THE GAZETTE. HEPPNEK, THURSDAY, AUfl. 1C,'88. The people of Haystack have a road viewed from their part of the country to the Morrow county lino, which they tiope to soon ba able to nae as a route to Heppner. As fl future railroad terminus, they are interested in Heppner, and ex pect here a future market for garden products, fruit, etc., all of which prow there in great abundance with little care. Heretofore, Arlington formed about the only market fur products of that section, but Heppner being much nearer, they cau sell produce in as good n local murket as can be found in any country, and buy their supplies at low prices without being away from home uny creat leiiRth of time. This town will bo their point for shipping their wool, cattle and horses. They are so much interested in Heppner as a future trading point that they are not only working tc get n road through to this town, but are now circulating petitions for the purpose of asking our next legis lature to have their section cut off of Grant county and added to Morrow, as their future interests will be more in this county than in their own. While everyone here is anxious to secure the help of adjacent seotions, there has been do solid encuuragement given by our people in regard to aiding in the build ing of this road, and ns thoy have started the matter, it would be to our interest to at least show that we desired their trade by looking up the road to inter ned theirs at tho county line. In re gard to the addition of their section to Morrow it will not only be an advantage to Heppner but to the cnliro eounl y, and it behooves ns all to uso every effort to induce the next legislature to mnko tho change. Don't sleep over these matters till next spring, but take hold of them right away and keep up your reputation of being a rustling, eutorprisiug section, (it least. Airnoucin the curly part of thesearon was gloomy for the ranchers in this part of the buuchgmss paradise, the crops have proven to bo much better generally than supposed lifter so much dry weather. Many were discouraged, even lifter the rains in May and Juno, claim ing that they were too lute to do any good, but thoy did do good, and the greater part of Morrow county is blessed with better averago crops than last year. It is proven beyond a doubt that no country will stand more drouth tlnm this section; tho soil having that peculiar faculty of saving up tho moisture bo nuiitli the grass rools and plants and giving it up when most needed to sus tain lifo in vegetiitiju. Tho supply of iuoliture tiiLt uatitro so kindly stew." n.vny fur this oi.unt-y wan getting short indeed when the ir.ins cane, and but for them there wuul- h..vo been very little or no crops at .ill. A Ticir ViiATrf Mink. A. II. Terry Hits in I he city from his niiue hist Friday nnd Haturlny to nltend to soine business j,, connontion with his blacksmith shop ,. ; i-u'iitly interested with Ij. A. Park tr and H. . I. Fore in an extensive placer mine in Stale's gulch, about 15 miles south ot Ji.ker City. They are now no tively ei";aged in digging ditches, and ruservoirs. The ditch for carrying oil' the tailings will be about one half mile in l'Migth, and when completed and fullj buXed will be 122 foot deep, part of the didfuucu, and about '21 inches wide. T'.e'r expense in preparing for a big run fi r tho next season has already been consid'rnb.e, and will be much more be fore thoy are in full operation. Jiat the goiu iii thero in huge iuanlilies ami trood (iuility, and after they are in full operation they propose to mako it pay, and in return for their present heavy outlay they will neoessarily he hand somely rewarded with heavy compound interest. Their energy and push cer tainly deserve rich returns. Orcyon Hindi: Watisii SrouT. Mr. Jake Wetzel, of Catherine creek, says tho Silver City, Idaho, Avalanche of last woclc, arriv d iu town on Thursday, and from him we learn that about 'o'lock last Tuesday night the setlleis on Casllo creek were aroused by im unusual noise, and upon opening their door were oonfroiiled with u Hood of water rushing rapidly down the valley. The water had run tho banks of Iho stream and was about throe feet deep. It wits wiih dillieully that lierses were saved from drowning. In Hoveral instances in tho lower parts of Mm valley, occupants climbed upon t lie roofs ot their houses. Tho damage done to tho ranchers can not yet be staled. Where fields of grain and alfalfa were growing, is now a mud Mat. Sagebrush onu now he seen on top ot tho willows that skirt tho stream. Wagons, mowing machines, etc., v.ero swept dowu the croik. TVu MiuNiihx TniNii Oct.