THE GAZETTE. HEPPKEB, THURSDAY, NOV. 1. '88. TBB OREGON NATIONAL GUARD. Tarn Oregon National Guard is now an rgsniration requiring mnoh of its roeni bert and giving comparatively nothing In ratnra. The lswt o( Oregon state tbnt "The military toroes of this state, when in the utiml service of the state, in time of -ar, insurrection, invasion, or imminent danger thereof, shall, during their time of servioe, t entitled to the same pay, ration and allowances for clothing as are at tbe same time Billowed by law in tbe army of tbe United States. "No offioer, no non-commissioned of 8or, musician, or private shall receive any compensation from the state during time of peace, except as in this act pro tided: "The adjutant-general shall reoeive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars, which shall be in full for all duties per formed under this act. ' "When in attendance at annual mus ter or oamp of instruction, the Oregon National Guard shall reoeive tbe follow ing compensation per diem: Non-oom missioned officers, musicians, and pri vates, one dollar and fifty cents; lieuten ants, two dollars: oaptains and staff offioers, three dollars; general officers four dollars. In addition thereto, eaoh officer and enlisted man of tbe Oregon National Guard shall be entitled to one Hon Der day while in attendance at said muster or oamp of instruction." In time of neaoe, all members of tbe 0. N. G. are rexuired to attend drills and inspections of their respective companies. and any failure to do so is punishable by fine, collected by tbe justice of the peace fihonld an; member fail to attend the drills and inspections for thirty days, such member is liable to a dishonorable discharge, whioh not only casts an ever lasting stigma on the oharaoter of the person, but takes away all rights of suf frage. In all cases a legal exouse for oon-atttendance is scoepted by all courts of discipline. There are many cogent reasons why members of the 0. N. G. should be paid for time taken in meetings. Many of its most active members are business men who must, of course, Buffer considerable inconvenience in attending to all duties required Af them as members. While every reasonable member will agree that without discipline such organ ization oannot exist, they do believe that it would be nothing more than justice for every member to receive some com pensation as an active member of tbe O. N. G. Such an arrangement would have tbe effeot of making a much stronger and harmonious organization. The military vnlAa rAirarriinir health, hnicrlifc. weitfht etc, oould then be more closely adhered to, and the result would be that we would have a military organization of picked men, who would take more inter est in its welfare. It is to be hoped that the members of tbe Oregon National Guards will peti "an the next legislature for suoh I uinge in our present laws bb is mention jabovc, believing that it will be to the flUrest of the organization to do so, and ioe as will be required of it. the front with the only three others that exceed this ono in height: Townsend'B, 454 feet unci Ten nant A Co.'s, 435 feet, both in Gluscow, Scotland, and Dubson & Barbotirs's. 3(!7 feet, in Bolton, England. This Clark chimney weighs 5,000 tons, cost (30,000 and required 150 days of nine hours each in construction. The Scientific Ameri can, in a description of it says: "The Clark chimney was erected under the su perintendance of their foreman, Mr. Cunningham. From the point of view of architectural beauty, as well as