THE GAZETTE. HEPPNEK. THTJRSDA?, OCT. 4. 8n. Local and General. CoCNTBT Editors. This heading is a brief description of one of the heaviest taxed specimens of the human race. There are many of the duties, privileges and pleasures of the' position of which anyone oould envy the "country editor' And yet it is a life of servitude and iu gratitude lie hag to read his papers and write up "copy" at night, when he should lay aside the work and troubles of life to enjoy the sooiety of bis family, if he has oue, which he too-frequent-ly has no time to net fairly acquainted with. Iu the day he sticks type, makes np forms, folds papers, makes up the mails, runs errands, collects bills (if he oau), saws wood, works in the garden, appeases the wrath of unreasonable peo ple who take bis sheet, agitates ever) enterprise for building up the town, helps to pay the minister, and is sup posed to attend political caucuses and to do his darndest towards making great politicians out of the poorest imaginable material, but this ranch don' ' .eel itself oalled to undertake any aotive part iu politics. However, he is the first man negleoted, and usually the worst abused man in the ooimnuuity. He is expected to do gratuitously teu times ns runeh work for the public, for his political par ty, for the church, for society, for all charitable objects, as any person in the village. He is a sort of a pack-borse in the community. The privileges of the position are the opportunities to go free, or as a deau-nead, to allsuos, theaters, benefits, etc., after doing gratuitously ten timeB as much work aud advertising for them as would pay for the tickets. But the real zest a "country editor" has, is raining fire and brimstone down on the head of all political or personal en emies, and all miserly and niggardly souls who live oft soeiety by the various devices which rascality can invent, whioh somewhat compensates for the servitude and exactions required of him. It might be said that they sometimes use their sheets too freely in raking their enemies, but they are usually fuir sort of men, and live to a good old age, preserved, it is supposed, by the determination to live until their last enemy is made to bite the dust. They are usually tough old roosters, physically, Buyhow. Tbials and Tribulations. The nice pastoral shepherd of old had nothing to do but toot a bag pipe and rest indo lently on his crook in the shade. It's different, altogether different, with oiu Wue mouutaiu herders and tenders. Their mountain life is not particularly rosy. Between the shotguns of the set tlers and the growling of neighboring Herders, there s an excitement that re lieves all the dullness and keeps them iu hot water all the time. An occasional notice is given to the mutton monarchs like the following, which was handed us this week by a camp-tender who found it posted up on a tree on Indian creek, It was dated September 25, 1888, aud reads as follows: "respct onse Clnimes and Wont pas thrue on tuis trade Euey more ore l Will make it Cioat yon all the low Will low me oliep men to avoid troble and Expenses go on the Hhepe traile above the forks of ingeu Crick." Cotwcttj Mertino. At a regular meet ing of the town council last Monday night, all were present except Mayor lilackmnn nnd Councilnien McAfee and Minor. Becorder Bea and Marshal Locknaue present. Kemonatrance to cow ordinance No. 27, presented. Bead aud laid over till next regular meeting. Bills of Joe. Kefl'or for $2, T. Kirk 1, C. S. VanDuyn 75 cents, J. D. Locknnne $54.65, Joe. Williams $1.50, Tom. Crow $1, Baberts & Simons $1.5(1, Johnson Harrison $1.50, Chas. Jones $1, Fred Burger $'2 and Otis Patterson $1.50, al lowed. Ordinance No. 28 to license drays, hacks and other vehicles read the second time On motion it was read the third time aud acted npon, all present voting for it. Moved aud eeoonded thai the ohairs now in the conned chamber be exchanged for more comfortable ones. Carried. Council adjourned. Can't Help You. Times are pretty hard everywhere this year, so practice economy and do your best in the way of work and management. No political party can help vou out ol dent to anv material extent. Every man's destiny it ulmost wholly in his own hands. inert are only two ways or getting out ot a mortgage debt to let the sheriff sell yom property or keep nun trom doing so ly paying off the mortgage yourself. Tin laws can't be changed back and forth to favor the man who makes mistakes oi has bad luck. He must sink or swin under the conditions which alike sur round himself and his neighbors. Will Stay. Mr. G. V. Foor, the pho tographer, has concluded to locate per manently in Heppner. Mr. C. M. Mal lory will shortly