ON SIXTH YEAR. HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1888. NO. 287. - THE GAZETTE 1SSUXD ZTZBY THtrnsDAT ArTttXOOll. I OTIS PATTERSON, At tf.OOpw year, l.ZSfurii month., 0.7i tor i!.n months; in adimce. If Pu for .t the expiration of time. 2.50 a jew will be charged. ADYEftTIHIMQ RATE.. 1 inch, sinale eolumn, per month,. . 1 w t, , t ; i .. ... 1.90 2..VI S 00 8.50 15.110 DOUBLE COLCKK. 3 inches 4 " S oalnnan 150 .. H.) .. 8.50 .15.0 Local adrertisinf 10c per line. Kach subse quent insertion at half rates. Sueeial rates will be charged for personal dig. Bud political slush. OBE901T OFPICIAL3. governor. . ... 8. Pnnnoj-er. ..(i. MT. M.llnde. . W. Webb. ,.K. B. Mctlroj. J. H. Bird. W. R. Kills. e.of Sta Sunt. Instruction jr Judee Heventh District I'iatrict Attorney XORBOW COOMTY. Joint Senator J. P. Wager. i1 v vln RnrAMntHtive t'nnntir Judge Win. Mitchell. " Commissioner. J. B. Klj, J. A. Thompson. ' Clerk P. L. Andrews. " Sheriff T. B. Howard. Treasurer Geo. Noble. " Assessor J. J. MoOee. " Surveyor Julius Keithley. " School Sup't ;.. ..J. H. Stanley. " Coroner A.J. rlhobe. HIPFNEB. TOWM OFFICEHS. Mayor Henry Blackmaa. Cowncilsaen E. K. Swinburne, Kills Minor, 8.1. Garrigoes, George Noble, J.ti. Natter and W.J. MoAtee. Kecnriler t J Halloek. Treasurer M. C. MoOougal. Marshal J. D. Loeknane. STPFITES EOCIITIES. Dorio Lodge No. 20 K. of f. meeto e- 7 TnesuayeeningHt.auo oioca in i. O. O. V. Hall. Sojourning brothers cor. dially invited to aMend. J. W. Morrow, C C. li. ft. BwlNBCnNK, K. of It. A 3. t-'Jt WUlow Lodm. No. 66 l.O. O. P. SSgjS meets erery Wednesday ereiting at 'JvMfZr So'clook. Visiting brothers cordi-J- ally welcomed. Gio. Noble. N. G. i W. Yovnoobkh. Beo tieo'y. Bans Souci Rebekah Deg. No. S3 1. O. O. F. meets second and loarth Saturdays of each saouth. Members of the Degree cordially wel comed. Mas. H. . HlKTON. N. U. Heppner Lodge, No. 0(1 A. F. 4 A. M. VV meet, every first and third Saturdays of rW each month. Fiani Gilliam Master. Will A. Kim, Secretary. Lone Balm Lodge No. 82, 1. O. O. F. meets ev ery Saturday evening ai 7 o'clock at the usual place of meeting. Visiting brothers welcomed. J. J. aluOee, N. (j. S. W. Miles. B. Bee. Mistletoe Rebekah Degree Lodge No. . meets fint and third Wednesday of oach month. Carrie Stanley, N. (J. D. X. Hardraua. Sec. PECFEE6IOnAL. w. r. Alexander, m. v., Physician and Surgeon, OFFICE OVER W BIQHT'd LAW OFFICE. A. L. FOX, Pb. C. AND M. D. firaiiate cf tie Diversity sf , Michigan. CLASS OF '6970 Special attention given to diseases of wen and children. Office in F. O. Borg s building. GK VV. REA, AttorDey-t-Law,: :Notary Public and Justice of the Peace. HEPPNER, OGN.- OFFICE OPEN AT ALL H0UK8 GEO. WM. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Opposite Gazette Office, Heppner. T AN F1L1N6-3, Contested EntriM, Reliable I J Jj. suranoe. LouIjm nikde and collwjtume yrompuy attended to. W. B. ELLIS, Attorney-at-Law AND Notary - - - Public, HEPPNER, OREGON. Prutecuting Attorney for Seventh Ju dicial District. Will give prompt attention to any and all bvtinest entrusted to him. OFFICE on Main Street, over Liberty Mar ket OARPEITTEEQ, ETO. H. (J. JOHNSON. W. at. BABRISON. JOHNSON AS HARRISON, Contractors and Builders. Call on them at the Morrow Building, Corner Main and May streets, and get their figures on building before contracting elsewhere. E. NORDYKE, THE WAGON ARTIST, Announce that he ie fully prepared to do Wag on Work and all kind- of Wood Butchering in a nr.t-cl.iiw maimer at tthort uotice. Office on Main tttreet Heppner, oppoitit Leeter A Thomp on hardware store,, .MONEY SAVED! Bj Getting your Painting and Papering Done by R. A. FORD. SIGN - ! &i PAINTING A Specialty Shop, First Do ir South of Brewery City Meat Market, NORTH BIDK MAIN 8T11ECT HEFPNFB, Kepi oh hand a full tupplyofFr $h and Corned Beef and Pork, Fresh Mut ton, Saueage, Tripe, Etc. V. E. HlfTOX, PHOPRIETOR LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, McATEB tfc SPRAY, Proprietor. 11HE9H BEEF, MUTTON AND POKE COS stantly on hand at reasonable rices; also bologna and pork sausage, head cheese, etc. ?.ew lted Front. Main street, llerpner. 178 TOITSOHIAI CHAS. M. JONES' Heppner Barber Hhop ! In the Matlock Building. Stain St., Heppner. 