( 7 r THE GAZETTE. HEFPNEB, THURSDAY, NOV. 15, '88. MORROW COUNTY-RETURNS. As One of the sots passed by congress at the last session, to which a brief reference baa already been made in these columns, nrovidestor a congress of American na. tions to assemble, on the invitation of the United States, on October 2, 1889' The scope of the proposed congress as outlined in the act is very oomprehen ir9. ' Among the matters to be consider ed by it are measures to preserve the peace and promote the prosperity of the nations represented, to establish a system of arbitration for the settlement of dis putes, as well as to introduoe uniformity in a number of matters affecting trade and oommsroe. Amonj the lutter are mentioned a uniform system of weights and measures, a ooinmin le.'a'-tensir silvej ooinage, uniform customs, ap praisement and quarantine regulations, and laws relating to copyright, trade marks and extradition. This is a far reaching and imposing programme. It contemplates nothing less than a gignn tio commercial union. What the result of the oongress are, its proceedings will be watched with unusual interest. Brad streets. . Thebe seemed to be some doubt dur ing the campaign as to the sincerity of thi republican party on the Chinese question. In fact, its very broad shoul ders were made to bear the stigma of being a,frieud to tho Chinese all through the canvass. Certain notions of Gen. Harrison while in Congress may have led many to believe that he was very much of a Chines lover, but the result in California and Oregou demonstrates that the majority of voters did not oou aider it in that light. However, a fuw years ago, Chiuese were very soaroe in m my of the eastern states, and from that faot it was hard for those people to understand how detrimental this race is t) the general goob of the P.ioillo states and territories. Now hardly n town of any size in the east is without Chinese, and they are beginning to realize why the Paciflo slope has been so olamorous in its protests against the immigration of Chinese, and we believe that the east ern congressmen without regard to par ty will stand shoulder to shoulder with those of the west in renewing the exclu sion aot in If either party at that time shows a spirit f disregard iu this particular it will and should be blotted ont of existence. Hkbh in Eastern Oregon a mortgage on a ranch does not indioate t lint the owner has at one time been dear of debt .possessed a clear title le his laud, nll-owin2 Dourer and poorer, been compelled to mortgage it. This is not true, irM a majority of castas, at leant. It is niuol more probable that he acpimiu- la'ted tlfl valuo of the amount borrowed since bioomiug a laud owner. A lare majority of the real estate mortgages are given b meu who fiud it necessary to get iu debt to acquire more land, being without sufficient moans to begin with, or to buy livo stock, and find it a profit able speculation, even if they are com pelled to go in debt. The union labor party, for instance, have male more uoise this campaigu over the growing indebtedness of the people thnu a buz. M.. .TLy toil La aimaL-jLiv iliuA tUo pao pie are growing wealthier aud more en- ergetia, and are Bometimes compelled 'ti go in debt a little in order to lake ad Tautage of opportunities for specula tions. But there must be provided n borne for the kickers, and that parly can do doubt furnish the necessary range for such ironical stupidities. S -ROBERT Mcl.KAX 12i SlWM. KAI'l'S C. W. FULTON W. II. K1TINGKK. . . W. R. BILTEU E. K. SKIPWOUTII AUG. C. KINNEY. B. P. KAMI ,T. F. CAMPBELL. J. F. HENDRICKS E. P. HAMMOND.. II. It. WILSON VXUt) lii i:t 4o ii 1 '.).'! 40 M ImillL 1041 ill 1 is 5;7 31 23 24 'JO mi Id .0 57 31 23 24,2U ill in! sW l.v;7,31 23 24 2ui.l lit. 0 Mi:,!! !!) 2l!lo l.V2(( 1011(1 32 7 .;i 21 lo lli 211 lo'l.'