Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, November 01, 1888, Image 4

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A colored girl at Saratoga wears f 10,
000 worth of diamonds when she if
"tressed up.
Mrs. Sabin, the wite of Senator S:ib
in, of Minnesota, h:is adopted throe or
phan children.
They have pink, white and blue water
lilies in Queensland, and what is moro
these flowers aro as large as dinner
At the last sossion of Congress appro
priations were authorized to the amouut
of $22,000,000 in excess of last year,
aggregating $259,201,087.
Three clerks aro kept busy signing
the Pension Commissioner's name, and
it Is all they can do to furnish the num
ber of signatures required.
The English fashion for pipe-sniok-ing
is again increasing iu this country.
Some of the linost and most popular
pipes aro briarwood and Leghorn.
The City of Rome is the largest of
tho European steamers. She burns
2.2S0 tons of coal between New York
and Queonstown, or an avorago of 804
tons daily.
Oue-lhirtieth of tho work on the
Panama Caual has .been oompluted.
Yet Do Lessops promises a finished
caual iu 1888. Ei;;htoeu ninety-eight
more likely.
A Pittsburg doctor holds that corns
are inherited. Nevertheless, says the
Cincinnati Comtnareuil (lunette, the ill
fitting boot or shoe is the parent of
v.. ' of them.
The census of SI "tii o gives the pop
uin inn ut 7,686,777. No State has a
mi iion, two Sta' os llav less than 100,
and sevorai Status . ave loss than
. AW.OOO inhabitant
The ti.tiil p ..J.fist-ii.- yalnation of
.'tow k fit ' i; 1 . 1 1 ' .71)1,597. Last
r (i win i I d7:I. 1. J. Tho por-
.. v i, $Ji8,. 'M,7i6 against
- r , it. year,
Nim hun-irM mid abty-one of tho
1, :iou ii.liiibit'iuis of a v liago of Sax
ony .vie attacked with trichiniasis
after eating the llesli of a diseased pig.
Fifty-seven of them died.
Tho apple doalors of western New
York have agreed not to buy fruit in
barrels of less size than the common
flour barrel, which is mado of stavos
28 inches long with a 17-iueh head and
a bz-mch bilge.
The "World's Electric Rebellious
Ore Reduction Cotnrmny" has boon in
corporated in San l1 rnncisco. It owns
nothing but its nautu and proposes to
do everything, it adverlisos a capital
stock of If 10, 000,000.
Tho Confederal!! monument In Co
lumbia, S. C, which was shuttered by
lightning some, timo ago, hus boon re
built at a dtstanco from the State House,
as its former proximity made it dan
gorous, the managers say.
The first American petroleum was ex
ported iu 18C2 from Pittsburg to
Europe tit a loss of $2,000 on 600,000
gallons. In 1883 400,000,000 gallons
wore exported, for which lju'0,000,000
were returned to this country.
The patent iish-polo, with self-register
attachment, showing the exact
number of fish caught with It, displays
great inventivo skill, but it doseu't sell
worth a oont. Anglers prefer to
depend on their memory In such cases.
America exports pop-corn by the
thousand barrels. Pop-corn was first
made in this country in 1819. Some
medical men recommended it for dys
lepsia, and jiatu i tn at tho summer re-
,ru;:iti be seen munching it at all
Airs of tho day.
i Now. York manufacturer of tri-
, .io,i '''" that in England there are
-yljk)W over fiO.OiK) of the throe-whoolod
m:i;li!ns iu use. lie believes that it
wHIfbt timo. sttptu-coile the bicycle, as
being licuut adiiple l to country roiuli
xtt'i rwore c;tuy tuiui'igeij.
, Ther'i is living noar Cornevule, Fla.,
. colored mau with the classical name
.if Romeo,, who is wedded to a fair maid
of his tribe called Juliet. This happy
couple have twins, whom they have
named Roumlns liml Remus. This in
teresting family In conveyed to church
on Sundays by u horso uainod Pontius
The Empress Engonle is now busy oa
tho book sho has had in mind, if only
rarejy in hand, sinoo tho doath of tho
Prlnoo Imperial, and arrangements aro
already being mado for the publication
of nor "Memoirs," wliloh will bo pro
duood simultaneously in England and
Franco. The book is being "done"
into English undor the supervision of a
lady of tho highest rank, to whom tho
Empress Is much attached.
Dr. Ganigoo, of Birmingham, Eng.,
has boon interesting the Paris mrgeons
with his artificial spongo. It is mado
of cotton, rondored absorbout and
treated with antiseptics. One of them
tho slae of a walnut will absorb water
until It roaches tho dimensions of a
cricket ball. Ouo of its most Impor
tant advantages is cheapness; this qual
ity makes It unnecessary to uso it more
than once, so that "sponge Infection"
bocorjes an easily obviated evil.
- It appoars that the Torritory of Ari
zona, Instead of being a wholly treeless
wasle, has in Its central portion an ex
tenslvo while pine forest. Last year
tho mill at Flagstaff, owned by E. E.
Ayor, of Chioago, President of tho Mex
ican Lumber Company, cut 36,000,000
out of 1,000,000,000 feet of lumber tho
forest is aald to contain. Yards stocked
from this mill will bo established at all
the principal towns on the Mexican
Central railway.
The manager of a leading Now York
business house shows his wisdom, ao
" ding to his own testimony, by ad.
Jslng largely during the dull sea
lie says: "Just as toon as we
a lull in trado we begin to do ex
( Jvortising and make larger lu-
' , uonts thau over, and wo find poo
11 buy even in what aro called
11 months of the year if you will
V n obieot for them, and atari
Jkuow by a well worded ad-
V ymeut just what you have got to
Many beautiful and hitherto un
known colors havo boon obtained In ro
cont years by tho chemical troatmont
of ooal tar. Each year is certain to
give us a fow new shados, but the fash.
Tunable tints of the present season are
extraordinary both in number and no
menclature. We are told that the col
ors for ladies dresses comprise "moon
stone," a pale blue; Narbonno honey;
musk oolor; lavender blue; raspberries
and cream; vorviuo, a faint lllao tint;
chimney sweep, a dirty black, and ar
bor green.
Cholera has made periodical twelve
year visits to this country. Tho last
epidemic was In 1873. Thus we havo
something to fear for next your if not
for this. The Philadelphia AlediMl
Hews says of its nppearauee in 1878.
