T7 UNANSWERED. h. denr, darli eyes, now shut to Biht and BeD3e, Whfl folded hanls, at rest forevermorp; Can you not ptve mc bock one look from thcncel Can you not ope, just ouoe, that silent floor? If I could have one look beyond It given, To know yon live, and love, and bla-me me not &fy mad, mod Houlwoul' give its uopeaof heaven, I And dicard be forget, ou do not come; Ood does not heed my grief. No voice will ever answer back from there. My longings die in their own un belli -X perish in my prayer. Madge Morris in Frank Islic's. Saved From a Tiger Jaw. Only a few months dro, in India, in certain planting district thero was a notorious man eater. Two gentlemen, A and B, residing together on an estate, had -lost, besides other employes, two chowke bars, or native watchmen, within a few (lays, nnd the nnfortunato men had been actually carried off out of the. veranda of the bungalow. A and B therefore deter mined to clothe themselves liko natives, and sit during the ni;:ht, armed, in the veranda, In the hopes tliey might bo able to get a shot at the man eater, who, they thought, might probably return to the flpot which had already provided him with two victims. They proceeded to carry out this Inten tion, and sat up till alxmt 2 or 8 o'clock a. m., but nothing appeared. A then Raid he should not stay up any longer, ns he didj-hot believe the animal would come; ,-lnit B announced his intention of waiting half an hour lunger by himself. There were large windows opening down to the floor of the veranda, and through one of those A retired, and after entering his room, had just closed the window, und was gazing out for nn instant, when he snw a dark mass land in the- vcrnuda, right on to his friend, then heard sounds of a scuttle, and a cry for help. Seizing bis rifle to which a sword bayonet was attached, and flinging up the window, ho rushed out, in time to seo B walking down the steps that led up to the, veranda alongside of the- tiger, with his hand in tho hitter's mouth. A was afraid to fins lest he should hit Ills friend, so, running after him, ho, with admirable presence of mind, went up to the tiger, and, plunging his bayonet into the animal's body, at tho same instant fired. Thoro was a roar nnd a scuflle, and B took advantage of tho moment to release his hand, nnd the tiger, r.fter tumbling, died. B's hand was terribly mangled. Court Journal. Civlne Her I'ct Instructions. A Utile Boston maiden of 6 summers lias a prize King Charles spaniel, for which a doting aunt paid tho neat price of $400. The aunt was dosirlous of entering the dog, end, obtaining permission of the girl's parents, she did so. It then became necessary to break the news to tho child that for four days she would be separated from her pet At first she refused to bo comforted, answering all arguments and otters of bribes merely by extravagant lamentations; but at length the inevitable Boomed to assert itself In tho corner of her small brain devoted to philosophy, and upon tho theory that what must be must be, siio became more calm. She was over heard, however, giving very earnest ad vice to her darling upon t lie proper man lier of conducting himself in this strnngo show to which he was going, and she laid eopcctrl stress upon the company ho was to keep there. "Don't 'suciato with common dogs," she Instructed him impressively. "Von rnny fl"n1t to tho president's dog, Queen Victoria's dog and and Clod's dog." Boston Cor. i'rovidenco Journal. Utile Chnnce for tlia IScgluner I must -say, In all candor, that it is be plnninft to 1'iolr to mo as if, between the Byndicate system, tho rendy plate system nnd tue growth of exeiusiveness and fa vorilimn, tin. I Ihu'c isn't a fair show for tho dcyp'oplrnr nulhor. Ho may sally forth as boldly as ever with a free lnnco, but he cannot get Into tho arena in which lie longs to deport. This exciusiveness has rewhed such a limit that one or two magazines state that they want nothing thai has not been specially ordered. In other words, tho writer with an estab lished reputation is solicited to write nn article, with the privilege of naming his forms; tho writer without a reputation Isn't solicited and isn't wanted on any ' nns, no matter how excellent tho article l.e bus to oiler. I am speaking of the Mrrhcr fields of llteraturo and not of so rlnl newspapers; for it seems to mc they have dropped so far beneath mediocrity that any tyro can tlguro in them provided ho knows how to bo improbable and sen sational. "Observer" in 1'hiladclpliia Call. Incident of a Kullwity Wreck, hater in tho day when I ran upon an old acquaintance turning away from n bulletin board on Washington street with a face no white and drawn that I Inquired, with an Interest quite apart from