.i 32 .!! L'l ;15;l.rj;29 lU;(i!l,32 7 2! $20Rewakd For the delivery tome i t Pine City, one bay work horse, five years old, weighs about 1050, vory large Roman no se. One iron gray, to-year old filly, fine make, both branded J O nu left shoulder. I will pay $10 for the re- turn of either of the two, or $5 per head fur information leading to their recovery. J. J. Qallowai, Galloway, Or. 6 v Thi election is over and Harrison has bson selected by the Americans as our next president. We do not believe the filly bosb that is going in tho press to the effeot that G rotor Cleveland pre dicted his defeat when he wrote his last message. However, he has sacrificed his party and himself to a principle which failed to strike the popular chord In his defeat, be can be justly proud that he suffered such in a politioal bat tle of principles, aud that tho attempt to make a polioy move was not apparent ly considered in his part of the cam paign of 1H88. However, these must be Tory unpalatable morsels for present Consolation. DftCTMAL system of coinage, weights measures is agitated iu England, HREE TIMES CONTESTED. or the past several years, Mr. J. C. old kai been trying to prove up on ,d seotion of valuable laud a mile aast of town, but many stumbling have beeu placed iu his way. In jng run, however, it is hoped that jetermination may bring him sue In 1880, during the month of ary, he first tried to prove up, and t was contested by the O. K. A rough their attorneys, Cox A hiold was represented by J 'be oase was tried before offioers at La Grande first; It was then appealed to the Land Commissioner; Arnold it ill triumphed. As a forlorn hope it was brought before the Beoretary of the In terior; Arnold still remained in the as eeudanoy, forming one of the few in stance in which a railroad oompauy is finally defeated in attempting ts defraud a settler. But there were still breakers ahead. When Arnold again attempted to make final proof it was contested by John Knight Knight lost. Recently for the third time, Mr. Arnold tried to obtain a clear title to his olaim, and now for a third time is contested by a Mr. Cripe. Testimony in the case was taken yesterday afternoon in the clerk's office. Cripe was represented by E. W. Farrow, and Arnold again by J. II. Haley, who bae steered his olient safely through a sea of difficulties so far, and hopes final ly to land him on the shore with a clear title to bis olaim. B. O. WALLA WALLA WA-WA. Wai.i.a Walla, Nov. 12, 1888. Eilitnr Gazette: An Wellington Clark said at the grand republican rally at the court house Mon day evening, Nov. 5th, that the grand old republican party would bob up se renely from below on November Oth, and gain the victory by an overwhelming plurality, my enthusiastic nature lias been aroused, and it iH a source of great pleasure to pen the glad tidings of acom plete republican victory in W. W. coun ty, the whole republican ticket being elected, except the probate judgeship, to which ofliec Rev. Father Eagan was elected by a handsome majority. Hon. J. li. Allen, the people's favorite, for del egate to congress, just swooped the ter ritory. Between two and three hundred thousand dollars changed hands in this city alone, and our democratic friends w ho thought it a "sure thing" on Vor hees' re-election, droop their heads in si lence and have nothing to say. What's the matter with Allen? Oh, nothing, he's all right. Pat. Russell, one of our most, enterprising farmers, lost several thousand dollars on Bowles and Vorhees. When it was definitely known that the above-mentioned candidates were de feated, Mr. Russell threw his Cleveland stovepipe hat on the ground and stamp ed it unmercifully. It was generally conced before the election that the prohi bition vote would be the utter ruin and downfall of the republican party, but de spite all their efforts it proved ineffectual. The election of J. li. Allen means that Washington territory will be admitted as a state, and then the democratic party will be kept in silence from time imme morial until Gabriel shall sound his horn. 