perfection of structural features, too much credit can not be awarded to all concerned in its erection. It is of in terest to note that no workman was in jured in any way during the progress of the work. The builders have allowed for about six inches of sway, which is about tho amount of motion antii iputud during a violent blow." Tub lust three years have not heeu al together satisfactory to the rancher in Morrow, particularly in the lower purt of the county. This year, crops were produoed that were mncb better than the most sanguine expeoted early id the season. It is notioeable that those who plow deep, stirring up the soil thorough ly, bave a much better crop than whore the land is half farmed. To succeed nt farming tbe same as everything else, tho work must be done thoroughly, and we believe the poople are beginning to un derstand it that way. Those who have energy and pluck will in a few years have neat residences, large and commodi ous barns, and receive the reward of gen eral prosperity, which, if due to any, bould be their portion. 'It would be a good idea for our coun ty court to offer a bounty for squirrel eoalps. This season, many crops were destroyed by these pests, that would have bri fair otherwise. This plan works well and would eventually thin them out till not a sufficient number would re main to do any damage. STATISTICAL SLUSH. Tbe following is the value of taxable property in Morrow county and other foots, taken from the books of our ac commodating olerk : Aorea of land, 110,770- Value " 9 388,118. " " Lota 102,831. Improvements on Lots, 151,512. lldae. and Implements, 204,532. Household Furniture, 57,016. Number of Horses, 8,042. " Cattle, 7,304. Value of Horses and Cattle, 9 112,281. Number of Sheep, 130,951- Value, S 175,854' Number of Swine, 1,718. Value, $ 4,117. Grow Value of property in coun- ty, $1,908,436 Indebtedness, Exemptions, Value of Taxable Property County, Number of Polls, 9 052,436. 8 255,000. in $1,009,794 771. The oonnty vault ia nearing comple tion. The doors are in poaition and are the beat Hall pattern. MORROW COUNTTS WEALTH. The following is a list of the tax pay ers of Morrow county who pnf on $1(XX and upwards: TAX PAYERS OVEH $1000. CL Andrews $ 1 340 A Andrews 1 209 Robert Coppock 1 1"9 MSCorrignll 2 032 WBFinley 2 203 W C Onllnher 12 Mrs WH Hides 2 897 T J Kirk... 3 321 Frank Lyons 2 625 BF Swaggart l 2ns 1 163 1 820 1 020 1 830 AM Stafford Sheltou &Son Mrs L M Thompson H C Thompson M L Waters 1 700 J H Cuuninghum 1 585 Bauernfiend Bros 2 521 Wm Cecil 4 080 Wilford Ceoll 2 025 O T Douglas 8 133 Ed Holloway 1 005 JWRedford 2 100 J J Adkins 3 432 T W Avers 15 523 W G Boyer 1 070 A J Breeding 1 023 P O Borg 1 595 EB Bishop 2 610 FDCox 2 450 HEClnrk 1080 A Crebtree 1 57C PCohu 132; L TDodsou 1 785 BN French 400 J M Fisher 3 170 AMGtinn 2 070 SPGurrigues 2 800 Garrigues & Rodders 1 350 Gilliam & Coffey 3 100 Harrington & Co 5 800 John Hughes : 4 104 J M Hager 7 390 G W Harrington 2 670 Hayes Bros 1090 W L Houston 2 375 Heppner & Blackman 15 000 Mat Hughes 13(H) Wm Hughes 6 350 Noise Jones 0 800 James Jones 8 515 Kirk & Younggren 1 090 W A Kirk 1 175 Thoa Morgan 2 810 Mrs L A Leezer 1 325 Press Looney 5 730 Leezer & Thompson 0 713 Stephen Lnlund 5 748 Charles Liud 3 975 Mat Liohtenthnl 2 317 JWMarlatt 2 910 E Minor 6 800 Thomas Marlatt 1725 E L Matlook 3 104 JGMuddook 25 000 MoClarau Bros 2 580 T J Matlock 4 600 OMMnllory 2 050 Wm Mitchell 1 280 Mrs Lucy Muddook 4 000 JB Natter 7 400 Otis Patterson 1 200 ThosQuaid 9 095 Rush Bros 13 025 O A Rhea 13 490 Frank Sloan 1 200 Ed Siding 4 834 Mrs E J Smith 5 000 E R Swinburne 8 150 AJShobe 3 600 C R Tuyleur 2 905 HHTlmmmnn 3 410 . 