Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, November 29, 1888, Image 3

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L,oeal and General.
Attempted Inoendiaiuhm. Ou last
Wednesday moruitig J. 0. Bill discover
ed that an attempt had been made tu
burn the now metuodist ohurcb. Some
time ago in filling a lamp, some coal oil
w.18 spilled i;i the Teatibulu, and at tliis
, place, witb the aid of some shingles, a
fire bad been started, but as it bad rain
ed through tbe open transom a fen dajs
ago, it did no damage, farther than char
ring tbe floor. ..Tbe fact . tbat tbt fire
was smarted tit tiie place where the ooal
knew the building quite well.
a theory is advanoed that
.. .i i i. 1.1 j
i to warm himself, regardless
any rate, banging is too
mnendiarv. ana Darticular-
wouiu attempt 10 ouru u
nut seem that any sane
at auy rato ror our
-Speaking of birth-
. I .L.-.' hut IhA
anpnmiii nm trio - uiitijuojr, uu.
pleasant Br.rty tendered him by Mrs.
VanPtjyn, neBigted by t number of rel
atives ntl friends." A splendid colla
tion, of which a hungry paper man yet
retains a pleasant memory, was served,
hicb, together with the prevalent mirth,
vBombined to make the evening one of
those pleasant .affairs that are remem
bered by all es ntteudantB of the long,
long ago, when in a perhaps far-off, dis
tant homo-tuese gatherings were the
hiof illuminations that made the path
way of youth so biifjht. Those rseut
were Mr. nd Mrs. T. W. Ayers, Misses
Josie Milt, Ath Smith, May- aud Mar
tha Matlock and Maura. Ward M. Dong
tia, Geo. W. Consor, M. 0. MoDougall
nd Albert Koberts.
"Jack, this Rippek." Following is b
letter received by tbe Loudon police on
November 21st, while "working ou the
last AVhiteohapel sensation. The letter
was in the same handwriting aa the one
received just before the Kelly woman
was mnrdered: "Dear Boss. It is no
rood tor you tu look for me in Londou,
because I am not there. Don't trouble
yonrtelt about me until I return, which
will not be very long. I like work too
well to leave it long. Oh! it was such a
jolly job, the last onel Had plenty of
time to do it properly. Ha! Ha! Next
lot I mean tu do with a vengeauoe; cut
off the heads and arms. Ton think it is
a man with a blaek mustaohe. Ha! Ha !
H! When I have done another you
ean eatch me. So good-bye, dear boss,
till I return." Tours,
Jack, the Kipper."
A Warning. Tbis dishrag warns
small boys to keep away from the oars ;
otherwise you are liable to fill an early
grave end mils all the fun of being a
ward politician, the pride of your par
ents, when Heppner town shall have be
JOjrg Jjjtf '"QjRK 1118 matter S'
...i.a,Iinn apnnwhflrfl vou have
no business and particularly jumping on
and t Hears, just for the fun of it, is very
dangerous, and tbe risk is too great to
be compensated for by the little sport
thai mav hn deiived from such. To
these oayuse lads (as well as ns 'older
people), a train of cars in Heppner is a
novelty, but look on at a ssfe distance.
A reckless exhibition of olimbing on the
oars while in motion has prompted us to
give a little advice to our boys, who are
like the average American boy.
As Accident. Austin Wells met witb
an aooident while assisting in firing an
Tils in front of Huberts & Simons' black
smith shop last Monday evening, which
is oooasioning him the loss of sight at
present, but his physician, Dr. Shipley,
thinks that he will be all right in a few
bays. He was in the act of pouring the
of nnwder. and through some
misunderstanding or excitement, it was
fired, exploding a pound can of powder,
burntua his fees, bands and face badly.
He was fortunate to have esoaped witb
. nuio ininrv. This was tbe only ac
cident of the celebration, se far as we
are able to learn.
Joe Hays is over from Eight Mile
week. '
' Joe. Teal, of Portland, was in town
tbis week.
Thad Armstrong was over from Alpine
this week.
Dr. J. H. Fell was up from Lexington
last week.