'Rah for Harrison! and as the Inter-Ocean wisely states, "there are no flics on Harrison and Morton." Sheriff A. H. Bow les conducted him self in n most shameful manner on the day preceding the election, to which is probably largely due his defeat. Mr. How ies called nu the editor of the Union and told him he could knock tho Jesus nut of him in a holy minute, and made an attempt to strike him, but the blow was warded off by a bystander. The report of his ungenllemanly conduct spread like a holocaust anil the most bit ter feeling, even among his best friends, was aroused. Mr. Howies had little dreamed of meeting defeat, owing to his efficiency in bringing the Pylo-Hurn in cendiaries to justice ; but it Booms the people were bent'on a change .mn'ma from vhe way they cast their lmliots at the polls on November (ith. Winter is fast approaching aud our stalwart poplars lire shedding their leaves. It Is tho time of year that con sumptives dread, as they know full well ol the triousnnilH Uins mulcted w ho pass from this life to the lifo beyond at thin particular time of the year. Aleck Dullois, (colored) who has for six weeks been suffering severely froi internal injuries sustained rrom a fall from a scaffold while cementing in the Odd Fellows' hall, passed from this life to that beyond (mm which no soul e'er returned to tell of the joys or the sorrows of the unknown realm. A large emigration is pouring into our city and the surrounding country, which bespeaks thrift and a prosperous future. Hunt's railroad men havo completed the track to within half a mile of our city, and carpenters will coniiuenco the erection of the depot iu about ten days. It will be unite an addition to the at tractiveness of our city, notwithstanding the fact that some of the most desirable residenec property will bo ruined there by. Hunt, the railroad magnate, is a good man to have in any community ; moreover, there are no Hies on him. Tunas Isccm. road inter-communication with tho Eas tern Hemisphere is almost too prodig ious for the human mind to believe, yet it is far more likely that the engine will shriek out a salute to the Siberian mountains in the course of time, than that the waters of the Pacific will min gle with the waters of the Carribhean sea through DeLesseps canal, although the latter is already developed to some extent. The traveler, with tho accom. modations of suoh a trans-Paoifio thor oughfare oould enjoy the ice scenery of North-eastern Siberia, and he could sweep the hoar peaks of the Yahalonoi mountains as his express darts along the Jijinsk Bav and the sea of Okhosk and as he takes his his sleeper- passing on aud through the mighty valley where the Amoor rolls eternally on to the Gulf of Tartary, he eiuld hardly realize that once over the same plains the num berless army of Ghenghis Khan and of the warlike Tamerlane onco pitched their tents." NOTICE OF BALK UMiK CHATTKL MOKT GAOK. Notice itt hereby given tliut under and by virtue of a clitillel uiortKMKw beahiiK date December 8. lNi'i, nmde and executed by J. E. Freeman, given U. AlexiuiUer & Fiuzer to secure uue certain Dote ot JU. and hied iu the Clerk' oilice of. Morrow county. Ort'eon: on December lu. 1MS7. mid in iu. cordunoe with an urder given tome by Alexander Sl Fnizer by W . K. Kllift, their atturney. 