7 I THE GAZETTE. HKPPXBH. TIIDIWDATT, SEPT. 0, VS-. Local and General. Notice. Heppner & Blackmail's es tablishment will be closed on Saturday, September 15th, lHS8,on account of Jew ish holidays. Tan Bttloabian Monk. The E. 0. of a recent issue bns this to say about the "Bulgarian Monk," A. M. Experidon, who took in Heppner last Friday and Saturday : "That odd and peculiar 3ni us, Rev. Esperidon, the Bulgarian monk, and a member of the Christian ohurch of Jerusalem, has come and gone. It can be said of him that ho is a greater curiosity than ever came to Pendleton with a circus museum. Accerding to his story, and a person oould hardly dis credit the tales of one who is evidently so sincere in his work, be has been in every county in every State ef theUuion except Oregon, and bag now Btarted en his journey through this State. No other man living can truthfully say the same. He also olaims to be able to un derstand 32 different languages, and has evidently traveled very extensively, be ing familiar with every portion of the Holy Land and other countries." On his arrival here, he stnted that it was not his custom to deliver lectures in a town less than five thousand inhabitants. After some persuasion by our citizens, he finally oonsented to speak on Friday and Saturday even'gs. In the first leoture he stated that preaohers were no better than saloon keepers, and praised the Lord only for the cold dollar. His sec ond address was mainly a description of his native country, which would have been appreciated very much had he been allowed to have finished it. Some con tinued disturbance in the audience oansed the strange old Monk to lose all patience with the people. He declared he would speak no further and, although imnrtuned to oontinue his address, it i.;-a no good. The prinoipal idea ad vanced bv Experidon in both lectures was that the Bible was given to mankind, and that everyone should be his own teacher. He never washes his face, Deck or hands, drinks beer with a relish, Bmokes cigarettes, and runs an occas ional horse race. He is on his way to Portland, and will go by way of The Dalles. Regular Council Meeting-. Council met last Monday evening, full oounoil present, Mrir Blackman presiding. The Mayor tal the following message, which was referred ts the committee on health and polioo: Heppner, Or., Sept. 8, 1888. To the Hon. Council, Town of Heppner I desire to call your respectful atten tion to the unhealthy condition of our city, and would suggest that immediate action be taken in the premises. Several complaints have been made to the authorities by our tax-payers, and it is no more than just that the matter should be looked into, and at once. It is a well-known fact that all our yards in the corporation are filled up with rub bish, trash and combustible materials, and for the safety of our city the street commissioner Bhould see to the removal of the same at once ut the expense of the property owners. Our water olosets and cesspools are in a still worse condition, and the erluvia arising therefrom are offensive to the community besides the prospects for a siege of sickness from the above causes are exoelleDt, unless ennitory precautions are enforced by our oonncil. There are Tjtm- metharls whereby the same oan be avoided, and the good judgment of your honorable body no doubt oan devise some ordi nance to insure a successful remedy. Hoping your body will giva it your im mediate attention, I am Yours Kespectfully, Henri Blackman, Mayor. The following bills were ordered paid: J. D. Locknane, $70; C. L. Andrews, $1; street werk, 82. Recorder F. J. Hallook sent m his resignation, to tuke effect im mediately, whioh was accepted. Other matters were discussed and council ad journed to meet Tuesday to appoint a Recorder to fill vaoanoy created by resignation of F. J. Hallook. H Appreciates it. Deputy sheriff Harrington arrived from Salem, last Monday, with J. H. Bradley, who is a witness in the oase of J. E. Cannon, ao o used of being implicated in the burn ing of Lexington, last fall, and whose trial will oome off this term of oourt. Bradley is now serving a five year sen tence in the "pen," having been sent up last term of oourt for the same