J. H. Queener, D.D. S., lias located in
Charley Lewis was up from Lexing
tou yesterday.
William Halley was up from Lexing
ton last Sunday.
It has beeu suggested that Hymen is
on the rampage.
Miss Ida Ayers returnod houie last
week from Portland.
Press Woi'thiugton, of Weston, wn in
town last Tuesday.
' A railroad strike at Indianapolis, Iud.,
is now in full blast.
Cliff Jones was down from Eight Mile
Center last Thursday.
Milt Morgan was over from h s Sand
Hollow ranch ytsterday.
We are sorry to learn that Mrs. 11. A.
Ford is quite lli this wee.
Luther Hamilton w .s ilowu from his
mountain ranoh this week.
John ColTav returned tuna a buiinejs
trip to Portland last Saturday. ,
An eleotrie street railway is now in
operation at Sacramento, Cel.
Dan Griffins fine Italian Opore Co. will
preform in Heppner some time next week.
Jack Beynolds .eft last Saturday for
Portland where be will spend the winter.
Geo. W. Chapin, of the liardman
oouutry, was over at our place yester
day. ,
Hnnmiin Caldwell is improving Uis
Eight Mile Center ranch considerable of
late. .
bride of two mouths ran off
with a newspaper wan. She put up
Prof. T. C. Neece is teaohing large
siuifiutf chiss ut Hardmau, witu goou
The much-gatherer of the Gazette is
somewhat ruttitxl wis wees, a-a w
Mr. and Mrs. M. Johnson left for their
future home in MalbJier, Wednesday of
last week.
Col. Bedington has gone baok to Puy
allup to take charge of the Commerce
in person.
Capt Hunier McFarlaud oamo up from
Lexington last Monday to attend the
E. H. Clark, the veteran representative
of the woul arm of Christy & Wise, is in
tuwn this week. , '
See Driukell put sume oil in our lamp
yesterday, which will keep it burning
brightly lor a time.
Hon. W. It. Ellis returned from Prine
ville last Monday, coming in ou the first
train to Heppner town.
Olof Suude, cashier of Nw ork.
Daily News has skipped with f oUUU ot
the proprietors money.
Mr. and Mrs. IS. OL uarr nave guue iu
housekeeping in Mrs. H. Hailook s
dwelling, ou laie at.
Win. Kussell brugbt into the shop
last Thursday some bunoligrass carrots,
weighing from 6 Co 7 pounds.
Milt Hale aud wife, of Schuttler Flut,
came up last week to attend the funeral
of their grandson. Little Freddy.
The Ladies Aid Society will meet at
the residence of Mrs. Kate Fuller, next
Saturday afternoon at & o oiulx.
W. L. Shaw, of Priueville, wae in the
Heppner cuuntry last week. Mr. Shaw
is in the stuok busiuesi over there.
tw. und .las. Muir and W. E. Bowker
were up from Lexington last Monday
uight and attended the railroad ball.
This sheet is personally acquainted
with a few rash people wno made an
effort to please all. They gave it up.
The president of the Ojceula. Iowa,
bank has been speculating in wheat.
He is short about ltfS7,000 on deposits,
If new residents continue to come to
Heppner town us fast as they have in the
last few months, it will soon be a oity.
Ebon Andrews aud bride (nee Miss
Kingery) returned from McMinville to
their future home in Morrew last week.
Geo. H. Fobet, a board of trade man,
shot himself at Chicago on ine uw
inst. He lost $40,UO0 on wheat recently.
TCliW Hiran L. Holt, of the Josephite
Morman Churoh, began holding services
in the Baptist ohutou last monuay even
ing ,. ,
Ed. Oux, of the firm of Uox & ngupn,
was in town the first of the week. He
returned from Blooiaington, 111., some 10
dayB ago. . ,
it Nabora and W. W. Shortndge, pro.
minuntvnitizeus of Moutevella, Alabama,
f,iht a duel with knives ou last Satur.
day. Both are dead.
wuc irwlinsit.ions of an early- winter are
in t,h unusual number of
marriaire licenses issued recently by
County Clerk Andrews.
t a Mtukinnk. manager of the bauk-
inu bouse ot Fields & Maddock, is able
The Ministerial asseciatiou of The Dul
led District, M. E. Chuica, met at Hepp
ner Nov. 22ud, 1888.