begin the erection of a two-story building for him, near w here his tent is now located. The water it very bad here for photo-work, but he hat overcome the trouble with chemicals, ant when he gets into his new quarters, wil. he prepared to do better work than ever It tun be truly said that Mr. Foor is tht only photographer that has ever made t success of producing photos from th negatives here. We hope that Mr. Fooi will still continue to receive a liberal patronage in bis line. Death or Silas Fbench. Silns Frencl died at his home on Bock creek on Sepl 8U at the age of 50 years. .Deceased wat taken sick with typho-malarial fever ii Heppner some three weeks ago, am was under the physician's care till las. week, when feeling much better he re turned home. On last Sunday he wat taken with a oongestive ohill from whiol he never rallied. He was an old settlei in this country and was universally es teemed. The remains were interred in the Masouio oemetery, at this place, on :last Tuesday. Fboh Northern W. T. Jim. Henry Hays writes us that he has located on the Columbia, in Stevens county, 25 miles north of Fort Spokane nnd 50 miles from the railroad. He thinks that ia ton finest stock country he ever saw. there being an abundance of grass and water. Fruit raising and agriculture meet with suoce&s up there, as anything that oan be produced in the northwest does well. Jake. Brown went over there with Mr. Hays and afterwards returned io Garfield county, but thinks some ol going back again. That Road Again. B. F. Vatighan, 1). D. 8., returned last Sundav with hie little daughter, Edith, from Fox valley. I)ock spent about a week in that country jind enjoyed himself immensely. Fox valley people are getting along well nough, and have no particular com plaint to make, exceyt the fact that lleppner people don't repair the road that they may get o er here to trade. It is plain to them that Heppner will be their nearest and best trading point, if they could only haul anything over the road. Will Kirk is on the sick list this week. Joe. Kefler and family left last Mon day for Elleusburg. The witnesses on the Cannon trials cost the couuty $4'J1.80. D-. n't read this issue without looking at the new ad. of J. M. Hager. The Cannon cane has cost the county iu the neighborhood of $3,000. Dr. W. F. Alexander and family left or a visit to Bock creek, Tuesday. A. C. Pettys and wife were up from their Pettysville home last Saturday. John Liohieuthal has gone to Oakland, Dal , where he will spend the winter. Henry Rasmus and f imily arrived home liis; b'lturd.iy trom W.ill:i Walla. The laud office al La lii-ande tow tacks on wme extra slush to laud notiu es. Another the occurred at MeMiuville last week, destroying considerable prop erty. Commissioners Ely and Thompson are iu town this week, attending to offi cial duties. The full rains dun't come worth a ceut this year, and range is sull'ering considerably. J. W. Roland, the genial representa tive of Snell, Heitshu k Woodard, was in Heppner last week. The watermelon season is still pre served, and it goes pretty well with au tumn's pumpkin pics. Mayor Henry Blackmail is now iu Portland, where he will romaiu till after Grand .Lodge, K. of P. The HurPNEB Gazette nourishes due east of Natter's poultry yard. Two dol lars a year, in udvauoo. A. B. Mackey loomed ur around the Gazette premises last Thursday, as good Humored as ever. McCune, whu shot Bewly at Sheridan, Yamhill county, a few days ago, was re leased on examination. Our oouutv jail is without an oocu- pant and Sheriff Howard the $2 a day that he would otherwise reoeive. There were 122 juryman in attendance on last teJin of circuit court, whose time and mileage amouuts to $1114.10. E. S. Roberts, representing D. J. Cole man's Walla W'alla tombstone works, was iu town the first of the week. Aroh. Smith, of Coburg, Lane county, nephew of Neil VanDuyu, is in Heppner this week. He may locate here. Air. V. T. Jones, of The- Udles mar ble works, is rustling Heppner aud sur rounding country in his line tnis wee. The fcjovereigu Grand Lodge, 1. U. O. I1'., has chosen Columons, Ohio, as the place tor holding its next annual meet ing. Johu B. Lewis passed through ton this morning oil his way to Castle Buck. He is doing well enough down there, he says. The representatives this year of Doric Lodge iio. 20, K of P., to the Grand Lodge, are Al. 0. McDuugall aud G. W. Kea. A new reward of $20,000 has just been ottered for Taaoott, tue supposed mur djrer uf A. J. Sueil, the Chicago million aire. Several membcra of Co. E. were taxed a little for liou-aiteudance ut drills, at the ladt meeting of the oourt of disci pline. Butter is butter in the Heppner hills at