Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, December 27, 1888, Image 2

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Tbis little republic has been engross
ing the attention of the United States of
late, and, perhaps a general review of
her history will be of interest to our
Hayti, proper, or Hispaninla, nud some
times called San Domingo, is tin island
now divided into the independent states
of Hayti and San Domingo. The island
is, after oubn, the largest of the West
Indies, and is ab ut equally distant from
Porto Kico on the east, and from Cuba
and Jamaica ou the west, uud the
Carribbean Sea on the south, and
the Bahamas and the opeu ocean on the
north. It bolongs to the group of the
Greater Antilles, and like all the princi
pal islands of tbis series, its greater
length is from the east to the west about
400 miles. Its greatest breadth is 1U0
miles. Its area, inoluding the, small is
lands of Tortuga, Gonaive and others, is
28,000 square miles, and the population
something like 800,000, although at the
time Tonssaint l'Ouverture led his breth
ren to rebel agaiust slavery, it perhaps
contained both white and black, over a
million souls. The country, as its na
tive name would lead one to presume,
is quite mountainous. The range bears
marks of extinct volcanoes, which tttill
awaken from their slumbers occasionally,
shaking the island to its farthest ex
tremities. Cibao, is thought to be the
loftiest mountain, about 1000 above llio
level of the sea.
The mountains, although timbered to
their summits, are susceptible of culti
vation. With a fine soil, well watered,
nud with a climate tempered by cool sea
breezes laden with moisture, the island
as a whole is, perhaps, the most fertile of
all the West Indies. It has excellent
harbors, the Bay of Gonaivos ou the
. west being the best, offering apluudid
facilities fur foreign trade.
The islaud formerly belouged to Spain.
In 1791, under the influences of the
French revolution, the 500,000 slaves re
belled and the moBt vindicative struggle
on record took place a struggle, which
about the close of the eighteenth oeutu
ry, ended in the extermination of the
once domiuaut slave owners, and the in
dependence of the oolored iusurgeuts
As emancipated slaves, they lmmtly be
longed, in form at least, to the Church of
Homeland Hayti at that time hadtho hou-
or.of being the only community of -
blood on either side of the I
In 1801 Franco sent . UUr0
force to recover -ilunlie.
seized and out " P""'1"1
J,,. .er lost possessions, and
- reposed of the deliverer of
.etbren, the Wanbinglon of Hayti,
iiiiniut l'Ouverture.
The famous negro general was born at
Buda, in St. Domingo in 1813. His fa
ther and mother were both Afriouu
slaves. It was to him that Uenoral
Maitland, the British commander, sur
reinled nil the important stronglmldH in
171)8. The English endeavored to take
advantage of the French trouble and
tiieir weakened state, but gave upeulire-
ly in 1801. While they had secured
their independence they had Baved the
island from the British, the inveterate
enemy of the French. At this time the
whole of the island was utidor tho rule
of Tossaiut, who displayed grout abilities
and worth of oharuotor. He at one time
wrote N apoleou, addressing him an the
lirst ut .uo white race, troiu the first ot
the black. This uud muny otlier notiom
whioh showed his natural superiority
ovor Buuaparte, led the.lattor lo treaohcr-
ously capture Toussaiut. He wus starved
to death by the Bonapartistu in 1HI13.
While in prison, he implied Bonaparte
in the following language: "Siro, I sav
ed you one of tbe noblest islanda of your
realm. I prny you, in your meroy, grant
me but justice." Tho French held the
island till 1801, when Dessallines, aping
Mapoluon, declared himself Emperor of
Hnyti, roviving a name for tho island
that bad been iu disuse for !)00 years.
It was afterward divided into the inde
pendent states of Dominica and Hayti,
the latter ot which has been giving the
newspapers of late, some now material
t'or news.
Projects for tho annexation of thee
tates have been ounsidcrod by our gov
ernment, from time to time but with no
definite result.
Dessallines (known also as Enipemi
Jun.net I.) una one of Toussaints lieu
tenants. He only served as emperor two
years, beiu.; assasinated by Christopher,
8 negro oluof iu 1800, who suoooodod as
emperor Henri II.
It is olaimed that this "nigger" colony
does not deservo the respoet of imtion
neb as is given to the free Afriq.'m colonj
of Liberia, established by president Mon
roe iu 1821, and declared an independent
republic iu 1847, due to the butchery ot
the Freuch soldiers in 1801). They
Uould not be blamed for this as the
Frenoh inaugurated such dastardly woi li
by murdering a number of negro prison
era, and DeBsnlliues reciprooatod tho un
Warlike proceeding by killing a like limn
bar of prisoners.
