioj l..t Fork in ttin'kptir: liorHen. H 1) on left liio. Klcek. JncltHon. Hoi'Bi'rt, 7K connected ou right shoulder: eattlo same on riidifc hip. Kur murk, hole m right ami crop ott lrt. I .iiMin 1 Inn. .1 ohn V.--HorHi'p lirandod lislf-eir ol Jlioonnwited on lMftahmW"r. (!ftitle, lint on left tup. Hang, neai' InniiiKton, Muroiice, Ij A Cattlo. Lt' on right hip; horHOn, v .idi Ixir uinliir on fin nt Nlnni)dcr. . Fll. T K-Uornea, F with hnlf-cirote above and below on leii hip. Vloretieo, H I'-IIorstw. V on right shouUlyr cattle, ll on ngin nip or uugii. Armstrong, J. t'., AntonT with bar under H on left hhouldirof hordes; cuttle wune o toU (inv, TTnn ry f J A V on l"ft nhouldnv, (loble. Vmiik-ILortert, 7 Fon left aHft.: twitln same on right hip. (iamnge, A. U- UorseH, al on right, shoulder. HutiHHker, H A -llurwca, S) uu left sliuulders oat tie. y on l"ft hin. Humphrey, J M. llardman Horaen, II nn laU flank, tluyeH, J M Hoi-Hos, wiiigliin oji left ehouldor cuttle, name on right hin. Junkiii, H. M. llorveM, hor-'efhoo J on loft ah ou Idol. Cattle, iho winu. Uange on Kidit Mile. JohiiBim, TelixHorwnH, circle T on loft Mifl cattle, name on right hip, uirder half crop in rig and aplit in left ear. Kirk. J T Hui-hbh AS) on loft shoulder; eatt (Ht on left hip. Kirk, .1 ( HorsPH, J7 on either think; oattle on right aide, liUi-nen, Uurtiima Hoi-hob. H L on left htp. lipwih, J II, Ijcnft Uoraea, P with over it on left Hhoulder. Minor, OHcar. Cattle, M Dim right hip; horaps M on lefi ahoulder. Miller. C. K. Horses C with M on inaide on left nhoiilder. Morgan, 8 N Howes, M ) on left ahouldor catt le. aiuiie on left hip. MrCumher, .laa A, At wood Horses, M with bar over on right ahouldor. Morgan, Thott HoraoM, circle T on left alwl. der ami left thigh; cattle, '& on right thigh,, Mitchell. Oaoar, t'ettyaviile Jloraea, on right hip; cattle. 77 on right eide. Maaon, Joa, rettyavillo t ntlU.u connectwl npnorcrop in ouch oar, dultofi thrnat; Uoraea, JM on left ahoulder. MeClaren, 1U Horwi, Figure 5 on euoh alioob der; cuttle. M'J on Uip. McOongald,. H Horaes, UD oonueot ou left ahoulder. Neel, Andrew, Rock Horaea AN oon necUnl on loft ahoulder; cattle aame on both hip.- Newman, W. R.---Horses N with half eiryl over it on left ahoulder. Noii tyke, K Horaps, cirtde7 ou left tliigh; cat tie. aauip on left hip. Ulhr, rerrv, iume uocn-r om ien anou.",r pearaon, Oliive. HorapH, circle shield on )ft ahoulder and 'J4 on left hip. Cattle, circle Maeld on left hip. Hanueon Kiht Mile l'euitou, Jaa., I'me 1 'ity. llorsea li'i ou left hip low down. Parker A (ileaaon. Hardiuan--Horaea IP on left houht"r. I'ipiT. .1. H., Aetou llnraea,.lp ConhH'teit fS B tCjfcal'TtV mr . iff Send for Putoguc -THE ESST- a P a- Ifi IKS MARKET AGON uiiinua TWafnin. or Toroid Iiver. nesouiulo'1 with Drspcpsia, or Indigestion. Jho lnora complicated your disease has become, the Breater tlio number and diversity of symp toms No matter what etniie it bus rwha-a.. Dr. Pierces tioiuei, hiuuh-i Cj. ... ... -. j will subdue It, if taken according to direc tin,,o fnr n rpiwonaljle lenxth of tune. It nut cured, complications multiply nnd Consmnii tionof the Lungs, Skin Diseases, Henrt Diseaso. Kheumatism, Kidney Disease, or other frrave maladies aro quite liable to