TH EG AZ ETTE . It was reported sorae time ago that the Senate Finance committee was mak ing some progress with its tariff bill, but nothing defluate appears to be known as to when they will report. There has been some delay, in reperting it is un dersteod, by certain differences of opin ion among the Senators as to what dis position shall be made of articles such as lumber, wool and woolens, and some time has been taken np by manufactur ers and producers who olaini that they need protection. It is very plain that the bill will get no farther than the Sen ate. The House will be no irore likely to agree with the Senate's idea of the tariff than the Senate will conour in the expressed opinion of the House. It is believed that the best ranches for hay Bnd dairy purposes are found tight in the Blue mom: tains. It is es timated that in the last two years fully 200 settlers have availed themselves of their land rights and taken homes in the Blues. Plenty of wood, water, wild hay Bnd pure air are the attractions for the mountain settler. The weather in no colder there in winter thun down on the !onUuUsTlie Tall of uu i "wnis henviur, but spring, summer and fall bring pleBsant months. For dairy ranches, that section of Morrow eounty is better suited than any other portion. A iikeatu of oalnmny, carelessly set aat in a eommunity, will injure the bast person in it. Such a thing nerer loses any of its original phases, bnt like a small patch of snow rolling down a meuntain side, grows larger till it beoomes a massive laud slide of de famation. To say nothing about our neighbors, if not for their general good, is a rule, if followed, that would make the human family better and happier. Charity to the erring is a virtue that should be commended in any one. SOME FACTS A HOl'T THE PII TES. A rumor reachod Denver, Sept. 1, but is not yet confirmed, that a collision oo currod a Tow days ago between n band of Utes and I'iutes in Paradox valley, and that several on both sidoa were killed. Hon. J. B. Galloway has received a letter from the foreman of his ranch in Paradox valley, confirming the rumor of a fiyht between a band of southern Utes and n band of Utah T'tns. The latter numbered about 200. Tl.e battle occurred near Liiziil mountain and wheu the courier left for Orund Junction several Indians hud been kill ed. and the battle was stiU raging. The ranchers have all gone into the settle' ments. This seotiou has long been the scene of bloodshed, white and red, which owing t the peouliar configurations of the oountry, lias been uifhoult to punish or overt. For years a nondescript tribe, ostensibly intes, but in reality rene gsdo Utes, Piutes, Navajoes and equally us bad half breeds, have dominated all that country lying between the Grand Oanon of the Colorado on tho west, and the Big Bend of the Dolores on the east. They are powerful pliysiuue, own huge bunds of superior horses and thicks of goats, the latter being a souice of fooil supply during a scarcity of game. They a ro armed with the most moderu wenp ons and are able, through the Mexicans, to procure all the ammunition they need, thus forming one of the nost formid able bands of to-day. In 18H1, a numlier of settlers wore killed throe being burned in a oaliin on the Delores. This led to an expedition of 70 settlers and miners against them, resulting in the death of 10 whites the loss to the Indians not being known, The following year, the same programme was carried out, anil while hesieuing old man Mitchell on the Han Juan, the troops dispersed them, or rather allowed them to leave unmolested. In IH84, a number of cowboys being uoulped and several hundred horses stoluu, a small squad of soldiers under u newly graduated West Point Lieui, imnt whs sent nut to investigate the trouble. There the matter dropped, and nothing was done. 1 1 is a matter of congratula tion to the settlers that the Indians are at last lighting among themselves, the war department, since the Meeker and Tbornburgh massacre, has been con tent to handle the Utes with soft gloves. KIKE AT THE UAl.l.KS. An Ortgunion dispatch from The Dalles, dated Sept. 2, says: This morn ing at hnlf-paut 2 o'clock a destructive Ore ocourrod, consuming property amuuuting to $25,000. Tho lire started iu an ulloy back of a furniture store and auotion house, and spread rapidly. The losses are: Max Vogt, eight buildings, loss, $M000; insurance 1000. Mr. Sanders, two; insurance unknown. Geo. A. Liobe, four buildings; hiss, 82000; no insurance. Mrs. Bcu. Korten, 81000; insurance, S!)50. O. D. Taylor, $1500; insurance, $10(H). Mr. Brook house, $1000; no insurance. French St Go., $1000; fully insured. Mrs. A. Gray, 1500; insurance, 51000. A. SVinterniier, S500; no insurance. 