offense. He says he is in good health and getting aloug tirst rate down -below. His work is in the tailoring establishment, where he has light work and short hours. Ed. ia Tint farina an well. His hur- utcnni "v. ... n , culanean frame suggests being able to do lots 01 nam wont, i ue ouium s ui ixie inst'tution have acted on the suggestion, anu consequently Ed. holds down a place in the foundry shep. His be v, ; ovnallpnt. and Bradlev thinks that he will be a "trusty" in a short time. Bradley seems to eujoy this trip very much, being a greai renei irom roe monotouy of daily routine of prison life. He has served less than six mouths of his seutenee, but says that it seems long enough to be years. Only A Matter op Business. Some time ago we had oooasion to notify de linquent su'. -ibers as to the amount of arrears, borne came in and paid up, others confessed their inability to pay at present, but the greater part of tbcm we have not seen or heard from. The aooounts were honestly made under the administrations of our worthy predeces sors, and were bought by us in good faith. The money is needed badly not to loan, but to pay our honest debts. We have a great deal of consideration for those who would like to settle up if they eould, and say so either personally or by letter. But those who do not pay any attention to their paper aceouut will find that the Gazette will fail to roam over to their little postoffice box, onoe a week, as it was wont to do, in some instances, ever since the sheet started. Business is business, just the same in the print business as any other business. A Plain Fact Most of our friends understand that printing accounts are due and payable monthly. In the his tory of our well-known sweat-power press it was never without that power ful lubrioant, Kentucky coon-liver oil. A country Campbell proves to be alto gether too handv in a print shop to de pend on the weekly exertions of the above mentioned relic any longer, but it will go dry for grease if the depleted condition of our exchequer isn't remed ied awful soon. Rhea creek camp-meeting closed last Snndnv evening. PKIMONAli. Itttii.iniii Zrphyis that Blow for the Denizm in Navy Klup Overalls us Well sh Ot'i'T People. C. Leyde, of Lexington, called on us yesterday. T. H. IJisbee wrs dow n from the mill last Saturday. Chris. Reiniuger is over from Green horn mountain. John Lnelling called on the ranch people last Saturday. Frank Ailkius was over from his Rhea creek home last Tuesday. Frank Snow, an old Gazette typo, looked in on us yesterday. Win. M. PiTce, Idea, Gilliam ooun ty, was in Heppntr last Saturday. Joe Hayes and Ciias. Snerry represent ed their respective sections this week. This office received a visit from Homer McFarlaad and W. T. Halley, last Tues day. This ranob received a call from Wm. Ingram, of Eight Mile, the first of the week. Walter A. Richardson is the only sub scriber of the Gazette that is paid up to 1890. James M. Hager left for Portland, last Sunday, to lay in a fall and winter stock of goods. N. O. Smead and Frank Oviatt were up from Ella, last Friday, and took in the ranoh premises. Walter Fell left last week for Salem, where he will attend the Willamette University the coming year. Peter Foley has the honor of being the first to subscribe for the Gazette after the arrival of the new press. The ranch is all chaos this week, but Jake Xouug managed to get inside the ranch-keeper s deu last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Griffith and Miss Mag gie Rea were over to Rhea creek, last Sunday, attending camp-meeting. T. A. Hudson, of the insurance and real estate firm of Thorubury & Hudson, of The Dalles, was in Heppner last week. Mr. A. J. Milan aud wife arrived home rom the valley, last Saturday, alter a iew weeks visit to friends and relatives. Art. Amerman is down from the mill resting up a little after a hard Bummer's work, and having a small run with the boys. Mayor Henry Blaokmau loft last even- ing for a business trip to San Francisco. He will perhaps be absent far a month or six weeks. Judge J. H. Bird, F. Pieroe Mays and A. S. Bennett and wife of The Dalles, and W. G. Brown, of Arlington, came up last Suuday. J. M. Fisher