'r m, .......... . .'. 17 1574 Albert Wright 4 485 AS Wells 2 001 T J Allen 3 600 Ed Clufl 1 156 John Gordon 2 (() J M Hamblot 1 818 JH Mathews 1 405 OMitohell 1 E61 J H Miller s 1 135 Henry Fudberg 4 495 A 0 Petlys 2 082 A Royso 1 219 EGSperry 8 037 II M Thornton 1 800 Thos. Bronghton 2 603 W J Da vis 1000 T W Halloy 1 77! H MoFailand 8 030 A 8 Parkins 1 012 Wm Peulnnd 40 000 Fllrnney 1 070 Thos ltonnny 1 530 A Roaney 1 431 Mrs 11 A Summers 1 200 Wm Ayers 1 715 W A & J F Ayers 1 510 Jerry Brosman 2 458 A N Crawford 1 730 OR Onto 8 015 Chas Cunningham 10 710 W M Douglas 5 758 Jus Dougherty 2 070 Ed Day 4 955 Jiimasou A Wulkor 5 910 Felix Johuson 4 789 Henry James 4 50-1 Mrs Emma Kiloup 2 028 Mike Kouny 1 (MS John Mullally 1 215 CD Matlock . 2 875 F II Sherman 2 625 J A Thompson. 7 821 George Vinson 1 395 John Walker 3 990 J M Waddoll 1 000 John Burkor 8 478 A J Basey 1 500 J J Galloway 3 731 J A MoCtuubcr 3 195 Powell Bros 2 418 Shaw Bros 1 350 Thrasher & Sou 2 425 Joe Vny 11 675 George Cruyue 1 HS0 J 8 Vnuolevd 1 875 Chas Anderson 1224 Mrs Duutou 1 280 S I Oerking 1 003 L Hustou 3 120 Wm Houdrix 939 J O Hayes 2 223 W Molleo 1 IK Thos 11 Morgim 1 220 Allon & Son 3 309 Silas Brown I 800 G W Cbapin 020 LW Coleman 4 081 English A Co 3 420 EC English 1 170 Wm Farrier 1 287 WB Gilliam 2 353 J M Humphrey 1 821 JN Hogue 1 076 JaoobJohnson!""!''"''.; 1 200 Kahler liroB 5f12t tmu, or ooimtuutly; if tho ukui ia , 8 W Miloa 6 OS5. Parker & Glotinon 15 8M) Freil Foppou - 1 7S0 A Bowl . 10 m W H Ryuo 2 075 A E Wriyht i 7'J3 ORAN Co 147 GOO Western Union T Co 2 610 I Brown 1 Huh Bishop &' Bisbce 5 750 Wm Gilliam 1 055 Lntlier Hamilton 1 430 FL Jones 1 190 Kirk & Son 2 896 J C Kirk 4 158 D H Leathermau I 119 Silas A Wright 2 SOS Robt Sayer 1 008 TLDormim 1 998 John Geinger 1 405 Joseph Mason 1 270 W J McAtee.. 1 018 W H Yerkes 2 999 David Baker 1 519 R F Wiluiot 1 5.'53 II J Hale 1 221 G Gregory 1 200 I G Hewison 1 000 J II Irvine 1 400 Hugh Me Arthur 1 500 Nat Webb 5 722 Stage Company 3 400 T J Onllaher 1 290 Levi Anlteny 1 200 John N Elder 2 415 f R Howard 1 225 E Houdrix 3 517 Minor, Dodson & Co 8 140 B B Mann 2 208 J L Morrow & Son 6 848 Newton Ranch Co 11 925 J P Rhea 3 22 E D Rood 8 136 HINTS ABOUT ADVERTISING. Considerable truth is boiled dowu by the Troy Times in the following: ''The man who says he does not bo- lieve in advertising, is doing just what he pretends to despiso. He hangs coats outside his door, or puts dry goods in his windows-that's advertising. Ho sends out drummers through the conn try, or puts his name on his wagon that's advertising. Ho labels his articles, or manufactures that's advertising. If he has lost a cow, he puts a written no tice in the postoflicG, or tells his sister in-law -and that's advertising too. He has his name put in gilt letters over his door -and that is also advertising. He paints his shop groon or red, or, if a doc tor, ho has his hoy call him out of church in haste; if an auctioneer, he bellows to attract the attention of the passers by: if a heavy merchant, he keeps a huge pile of boxes ou his sidewalk in front of his store, and all for advertising. A man can't do business without advertising uud the question is whether to call to his aid the engine that move tho world the priutig proHH with its thousands of mes sengers working night and day; or, re jecting these, go back