THE GAZETTE. BEPPNER. THURSDAY. DEC. 27, Local and General. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Trains on the Willow Creek Branch arrive at and leave tlie dillerent Blutiona daily, excopt riunduyB, ub fullowu: WttSTWAltu. No. 18 (Miied) No. 17 (Miied) 6:15 P. M. Ar. 11:40 MM" " " 4:35 4:15 8:25" " " 8:15 ' 2:50 " " Lv. Lv. 5:45 a. M. JU'l'pner. Lexington, lone. DouglaHB. Cecil's, Willows Junction WillowB, " 8:40 Arlninum. Ar, 9:10 7:20" 7:40 " Connect at Arlington with No. 1, West, at 9:25 A.M. Arrive in Portland, 4:20 p. M. No. 2, Kiwt. leaves Portland at HJk) A, M Arrives at Arling ton at 2:40 P. M. (i. 8. THOMPSON, Aguut. Rasmus, the dentist, will hereafter be found Bt the store of C. S. VanDuyn, on May street, and will attend to all tooth work as usual. A fAMM Reunion. Ou last Christ mas day, last Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. A' Mallory had at their hospitahle home, au old fashioned Christmas diener and family reunion, such as no doubt recall ed the little incidents ot the oh'ldhood days of the older people, many, many, years ago wheu in the far east, the Christmas time was the great event to the broihefs and Bisters, who met on this occasion. To Mr.and Mrs. Mallory, it was not only a reuuiou of brothors and sisters, but one of which all their chil dren were permitted to be pre3ent, and graud-uhildren too, with the exoeplion of Miss Wright, who is atteuding sohool in Oakland, Cal. The following were present: Mr. aud Mrs. Wright and seven chrilden, of UDion; Mr. and Mrs. J. B Looney and child, of Jefferson, Marion Co.; Mr aud Mrs. C. M. Mallory and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Will Mallory aud four children, and Mr. Chas. Mal lory, -Mrs. Hlooum, aud her four sunn, E. H., Ed, Elmer and Albert: Mrs. A. Slocum, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wallace. Mrs. H. Hallock, and Miss Mable Her reu. Miss Edith Wright, accompanied by her grandpa, came over to the Ga zette oflioe on Christmas afternoon nod treated the force to a whole catalogue of good things, for which thoy are thauL f ill. 0 jb Chkibtmab. Christmas made its appearance on tinio. It has been doing n legular business for several years to our certain knowledge. In fact, it has become so regalar in its habits that the foiks generaly depend upou it about the twenty-fifth of tho present mouth. Iu Heppuer it was generally observed aud greatly enjoyed all along the liue from Chas. Wakee to the bon-ton ot tho colony. Some people have n notion that to celebrate the birth of Christ in a becoming manner, it is nooessary to load up with Tom & Jerry and other soothing syrups; others till their stomachs with a lead of turkey and other things which tickle tho palate, and feel satisfied. As everybodyjhavelnotionsof theirovu inre gard to these matters, we will not enter into details, but will say that Christmas in Heppuer was observed by both of tie methods, aud othbis too. Our own per sonal Christmas, along with our toroe, was spent in hard work, in order to get out iu time to avoid the kussiug from subscribers and the wrath of the land -"tnlkcs, who inuirt Wi lUeir-ootrce -through on railrod regularity, without a blemish or a turned comma. ' Thb Chbistmah Danoe. On Christ ' mas night, as per previous arrangement, the young people and the merry eld folks met at the skating rink of Garrigues and Rogers to revel in the fuoiuntiug waltz, schottische, quadrille aud what-not, to thesonl-stirriug aud enlivening music of Petrie's orchestra. Many were in attend ance, and a general good time was the result. Oar soroouru hindered us from taking a very active part iu the festivi ties, hut despite this little infirmity, il was plain to see that Messrs Garrigues & Roger's new canvass is several lengths ahead ot a rough floor for dancing pur poses. Died. At the residence of Vita. Hughes, tv. o and one half milt's south of Hemmer. at i o'clock on Deo. 25th, Ralph Ri,.,rt Hmit.1i. nf cinsuuiution aijed 30 years. Deceased was a brotherof A. A. Smith nf Hflnnnnr. and came to this country from Ireland abdut three, years ago, iu hopes that he wosld again be re stored to health. His remains were interied in the Masonic oemetery, to day at 10 o'olock, where services were - held by Rev. Henry Rasmus. Mass was also held at the Catholic choToh this morning at eight -o'elook. ''Thou dost oalled me by thy name. Thou art mine." Tg. 43. 