THE GAZETTE. HF.pWERTHPBSDAY, OCT. 4, '88 jIwoB Hbnby Wabseb, of Missouri now oommander-in-obief of the O. A Tbi political enemies of tbe great prohibitionist now style bim "Jsok Peter ' Xhb National Passenger is the nam of a new paper recently started in To pota, Kansas, in the interest of rail roads. Heavi frosts are reported in Iowa Wisooimin and Illinois. It will soon b followed np with a world of snow am cold weather. A CifcPAiQN lie t the effect that Cleve land is having a rubber stamp made ir England to si,,n pension vetoes with ii going tbe ronnds. The American polit ical arena is grt at. One hundred more colored miners am' their families have been shipped in i Roelyn, W. T., to operate mine No. 3. No more trouble is anticipated at th. mines, but the old schedule of wages ha: been reduced from 10 tc 25 per cent. John B. Allen and C. S. Voorhees an rustling Washington Territory for all their worth in the Candidacy for delegate to congress. Mr. Voorhees has been there twice and has done well for the people, but there may be some prejudice) against a third term. " Dakota is a good country. A clergy man wettout there recently, and writes his folks back at home that lie is getting along well enough. By dint of saving he had gotten together quite a little sum of money, before moving, which he has loaned at from 32 to 52 per cent. That is a good country for an old forty per cent. , Theke is supposed to be a case of yel low fever at San Francisco. On the train which arrived from Baltimore on Sept. 30, a man by the name of James Oswald was found to be so sick as not to be able to leave the car. He admitted that he was from Jacksonville, and It is feared that It is a genuine case of "yellow Jack." Several residents of lleppner began to beautify their homes a few years ago by planting shade trees. To-day there is quite a contrast between these homes and those that have been neglected in that respei't. Let every resident plant shade trees next spring, and not only will the residence portion of town become more attractive, but it will add to the value of property. The present session of congress is the longest that Vas been held in the history .of the. Vni instates. The longest pro ceeding session that has ever been held was in 1850. The session of 18J8 w as apparently the longest, having adjourn ed on Nov. 10, but after July 27 of that year congress took a rest, and never af terwards had a quorum nor attempted to transact any business. Mk. Si-ebky will mako a proposition to the town council in a short time regard ing water-works. It will then come be fore the people for them to reject or nc-, (Cept EJJiie. It will be remembered that the wti'cr-workH question was voted on once and re jected, pi incipally because it was not understood, this propo sition be placed clrrrly before tbe voters of lleppner that no p;irt of il may be mis construed. Tub alleged purchase of army blank ets from British manufacturers by the democratto secretary of war has been flatly denied by the Examiner, Courier Journal mid World; and probably by every ethor demooratio paper in the country. It may be regarded ns an or dinary oanipaign lie. Everybody knows that boll) parties lie on each other like blazes during presidential campaigns. SamcelJ. Randall, the great demo cratic leader, iB still quite sick. There is a rumor at the capitol that his illness is producing a mental disorder which is troubling his friends and family very " lunch. It is said that several prominent members of his party have received In ters from him in which he signs himself as speaker ot the house, evidently labor ing under tho lmllurinntiini that he is still presiding