1. now taming oat Slaves, Shampoo and Hair cuts in the highest style of the art. Kotio to Wool Gbowkrs Thoee do iriDft o eonaign thir wool to Fenno Bro. CbililB. "f Boton, eso draw from seres to ten oenta per ponnd a poo it it 7 per oral. intereaL Freiifht to Birtto", fa.45 pr 10O. Am mxmm Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholeBomenees. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Hold only I oaks. KOlAL BAKING POWDKlt CO.. Mt-332 108 Wall Street. N. Y. First National . Bank OF HEPPNEE, 0. A. RHEA, nUGH FIELDS, President. Vice-President. J. O. Maddock, Cashier. Traninoti a General Bunking Business EXCHANGE On ah parte of the world Bought and Sold, Collections made at all points on Rea sonable Terms. PETER O. BORG, HsrFNBB, Odbqon -DItMR IS- Watches and Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. GOLD PENS, Amethyst, Cameo and Diamond Qeld Rings, Gold and Stiver Watches. and Ail other articles usually kept in a Jew elry Store. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY, AND ALL WORK WAR RANTED. STOliK opposite Minor, Dotion tt Co'e May 8t. COOPER'S Sheep Dipping Powder IS USED ON 50 MILIM SHEEP ANNUALLY. IT IS A AND IS THE Cheapest, Safest and Best CURE FOR SCAB. It bas been in use half a century and applied to more sheep than are now existing on the earth. Snell, Heitshu & Woodard, Wholesale Agents, Portland, Or. Eoshland Bros., Portland. Sold wholesale by Wasco Ware house Co., The Dalles, Or., and retailed by all merchants. DON'T DRINK Anything but the Purest and Best, which can always be found at the The Lexington SALO O 1ST I First Class Cigars. A Billiard and Pool Table for the Amusement of Guests. Ed L. MifEKa. W11. G. Scott. 'W lUiCK MWIIHI Meeks & Scott, ProprietrtrM. Sixteen mile from Heppner. Good Roads and Plenty of Lumber. California, Oregon and IDAHO STAGE COMPANY. J. B. lieeuey, Snpt Arlington Stage leaves Heppner. 6:30 4. " arrive " tiO P. M. Pendleton " leaeee n-JtO A. M " arrives " t-JO P. M. Far to Arlington, . . $4 00. Fare to Pendleton, So.00. Freight 2 eenta per pound. ED. It. BISHOP, Ao'T., Heppner, Ogn ran RANDOM SHOTS. The Philadelphia Mint coined 8,000, 000 cents last month. The largest cotton mill in the world is in Russia. It gives employment to 7000 hands. Citizen (dismally) Wuss nor that, stranger. There's a Sheriffin the house. holdl-Life. Stranger (to citizen at trout g.ite) I see you ve got a red flag out; sir.all-pox in the household? The oily authorities of Philadelphia propose to spend $4,000,000 more next yenr than they hare this year. Aooirdiug to insurauoe statistics more fiies are extinguished by the use of pails of water than by all other means. Tie Russian law prohibits joking about the Czar. That' why no one in Russia ever refers to him as an old Czardine. Among the dead letters this year was one addressed to Mr. Charles Dickens, the lecturer, requesting a copy of "yor r latest novel, 'Crioket on the Hearth.'" Countryman (at Coney Island) I wouldn't go in swimmin' in such durned water as that. Stranger Why notf Countryman (who has been slaking his tlp'rs'.) Why, jest t;iste it. Puck. Mr. Mendelssohn's wedding mnroh is very popular, but we think he failed to score a greater point when he forgot to write a divorce maroh. Roohes'er Post Express. Tommy Say, auntie, come in and have au egg shake. Auntie (from the country) I guess not. No egg that's been Bbook can be good, I know. Low ell Citizen. Friend Are you happy? Spirit through medium) Perfeotly so. Friend, what has pleased you most sinoe you left uh? Spirit The epitaph on my tombstone. It both amazes and de lights me. Baron Nathaniel de Rothchild has presented the St. Joseph Hospital for Childreu at Vienna with a donation of 50,000 florins, to commemorate the ap proaching fortieth anniversary of the Emperor's aooession. J. J. Buchiet, of Sanford, Fla., found a curiosity ou his place recently in the shape of a "potato bug," as it is Called. Its length is four feet, width across the back four aud a half inches, snout three inches long, heighth ten inches, weight three and a quarter pounds. A oonntry minister in New Englaud bas married 98 oonples. Or these 17 were married iu December, 14 in