Would it not be well for the United
States to annex to its realm, this island
made historio by the immortal Tonssaint
l'Ouverture, who, when asked by Uen.
Maitland, who was looking at his ragged
troops, "Tonssaint, it you had continu
ed this struggle, where would you have
gotten your armsf" to which be made
the Spartan reply, "Sire, I would have
taken yours."
Ik a reoent debate in congress Spring
er, of Illinois, took ocoasiou to say il
President Harrison administered the
, civil service law in the same spirit it
had been administrated by Cleveland,
the people would have no reason to
""ain. Continuing, he said, if it
werejmt for tuaj ouniueraoint) uuj obso-
""maohiue known as tbe electoral
eolleVje, tue democrats would now be re
joitig iu a great uatiuuui victory. On
me F 'ficinai wi,j(.i, i,;a ,IUrtv at,i,.;ti...i
t J " .1.1
he lust election, there was a large
majority of the people on the populai
Vote, who decided iu favor of tbo demo
oratio party. In answer, Dodge of Mass
achusetts said iu view of the opportunity
Which the demnori.ti possessed for iu
oreasing Cleveland's majority in tin
Southern States, they must feel li
Lord Clive, and wonder at ilmir in id.
ation in giving him ouly 100.WX) maim
Brewery bluff should bo pared dowi
on a level with the rest of tbe townsiu
lntil that is done a Btiset lump should
be placed at the Shobe ooruer, to pr.
wwi uiauiaiers wuo nave to go out tu.
by night.
Jews b
Wau.a W.m.i.a, Dec. IS,
Editor Gazette:
Grand preparations are pending for
due observance of Christmas, and us a
consequence our stores are thronged
from day to day, and our merchants are
doing a rousing business. The M. E.
church Sunday school will give a grand
Lnristmns tree and entertainment on
Christmas eve. That memorable event
the birth of Christ is surely the most
wonderful part of Biblical history. The
Saviour of all mankind having been
born into the world of poor and friend
less, it pleased tbo Wise Disposer of all
things, by His holy angel, lirst to make
known to some shepherds who were
herding their flocks by night in tbe
neighboring fields, the birth of the long-
promised, long-expected Slessiuli. While
they were thus engaged in their humble
duties, "the angel of the Lord cuino up
on them and tbe glory of the Lord
shone about them." The rudiunce
which shone around them terrified the
astonished peasants, but for the purpose
of dissipating their fears and continuing
tneirjoys, the divine messenger inter
posed and thus addressed them : "Fear
not, for, behold, I bring you tidings of
great joy which shall he unto all people.
For unto you is born, this day, in the
city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ
the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto
you : ye shall find the bubo wrapped in
swaddling clothes lying in a manger."
And it came to pass, as the angels were
going away from them into Heaven, tho
shepherds said ono to another, "Let us
now go even unto Bethlehem, and see
this thing winch is come to pass, which
the Lord hath made known unto us."
And they came with haste, and found
Mary, Joseph and the Babe, lying in u
Christ was orucilied at Jerusalem in
the reign of Emperor Tiberius, 33 A. I).
The word Christ ih from tho Greek and
signified annointed, and therefore corres
ponds with the Hebrew term Messiah I
The distinguishing feature of tho Jewish
religion at the time of the announcement
of the coining Messiah were along with
certain ceremonial observances, and the
expectation of a corning MesHin'
Saviour, the Jewish faith con"' .or
belief in one supreme ' stcd of a
creator and preser- .,c.lnf,-luod, the
almighty an.' , im.iHil,, ,.,,
. of infinite wisdom. The
iieving Christ to be an impostor
..ought him bul'oro Pontius I'ilate and
condemned nun todeimi. inns eiuieii a
life of christian servitudo whoso exam
ple we all should follow.
We have not been favored with any
snow as yet, but indications arc tending
that way. The old pioneers in this lo
cality predict a hard winter and advise
those who have stock to see to it that
good supply or feed is laid in.
The itoberline riiasipirado ball at
Small's opera Iioiihc, on tho evening ot
the Mtb, was well attended, and the
gorgeous costumes displayed on that oc
casion outshone anything of ' a like na
ture ever before witnessed in this c!ty
Two young ladies who are attendanls i
a cctain college in tbis city, and w in
board and lodge at the school, got up in
the night, put on mask garbs which they
had secreted in their rooms and went
the bull unbeknown to the matron. Af
ter tho ball they swured rooms at a co-
lam hotel in tbis city and registered
under 'assumed names. Tbo matron for
some reiiHouVot op about 1 A. M. and in
spected tho bed rooms, when lo he
dismay sho found the room occupied by
these young ladies deserted. Sho then
di'csscd herself, went to every conceiva
ble haunt iu the city anil at lust found
them snugly snoring in "tbe land of
Kuod" at a holel. The young ladies
wee awakened anil marched back to
their room ami are now deprived of the
privilege of going to iown without an at
tendant. That divine injunction, "Be
sure your sins will find you out," was
herein verified.