over that body. As this report comes through a local paper at Washington, no credence can be attach ed to it. However, it may be painfully true. The Long Creek mad question is not being agitated by the Hcppncr people to any great extent at present, except an occasional "it ought to be looked after." That is a fact; it should be, and pretty soon, too. Some are expecting an ap propriation from the state and others as sistance from the county for this road. A suiull appropriation from the ex chequerof every taxpayer of lleppner would he the proper thing, and then if the county and state choose to do some thing in that direction, it would help some. A great lical of work Is needed to be done on that road this fall. A schoolboy's compe)sition on "The Editor" ran as follows: "Tho editor is one of the most happiest . individuals in the world. He can go to the circus in the afternoon and e.cnings without pay ing a uickle; also to inquests and hang ings. He has a free ticket to the thea ters, gets wedding cake sent him, ami sometimes gets a licking, but not often, for he can take things back in his next issue, which ho generally docs. AVhile other folks have to go to' bed verv carlv the editor cun sit up late every night and sec all that's going on. When 1 am a man 1 mean to lie an editor so that 1 can sisy out at uiglits. Then ihai be jolly." CllAROKD wrrii pMt i-fioiTvii v., i1 n i diKnatch. Hnio.1 K,.. hm ., , i thiimnr, ii.. n',.-11 '"! well-known Inn-, - . ' i ... i . rested l,v I! k "i i ii V "r" iwim in the Htirrup. When lirst wen britvof., il;v,i, oun vho was with hin, So i N V on S 7 "" n,!(-i'l'tio.eof the necident, he was lvinK rauindinV Thia .w i iunMracy m uneoimeiouH on the Kround. The injured i-:J?.?.i 1 - . " " "" not ex- i hoy remin -d to toruey, with Gardner und othem, now nK t-1 With smutf-lin. Mr Hin... . .. ii" . ...... H,.iv iu tH'v, lilfK HT III' r innx.i u ... 17. --" -,., mi -,i r " nHinmon, leit tor Taeoma hv th 3o clock boat this mornin.-, nvonna med by friends. He will demand that proceeding in ,ja cne be immediate. Public Smakiko. Hon. W. R. Bilyen, demomuo candidate for preaideuti.U eleotor will addreoa the people on tbe S 7 Sa of tl,e ,ime ,bi" Tin EIGHT MILE MATTEES. Eight Mile, Ob., Oct. 1, 1888 Editor Gazette : Well, here it is Monday morning igain and I have no more idea what am to write about thnn tbe man in the moon. I have very pften heard of peo ple scratching their craniums vigorousl) when they wanted to bring out brilliant ideas, bnt that sort of thing fails to ring them out in my oase. However. I might aa well conclude right here that anything brilliant would lie out of my latitude and let the matter rest there and come down to bnncbgrnss once more And what an old reliable it is and has been until just at present, when it would seem that if we do not have miu pretty soon, it will fail us entirely. Binge is abort, here in this vioinity, and stock dons not look well. Our well, which heretofore has always affureled plenty of water, no'V threatens to dry up. Anyway this canyon is good for a few t 'inirs; the wind can raise the biggesl dust in it of any within my range a:id there are vegetables growing here that would do credit to any country, es pecially some parsnips, which, if used hi Indian olnbs. would develop any mau's muscle. building will soon be commenced on Haves' house, which promises to be an imposing structure. Miss Addie McBee, who has been vis iting revives and frieuds iu Lexington, returned home lust Sunday, nocompii nied by her cousin, Miss Delia Tibbetts. Mr. and Mrs Couey, formerly of this flat, are now living near Waterville, W. T. It would seem from the name that they bad struck a place not quite so dry as this that is if there is anything in a name. G. T. Ingraham has located on a ranob on the Wenatchie river and will make h a home there. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hooker will return to Eight Mile this fall, probably to stay Ohas. Ingraham and his father wil return to the homestead this fall and make their future home here What's the matter, "Camas?" I eh uld think you would loom up prelty soon with a letter that would double discount us poor bunchgrassers, or can't you find a good subject to work up? Mnj. Lou. Sweeney is moving his sheep to their winter range on Willow creek. Well, that donkey of mine has grown tired of standing in the harness, and from the lugubrious notes which pene trate the nir at present, I think I ahull bring this to a close. Jour. A Wash Hocsh ''Troht." Thsre are no Hies on the Chinese residents of Ha lem, or nt least this pestiferous insect doesn't roost on the banks of that por tion of the Celestial kingdom which pre sides over the wash houses of tbe city of churches. There are now but four of these wash houses in the oity. Their proprietors bad heard of the Standard Oil 'trust," the sugar "trust," the rail roid combines and rings and they en vied the proud positions of Jay Gould, Clans: Hprecklee and other such money kings; so they queued their heads to gether nnd winked their moon eyes, and decided to form a pig-tailed trust of 'heir own. And they accordingly form ed it. They enlcred into a oompact to protect una another, and raised the price of their Turk from 50 to 100 per oent. nil nronnd. Now, if any patron of onn ef these wash houses kicks about the prices or treatment he is blacklisted, and be must humbly make his peace and pay thoir price or not a single member of the combine will touch Ins washing. Even then they often refuse to listen to tbe lowly suit of the unfortunate pos sessor of dirty linen, and deny his pray er altogether. This imperious trust con siders that it has a dead mortal kibosh on the "washoe-wiishee" business in Hn lcm, and they are vastly more independ ent than tlio historical liojj on ioe. There is just one way to "bus" this highfalu tin Mongolian trust, anil that is for some enterprising while man to oume here and operate a first class steam laundry. Ho would got fair prices and all he ooiild do. There nevor was before in Siilom, uulil the past, few months, so amull n number of wash houses, and there is no knowing the bounds to which the Celestial greed would exert itself if not olivukcd by competition, in which onse it would get down oil its lofty pedeslal in a tiiiinijer more busty than elegant. Salem Statesman. Adjoin kd. The examination of Win, 1 ago, cnarged with the shooting of Win. Brown, took plnoe before his Honor, ,T. C. Parker, of limns, on Friday and 8at nrday at. The state was represented by V. J. Miller, C. W. Parrish and Geo S. Sizomoro, and.T. Nat. Hudson and A W. Waters defended Mr. Pago. A Inrge miiuusr oi win 1108.408 were examined on either side. A full and fair investigation was had which convinced his honor that tho shooting was done in self-defense. The argiuneut was olosed on Saturday night and on Sunday the defendant was discharged. A large number of witness es tostilied that Mr. Page was a peace able, law-abiding citizen. Some of the witnesses testitlod that they had known him lor 25 years and never knew him to be engaged in any difficulty before. Kv ery witness called to testify ns to tho rep utation of the deceased, testified that it was bad. Mr. Pago has been fully ex onerated, in so far as this court is con cerned. -Hum item. Hit that Danckh, etc. A covetous