Sep tember, 9 in January, 8 each iu June and October, 7 each in March, April, May and November, 6 in August, aud 4 each in February aud July. Oue of the English regiments is ex perimenting with a machine called a oenteroycle, which has four small wheels a foot in diameter and one large one in the center. It is said that the invention mnkes cHmbinoJ a hill an easy fore cycier ob rote.ug on a log. During a fire at S'iiidsor. Va., the other night, by which a large amount of prop erty was destroyed, a very gallant deed was done by Tabitha Sheppard, who, during the fire, in the dark climbed into the belfry and rang the church bell to arouse the slumbering people. An excitement was recently caused at a summer resort by the capture of three sword-fish, one of which weighed SOU pounds. When the fish were served the flesh was voted palatable, but not of sufficient exoellenoe for a long contin ued diet from a large supply. It is reported that the contract for fur nishing aud placing 300 miles of wire for the police and fire alarm telegraphs of New York City in the conduit put down by the Electric Subway company has been awarded to the Standard Under ground Cable company, of Pittsburg. Dumley (whoso credit is not first class) I say, Brown, oan you lend me $10 for a few days? Brown (reluctantly pulling out a roll of bills) I-er-s'pose I'll have to, Dumley. Dumley Thanks. You seem to have plenty of money, old fellow. Brown Yes; I seem to bave more money than brains. N. Y. Sun. He (at Saratoga, tenderly) I think I have met yon before, Miss Smith ; your faoe is very familiar. She (coldly) Yes, sir; and those goods that you war ranted to wash I tried to give away to my maid. And then the silence became so wide and solemn that you could hear them pumping gas into the mineral springs. Life. He was a tall young man with buu- burnt hair. It was bis first meal at a oity restaurant. "They call them little wooden splinters toothpioks, do they?" was his oontemptous comment, as be fingered something in his belt thnt ap peared to have a blade about eleven inches long. "Gosh! Chicago is a long way behind old Arkansaw in some things." Chicago Tribune. The question as to whether Mr. Cleve land is eligible to the offioe of president is now agitiitiug some minds. Mr. Cleveland having deolared himself not a legal resident ot Buffalo, it is olaimed by some that he no has n sucu place of residence as a eaudidale for the presi dency is required to h ive under the Con stitution. A Scoth mother, of Philadelphia, was a delighted spectator the other day when her fifteen sons danced the Highland fling together at a Scottish picnic. An other Philadelphia woman is the mother of twenty-two children, all in goad health, and still another is oalled moth er by twenty-three sturdy sons and daughters. Miss Maty Berg aud Miss Marion Preaton, uho testified before the con gressioual committee on immigration, iu New Tork, as to the ill treatment of women and girls iu the large clothing mannfactoriea, have been discharged by their respective employers. They will report the facts to the committee Ht its next session. In Dublin: "3ee here, driver; I or dered a snurt trap to take a drive in Pho?nix Park, and here you come around in rags not fit for a beggar." Driver of jaunting car: "I knows it, yer honor, and I would like to wear fine clothes, but there's not a tailor in all Dublin can take me measure, I'm that ticklish. 'America- There is said to be more American than Canadiau silver in circulation in Winni peg, Manitoba. Recently the Winnipeg bankers decided to accept American dollars at only 95 cents, half-dollars at 45 oents and quarters at 20 oenta, bnt the people refuse to indorse the regula tion and our ooin passes there at par. Potato whiskey apparently is becom ing more popular with the English, to the great uorriment of certain of them, who contend that few alooholio bever ages are as mischeivous as it. During the first bait of the current year the im portation of potato whiskey by the Uni ted kingdom increased nearly 40J,ObV gallons. There is a man iu Paris who tur is misfortune to good account, aud pick-up a living by going about the streets playing on a clarionet through a oanula placed in hit throat