1. K-,,Tw.vT!ir.wRMflERED. The editor f illlWUl this sheet dashed into his ranch on last Christmas morning and ran over an office chair at his desk, and after getting over his astonishment, dug ont of the geuerni litter ot neighboring exohanges, a one nth chain and n boi of choice Cigars. These remembrances came from our wife, Foreman Wilmarth and i'riena ruca num, respectively. The m. e. was tick led as he never was since the day when he hung his homeepnn and homeknit sock tip on a nail near the fireplaoe, where old a.( ri-na couldn't help but see it, cot no on Christmas morning find it overloaded with toys and Attaccbd Bt A Savage Doa-On Wednesday of last week, Clyde, son of Mr A S. Wells, had oocsion to go ont to their ranch in . Black Horse, and in passing John Gentry's place was attack- v, . aavaee dog, who threw him down -j i,.,t for the interposition of others , , i. neverelv bnrt. The wouiu uavo . rirnte belongs to no one in particular, brute Deioub rrmnd n the com- for smT'time, and only re.ently Stacked one of Mr. Barton's sons. It is ll e to say that he no longer loaf, on Jn se shorea ot woe but . now a Very meaty bone in dog heaven. As Accident. While on the way to church last Sum ? moru'a;jfre3f. Fell had the misfortune to fall. Dress ing one bone of. the left '?,rf-? De. the wrist and dislooaiing we ""j' -j xue wrii , , p reduoed aVf-ttL and the' ladv is doing as welt as con d be expect ed Sine the last snow full .it ha. been thawing and freezing alternately, render JnTour street very slippery and decid edly unsafe for pedestrians. Ho-- -JJt Mr! overlrom t-ui" '""-. , p;... wa. to candy. Tress Looney is sick this week with pneumonia. H. Wade, of Sand Hollow, remembered us last Monday. , T. H. Bisbee was doivn from tho saw mill last week. The Palouse Gazette is now printed on a power press. Chas. Talbert and wife are back to the buncngrass region. J. M. Humphrey was down from Hardman last Friday. Joseph Crank was down from his mountain ranch last Friday. T. Armstrong aud A. Andrews were up from Alpine lust Saturday. Two car loads of wheat came up from lone last Friday for J. B. Sperry. The E. O. people are preparing to get out a daisy New Year's number. D. Herrick, the organ nnd piano man of Pendleton, is in town this week. The railroad is doing a good business both in passenger and freight traffic The new saloon, next door to the Ar cade, was opened on Christmas Day. Commissioner J. A. Thompson was over from Butter creek last Saturday. Huusaker & Lung have a now three seated rig, wbhh they now run to trains. Sterling Smith came down town this morning, the first time for eleven weeks. Geo. W. Wright left yestorday for Brownsville, to be absent till about Jan. 10. The fair, held by tho Ladies' Aid So ciety, last week, netted something like 880. Jimmie Wylaud came down from the Blues last Thursday, returning on Satur day. W. E. Elliott left last Tuesday morn ing for a visit to his home in Philadel phia. The Columbia bioyole people have sent us over one of their neat calenders for W. Mrs. Milt. Morgan and Mr. Uate were over from their Sand Hullow homes last Saturday. , Assessor J. J. McGee, of Eight Mile, oame over to Heppuer ou Tuesday, re- uirumg yesterday. Messrs, M. S. Maxwell, G. M. Holmes ami J. A. iiowor'tou were over from Gooseberry lust week. 0. F. Rtipol, of Junction City, is iu town and will organize a writing class. Air. Rupel is a liue penman. Gapt. H. li. LcFevre left this morning for Portland on a business trio, to be ab sent for an indefinite, time. Married. -At Walla Walla, Deo. 20, Mr. J. W. Muir, ot Morrow Co., to Miss. Alice Saling, of Walla Waila. F. E. Seeley, speciil ageut for the Phoenix, ot Hartford aud the Home, of .Now York, was iu toiu yesterday Miss May Scott, who is atteuding school at Salem, came up last Monday to spend Christmas with her parents. Wm lugruin, the Jayhawker, now re ceives his Gazhttu at the oiiuhouious Gooseberry post-office. Ho wus in town Saturday. From Jauuary 1st tlio mail service on the route route from Pilot Rock to Alba, Oregon, will bo iuoreaaed to three times a week. Hon Lucien Heath, the first seeretarv of Oregon and a pioneer business man of baleni, died at his home in Santa Cruz tail., ou the VJlh lust. The general mail service is "rotten.' It is no uncommon thiug for us to re ceive four issues of tlie Walla Walla daily Union at one time. I'reu mnnuriii's lv. ot p. Heart pin has strayed oft' to parts unknown, and if anybody finds it they will be suitably lewarueu ior its return. The editor hereof hits been seen walk ing aowu ine street with his wite ou two dilTereut occasions recently, aud his menus are investigating. Misses Belle Elder nnd Lizzie Matlock came up from St. Helen's Hall, Portland, last Friday, uud .arepoadiug this week with their parents aud friends. &. 