THE GAZETTE. HEPPNER. THURSDAY. OCT. 18, '88. Local and General. Cow Obdinanok Passed. At the regu lar session, Inst Monday, the "cow ordi nance" was passed by only one dissont ing vote. While it may not be to the per sonal interests of residents to have such an ordinanoe, the public interest demands it, and we believe the connoil passed the same know iug that to be the oase. It will be remembered that some of these oouncilmen have cows, and were the most active in securing its passage. That is a sacrifice of a little personal interest for the public good, and we are glad that, we have oity duds that are built that way. The following is the ordi nance In substance: See. 1. No horses or cattle, sheep, swine or goats shall be allowed to run at large or to be herded in any of the streets, alleys or publio places in the town of tieppner, or on any private premises therein, except on the premises of tba owners of such ani mals, unless when being driven through for shipment or other purposes. Sec. 2. It is hereby made the duty of the marshal to seize and impound in a pound or inoloBure any snob animal found with in the limits of the town of Heppner. Sea. 3. The marshal shall give immedi ate notice of the taking up of suoh ani mal with a description thereof by posting the same iu a conspicuous place at the pound, and by "publication of notice in the official paper of this town when it is possible so to do. Sec. i. If any animal so taken up after the expiration of five days from the date of suoh notice, shall not be reclaimed by the owner, the mar shal shall sell snob animal at publio suc tion, after due notice. Suoh notice to consist of posting notice of the same in some oonspiouous place in .said town, and after deducting bis legal fees and all costs and expenses of taking up, feeding, keeping and selling, shall pay the re mainder of such proceeds into the town treasury. Sec. 5. If at any time before suoh sale the owner of auy animal so taken up shall claim the same, he or she shall be entitled to the possession there of upon the payment-of all charges and expenses incident to such taking up and keeping. Sec. 6. The owner or person having in charge any animal described in Sec 1 of this ordinance, who shall suffer or allow the same to go at large within- said limits, shall, on conviction before the Recorder, be fined not more than five dollars for eaoh offense. The marshal, bes'des the cost of keeping any animal taken up and puundeu, shull be 'entitled to receive as his legal fees, one dollar per head fur horses and oattle, and fifty cents per head for swine, sheep or goats, and ten per cent, of the pro oeeds of any sale. Sec. 8. If the own ers of any property sold tinder the pro visions of this ordinance shall, at any time within one year from the da'e ot suoh sale make satisfactory proof of his ownership, he or they shall be entitled to receive the net prooeeds of such sale I I. I I 1 I 1 t V V I I I ft I r l i I i i I l i deaJk r Miss Ava Huiith has returned from be low. Tom. Morgan makes a g-xl town mar shal. Lewis Maddock came up from McMin vilie this week. Dr. Harley Fell wus up from Lexing ton, last Friday. Levi Ankeny, of Walla Walla, was in town this week. I. Graham Huinon came up from Port laud last Tuesday. Crocket Kirk put some "stuff" into the shop drawer yesterday. Anson Wrigut oame over from his home runch last Tuesday. Geo. Brown, of Parker k Gleason's mill, was down last week on uusiiiess. Sterling Smith is quite sick with the fever at his residence, in South Heppner. Hon. II. C. Guy and Mr. William Gil liam showed up in Heppner yesterday. Jas. Roberts moved into his new house down on lower main street yester day. San. Clark and wife are over from Camas prairie, this week, visiting rela tives. Mrs. H. Willmorth, uf Galena, Idaho is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. F Kuark. Alfred and Johnny Ayers were over from their Butter creek ranch last Sat urday. Cliff Jones and E. M. Hawley came down from