after the operation of tracheotomy. When he has finished a little tune he takes the canula out of his throat and exhibits it to the audi ence to show that there is no deception. "Now, Cioely," be said as they seated themselves on the grand stand, if there is anything you don't understand, just till me and I'll tell you all about it." "Thank you, George," replied Cioely. "Who is that young man going about with the glasses; is he the umpire?" "No; he's the soda-water man. Hera young man give us two glassea ot lem on. ' Drake's Magazine. The following advertisement rtoently appeared in an Ithaoan paper: "Base ball and baptism A game of ball will be played at Cayuga Lake Park next Saturday afternoon between the Y. M. C. A. niue ot Ithaca and the Mynderee Academy nine of Seneca Falls, At the conclusion of the game will occur the baptising, in the lake, of the oonverts of the colored oamp-moeting." A Bar Harbor story is to the effect that a regular patron of one of the ho tels inquired on his return this season for the table girl who had served him for a number of years. "She is new a nurse in the hospital at Portland:" And the head waiter? "A practicing physician at Philadelphia." Ah, by the way, and tha: assistant clerk in the office? "Oh, he is now clerk in a Buoksport drug store." A small dog bit the lip of a horse be longing to a trucking company iu Brook lyn about five weeks ago, and ou Mon day, it is stated, the horse betrayed symp toms ot hydrophobia. He wag placed in a box stall, where he broke his teeth oiling the woodwork, constantly snarl ing aud barking like a dog. An officer of the society for the prevention of cru elty to animals killed the unfortunate animal. A baker in BlooniBbury, England, sued a man for $12.50 tor bread furnished. The man entered a oounter slaim for $45 for the value of a dog. The evi dence was that thesuker'a boy, loa bread left the gate of the customer opothe J it,, A 1 rrOm auu bile uuk lau uun nuu vrao env. iLio court held that if the man oould not take eare of the dog himself be ought not to expeot the baker's boy to do it, and judgment was for the baker. Two young Americans, whose uames have been successfully suppressed, were in Berlin reoently seeing the German elephant, and, after a costly evening, paid their bill in gold which had a bad ring. Arrested as counterfeiters, they oreated muoh suspioion by ahowing checks and orders for a thousand marks. Finally the gold tested proved good, and they were kicked out of the station- house so much subdued by police atten tions that they were glad to get off at any price. Hanson Craig, of Kentucky is proba bly the heaviest man in the world. His weight is given at 792 pounds, and it re quires thirty-seven yards of cloth to make h;m a suit. He is aix feet four and a half inches in height, is 31 years old and weighed eleven pounds at birth. When 2 years old he took a $1000 prize at the baby show in New York, tipping the beam at 206 pounds at that time. His father weighed 115 pounds and his mother 122. A few days ago Ebenezer Peck, a col ored man living near Crawfordville, Ga., was walking through his cotton patch when he discovered several silver coins on top of the gronnd. He proaured a hoe and began digging, when he found three or four more pieces. He Bays he would have oontinued digging but he didn't want to spoil his cotton. Some of the pieces, it is stated, were dated as follows: One 1722 and one 1773, both Spanish 25-cent pieoes; one 1798, a Greek coin; one American half-dollar, dated 1813. The Amerious (Ga.) Republican say, (hat a young lady aroused tin whole household at her home a few nights sinco by screaming ana yelling mat some one bad kissed her while she was asleep. Her father rushe 1 in with a pis tol in oue band and a light in the other, but could not find the kisser at first. The daughter declared that she felt the whiskers on her lips aud the fellow's breath on her cheek, and that it was "soft and nice." Just then her pet kit ten slipped from behind her pillow, and she tried to kill it because it was not a The youngest child of W. M. Tipton," says the Macomb, (111.) Journal, "a bright little fellow of two summers, was out in the yard playing, and when found by