THE GAZETTE. HEPPNER. THURSDAY. SEPT. 20. 'H Local and General. "Ho Mcooin." Win. Hughes returned last Thursday from a trip to the Long Creek and Canyon City country. The country over there appears prosperous this season, nlthongh not exempt from the universnl "hard times." The people over there are still woudering if the Ueppner people will repair their end of the road this fall, that they may ooine iu to get their supplies. Mr. Hughes as sured them that be had conndeuce in our people doiug something before win ter. It is his opinion that very little woik will put the mini in condition for two horses to haul what has been re quired of four or six heretofore. By go ing down to Cochran's ranch, three miles down the river, the Leslie hill is avoid ed altogether, giviug a good grade to Wall creek. The Little Wall oreek hill is in splendid couditiou, and the only trouble now is with the Heppuer part f the road. Heppner's splendid school is attracting the attention of settlers over there, many of whom would oome over this winter, if houses could be rented with good wells of pure water. Allium.' those who spcke to him about the mut ter use Chas. Lee. Mr. MoHailev and Gilmoie. Heppuer has us mind a iuoi tits may ue lounu m ii,usu?ru ure- gou anii a few neat cottages to rent would have had the effect of bringing inuuy to our town. In course of time these peo ple might build here themselves and be come permanent residents. Our Road Petitions. Our road pe. titions are now in circulation for a road to connect ns with the Pendleton road at the Umatilla county line; also the one for a road between this point and Hamilton to connect with the Arlington road at that point, and are meeting with many signers, despite the robust growls of certain soreheads, who are opposed to the advancement of our Republio, be cause they can't rule it, or beonnsa the petitions-do not specify the exact routes they think ought to be followed. Should the routes be changed, no matter how much to the inconvenience of others, they would cry the loudest fortheir con struction. Of course we will admit that "self preservation is the first law of na ture, but we also reoognise that Bel tishnesB breeds contempt, and that the majority most always rules, and to those who are working so energetically to de feat the interests of the people, we will say, you are wasting your efforts and your time, and in the end your labor will avail nothing, exoept to gain the ill will of all who are loyal enough to the land which provides them a liveli hood, to promote its advancement, and not be like a dog in the manger, neither do themselves nor let others do. Long Creek Eagle. Back from Lono Cheek. Pres. Thomp son returned last Thursday from a trip to the Long Creek country. That sec tion is suffering from the general com plaint in Eastern Oregon this year that of hard times. Mr. Thompson, being an old settler and a business man of our town, made some inquiries concerning the road troin Long (.'reek to Heppuer. He w as informed that the old road was a more direct and a better route than any that could be put through between the two places. They assured him that all that was asked of the Heppner folks was to make a good road of it from town to the line, and they would look out for the remainder.' As this information has come to us a number of times, it is pret ty thoroughly understood that they mean business. The question now pro pounded by those people is, "What will Heppner do?" We hope to be able to answer this question in a short time. Homicide at Burns. Report comes from Burns of the killing of W. H. Brown, of that place, by Wm. Page on the evening of Sept. 8. The particulars. near as we oould learn, are to tue et- uble between the two men, ana sev eral times Brown had exhibited a knife, with the remark that he would "stiok that into Bill Page before midnight." About Bix o'clock they met in the saloon and and hot words ensued. Page told Brown to go away, as he, Browu, was too old a man for him to have any trouble with. Remonstrances were of no avail, and Brown knocked him down. Page rose nnd commenoed shooting. Four or five shots were fired, either of which would have proved fatal. Page was placed nn der arrest and closely guarded. He w'll have an examination before the justice of the pence at Burns soon. Canyon City News. Some Hard Facts. Cleveland and Harrison have both given their formal letters of acceptance to the public, and it is presumed that the political cranks are now happy, nnd will proceed to tickle the great political cayuse in the flank till he will buck all over Uncle Samuel's do main. That's right, boys ; talk the ear off of each other about the great benefits arising from protection and the curses of free trade, and Dice versa, ana make ev ery one believe that yon couldn't even make grub if it didn't go your way. Go Tight along till next November and take vour political medic ne if necessary without grumbling, and come down to the cold, bard trutn Hint tne uazette is the boss. It knows a man in blue over alls, and don't lose sleen