o THE GAZETTE. yEPPNER. THURSDAY. NOV. 15, m Local and General. A Bad Mistake Oh hint Snuday, China "Jack", who in herding sheep for McAtee & Spray, came to town and com pluiued that a boy named Andy Hu on ion had robbed him of his knife and pis tol. Late Sundayevcniug, .SheriffHow ard discovered the boy hown at Charley Lind's plaoe, watching the railroaders driving piles, aud he was brought to town aud put in jail. At his examina tion on Monday, he deuied takiug the knife at all. He admitted taking the pistol, but claimed that there was no intention of theft. He stated that he had gone to the camp to get on old coat wuiou he had put up as a "scarecrow" while herding for McAtee A Spray be foie the Cuiuamau went to work. That the latter had drawn the pistol on him, and in order to protect himself, took the pis tol away from "Jack" and was afraid to give it back. He claimed to have told Mr. Liud and John Breeding about the difficulty, aud Gov. Rea, btfure whom the e.itini tuition was bemfl held, thee fore ooutiucied the trial till 10 o"olocl( on Tuetsd.iy, aud summoned these par ties aH witnesses, who positively stated t jilt he had told them nothiug o the kind. In coubideratiou of the youth of the boy, tha court made the piinisuuieut as light us possible, aud seut him to jail for 9U dnjs. It was explained to him that ha not only commuted tueoinuo uf grand laicety, but in older to evade punish ment had peijnred himself, e.ther of wuiou would have seut him io the peui tenliai jif the matter had beeu pushed, no il would have beeu if the culprit had been other than a boy 111 or 17 years of ae. This will no d-uibt leach him a lesson lual he will never forget, 'ihe trouble in which Andy uow lino's himself is very lunch regretted, us his father Kelson Huinison who is now in the Wal la Walla country, is highly respected as an honest, slruigiitrorward ciligi-u. We will say for Ihe young lad that us far as kuowu, he has always borne an excellent reputation here, and it is believed that be really never 0 onsidered that he was couiuutliug a crime, but was taking revenge on the Chuiamau for rupplaiitiug him in the job as healer, It might be said for the benefit of boys generally, this should be a waruiug to adopt honest aud legitimate principles, und that any other will surely lead to the walls of the state's prison and ev erlasting disgruue. The truth, it will be learned, is always the best, aud will do a great towards tempering just pun ishment with nierep, while a falsehood will surely make matters worse. Idahc eleots a republican delegate to congress. O. W. Decker of Alpine, was up last Monday. Harry Kovte was around our way last ThursdaT. A Thanksgiving) Fob All -Gov. Sem pie issues the following original Thanks giving proclamation: "By authority of the established cus tom of this oountry, I hereby designate the last Thursday of November as Thanksgiving day for the year 1888. I recommend that on that day, the people of Washington Terriory do assemble in their places ot worship, in their school bouses and society hulls, in their log gers' camps and miners, oabing, on their hips and by the firesides of the riob and ijWl, iu thity and oountry, and there give thanks to Almighty God for His infinite goodness to us and to all men. If any homeless ones be seen standing by the wayside on that day, I trust that those who are more fortunate will care for them, that they may see the silver lining to the olouds and feel the sun shine of kindness for a moment, and so not despair ot human nature. Suoh bread will return in blessed form to those who cast it upon the waters." A Set op Fakes. This ranch has re ceived two invitations this fall to send over a map of ourself or family to 'Frisco and get a magnificent ( ?) crayon por trait. . We don't accept. Their frames are too high, and besides their work is of the poorestcharacter. If they are square people, why don't they make a business proposition to furnish frame and picture for a certain amount? That wouldn't catch, and they know it. She