six bits a roll, and scarce at lb at. 1'ue dry weather id rendering it a source article. Lishe Sperry and family have moved to Brownsville, Lnm county, where they will reside this winter and school their children. Mrs. S. P. Garrigues returned last Sunday from Portland, where she has been to buy her tall and winter stock ot millinery goods. D. A. Herreu rotumeu last Sunday from the valley, where ue took iu tht stute fair and enjoyed himself, visitlug trieuds und rcitilivee. Lum. Hinton is buck from u general tour through Western Wusuiugtuu. Ol dl the oouutry he saw while goue, tiio Sound pleusea nim best. Johnny Friend came iu last Tuesday after a mouth's herding iu the Jilues. He says he wouldn't stay whu it a year lor a w Utile baud of sheep. Heppuor's publie sohool has so many more pupils tins year than usual, that it will perhaps require the assistance ot another teacher in a suort Uuie. M. F. Morgan and wife, S. N. Morgan und Mrs. W uttermau, of iS.iud Hollow, started to Walla Walla Monday. They will take in the fair while there. The preident has signed the Chinese exclusion bill. Tue residents of western states aud territories are p.eased to know thut this bill has become a law. John M. Osborne, of Salem, has beei arrested recently aud put under $;Wu bonds for opening his wites letters That's drawing the line pretty close. Walla Walla is ohuok full of tough cases, and the police are warning peo pie to be careful m leaving anything worth stealing m a position to be taken Frank Shipley came up from Arling ton last Monday. He has been employ ed on the Timet down there for the last two months, hut will likely stop in Hepp uer this winter. As we go to press, we learn that a pe citiou is being circulated, asking tue uounty oourt to make an appropriation of $ou0 each to the Long Creek auu jjoue Book roads. W. J. Neil, of Umatilla, left some fine tomatoes with the ranou people yestoi jay. Mr. Nell ought to heve uu truuuit -a disposing ot such , ardeu truck as tuttt auywuere. Married At the home of the bride's ,aieuis, on Oct. 2, Mr. Edward Day to diss Didaiua Hart, Henry B ismus olti Cutting. The Gazette force extenut jongi ambitious. Grasshoppers have greatly damngod lite farmers of Camas Prairie, North Ida no, this summer, in some sases bitvij ilmoet ruined the young trees on tue umber culture claims. Tlios. Morgan and Chris Borchers re turned last Tuesday from the Baldwin sheep ranch over in Crook county. Mr Morgan baa concluded not to bring ove, my of cbeir sheep this year. j Chicago Chinamen are securing white wives through a matrimonial agency 111 that city. The same scheme is being worked in 'Frisoo. Girls in those places must be needing husbands badly. The eounty court is having a call ses don this week. The tax levy will bt made, the contract for Bhea creek and dntter creek bridges will he Jet anu other regnlar business attended to. Messrs. Cox & English will ship three oar-loads of horses for the Chicago mar ket this week. Quite a number ot Mor row oouuty's horses have found their way to eastern markets this summer. Thos. Matlock and wife returned Wednesday of last week from the state air. Their daughter, Lizzie, and Mi Belle Elder remained in Portland where they will attend St. Helen's Hall thit winter. Mr. H. Welsh, formerly of the John Day, but now a resident of Heppner, nought Sim. Elerick's wood-pile, pa) in therefor $2000, Mr. Elenck throwing in A mild-eve cavnse, who had the gen- r-imleiuv! 1'rn.leuce! - eral reputation it being gentle, gave Iu medication, ns in aught els", pru Ben. Huusaker a vicious kick with both deuce should be your guide, let thou feet over at the Shobe s.table lust Fn- I Bauds cast it to the wiuds. Every new day. Bhu. endeavored to avoid the ! nostrum finds its patrons, the medical blow, but the m.-e. o. got one iu on his j empires of every false sehojl have their riuht iiist below the knee, which I gulls. Every change in the gamut of oame near breaking it. as he was hardly able to walk for some tune. The big rook out ou tho O. & W. T railroad, one aud a quarter miles long will he completed by Wednesday, Oct. 3. The completion of the Toneuet bride will take a week longer. As soon as these are done track laying will be re sumed, and Mr. Hunt feels assured he will have an engine inside the corporate limits within two weeks. 11. 