O.ving to the absence ot a number of
the brethe.n, the exercises begau with
asermuu ou llov. 3-2'J, by vVm. Deweeae,
of Arliugton. TUisse.-vi,e wm held in
fhe edifice of the M. E. Church, South.
The remaiuder of tin exercises were con
ducted in tha newly erectju M. E.
Church building.
The sesfrioa if Friday morning, Nov.
23d, w:is informally called, aud la the
ubseuue of Kov. G. H. Booth, P. E., the
chair was occupied by lie v. W. G. Simp
son. Iu the absence of those to whom the
time of this suasion w:s allotted the sub
ject of "Revivals. Turn, Sj.uce and P.e
sults," was disousseu. Beniiirks were
made by Kes. Simp-on, li wmus. Dew
eese, Helm, Wai utji', ;md Miilivikn ami
Bru. Right aud Mrs. Rov. Dawwse.
Afternoon session met t 2 P, M. After
,lt-vutL,a(tl serv't". u pt"' im "Tiie
Bible aud Suciiii Pmbleuw' vva? read by
Wm. Deweeee.
Additional remarks aad suggestions
were then maae on the subject by Rev.
Reasons of the Prebbyteriau Church of
Heppner, and Revs. Rasmus, Helm,
Warner and Simpson.
According t, request liev. Heaauner
then read a good paper ou "The Rela-
tion of Doctrinal Pi eaohing to morals."
Thought and suggestions by various
speakers followed.
Rev. J. W- Helm then gave au exege
sis of Joo. 1421.
Axeociatioo adjourned IU1 2:30 P. M.
Saturday. ow:na to Quarterly Coufe-
euoe Saturdhy moiniug.
A voteof tlioika was tendeiei to tbe
Deoule of Hennner for their kind and
hotiiituble euter&fii jineot.
Association adjourueJ.
Wm. Dewese, Sec,
George Fell, agent and nparator at
finnvnTT, MuKTrsa. The counoil met
last Saturday evening, pursuant to call of
mayor the make final arrangements for
railroad celebration. All present, ex
cept Councilmen Swinburne and Garri
gues. The committee on oelebration re
ported favorable and tbat Monday night
would be the pioper evening for the
same, as the road wuld be completed to
town by that time. On motion the coun
cil appropriated $50 toward the oelebra
tioj. On motion the mayor appointed
councilmen McAtee, Garrigues and Nat
ter to assist in the final arrangements
and to meet on Monday morning. Coun
cil then adjourned. . ,
Jumped the Tbaok. Monday even
ing one ot trie oars of the conitruotion
train jumped the track near lone, but
wae gotten back again with eome little
difficulty clearing the track for the up
train which oame in at 8 o'clock that
tvening. A number of ohildren and
young folks , of Heppner were on the
down train, and received a big scare.
They can be thankful that it is no worse.
While this ie a good road in every re
aped, it will require considerable work
yet to render it in a oondition for safe
travel, and mere riding for pleasure is
attended wit too many dangers to take
the risk. .
following dispatch was received by May
or Blackman yteterday, from the private
aecretary of Mayor Van DeLashmutt, of
Forttaid: . .
I obtland , Ob., i
Nov. 27, '88. f
xj Tthwlcmnn. Heiwner:
On behalf of Mayor DeLaehmatt, who
ie absent, I extend congratulations.
D. F. Sbekmah.
The ragged edge of the old times
when the cowboy whooped and ewore
and jumped stiff deeged, threatening to
Terminate the entire populace, showed
op last Monday evening, but now every
thing ie quiet and orderly, and the bird
w Rome out when she needed
n is high ap'in the raro atmosphere of
tbe Heppner bills-
Joeeph English, who was in the Hard
man country for some time, has a poei
tion in the First National Bank ot l)an
Tille Illmois.
to attend to business again, after a huge
tussle with the mumps.
Two bankers. F. Scoville and G. A.