"Cholera visited tho Uulted States l
fore it appoared In Paris. Then there
wore mauy sources of infection it was
brought to Now Crleans by a Bremen
bark, and developed in the case of a
mail employed In unloading her cargo
(a iittive of Peiisacola who wont to
New Orloaus for employment). Hut
lh larger number of cases wore import
ed directly through Now York city on
oon-iufectod vessels, but tho diseaso
was nut developed until tho personal
etl'ects of tho victims had been unpack
ed at their destination. This was
shown In throe distiuct outbreaks at
widely remote parts of tho Uuited
States, where tho ell'oets of emigrants
from Holland, Sweden and Russia weru
unpacked at Carthage, Ohio; Crow
River, Minn., and Yankton, 1). T.,
where, within thirty-six hours thereaf
ter the first casus of this disease ap
peared. . a
Tanderbilt's household expanse are
aid to reach f 250,000 a year.
A telephone fifteen years old has
been discovered in New York.
About 40,000,000 pennies were coined
in the United States last year.
The youngest recorded suicide last
year was eleven, the oldest eighty
three. A sea lion weighing 3,700 pounds
was lately killed at the mouth of the
Coquille River, Oregon. It yielded
thirty gallons of oil.
In an Indian mound opened near
Tower City, D. T., were found the
skeletons of three men in a sitting post
ure, facing the East. One had the
stem of a pipe in its mouth.
Tho cadots at West Point during the
summer are taught how to swim, how
to rescue a drowning person, and the
quickest method of restoring the ap
parently drowned.
Thero is a man in Norwich, Conn.,
who swallows 439 grains of opium
every week, and has repeatedly taken
a fluid ounce of laudanum without any
percoptible ill effects.
Miss Sarah O. Jowott, according to
1 Boston correspondent, is considered
"the handsomest woman among all
our female authors, with the possible
exception of Mrs. Blancho Howard."
Tho new uniforms of tho Russian
army aro so severely simple that they
aro almost ugly. Even tho time honor
ed metal button is discarded, the fasten
ings being hooks and eyes hidden
from sight.
A number of Chinese farmers in
Morced County, California, have be
gun to cultivate the opium-yielding
poppy. As thoy aro making a success
of it it is likely that others will follow
in thoir steps.
London covers an area of 122 square
milos, and yet land in several portions
of the city sells for $200 a square foot.
Over 1,000,000 gas lights are required
to light its streets.
Experiments made by M. Munts
with various kinds of water spring,
river, sea, and rain water, also snow
prove that alcohol may be found in all,
except in purj spring water.
India pays $600,000 each summer
for the purpose of keeping her officials
from melting under the fervent heat
When the hot season approaches the
government is moved, bag and baggage,
to the cooler uplands of the country.
The Irish prefer to kill themselves
by hanging. The German invariably
shoots or drowns himself, and the
frenchman cuts his throat with a knife
or razor. The American takes poison
or blows out his brains with a revolver.
Among the regulations of a newly
formed church among the Zulus in
South Africa was the folloing: "No
member of this church shall lie per
mitted to drink the white man's grog,
or native beer, Dor touch it with his
From Berlin comes the report that
the reddish-brown atmosphere and the
peculiar appearance of the sun and
sky which prevailed ovor so wide an
area of the globe have again become
noticeable. The colors are almost as
vivid as before, and thoy come out
strongest when tho air Is pure and the
sun is covered by clouds.
Spoaking of tho blossing of Summer
holidays, the Providence Journal saysi
"From these golden days of rest we
must exolude those spent by the slaves
of fashion in their expensive resorts.
There aro many wlio fly from the
crowded cities only to double elsewhere
their follies and vices. Thoy nevei
withdraw from their jewels and dis
play of styles to be for a season tho
simple children of tho air and light;
they novor draw near to the doar,
blessed earth, but go whore they may
tako with them their bondage, and
languish aud die without having seen
any world except that made by the
architect and milliner."
OoriectluK the Vital Krror.
"Whon you woro a boy I thoughtyOB
would grow up to bo a fool," said an
old man to his son, "but I did not think
that you would ever bo as big a fool as
you are."
"I am glad that I have not dis
appointed yon," replied the young
man. "I can conceive of nothing so
painful as tho father who has boon dis
appointed in his son, except possibly
tho sou who has been disappoiutod in
his fathor. After graduating, 1 ex
pected you to say, 'hero, William, take
this check for iivo thousand dollars, go
away and amuse yourself; and when
the amouut is exhausted, return and I
will again make you feel tho influonoo
of a father's love.. You havo not done
this and I confess that 1 am disappoint
ed." "You aro right I have not done it,"
said tho old gentleman, "and lost you
havo a lingering suspicion that I may,
let mo assure you that I shall not,"
"Again you disappoint mo, sir; and
now pray toll me what am I hero forP
You havo money in bank; you havo
enough to oat and woar; you have no
wants, while I am tho embodiment of
desito. You havo had your fun thrown
up your hat at tho raco-courso, have
had your champagne at night and your
soda-water next day."
"Makes no dill'orenoo, sir; I was a
poor boy nnd had sense, euough to
make money."
"Hut you say that 1 am a fool. Na
turo bequeathed to you a fortune of good
sense; nature gave mo nothing. You
expoeted that l would bo a fool, aud
have had years in which to prepare
yourself. You sent mo to a college,
losing sight of the fact that an educated
fool is a bigger fool than an unoducatod
one, in that he is more prominent.
You taught mo none of the common
sonso methods by which you made
money and now you boast of that ability
which aided you to accumulate a
fortune. Without meaning any dis
roHioct, I believe that there are two
fuels in tho family."
Tho old gentleman, reflected for a
moment and said:
"That is a fact. I was a fool for not
making you work."
"Yes, sir."
"And now, seems my mlstako, there
should bo somo kind of correction."
"Thero should bo sir."
"1 have boon in error and will now
endeavor to make you feel that my
hot't-slghteduess was not the result of
lack of fatherly interest."
"It Is never too hue to bo generous,
father," said tho young man looking
at a cheok book lying within reach of
tho old gentleman. v
"An error of long standing may be
hard to correct, my son like tho di In
finity experienced in curing a chronic
diseaso but this excuses not a failure
to mako tho attempt' See that sorrel
mule In tho loll Hitch him to a plow
and aid mo iu the vitni correction.
Aside from its being an experiment,
the corn is mightily in tho grass.
What, don't want to try? Well, 1 guess
we'll havo to defer the correction.
Hood day. No, 1 can't even Ion I you
tlva dollars. Filly cents? Why, you
b:ivo no uso for liliv cents. Ouhi to
ask for more. Wouldn't givo it to yon.