-A fellow who resides iu this vicinity, n few days ago contracted with a fanner for some bay. Tho contract specilled that the farmer wan to have 7. (HI per ton for the hay less per load for hauling, the buyer to do tho hauling. Well, that wns all right; but the eheeliy part of the business wiih that the aforesaid citizen of this vicinity hitched up to his wagon, went out to the farm and got hay amounting lo f'J.7i), hauled it t- town, and then tried to oolloot tile '!." oents balance.-- lloldcndnlu Sentinel. Voon Mah FAcn.iTrEB.-Onr mail fa cilities are grow ing worse all the while. The stage hot ween Spokane Palls ami the Conconnnlly mines has drawn oil', yet the mail from here to the s-id mines is still carried to Npolcano Palls. It travels !U0 miles to the Palls, and when it arrives thero it is at least fit) miles further from its destination than when it started. How long a silll'enng people will have to endure this is beyond the ken of man to tell. Kittitas V.oriiuer. A Plain Trtrrii. -Tho very fact that you lose your temper at difference of belief, shows that you belong t the dark ages fraught with deeds of cruelty mid violence. Kvery oue has h right to express ono's views on any and eveiy subject, no matter w hat it is, ho long ns one keeps within tho pr prietiea of civ ilization. Sunny Clime. Ci hading FoitHwiroiiKs. Merrill llnm. rr camped down on the Wm. Mitchell j roperty, in the lower part of town, and i re making dirt Hy on four grades for s-witehes, each 2' KM feet long. The force consists of It) teams end 18 men. who ex pect to have this work completed in ntxmt. two weeks. Kngineer 11. L. Hnwkius, has charge of tho work. D-VOTKES OF MOUNTAIN SCENERY. Brief Mention of the liurrow Connty Folks, lurl ml ing the lluuiircJ, Buld-lieuiled clti ri'iiH nml tlieSiuiill l li.ipi or Few I lihiiioki, W ho Rrtrfat Frimi the rei!?N of iMott-Cov-ei ed Nine. I, i u li to Take In the llui klr herry K-,;iiiii ami the Iteiiowued Teal uutl litUulue Wui-m Springs. J. B. Manning mid Jay Shipley are now at Teal springs. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Warmoth left for Tee.) springs Tuesday. Koportg from Teal springs say that 200 people are now at that resort. Frank lingers and Kewt. Jones are now fit Teal springs enjoying a few days rest. Cbns. Younggren ond C. L. Andrews went up to look ultor the grouse harvest last Sunday. Uncle Charley Cochran nnd family nml Miss Hale returned from Teal springs last week. Thomas Matlock and family and Wm. Morrow und family left for Teal springs Tuesday. John Coffey will join the by no means small buna or lleppuentcs at tne leal springs iu a tew days. E. Minor, Goo. Harrington, Duck Fell and M. C. MeiXiugall are uo.v enjoying themselves at Teal springs. Mr. Frank M. Koontz and family, Mrs. A. M. Ouim and Mrs Geo. JSoblo left ti ituiday tor Teal springs. Wm. Crabtree and wife, Miss Fisher and Mrs. Wm. Jiimh returned last week trom the cool retreats of the Blues. Fred. Ilallook, Jim. Jones and Old. Hover struck out yesterday for Teal spiiugs, where they will remain a week. Mrs. H. A. Huusuker nnd family aro now spending u few duys up iu the mountains buck of iiishop & iiisbee's mill. F. M. Tickard nnd family have been huoklobcrrying und enjoying toe toil retreuts of the noted lilues fur the past week. James Depuy, tho accommodating landlord of tho Pioneer hotel, will leave shortly for McDulIie springs, where ho will take u few weeks needed rest. M. C. Mutier nnd family, who reside below Lexington, passed through town Monday on thuir way to tho mountains. They will perhaps visit tho Teal springs wliilo on this trip. Oscar Minor. Mrs. Fred. TIalloek. Mrs. '10. Mn or, Aliases Wira Minor. Addie KaHli, Al.iy i n I Martini Matlouk, Leslie Matloi'K, Mai. Kd. iUutlook and little folks are among the mountaineers who rolui ued homo last Saturday. 