idea of free picture is what takes, and when the victim is taken in that far, he readily goes farther and buys a frame from them at a very high price. It's a Bwindle, and no mistake. This institution is acquain ted with them from away back. If you want a good picture of yourself or any member of your family, patronize some person or firm that you know to be re liable. This swindling institution makes their offer "good for 10 days." Ten years would suit them just as well, so they secure your hard cash. Republican Demonstration. The re publicans of Heppner, overjoyed that Harrison and Morton were successful in the presidential race, rolled out the ar tillery from Gunn & Ruark's and Newt. Whetstone's blacksmith shops last Tues day evening, and fired shots that were only equalled by those of Lishe Apple gate in the early part of the campaign. The band, though recently organized, discoursed some excellent music on this occasion. It was understood that these demonstrations were to be followed by speeches from various enthusiastic re publicans, but owing to the short time in which the jollification was gotten up, no particular arrangements had been made, and that part of the program was omitted. ThkLoao Cm kk llio. -Tt might lie said I hat Ihe part of the Long Cieek road leading out past the old Ham Don aldson, place and over the CiiiiBtnghaiue bill i perilling the worst pait of all ttiut mute. A Dumber of teams, under the directum of Marshal Morgan, have been working on that part of that roule for bever.d days, and have it iu splendid coudition. The lown of Heppner, deser ves considerable eredit for this move. ma t'.ifll 111 II has always been iu way of teaai-t-rs that desire to haul any 101 1 of loal with a common team. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Qiitb Convenient. E. Nordyke and Jtewt. Whetstone are at work this week on a "house on wheels," which will be nsed bv Johnny Elder and Jas. Jones at their camps down in the sand. Anyone can fully undeastand that this arrange ment is far better than a tent, particu larly in the winter, as the herders and r.mn tenders can board and sleep with comfort, besides it will be quite convenient when they desire to change camps. Ward Douglas, special sgent of the New Tork Life Insurance Co., is in lown. Gilliam oounty gave a republican plu rality of 161. Charley Talbert was over from Eight Mile last Friday. Arizona elected a democratic delegate by 3000 majority. S. M. Lawrence, postal inspector, was in town this week. It is now thought that Orandpapa's hat fits Benny to a dot. The democratic plurality in Umatilla oounty foots up about 2S. Mrs. H. HaHoek, we are pleased to say, is improving r tpiuly. Mrs. Jay Gould in quite ill and liaple to pass away at any moment. Mrs. Dr. EamniiS is quite ill this week with congestion of the brain. Eohn. In Heppner, on Nov. 11th, to the wife of Win. Morrow, a girl. TJuole Charlie Chchrau, moved into the Dick Hall property last week. Engineers Bush and Hawkins were over at our ranch last Thursday. John Ambrose aud Bill Lunsford are over from the Long Croek oountry this week. Jaok Deas left yesterday for bis home in Portland where he will remain till next spring. , Morrow oounty cave a plurality this time of 119, just 39 more thau in the June election. Frank Kellogg has moved his law office to the First National Bank. See card in this issue. Miss Martha Matlook and Mrs. Price Florence returned from their visit to Pendleton on last Friday. Come down to towu and subscribe for the GAzaiTH. There are no winged in sects busking on this sheet. Rev. Dennis has taken up his resi dence in Heppner, moving into the house of A. A. Crawford, down on Main street. Mr. Denisou, brother of Mrs. Jas. Jones, is in Heppner this week. Mr. D. is the general tiokot agent of the C is. & Q. railroad. Mr. Wm. Dent, our old friend, who very ubly represents the farm of Ouas. H. Dodd & Co., was a ouud to our only home ranch yesterday. The returns of the election in Georgia. show that the demooratio candidate for