Crofts, cleaned out their couoern at Val
paraiso, Neb., a few days ago aud skipp
ed. Liabilities $2O0,W0
A railroader oame up last Monday
uith a badly orushed fiuger whion was
.ironed bv Dr. Shipley. The accident
occurred in handling steel rails.
Charley Long had a loaded wageu to
run over his foot a tew days ago, from
which he was quite lame, but is now able
to get around witu eome oomion.
Mr. Johnny Maddock, uncle of our
Johuny, was over from his home in Con
don this week. Mr. Maddook is one of
the mutton monarous of that seotion.
Henry Heponer, the old pioneer from
whom the town rets its name, came up
last Sunday to visit relatives and friends,
and to aesitt in the railroad eelebratiou.
Tho Biihfiidaneeof an area of a half a
mile square did considerable damage in
the vicinity or vvnxesoarro, ra, uu mo
23rd, inst. The land has sunk about
six feet.
Hon. J. B. Sperry, while repairing his
mill race last Friday, fell some distance
to the ground below, receiving some
severe bruiees but, fortunately, no brokea
In few weeks the mail will oome to
Heppner by the way of tbe new railroad.
We can men get our ruiniuu uoi,,wo
on the same day on which they are
Engineer Carr and his able corps of
assistants now have their olBoe in the
hniiilino formerly ocoupied by Frank
Kellogg, having moved up from Lexing
ton recently.
nv. Wm. Deweeae. of the M. E.
Church, left Arlington Wednesday, to at
tend a ministerial association at nepp
ner and will return next Monday. Ar
lington Timet.
The dedication services of the M. E.
church last Sunday were conducted by
Rev. Simpson, of J'lie Dalles. Mr. Simp
eon preached to a large congregation ou
Sunday evening.
A time card will be issued shortly for
the Heppner branch of the O. K. He N., to
go into effect Deo. 9th. Mr. Thompson,
tormally of Arlington, has been appoint
ed agent at Heppner.
Geo. Lord, assisted by Harry Sayers
completed the Rhea creek bridge, near
Jim Hays' place last Saturday. Harry is
now in Heppner and will perhaps remain
here this inter.
The taxable property of Oregon is
ahmit ay.tKJ0.000. an increase of over $5,-
OUO.UW over tbe assessment of last year.
The total state, nniversity and militia
tax will be about 8 3 mills.
T:ie new guuboaU, Yorktown, Benn
iualoii and other of our navy were
motlflrd closely after the Euglioh gun
boat, ijcout, which has proveu a failure,
according to a recvJt disp itch.
Willows Junction, came up last Sunday
evening and made hie parent a brief
visit. His duties were such that he was
compeiled to return on tbe same evening.
Arlington Times. A.C. Hawson was
appointed County Treasurer, of Gilliam
enmity by Judge Steiwor, at the last
meeting of the county court, to fill the
vaoanov caused by the resignation of
Geo. Conser.
E. Minor is building on an addition
to the north side ot his hotel building.
The lower part will be used by Chas.
Junes as a barber shop and the upper
story to accommodate the increasing
hotel patronage.
After a little premonition of winter,
we are again bavin? a typical Eastern
Oregon autumn. In the east the folks
have enjoyed "Injun summer and are
now preparing to house themselves for
four to six months winter
Although our band has only been
panized a few weeks, they play very well.
The people of Heppner are doing a good
.i ii p. : .. i nnn,-ni
tUing 111 giving luem Ulinuuiltl iinnmir
ance. A good band, as we all know, is
iodispensible in a live town.
Clerk Andrews has issued the folio
ina marriage licenses since our laM re
port; Annie Loyd and Thomas Brongh
ton. Haltie A. Johnson (tnd P. H. McLar-
an. Mollie Gilliam auq Marshal Johnson
and Amelia Jioontz and v. M. Harrison
Manv a man sits in hie pew Sunday
night and sings "Rock of Ages;" and rolls
up bis eyeB piously who, on coming out
at the close ot tne servioe, Hnuts tne pew
door and says: "Uood-bve, religion
will be back next Sunday. T. De Witt
Through ' the kindness of D. Griffith.