1 have bitten into uiv lioaseHtCou and will Hell ut tiulilie Mile at 0. E. Ireeinan'b corial. between Bin But ter creek and Little Hutter creek, iu Tp i B, It ft. W. Al., lu Morrow oouuty, ureguu, November 30th, 1X8U, At IP. M, to the bihest ai.d best bidder'for nni.li in hai.d. the following dtwcrilied urnuertv. to wit: About 450 head of eheeu mixed band mostly ewes aud iambs, known as the J. E. Kree uian baud of aheap, branded witii F , wool brand to satisfy the sum or $42.1.1 1 aud interest now due on said note, and also all charKea ol takmir. keeping and selling of said stock, internet axid attyrney'B fees, 1 l.ul. T. B. HOWARD. Asmit for Mortgagee. Dated at Ileppner, Or., Nov. lilli, 1HS8. RAILWAY COMING! The Heppner and Willow Creek Kailroad, which will be Completed within the next Two Weeks, Will Place Heppner on an Equal Footing With Other Railroad Tow ns in Oregon. Wo Aro Uaylns In an Immense Stools, of 9 Boots, . Shoes, THE RETURNS. SHERIFF'S BALE. Kotifto is herebv iriveu that under and by virtue of an execution issued out of the t'ircuit Court of the Btate of Oregon for the County of Morrow, aud tit me directed and delivered, upon a judg ment rendered and enlereu iu nam i.ouix on me 4th day of September. 1KXH. in favor of J. B. Nat ter. Plaintiff, and against 8. It. Keeves and Mary E. Keoves et. at., Defendant, for the sum of one hundred and seventy-five dollars with interest at the rate of 111 per cent. .pur annum from Juue the 811th, 1SS5, and the eum of twenty dollars attor ney's fees and the further sum of twenty-four dollars and ninety-nine cents for costs and the accruing costs, and. whereas, by Haid judgment it was ordered and adjudged that tho following de scrided real property, towit: the SW )-i of BW hi of Sec. Ill, Tp- 2 S, of H a) U. W. M., all in Mor row County, Oregon, bo Bold io eatisfy aaid judg ment and all coatu, I will, on Monday, the !tll Day of November A. D. 1888 At 2 o'clock P. M , of said day, in front of the court house door in tile town of Ileppner, Mor row Couuty, Oregon, soil all the right, title and interest of the eaid 8. It, Heaves and Mary E. iteeves, in and to the above described real prop erty, at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, tho proceeds to be ap plied to the satisfact ion of euid execution and ull costs, and coats that may accrue. m-M T. It. HDVVAltl), Dated Oct. US, 1888. bhorilf of Morrow County. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. At a special council meeting last Mon day night, all were present except Coun cilmen McAfee and Swinburne. The matter of building a "coolor" was re ferred to the committee on streets ami public property. On motion of conucil man Noble, Councilmen Natter and M -nor were added to the committee. The council reported the purchase of eight street lamps which will soon be put in position at suitable places. Lane county went 239 majority for Harrison. Malheur gives a pluarality of 11 (or Cleveland. We see the City Dude beginning to loiter around the sehool premises again. There is considerable sickness in school yet, Frank Sloan and several of the girls being out part of this week on that account. Alias Hee Dennis entered school on Monday last. The new room will be occupied next week if the furniture gets here. We un do t and it is laying in the warehouse at Arlington, Mrs. Dr. Hitchey has beeu scoured as assistant teacher for the high school. Oscar aud Lnwreuce Coohran entered school this week. There will he another grade advanced to this department, from that occupied by Miss Miles, as soou as they cau be nouommodated. There are now 51 pu pils upstairs. Notes are few and far between, as no body has time to (lather them up this week. rillKT IKTKKMKbUTK, Miss Miles has so many dillercut class es that she does not have time to lie ir them as they ought to be heard. She has a very long program, consisting of acout twenty-five recitations to hear dur ing the day. Will and Forest Ileunis entered the' first intermediate department et our school Monday. This department now ooutaius sixty pupils. Kkpohtbu. CONSIDERED FEASIBLE. In our issue of March 1, 1S88, there ppear.nl the following, which subject bae since been discussed editorially in the OrgoNi'un and considered a feasible project: "Humor develops a gigantio scheme, to build a railroad up the