governor received 122,280 votes with only 100 votes against him. Hon. W. H. Bai uum, ohairmau of the National democratic! committee, is re- rjorted as huvine died on the 11th iust. It has sinoe been contradioted. Pro. T. 0. Neece, after a severe wrestle with the fever, is around again, looking after the delivery of organs which have long beeu delayed by his illness. M. Jounsou is up from his valley borne, aud although we do not under stand why it is, yet we know that the boys are regarding him with suspician. Frank MoFarland, of the firm of Coff in, MoFarlund & Co., oame up last week, returning on. lust Monday. His firm will establish a branch house here next spri"g. Mr. C. E. Davis and bride are visiting in Heppner. Mr. Davis is a brother ot Mrs. C. M. Mallory, aud they are on their way from Portland to their home in Union. This part of the wooly west was visit ed by a strong ''ohinook" on last Mon day, but lecent rains have laid the dust so it oooasioned very little inconven ience to residents. The report oomes over from the John Day that a Chinese herder was shot at over there a few days ago because he was on range olaimed by stockmen, and refused to move. Mrs S. M. Curran and her daughter, Mrs. E. P. Mendenhall, of Ohio, returned to Portland last Tuesday by way of the new railroad, after a few week's visit to relatives in Heppner. Mayor Henry Elaokman returned from a Buo.t visit to Portland last Satur day. He has made three trips over the railroad aud pci. joiiuoes it in fine ooa diiion for a new road. Married At the residence of Geo. Noble on Wednesday evening, Mr. M. Johnson to Miss Mollie Gilliam, G. W. Rea performing the oeremony. The shop wishes them well. E. O. The examination of Bowlby, the sheepherder, who is now in the county hospital, has beeu set for the 20th inst, by whiou time it is thought he will be able to bear the strain. Married At the City hotel parlors, at 7 o'clock last evening, Mr. P. H. MoLur- auto Mrs. Mattie A. Johnson, Henry Rasmus perfoiming the oeremony. The oouple have our best w iBbes. An ciohange expatiates on the deriva tion of the word "Salary." The ques t.on of derivation don't worry the Am erican people so much as the size of it. That wnaie the pinch comes. Homer H. Hallock and wife returned to their borne in Portland yesterday. Fred went down with tbem and will make his future home down there, hav ing see u red a posion in that place. Uuole Tommy Soott, an active repub from Pine City precinct, waa over last week with the returns from bis voting place. Mr. Scott has many warm friends of all political preferences in Heppner. A Washington special indicates that Blain is not expecting a position in the Cabinet. He expects something better no doubt. Its a very shady day when Mr. Blaine lets pass a good thing unless, it looms up about that way. Some mathematical folks have dis covered that inaxmuob as most people are without a rule, a silver dollar does just as well, which is VA inches in diam eter. Every one does not carry a rule, c- s dollar either for that matter. Geo. Thomas came up from Arlington last week, returning on Saturday. He was intending to leave for a visit to his home in Indaina on last Monday, aud if nothing has interfered, be is no doubt on his way to the land of "Posey." A cold wave struck this part of Eastern Oregon on last Tuesday night, cover ing these lime-honored bills with quite skiff uf snow, but the sua came out Ward Douglass, special agnt of the New York Life Insurance company, is in our city in the interest of this "Old Reli able" company. The New York Life is forty-three years old, with o.:cr eighty three millions of dollars in assets, and you don't have to "die to win." Anoth er advanced plan of insurance by this company is that every dollar paid as premiums is returned with the insurance in cnse of death. The following letter sjioaks in highest terms of the plan in rodnceil by the New York Life : Fikst National Bask of Chicago, I Chicago, Aug. 28th, 1883.J Vanuxem, Waller c Slocum, General Atjents, New