If you diu? That's a fact, but ilieu
you see it would look belter, nnd be
nides, it is just as cheap." Arkem
"Of course 1 will not sin j unless 1
get my money," saysMmc. Paul; "you
have no idea how much better 1 do
when 1 know the money is iu my pock
et. Albanl taught mo "that years ago,
Child,' said Al'banI, 'never sing unless
you an sure of your pay.' I have fol
lowed Aibam's advice, and I really be
lieve my success has been l:rgclv duo
to my habit of insistiti;- upon payment
of my services after tho first act of the
opcM 1 am singing."
So much information about every
thing is now so easily obtainable that
there is little excuse lor ondnring many
of the small domestic worries to which
housekeepers and others are often sub
jected. Why, for instance, need any
one be inconvenienced by damp cup
boards when we road that a oowl ol
quicklime placed therein will speedily
absorb the moisture.
Flies are a familiar nuisance; but
we are told of a foreign remedy in lau
rel oil, which, better than glass fly
catchers and others, will not only rid
us of these pests, but preserves looking-glasses
and picture-frames when
coated with it.
It is not frequenters of restaurants
only who wonder why tho simple pre
caution of throwing red pepper pods
or a few pieces of charcoal into the
pan said to prevent odors from boil
ing ham, cabbage, etc. is not oftener
observed. Cooks are further reminded
that in roasting meat, salt should not
be put upon the joint before it is put in
the oven, as salt extracts the juice;
and that lime water will improve tho
eondition of old potatoes in boiling.
Economy In housekeeping would be
facilitated by the better observance of
what aro known in common parlance
as "wrinkles." For example, why
purchase inforior nutmegs when their
quality can bo tested by pricking them
with a pm r it tiioy are goou me on
will instantly spread around the punc
ture. It is worth recollecting that bar
soap should be cut inlo square pieces
and put iu a dry place, as it lasts bet
ter after shrinking. If wo wish to keep
lemons fresh for somo time we havo
only to place them in a jar of water
and change it every morning. in se
lecting flour we aro advised to look to
tho color. If it is white, with a yellow
ish straw-color tint, we should buy it;
but if it is white, with a bluish cast, or
with black specks, we should refuse it.
A deal of breakage among glass and
crockery can be prevented by the sim
ple precaution of piaciug'lamp-chim-neys,
tumblers and suoii articles in a
pot filled with cold water, to which
somo common tablo-salt has boon
added. Boil the water well, aud then
allow it to cool s'owi'. When the ar
ticles aro taken out and washed, they
will resist any sudden changes of tem
perature. Crape may be renovated by thor
oughly brushing all dust from the ma
terial, sprinkling with alcohol aud
rolling in newspaper, commencing
with the paper and crapo together, so
that tho paper may be between every
portion of the material. Allow it to
remain so until dry.
A better pian for removing grease
spots thau by applying a hot iron is to
rub in somo spirit of wine wi:h tho
hand until the gteaso is bruught to
powder, and there will bo no trace of
it. Every sciiool-boy is not aw are that
ink spots can bo removed from the
leaves of books by usiiur a solution of
oxalic acid in water; nor does every
housemaid know that "sp its" are eas
ily cleaned from varnished furniture
by rubbing it with spirit of camphor.
Marks on tables, cniticd by leaving
hot jugs or plates there, will disappear
undor tho soothing inliueiice of iamp
oil, woll rubbed in with soft cloth, fin
ishing with a little spirit of wine or
eau-de-Cologne, rubbed dry with an
other cloth.
It is worth whilo keeping a supply of
ammonia iu tho household, in case wo
wish to remove lingor-marks from
paint or require to cleanse brushes or
greasy pans. A leaspoonfiil in a basin
of warm water will majco hair brushes
beautifully white; but care must be
taken not to let the backs of tho
brushes dip below the surface. Rinse
them with clean warm water and put
in a sunny window to dry. ClKimburi'
It costs annually tl.20O.000 for links
tnd pins for tho freight trains in this
The latest nonsense In a decorative
way is lilting down windows with satin
patchwork iu place of stained glass.
In an old tenement that was recently
torn down in London thirteen cart
loads of cockroaches woro carried
A horse which trots a milo in 2:10
goes at the rate of 27 9-13 milo an
hour nearly the speed of a railroad
Tho annual consumption of imported
aud domestic cigars Is about sixty for
every man, woman and child in the
United States.
Wooden pavements aro now put
down in Paris on a concreto foundation,
and tho contractor guarantees them for
eighteen years.
A Frnnconlaville, Pa., man has a
rocking-chair 150 years old, and a pair
of scissors bearing the date 1180. Both
camo from Germany.
John Lowery, of Luzerne County
Pennsylvania, celebrated his hundredth
birthday July 26. Ho has used to
bacco for seventy years.
A bill is now before the Imperial
Parliament prohibiting women in Scot
land from standing on tho outsido of
any window while cleaning it.
In a mill in Connecticut nlcohol is
used to wipe off coriaiu portions of the
machinery. Some of tho employes get
stupidly drunk by sucking the sponges.
Tho Charleston News and Courier
says that Sullivan's Island, S. C, is
destined to become the leading sum
mer and winter resort of tho North and
"Eisrht hours' labor, eight hours'
loop, eight hours' play, and three dol
lars a day, " is the motto of the Miners'
Amalgamated Association of Peuusyl.
van la.
In a recent document put forth by the
Associated charities of Boston, it is
stated that the four oases of poverty
aro drunkenness, iguoranco, faainoss
and pride.
It is difficult to drown an Insect as
the water cannot outer tho pores of the
skin, but if a drop of oil bo applied to
tho abdomen it falls dead at once, be
ing suffocated.
The young woman of the period has
a deal of responsibility. Dr. Howard
Crosby says: "If all young ladies
wore what thoy should be, wo'd never
soo a dudo or a dog cart."
A tablespoonful of chloroform in
about four times as much water is an
infallible cure for cholera, says Gener
al Gordon of the New York Mining
Record, au old Cuban campaigner.
A San F'rancisco papor says that
there aro about 250 lepers in that citv.
aud tho number is increasing. It also
declares that San Francisco has become
the dumping ground for Asiatio cities.
I A Pennsylvania Judge has decided
: that pictures are not household furni
I ture because they "lack the Idea of
household utility that makes the basis
of the definition for household furni
ture." j Tho women of Ssu Francisco will
I found a cemetery for sailors. Two
i thousand sailors are kuown to have
been buried within the city limits since
! its foundation, aud the graves of but
lou are Known.
Major Andre, the spy, drew a por
trait of himself tho morning of the day
on which he was hanged. Ho stood
beioro a looking-glass and sketched
tho likeness. It is preserved in the
Capitol at Albany.
