Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, August 02, 1888, Image 4

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Vm. Nye, Km.. Tell. All Ho Know Aliont
Central Tark, New York, and Other Iiu-i-drutal
Haiipi'niiiKs. Wales Kviilcntly not
the Choice of Col. Root for the luipoitant
Position of 1'rlnce.
Centrnl Park, for convenience, mny be
nepnrtued into two (Cfresit divisions, viz.,
land nnd water. It coiitnina 862 nerea,
of which U acres ore oovered by
wnter, inoludinu old nnd new reservoirH,
lakes and ponds. The length of the
park is two and one-half miles and its
width three-fourths of a mile, writes Bill
Nya in the New York World, The
pleasautcst way to visit Central park is
to hire a carriage near the Fifty-eighth
street elevated station and drive about
worth, which will not only include n
lino view of the whole country about
there, but if one is fortunate in chousing
n driver information enough also to last
for weeks.
Lr.Rt week Col. Bill Root, formerly
dnke of Council Klulls, paid me a viRit
and, as I desired to show him the park,
I took him te 58th street and hired a
carriage, my own team being at my
country place, where my off palfrey re
cently became a mother, and tliore is
nothing I hnto worse than to drive a
speckled palfrey through Central park
with a long-legged yellow colt squealing
nloiis behind, or quenching his never
dying thirst at the maternal fount every
time I stop to explain a suituo to any
body. 1 engaged tho services of a dark-
eved historical student, who is said to
know more nuout Central nnrk than any
man in New York, having driven through
it, .IB he has, for years. He was a plain,
Bad man, with a mustacho which was
mostly whiskers, lie dressed carelessly
in a neglige suit of neutral-tinted
olothos, including a pair of pants which
coemeu to lit hnn m that shy and reluo
tant manner which characterized tho fit
of the lato lamented Jumbo's clothes af
tor he had boen indifferently taxidermed.
Col. Itoot and I called him governor,
and thereby scoured knowledge wluoh
oonld not be obtained from books. Col.
lioot is himnolf no kindergarten savant
being the author and discoverer of a
method of breaking up a sitting hen bv
first calling hor attention away from her
deop-seatod passion, tying a red flannel
rag uromi'l tier leg and Uion still further
drawing her attention away from her
wild yearning to hatch out a litter of
suburban villas by sitting on a white
front door knob. This ho does by deftly
inserting the hen into a joint of stove
pipe and then cementing both ends of
the samo. Col. Itoot is also tho dixonr
erer of n oipher which shows that .1 alius
Ctesars dying words were: "Kt in
Brute. Verily the tail gooth with the
hide." A jack-knife lithograph of Col.
Hoot will not appear here for want of
space. En. Oakkttg.
Our oarriago was a plain structure,
with an air about it which I nan not de
scribe. It was the air of age, such as
one might encounter while rummaging
through the tomb of tho mayor of llov
oiilamoum. Col. Itoot wan toil to eo tho Mall. lie
Raid that Wyoming, with hor sun-kissed
hills, hor billowy and moss-agate be
decked plains, her blue skies and lucious
beef editors, had no Mall.. 1'liora the
hungry eye sought vainly for one, be
cause, with all her blessings, Wyoming
is still Maliess. The driver showed it
to us; also Ward's Hhakcspere. Col.
Itont Baid that was just the way things
went when a man died. "I suppose,"
said he, "that Ward's other statuary anil
wax figures went tho samo way. No
two of 'em krt together. One here in
tho brush and another in Jericho, very
likely. Everybody triod to chisel old
Hhakcspere as soon as ho died, especial
ly tho sculptors, and now that A. Ward
is dead the.v'vo got his statuary out here
for the sparrows to roost on, while his
poor mother is up there in Maine with
out a statue in the home."
"Yrn," said tho driver, stroking the
under sido of his noso thoughtfully with
ins sleeve, "1 tell vim it s tough.
The driver nlno called our attention to
' (ivory tired English oak planted at the
forks of tho road 2j years ago by the
l'rinco of Wales.
"Can yon tell me. governor." iurmired
Col. Itoot, "huw in Sam. Hill the peoplo
oi jungiami ever came to piok out Wales
for a prince? Blamed if 1 oan figure it
out. Gladstone would have made a
damsito bettor prinoo, according to my
notion; so would old John Brown or the
duke of Marlbro. Htill, I suppose that
Wales had a way of working the press
and getting into society that made him
solid with tho people."
"Yes, that was it," said the governor,
as ho ntu a clove and put out the eye of
a $75 greyhound with the cracker of his
whip. "Wales has catohed on better
somehow than niry prince I over have
saw. If the queen was to die to-morrow
they tell mo that Wales would be nomi
nated by iieeliiiuatiim, no matter how his
health was. There never was a prince
before that was able to hold the place
so long ns Wales has." A meditative
map of the governor is crowded out
lioro. En. Oazkttb,
Artor n while the driver paused. Col.
Root asked him why ho tarried.
"I wanted to call your attention,"
flaid the governor, "to the Casino, a
plaoe where you oan provide for tho in
ner man r any other man. You oan
hero secure soft-shell oralis, boiled lob
flteiylow neck clams, Hamburger steaks,
chicken salad, miscellaneous soup, lob
ster salad with machine oil on it, Neap
olitan ice-oreaiu, Hanta Cruz rum, Cin
cinnati See, pie, toothpicks and linger
"How far docs tho waiter have to go
to get these things oookeil?" inquired
Col. Hoot, looking at his valuable watch.