11. lyson, witu a lorce -of carpen ters, has completed Uoprruer's "skooiium house." it is koated between Maude's ranch aud the old Maddock stable. Cards are out atiuouueimr the mar riage of Mao. McCHary and Miss Lizzie Ross to-day, tit the home of the bride's parents in Leroy, Decatur county, Iowa. A Christmas tree was giveu at. Hard mau ou Cliristmasevo, and ou tho fol lowing day, the fun-loving part o the male populatiou indulged in a tursi'y shooting. The Portland business coll. -ye 1.1. an institution that deserves the pulioii.igo of our yonutf men who desire to inlto that kind of a course. See their ad. elsewhere. W. F. Butolier, the wi-ll-knowu nev of CeutervUle, has just recovered a judgment of $HJM a.ouost the Kansas shenii' who arrested him for mule steal ing last year. Charley Lewis, of Lexiugton. is now with us quiie ofteu. Charley contends that our climate loom up in much big ger and brighter ohuulis than most uuy other olimate. The Christmas tree, giveu at the rink on Christmas eve, was a complete suc cess. A large number were present, and very few went away that had not been remembered. Mr. and Mrs. Frank RulTnor are up from The Dalles this week, spending Christmas with relatives here. Mrs. Rutl'ner is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Koontz. Hon. T. E. Fell left last week for Bloomington, 111. where, on the 30th inst., he will be united in marriage to Miss Dodson, one of Bloomingtou's most ouarming young ladies. Married On Wednesday of last week at Pine Citv, Mr. Chas. Hales to Miss Luciuda Galloway and Mr. Sheridan Galloway to Miss Lucy Hales, Rev. J. T idoskins performing the ceremony. Arthur Minor arrived last Monday from Portlaod, where he is attending the Home business college. Art. is a steady young man and will make a success in life. He goes baok the last of this week Uncle Jack Morrow has recently re cently received from the east a white bronze moonment, costing JfliiUU. It was put up in the Masonic oemetery last week, and it is a beautiful piece of work. Engineer Bush is nnder the weather this week with a severe cold, contracted during the damp, foggy weather of last week, while attending to bis duties down the line. He is not iufatuated with our climate. We are pained to chronicle at the same time of the birth, the death of the babv boy born to the wife of Mr. W. R. Eilis on the 23rd inst. The large circle of Mr and Mrs. Ellis' friends sympa thyze with them in their loss. Hon. J. B. Looney, wife and child came up on last Monday evening's train to spend Christmas witn relatives Here, Mrs. Looney being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Mallory. Mr. Looney is state senator from Marion county. Hermann has submitted to the first as sistant postmaster general a petition from citizens of Crook county, Oregon, asking for the establishment of a post office at Post's, on the Prineville mail route to Helena. The office was estab lished at once with Walter Post as postmaster. On last Tuesday, "Riley" and Joe Deal got into a little trouble, which, on being investigated by Gov. Rea, proved to be a case iu which "Riley" proposed to hurt Joe, and reach. d into his pocket as if to draw some weapon. Joe didn't propose to be hurt and pasted him in the ear. Riley" was Sued 810 and costs. Representative Hermann has appeared before the post office department and urged the establishment of a mail ser- io xue iuouu- Pay Up Those who gave notes for the purchase of the right of way and de pot grounds will this week receive the following notice: Heppneb, Or., 188.. Mr . , Tour note for $ , given to J. L. Morrow, Nelson Joues and Wm. Pen- land, as trustees, for the purpose of pay ing for the right of way for the Hepp ner branoh of the O. R. & N. Co., due January 1st, 1889, has been plaoed in the First Natioual Bank of Heppner for oolleotiun. GEO. CONSER, Cashier. The trusteei request that those who gave notes come in immediately aud settle. A Chanob in thb Temperature. Quite a skiff of snow fell on last Satur day night of whioh a