his motbsr shortly afterwards, he was trying to put a live rattlesnake into a bottle. The little fellow was fondling it and would pick it up and lay it down again, th anake all tbe time being per fectly passive and making no effort whatever to bite. Tbe mother's horror can be better imagined than described when ah took in the situation. She called ber husband, who o.une, aud when the snake was laid down he seized his child and killed bis snakeship." For many years the old school haa ta booed all physioians who advertised, and these were allowed to have only a card with the name and location printed thereon. All who dared to step over this line bave been denounced as quacks. Tbe Journal ot the American Medical Association, the highest authority on medical ethios, has recently and official ly interpreted the oode of ethiss to al low pbysioians who follow a specialty to place on their oards, "Praotioe limited to," etc This concession, it is thought, indicates still further progress in the same direction, and will go far toward eventually creating a better feeling be tween the advertising specialists and regular practitioners. A consumptive-looking tramp went in to a Chicago restaurant several nights ago, telegraphs a New York World cor. respondent, and said he wanted "a aqnare meal." He proceeded to order and devoured a plate of mutton obops, one of pork chops, two round beefsteaka, one sirloin stenk, three cups of coffee, four plates of bread, three orders of fried sgga on toast, corned beef and cab bage, a dish of sorned beef hash, a dish of liver and baoon, a glass of milk, four pi& if 'Ytt pio, ten ears ot oorn, cucum ber I " , 1 finished np with ham and eggs. Wfcii he was through he tried to bolt without paying, but was arrested and fine.V$25. Eastern papers are noting the faot that the bj stem ot brigandage known as "tip ping bas been worse than ever at the resorts this summer. In many hotels a bell boy does not expect to move for less than 10 csnta, aud as you are likely to employ a different boy every time, you soon begin to dread asking for anything. The head waiter ot a summer hotel waa recently asked by a guest why tbe waiters were so slovenly and insolent "Oh, well," was the reply, "I expeot if you would lay down a $2 bill by your plate, every Sunday morning, as the other gentlemen do, you would soon find them all right. I understand you have only been giving 50 cents a week." A few days ago Joseph Rychards, a fourteen-year-old Wilkesbarre, (Pa.,) boy was driving a mule in the Murray shaft there when a train of five loaded cars ran away and came down the plane. The cars struck the boy with terrible force and drove him against the mule, the boys head was driven entirely into the mule's abdomen. Tbe youth's shoul der was broken and he waa otherwise in jured. The united strength of two men was necessary to extricate him. The boy's head penetrated the stomach of the mule. Tbe boy was taken heme for dead, but revived somewhat, though his skull is fraotured and he will probably die. The mule died almost immediately after tbe accident. Henry Case of Gloversville, N. Y., has completed what is said to be the smallest looomotive in the world that runs upon a rail or by steam. It is made of solid gold, steel and brass, and oontoins 2836 pieoes. The weight of the engine is one and a half pounds; of the tender, two pounds. Length of engine, H inches, with tender 12 inobes; height, 3 inches; gypgo of track, inches; diameter of oviT't'-'Re' 16 of an inch; stroke of piston, diameter ofJ nWa- mbeU 33, iametar ot truck wheel, oh. It is fitted up with reversB lever, thumb latch, oliok-throttle lever, steam gnage, eta. It can be run a mile in 22 minutes, drawing a miniature coaoh. "Now Tommy, dou't you feel sorry for all the naughty things you've done to day?" "Not now, teaoher." "Yon dou't?" "I shall be sorry, though, at bed-time, teacher." "Tommy!" "Well, you wouldn't have me spoil the day bein' sorry, would yeu? At night I can be sorry for all my sins at once, and eave time I" Time. A yonng misionary on going to Afrioa was accosted in this way: "Do you bring me blanket?" "No, something far better." "What do you bring?" "I bring you good news." "And what is tb news?" "I