"That," said the governor, as he
swung around with his feet over in our
part of the oarriago and asked nio lor n
light, "depends on how yon approach
him. If you slip a half-dollar up his
coat-sleevu without his knowledge ho
will get your 2,'i-oent meal oooltod some
where near by, but otherwise 1 have
known him to go away and come buck
with gray side-whiskers and oobwebs on
the pio iustend ot tho wine."
Wo went inside and told the nronno.
tor to see that our driver had what he
wanteu. tie did not want much aside
from A whit'kv muir i .f t.,,,,.,,
a pint of Mr. lWimoroy's secretary's'
beverage nnd a baked duck. Wo had n
little calves' liver nud custard pie. Then
we visited Cleopatra's needle.
"And who iu creation was Cleopatra?"
nsked Col. Itoot.
"Hhe was a good looking quern of
Egypt. She was IS years old when her
father left her tho throne, as it was
screwed down to the dias, and died. He
left her the kingdom in paitnership
with rtolemy, her brother, l'tolemv, in
H 11. C, deprived Cleopatra of' the
throne, leaving her nothing but the tidv.
She appealed to Julius (Vsar, who hired
a man to embalm I'tolemy, and restored
Egypt to his sister, who was as likely a
young girl as Julius hud ever met " up
with. She accompanied him to Homo in
4(1, li.'C, and remained there two years
iu the capacity of a sister. When' Ca
snr was asKiissiuated by n delegation of
Kouiau taxpayers who desired a change,
Cleopatra went back and began hi
reign over Egypt again. She ulso at
triioted the attention of Antouy. He
thought so much of her that he would
.frequently stay at homo from a lint tie
and deny himself the pleasure of being
split open with a dull utab-knife iu or
der to stay around hijjuo and hold Cleo
patra's hand, and, though she was a wid
ow practically, she was of the Auielie
Tiives style of widow, and he said that it
had to be an all-fired good battle that
could mako him pnt on his iron ulstor
and fight all day on the salary he was
getting. She pizened herself 80 years
before Christ at the age of 3i) years
rather than ride around Rome as the
captive of Augustus. She died right in
baying time, and Augustus said hed
rutber have lost the best horse in Rome.
This is her needle. It was brought to
New York mostly by water, and looks
well nere in the parK. ntie was said to
have been as likely a queen as ever jerked
n scepter over Egypt or any other place.
J'jverybooy that saw her reign said that
the country never had a magneticker
queen. '
As we rode swiftly along, the slight,
girlish figure of a middlo aged woman
might have been seen striving hurriedly
to cross the driveway. Who screamed
and beckoned to n park peliceman, who
rushed leisurely in and caught her by
the arm, rescuing her from theoruel feet
of our mad chargers and then led her to
a seat. As we paused to ask the police
man if the lady had been injured, he
carae up to the side of our oarriago and
whispered to me behind ina nana:
"That woman I have resoued betweon
30 and 40 times this year, and it is only
the 1st of July. J'.very pleasant day sue
comes hero to bo resoued. One day,
when business was a little dull and we
didn't h ive any teams on the drive and
time Seemed to hang heavy on nor bands,
she told mo her sad history. When she
was IS years of age she had been disap
pointed iu love and prevented from
marrying her heart's desire owiug to the
fact that the idea of their uuion did not
occur to him. He wbs not, in fact, a un
ion man. Time passed on, from time to
time, glad spring and bobolinks and
light underwear succeeded stern winter,
frost and heavy red llannols, and yet; he
eometh not, she Bayed. No one had ev
er caught her in his great, strong arms
in a quicker einbraco that seemod to
soruurh hor whole boing. Hummers
came and went. The dews on the up
land succeeded the frost on tho pump
kin. Tho grand ratification of the part
ridge ushered in the wail of the turtle
dovo and the brief plunk of tho rnusK
rat in tho gloamiug. And yot no man
had ever (last to como right out and
pay attention to hor or keep company
with her. S!ie had an emotional nature
that soomed just to get upon its hind
foot and punt for recognition nnd love.
8ho could almost have loved a well-to-do
man who had perhaps sinned a few
times, but even the tough and erring
went elsinv'hero to repent. One day sho
came to town to do some trading. Sho
had prioed worth of goods and wns
just crossing Broadway to price somo
more, when tho gay equipage of a weal
thy humorist, with silver chains on the
ueok-yoke and foaru lleoks nerost the
bosom of the high boss, cumo plunging
down the street.
"The red nostrils of the spirited brutes
wcro above her. Their hot breath
soorohed the back of her neck nnd
swayed the red llanuel pompon on her
bonnet. .veryboly ou liroadwny field
his breath, with the exception of a man
on the front stoop of tho Asfor house,
whoso breath hud got beyond Ina con
trol. Everyone was horrified and turn
ed away with u shudder which rattled
the telegrapli wires tor two blocks.
"Just then a strong, brave policeman
rushod in and knocked down both
horses nnd tho driver, together with his
salary. He caught the woman up as
though she had .been no more than a
feather's weight. He horo her away to
tho postollice pavement, where it is still
tho custom to carry people who are run
over and mangled. Ho then sought to
put her down, but like a bad oyster, she
refused to bo put down. She still clung
nbout his neck like the old party who
got acquainted with Sinbad tho Sailor,
though of course in n different manner.
It took qui to a while to shako hor off.
The next day she came back and was
almost killed at tho same crossing. It
went on that way until the policeman
had hia beat changed to another street.
Finally sho caino up hero to get her
summer rescuing done. I do it when if
falls to my lot, but my licmrt is not in
tho work. Sxnetimes the horrible
thouiiht comes over mo that I may be
too into. Several times 1. have tried to
bo too late, but I haven't tho heart to
do it."
He then walked up to n sparrow that
refused to keep off the grass and brain-
oil it with a club.
Helping (lie Rtulii Sido.