coast through Alaska to Behriug Strait, to connect there with one running up the Asiatii coast. If this oould be execmed it would be the greatest triumph of mod ern undertakings. The idea of a rail- The republican plurality in Nebraska is over 30,000. The oflioial returns make Cleveland's majority in Georgia fi0,003. Carter, renublioau candidate for dele gate from Montana; carriod the territory bv 4700 majority. Complete ofliciul returns iu San Fran oisoo give the following: Harrison, 25, 754: Cleveland, 27,433; Curtis, 20. In Kentucky the uemocats have elect ed every congressman, exoept, perhaps in the tenth district, where the republi cans olaim to have elected their candi date. Official returns from every county in the state show a plurality for Harrison of 79,879. Blaine's plurality in 1884 was 81,019. Complete returns from New Hamp shire give Harrison a plurality of 2H84 The congressional delegation is repub lican. Virgiuio has gone democratic by at least 4000. West Virginia is still in doubt, IT TAKES C0RDW00D. The winter season is right, here, and we are compelled to remind our friends on whom wo are depending for cordwood that relying on the ray sot the sun, whioh geutly slide down over Natter's celebra ted clover patuh. for huajkjyiw olarHy days, i'b nut satisfactory. fFhe supply is not large enough for prsent demands' To the uoBthotio soul, it is no doubt a grand privilege to mount the dome ot our woodshed, juut after Uaymau rings the second bell for breakfast aud the housewife goes forth to split kindling wood, to eujoy the beautiful rays of golden light which sift through the sage brush on the Nels Jones' hill, whooping the blood through the veins ut a mile a minute, something after the fashion of a morning cooktail. The autumn loaves, next door, will look like $'20 pieces aud his 37 bosom will threateu to not leave a single button ou bis 35 wampus. Iu the meantime, his aesthetic shins will grow colder, his teeth will chatter in contrast with the merry notes of Sullivan's buck suw, remiudiug him that cordwood, saw ed into onco, is the only tiling that oan bo depended on iu November. 1 1UPT C I OF THE S-,V CUKED. liuoi-iii. ait, Oni'ah.o, Caw ia ) l)t ct'intier 2, lr,.,,o. I have used Iuiammuu'U s t'tv.s for ili.i past lii'lceu yoai-H, and llnnu Uic.n t in lu-ii catln.'tie and auti-bi ili.nis leni edy known. For a huj rive .vers I apir 'red with i. i er.ipi on of t hit hkm taut ne me great pani and aiiiiouinie. I tried dille.-eut blood remedies, hot, A- though i;. oiling strength, the ilcliing ,ia U'l'iihcveil. I finally eumiliiilt'J lo lake Cioionli course of 111; amm:i: i n ,s SHERIFF'S HALE. Notice is hereby given that under and by vir tue of an execution issued out of tho t'ircuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County of Morrow, and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and eutered in said Court on the 10th day of September, 1888, in favor pf Heppner 4 Hlackman Plaintiff, and against K lleiike, Defendant, for the sum of one hundred and twenty.four dollurs aud fifty cents, with in terest at the rate of eight per cent per unnum, from the 8tli day of September. 1KK8, and the further sum of twenty-four dollars and fifty cents costs, and, whereas, by said judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the following de scribed real propertj, to-witi N 54 Nb ! and N Vt NVV '4 Boo IS, Tp 8, It 2i i W M, all in Morrow County. Oregon, be sold to Butisfy Bald judgment and all ooBta, 1 will, on the l'Jtll day of November, A. I). 1888, at 1 o'clock P. M., of said day, m front of the Court House, in the town of Ileppner, Morrow iwmu n.ei.nn. sell the i-iuli:. title and interest of tho said bl. Uenko, iu and to the above de uril.,.a lt.i,l r.ri.nortv at Public Auction to the highest aud best omuor inr ensu iu iiaiui, me proceeds to be applied to tho satisfaction of said IXCUIIOII IlllU ail COSIS, Uliucus buihi inn; ni. .nu. l. it. nuwaaif, Sheriff of Morrow Co., Or. Dated Oct. 12. 