The trumps seem to infest our cily to
a greater extent than ever before. Our
oily and county jails are lilling up rnpid-
Our city is free from all sorts of pesti
lence, and everybody is being blessed
with the best of health. There is no
sign of sinall-pox here, notwithstanding
the (act that a great number of people
and school children, tine young lady
who was vaccinated a few days ago,
when in the act of bidding her lover
good night, remarked dial (his evening's
purling reminded her of a little piece ot
poetry which goes like Ibis:
Inry Inul it vtiei'inu rn'iil)
I' pen her Biiow-whito lu ni.
Ami hii. wiinipil litir lxmi in I i loo
TIihI lie illicit u. t do il liiu'tn
ll.il ulioit tin1 cinnc lo .io-( that nifc'lit
Hht. miulu it niiality srul.
,-Vi.il Mini httif inn wTnl tinlit
Anil tniver mini! the Houb.
TuN AH lsiH M.
And Other Information Important to
the Settler.
Our Washington correspondent sends
the following information:
Land contests decided. The names of
the successful parties are printed in cap
ital letters:
Wm. Hendrix vs. UNITED STATES.
Homestead patents issued: No. 700
Thos. L. Arnold vs. N. G. CORLET;
Geo. W. Johnson vs. GEO. II. HUDSON.
Cash patents granted: Nos. VM, 1770
and 2' 105.
When the O. R. & N. Co. began to
oonfer with the Heppner people last
spring in regard to the then proposed
Willow creek line, it was generally un
derstood that it would be built from
near the Willows, on the main line via
Lexington to Heppner on the following
conditions, viz: that the citizens of Mor
row county were to furnish depot
grounds, and purchase the right-of-way
from Willows to and throvtjh Heppner.
On these conditions, at least so under
stood by many, a committee of citizens
began soliciting notes payable Jan. 1st
'80, the road to lie completed to town
and iu operation by that time.
Those who gave notes reoeived the
following guarantee; "Heppner. Oregon,
April 2nd 1888. I,Nelson Jones, and I,
J. L. Morrow, and I, Wm. Peuland,
hereby ngrce and promise to each per
son who signs a note for the purpose of
raising money to purchase the right of
way and depot grounds for tbe O. R. A
N. R. R. Co. to and thrmujh the town of
Heppner, that we will refund, pro-rata,
to each person, from the amount paid by
them, all surplus money oollected over
and abovo the neoesnary exponses in
proonriiig tbo said right ot way n--"
grounds.'' (Signed.) -
Stockholders' Meeting. The annnal
meeting of the stockholders of the First
National Bank of Heppner, for the elec
tion of directors for the year 1889, and
the transaction of other legitimate busi
ness, w ill be held ut tbe banking house
of the association on Tuesday, January
8th, 18.il), etween the hours of 10 o'clock
a. m. and 4 o'clock v. m.
Gko. W. Conser.
Ijand OIK'-e t La()runo, Or., Not. 80, '88.
Notii-e in hereby Kiven that th following-named
aHltlerhiis iiled notice of his imontion to make
linul proi-f in Hnnnort of hit eluim. and that fuiirf
proof will bw muiie before the county jnUe of
.norrnw cuiimy or in nn, aotipnoe ueiore uie clerk
of Haiti county at Itoppner, Or., ou January iitt
1B.-1I. viz:
Hubert P. Mattemn,
fid. No. 4i!N. for the N NK Hcc. ;t and N
NW 'i Hi-o.iB, Tp r, H, 11 -a. H. W M.
He unmet the f.ttlowinff witnewieB to prove
nisciHiuinioiiH resilience upon, ami cultivation
of. Hah land, viz:
1). il Jj'..-tthi;rman. ThomaH Onaid. Nelne Hnm.
uiiisou anil H. H. Gaunt, ail of licppner, OroKon.