To help the right aide is not only com
mendable in n general point of view, but
in judicious and prudent when that help
is enlisted in behalf of the right sido of
tho body, just over tho lower ribi in tho
rear or t he liver. Tun moat elhcicnt help
is lilibrded by liostetter's Stomach Bit
ters, an anti-billions medicine of incom
parable elheacy. Inaction of the liver
is accompanied by constipation, sick
headaobe, furred tongue, nausea, occa
sional vertigo, an unpleanai.t breath,
yellowness ot tho skin and ball of the
oyo. The author or those symptoms, hv
or complaint, muted by the Hitters is
accompanied by them m its flight, ro
ver nnd ague, which always involves the
liver, dyspepsia, rheumatism, debility
and kidney troubles are all maladies to
the early relief and final euro of which
this standard medioina is 'adapted.
Don't use it by fits and starts, but sys
tematically, that its cll'ecla may result in
a perfect cure.
A Keui Necessity.
We .presume thoro is hardly n lady lo
be round in our broad land who, if she
does not already possess a sowing
niaehmo expects some day to -become
the owner of one.
But after the mini has been folly
made up to purchase ouo of these indis
pensable articles, the question arises to
what kind of a machine lo buy.
It ehoiihl bo so simply constructed
that -the most inexperienced can suc
cessfully operate it. The other points
mainly to be considered, and which are
the most desirable, are durability, rapid
ity, capacity tor work, ou-e of operation,
regularity ef motion, uniformity of ten
sion, and silence while in operation.
The "Light-Kiiiming New Home" fills
the above requirements, and is said to
combine tho good points of nil sewing
machines, with the addition of many new
improvements and labor-saving devices.
The price is no higher than flint of
other machines, and every lady who is
mo nappy possessor of one iimv rest as
sured she has indeed a treasure. See
ad ve rt ise me u t . 71)- sti.
Foil S.M.H. - A linir f lrnii,l l.rtiw
8tii) shorn, niiiuli(r unknown, lint stniir
nntoeil lo lit, llnw boxes (jimp tnoka inul
11 Dtlir of itrntlior ntjttolw nlgi .xv
Tliesa mtirlcn wmo fonml up llulm
roi K last spnnc, mul weru iiilvortiaea nt
tllllt lillto. hilt lis HO ovvnor 1i:ih v.f njii.l
olmiKos mul provml property, oto., will
Hell them I'htinn. A wroiU,'.t 1o.,l.-it,.r
Bliiss, fouiul in tho sum: puo!i,-in, will
m wen 10 ina piirouiiser.
W'u.x, Tkb Ch axor. - I.oiul iitul flnm-
in (KistiTS nnnouHoe thut Soils liros'.
oni'iis will do Arliiiirfon on AiiL'ust 7th.
It in auppiMp.il flint nil the lotisa rlmntre
will be tnkou out of Arliiiutuu mul vi.
oinity irivinn notliiinj in rpfurn tlmt will
lieuetit Riiyune. Hint m-ooorv In Is nml
othor imoossit iiH will Htill U liotiuht on
tick'', lenvintf the honosf, rustling iucr
.lmut t ilovolop his "iliKL'iutf up" uro-
pensitios in tryiuif to uiaUa tuila moot
tlint uro uot luu tuout'li.
&4 &: Commission Merchants,
fjonstynmcms battened. lAiicral Advances Made.
Information gladly furnished h;j mail or ielcyraph.
Heppner City Brewery,
Having purchased tlio latest Drawing Apparatus ami
uteimilH, I am enabled with my cold soft-Wider spring,
my deep, cool stoiio cellar nnd the fresh, pare
uttnosphero o tho Heppner llilln, to offer
my customers a
At reasonable wholesale and retail r;ite:3.
Lunches of all Kinds
Best Brands of Cigars.
Parties in tho country must return empty kegs, or SO apieco
will bo charged.
J. B. NATTER, Propter.
mm mm, bsssies
Send for Catalogue and Price List.
Pish Bros. Wagon Co.,
Gilliam & Colicy
ti. P. FLOKliNOr;. 7. rMUUINCtl
HEl'l'NEll, - - - OKKOUN.
dit-lln binniln-InTiil nitr-miirked iuib!uiwii iibove.
Umi-mij t' tm ri;;ht flnini!i'r.
(hip rattle rmnrR in Morniw OiHinMi. ITipMiUti
mill WnedOoiintiiiB. Wo will lm 1110. Oil ni
wunl fur tho iiiTi.'nt and conviction o uny poraun
stuiilititfour stock.
Arlihgtoh Meat
Vaniey & Tutnum
Ai'lir.y;! on Oi
California, Oregon and
J, B. Kwni'T, feuiit.
Arlint-ton SIiiko linvoa lli.ppner, t:M A. M
" " nrrivi's " l;tn 1. m.
rondli-tnn " 1..HV0H " 11:30 A. M
" " lO'iMvca " 4:ll p. It.
Vnrfi to Arlington, - . ?4 00.
Fare to Pi'iidlcton, . ?o.00.
Froiylit! I'onta per pnuml,
kj. is. jasnor, Au't.,
Heppner, Oj;n
I.imlOllici' nt Tlw hnllcn. Or., July L'3,
Noli.-,, is Inuvhy Kivcn tlmt tlin followinR-
nnnit.i mnr mis tiled notri tif lus mt.Mition
to nmkc timd jinrnf in support of Ida I'liim, nnd
tlmt s'od pro .f will lo hii'.Il. Ih.C.u-.' tin- rl.-iU
of Morrow county. Dr., lit n.'i.pniT, (Jr., ou Ucii.
tciuln r K-v. U:
llfiihui ("oJift'V,
IV,., (VI,, mtt. f,.r t!. N SK mid S 'J SK
Sor. 8, Tp-I S, of li -.'I K, W. M.