rooster recently stolo a neighbor's house hold, his seven kids nnd wife up near Dayton, W. T , and lit out for Grande Honde, but was overhauled nnd brought back. This is tho box in which these folks find themselves, according to the Columbia Clmmielt : The preliminary examination of John Albright, who stole Peterson's household, was lu.1,1 l,r,,r.. Juslioo Fonts this woek. The ease was hotly contested by Dorr. Sturdevuiit and Ormsbee for the prosecution nnd God- man ror the aerense The defendant was held te answer iu the sum of $500. Jane I'dcrmm, his paramour, waived exami nation and by her consent her bonds .vere piaeeu at siuu. The woman bonds, but Albright is in jail. gave Tticii Mines. --Mr. F. M. Naught, of this city, bus just arrived from Salm on river and reports developments pro gressing rapidly, but tho want of nulls and reduotiou works prevents much money being taken out. l!ii ns the miners aro working hard on their din. covcries and now ones beinu made ev. erv day there is not much lost us it, iu nnly a question of very abort time when not only reduction works but railroads will penetrate the country. Mr. Naught brought down a very handsome and rich specimen of quartz from the Jessie mine, at Wanniout Lake, sent to the Statesman cnbinet bv Mr. W. T iiwiiniii,1 the owner. Gold is scattered all ovur it and we should judge it would easily mill $500 per ton. - ll II'. Statesman. ' A Fatal Ari'iiiKM'. I.nsl Tlmmliiv .1,1 I lloncr, 17-yi'iir-uM won of John ('. li,'inir. i IllCt with mi n.-i.i.l,.,,! i),t ....A.......M.. i cittiKi'd liU dentli. Ho wuh driviiivrciiltle ' I and in hi mic wiiy wiw tlirown from his ; hol'KC. It 1 lMiMI'lilllv Kllll. ,u.,.l II. ..I ,!... i . v- . ' i '.."... in - "" H" "," 111 p d u'N, the rid- t 1'1'intr ilirown, ami in'inir thrown, imd nerlmiiH dnu-i-i'il "line (Urtiiiuce oil Bccon t ol Ion fool Hinto of till that eould 1h done he never regained oonseiousni'sB, and died Sntur-! A ..I. ... . -i .i .i rri ... , . ' " o i hp eiiuse ol his iiiiiin iiKH ronrnsKlon oi tlid hrn n Wallowa Chieftain. Not rEPAKi'.D for IT.- The ram on Sept. 20. hihI the night before caught several of tbe brick makera miurepareil for it. John Fluntington lost iibout till,. 000 green brick, and Miller, his neigh bor, lout 100,000. The hitter suffered bia greateat loaa in bit kiln, which w nu oovercd. Taeoma Nrw, Honor to Whom Honor is Vrr.. Un der the present circumstances I feel it nothing more than my duty to say that the report that Prof. Neece has neglected bis family or that he has been abusive in any way is a mistake. lie was always a kind and generous man in his family; always provided well for them, and a more affectionate father can not be found anywhere. Tbe above accusations have been circulated by Borne and are false and liable to injure an innocent person. While the professor has his faults thf iame as other people these are mine of them. Si sie E Neece. How it Stood ik 1884.- The popular vote for the different presidential can did nes in 1884, is as follows: Cleveland. HI 1,017; Blame, 4.848.834; Butler. 133, 825; St. John, 151.809. Cleveland re noived 21! electoral votes and Blaine 182. Cleveland's plurality of the popu lar vore over rsiaine was K4.6S.1. Notice, Sheepmen. 12ij0 head of gooi' ewes to let for one year or more. A Is' from 500 to 700 head of sheep (or sale. For information concerning tbe same ap ply to G. W. Harrington, lleppner, Or. A. J.IUsev. NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice ie hereby (riven that the omlenriKTied ha Mile liny filwt in the Coanty court of Slum., county, Orejron, her final account as executrix of the eeOtt of Edward Kilcnp, rieceawn md that Monday. theSth day of November. 