Any pernon who denireri U protect againBt tiia
allowance of such proof, or who knowa of any
Hiilwtiinrial r.-ni-oii und'r the law mid the regula
tions of tin. Interior Ili-parlinnt. why such pjoof
should nol he allowed, will be Ki veil an opportu
nityattlie above mentioned tune and place U
cros-ex;tniiiie the vit::essR of saidotaimant, and
to nrTi-r evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
2lw-:lOJi 1If,nhx Kinrhabt. Beg-ieter
TIMBER LAN!,), ACT JUNE 3. 1878.
Unitkd Statics Land Offiok, )
LaUkandk, )n , Nov. II), 1888. j
Notice is hereby k'iver. llult In compliance with
the provisions uf Ihejiot of Congress of June 8,
1S7S, ent il U d "An act for the sale of timber lands
in tho slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington territory,"
Williiitii O. Minor,
Of ITeonner. comity of Morrow, state of Orpimn
lias this dny tih-d in tlii oltiee his swum stata-
inivir flu. e.l, tor too purchase of the W n of the
NK H of soefinn No. ltr. in township No. 0 south,
range No, 2S east, and will otter proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for itfl
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes
and to establish bis claim to said land before tLe
Register and Heceiver of this oriice at LaXinwide
Oregon, on . ''
Tuesday, the 5lh day of February t889.
w"n"K (.e" J' W' "lerlatt. Kobert Hart- nd
William Warren, of. U6,,m,r, ()r. Da
Any and ul pij-s,m claiming ndvor , ,w
above-desoribva landsare reoucsled V
ly'MU'' bt'tUr -id day
JM, ' HrsKTlhiir aA11Ti Rp)ieter.
7b Heppnsr Branch is mi hpi, and
We Aro Lajrliif; i
xi an Inimoliso Stoclt of
Boots, Slioes,
In Fact Everything Which the Farmer or Stockman Needs.
Successors to 15. A. Ilunsaker & Co..-
Are at the old stand on
Hardware, aware, Coppcrware, Granite
ware, Pumps, Gaspipe, Nails, and Black
smiths' Supplies.
k Bros
Reapers, Headers, Threshers, En
gines and Portable Sawmills,
A large assortment of Crockery, Glassware,
Lamps, Fancy Goods, r,lc.
n - t b ;tl
t i t 1
The people of Sand Hollow bad a
Christ miiH tree on tho livening of the lilth
and were ciilorlaincd by the following
program. Souk by tbo ehoir. Opening
.aldresH, Sadio I'alo. Doclamation, Lulu
Haling-, (!hiiH. Slornan, Artie Morgan and'
Hcssie EdwardH. Sony liy tho choir.
Declamation, .Milton Morgan, Andy Mor
gan, Oacar Kihvardu and Kobert Morgan
Son )j by the choir. Dialoua between
Sadi Cute and Lulu Saline. Peclamii-
lion, Annie KusmcU. Dialributioti of
ireseut8. There were no coatly presents,
but all present expressed themaelveH well
pleased with the euterlainnicnt.
(. A. W. Kin-Hell has Rone to Milton
to spend tho holidays. Ho will perhaps
remain during the winter.
Will Salini; will take oluirifn of the
Brewer school oil Den. illst. o
Hev. It. F. lieasoner preached at our
school h.iiiso on riimday morning and
Oscar Hurt who has been sick for
some time is ag;aiii able to bo about.
Nl'H i H.
NliTiliON- Jonim.
AVm. Fkmi.avd "
a(,'lt an inadverleney, tne part
.mil through" wits not nominated in tho
bond (,'iven the railroad company uy tne
oilizens' committee, and the samo dis-
orcpancy occurs in tho bond (riven that
oommitteo tiy the citizens at lare.
The quostioa is now often asked, not
inly in Heppner. but in other plaoes,
"Have the Heppner people fulfilled their
agreement?" Teohi'ieally, it is presum
ed, we have. Literally, we have nol.
How any one could reoeive a guarantee
like the ono abovo mentioned and then
be in doubt as to the verbal undoratund-
in in regard to this matter, is more
mil we can comprehend.
