1 f- 4 ;, i ZEPIIYHS. From the Daily Oregon Slaiemmm. Albert Jwereox, f thin city, enmo within nn uc ot hwiuj bis lifn in R pe culiar maimer last Siitunluy, August S3. His home tor the present m wilb Mr. Gabriel, near Diiyton, Wiisliiin?tnii euan ty. Ou tlio day mun'itmiiil, Albert, who was putting up a terim, was oulled Upon to driv-8 fmrn Hie bain nn old bro ken down work-borne which bad entered surreptitiously. The Who earao back fhorliy and Unit got after bim with a pitchfork, (itriliiiig him wilb the back of it. The horse, retaliated by kicking. Hia boot struck the handle ot tlio fork, tumiuy it around and forcing one ot Ihe ti'.;i an inch and n quarter into Deri's forehead, j'it above the rijjht eye. Tlio handle in Rome way stiuck his ri;ht hand, broakin;; hia forofinxer and badly bruising his hand. Ilo went into the honso, and a phyaieiau was called, iiert will be laid u;i 'or several weeks. Joshua JMl, the individual who r few days E:r,ee was bcnntl over by J'Wtic Chttso for ('MniBhiB money under ft:lic j pretenseK, and who was oomniilted in ?1j0 bail, and who h;n boon hmj uinljirK irj j-.ii ever nines, has beeu rl-ii!el, V.'ilti.s Biinnm and John Chr,raiie?s be coming bi-i nureties. The. prisoner U an expert hop curer, and aj Mr. Dimagun desired to avail himself of his servicer, ha bad to bail Sail out of jail. Kail got into trouble thru nub bis weakness for the female s x. Ilo was poriimuU'd by nn enterprising swint; inaehiiiu n(;riil that if he would buy a machine, it would then be an easy matter to woo and win a wifo on ho Rtreufjth of that handy do mestic utensil, nnd ho neqotinted for a machine, on credit, making tho usual af fidavit that ho was worth 8 1003. When the ajrent v,e;it tn cilli-ct the money, he found that Nail wasn't worth a li.':iii, 9 ' he had bim arrested. "Nigger John," the Chinaman who was assaulted with a pitchfork by Wins. D. Smith, threo miles below Hilvcrton, over a week duco, is repoited by Liu physician as holding bis own, with about qual chances of recovery, Smith is Rreatly disturbed over the possible re sults of his indiscretion, and is sparing no pains nor expense to secure the re covery of the Chinaman, who is still ly iiitf at his fttmith'ii) residence, li'istcr day morning, Auj;. '27, an Americanized Chinaman hailing from Sim Fraucinco came in from Hilvert.on, whero he had beeu visiting his unfortunate fellow countryman and inquiring into Ihe cir cumstances of the assault. lie evinces a dolrnninatioii to see that Smith is properly prosecuted, and it is also hinted that a civil action for damagea will be instituted. The Chinaman was ou his wny home to San Frauoieoo. ".liars' re the at." Kst of Newport, and all within ramud of the puns that boom now and then, may be found a delightful resort dear especially to the bass llshermen and the lovers of repose. The loug summer nap may bo relieved only by tho Meal of a calf, the tuuo of tho rooster, or the lies of the fishermen. Afrain?t Ihe corn orib of tho primitive boarding-house stands a long, lov bench, known for many years as iho "IiiarV lletreat," where yarns lire spun that would shame the most elegant prevai iu.itur and ob Bcnre a midday sun. One day a deep lull fell on the fisher mill's bench. Some one bad caught a baas beforo dinner that fouled the anohor-rope, and drugged boat, anchor, and everything three miles against wind and tide, with the boat's nose so far un der wnter that the man had to climb half ay up tho mast to bail her out. The field for bass stories grew suddenly oirenmscribed, mi the conversation drifted. "What is the ifl'eelV" asked tho writer in n general wry, "of the salt grass around here on cattle, milk, etc.?'' "Waal," said an old farmer prciiont, whoso stock all fed on salt grai u, "ye wouldn't s'poso 'twould have 'a much as it does; but I've been a makiu' tons tin' tons o' butter for the las' forty yearn, an' I never bad to nre a pint n' salt in it iu my life." The fishermen all looked up. "An' v hat's more," continued the Yan koe. "I can abwiys slaughter my cattle, cut 'em up jes' as they air into earned beef, and sell it, as I've been a-diiin;; f ir years an' years." When Iho writer once to, only the farmer and himself were on the bench. Tim fishermen were down on tho rii.'kn butting their heads against tin cliff. "lg"Hli! sanl liie larnn-r, eliuttmg up bis