about the big juirolus in the U. S. treasury, but still remains the same $2.00 a year, cash hand. fioi'sriL Meeting. Council niet last Mnrwlnr evenine. E. K. Swinburne act' ing Mayor. All present except Mayor Blackmail. Minutes of the previous meetim? read and approved. Moved ana seconded that an ordinance licensing .ilrnvs and hacks be drafted bv a commit tee nnnointpd for that purpose. The mo- linn was carried, and Oarrignes, Minor jmd Noblo were appointed. The peti tion of Mr. Bancroft to advertise the imm wbh referred to the finance com mittee, to meet on Tuesday evening at " o'clock. M tion made and secondea Uhat F. J. Hallock be paid $30.00, bal ance of salary due to date ; carried. On motion the cow ordinance was consid ered by council. Ordinance was referred back to committee on ordinance for .amendment. Council ndjourncd. PERSONAL. Random Zppliyin that Blow for Hie In Navy Ulue OvrralU W ell a Other People. Wm. Hughes left for Condon, last Mon day. Will Harrison visited Arlington this week. Mrs. W. L. Houston Uft Saturday for Junction City. A representative f the Northwest His tory compauy is in town.- Dick Howard is in town this week wrestling with a sick spell. Mrs. J. T. Kirk is quit ill this week at her home on Rhea creek. Some good correspondence is crowded out this week tor lack of space. John Lichtenthul, of Chicago, is visit ug kis brother, Mat, tun week. Miss Angie Buckinan left for ber home in East Portland lust Tuesday. Judge Bird, F. P. Mays and Judge A. S. Bennett left Sunday for The Dalles. Jeff Kirk, of Lexington, who was re ported sick last waek, is getting better. Mr. J. A. Towusend, representing the Pacillo Insurance company, was in town last Tuesday. F. S. Kagy, the geniel represeutive of the linn of Goldsmith & Loeweuberg, was in towu this week. Mrs. S. P. Oarrignos is ia Portland this week for the purpose of buying tier fall and winter stock of miiluery goods. Col. Ellis aud Gov. Rea went over to Hardman lust Tuesduy to look alter a wife-whippiug case before Justice Stanley. Bud Willinghame came in from the John Day, last Saturday. He reports heavy mountain tires iu the vicinity of I Jit oh oresk. W. B. Cuay was down from his Blue mountain ranch last week He has only been on the plaoe a few mouths, but has already disposed of $150 worth of wild ha.v. Geo. Vincent, the vegetable sharp from Butter creek, looked into the office yesterday morning to inform us that our faoe wag good all summer but cash must now be forthcoming. John Reancy looked in on us last Fri day. John has spent most of the sum mer in the Palonse country, where he is running a band ef horses. He will re turn to the range in a few days. The numerous wives, squalling kids and lank caynsos of "Tilicnm Jo" pass ed through town last Saturday. These swell society folks are oi their way to the Blues, where thev will rustle for venison and bear meat till snow falls. Mrs. H. H. Gaunt and John have gone to the MoOullie springs, leaving the old gentleman at home to rustle. Mr. Gaunt hns a good ranch over near the head of Rhea creek, which he wants to dispose of. See "For Sale" local in this itsue. Will Mallory returned last Thursday from Pennsylvania, where he has been with some horses. He is well satisfied with his trip, having sold to a good ad vantage, and enjoyed himself visiting relatives, whom he had not seen for many years. Mrs. A. M. Slooum came out, with him, Mr. Slooum having lo cated iu this vicinity several months ago. EIGHT MILE MATTERS. Emm Mile, Or., Sept. 17, 1888 Editor Gazette: It would seem, since none of the Eight Mile corresKindcnts send in communi cations to your worthy paper, that there would be something, even if it be ever so ordinary, to write by this time. As far as anything extraordinary ever bnp pening on Eight Mile, that is beyond my comprehension, or that of any other so ber buuchjrrasscr. The weather, for the past two days, has been a series of small cyclones part of the time and a straightforward wind the rest, taking everything it could sweep before it. However, this morn ing the clouds have "nobbed up serene ly" from iroodness knows where, and tiiere is a very lair showing for ruin. The steudv hum of the threshing ma chine is over with, and harvesting is once more out of season, and everybody looks as well pleased over that as over the good crops. This flat is fast becom ing one among the foremost tor tanning, and when the shriek of the train is beard as it looms up from the grand old Co lumbia, people will begin to think lite not so monotonous on Eitrht Mile after all Two weeks ago this section was liven ed up again by the appearance of Rev. K. f . Keasoner. mere was morning and evening services at the Center aud Mo Bee school houses. The singing school on Saturday evening was well attended, and everyone should avail themselves ot so good an opportunity as going to this singing school, for it is not often that a good vocal teacher comes in our midst. School begins to-aav nt tne (..enter school house wit h Mr. Aubrev as teacher. J. A. McMorrin and bride passed through