11'. Union. TheE. O. says that the west-bum 1 passenger train came in last Sunday uight with nine coaches tilled with trav elers who were delayed by the terrific wreck at Pocatllo. bix men nerj kill ed iu this sm ish-up instead ot live the forward bralteman, engineer, fireman, and three tramps, who were stealiug a ride. Ben Davis, of Bellevue, Idaho, uncle of Mrs. C. M. Mallory, is visiting iu Heppner this week. Mr. Davis makes a specialty of putting .in quartz mills, aud and is on his way home from the Rogue river country. He travels overland, and will perhaps visit the Cracker oreek mines in E. A humbug is rung successfully for a time at least the notes being furnished hy the credulous. In happy contrast to the manv advertised impostures of the day stands Host-tter's Stomach Bitters, no-t in its third deoade of popularity, ap prised nnd recommended by tho phy sicians, indorsed by the press of many lauds, sought by invalids everywhere. It is an ascertained specific for and pre ventative of malarial diseases, chronic indigestion, liver complaint and consti pation, checks the' growth of rheuma tism and neuralgia, is a peerless iuvijr oranl aa.l useful diuretic. Norvous peo ple benefit by it. Proof Better Than Assertion. Willi such proof an the followiug let ter from W. H. Dean, of No. 278 Seventh street, New Yolk, it is not necessary to make Hi; bare assertion that Allcix'k's Ponoiis .'.'lastkik cure lumbago. Mr. Dean says: "Some teu days iigj I was taken with a very violent pain iu the small of my back. It was so severe that I oould hardly breuih; every movement caused great agouv. I finally found out tireiy neip li. .1...- n...!,! am ltia nnihnitt : it WHS 111 111 1 UlL'O. liOHllf dl Gardener and the custom house I friend sent to a drufKUt and got ..Oi M 1,., .ul.rr, V V W, rn. I IWO ALLi;tK:H a I lHWe XLIiailttui, ......ii',, M f.t!u,.,(a,Tr,inm",.i.B 'in n I "'Ore Well tight plaoe. A Chinese detective pnr- beiran to abate. In. T mi, 1 two hours i was aoie to .uu out nuu o warmed aud aonlied to my back, one above the other. In half an itivo rt- I , . .) r,,r,0 ohased the drug, and it has sfnee de- i , .1 . t . t, veloDed that he was in the employ of the rf 101 ml 1'dl" , government. His name is Moy Wing. j A uecktie party will be given on Friday evening, Oct. 12, at Matlock's hull. Tickets, good for the dance ami supper, $2 50. Supper will be given al the Piouer hotel, where tickets can be procured at any time. Good music will be furnished" and all are invited. The Oaksdale Breeze is the namo of a brand new sheet that is published up at Oaksdale, W. T., by .13. J. Baker, former ly oouuected with the Bosalia Hustler. We hope the Breeze will grow to be a sort of a cyclone in the interest of the oommuuity iu whioh it is situated. Last Eriday uight, as Sam Teed was on his way to the dauce up at the Hun kers sohool house, he rau out of the road aud npset the buggy near Jim Nev ille's place, damaging it about $40. The dauce weut ou just tho same, how ever, and all hud a good time. Walter and Al Crosby returned last Saturday from the Big Bend country. They dou't think very rancli of that sec tion and would prefer Morrow county. There tiro some good sto 'k ranches up there, but they are all taken by parties who hold them at high prices. Isaac Kuighten, of Eight Mile, was dowu last Monday. Tire.sbing is now o'ev, and the folks are busy rustling their grain to the railroad. The general avet -age, Mr. Kuighten informs us, is not as good as was expected in harvest time. .... t.. l,noiud f)n ttitin hpinir nl most gone. Next day I was all right but , fiiruishing Roods line. .ontiuueil wearing the planters for a week. TWO Bill DOES. Notice is hereby given that sealed pro posals will oe received at the county clerk's office for the building of two oouuty bridges, first, one across Bhea creek, below J. M. Hayes' ranch; leugth of bridge (about) 117 feet long. Second, a bridge ujross Butter creek, at or near Galloway, Morrow oonnty. Sealed bids will bo received by the county clerk un til 2 o'clock Thursday, the 4th day of October. 1888. the oouutv reserving the right to reject any or all bills, ami specifications may be seen Wit, THHIFT AM) TRADE. Newt. Whetstone has an office but he dou't occupy it but very little. His business is at the forge, mending broken agricultural machinery, shoeing horses and the like, all of which will suit any denizeu of the Heppner country, both as to price and quality of work. Gilliam & Coffey are prepared to fit a man out with any kind of an outfit to be found in a first-class hardware store. They will sell you nails to fix up your fence when your neighbor's cows break it down, or tit you out wiih kitchen tools when you get married. If you want a red pump that is not only neat aud attractive in appearance but also able to do good service iu get ting the water of the Heppner hills up to the surface, call ou Lecher A Thomp son, Sacks furnished for wheat nt Sperry Mills. Johnson & Smith are selling all kinds of groceries at astoui-!iin .'1. low hg'.uet-. and it will pay every hihabr nit of these ancient Heppner hills to patronize them. May street, opposite Minor, Dodsou & Go's. There's no use looking hi no, even though wool dou't sell very high. E. J. Slocum & 0. have drugs aud other neces sary truck tlown to bed-rock, so that a little money will buy an arm load. Unsmus, the dentist, will till teeth, or extract the same in a scientific manner. It is a fact acknowledged by all "art organists," both of Europe and America that the "Estey" is tho sweetest voice. 