have oome to tell you about our great Father who gave you your lands, your oattle, your sheep, your goats, your pigs, your oorn, and all that you enjoy." "Is he your father?" queried tha native. "Yes," replied the missionary. "Well, now," responded the blaok man, "it your father is ao gener ous as to give all these good things for nothing, surely if you are anything like your father I think yon might give me one blanket." Buffalo Courier. A machine has been invented for print ing postal cards from tbe roll and to turn them out packed in bundles of 25. Ic prints tbe cards at the rate of three hundred a minute in the UBiial way, by means of a rotary press. A set of knives then cuts the cards off and drops them four abreast into little cells especially prepared for tbem. When 25 cards have dropped out, a set ot steel fingers turns the , pack over, twines a paper baud about it and pastes it together. The paokages are oanght in an endless belt of buckets, whioh carry them into an aojoining room, 'where they are received by girls, who place tbem in boxen ready for delivery. One man can look after two machines. ZEPHYRS FROM THE WEST. NORTH- A dispatch from Seattle, dated Sept. 12, eays, G. A. Bonier, proprietor of a laundry in this oity, was shot and killed to-day by G. A. Kline, a former employe of the laundry, because Basler refused to pay' him wages amounting to $300. Kline went to the laundry this afternoon, and after heated words with Basler, he whipped out big six-hooter and ibot Basler three times, instantly killing him. Basler, though a young man, has had considerable' domestic troubles, being twice divorced. Both bis wives are still living, one at Bed Bluff, California, and the other at Scratnenti. The body will be sent to tbe latter city for burial. Kline tent quietly to the authorities aud gave himself up, and since i.e bas refused to say a word. Rumors as tu tbe oanses of tbe tragedy are many and various, tbe most likely being to tbe effeot that Basler, since his difficulty with his last wife, baa been living with a young girl ot a neighbor, and this, with other actions, made Kline bate him Kline is a college graduate and bas a brother who is oity editor of the Rossville (Indiana) News. Little excitement waa crea'ed by tbe tragedy The above is airfifficiul map of the new column paper every Thursday. This machine, together with a lot of news, advertising and job type, was recently pS! from the well-known firm of Palmer & Rey. people will appreciate their efforts in trying the main-stay and pride of the institution, but it is no longer respected. It is now consigned to some other unfortumv. who will never have to kuss it for not doing good work. It has had the enviable reputation of never sucking eggs. M as well in some other community. because of the standing iu the com munity of the murdered man. A visit to the jail failed to elioit a single word from the murderer, save that he had been instructed by oounoil to keep silent. Officers Bay that when approaohed the jail and saw tbe iron bars of the door he grew pale and tears filled bis eyes. Other prisoners in the jail say Kline has hardly spoken a word since he was brought to jail. He stands against the wall and looks into spaoe. At the time of the shooting Carl Bas ler, brother of the murdered man, came rushing into the room, when Kline ex claimed: "Here I am, boys. Take me and hang or shoot me." No one moving toward him, he said he would go and sur render himself to the authorities, whioh ne aid. ' A convict in the penitentiary at Salem, named O'Brien, sentenoed from Linn oounty for one year for larceny, while at work in the foundry on the afternoon of Sept. 12, suddenly sat down and began whistling. When the guard approached and asked him what was tbe matter, be kept on whistling, and when he was taken to the prison, before the warden, he still whistled, and he has whistled al most continuously ever siuoe. Superin tendeut Downing to-day approached the fellow, and after much questioning and patient endurance of his oonoert, he elicted from him that he desired to Bee his mother. Beyond that nothing could be gotten from him. To-morrow he will be turned loose in the prison oorri dor, with a pair of