to tho time when newspapers, telegraphs and railways were unknown. But adverlisiug ooulsmiouoyl So does everything else that is worth having." HE LET OUT SCHOOL. Hohool-house in Georgia. Slim buy ( addressing teacher) What time dopa yo' blame shebang shot down? Teacher What do you mean by thus addressing me? Sit d wn there until you have learned better manners. . Boy sitii down, but soon booomos rest less. Teaoher Stop scouring around on that seat. What do you mean? Boy Moan that I kaiu't set still. Teacher What makes you so restless? Boy Wauler get outon here. Tonoher-What for? i miy wy, 1 noarn some feller bol!e down ynnder in the bottom jest now, nu' I bet he's treed a coon. Teacher (with enthusiasm) Why didn't you say so just now. Why did you want to keep such important information! Children, put up your books. We will go down and sec about that coon. Ed ucation can afford to rest, but a 00011 up a trcois something to be looked after nt once. Arkitnsuw Traveler. WANT THE TERRITORIES ADMIT TED. The national Presidential election drnwoth nigh not days off. I am in hopes that the result of the coming election will be favorable to the admittance of the Territories into the Union as States. Sunny Clime. Then pull out of your forms, "Neutral in Politics," and aluue the rooster that has boon or owing for your Victory job-press, around under "For Harrison and Morton." Be con sistent, girls, if you dou't catch u ohuu. AuulV'i It'iliiiiMMi Ci-usi'p. Professor Lee, of Bowdoin College, who Hcompnniod the Albatross expedi t-ion as it naturalist, tells of n curious ex perience hi the South Paeillo Ocean. Years ago the Eeudor Government plant ed a convict colony 011 Charles Island, ono of the Galapokos group. The 0011- vicis revolted, killed the Governor, and escaped, leaving behind pigs, cuttle, donkeys, anil horses. Since that time uo one was thought to live tnere, nnd at Chatham Island, another of the group. tho Albatross party were told that Char les Island was entirely deserted. They were, therefore, rather surprised when they visited Cnarles Island to coino up- ou a man nearly naked, carrying u pig on his back. He was quite na surprised as they, and was nt lirst ill great fear, but finally they got him to tnlk. His hair uud beard had grown to great length, nod ho had lost all notion of time. Ho said that soma years before he had come from Chat haul Island with a party in search of a certain valuable moss, that he hud deserted his compan ions, who had gone off without him, mid that since that time he had been uloue ou tho island. Ho had lived on fruits and herbs, had captured wild cattle I'.v setting traps for them, killed them with u spear mado by tying his pocket-knife t a stick, and from their hides ninko a anil. He was glad to sec men ag lin and asked to bo taken back to (Hat ham, hich was giautcd, of course. - eir Yirk Sun. hich Whs ll? Huron ur Sli.tkcsiM'io'O. Tho authorship of the dramatic pro ductions attributed to the last of tho above named is agitating literary circles to the very centre, hut atlects the practi cal masses far less than the momentous question, how I 1 regain or preserve health, that essential of bodily and men- i tal activity, business success and the "pursuit of happiness." We can throw fur more light ou this latter subiect than i the most profound Shakespearian cnu j ou question tirst propounded. It the THt l1!? ."T. ";.if yollow mul tongue furrtul ns iu lulums. iit'ss; it thore bw DrtMtuttiitorv twintros of utioumitiK rhtMimitlisiu tr tiourutuiti; if tho kidney mo imu'tive uso lloa trttpi' Stomiu'U Hilterji, tho twt recu poi tint of 4M ntsi prohlk-in bcntdicinl and durn't-Ksful ie uptius lit'tnomlHT, if umlnriu tlire;itpu or ittllicts, tlmt it ueu triihzea tho jioinuu nmt for titles tho b8 If m. THEIR OFF DAY. 1 he Sunny Clime women folks ks i-ivt frm tbi oilic which they talk about like this: "Oh, my I a mere exjr -s ion of go.,l will ami friendship is stark nouglit mere wind next to nothing. I n?v.