here Sunday on their way to lxiiie Kock. Mr. McMorns will take charge of the school there and we be speak for them a good teacher. James brown and W. ft. Col well anil families passed through Hardinan last week on their wuv to the Greenhorn mountain, where it is reported there is lots of game. They expect to lie gone three weeks. Born To the wife of Case luiqua, on Sept. 11th, a daughter. JL'DV. THE FIFTEENTH SESSION. The following is a list of the senators and representatives, members of the loth biennial session of the legislative assem bly of the state of Oregon. Republicans in Roman ; Democrats Itclics. THRIFT AMI TRADE. Name. Barin, L. T Cauthorn T Corvallis Carson, J C Portland Chandler. O Baker City Chaniberlin, M L Salem Cogswell C A Lakeview Dawson, S A Albany Dimmick.J Hubbard Kakin, S B Eugene Fullerton.J lloseburg Gray, J H D Astoria Hamilton, J Hamilton Hatch, E T McCoy Hilton, C Crown Rock Irvine, R A Albany Looney, J B Jefferson Mackav, D Portland Moore, F A St Helens senators : P. 0. Address. County. Oregon City Clackamas. Benton Multnomnh. Baker. Marion. Lake. Linn. Marion. Lane. Douglas. Clatsop. Grant. Polk. Gilliam. Linn. Marion. Multnomah. Columbia. Norval, J W Suiumerville Union No Toolb to Loan. "Pap" Simons raine into the office last Saturday and stated plainly that he always felt like Jtussing folks who borrowed tools and dibn't bring them back. After scratch ing our long-complexioned head, we re membered borrow ing "Pap's" large mon key wrench the day before. He is just right about the metter. We found out during our two years' experience in engi neering a tin shop that it's a measly had -habit to tmrrow tools and not return ahem. It made us feel like placarding the whole institution with "Tin pails for Mile; and repairing done neatly, but no -ash nor tools to loan." Born To the wife of Fred. Ashbaugh, on Eight Mile, Sept. 2, a girl. Died-Near Saddle, on the 15th inst, Grace, wife of Ellsworth Piokle. Over in Natter's olover patch, next door, there is a cherry tree in bloom Ben. Swaggart got away with the "novelty" and match race at Burns, recently. Mr. aud Mr. Jeff Jones began house keeping in tho property of J. C. Kirk, this week. Rev. R. F. Reasoner will preaoh at the Baptist church next Sunday morning and evening. Engineer Carr informs ns that the railroad will be in Heppner by the mid dle of October. Alex. Goldenson, murderer of Mamie Kelly, was hung at San Franoisco, Sept. 14. He died game. J. M. Hager has a large stock of fall and winter goods on the road to his large mercantile establishment. The Arlington Times has been changed from aseven-oolumn.all printed at home, to an eight column patent. The brand notice of J. W. Lieuallen was banded us this week, but in getting up the eutsida was inadvertently omitted. Mistakes will happen, etc The shower, last Monday, had the effect of oooliug the atmosphere, render ing existence in this part of the bunoh- grass world a sort of pleasure, nt least. Mr. O. Fleming, of Wagner, is now circulating a petition to our next legis lature in the Haystack country, asking that their section be added to Morrow oounty. Out near Hamilton, last week, Law renoe Swiok's herder let the sheep pile up, killing 300 bead. Ed. Day also lost 200 bead in the same manner last week, near Desolation. At a call meeting of the counoil, last Tuesday evening, it was decided not to accept the proposition of Mr. Bancroft, by which the town would receive some advertising for 8200. Col. J. W. Redington is living in Walla Walla, at present, but is still owner of the PnyaJlup Commerce. Mr. Clark, formerly of the Willamette Farmer, is he editor in oharge. A freight train wont through a burn ing bridge this side of Hood river, last Saturday, smashiug up the engine and several cars, and severely iujuring the engineer. No lives lost. The neat, new ads. of Johnston & Smith and J. B. Manning appear in this issue. If you Deed anything in their lines, patronize them. They advertise, because they mean business. Born To the wife of Dick McClaren, on Sept. 16, a girl. Mr. and Mrs. Mc Claren have been married 17 years, and thiB is their first child. Of course they are tlie preudest couple on Balm Fork. Married On Sept. 12, at residence of bride's parents, Mr. Jeff Jones to Miss Emma Kirk. Rev. Henry Dennis performing the ceremony. The young oouple have the best w shes of the Ga zette shop. Fall is now here, and the cool nights and suggest winter in a few months. Our wood-pile still consists of few stioks, regardless of the promises of friends to bring in a few cords, Cord wood ou subscription is cash with this institution. The Pioneer hotel, under the manage ment of Jas. Depuy, was chuck full dur ing oirouit court, aud is still moving along with a good snare of oustom. Mr, Depny appreciates the patronage given Eyesight Restored. The Oreno nian people received the fol lowing loiter a few days ago from the lormer boss ol this religious ranch r Wai,i,a Wai.i.a, Sept. 10. To the Editor of the Oregonian: Inclosed please find a pair of specta cles now of little use even