York Life Insurance Company, Chicago, III: Gentlemen : I beg to acknowledge re ceipt of your check for fourteen thousand nine hundred and fifty and 41-100 dollars, in settlement of Polit y No. 48,801), life of J. Shcrmun Hull, as follows: Face amount of Policy, if j.OiM.OO ; reversion ary dividends, $2,7!I4 do' ; premiums paid, $7, loo. 75; total dividends, $0,050.41; to tal amount paid by the company, $14, 950.41. The above is the most remunerative return iu settlement of a death-claim that has come to my notice, and your prompt ness is unusual and very satisfactory. Signed Respectfully, L. J. Gaoe, Vice-President. FntEn. The erossest, sourest, grum piest and groutiest passenger conductor on the line, named Larson, is in trouble and people from Green River to lltin tington tenderly ask if it is sufficient to hang hiin. He kicked a passenger off h's train while running, was arrested at Pocntello and committed. Perhaps it would have been bettor if the victim had settled it with his gun. Lnrsen has been promoted crab-fashion to a freight, and his removal leaves a full corps of gentle man punchers. Gose, Riche, Francis, Johnnie Mac, Ball and Bell are good enough for any line. Alias. The fat rooster that runs the Gazette sheet, had some experience with this same conduc tor last winter, aud rejoices that the 0. S. L. company have concluded to secure passenger conductors who are gentleman, at least. What is Left. Over at the Palaoe saloon, under the oare of Dick Neville, are some little momeutoes of "the mau of destiny," viz: an 18 inch collar, a Tam many badge on wbioh is pinned a Cleve laud ticket with the following iusoribed on the opposite from weather side "Cleveland's collar, Presented to the Palace saloon, by Mayor Blackman.' Surmounting these interesting relics, is a profile of the Mayor in deep mourn ing. The demoorats feel pretty good in the hour of defeat, and philosophic ally remark, "Cleveland defeated himself aud we can certainly stand it." THRIFT AN1 TRADE. E3r""If you want bargains in dry goods, furnishing goods, boots and shoes, hats and oaps and everything else that is usually kept iu a first class store, and have the CASH, call on J. M. Hagcr. Vun Dnvn has the finest assortment of dried fruits in town. Wall paper at Minor, Dodson A Co s. Mrs. S. P. Oarrignes has added oloaks to her neat stock of ladies' furnishing goods. If yon desire the latest and neat est styles, be sure to call on her. fresh cranberries at Johnston Smith's. Go there for this fruit, which everyone knows to be the boss founda tion for a palatable pie. Newt. Whetstone has an othoe out lie don't occupy it but very little. His business is at the forge, mending nroKen agricultural maobiuery, shoeing horses and the like, all of which will suit any denizen of the Heppner country, both as to price aud quality of work. (iilliam & Cottev are prepared to nt a man out with any kind ot an outfit to be found in a first-class hardware store. I They will sell you nails to fix up your fenoe when your neighbor's cows break it down, or nt you out wi h kitchen tools when you get married. A full annnlv of school book and sta tionery at Minor, Dodson & Go's. It you want a red pump that is not only neat and attractive iu appearanoe but also able to do good service iu get ting the wator of the Heppner hills up to the surfuce, oall on Leezer & Thomp son. Johnson & Smith are selling all kinds of groceries atastonishiugly low figures, and it will pay every inhabitant of these ancient Heppner hills to patronize them. May street, opposite Miuor, Dodson & Co's. Anyone w ishing to purchase fine lamps should call and get prices at VanDuyn'e. There's no use looking blue, even though wool don't soli very high. E. J. Sloonm & 0. have drugs and other neces sary truck down to bod-rook, so that a little money will buy an arm load. Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or extract the same in a scientific manner. It is a fact nokuowledged by all "art organists," both of Europe and Amerioa that the "Estey" is the sweetest voiced, most human toned, least reedy in tone, aud quickeit iu response to touch of any organ manufactured in the world. Gents, if yon need anything iu the furnishing goods line, call on Vanduyn. He has a full line of oashmeres, peroales and laundered shirts; also a full line of boys' shirts and underwear, children's suits, knee pants aud waists, all cheap for cash. A new stock of carpets at Minor, Dod son & Co's. Sweet eider and coinb honey at Van Duyn's this week. Sperry is paying 55 oents '.for wheat and furnishes sacks. Town Marshal: "Don t ride your horse so bard. Tall man on horseback "O, I know what I am about. I'm bound for E. J. Slocnm & Co.'s drug shop to purchase the finest toilet outfit- in the Heppner hills." The firm of Johnson & Smith are pre pared to furnish you with fresh vegetables and all kinds ot tresu grooenes. J-iook well to your interests and patronize them. Flour exchanged for wheat at Sperry Mills. When man gets so that he can't speak pleasant to his wife, he must have either the chill Plains or the tootnaone. JJr. Vaughau, the dentist, is a sure cure for the lutter. Strayed. One white horse, branded with pitcher on the left shoulder and on the left hip. One white horse, biown ars, branded A. M. on Ihe left hip. Both strayed away together from the McDuffie springs, ou John Day. Any information coucertiiug the whereat outs of these animals can be left nt the Ga zette office, for which n liberal reward will be paid. John H. Hook. Stuavbd. A dark bay mare, seven years old, branded 7 on the left stifle and S on left hip. Had a last spring's cult with her when last seen, unbranded. 1 will pay 810 for her recovery. R. Y. Curkin, Castle Rock, Or. A LfiiEftAL Reward. A fet neeks ago, Wm. Penlaiid lost a red leather pocket-book, just below Bishop & Bis bee's mill, containing $70 in money, and some notes aud valuable papers. Mr. Pen land will pay a liberal reward for the re turn of the same. r t ASTEAM TERT1CAL HORIZONTAL. Prick From $75 Upwards. The Election. Harrison has without doubt carried every northern state ex Conn, and New Jersey, and perhaps the southern states of Virginia and West Virginta. Not only has there been re publican gains in the states but the ter ritories of Montana and Washington elect republican delegates to congress. For the defeat, Cleveland alone is responsi ble. His tariff principles did the work, and honesty of purpose in his moasures advocated does not tend to make democ racy feel any better in tha hour of defeat. He should have doae better with the federal patronage at his bidding. But su,-h is American politics. Teachrks' Examination. Notice is hereby given that a public examination of those desiring to obtain teacher's cer tificates for Morrow county, will be held in the court house at Heppner. Oregon, begiuuing at noon, Nov. 28, 1888. J. H. Stanley, County crnpt. Taken Up. One grav horse, 16 hands high, weighs about 1,300 pounds, slightly collar-marked, ubout 8 years old, braud ed half cirole L on left shoulder. Came to Jas. Jones stable on Oct. 14, 88. Owner can have the same by proving property and paying oharges. Jas. Jones. TWO-HORSE POWER ENGINE. WITH STEEL BOILER, $150. CHEAP, RELIABLE, SAFE. Attomitlg Boiler Feed, Automuo Fop Btfetr Ire, BtMl Boiler. Coat ot rniuung gnarftnted Bot to eioeed throe oent par lour. Nothing mmI to It net before offend for the prioe. larger itae quail; low. Bead tor free dmcctpUYe circular. CHAS, P. WILLARD & CO. 238 Randolph Street, Chlcaflo, III. HENRT HEPPNER, Arlington. HENRY BLACKMAN, Heppner. . ; PIONEER BRICK BUILDINgT A New Dissovkby. Some interest has been manifested in the Thirty Mile gold fields, but a disoovery has beeu made right here in Heppner which promises to beat any former "finds" iu this region. The denizens of this whole oouutry have discovered that Kirk & Younggreu have jnst received the largest stock ot window shades ever brought to town. Shades cut to fit windows without extra cost. Stuayed. From my range, in Cabin oanyon, one sorrel mare, two years old, star in faoe, branded large U on left shoulder and bar on left side of neok. Is halter broke. 