has just returned from Idaho, where he has been looking up sheep range. He will probably move over there in the spring. Chns. Tounggreu returned Monday from the Blues. He has more faith in the eflioaoy of the mountains to produce health than any apotheoary shop. Dave Walsh returned from the Blues, last Saturday, where he has been enjoy ing cold mountain water, pure air and the novelty of a few days camp life. W. Forwood and Bob. Currin are back from the East, where they have been with horses. They disposed of their stock to a good advantage back there. Wm. Dent, the well-known represen tative of Chns. H. Dodd & Co., of Port land, was in town over Sunday. Mr. Dent has many warm friends in Eastern Oregon, who are always glad to see him. W. E. Kahler and C. C. Stanley are down from Hardman attending court this week. These ireutlemen are friends of the Gazette sheet, that seldom fail to !"!"-"' .... -..aulv premises when in town. Mr. J. A. Chase arrived from Portland, last Saturday, with a view of looking over the mountain section of Morrow. He left on horseback, last Monday morn ing, and will spend two or three weeks in that section. Capt. Wm. Warren is down, this week, from his mountain ranch. Having at tended to his crop of wild hay and other agriouliural matters, he will see that Co. E drills at the regular monthly meeting, next Saturday evening. Sud den death is a legal excuse for non attendance. Phil. Cohn returned Wednesday of last week from a few days visit to Boise and Portland. Pnil s friends, in antici pation of his arrival on that day, bad placarded his desk at Heppner & Black- man's. This generous application of lampblack on wrapping paper produced the following: "Home Again, or the Prodigal's Return," and ''I am a stranger. Please take me in." P. O. Borg is adding an addition to his store building. The trial of J. E. Cannon for arson is in progress as we go to press. County Courtis grinding this week on the customary batch of business. Died In Heppner, Sept. 4, Mrs. Cant well, wife of Wm. Cantwell, after a short illness. Wm. Penland has just finished putting up his immense hay orop on his ranches above Heppner. This office was the recipient of a visit yesterday from Miss Ella Thomas and Mrs. Taylor Dodson. The pioneer truck of the colony, en gineered by Jas. Cowen, seems to be do ing a good business. A paper that talks boom for a town can do so consistently when the business men show their faith by advertising. Our publio sohool did not begin last Monday, as intended, on account of the hot weather. It will begin next Mon day. Oar old friend, Henry Heppner, had a oongpstivo chill at Arlington, last Sat urday, and ODly the closest medical at tention Baved his life. A great deal of sickness prevails in the Heppner country, caused by the severe spell of hot weather which has prevailed for some time. Cirouit court attracts the denizens from all over the county, consequently Heppner presents a more lively appear ance this week than usual. A thunder shower, last Monday even ing, cooled the ntmospbere from way tip in the nineties down to something in the I Rev. R. F. Reasoner will preach in tbei Baptist ennrou next rcuuciay. nnojeci in the morning, "The Changeless Cbrist." Subject in the evening, "am. We are under obligations to a number of onr generous citizens, wbo are by no means ligbt-mnscled. for valuable aid in erecting onr new Campbell press this week. We noticed item in an exchange the other day about an editor being driven to insanity by trying to please everybody. Hard luck enough, but the editor who pleases everybody ia too good for this earth. Abcut 2i 0 Italians, many of them fresh from their native heath, came in over the short line Friday ni?ht and went on to Walla Walla the next morning. They are to work on the Kiparia branoh. Pendletnn T rilmne. From hnsa Creek. Ed. C. Allen, proprietor of the Long Creek Eagle, and one nf the principal business men of that rustling little town, was in Heppner last week on business Mr. Alleu w ill go be low this week to buy his fall and winter stock, and expects to have it come up on the railroad to Heppner, as it will be the most cotivenieut"shipping point for him. He says that