Srmt. of construction on the Heppner
branch, we were able to get a copy of
the Oreaonian of the 27th met., twenty
four hours' in advance of the mail. In
that issue appears a brief acoount of our
railroad; celebration.
While ohasing n calf last week the
horse of Capt. H. B. LeFevre (the great
American herder ot bucks and billy
goats) fell with biro, bruising his right
leg and badly spraining his right shoul
der, necessitating a few days of inactiv
ity tor that rustling gentleman. ,
A young man by the name of Rogers
near Lewiston, wns poisoned on Satur
day. He was putting poison in a dead
cow for coyotes, and be used his knife,
and a short time afterward he nsed the
implement in cutting some ohewing to
bacco and soon had a spasm and died.
Co. E made quite a creditable appear
ance at the celebration last Mondny, we
a-e assured. It must be taken into con
sideration that a great many in the ranks
were not members, but came in to till up,
as the company could not be gotten to
gether on such short notioe.
ThiB measly rag received a small part
of its last invoice of paper over tbe new
road last Tuesday. Without it, we would
have beeu in a very tough row this weoK.
Conductor Ben Emerick and Agent Geo.
Fell of Willows J unction, have our
thanks fr attending to the s ime.
Garrigues & Rogers have a Bfeam
wood-sawing outfit ready for operation.
We predict that China Sullivan will be
oompelled to saw for less money. His
only hope now is to break ep thnt some-time-ia-the-19tb-century
motion, and
adopt one of morespeed.
Mrs. W. B. Parsons was up from their
Ella home a few days ago, and took her
spouse back home with her. He has
been oarpentering in Heppner all sum
mer, leaving Mrs P to look after the
ranch, which she informs us she is quite
tired of.
The railroad celebration was enjoyed
by everyone, with the exception, perhaps,
of some obstreperous individuals, who
always bub up on snob occasions, load
ed with valley tan, and try to clean out
the country. Some of these have bruis
ed heads and black eyes.
Married. At the residence of ttio brid
on last Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
Mr. W. M. Harrison to Miss Amelia
Koontz, Judge Wm. Mitchell preforming
the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison
have gone to housekeeping in Heppner.
and their friends wish them a happy and
prosperous future.
Some victim of the ' life-sized por
trait" fraud hai kindly sent us his sec
ond circular letter from the 1. s. p. f.
He has no doubt sent them his photo.
By all means let them keep it. The
aforesaid letter, along with the gall-like
price-list of frames, now hangs on the
fraud hook.
J3TIf you want bargains in dry
goods, furnishing goods, boot and
shoes, hats aud saps aud everything else
that is usnaliy kept in a first class store,
and have the CASH, call on J. M. Hager. i
Van Dnyn has the finest assortment of
dried fruits in town. ,
Wall paper at Minor, Dodson Co a.
Mrs. H. P. Garrigues has added cloaks
to her neat stock of ladies' furnishing
goods. It y desire the latest and neat
est styles, be sure to call on her.
Fresh cranberries at Johnston &
Smith's. Go there for this fruit, which
everyone knows to be the boss founda
tion for a palatable pie.
Newt. Whetstone has an oflioe but he
luwnnv it hut verv little, me
business is at the forge, mending broken
agricultural machinery, suoeiug uorsee
uid the like, allot whicn win sun any
denisHii of the Heppner oountry, ootn
aa to prioe and quality or work.
Gilliam & Coffey are prepared to fits
mau out with any kind of an outfit to be
uiiiiil in Aral olass naruware mun.
I'l.ey will e!l ymi naile to hx u your
when your neighbors cows nrena.
it down, or lit vou out wi h kronen tools
wheu vou get married.
A fill I nn mil v of school bookn and sta
tionery at Minor, Dodson & Co's.
If you want a red pump mat is nu.
only neat aud attractive in appearance
but also able to ao gomi servic. m -ting
the water of the Heppner hills up
to the surface, call on Leeaer Thomp-
.l.iliiisoiiASmi .h ate selling au ainue
of groceries at astonishingly low figures,
aud it will pay every inhabitant of the9
anoient Heppner hills to patronme inn.