1, most human toned, least reedy in tone. 1 mid quickest in response to touch of any organ manufactured iu the world. lients, it vou need anything iu the all ou Yaiuluvn. lie has a full line of cashmeres, f-pronUo- an t laundered shirts; also a full line of lovi,' shirts and underwear, childreu't suits, knee pains and waists, all ohea for cash. Dr. Vaughn will consent to act a agent for a newspaper whenever hi professional duties lead him to localities where he can do any good in that line. However, that does not prevent him from extracting aud lilliug teeth iu a first-class manner-. Sperry is paying 55 cents jfop wheat and furnishes sacks. Town Marshal: "Don't ride your Vlntia i horse so liard." Tall man ou horseback. nt the "O, I know what I am about. I'm bound for 1'i J. nlocnm tV (Jo.s drug shop 10 111 Ui( rn Dl Altiiia Street, HEPPNER, OREGON. )1) ikiiiin 1.11 imwiiiiiii Abstracter of Titles AND MONEY LOANED On Improved Farms in Morrow and Vmatilla Counties at HENRY HEPPNER, Arlington. HENBY BLACKMAK, Heppner. PIONEER BRICK BUILDING. Always in the Lead ! 0 1- h Em i lira. jsmi .mm i The Old-Established House of HEPPNER&BLAC.KMANI -DEALERS IN General Merchandise, lu.-lr'u nfllno Kiiaiitrl Sepi.. Ill, '8S. " . . ' . County Judge, i purchase tue finest toilet outfit ! lieiojuoi 11,113 Just received aolmioe lot of gilt-edged, Camas prairie butter lit Johnrton & Smith's. Try it- Kiititisn A Boy. Tuesday morning of last week D. L. Shirk shot and killed a lad ni'ined Jas. Isaacs iu Catlow valley. Shirk came into town Thursday, evening aud gave himself up to the proper au thorities. Justice Rnlisou placed him under 85,000 bonds to appear at tho pre liminary trial next Monday, that being considered as early lis witnesses could be obtained. He gave bonds for his ap pearance and left. A great deal could be said regarding the case, but we make no commeuis, trusting the law will .deal justly with iill.--Ca0oii City lYeics. To 11m Public. The undersigned, having located in Hoppner for the pur pose of practicing medicine iu all cura ble cases, offers his services to the peo ple of the town and country. I am par ticularly desirous of treating all forms of ohronio diseases, such as liver disease, dyspepsia, iudigpslioii in all its forms, sore eyes, old sores, rheumatism, throat and lung troubles, skin diseases, and es pecially the diseases of woiuen aud chil dren, young girls nnd old people. For ty years of Hueoessfiil practice gives me confidence iu being ablo to treat suc cessfully all curable diseases of this pari of the world. I am ready to answer nil calls, both in town and country, and that when required, whether night or day. I carry my own medicines, thus saving an extra trip to the drug store. W. F. Alexanpeh, M. D. All ..kinds of hardware, tinware iim': crockery, also wagons, farm machinery, pumps, gas-pije, nails, etc., for sale b the new linn of Gilliam A- Coiley. The firm of Johnson & Smith arc pre pared to furnish you with fresh vegetables: aud all kinds ot fresh groceries. Look well to your interests and patronize them Flour exchanged for wheat at Sperry Mills. When man gets so that he can't speak pleasant to his wife, he must have eithei the chillblains or the toothache. Dr. Vaughan, the dentist , is a sure cure for the latter. Tun Doit LAitH BiiWAKii.-The abovt reward will be paid for any information that will lead to the recovery of one grey, three-year-old niare, with tail bobbed, and 'branded IL wilh M under ii cm left shoulder. She probably has n colt. Address, Geo. V. LurmiTON, Borkville, Gilliam Co., Or. STEAM ENGINES VERTICAL AITS HORIZONTAL. TWO-HORSE POWER ENGINE. WITH STEEL BOILER, $150. CHEAP, RELIABLE, SAFE. Automatic Boiler Feed, Automatic Pop Safety Valve, Bteel Boiler. Cost of running guaranteed not to exceed three cents per hour. Nothing equal to it ever before offered for the price. Larger Bizea equally low. Bond for free descriptive circular. CHAS. P. WILLARD & CO 238 Randolph Street, Chicago, III. AYERS"& FELL, Wool Commission m i-:PkC I i A'rr s. BoprcBpnting T. W. HALL k Co., Chicago. FEN NO BROS v CHILD, Boaton. -CONTINUES TO- SELL FIRST-CLASS GOODS! -AT THE- It Pays KvkrvTime. It's unfortunate but it is a faet that in every community there are ulwavH a number of lads who think it proatly to their eredit to be "toutth," nancy and insultinjj, especially to to people much older than theniselve.s. lleppner has as few hoodlums as any town we know of; in faet it has unprov ed wonderfully in that one. particular respect in tho fast three years, but there is still room for some improvement. B looks well to be gentlemanly and pays every time, and young boys will do well to remember it. Notice. Siieepmum. 