Dr. Seltzer, In the Boston Medical
and Surgical Journal, recommends
beef tea, mado very hot with red pep
per, for delirium tremens. A London
surgoon Is stated to have treated 150
cases successfully with this remedy
In a communication received in this
city, says the Philadelphia 1'imei,
Mnie. Marechesi, the famous Italian
teacher of opera singing, tells some
thing about how prime donne are made.
Marechesi is only the lady's profession
al name, as in private life she is known
as la Marquise de la Rajata de Cas
trone. "What is known as the grand
style," this lady says, "has almost en
tirely disappeared from the stage. Re-1
pose is now tne tning. Providing the
girl has a voice, it takes three years at
least to make a singer. American wo
men naturally have fine voices, but
they are so impatient they will not take
the timo to train them. They usually
bring a round sum of money and ask
you to put them through for ths just
as quickly as you can. The naKorJ
impatience of discipline is anothorl,
ficulty, so that it is almost impossible
to make them go through a regular
course. They insist on their own way,
will not take yours, and want to learn
opera airs right off. I consider a good
Btrong chest and healthy physique one
of the most essential things to make a
successful singer, and with it there
should go certain qualities of mind
energy, endurance and ixreat determi
nation." Of her pupil. Mile. Nevada
Marechesi says: '-She has fine natur
al feeling, a superb voice under thor
ough training, nnd the only trouble is I
fear she is singing too much. I was
glad to have her back with me in Par
is to put he.r 1 1: r jii her exorcises
onco more."
A thoughliul hu'.'.suv.'ifu is the Qdm,
of Italy, wiio, on hearing of tiie in
tended visit oi t'.e Crown Prince' to
Rome, at once ordered a German ci3
niere in order to treat her guest to hi
favoi'i'e homo di-h. Sim was heard to
say that she Weil roinembored her
grandfather, the late King of Su.vf'JJ;
smiliugly eonfi'ie to her after ono of
l,ho?o regular Italian dinners, '-'five,
indeed been worse off to-dny tnan the
ancient Christian martyrs. They fctid
btiiing oil apuiicd to their ho lies e
emally; I, alas, had to take it iainr
Some Martllo; Statements or OeneraJ
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, on being
asked when the training of a child should
bej?in, replied, "A hundred years before
it is born."
Are we to infer from this that this
generation is responsible for the condi
tion of the race a hundred years from
Is this wonderful generation the
natural result of the proper diet and
medicines of a hundred years ago?
It is conceded in other lands that most
of the wonderful discoveries of the world
in thiB century have come from this
country. Our ancestors were reared in
log cabins, and suffered hardships and
But they lived and enjoyed health to a
ripe old age. The women of those days
would endure hardships without ap
parent fatigue that would startle those of
the present age.
Why was it ?
One of the proprietors of the popular
remedy known as Warner's safe cure, has
been faithfully investigating the cause,
and has called to his aid scientists as
woll as medical men, impressing upon
them the fact that there cannot be an
effect without a caiiBe. This investiga
tion disclosed the fact that in the olden
times Bimple remedies were administered,
compounded of herbs and roots, which
were gathered and stored in the lofts of
the log cabins, and when sickness came
on, these remedies from nature's labora
tory were used with the best effects.
What were these remedies? What
were they used for ? After untiring and
diligent search they have obtained the
fortnular so generally used for various
Now tho question is, how will the
olden time preparations affect the peopjs
of thiH ape, who have been treated,
under modern medical Bchool and codes,
with poisonous and injurious drugs.
This test has been carefully pursued,
until they are convinced that the pre
parations they now call Warner's Log
Cabin remedies are what our much
abused systems require.
Among them is what is knows as War
ner's Log Cabin sarsaparilla, and they
frankly announce that they do not con
sider the sarsaparilla of so much value
In itself as it is in tho combination of
tho various ingredients which together
work marvelously upon the system. Thoy
also have preparations for other diseases,
such as "Warner's Log Cabin cough and
consumption remedy," "Log Cabin hops
and buchu remedy," "Warner's Log
Cabin hair tonic." Thoy have great
confidence that they have a cure for the
common disease of catarrh, which they
give the name of "Log Cabin rose
cream." Also a "Log Cabin plaster,"
which they are confident will supplant
all others, and a liver pill, to be used
separately or in connection with the
other remedies.
We l ope that the public will not he
disappointed in these remedies, but will
reap a benefit from the investigations,
and that the proprietors will not be em
barrassed in their introduction by dealers
trying to substitute remedies that have
been so familiar to the shelves of our
druggists. This line of remedies will be
used instead of others. Insist upon
your druggist getting them for you if he
uasirt uiem yet in sioca, anu we leei
confident that these new remedies will
receive approbation at our reader's
nanus, as the founders nave used very
caw in tbjir preparation.
Arlington Meat
Yarney & Putnum
Ai'liiiiitoii Or.
Issued March and Sept.,
L each year. It is an ency.
lolopedia of useful infor-
' matiou for ail wno pur.
chiise the luxuries or the
tiMOAaftii-lna nf lifA. Wl
0n olotho you and lurninh you with
All tne neoeasary aim uunwoaBwj
appliances to rida, walk, dance, sleep,
eat, fish, hunt, work, go to ohurch,
or tay at home, and in various siios,
atylea and Quantities. Just figure out
what is required to do all these things
COMFORTABLt. and you can make a lair
estimate ol the value of the BUYERS'
OUIDE, which will be sent upon
receipt of 10 oents to pay postage,
U1-U4 Michigan Avenue, Chioago, III.
l 'PASKgR'8 OlhOgR TONIOto;ol djljr.
r.irp in, oi.'uihI ixniitH.uiul inal i-ui et. w tin all imw tula
H;ut.iimHht'winti..iwof tiugh.WnkLunif, AnOuua,
lii.titwcttim, Imvurxl I'nin. Eihauction. lin!Uul.l for
IC-.i-unwuwjn, 1-Vniale Wikm, il tl puma aiitl dls.
uritoni ol th Stonvneh ami JJow1b. Wc. at lrugHtaw.
Tho Mft-flt, utvt avni txrnt un lrOom, Bunions. ,e
Stoiifl U1 ivain. Kif-mv com tort to ih IVi. N vr li
u omv 1 cut i Druxut Hiswx Cu,, N. V.
Of Interest to ladies.
VnwitlMBti PRE! SAMPLE of oar wondsrful
tweirie forf !URi compluiui to najUtiywho wiihe
to tt it ntBciicy ltir ureh.iiar. S:t J statu : for
Cu. BMklR'iMUYC0..-BttlMBiJAlih2.T.
3 1
w i
;-.- it it .