May street, opposite minor, uimuu
Anyone wishing to purchase tine lamps
should call and get prices at Van iluyn
There a no use looking nine, evta
tlwmuli wool don't Bell very high. K. J.
Slocum A C. have drugs and other necea-
sary truck dowu to oea-roex, so mat
i;ttic mmiM ill buv au arm load.
Rasmus, the dentiat, will fill teeth, or
extract tbe same in a scientific manner.
It in a fact acknowledged by all "art
,....,;D. ' hnth of Rnrnne and Amerioa
that the "Estcy" is the sweetest voiced,
iinniin toned, least reedy in tone,
and quickest in response to touch of auy
organ manufactured in the world.
iint. if von need anything in the
riai.in, minita line, call on Vanduyn
He has a full line of cashmeres, peroales
a i.iUro.1 nhirr.s: also a full line of
boys' shirts and underwear, cuuureu s
suits, knee pants and waists, all cheap
A new stock of carpets at minor,
Kn-opr i-iiler and comb honey at van
Duyn's this week.
Suerry ia paying (Jo cents lor
nnd furnishes sacks.
Tm Miirnlml: "Don t ride you
i,roo an bunt." Tall man on horseback.
Y T know wlmt I am about. J. m Dauna
r,,- Tf. T ainc.nm h. Co.'s drug shop
the finest toilet outfit in the
Hunrnier hills."
Tlip firm of Johnson A Smith are pre
pared to furnish you with fresh vegetables
m,d nil kinds of fresh groceries. Look
to vmi r i n terests and patronize tnem.
Flour exchanged for wheat at Sperry
disease is like an assassin, which creeps
upon yon in the dark, and strikes yon
when unnware. Therefore, do not over
look any uneasiness in tbe region of the
heart or disturbance in its action, but at
onoe take Dr. Flint's Remedy. Descrip
tive treatise with eaoh bottle; or, m'diiK
Maok Drug Co., N. Y.
Taken Up.- One gray horse, 10 hands
high, weigns about l.otlO pounds, slightly
collar-marked, about 8 years old, braud
ed half circle L ou left shoulder. Came
to Jas. Jones' stuble ou Oct. 3i, '88.
Owner can have the same by proving
property aud paying charges.
Jas. Joxe3.
A Piaw Dis;'0VEKY. Some interest has
beeu manifested in the Thirty Mile gold
fields, but a discovery bus been made
right here in Heppner which promises to
bent any turmer "finds" in this region.
The denizens of this whole country have
discovered that Kirk & Younggren have
jnst received the largest slook of window
shades ever brought to town. Shades
eat to fit windows without extra cost.
All kinds ot hardware, tinware and
crockery, nlwi wagons, fnrm machinery,
pumis, gun-pipe, nails, etc, for sale by
the new firm of Gilliam & Coffey.
91 Upward.
Aitau.tl Bella THd, Aitomttfe Pop UleW
nlve, ItMl BoUer. Ooct ot nulling gninntMd
M xom4 this nts v konr. Hothlnf iiid
te It eru eafore off.nd tor tb. prloe. larger
MiillTlow. l4(or(rMMiicUveolroalir.
313 Rudolph Strut, Cblo.ao, III.
A Pleasing Sense of Health
and Strength Renewed, and
of Ease and Comfort
Follows the use of Syrup of Figs, M
aots gently on the
Kidneys, Liver & Bowels
Effectually Cleansing the System when
Costive or Bilioue, Dispelling
Colds, Headaches and Fevers
and permanently curing
without weakening or irritating the or
gans on which it acts.
Tor Bale In 50c and 1.00 Bottlee by
all Leading Druggists.
Sah Fbaxoiioo, Oil.,
LovuviLLl, Kr. , N T-
Is Drenared to trive meals at all
You will find my place next door
to B. A. Hunsaker & Co., in the
Old Bank Building,
Always in the Lead !
The Old-Established House of
General Merchandise,
Next to First National Bunk,
Our Stock will be found Complete in Every
Respect, and we shall always endeavor
to retain our place
And in the future, as in the past, we shall endeavor to continue
to be the
Leading House in the Heppner Country !