In our position, we nro no more inter
ested in this matter than any other
citizen, but hold that our word should
be as Rood as our bond. A few thous
and dollars, additional to what has
already been contracted, will amount to
nothing, comparatively, -when it is taken
into consideration that the O. K. '8c N
I plo aim noike this town or they can
ruin it. Mr. Holeomb, while in Hepp
ner reoently, assured the people tlmiUKh
Komoofinr most itillueutial citizens,
that ho did not insist on the verbal
agreement being- carried out, but stated
that they wero entitled to all that they
While the company have not as yot
cinoed any disposition to ruin .us, and
tltey never may as far as that is ooucorn
ed, there are many little things in re
gard to railway business that already
show which way tho wind blows. For
our future prosperity and xeneral good,
it will bo (juito neoossary (depend upon
ill to have Ihe company's assistance and
ood will. The suppositional irregular
ity it regard to the purchase of the Hepp
ner depot urouuds, bus nothing to do
with this matter. Our position must be
one that will win tho conlidouoe of the
O. 11. A N. Co. The day. of tinul reckon
ing will satisfactorily aetlle all other dif
fcrciice that may exist iu regard to riht
of way.
of the first XaliuHut Hunk ut Itt'll
ner, in the State of Ornjuii, ot the
Vlose.i'f luni Dee. I:',
,iiaiH and diseounls S ti!),7o7.L'H
Overdrafts, secured and iitiso-
ured "o.lKl
V. H. Jionds to secure oircitla-
tion Imodium
Dub from approved reserve
agents CTo.bl
Due from otlier National banks 4,8lL'.71
Kcal cstale, furniture and lix-
tuns l.KKl.liu
Current expenses and taxcH
'rcmiiinis paid
Ilills of nlber Hanks
Ktai-lioiial paper currency, nick
els and cents
lit'Ciil tender notes
Ite.ieniplion fund with V. H.
treiisurer (5 per cent of cir-
NeL1l?l',!'.;ee',!.L'''o'l'-.)r.. Nov. 19, 'R8.
Jti M' ltivont.l,I1tthPfolloi.,(!-I.a.ned
Taf il.. "i notice of inUmtion to mske
i'' I "npporl of his elniin. and that said
piwjt wiu hB n.B j.f,,, y,,, jml(n. f Morrow
oouioy. (r jn iitH H)Hm)0G before the cli'i-k of said
cvnu J, at lli.,iiu.r. Or., on Jim. 5, IhBU viz:
Albert C. Smith,
lid. No. 22XK, for the B !i HK 'i Hno. 27 and N V,
NK Sim:. Ill, Tp :l S. It 27 E, W. M.
He imtneH the followillK witneHHCH to prove his
continuous reKidenco upon, and cultivation of,
Raid hind, viz:
t-. li. Tuyleiir, Pell Sirnison, Robert Dextor and
J. ('. Petei-Mon. (ill of Heppner, Oregon,
Any perMon who deHiroa tfl protect anninst. the
allowance of Hiich proof, or who knows of any
KllbHtmiti.-i reimoll. under the law and the rcKtilu
tioni of the Interior liepsrlinent, why Bueli proof
hIioiiIiI not he nlloweil. will lie iriven an oimortu-
nily at the nboVe mentioned time and place to
eroHH exinnine thewitiieeHeHorHinilclHiniant. tutti
to otfer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted
by (.(iiiimnt.
'.IMI-Wl . Hkniiv Hinkhart, IWieter,
Imlld Office ut The Dalles. Or., Deo. 0, 'ftfl.
Notice in hereby iven that the followiiiB-named
tiler Iiuh liled notioo of hiti intention to mitkt-
liluil pi-nol in siipiiortof his eliiini, anil that said
iroof will he iniule oetore the oounty judged
Horrow eoiiuty. )r. at llenoner. Or., on Jun.
'A Issli, via:
Manual Sawiier,
Hd 2:ir,ll. for the 8 BR . and E H SW H See.
2(1, TpilS. 1124 K. W. M.
tie iifimeH tlie followinu witnosHflH to nrovo hir
coiit.inumiH residence upon, and cultivation of,
Hitid bunt, viz:
tieoi'K" Hull or itooHonorry, dr.. anil A. n
Hooker, l'lim-.linl 11 alloy and Musea Cuntwell, of
Kiulit Mile. Or.
Any pei-Hon whodeeiros to p-otedt nfrainnt the
nllowiinne of mich proof, or who knows of an)
euhhtiltttml reiisou. under Ihe hiw and the roirula
tions of t bo Interior Depiirtment, why such proo.'
uhoiilil not be allowed, will be Kiven an opportu
nily ittilhe idxive mentioned time mid plaoe to
croRH-exitniine the witnenHeH of wiiil claimant,
anil to otter evidence in rebuttal of that submit
ted by ehumunt.
.awunl F. A. McDonald, tWister
Everything Will Be
m Heppner
M ksry,
Are constftntly receiving now invoioes, which ensh can take away at
the lowest prices. Job-work executed in a Bkillful manner.
There is No Need of Wear gout Your Prescription by Carrying it Around in
your ilat, but Come Over to .