188:1. !-!. AD.V11 NISTKATOIt'H NOTICE. ;i l,i.r,.l,v irivon that, the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the es tate of Thomas l'liirhurst, deceased. All persons having claims againstsaiil eslatonre reiptired to ,ri...iil l lie eimio to me. leuallv verified, at Arling ton. Gilliam county, On-icm, wilhin six months from the date of Ibis '-"i"'.)IA8. D. 8KNNETT. bated Oct. 22 1KH8. 2U2-0 In Fact Everything Which the Farmer or Stockman Needs. Everything Will Be SOLD A.T BEDROCK PRICES Spal 1 to Cash Buyers MINOR, DODSON & CO. Ilis Heppner Family uy, MAY STREET, Opposite Minor, Dodson & Co's. Is stocked with Canned Goods, Sugar, Coffee i Dried Fruit and Everything Pertaining ro a First-Class Grocery. Fine -u.ro,xB-CS'U.xecl MAIN STREET, 1 IcllUVVdlC, GILLIAM & COFFEY, Successors to B. A. Hunsaker fe Co., Are at the old stand on HEPPNER. DEALING IN nware, Coppervvare, Granite- ware, Pumps, Gaspipe, Nails, and Black smiths Supplies. ALSO AGENTS FOR Fisli Bros, fans, Champion Mowers and Reapers, Headers, Threshers, En gines and Portable Sawmills, 111 i Just A large assortment of Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Fancy Goods, Etc. Are constantly receiving new invoices, which cash can take away at the lowest prices. Job-work executed in a skillful manner. HADDOCK CORNER, HEPPNER. For Fare Drugs and Medicines call on GEO. W. HARRIS, AT THE CITY Lexington, DRUG STORE, Oregon. Where you will fiud the finest stock of Dnis in Morrow county, consisting of a Fresh Stock of Drugs, Patent MedicineH, Toilet Articles, Choice Perfumery, No tioue, School Books, Stntionery, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty and A fine line ot Tobacco and Cigars. The Finest Brands of Wines aud Liquors for Medical Purposes, AI- ways in Stcck. Physicians Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night. There is No Need of Wenr g out Your Prescription by Carrying it Around in your Hat, but Come Over to , NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lniid OiHce ut Lu (inmile. Or.. Hot. 3. '88. Notice i hrely wivon tlmt the followiiiK narmtil settler 1ms tiled notice of his intention U mtke final proof in support of hiH cltiiin, iiud Unit tlio wild proof will ho nmde Imforo the county judue, or in his absence before tho county clerk of Morrow county, ut Heiipner, Oregon, ou Dec. 15 , 188H, viz: James H. Qarrett, H.l No. 41114, for the W KW H. andSW KW J4 Bae. Sit. Tp 1 N, H 'M, W. M. jle niimee tlio lollnm uiK witneBHesio provo ino continuous raaidonca upon, uuu ciuuvttuuu ui. suid hind, viz: JO, iVl. UniliMtn, U. ft. ArniBrrong nmi a. o. Lo(!knrd of Alpine, Oreirou aud Ihon. Heott, of (lullowny. Ort'tfon. . . . , Ajiv person who uemros to proiost aKainnvuiu allowance of such proof, or wbo knows of any Hiihutantiul reuaou, under tho law (uid the regu lation of the Interior Department, wny suen proof should not tie allowed, will be jfiven u porluinty hc me noove nmmmu umw uuu i. hi In (rfuM-tixnmnm t ie w II ctiHf'S i biliu claimant, and to offer ttvidouue iu rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. WI-UU. IlKMtY KiNiCHAHT, Kegiflter. Johnston $& mitla.. i it a 1'M.I llillis, turn ill); t'.it'u I Uil mill ll lonlt l! ik ms e-.ich iiilIi! fi Ihv, In nr. thift', twit, losnen c l. out', uml lit. ii lor Hie I'Vin-j' nilit mill I. in. out? U.e i tv ii'hiiIi lti;tt nntv my nUui m pt;r ft't'lly oleiii" itiul li.. btH'U ho t'verv sinco. Ki. i Nnkv. DO YOU INTEND TO BUILD A HOME. It no, seihl us jour HiUlnwa uml 50 ot'iilH in sl mil is or ptiatul nolo for out' new book contaiiiiii ovor Fifty Differ ent styles iiud l'liiua ot Iltmnt'.s, cost inn fiom fAH to $.,0M, suitable for city, town or country, umi'.iK'i'il by tlio b st iircliiteotH in the United States uihl Eu rope. Thin book givus pint urea uml I' 1 11 ii h uf euoh hoiuw, tallowing juut how they look when completed. Any er penter oan build from thcue pinna. If you ever intend to build u house, wnW at omie, na thie ltdveitisemeut will uot appear iiiiiii in this paper. Aililriiw, F. C. Siufakh, Kviuisburrf, l'a. LETTERS NOT CALLED FOR. Anderson O O Drown A J Charlentou August Chamberlain P Day Mis Lillian Foh'le A N FaimHon lliuriok U (Jrillin D A Grow J E tliatt W E llama Mr D (leorA James M Mallory 1'atriok Martiu B T Owan Johu Charris M IS U.)