.-'fr. ts. y
r S I
If vou desire to purchase a sewinif machine,
ask our lfent at your place for terms and
DriceS. H you oamiui nun uu, ub'h "
Slrect to nearest address to you below named.
A k'ent.s at Heppnor, Or.
Pen rrriTtfitr.r.fi f'flf
" I3y Way of the
fSdufthern Pacific Co.
Quicker in Time than Any Other Route
Leave Portland -4 P. M. Daily.
Through Time, 39 Hours.
Portland and .Sail Francisco.
For Accommodation of Seeoud-Class
Passengers Attached to Express
Faro from Poi-tland to Karniiuetito am; Han 1'Yhu
eiseo: Unlimited, fla: Mint-draw. I.iiilittxl,
SCJO; Serond-Cluxn, Limited, 815.
TK'KF.T OKridi:
Corner 1? and Front Sta , Poitliinil. Oregon.
It, KOUHIiKIt, K. I. HOIlKltrj.
.Uuriaxer. Art. ii. F, nnd f'aH. At.
Those of otiv ltuly readers who
would like to have an elegftut,
lttrge package of extra fine, As
sorted Eibbons(by mail), in dili'er
ent widths mid all the latent fash
ionable shades; adapted for Bon
net Strings, Neckwear, Scarfs,
Trimming for Hats Dresses, Boys,
Fancy Work, &c, can get an aston
ishing big bargain, owing to the
recent failure of a large wholesale
Kibbon Manufacturing Co., by
sending only 25 cents (stamps,)
to the address we give below.
As a special ojfur, this house
will erive double the amount ot any
other firm in America if you will
send the names and P. O. address
of ten newly married ladies when
orderinc and mention tins paper,
No pieces less than one yard in
length, satisfaction is guaranted
or money cheerfully refunded,
Three packages for (JO cents. Ad
dress, London Eibbon Agency,
Jersey City, N. J,
Ely's Cream Balm
-11 11,n Vnanl VftlflAMd A T .
lava Inflammation. Heals the Sores.
Restores the Senses of Taste, Smell
and Hearing.
A particle la npplird lotoCRCh nostril and
la iKrernblr. Price SOc. at Drult or bv
Ball. ELY illiOTHJMiS,6o Warren Sl.New York.
0 C aiu sotn wtwni
U JSold lor toonu
til uutr- Bt
won a, ft
Vet timo
kdept)r. WtrrtBt!. Htrf
-vilM Oolil tluottns Cbm
Kifftnt Mini rutfalficent.
Uotti Uiile'nil caU'ilM
with work and -- of
fXl-atl TitO.li PERVOil
ineacn locaiuj cn secure on
I'HIiE. Hoffuthijpouibia!
id iu each loi'Ulty, to teep la
auiwer wnui one per
tklrhntne).tui aiiuw to thnao who cull, complete I tne ofoar
SUable tad JTJ WFuX MOl HKilOLI. M IHI'LbN.
eao mplea.M tho Watclt.Wv aeml free, and after jo
kue kepi them In yomr home far S moo tin ami Miown thtra
totlon who mar have clle.1, they become your cwu propcrtTj
It la potatble to make tht ivl olW. len-Uug the
OLUwtchindC!r Mmplrtsfn a, h tliu ihowlnn of
the ample In riy locality. a)w.m result tn n lm ye n mAo (or
after curiam ple tiavn txi ulna l-viUlj (or a tmtttth rtw
We aao&llr t rem OOO u Sr.CUM iu tra-lu ;rom tax
tdrrouudlDlt CoBDtry. in in, t.io n t w
rHiwo.la made i.n umer our imp;
,UCi. J a
tirrvj ttxjf CQ be fva, ?! .
te;mreoi m iniunn. iv-m
lor you to aliow UieK.inijJ; t
and jour rewai-d itiLt; i. iv
wulcn to write iiioi-wtl 1
io not rare to ro lui tiiv r. v h.
end jnur d.ll-en at fhw, ;
arm pi'iin bii
,.- i-.ieol
- ' , 'I'M. . Ut
Whn I My CmtB I do not mean merely to
top them tor a time, and than have them re
turn aialn. I asas A KADI14L i,lb&
I hara made Uia disease ol
CcbS the wont ca". icj-.uo oilier hava
failed no reason ioiMTOt uo v rwr m caro.
Setid at one iW a iroat:?o r.:U 1 HorrLB
and Port OflVe. It co ? r '.j lr a
trial, nd euro jia. A. :
H.C. ROOT, M.C-, US?t,.! S Rsw YC
Bin Ibis
mm h '
HEAD.fe yW
lirniinr.. r
The Heppner Gazette
Ib one of ilio best wetiklj-piipora published in
this c-wunty. Wo dt3in and endeavor to moke it
a welcome Ymitor each week. It is in fitct a pa
per tliat ought to be found in the home of every
resident of thia county. At the same time, in
thiB progref sire age. every farmer should have at
his fireside at leant one Rood, clean, pare, nonr
sectional agricultural journal, in addition to hio
home paper; one devoted to all tho pumaita in
which he ia engaged. He reeds it for himself.
He need it for his sons and daughters who are
growing into manhood and womanhood, nnd to
whom a paper of this charade, ia of incalcula
ble tienent.
Gat It Mli
To all Biibtteribers who are in arrears on sub
scription who will pay all due us and one year in
advance and twenty-live cents in addition, and to ,
all new Bubocribero who will pay one year in ad
vance and twenty-five cents in addition, we will
make a preHent of one yettr'f snbncription to such
an agricultural pttper. It is none other than
A larpe IK-page monthly m.wnzino, handsome
ly illustrated, neatly printed, folded, pasted and
trimmed. It ispabliuhed ut Fort Wnyuo, Ind.,
and haw for its object the betterment of the con
dition of the Farmer, the (Jitrdener, the Horns
breeder, the Dairyman, t lie Khepherd, the Poul
trymnn, and their houncholds, no matter where
thoy live, whether in the east, want, north or
sonth. It ih a pitpor of national circulat ion, go
ing into every fttate and territory ae well an in all
the Provinces of the Dominion of Canada- This
iu the opportunity of a lifetime.
The regular snpscription price of The Ameri
can Fanner it . i.UO per ;r. but both papers
will be sent for a little more than the price of
one. ('a)l ut thin oilice and see wimple copies of
thie popular rim'icultural ptiper and you will be
sure to t a It ft mlvantiif-'p of this nmirnihepiit offer.
.HKI'PNKlt GAZkXTK 2.00 per year in ad
vance. For .2.25 you can get both papers.