Ho tmiu.'a tlto folloM-iiif: v itloi:-i to provo
Ua r.uiliuntMis risidMu'o ut'un.Hiul culo.vitiiou
of, mod Into I, via:
J. II. .1 ouo. Iirod. Asi,',.oiC!,, ClilTord E.Jwi
n id ... II. Hood, nil of Kiabt M'lo. thecon.
-7;)'s f1'. A. McDon i.i.li.'istor.
I Imve opoiK-d n well-nppointed tnilor
iH ostBblishment iu my new Imihl
in on Mny stroot, nml am now rtvulnrly
reooivinn hhwkooiIh nnd will nuiliB cua
totu mtnle piuits from )?7 to S15 beat
Hoods iu tho uiinkot.
A. Aiiuahamsick.
AdviiiKTd upon Wool.
Avers Fell will mnke mlvunoos upon
wool for delivery iiud salo ot Arliustou.
Fcnno Brothers & Child's,
:h the market
Agents at licppnei
f !
C 1 lul
If you desire to purchase o aewinff macliino,
as!c our acnt at your plnco for term ami
priops. 1 1 you ennnot 11 ml our ajrenfr, writo
n hiH't to noaroatail'trusrttoyoub'jiowuiimefl
tHicftso - 23 UNION SQUARE, N.i. - dallrs,
nri.ouJS.Mo. sawawwoxal
1 - E;-aa,-jr..fc-aia-
Agonta fit Ilpppnor, Or.
on-jii seiir. It ia an ouoy-
aiipodia of Hiei'ui iutov-
rr'ttion lor ell wuo pur-
chso tho luxuries or tho
can cloMio you and liTTiiah you vrith
all tlio nea-fli-;:vy rr.d unr.oivjsDjy
nppliunce'i to nJj.wnU;, tl?noo, ri.H'p,
c.it, fish, bunt, work, to church,
cr Htny at homo, ftntl in vaviou3 ciss,
Biyloa pud quantities. Just lluro out
wlmt is required to d-3 ftU tliesa tUins
6''F?RTA3LY, you oan mnko afuir
cstimtito of tho value ot tha BUYI3Iia'
GUIDE, which will be Beut upon
rocoipt of 10 conta to pay postage,
111-114 Kiehican Avobuq. Chicago, 111.
A-J i - - ; .: .
1 1 H'wardwl aro those
R- "v I - I t t who read thin mul
III I ,t ' n nt t: thoy w ' 1 1
1 V j I ! I V hUd honorable ein-
A i X A J 1,ivmPnt th(1, wi lt
U n,.t laid tl.m frmn
th-'ir homes and fnmili, Tiie pro tits arH lare j
,m" n rj ifcousi noiw j.M'tsn, tniii'v imvo
ami an. innv makm -vt-ral hundre.1 dt.ltarn a
month. It iKiwsy for vm to make p nrd up.
wardw perday. wlio ii wilhnc to work. Kitlwr
ie, j-mtg i.r o!d; capital not ne,lel: we start
yon. No MHc:tI ability npiifd; you, mtder,
ran do it ns well ns .myono. Write to at unve
1'ortitind, alaino.
lm not'oe is hereby givn that the popart
nerviop beretod.re existieg between tl.e under
nnl, loelerthe tiriM name uf H. A. Hunnakor
Co.. is ihii day di-ulwd by mutiiftl cnmhwui.
It, A. I'unswker retiring. The lut-iuwi wilt l
e.mtinue,l by M.vi. J. V. Cottt-v and Vmnk
(iillimn who wilt nv all deb's of the late rirm
and CoUect all accounts due the wimc.
H.A. IH-NSlVKtli,
Hwppuer. July 7. IS8.
"t ,"JTi
4 1
3 ;
Great English Remedy.
A pmnrfint"!
il rmrp for nil nprvou?
h us e.'ik .Memory.
.iis of lir-ti ti powir. IlypU'i iii,
ilt-U'ifK-h' I'n'n iu iiV Hack. N"r
vontt iYcul iatio:i, Vi'ak"fulLiess.
I.eucorrtMT'Ji, L'liivriwt; Uitvituiltj
Hi'tniiirtl V.VaknHS impMiTN-y
ninl itifrnl Iuhp of power t tlie
(tnpnitivw Organs in fitln-r im.'i
csiuwtl by imlifCTetion orovort-x
eninn. ninl wlti'-h ultimately lejij
to I'rtcnMuro Old A get, Irjoiinit
mi! por.snmi.tioTi, ?!.00 a hox TruflcM".
or nix boxen for f-'.Ui. Bent by
mail on nwiiit of prico Full
tKirlUvilttrH in jmnipitlet H(--nt ree
to every applicant.
Wc Guarantee 6 boxes
to cure any enso. For pvory .")
aiida written guarantee to rt- AftefTaking.
fur.l llio monoy iT onr Spwii fie lines not eflWt k
ore. AdHrtWaU communications to 1 lie cole
nnuiufacturet-H, tho
KfinRnn"riTv. Mo. i
Sold in Heppner by A D. JOHMSON & CO., nolo
Transcontinental Route
Cascade Branch, now Completed, mak
ing it the Shortest, Best and Quickest.
The Dminsr Car Line. TheDiroct Route
No Delfiys. Fastest Trains. Low
est Kates to Chicago and all points
East. Tioetn sold to all Promi
uout Poiuta thronbmit tlio
East and Southeast.
Through Pullmaa Bra? inj Room Sleeping Cars.
Reservations can be secured in advance.