jack-knife and moving off, "thorn city fishermen mirii't stulV enny of their darn nonsense daowu my throat !" i' E. P i iu Harper's Maguiiun for August MI. XX IK WALLACE WALK CP. Mrs. Walknp, vito was tried some time ago for the murder of her husband at Emporia, Kansas, was visiting iu Chicago last week and her identity was disclosed hi a TiniCH reporter, who pro eeeded (n interview her. To tho lines t inn, "How did it happen that suspicion was plueed upon your" (speaking of the murder of Walkup) she replied -and people who read the evidence in the trial, will smile when they read what (dm says: "I was a perfect stranger in Emporia, and bad beeu there only ft few dais. Mr. Walkup was n very promi nent man and no nun knew that be was an aisenie eater. Ous of the onruuer'i jury was told that I was 4(1 years of age liml ns an adventuress from Louisiana. That was euough to condemn mo in Kuusan, and that was spread broadcast. Uudur the laws of thti Ktiite 1 inhorited oiie-tialf of my husband's largo estate, and that was enough to make his (laughters very bitter against me. They did everything they could t.i prevent my acquittal. I was innocent, aud my eou eeienee did not trouble me, but it was a relief when nil was over. I hud plenty of friends then, and I have been happy ever since, eveept for memory of those few mouth"." 7.V THE SILVEZY PATH. There were a hundred of nn at the ex treme end of the ocean pier, watching for the moon to riee from its cavern in the eon. The tide was going out, nnd the undertow eould bo felt as it pulled at the strong supports ot the pier. Off iu the west a dark bank of rlouds was creeping up, and at intervals a rl-jsh of lightning showed the ragged edges of the clouds aud turned the waves to blood red. The waves came rolling in from the great expanse to tho cast, each crested j with froth and foam each roaring b; menace- each flinging lUclt ou lue beech in sullen fury. There was a hush as we waited nnd ! watched and listened. By and by s sweet voice suddenly broke into Eonp It was that dear old melody, Sittiu. On My Dear Old Mother's Knee," and the singer was a girl not more than It years old. No one seemed to know hor. but as her voice took up the melody and every vurd irnchcd our earn, all bent forward with bated breath. T!i:re was ;. quaver - a sadi e.- n something in hei vice which c:.ud for pity. As slit snug the great white moon :oso in hei majesty out of the black waste ol vvaleis up-up-inch by iac'.i, and as the singpr reached the hist verse the siivcr.rays nettled upon her head am! made her a crown of glory. Vi'hen she had finished she roso up. slowly walked forward to tlio 1 jw rail ing, and, looking out upon the silvery path noroi'S the water.", she san; the last verao again. Then, while the tears yet blinded some and while the melody j el lingered iu the cara of all, she sprang over the rail itito tho Ev-tthing, swirling, raging waters 20 feet, below. No man moved for a moment. Then all cried out iu horror r.n-J rushed to the rail, f-l.c wr.s float ins: out to ne:i, bauds clasped as if in prayer, out in the iilverj path which lrd to death and iva were powerless. N?v.-r a shHMc nor cry nor struggle. We paw her as she was headed up on the crcat ' a great wave and then she was goae fjitver. J'o r child. She hud e:n:;td but she had repeated. Xever a word lint that hoped the dear old mother was waiting for her ou the other shore and that God iu his mercy would not judge her too harshly. JAY UOUUS FOIITCXE. It will be remembered that in July, when Mr. Gould called threo well known gentlumou into his ofilco and ex hibited stocks, bonds and other securi ties, the faco value of which was .Jo'-', M,00il, in order to contradict the ru mors adverse to his financial condition, he held a large amount of government bonds. While his liohli'n of most of the other properties have greatly in creased since that time, ho is believed to have parted with most of tho govern ment bonds. lli;i enormous fortune bus increased so rapidly that many exagger ated statements in regard to the amount ot individual properties nnd as to the total amount of the fortune have bcuii made. Information obtained from re liable sources plaeea tho amount of Jay (iould'a individual ownership in the various properties as follows: WfiHlor-i Pnhia ThIgiivupIi Coinplnj' Aliuilinttiin Kli'vuind 'iailnncl t . t,U!i),l f(i . !l,umi,iui Min,"i'iii'i I'.'t'.'ifir K'ilr.iad Co Ir.ui Mouiil.