set in and, sooner or later, induce a fatal termination. Dr. Piorce'a Uolden medical Dis covery acts powerfully upon tho Liver, and through that great bluoal-purifying organ, cleanses tlio system of all blood-taints and im purities, from whatever cause arlBing. It is equally efficacious in acting upon tho Kid neys, and other excretory organs, cleansing, strengthening, and healing their diseases. As an appetizing, restorative tonic, it promotes digestion auu niiiviamu, a"'j yu,", ,v wh ainuh mid strength. In malarial districts. this wonaerrui meuiciuu uato """S." '""i celebrity in curing Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases. covery CUHES ALL E-.yrCHSv from a common Dlotch, or Eruption, to the worst Scrofula. Salt-rheum, " lever-saws, Scaly or Hough Skin, in short, all diseases caused by bad blood aro conquered by this -owenui, puruymg, auu jua.ja ....... rtne. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal under its benign influence. Especially ' has it mani fested its potency in curing Ervsipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Bcrof- ulaiiiB Sores and Swellings, Hip-joint Disease, "White Swelllnps," lioicre, or auacn m, and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents in stamps for a largo Treatiso, wilh eailoifal plates, on Skin Disi'ases, or tho same ninouat S- a NVnaticn nn Wernl'ii loilS AlieCtiOnS. "FOR THE BL003 IS THE LIFE." Thoroughlv cleanse it by using Br. Plorce'l (;olal. ii Itla alianl Discovery, and gnoo digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital etreugth and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION. which is Scrofula o'tlio I.angft, Is anvstcd and cured by this iemedy, if taken in tlio earlier stages of tho disease. From its mar- a nnwnr over r.nis teriioiv main inn.-nocr. when first oltering this now world-tiimeil reni edv to the public. Dr. Pierce thought si'riously of calling it his "Consumption Curb," but abandoned that name as too rostriajtiyo for a medicine which, from its wonderful com- bination or tonic, or streiiu'iaaeuuiK, . or blood-oleansiig, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is uiiasiuiu, ns a romcdv for Consumption, but for all Chronic Diseases of tho Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of niood, Short, ness of Tireatb, Chronio Nasal Catarrh, Ilron. chitis, Astlima, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an efficient remedy. Sold br Druggists, at $1.00, or Six Bottles for 5.00. tier Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce book on Consumption. Address, Bdi'sJispaflsatyJedicalissocialion, 643 IUslU 8U BCFFAIiti. H. X. 12 sit Eta 1 nul "rnjMpnoM W'J'ai aci'iyr i uaniifUU 'iNHHliin n-JVlsniff KVOIXjIltf tts SniriGsi'tGiifiib, TnOfoi land. Report pi r- ... . J Prico List, Jpisii B: ROS. 1A60M VfbsvsWa Ui;d Rv.f?u Fii tap-Acfjtffnotvls, and . i arnw. v.. RACTNE. WIS. Gilliam & Coffey Acnt? at Heppner, TUB COW BRAND. TO MAKE UELICiOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME BREAD USE A OR i ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. He tnro that tliora is s picture of a Cote on yonr package and you will have the best Soala zaado. 