tho con ventional iuslgnilleanco of tho question, concerning his hcallh. Ho was not ill, he assured me. It was this snnio horrible Btory of men and women and boys and girls crushed to death out at Forest Hills. Yet this man, who blanched and trembled almost to fainting at a story of suffering, had Inspired his regiment with his own courage under the murderous flro that swept Cemetery Itldge at (iettyslmrg, had borne painful wounds with a gayety that cheered the whole hospital and has car ried tho reputation of a man of iron nerve. It Is not, In my opinion, a question of nerves, nor yet of self control, but of that deeper and less readily classilled sentiment of sympathetic humanity, which makes tho bravest seem weak wiien In tho pres ence of pain and helpless either to relievo It or to combat its cause. -Huston Tost. Vibration of the Ktlicr. Photography has never reproduced nat ural colors. Scientists explain tills fact by tho statement that color has no ob jective existence. It Is simply the brain's interpretation of the rapidity with which the waves of a ray of light bent against tho retina. Beats more rapid produce the sensation of tho mind known as violet bents less rapid, that known ns red. Violet and red are nothing but variations of the ether until they reach the optic nerve and communicate to Unit tho vibrations, which tho brain translates. To photograph color Is therefore ns imoossihlo tin to photograph Bound. Frank Leslie's. A l''rurh Love Draught Two women recently went to it grave- digger In rural France and asked him to sell them somo human bones, which ho did for a good price. Tho women, who pnssvd In tho district for sorceresses, re turned home, hiding the bones for n short time, and then burning them and care fully gathering up tho cinders; their pur pose being to prepare n love draught for n young and pretty country lass, who had ordered it to reconquer t lie heart of a lover who had turuod her olf. New York Trib une Whrn One U Iliiiy. When one la lmpi'v, owe dues not soom tnim forth Into A Ktiiimw country, Imt to nnlor Into ono'a own la ml. When ono is iwippy, one (win no cmisi lonsiu-sa ot ro utriilnt or limitation; in Blunt, when ono himnv. whnt la it but to feel free? think In the Inst tmnlysls this la tinimesii a senao of freedom. "A Week Away from Time." una reopntlv sold lu Purls fo (! 1,1110 iri eight pao nmnuacrlnt of the flnst Numlm. it wna ! i of Corsica Bhicli lio Trvrota lu t.uv. Everybody BUuld tik the Onvtta. UNCLE SAM'S MIDDIES. Tha students of this national college are called ofiicially "naval cadets on probation," tho tra ditional title of midcshipmaii hav ing been changed first to cadet midshipman ud subsequently so the engineer pupils might be included to that now employed. Their number is limited by law to one cadet for every member or delegate of the House of Hepre senlalives and to eleven others ten at lare and one from the Dis trict of Columbia appointed by the President. As the age of ad mission falls between the limits of 14 nnd IS and the course ex tends six years it follows, unfortu nately, that in certain districts appointments may not be open more than once in that period, thus making one-third of its boys un available by reason of age. The ritfuedy ptoposed for this is only one oi litty good reasons why the course should be reduced from six to four years. To pass successfully the candi date must be physically sound and of robust constitution, have a suf ficiently thorough knowledge ol arithmetic, algebra, geography, English grammar, United States history, reading, writing and spell ing, and when appointed, be ready to tuke an oath to serve for eight years, including the probationary period. When a vacancy is likely to occur in any district, the (Secre tary of the Xavy must notify its Congressional i'.epresantativa as soon as possible after the 5th of March in each year, and if by the 1st of the following July no action has bean taken, tho privilege lapses, and the (secretary is em powered to make the nomination. As this systinn pr-rmits the choice f a candidate to be deferred until ho May examination is really over or, as in the majority of cases, uu- til tlio academic yeur is about to , opon, it would seem to be infinitely better U a candidate and an alter- nate were named at least one year previous to the May examii aLion. ihis would enable tho applicant to pursue a course specially fatted as direct preparation for his profes sional studies and, if successful, to gij at once on a cruise, which would teach him definitely his im mediate aptitude for a sea lifo. On the other hand, should the princi pal fail nn alternate stood raady 10 face the tame ordeal. The low standard of admission i3 based upon the theory