to the original owner. While recently hunting our winter's moat near Lard valley, among the wilds of the beautiful Blue moun tains lovely solitude we trailed a hipunink to Ins cave in a log, houow, of course, and after surrounding him un til the gathering gloaming reminded mm that he could again go out on a raid against his neighbor's pine nut on-hard without getting sunburned, he surren dered sine die, and we found the accom panying spectacles. Maj. Reese says they were lost ten years ago by J. W. Cook. They were camping in the moun tains and hunting the Blue Bucket dig gings, and on the occasion of Mr. Cook's 42d birthday the boss packer of the out tit brought in some rich rock, and when Mr. Cook started to sharply scrutinize it he found that he hud lost these eighty-caiidle-power lenses. I have also heard that he is the original inventorof canned salmon. Columbia river smelt and deer dogs, and that he camps on some pictu resque cliff down the lordly Columbia. The valuable rook that he was going to assay was found to be a good article of Missouri paint, excellent ior ornament ina barns, fences and siwashes. Please place these spectacles in a safe deposit vault and give the combination to Mr. Cook the next time he walks into town. No doubt he will be glad to see them again. Otherwise, otherwise. J. Whifeletree Redheadington Kaley, J ff Pendleton Umatilla. Sinclair, W C'oquille Coos. Simon, J Portland Multnomah. Steele, G A Portland " Stanley, A C Sam's Valley Jackson. Tongue, T Hillsboro Washington Veatch, R Cot. Grove Lane. Wager, J P Pendleton Umatilla Watts, J W Lafayette Yamhill. Wait, J K East Portl'nd Multnomah Watnins, G Tne Dalles Wasco, representatives. Name. P. 0. Address. County. Apperson, J Oregon City Clackamas. Armstrong slalom Marion. Belknap, E Monroe Benton. Benn, H J Pendleton Umatilla. Blunbell, J Canyonville Douglas. Bowditvh, J Ashland Jackson. Crosno, C B Toledo Benton. Condon, S W Eugene Lane. Crook, A H Ellenshurg Coos. Derby, W R Lafayette Yamhill. Earhurt, R PPortland Multnomah. Fell, T E Heppner Morrow. Fisher, J J Portland Multnomah. Fisher, CG Dallas Polk Qambee, E Alba Umatilla. Goer, T T Mueleav Marion. Gilbert, W Portland Multnomah. lllham, G Harney Grant. Goodnough C Island City Union. Harrington SE. Portland Multnomah. Haskell, N C Buker Citv Baker. Ialui, John Astoria Clatsop, loward, CJ Kerbvville Josephine. Hume, W F Portland Multnomah. Hunter, J A Enterprise, Wallowa. ennings, A Irving . Lane Kirk, T ,1 Pendleton Umatilla. .uughlin, R N. Yamhill Yamhill. Laurie, E E Wilbur Douglas. Layman, S Woodburn Marion. Ladd, W M Portland Multnomah. Mayer, J Soio Linn. Maxwell, J Neturts Tillamook. McCoy, E O Giant Wasco. Miller, RC Lebanon Linn. Miller, R A Jacksonville Jackson. Moss, S P Paisley Luke. Moreloek, J Brownsville Linn. Noorc, J 0 Greenville Washington. Napton, H Yule Malheur. Northup, II Portlund Multnomah. t'acqnet, Y Uregondtv Clackamas. Parker, H B Astoria Clatsop. Paulsen, T Ganlen Home Washington Pope, J V Forest Grove " Powell, F S Monmouth, Polk, Price, ll'i" Tolo Jackson. Rickers, C E Gardiner Douglas. Roberts, J II Myrtle Point Coos. Koe, J L Snmmervuie union. Short, R V Wilsonville Clackamas. Smith, E L Hood River Wasco. stntlord, J M Eugene Lane. Strowbridge J Portland Multnomah. Thomas, j A Arlington Gilliam. Thompson, D Portland Multnomah. Waldo, J ti palem Marion. Weed, J Vemonia Column1 Williamson J Prineville Crook. Wilson, J Q Salem Marion. Sadden Death. Information has reached us of the ao cidentalideath of Thes. ,T. Poguq on ,his ranch injur the month flrauITrareek,' on upper Burnt river, Tuesday evehing. It appears tliBt while he, together with his brother and John Huffman, was engaged in corralling some horses, he, m some mauuer, fell or was thrown from the horse he was riding and was pitohed on his head whiob probubly broke his neck, killing him instantly. W. H. West aud John Huffman came into town Tuesday evening and started back with a oolfiu yesterday morning. His remains will he taken to Wingville and laid to rest the Odd Fellows oematery at that plaoe to day. H was an uouored member of Wiugville Lodge No. 69, 1. O. O. F., who will conduct the funeral ceremony. M- ker City Blade. JFrom Stein Mountain Ed. Day -arot over to the shop lasi inesaay buu stated that he was just from Stein moun tain, where he has been viewing the range, which ia short but very good. Cattle are in splendid condition; Bnd iu fact, he has a pretty good opinion of that country for st"Ck purposes. Malhenr and Harney lakes are almost dry this summer, but attribute! it to the dry weather, as no rain has falleD over there for some time. The story of a subterra nean outlet takini? the water out with a rush is all rank bosh, as f ir as he oould learn. ' A land oflice will be established cither at Harney or Bnrns in the near .future. A Good Ranch. Sylvester W. Flor ecn was down last week from his Blue mountain ranch. He has a bunchgrasg ranch down below tiiere, bnt likes his new location much better. Wood, good water, wild hay. etc., at hand are mat Sere of