Notice is Imrpby p-ivfiti tlmt Hie undfrftitrned
haB been duly lippointi-d administrator f the -tato
of ThonntH i'nirhun-f, tJccpanHd. All pfMBOim
tiavins claiinmifrHi"3' said estate iipr rnqnired to
pnwnt the nnmo to m ?, legally verified, at Arling
ton, (iillinm county, Ores-'on, within hix moutliw
from the date of thin iMitic
Da4ed Oct. 22 1R8. 2UiJ.'i
Notice is hereby piven that the nnderslkrnpd
hnmhin tiny filed in the county conrt of Morrow
couiitv. On iron his final account m exeentor of
tho eHtateof Frank Matt dock deceased, and that
moiuiay, tne fitn a.ty or JNovemDcr. imhh, at a
o'clock P. M., has been appointed by Hiid court
for hear n k object ioiif) tti said linal account and
for sett lenient thereof. JOHN ii. MADDOl'K,
Dated Oct. H, 18t(S. Executor.
Lund Office ut La firHndn.Or..Oct. 4. 'Hfl.
Notice hereby veu t tial the foljowinff-named
rtettJer him Jiteti uorico or nis uit'cntion to make
final proof in unj.nort, of hia claim, and that H!iid
proof viil by in'L) before tbncoiirty clerk of
Morrow coii-.ty, Ut'tuQ, at Heppner. (Jreyoii, im
Nov. 24, lHtH, viz:
Frank W. Roberts;
3H No. KM, for the E BW M and HV HW M
Se-c. 88, Tii It 8. and Nii U NW h 8uo. t. Tp 4 8,
It 27 E. V. JI.
llenaiii-'H the following witneHHos to prove
niH couiiiiiioua, r.'sKiejicc upon, uui cuitivatKui
of, said land, viz:
E. ('. WaikiitH, K. J. Howard. E. A. Morgan
arid H. E. VVaikins, all tif llepimer, On'on.
AnypBJ'Hon wtto durjireti to protest apainut the
allowance of Hiich proof, or who known of any
Hubfiiantial reason, under the law and tho reula.
tioiiH of the interior department, why such proof
should Dot he at lowed, will be given an opportu
nity at the above mentioned timo and place to
croHK-examiiie the witncBKeB of said claimant,
and to orter evidence in rebuttal or that submit
ted hv claimant.
290-5 Henry Hinehaht. Register.
Land Office at La Grande. Or., Sept. 27, '88.
Notice in hereby triven that tho folio wine
named settlor has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in aupport of his claim, and
that said u roof will be made before the count v
judee of Morrow county, Or., or in his abnence
neroro trie ciorK ot saiu county, at lleppner, ur,
on Nov 15. viz:
Frank Hale,
Hd No. 3478, for the 8 NE M, NK SE M Soo.
24. Tp 8 S. K 27 E, and HW ! N W . Bee. . W, Tp
8 8, K 2M E, W. fti. -
lie names the following witnesBen to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
Hnid land, viz:
I). O. Mcl.aran. B. F. Walkius, Ham Hall and
Pell Simmiwon. all of Ilennnr. Oivtron.
Any person who desires to protest against the
allowance of such proof or who knows of any sub
stantial reason, nndorthelawandtiio regulations
of the Interior Denartmeiit, why Biich proof
should not be allowed, will be given an opportn-
niry at tne anove memionpa time and place to
crofSB-uxnminn the witnot-'Ses of said clnirnnnt.
and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submit-
tco ny claimant.
Land Office at La Grande, Or.. Rent. 27. 'fiR
Notice is hereby given thatthe following-named
settler has tiled his notice of intention to make
filial proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before the clerk of Morrow
county, at Jleppner, Or., on Nov, 10, 18R8 viz:
Dee W. Hurt,
P. 8. No. 8:l:7, for the HW !i Sec. 11, Tp 4 S, B 28
B. W.M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
John W. Daly. J. P. Hrown, Wm. Barton and
M. .T. Devin, all of Heppner, Oregon.
Any pprson who desires to protest against tho
allowance of snch proof, or who knows of any
substant ial reason, muter the law and the regulation-,
of the Interior Department, why snch proof
should not be allowed, will be given an opportu
nity at the above mentioned time and place to
cross examine the witnessesof said claimant, and
to offer evidence in rebuttal of that Bubmitted
ny claimant.
h9-(.4 Hknuy Hinehaht, liegiater,
Land OIHce nt La Grande, Or.t Sept. 24, '88.
Notice is herebv itiven that the following.
named settler hits filed notice of her intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will he made before the county
ciers or Morrow county, ur., or m nis absence
oet. ire tne ciertc or saiu county, at lleppner Ur.
ouNov. 12, ltsH8, viz:
Lena M tinker.
D. 8. 8584, for the N E H N E M Heo 18, N H N W
U aed S K k N W U Sec 17. To 8 S. K 28 E.
He names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon ana cultivation of,
said land, viz:
John Daly, llasraiifl Larson, Thomas Buckley
ana i nas. Stewart, all ot Heppner, uron.
2H8-1I3 Henry Kink hart, itegistor.
Any person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof , or who knows of
any substantial reason, under the law and the
regulations ot the interior Department, why
such proof should not. be allowed, will be ariven
an opportunity at the above mentioned time and
place to cross-examine the witnesses of said
claimant, and to offer eri donee iu rebuttal of
that submitted by claimant.
Land OIHce at Ln Grande. Or., Sept. 21, '88.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that the said proof will be made before the
county judge, or iu his absence before the connty
clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon,
on Nov. 9, lfc&j, viz:
Joseph Crank,
Htt. 2M8. for the E 4 N E I4 8 W N E !4 S E H
N W h. Sec Tp 8 S. H 27, E W M,
Hfl names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upou, and cultivation of.
said land, viz;
John Zollinger, Frank Hale, Pell SimiBon and
Smith llurch.allof Heppner, Oregon.
xv-y3. Henry Hinebaut, Kegister.
Any person who desires to protest aainst the
allowance of such proof, or who knows of any
substantial reason, under the law and the regu
lations of the Interior Department, why such
proof should not be allowed, will be jjiven an
opportunity at the above mentioned time and
place to cross-examine the witnesses of said
claimant, aud to offer evidence in rebuttal of
that submitted by claimant.
t'attle branded nnd ar-marked as shown above.
Horse 1' on risht shoaldor.
thir cattle raagt in Morrow. Gillian., Umatilla
and Wasco couatiee. We will pay MiKMX) re
warvl for tne arrest and eomiction of any person
tWinjj our utock.
Oregon Railway and
LeaTing Steamship Wharf, Portland, at 12 mid
night, an fuiluwH:
otcumer. Day. Dato.