To EaPtBound Papenwrp
Be careful and do not make a mistake,
but be euro to take the
And see that yonr ticket reads via thin
line, St Paul or Minneapolis to avoid
chunges nnd serioua delays occasioned
by other routes.
Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run
on regular express trains full lcngih of
line. Hortha free. Lowest rates. Quick
est time.
General Office of the Company, No. 2,
Washington St., Portland, Oregon.
Assistant General Passenger Agent
Has revolntionizKl the
tho woners of inventive
S nriiirress is n mutlmtl nnil
I system of work that; can be
performed all over the country without separat
ing the workers from their homes, Pay liber.il;
anv ono can do the. work; eitlior ses; young or
old; no special ability required. Capital nr..
needed; you are started free. Cut this out ami re
turn it to us and we will snnuyoufree.someUmic
of great value and importance to yon, that, will
start you in business, which will bring you in
more money right away, than anything else in tho
world. Grand outfit free. Address True & Co.,
Augusta, Maine,
In the matter of the estate of Chr.s, II. John
son, deeensed, citation.
To the unknown heirs and to all whom it may
concern, Rieetmg:
In tiie name o tho stato of Oregon, you n re
hen -ity cited in:d required lo appear in the
certify orurt of the state of Urepnt, for the
e'Mifiiy of Morrow, at the court-room thereof, at
Hi'ppjier, in the county of Morrow, on
Holiday, September iJ, 1MHS.
at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of that day, then
and the-e to show cause, if any, why on order of
ssle of the following dpserihed real estate he not
made, to-wit: Tho north half of north east quar
ter o section 11 ; also west half of north west
quarter of section I'd, all iu township li south,
rnntiP 2i K. V. M.
Witness, the Hon. Win. Mitchell, Judge of the
comity court, of the state of Oregon, for the
county of Morrow, with the seal of said co-irt
r skat, artixed, this 12th day of July, A. J). lH.;y,
Atindt : C. U AISDltKwa, Clerk.
Land Oflic" at La firande. Or., Jrdy 19, 'Ml.
NolH-o is hen-by Kiveii that tiifl 1'ollowiiiR
nimied set tier has bled notice of his intention to
nmko l'maJ jiroof in support of his pi aim' and tlmt
s-iid proof will bo madij before the county clerk
of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, Oregon, ou
September 1, iww, viz:
James Elliott,
I). R. No. 7830, for the NV U Sec. 14, Tp 2 3, K 27
E, W. M.
Ho names tho following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
John Hylaud, Jap Orifllth, Cr. W. McIIarjrno
ami Henry Vanderpool, all of Heppner, Oregon.
Ziti-Hi llKNHY lilNXH.VRT, lli'ist(T.
Land OiTu-e.il Tho Hallos. Or.. .Tuly2,
Notion is hereby Ki von that tho following-mimed
settler has tiled notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and tlint. said
Sroof will bo made before the county judo of
lorrow county, Ogu, at Heppner, Or., on Auuust
18, lfi.-, via:
John Hughes,
Hd 2Ti:.3, for the R li SK H, SW RE U nnd SK
h SW M Men. 7, Tp 2 8, Jl K, W M.
Ho names the following witnesnos to prove
his contiiiumis residence uijoii, und cultiva
tion oC, said land( viz:
Solomon Maytield, Stophen Lnlande, Chas.
Lind and Hiram Clark, all of Hepuer Or.
'iu-b'Z 1?'. A. McDonald. Iiegistcr,
Land Offlep at LaGrande, Or., June 21, 'ii3,
Notict is hereby .riventhat
F. li. Sherman
Has filed notice of bi intention t- male1 final
proof bef.-.po the comity clerk at his oltico in
Heppner, Oregon, on Wodnesdny, theSlh day of
August, isiss, c;n timber culture apolh-ation No.
-Kf. for dm H 4 Nl kand Ji Sli !j Sdc. L To
3 H. U -ZV 1C, W. M. 1
He names as witnesafi;
James IV.uuherty, Walter Dnucherty. Frank
McCorkloand li. A. Hrown. nil of Luna, Or.
H'S-Wl Hkn'uy Hineuart, Hesistor.
Land Oftlne at The Hallofl. Or., July"9, 'PR.
Notice is hereby given that the followinir-nnim-d
settler 1ms tiled noties of his intention to make
tinul proof in support of las claim, and thut iuit!
proof will be made before thectmmy clerk of
Morrow county, ut Heppner, Oregou. oueiit.
I, IteS, viz:
Vry P. IZidgcwau.
D R o4fl7, for the K i hK M and S H NE U Sec.
1 Tp H, It 2(1 K.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, tuid cultivation of,
seid land, v'7.:
Milton !rown, John Brown, Wm McFerrin nrd
Jim. H. Hayes, all of Heppner, Morrow county,
i-.H-M F. A. McDonald. Register.
Lnnd (XHi-pat The Palles. Or.. July 2. 'jH.
Nittice is henbv given that the fiillowin t
nauietl settler has rihnl notice of his intention to
mako tiim) proof in support nfhu claim, and
that sjdd proof will lie made liefore the coio:iv
judge of M.rnw oou'4y, Or., ot Heppner, Or'.,
oa Aurfiist 18, lhS1, vis:
Daniel Rive.
Hd 0H7. fir the V, 4 NK U Her. 31 acd W li NW
V c. Tr4 8. li 2.i E, W. M.
fl unities toe follow iin witnesses to iirovm h;
coittiuu'His n'sideuce upon, aa.l culiivmion of,
wud hmd. viz:
.launC. Keithly. Jr.hn T. Mereh.nd. John O
Tladley ued John A. Adams, alt of llaulman,
27ti-Sl P. A- Rlc!VX.I,D. ftepister.