greater part still clings to the sides of these time-bonored hills. Considering the kind of weather with which we have been favored this fall, it is quite oold. Cattle and horses 1 have a hard tussle to get through this winter unless fed. Sheep wrll fare better, as stockmen are generally well prepared to take care of their bands. Dance on Rhea Cheek. The merriest party of the"season was given last night (19th inst.) at the Rhea creek school house. Those who attended say they never enjoyed a dance more fully. Among those present were Misses Etta Minor, SI ira Minor, Katie Barnes, Ellor Rhea, Lillie Rhea, Cora Rhea, Ionia Itbea, Josie Rhea, Ada Rhea, Lena Rhea, Ella Mason, Clara Mason, Alioe Smith, Nora Williams and Dottie Simpson ; Mesdumes George Smith, T. A. Rhea, Jos. Mason, J. P. Rhea, and Messrs. D. Milliorn, F. 0. Bueknum, J. P. Rhea, C. J. Lewis, George Conser, Clinton BrundstetteY, F. S. Mills, Phil, Colin, Chris. Lettellier, Marshal Hill, Win. Rhea, Mr. Dennis, Air. Lieuallen, Frank Smith, C. Smith, M. Ki-.-hy, Fred lienge, A. Allen, Win. Milliorn, W. Hill, E. Hale, G. Lund, Walter Rhea. James Harrtth, N. Hale aud T. A. llhcn.Bwl'iet. The subject of tho division of Califor nia has occupied the attention of the Golden state from time to time, ami from the records at Sacrameuto, it ap pears that the; idea originated in the ses sion of the legislature of 1850, when pe titions were preseuled from the southern portion of the state, asking for the for mation of a different form of govern ment for that section. The petiouers asked that the "territory of Colorado" be formed, to include the counties of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Buena Ventura and a portion of Betma Vista. Au act was passed acordingly; requiiiug that the matter be submitted to the people, a two-thirds vote being necessary to car ry the proposition. On September 7, 1853, a vote was taken, and resulted: For division, 1202; against, 2156. Not receiving the necessary two-thirds, the proposition was lost. A Plooky Fireman. On Dec. 18th a second attempt to wreck the Texns ex press on tlie St. Louis & Sau Franoisoo railroad was made at Lyman station, near Springfield Mo. The switch bolts were removed and the rails spread, to throw the train over an embankment. Fortunately for 200 people n flietrain a wild engine running ahead plunged through the switnh.- Tle eugitie whs demolished and the rails torn up for a quarter of a mile. The fireman, with a broken nukle, dragged himself more than a mile and flagged the train, saving it from destruction. Thure is no cine to the perpotrntors. In Mkmobiam. The Spoiled Cayiim is a Seattle journal whose first mile-post is yet far in tin' heivatt: r. It till :)::"' is ;r iitiSi lv cltvorat'-tl ; iili so ;:i .- ii o:' ;h:- '.loiiintl so woll known lo to:- icn-i-n-roos of the west as the only living beast that can out-kick a one-eyed sorrel mule wirh cockle-burs in its tail. In a copper plate view of the sani'tuin the speckled gentleman dominates, with bis front feet tleep in the drawl's ot a luli-totie'l sec- taire, and his tail brushing tiie (lies away from the paste-pot something the ordinary inmate of such places is unable to do while attending to business, 'lo make their little allegory complete the publishers should now put the caption mane-stravs" over the little items that form tho greater part of the paper's in terest. An Absent-Minded EdiTok. A gen tleman of our acquaintance and a good man too, whose illustrations are occa sionally seen in the Journal, is some what absent-minded. He rose the other morning luter than usual and some time time after the family had breakfasted. He dressed himself leisurely, looked over the morning paper, chatted a while with some members of the household, said "good morning" and started down town to the Journal and Watchman office. In about four hours he returned in great hnate, and called up stairs: '-See here, I thought something was the matter with me!" ,rWhat is it? What is it? said one of the family in great concern. ,-I haven't had my breakfast!" IF. W. Journal. The president has appointed Hon. Tuos. Burke, of Seattle, to the vaoant judgeship caused by the death of Chief Justice Boyle. The appointment meets the general approval of the oiti zens of Washington Territory. 