that the possibilities ot the ac idomy must bo open so freely to b iys of every condition as to mako it what it is undoubtedly the most democratic government school in tho world. Practically tins very just theory impairs the efliciency of the acade my, as it pins the qualifications at a point which rigorously prohibits le energies or the teachers and ol the average scholars being directed innicdiately to the branches of education connected with the naval profession. Entrance examinations ire held in May nnd bepteniber. Harpers Matutziiie. SILK EIBUUXS. Those of our ht.ly readers who would liko to have an aleg:int, largo puclcage of extra fine, As sorted Eibboiis(by mail), in diHar ent widths and all the latest fash ionable shades; adapted for Bon net Strings, Neckwear, Scarfs, f rimming for Hats Dresses, Boys, Fancy Work, &o., can get an aston ishing big bargain, owing to the recent failure of a large wlioUsnlo Ribbon Manufacturing Co., by sending only M cpnts (stamps; to the address we give below. As n special o let', this house will give double tha amount of anv other firm iu America if you will send the names and P. O. address of ten newly married ladios when ordering and mention this paper. No pieces less than ouo yard in length. Satisfaction is guarauted, or money cheerfully refunded. Three packages for CO cents. Ad- lress, London IUhuon Agency, Jeiisbt City, JN. J. A ileal Nerr-ssity. Wo proHiiniB tlicro ia hnnlly n ;uly to Iw found in our broiul land w ho, if she loca not ftl ready luiaaess a sewing niaoliino expeota boiuo diiy to become tho owner o ono. lint litter thci mind bus been fullv miuli) nil to imiebnae ono 'f these iinlis- penaulile nrtieloa, the queallnn mines to what loud of :t imiclnno to buy. It aliould l)o no siniplv ooiiHtrneted Mint tho moat inexperienced onn sun fleaafolly operate it. The other pointa mainly to he oonsnlored. nnd which nre tho moat desirable, nro durability, rapid ity, Duplicity tor work, e:ie of operation, roKUhmty of motion, uniformity of ten sion, him silence wlulo in operation. Tho "biL'ht-linniiiii'' New Home" iilln the above reipiiromonta, inul ia ynid to combine the muni poinla of all gewinu machinea, with the addition of many new iinprovenienta and labor-saving devices. 1 lie price is mi higher than that or ther macliinea, nnd every lady who is the hnpHV possessor of one may rest as sured she has indeed u treasure. See Iveitiaeuient. 71)81 Vnivhhhity of Ouhoon. The next session of the I'niveraity lit Kmiene City begins on Jloudiiy tlie lith of Spteiu ber, INNS. Free scholarsliipa from every ounty m the htato. Aindy to your Comity Superintendent. Four Courses: Classical, Neien'itie, I.itcrarv nnd B short Ennlisli Course in which there ia no liatin, ItreeK, treneli or tteriunii, The Kutiliah ia ire-eniinently n ltuaiuess Course. For Catalogues or other in foimalion, nJdiesa J. V. Johnson, i'resideut. Hrn.iVKD - One crnv mare, 8 or 9 years old, branded .1. C. upside down on lett shoulder nnd W. S. on snnio shoulder, not pluiu. S3 reward for her return to me or inforniution lomliiitf to her rcoov ry. Kasmcs Lakskn, lloppuor, Oregon. 5X3- Consignments Solicited. Liberal Advances Made. Information gladly furnished by mail or telegraph. Heppner City Brewery, "-H)i- Having purchased the latest Brewing Apparatus and utensils, 1 am enabled with my cold sort-Water spring, my deep, cool stone cellar and the fresh, pure atmosphere of the lloppner Hills, to oiler my customers a SUPERIOR OUALITY OF BEER! At reasonable wholesale and retail rates. Lunches of all Kinds AND THE Best Brairds Cigars Parties iu tho country must return empty kegs, or $6 apiece will bo charged. J- B. NATTER, Proprietor. SPBI16 liil B0668ES E3 ( J "T f rflC! W-EU. flHHL FIRM WMAl'Richly .fej-- r lXP tN THE MARKET Send for Catalogue and Price List. fisH Bros. Wagon Co., racjne. wis. Gilliam k CoHey Agents at Heppner. i-'li'JltlSlNCp: FLORENCE BROTHERS, STOCKHAISERS ! HKlU'NEn, - - - OREGON. Cnttle branded and onr-markod ua shown above, UinvtoM h' (hi riilil slmnldci'. Our ('little r.iiitfo in Morrnw. GiUirini, Umnti und VVhmco coHiitiH. Wo will (my 8100.00 To ward for the tirn'Kt und cotiviution of any pwriton Htguliiiir our titnek. Ahlikgtom Meat Market. Beef, Pork, Fish, Sausage, Etc. Varncy & Putnum Ai-lintrton Or. California, Oregon and IDAHO STAGE COMPANY. J. 15. kopnoy, Supt. Arliiiirttm HtiiKt loavp Ht)Tpner, P:"0 . M " " urrivca " 4sx V. M. PiiidU'titu lK,ivfS " 11:30 A. M " Rrvm " "4:;'i0 P. M. Fare tn Avliuntou, - - S4 00. Fare to IVinlletun, - $3.00. Freight- 2 cents per pun ml. El). 11 mmOV, Ao't., Iloi iiner, Oyii w it 11 h s nTilntiiuiz(Hl the ...t.a. vcttritl iu Ui" let liitlf cvn- I 1 A'lTlA'l ''iar- ''' """ ill! tho wi'iifi-tt o f i; vomii. l!ll.llllUH imutrpiw i m..lhod mill HVstiMn of w.irk tlittt c.