Northern Pacific
III 1 UllliU
Land OmVeatThe Italic. Or., July 'fW.
Noin-e is hereby inven that the folltiwii.K
iianunl settler hs tihti eoticn of ls intention to
ntakeluial pnu.f in support of (us chum, tied
that thf said pr.f will be made before the
county clerk of Morrow countj, at Heppmfr.ln
ou A;;uM 1-:. vn:
i'h'.irley 1 CoUman,
T 8. No. fl-iSI, for the NK 8ec, 6, Tp. 6 S, K
He ihuth the following witness to prove his
(Motinmum rvidenee upou, and cultivation of.
Hid land, viz:
Win. LnelliR, Ceo. W. Chnmn. E. R. Podieo
and Kmuk Ptolujo, all of Hurdmao. (tr.
m P. A. McX)oau, Kegirfer,
Wlitlp yon k"cp jwir Biilsciiptnn paid up yon
can kt-p jjuur brand in free of churns.
AUn, J U, AdHinsviile liorsi'S.douhle H sidr .
wiwp on left utioulder; eattlo, nnm (.n li'fi liip
Adkii:n,(' fi llnvtiea, x u riKlit uhouldt-T; cat
tlo, K V on ri'lit nitlp.
AlkinH, J J Uorhep, J A connected on lef
Gnnk; ritttlp, punioon iffl liip.
JU'icbmau, Hi-'irj-.-ruttlf, on left edi
K-inKf. J icl(jr'B pantiire.
Itlpjiktnan, titf., lUn-duian ITorf!, n flng
left fhouiiii-r; cat tip, name on rif,'lit Hhmilder.
lit-nnett, Cy-Jlor-s, H on left ahmiliU r.
Jk-ne, Mrn(.'A Bon l-fi nliuuUlMr; ntr-mrr
of cattle, crop oif and itiit in k-ftiuid upper hid
crop ott riht.
Brown, J ('TTorees, circle C with dot in ceu
t-'ron lift hip; cnltie, siime.
lioyer, V U, Lna liuiHCH, box bmiid or.r.g'.i
liip cntt!. Mime, With split in each ear.
JWfT. 1. O. Horses, 1' il on left shoulder; cat
tle. HHine on left hip.
lirifii, T. F., Loue Knck. IffirHee o rith bar
undiTtind ovur on rif,lit pliouldt'r.
Hartoii, Vi"-lIoreH,,l H on riulit thigh; cattle.
Simeon rilit liip;plit in eacli ear.
'ook, A. J., Lena Horse, Won right nho"jlder:
Cuttle, same on r'uht liip: ear maxk eqaare oro
on ieit nnd ppju in rignt.
K V- H
orues, co on left stifle.
Crawford, J. Horses J1KJ connected ci
left Ftifl.
i unniKhnn o, W Ji, Newton hanch Horeee, I
witti iiure y nndsr it on left Hlinukler; eattl
same on left Ifiip Aiid Much, left ir wjuHre ccfc
v u (I t'jiigtiau, jiiiiuiuiiu Uttivio, j Willi t 1U
center; InirH.-a. ( 'li on left 'lip.
Ctwoii, J P lloraei, 0 on left ifls; cattle,T
;onnocUd on left hi p, a dn Ups on nesk.
Dm bin. hoi A Hons, iiockvilleor An tele pe.
If ores K with bar over it on loft ahouldes, .
tie, A on butli hips.
DouirlanH, W M Cattlo, R D on riht side, swjii
low-fork in ouch ear; horaes, H D on left liip.
EiiKlifh, K 0 Hnrdmtin Cuttle, yE ou right
hip; liorneH eame on riuht shoulder.
r'leek, Jackson. Horaes, IF connoted on
right shoulder; cattle, wtme on ritdit hip.
Kur mark, hole in right and crop off left.
Franks, C A, Arlington Horses, OF on lofl
Bhoulder; cattlo, C F on left hip, crop off left enr.
Florence, L A Cuttto. LF on right hip; horses,
F with bur under on riiht Bhoulder.
Fell. X E-lionsub, F with half-circle nbove am!
below on left hip,
Florence, ti P-Horsee, F on right shoulder
cut tin, F on right hip or thifrh.
Armstrong, J. C, Acton X with bur under it
on left shoulder of Iiort.th-, cuttle Btouo on left
Or.y, ireT-n' OAY on left flioulder,
Goble, Frank Horses, 7 Fon k-ft stifle; cattle
same on rinht hip.
Hutinjtker, ft A-IIorses, 9 on luftshouldor; oat
tie, ttor. Ihft hip.
Humphreys, J M, Hurdmim Horses, II on lefi
Ihiys, J M ITorsPFt. wineglass on left shoulder
cnitle, same on Hjfht hip,
Jones, J H, llanhnan Horses, J with shnde
over it on left shoulder.
Johnson, FaHx Horses, circle T on left stifl
cuttle, same on riirht hip, uyder half crop in rig
and split in hiTt ear.
Kirn. J T Horses 69 on left shouldar; catt"
iviric, J c iiorBos, 17 on either flank; cattlo
on right side.
liarsen, liasmns ForsEis, R L on left hip.
Lewis, J H, Lena lioi sea, P with over it op
left shoulder.
Lent hen nan, D H Horses, Don left shoulder
cattle, same on left hip, crop oil right ear, bwuI-luw-fork
in left.
iljJIer, C. E. Horses C-wilh M on inside on
left shoulder.
MoiyHii, H N Horses, M ) on left shonlder
cattle, same on loft hip.
iUcCurobor, Jns A, At woodHorses, M with
bar over on nhl fihonhler.
Morwan, Tiu.H Horses, eirclo T on lft shoul
der and left thiirh: cattle. Z on riclit. rhiirh.