11ESOLU 1'IONS OF CONDOLENCE. Ho it resolved by Heppner Lodge, No. , A. F. & A. M., that, WiiKiiEAS, it has ploased (lie Supreme Architect of the Universe to take from our midst our worthy beloved brother, Joseph L Jones, who was ever true to the principles, rules and usages of our time honored institution of Frecmason nry. Jieno!red, That Hnppner Lodge No. fill, A. P A A. M.. has lost a truo nnd worthy brother of the fraternity, nnd that the onmmunity in which he resided u pood citizen nnd a charitable man. Jiexolred, That a copy of these reso lutions bo presented by Heppner Lodge to tho relatives of our deceased brother, and also a copy of these resolutions of condolence be published in tho weekly llnri'Nuu (Uzhitk. W.v. MiTcnEt.T,, 1 n A.M.Oonn, ""onKes T. W. Ayjshh. jolt""'' Aug. 4, 1888. SAFE AM) KFFE0TIVJ5. UiiANriitETn's rir,T,s are tho safest and most ell'eotivo remedy for indigestion, irregularity of the bowels, constipation, biliousness, hendaehe, di..iness, malaria, or any disease arising trom an impure stulo of tho blood. They have been in uso in this oonutry or over lifly years, and the thousands cf unimpeachable !ct!r6;.f"!n fr.'.i" t';jso c'"' ' used l.limn mid llipir pmiul n nl lv innrfinnrii'- I salo is incontrovertible evidence t li fit thoy perform all that is claimed for thorn. jtliAKIKtETll's rriiTfl are purely vege table, absolutely harmless nnd si:fe to take at uny time. Sohlin every drus; and medicine store, cither plain or sugar-coated. No ire to llfliimtirnt Tux-Payers. Notice is hereby given that all delin quent, taxes must be paid on or before Hop), '20, 1888, or I will immediately thereafter levy on property and collect Mm said tux with mileage and oosls added. T. K. llowAiin, SherifToI Morrow county. Nonorc. Notion is hereby given to Un tax payers of Morrow county, and others interested that Ihe Hoard of Kipinlization fur Morrow county will meet on Monday. Iho lid, ,lny of September 1888, for t lie purpose of correcting and equalizing any mistakes that may ho upon the assess ment roll fur 1888, and to increase as sessments if found to ba necessary. The In i rd will bo ill session for five days, and by order of the Court no rebaios wilbo allowed after tho tax levy is made Signed : i). M. Sunr.ToN, Wm. MYrciii'T.r,, Connty Assessor. County Judge. August 1, l:;,8S. How it Was Don A gentleman, Mr. J. P. Uunnairon, residing in Pittsburgh, I'a., writes from Salem. Ohio (where he is visiting), Juno :i7, 1NS8, making Ihe following em-ions statement : "I sutler od Mvo weeks from sprained hip; wen) to druggist here, a doctor: ho gave me one liniment which tailed-, he gave me another which acted like magic; never before experienced such quick and per manent relief. He laughed when 1 told him and said: Must thank St. Jacob's Oil.' He hud poured it into olio of his buttles nnd gave it to ma. When I went into his store I vuid patent medicines were humbugs; he stylo march ou me. nod I can say I believe in at least one of them, li is worth nioro than I cnn tell, for I sulVered exerutiating puius." Notick to Wool, (luowiiiis Those da siring to eom-ign their wool to Feuno Ib-os. ,V Ctiilds, of Huston, enn draw from seven to ten cents per pound upon it lit 7 percent, interest. Freight to Huston, Si'J.) per ItHI. Aykks Fki,,. My horses look worse than 85 euyuses yet they are of good, American .'stock When I come to Heppner after this I w ill j,o right over to It. A. Hunsuker's livery and feed stable and get my horses taken cure of by a mau that is not afraid of hay and grain. NOTICE OF INTENTION. ljinriOttUvstThK lnllt. dr.. Aug. 1'.'. 