-in lie pprformtHl all evr tho iinuitry wiihi'nt t"pnrHl ini: lh witrk.'is fmui llmir Ikuih'?., Pay htinii; hiiv one Clin do tlio work: p'llior npx: yomK or old; no optHMiil iilnlity ri'iininnl. I'Hpiuil not ni'iili-d: you are .i.utod fri Tut thi out iuhI ro lutn it t in ai'd wh will soimIj-oii fr,v,oin,'(liii!ii of tmiil VHiuo ivml inioorti-'u'i to you. Ihal will ..trtrt yon in bMiioH, wliicli will biiiiK yon in mort' nil -it'y riirlil 'lvi!. thlill il'-ythini: t'ld in tin world, tinuid ouuifc fiiHi. Aililrodw Tt-uo A; Co., AuttiiHtn, Mtiino. Tuilil'itl. I have opened a well-appmntei tnilnr iitjr I'statililiiiient in my new builil mg on May strt et , nnd am now regularly rweivitiir new irooda nnd will make ons- tnm lniuJe pants fixnu Si tu $15 host goods iu tuo market. A, AimAnAMairit. Advances npon Wool, Avers Fell will make ailvnnoea upon wool for delivery ami 6alo nt Arlington. Fenno Brothers &Childs, WOOL Commission Merchants, BOSTOX, MASS. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDEK, If you desire to purchaso a sewing maclilno, nalr nnr Hcent nt vour place for terms and prices, lfyouounnot rices. II you oiinnotiinu uiu .bchi, .iu-j U-ect to nearest address to you below uamotl. cl: NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE B.ORAMCE.MASS. chicasu - il) UNIUN SUUrlKt rw.- ILl- ATI ANTA.GA TAX- SANFRAHCIGCQXAL LEiiZEK ev; XiiOJirWON, A gouts at Heppner, Or. Tho E'JTEHU' QUIDS I iacuod Mai eh and bopt.. Si eoch s ear. It iB an eney- Klclouodia of useful infor. ffinntion for til who pur- &xj' nuceaflit'es of li:e. We can clotho you und turriifali you vrith oil the neecnsiiry and unnocosf.ai-y appliances to rido, walk, dance, sioep, eat, ilsh, hunt, work, co to church, or stay at home, and in various uizes, Btyles and quantities. Just figure out what Is required to do all theao things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estiraato of the value of the BUYEKS' OUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 ocints to pay postage, MONTGT5Ri7Y WARD & CO. 111-114 Hiohig&n Avenue, Chicago, III. CITATION. In the mnttrr of the estate of diss. U. John tn"), d-Ht-H-vd, cia'in. To tlie unVnov-u heirs and to all whom it may concern, :iN.ktmn: lu tho name of the state of Oregon, yon are hereby eitfd nnd required to appear in the court y ct'urt of the st4te of trtn. for the county of Morrow, at the conrt-roiun thereof, at lb ppner, in the cn-inty of torrow, ou Mom'.ay. September 3. 1SS, at 10 e'oHwk in tha forenoon of that driy, then an t tlu:e to t-how wiiiw, if any. why an order of Hide of the following dc-scribed tvh! estate be not mado. to-wit: The north half f north en- quar terof swiiun 14; alw west half or north wt .piHrt-r of fertion 18, aU in township 6 south. W it nes' the" Hon. Wm. Mitchell, Jndae of the ct Misty c.irt. of the state of Oregon, rot the county of Morrow, with the twal of gaid oonrt IsfvlI H-iiied, Ihu 12th iiay if July. A. 1. lN. AitMt: C.U ANDillS, Clerk. 78-S3. It ia a well-known fact zctte is the Onzetto. that the Oa 17. nrc-w i i i r : nr-7Ztv:i:7tX'&Z f (mm f' a . ft: ,i-S -- 5 ., " 53 mn I V AA d 5 3 I" a i Great English Remedy. MURK A rS SPECIFIC. A gTtaraiitrpd cur for all ner oan (iitwaf-fb. Rtu'liat. Weak Memory, Ions of HiT.-n I'owit. Hysteria, Huml.-irtlio Pain iu the Rack, Ner vosa t'nttr;i1iiui, Wiik.ifullrn-HB, Lt'ururrliri n, I internal LuHjsit'ide BeiniiiHl Weakness, lni'tott miy will K'iiral lows of power of the (jimerativH On,':mn in either sex caused by indiscrt-tion orovorex HitHn. anil wliich ultimately lea." to Premuturo Old Afje, Jnoanit Eofore Taking. anil cormmniftion, $1.00 a box or nix boxes for $3.00. Hunt by mail on reneipt of price Full IMirttculars in pampidwtaentfree to evory applicant,. We Guarantee 6 boxes to enre any enso. For evory S5 Trade Marie Hnda written guarantee to re- AftorTaklngi fnml tho money if our Specific does not r-ffect K cure. Adilreetj all communications to tlie bole manufacturers, the MUlillAY MEDiCINR CO.. Kftr.cKH Cilr. 3Io. Sold in Heppnor by A. D. JOHNSON 4. CO., sole acenta. THE GEEAT Transcontinental Route Northern Facile EAILEOAD! Cascade Branch, now Completed, mak ing it the Shortest, Best and Quickest. The Pining Car Lino. The Direct Route No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low eat Eates to Chicago and all points East. Tioets sold to all Promi nent Pointa throughout the East and Southeast. Through Pullman Diwinj Ilccra Sleeping Care. Keservations can be seemed in advance. To East I3onnd Pasen;ers Be careful and do not make a mistake, but be sure to take the NORTHERN TACIFIC RAILROAD And see that yonr ticket reads via this line, ot Paul .or Minneapolis to nvoid ohanjjes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run on regular express trains full longtli of line. Berths free. lowest rates. Quick est time. General Office, of the Company, No. .?, Wasliin'tjton St., Portland, Oregon. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent Itowardrd are t h o f f who read thin and then flct; tlipy will find iioncrnhle em plo; ment that will not tilki thorn from their hcimes nnd familieH. The ttiofita aro lurao and rin! 3 ffr every iudtiBtiions prfton, many htive und ai-o now makiiiK HtverHl hundred dollars a month. Il is easy for one to nmke $E and i up wards pr day, who ia willins to work. Either 8ix, young or old; capital not needed; we plarl you. No special uldlity required; you, rottdur, can do it as wll bp any one. Write to ua at once ."or Cull pai liculare. Address Biiiioon & Co. Port hind, Maine. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lnnd Offira at The Dnllofi. Or., July 2S, 1P8 No(i') !h hereby Kiven that the foliowiug nnmrd sc'tlnr haw filed notire of hia inteitiiii to make final proof in support of his claim, and that Haid proof will be nmd.'j hefcu-o the clik of Morrow county, Or., ut Heppner, Or., on Sep tember 8, lty, viz: Ilemnn Vahlwell Pre. 0nh, Ol!, fur tho N HE li and S lA NE M fejuo. S, Tp i S, of 11 '4 E, W. M, Ho nnmcB tho foliowinpt witnes"oa to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. H'dd laud, viz: J. H. .rmes. Fred. Aslihauh. Clifford E.Jones Riid !l. D. Hood, uil of Kisht Mile, Oregon, 2y-84 F. A. McDoNAUJ.itt'trir'ter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijind Ofiiefi at Ln (iraiulo. Or., July 10, '88. Notica is h:r'l)y givBii that the followiiiR namvil settier h:ia lilud notice nf hia intentioi! to make final proof in Hupport ofhis chum mid Mint suit! proof will be made before tho county clerk of Morrow county, Or., ut lluppuer, Oregon, on September 1, lhHH, viz: James Elliott, 0, 3. No. 7830, for tlie NV U Sec 11, Tp 2 B, E 27 E, W. M. He namofl the followinf? witnesses to prove his continuous reaidonco upon, und cultivation of, said land, viz: John liyland, Jap Griffith, G. W. McHnmue and Henry Vandorpool, all of Heppner, Oregon. NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Office at The Dalles. Or.. July 2. '88. Notice is hereby Bivun that the following-named sottler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be mado before the county judfje of Morrow county, Ogn.atHuppner, Or., on August lb, 1&&, viz: John Hughes, lid 2(1511, for tho E '4 RKM, BV U SE and SE ?4 SW M Bee. 7. Tp 2 H. It 26 E. W M. lie mimes tke following witnesses to prove uis conunuous rowiuonco upon, uuu uuiuvii tion of, said laud, viz: Solomon Majheld, Stephen Lalnndo, Chas. Lind and Hiram Clark, all of Heppner, Or. 27'i-h2 b A. McDonald. Iiegif4er. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or.. July 27, 'Sfl. Notice in hereby given that the followiiiK nametl settler has filed notice of his intention to make fund proof in mipport of his claim, and that Haiti proof will he made before the county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, Or., on kpt. 8, 18S8, viz: Byron O. Sarrer, DS No. 71!. for the fllC '4 8W and S S PE .( 8w. 2 and NK h NE h Bee. 11, Tp 3 8, R 28 K, W. M. H" names the followinii witnofseH to prove hin continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said IhikI, viz: U. li. Thompson, P. Thompson, James Do pny, of Heppner, Or., and W. fi. Daugherty, of ljcna. Or, 2H0-H5 Hekbt Rinehabt, ItogiBtor. NOTICE OV INTENTION Land Ofiico at Tho Dalles, Or., July'9, '88. Notice is h rehj1 nfiven that the following-named settlor has tiled notice of his intention to make tinnl proof in support of his claim, and that Miid nriof will bo made beforo tlio county clerk of Nlorrow county, at Httppuer,'Ore(jou, on Kept. 1, viz: Ury P. Rid(jeicay, D 8 6487, for the E (i bE h and S NE Sec. l. Tp 4 !S. H 2H K. lli names the followiin? witnessf to prove his coutinnons residence upon, and cultivation of, snid land, viz: Mibon Hrown, Jnhn Brown, Wm McForrin and Jim. tl. Hayoe, all of Heppner, Morrow county, Oretron. 2711-81 F. A. McDonald. Register. NOTICE OP INTENTION. Iiand Office at The Dalles. Or., July S. 