1SSS. at 11 o'clock A. M.hae been appointed by eaid court for hearinit objections to Raid final account and for eettloment thereof, EMMA KILCCP Dated Oct. i!d, 1SH8 . Eiecotrix. NOTICE OF INTENTION. J-and Office at I Grande. Or.. Sept. 27, 'M, notio is hereby gi ven that the fllowine-naHad tettler has filed hie notice of intention te sake final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on Nor. in, im Dee W. Hurt, K' w ?' M27, fr m 8ec' H' Tv 4 6,1 B 'a He numes the following witnesses to prove his U.1V.UHI u. i wguuurj npou, ana uuiti?utioa of, said land, viz: John W. Daly. J P. Brown, Win, Barton and M. J. Kevin, all of Huppner. Oregon. Any person who desires to protest ftgalitflt the allowance of Bucli proof, or who knows of any siibutaiitlnJ renwoD, under the law and the reirulu tions of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportu nity at the above intioned time and place to oroes eiam me the wi triees of said clai man t, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. 'ttto-to Hkney Uinehaht, Kflgister, i of Morrow For the Six Months Ending September 30, 1888. iSemi-Aiintitti Report Data Acccount. May 11 July 7. Kept 8 Mny 11 July 7 Sppt 8. July 7. Sept 8. (ienorul Exnpnse ncrt . Road anil Ilriilo accl Kloction ace I Stock Inspector's 8airv Hept 8 " ii ii July 7 "''lit 8 .TllHticp f'mtrt '"y J.1 County Coin July 7 " " Sept 8. ?''!y County School July 7 " ii Sept 8 May 11. Sept 8. . District Attorney Fees. May 11 Jail Expense July 7 " " Sept 8. Julv 7 . . . Sept 8 . . Mfv 11. Julv 7. . . Sept 8. . . Mav 11 . Julv 7... Sept 8 . . Mav II. . July 7 . Mhv 11. . July 7... Sept 8... . Pauper acct I ii County Judge Raiury. ii ii ii' Shei-iffB Fee acct . Treasurer's Salary acct . i ii ii Circuit Court accl. . . . u Teachers Examinations. Insanity Expense aect .. Hiiihline acct. . Clerks Fees Total Amount of ClainiH Allowed and Drawn Outstanding unpaid County Warrant on L pr( lHHH Estimated InttWHt accrued thereon Total amount of unpaid County Warrants STATE OF OKEGON, ) County of Mokrow, j S9, dohorJi'iHiKffi . . . ' ""'" in u Soti.l-Annnul Ktiiti.i.inett .1.,. Taxes, an M n e , t o iimi aiiioun oi claims allowed by the County Court of said Comity t ,, L- months on the 3,1th day of September, 1888, on what accom, were allowed, and the amount of warrants drawn ai d the ,mn,,i ( tIle. s:lnif H.auding and unpaid as the same appear ,n re cor fh i 0'" otl eial custody. Wilness my hand aiul the 'seal o the oCy ,ou o Z 1 "7 HKAi.) ntlixed this 2,1 day of Odohcr ,1888. C L Ani, kkb " f 'i""" ?' " 1 I1WIJ 1 I i Ore,,,,,, for the six months cndhihith uVot2 AM'rmn TO AMOl'NT UICCKIVKD. April, 1888; coin and currency. $1,630.78 incoiiniy warrants. 30.30 Total received 1.MI7 08 May, 1888; in coin and Mirrencv$l ,784.01 " " In county warrants". 25.20 Total received $1,810.11 June, '88; in coin and currency. $2,470.73 111 county warrants. . 22.87 Total received $2,403 60 July, '88; in coin and currency. $ 318,25 Total received $ 318.25 Sept. ,88; in coin and currency. $ 631.00 Total received $ 631.00 STATIC OF OKK.tiON. ( t'Ol'NTV OK MoKKOW, f ' I. T. R. Howard. SheritTnf P.,,,.,... .1.. I i .1 , . , . ; , 1 1 v. ..,111,, in, u,-iri, remit null llie lor. ''"ect and true. itnoss my hand this 1st day of October A. 1). 1SSS. Tivnsiirer's ttitt?iiit?nt. Semi-Annnnl Statement nf tliW.,n,.. t.. ., ... xr , . . .. . ,, ,. ...... 1 tiiihii ,0 .unrriiM V Olimv, t',-e"Oll. for the six months end,nK on the 30th dav of Scplenilicr, A. D. 1888, of money' ceivcd and paid out, from whom receive.! and from what source, and 01, what , count paid out. AMIH'STH 11KCKIVKI). To iim't on bund from last re.