-iin Kiilrnii-l I'd tiovrnnu ut IiomJh M l3l'l'miltMHK 1. ii,hlic!i.4 Ml YYttH. iO.l.Ml.iKfi T')t;i) .S'7.' iV,' JV Altli(iii(,'Ii pojin!itr opiuioti p;:ct:d Mr. OijnId'H iTRMiirwH at SW'.MXKUW), 0. n sorvnlive PMtim:ite.-i sn:-tai'i tl;e lUjureti yivi-n al)!vo. By plurin f :nc -vuIpos on atorliN in Vt?fdnrn rail roadh t lint are nov, ulweure and sounu'ly marki'tnibio i!u limount may be (jraatly inoreasod. SACK Adit, -fix? BLADDER TROUBLES. RHEUMATISM, J3J 2 SAFE CURE? HEADACHE. JS3 CU&ES I HERVOUSNESS. MHDICESTIOH. -3 Ri-oivr remnd) ' tmtency. It is no Xcw Ifisoovery mikiiuvn and niB.vlmp tvoi'tliloss, but is fnmiliur to tho publio for . . . -m.j ("IllllfJO ( remedy f r diHOHacs of Iho S3?" Jvumcjn, Jjiwr nnd Dtomp.cli. To be we! 1, your blood must bo pure, nnd it never enn be pura if tho Kidneys, (tba lt? oro disoRsed. DYSPEPSIA, jJ "WARNER'S BT SAFE CURE. Ask yotuf frionds and noigUA -n Dors wunc WAKNEK'S SAFE CURE lin done for thtmi. It rrcord in lie YD lid t.lui l-Hllzo nf douht. -1 It has rurotl I'liillons and we .i prove our osstn'tionH. WARNER'S SATE CURE vtil iMIPA Vlt !f riMI L'i!t nir.i i i chnucc. My luuRn Jmk worst 1 htm $5 envu! vt ilicv ftte ;f ffonii, Atnrio'ui sfnek Wluni I oome to llopiur nftor Htis T will ,',o rWht ovr to U. A. HiiiMnkor's livery mui feetl stnltle nn l et mv borsrs ItiKon cart of by & man thut i cot ufntkl fo iy nuil grtiin. Evnrv 4in wlio hn n 1husp nhmiM Imve it innnl, atnl notlituij in ahea.l of the KnrmofH hikI Mrc-innta Itisnrnnoe ntimpatiy of Albany, Ort'non, for that pm (motion. M(&i Commission Merchants MmW BOSTON. MASS. Consignment Sulicilcd Informal ion gladly furnished b'j mail or lekcraph. Heppner City Brewery. , -0-" IInving purchased tlin latest Brewing Appuvntus nnd uteiisiln, I am enabled with my cold soft-water spring, ruy di-'cp, cool stone cellar and the fresh, pure utmosphere of the llpppner Hills, to offer my eiiKtomrTs a SUPERIOR (DUALITY- OF BEER At reasonable v.holeaalo and retail rates. Lunches of all Kinds -AND THE Best Brands of Cigars Partiei in the country mast return empty kegs, or SO apiece will be charged. J. B. NATTER, Proprietor. -TS:z 2S3T SP31KS Mil BOSSIES AHT H.OZ3 OAHTS ' fect?Vvlt' !M THE MARKET 1 SS Send for Catalogue and Price List. iish Bros. RACINE, Giili.ii'ii & Cortcy Agents ai Heppner, f:ii,K uinnoxs. Tlioso of our l:;!y re.-jJi is who would liko to iiuvo fin (-K'giint, Inrgtf pi.olifijco of extra fine. As sorted Riblionul liy mniil, in liillVr ftnt widths mid all tlin lutpst, fas!) ioimlil ) Hhadi's; mjnptwl for Ir'on iif.'t Strings, Neclovpni', Scarfs, Trimming for Ha U Dtvssw, Buys, Emicy Work, tc, can get mi aston ishinjj bi;.; b;i !';.:: in, ov.-iiif to ihe rcoiiut failuro of a large wholesale Ribbon J-Iiunifaf tai-i ng Co., by ..-ending only "Scents (Kt::inpF, to tho .v.lih'e.r. w.t give 1o1ot. As n upra'ul qlfcr, tin's house will give double tiio sinotiiit; of nny other linn in Ainoric-n if you will send tho niimas unci P. ( ). address of ten neirlij married Indies whon ordering mid mriition this paper. No pipfes less thnn ono yiird in length. Stisfnction is gunrnntcd, or money cheerfully refunded. Tlireo piieknge.' for 00 (rents. Ad drPP?, JOXDON Kibuon Agexcv, Jkiihey Citv, N. J. 1 l.vl-rfl KITH Irl uf fo'.'lHf, tuit Hicur lKiHucd by (he worilfrmif inveii ti'in. Thnsn wbo arc in need of v.rotitaMc mi ploj nit'Tit, (Hid work t Imr enn bt dun'1 wliilplirirK at ImtTiM Hhf-nld :il one,-' si.J thnh ft-idrcsf lo Unl-li-it Co., I'oriliiiid. M.'iiif, nnd rpiviye froo, FlL! inforiiiHtinti 1kiv i-jirMT hox, all I'jro-, onn e-im from tt '.T( ii,r d;iy ni'd upT'iniK win twor thoylivi'. Ynu ;ui' sti i1d fr. t C-ii-tlal t ot n (Uirot. Hume nindf ovt'r..5") in a uij;'f (lay atlhUwnrk. All hucumciL Di.oijCi'KiN ok rAU L'Mayua, I.fr'd iii'ili-' Trli-, iv:-n !h' th" eo-P"-t i-xist i n;r '-el .vf.'t I tm iii:ili.r- fiu'ncLl, ntuliM l!in firtn mv n of Hlvti lii(i, A MiKid'vti, ih thin tiny dir"nvtd hy nu t'ird c;, in-d Tim !mjin'N: wili t tliKcoiitimit-tl p nil iHtiUprrj rolntive to thoir tinnhavts oecii HiMiJcd. V A. (Uika, T. A. Ui.ka, J. ti. M.IDOCK. li'.'pptipr. On-frnn, Anjru't 17, lS.. In IV Circuit court of tbo State f OrcKor. Ciitmly of Mot niw. Henry tl ppni-Hfd H-nry 11 ii'bnmiv tKfir.jr htvit'-wuM iti'ppu"vA lihi'knittn, 1'tuiutiIU, s. K, lln-ikc, IHf'Midnni. Tu i",. iitniku, Dcf) tuliint: In tV mm fif th HtutB of 0:-nst. u: Yin ore ln-nby rn iniri'tl t.) flupiMir nnd mivr r h coin pltiint lilc.l .