Our facilities for doing business are unexcelled by any mercantile es
tablishment in the Northwest!
Tnfantn'. nhilds'. Dove', mens', nnd nicest
assortment of election bets t H. k B'l
Mont, nomiilete line of wull Pftrero, bof'
ilnra. nnrnotn. mira. snrl ourtains at reduo-
ed prices now ou exuibltion at aeppuor
& Blnckmnn'n.
Ladies are invited to cell end inepeet
our new arrivals of all wool tricots, ma
zuuia plaids, latest patterns in stripes,
jerseys etc., etc.
Herders would profit by examining
onr woolens and full etiwk booto. Cell
and take a ohe of our B. A B's. fri
stock chewine tobnec.
Parties wishing to nrche full top
plies would do well by enlline on Hep
nnor Sr. RUc.kman. We insure tentloman-
Iv treatment, low nrioes. and Sood qnal-
lty iu all linos, flour iu (junutitieeT
at mill prieei.
Most aomplete and eitenBiT line ef
mens', boys', and ladies', buck and kid
driving gloyee, woolen-lined trlores to
keep your bands warm when enow flies.
Call and inspect our (roods, at H. & B's.
No trouble to show goons.
Wwtchea Cleaned,
MainspringB Fittod
Commission Merchants
Are now in tie field to Make
29, WasHingion St., Portland Oregon.
n-rp,-gr, ut -,fwt. .
Zn First National Bank.
Which Was It? Bacoa er SBskesjeare.
The authorship of the dramatic pro
ductions attributed to the last ef the
above named is agitation literary circles
to tbe very centre, but affects the practi
cal masses far less than the momentous
question, bow to regain or preserve
health, thnt essential of bodily and men
tal aotivity, business soocesl and the
"pursuit of happiness." We can throw
far more light on this latter subject than
the most profound Shakespearian can
no the nuestion first oropoundod. If the
system is depleted, the nerrea shnky; if
indigestion or constipation bothers one
at times, or constantly ; if the skiD is
vullow and tongue fnrred as in bilious
ness; if there are premonitory twinges
ot oncoming rheumatism or neuralgia;
if r,hn liidnevs are inactive nee Hos
tetter' Stomach Bitters, the finest recu
nnrnnt of an ace nrohflc in benefioial and
successful remedies. Remember, if
malaria threatens or afflicts, that it neu
tralizes the poison und fortifies the sys
tem. '
$520 RrcwARD. For the delivery tome
at Pine City, one bay work hone, five
years old. weiahs about 1050, very large
Human nose. One iron irrny, to-year
old till v. fine make, both branded J U on
left shoulder. I will pay $10 for the re
turn of either of the two, or $5 per bead
for information leading to their recovery,
Galloway, Or.
CoNSDMl'TION Sdhelt Cured. To the
editor: Please inform yonr readers tbat
I have a positive remedy for the ariove
named disease. By its timely use thou-
aunils nf boneless case have been per
manently cured. I shall be glad to send
two bottles of my remedy ran to any
of vonr renders who have consumption
if they will send their express and post
ffin. address. T. A. SLOCUM, M. U
181 Pearl St., New York, N. Y.
A Pleasivo Sense Of health and
strength renewed and of ease and com
fort follows tbe use of Syrup of Figs, hi
it Bets in harmony with nature to effect
ually cleanse the system when costive or
bilious. For aale in 50c and $1.00 bot
tles by all leading druggists.
Goods .
- . tl.SO.
All work qnarantced for one year.
m wm.
Thanking my friends for past favors,
I ahall continue td try to merit confl
dence by duing first-class work at rea
son able prioes.
mtii Tn Annfi A
We guarantee to all our Customers Courteous Treatment and Fair
Dealing. An inspection of our establishment will convince
each and all as to the full aud complete stock we at all timet carry.
Owing to the steady increase in our business we have built a Large
and Commodious Fire-Proof Brick Building, which gives ui
better facilities than ever before enjoyed.