CO 111. J. SLOCXJAl & CO'. CO
This firm tire Successors to Eil. 11. Bishop, find are Ready
lilts' to have a Continuance sf Trade in
and Wil
li re Drugs,
Machine Oils, Har-
LandOHieeatTlie Dnllos. Or.. Deo. (1, 1HHH
Nolieo ifl hereby Kiven tluit the follo,i.nn
nHineil Hettler Iihh filed notiee of hit) intention
to urnke tinul proof in Hupport of hiH cliiim, and
thut Ktiid proof will tie iniule before the clerk
of Morrow eounty. Or., lit Iloppner, Or., on
Janmu-y Iti, 18U, via:
; Robert Kniyhten, ' ."
IIS 11215 tor the HW hi Beo. 1, Tp 1 H, 11 'it B, Vf ,
M. ' S,
tie tinmes the foltowinit witnenflB to provi
hie ooiitiiinoue residence upon, and eultivation
of, wiiid hind, via:
.liuueH II. Allen, Juke Wllliumci, Heman Cald
well uud t'. (i. Kuqna all of Kiuht Mile, Or.
Any perfion who deen-eH to protent aRaiitst
tho allowance of mieh proof, or who knows of
any Diihxtaiitinl roaon, under the law and tln
reKiihitionH of tbo Interior Department, why
BUeh proof nhould not. be allowed, will be tfiven
an opportunily at the above mentioned time and
phieu to eroee-exitmine tho witnetiBeH of said
liii iiifiri t, and to otter evidenoo in rebuttal of
that Hllbniitled by claimant.
21HI-31H K, A. MoDoNALD.llefiBtor.
Opposite Minor, Dodson & Co's.
Is stocked with Canned Goods, Sugar, Coic2,
Dried Fruit and Everything Pertaining
to a First-Class Grocery.
They Call Attention to their
monicas. Cigars, Confectionery,
And Everything Else That You Might Expect to Find in
Class Drug Store.
Main Street, Heppner, Oregon.
May Street, Nearly Opposite Minor, Dodson & Co's Store,
Manufacturers of and Dealers iu
Diet 0aWAND--!Bl8ilaiii is?
(leorKe A. Ilat I tuttii, respondent, vs.
loll N- Youiit', iiipulliitit, appeal from
Uuiiitilliiooiiiily; ,leciioii of tbo loner
lourt alllriued; opininii by Lord, J
I'liin is a eoiiteHted eleotiim e.me ovei
lie elerkaliip of Umulilln eounty. Hart
i.ni, deiuoorat, was deelnred fleeted In
he i iionit eoui t upon a recount, ovnr
VoutiK, repti'.ilioiui, who hid a majority
leoordinu to the ollieiul eiiuvan.
ion i i-iiiueiini people win no well, in
uir jiidument, to pay loino nttetitiou to
t-be ndviee of the E. ()., a wide-awk
heel wbieli in eeituinly doinu all it can
tor it town ami sutromulinK oouutrv.
ti u) till
7,:trt no
of. i. 01
l'olal iqi2,10l.s;i
I'apilal Hloelv paid in $ W.lHIO.IHI
Siirpliw riiinl ii.iKitiou
rildivided prolile iV.'S!l.!S
National Hank Noleaoiitstand-
iiih 11,'iilUXI
Individual depunils Bitbjei't to
ebeek r.ti.L'lli.S-.l
Deiiiand eertiliiiates of ilcpoait 4.1K17.0.1
I'lino eertilieates of deposit. . . . l.D''i.lKI
Due to oilier National llanlis.. . -il-.io
Total $i!4Ki.83
Sri t'c of Oumios, ( JU
I'llCN I'V OF SlollHOtV, S
1, ( leofiie t'oiiser. easliier of the above
named bank, do soleinenly swear that
the above Htaleinent is true to tbe Ileal
of my knowledge uud belief.
(ii-:oiiOK I'oxsiat, Cashier.
Suliserilied mid sworn to lieforo mo this
Uh day or leo., 1S. (i. V. Uk.v,
Notarv rublio.
r.oieet Attest: V. A. libea, S.V. Khen,
t-'rank K.olli-gf, T. A. Hbea, Uireotors.
A Lutheran conn volition has been or
ganized ul (.ioosebe.cy, with about 30
1 Ami Otlo Ht CniiulK. Or., Ore -".t, .
Noiiroin lu'ifby ivtu that tht fnllttwiuK
iinikt tinul iHiHtf in tupinrt uf Win cIkmii. aiul
i lint tail) proof will bit mam h'toro th counly
iu.li.vnr M.iriw futility, Or., or in his hIimmov
hi-f .n' Ihi'i'h'i k of Hani iMtmity, at Iteppuor Or.,
on Jim. iUl, l.vt.
l.uftiyt'tte rcHlttml,
'M No. 'JITS, for tin- SK V NK NK H NK
aiui S N W S.'o. IV 4 S, It 2.' K, W.