- Prt To ni'tH reeeived frem SherilV, (leliniiient iMTes 5.47K.90 I'rom eounty eli rk, trial fees . . LM.W l'roni peddlers, lieense . . . 21. IX) SehiH'l finpt. tenhers iiermits. . . U).(X) Kroiii assessor, poll rix 17!). W Total fci.,) SCHlHIl. Kl'M). To am't on hand last report f I,W1 ..r)7 To iim'ts nveived from aherlir, delinnuent taxes ..$l,,M,"i.0O Krom justices of tbe peace tines. IL'1.75 From state treasurer state fund. 2,2110.00 Total $H,4.1,32 ISsTtTl'TK VI Ml. To ain't on hand last rexirt . . l.tX) To am't Ko'eivwl from Supt . W.tXl Total $ 11.00 8T.VTK OF OHKtiOX, Cot sty oy Mokhow, 1, George Noble, do he.eby cerlifv that the foresoinu in a true and correct statement of the amounts iweived, paid out and remaining on hand, in tho Comity Treasury of said Countv for the six months ending on the 3i)th dav of Septemler A. D. 1SS8. Wiiuea my had tliii 1st day of October A. l. ' (U'oauE Noblk, County Treasurer. Advance npon Wool. A vent A Fall mil mil. ..In... - " , .... .-uur UpOIl wool for delivery and sale at Arliagtoo. NOTICE Oi' INTENTION. I-and Office at The Dallee. Or.. Hept. 25, 'Kg. eetller ha tiled notice of hie intention"1 tc an nnai proor in Htipport of hie ......... .... fiHn win in, luaoe nerore th. IllHMI nl 14 I un ... . Or., on Nov. 10. 117 Tit: ' n to. M. J'leree, ffd 27S1. for th. HE "4 Sec. H, Tp 4 8, It it E. W. 1 . He namee thefollowinir witneneeMo prove hie -o..e. n., residence npon. and cnltifiwioo of, aid land, viz: t W l'ewli.,J- 9-.r1n",n- r" aocrt and Tamea Koyne. all of Idea, Or. F. A. McDonald. Kcpeter. NOTICE Or INTKNTrON. Land Office at La Grande. Or., Sijpt. 27 'M, Notice ie hereby mven that the followirj named aettterhae filed notice of hi tnter.tinn (o Tiake linal proof in support of hie elaiui, and that aaid proof will be mad before the eoourj i....v .i wprr-iwwmmy. or., or in nia sneencf efore the oterlc of eaid county, at Heppner, Or, n Nov 15. 188, Tin Frank Hale, Td No. M7J. for the B VS NE M. NE K HE Sec. 18 RME; W. ind8W NW S- TP lit names the following witnowiBB to prnva hi ontimiouB reeulnnee upon, and cultiration of. laid land, viz: n1?')?.' Mff lfl"n. B. Watkind. Ham Hall and Pell Bimmition, all of Heppner, Oregon. Any person who dtmirm to prott atcainBt the illowanfle of sach proof or who known of ni,y unb nnntial reftHon. under thHw awl te regulations 'f the Interior DfMiartmeut. why biicu proof should nat be allowed, will be given an opportu nity at the above mentioned time and placo to cro-exHmine tbe witiiepfteti of unid claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that aubmit ted by claimant. 29W Hbnkt Kimrhaht, RbtiZhtkr. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La flrande. Or., EVpt. 24, '88. Notice is herc-hv urivtui t.nt tlm fr.t'.iojinw. named settler hns filed notice of her intention to matte nnai prw.i m support of Ins, and that said nrouf will he made before the county clerk of Morrow county, Or., or in his absence bef, ire the clerk of said county, at iMtfx Or.. on Nov. 12. It08, viz: Lena Munkers. D. 8, 8!W, for the N E Vi N E H Hec 18, N V. N V Ma 1B W See 17, Tp S S, U 2H K. He names rhe followir.f wilin'Ksi'slo prove h continuous WHidnnce upon ai.d cultivaiioa of said land, viz: John Dsly, Rasmus Lir-wi, Thiuna Buikli'-. und 'has. Stewart, ell of H.'ppr-er. Orego.1. ilKNBY ItiMKfl vKT, Kegiriter, Any person who doFiros to protest ngmnst the ullowHJicf of such preof. or who knows of any substantial rwiwon, undur the law and the ri'tftibittona of-the Interior Department, whv such proof should not be allfiwcd, wil! b, givei" an opportunity at the above mentioned tirm- and place to cross-examine th witnesses of naitl claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. s twos t'lnime Allowed. Warrants Drawn, .. l. , m 8.1.87 4:i4.,'18 181.07 7!0.4f( 421.3(1 283.10 304.20 25.00 200.00 on no ! 