the Eight Mile couutry last Monday. Mrs. Kate Fuller moved to town this week for the purpose of schooling Master Charlie. Hank Scbirsiuger and Billy Gilliam were down from Spring Hollow last Saturday. Henry Rasmus has moved into the building belonging to Dr. Fox, over on Mill street. George Sloan, of Long Cveek, is in town this week laying in stacks of win ter supplies. Wm Doonan came in yesterday after a summer's herding in the mountains for Norman Kelly. Sam. Hall was down from the moun tains yesterday. Range is getting short and water scarce. These cool evenings are causing the residents of Heppner to dig up their last winter's overcoats. Frank H. Benge will start in a few weeks for Dayton, W. T., where he will take his stock to winter. C. E. Hinton has sold his meat market to Walter MoAtee, who will oarry on the business at the old stand. The dispatches say that John L. Sul livan is to be the sporting editor of the New York Illustrated News. Sheepmen from the Hardman country say hat their bucks are in oaa condition with the hoof-rot , this season. Miss Miles, sister of our efficient teach er of the Intermediate grade, Miss Josie Miles, is visiting Heppner this week. J. W. Sweazea writes us that the late rain is causing the grass to grow, which is pleasing to stookmen in his vicinity. The drug firm of E. J. Sloeum & Co. have been making some substantial im provements by adding a warerooin to their store building. Charlie Sperry returned yesterday from lone and says that has got to be quite a lively place since the railroad came in. - The Dalles District Ministerial Associ ation will hold their next meeting in Hepp-er on November 22d, 23d, 24th and 25th. A. A. Wren and wife left last Monday for Helix. Having rented his ranoli over park's oauyou, he will perhaps re- for a year. The Camas Shooting. Much has been I On the evening of the 12th inst., the j u j i....t i,o n.m1v repuunoans uau nine b uuuiru.n aid and is being said about the tragedy , inlPort,mid,lie session being over a that ooenred on 0eu's creek in Caniss mje jQnK Prairie one week ago to-day, whereby Len Campbell lust his life, one Bo'-vlsby t Mr. J. (i. Middock has resigned Ins is lingering between life and death with ; position us -.. 1! the chances about even, and bell is under a charge of assault with iu teat to kill, which may be changed to tuat of murder in the event of the death of Bowlsby; and if Bowlsby gets well he will be charged with the murder of Len Campbell. It is a and affair viewed from any standpoint. The facts of the ease are substantially na set forth in the Tribune of Monday last. It is now claimed that Leu Campbell bud made threats against the herder of what lie should do in case there was a refusal to deliver the sheep, but what the particular nature of those threats were we have not learned. It will perhaps develop as an investigation of the case, whioh must take place before long, proceeds. Len Campbell died at Alba on Monday morn ing and was buried at that place. Ld Campbell is out under bond. Bowlsby (the herder) is under arrest, but his con dition is too critioal to admit of au exami nation yet, and he remains at bis hotel at Pilot Rock. He may be oalled to answer before a higher court, almost at any time. The Campbells have been res idents of tbis pouutry for several years They were raised near Vancouver, W. T. where their father now resides and are brothers of Mrs. Joseph Leezer. Bowlsby is a man about 35 years of uge, who oame out from Kansas last year. Pendleton Tribune. It is reported that the herder Bowlsby is improving and will very likely recover. Youthful Criminals. On Monday. Jeddy Brown, acting in the capacity of deputy sheriff, fetched iu two juvenile offenders charged with the crime of ma licious injury to personal property be longing to C Miller. The two boys are the sons of O. S. Munger, living near Thirty Mile, and are 8 and 10 years of age, respectively. They were brought up before Hermann Wilhelm, Justice of the