no minor importance in ranching. Spokane Falls bad a $200,000 fire Fri Jsy, sweeping the very heart of the oily. A Statement. As there has been some allusion, din ing the Cannon arson trial, to my impli cating Heppner people in the burning of LexinL'ton. T will suv that it unv such re marks Were made by me, it was when I was in a drunken state and nut respon sible for what 1 said, it has been mored that I expected, by giving such evidence in the Cannon case as to convict him, to have my sentence made shorter I have had no such encouragement from anv one, directly or indirectly. I came back to tell the truth in the matter, and have done so. There has been no influ ence brought to bear to cause me to give anv other than truthful testimony. will therefore say to the peoplo of Mor row county that anything of the above nature which mav lie circulated is false in every particular. J. H. Bradlev. AoaiiAVATiNO in the Extreme. Mr Smith, who was given the contract for the building of the Long Creek road, has asked the County court tor protection against the sheep in that country, whici: are driven back and forth over the road filling it with rock and cutting it up gen erally. It is aggravating in the extreme and very little progress can lie made on the roarl, judging from reports, as it runs through the sheep range of that county and several bands are located near the road. But nevertheless we fail to see wherein the County court has any juris diction over the public range, in any way restricting stock from crossing and re- crossing a public highway or where the contractor could base his grounds tor in jury and seek redress by law. The bet tor way is to form a mutual agreement with sheep owners or got a dog and herd the sheep from the road. Pemlleto Tribund. Water-works. A. F. Sears, of Port land, at the instance of Hon. J B. Sper ry, is in towu looking up the matter of water-works. Mr. Sears believes that an adequate supply of pure water can be secured by digging a large well on this side of the creek. A reservoir on the Nels Jones or Hallock hill at 1611 feet elevation would give 80 pound urssure tu the squire inch. It ia nn him. and will always look after the wants j jer9tood that Mr. Sperry will shortly of guests in such a manner ns to merit ! pnt in 8taam power in his roller mills, the same. j which will furnish sufficient power in Onr city dads are now at work on an ; addition to ruoniDg the mill, to pump ordinance. Drohibiting the town oow the water into the reservoir. Newt. Whetstone has an office but he don't occupy it but very little. His business is at the forge, mending broken agricultural machinery, shoeing horses and the like, all of which will suit any denizeu of the Heppner country, both as to price and quality of work. Gilliam & Coffxy are prepared to fit a man out with any kind of an outfit to be found iu a first-class hardware store. They will sell you nails to fix up your fnce when your neighbor's cows break it down, or fit you out wiih kitchen tools when you get married. If yeu waut a red pump that is not only neat and attractive in appearance lint also able to do good service in get ting the water of the Heppner hills up to the aurface, call on Lezr ic Thompson. Sacks furnished for wheat at Sperry I Mills. Johnson & Smith are selling all kinds of groceries at ash nishiut ly low figures, and it will pay every inhabitant of these anci mt Heppuer hills to patronize tuem, May street, opposite Minor, Dodsou & Co's. When you go to Arl ngtou stop with Billy Theodore, at the Suntord house. There's no use looking blue, even though wool don't sell very high. E. J. Slooum & C. have drugs and other neces sary truck down t bed-rook, so that a little money will buy an arm load. Rasmus, t lie dentist, will till teeth, or extract the siime in a scientific manlier. H is a fact scknowbdged by all "art organists," both of Europe and America that the "Estey" is the sweetest voiced, most human toned, least reedy in lone, and quickest in response to touch of auy orgau manufactured in the world. J 1-lHTit.rt. if vim iin.i aiivthimr in flip j , furnishing goods line, call on Yauduyn. He hns a full line or onshmeres, peroali a I aud laundered shirts; also a full line i f hoys Bhirts auu umierwear, oiiilclren s suits, knee punts aud waists, all cheap for cash. Dr. Vaughn will oonsent to act as agent for a newspaper whenever his professional duties lead him to localities where he oan do any good in that line. However, that does not prevent him from extracting aud hlhug teeth in a first-class mauuer. Sperry is paying 55 oeuts for wheat and furnishes sucks. Town Marshal : "Don't ride your horse so hard." Tall man on horseback, "O, I know what I am about. I'm bound for E. J. Slooum & Co.'s drug shop to purchase the finest toilet outfit in the Heppner hills." AH kinds of hardware, tinware ana orockery, also wagons, farm machinery, pumps, gas-pipo, nails, eto;, for sale by the new firm of Gilliam i'Coll'oy. The Fanners and Merchants insurance company, of Albany, Oregon, will give you a square deal. See nd. in anotl column. Flour exchanged for wheat ut Sperry Mills. When man gets so that he can't speak pleasant to his wife, he must have either the chillblains or the toothache. Dr. Vaughan. tho dentist, is n sure cure for the latter. A Decision. This sheet takes pleas ure in stating that the recent decision of Judge Nash ou the women's euffrage question in W. T., has nothing to do with the deciBoo of U. S. VanDuyn, wno has concluded to put in a stock of gent's furnishing goods. They will be here next week, aud it will pay you to call around at his new store and see what astonishing big bargains he gives. Place of business, next door to Kirk & Young gren's fnrniture store. 