'w. NotH-o ia linml) invi'U ttitit lltt) fiiUiiwinit r.Hiiiul M-ttltir lii lilotl niitu'oiif Inn inetnuu Hl.ik' final eriHif in nueimrt tif In- ,-lnim, tti'il tlmt tlio cuiil pr.Hif wiU In) mutt,' li.if.iiM tlirf iMuuty I'lrrk el Mermw i-uuiily, lit lletinuur, Or , on tl. tt. 1S. vi: Geurye IP. Pi;', IU :"U7, fur the SK -. 57. Te. a 8, of It is E, W.M. Ili rmnos tie- fv-llnwintf whin n-s to prove liin eoMliiiuetiH nwiiK-iiue u..u, ieui eullivtiliou if. b.u,I luiul, viz: l'hHi-1, l.,, .l.ilin IIhi-V. J.ilm HiirriM, of jTopimer, Ur; muLKilui l.ii'uaneii, of l.exiBslu, li. ax: 7 F. A. Mi-Donald, KouijU'r, THRIFT AND TRADE. Koberts & Simons, the old reliable blacksmiths, are always found bard at work two doors north of the Gazette ranch. Honest work at low prices is the motto of this firm. There's no nse looking blue, even though wool don't sell very high. E. J. Slocnm & C. have drugs and other neces sary truck down to bed-rook, so that a little money will buy an arm load. These are considered hard times, but eating is always a necessity in any climate. Juices Depuy furnishes meais and lodging at '25 cents each, which is cheap enough. Board by the week, 85 and SR. A No. 1, white cook has charge o( the culinary department. Buy your bread at the Citv Bakery and give your wife a rest during the hot weather. Call on F. J. Hallock, the leading in surance agent iu Morrow county, there by avoiding the possibility of being left without a home in euro of tiro. Newt. Whetstone has an oflice but he don't occupy it hut very little. His business is at the forge, mending broken agricultural machinery, Buoeiug horses and tho like, all of which will suit any denizen of Ihe Heppner eoimtry, both as to once nnd riuahtv of work. Gilliam & Coll'ey are prepared to fit a mau out with uny kind of (in outfit to he found in a hrst-clans hardware store. They will sell you nails to fix up your fenoo when your neighbor's cows break it down, or lit yon out wi;h kitchen tools when yon get married. If you want a red pump that is not only neat and attractive in appearance but also utile to do good service in get ting tho wntor of the Heppner hills up to the surface, call on lieezer Ac ihomii son. Whenever n man gets so lie can't eat anything but ihe daintiest of morsels he lays it all to a delicate appetite, when moat likely he's afraid to tackle any thing substantial on account of his worn out teeth. When this is the caso he should hunt np Dock Vaughno and get a new set. Town Marshal: "Don't rido yonr horse so hard." Tall mail on horseback, "O, I know what I am about. I'm bound for E. J. Slocum A Co.'s drug shop to purchase the lincst toilet outfit in the Heppner hills." All kinds of hardwnre, tinware and crockery, ahio wagons, farm machinery, pumps, gas-pipe, nails, etc., for sale by ihe new Jinn of Gilliam A Coffey. Just received at M. Lichtonthal's a fine lot of hand-sewed French kid slip pers; also some boss hand flowed French kid shoes, llexihle soles, all for ladies' wear. Clash buys the goods cheap. The Farmers' and Meuhants' insnranoo company, of Albany, Oregon, will give you a square deal. See ud. in another ooliimu. Liohtonthal has ft fine stook of ladies' and children's shoes, for which he will sell very cheap for the nuked cash. His stock ot men's boots and shoes bus no equal in Heppner, nnd cuu be procured in like manner ns above. When man guts so that ho can't speak pleasant to his wife, he mnst have either the cuilJbluins or tiie toottinclte. Dr. Vaughun, the dentist , is a sure cure for the hitter. Every one who has a house should have it insured, nnd nothing is ahead of the Farmers' und MerohnutH' Insurance company of Albany, Oregon, for that protection. Whenjou go to Arlington stop with Billy Theodore, at theSanford house. Rasmus, tho dentist, will fill teeth, 'or extract tho same in a scientific manner. It is a faot acknowledged by nil "art organists, both ot Europe mid Amonoa that the "Estev" is the sweetest voiced, most iiumnu loneu, loasi reeuy in tone, nnd quickest in response to touch of any organ mnmunctured in the world. Dr. Viiughu will consent to act as agent for a newspaper whenever his professional duties lead