Ho iianit'M tin' follow ii'n wiliMvHow to provo his
tnUnutHiM ri-Hult'tnv upon and cultivation of,
"d'iha 'tV-nT, J 'try I'hiUip. Aiutr-'W Ste
v .(tmm ttihl .lolui St'oclm, nil f HiM'pn- r.lr.
Ai pioti who iLvtir to pnttwt axain-'t the
tlloW'tii. t' of ttui'li proof, or who know of any
-.uimfau ial nison muter 1 ho la and iht rotinln
tioii of tlu liilerior iMHrtni.mt, why uoh
prtMif tthoiil.i nut I w allowtt, will Im trivtm an op
iMirtiitnty at th meiit onwl lime niut platv
or .Hw-t'SHiniMf tin Willies' of tMtut tlainiant
.ml to olt.-r fviihMHO iu rvbuunl of that submit
Uni by clmmuut. u . t
I And OttiotntThe Dalles, Or., Deo. 11, '88.. ,
Noti-o ih luroly tfiveu that the followtiiR
imnitxl nutl-lor htiri ii 1ft i nttioi) of luHintantion to
mukt) hnal proof in mtppor. of liin ulaim, anil
that naiil proof will be mat la bt'fora ttia county
jmlKt of Morrow county, Or , at Huppner, Or,,
on January '5, lhU, viz: ,
Jtannam C. Hart,
h, 11', for tlu( V H NK 14 and K ',i NW M Sec.
I Tp:i8, II ai K. W. M.
Hi'imiiiiw tin following wilncswis to provft hi
ooni iiim itis rurtiolonco ui(Hi, ami cultivation of,
tta'ul laitil, viz:
D. A, Hiti'mm, J. Tl. Hp'Ti'y, Taylor Doilnon and
K. 0. Hloan all of Hrppm-r, Or.
Any ptTHon who (toHiroH lo prolettt nnjainut the
ullowaiM of Hiich proof, or who known of any
mibsimitial rcaHtm, unttor the law and tho roRula
lioiiM of ihti Interior lepnrtmtmt, why Hiich proof
rilioulil not bo allowotl, will hit trivtm un opportu
nily ul I lie ahovt'-uimittoniHl liuiR niul place to
croHs-ixamiriP (ho witnt'HHi'M of mU ulaiinant and
to olli-r i'viiU'ni!0 in robutlal of that BubiuUted
by clniiuant.
'Mt-iM F. A RI u Donald, HoKiHtor
I COM M 1 1TKI) ItoM KrlTKAD.l
Land Olliroiit Tho Dallcn. Or., Dto. 11, 88.
Ni'tii'i in liiM-i'bv tfivon that the followiiiK naintid
-I'tller Iihh tiled notico of hju iutontitm to
1 nituutt and iiiuivt' final piniof in Hiipport of his
'laim, and that nid proof will bo inado before
lint (dork of Morrow comity, Or., at Uoppuor,
Or., on Jan. 'iri, isM), viz:
(.it'oiye H Vhapin,
lid HVl tr tho K 'i NW mid W NK M Boo.
:t: Tp-I H. 11 -1 V , W . M.
lie iiamt'H I he following witnoRHOH to prove hia
ciiiilimiiiuH roNidenco uiMin, a:.d uidtivation of,
Htiitl liiml. vir.:
liewiH W. Coleman, A. l.uollinKand.T. C. Koith
ly. of lianbnan, Or., and lioo. K. Wriglit, of
Iiotih Itoek, Or.
Any pi'rsoti who doniroHto protoHt Rffftinft the
fillowtiiiiT of Hiieh proof, or who know of any
iihrtlintial ronton, uiiilertho law and (he regulH
tioiiHuf the Interior Vpiirt inent, why muh primf
should not beallowed. will be given an opportu
nity at the ab)Vi-ineitioiHHt time and place to
('ru-exaiiiine tho witnossof said claimant and
to otl'er tvideiice in robutUd of that submitted by
ftkum F. A. McDonald, Kogiater.
I.aml OHiee t la tlran.lo. Or., IV'C. ti, '88.