handcuffs on, for the purpose of ascertaining what turn the wliiatlinto freak will take. The fellow is either crazy, or is undertaking a shrowd dodge to shirk work iu the foundry. Some parties from Yaqnina Bay have sent to this oity a s a serpent, a devil fish, aud some other curiosities of the briny deep. The thing oalled a sea ser pent when stretched out is nbout six or eight feet loug and resembles a snake or lizard, except its head, which looks more like that of a seal. The serpent is au ugly looking fellow, calculated to pro duce a shudder on the part of those ho aee it, and to produce bad dreams for a week. The curiositios will probubly be plaoed on exhibition at the state fair. Salem Statesman. A man named Jackson, aged about 50 years, unmarried and a resident of Washington oounty about sixteen years, was found dead on Sept. 12 under the aaloou owned by Mr. Mull at Reedville. It was evident that he had gained en trance to the saloon through a side win dow on the night before, and after im bibing a quantity ot liquor departed through the baok door and went to sleep under the building, where he was found dead. In the case of the State vs. Frederick Noble, tbe jury, after deliberating about twenty hours reported that tbev could not agree, and were discharged. The case will probably go over to the next term of court. This jury as near bb can be ascertained stood five for ao qnittal and Beven for conviction. Pen dleton Tribune. LaRt Sundav Mr. Moor, who lives at th head of Jaokson oanyon, had a little six-year-old son kicked in the bead by a horse, making a six-inch cut laving the skull bare and fraoturing it just over the nose. Monday morning the little fellow was doing as well as could be ex pected, and there is strong hopes of his recovery. Pendleton Tribune. The governor of W. T. bas commuted the death sentenoe of Mrs. Pyle and John Hum to imprisonment for life. rin th 11fh inet. a nremature dis charge of giaut powder in the Wiokes tunnel, M miles irorn neieun, "i killed ten men and seriously wounded aix more. gyAcoeson For Stiffness Stiff Neck. thi CHaiea vmuu Co., tiur, m x i i . 3 $ 8 1 5 f 5 Br o S. M - 0. Z- VS 00 i. fe A o . o J P l -3 3 E t O ? f to S O r 5 1 1 5 Z 2 3 ' 5 Campbell Press that successfully performs The ranch people are well satisfied with to make the Gazette a better local paper For Pure Drugs and GEO. W. .AT CITY DRUG STORE, Lexington, Where you will fiud the finest atock of Drugs in Morrow county, oonaiating at a FreBh Stook of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Choioe Perfumery, X tions, Sohool Books, Stationery, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty and A fine line ot Tobacco and Cigars. The Finest Brands of Wines and Liquors for Medical Purpose, 11- ways in Stock. Physicians Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night. Sperry's New HEPPISTER, - - OREGON, Capacity 70 Barrels J. B. SPERRY, Proprietor. Flour from best Grades of Vheat, flour and Mill lHeed. Is now tor sale in quantities to suit purchasers. TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOUR TEAM When You Come to Town by Putting Them in SHOUE STABIU, Which is Now Run by Hunsaker & Robinett Opposite Natter's Brewery, Heppner, Oregon. Saddle Horses or Hacks to Hire at Reasonable Rates. altooU lion rde I by tliy 1 ny, welct or Montli All Stook Left iu Their Care Will Reoaire the Best nf Attention. Chas. E. Wolvkrtox, President. J. W.Cusick, Treasurer. The Farmers and Merchants Insurance Co., OF ALBANY, OREGON. Capital Stock, $300,000. A Square Company Managed by Square Men. Cont'mnmenU Solicited. Liberal Advances Made. "TwJl Information gladly furninhod by mail or telegraph. THE BEST mies wagohs. eess.ES AND- ROAD OAHTS mm m Send for Catalogue and Price List. f& Bros. RACJNE. WIS. Gilliam & Coffey Agents at Heppner, the feat of eettinir out our ... JB, their new outfit, and Lelieve than ever. Our old mule-power Medicines call on HARRIS, THE. Oregon. Holler Mils ,1. O. WllITHMAN, J. K. ELDISIIir, Viee-Prcldent. Sesretary and Ma W. II. IUvmokd, Assistant Secretary. Paid up in Cash, $6o,oo. Fenno Brothers & Childs, WOOL Commission Merchants, BOSTON, MASS. THE BEST - w wagon IH THE MARKCT- Wagon Co., Every 1. tjAc,(