Sole Agents lor Heppner and Vicinity
- for the
Oelebra te d Bain
r r n ' ii o . a : n i t 1 '
Sperry 's New h
Capacity 70 Barrels
B. SPERRY, Proprietor.
Flour from best Grades of Wheat, flour
1 Hfll T? 1 T 1 I ,,"4-.'4-,'
ana lviiii reeu. is now iui saic in ijudimuw
to suit purchasers.
Commission and Forwarding Merchant.
Ship Care of H. k B., Arlington.
Mrs. S. P. Garrigues
If a lieesived Her
And They Are Now Ready For Inspection. Her Stook Ot
Were Never More Complete.
A SpeoiM ii given to the Ladies of Heppner ami "Vicinity to Cull niicl Exiimim
her Splendid Amortment Before MukiiK Full PurohaHes.
And Tli
Sheep Ranoh to Lease. On Eight
Mile. 23 miles southwest of Heppner; M
of n mile of running wnter, grass for
9.r,( Hhfifio: some buv: 90 Diiiiels; 1 csmps
with stoves; good shed; snow-plow; 300
ncres fenoed, 500 sores tall grnss end 25
sores broke. O. E. Fkia,
Heppner, Or.
Stkated Sheep. Lost over iu the
Baokhoru Country, abont Oct, 25th. 500
head of sheep. They are branded P. T.,
and for their delivery, I will pay 25
cenls per head. Some of them are on
tbis side of tbe mountain no doubt.
Press. Thompson.
Nkw Laundby. About the first of
May we will open a new laundry in the
building nest below Jim Jones' livery
stable, on the east side of Main street,
Heppner A full stock of Japanese silk
goods and lacquered are will also be
kept on band. Kiam & Wo Kek.
I have opened a well-appointed tailor
ing establishment in my new build
ing on May street, and am now regularly
receiving Dew goods and will make cus
tom made pants from 87 to $15 best
goods in tbe market.
A. Abbahahsicx.
Stbated. A dark bay mare, sevne
years old, branded 7 on tbe left stifle and
S on left bip. Had a last spring's colt
witb her vben laxt seen, anbranded. 1
will pay $10 for her recovery.
B. Y. Cluius, Caitle Bock, Or.
Strayed. Two mares one gray and
nnt. rosin branded J L on left shoulder;
also their yearlings, branded D with bar
through it on left stifle. Last sery near
Rhea creek bridge. I will pay a Teason
ahle reward for information leading to
their recovery. Address,
R. IS. Plowman,
Olex, Gilliam county, Or.
Wu, Chosen. Manv merebnnte fail
to sell their goods on account of their
not being of a rirst-clnss character. But
nn need nof be nneasy in regard to
Harry Johnson's stook of candies, nuts,
cigars, tobaooo, etc. They ere fresh end
well-assorted, and his stock warrants
yonr trade. Next donr to i lrst ftation.
at Bank, Jones' building.
PiiJt Ortffoa.
h inMrucitun. ritb-
IS 1111,
An Important Qncstion for Yon and an Intre.,iing oni- for inc.
You Ovrc 13 o 13h
Then Listen. The Best Place to Buy Your
in souls, pats, Caps & Mi
inspect uiy
Large Stock of New Fall Goods and get m)
I do not ask yon to accept this statement withon proof, hue invito you to come und
With a Railroad now building to it, better
inducements are offered here than any town
n Eastern Oregon. Beautiful situation,
ood water, broad streets, a good school, three
iiurches, enterprising inhabitants, etc., seldom
iil to count in any climate.
iress. A. A. HOBTS, the Ileal Estate, Collection and Insurance Man, Who Will Give Teu
l$tirfil In Rent Jvisttit o.
et.ittlliin v-t-A - UtL Wilt
f rthand. Common tchoota renmai$'0 owin
I'. Htlldelll iWiiiil.'Fa ai any iimr.
of peutnnfthlp nt
4 r.Miwfefif
Custom Work d Rcpaiiiii? Neatly Done.
Opposite Hotel,
Heppner, Oregon.
F.LF HARD WAKE, Bird-Cnges, Rope, Nails, Cutlpry, Wood"
aud tillow Wave, Granite Ware, Eto.