-fiiitrit you in th-1 nht i it" itlod w: trm imi or U-ft.r, lV,dn, t;i,e 7ih d' o btr, thn simin bt'nv.r ,u ," th di.j o' the nwxt IVtfllLir t-Ttn if f.;dd court, i'imwiici nB ill Mon thly. Srnt(;idMM- M, is-iK, t d y.mH P he ciiy noti tu'dtlwit if "n (:til to n.priir mil tx ,wit or plead. thi ptaintiiN will takr j:-d( iuPit riiidnst you fur ti." fit in of om hnndrrnt "mt tui-ut i'-four tloll uw d lifly-funr crtr i ni d tor th oo(s a::d tli.thii) scinei tH of this in ion W. K. Kid. IS, l'biui;ttv Attorn.-v. rhw inmniocs ;s imltli-l''d bx onlcr of Hon J. H. Hird. Jii'it'f of Hit HventV .htilnMiil Ut-. trior of th' Mt.nt of Orrf m. which order wh ninth' mnl dn vl at Tin- I,illti. Vt vn. 'nlv "N . W- K- K dd -i. tMkSrt Attorney for t uitntitf. A i art luvdK iiu,! iuninmti l i inu vi.n - ht-tiall tls tai H.;s uiti! t In-oi tt of (Vnctt.eHkLnnk'-t. AMluu:, InitijwstKMi, Itovnit l'riii lixiiitnioii. l.iViati o-r It st niintiMt, bfnitlc '.Vi;knt.-. nnj ;i pains anU di--MAltirj ot iMAoh hi: J How U 6vc at Urudhtou, lllPJDr?.RCOIINS. Vh" t. iia i -I m Ijost u.irv It rOorns, Baiiiim. ,tp till Hiiii:.i'.''tiifin-t to th-Ic't, Nfiff iU Of Interest to ladies. two mo fur i . T.ldiiiitf iou:iv);nly ti'io wuhiit iftriuiMiiii'ai-j l-n'ir r';r. h :m, s,.n;i n an- U-r Tailoring;. I have opont a vt'll-appmntpt! tnilor in' eitaiiUnliuieDt iu my new bmM iitrt on May atrtvt, nntl am now regularly reopivintf uvfrotuN am) wilt make cus tom ina.lo pants from $7 to $15 -bent gooxld iu the market. A. Adkaiiamick. Htpjspriiw fnr tht Onwtt. Fcnno Brothers & Chillis, WOOL Liberal Advances Made. Wagon Co.,! WIS. . Fl-OIlIfiNCF.. E I'LOUEKOF FLORENCE I3UOTHEK!!, STOCKKAISK 1?.S : tiKfTXisn, - - - tiiiiON. t Htllo ln:'fl.-I qti'.I -:ir-:iiarketl U3 shown above. lP.:'H(..s V ki rrjfht ?honUlor. Our rnlllo mn iu !crnw, Ct! Uiarr . Umrttill (ii.cl WfMcff cimntii's. Wfj will puy SI0 it-wm-ti for the nmHt and convict ion uC uny iWt(t pttciliun our mock. Jf. r rfu'olctinidzt d the '.virld in ibc hft Imlf Cfn cn(aiy. Nut l.-itr-t mnmt: t h ( wtmcrs n f ii vonlivf ppcffrcsft iw n mt!nKl nnd svntpni of wui'k ti nt mi ho prronn-d ;dl over tV fimiitry villi"iit Mf ninn tuf.' iln1 workcra frnm Uf.-ir Ihmiim, l1;!;' lihntnl; :n v ti-ior-ti du lh" tv-orlt; i!tb(V hi-x: yo'in; or old; no uppnijd nbilllv mpiiifd. Tupitjd not ndfl: yuii ura Ht.irtrfl rnf. Cut this out nnd ru t'trn it ti na i.itd w wilt swnd you frt p, H(iinetli)i u irmat viilii" nnd hnpciflfince t on. thut will PtRii yon in htixinnfl;, wliich i' J bring jon in morn njir-u-y rint ii'vay. thnn a; ytliiric p)w in Iho world. Ur.-'sd uuUit frte. AddriMb Truo d. Co., Aiiiiustu, M it i"n. H. B. LB FEVKE, I Frofastiional Herder of Bads au-t hiilieyoais' Lonn !Rftnk, : : : Oron. Troup. :ih- nrd puruhwR np!;ot!:iti d ut lo? roni'!Ur:oii, nii'l KO'iind Mtrt of ram hrokerfure tr:in''i''tii.l, (iiithr- from thp r:utrf at nhcf in' titno. t.'titf-K no hui ksJ'jtt hnvp Iwn cxno-ird to Cvno. di'-H, tviU f: 1 1 nnd wtilf.lnir, vi:; for t-ncks not a-.'Coiudd for, antt muks irfiu'nil d")iM'ri"M nt onv"uw!!(kt,t b?twetitt tlio initldiy m d l;iit of October. AH for a Dollar aud Tun Cents a Head. NOTICE OF INTENTION Knnd Oifi-entThe DnllPn.Or.. Auk IS. 'S8. N-iti.'o in hereby (liven th-t' the l'o'iowli;g-r:aioed ettl-T ha tilfd nefi-,eof his intention to ninke hiuil yvn-f in jup$t-k hie l:um, and that mod pmof will b- ni J i.'fnr,!!? county ;u.Ut of Morrow eouiitj.Oii, at iUtV-acr, Or,t liaOcti'bor t, ISkh, vis: FrvHk II. Ben-h Hd -i(t for tifce NW H, Hoc. 82, Tj S?, of R 25 K, Ho nnmos tlis folloipx witnesc-o lo prove his coTitimuma r.d:iioe ion, and cultiva tion of. Kud land, tiz: Joseph Frientl av.d (TiMrarp Shb-k, nf H-pnner. t rpo:i; .Ir.eoh Karnest aud K, Kskylson, uf lcx inton. (.ri (ron. 1 F. A. McDoN.u n. Krgiter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. LtrdOmepntThplatlo. Or., Au. 12. 