'Tailoring. I have opened a well-appointed tailor ing establishment in my new build iniz on May street, and arn now regularly reoeiving new goods and will make cus tom made pants from $7 to $15 best goods in the market. A. Abrahamhick. A Valuable Med'l Treatise. Tho edition for 1889 of the sterling Medical Annual, known as HostetterV Almanac, is now ready, and may be ob tained free of cost, of druggists and gen eral country dealers in all parts of tie United States, Mexico aud indeed in every civilized portion of the Western Hemisphere, This aim auao has been issued regularly at the commencement of every year for over one-fourth of century. It combiues with the soundest practical advioe for the preservation and restoration of health, a large amount ol interesting and amusing light reading, aud the oalendar, astronamioal calcula tions, chronological items, &c, are pre pared with great care, and will be found entirely accurate. The issue of Hos tetter's almanac for 1889 will probably be the largest edition of a medioal work ever published in any country. The proprietors, Messrs. Hostetter & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., on reoeipt of a two cent stamp will forward a copy by mail to any person who oannot obtuin one iu his neighborhood. THRIFT AND TRADE. ' i tWIt yon want bargains in dry goods, furnishing goods, boots and shoes, hats aud caps and everything else that is usually kept in a first class store, and have the CASH, oall on J. M. Hager, The firm of Johnson & Smith are pre pared to furnish you wit"h fresh vegetables and all kinds' of fresh grooeries. Look well to your interests and patronize them. Fresh vaccine direot from the New Jer sey cowpox ranch, at E. J. Sloouui & Co's. Small-pox is going the rounds. Wall paper at Minor, Dodson & Co's. Mrs. S. P. Garriguos has added cloaks to her neat stock of ladies' furnishing goods. If you desire the latest and neat est styles, be sure to call on her. Newt. Whetstone has an olfioe but he don't occupy it but very little. Hi6 business is at the forge, mending broken agricultural machinery, shoeing horses and the like, all of which will suit any denizeu of the Heppner oountry, both as to price and quality of work. All kinds of hardware, tinware aud oroekery, also wagons, farm machinery, pumps, gas-pipe, nails, etc., for sale by the new firm of Gilliam & Coffey. Sacks furnished tor wheat at Sperry Mills. Gilliam & Coffey are prepared to fit a man out with tiny kind of an outfit to be lonnd iu a first-class hardware store. They will sell you nails to fix up your fe-noo when vour neighbor's cows break it down, or lit you out withkitohen tools when you get married. A full sunnlv of school books and sta tionery at Minor, Dodson Sc Co's. If you want a red pump that is not only neat aud attractive iu appearance but also able to do good service iu get ting tho water of tho Heppuer hills up to the surface, call on Leezer & Thompson. Johnson Smith are selling till kinds of groceries at astonishingly low figures. ind it will pay every lnnaoitant or tuese -uioient Heppner hills to patronize thotn. May street, opposite Miuor, Dodson Co's. There's no use looking blue, even though wool don't sell very high. E. J. Sloonm-& C. have drugs and other neces sary truck down to bed-roqk, so that a little money will buy an arm load. Rasmus, tho dentist, will mi teetu, or extract the same in a scientific manner. It is a fact acknowledged by all "art organists," both of Europe and Anienoa that the "Estey" is the sweetest voiced, most human toned, least 'reedy m tone, anil Quickest iu response to touch of auy organ manufactured in the world. Geuts, It you need Biiyiuing in me furnishing goods liue, call on Vanduyu, He has a full line ot oashmeres, peroaies and laundered shirts; also a full lino of hovs' Hhii-ts aud underwear, children s suits, kuee pants aud waists, all oheap for cash. . A new stock of carpets at Minor, JJod- son & Co's. Sweet eider and comb honey at Van Duvn's this week. Snerrv is paving 55 oentH for neat nnd film Sites sacks. Heavy double harness for sale. Inquire at this nfiice. . - "V Flour exehauged for wheat at Sperry Mills. ' FACTS FKOJH. & B's. Infants', nhilds', boys', mens", mid nicest assortment of election hats at H. Sc B's. Most complete lino of wall papers, bor ders, ca pets, rugs, and curtains at reduc ed prices now on exhibition at Heppner & lilack man's. Ladies are invited to oall and inspect ir,l:-;C!l':-V.'-s-H a I woo InC-'tM. 111.-- , V ;.(:: 11 ) . :; '. ero Hi stripe.