-ers II II Stulllea Thoa Tibbetta Sain Felloes W E Howeaten Effiie Harria II O Ivertion Mr E MoDoukuH Hugh MoCarty Mm S C Neeee T 0 l'ohe J ( ReeviM A R Stone Ira Shin Cyrus U (i) Tliomiiu Emma Varuey Mra Einil All kimla of ba-dware, tinware and ortwkery, also wntjona, farm uiaoliint ry, puui8, Kaa pipe, nails, elo., for sale by lbs new tiriu of Chlliam c Coffey. NOTICE OF INTENTION Lliiul OHiee at Till) P.lll.-s. Or.. Nov. 7, 'SS. Nilu-i in lu-ri'lii' irivtin t lint til" followiiiK-nain'Hl rtctlli-r Iiiih Hieti noliop of liin inti'iitiou to mukf liiial iii-onf in ftipiiort of hiH olaim. anil lliat naid ITool will lie linute niTitriMlili l-ouiitv jiniKB to M.nriiw county, or U hi. ali.iuiice hefort the iil.'rk of Hunt county, ut Hoppiier, Oregon, on Otto. 2-', IHM, viz: Theodore Tex, Mil 11:11. for thn W '; SW V, S..o. 10 and S Y, BE S,.!. . l'p 4 K, K J.i K. w .11. He iiiuui'ti tlio followiiu,' vitwwn to prove hie conl iiiiinim ri'niili'iice tipiiu. itnii cultivation of, Hunt lima, vi-s: Hon. Nolilii. John VVooiliml. t'lms. K. Rirl ana I). W. llontnr, ull of MoppniT, Or. Iiri 31 .1 r . A. .UU-JONA1.U, nt'gisier NOTICE OF INTENTION. bund Oli os at TUB Dnllns. Or., Nov. 10. 'R8. Noii-e is iierohy uivtill Hint the following- naini-il tti'ttlt'r hits liltii notion of lu. intention to iiuiko liuitl proof in mtpport of hi. claim, and tlmt said proof will he iniulo hefom thn olerk of Morrow county, wretfon, til iioppuer, ureKon, ou Don. 22, IStltt, viz: Paschal J. ITalley, D. K. 4(W. for tho S ". SK and K S4 SW K 860. 3 I'll 4 S. H 24 K. W. M. llo iiitiuim ttio roltnwinii wiuioproh to prove noiiiitiiiuoitN rentdenoti upon, and cultivation ,.t m,i,l lioi.l vil- A. It Hookor, Wm, Inrf-uin. -lolin HovoiHwlca mi. I I'hiiB. Kopusa, nil ot I'tiilit Mlla. 4r. 2Wi-atlll r. A. bh'uusai.ii, noK'Nter. NOTICE OP INTENTION. JjindOffiooat The OalleR. Or.. Nov. 9. '88. Notion ih luirrhv uiveii tlmt lite Followinii-uKinett untllur lntM til..() milii'M iif hi 4 intlHlttOIl t nilLit1 html proof in iujP(rt of Ihb duim, and that hh a oroof will be inadj bef ire the comity jtide of Morrow county, Uncoil, at Ib opuer, Uretfou, on beei'iiiber 2a, 1SS8, vu: Wm. F. Hallcy, Hd Wfl, for the NE NW . N 4 NK H and 8E VNb A S.hi. I'll H. H K. W. fll. lie names the loiiowinii wnnewifs to prove hm oontiMuoiiH retJiueuoo uuon. and cultivation of, mid bind, viz: A. II. Hooker. Win Inirniin. John wvbiuihKB nmt Chin. UutuuM. ull of Kiutil Mile. ()ni;on. 'Jiij-aw r. a. .ucuosaijj, m'tfisier. NOTICE OP INTENTION. fjuid OrtieentThe Dalle. Or.. (Vt. 17. '88. Not it- it) hereby uiren tlmt the followinmiamiHi milder htm hied uotioe of her intention to make tin id tmmf in atiintrt of her cuuiii. nnd tlmt tmul wx will tto nuuioDerore tne jmine ol .sorrow ooui.ty, lr., Ht Heppner, Dr., en Deo, 1, 1SH8, vu: Xancy A, Janie$t Hd Hri. for the E K N E H and E H 8E sa. l'p js n 'a w. si. Kite nmnefl the followm witnetwee to proYe her oonttinHms nwtdeiice ujon, and cultivntion ot tiid land, vis: T. H MtrK!in, T. L. lerman, Wm. Hrkucwoi and Wtwly M eMail, all of Uiintrton, Dr. Srj.y e. A. BU'WONAl.D, KOtrirtlPr. Boa NOTICE OF INTENTION. 