Peace, on Tuesday. H. H. Hon drioks proseouted on behalf of the State. The prisoners offered no defense. From the evidenoe it appeared that they en tered the dwelling house of Charles Mil ler, who resides a short distauao from 0. S. Munger's, haviug gained admission through the window, and broke his stove and other property in the house. Miller arrived just as they left the premises, and on entering, found oouaiderable damage done iuaide. There is some trouble between Munger and Miller over laud matters, but whether that had any thing to do with the present case is not lor us to deoide. The boys were bound over in $300 surties ($150 each) to ap pear before the grand jury. FosnilJour- nal. ...ckman is 6'. lis now irttSj nothing 'cratio folks carry- ing 11 j - nia has mOI Wraotios. Mr. B. always seems glad to get back to Heppner town. Fair at Pendleton A large variety of fancy work of all descriptions, an! including a number of wax designs, such as baskets of flowers and fruit, confec tionery Bnd refreshments (all of wax) will be on chances, at the fair, whioa will take place on the 20th, 21st and 22d of November, in Gagen's new hotel. The prooeeds will be for the benefit of St Joseph's Ao idemy. The New Bank. The National Bank of Heppner was organized last Saturday evening by eleoting D. P. Thompson, of Portland, president; E. R. Swinburne, vice president; Ed. R. Bishop, cashier. Th directors are, D. P. Thompson, P. n Thnmraon. Nels Jones, T. E. Fell, VA Rood, and E. R. Swinburne. They will not be ready for business liefore , Jan. 1st., '89. Bev. J. D. Flenner baa been found guilty of immorality by the Boise con ference, and expelled from the ministry. From this decision he will take an appeal. nied-In WbIIb Walla, Oot. 8, Mr. Viusou, to Miss Agues Street, of Dalles. The Gazette extends con- atulitious. sea Ivy Muukers and Annie Ayers at this office last monaay. miss will attend the Catholie school at ton this winter. Rood purchased the Harbin prop- shenlrs sale, last aaturaay, pay- refor, $520. It's a obeap piece of y at that money. xchange speaks ot forgery in the groe. mat s a specious or orime e long oomplexioned editor fails through bis measly pate. men. voung men, kids and every- lse. with the exception of those ave been afflicted tnat way some r other, are laid tip with the 'IS. . Morgan was over from Sand Hoi- sterday. While on his recent trip he visited the Walla Walla fair he pronounces a greater success ar than usual. ist aooonnts, Bro. Varney's much ised and sadly missed "stub" had ned uo to take his regular rations shin-bones ana otner ouus ana the meat market. ladies of the Presbyterian and churches will give a supper at ra house next Saturday evening. s to be applied to repairing the ot the .Baptist cnurcn. ix alder, oatalpa and locust trees Natter's olover patch, show by iace that the demzon who has a od pile had better be aiggiug aying in his winter supply. ilroad will roach Heppner Nov, wil have a month to go on in earn the bonus given by oiti Morrow county. The oontraot ompletion by J an. 1, looa. illula Inland Emirire has been tisfv a judgment of (J. a. WU- printer, lor wages due. uougui paper that oan't keep printers lunts to but little ana the soon under the better. i2 as a means of earning a liv lira to be increasing. Some jump oons, others from housetops, m bridges, but the most sue. e the fellows who jump tneir lls.-Vincfjccf tor. cat or some other animal with for chicken got into Uncle Laokuane's ben-bouee on last niirht un at his ranch on the c of Willow creek, and oleaned 1 25 of his ohoicest frying size. m Joe made a trip to Heppnci TTeek to lav in gome more amuiuni- 'on and breadstuff. He and the Men- dames Joe will strike town in about month and supply the folks with venison hams at B bits apiece. A Tacoma man bet $20 on a politic; yarn that he saw in a newspaper, and Inst the monev. He was a rampant re- mihli.inn before, bnt this has almost oon trnrted him to democracy. A man that bets on the truth