'W. Notion is hereh eivpn that t lit following minvd 'ttltr hns tiled notice of hif intention to mnketml proof in mipport. of hist claim, nnd tluit the mit proof wilt te mad before the tHniniy ebrlt of Morrow county, at lleppor,()r on Sept. ISn, sit: ' " George II". rage, PS for th;. S?K oc. 27. Tp. 8 S, of R 28 F, Ho i. nmes tho f.lloT,'inK witncvpfi to ptv-tc ld eortiniioiis rosideic upca, and cultitation ot biiid land, viz: t hnrh-s I r, John Rank, John Harris, of Heppiu-r- Or; aiU Jubu Lieuullen.of LexiCkou, Ur. '---7 F. A. McDonald. KpjrirtoT, NOTICE ( OF INTENTION. Land OiHce nt U Onintlp. Or., July C7. ttice iu h Twl))' Kiven thnt tlte lolWwiiin uar.i'xt H'tiler tni fi!.tl notie of hi in tent ion to nuke titMi proof tn support of his t'lai n, ar.d tl,at itaot (-tif iltlP n.r-V Wfore thti pouM clerk of Mtirrow county. Or., at Heppner, Or., oo Soi-l. i!S. via; Ifyron O. Sarver ISN.. T4N, fortheKKUSWiinHS RE Sp. uml Nit N '4 Sec. II, Tp 8 8, H K, H nmio the following witnepppe to prove hip ttitinuHiK rtnldeiic upon, and cultivation of. j 11. H. r'honipiin, P. C. Thmat-oon, Jnmep Ie pnv, of IKppuvr, Ur and W. II. Iauh?rty. of i'un. t)f. IvO-vS Kr'niT TiTyrTT jit, Rsir. W f?1'JVf'v'iiH'" " 'Sit?' ll ' "1 t mimmmm THE LADSES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OT OKDEtt. If you desiroto purchase a sewintr roacbtnf. nk ourncnt ut your pltice fur tonus ond S rices, ir you cuimnc nun our njrunt, wmu : ifect to ir.:'retMn?sst,oyoubMOw nmed '"iM'fMir ni-n ni.iiKtutysiub Mrtbmrc is.unrint.H!i chica3o -13 men squme.n.t:- Dallas, ILL. nfi mt a TEX. st louis, mo. "raaci. Agents at iloppuer, Or. The Jb JTV:lli:' OU WV, i : flcloped.a ol' ueiiU infor- T nutton for t.A who pu ciiast) tho luxuries cr tha ncnesnil'-ea oi Uio. "v:9 can cloiho you nad I'U-nibh you with all nQCHwy nnd uiiu.ee: etfsary apnliancofl to ivij, walJ:t diiiice, r.lccr, eat, ilsh, hunt, work, 0 to church, or stay at homo, ami in vavicir. 211,03. styles and qufinfitier1, Jiwt : Ij3v.r0 what is required to do all t'lce tltina C0WF0RT"3LY. and you can make aair ostimuto of tho va-luo of tha BUyjRid' GUIDEj which will bo sent upon roceipt of 10 cents to pa? poskiRo, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 111-114 Michigan Avonuo, Chicago, 111. " I t V Vjt I -.- -.-1 THE GEE AT Transcontinental Route , 1 1: RO . D via Tin; CcFCotle v)Yf?;r, i.!ri' CoiVph led. wak ing it the Sl.oite&t, Hfi.l end Qnii-lerl.. Tlie i'miiift Car Lino. The Direct Itmte . No rl;tys. Fnst'at Tn;inp. I n.v cft I'mte.-i to CliiciRO r.iul ll pi-iiits Kiist. 'licet h sni.l t(i nil Pnmii uent PointH tiu'onbdnt tho EiUit uijJ ':'v.'.itl-east. Through Patau Bra-.ia; H Slcrsia Cars Eosoi'VP.iioES can bo aecnretl iu ndruoco. T Ka t 1 In i i i d I 'a .on i!c f.'ii-eful tnirl iln not ui:;Iiia mistake. lm; he sure to take tho XOKTHEHN PACIFIC IlAILIiOAD Anil ncn tlict your tirket rami via this line, St Paul or Jliuueai "'is to nvnid ohaiiiirs mvl serious dulaya oceusioaJ by other routes. Thrmiizh Kmicrnnt fi'eet'ins; Cars rim nn regular exDie.s trains full length nl line. Berths free. Lowest rates. Quick est time. General a flee i-.f Vm Cpxpcm?, Xc. 2, . U'iu.!iii:gt.'in Vortlctul, Crejcn. A. n CHARLTON. As?,istaht (ieneial i'iippen;i'r Aj'enl "11 Kevr.-ded r.ri 1 Iimkp J 1 r v-'' lf'arl iu tlti i I V v 1 I I V hoiionhle euu AV-LV-AJ-X J idoyicnt thnt wili J not tiiko thftm frtim their hoiwH and fiLiidl-fii. TheproiiU arc Yavv and wiir? for every industrious person, mnny lmvf and ro now mit:inj: .vond hundred doltnrH n month. Ii in f-tt for ore to make $5 ar.d ti wartU p'sr tUty, who in willinfr in vok. Kitl,: i e. yon it or old; rronud mt seeded: wo nturt you. No sin'fiH1. ability reqniird; you, rc-d) r. enn do it us wed :im itTiynno. Write to us nt oucf 'or full ,1'Hitienlru'n. Addrtsa Ht.nst'ii & Co. Portland. M.iino. .California, Oregon and IDAHO STAGE COMPANY. J. B. Ivcpoht, Stipt. Arlington Staire Ieavr3 Heppner, (5:0 . M nrrivea " 4fl P. M. Pendletoa ' kaveet " fi:H0 A. M arrive " . P. 51. Fare to Arlington, - - SI CO. Fare to IVudietot), - - $5.00. Freight 2 centa per pound. ED. K. BISHOP, Ait., Heppner, Ofju Arlihgtoii Mea Market. Beef, Pork, Fish, Sausage, Etc. Varaey & Putnuni Arlington Or. Xotii'K to WutiL fiRo-weiw Those de siring to oonjixru their wool to Fentio Bros. fe ChiKis, ot Hostou, can draw from 8ven to lou wiite per iotind npon it nt 7 per (eiiK interest, l-'reiflit to B.Ml.n. ?'2.'ir pfr 1IVX Avsiw A Fni.t.. Oregon Railway and' NAVIGATION CO TO SAN FRANCISCO AClll'BT. iss. cummer. Srate .tf f-'tt'ifiTuia- Oliit.tl.iH (Iiru'.n..... Htatt- of California ('niunihia Oioir -n yt;ie of t'dliforni:i. ('niumbiit Otfyon ------- . X.Hturn;iy . . . s" mc'p.v . TO PORTLAND. MAY and JUNK licaveti Spear Sftrect 7Tnrf. Hnn Fnii;cipco, at A. 31. iiH fulluws: Steamer, Coi'.iinbia SlatH ot t alifurnia. Oregon t 'obiii'L hi Frd.y I i nt wlHy. . . (Murtl; y. . . A'f d ( odny . j iiittlny . . . . .T!',ti'Fduy.. . Vonrlfiv State of 'alifornii Oregon Columbia State of Culifomiu. , tJroj.'on , Friday A'uofdny iWt Tho company rwprvediho ritdit to clmnt'cSk'm ei s or Hailing Dayn. K.iTKS OF PASSAdK. INCM'WSO .VEALS AND BKHTFIS. Cfruin. f S3 00; bieuiugo, jisi.cn; Kcund Tiip, un- No frriht will bfl recolvod on mon ii'd of fia:!. inK. PXCfut fruit Hid FtviiiCabJts, liial ihcit v.ii! not bo tiiKf-n Mfu.r 9 A. 51. ' 1 Ol- r ri.'j'y. y;m Via; Cisco. Ofl.Pni! OtIj''-, No. 10, Marki't street: Tiftct . Oflicw, t in d H .Mo:.l tfonmrv stif'jt. A'.ie: tH. tjnoilnll. IVi Uirs A' t o. Portlrtirl Ti.-kt office, If'irst nr,! (kik Stvn.ts. W. 11. HUt.COMH. A. L. 51AX .VI I.L, Ge:ur;:l ?.lu! ti:;fT. O. V. k i . . Great English Remedy. MURRAY'S SPECIFIC. Tja.i ?rc-c A -tarr.ii toed cum fir till nervous d:.-ii.-:t'K. ftiioh an Wwik Memory, I.ohsoF JJniiii iKtwcr, lljhlcrin, Hoiidachf rain in tin1 Itnt-k, Nnr volm l'rottr;it ion. Wnki.'fnlJni'.ss ljeut'oiThresi, Univorwd Lnssitud-? tinitinl Wt.'iikni'rtJ, linprtli-ncy at d yen: rai lost of powiT tif hi? .ionerntivt1 Ur;:nritj -in tdlhiT p.'X emisnd by ii:distni-tion orctvero. frtion. and wliirli ujtiinat'jly ltn( to 1 i't'.:natut-u OKI Ajie, Iiifunit,. Before Taking, and n-iimnm.tion. S1.I.VI n box Trn:1 fllot-U, orwix boxi'M for Ji.Ub Sent by mail on ri'ct'ipt of prico I'ull I'artifnlam in p:imi hit t sent f ice to hYcry ai'iieunt, We Guarantee 6 hoses to curt.' nny rii!e. Fn- cvpry nrclnr riftivvi vf send siz Ljoxy and a written yuiiTa::tee r- Af tar Taking. fund tlif money if our fb do?s not (ltot-i i ct :!(. Addft'ts all eunmiuitietitinns to thb eolu 1 tnamfutturtTs. tlif j MUHitAi' !ii';iici;n co.. I hjit'-siiH City, Mo. S'ddin tlor.pner by A. 1). JOHNKON A t.'O., nulu nst'iiiH. j . Tha Original wt0 : J " " c- tiunR i6aUvo LIVER CGk QUQXB PSLL3. mil! TESSTASISI JliSrSCKi? HAEJILS33I tLK'illlfMl !, Vi IIVKR PELS,. r?f. no. i eiil'K. i!B -ti.Li 1' A non:. j CHAI.LE3T, CKEAFE3T, EASIEST TO TAKE. Ur-witreoi" Tinitiition?, ein(nlnlnff Pofsonoita MincruiR. A!waa Oiik for Or. Pm-tou'b VclUts, p:!ji,'h ta t; little Sutfui'-eoaU'd I'll La, or Antt biti't!i t i t'tintil'.'t. Mcln,' S'nroiy Vofcclablc, Dr. ricrct'9 I'cti -A iip'n'.ty willttrtir dirttLirbauuo to ttie evstitin, Oit't, or occiput ion. Put tip in pluss viuK liTTioiTiculiv aij; tL. Ahvr.y.f. frc!i m'A r-h'ittif. Tiit'y ."e,Ti-M.T.'iati-c, ur fm aotivi' ynrgauve, uccordins lo ti.c of dosi lit! tout Moadnclio, c 1 1 U'rrtisoei)iM ot tlio fto rt n c iik a ti tl LoucU, arn pwrnijiiiy rolii'vnH Rtnl rifavimotfii 1 v 'nr d iiv iho it - t)f ttr. lkiorcc5 Pleasant Purgative Plle(. Jit cxidnnnlion of tho ronifibiil power of thso Pallets over no great a vtirii'ty tit' discnaeH. It. v.p.y tnitht'ully bp snid that t.beir itetion upon tbo system is unicr Hid. not a ,h!:hh1 or tissue een'pinir tlmir sana tivtf inlUionee. Sold by druiu'jriKti." for omUh a vial. Manuf:iettird nt the Choniioal J(al oratory of World's Dispexrahy Mepxcai Association, No. (KB Main St.., JluffiUo, Y. iHoffrrrd by tho innntiftietur- a of tin afrc'( Catarrh ; EtlMilPtMj lti; n CUfU of 1 t fltrrh in tlio ISead j wiiit n inoy m;i nut. euro. i SVTIPTO.liS OF CATAKKH. Dull. I heavy hfadaelw, obft ruction (if ibo nnsn I passages, disehKi-'Vs fnllinjr from thn head tnt) ih throat, Mnnetitnes profuGe, watery, and ftorid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid; tho eyes tiro weak and watery; there is rinjrinfr in tho rai-p, deat'negs, haekituy or cottjrhln.sr to clear thi thivtst, e.xpeetoraLiou of otl'ensivo matter, tnyoiliiT wttii e.-itba Irotn ulcere; tho voioo ifl eh'iinro'l nnd has ft "nasul twnng"; tho brofttii is olTenivn; emrll and tnsto ore lin puired; tiiero is a senyation of di..inos, with mental dopree-nnn, a bnckinfr coujtli and pen rnl dfibility. Duly a few of tho above-named symptoms aro ldtely to be present iu Anyone caw.1. 