'R8. Notice is hereby Riven that the following named settler has tiled notice f his intention t.' make final proof in support of Ids claim, and that the said proof will be made boro tho county clerk of Morrow countj', at Heppner, Or., on August 18, viz: Charley D, Coleman, P. 8. No. 9031, for the NE H Sec, 6, Tp. 8 8, II Ht names the follnwinir witnesses to orove his continuous resiuence upon anu cultivation or. said land, viz: Wm. L.uelUuT, tieo. w. t hnmn. &. li. jfeuini: and Krank Pediiu. all of llard'nar.. Or. Vii-Si r. A. -MCL'ONALD. KeglstOf. ADyilNIisTIIATUI X' SALE. By virtue of sn otd t of the Hon. Wm. M!tch oll, t'ountv iudire of Morrow county. Orttin, madt on liie 3tih day of July. lKS, in the matter of the estate of Benjamin Hanhy, deceased, 1, thp underU'iied. alminitratrix of t!ie estate of said ltxvRr)cil. will, in Dursuanceof the said order on Saturday, theSth day of terU-inbi, lr. at the conn hout dotir of Morrow countv. at Hennr.er. (tniron. nt Two i2 o'clock P. M. of said dav cell at public vendue for cash to the Inchest bidder all the rijchr, title and iuteresl of the rsat- of llenmmin Hurbv deceased, in and to th. b t W l4 and SW l 8K V of Sec. 24 and NW l N t of Swj. 25 in Tp. 4 8. of li 26 K. W. M. in Mor row eounty, Oregon, and containing l'k) scre of 1 1 UUU tL- tout t I U U" 'txM AdrainUtratrix, Geo. Win. Wright, attorney for etiaie. STOCK BRAIS. Vhile you keep yuur subscription paid up you can keep your brand in fret) of charge. Allen, J H, AdamsTille Horses, double H sidi wine on left shoukter; cattle, same on left hip Adkins, 0 B Horses, J, on right shoulder; cat tle, aV on right side. Adkins, J J Hordes, JA connected on left flank; rattle, same on left hip. Bhickman, Henry.-Cattle, '-'U on left edie Rantfe. Joe Hector's pasture. Hleakman, (rtn., ilanimatt Eorses, a flag left eJiouider; cHttte, same on riRht shoulder. Bennett, Cy Hurries, H on left shoulder. Hoiiko, MrsC A Hon left shoulder; ear-marl of cattle, crop off and split in left and upper half crop off right. Brown, J C RorBes. circle C with dot in era toroo left hip; cattle, name. Boypr, W O, Lena Horses, box brand onriglrf hip cattte, fauie, with split in each ear. liortf, P. O. Horses, FBou left shoulder; cat tle, smneon left hip. Brien, T. F., Lone Rock. Horses o with bar under and over on rinht shoulder. Barton, Wr"Horst!H, J Bon nhtthih; cattle, flume on right hipjfplitin each ear. (,'ook, A. J., Lena Horws, lUou right shonlder; Cattls, sameoa r.ght tup: uur mui-k squara eroA on leu anu kiuii in riK'u. t 'urrin, Jl I- lloraes, to on left stifle. Crawford, J. il. Horses JHC connected ci leftstitle. ('uniiiKhan e, W B, Newton Kanch Horses, t with tieuro "J undr it on left shoulder; cuttU same on left Yip and liih, loft ear square cut (. ox Lnpiisn, jiamman L-aiue, Kj wun e in center; horses. on left Sip. Cason. J P Hfrses, C on loft if e; cattle, T connected on left hip, 8 duUpson neck. Dm bin, Bol A Bona, Hockville or An tel pe. Horse Kwith bar over it on left shoulder; tlo, a ot, both hips. Douglass, W M Cattle, R D on right side, swai low-frk in each ear; horses, R D on left hip. English, E C Hard man Cattle, ftE on right hip: horses same on riyht shoulder. Meek, Jackson, Horses, 7F connected oi right shoulder; cattle, same on riht hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop off left. Franks, (J A, Arlington Horses. (! F on left shoulder; cattle, (,' F on lft hip, crop off left ear. iJiorence, Li A L attio. it on right hip; horses, F with bar under on riirht shoulder. Fell. T E Horses, F with half-circle above and below on lett hip. Florence, 8 1 Horses, F on right shoulder cattle. F on right hiD or thinh. Armstrong, J. C, Acton T with bar under it on left shoulder of hortes; cattle same on left nip. Gay. Henry GAY on left shoulder. Goble, Frank Horses, 7 F on left stifle; cattle. BUJIJt) Oil OhllL U1JJ. Hunhaker, B A Horses, 9 on lof t shonlder; oat tl, W on left hin, Humphreys, J M. Hard man Horses, II on left flank. Hayos, J M Horses, wineglass on left shoulder caitie, same on ngnr inn. Jones, J H, llardmau Horses, J with shade over it on left shoulder. Johnson, Felix Horses, circle T on left stiQ catile, same on right hip, under half crop in rigi and split in left ear. Kirk. J T Horses 09 on left shouldor; catt 119 on left hip. lurK, j tJ norses, 17 on either llank; cattle i on right side. . Ijarsen, Rasmns Horses, R L on loft hip. Lewis, J It. Lonu Horses, P with over it on leu Hiionuier. Leathermun, D H Horsefl, 9 on left shoulder came, same on leit nip, crop oit right ear, swal' low-fork in left. Miller, C. E.IIorBes C with m on inBide on lett shoulder. Morgan, 8 NHorses, SI) on left shoulder cattle, wiuie on left hip, McCuuiber, Jns A, Atwood Horses, M with Din ovor on right snouider. Morgan, Thos Hordes, circle T on left shout dor and loft thiifh: cattle. ' on ric-ht. tlnh. Milcliell, Ooar, Peitysville iiorses, 77 on right Mason, Jos, Pettybville (nttle, JM connected, nntmr crop in each ear, dulap on throat; horson, J.A on left shoulder. McClaron, D (i Horees, Figure 5 on each shoul-dc-r; cattle, M2 on hip. I MeLougald, H Horses, IID connected on left shoulder. JNeel, Andrew, Lone Rock Iforses AN oon nected on left shoulder; ccftle same on both hips Newmrn, V. H. Horses N with half circl over it on loft shoulder. Nordyke, K Horses, circle 7 on left thigh; cat tlo. same on left hip. Oiler, Perry, Lone Rock P O nn left shoulder Pitarson, Jus., Pine City. Horses h2 on left hip low down. Parker & Glcason, II ardman Horees IP Jon left fhouJder. Piper, J. II., Acton -Horses, JK connected on left hhoulder; cuttle, same on left hip. under bit in each ear. Rood, Andrew, Iinrdm an Horses, square cross with quarter-circle over it on left etifie. lionmger, ;hrin Horses, C 11 on left Bhouldcr. liector. J v JlorHtiH. ,)) on lett shoulder. Rule. R. R. Cattle branded R S on l.