-r t ilk fiddle faddl.-, except, pei, if I were in my cups." An indirect ucousution of firing tnu-b at the girls while laboring under the enthusiasm produced by rr.m. Too bid, but we'ro not gniitv of that, never in dulging even in the Climer's favorite beverage of hard cidor. Siuce frank ness is 11 oharaoteristio of their sheet, we'll make a few rem irks of like nature. A friend of ours, a likely youth, drank hard ciiler under the delusion that it. was a sort of an innocent beverage, and rom his n a tdlin condiiiou utter swillii g said non-intoxicant, it's no wonder thai these fair girls occasionally get up in the morning "wrong eud to," and ou their off day, get into our looks, rjgura tivoly expressing it, and make us wish that we had never said it. Ol we smile to think how clever you rate yourselves. Biliousness requires pills. It Only Cost tlini 815 to Admire tlie Beau tiiul School Girls of St. Lonta and IHftobey tht! I'uiiee. John Thieie is the name of a young mail who tried to rebuke police iuW. feionce at St. Louis ou Oct. 22Kaudf ai I ed to succeed. The officers have orders to permit no youu m-in to stiyid at the Polytechnic school while scholars are going in or lettiu,;, out. On tlui.ubovi'f date about 9 o'clock, as tho ros-cIii,"ekoJ . Ml girls attending school there were hasten ing into tho building, Thieie stood at the door gazing nt the panorama of beauty ns it passed. Officers Collins and Burns ordered him avay, but he iS fused to go. Ho insisted on remaining there and enjoying himself, so thiiy finally arrested him. This morning lie was before Judge Cady, who in passing on the case, said: "ifoiiiig man, you evidently have an eye for uoauty. As tho young ladies attending that school aro decidedly handsome, and you enjoy ed a view of all the girls attoudinj; the school, I think it is not asking too much to require you to pay . $15 for what you saw." HHi;UH'l?'B BAMO, Nntine in hmeby k'vhii trmt uimW uml by rirtue T ft'i (ji:i.!CUiioii ii-uifd of t uf tint Circuit Court of -'.im huU.H cif Omfcim for Urn County ol: Morrow, mul i,o nif ilirticujii and dli vriml, upon a judg-iiiu-it if iiiV.wi mul f in Htiiil Court o.i Hie ! Ii day of Nfo.mulmr. lfHH. in Tivor of ,1. li. N:its IMntn il; mid ttKuinrit S. II. i--v vob mul .Inry K. Ken vert i't at., Lkf"tl.ui. h, for tiia sum of o-itt Imodmi mul wiv.'-iiy-ii vo tiollnrH Willi interest at ( Uf KIM' of I" pi'rciMit. P'ti" iiiiiiiiiii fron June i lie ;intli, !;:, tuui I liuHiim of twenty dollar atior iieyV, i.Vc'4 anil thu fiirllifr mmi of t.WH iiyFoiir dollu'-r! a ul timet y-iu'Jt) ewitH for costs unri the m tur riin,k. a id. whnrcas. m said . iiumnn- u was oidfMTd mid iiljud..fil that tti following dc- Ht'rul"tl propert.v, town: nui vv '4 01 ")v y of Son. 'J'p. t. of K w- !u m'" row Coii'uy, Oregon, bn wold tOMntinly said inde nted, mid nil coHis, 1 wi-'l, oil 31umhiv,tlie !!Hli Day of November A. I. 1888 At 2 o'clock V. M , of said day, in front of t!ie flourt Iiouhh door in Lite town or ticpp iev, :ior- row County, Urotfon, mill att tho right- t-tuo umu inU'i-frtt of tlie ftnid H. K, Itunven and -V.liiy K Ki'uvom, in anil to tlie above denm-ibi d rml prop erty, at public auc'ioti to tbe Indies, and beM t.i.i.i... ('..! ...ili iti tuiiid. 