of nine-tenths of the current political trasb will always lose, Charlev Cunningham brought over fine !nt of irraded bucks this week, from his ranch on Butter creek. Ayers k Fell have them in charge, and will dis pose of the same to sheepmen at terms and prices to suit. See ad. in tbia issue. Ah Tuck Lee, the only Chinese voter in Monterey county, Cal.. is said U be a strong Cleveland and Tbnrmnn man. There's a big family of the Lees, but we don't profess to know their politics, but it seems that Tuck has declared himself openly. The New York Sun recently published a dispatch annonncing the death of the California millionaire, James C. Flood. His son, James 8. Flood, baa received a telegram stating that his father was still alive, and that there were still hopes of the patient's recovery. The Athena;um library, Bury St. Ed munds, has a biography of a man named Corder, the book being bound in a piece of human stun, tjoruer mnruereu ma sweetheart and married some one more to bis liking. Having been detected and hanged, the dootor who obtained bia corpse sent a piece of his skin, properly The Mayor's Reception. The boys own at Heppner & Blackmail's are as full of mischief as cayuse colts, raised in the horse-heaven of buuehgrass' kuee high and seldom lose an opportunity to play pranks on each other. When Mayor Blnokmau struok the stoie yesterday, he was greeted with the following iu the most ttrtistio lampblack: "Home again, me again, From California's shore; Ohl it fills my heart with joy to see my clerks once more." Of course being di rect from parts where a great intrest is takeu in politios, be was supposed to come borne laden with predictions as to the result in doubtful states. The boys are a little on the predict too, and rigged up a list of states that will go democratic in November sure, and plaoed it below Sig Bear's original (?) poetry. It was gotten up in some of Mrs. "Til ioum Joe's" face powder. (There are several of the Mrs Joe's, but it don't make any difference whioh one.) This is the way it read: New York, 42,617; New Jersey, 10,620; Indiana, 12.450; Connecticut, 6,118; Cal ifornia, 5,218. Council Meeting. Council met last Monday iu regular session. All council- men exoept Garrigues present. Marshal and recorder present. Mayor Blackniau absent. Petition Ne. 1, for street to oemetery, referred to committee on streets and publio property. Committee on ordinanoe, instructed to draft oral nanoe laying out street. Petition No. 2, street in Looney addition, referred to committee on Btreets and publio proper ty. Committee of health and police re port that they have scoured the books and town property from the ex-marshal, and hereby turn them over to the oonncil Committee on finance, instructed to settle with ex-marehol. Roport of com mittee on finanoe, received and filed, aud' aooepted. Report that they haveBeltled with J. D. Looknane, ex-marsbal. Billi allowed: G. W. Rea, $3.50; J. D. Lock nane, $29.50. Ordinance No. 27, (cow ordinance) read the third time and put upon its passage. On vote being taken, the following oouncilmen voted yea: Swinburne, Minor, Natter and MoAtee. Nay: IJoble. Ordinanoe deolaied passed. Council adjourned. bier of the First National i tl'ii t Nov. 1st. Mr. Geo. C'onsor, of Arlington, has accepted the place, and will come up sune tiuu this month anil learn the ropes of the in stitution before getting down to bard work. LCG CABIN LOGIC Brawn and Brain ! The powerful engine, with its wonder ful propelling power, coupled to the long train full fieigbted with the richest fabrics of the intellectual looms of thecenturies what obstacles can stay the progress of this mighty force, when once under full steam along life's highway. The American with brawn and brain does not see the necessity for titles of nobilitv, does not care for elevation by descent, he can reach out and pluck the stars. But with brawn and brain impaired, man is badly handicapped in the mad race for success which is the marked