Polumbia JS.it u iday ... . 8-pt. 1
OrKun Wednesday.. :' 5
State of California. . Sunday ' N
Columbia Thm-aday.... ' J:l
Oregon IMonday ' 17
Stuto of California. .IFriday " 21
KtdiT I'fuewtiiy "
Oregon (Saturday " 29
Leaves Spear Street Wharf, San Francisco, at 10
A. AI. us iuuowb:
Stnteof Oilifumia- Tuesday ,
Columbia - Saturday ....
Oretron Wednesday.,
State of California -I Sunday
Elder Tlmrsdny....
Oregon ------- -IMonday
Strtte of California.. tEritlay
The company reserves the ribt to change Steam-
Cabin, $10.00; Bteorage, $B.0O; Rcund Trip, un
limited, $80.00.
No freight will be received on morning of sail
ing, except fruit and veRotables, and these will
not be taken after 0 A. M,
OFFICES. San Francisco, General Office, No.
10, Markot street: Ticket Offices, U84 Murkut and
214 Montgomery streets.
Portland Ticket Office, First and Oak Streets.
W. H. HOLOOMB. a. l. maxwell,
General Manager. i. P. & T. A.
Great English Remedy.
Trade Ma
A guaranteed cure for all nervous
diseases, such af Weak Memory,
Loss of Brain powor. Hysteria,
Headache Pain in the Back. Ner
vous Prostration, Wakefulness,
Leucorrh(ta, Universal Lassitude
Seminal Weakness, Impotency.
and general loss of power of the
Generative Ortrans in either sex
causttd by indiscretion or ovor ox.
eition. and which ultimately lead
to Premature Old Ak. Insanity
Before Taking
and consumption, fl.00 a box TrnflaHwn.
or six boxes tor $:.uu. oont uy
mail on receipt of price Full
particulars in pamphlet sent flee
to evory uppUcant.
We Guarantee 6 boxes
to cure any case. For every $5
orflr tiiMtvod we send sixboxi
and a written u'tiuraiitee to re" AfterTaklllg
fund tho money if our Spocific does not f-ffoct a
cure. Address all communications to the sole
manufacturers, the
Kansas City, Mo.
Sold in Heppner by A. 1). JOHNSON A CO., sole
aut nts.
While you keep your subscription paid up yon
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Ailen, J H, Adamsville Horses, tiouble II side.
wiBe on left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip
Adkins, 0 K Horses. X rip;lit bhoulder; cut
tie, A V on ritcht aide.
Adkins, J J Horwii, ,TA connected on lofj
flan k; cattle, same on left hip.
' Jilackman, Henry.-Cattle, on left edie
linage, Joe Hector's pnstnre.
lileakman, Geo., ilitrdmau Horses, a flag on
left shoulder; cattle, same on rixht shoulder.
Bennett, Cy Horses, B on left shoulder.
HeiiKO, Mrs C A B on left shoulder; ear-marl
of catt le, crop off and split in loft and upper half
crop ott right.
Brown, J C Horses, circle C with dot in can
teron left, hip; cattle, same.
Boyer, W O, Lena Horses, box brand or rM
hki cattle, same, with sol it. in etmli uar
Born, 1. O. Horses, P B on left shoulder; cat
tle, same on loft hip,
lirien, T. F., Lone Hock. Horses o with bar
nnuer amy over on rifrnt snoumor.
Bart on . j W i" H oraes, J B on rinht th i tjh cattle,
same on right hip;split in each ear.
Cook, A. J., Lena Horses, WJon right shoul ter:
Cattle, same on right hip: ear murk atjuare oro
utF left und split in right.
Curriu, li V- Horses, to on left stifle,
uningliau.e, W B, Newton Kanch Horses
with figure 'J under it on left shoulder; cat;
same on left !aip and '.high, loft ear square cut
y ox iY, juignsii, nammau Caitle, C with i in
center; norsos. t it on Jeit iip.
Cason, J P Horses, C on lef!i 'fly, cattJf
connected on left hin. i! duUnti t.n :i.i:-k.
Dm bin. Sol & Suns. Hock villa or An ttl po.
nurse ivwun oar over 11 on leit atioutilcj
tie, tv i.,, both hips.
Oouglass, W M Caltlo, R D on right side, aval
low-fork in each ear; horses, R D on left hin.
Fleck. Jackson. Horses, IF connected on
right shoulder; cattle same nn right' hip.
ivir mai K, nolo in rignt anu crop on lelt.
Lit iialten. John W. llorHpn binmlnfl l.,lfni..
cie JL connected on left shoulder. Cattle, same
inn. iiiji. jmiiK-f. "fin uexingion.
Florence, L A Cattle, LF on right hip; horao-i,
r with bar under on right shoulder.
Fell. T E Horses, F with half-circle above am1
below 011 left hip.
Florence, S P Horses, F on right shoulder
cattle, F on right hip or thigh.
Armstrong. J. C. Acton T with bur tiTiflur i
on left shunkler of horecs; cattle sume on left
Gay, Henry GAY on loft ehoulder.
Gohle, Frank Horses, 7 Fon left stifle; cattle
same on right hip.
Hunsakor, B A. -Horses, 8 on left Bhoulder: oat
tie, Hon left hip.
Humphreys, J ivl Hardmaii-Horsoa, n on left
Hayes, J M Horses, wineglass on left Bhoulder
cattle, same on right hip.
Jones. J H, Haiti man Horses, J with shade
over 11 on ion wiouiuer.
Johnson, Felix Horses, circle T on left stifl
cattle, same on right hip, under half crop in rig
and split in left ear.
Kirk. J T Horses 69 on left shoulder; catt
69 on left hip.
Kirk, J C Horses, 17 on either flank; cattle
on right side.
Larsen, Rasmus Horses, H L on left hip.
Lewis, J li. Lena Horses, P with over it on
left shoulder.
Miller, C.E. Horses C with M on inside on
left shoulder.
Morgan, 8 N-Horses, M ) on loft shoulder
cuttle, same on left hip.
Met umber. Jas A, A twood Horses, M with
urn uvfr 011 rigiu snouiuer.
Morgan, Thos Horses, circle T on left shoul
der and left thigh; cattle, Z on right thigh.
Mitchell, Oscar, Pettysvitle Horses, 77 on right
hip; cattle, 77 on right side.
Mason, Jos, Pettysville Cattle, JM connected
upper crop in each ear, dulap on throat; horses,
JM on left shoulder.
McClaren, D G Horses, Figure 5 on eaoh shoul
der; cattle, M2 on hip.
McDougald. H Horses, HD connected on loft
Neel, AnnVew, Lone Rock Horses AN een
neeted on left shoulder: cattle same 011 both hips
Newman, W. H.-Horses N with half circl
over it on left shoulder.