Heppner can not fail to be the main shipping pojit for that w hole countrv. He claims that the old road to Long Creek is the best one that could be nuiile the mountains, it being a natural route. He guarantees if Heppner will make it a first-class road to the county line that Long Creek w ill look after the remainder. Mr. Allen formerly resided in this country, but has not visited this section for five years. He expressed him self as pleased with the grow th of the town, and its future prospects. Letter List. The Mowing persons had letters in the Heppner postotiiee on .September 1, '88: Akson, Mr. Jones; Davison, Mrs. Anna; Fisher, Mr. J. Mj Gibler, Henry; Grow, Mr. John E. (2); Hoskius, Mrs. Sallie M; Johnson, J. E; Jackson, A. E; Kirk, Mrs. Alice; Keny, P. 8 ; Mulkey, Noah ; McRechnil ; I'hnr ris, Mr. J. R: (2) ; Keevey, Mr. H. (2) ; Savior, A. L; Simmons, Mrs. Mamie; Sloane, Mrs. M. J ; Spencer, Mr. Urban ; Simpson, Miss Lulu ; Smith, Mrs. H. M ; Wright, W. E ; Winter, Miss Edith. Dio Them Ur. A thrifty sample of Spanish thistle was shown us in the neighborhood of the ranch, this week. They are said to be growing thiokly in many parts of the town, and property owners should try to exterminate them if possible. They are supposed to have been brought here from Arizona in the tails aud mane of oavalry horses during the Indian war of 1878. The Grand Ji'hy. The follow ing con stitute the grand jury for the present term of circuit court : Cbas. Repass, E. G. Sperry, Jas. Jones, W. A. Kirk, He- man Uaklwell, Alex, uriham ana vt . K. McVey. Frank Sheldon was brought to bis borne last week from Baker City, where he has been under medical treatment sinoe hevas hurt at Express Ranoh, a short time ago. His father, Mr. J. M. Sheldon, reports him much better. Mrs. Pyle and her son John begin to show signs of uneasiness. Their time is drawing nigh and the governor is yet in a brown study over the commutation petition, whioh he may grant and may not. There's no telling W. W, Journal- Watchman. We are informed that there is a fire now raging in the mountains south of here which is doing great damage to the timber. It seems that such things are unavoidable, and yet they seldom ocour except through the carelessness of some one. H enton Leader. H. McFarland, 3. D. Kirk & Co., Geo. W. Harris and H. Y. Keyte are the Lex ington business houses that find it to their interest to advertise iu the Gazette. Read their ads. as well as all other ads., and don't forget that it is indicative of live business, and seldom fails to seoure trade. Miss Sue Clark, daughter of Mrs. J. L. Greenwood, who has been visiting re latives and friends in Heppner for the last two months, returned Monday. She was on the train that jumped the track on Pelioan grade and rau nearly a mile on the ties and crossing a trestle 70 feet high. No one was injured. Wallowa Signal. With the next issue of the Gazette the shop begins the publication of an eight-oolnmn sheet, whioh will always be healthy if its friends don't go back on it. The ranch-keeper will always en deavor to make a paper that is on the lookout for the best interests of Morrow county, aud consequently well-worth the patronage of every citizen. Hunsaker & Robinett will feed your horses well wheu yon oome to town. These gentlemeu run the Shobe stable, and are not afraid of hay aud grain. THE USUAL RESULT. It is not to be denied that a good sew ing machine is one of the most import ant appurtenances of the modern house hold. We thought we had a good machine until one day the agent of the NEW HOME presented himself at eur door and began to deliver an oration upon its characteristic merits. "But," we replied, "our maobine suits us well and we do not care for another." The agent, however, begged for the privilege of leaving one of bis machines with us "for the ladies to try." The request was not unreasonable, so we granted it but more to oblige the agent than anything else; for we really did not want the machine, and had not the remotest idea of buying it. The machine onoe in the house, it was natural that the ladies should look it over; they did so, and as a oonsequence fell in love with it. They say that with out the slightest wish to