-, I jf '-i ys eie., etc. -', il-nli'is would prol't hy ' exatniiiinu our woolens an I full sti'k boots. Cull and take n nliew of our H. & B's. private stock chewiher to aoeo For aide by H. & B., sole agents, the celeb'-atpd Condell's Big Can Baking Powder for 50o; Each can contains 14 pounds. Equal to the very best in the market. ' Como early to nv'old the r'sh Parties wishing lo' purchase full sup plies would do w-ell by culling on Hep pner k illaekmnn. We insure geiit'ennn !y treatment, low prices, njid good qu -1-lty in nil lines, Hour iu qu mtities o a lit at mill prices. Most complete nnd extensive line of mens', boys', nnd ladies', buck and kid driving gloves, woolen-lined gloves to keep your bands warm when snow flies. Call and inspect our goods, at H. & B's. No trouble to show goods. Tourists, Whether on pleasure beut or business, -h itilj take on every trip a bottle of syrup if figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ffectually ou the kidneys, liver and jowels, preventing fevers, headaches and ther forms of sickness. For sale in 50o nd $l.l) bottles by all leading druggists. WeijL Chosen. -Many merchants fail to sell their goods on account of their not being of a first-class character. But wm need not be uneasy in regard to Harry Johnson's stock of candies, nuts, pigars, tobaoco, etc. They are ftesh aud well-assorted, and his stock warrants your trade. Next door to First Nation al Bank, Jones' building. Consumption Surely Cubed. To the editor: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely tse thou sands of hopeless cases have been per manently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send their express and post office address, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C. 181 Pearl St., New York, N. Y. CHBISTY S WISE, Collision Merchants, Liberal Advances Made ONS- ' CONSIGNMENTS. SAN FRANCISCO: Warehouse and Office, Corner Fifth and Townsend Streets. PORTLAND: 29 Washington Street. HEPPNER AGENT: aPIILVTCriE; ISlEXjIjQOGt Office: First National Bank. CALLAHAN'S NEW RESTAURANT Is prepared to give meals at all hours, DAY OR NIGHT! You will fiud my" place next door to B. A. Huusaker & Co., in the Old Bank Building, MAIN STREET HEPPNER. ARTHUR SMITH, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ! Next to First National Bank, HEPPNEB., : : OREGON. -Watches, A, Optical Clocks, Goods . WatcheB Cleaned, Mainsprings Fitted tl.SO. $1.50. AU worlc qnaranteed for one year. Dobbins' Electric Soap A Pleasing Sense of Health anj Strength Renewed, anl I of Ease and Comfort Fogows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it aots gently on the Kidneys, Liver Bowels Effectuidly Cleansing the System when Costive or Bilious, Dispelling C61ds, Headaches and Fevers ' and permanently curing HABITUAL CONSTIPATION without weakening or irritating the or gans on which it acts. Eor Bale in BOc and S1.00 Itottlof bj all Leading Druggists. JIANOTACTBBBD 0NIY BV THB CALIFOMIA FI& SYEUP 00 . Rax Fhahcisco, Cal., - Louisville, Ky., New York. N. Y. it- THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD. It is Strictly Pure. Uniform in Quality. THE original formula for which we paid $50,000 twtnty ytart ago has never been modified or changed in the slightest. Thin no Hp in Identical In quality to-lny wiln that made twenty yearn ago. IT contains nothing- that can In Jnre the flnest in brie. It bright ens colors and bleaches whites. IT washes flannels and blankets an nd other soap in the world does without shrinking leaving them soft and white and like new, READ THIS TWICE THERE Is a great savlnfr of time, of labor, of soap, of fuel, and of theTabric, where Dob bins' Electric Soap is used according to d 1 rec ti on n. ON E trial will demonstrate its great merit. It will pay you to make that trial. TIKE all bent tliiiifrit, it U extensively iml. j Uted and counterfeited. pySW Bold for lO. until Ut-ly. LULU m W r1fl rncut tiraikeeper. Wsr-JL lljjjj ' -V' VtV a HeSTjTSulid Uol3 LOf'f- tJLzv 73 fl One Person Inwb lo i.'A Z'..v jAskS9 cliiT etn lecur ona frit. V'-JEafiiO ..