characteristic of the present age. The physicial system is a most intri cate piece of machinery. It ought to be kept well regulated, bo that it will work hurmoniouBlv in all its parts, then it is capable of an immense amount of work. It is said that a watch, if expected to keep perfect time, must be wound daily. It will not keep nood time unless it "rune regular." More men break down because they don't "run regular" than for any other reason. It is claimed by physicians that few men are killed by hard work. It is to the irregularities of modern social life that the high death rate is due. Men burn their candle at both ends, then wonder why it burns out so quickly. The main thing in keeping the human machine in good working order Is to keep the regulator all right. "The blood is the life," and sound health is assured so long as the blood flows through the veins a limpid stream nf ouritv. Regulate the regulator with Warner's Log Cabin sarsaparilla, the old-fashioned blood purifier, prepared after the best formula in use by our ancestors in good old Log Cabin days, and with the vigor of brawn and brain which must ensue, im your life's lexicon you will find no such words as fail. THRIFT AM) TRADE. Wall paper at Minor, Dodson & Co's. Mrs. S. P. Garrfgues has added clonks to her neat stock of ladies' furnishing goods. If yon desire the latest and neat est styles, be sure to call on her. Just received a choice lot of gilt-edged, Camus prairie bntter at Johnrtou & Smith's. Try it Newt. Whetstone has an office but be don't occupy it but very little. His business is at the forge, mending broken agricultural maohinery, shoeing horses aud the like, all of which will suit any denizen of the Heppner oonntry, botb us to price and qnnlity of work. Gilliam & Coffey are prepared to fit a man out with any kind of an outfit to be found in a tirst-olass hardware Btore. They will sell you nails to fix up your fenoe when your neighbor s cows ureas. it down, or ht you out Willi Kitonen tools when you get married. A full supdIv of school books and sta tionery at Minor, Dodson & Co's. Wueu you go to Art ngton Btop wicu Billy Theodore, at tbeSauford house. U yon want a red pump tuat is noi only neat and attractive iu appearance but also able to uo goou service in get ting the water of the Heppner lulls up to the surface, call on Leezer it lhomp-son. Sacks furnished for wheat at Sperry Mills. Johnson & Smith are Belling all kinds ofgrooeries at astonishingly low figures, aud it will pay every inhabitant oi tnese ancient Heppner hills to patrrtnize them. May street, opposite Minor, uouson Co's. There's no use looking bine, even thoiiL'h wool don't sell very high. E. J. Sloonm & C. have drugs and other neces sary trnck down to bed-rock, so that a little money win buy an arm ioaa. Hasmus, tlie dentist, win nu teetu, or extract the same in a flcientitio manner- It is a faot acknowledged by all "art organists," both of Europe and America that the "Estey" is the sweetest voiced, most human toned, least reedy in tone, nnd Quickest in response to touch of any organ manufactured in the world. Gents, u you neea nnytuiug in tlie furnishing goods line, call on Vanduvn. He has a full line of cashmeres, peroales and laundered shirts; also a full line of boys' shirts and underwear, children's suits, knee pants and waists, all cheap for cash. A new stock of carpets at Minor, Dod son & Co's. Dr. Vaughn will oonsent to act as agent for a newspaper whenever his professional duties lend bim to localities where he can do any good iu that line. However, thBt does not prevent him from extracting and filling teeth in a first-class maimer. Sperry is paying 55 oents for wheat and furnishes saoks. Town Marshal: "Don't ride your horse so hard." Tall mau on horseback, "O, I know what I am about. I'm bound for E. J. Slocnm A Co.'s drug shop to purchase the finest toilet ontfit in the Heppner hills." All kinds of hardware, tinware and orockery, also wagons, farm machinery, pumps, gas-pipe, nails, etc., for