-fr Ion. Hornes same brand on left shouldo. Strain it W. E.-Hornes shadfd .1 S nn h'fl- stifle; cattle JS on left hip, swuliow fork in right ear. imuer oir m err. Bayer. IioUt Mor.es. H on richt phouldpr: cattle sqnnreon ngiu ui) ana on right shoulder. cswaggnri, jj, Aipinu lioises, a tj on righ shoulder. bauii. Tli OB. Horses. 8 A P on left hin: cattle sa;ie on left hin. hhope. JJr A J rtorsps. J its on on left, htn: r.nu tie, same on lett side, wattle on loft side of neck ear;' cut sharp at. point. oaiinijury. o w, Vinson t ame, s-yoar-oids ana over, crop oil e.'oh eur, 5 on right side; 2-year-oldh ai tl under, Kwaliow-fork in right ear and under- spht Hi left, L7 with ( above on hip. Sirvcnson, .Mrn A J Cattle, B on right hip swallow-fork in left ear. Khelton & Son Hordes. B nn its side over an on lufl shoulder: cattle, name on left h'p. Bperry, E (i ';tltle, WC on Jeff hip. crop off right and undorbit in uit eur, dulap; .horses, W C on left shoulder. Swnggart, G W Horses, 44 on left shoulder: Stewart, Geo., Ilardiuuu Horsea circle c on left shoulder, cattle, 44 on left hip. Thompson, J A Horses, 2 on left shouldor cattle, 2 on left shoulder. Tilihete, 8 T Horses, C- on left shoulder. TibbotB, E E Iiorses, VT connected on le stifle. Wells, A S Horses, 0Q0 on left shoalder; cattl same. Wyland, J H, Hardman Circle C on left thigt Woodward, John llorsos, UP connected or left shoulder. Wallace, Charles Cattle, W on right thigh, hole in left ear; horses. W on right shoulder, aomp same on left shoulder. Wren, A A Cattle, running AA with bar across on tight hip. Oregon Railway and NAVIGATION CO TO SAN FRANCISCO AUGUST, 1S Loaviog SteaniHhip Wharf, Portland, at 12 mid niyht, as fid Iowa: dteaisor. Day. Date. State of California Cohinibia ----- - Oreuon State of California -Coinm bia Srtturd.-ty Wednesday,. SundHy TiiurrM'ay.... Monday Oregon - r nuHy State of California.. Tuesday... . Columbia '. .... iHatiirdny . Oregon ------ --'Wed'ieriuay . Sept. TO PORTLAND. MAY and JUNK 1888. leaves Spear Street Wharf. San Fraueisco. at 10 A. II. an follows : Steamer. Day. Columbia Stilts of California. . OreiEon Friday Aug, nemlay Saturday.... Columbia St'it of California.. Wednesday.. Hundny Oreiron llmrauav t 'olumbia Statu of California.. Orognu Monday Friday Tuesday...'. . Sept. Tho company reserves the right to change Steam ers or aaumg uaj s. KATES OF PASHAGK. INCLUDING MEALS AND BIlHTHS, Cahin. 1 00; Steerage, $8.00; RcundTrip, un limited, :50.00. No freight will be received on morning of snil uitr, except fruit and vepytableti, and these will not h taken after 9 A. M, tF KICKS, rvui Franeipco, General Offlpo, No. 10. Market street: Ticket Offices, 1 aT.d 14 Mont gomery Btnvt. Agents, Gootiall, PerkinB A Co. Ptirtfcml Ticket Ofilce, Firnt and (hrk Rtr.-ets. W. H. HOLCOMH. a. L.MAXWKl h. General Manager. G. P. k T. A. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNEliiiHIP. Ijecal notice i hereby givn that th copnr1 nersiop ii?rtofore exinling between th nwdfr ivnei!, undf r the firm name of H. A. Ilunnnknr i Co.. is t hie day diaolvwl by mutnal cotiKfiit. R. A. Hnnsaker retiring. The bnsineas will be cortinii(d by Mt-ssr. J. W. Coffey and Fnnk Gillinm. who will pay all debtg of the late firm and collect all accounts due the wim. B. A. HCNSAKEU, J. W. COFFliY. Heppner, July 7, lSfl. DEEP SKA WONDEHS exist in thuu. mikI! of forms, bat nro nnr. rwtfed bv the wondt-n of inven tion. Those who are iu need of prohtable am ployment. and work that can be done while living nt home should at onct' wnd their addn-es to Hal lett A Co.. Portland, Maine, and receive fret full information tow eilhec nex, all ages, can earn frtm $ to ?jti pr day and upwards wurever Uiey live, ioa are storied free. ( apital not re quireu. Some hare made over $5Q ia a eingle day at thia work. All sucueed. . Tha Original Xeastnt . ....... mfetUvo wtit OVVlVt PILLS. KJS1T VXJITIBLZI RBIX9TL2 UIKLISBt llneqaaled na i 1IVT.R PILL w ut : rlve. ON rKLLET A SMALLEST, CHEAPEST, EASIEST TO TAKB. Rewnre of TmltationB, containlnflr Poisonous Minerals. Always aslt for Dr. Pierce's Pellets, which are