1 i v i STEAM ENGINES VERTICAL HORIZONTAL. Price Fhom $75??. Upwards. TWO-HORSE POWER ENGINE. WITH STEEL BOILER, $150. CHEAP, RELIABLE, SAFE. Automatic Boiler Feed, Antonutlo Fop BifetT Valve, Steel Boiler. Coat ot running guaranteed not to exceed three cents per hour. Nothing equal to it ever before offered for the price. Larger alzea equally low. Bend (or tree descriptive circular. CHAS. P. WILLARD & CO 238 Randolph Street, Chloaao, III. CfirpeiiterlnG, HENBY HEPPNER, Arlington. HEJfET BLAU Heppner. PIONEER BRICK BUILDING. Always in the Lead! The Old-Established House of HEPPNER& BLACKMAN! -DEALERS IN- General Merchandise, CONTINUES TO- SELL FIRST-CLASS GOODS! -AT THE- LOWEST POSSIBLE" PRICES! BV 11 11, Tbnnkiiig uiy friends for past favors, slinll continue to try to merit oonfl- eneo by duing first-eltiss work at rea sonable prioes. a i AI .in Street, HEPPNEH, OREGON. TWO BRIDGES. Notice is hereby given tUiitsenled pro posals will be reoeived nt tho county clerk's office for tbe building of two oounty bridges, first, one across Rhea creek, below J . M. ttnyes rancn; length of bridge (about) 117 feet long. Beooud, a bridge across llutter oreek, at or near Giillowav, Morrow oounty. Sealed bids will bo received by tbe county clerk un til 2 o'clock Thursday, the 4th day of October, 1888, the county reserving the right to reject any or all bids. Plans aud specifications may be seen at th clerk's office. Signed, M'M.Mrrcinsrj,, Sept. 10, '88. County Judge. Abstractor of Titles AND MONEY LOANED On Improved Farms in Morrow and To thb Poblio. The undersigned. having looated in Heppner for the pur pose of practicing medicine in VbJL cms oie ofiaes, oners nig uerviueu to mu nln nf flia tnwn And nnnlitrv. T nm ticularly desirous f treating all forma of obronio diseases, such as liver disease, dyspepsia, indigestion in all its forms, sore eyes, old sores, rheumatism, throat and lung troubles, skin diseases, and es pecially the diseases of women and chil dren, young girls and old people. For ty years of successful practice gives me confidence in being able to treat suc cessfully all curable diseases of this part of the world. 1 am reauy to answer all calls, both in town and country, and that when required, wnether night or lav. I carry my own medicines, thus saving an extra trip to the drug store. W. J) . Alexander, m. u. Remembeb Ailoook'b are the only genuine Pobous Plastebs. Act quiokly and with certainty, and oan be worn ror weeks without cniiBing pain r inoonyen ience. They are invaluable in cases of Spinal Weakness, Kidney and Pulmon ary Difliculties, Malaria, Ague Oake, Liiver Uomplamt, uyspepsia, strains, Rheumatism. Lumbago, Sciatica, Heart Spleen, nnd Stomach Troubles, and ull local nm us. Jieware of imitations, ana do not be deceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Ai.loock 8, ana Jet no explana tion or solicitation induce you to aooept a substitute. Still tllnx IMwovery. The discovery by the inhabitants of a locality hitherto uuvisitert by the pesti lent sconree of fever and ague, that il exists iu their very midst, is decidedly startling. Suoh discoveries are miide nt verv season, in every part of the Union -Subsequently, when it is ascertained, as invariably is at bucu times, through be valuable experience of Borne one who has been benefitted and oured, that Hostetter's Stomaoh Bitters is a thor oughly efficacious erudioator of the ma larial poison, and a means of fortifying the system against it, a feeling of more seenntv aud tranquility reigns through out the whole neighborhood. Besides the febrile forms of malarial disemie. dumb ague and ague cake are rcmovei bv the notent notion of the Bitters, b whioh scicuoe nlso gives its sanction a remedy for rheumatism, dyspepsia, oonstipation, liver complaint, debility kidney troubles, and all diseases impair ing the organs of digestion nnd assimi lation. Notice, Sheepmen. For sale in Wal Iowa oountv, Oregon, a deeded hay ranch, together with improvements oi homestead adjoining. In the heart the range; 27 miles from oounty seat have control of the water close to sum mer range. Ninety tons of hay; all tbe farming implements and Inusehold uten sils co with the rauoh. uood improve ments on both claims. A sure bargain Owner going to Mexico. Terms, $2,100 81.400 cash and balance on time. Call or address W. B. Gi-.mmili,, Arondia, Wullowa county, Oregon 9 Fob Sale. A good