Mitehell, Oscar, Pett ysvillo Horses, 77 on right
1 1 1 1 j . l-ttlllti, I 1 nil I lllb I-1UO.
Mason, Jos, Pettysville Cattle, JM connected
upper crop in phcIi ear, dulap ou throat; horses,
JM on left shoulder,
MeClaron, 1) (i UorseB, Figure S on each shoul
der; cattle, m2 on hip.
McDtuiN'ald, 11 Horses, HD connected on lofi
Nrel, Andrew, Line Ronk Horses AN oon
neetinl o;i loft shuidder; cattle, same on both hips
.Ntvmcn, V. Jli Horses N with hidf cirol
over it on li'ft t-ln mirier.
Nordylto, K Htrses, circle 7 on left thigh; cat
tlo. same on 1 f t hip.
Oiler, Perry, Lone Rock V O nn left shou.Vler
Pt.'Eirsoii, Jne., Pine City. Hoi ses ha on kit hip
low down.
Parker A dle-uson, Ilardmon HorseB IP ;on
Piner .1 jl tnii -TTnivu Tt' J
left ?.honidi;i'; cuttle, sume ou left hip, iiLder bh
ui each oar.
Rood, Andrew, Hiirdmnn ITorsnn, nquavo crosa
((liJiner-cnrie over it on Jell si:ne.
Hniiihaor. Chris Hoi'sph. C H nn Inft. shr-mhlnr.
Hector. J W Horses. JO on left shoulder.
Kuh U. S.-Cattiehrandfld it H on left hip.
Horses sae-.e IjtJind m left shouhle.
Htraight W. M.-Hnrses shr.dfd J 8 on le.fi
stifle; cattle J S on left hip, swallow fork ki right
ear, undevbit in left.
Saye.r, Hoht - Horses, K on rijrlit shoulder; onttlt
square on rijht hip and 8 on riftht shou.'der,
SwmrL-.'trt, L, AJpiue lU,rsus, y S on rih
Hiiu!. Thop. TlorseB, S A P on left hip; cattlo
samo on left hip,
Shobe, Dr A -J Hordes, D3 on on Ift hip; en,
tlo, same ou kfr nido, wattle on left side of neck
ears en t smirp m point.
Salisbury. J W. Vinson Cattle. rt-venr-oMR r.ml
over, crop of! p;H:h ear, 5 on rtM fide; 2-year-olin
and under, swallow-fork in riwht ear and undor
split in left, L7 with 7 above on liip.
Ntfvenson. Mrs A J CuUte, B ou right hip
ewiiJ-Low-fork in left, eac.
bhel t on & Hon Horses. H on its side over an
on leftshould.tr: ealtie, same on Wr, bin.
rlperry. 10 (i-Cattle. W C on h ff hip, crop of?
riirht nnd underbit in left ear.duhipLori.es, W
on left shoulder.
SwBgKei't, U W Tlorsns, 4-1 on left r-hoald u";
Htewart, (loo., Hardmtm Horeos circle cor
left siumlder,
cattle, 41 on left hip.
Thr.nipeon, J A -Horses, 5 on left t-houldcr
cattle, 2 on left sli'mider.
Tibbets, H T-l!orses, C on left shoulder.
lihbets, K i!iloreea, VT connected on lo
Wells, A S Horses, 0o on left shoulder; cattl
Wylnml, J IT, Hnrdmnn Circle C nn left thin!
Woodward, John Hoiseb, Ui' connected or:
left shoulder.
Wallace, Charles-Cattle, Won right tli'idi, hole
m left esr; hoifiss, V on right shoulder, somi
name on left shoulder.
Wren, A A- t.'attie, ruuniiiff AA with bar acrosf
on ri!il Itip,
Oregon Railway and
WAY and JUNK, 1HJ-8.
Leaving Bteanifch'p Wharf, Portland, it 12 mid
nitht, as follows:
H'ate of California.
State of California
INaturday.. . .
SunttRy . .. .
- - -jFridny
State of California
. Saturday ...
Vodr.cday .
Sum! ay
, IMordry
t ohiPcioia ,
State of California
St Me of California.
MAY aud 18e8.
Leaven Spear Street Wharf, Kan Francisco, at 10
A. M. as follows
Columbia Thursday...
Ktats of California. . Monday
Oregon Friday
Columbia Tuesday....
State of California.. Saturday.. .,
Orei.ru n Wednesday.
Columbia Sundav
c't::te of California.. Thursday...
Oregon Monday
Co'.nmliMi Kridny
State of California.. Tuesday., ..
(Veon Saturday....
( oiuaibia Wednesday.
f?tate of Calif oniia.. 'Kunday
Oreunn jThursday...
The company serves th rUht to change Steam-
Cabin, !' bteoratf, S.tH; Rcnnd Trip, un
limited. :;i.(0.
No freight will be received nn momine of sail
ing, except fndt ami vegetables, and ihese will
not he taken after it A. M,
i.'OV KICKS. !San Frp.ncicco. Oeneral Offic, So.
IU, Market stre. t; Ticket Oificw, 1 nrdll Mont
gomery stn'-t. Awrto, Ctoodall. Perkins A Co.
" Portland Ticket Office, first and O-ik Streets.
General Manairer. O. P. k T. A.
m.- T? O V WONPKRS exist in thoa"
J winds ot" forms, but nresur
passetl by the wonders of invrn
tinn. Those who ere in need of protitahle em
plomnt, and work that can bedon while Hriiiff
at home should at once send their addrv: to l'al
lett & Co., Portland. Maine, and receive free, full
information how either ct'X, all a.-es, c.n eam
frt -"i to J'ii ier dy and upwanl wiiercver
they live. You are star tod free. Capital not ri
tini 9mms have mfidn ovr$50 ia a singla day
ut this work. All uM.