15 dollars roward will be paid for her return to Jas. Joues' livery stable, or to my plaoe in Cabin canyon. Alex. OtjENN. mm A Small Fie. On last Monday even ing, Mr. M. Litchteuthal's little child, while playing with a lighted candle bown at their residence on Main street, ignited the tablecloth, but prompt ao tion ou the part of Mrs. Litchteuthal and others prevented any particular dumage being done. It was fortunate, indeed, that it was discovered in its inoipienoy. FACTS FROM H. & B's. Infants', oliilds', boys', mens', and nioest assortment of eleotion bats at H. & B's. Most complete line of wall papers, bor ders, carpets, rugs, and ourtains at reduc ed prices now on exhibition at Heppner & Blnckman's. Ladies are invited to oall and inspect our new arrivals of all wool tricots, ma zuma plaids, latest patterns in stripes, jerseys etc, etc. Herders would profit by examining our wooleus and full atook boots. Call and take a chew of our H. & B's. pnvute stock chewing tobacco. Parties wishing to purchase fall sup plies would do well by culling on Hep pner & Blackman. We insure gentleman ly treatment, low prices, aud good qual ity in all lines, flour in quantities to suit at mill prioes. Most complete and extensive line of mens', boys', and ladies', buck aud kid driving gloves, woolen-lined gloves to keep your hands warm when snow flies. Call and inspect our goods, at H. & B's. No trouble to show goods. Bubolabizeo. On Tuesday night of last week the Gooseberry store of J. I). Kirk & Co. was broken into by way of the rear door and a considerable amount of dry goods and groceries taken. Par ties are suspected, but no arrests have been made. Burglaries are something of which this country has been free here tofore. : ' Newt. Williams came down from Greenhorn yesterday where he has been siuoe last spring lookiug aftar his mi ning interests. He has seven olaiins over there of which the "Silver King" and "Kingston" are, perhaps, the best. Mr. DeArmond, a highly respeoted cit izen of Arlington, died at that plaoe, a week ago last Saturday. Mr, DeArm ond was a member of the Masonic or der and was buried under the auspices of the fraternity on the following 8un dav. The remain of Mr. W. O. Hrown, the attorney who died at Arlington last week, were taken to Turner, Or., for in terment. It was stated in the Gazette last week that his remains were interr ed in the cemetery at Arlington, which was a mistake. Another iu the series of White Chapel muiders is ugitu- ig the people ot Lon don. In this Caxn, it is a woman, and her body was mutilated in a horrible ni.toter. This atrocious fiend has writ ten a letter to the police of Loudon, de fying them to detect him. Frank Koontz returned a few days ego from a trip to the upper oountry. He reports general prosperity in that section, Colfax, where Mr. Koontz for merly resided, has grown to be quite a little eity, with electric lights and other evidences of a healthy growth. A Pleasing Sense of Healt?i . and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort Follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver 0 Bowels Effectually Cleansing the System when Costive or Bilious, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers and permanently curing HABITUAL CONSTIPATION without weakening or irritating the or gans on which it acts. Var Sale in 50c ami SI. 00 linltlcs liy all Leading Druggists. J MASUrACTURKD OSLY BY TUB ' j California pig bybup oo LonaviLLK, Kv. , Has Francikco, Cal., CALLAHAN'S- NEWRESTAURANT Is prepared to give meals at all hours, DAY OR NIGHT! You will find my place next door to 13. A. Htiiisiiker & Co., in the Old Bank Building, i i MAIN STHPJET HEPPNER. ARTHUR SMITH, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ! Next to First National Bunk, HEPPNER, Watches, Clocks, WutcheB Cloancd, Muinsprings Fitted A. 1ST D OREGON, Optical Goods . - J1.50. - . tl.M. Always in the Lead! The Old-Established House of HEPPNER& BLACKMAN! -DEALERS IN General Merchandise, CONTINUES TO- -AT THE- I! 1 LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! Our Stock will be found Complete in Every Respect, and we shall always endeavor to retain our place IIST THE FEONT EANK! And in the future, as in the past, we shall endeavor to continue to be the Leading House in the Heppner Country ! 