Nordyke, E Horses, circle 7 on left thigh; cat
tie. same 011 left hip.
Oiler, Perry. Lone Rock P O on left shon.der
Pearson, Olave.-Horses, circle shield on left
shoulder and 24 on left hip. Cattle, circle shield
on left hip. Range on Eight Mile
Pearson, Jas., Pino City.-Horsee h2 on left hip
low down.
Parker A Gleaaon. II urdm an Horses IP on
left shoulder.
Piper, J. H., Acton Horses. JE connected mi
left shoulder; cattle, sume ou left hip. under bit
m each ear.
Rood. Andrew, Hard in an Horses, square cross
with quarter-circle over it on left stifle.
Reiiingur. Chris Horses. C R on left shoulder.
Reeh.r. J W Horses. Jo on left shoulder.
Rule. It. S. Cattle branded K 8 on left hip.
Horses same brand on left shoulde.
Spray, J. F. Horses branded SF connected on
right shoulder: cattle same on both hi pa.
SontV. .1 . C Hi.rnfit. I.run.lI W r.n f.,l.t 1 1
der. eattl branded S on the right hip aud a
smooth crop off of the left ear.
Straight W. E. Horses shaded J 8 on left
stifle; cattle J S on left hip, swallow fork in right
ear, underhit ir. left.
Bayer, Robt -Horses, 8 on right shoulder; esttl.
square on riirht hip and S on right shoulder.
Bwngimri. L, Alpine Ht rses. B S oa rich
Bail 1 1, Ihos Horses. BAPmi left hin- .rtU
same on left hip.
Shobe. Ur A J Horses. DS on on l-ft hip; cat I
tie, same on left side, wattle on left side of neck '
ears cut sharp at point,
Utevvneoi., Mm A J-Cuttle, 8 un riuht hip ;
swalluw-fork in left ear.
Shelton & Htm Horses. 8 on its side over an
on left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
Sperry. E G Cattle, W C on leff hip. crop 08
nght and under bit in left ear, dulap; horses. W C
on left shoulder.
Swaggart, G W Horses. 44 on left shoulder:
Stewart. Geo.. HnntmnnW.. .;).
left shoulder,
cattle, 44 on left hip.
Thompson, J A Horses, 5 on left shoulder
cattle, 2 on left shoulder.
lionets, a I Horses. C on left shoulder.
Wade. Henrv. HnrseM hrandM. i.f aiutilaa
on left shoulder and left hio. Cattle branded
same on left s:de and left hip.
VtalbruWe W E Horses branded U Lon left
fhontder, cattle U L on right hip. Bangs on
Balm Fork.
Wells, A 8 Horses, on left boulder; oattl
w viand. J H, Hardm an Circle C n left thtgl
Woodward. John HnrsM. 17 P AnnntvtaH !
left shooltier. i
Wallace. ritarie-Cattle. W on Hhtthih vu
in left ear: horees, W on right shoulder, som !
same on left shoulder. j
Wren, A A Cauls, running AA with bar across !
on i if hi hip. j
The treatment of many thousands of cases
of those chronio weaknesses and distressing
ailments peculiar to females, at the Invalids'
Hotel and Burtfiosi Institute. Buffalo. N. Y.,
has afforded a vast experience In nicely adapt
ing and thoroughly teatlnff remedies for the
euro of woraan'8'poculiar maladies.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite rrescrtption
is the outgrowth, or result, of this great and
valuable experience Thousands, of testimo
nials, received from patients and from physi
cians who have tested It iu the more aKf-rra-vated
and obstinate casus which bad buttled
their skill, prove It to be the most wonderful
remedy ever devised for the relief and cure or
suffering- women. It Is not recommended as a
"cure-all," but as a most perfect Bpecitio for
woman's peculiar ailments.
As a powerful, iiivlfforatliiff tonic,
it imparts strength to the whole system,
and to the womb and its appendages in
particular. For overworked, ' worn -our,"
' run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners,
dressmakers, seamstresses, "Bhop-prlrls," house
keepers, nursing mothers, aud feeble women
generally, Ur. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
is the greatest earthly boon, being unequaled
ns an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic.
As a sootliiiia; aud Btreugtlieiiliis;
nervine, "Favorite Prescription" is ime-
aualed ana Is Invaluable in allaying and flub
uing nervous excitability, irritability, ex
haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and
other distressing, nervous symptoms com
monly attendant upon functional and organic
disease of the womb. It induces refreshing
sleep and relievos mental anxiety and de
spondency. Or. iMerce's Favorite Proscription
Is a legitimate medicine carefully
compounded by an experienced and skillful
physician, and adapted to woman's delicate
organization. It is purely vegetable in its
composition and perfectly harmless in its
effects in any condition of the system. For
morning sickness, or nausea, from whatever
cause arising, weals: stomach, indigestion, dys
pepsia and kiudred symptoms, its use. In small
doses, will prove very beneficial.
" Favorite Prescription Is a posi
tive cure for the most complicated and ob
stinate cases of leucorrhea, excessive flowing,
painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions,
prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak baok,
female weakness, ante version, retroversion,
bearing-down sensations, chrome congestion,
inflammation and ulceration of the womb, in
flammation, pain and tenderness ln ovaries,
accompanied with " internal heat."
As ft regulator and promoter of func
tional action, at that critical period of change
from girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite Pre
scription" is a perfectly safe remedial agent,
aud can produce only good results. It is
equally effloacious and valuable in Its effects
when taken for thoBe disorders and derange
ments incident to that later and most critical
period, known as " The Change of Life."
' Favorite Prescription." when taken
ln connection with the use of Br. Pierce's
Golden Medical Disoovery, and small laxative
doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pellets (Little
Liver Pills), cures Liver, Kidney and Bladder
diseases. Their combined use also removes
blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and
scrofulous humors from the system.
" Favorite Prescription' is the only
medicine for women, sold by druggists, under
a positive guarantee, from the manu
facturers, that it will give satisfaction ln every
case, or money will be refunded. This guaran
tee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper,
and faithfully carried out for many years
I.arge bottles (UK) doses) $1.00, or eil
bottles for $5.00.
For large, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of
Women (160 pages, paper-covered), send ten
cents in stamps. Address,
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
663 Itlala St, BUFFALO, N. V.
h'M ';:v.'; .'.N Musta.s'o Liniment, renetratcs
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This popular remedy neYer falls
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blnatloai of the oil with the hypopftoai
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Pcruu gali rapldlj wkll taUag It.
SCOTT8 EMULSION is acknotrledaed b
Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa
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