decry or dis parage any other machine, this, all things considered, is, iu their opinion, the most desirable one to be bad. This unrivalled machine is manufac tured bv the NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO., Orange, Mass., and 28 Union Square, New York. Notice. Notice is hereby given to the taxpavers of Morrow county, and others interested that the Board of Equalization for Morrow county will meet on Monday, the 24th day of September 1888, for the purpose of correcting and equalizing any mistakes that may be upon tue assess ment roll for 1888, and to increase as sessments if found to be necessary. The board will bo in session for nve days and by order of tli3 Court no rebates wil he allowed ufter tlio tax levy is made Signed: J. M. Sheltok, Wm. Mitchell, County Assessor. County Judge. August 15, 1888. A Decision. This sheet takes pleas ure in stating that the recent decision of Judge Nash ou the women's suffrage question in W. i., has nothing to do itb the decison of C. S. VanDuyn, who bus concluded to put in a stock of gent's furnishing goods, They will be here next week, and it will pay yon to call around at his new store aud see what astonishing big bargains he gives. Place 0f bnsiness, next door to Kirk & Young wren s furniture store. Land Bcsisebs. Come to the Ga zette shop aud have your proving up started by a sheet that wishes you pros perity regardless of your religions, po litical, etc., proclivities. The clerk aud judge live right here at Heppner, and it ii altogether more convenient. Hilly Morrow is ready to take your filings, and will do the business in fjrHt-olass shape. Well Chohex. Many merchants fail to sell their goods on account of their not being of a first-class character. But ou need not be nneasy in regard to Harry Johnson's stock of caudiHs, nuts, cigars, tobacco, etc. They are fiesb and well-assorted, and his stock warrants yonr trade. Next door to First Nation al Bank, Jones' building. St. Joseph's Academy Uuder the di rection of the Sisters of St. Francis this academy will resume studies on the first Monday in September. The delightful location of this institution, together with its thorough course of instruction and the greatest advantages which any board ing school can oiler, are extending its reputntiou in all directions. Every fa cility is here afforded for the thorough mental, moral and physical training. Habits of order, industry and politeness are studiously inculcated. The educa tional course comprises ev3ry useful and ornamental branch suitable for young ladies. Discipline, gentle yet firm. Terms, moderate. Although pn pils are admittod at any time, it is very desirable that they should apply at the beginning of the term. For further par ticulars apply at the aoademy. Please Settle. I'pl Having sold out of the drug business. I must insist on a prompt settlement ol all accounts due me. Your bill in madi out, and if you desire to adjust it witl me personally, yon must come befort Sept. 5, 1888, as all aocounts not settled by cash or note by that date will bf pli'ced in the hands of an attorney foi collection. Yours truly, C. M. Mallory. F. 0. BUCK Main Street, HEPPNER, OREGON. Abstracter of Titles -AND- ;ivottxiy ini)Ho. MONEY LOANED On Improved Farms in Morrow and Umatilla Counties at Low Hates I Merest. Rather than the Cheapest PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE, Portland, Oregon. Pl'jU'l-c eoiilDinent. liii'roiiLih Instruction, eslatt- lisfK-il reputation, (iniwinjt popularity. Business, Shorthand, Common School and Penmanship Depnrt ucnts. Students admittod at any time. Cata- 'jie and specimens of penmanship sent free. J. A. WESCO, Sec'I. A. P. AKMSTROJiU, Prim CALL ON Jons Davidson, AT THE BELV E D ER E SALOON Opposite Livery Htiible. Heppner, Oregon. At this favorite resort will always be found aio best WiTuds of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGhAKS. A F1KST-0LA8S BILLIARD TABLK for the amusement of guests. Don't Growl About Your ROBERTS 1 The Practical Blacksmiths, Horseshoers and DANDY MAX! PLTLATORS Of All Kinds of Broken Agricultural Machinery, and Get Your Horses Shod. They will do it Well, and as Cheap as the Times De mand. Office