00 Our facilities for doing business are unexcelled by any mercantile ea. tablishraent in the Northwest! We guarantee to all our Customers Courteous Treatment and Fair Dealing. An inspection of our establishment will convinoe each and all as to the full and complete stock we at all times carry. All work quarantced for one yean'. Of iriiMtejrlG, H WML Thanking my frienda for past favors, I shall oontinue to try to merit coufi dence by doing first-class work at rea souable priooB. a i nmi, vim Which Was It? Racon or Sliakceare. The authorship ot the dramatic pro ductions attributed to the last of the above named is agitating literary circles to the very centre, but affects the practi cal masses far less than the momentous question, how to regnin or preserve health, that essential of bodily and men tal aotivity, business success and the "pursuit of happiness." We oan throw far more light on this latter subject than the most profound Shakespearian can no the question first propounded. If the system is depleted, the nerves shaky; if indigestion or oonstipatiou bothers one at times, or constantly; if the skin is yellow and tongue furred as iu bilious ness; if there are premonitory twinges of oncoming rheumatism or neuralgia; if the kidneys are inactive use Hos totter' Stomach Bitters, the finest recu peraut of an age prolific in beneficial and suocessful remedies. Remember, if malaria threatens or afflicts, that it neu tralizes the poiaon and fortifies the system. sperry s HEPPNER, New Holler Mills! OREGON. J. Capacity 70 Barrels B. SPERRY, Proprietor. Flour from hest Grades of Wheat, Mom and Mill reed. Is now lor sale in quantities to suit purchasers. St." wed Hue.'?. Lost over iu the Buc'cboru Country, about Oct, 25th,-fiOb bi'ad cf sheep. They are branded P. C . a 1.1 fo their delivery, I will pay r cents per head. So.oe of them are on 'hi- x de of the mountain no doubt. P. jish. TaoMPS m. A Pleasiso Sense Of health and strength renewed and of ease and oom fort follows the une of Syrup of Figs, an it acts in harmony with nature to t-ffjct oally cleanse the system when eostive or bilious. For sale in 50c and $1.00 bot tles by all leading druggists. Distcrbaxcr op the Heabt. Heart disease is like an assassin, which creeps upon you in the dark, and strikes you when unaware. Therefore, do not over look any uneasiness in the region of the heart or disturbance in its action, but at once take Dr. Flint's Remedy. Descrip tive treatise with each bottle; or, address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. Notice, Sheepmem For sale in Wal lowa county, Oregon, a deeded bay ranch, together with improvements on homestead adjoining. In the heart of the range; 27 miles from cunty i-jut. have control of the water close to sum mer range, Ninety tons of bay; all the farming implements and household uten sils go with the ranch, (rood improve- warm yesterday, melting it away except I menu on both claims. A sure bargain. , .1 i a . Owner going to Mexico. Terms, $2,100; in ratche. It was some colder last , w CMb M(1 ba,aoc, OQ lime evu;ni, the thermimeter reiistonnij 24 or address W. B. Ohmmill, degree above zsro. I Aroadia, Wtllowa oounty, Oregon. Consumption Suhelt Cubed. To the editor: Please inform yonr readers that I have a positive remedy for the above mimed disease. By its timely use thou sands of hopeless oases have been per manently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy fiieb to any of your readers who have oousnmption if they will send their express and post office address, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C. 181 Pearl St., New York, N. Y. New Laundbt. About the