1'. J. Nicholas, $1."0U; some insurance. S. Kline. $500; insured. Dietzel Bros., $200, insured. D. W. Edwards, $H500; no insurance. McFarland ft Freueh, $1000; insured. A. H. Coy, Mrs. Bobbins, L W. John son, Mrs. Doherty und Mr. Kerns, loss of furniture. Mr. Adams loses material iu shoe shop; insurance unknown. Mrs. Booth's buildings damaged; in- in red. Mrs. C. H. Chrisuuui, goods damaged fullv insured. Nearly two blocks are' leveled to the ground, except three brick and three frame buildings. P. J. Nichols was injured in the hack by a hose, but not dangerously. Frank Abemethy, bruised hand and breast, not aeriously. There was no wind, or else the llames would have swept the eastern portion of the oily, Estimates of loss cannot bo definitely ascertained ut present, and the figures given may be oknnged. Nkw Honor -Gov. liea, imr well known chief justice of the pence, has had additional honors thrust upon him in being selected as our city recorder, lice F. J. Halloek, resigned, by the council at a oall meeting on last Tues day, This much predicts that the Gov. will prove to be a stern manipulator of oity laws. It is therefore advisable for the fun-loving boys who go on an oc casional toot to look a little out, CIRCUIT COURT PBOCKKD1NGS. The following eases have received the attention of tho Circuit court up to time of oin to prehs : Maddoik vs. Oiler; dismissed. McFarland anil Parkins s. Andrew and Howard; dismissed at plaintiffs' costs.. Cuninuhame vs. Ball ; default and de cree. Stone vs. Ptone; dismissed at plain tiff's cost. Holliri'svorth vs. Ilolliiigsworth ; de fault ; F. P. Mays referee. Osburn vs. Osbnrn; default; F. P. Mays referee. Crump vs. Crump; decree granted. Corliin vs. Corbin; default; F. P. Mays referee. Joseph J. McKenzie granted full citi zen papers. Natter vs. Beeves; foreclosure decree grunted. T. VV. Ilalley vs. E. A. Harbin; de cree of foreclosure granted. State of Oregon vs. J. E. Cannon : ju ry empaneled and case on trial. Hcsohition of ('nnilolencp. Be it resolved by Lone Balm Lodge No. 82, I. O. O. F'., That whereas it bus pleased the Supreme Architect of the universe to take from our midst our worthy belovrd brother, H. F. Itoiniuiror, who was ever true to the principles, rules and usages of our noble institn t'nr.s of Odd Fellowship. Resnlvetl, that Lone Balm Lorlge No 82, 1. O. O. J, has lost a true and worthy brother of the fraternity, and that tho community in which he resided a good fitizenrtoid a reliable young man. lit-stiil veil, that a eonv of these resolu tions be presented by Lone Bulm Lodge No. Hf!, I. O. O. F , to the relutives of our deceased brother, and also a copy of these resolutions of oondoleuce be published in the weekly Gazette. D. N . Hakdman. I Com. on J. J. MoOek, i Resolution)). Advertised. List of letiors remainiug uncalled for at Lexington P. U., Merit. 1. iH8: Gosney. Win. Harbin, Mrs. E. A Crow, Mr. W. P. Hogher, Minnie. MoCov. W. H. Hart, Herman. Jarrctt. Miles. Pearson, Wm. Peterson, Fred Wright, Liudnn. Oko. W. Hakkts, P.M. THRIFT AMI TRAIIK. Highest market price paid for wheat at Hperry Mills. The rcd-sehool-house shoe is on the road to the sture of Mat. Lichtenthal. It is the neatest and most economical shoe iu the market. Huberts & Simons, the old reliable blacksmiths, lire always found hard at work two doors north of the Gazuttic ranch. Honest work at low prices is the motto of this firm. There s no use looking blue, eveu though wool don't sell very high. E. J, Sloonra & 0. have drugs and other neces sary truck down to bed-rock, so that u little money will buy au arm load. These are considered hard times, but eating