sale by the new firm of Gilliam & Coffey. The firm of Johnson & Smith are pre pared to furnish you with fresh vegetables and all kinds of fresh groceries. Look well to your iu tercets and patronize them. Flour exchanged for wheat nt Sperry Mi s. When man gets so that be can't speak pleasant to his wife, he must have either the chiilblains or the toothache. Dr. Vaugban, the dentist , is a sure cure for the latter. Piodencel Prudence! In iliedication, as in aught else, pru- lenee should be your guide. Yet thon- landti cast it to the winds. Every new nostrum finds its patrons, the medical of every false school have their gulls. Every change in the gamut of hiimluig i9 rung successfully for a time it least the notes being furnished In oe orednlous. In happy contrast to tht iiany advertised impostures of the dav I amis Hostetter's Stomach Hitters, no iu its third deoade of popularity, ap- roved and recommended by the ph aci.ins, indorsed by the press of man, uids, sought by invalids everywhere, it is all ascertained specific for and pre entative of malarial diseases, etirouie digestion, liver complaint and consti iiiun, checks the growth of rhenma iu and nouralgia, is a peerless iuvig r oit and useful diuretic. Nervous peo ple heu;-fn by it. Sheep Rnoe to Lease.-On Eight ule, 23 nines southwest ot Hepi ner; t a luilu of rnnnuig water, grass for Hit) sheep; some hay ; 1MI panels; 2 cam .ith stoves; good shed; snow-plow; 76t oies fenced, 500 aores tall grass aud 25 icres broke. C. E F ll, Heppner, Or. Notice, Siiiiiiiwi.... D or sale in a ova county, Oregon, a deeded bin nob, together wuli improvements oi ouiesteud adjoining. In the heart oi e range; 27 miles Iroui o uuty seat ive control of the water close to sum r range. Ninety tons o' li' i; all 'h uiug iiu.ileu! -a:.-, . m . . - s go with me rnuoii. Uo,.,. i ..i" .euts on both olaiius. A sure bargain Jwner going to Mexico. Terms, $2,100; $1,400 cash and balance on time. Call, ir address W. B. Ghmmill, Arcadia, Wallowa county, Oregon New Laundry. About the first of May we will open a new laundry in the niilding next below Jim Jones' livery table, on the east Bide ot Main streot, deppner A full stook of Japanese silk ,'oods and lacquered w are will also be cept on hand. Kiam & Wo Kee. STEAM ENGINES TERT1CAL HORIZONTAL J$75 Upward. TWO-HORSE POWER ENGINE. WITH STEEL BOILER, $150. CHEAP, RELIABLE, SAFE. AitoniU Bo liar Feed, AntomiUo Pop 8letr Vifr, StMl 3otijr, Ooat ot rannlnff svanrntoed art to oxoMd thMa cents per soar. Nothing oqiut to it mr before offend for the prtoe. Larger elm Welly low. Bend for free deecrlpUT drooler. . CHAS. P. WILLARD & CO 338 Randolph Street, Chicago, III. mm, iu Cabii lauyon, one sorrel mare, two years oiu. :tar iu face, branded large U on left ilioulder and bar on left side of neck, is halter broke. Five dollars reward fill be paid for ber return to Jas. JoneB' ivery stable, or to my place in Cabin canyon. Alex. Glenn. Tailoring. I have opened a well-appointed tailor ing establishment in my new build ing on May street, and amnov regularly reoeiving new goods and will make ous tom made pants from $7 to 815 best goods in the market. A. Abbaramhick. Thanking my friends for past favors. I shall continue to try to merit confi dence by duing first-class work at rea sonable prices. HEPPNER, OREGON, ARTHUR SMITH, PRACTICAL, WATCHMAKER ! Next to First National Bank, Notii'k, Sheepmen. 