'J'lioiL'iinds of cases annually, without re..iirifesrinif half of tho above symptoms, re sult in consumption, and end in tho giava No disease ia soommon, more deceptive tuid diinircrouH, or less underntood by physicians, liy its nild. soothin, nnd healing1 properties, lit, t-itfrn's t'atni'rh llentcdy curofj the worst e'is"t of cmnrrh, "Told In the Head," Coryza, and Caiarrljal Headache. Soltl by druggists everywhere; CO cents. "Vniold Affony from Catorrii.1' Trnf. w. H.rssF.R, the famous megmerlft, t-.f Itifun, ."V. 1"., writes: "Some ten years ajro puff. -red untold n irony from chronic nasal eat:trr!i. Mv family phyphdtm (jave me up a ineurabl.-. and paid I must die. My case was I aiicii rt b:id onn, that every day, towards eun I H;t, nivAoitfH won id become so hoarse I conld jwm KiH'att a do ve tiwiusp1!. in rne niornini (uv i-oiiijidnjr and clearing of my throat would nlniost straniflf me. liy tho use of lr. tiswe's t'ltarrh tenn-dy, in throt montli3, I wai a well mun, and the cure has been perinaneuU" -ronstnnlly flnvrKIp-ff mid Spitting;." TMAS .1. Uitshino, Ksq., m JHnc Street, St. Isiiti., .5fo., writes: " I was a prrent Putfenr from enturrh for three yearn. At times 1 could Imp il v br.'atlie, and was constantly hawking find nyi'.ting, and for the last eight months could hot 1 nathe through the nostrils. I Thought nothing cou'd bo done forme. Luck i'.v. I TTMt j'dvieti ti trv Dr. Saire's Catarrh It'.' iKdy. and I am n," ft well man. 1 believe It to o" too 'iiij pure n-ioi'Mj m iwo i ii uow inanufaetured, and one has only to give it a fair trial to experience afctoundiug rceulls and permanent ctre." A complete Treatise on Catarrh, giving val iiablo hint? as to clothtntr, diet, and other ma'ters of importnnee, will bo mailed, post paid to any addretw, on rvctipt of a two-cent postjfft stamp. Address. World's nivtiPtimr' V.e 4nriatlin, Vo. CGy Wiain Htw-t, BIT FT A LO. it.?- Thlow!arrme!j uever fHila to efi actually cure Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness And all diseases arteing from a Torpid Liverand Bad Digestion. The natnrnl rennlt in stimkI appe tite and ao4itl t lento. IKe Ninall, eleenuily aujrar roatetl and easy to awailow Hold erywlivre. In formation for th r'nrm, Hou kvitt, WorkJihnpantl MlrJcntot'' tcUitt i Wantkd Just 10 bn'ciVs and backn i to pnitit. Shop iu Hal Icy bniMing, Dext R .V Totitv Day. Dm.. ffl fZ' r, M . Mi ?u'i.. Ell ,tnru,y....(tpt. J M !S "3 . . & i i-iHA . WW: tw 1 V ESSSSMKSai Tutt s Pills i m dbb E?rj iw sftL-i 1 V.' I Si lili'ANHS. "ttiiT nfdil nn vr.n can keep your brnr d in free of eLargo, v--x.t,. ...nll'JUidi . wish on U ft sht n .di i ; cell le, n me eii lt-ti h'J Atluiiiri, t' U- horhi'H. jt i,n i i-ht t-liuidtier; rat tle, a V on ritfht r.'iil;. Atlkiis, ,1 J- lio'HJ, tlA cojn.OfU'd on lft Cat k: t'fitl it mine on nd't 1 "p. Jilaokiuan. Jlenry. Ciitll.;, ojA l,.ft fdit Ka: j.'c. ,Jou l'eeior k i-d!tuti'. J '1 1 i.l- n n. 1. 1 '., IiiuJimn - f'tirtr. r- t ; (; left ."boiiltler; emtlc, otine on rif;U hhouldf-r. ij' .niu-ti, Cy - I'lMht t", i tin 1 !t f.hoiiiUiT. H.Tj'o. Mis V A li on left Khon'der; ear-mr': of e.-'t ; ernp olf a: t! split in Udl ia.d u))i,fj Itali crt;p oil ripl.t. .r- v.!,, .1 Ilonse, elrclo C with dot in con tero.'i loit tMtlle, t:nir. ii'j.r, li. Lei a- lb(iM a, I ns brat d or rV- hip Cititii', Mime, v;1li split in e,,t'li . iocK. J-'- U. Horstt!, t' 11 ou ! n shcuklpr; cut- lie. mime m; lutt nip, lir;ie,'i 1'., hunt? llo-jk.--Howes o with lr vnder tsnd nvfr on iif;ht rbeuh.r.- Haitou. Wr Uoihtr,.! Hun nRhuUh, ccttjt-. untie on riht Itiiijr-pHl in eaeh ear. ( ouk, A. J., herd -lloixs. Ulun riphtjilcj-jlier; Caitlr, riu:;eoii r prht hip: ear mtuk sipaar-j cio . uli 1h;i at d f-pbt in rifeht. t urrin, li Y- hvmv, :n loft stifle. i imii fil ?mi e, ty l', pwton lsitr.cn 'Tni-ffp. II with li(nfMk!ir il on left b!i'.).:Ubr; eatU (fHinO o.j ."fc't.f."m,d hif.h, iett er fqjHitt rt c C't;s V KrtfPeh. llaidtnari (.a.tle, C with . ifl center: ImifteN. Cli! on left lip. t afoii. J P-litren. f oil Uf: i; cnti'.n..'-; eoMieoteci on left hip. UnUp-i '.n -.e:k. iJij'.bin, fiol t$ fcojiH, iiookviiisur An tc! pc. itorn" li with bur over il ou K-ri ri3;ou!d. i -tie. iv tot h Irpn. lJi.iiKia:, V M --Cr.lUe. K Don rifchtnide, hwhi low-fork iit ci'f h ear; homes, li i) on left hip. J U'tltj J.ifkf'oti. lltirm r). H'' conueeled .:) rit'ht, (fhi'.iilderj eattlw wme on riht hip. hfsr mark, hole n: r,(.