Hours from Sun-up till Sun-Down. MATLOCK CORNER, M AIN STREET. Heppner, f' I I I May Street, (IS. VANDUYN. GENTS DEALKR IN General ::zz; B 0 YS Groceries, CROCKERY, GoodS en and Also Take Orders I'OH ? NIHl'lVSW SHITS- H3Ndd3H The Town of HEPPNER NOW PROSPERS, iVntl The mm With a Railroad now building to it, better inducements arc offered here than any town in Eastern Oregon. Beautiful situation, good water, broad streets, a good school, three churches, enterprising inhabitants, etc., seldom fail to count in any climate. Address, A. A. R0IIF.RTS, (lie Real Estate, rr-OFFICE WITH W. It. FX!,, & FELL Wool Commission AlEECHA'TS, Representing T. W.HALL k Co., Chicago. FENNO BROS & CHILD, Boston. Wool Graded and Baled -AT- Arliugton, Castls Rock and Echo. ARTHUR SMITH, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ! Next to First National Bank, HEPPNER, : : OREGON. Watches, A Optical Clocks, Goods , Watches Cleaned, - - tl.BO. Mainsprings Fitted - . $t.50. All work guaranteed for one year. PORTLANDlp--glllGALLERY Having opened a Photograph : Gallery In Heppner, I am now prepared to do all work pertainin to the art in a First-Class Manner. Residences and Outdoor Groups on short notice. COPYING AND ENLAEGING A SPECIALTY. GEO. W. FOOR, Proprietor. . CALLAHAN'S NEWRESTAURANT Is prepared to give menls ut all hours, DAY OR NIGHT! You will And my place next door to B. A. Hunsaker & Co., in the Old Bank Building, MAIN STREET HEPPNER. Horses' Feet, But Go to & SIMONS, i I I I I I Oregon, Heppner. Notions A mmu nition AND Willow Ware, wv oui '133 y IS AVIfj Collection and hmm Man, Who Will Give You OVER McATEE A SPRAY'S SHOP.fc! AYERS HENKY HEPPNER, Arlington. PIONEER BRICK BUILDING. Always in the Lead! The Old-Established House of HEPPNER& BLACKMAN! -DEALERS IN- General Merchandise, CONTINUES TO- SELL FIRST-CLASS -AT (jLOVVEST POSSIBLE PRICES Our Stock will be found Complete in Every Respect, and we shall always endeavor to retain our place IN THE FRONT RANK! And in the future, as in the past, to be Leading House in the Heppner Country ! OHO Our facilities for doing business are Unexcelled by any mroantile tablishment in the Northwest! We guarantee io all our Customers Courteous Treatment aud Fair Dcnling. An inspection of our establishment will convinoe each and all as to the full and complete stock we at all timss carry. Owing to the steady increase in our business we have built a Large and Commodious .Fire-Proof Brick Building, which gives n better facilities than ever before enjoyed. Sole Agents for Heppner and Vicinity FOR THE - at eel Bii i AND - - C o 1 c b i Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s HIDES AND PELTS BOUGHT FOR CASH OR Tl! APM. HENRY IIEPPNEU, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. Ship Care of H. & B., Arlington. JL D. JOHNSON 4 COMPANY, Hiicoossorg to M A HEPPNER, O. M. AT Till OTyi?.)IIO(; STORE, Keep the Largest aud Best Selected Stock of Goods in his Line in Morrow County. Comprising Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Mediuines, and Toi let Goods of Every Description. Also Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glaw, rutty, wan raper, neany ;wixeu Puro Wines aud Liquors lor Medieinal Purposes, Key est and Imported Cigars. of Domestic, Call and see us when you are wanting anything in our line. Prescriptions accurately compounded, day and night, and attention paid to orders from the country. i I'llKEEIt Ih Niw Prepared to Give Mh 2r Lodging 2oc. Board JAM 108 - Dull on him when in town anil you will nwny sntiffiod. Orari for .Amusement of Guests N. S. WHETSTONE, The Eflioient IIorsp-Hlioor and Greneral ElacKsmith ("alls attention to the fnot that he ia still at the Old Stand, OPPOSITE THK HEPPNER DRUG STOKE. MAIN STREET, Where he is ready tu attend to any wnnts in hi line h aheap m the present Condition of the Times will Admit. HEME1SREH THE PKtXKF.Tt SHOP WHCX YOU NEED WORK DONS HENKY BLACKMAF, Heppner. GOODS! THE- we bIiiiII the endearor to dontiant) n a o n Agricultural Implements L, L O R IT, 3HT " raints, iitc, Etc. The Best Brands special AND imillNT at All Honrs nt tlio Low Price ot per week, $0 and LTV, ITtOP. D. moot with the bout of trentmsnt and ao i