'or sale in Wal lowa county, Oregon, a deeded hay ranch, together wiih improvements on homestead adjoining,. In the heart, of the ratiao; '27 milos from c.uuly seat, have control of tho water close to huiu nior rutitfo. Niuoty tons of hay; all the riirminjf implements und household uten sils ro 'with the ranoh. Good improve ments on both claiinn. A sure bariruin. Owner soiuu to Moxioo. Terms, $2. II 10: .fl.lOO cash aud bdlance on time. Call, iiililress W. B. OiiM MILT,, Arcadia, Wallowa county, Oregon i'ei i.-i'l t-iiii:iMiii'io, 1.11 "ii - Ihllcil rentitiil lHli, i' li'iiher t!l;n ilm Cheats PORTLAND BUalNEoS COLLEGE, I'tirthtnil, Orvirnn. it ilistiiKMUin, ,'Sluli ojinhirtty. Business, -AT- Sl icidu at I'endi.ei'ox. F'. II. S.nvtell, a well-known and respected resident ol Pendleton, was found dead under the railroad bridge, a mile below town, on hist Monday mornins, with a bullet-hole through his head. He hud been out of employment for some time, aud it is thought that, this preyed on his mind till it drove him to suicide. He leaves n wife and live children. He was buried bv the Odd Fellows, of which order 1 ments. Students niiialiieil at any thai-. Cuta 1; ne juirl Rpefini'Mis of peitnrmshio sent free. J. 1. WKSCO. Nm'j. A. If. AUJ1K1 ItOMi, I'rhi. 'ifiH WfiiiL Chosen. Many moioliaiits to sell their ooods on account of tl not beiiiL' of a orst-class character. Hut you need not be uneasy ill regard to Harry J iliuson's stock of candies, nuts, cigars, tobacco, etc. They are fiesh aud well-assorted, aud his stock warrants your trade. Next door to First Nation al Bank, Jones' building. affi 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L J JI'ISjOll HI I s ImpossibitjTtt. A sheet from the st'irving ( '!) state -of Kansas puts it- like this: "We are al ways glad to have our friends cull to see us, but must respect ailly ask them to refrain from bothering : I our compositors. A man oau t keep up ! a eonllab aud set type with any degree of suocess. That's about corrtot, too. Land Business. Como. to tho Ga zettb shop aud have your proving up started by a shoot that wishes you pros perity regardless of your religions, po litical, etc., proclivities. Tho clerk aud judge live right here at Heppner, and it is altogether more convenient. Billy Morrow is ready to take your tilings, and will do the business in lirst-class Bhape. Thanking my friends for I shall continue to try to past favors, merit confi dence by doing first sonablo prices. lii .11 0 m nr 111,11 ,1 pay Tor in this wild, woolly west, is a rido of 63 miles on a stage, to be jolted and generally shook up. It's great to ride over the country at this time ol the year aud view the broad, command ing landscape, passing little rivulet here and there, that were some time last spring. The song ofthe snnd-tond, tin meezing of the horses and the grnmb ling of the passengers aro music indeed. Wkbk Setievahei). -S. W. Miles am' wifp, ni'e Miss lraunie Mifoheltreo, re lurned from Hie stale fair last wi.ek tr their home in Hardman. Their friend), gave them a tin pan serenade last Sat urday evening. Mr. Miles did the fair thing and treated the boys royally. They were married some three weelo ago, but the Gazette peoplo failed tr learn of it till a day or two ago, but v is not too late yet, we hope, to exti ml congratulations. Roue Kit kino. The cow ordinance is being remt nstiated against uy almost every cow owner. The people who get up these hi e lornings and find their week's washir g chewed up and shade tiees deslnvea by these measly pests, would like 10 see the ordinance passed. Oi course, there are two sides to a ques tion, hnt it is our olain opinion that il people watt to ktep cows in town snouiu ai it-asi iae Give rs the News. The hoary-hendef' lenizen and all other folks are invitet to drop in at the ranch's headquarter anil give us all happenings of their re spective neighborhoods. That's wlm makes a local paper. We are not provid ed with a private Vjiidf, but will endeav or to Use our eayiisegram service am special grapevine dispatches so that 011 readers may know something that is g ing on in the country. FnoM W.u.iiwa. .1. L Lambert, for nerlv of Morrow county, but now