is always a necessity in any climate. James Depuy furnishes meals and lodging at 25 cents each, which is oheap enough. Board by the week, $5 and $b. A No. 1, white cook has charge of the culinary department. Buy your bread at the Citv Bakery nnd give your wifo a rest during the hot weather. iinHiiius, the dentist, will till teeth. extract the same in a scietitillo manner. It is a fact no know lodged by all "art organists." both of Europe and Amerioa that, the "Estey" is tho sweetest voiced, most human toned, least reedy in tone, and quickest, in response to touch of any organ manuracruroil in tlio worm. l)r. Vaughn will consent to act agent, for a newspaper whenever his professional duties lead him to localities where lie can do any good in that line, However, that does not prevent him from extracting nnd filling teeth in first-class manner. Whenever a man gets so ho oan't eat anything hut ihe daintiest of morsels he lays it, all to a delicate appetite, wheu most likely lie s alri 'd to tackle any thing substantial on account, of his worn out teeth. When this is the case he should hunt up Dock Vaughaii nnd get a new set. Town Marslial: "JJou t ride your horse so hard." Tall man on horseback, "O, I know w:, it 1 am about. I'm bound for E. J. Slocuui & Co.'s drug shop to purchase the finest toilet outfit, iu the Hoppner hills." All kinds of hardware, tinware and crockery, also wagons, farm machinery, pumps, gas-pipe, nails, etc., 'or sale by the new firm of Gilliam & Cofl'ey. Just received at M. Ijichtenthal s a fine lot of hand-sewed French kid slip pers; also some boss hand-sewed rrench kid shoes, tlexible soles, all for ladies' wear. Cash buys the goods cheap. The Farmers' and Merchants' insurance company, of Albany, Oregon, will give you a squara deal. See ad. in another oolumu. Flour exchanged for wheat at Sperry Mills. Lichtonthul has a fine stock of ladies' and children's shoes, for which ho will sell very oheap for the naked cash. His stock of meu's boots and shoes has no equal in Heppuer, and can be procured in like manner as above. When man gets so that ha can't speak pleasant to his wife, he must have either the chillblnina or the toothache. Dr. Vuughan, the dentist , is a sure cure for the latter. Still t ling DlM'ovury. The disoovery by the inhabitants ef a locality hitherto umisited by tha pesti lent BCfiuge of fever and ogue, that it exists in their very midst, is decidedly start liugi Suoh discoveries are made ut every season, iu every part of the Union. Subsequently, when it is ascertained, as it invariably is at such times, through the valuable experience of some one who has been benefitted and cured, that Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters is a thor oughly efficacious eradicator of the ma larial poison, mid a means of fonin ing the st stem against it, a feeling of more security and tranquility reigus through out the whole neighborhood. Besides the febrile forms of malarial disesae. dumb ague and ague cake are removed by the potent actum of the Bitters, to which science also gives its sanction lis a remedy for rheumatism, dyspepsia, constipation, liver complaint, debility, kidney troubles, and all diseases impair ing the organs of digest ion and assimi lation. Notick, Shkki'MKX. For sale in Wal lowa county, Oregon, a deeded hay ranch, together with improvements oil homestead adjoining. In the heart of the range; 27 miles from county scat, have control of the water close to sum mer range. Niuety tons of hay; all the farming implements and h mschold uten sils go w ith the ranch. Good improve ments on both claims. A sure bargain. Owner going to Mexico. Terms. $2,100; $1.4(10 cash und balance on time. Call, or address vt . Jf. (hmmii.i,. Arcadia, W'iIIowa County, Oregon. Aitvniirpii upou Wool. AyeraJk Fell will make advances upon I wool for delivarv and sale at Arlington. HOW TO HELP YOUR DIGESTION. Almost every day we feel the nn pleas ant sensations of iii-.Hrestion. Try Ai.l cock'n Puiiors FijAstuks and be relieved. J. F. I-le.vnpoi t, of Canarsi. New York writes: I have been very much troubled with a violent pain below my chest Isme. I whs told by several physicians that it was