-ht aud crop (,'t h It'. l;iii:ks, C A. Arlington- JI auuf, (.' I' on lTt sli'ndder: entile. V on left hip, er.pcfT left ear. Flot'i!! cy, h A Call (f, l.V on riyhttiip; horfii. F villi bnr under on iiht fchonltler. F'-il. T K - Iioimw. F with haf-eirc!e above and bflow on lel't hip, J'l rji't-e. S I'-IItirpew, V on rigid shoulder cattle, F on riht hip or lliit!i. Aj iiihii'oi ff, J . t'., Aeton- T with Lnr nrdT it n ir.it si, on. t.ti t.t i.t-iMt; tt.tlle tt.n;e on lf.l'c mp. t:t;v. T:enry GAV mi left rlinulder. tlnhle, l-'iHiik- Horses, ? 1" ou left stifle; cnttio. Diiirse on ri(:ht hip. liut nakt-r, H Horn's, on leit liouldor: eM; tie. H on let'i hip I'l.mphie.vtf, 1. lli.rdman Hures, II on te! flank. It it yes. J 51 -Hoinoh, wir.rglaeson left f-hmitdc r entllp, Kiiuie on right hip. ,Ior:c-,, .1 if, lljirdmitu HoiHi's. J with td.ada over it on li ft f-himldi'i. Joluifcn, IVlix-lf or-HB. circle T nn luft ft ill , cattle, fame on right hip, ut.di-t half crup in rit ai 't Hotit in It ft ear. .Kirk. .J T-liuraei 69 on left dUouider: tntt CO on left hip. Kiik, . ( llorfcs, 17 on either fiuidi; cattle on riwhi sidij. l.;irer, linftmus HorBfls. K L on l"fthip. Ijewis. J ti. Ijcna-Horseii, I1 with over it on left slmnhh r. Miller. C, K.lItirsea C wish m on inwdo on left tl old h r. Mow on, S N-TIorces, M ) on left tsbuulder cuttle. Mime on h ft hip. .VcCuinher. .Ins A, Atwucd HnrfCft, M with bur over or. rinhl fthouldt-r. MorKH'i. ri h.-s llor.-i, circlp T on h-ft shoul der d 1 - ft t hiiih; en tilo. Z on rihl th;ph. Mitchell, (bear. PettyRvitle HornHS, l) on rijri;.t, hi . ; entile. 77 on right side. aianon, Joh, P:t .hvilh Cattle, .TM connected, npperc rop in each ear, dulup on thmat: horses, on left should-r. Mef 'lami, Dti Horses, Fignrvfioncuch whoul der; cattl, Ml! on hip. McUouguld. 11 llurses, HD connected on left shoulder. iSt-'H, Aidrew, I .one Roek-Hortsee AN cn licet ed on U'ft hhouldt-r; etitll" simp on both hips Newmrn. W. it.-ilore N with half circl over it on leu shoulder. Nt-rdjke, r Hones, circle 7 on left tliigl ; cnt tie. wnuft on htft hip. ( 'ilnr, Perry. Lone Kock V O on ft shon.'dpr Pmrsion, Jr.s., Pine L'ity.-i!oisesh:Jun iett hip low down. Parker A Oleason. ITardinan-Horses IP .'on left llOl!dl'r. lipr-r, J. H Acton - Korprp. .IK conn pr ted r- left t-honJder; cattle, UBiueuu left hip. uudor bit in eneh. ear. hood. Andrew, Kurdman-Horses, square crnj-t wii h quiirtfr-cirrlt ovi r it on lett stifle. I'eriii'Hier, ('hrif Jloisrs. (' li on left shoulder. I.ft'U..'. .1 -JfnrNPH. JO n left shoulder. Rule. 11. S.-Oittie hmndod 11 S on left hip. Hor.-M b n"ine brio d on left Fhonhin. Kpr.iV, J. F -Horpt br.indd connertpd oti rivht .dioulder; cattle same on both hit !. t-pr.'V. .1. t .-lb rs'-s hranrlel S on nnht nhoul- er. eattie brnnd-d S on ttin right hip ami mooih crop otT of ihe li ft Ktntg.t W. K.-llorss shaded J R on left Mine, rartle J Son left hip, swallow fork iu riirhl onr. m. tidbit in left. Pyer. lioi.t- Horw'B.HonriKl.ttlir.uWf.r:cattt8 square on r:ht hip nnd S on lieht nhouhip,-, Swi;i.-Hii. L, Alpine-Ht r'tf, Sb ou rish rtl.onJilrr. i-app. Tho. IIotrcb, y A T t-n left hip; cattlo sr.me ou U-ft hip. fclttdj", br A .1 Howes, TS on on h't hip: cat tle. r,me on left dc. wattle on left suit of neck tars cut !.nrp at piiii.t. Ste-c-toi:. Mrn A ,1-Citttle, B on r.'fclit hip swallow.). iik pi 1,-ft er. Sli. Iton oc Son Horses, S on ii .tt over a:i on lett shoulder: cattle, jhiii'j on left hip. Hperry. V. ti Cetile. V ( on hff hip, t-mp ofl riirhl ;.i.d ui.derb t i i left er.dulap: l.oien. W (! tin h ft fisoijlder. Sv.iitf;:'tt. (i W Horcpp. 41 on left hnnld Ktewart. tieo., Hwdniau Jlursr-a rirclu u 03 left sh-Hilder. cuttle, 4i on left hip. ThinfcoTi. J A-Horscs. S on It-fi M.onhr cittle, on It ft shoulder. T;hKet. 8 T-l!..r-4. C on ft hnuldpr. ntlf. i(rj-. - Vo s-s hrandtd ntp of t-pntlia on lo t shoulder nnd ieft hip. Cottle hr.-.ndti Nine on hft hlo nrd left h:p. Wa!irids:, VV F lioriw branded t L nn left hru'tler. rattle U L ou richt hip. llaig on Balm Fork. Wlis, A fi llorw. on tc ft honlder; cattl same. Wylwd. J H, Hmdman Circle C on Mtthirb wntd, John Horn, LP coiiiieetotl on left shoulder. Wallace. Cbarls Cottle, W nn risht thiirh, holo in lefi ear: hr- V," on nitt fliti:lder, som aantrton lft BUoutler. Wren, A- W.Tt. nnirira A A wjih r a'To nn ti ;! l l.i o. tarn urmmm 1 1 5 ii - Ci 824 . II if? ' iSBg e i ii feSil fi "i ."i".t 'TTn-r'A fwtTfiJ'A c:frr"u g; "'i--'-i'J i.M-t rau p S'i'(!( n