resid ing in Wallowa, is visiting friends in Heppner this week. He likes that coun try and says he never saw better range anywhere, ft. It. Keeves has not enjoyei -rood health since he went over there but he is well satisfied with the countp for stuck purposes. Mr. l,:i:iiln-rt wii. probably rturn the fir-it of next week. Palpitation of the Heart Persons who suffer from occasional, palpitation of the heart are oflen unaware that they are becoming the victims of heart dis ease, and are liable to die without warn ing. They should banish this alarming (vmptom; and cure the disease bv Using D11. Flint's Hemedy. Mack Drug Co., N. Y. For S.m.k. A good ranch of Hid acres, 3J acres under wire fence. In a mile of diulicr and good grass. Also; seven lead of good horses, two cows and alves, a yearling heifer, S tons of hay, ;iousfhok"l furniture, tools, etc. The iiirehaser of the rnuch will receive the oenelit of a good garden. II. 11. (Iai'NT. Iritis work id rea- OREGON. CALLAHAN'S NEW RESTAURANT Is prepared to givo inotiln at all hours, DAY OR NIGHT! You will find my place next door to 15. A. llnnHiiker & Co., in this Old Bank Building, Arlington, Castle ltock aud Echo. ARTHUR SMITH, 1 .l t ACTIO AXj WATCHMAKER ! Next to First National Bunk, EIEl'PNEll, : Watches, Clocks, Wutolu'H ( 'Icuinxl, Mtiiiirin;rt Kilted A :n D OREGON Optical Goods . $1.50. . . tl.SO. AH work qnixranteed for one year. CALL ON Jons Davidson, BE-L V B A. E D E R E L O O K Ii LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! I TV it ll Our Stock will be found Complete in Every Respect, and we shall always endeavor to retain our place IX THE FROXT RANK1 And in tlie future, as in the past, we shall endeavor to continue to be the Leading House in the Heppner Country ! 00 Our facilities for doing business are unexcelled by any mercantile es tablishment in the Northwest! We guarantee to all our Customers Courteous Treatment and Fair Dealing. An inspection of our establishment will convince each nnd nil ns to the full nnd complete stock we nt all times carry. Owing to the steady increase in our business we have built a nnd Commodious Fire-Proof Brick Building, which gives better facilities than ever before enjoyed. Large us Sole Agents tor Heppner and Vicinity Oc FOR THE 1 o b i a t e d B a i 11 AND ' a o n Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Agricultural Irrfemejjts HIDES AND PELTS BOUGHT FOR CASH OR TRADE. HENRY IIEPPNEIl, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. Ship Care of II. & B., Arlington. 1 D. JOHNSON & COMPANY, HueoeBSOrB to ()i (wile Livery Stable. Ilejijnirr, Oregim. MAJ.X STUEli'V IlEI'PNKll. At this favorite resort will alwayi b found the heat brands of WINES, LIQUORS AND C1GAKS. A. 1'IHHT-f'LASS MLLIAltD T A B L K fur tliy timiiuemoiit of k'uohIh. New Launiiht. About the firBt of j May wo will open n.ww laundry 'in the i building next below ,nin Jones livery stable, on the east Hide of Main street, leppner A full "stock of JiipatieHo nilk ;oo(k and lacquered are will bIho be ept on hand. Kia.m & Wo Kke. For Kale. !!J) of aooil land. lias well of good water.. All' under fence. Cheap for cash down. Located six fnile.H rom lleppner and four inilen from Lex ington. Address me al Wallula, W. T., or cull at the ranch, where information ! can he given coneernini; the same. i Ii. K. Hathaway. ; Strayed.-From my raiif,'e, iu Cabin I oanyon, one sorrel mare, two years old. star in face, branded lar'e U oil left ! shoulder and bar on left side of neck. U halter broke. Five dollars reward j will he paid for her return tojas. Jones' j livery stable, or to my place in Cabin , canyon. Alex. i m:nv. Tailerinc:. I have opened a well-appointed tailor ini( eHtaOlishment in my new build ing on May street , and am now regularly , receiving new Koods and will make cur- ' torn made paiiln from S7 to $M,V-bet goods in the market. A. Amt.MMuai'-K. CHAS. H. D0DD & CO., IMPORTERS OP gardware, Iron, JJteeL. AND FARM MACHINERY. FIRST AUD VINE STREETS, PORTLAND, O. A I. MALLO II Y, AT THE CriTrlfeDRUGSTORE, HEPPNER, V OREGOK. Keop the LargOBt and Best Selected Stock of Goods in hia Line in Morrow County. Comprising Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicines, and Toi let Goods of Every Description. Also Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Wall Paper, Ready Mixed Paints, Etc., Etc. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. The Best Brands of Domestic, Key West and Imported Cigars. Call and see us when you are wanting anything in our line. Prescriptions accurately compounded, day and night, and special attention paid to orders from the country. or.: Sole Agents for Oregon and Washington for lS31iUmBe(751!XlWJill!S'., thev care of them. If SntAVEK. One bay mare, 5 yean old. i weighs 12IW; branded .1 C on leit shoiii- j der. A sorrel mare wilh baiii face an j hite hind feet; weilis ldO'l; fiyearsol ind same brand. A 2-yo ir o,d mmn mare with white strin iu face and wlob His neat property, down on Main street j nind feet: Weihs HoO, and has the sanif into the bargain. ; brand. I will pay 810 apiece for theii ti, r n ,,. tr,of ...0.1 om ; 1,. j "etiirn to Henry Gay's ranch on Iihei. .:i.i "ji,'i-ii i'.tMi ! J'", Cot . Gt-RY. owing to the number of wagons loaded with w heat passing over the thorough fares and converting heni inlo minia ture canyons nnd sean of dust. It ii reported that the Heppner rail road is oomDlefed up to Bedford's place, this side of Horseshoe Bend. The that's too much expense, sell t-em ana ;lrackiave ,e along much faster buv milk of the dairyman, lie is nere , noWi tuere are very few bridges on iu' .ui.ose and will appreciate the I thia eni0( the road to delay them. patronage. I foreman Teterson and another man buildere dunn I Cost tlOOO.-,nn. T. KradHhaw, of ; Washington t.-rrit ,ry, on a visit to .his ; San Francisco, started out to see the i sights on the aibt of Sept. 2'.. In his I rambles thro igh the"I!arbarv Coast ' be I carelessly ca Tied his overcoat aero,., bis i arm, in the breast txvket of which he placed his oi Kct boon, oontauo, g old T? 1 TT . V.n PAtnrna from tltfl in lUe IOTC0 OI OrillU UUUUCitS Uv"U ou L. a. ar, mti u.. . , , , . eiuitlobuju me in the Heppner conn-; ine neppuer uraueu .ra ' try The eat. era horse market is rath- bridge last Satarday and both badly er dalL bnt 34 . Kramer dispowd t his hurt. At la&t accounts it was thought stock .t fair pi ice.. J th.t Peterson would not reoovsr. notes to trie .-aiue ot fjuKj, ,tf r v sit ing several saloons he went to a low groggery on Broadway near the county jail, where he uiumi uib pouXtibook am its contents, uu ,Kicun ,, , tsento the theft, but tbe oharie was too indel- iuu in iu cuaracter anu tue ottcers re- j by r ni fased to mae anv arrests. Autikttc VVohf.--1'iinlir.g a house . 'iroperly is a job tlud tiikenn good hand .villi the brush, and Vash W illiams is the man that can do Hint v.oil for you in the highest line of artistic art. Paper nnnging and inKide work, a specially. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no charges made. Notice.- Thirty or forty tons of grain hay for sale on good sheep range, or would lease, twelve hundred good : ewes. For terms and pn;-ticulars, call on J. T. Spray at Liberty .Meat Market, Ifiippnt r, Oregon. Notice. All notes or accounts due me ; must be settled on or before Nov. 1, 1HHS. Alter that date tbe same will be put in the hands of an attorney for collection if not settled. J. IJ. .Vattkk. - , M0J.LSB.II.L- 'nV"' .''; DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. 'I lio-ilile or Trlpplt Furrow. They are ho MMiple mid 101111-no re-iir nli-,,hil l.'i lion II11O ihose wlio have ilur-rt Idem or ' n II,, in wmk ran n-il say eimuali In tlietr pr&ISf . Wu flirniHli I lieln wll li 01 u 1I1011I ut mile line lit. SeHl. HttucliuieliN 111,1 f-xlr'i. POWEE LIPT ILOWS. , BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL. . Tlx Town of HEPPNER NOW PROSPERS, And Tlio " OF REAL ESTATE IS MMl With a Railroad now building to it, better inducements are offered here than any town in Eastern Oregon. Beautiful situation, good water, broad streets, a good school, three 1 churches, enterprising inhabitants, etc., seldom fail to count in any climate. 1 If-tl JT 1 Wtliv.-s. A. i HUBERTS, the Ileal Mate, CMion and Insurance Man, no rnu uive 1011 OFFICR WITH W.B. ELLIS, OVEK MoATEB 4 SPRAY'S SHOP.3 W, J. LEICZLlt. P. C. THOMPSON liurkeye II, , prom (imln Drill, IHlekeve Seeder, P.le lieve Kjirllitt T00II1 Harrow, Hupei lo (i rain In IIH, Superior Keeilem, The most cornplel an, LEEZER & THOMPSON Loot Ootob? m: lor ...... . Dg away about i. .ii, I .ill p en indebted to iiber inurt m- e their accounts ur note before u at date. V, L. Hot WOX. , , CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND The latest Improved Implement lor nowlriK mioner fnilow We lo have a full line of Bu(?iie, Carriygon. l'hne'or,. Mountain Waged Platlorm and other bpring Vehiolua. . SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. , Lawrence 4 Ctiapin'n Hprlng-Twih Harrows li,;;r., Ibirrow.. Hetootlile Ind Vi : Putlllc Kaiinlnii M LI!--, iiaihii lLinii AVi si i j. ! . i-rrv. Minor, Dodson & Co., Agents .it eppner ' v 17 V rtrekt. -DEALEIW IN- IIAKDAVAIIE AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, :!IELF HARDWARE, Bird-Cages, Rope, Nails, Cutlery, Wood and Willow Ware, Granite Ware, Etc. r