Notice is horebv iriven that tbe following
named settlor has tittnl notice of his intention to
make html proof in support of his claim, and
1 hat the said proof will bfl made before tho
county judge, or in his absence before tbe county
clerk of Morrow comity, at Uoppuor, Orogou,
on Jan. as, 1n viz:
J. E. Frveman,
ll.l No. sail, for the W'i SK H. SW NK nd
SI", h N W U Sec 2. Tp '2 S, It '-M K, W . M .
lb nanios the fiUowinn witncHsHto prove his
continuous residence npou, and cultivation of,
said land, vii:
t'hns. It. ('ate and M. Polin of Vinson, Or.,
aed II. A. Salisbury and John MuUatly, of Lena,
Any person who desires to protest against th
allowance of such proof, or who knows ot any
Midstautial reason, under tho law anil tbo regula
tions of the Interior Pepartmeat, why such proof
tdiouM not lie allowed, will bo given an opportu
nity at the abovo mentioned ume and place to
orttss-exaniine the witnesses of said claimant, and
to oiler evidence in rebuttal ot that submitted
by claimant.
.tiip-5 Hknry Hinkhart, Kegister.
0 YS
Al io Take Or lord
May Street, Heppner.
-i- uEALF.lt IN-
TMl 1T
si anriv:ta-
".Willi V A "S
U3NdJ3il 'niuis A-'liil
Notion s
A mmu -nition
Heppner Saddles!
Ooniitantly on linDd.
hardware, Iron, teel,
:?.::;t, fkst and vine stbeets, postland, oeeson,
1 f-W2t Anssucni
Bole Agents for Oregon aud Washington for
UmlOmoe atThellalles Or.. IVo. U, '8fl.
Notice is hereby given that tlio ftdlowing-nanied
settlor has tiled notice of his intention to mnk
tinal proof tn support of his claim, ami that said
nntof wid h made before tho county clerk of
Morrow county, lregon, at Heppiltfr, Oregon, OD
Jan. ftl, 1SS, via:
Elbridtie 11. Dickens,
P. W. 4272. for theSW V4 8.x). , Tp 5 H, R 25 E,
W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove hit
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
aid land, via:
J. .1. McQee. Joseph nnimistor. FkkI Toppan
and lien Poppen. all of Hani 111 an. Or.
Any person who desina to protest amtinst the
allowance vf such pnMif, or who knows of any
sulvttHtitial nvison. under the law and the regu
lation of the Interior IVpartmont, why iuch
priKf should not be allowot, will be given an
pprtuutty at the above mentioned time and
place to crtvs-examine the witiioueee of said
claimant, and to otter evidence in rebuttal of
that submitted by claimant,
IkU4 . A. McDonald. lWitUr.
lul -. 1xmWo, or Trlppta Farrow. Tlicy re no nlmple and come o near ntwolulp psrfco-
lion, lliftl inoe wdo nav usca metn or bppii mem witr, cu iu.v -uuii, .u
tlxlr praise. We nirnlsh ihcm with or without seal attachment.
Seal attachment! arc extra.
Utirkej 11m Preat Grain Drill. Buckeye Seeders, Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrow, Superior
unm Willi, oujunui nwwti
Tlit lalMt Improved Implement for lowing: nummer fallow. Th moat complete and
ucceaaftil tool ior tut purpose iu use.
W also bT full Una of Bufgiea, Carriages. Phaetons, Mountain Waeoua,
riatform ami otner bpnng vamcies.
low reao Chepln's Bprlnt-Tooth Harrows, Peer Uarrows, Scientific Feed Wills.
Faclflc Fanning Mills,
Minor, Dodson & Co., Agenls at Heppnor,
Also For Snip
Cheap Fur Cusli.
Haa Pnreliudt'il the
And is Stookihg it Up with a Better Line "t G'iD.la than Ever. It will jny yon lo
When tipediiiK nnytliiuf,' in liia line. Cull on ii Avhen in town. Thra J ii;3
nbove Ayers & Fell. BtMtrJint; house and Feed Ktable iu connroliuii with
EverlesiiRolo M to M
A,13 XJI5SOlX33I3 FOR TH1$
Roller Mills!
perry s ew
Capacity 70 Barrels
J. B. SPERRY, Proprietor.
Flour from best Grades of Wheat, flour
and Mill Feed. Is now for sale in quantities
to suit purchasers.
Mrs. S. P. Garrigues
Has Received Her
And They Are Now Ready For Inspection. Her Stock Of
Were Never More Complete.
A Speoi&l ia given to the Ladies ot Heppner and Vicinity to Call and Examine
Her Splendid Assortment Before Making Fall Purchases.