-hiii Hm of Houeehold WMJJfe-y Wl!u M tum wtch, w send -.ji Free, and after you h ktpt tbtmia your hmne ftr momUs iliown them to thM -wio nwy lmo oilled, llcr become your own property. Thow wbo write at once ten be eure of receiving toe Watch nd S:imrlO. Wcray all eiprM, frHirht.Bta Addrw &ttnftua S Co., Box Bitf, l'ortluntl, Muino. ,. : ' i-ot 0,000,000 KKUi o( Um UtgMt ud most nliAbte hook, uia uiey iua Ferry's Seeds M. I"K. Kill S uw, mrv Acknowledged to be the Largest seedsmen In the world. D. M. FebbtAOo'i UluBtrated.Detorip. tire end Priced SEED ANNUAL Par 1880 Will ha mailed TKt to all applicants, and n lurt Tear' customer without ordering it. Jnvulu. i)l ViantiArwinnirinV lerlUrt OwHflowW oardeni Field or Flower Seed? , In axirUBca. I ihould send for It Addrese p. M. FERRY CO., Detroit. Mich. jteware of Imitations, INSIST upon Iobhlnft Electric. Don't tato Magnetic, Electro-Magic, Philadelphia Electril, or any other fraud, simply because it is cheap. Tiir?) win ruin domes, and are dear at any price, ask ior .3- DOBBINS' ELECTRIC and take no other. Nearly every grocer from Maine to Mexico keeps it in stock. If yours hasn't it, he Will order from his nearest wholesale grocer. T) EAD carefully the inside wrapper around each bar, and be careful to fallow directions on each outside wrapper. You cannot aiTord to wait longer before trying for yourself this old, reliable, and truly wonderful y Dobbins' Electric Soap. HENRY HEPPNER, HENRY BLACK MAN Hurrali for tlao RAILROAD! HEPPNER&BLACKMAN! -DEALEE8 IN General Merchandise, The Pioneer Firm of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon. OWING TO THE COMPLETION OF VTHE RAILWAY We are prepared to ofter large inducements, especially to Cash Customers. Everythtng li at Bottom Prices, Hats, Caps, Dry Goods, dig, Provisions. And in fact everything contained :lass store. in a first- STOCKMEN'S SUPPLIES IN LARGE QUANTITIES. Farmers' Wants in all Details. Produce taken in All kinds of exchange. We Purchase our goods in car-load quanti ties; hence our ability to undersell any other house. Owing to the steady increase iu our business we have built a Ige and Commodious Fire-Proof Brick Building, which give 'us better facilities than ever before enjoyed..,''"' AST HP' f 1 o Sole Agents for Heppner and Vicinity ' FOITTHE .f ejebrat e ( iTrr 11 n m li ENGINES VERTICAL HORIZONTAL. $75 uPwar, TWO-HORSE POWER ENGINE. WITH STEEL BOILER, $150. CHEAP, RELIABLE, SAFE. AatomaUa Boiler Feed, Antomtio Fop Safety 1 Ytlre, Bteel Boiler. Cost ol running (raanntM ' mot to eioeed three oenbi per konr. nothing equii I . to it ever before offered for the orlee. Ltrger Uu i quilrlow. Bend for free deecilDtlT dranlu. I CHAS. P. WILLARD & CO I 238 Randolph Street, Chicago, III. Bain -AND t: a o 11 Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Agricultural Implements' HIDES AND PELTS BOUGHT FOR CASH OR TRADE. SEASON OF UMMJ. t IV O I, I I) A V . D. JOHNSON G O O OS! & CO. 1 ao,t' Rapid Beating of the Heart, fflienever you feel an nneasinesfl in the region of the heart, a slight pain in the shoulder, arm, or nnUer the slionl-dor-bhtde, or when yon find yourself short of breath when exercising, or your heart has periods of beating Tast, yon huve heart disease, and should take Db. Flint's Remedy. Descriptive trentise with each bottle; or, address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. Notice or Krot'iciioi,i)Eits' Muetinci. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of the National Bank of Heppner will be held at the banking hons in Heppner, Or., on Tuesday, the 8th day of January, 18S0, between the honrs of 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. of said day for the nuri)ose of electing directors for the ensuing vear. Ed. K. Bishop, Hemmer, Dec. '.), . uasmer. Taken Up. One gray horse, 10 hands hiirh. weighB about 1.300 pounds, slightly collar-marked, about 8 years, old, brand ed half circle h on left shoulder. Uime o Jus. Jones stable on Uot. J4, mj. Owner "can have the same by proving property and paying charges. . j AS. j ONES, NliiLSON J ON EH, Tres't ;. it iAiar a Hon Tar B ISIIOP, Treas. HEPPNER, E W K STORE. yfHlp OREGON. u s COMPANY. HEPPIs'ER, (Incorporated.) OREGON. " This company will make oash advances upon the wool clip for 1889. Consignors may have their wool sold under order at Heppner, or by their direction . hnVc' it snipped to Portlaud, San Franoisoo, Boston, Mass., or Hartford, Conn., v , . where the oompnny have arranged for storage and sale. ! Add reus Communication. ").. ' MAX AG VAX. HEPPNER, OREGON. We have purchased tlie fluent lino ofjfanry goods and novelties for the Holiday season ever brought to Morrow County. stock is now bein' received, and we invite yon to call and see what wo have. tVVe