1RR COW EHATI. DWIGii"T' vsrjSfittlwIijioiaeAOPPSfiCTTLER'S GUIDE, 12 pat.) prirocn!" PSr, ("ostaro stampj, ffarmii. IN Pf MEAD ym ireamSatrt rr C'lenracs the Nasal Passages. Al lays Inllammatioii. Heals the Sor, Eostores the Senses of Taste, Sm-a. and Hearing. A particle in applied into each nostril itn( ! asreenWe. Prieo50e. at I)ruKgit.r lay mail. ELY BHOTHEKSB Warren St-,N(W York. Vti l-ASKEK'S CibCER TOMSC without delay. a ;.ro nia-di.'iiial eoiUJ.miul t.luil fai't-s when all else faila. eiiaecl the avan-Kt caiaia.fa a.f a'niJuh.Wa'Hk LaililKi, AHlhma. (iiiUiaa'tion, Illwiaral I'nins Ejaliiiaihlion. llialualilo for t:: mnatism, Fa.:iifi!ai Wi-aKitf'Sfl, and all aiJUHS anal di jra.i'ji-3 o tho Sloiiwu-h anal Boavula. UK. art Driatfbit.ta rfJ-. -if. ;1. '.'-r. si: a'lal ha'yt enrar lori:arii9,lia'HMii.,.r r fal Of Interest to ladies. V'PTrlHFrnd n KREE 5s A "1 P L. JS of our wondorfal Bpo'iitic for ifnia,"' ciniplamt a to imyhuly wfio wishes to tdft.'tcoir;cn'.,yb-,l,''r 'iinrciiiiriirK. Pnd stnmi fnr potstatfa. lAKttR 5tltMli0..rxl04, Buffalo, OS, SECHLi "u & no ''-S3 IP CJJiril STOCK, $200,000. OI3nTCI2sTIT-TI, OHIO. C3 S3 W3 MA.M'FACTIRERS OF p.. fi.:.'.lwla. mm and Pleasure Vehicles. l-ri i.aii.l.v fill lie. e la'fl l.ip. ill al, r lii :n km 5W9 i'jers nf Saonier 8 iRiprovsa nrmm mn-mm. AH TTwk GtiaraitieeU a J(fj)reenfd, mm SOS Sewlnc-Mnrhln' o ii once fnuDnni trade in all parts, by ularinv our machine mill jiula where the neuiile Eetao'n in eai h locality ,the very eit I'winc-njochni taaile itt the worlil, with all the attaclitiK'tUt. Wo will Blo send IH-e 8 cPHipina line of our co&liy auu vaiuuic an snmpica. in raeiuia w bj mm juu show what w Berin. l tlmc wuo mar call at tout hume. nil nfn-i A innthaa.ll shnll ueconia your onn n'owTtv. Ihift (rrnna rnai nine if inarira nfler the WiiRor ptenti. afch have run out ; r io m tun out it nolct for ISttlt. wilh the nttnrhmenta, nnd now aclls for ttRfk. KMf. MrnniFest. molt un- tful machine in the world. All il free. No eapiwl requited. Dain, hrur (n.tnicUoni riven. Ihose who write to u W nce can r Z lhT..l cwtaMMChln. 1. U. rld. .n,l ah. TBlTfi : fc CO., Itom 10, Aatanlaa. Mlne. OF PURE COD LIVER OIL &kp HYPOPHOSPHITESa Almost as Palatable as Milk. So dlignlMd that it can be taken, digested, and assimilated by the mos sensitive stomach, when the plain oil eannot be tolerated; and by the com bination of the oil with the hypophos phltes le much more etlicacions. Bcmariable as a flesb produeeh Persons gals rapidly while taking Ik SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowleo'gsdby Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world or the relief and core of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTINQ DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIO COUCHS. Tht great remedy for Consumptum, ana Wasting in Children. Sold by all Druggist r.t'il rep.itt:ii n. rthand, Com- f ' ?! s. Stinlfi; ' . :ni' nml . A. w;';:v.-.ft-'if ffothor thai trie Chepesl PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. Portland Orotron. ,ti nistnu'tion. .t'Si'ib- . ,,u '-onulnvity. Business, i-3 land Penmanship Depirt r ;"L nt. nv linif. ( ;ifa i f !,"','m. ;,phil si'Tif free. .4. i AKVSl-LOM..Prin. Oregon Railway and NAVIGATION CO TO SAN FRANCISCO DECEMBER, 1888. Ii- I'! j ! I i;ui. Siunv. J. r . r.L-;it slioul.L-r; A uimrHiitoM om for all mrvmi (itt,,;iw, mii'li ft Vtik MtMUury, !, id nf HiHin Mvcr. Ilv.tiria, I'mn m Urn BarK, Nm viiiid Pi-i'Dlnuimi, WtikofnlluDn, id'ui'itrrhti'.. Dinvornal i sHddi t iu(w S.