rheumatism of the diaphragm. It resulted from cold and exposure. I had very little appetite ami digested my food with great, difficulty. I placed one All cock's Porous Plastisk below the breast bone and two on each side. In the course of 24 hours all pain ceased, and I was able to eat and digest a good square meal, something I hail not done before ill two weeks. I got better constantly, und at the end of seven days found my self entirely well. Since then I have used AiTj(:ock'h Pouoi's Plaktehs for colds, coughs and pains in my side, and I have always found them quick and effeotive. Notice to UeloiiptiMit Tux-Payers. Notice is hereby given that all delin quent taxes must be paid on or befor. Sept. 20, 1HHH, or I will immediatel.i thereafter levy on property and eolleo' the said tux with mileage and cost, added. T. B. Howahd. Sheriff of Morrow county Ten Dollars Brward. The abnvi reward will be paid for any inforrnatioi that will lend to the reoovery of oni grey, three-year-old mare, with tai bobbed, and branded IL with M under h on left shoulder. She probably has colt. Address, Geo. V. Leiohton, Rockville, Gillium Co., Or. New Launmit. -Abeut the first of May wo will open a new laundry in the building next below Jim Jones' livery stable, on the east side of Main street, Heppner A full stock of Japanese silk goods and lacquered ware will also be kept on hand. Kiam & Wo Kee. Gents, if you need anything in the furnishing goods line, cull on Vanduyn. He has a full line of cashmeres, peroales and laundered shirts; also a full line ol boys' shirts and underwear, children's suits, knee pants and waists, nil cheap for cash. Are Due. All accounts due the un dersigned must be settled before Oct. 1, 1888, as acoounts overdue will be put in the hands of an officer for collection at that time. Kahleh Bros. Notice. - -This is to inform the citizens of Morrow county that I have appointed Frank Gilliam as deputy stook inspector for said county. W. G. Buyer. ADMlNltsTItATOK'b SALE. UmliT nnd by Tirtufl of im order of the ITon. Wm. Milchnll, jiuttfp of lliu ounty court of Mor row county, Oiv'Kon, iniuto on Oik third day of Hut't'untior. lss, in tin1 iimtti'r of the estfito of Ch:irl"s H. Johjison. (IciiciiHcd, ttie iiriderniapd. HilininiHti-Htorof said flH t. will, in luirsuioice of Mtitlorilt'i- on ISaliirdiiy. October (1th, 1HSS, a1 ten ( Ml o'clock in the forenoon at, the court house door, in Oodihuu', of suid Morrow county, well at public unction to tho hi;hent and best bid der for cit-sh, the N u2 of Ihe NK Jt of Suction fourteen (III; ulsotheW !2 of the NW U of Sec tion thirteen (l:l), iill in Township six (11) south, of ltariK twenty-live 12.) eiist, W. M. in Morrow county, Ureson, bad the property of said estate. . I. (IlillKlNII, Administralor. W. R. Ellis, Attorney. tyrS NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Otfice at bu (irando, Or.. Aliir. 2S, 'SR. Notice is hereby riven that, Charlks 8. Waitb did, on July :l, lssr before tun Register and Re ceiver of this oltieo. Hiihruit hia tinal proof on Ilia 11. H. Mill, for the HVV NW . anil VV , KVV M, Wee 0, Tp t 8, K2K U mid NK h SIS Kee. 2,ri. Tp t H, It 27 K, and tied cei-tilic ale No. 2IH11 was leaned for the same. Now, therefore, any adverse claimant, or oilier person knowing any renHou why said proof i-honld not be accepted will appear at this orlicu and make the same known on or before the tilth day of Oct. 1SSS. 2SWO ilKNHT HlNKHART. Ktl;ilftPr NOCE OF INTENTION. Land Office at: The Dalles, Or-, Hept S, 'S8. Notice is hereby triven that the following-named aeltjer has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and t hat said proof will lie made before the county judKu of Morrow county. Or. at Heppner, Or., on October 13, 1SS8. viz: E. .V. Httwleii, ltd 22li fo r the NW , of Sec. St, Tp 3 8. of R 24 H, W. H. Henamoa the fotlowinir witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon, and cultivation of. Huid land, viz: ('. li. Jones, Wiley MaHca, H Caldwell and A. 8. Haines, ull of Kitfhl Mile, Oreson. 2-S5-WI F. A. McDonald. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. band Office at The Dalles, Or.. Sept. 3, '3. Notice iu hereby ifivmi that the following anted nuttier has tiled notice ef his intention to Diaku haul proof in support of his olaim, and thataaid proof will be made before the clerk of Morrow county. Oregon, at Heppner, Orocon, en October 12, 13U8, viz: John Litelling, Tt. S. 1907 for the K NW W and tt ', BW H See 1, TpftS. K 25 B, W. M. lie names the following witueaaea to prove hie continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, Tiz: J. U. Wyland. I,. W Culman. Goo. W. Chapin and tieorge Hoodrix, all of tlardtuan. Or. S-llu F. A. MoDokald, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. ljind Oflien at La (Irando, Or., Aug. 24, '88. Notice is hereby given that the following, named settler bus tiled notice of hia intention to make final proof in support of hia nlaini and that said proof will be made before the county Judge or in his ftbeenoe before the county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at lloppnor, Oregon, on October S, 1SSS, viz: Hubert P. 3lttllenon, Hd. No, 4108. for the N 'i NK 8eo. 21, and N 'i NW V8ec. 22, Tpt. 8. 1(27 li. He names the following witnesses to prove hia continuous residence upon, knd cultivation of, said land, viz: L. H. Lcattierman, Thomas Guide, Nelse Hum imson and H. ft. tiaunt, all of Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon. 2S5-IK) ilKNHY ItlMEIlAnT, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land OIHce at L (Irando, Or., Aug. 24, 'US. Not lee la hereby given that the following-named settler has tileo notice of his futeutiou to make Qua! proof iu enpport of his claim, and thai said proof will bo made before thecouety judge of Morrow county, Oregon, or in hisnheence before the eterk of Bald county, at Hetinner. Oram, on Oct. IS, ISM, viz: J. A. rrteman. Hd. SdSt. for the W i 8K '. SW 4 NK li. aid HI- N W Hoc. 2. 'I'p 2 S, 11 'Jll . lleaatm tho followinir nilneeaeM tn i,mrji his continuous ie.iilelice noon, and cultivation of. sutil land, viz; I'harles It ('ate ami H.A. Haliburv. Vinnnn Or John Miilallj und William J. Hro'wn. Lena. Or. s:v.o uknky n l Nku KT, Uegieter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ij ('omniiitvd Htimntnt,. 1 Lumi OtW Ht Tlu Or., An HO, ifttt Noli'-u in hi'ioliv civt'ii (lint tin fnll.iwinu. iiHtnoi siMt lir linn tiled notiro of liU intention tt make fltml nroof in Hin.imrt of hi rlnitn. ntt.i tlmt Haiti vrutf will lie nmtl ltfort tin) clerk of Morrow county. Or., t flt t'iitT, Or., on Oc tober It, IhS, viz; John tlnainx. Hd. for the K NK V HV l 8E V and SV V Hoc. 7. Tn h of It K. Ill- nmno tlm following witntst 1o prove Inn roptiituouft renidciu'o upon, und cultivation or, Mini land, viz: Clmrles Liml, fcioKmion Majfinld. 8tiphtfn 1,3 Lnndt and Hiram Hark, alt of Hepinier, Or. KMH! ir, A. MrDoN.u.iUiegisfor. NOTICE OF ISTKNTION Land OHuv ftt Thu fallen. Or., An. 30, Notictt it htitvhy utven that I he folio win n-tmilltHi tiHtler Imr) tiled notice of hit intention to maktt tinal proof iu mipporl f tit claim, and that wiid nro f will Im nuule K'furc the eoun( Juilitt of Mornw county, at Heppner, Or;'ii, on IH IU. Wss. viz: tia Fn'eml, Hd. SOr' for the N NW V,, HK ' NW and NK iSHV . Tp fl f R UMi. He namen the followititf witmtuHv to prove bis couttmioiiii ronideiu'o upon, and cultivation of, "Hid land. AUuuo Markham, Frank Tnonuw, Thonia Drit kellaml Imiiic Haej allf Hepnnpr. Oreon. .'i w V. A. MclK)N i.u. Keister Stu'ki furnishm! fur wheat ut Sperry MilU. m r r ia p ei on n n! We are now Daily Receiving Large Invoices of NEW DRESS GOODS! In all the latest shades and fabrics and our counters ARE PILED HIGH ! With the Choicest Productions of the Manufacturers, and the best new s to all is that they are OEOt:A.PitIH TI I A jST I'VEH. Ve have spent much time and money this spring in selecting our goods, and are satisfied that our Dress Goods Stock will com prise the Best as well as the Cheapest Goods that were ever shown be fore in Heppner. Can't you give us a call soon for the pur pose LOOKING This Stock aiX -A our Pretty and pridiiTu showing you what we have got. Y lietner yon are ready to buy or not, you are ALWAYS WELCOME At our store, and will see your friends there also. ALSO, JOST RECEIVED, A FINE LOT Of