invite your especial attention to our line of plush and leather albums, tripli cate mirrors and dressing cases in entirely new styles and at lower priceB than ever before. Wo oan also show you a great variety of autograph albums, scrap books, smok er's and Hhnving sets, vases of all kinds, mustache cups, hand painted China cups and saucers, China sets in boxes, Dolls of all kinds nnd sizes, linen and p ipr children's books, the latest novelties in games, alphabet nnd building blocks. . Our line of ('hristmas cards is very large, and having been ordered direct from an eastern factory comprises all the latest styles at exceedingly low prices. Make your selections now nnd we will keep them for you until wanted. Uc memberthe place, THE CITY DHUi;8TOKK, Corner Main and May streets Heppner, Oregon. TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOUR TEAM UOUiU irtU. " ' . . V .,f the Grand Lodge ql Oregon, . . - Granite creek to He has visiieu m ?'""'-- mpn,.,i ,ld mines lu Grant county, or A I . ' 1 i; . Oron hefore honseon the Heppner fl .t and w astqn ished at the wondenm ."'"" .-r our town ha. made, parhoularly in the pakt fiva venra. eg-.n.wHh John Mitchell as postmaster at the l itter place, ana preaeuieu a leng'by petuion from the miners and stockmen. Japanese Goods. Charley Wakee hai a very fine assortment of holiday (foods down at bis store, on Main street, next door to the old Kellogg office, now th O. R. A N. engineers' beadqaartera. Al though Christmas is past. New Years will soon be here, and if yon want to i leot a nice, neat present, oall on Charlie. He has a magnificent assortment ot Jap anese goods. E stray Xot.ce. Notice is hereby giv en that I have this day taken up one white heifer, one year old last spring, marked with smooth crop on right ear and branded N R on right hip. I will proceed to sell said heifer five days from the date of the publication of this notice (December 27. His8) to the highest bid- i der for cash in band. Tuos. Mokgak, Marshal of Heppner. Dated this 20th day of December, IHM. CnBlsTMAH. C. 8. VanDovn is eqnal to the occasion that will soon be here to the joy of all. Every one knows that we mean Christmas, and those desiriDg to amke presen's, should call on Mr. Van Du vn, where they can purchase the la' testdtiigns in fancy Chios ware. 820 ReWaIIR For the delivery to me at Pine Citv, one bay work horse, five vears old. weighs about 10o0, very large Roman noso. One iron gray, Uo-year old till v, hue make, lioth branded J G on left shoulder. I will pay $10 for the re turn of either of the two, or So per head fur information leading to their recovery. J. J. Galloway, '. ' Galloway, Or. 1 Whpn you come lo Town by putting them in the siioiiis wvjwy siYisr, j Which is now run by 135, Hunsaker and Long having enlarged their livery stable, opposite Nutter'a Brewery, are now better prepared to ac commodate the public than ever. All stock left in their care will receive the best of attention. Hunsaker & Long, Oregon. IRA J. NELSON, Tonsorial: -Artist, Old In located in tlie Jones Stand, Next door to JMK atlocKs SALOON, Ilennner. Oregon. Opposite Natter's Browery, I IcplVner. H iaV a to Hire at Reasonable Rates. lAtooU Iloiinlud ly tlio lny, Weeli, or Montli Goodidelivored to any part of tho city. Leave orders at our office, in stable. Hacks run to all trains. 7AII Htook Left in Their Care Will lteceive tlie Hogt or Attention. W. J. LEEZER. P. C. THOMPSON LEEZER & THOMPSON DEALERS xN- IIA.IlDAVA.RJi: AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SHELF HARDWARE, liird-Cnt-es,1 Rope, Nails, Cutlery," nnd Willow Ware, Granite Ware, Etc. Wood MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON DEALER IN O II U I B T M A S COME3 . i ONLY ONCE A YEAR. Walsh and Jones Are prepared to give the people of the Heppner oountry the finest, neatest and most extensive ntock of CI I III STM AS GOODS Tliit ever came to Heppner. Don't fail to call on them. Next door to Opera lionae HEPPNER, OREGON. BOOTS and SHOES Worn Work anl Repairing Neatly Done. Opposite Hotel, Heppner, Oregon. N. S. WHETSTONE, The Efficient Horse-Shoor and Greneral Blo.clx.sxxi.itbL Calla attention to the fact that he i still at the OU Stand, OPPOSITE THE HEPPNER DRUG STORE, MAIN STREET, Where he is ready to attend to any wants in his line as cheap as the present Condition of the Timea will Admit. REMEMBER THE PIONEER SHOP WHEN YOU NEED WORK DONE