-iiniml Wctkinw, lnuiotonoy ; iiril nvni'nil UHf i( power of thn (it'iion.t'V- Uriuin -in fillii-r (wx j chum. I hy iiuiiKCtt'tioii orovi'vcx. j rtio?i. iuui whicli uliiumt.-ly U-, ; .,11 l-.i.t ...iHAiimi.tion. Stl.tW A Trrtrfc . : or diX Ih.x for H lit by i niii'lon nvtupt of prion liui Coforo Takinjt. piirlit-nltU M In piuni' to cvt't'j" Hppliouni. iU't tt'nt free AltsrUkinj. WeGuatantoc 6 boxes to ciiriMiny cittt. Tor cTcry f- oni-T rtM'.MVtHi vt Dcntt nix imx' uiuttt written iummiitc! to rj" hmd Ui money if our HiMM-ifte not rffoct k cim. Aililrf nil communication, to tli ttolu uittiuifuctureiM, ttirt MUKKAY MKDH INK CO.. Kr H.ii ity. Mo. tjold in ll. ppner by A. D. JOUNHUN A I'O., li Ou-"ilor) left shoulUo. Hi'!w.'s lir.m.lfvl Sr rotr-tti'(l on Clltllw HJMHe 0:l Itdll) llll D. Hoid'" I'nuul.Hl S .ii nirht slioii! lor. r:ntli lirnndid iS on tlu riiiLlup iuui u Dmoin rron oil ot tin It It tvr. Stmurlit V. R- Mors, a (ilnult ,1 H on M Kiitk; cattle .1 S on left lap, hwi.Uow fork in rijth; car, umterliit in left, S)i r, Kolu -HoiTfjeH, H in rurhf shoulder; cattl HouHieou rutt liip ami S on ri:ht xUiaiUtcr. Swarcart, Alpitui-Ui.rse, i 8 on rih rtliouhler. Hnpp, Tlut'i.- lorra, S A 1 ot left hip; cattlo tmno on left Inn. IShoho, Ur A J -Horsed, TS ou on left hip; rat. tie. aame on left ido, watlip on left mile of uwk wo's cut fliaip at point. S!,eiiron, Men A J t'uttio, S on risht Sip, jvallov,'-foik in left car, SVIt'Ui A Son HorweH, S on its nlt over an on left Hhoulder; cattle, nanto on left hip. Hncny. V. It fat tie, V I' on .off hip, crop oft ritiht and uuderltit in left citr.duiap; horww, W C on left nhoiilder. HwHsiwari, (J W Hor', 4i nn left ehou'der Stewart, in.o., Itammuu - liorwa circW cod left fhouMer. cjittlc, 4i on left hip. Thoiiuwov, J A llorsoti, f, on left ehoutiior cattle, il on left t.houldcr r,l!.etn. S T -lion. C on left shoulder. W.ide, Henry. Horwi branded act of Dpadtw on lci'l rtluai'der and left hio. Cuttle braiiot ia:u on left oide atnl left hi. Wn!lnd'' W K-llowwi hrniidwl U L on lft thonlder, cuttle U 1. ou riuht Kip. Ha vu llahn Fork, Well, A 8 -Horse, 0t on It ft rebouldw; oattl wuuc, Wyland. J H. llanluian Cirel: (' on lef thijir NkHlwartl, John Jlors V connwUtl loft nbouldiT. Wallactt, rhiirlw ttl. W unriKlttthiffh.hAl in left ear; Jiorm, W jn riKut ahouMer, mxar atoeon left Kliouldcr. W h i. A AtVttio, riuining AA wit'j bar aero i. B rig, t nip. fHHilABGH OF PROGRESS! OTJE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS! Arthur MsilVr for Iba JAMES MEANS' 3 bllOK, or lha JA ULS .MEANS' 1 81IOK ;r.Unit.,o yaair nli- . ,. P. .tavmoayl clalnll on tho solss. Tour VlSr'wllT surpS JOU with .ho a aataunwvl it ya)U llisi.l llx.D Ilia alailnat aao; It you alo not Insist, sun wUl ooSi jia Into buj lng lntaKlor shoes upon which Un j mks Isruer pront. ?J7lMES WEANS' - S3 SHOE : UNEXCELLED IN STYLE ONEOUAUm l DURABILITY . - AND wPERFECTIOM FIT; M V. Is. $4 SHOE CANNOT TO S ATI S FY. The most , $ J . . t .v. . I, nr VaHnri nf tnrtnirtrT that w are nownblc toafflrmlhat th 3mXM'bwr7 rPt equal o the shot which only a few yours vo ww reta XMuMn Rrajlon !Su t n,r trip. I hr thn. fr mcted In plsa-lnit om fnD rvul shout aiamaaa. w P1. '" ' .'';1i;r, , , r ,!,, hk-h siv no, worth s much u a.ur WmBKW S id rf SllOKir Char .ho.