Cable Cord Ginghams, Chambrays, fec, and as this stock sells out so fast that we can not hardly get goods fast enough to keep any variety on hand, we advise you to give it an early visit. ALL AT OUR USUAL LOW PRICES. MINOR, DODSON & CO MAY Has ruroliased the POBSYTBE mWi PdPPI ESTBlLKliW AT CASTLE ROCK, And is Stockiog it Up with a Hotter Line IPtxrcszalsfaJO Sim When noeiliutr Biiytliing iu his line. Call above Ayers ft J' ell. JJnarding houfie ana teed staiue in connection witu Store. d.kiuk. CLEVELAND WILL GET THERE, AND SO WILL WE! -jw.w.iuHK DEALERS IN i i n i rn ni ii' I'rtM ii i aati.1 vr fine J UUUIW k3J!Ut, X DRUGS AM? P.'U:ENT MDICIXES AT GOOSEBERRY STORE. Terms, Cash; or Strictly Thirty Days. Give us a Call and be Convinoed, that you oan Get ; GOODS Fill! LESS money than Evorybody is Weloome in our Store, YOURS RKSPKCTKiriXY, There is No Need of Wearing out. Your your Hat, bnt rro k. j. slocum. & cere. cr. HEPPNER DRUG STORE AJJST D GET VV FI LLED. This firm ars Successors to Ed. R. ling to hare a Continuance of Trade in Pure Drugs, Medicines, Machine Oils, Har monicas, Cigars, Confectionery, And Everything Else That You Might Expect to Find in a First Class Drug Store. NEXT DOOIt TO LEEZEIt & THOMPSON'S. Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. The Boot and Shoe House of MAT. LICHTENTHAL Is tlie Only Establishment in Heppner Tlierefore You Cim Get Better aiuf.lHore Satisfactory Goods nt Lower Prices than Elsewhere. Arriviug Every Week. Custom W and Repairi'ii! Neatly Done, His shop is Enlarged and Hetitted Throughout. STORE, ON MAIN STREET, Opposite Hotel, Heppner, Oregon. W. J. LEEZER. LEEZER & -DEALERS IX- IIAH I) V A i? i:, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SHELF HARDWARE, Bird-Cages, Rope, Nails, Cutlery, Wood mid Willow Ware, Granite Ware, Etc. AM7.V STREET, or THROUGH Things? We shall take pleasure STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. of Gnoilo than Ever. It will pay you to on him when in town. Three doors (looseherry, Of l in. n Tii h a on h nM7 i. i 1111111' i anywhere else in the county Whether they buy Anything or not. J- ! KlrfC SS CO. Prescription by Carrying it Aronud in Come Uver to Bishop, and are Ready and Wil that Makes a Specialty of these lines. 1'. C. THOMPSON THOMPSON JIEPPXER, OREGOS GILLIAM .Mjccefsors to B. A. Hunsaker & Co.. Are nt the old stand on MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, . DEALING IN Hardware, Tinware, Copperware, Granie ware, Pumps, Gaspipe, Nails, and Black smiths' Supplies. ALSO AGENTS FOR i'AIKI I Reapers, Headers, Threshers, En gines and Portable Sawmills, Just A large assortment Lamps, Fancy Goods, Are constantly receiving new invoices, which cash can take away at the lowest prices. Joh-work executed in a skillful manner. MADDOCK CORNER, h. McFarland & co., LEXINGTON, OREGON Are still in the field with a LARGE AND WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes And Everything else that is nsually found in a first-olsss GENERAL MERCHANDISE Establishment. Johnston HAVE LOCATED m City Bakery Building With a CHOICE GROCERJESpNED GOODS Having added a first class bakery to our establishment, we are now prepared turnish BREAD AND ALL KINDS OF CAKE. A Full Line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Call on them and get our goods cheap for the Clean Cash. KIRK& Y0UNGGREN, May Street, Nearly Opposite Minor, Dodson 4 Co.' Store, HEPPNER, OREGON. Mannfaoturers of and Dealers in Furniture, Mirrors', Bedding, Brackets, Picture Frames, Etc. Also For Sale 1886 MODEL WINCHESTER RIFLES. Cheap For Cash. UNDERTAKING DAVID WALSH. WALSH HI I III THEY ARE Arise to Proclaim the kimiw Fact That To dish you up anything that you want in il 1 r - r me nne 01 groceries, onlectionery Can ned Goods, Smokers' Articles, Toys, Etc. Ill Kinds of Fresh Fruits in Their Season. I I A 1) I! I X G DEALERS 1N- i TTarness, AVliip, Spurs, Etc. Heppner Coontantlr KAST MAIN STRV.KT, &. COFFEY, CIiani) if IM 17ATfl Oil.' t 11 4- In of Crockery, Glassware, Etc. HEPPNER. & Smith IN THE HEPPNER fine stock of -:o;- A SPECIALTY JEFF JONES. & JONES! PREPARED TO X & CO.. 1 it I A THE CELEBRATED 1 Saddles! on hand. BKITNKK