83.8' 434.38 181.07 700.45 421.30 283.10 304.20 25.00 200.00 200.00 10.31 00.00 35.60 34.(i0 05.50 72.20 201.50 70.70 5.00 62.50 120.75 63.11 85.40 67.20 104.00 KKl.OO 100.00 100.00 1(112.27 208.21 687.74 75.00 County' Ineiilental Expenae a a.t niisRionerH sect ii TO.OO SS.GO 34.(10 05.50 72.20 201.50 79.70 5.00 02.50 120.75 03.11 85.40 67.20 104.00 100.00. KKl.OO 100.00 002.27 208.21 0H7.74 75.00 75.00 1,357.00 152.50 1 10.00 15.00 23.50 25.00 754.50 Superintendent act . ii ii ,, aect .. 75.00 1,357.00 152.50 116.60 15.00 23.50 25.00 754.50 ..8,774.02 $8,774.62 the 30th day of Seplein $16,400.22 625.00 $17 jjT State of Ore,- uup mm correct statement ..f n r . "' ,mp,v """ts received for IIV AMOI NTH 1'AII). May, '88 8.8; in coin and currency .$1 In county warrants.'.. ,630.78 36.30 Total paid treasurer $( Junp, '88; in coin and currency. $1, " In county warrants'. . 667.08 784.01 25.20 Total paid treasurer $7 July, '88; in coin and currency. $2 " In county warrants. .. Total paid treasurer $2 Auj;., '88; in coin and currency. $ Total paid treasurer $ Oct., '88; in coin and currency. .$ Total paid treasurer ,- $ .810.1 1 ,470.73 22.87 ,403.60 31SJK SI8-.25 631.00 631.00 ;.'o:i,(t unity. I. K. llow.vKii, Sheri (T of .Morrow ci ot t. liy aiu'ts paid out on comity warrants and interest.. :'.!; 1'y balance gen'iil fund on hand 2, Total .) "S3.31 scmioi. Ki'sn, By am't paid out on school Knpt warrants .$7 Bv bal. school fund on hand .. 1 ,31..fl5 Total . f.4:W.32 INSTrrl'TK Kl'ND. Pv balance on hand 11.00 Summary Semi-Annual Statement of the Financial Condition of the County of Morrow, in the State of Oregon, on the 30th day of Sejjtemlier, A. I). 1888. IJ.M1IIJTIES. To warrants drawn ontheconn tv treasurer and outstanding and unpaid $16,400.22 To estimated amount of inter est accrued thereon 625.00 Total Liabilities $17,025.22 nnmm We are now Daily Keceiviug Large Invoices of NEW DRESS GOODS! In all the latost uliaJt's and fabrics and our counters I ARE PILED HIGH! J With the Choicest Productions of the Manufacturers, mid the best news to all is that they are UHEAPEE TliLN KVJSII. We have spent much time and money this spring in selecting our goods, and are satisfied that our Dress Goods Stock will com prise the Best as well as the Cheapest Goods that were ever shown be fore in Heppner. Can't you give us a call soon for the pur pose of LOOKING This Stock and seeing our Pretty Things? WTe shall take pleasure and pride in showing you what we have got Whether you aro ready to buy or not, you are ALWAYS WELCOME At our store, and will see your friends there also. ALSO, JUST RECEIVED, A FINE ' LOT Of Cable Cord Ginghams, Chambrays, &c, and as this stock sells out so fast that we can not hardly get goods fast enough to keep any variety on hand, we advise you to give it an early visit. ALL AT OUR USUAL LOW PRICES. MINOR, D0DS0N & CO., MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. WHERE ARE YOU 80US TO DO YOUR FULL T R fl D 1 H G? An Important Qnestion for You and an Interesting one for me. ARE YOU GOING WHERE You Oi Then Listen. The Heppner, Oijegon. I do not ask you to accept this statement n ithou proof, bue invite you to come and inspect my Large Stock of New Fall Goods and get my llie Family Grocery and Baksry. MAY STREET, Opposite Minor, Dodson & Co's. Is stocked with Canned Goods, Sugar, Coffee, Dried Fruit and Everything Pertaining to a hirst-Class Grocery. ffe EASTERN HAMS! sM Fresh Bread Constantly on Hand. May Street, (1 