1 he oro tl.s to im an- tilied to the sal inf;u-uoi of Maid t'Xcuttou" ui:d all con h, and cokl. that may tun-rue. 2MI-M T. 11. JIOWAIil), Dated Out. HI, iHNb. fcHierilt of Morrow Comity. SHERIFFS SALE. Nolinn in hereby ii'von that under ill. d by vh' 1. 11 ,,f on iYfiitiim in.sued out of the Circuit C.irrt of tli" State of Oregon, for the ( ou'ty of Mof-ow, and to me dt reeled and delivered, upon i,.1r,,,.,,,t renhrpd and tn:eied i;i said C.tuit in .We loth d;tv of' September. M-iK. in fnvov of l )........ ,V r.lin'kitiim IMai'itiltM. anit Phltilint K He. i .e. DnfiMidiuil. for the mini of .me lundred aed weutv-iour dollat'H and iifiy Citit. With in ten.stattlii into of eight per iviiUntanmui, from 'if,njj,li(;t;iy vL(K,'1c'SSl ' Pi eenff eosis and. whereas. fTf r.,i -Ml. i III wan ordered ii'id tidjedgt d thai ihe )mpTl"g de-Mi-rt-u'd real pro new. to-'i,: N lb NK '4 ii'id N li 1SW '.1 Hee 15, 'i'p A H. U 25 4 W M.nll iu Monow County. U''i;moi' be Hold ;;o uatisly san judgment a id a'' eoM.s, 1 will, on.lho day ul' November, A. I). 1S-A at a o'eloek I M.. of t iid dny. m frmtof die Coiitt Ihntstt. in lin' (own of ileppno;-. Morrow (ouiev. O egnn. s" the righ', title and interest of the said 111. lienke. in and lo tbe above de scribed property at Public Auciiou to the lii-'hest and host bidder f.r ensb in hand, the pmeeeds to be iippli"d lo t he sat isfaelion of naid exeulion and all cokIh, tuuleos Miliatinuy ikhtuh. I . M. IIOWAK1J, Hlionit of Morrow Co,, Or Dated Oct 12. 1HHH, 5K'1-'W. NOTICE OF INTENTION. T:ind Oilice at Ja (Iraude. Or.. Oct 2. 'W. Nu ice irt hereby niven Hint tlie fol owing- tieniod selMer ihh tiled not tee of her mUntioii 1:1 utidvn tinal proof iu support of hercleiiti, and ,.iinl Hind omof will be iiuule beroto tho eon 111 judge of Morrow county, Or., or in his ubHMCU oef.ii-o the clerk of said cmiiii,y, tit lieppnur Or.. on Dec. l', IH. v'z: Ka! ilurd, nee Ilayler, Hd No. :;;; '1, for the KE l4 uf Sec. tl, Ti INK 2. K, W. AI. Hue na.ues liie ftilluwii'K wii "esse b prove her eon, (itiums reMdence uion nnu uuuiVtiiuiu ul. -mil land. 'z: Henry CntT.Menj. Mniliew", Clnu'los Halo n ul F unk Jael;so i, id! of tlallown.v. Or. Anv tier ton wiio desiieH to Dfotest aLid'lsl the alhuvunce or such proof, of who knows of aiv suVtu t-;i' lejisoe, under the law aid ll-e tiliuio-is iii uu I.ite. ior Depart iiie'it, why eh proof tdiouUI not be allowed, will be gtvon 1 oot)orlunily id the above nu itioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of sun iiinna u. 1'iid lo oner evmeiico in reouuni 01 lhat su'ituitled by t'lntinatd. ZM.i-V.i 11KN11V lilNKtlAKT, ll 'glhl r. NOTICE OF INTENTION, l,;mdOllice at 1,h t Itande, Oi .. Oct. Y W. N.diee l hereby that tho follow lined set lee li ,h hl.-.l .u;'ce "f his inte:itte!i 1,. make tinal proof iji tmppo vt of his nlttirn and that uud inoof will I.' untie betore tho comity Judge or in his absence before tho county clerk uf Morrow county. Or., tit Heppner, Ore iron, un Dec. 5, IHSH, viz: Joseph J, MeKenzit'i Hd. No. ami. for thoH i SV UaiulBKSE J4 Sec 22 Tp I K 1127 K. He uiinu'M thu fnllowinn witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, mid cultivation of, said land, viz: V. M. Douglas, Keltx .lohupon, Mike Kenny and Andrew rillard, all of Lena. Or, Any person, who desire to protest against the itih.wa ice of such proof, or who knows of any substantia! reason, under the law uud the regehi lio.iB of 1 he Interior Department, whysech proof should not be allowed, wi'l bo given an oppor tunity at tin above mentioned .iine and place to cross -examine, the witnesses of said claimant, and io otter evidence in robuUul or th ;tuu'uU--rnj claimant. 