ranch of 160 acres, 30 acres under wire fence. In a mile of timber and good grass. Also; seven head of good horses, two cows and calves, a yearling heifer, 25 tons of hay, household furniture, tools, etc. . The nurclniser of the ranch will receive the benefit of a good garden. H. II. Gauxt. Notice to Boys. IJwill arrest every boy fonnd on the streets after y o clocK at "night unless he has a written permis sion from bis parents. By order of the city oounoil. ,T. D. Locknane, Marshal. Land Business. Come to tho Ga zette shop and have your proving up started by a shoot that wishes you pros noritv reeardless of your religious, po iitical. etc, proclivities. The clerk and indue live right hore at Heppner, and it is altogether more convenient. Bill Morrow is ready to take your filings, an will do the business in first-xilass shape. from running at large. That bovine brute is no more ravenous in Heppner than other d I aces, but is a oonfounded nuisanoe, at best, and it is a kindness to residents to have people take care of Notice. All notes or accounts due me must be settled on or before Nov. 1, 1888. After that date the same will be put il, t.e hands of an attorney for collection if not settled. J. B. N.vrrwi. Ten Dollabs Bkward. Thiis. reward will be paid for Bny infoi.-mai. u that will lead to the recovery of one grev, three-year-old mare, with tail bobbed, and branded IL with M under it on left shoulder. She .probably has a colt. Address, Geo. V. Leiohton. Rockville, Gilliam Co., Or. Notice. Thirty or forty tons of grain hav for sale on good sheep range, or would lease twelve hundred good ewes. For terms and particulars, oall on J. T. Spray at Liberty Moat Market, Hoppner, Oregon. Abe Due. All aeconnts due the un dersigned mnst be settled before Oot. 1, 1888, ns accounts overdue will be put in the bands of an officer for collection at that time. Kahleb Bbos. WeIiTj Cmohen. Many merchants fail to sell their goods on account or tliei not being of a lirst-olass character. But vou need not be uneasy in regard Harry Johnson's stock of candies, nuts cigars, tobacco, etc. 1 hey are iresu mi well-assorted, and bis stock warrnn your trade. Next door to First Nation al Bank. Jones' building. D-,k. .L il r y s y , "aura nun inu nidpir 'i stsj,f PORTLAND BUSINESS fliyVCijX COLLEGE. Portland, Orciron, 'h lllSt I'lU'l ion l l-flillliil loll . ir-v.i'ti IHMIIllant V. BltainnH, '..icrthand, Cominin '.ctimlund Henmannhip Depart n s. Stiidi-ni1. ;if..jti.ic-,l al Hiiy tun'. :ira- ,t. :iml str-( !iip---s i,f IK-Iililllhlli Kent flft; j. A. WKKCO.Nor'i. A. V. AHMS1HOMI. Prill. Baoly Hurt. Last Friday E. A. Mor gan was bucked off by a stubliorn work horse of cayuse proclivities, up at E. A. Brundaue's ranch, and received a dislo- their vws if thev desire to keen them ! cation of his right shoulder. I)rs. Fox in town. j and Alexander attended Mr. Morgan, Artistic Wobk. Painting a house properly is a job that takes a good hand with the brush, and Wash Williams is the man that oan do that work for you in the highest line of artistic art. Paper hanging and inside won, a speoiany EXIiCUTOK'B NO'J'K'K, Nntim ih hftrehv ivfn tliut 1. the Undf-rlOKIlud exuentor of tlm Ihhi will ami tw,tainnt of Jonepl, Li. Jorifli, ucefieu, Imvo hettn ki-uiiIwi lotto tdSUmHritary upon the HHtnto of wiiil duc.wwul. h thfl tlononihla ( 'ountv Court (if Morrow count (irofi on AiitfnMt 'ilti. IHKH. All tmrMOTlB hitv inu claim minuet the eatato of Hiiirl iIiwhmi-, are her(,hv rdfiuirwl lo oresofit the Hnmo in writ) duly veriheil. to me at my n-Miilniii-i', Hjluiite 12 milMH nortln-iiHt of Mfonnor. On-Koit. or to rp attorney. U. W. Wright, Hi lli-pinicir, within ni: month, from thin rlnUt. 1J A Hit I JUNKS. IlBled H'ipt. 15. 1V. Kmcutor. Geo. W. Wrik-lit. attorney for executor. IHi-tlt Judy's interesting Eight Mile oorres-! an1 18 inougni ne ui oe an rigni in j Htisfnr-tion guaranteed, or no charges i pondence was ont short this weekby the K ie.,. made. preserves boiling over It is presumed y Laundky. About ths first of; TaTionnr that Judy is one of those little house-, we wi , new )aund in the I"'' .... wives that don I propose to auow auy-t v , Jim j,,..' ijverv I l uave opeueu weu-iiiu.ou thing to interfere with the equanimity j X Stride of Main streeV, ! .Wisbm.nt in my r build . j j ; il . .. good Bud lacquered ware will .tao b. " to M-KTt NOTICE Oi?' INTENTION. I nd (iHi nt TVift OuIIph. Or.. B juL M. '88, Notice it Imreby iciren 11 1 at tbe following nttmed dtllar litiH tiled nolic of jjt intention U make final troof id nipport of hi claim, and that snid proof will h mailu br 'h clerk of Morrow oounty, Or., fit Hcppn Or., oi Nov. 8, IHfctf, viz: TUob. J. Wilhelm, TiH 17 lw. UW 1, Unn 1 Tr. 9 ft R 'Al ft. W J u HnammMt.tiafolfrrwiii(r witneMftdto Drove ontinnoua riMidBnc upon, esl cultivation f suiiil lutxl vit! Ooo. avInfM. of LeilnKton. Or.H. Uun 'i J. Krw nixl .,1, n Ht.nhv. of loim. Or. Stvrt-tfi h A. MclXtMAU), Kcir, m -- l j 1 l il l I ,l i t r ' HlttUic, UU LUC rnah nine wi tuniu bhwi, lite nousauoiu, uui wm i.F .u . . HeDDDer a