little Sugar-ooati'd Pills, or Auti biltnus Granules. Ilcius; rurely VoiretaWe, Dr. Pierce's Pellets operate without disturbanoe to the svstein, diet, or occupation. Put up in gem v'lRll, hermetically scaled. Always fresh and reliable. They are a gentle laxative, or an active purgative, according to size of dose. SI HUDJfii, mitou Head acta Of Dlzzlueas, Constipation- liidigeatlon Biliona Attacks, and all derangements of the stomach and bowels, are promptly cured by the use of Dr. fierce' Pleasant Purgative Pet lets. In explanation of the remedial poworof these Pellets over bo great a variety of diseases, it may truthfully be said that their action upon the system is univer sal, not a gland or tissue escaping their sana tive influence. Sold by druggists, for 26 cents a vial. Manufactured at the Chemical Lab oratory of Would's Dispensary Mbdicai Association, No. GU3 Main St., Huffalo, N. Y. ia offered by the manufactur ers of Ir. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, for a cam ot Catarrh iu the Head which, they cannot euro. 8YITB PTOITIS OP CATARRH. Dull, heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal paasafres, dischiu-jfcB falling' from the head into the throat, Bometlmes profuse, watery and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody ftud putrid; the eyes are weak and watery; thero Is rineinff in tho ears, deafness, hacking1 or couching to clear tho throat, expectoration of offensive matter, toifethcr with acaba from ulcers; the voice is changed and has a "nasal twang"; the breath is offensive; smell and taste are im paired; there is a sensation of dizziness, wltU mental depression, a hacking cough and gen eral debility. Only a fow of the above-named symptoms are likely to be present in anv one case. Thousands of ensea annually, without manifesting half of the above symptoms, re sult in consumption, and end in tho grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive and dangerous, or less understood by physicians. Ily its mild, soothing, and healing properties. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures the ,ornt cases of Catarrh, "Cold lu the Head," Coryza, and Catarrhal Headache. boh1 by druggists everywhere; 50 cents. "Untold Agony from Catarrh Prof. W. Hausnbr, the famous mesmerist. Of Ithaca, N. Y.t writes: "Some ten years ago I suffered untold agony from chronic nasal catarrh. My family physician gave me up as incurable, and said I must die. My case wns such a bad one, that every day, towards sun sot, my voice would become so hoarse I could himiv annnk nhnvo a whinDer. In the mornlnir my coughing and clearing of my throat would almost strangle me. By tho use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Uemedy, in three months, I was a well man, and the cure has been permanent." "Constantly Hawking and Spitting." Thomas J. Rurhinq, Esq . 90t Pine StreeU St. Louix, Mo., writes: " I was a great sufferer from entarrh for three years. At times I eouid hardly brnatho, and was constantly hawking and spitting, and for the last eight months could not breathe through the nostrll3. r thought nothing could be done for me. Luck ily, 1 was advised to try Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hntnedv, and 1 am now a well man. I believe K to bo the only Bure remedy for catarrh now manufactured, and one has only to give it a fair trial to experience astounding results aud a permanent cure." A oomnlete Treatise on Catarrh, giving val uable hints as to olothing, diet, and other matters of importance, will bo mailed, post paid to any address, on receipt of a two-cent postage stamp. Address, World's Dfrpcnfiary Mwllesl Awoclntton, No. 883 Main Street. BUFFALO. N.Y Hi V.r.s"c;u 7.Itjsta,c Ijsimt:vt, TV.jinf rates fe'tl BoiiTKimjtrr siffvroB OTrHvo'BHitoBfrio Tutt's Pills Tbf popular r.medy never falltt to effectually euro Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness And all disease arising from a Torpid Liverand Bad Digestion. The natural remit is good appe tlte and solid fleNb. Iose small, elearantly sujrar coatel and easy to saallow. Sold evryber. Tnformaton fnr ihtt Farm, Hon hold, Workshop anil SichrwM" KillH tent free on application. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM JianBem and beantiflm the b&lr. rrouiouM & luxuriant crow to. Never Fail to Restore Ortyl riairto its Toutnrui uoior. dlfteaseflaod bau PARKER'S CINCER TONIC lBrmrtutbte tor Comm. Oolitt. Inward ftJm FrMmtloa Of Interest to Ladies. V will nnd FREE SAMPLBof crar wrmderfnl irpeciUc forf'-ma complaints to 4ny ladj who wihe to tHrt iuecieacy Itefir" purchftoion- 8nd mt&mv fr i A - M ffl b w moo pr.-; $ ii I3-3! ' .? . 'A In fik v i.i SS Org? k I i V5 &tf Pi ' f 4 i I s4 t li jS? H w 1 T 1 Is il .0 o 2?