2,,il-lHi 11 KNUY KlNKItART, llegistei NOTICE OF INTENTION. f .Hint OtlieOHtThe Dalles. Or.. Oct. 17, 'US, Notice is hereby given that the following, tuned settler hiw tiled notice of her intention to make final proof iu support of her claim, and that, snid proof will be made before the judge of Morrow county, Or,, at Heppner, Or., on lcc. 1, l,ststf, viz: Xancif A, James, Hd ftW, for the K NK and K !- 8K V 8tc. y.'. rp'js 11a k, w. m. She names the folhiwtng wituesss to prove her continuous residence timm, and cultivation of. said hind, vie: l H Monran, 1. I.. I'ortnan, Wm. Haguewooil and Wesly Mi'Man, all of I .extngt-m, Or. u'j-ii; K. A. Mi.iDonai.i lUvister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Ollioe at The Dalles, Or., Oct. It, 'H8. Notice is herebj given Ihttt the follow iiip-unuiM settler has tiled notice f his internum to make final proof in support of hit claim, and that said proof will N made U'ttm the county judge uf lorrow county, Or. nt Heppner. Or., on Nov, 21, viz: J. L. IU ifiner Hd IJItl, f-T the NW Sec SJ, Tp S 8, li 2 R. Hetmiuewtlie lotlowicg wut:essis 10 prtve his contitmottK recideticeupon, and cultivation of, sunt hied, viz? D, How.uae.T. H HuutHrry, Willi;m hom and William Al'isou, all of Kight Mtie, Or. Si 1-141 t A. Mi lKNi.i liegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I And Otlieeat The DaHes. Or.. Sept. I'.V 'US. None is herel'y given that the following named i nei.h-r ha till of his utieniion to j nuv tieitl pi oof iu support of his eiu'iu, Rtuttii.u wiut prooi wui o niatu nerore the judije of li'Miam coimty, lr., at Arlinntou, Oi-., ou Nov. 10. KS via: U'iw. .1. Pierre, Hd WM. for die SI. Se. 14, Tp 4 8, R :$ K, W. M. lit name the following wtnowsw to prore hie co'iiinuo.ti nwideuceuiKtii, anU oultivution of, tud hi'ui, vi: W. V. I -each, J. r. t'olemati, E. Ysnacort and lianie KojtMj, all of Idea, tr. y-W F. A. McroKALD, Ktfiitr. Ail WAY n Tiie Heppner and Willow Creek Railroad, next Two Weeks, Will Place Heppner on an Equal Footing With Other Railroad Towns in Oregon. Wo Vi-o liayiug iia t.n Boots 9 In Fact Everything Which Everything SOLD AT 13 JSDllOCK PRICES Special MINOR, DODSON & CO. The Hsppner MAY Opposite Minor, Is stocked with Canned Dried Fruit and Everything Pertaining to a First-Class Grocery. May Street, U. VANDL'YN. GENTS mime LI , 1 i DliALElt IN- A1VI General DOTS Fl'RXISIHMi GooclS .('so Me Orders SUITS. Q Groceries, CROCKERY, Wcd and How fare, -si U3Ndd3H N. S. WHETSTONE, The Effioiont Horse-Shoor and Calls attention to the fact OlTOSITIi THE HEITNER Where he is ready to attend to any wants in his line us oheap as the present Condition of the Times will Admit. REMEMBER THE PIONEER SHOP CHAS. H. D0DD & CO., IMPORTERS OP Jardware, Iron, $teel, AND FARM MACHINERY. HSST AND VINE STSEETS, PORTLAND, OEEQON. Sole Agents for Oregon and Washington for - , DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. . inl. Double or Tripple Furrow. Theyareso Bimpleand come no near absolute perfec tion, thai those who bave used them or seen them work can not say enough In their praise, We furnish them with or without seat attach menu beat attachments are extra, JD33IEIRIE POWER LIFT SXTXiKY PLOWS. BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL. lUu-keye lloe Presa Grain Drill, Buckeye Seeder. Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrow, Superior 111, Ruck eve Seeders. Bucke Grain Drills, Superior e . CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER. . The latest Improved implement for sowing summer fallow. The moat complete and successful tool tor this purpose In use. We also have ft full line of Buggies, Carriages, Phaetons. Mountain Wagon, Platform and other Spring Vehicles. , . SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. . , Law rt? u oe A Chapln't Sprtug-Tonth Hnrrowt, Peers Harrows, SclanUflo Kel WlUj. Pacific Fanning Mill. HAIS1I 11ABB WIKli ETC, ETC. AJ-SF.XD FOR SPECIAL ClRCl'LAKS AND PRICK LISTS. Minor, Dotlsoa & Co., Agents at HepjnfT. COMING! which will be Completed within the laimenso Stoolt of the Farmer or Stockman Needs. Will Be to Cash Buyers. STREET, Dodson & Go's. Goods, Suojar, Coffee Heppner. asnvaa - '133HIS AVIU that he is still at the Old Stand, DRUG STORE. MAIN STREET. WHEN YOU NEED WORK DONE aers. Family Grocery, Notions 5 - . I ooac- A mmu nition AND GILLIAM -Successors to B. A. Hunsaker & Co.. Are at the old stnud on MAIN STItlET, .DEALING IN. Hardware, iinware, ware, Pumps, Gaspipt-, Nails," and Black smiths' Supplies. .ALSO AGENTS FOR. Fisli Bros. Wagons, Cliampion Mowers and Reapers, Headers, gines and Portable Sawmills, i lust In " f ' " - r - n A large assortment Lamps, Fancy Goods, Are constantly receiving new invoices, which ensh can take awav at the lowest prices. Job-work executed in a skillful manner. MADDOCK CORNER, H. McFARLAND & CO., LEXINGTON, Are still in LARGE AND Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes AdiI Everything else that ia usii;illy found in a first-clsss GENERAL MERCHANDISE Establishment. There ia No Need of Wenr a out Your your Hat, but Come Over to CO E. J. SLOCTJM & CO'P. CO HEPPNER DRUG STORE AND G KIT I T FILLED. This firm are Successors to Ed. R. Bishop, and are Ready and Wil ling to have a Continuance f Trade iu Pure Drugs, Medicines, Machine Oils, Har- Cigars., monicas. 4 Aud,Everything Else That Y Class Drug Store. ' NEXT DOOR TO LEEZER & THOMPSON'S, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. BUX! BUCKs IB "CJ C5 1SL Chas, Cunningham Has now at the Ayera Corral, in Heppner, Of his Best Grade; large ami in good will do well to call and see thein before AYERS KIRK & YOUNGGREN, May Street, Nearly Opposite HEPPNER, Mannfaetmers Furniture, Be DDING, -Also 1886 MODEL WINCHESTER HIFLES. Cheap Fur Casb. UNDERTAKING JOHN R. Has Purchased tlie FDRSiTHE mmi plEBSiliiSE EOTUilNT AT CASTLE ROCK, And is Stoekiug it Up with a Better Line of Quods thao Ever. It will nav von When needing anything in his line. Call BDOT6 Ayers tell. Hoarding house and Feed stable in connection with Store. HAREINGTON & CO. DEALERS IN ' HARNESS, WHIPS, SPURS, ETC THE CELEBRATED Heppner Saddles! Conntantly KA0T UAIN STBKR, & COFFEY, IlEPPNKIt Loppcnvarc, Granie T En- jiresii-:rs, u . i t 4 j- of Crockery, Glassware, Etc. HEPPNER. OREGON the field with a WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OF Prescription by Canvinc it Around in .qfectionery, BUX! BUCKS r 2 .... .K: 1- 1 PI1TB 33I7CKS, flesh. Anyone desiring Bucks this year purchasing elsewhere. & FELL, Minor, Dodson & of and Dealers iu Co.'s Store, OREGON. Mirr ORS, Brackets, ie Frames, PlCTU! Etc. For Sale A SPECIALTY. LEWIS on lu'm when in town. Three on hand. DEI'Elt