full stock of Japanese silk Ul paper ucu i o. , 1 foods BUI ranch assures per that . tut correspond-; , . , and Kum & Wo Kee. am ! enoe is appreciated, j' the preserves get in the way tuis time. For Sale. 323 of good land, well of ifood. water. All under Cheap for cash down. Located six miles from Heppner and four miles from Lex ineton. Address me at Wallula. W. 1.. oall nf thn vuni-li vhe.ra inffii-iiintinn nara 1 to furnish TOO can 1 iriven concerning the same. i sad all kinds of fresh groceries. Iook B. E. Hatuaway, I well to your iiitereuts and pntromje them torn made pants from 87 to $15 goods in the market. A. Abkahahsick Notice. The Portland gallery is going rr . iBwayaoouiiiiexai Hi. a." Ktkaveo. From mv range, in Cabin lias p want puolo. worn done are loviieu to can . . " ' ., ,,a " Fri....i!nii .r. fliua oi oq; canyon, one sorrel mare, two years old. tr.. , noil. luu.iioituiiivio ..... v . . , U,-J.l TT luft d Blur ill i;i3, utuiiuoi v ! shoulder and bar on left side of neck. The firm of Johnson Sc Smith are pre- with fresh breud llnTPIll, OREGON. Wl V Willi Willi Umatilla Connties nt E'o In 1 l Our Stock will be found in., Respect, and we shall always endeavor to retain our place " TJST THE FRONT RANK! And in the future, as in the past, we shall endeavor to continue to be the Leading House in the Heppner Country ! oo Our facilities for doing business are unexcelled by any mercantile eg. tablishment in the Northwest! ( 4 T at EveV We gnnrnntee to all our Customers Courteous Treatment and Fair Dealing. An inspection of our establishment will convince each and all as to tho full and complete stock we at all times earry. Owing to tho steady increaso in our busiuess we have built a Large and Commodious Fire-Proof Brick Building, which gWes us better facilities than ever before enjoyed. Sole Agents lor Heppner and Vicinity AYKRS & FELL, Wool Co m in i ssi on iVlEUCHA'TS, Kepresentisg W.HALL A Co., Chicago. FEN NO BROS & CHILD, Boston. Wool Graded and Baled -AT- FOR THE C o 1 e 1 ) l atod J3 a i n AND W agon Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Agricultural Implements HIDES AND PELTS BOUGHT FOR CASH OR TRADE. HENRY HEPPNER, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. Ship Care of H. & B., Arlington. Arlington, Castle Rock and Echo. ARTHUR SMITH, PUACTlCAIi WATCHMAKER ! Next to First National Bunk, HEPPNER, Watches, Clocks, WtitrhcH Cloiittt!, MninapririKrj I'itloit A :.N" 'D OBEON. Optical Goods . - $IM. . . tl.M. All work (inaranteed for one year. i D. JOHNSON & COMPANY, Successors to MALLORY HEPPNER, OREGOJN. CALLAHAN'S NEW RESTAURANT 1h ii'C)iiiv(l to give infills fit all hours, DAY OR NIGH T! Keop the Largest and Best Selected Stock of Goods in his Line in Morrow Uounty. Comprising Pure Drugs aud Chemicals, Putent Medicines, and Toi let Goods of Every Description. Also Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Wall Paper, Ready Mixed Paints, Etc., Etc. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. The Best Brands of Domestic, Key West and Imported Cigars. Call aud see ub when you are wanting anything in our line. Prescriptions accurately compounded, day and night, and special attention paid to orders from the country. The Town of HEPPNER NOW PROSPERS, Vncl The VALUE OF REAL ESTATE IS INCREASING. With a Railroad now building to it, better inducements are offered here than any town in Eastern Oregon. Beautiful situation, (rood water, broad streets, a irood school, three Old Bank Building, cuir(.ieS) enterprising inhabitants, etc., seldom ail to count in any climate. You will find my place next door to I). A. Hunsaker &, Co., in the MAIN STREET HEl'PNEU. CALL ON NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Offiwat Ijilirrin Ii , 0r S'ij.t.7, X. Nolme it lierly Kivr.n llnit 0,' followiiiK-nam A fltlerhaa fijwi notiru of liin inlmaiori lomHtr 6nal rirM-f in i,iip(,rt "f l,ii-rjiiiiil, iirid Oi'it m l tincif will ti mill') l'-f(,n tin) cuunty el'-rk of Morrow coiint) lit HiMM-'r Or., on O' tobcr viz- i'ell iHinimit, DB No. 71l. for tr,o W ', NW anil S V, BW U 8e.W,Tp8. H W K. W. M. Ia halter broke, rive dollar reward ; hiacmtii nom tH-tun.- uptm, ami cultimiwn will be paid for hpr retnro toJn. Jodp' j o,.aW lnii'i. vii: ...,... . ,. i.ii . m in Cahin f rank Hue. ( Hin.ili. Joini A,nwt mill Uvery BtaMe, nr to my place in iaDm , Wllj i.,,,,,,.,,,, u t ii,.i.ur. (r.ou. Jons Davidson, AT THH HELV E D ER E S A E O O X Opio'ii(p Livery Statilu. ( Heppner, : : : Oregon. At tliin fiivorite resort will alwaya be fiiiiinl the bent brumls (if WINES, LIQUORS A XI) CICARS. Wilms, A. A. RUUKIITS, the (leiil Kslatf, Collection aud liisuraui'i) Man, Who Will Give Von Jiorfcsiilos lit Osteite. OFFICE WITH W. II. ELLIS, OVER McATEE 4 SPRAY'S SHOP.1 VV. J. LEEZER. P. C. THOMPSON LEEZER & THOMPSON -DEALERS IN- ILAHB.AVARE AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ;;ELF HARDWARE,, Bird-Oages, Hope, Nails, Cutlery, Wooil and Willow Ware, Granite Ware, Etc. A HHWUrtS MILLIARD for tin vmii-i-iiii-nl of iftifM. taulu ;, jx STREET, HEPPNEli, 011EQGX