12u0 bead of good ewes to let for one year or more. Also from 500 to 700 head of sheep for sale. For information concerning the same ap ply to G. W. Harrington, Heppner, Or. A. J.Basky. Ten Dollabs Reward. The above reward will be paid for auy information that will lead to the recovery of one grey, three-year-old mure, with tail bolibed, and branded IL with M under it on left shoulder. She probably has a cult. Address, Geo. V. Leiqhton. Bockj-ille, Gilliam Co.. Or. HEPPNEK, Watches, Clocks, WntcheB Cleaned, Mainepringti Fitted All work guaranteed for one year. 1 IVltiin Street, iIEPPNER, OREGON. top O-ZSk. )tmm .MM. Redinoton Has A Daughter. Walla Walla Slatesmaa, October 12: Our old friend, Col. J. W. Rediugton, is to day the happiest man in the whole United States and the reasou therefor is that his beloved wife has presented him with a darling daughter. Now then Johnny will have something to take an interest in and bring up in the way she should go, uud under his viue and fig troe can relate to her bia old-time experiences by Hood and field during the Indian wan. To gether we have experinoad some of '.the most desperate adventures, aud Johnny has always been a good one to tie to. Investigation haB proved that the Chi neie meat venders of Han Francisco are selling decomposed beef and pork to tueir customers An inspection of the lungs of hogs in one establishment show ed that they bad suffered with, and per haps died with cholera. A few more good rains, followed by warm weather, will make some fall and winter picking for sheep, but if it dou't come, it will be difficult to say iu what oondition thev will be found in the 1 will do spring. However, sheepmen are pretty Abstracter of Titles AND JSLottxry liilllo. MONEY LOANED On Improved Farms in Morrow and Umatilla Counties at Li Hates i Merest. A. 1ST D OREGON. Optical Goods . . 1.50. . . tU.50. CALLAHAN'S NEW RESTAURANT HENRY HEITNER, Arlington. C BUIT PIONEER BRICI TJINGTi? I Always in the Lead ! The Old-Established House of HEPPNER&BLACKMAN! -DEALERS IN General Merchandise, -CONTINUES TO SELL FIRST-CLASS GOODS! -AT THE- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES'.) I I. T"? Uur btock will be iound Complete in livery Respect, and we shall always endeavor to retain our place - TJST THE FRONT RANK1 And in the future, as in the past, we shall endeavor to continue to be the Leading House in the Heppner Country ! oo Our facilities for doing business are unexcelled by any mercantile es tablishment in the Northwest! We guarantee to all our Customers Courteous Treatment and Fair Dealing. An inspection of our establishment will convince each anil nil as to the full and complete stock we at all times carry. Is prepared to give meals hours, all DAY OR NIGHT' You will find my place next door to B. A. Hunsaker & Co., in the Old Bank Building, MAIN STREET HEPPNEK, CALL ON Jons Davidson, AT THE BELVEDERE S A Ij O O 3ST Opposite Ijivflry Htublo. Heipi:cr, Oregon. Rather than the Cheapcit P0RTUND BUSINESS COLLEGE. Portland, Oregon. iv, I. i, t'lpi' piiii'in , i u ..iii,n mairufiuoii. omnn ls icil Lpnutnl inn , r' v en popularity. Buaineat, ''r rLhnna, Common School and Penmanship Depr.rt 'rs. Students iwtiiti'.ietl at any time. Cata i,' and RDe.f itu'!;!i of i ifiiiii it n h 1 p sent tree. . X. HKS( O. tjtr'l. A. I'. AUM8HIONU, 1'rln. Owing to the steady increase in our business we have built a Large and Commodious Fire-Proof Brick Building, which gives us bettor facilities than ever before enjoyed. Sole Agents lor Heppner and Vicinity Oeleb r at von the d 13 a i n AND agon Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Agricultural Implements HIDES AND PELTS BOUGHT FOR CASH OR TRADE. HENRY TIEPPNER, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. Ship Care of II. & B., Arlington. At tbis favorite roBort will alwnyi b found the best brands of WINES, LIQUORS AND CJGAltS. . A. yiHHT-CLAHH BILLIARD TABLK for the ttiiiuHement uf kuuhIh. Mrs. S. P. Garrigues Has Received Her FALL STOCK. OF MILLINERY, Fob Sale. J. W. Swezea, of Gullo Wiiv. Or., lias cuod sheep ruuxes to rent and buy for side. Stock pastured at 1 per bead. Snow Yobb Faith C. E. Fell, pro prietor of the Heppner nursery, offers to sell two and tliree-year-old apple trees at bis regular advertised price 15 per 1(H) - payable when Harrison is elected pres ident. Sho v your faith, democrats. Lost. A red leather pocket-book, be low Bishop & Bisbee's mill, containing 870 in money. Also some notes anil valuable papers. A libernl reward will he yiven for the return of the