-. It r, their vnr haw fi'lsil prl,-. sumnKI on thy j M hS M fc V" L jown jhlch prlcva. which hsvr hllhrrto rula-al In llap rell anaarkett hers. iT&ffirtofit&t stork W on U.8an w o a Uk ho. cak n Is th tnind tor them.' 'i'iiMitWct Sr.h.V, bolor. th, !.. our tto,, m tnst jrou nSTs'S CO., 41 Lincoln SI., Boston Mass. SlMimslaiii Wlanrf, I'airtlunl, at 12 nnal lainht, tt-i fnUatws; Daiy. St,:lc nf ('aalifairiiiu '..liimhin In'iT'Mi -------- -Ha.-it.. .' I'aiiifi'rini.- 11 .il li-i ----- 0-1-U..J 8l;at.- r IV.iioniiji. 'll:alh.!(. S.analiav . . Thnrs-hy... Vainalliy.... I'1 r r a:iv IWal-ay.... S-!iural- V ... 'W,HiiM.,.ly. When I eay Cttbb I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, anal then have them re turn asaln. I MKAN A KADlCAJu Cuius I have made the disease ol FITS, EPIIiEFSlT or TALLING EICIS2TESS, A life-long study. I ttatisast my remedy to CDliB tho worst oasoia. Ik caiuso others havo tailed is no reason lor not noiv receivinE acuro. tend at once lor a treatise ana a I-'beis Hottlq Ot my INFALLIBLE ltLMEDY. C:v3 Lxpi-Osa and tost Offla-e. It coits yon notuis tux a. trial, anal it will euro you. Aacj-,.ii H.C. ROOT, M.C., 1 S3 Purl Ct., K:wYcsc Oil J u ''.?0y never fails ; gallon, Sick ' '.'istify from a ; i Jlsstion. SiNO KlllUll, i: i -.: H-fl easy j". .. y .leie. t'n House , ' v illi 'O PORTLAND. l, cures Spear StreM Wharf, Sim Francisco, at A. N. aa follows: S;ya:iser. Pay. Pa'c. I'olti-nbia I Sat mUv Ortv.n :Ve,..orluy.. S'nie of ( ,iiiiror!iia...!-J,n,.ojty t'olnmbia '' L.;:rail;:T . . . Orea-on , iMosHay S ute f ralifomia.. Fri.l-iy. . . . .. C'.miibia Weiln- .ny . Oregon , . .. :S.rlnn! iy flie v-oiiii,vuiy reaervfs tlie riirit to cl.ainfe Steam era or SaLliu.tr Pi'. It AT Kg OF PASSfiK. IVfMXDIXO ME.VL8 AND IJEiililS, ihin. V ( Stwn-p, f-.a; Kcund Trir, on limited, li-,'ra mti-'t U c!:"-k- o:tiir at Ah "( (inriiij: tii tfar, or by the V. V. & li. T. Co. No m -ciWked batritiitfo will be rvctHY8 on the st anion. No fro 't ar;ll bo rppTol on mortire of inr, oir-'pt fruit ! vt tnkdes, and vhewc wili not Hr;iV-Hnfror A. M. OKr UTS. San Frarois.-iv C.t"ral OfHit. No. l V rkot Ttrvt: Tiokot iHluva. tW4 Mark?, v.d 'JU Jli'itcmTT ptr'-ts. UiKDM.U PK KINS rV. a?nt. Pmiartl ri "k-MHilct?, tirft and t-k Sf-ftv W. 11. HOU'OUR a. L. M AXWt I L, To Sen FranGisoo, Gal. Hy Way of the Southern Pacific Co.'s LINES TEE PIT. 8EISTS ROUTE! Quicker in Time tlmn Any Other Route. Between FORTUXD AND SAN FRANCISCO- L.wve Poi'tland 4r P. M. Daily. Through Time, S Hours. PVLLMAX BUFFET SLEET'ERfi TOUF.IST SLEEPIX'-r-CARS; Fur Acoamniaialatia)u of Spoainal Chisa Passengers Attached to Express Trains. Fare f mm Portland to Hsaritmeuto and San Fn,n CXLMi'tED, ftt.OO. LIMITED, FIRST-CLASS, $20.00. " " SECOXD-CLAHS S15.0O. TIIROL'fill TICKETS TO ALL TOINTS SOUTH AND X3V 5,17 VIA OA L.IFORXIA. Tlt'KKT OPKirE: Cits OrBa-e. No. 1st Comer Fir-t 4 Alr Street Depot tMSre. Cnmxr f and Frjrat Street. PORTLAND, OUECOS. R.KOKHLEK, K P RmiCI'S Manager. Asst. G. F. anu Pass. AtrV '"I