him to localities whore ho can do any good in that line, llowover, that does not prevent him from extracting and Idling toeth iu n lirst-cmss maimer. lii-VAHD. I will pay $20 for any posi tive information that will lead to the recovery of the following described ani mals, or $5 for either of them: One 4-year-old sorrel mure with considerable wiiite ou legs und face, and some white on body. Branded IL ou left shoulder and ID with a bar over on left Btille, nnd when lust seen hud H bell on. One 2-yoar-old black Clyde stud colt with star iu faoo and white hind foot, branded samo as sorrel mare. One 3-year-old grey muro with tail bobbed, and branded IL and running m on left shoulder. One 4-year-old brown horso with grey hairs on one nido of face and is branded same as the grey mure. Address, Gko. V. LranirTiiN, llockville, (iilliuin Co., Oregon. A Decihion. This sheet tnkes pleas ure in stating that the recent decision of Judge Nash en the women's eutl'rage question in W. T., has nothing to do ivith tho decison ot C. S. VanDuyn, who has concluded to put in n stock of gent's furnishing, goods. They will be here next week, and it will pay yon to call around ill his new storo nnd sec w hat astonishing big bargains be gives. Place of business, next, door to Kirk & Young gren's furiiilure store. Land BrsiKuss.-- Como to tho Ga kettb shop and have your proving up started by a sheet that wishes you pros perity regardless of your religious, po litical, etc., proclivities. The olerk mid judge live right hero at Heppner. and it is altogether more convenient. Billy Morrow is ready to take your tilings, and will do tiio business ill lirst-cluss shape. Wki.Ii Ciiosks. Many merchants fail to sell their goods on account of their not being of a tirst-olasa chnrncter. But you need not be uneasy in regard to Hurry Johnson's stock of candies, nuts, cigars, tobacco, etc. They are fresh nnd well-assorted, and his stock warrants your trade Next door to First Nation al Bank, Jones' building. Nmv Lavnoky. About tho first ot May wo w ill open a new luimdry in the building next below Jim Jones' livery stable, on the east side of Muiu street, Heppner A full stuck of Japanese silk g)ods und luequeied ware will also be kept ou hand. Kiam & W o Kee. Autistic Woiik.- Paint ing a house properly is n job that takes n good hand with the brush, and Wash Williams is the man that can do that work for you in the highest line of artistic art. Paper hanging und inside work, n specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no charges made. WiIjl IIr-uitn. - Mrs. M. Liehtenthal will re-open her boarding house Sept. 1, where good ucouiiiniodutions enn be hud ut rousonublo rates. Day bonrd, SI per week; hoard and lodging, Ss. Meals and lodging 25 oiuta each. Main street, Heppner, Oregon. KruAvmv One buy saddle horse, U'j hands high, 11 years old, branded 13 on left stille, white strip iu face, white hind feet mid one or two saddle mi rks ou back. Any information lending to his recovery w ill be auiti bly rewarded, E. V .'Iuifffh, Htppjer, Oregon Yv e tire now Daily EeceiviDg Large Invoices of NEW DRESS GOODS! In all the latost shades and fabrics and our counters ARE PILED hTgTTT With the Choicest Productions of the Manufacturers, and tho best news to all is that they are CI-IEA.PT11R THAN EVER. We have spent much time and money this spring in selecting our goods, and tire satisfied that our Dress Goods fcjtock will com prise the I3est as well as the Cheapest Goods that were ever shown be fore in Ileppner. Can't you give us a call soon for tho pur pose of 1 L'CjQc K INGjTHRO'U Gj This Stock and seeing our Tretty Things? We shall take pleasure and pride in showing you what we have got. Whether you are ready to buv or not, you are ALWAYS WELCOME At our storo, and will see your friends there also. ALSO, MlIO Fl LOT Of Cable Cord GinghamR, Chambrays, &c, and as this stock sells out so last that we can not hardly get goods fust enough to keep any variety on hand, we advise you to give it an early visit. ALL AT OUR USUAL LOW PRICES. MINOR, D0DS0N & CO., MAY STEEET, HEPPNER, OREGON. JOHN R. Has Pii'r.iinserl the mm ipii mm msmm AT CASTLE ROCK, And is Stocking it Up with a Better Line of Goods than Ever. It will pay yon to SPirCZ.I.3E5 EOiIL When needing anything iu bis lino. Cull on him when in town. Threo doorB ubovo Ayers & Fell. Hoarding housj and Feed stable in connection with Store. J.D.KIHK. CLEVELAND Will GET TIliilE, AND SO WILL WE! w.w.kiek rev'iit;ton Or. (Jooseberry, Or DEALERS IN Dry GoodST5oots7 Shoes, Staple and Fancy Groceries. DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES AT GOOSEBERRY STORE. Terms, Cash ; or Strictly Thirty Days. Give U9 a Cull nnd be Convinoed, that you oan Got MORE GOODS FOR LESS HONEY THAN ANYWHERE ELSE IN TIIE COUNTY. Everybody is Welcome, in our Store, VOL'l'.S EKSl'ECTl'l'bLY, Thero is No Need of Wearing out Your Prescription by Carrying it Around in your Hat, but Come Over to CO IU. J. SLOCUM & GO'S. cC HEPPNER DRUG STORE AND GET IT FILLED. This firm nro Successors to Ed. II. Bishop, nnd are Ready and "Wil ling to have a Continuance of Trade in Pure Drugs, Medicines, Machine Oils, Har monicas, Cigars, Confectionery, And Everything Else That You might Expoct to Find in a First Cliins Drug Storo. NEXT DOOJt TO LEEZEH te THOMPSON'S, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. The Boot and ill' LI IT IT In the Only -f . -.- ! m Heppner that Makes a Specialty of these linos. Gnu Get Better and More Satisfactory Goods at Lower Trices than Elsewhere. KlEW Arriving Every Week. Custom Work and Repairing Neatly Done. Ilia shop is Enlarged and Kefitted Throughout. STORE, ON MAIN STREET, Opposite Hotel, Heppner, Oregon. w. J. LEEZER. LEEZER & THOMPSON -DEALdEKS IX- ii tv li i) Ar v n ic , AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SHELF HARDWARE, Eird-Cages, Eope, Nails, Cutlery, Wood nnd Willow Ware, MA IX STHEET, L Whether thoy buy Anything or not. J, X3. ICIjtIs: Ss Co. Shoe House of r. c. Tiiojirsos Grnnite Ware, Etc. IIEPFXEE, OEEGOX GILLIAM & COFFEY, Succeswrs to B. A. Hunsaker & Co., Ave at the old stand on MAIN STEEET, DEALING IN Hardware, Tinware, Copperware, Granie ware, Pumps, Gaspipe, Nails, and Black smiths' Supplies. ALSO AGENTS FOE ' T. U ' Reapers, Headers, Threshers, En gines and Portable Sawmills, tHI- I Just I B A large assortment Lamps, Fancy Goods, Are constantly receiving new invoices, which cash can take away at the lowest priCfes. Job-work executed in a skillful manner. MADDOCK CORNEE, II. McFARLAND & CO., LEXINGTON, OREGON Are still in the field with a LARGE AND WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OI Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes And Everything else that S'l. TV I.Il l I T Establishment. Johnston & Smith HAVE LOCATED IN THE HEPPNER -U City Bakery Building lfe- With a fine stock of CHOICE GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS Family Teas and Coffees, Having added a first class bakery to our establishment, we are now prepared turnish BREAD AND ALL KINDS OF CAKE. A Full Line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Call on them and get y our goods cheap for the Clean Cash. KIRK & YOUNGGREN, May Street, Nearly Opposite Minor, Dodson & Co.'a Store, HEPPNER, OREGON.. Manufacturers of and Deatars in Furniture, Mirrors, Bedding,. , Brackets, Picture Frames, Etc. -Also 1880 MODEIL. WINCHESTER RIFLES. Cheap For Cash. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. DAVID WALSH. WALSH !AA Ml ikcia Ia Dunn mm Hi a d Ann iiM iu liutiaiiii Liiu mumim rati 1ML THEY ARE PREPARED To dish you up anything that you want in the line of Groceries, Confectionery Can ned Goods, Smokers' Articles, Toys, Etc. Ill Kinds of Fresli Fruils in Their Season. HAllBINGTON & CO., -DEALERS IN- ; Harness, "Whips, Sxurs, ! ! Etc. t Tliii Li. Heppner CVmntautly EAST MAIS 6IU--T, HEPPNEK, fll "... If 1 up od Mowers aim In i -i; -t- -----n-- t t of Crockery, Glassware, Etc. HEPPNER, ia usually found iu a first-ols-a I I I 1 S ' I IV I I A I I For Sale- :o: JEFF JONES. & JONES! II l Li. UK ATED Saddles! an baud.