same to me. Wa. I'enland. And They Are Now Heady For Inspection. Her Stook Of LADIES' HATS AM) HI Were Never More Complete. i D. JOHNSON (I COMPANY, Kueoessors to M A I , I , o n Y, C. M. W THE MffiSk IK STORE, HEPPNER, TK' OREGON. s A Special is given to the Ladies of Heppner and Vicinity to Call nnd Examine ber Splendid Assortment Before Making Full Purchases. Keep the Largest and Best Selected Stock of Goods in his Lie in Morrow County. Comprising Pure Drugs aud Chemicals, Patent Medicines, and Toi let Goods of Every Description. Also Puints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Wall Paper, Ready Mixed Paints, Etc., Etc. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. The, Best Brandt of Domestic, Key West aud Imported Cigars. Call and see us when you are wanting anything in our line. Prescriptions accurately compounded, day and night, and speeUl attention paid to ordors from the couutry. Notice. All notes or accounts due me must he settled on or before Nov. 1, 1HKH. After that date the same will be put in t..e hands of an attorney for collection it not nettled. J. IS. Nattkh. Land Bchi.skhs. Corne to the Oa zetck shop and have your proving up started by a sheet that wishes yuu pros perity regardless of your religious, po litical, etc., proclivities. The clerk and judge live right here at Heppner. and it is altogether more convenient. Billy Morrow is ready to take your tilings, and the business in nrst class suape. WI IJ1J$ AlJS YOU 0 1 H G TO DO YOUR FULL TRADING? Tlio Town of HEPPNEK NOW PROSPERS,' fill OF REAL ESTATE IS IMS! With a Railroad now )ffercd An Important Qnustion (or You and an Interesting one for me. ARE YOU GOING WHERE juikling to it, better here than any town ti . r i i.' Dcautnui situation; Iv Dry Mi Boots, Slsss, Hats, Cans & Funiisliis to count rjli Then Listen. The ISest IMace to Buy Your inducements are o . !in Eastern Oregon. p' jTootl water, broad streets, a good school, three I churches, enternrisine inhabitants, etc., seldom - , j, i ' -IS AT- Heppner, Oregon. I do not ask you to accept this statement witbou proof, hue invite you to come and inspect my Large Stock of New Fall Goods and get Address, A, A. ROliKRTS, the llciil Kstate, Collection ami Insurance Man, Who Will tuve lou IJ-OFl'ICK WITH W. It. ELLIS, OVEU MuATEE k SPRAY'S SHOP.H my well provided with bay for the severe winter weather. Married-Io Pilot Rock, Oct. 8, Mr. A. I). Johnson, of Heppner, to Miss Jes sie Sharon, of Pilot hock. Mr. Johnson has only resided in Heppner a few months, but daring that time be has made many friends, who sincerely wish bim and bis bride a store o( happiness in tbeir journey down the path of life. Ben. Case killed a porcupine in the unfinished kitchen np at Sterling WF.r.r. Ciiohek. Many merchants fail to sell their goods on account of their not being of a first-class character. lint you need not be uneasy in regard to Harry Johnson's stock of candies, nuts, cigars, tobacco, et;. They are fresh and well-assorted, and bis stock warrants your trade. Next door to First Nation al Bank. Jones' building. PRICES w. J. lei;zi:h. P. C. THOMPSON Rtrayf.r One bay mare, 5 years old; weighs 12i)0; branded J C on left shoul der. A sorrel mare with bald face and white hind feet; weighs 1000; 6yearsold Ua irioj Ai,t,iro th. thin.ri.livB. hot and same brand. A 2-year old sorrel ..w ....... .,,.-- ; . ill, ,l,it DEALER IN Smith'B place, last Monday morning. bia i it made sn.h a vigorous defense, that he !".,: v "U J, '" i C. l . was oomoelled to kill it It threw qmlls CCV , '"" ".1 dead man a lire wa acooruingiy oonnu , pvuriruie me mou ..,.,(,, : crPe), j,m. Corny, np in his skin. ' clothing. ' BOOTS and SHOES Custom Work ami Itepriui! Neatly Dime. Opposite Hotel, Heppner, Oregon. ; VAIN1 STREET, LEEZER & THOMPSON -DEALERS IM- ii a n dwa rf: AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ;1IELF HARDWARE, Binl-Cages, Rope, Nails, Cutlery, Wood ami Willow Ware, Granite Ware, Etc. - HEPrXER, OREGON