1 I-tmd Mfe at The Ialle. Or,, Oct. 11, 'S8. Notiee is hereby given tlmt the follow inK-immel wttler haii tiltnl notiw of his intentiou to mat fund tiriKif in nuoiHirt of hit chutn. and that tuud it roof will tie male lfore the county jude Ut Miirrow couuty, it, ai iteppner, ur.. on iov J. L, Beymer, Hd WMk for the N W 8ec S3, Tp S 8, K 35 S. Ilenaniee the followiiiK witnetwes to prove h continuous reideucupon, and cultivation u Miit IhixJ. vis: 1). lhwman.T. II Huntsberry, William Otv ham and uuain Aitimm, all or t.gm Mile. i. Wt-W P. A. McDonald, Ittttistir. NOTICE OF INTENTION. And Office at The Dalle. Or., Sept, 2,1, '88 Notice it herehy triven that thefoUowutKiianaJ ettler ha tied notice of his intention lo Dtaae hual proof in support of u claim, and that aaid prof will be made befte the jndve of tiillimn county, Or., at Arliiiuun, Or., on Nov. 10, lW, vii: W m. iW. Pierce J Hd 2731. for the UE 8to. U, Tp 4 8, R 2 K, fc. M. I HsnamwthefoUowiniiwitnMaMto prov h oiiUnuoua reaideiioeupon, and oultivation tf, aid huid, f W. F. lMoh, J. C. Coleman, K. Vaxucort ftd same Koyaw, ail of ldtta. Or. V. A. McDonald, IUwar. WW B 0 YS FLRXISmXG GoodS Also Take Orders POH SDITS. May Street, Heppner. C. S. VANDUYN, DEALEU IN General : zzl Q Groceries, CROCKBRY, Wen id Willow Ware. NI HM'IVMa U3NJd3H '133H1S KVlj Notion s A mmu -nition AND aery CO E. J. SLOCUAL & GOV-'. CO HEPPNER MM STORE AND G lilT IT .FILLED. This firm are Successors to Ed. R. Bishop, and are Ready aud Wil ling to Lave aConliimnuce of Trade in Pure Drugs, Medicines, Machine Oils, Har monicas, Cigars, Confectionery, ht Expect to Fiud in a N. S. WHETSTONE, The Efficient Home-Shoer aud Calls nttimtion to the fnot that, ha ii still nt t!ie O1:! Stnnl, OPPOSITE THE HEPFNER DRUG STORE, MAIN STREET, Where be is ready to attend to iiuy wants in bis line as olieao as t'je present Condition ot the Times will Admit. REMEMBER THE PIOSEER SHOP WHE.V YOU NEED WORK DONE iS. li D0DD & CO., IMPORTERS hardware, Iron, teel, AND FARM MACHINERY. :i;.c7 and vine stsssts, postland, orescn. Solo Agents for Oregon and Washington for DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. Mn;;l . 11 !Huhlc, or Trlpple Furrow. They are ao it m pie and comeao nearabaolutf perfao- inui uieae w no nave usea iotin or twn mem worn cnii nu nay rnuuijii iu We fnrntsh thorn with or ithotu inut attachuienU iSout att&chmeuts aro extra. their praise. DEEBE POWER X.IT 5XTXICTr PLOWS. a BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL. IHii'keye Hoe TreM Grain PrtU, Buckpye JWders. Tuckeye Spring Tooth Harrow, Superior urmin irmf , superior tHiera. . CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER. . The lateat Improved Implement for eowlnv mimmer fallow. The most complete ud uccmiui wh tor iuii I'urjjox: iu ukv. We aiso hara a full Una of Buggie, Carriages, Fhaetona, Mountain Wagon, i-iauorm ana oinor opring v eniciea, . SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. . Lawrenc A Cbupln'i Sprlnf-Tiwth Harrow., IXr Harrow, SclcntlSo Fd Uillt i'cinc KauDlDg Mills HAltllI BARB WU5E, ETC, KTC. 49-SKND FOR SPECIAL C1KCLI-AK AND PRICK LISTS. Minor, Dodson & Co., Agents at Heppner, And Everything Else That Yon M Class Drug Store. First NEXT DOOR TO LEEZER & THMPSON, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. HstiQi Hi; for ?21 AND SUBSCRI FOR THE KIRK & YOUNGGREN, May Street, Nearly Opposite Minor. Dodson HEPPNER, Manufacturers of aud Dealers in dr Co.'s Store, OREGON. rURNITURE, Bedding, M IRRORS, Brackets, Picture Frames, Etc. Also For Sale- 1886 MODEL WINCHESTER RIFLES. Cheap For Cash. -:o:- UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. JOHN R. LEWIS Has Porohased the FDBSYTHE BEHEBHL PTODISE ESTfiBUSPHIENT AT CASTLE ROCK, And h Slocking it Up with a Butter Line ot Goods than Erer. It will pay yon to wueu nrauiuK anvining in nis line, uail on him when n town Thr A. iknlvinlF.l . Snniln. l . i i? . , ,,u. inree doors j B i u mwolt , oonnection with HAERINGTON& C o7 DEALERS IS HARNESS, WHIPS, SPURS, ETC. THE CEIiEBRATED Heppner Saddles! Conntantlj on band. EAST HA IN STItlT. Rxmiia CM 4 G I f