Ill HAT ::.
i 'nf infirMif
Da yrm fprl fluIU languid, low-spirited, llfo
lesn, and Indescriliably miserable. Both physi
cully and mentally; experience a Benae oi
1 ullncKs or blnatinj? after eating', or of "gone
ness," or emptiness of stomach in tho morn
iiiK, tontruo coated, bitter or bad taste in
mouth, irreirular appetite, dizziness, frequent
headaches, blurred eyesight, ' tioattng specka"
before the even, nervous prostration or ex
haustion, irritamuty of temper, hot flushes,
alternating with chilly sensations, sharp,
biting, transient pains here and there, cold
feet, drowsiness after moals, wakefulness, or
disturbed and unre freshing sleep, constant.
Indescribable feeling, of dread, or of Impend
ing calamity?
If you have all, or any considerable number
of these symptoms, you are sutfering from
that most common of American maladies
Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated
with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The more
complicated your disease has become, tho
greater the number and diversity of symp
toms. No matter what stage it has reached,
Dr. Pierce's oldon Medical Discovery
will subdue it, if taken according to direc
tions for a rnnaonablo length of time. If not
cured, complications multiply and Consump
tion of the Lungs, Skin Diseases, Heart Disease,
Kheumatism, Kidney Disease, or other grave
maladies are quite liable to set in and, sooner
or later, induce a fatal termination.
Dr. Picree's Oolden Medical Dis
covery acta powerfully upon the Liver, and
through that great blood -purifying organ,
cleanses the system of all blood-taints and Im
purities, from whatever cause arising. It is
equally efficacious iu acting upon the Kid
neys, and other excretory orpraus, cleansing,
strengthening, and boaling their diseases. As
an appetizing, restorative tonic, it promotes
digestion and nutrition, thereby building up
both flesh and strength. In malarial districts,
this wondorful medicine has gained great
celebrity in curing Fever and Ague, Chills and
I'ever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases.
Dr. Piovce's Ololdou Medical Dis
from a common Blotch, or Eruption, to the
worst Scrofula. Salt-rheum, " Fever-sores,"
Scaly or Rough Skin, in short, all diseases
caused by bad blood are conquered by this
powerful, purifying, and invigorating medi
olne. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal under
its benign influence Especially has it mani
fested its potency in curing Tetter, Eczema,
Erysipelas, Dolls, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Scrof
ulous Sores and Swellings, Hip-joint Disease,
"White Swolllngs," Goitre, or Thick Neck,
and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents in
Btamps for a largo Treatise, with colored
plates, on Skin Diseases, or the same amount
for a Treatise on Scrofulous Alluctions.
Thoroughly cleanse it by uplng Dr. Plercef1
Ooldeu JKedicnl Discovery, and good
digestion, a fair akin, buoyant spirits, vital
Strength and bodily health will be established.
which is Scrofula of tho Lnnps, g arrasfod
and cured by this i-emedy, if taken in the
earlier stages of the disease. From its mar
velous power over this terribly fatal disease,
when iiret oirering this now world-famed rem
edy to the public. Dr. Pierce thought seriously
of calling it his "Consumption Cuke," but
abandoned that name as too restrictive for
a medicine which, from its wonderful com
bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative,
or blood-cleanainr, anti-bilious, pectoral, and
nutritive properties, is unequaled, not only
as a remedy for Consumption, but for all
Cbrouio Diseases of the
Liver, B!ood, and Lungs.
For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short
ness of Hreuth, Chronic Nuuol Catarrh, Bron
chitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred
affootions, it is an eflicient remedy.
Sold bv Druggists, at $1.00, or Six Bottles
for $5.00.
I?8end ten cents in stamps for Bt. Pierce's
took ou Consumption. Address,
World's Elspsr.sary Medical Association,
C03 DIalu St., BUFFALO, It. X,
ha'ii. sj.uiJi.;iKjj;rr v.-vj,s.i": Kvji.t::w f-.J
This popnlftr remcily uever fails
to ef i'ctu51y euro
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
Heatlache, Biliousness
And nil diseases arising from a
Torpid Livcrand Bad Digestion.
The natnrc! repnit Is irood appe
tite ami Nolifl i iesh. Iko.se ttmaH,
clea;nMilv Nutiar coated and emajf
to tin Allow. Sold everywhere.
' Information for thr Farm, Hons
lifrf. Workshop '! Hickvmnn" tfiilC
Vr J -01cauisa and bewitiHrti the Lair.
" k ' "romoies a hixnrianc growth.
'-,?")'" i.jjp. 35 Never Fails to Rator Gn
lOui-essclpdl-eaiand hnirfailiDfi
JnraJaable tew Coach. Colds, Inward Pains, Exbonfca
Of Interest to Ladies.
Verttlwrd m FREE SAMPLEof mironderfal
fpeciac tori, mfiie coiuplaiuni to any lad j who wibs
otest iU'fScicT le(orHpurchnsin. Snd "tjtntp fv
BAHtH RtMtQy CQ-.EoillH, Euiio,iJ.Y.
I 1 V ""I t ; ( a 8 '
p tj Ycmlloiicl Vuuuorlul. T.iV IT. ft,'
Nj ''. iiJ
;w ". .
, V ' i
r t r
1 r f':
rl c' - -
F i , . i
i ? . I x M
r f r
I "1 h'.
t Nl V
.-."i ' .. :- (
td P3 fei
K-j t'3 sIB if
m':s r. pa- M
Ell Vv, 'v,'-.pv A il ti ,
Ui v ? Sis U s ttA