first of May we will open a new laundry in the building next below Jim Jones' livery stable, on the east side of Main strent, Heppner A full stock of Japanese silk goods and lacquered ware will also be kept on hand. Kiam & Wo Kee. Sheep Range to Leahe. Ou Eight Mile, 23 miles southwest of Heppner; of a mile of running water, grass for 2500 sheep; some hay; 90 panels; 2 camps with stoves; good sued; snow-plow; oo acres fenced, 51X1 aorea tall grass anil 25 acres broke. C. E. Fell, Heppner, Or. Tailoring. I have opened a well-appointed tailor ing establishment in my new build ing on May street, and am now regularly receiving new goods and will make ous tom made pants from $7 to $16 best good in the market. A. Abbahawhick. Mrs. S. P. Garrieues Has Received Her FILL STOCK OF JI1LLINKRY. Owin" to the Btendy increase in our business wu Iiuva hnilt a T,nrn and Commodious Fire-Proof Erick Building, which gives us better facilities than ever before enjoyed. Sol e Agents for Heppner and Vicinity Celt? b i a t: c -FOR THE d . 13 a i n AND agon Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Agricultural Implement! 1 HIDES AND PELTS BOUGHT FOR CASH OR TRADE. HENRY HEPPNER, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. Ship Care of H. & B., Arlington, i D. JOHNSON COMPANY, Successors to C. M. MALLO R Y, AT THK OTY ffe DRUG STOR HEPPNER, OREGON. And They Are Now Ready For Inspection. I il Her Stook Of J wvn ivn Were Never More Complete. Keep the Lurguut and Best Selected Stock of Qoods in his Line Morrow County. Comprising Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicines, and let Goods of Every Description. Also Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Gl Putty, Wall i'nper, Iteiuly Mixed ramts, lite., li,te. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. The Best Bran' of Domestic, Key West and Imported Cigars. Call and see us when you are wanting anything in our line. Prescriptions accurately compounded, day and night, and sp attention paid to orders from the country. A Speoiiil is given to the Ladies of Heppner And Vicinity to Cull nnd Kxnniim - her Hplendid Assortment lieforu Milking Fall l'uruhiises. Well Choses. Many merclmnte fail to sell their goods on account of their not being of a first-clam character. lint you need not be nneaxy in regard to Harry Johnson's stook of candies, nnts, cigars, tobaeco, etc. They are flesh and well-assorted, and bis stock warrants yonr trade. Nezt door to First Nation al Bank, Joues'-building. yfs V , Hitlwr than Ih Chwpot i tfUii pint-Hi. i ii' i;..h liiMniction, eMai- -.1 rpuuL;LlUiti.L'PMV ua loiiilarttV. Buainttt. i-r ikon 4, Common "ichblan4 Ptnmanthlp Qtpart n $. ritudents n-u. : Hi any tun- ata t and qtfiiiifNs f pMimHinhii nt fre. !. U tU:M'O.N-f. A. P. AUMH1KOHO. Prl. WIIKRK AllS YOU G OINB TO DO YOUR FULL TRdD I f G? An Important CJneHtion for You anil on IritoroHtin one for inc. ' ARE YOU GOING WHERE You Ov 13 3ESna? i Then I Anton. The Beat Hare to Buy Ymir Dig Boons, Boots, Sss, Hals, Gaps & IS AT Heppner, Oregon. I do not ask you to accept this statement withon proof, bue invite you to come anil inspect my Large Stock of New Fall Goods and ct m) Tlits Town of IIEPPNKR NOW FROSPEl II OF REAL EM IS BM With a Railroad now inducements arc offered Eastern Oregon. building in to it, better here than any town Beautiful situation, :oo(l water, broad streets, a good school, three churches, enterprising inhabitants, etc., seldom fail to count in any climate. ' Vldress. A, A. PiOKKllTS, Hie Heal Estate, Collection and Insurance .Man, Who Will Give l'ou ira-'OJFJCE WITH W. li. ELLIS, OVER Mo AT EE k SPRAY'S SHOP.J vV. J. LEEZElt. P. C. THOMPSON DEALER IN XTIIAL BOOTS and SHOES Custom Work ami Rcpiiiii Neatly Done. Opposite Hotel, Heppner, Oregon. LEEZER & THOMPSON -DEALEES IN- HARDAARE AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, (ELF HARDWARE, Bird-Cnges, Rope, Nails, Cutlery, Wood and Willow Ware, Grnnite Ware, Etc. .1 UN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON ft p ' I f !