S. YANDUYN, DEALER. IN Gonernl zzi:S IMS' AND ROTS Groceries, CROCKERY, GoodS Also Take Orders POH SUITS. Ml ! -ki MflttPU D 3Ndd3H N. S. WHETSTONE TIia V.fficient G-eneral Bla,ols.sxxi.itli.i Calls attention to the fact that he is still at the Old Stand, 0FF0SITE THE HEPPNER DRUG STORE, MAIN STREET, Where be is ready to attend to any wants in bis line as oheap as tbe present Condition of tbe Times will Admit. REMEMBER THE PIOXEER SHOP WHEX YOU SEED WORK DOSE MAT. LICIITIJXTIIAI,, PF.AI.ER IN BOOTS and SHOES Custom Work and Repairini Neatly Done. Opposite Hotel, BKSOIHCES. By funds in handi of County Treasurer applicable to the payment of Countv warrants$ 2,842.42 By estimated unpaid current taxes applicable to the pay ment ol county warrants. . . . $ 8,107.73 Total Resources $11 ,040.21 THROUGH 33o Best? Best I'laee to Buv Your IS AT Heppner. Notion s A mmu nition AND low- hi aa imvaa - Stationers' '133U1S AVN Horne - Shiwr and Heppner, Oregon. GILLIAM & COFFEY, " : - Successors to B. A. Hunsaker & Co., Are at the old stand on MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, , DEALING IN Hardware, Tinware, Coppenvare, Granie ware, Pumps, Gaspipe, Nails, and Black smiths' Supplies. ALSO AGENTS FOR Fisl Bros. Wagons, fejiofl Mowers anil Reapers, Headers, Threshers, En gines and Portable Sawmills, Just i --1! j 11 A large assortment Lamps, Fancy Goods, Are constantly receiving new invoices, which cash can take away at the lowest prices. Job-work executed in a skillful manner. MADDOCK CORNER, H. McFARLAND & CO., LEXINGTON, OREGON Are still in the field with a LARGE AND WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes And Everything else that is usually found in a firnt-olsss GENERAL Establishment. There is No Need of Wearing out Yonr Prescription by Carrying it Around in your Hat, bnt Come Ovor to CO I . J. 8 LOCUM & GO'S. CO HEPPNER DRUG STORE AKD GTOT IT FILLED. This firm are Successors to Ed. R. Imp to have a Continuance of Trnde in SFlHiSfWjPure Drugs, Medicines, Machine Oils, H monicas, Cigars, Confectionery, And Everything Else That You Might Expect to Find in a First Class Drug Store. 1ST EXT TJOOll TO I. EEZER & THOM PSON'S. Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. KIRK cU'OUNGGREN; Man Street. Snarl h OpiMaite Minor, Dodson Co.' Store, 11KVPSEH. OREGON. --Manufacturers of and Dealers in Furnitukk, Mirrors, Iii adding, Brackets, Picture Frames, Etc. A.1ho For Sale IftrtO MODKl. WmcilKSTKTi IMFT.F.S. i'heap For Caab. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. JOHN R. LEWIS Has Purchased the FOBSYTBE MI PSBIISE ESTILISIEIIT AT CASTLE ROCK, And ii Stocking it Up with a Better Line of Goods than Ever. It will pay you to When needing anything j his line. Call on him when in town. Three doors above AyersA tell. Boarding house and Feed stable in connection with Store. J. D. kirk. ' .KVK .U ft . BFT DEALERS IN- Dry Goods Boots, Shoes, vnvui A-yu I'.U DI' MEmiCIXES AT GOOSEBERRY STORE. Terms, Cah: or Strictly Thirty Days. Give ns a Call and be Convinoed". thaf mn Aun ni MORE WM FOR LESS .MONEY THAN l-.venoo ly is Heleime m oar Store, liKspRr-rFfLLV. Wood. 1 ;ini lpArcil to Ucmzciis ol j and All ,Other Places at Popular Prices. All Orders" Attended to Promptly. . H -A. 11 RINGTO 1ST & CO., DEALERS IN HARNESS, WHIPS, SPURS, ETC. THE CELEBRATED jHeppner I.bst maw kbket. Conntantly -n- In 3: i n n -t- II t of Crockery, Glassware, Etc. HEPPNER. MERCHANDISE Bishop, and are Ready and Wil- ar TBPRP tTi 0 Will ni . . Gooseberry, Or Staple anil Fancy Groceries. ANYWHERE ESE IN THE CODiTT. Whether they buv. Any thine or not. J JU, jutiric Co. Wood. Deliver WOOD to the Saddles! on hand.